SHEXAJND O AH, PA., TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1891. ONE CENT. THE SUEEST EOAD TO WEALTH IS THBOTTGH LIBEEAL ADVERTISING YOIi. VI.--NO. 143. NEWS OF THE DAY. It Is announced that tho marrlngo Mr. Parnoll nnd Mrs. O'Shea will be sol emnlzod noxt week. Tho Ancient and Honorablo Artillery Company celebrated Its 253d Anniversary in Boston yesterday. Burnett's clothing storo was burned at Montreal, during tho night. Tho loss on building and stock will roach $70,000. Thero Is practically no chango In tho situation of the New York locked out lumberman and tho striking framors and housesrniths. Tho case of FVeuchy No. 1, Now York's alleged "Jack tho Rlpper,"for tho murder of Corrlo Brown, has been set for trial Monday, Juno 13. Tho first lssuo of tho "Boston Nows" mado Its appearance yesterday. Its poli tics nro Republican, and tho prico of tho paper one cent, A contractor and builder named Blanoh ard, a native of Cnuala, was killed by an express train at Congers, N. Y., on tho West Shoro railroad, early In the morning. Harry Simpson of Mount Vernon, while cleaning windows on tho seventh floor of tho building at 07 Bowery, New York, fell to tho sidewalk and was In stantly killed. Tho Steam Railroad Men's Protectlvo Union has been organized at Manchester, N. II. It Is a local branch of tho associa tion bearing that name About soventy- uve rmiroaa men in an nro members. Under tho law regulating tho om ployment of minors, tho Union Mill Cor poration of Fall Elvor. Mass.. has been subjected to two flnos In tho District (Jourt, on two charges of having violated the samo. Henry W. Mlllor, tho oldest merchant In Worcester, Mass., Is dead, ngod 01 years, Ho kept a hard waro storo thoro for 05 voars. Ho leavos two daughters, ono tho wlfo of Senator Georgo F. Hoar and tho other tho wifo of ox-Congressman W, W. Rico, Melvina Jane Honrno Is under arrest at Cobourg, Ont., charged with tho murder of her Illegitimate child. Hor brother, Georgo, a married man, has been arrested, charged with being tho father of tho child. Georgo S. Jenks, counsel for tho Dela- inaters, of Moadvlllo, Pa., has applied in the Supreme Court at Harrisburg for a con tinuanco of tho hoarlng for a chango of vonuo until tho October Term. Tho de positors gavo notice that thoy would con tost tho application. District Assembly CO, Knights of Labor, representing about 10,000 men of Boston, havo officially declined to havo anything to do with tho Boston Central Labor Union proposition to bold a mass meet ing In Franklin Park July 4, In' violation of a city ordinance. Luko Riloy, need CO years, was crushed nnd whirled , to death while trying to operate tho hoisting machino and en gine at tho Union street oxcavatlon at Elizabeth, ,N. J., during tho tem porary absence of tho engineer. His shirt sleovo got caught in tho machinery, and whon taken out his body presented a horriblo appearance. He llvod in Balti more. "Waters' Woiss boor is the best, lleilly solo agent. John A. 6-5-tf CE3STTS per yd for tho BEST TABLE OILCLOTH", (Sold In other stores for Soc. All floor Oilcloths reduced. Call for bargains C. D. FRICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 South Jar-din St, near Centre JUST RECEIVED AT KEITEKS GENUESTE BIPORTED GOODS Crosse and JilaclnuelVs Chow-Chow and PlcJdes, French Macaron I, 2 lbs. for 25c. " Sardines in Oil, 2 cans for 25c. lancy Mice, 3 lbs, for 25c. Eine California Emits. Fancy Prunes, larye and fine, 15c, Choice Prunes, 2 lbs. for 25c. Evaporated Jellied Apricots, 20c. Evaporated Peaches, 15o Canned Pears, Plums, Peaches and Apricots. FRESH GOODS. Flue Rousted CofTec, 30c quality Improved. Old Government Java fresli roasted Fancy Table Syrup 2 qts. lor 25c. Ginger Snaps and CoiTee Caltcs, 3 11)8. lor 25c. Skinned Hams. Lcbaunu Summer Snusagc and Chipped Beef Fancy Creamery and Flue Dairy Ilutter CHEAP .A - Toinatocs, Corn and Early for 25c New Raisins 4 lbs lor 25c SVasltiuir Powder, 4 lua for 25c Will have another lot of those Fancy MoQuette liuys at $1.25 in JENGUND MOVING CORRESPONDENCE ON BEHR INQ SEA QUESTION. THE PRESIDENT'S PROPOSALS His Determination to Bring About a Closed Soason Has tho De sired Effect British' Gov ornmont's Reply. JJy National Press Association. Washington, Jnno 2. Tho President has made publlithalatesl correspondence touching the Behrlng Sea question. Tho hearing of this new Instalment of Behrlng Sea liternturo can only bo prop erly understood by going back to what occurred a year ago. Then tho Presi dent, acting upon his viow of Amorican rights In Behrlng Soa and the uniform construction placed by this Government upon tho acts of Congress for tho protec tion of tho fur seal, undertook to excludo Canadian sealing vessols from Behrlng Soa by force. Thcroupon Lord Salisbury, failing to change the purpose of tho Presidont, caused this Government to bo advised that until somo mutually chosen arbitrator should decido that Behrlng Sea belongs to the United States, tho right of British vessels to tako seals in that sea would bo dofendod by such means as Her Majesty's government possessed. Upon this notification the President sought to induco Lord Salisbury to pro hibit sealing by British vessels till could bo determined whether the United States was right or wrong In claiming to con trol the (oal fishery. Lord Salisbury offered to do so provided tho President would agreo to an lmmedlato arbitration of the disputed question of Jurisdiction and to pay damages if dofeatcd in tho arbitration. Tho Presidont would not consent to this, but ordered tho revenue cruisers not to molest tho British sealers. At tho lato session of Congress tho President laid tho wholo matter boforo that body, which took no action upon It. Tho President, not desiring a repetition of last year's f utile proceedings, according' ly determined to bring about a closed season this year. Tho result of this action was that c bill was immediately Introduced In Par llament on tho subject. THE BEHRING SEA BILL. It X'usscs the Second Heading In tho JIouso of Commons London, Juno 2. In tho Houso of Com mons tho Hon. W. H. Smith moved tho second reading of the bill for a closo sea' son on Behrlng Sea, Ho said that tho govornment was en deavoriug to arrive at friendly conclu slons with a kindred power, and no order In council would lssuo under tho bill un less assurances were obtained that tho conditions of arbitration were satisfac tory, and that sealing would bo prevent ed, except as to tho 7,000 seals nocossary for tho natives. Tho arraugouieut ap peared the best that could bo obtained. Sir John Ferguson said ho believed tho reply about to bo addressed to tho United States government would bring thorn so closely together that harmony would soon bo obtained. Tho bill then passed n second roadlng. lSra G-OOID- June Pens not soaks 3 cans a few days. A LARGE CONTENTION. Nonrly 300 Delegates of tlio Amalgamated Convention In Pittsburg To-dny. PiTTSBvna, Juno ii. Thoro nro 284 dele gates at tho convention of tho Amalga mated Association, which opened In Tur ner Hall this morning, The convention Is tho largost ever held by tho organiza tion. Nothing official about tho scale has yet teeu given out nnd will not be until tho convention nets upou tho matter. It is mora than likely that tho prosont officers will bo re-electod. Damneo Douo ly Ileccnt Frosts. LocKroivr, N. Y., June 2. Reports from Western New York show that the damago done by May frosts has beon largo and widely extended, but has not been really disastrous anywhero oxcept in tho deep valleys of tho south towns of Erlo county. irom that region the complaints nro serious nnd tho outlook somewhat dis couraging. Tho region Is largely devoted to dairying, nnd suffors by the shortened hny and pasturago causod by tho drouth and frosts. Tho groat grape-growing region on tho South shoro of Lako Erlo roports a full crop In sight, nnd tho peach-growing region along the Niagara river makes an equally favorable report. the drouth nnd frosts camo too soon to Injuro Wyoming county's, staple, tho bean, and tho most recent agricultural experiment, tho tobacco plantations in Southoru Erie, oscnped tho genoral devas tation in that region. Apples nnd other fruits sufferod severely. Mlnlstor llomero to Loavo Washington. City op Mkxico, June 2. It is roportod, Upon authority which should bo reliable, that President Diaz has telegraphed to Minister icomoro at Washington, order ing him to return to Mexico and assume tho office of secretary of the Treasury, vice Senor Dublanx, deceased. Senor Romero was once boforo Secretary of the Treasury tinder President Lordo. Dunknrdg Call on the President. Washington, Juno 2. A delegation of sovcral hundred Dunknrds, on their way to tho Hagerstown, Md., convention, called on tho President and Secretary Foster. Itarron's Hody Found. HAVEnmtx, Mass., Juno 2. Tho body of James E. Barron, who has been miss ing sinco March 1, was found Uoatlng In tho Morrlmac, opposite Pock's Village, at noon. Tho body was badly decomposed. Result of tho Election 111 Norwich. Norwich, Conn., Juno 2. Tho city olec Hon, with ono exception, resulted in a Victory for the Republican ticket by about 80U majority. The" Democrats elected their cnudldato for city collector. Hoot and Shoo AVorlcors In Convention. Boston, Juno 2. Tho Boot and Shoe Workers' International Union of America pro holding their third annual convention tu Wells' Memorial Hall. A Chlncso Swindler Condemned to Death London, Juno 2. Tohonekltong, for merly Chineso Socrotary of Logation In Paris and London, hag been tried and conaemnou to death in uiiiim. llo was rocallod by his government in April, tho dlscovory having boon mado that ho was guilty of extensive swindling. Mlnlstor Lincoln Smiled, London, Juno 2. In nn interview MIn- lstor Lincoln smiled at tho rumor that ho was going to bo succeeded In tho Minis try by Secretary Noble. It was tho first intimation, ho said, ho bad had on the subject. 'Tlio General Assembly to Adjourn Detroit, Mich., Juno 2. It Is decided that tho Assembly cannot sond delegates to other than ocloslastlcal oodles, and so cannot do so for a temperance congress to bo bold nt baratoga this month. The As sembly will probably adjourn to-day. llnstlly Summoned to Ottnwn St. Johns, N. II., Juno 2. Lieutonant Govornor of tho Province, Sir Leonard Tilloy, hns been hastily summoned to Ot tnwa, and left on tho midnight train. '1 no object of his mission cannot be defin itely ascertained. Directors of the Memo! lul Hitttlcflold Gbttysbubo, Pa., June 2. Gen. Daniel E. Sickle, of Ivew York City has been elected n direotor of the Battlefield Me morial Association. All the old director woro re-elected. Gen. Sickles' names la nu addition to the list. Mrs. Duncan lias n Uulnpse. London, June 2. Mis. Duncan, whose husband recently made a muiderous as sault upon her in Wales, has suffered f relapse, and her physicians pronounce her condition precarious. l'oiml Servitude for I.lfe. London, Juno 2. The would.ho assas sin of the Czarowltch has been sentenced to penal servitude for life. Startling' Facts, The American people are rapidly becoming a race of nervous wrecks, and the following suggests the best reuiedy i Alphonsollemplf- 101,, oi turner, i-a.,swtars nun wneniusson was speechless from at. Vitas 'dance Dr. nines' great uesiorauve nervine curta nira, Mrs, J. K Miller, of Valparaiso, and J.I), Taylor, of Logansport, Ind., mo 4 gained 30 pounds from tnalng It. Mrs. it, a. uarduer, ot Vistula, tua., was curea ono leeuoou vulklous a day. ani much heaaachi. aim- us, bacUache and nervous ijrwtrallon by one bottle. Trial bottles, :inrt nae 'books of marvelous cures, tree at u. il, iiiuwipucQ, tueuruggisi, wuo reouinuieuus unavwran' tees this unequaled remedy. Spectacles to suit all eyoa nt I. J. 1 rU's book nnd stationery store, 21 North Main stroot. a-20-lf DIRECTORS MEET. SCHOOL- BOARD MEETING HELD LAST NIGHT. OLD BOARD ADJOURNS SINE DIE. A Now Organization Tho Old Of ficers Bo-eloctod Superinten dent Freeman Makoa His School Koports. Tho old Sohool Board met in Superin tendent Freeman's ofOco last night to wind up its businoss. Tho members presont were ilesirs. Trezlso, lluldoon, Bnird, Bellis, Owe-n, Daveoport, Butts, O'Hnron, Gable, Conry, Bachman, Knobol, Usnnn and Bedddll. Superintendent Freemnn prosonlod his report for tho month ending May 20, 1891, and also his Eoyonlh annunl report. Tho former report was as follows: Enrollment for tho month boys. 8S8; eirls, 1,033; total, 1,971. Averago daily attendant, 1,613. l'orcontBRO ol attendance, 89. Number prosont overy session, 610. Visits by citi zens, 219. By directors, 20. Tho annual report was: Numbor of pupils enrolled during tho yoar boys, 1,255; rie, 1,421; total, 2.GTG. AveraRO daily .ondanco, 1,850. . Percentage of at ton c, 88. Total number of visits by citizons, 2,083. By directors, 300. Tho following shows tho percentage of altendanco at tho sovoral echooU for tho month of "May : PEKCENTAOKS OF ATTENDANCE. High School .-. 6 OBAMMAB DEl-AllTMllNT, Stcoiul Grade. Miss Lizzie II. O'Knnnell's nlnRS. .", Jlr A. E. L. Lccklo IB Miss Lydla Elsenhower to! Hri Grade. Miss I.lzzlo LcsMsr Ill Miss Aluia i eniiTei Mi Miss Amelia C. Hch euer b7 Miss Mahalla Falrcutld Mt PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Fourth Grade. Miss llrldeet A. Hums in Miss Carrie W. Faust 6!) Mr M. K. Conrv t-s Miss Anna K. .Mansell 81 Miw uobenii uiovcr a Mis Jano T. Lain bert ill Third Grade. Miss Jeanettell. Hamnge m Miss Maggie K Cavauaugh ,. ill Miss KHz i J, Flnncrty U3 Mr. John U. Bchiuultig 87 MI&sMnryA. Latterly 7(1 Miss Lizzie Lehe 77 Mr. James It. Lowls (,9 Second Grade. Miss A. Adello Bhallor Oi Miss Mary II. Wasley S3 Miss Hattle Hess 1)1 Miss Maggie U. Ilrenuan 69 MUs Florenco; O. Hess 91 Miss Annie M. Klinmel 1)1 Miss Minnie 0. Harnett Ul Mr. Michael H. lirllt 85 lllrst Grade. Miss Irene Shane 98 Miss Mary A. Slack 87 Miss Mary A Counely tv Alts Corluoe Tempest b2 Miss Ballle K. Conry SI Mlss-KllaM. l'lauscr..... 90 Miss Hannah II. lleeso M MUs Nellie Ilalrd 77 Miss IduhoKolb 111 Miss Sarah Fadden 90 Mr. J. W. burke 80 Miss Carrie Hmlth .. 85 Turkey Run. Mr. M. X, Wbltaker 83 Mr, John F. Davles 8j Tho Superintendent roportod that tho Main, Centre and Lloyd street buildings need painting on tho outsido. That the Union street building should bo raised and tho White street building should receive immediate attention, as tho foundations neod repair. That tho old dosks In room No. 6 of tho Centro stroot building should bo removed and replaced with new ones and a janitor should be employed lor the Turkey Kun building. Tho teachers oro now doing tho work and it provente them from attending tho woekly teachers' meet ings. It is necossary they should attend tho meeting, but they will not bo able to do so if a janitor is not employed for their schools. Aftor speaking well of tho work accomplished by tho use of supplementary readers, Mr. Freeman recommonded that primary histories ho supplied for supple mentary reading ond that, Ustoad of re quiring pupils to purchase thorn, tho board purchase sots so that two schools may use one set. This will require an expenditure of but about 8200. But if pulls aro re quired to purchase them tho oxpenso will run up into a thousand dollars. Continuing Mr. Freoman said, "It is my opinion that if parents of children and other citizons of tho town would visit our schools more than thoy do thero would bo less occasion for complaint. Thoy would become acquainted with tho teachers, know more of their work and caroa, and havo raoro sympathy for tho teachors. If thoro is any way by which wo might pro vail upon parents to vi'it tho schools it would be a good thing. Thero is complaint frequently about our drawing nnd music. Some think It is a useless thing in our schools. I havo takon pains to notify thoso who have found fault to visit tho schools and sea what tho work is nnd in no case havo I failed to convinco those that those studies are good things." Tho nnnual report ot tho treasurer, through the finance committee, was as fol lows: T tnl receipts saS.8U0.10 uijieuuiiureN , , i,ot3,ui JJalauce fM2S Superintendent Frooman then made the ropu.t for tbo library committee, showing that tho numbor of books on hand is 1,571. Mr. Freeman stated that larger quarters for tho library are requlrod and, as another room for n grammar school will soon bo nooded, ho rccommendod that a building with two rooms, ono for tho library and ono for school purposes, bo erected at tho rear of tho Main street building. Presidont Beddall suggested that it would bo woll, at tho same time, to build somo placo that would do nwny with tho ronting of places for schools, as is now tho case. Mr. Boddall thon thankod tho board for its co-operation nnd courtosios during tho past year, and commented favorably upon tho work accomplished. Referring to tho remarks mado by 1. J. Forgmon at the High School graduating oxcrclses, Mr. Beddall said, "During tho past year wo increased tho lowost salnries of thotoachors from?32to 835 and I think that was a great thing for tho board to do, consider ing tho disadvantages it labored under dur ing tho year, and, so far as tho statements that tho toachors aro not r"coiving laboring mon's wages is concerned, I would sny thero aro plonty men, miners and laborers, in tho mines who aro receiving less than 835 a mont! While tho toachors may bo deserving of moro pay, I think this board, under tho conditions it has been laboring, has boon very liboral, indeed. Superintendent Freeman then said : "Last year tho board raised tho salaries of toachors who had no oxperienco S8 for tho first year and tnat soemod an injustico to toachors who had taught throo years. To mnko that right it Eooms to mo the board had bottor raiso tho salaries along tho lino two or throo dollars. I think tho board could afford to do it." A motion that tho old board adjourn sine (fie, was thou carried and Messrs. Bellis and Knebol, whoso terms as diroctors ox pirodwith tho meeting, withdrew. REORGANIZATION. Messrs. Boddall and O'Hoarn retained their seats as re-oloctod directors and Mossrs. A. J. Gallaghor, Michnol J. Bron nan nnd W. P. Williams took their seats as now directors. Mr. It. A, Davenport was mado tem porary chairman and Mr. Philip Gablo tomporary secretary. Mr. Muldoon nominated Mr. Boddall for permanent chairman and Mr. O' Ileum socondod tho nomination. Mr. Boddall was unanimously oloctod. Mr. Gallaghor nominated Mr. Gablo for secretary and Mr. Brennan sccoi.dod tho nomination. Mr. Dnvonport nominntod Mr. Bachman, Mr. Treziso soconding tho nomination, Mr. Gablo was oloctod on tho first ballot tho voto being Gablo 8; Bachnian 7. Mr. Hannn nominated Thomas Bollis for treasurer and Mr, Davenport nominatod Archio B. Lamb. Tho ballot resulted Lamb 9; Bellis 0. Mr. Conry moved that tho rulos by which tho board was governed last year bo adopted, and the motion prevailed. It was then decided that tlio board meet to-morrow (Wodnosday) evoningto fix tho school tax and elect teachers. Every Railroad Man Will Want It. No railroad man in tho world is moro widely known or more popular than Chnuncoy M. Depow. Over tho caption of "Our National Orator," a magnificent picture of him is presented on tho first pago of J'Vank Leslie's Illustrated Arcwspaier this wtek. Anothor striking foaturo is tho prediction by Professor Totten, of Yalo University, thnt tho Millonnium will cotno in 18991. The pictures include illustra tions of tho Now York Contral Kailroad systom, the Utica Masonio Homo, a Nash villo belle, sealing in Alaska, Italian fish doalors in San Francisco, nmateur photo graphs, otc. Got it from your newsdealer for ton cents. Down Again. Tho following collieries, drawn to make return of prices for coal for month of May, 1891, to determine the rate of wagos to be paid, make tho following returns: Win. l'euu Colliery, Wm. I'eun CoalCo.82.11 Locust Hprlng do V. & It. 0. A I. Co 2 21-3 North Miilianoy do do 2.2i il Indian HMgo do do 2A&t Kehleylluu do Thomas Coal Co 0 ei i.oo-a The average of these prices is $2.20, and the rato of wngoa to be paid for last two weeks of May and tho first two weeks ol Juno, 1S01, is ton (10) per cent, bolow tho fiW basis. Two Miners Injured. David nnd Joseph rJbingle. brotbors and aged, respectively, 21 and 20 voars of ago, were injured by a fall ol slato In tho Wm. Penn mines yesterday afternoon. It is feared that the injuries, of David may prove fatal. Tho men are single and are now nt tho residence of thoir mothor in Win. Penn, A Now Business. P. J, Cleary has opened a storo in tho Ferguson's building, on East Centro street, and is prepared to furnish tho local trnde with fine leather nnd shoo findings nnd nil kinds of shoemaker's supplies. Ills stock is a largo ono and wnll equipped to fully supply ull demands of the trade. 5-16-tf A well known nhvslolan In New York ad vises his i utlunUi i hut sutler with Coughs and Colds to use l'an-Tlna rough ud Consump tion Cure. 26 nud 60 cents. Trial bottles tree at IClrlln's drug ttre. Advertise in toe Herald. BAGGARAT GASE ENGLAND'S HEIR-APPARENT ISa THE REAL DEPENDANT. I THE PUBLIC'S EYES ARE OPENED. ItWasthoPrlncoof Wales' Money That Was Won by Foul Moans. Tho Prince Dotormlnod to i Face tho Exposure Londo.v, Juno 2. Tho bearing In th baccarat caso has thrown a flood of light on tho affair, ond oponed tlio public oyos to tho fact that tbo Princo of Wales it tho real defendant in tho caso. It was the l'rlnco's money that Sir William Gordon dimming is said to havo been winning by foul means, It was tho Prince who got the paper signed, which tho defence rely upon ns an acknowledge ment of guilt, and It Is tho Prince who steadfastly upheld Jlr. and Mrs. Wilson over sinco tlio beginning of tho suit. Tho behavior of Sir William in court left no doubt as to the feoliug between himself and tho Princo, nnd It was no ticed thnt when their eyes met once, as Cummiug was taking tlio witness stand, tho Princo had that haughty, distant look for which be Is noted on occasion. Ho hns evidently determined to face tho wholo oxposure, nnd show that ho, at least, gambled liko a gentleman. Lord Colorldgo was peculiarly subser viont in his manner towards tho Princo, n fact whicli did not impress tbo specta tors favorably. Tho court adjourned until to-morrow. Tlio Princo of Wales remained until tho ond. Ho smiled and bowed to acquaint ances, and scorned to feel merry over tho circumstances. Sir William Gordon Cumming tostifled with groat coolness. BRIGANDS MAKE A HAUL. Thoy Derail an I!iiro Train and Capture Sovurnl Tourists. Vienna, Juno 2. Brigands derailed tho Eastern express near , Tchorkesskol, Turkoy. Sovoral Gorman and English tourists, Including a Berlin banker, woro captured. Tho brigands demanded a ransom of $40,000 for tbo prisoners. Tlio lattor sent word to tho Gorman, Ambassador nt Constantinople, Do Itado witz. Chancellor Cnprivl, on being com municated with, authorized Radowitz to advance the amount, and tho prisoners were released. Tho other passongors, not tho tourists, woro plundered, but were not carried oft, EMERY'S BUSINESS AFFAIRS. Hportcd Fnl!ura of n ltnstou Merchant hut No Confirmation of It. Boston, Juno 2. Francis F. Emery, boots and shoos, 100 Poarl stroot, Is ro portod to havo assigned. Tho liabilities nro estimated at $UOO,000. Tho factory at Plymouth, Mass., whiob Is said to havo cost $-10,000, only stood on tho books nt 10,000. Mr. Emery's sons are with him in tho business, but not ns partners. When ho started in business Mr. Emery claimed to bo wortli $300,000. His credit has been very high, and his capital has been given out as between $300,000 nnd $400,000. Mr. Emory is president of tho Boston Boot nnd Shoo Club, nnd ha Is also u di rector in tho National Eschanga Bank of Boston. Two minora Stabhod. Huntingdon, Pa., Juno 2. William Loudon nnd Snyder Loighdy, two miners from Bobortsdni, woro stnbbod by Anton. Belchtol, n Frenchman, nnd fatally in jured, at a ball gumo at Orbisouia. A largo number of miners from Bobortsdal attonded tho game and engaged In riot with tho cllizous, with tho nbove result. Tho minors woro mostly nil under tho In fluence of liquor. Belchtol is lu jail hero. Contributions AV111 llo Returned. HAnTFOim, Conn., Juno 2. The largo number of chnrltable persons In Now England who were victimized into send ing clothing, money, etc., to Clementine St. George Bay of Rockvilic, will havo their contributions returned to them through tlio Dead Letter office at Wash ington, where several sacks of detained matter will be forwarded. Buy Keystone flour. Be enreful that tho name Lbshio & Co., Ashland, Pa., is printed on overy sack. St-3-3taw Butter Took a Tumble LAST WEEK. It is down to a reapect ablo prico now. You might as avoII havo tho good. Tho difference is only a fow cents. Wo al Avays havo tho finest Creamery. AT GRAFS, No. 122 North Jardin Street.