-voa.- Picnics and Outings! Severn, the Grocer, is head quarters for fine Cheese, Fruits and Vegetables,Canned Meats, Pickles, Crackers, Cakes, Con densed Milk, gU:.. suitable for picnics and excursions. All new and fresh goods. SEYBRIT'S, Cor. Centre and White Streets. pK,kd6'Ah -Her x FUHLtSIlKI) DAILY AND WKIIKLY. Vot l'nlnt Ilxamliintlong. West 1'oint, k. .. Juno l. The ah t al "June cxnmlnntlunV nt West 1 iut, begin to-dny and will terminate on June 12. with the graduation of the llrst lnss. The class numbers Of!, mill there nro 100 vacant second lloutenancles In the army to be filled there will be no waltliiK for promotion or nuzottlnK to regiments. All of which Js very ploablng to tne cauoiti. Ho Money for Prosecutors. Hartford, Conn., Juno 1. The Stnto Treasurer has notified the various Stntos' attorneys that on account of tho leglsla tive deadlock the appropriation for prose cuting efUcers has run out. Unless tho States' attorneys choose to act for nolh ing there can be no criminal session for the criminal court until an appropriation bill is passed. CouiniUslunor Mitchell to Itotlru. Wasuhnoton, Juno 1. Thoro is what seems a well-grounded rumor afloat to the effect that Charles E. Mitchell, Com missinncr of Patonts, has tendered his resignation of the office to tho President. The chubo of tho resignation is said to bo the desire of Mr. Mitchell to resume his practico of patont law, in which he was very successful. Died. MANGAM.-On Sunday, Slat ult., at Philadelphia, Pa., John Mangam, aged 20 years, Uuo notlco oi tho tunerai win do given. 0-1-lt Open Air Concert. Owing to tho proas of matter on Friday and Saturday wo woro unablo to givo tho (Jrant Hand deserved credit for tho highly successful open air concort given on Thurs- dap evening, Nearly all tho numbers on tho programmo woro now and rocolvod tho hearty approbation of all present. Fire at Win. Penn. A double block at Wm. Ponn bolonglng to a Polish widow named Mrs. Prlmanis was destroyed by flro at about cloven o'clock last night All tho contents of the dwellings, which wero situated near tho Wm. Penn broakor, wero dostroyod Thoro was a wedding in ono of tho houses during tho day and tho flro Is supposed to havo been causod by tho upsetting of a lamp durinc tho jnlliflcation. Tho loss is estimated at about ?l,f00 2,600 Tablets, Costing from IS to 25 cents each, at tho uniform price of G cents, at Max Kooso's. Now Bakery. Schoidor Bros, have oponod a now bakery at 27 South Main ttreot, whore you can'got fresh bread, cakes, candy and ice cream. Give them a call. 5-0 am WANTS. &o. DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR sale. One of tbe most desirable proper ties on West Oak street, for sale on reasonable terms. Apply at llowse's grocery store, oor ner Jardln and Oak street. Bbeuandoah, l'a. Playing Cards. You can obtain a pack of host quality playing cards by sending fifteen conts in nostasro to P. S. Eustis, Qon'l Pass, Aet., .. C. & Q.B. R. Chicago, 111. If, Its Exoollent Qualltios Commend to public approval tho California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. It is pleasing to tho eye, and to tho tasto and by gently acting on tho kidneys, llvor and bowels, cleansing tho system efloctually, thoroby promoting tho health and comfort of all who use it. VAN '130-An nctlve reliable man VV salary 870 to 880 monthly, with In crease, to represent in bis own secilon a re sponsible New York House, Helerences. Manufacturer, Loo Bor 1685, New York. F OR RENT Store and building now occunled hv tlin Slinnnnitnnt. Bakery Oo. lor ma lufacturluir ant retail canay business. Two floors 8 1x20 feet, Anply to J. J. Francy, 5.10 f Our Bill of Faro. Prepared and published oxprossly for tho IIkhalo readors. TUESDAY. 11HEAKVAST. Graham Gems. Apple Sauce. Public Sale. A public salo of ono horse, throo buggios and carriages, sloighs, harnoss, Urge-sized steam chopping machine and boiler, butcher's tools, blocks, otc, will bo hold at Shenandoah, Pa., on Wednesday, Juno 3, 1691, at 1 p. m. 5-20-"t James 13. Lessio, Agent. IMPORTANT NOTICE I All persons are hereby warned NOT TOM IN TOR DAMS ! Belonging to the Shenandoah Water Company, ana an parties caught violating this notice win ue Prosecuted ns Trespassers By order of TETK oo:m::e:,.a.:n"2-. Cocoa. Cold Baked Deans. Lcttuco. DINNER. Boiled Hoof. Applo Jolly'. Potatoes. Macaroni Hrown and White Broad. Butlor. Baked Indian Pudding. SUITER. Graham Bread. Stowed Green Currants. Cream Cake. Hot Wator. Cookies. A SPLENDID TRIP. IliiKfiliins IVunled in Itrnzll. Berlin, Juno 1. Forty Russian col onists have been sont back to Hussia by the Brazlllnn Government at its own ex pense to encourago their relations and frionds to omigrato to Brazil. This is done to counteract tho opposition of tho Czar's Government to tho emigration of his subjects to Brazil. Herniation In lort-au-rrlnco. Paris, June 1. A cablo message has beon received at tho Haytlen Legation hero announcing that a revolution has broken out at Port-au-I'rinco and a state of siege lias been proclaimed. A French ironclad has boen sont. Dropped UoimI While Kxelted. Albany, N. Y., Juno 1. Mrs. A. Cohen, while listening to tho details of a child birth, was ovurcomo and dropped dead. Another neighbor who was near by fainted and was carried homo uncon scious. Oponod tho Muitoum of Art. New York, June 1. Tho Metropolitan Museum of Art was opened for tho first timo on Sunday yestorday. The now privilege seemod to bo thoroughly appre ciated by the largo crowd that attondod. Completed to Deadwood. The Burlington Bomo, C, B. & Q. K. K from Chicago, Poorla and St. Louis, is now completed, and daily pas?ngor trains aro running through Lincoln, lob., and Custer, S. D to Doadwood. Also to New castle, Wyoming. Slocping cars to Dead wood. 'f Coming Events. Juno 2. Ico cream and strawberry fes tival. Robbins' onora house: bonoflt of English Lutheran church. Juno 3 Domorost Contest and ontortnin monti Forguson's theatre, 8 o'clock p.m. Juno 17 Strawberry and ice cream festi val in Bobbins' opera house under tho auspices of W. K. O. No. 59. Juno 18. Excursion of Washington Camp. No. 200. P. O, S. of A to Lake side. July 1 Grand Carnival and picnic by Columbia IIoso Steam Fire Englno Com pany. Beet work dono at Brennan's etoam laundry. 'Everything white and spotless, A Dollprhtful Sunday Trip on tho Roading Railroad. At 9:30 o'clock yesterday morning two first class passenger cars of tho Philadel phia & Heading ltailroad, drawn by on gino No. '149, left tho local depot in charge of Assistant Superintendent Wellington Bartolette. of Mahauoy Plane, and tho following crew: Harry Kloinhart, con1 duetorj Charles Cook, onginoor; Charles Barrett, flroman; Fonton Thomas, brake- man. Tho passongnrs on board when tho train left woro Mr. Goorgo 11. Brown, Suporin tondont and Gonoral Manager of tho Fall lirook Coal Company's railwoys; Mrs Brown and daughter, Florenco, of Corn inir. N. Y.; Charles E. Titman, of tho Trout Run Railway: Mrs. O. E. Titman and daughter; . Mr. and Mrs, 0. A. Keim, Mino Inspector William Stein and wife, Mr. and Mrs. II. C. boyor, Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Finney, Mossrs. Dr. C. M Bordner, Hesser Zulick, Goorgo Kriok and John Grant: Miss Emily Glove:, Potts. villo: Miss Mary Keipor, Ashland. At Wm. Penn more passengers boarded U19 train. They wero William II. Lewis, Superintendent of tho Wm. Penn Coal Co., Masters John and Wilbur Lewis, Misses Millie, Maud and Carrie Lewis, Miss Joan Glovor, Misses Jennie Kennedy and Ellio Seidol, PottBvillo; and Guy llobar, At Mahanoy Piano tho passenger list was increased by Mrs. W. Bortoletto, Miss Bertoletto, Howard Bertoletto and Miss Katio Kutznor. A run was then mado to Mahanoy City, whoro M. M. McMillan joined tho party. Then tho train sped onward to Lakeside, Then to and through tho romantic scenory of tho Catawissa, ovor several high trestles to Girard Manor, whoro a short stop was mado. Oatawhsa was tho noxt stopping point and thoro Superintendent Lawlor and his friond, C. KisUaddon, of Tiffin, Ohio, oined tho tourists. Mr. Lawlor was greeted heartily. Ho bad traveled from Williamsport to Catawissa in his pnvato car to join tbe party. Alter a brief inspection 01 tho old town a start was made for Wost Milton. It was soon reached and, after a short stop, the train Bpod on ovor tho Sunbury routo through Lowisburg, Sunbury, and Sha mokin to Gordon, whore Mr. Lawlor and hislfricnd alighted to take tho formor's nrivatocar. Tho special continued on to Ashland and Mahanoy City, where Jilr, Editorial Excursion. Tho eummor oxcursion of tho Pennsyl vania Editorial Association for 1891 will tttko placo tho woek beginning Monday, ,luno22d. tho place, Atlantic City, mo Knights of tho Quill will bo entertained at tho Hotel Albion. An addross on "Coun try Journalism" will bo delivered by Colonel A. K. McClure. Excursions to various points of inlcrost in tho vicinity will bo arranged, and bops will bo in ordoi ovory evening and everything possiblo done to promote tho comfort and pleasure of tho oxcursionists. Secrotary and Treasurer Thomas hopes to havo at least three hun dred members presont. Al Scanlan?s- You can get the best and cheapest HATS AND CAPS lu town. He lias just received a full Hue of STRAW HATS. From 5c to $. . Also a nice llueof light colored lints, ueruy ana soft. A nice HRlit col ored derby lint. S1.25 Light colored soft lint I for 00 cents. I A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of tho Peace, Deeds, Lenses, Mortgages and Bonds written. marriage licenses anu legal claims promptly uttended to. Real Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency. General Fire Insurance Business. Represents ine northwestern Lire Insurance Co. OFFICE Muldoon'a btillrilnEr. enrnsr Centra and West Sis., Bbenandoah, l'a. AT SOANLAN'S- You will find cheapest Hue of TRUNKS and Saeuela In town: also Gum Coats selling th urn oil at cost. Six dozen neckties at 2oo a piece, worth 40c. Nice lino of Gents' Underwear at ucasult. Headquarters fur sum mer Shirts nod Boys' Waists, 19 SOUTH MAIN STREET. W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoo Store (Mastellor's old sland,) Corner Coal mid JuriHiistn. Mr. Bnydcr will always keep In stock a fine lino of boots and shoes. Custom Worlc and Jicpnirliii; done In the best style, ilo guarantees to sell cheaper than competitors ou .Main street who have big lonts to pay, aud guarantees a genu ine bargain on every purchase. First Nation oap I he that Cleans ost is Lenox. -GO TO- fcrREEN: TRUCK! FISH, Oysters, Clams and Poultry Received daily at tho old reliable stand of -A.. "WOMBB'S North Main St, near Lloyd. Wholesale and Retail. IMcuICS. festlvnls find nrlvnte tin r Hps utin plied lu Quautlties at bhorivnotlce, al Bank toeathe nuit,mpfj, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale, 1. A two story double frame dwelling bouse, storeaud restaurant, on KaSi,ntro8t. 2. -A dwelling and restaurant ou East Centra street. 8. Desirable property on corner Centre and juruiu streets, suiiaoie lor business purposes. 4. A. two story double frame dwelllne. on Went Lloyd street. 5, Two 2-story frame dwellings ou West Cen tre sireei. 0. Two 2 story dwelling on tbe corner of voui ami uucsmui streets more room in one. 7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut street with a large warehouse at the rear. 8. Three two-sl ory.'double frame buildings corner or Lloyd and Gilbert streets. John R. Coye, Attorney-at-Law Real Estate Agent, OFFICE Beddall's Building, Cor. Main and Centre Streets, SHENANDOAH, PA. Capital, $100,000.00.' PHYSICIAN AND ShR&EON, No: B East Centre Street; Mahanoy City, Pa. Ktstn and all special diseases a specialty. J. it. eoTi.it A T10RNEY-A T-LA W. Office Beddall's building, corner Mtln una Centre streota A. IV. Leisennng, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisennng, Cashier, ' S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier. Open Dally From 9 to 3. PROPERTY FOR SALE: lA two and one-half story double frame dwelling house, with store-room and res taurant. Located on East Centre street. 9-A valuable properly located on South .Tar. din street. 3-Beven dwelling bouses at tho corner of Oil. bert and Lloyd streets. Qoodlnvestment. Terms reasonable. ENORMOUS PILE OP DUNCAN & WAIDLEY'S -At a sacrifice.- 3 PER OENT. INTEREST! Valcl ou Havings Deposits. Handsome desicrus nud new. Won worth 50c. Iu order to sell tlipm quick wo have shaved the price down J H FOMKBOY, ATTORNBr-AT-LAW. 'ifflce BMdMl'r building corner UaIh And Centre ESS-Doll't let tills by. opportunity pasa Neat, Cheap and Stylish Laco ourtains a specialty. anteed. All work guar Bost domet shirt! in towi, at "Tho Famous" clothing house, COo. Shifting pants from 7Cc. up. The largost stock of wall paper and window shades overjrooeivod in this town, or county. Good selection, at F. J. l'ortz's book aud stationery store. 3-20-tf Waters' AVolss beer is (he best. Boilly solo agent. If you want to drive away John A 6-5-tf pepsla l!lllnimnw. Cousllnatlon. l'oor Appetite and all evils arising from a disordered Liver use Ur, Lee's Liver lleiulator. Trial homes Iree at Kirlln' drug tre. WALL PAPER A CAHLOAD JUST ABRIVED AT MELLE'T'S Blanks Bo Gilt 80 EmboiBCil .....12 l-2o "Window Slmdee, spring rollors..25o Curtain Poloe 25c MOVED TO 22 East Centre St., Shenanooah, CHAS.1T. RICE'S OLD STAND. Straw Hats from 20o to 81.50 Bhort Kpray Flowers 5o to 1.00 Wreaths 20c to 1.75 Infants' Christening Hobe, ftic to 85 Infauts' long and short coat...tl,25 up to 55.50. 60,000 LADIES WEAR ThiSELF-SUPPOllTlNG CORSET Why don't you wear one? NELLY BLY CAPS ! Attention, Hcaise Cleaners 1 The warm weather is here, and house-cleautng is the next thing in order. Ana at such times most everybody needs something to brighten up the home, so if you need a good carpet of either Veuet, Moquett, Body or Tapestry Brussef, TWO OR THREE-PLY INGRAIN, HALL, STAIR OR RAG-CARPETS You can find a full assortment at PRIGE'S. P.iiTitnin Pnlno at All Colors, nt 20 ceuts. Asbland and iuauanoy uny, wnero , , QH-nA McMillan alighted, and hack to Mahanoy 5 till ftt tllO Ulll btailCl Piano, where Mr. llertoletlo's lamily aud Miss Kutzner took leave of tho party. Mr. Bertoletto remained with tho ro6t of the tourists on the trip back to town, tho arrival being mado horo at 0 p. m., a dis- tance of nearly 100 mflos having been traveled. Tho trip was a most delightful ono, Tho dolightful weather, oxquisito scenery and thrilling ridos ovor tho high trostlos, of which there aro seven botweon Kroba' sta tion and Catawissa, furnished a day that will long bo pleasantly remembered by the tourists. "hilly" Lloyd, tho popular caterer, was along, and he served lemonade, orangeade, ico cream and sandwiches in royal stylo Ilo was hypnotized by tho splendid scenory of the Catawissa. Superintendent Lawlor and his ahlo as sistant, Mr. Bertolette, woro heartily con gratulated for the perfect arranueraents mado for tbo comfort and safoty of tho tourists and tho admirable manner in which they wero carried out. Startling Facte. The American noonle nro rapidly becoming a nice of nervous wrecks, and tho following suggests the beat reu edy 1 AlphousoIJemplT- ing, 01 liuiier, l'a., swturs mat wuta uis sua was speechless from ttt. Vitus dance Dr. Miles' great ltcstoratlvo Nervine cured him. Mrs. J. U. Miller, of Valparaiso, and J. D. Taylor, of Logausport, Ind., eaoa gained 20 pounds from taking It, Mrs, II. A. Gardner, of Vistula, Iud., was cured of 40 tofiOcon vulslonsa day, and much headach:, dlzzl 11018. backache and nervous prostration by one bottle. Trial bottles, and Hue books of marvelous cures, free at U. 11, liagenbucli, vue aruggisi, wuo recoinmenus anu guaran tees this uuequalcd remedy, SCHEIDER'S Spectacles to suit all eyes at l' J. l'ortz's book and stationery store, 21 North Main street. 3-20-tf A well known vibyslolan In vises his patients thn New York ad. lint Miller with CoukIih and PniiiH tn pra Piiii.Tlnn loueh and L'onsumn. Hop Cure, 25 nnd bu cents. Trial bottles tree at Klrlm's drug store. No. 29 East Centre St., Shenandoah. Bettor prepaied than ever to Berve our many patrons with a superior quality 01 Bread, Cakos, Ice Cream, Confectionery of all Kinds, Opea 011 Saturday Evenings Until Midnight Open on other evenings (Sunday excepted) until 11 o'clook. CLOSED ON SUNDAYS, nrsiTi! for a Window Hhade, ULU I O others for H3o. 45c. 60c. fi5c. 75o and imwards. 8hodes made lor stores and prlvato dwellings. Cus tomers desldlcg only the fixtures or shading by tne yara can be arcom raodated.. C. D. Fncke, 10 South Jardm Stt Duncan & Waidley, No. 8 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. DABB, Lace Ma nil It nulci 111 lYMUd lid The Photographer Is located at No. 14 North White Street. Having hau his gallery greatly improved, he I lu lini.h.l In A.r .....4 .1 f ... . ... Uw..Mb..v. inaicu luuu ever lu meol the wants of the public lu tb photo- A nrnnhlr! 1Iti. Tim l,et ,itntn w graphs at lowest prices. I Crayon "Work a Specialty. New Jiirnu JVew Stock. Window Shades, Floor and Table OHclotliB and Linoleums of all grades. Prices cannot be beaten when quality is considered. No misrepresentation one price to ail. 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. I; lill LlU'Ui' ,11 MIX' Green TrucK. Fine Grocei'ics. i FRUITS, &c, Delaware roe shad and o'.hor fresh flsli right ..u.u n.a uuu,BUUllUUja, XTeSIl Oreens from tho South. Evan's Building, E. Centre St. J. S. Wlllia nt' old stand) Everything now and "resh. Goods delivered io any part or town. It. C. KNIGHT & SON. . A difference in material makes a material difference. Low valuesand hieh prices benefit nobodv in tho long run. We make your dollar EAGLE HOTEL! count by giving you its lull value of Good, Honest Goods. 221 w. Centre Street, With Clothing that is durable. SJHZEIXrSTIDO AH , aiming mat IS intelligent and a K""ey kept by Mrs Omvllle. The above Slaking and Finish of tho best, wo aro sure of your continued custom. J wbeks, 4 Formerly of the Keystone Hotel, Ollberton. jjcBbux uucommoouuonsior A. C. YATES & CO., Pcti'i'ransient Guest ' mt,- 1,. 1 . 1 1 .... it . . .. .. . . A Difference in Materia A Material Difference NOW ONLY Cor. 13th and Chestnut Streets. PRICES AT "THE FAMOUS!" Men's all-wool Cheviot Suits $8.00 " " Worsted Suits 10.00 Boys'' " " " 7.5P " " Cheviot Suits 5.C0 Children's Suits $1 upwards Knee Pants 20o " Domet Shirts 25o " Men's shifting shirts -76o " Best necktie In town,'. 25o And everything else in our lino you will And down to the lowest prices. We sell the best 60o Domet Shirt in town. Merchant Tailoring v. specialty. AT :"FAM0US'; ONE-PRICE CLOTHING. No. 11 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. The barU stocked with the best brands ot cib,s, aie, Deer, porter ana liquors. EXCELLENT FIIEE LUNCH COUNTER. McKeon's Saloon, 109 EaBT CENTRE ST., Beer, Whiskeys, Brandies, Porter, WINES AND OIQAES Of the finest brandB. Muslo furnished for balls and parties, from one to five pieces. ICECREAM, ICECREAM, , By the plate or measure, also put up In S, io ana 20 Cent Pnclcnees PETER CECCHINI & BRO.'S, 117 EAST CENTRE STREET, Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line of Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods nnd makes a specialty of A NYillIn Till? nvwl r.r a ,!.... rt flP - " "1"- Q BAST OHNTEH ST.