) v BIG CHUROH SCANDAL, Ono Clorcyinitn Accuacs Anotlior of lni lroer Conduct. Somehb, Conn,, Juno 1. Ono of the most sensntlonnl scandals that lias over agitated Tolland county has been precip itated by Hev. C. II. Gleason, for tnnny yenrs pastor of the- Congregational Church. Mr. dleason has brought suit lull 111 against his wife, Nettie, for divorce, wulou will ho tried in tho Superior Court this week. He charges hor with mis conduct on several occasions with n young Ronton mlulster. The plaintiff is on tho downhill sldo of life, having; beon pastor of tho Sorners church for uoarly 30 yenrs. His first wife lies in tho little churchynrd here, and it was after her death that his trou bles began. Tho present Mrs. Qloason was a gay young Iloeton girl, half of tho minister's age, who spent a summor here. He wooed and won her. Tho evidence of her improper conduct with the young Boston minister promises to be very sen sational, as the junior lovor has recently tnameu a Bociety uene at me nuu. aim. GleMou will contest the case stubbornly. She charges hor husband with Improper conduct with several of the womon in his parish. Ijiwyers are hunting for evi dence for both. TWE NEW JUDGES. Appolntmenta by ttio rroslilcut Loolicd lor this Week. WAMniOTO!, June 1. President Unrrl son has finally determined not to ap point the nine new circuit court judges until noxt Docomber. Ho says no mem ber has yot been selected. Political be llof. It Is understood, will not bo tho dominant rcnuisito for nppointmont to theso positions. It Is tho intention of tho President to Bolcct men for theso plnces of tho vory hlghost legal nblllty, nnd with tho view of obtaining such tnlont, tho legal work of candidates will bo carefully scruti nized, and whorovor It Is posslblo tholr briefs and printed arguments boforo tholr respectivo Supromo Courts will bo so cured and subjected to examination. Tho nblllty nnd legal acumen expressed In theso documonta will thoroforo havo much weight In assisting tho l'rcsldont In reaching his conclusions. This Is taken as an lndicntien that perhnps tlicro may be a Democrat appointed in ono of tho Southern Statos. Tho appointment of flvo land court judges is looked for confidently this wook. SEEKING FOREIGN LABOR. A Now Jersey aiiiliufacturor Odors Km. ployulont to l?xllol Russian Jews. London, Juno 1. A Hamburg dispatch says that word has buen recolvod in that city from a prominent manufacturer In New Jersey, U. S. A., that ho can find employment for sovcrnl hundred of tho osllod Kus-slau Jows. Tho manufacturer ctntod In his rues sago, which is addressed to a Jowish houso in Hnuiburg, that, owing to tho Amorlcan emigration law, ho cannot en gage theso people In advance, but that ho will glvo them work upon their ar rival. Married AVonieu May Tench School Jursky Citt, N. J., Juno 1. Tho women tonchcrs in n Jersey City public schools wcro formerly subject to dis charge in tho event of their marrlago. Tho Board of Education has changod this rule, and now a teacher can get mnrrlod without belug obliged to tender hor ro Bignntlon. Director Rold was tho only member of tho Board who objected to tho chango. Ho said ho was opposed to mar ried womon touching school. Ho thought they ought to attend to tholr housohold duties and glvo tho slnglo womon a chanco. New England Tamils Tournainont. New Haven, Conn., Juno 1. The an nual Now England tennis tournament will bo held at tho grounds of tho Now Havon Lawn Club for four days, begin ning Juno 10. Tho entries will bo gen tlemen's singles and doublos, Tho chal lenge cup, which was won last yoar by E. P. Huntington, jr., will bo defended by him against all comers. Tho cup bo comes tho property of tho person who wins It throo consecutlvo yoars. Confessed She Killed Hor Husband. Macon, Qa., Juno 1. At nn early hour the body of Tom Long was founil lying naked near his houso. Ho had been mur dorcd with nn axo. The coroner's Jury returnod a vordlct that Long cumo to Ills death at tho hands of unknown porsons. Later la tho day Long's wife confessed that sho killed her husband at 4 o'clock by striking him on tho head with an uxo. Tho woman is in custody, and fears are expressed that bIio may bo lynched. A Furiuor Ilobbed ot $0,000. Woosran, O., Juuo 1. Samuol Bohin, a farmer, residing noar Marshallville, was robbed last uight of $0,000. liolim was roused from sloep by hearing tho burg lars at thoir work. Ho discovered three inon in tho house, and, drawing a re volver, fired at thorn. Traces of blood -were found in the room, and ono of tho thieves was evidently hit by a bullot. Thoro is uo clue to tho identity ot tho burglars. V Grain Destroyed by ll Hall Storm. Kansas Crrr, Mo., Juno 1. A heavy hall and rain storm passed to tho north and west of this city last evening, doing frreat damage to tho growing grain, Tho hail boat down tho standing wheat. Thousands of dollars' worth of ilamago has been dono. A rain storm which al most nmounted to a water spout follow ed, washing out many bridges. Corn Salvo I'olsouutl IJlia. Banoob, Me., Juno 1. Capt. Robert Hlchborn, ot Stockton, died of blood poi soning, caused by the application of somo new patent corn salvo, n remedy ho had used tor corns, from which ho was a great sufferer. Sporting llosort Humeri. Watebtown, Mass., Juno 1. -The Glen TTmia. formerly a famous snortina ro- imrt. was burned yesterday. Loss, 10.- O00fL?rtly injured. The Kllrain-Lannou light oo-curred at this hostelry. Ay.lither Diocese for Iir. IlrooHs. , y.-frtt Iitti iKviLLK. Kv.. Juno 1. Tho Stand- IdJU Coinmlttoo of the Episcopal Diocese ctlCentucky deoldod to voto in favor ol ratifying the elevation of Philip Iirooks tp tho Bishopric ot juassacuubenu. ;8Ir. Illalno Leaves for Dar Harbor To-tIy, New Yoke, Juno 1. Mr. Illalno was .t.,l tn-ilnv fi4 slnwlv imnrovlno in health. It has not yet been fully decided I at what time to-day bo will leave for Dot ! Harbor. Suddon Doaths. Heart disease is by far the most frequent cause of sudden death, which In three out o1 four canes Is unsuspected. Tho symptomBnrt not generally understood. These are! lylns on the right side, short breath, pain or dl irnss In side. buck or shoulder, lrreeulai mite, asthma, wens nna Hungry spem, wma siomnci, swelling 01 nnKies or urupj, ntinreslnn. drv coupunnu summering, ur Miles' iiiuirniei door on uenn intense, irw at O. II. HBgenbucli, who sell and guaranter Dr. Miles' unequaled New Heart Cure, and his llestorntUe Nervine, which cures nervom noss, heartache, slceplessties , cllectaof drink ing, etc. K contains no opiates. She Sees tho IJonit I'aco or Mbore. CltiCAOO, Juno 1. lllnnlo Wlnterllng, 2B, was locked up last night to prevent hor from drowning herself. Sho was tho mnln witness in the Mooro murder trial nt Ottawa, 111., which resulted in tho hnnitlng of Charles Ford on May U and the incarceration in the Stnte's Prison of William O'llrlen for life nnd Kato Ford for 14 years. The girl says whenover she thinks of the past she oan see the dead face of Moore, and It almost drives her to ,i9tr(l0tlon, Shlloh's Consumption Curo. Tills la havnnn nt is beyond question the most ,u.u.ini n.Miirii MmilrMnn wfi have ever sold, a lew doses Invariably cure the wotn csfbioI rough, croup, ann lirourniiis, wuno im wuu derra! success In the cure of Consumption is without a parallel In the history of medicine. Since It's first discovery It lias tieen sold on a guarantee, a test which no other mertlclne can sland. Ii you have a Cough we earnestly RSK you IO iry 11. 1U l-uis, ovv. mo, ihi i tl.tO. If your Lungs are sore. Chest or Hack i.mio i.ei, shllnli's 1'iiraus Platter. Hold by C. II. Hngenbuch, N. E.. corner Aiam ana Lloyd streets. SPECIAL NOTICES. The vestlbuled compartment sleeping can recently Introduced on the Chlcngo, St. Paul and Kansas City llallway are models of com fort, convenience nnd luxury. Any patron ol the sleeping car Is enabled, by the Introduc tion of t heso compartment cars, to secure tin same privacy ana uiiveuiencu iuui iie wouio In the best hotel. No other line west of Chi cago runs the compartment ears. In addi tion, the tralnsate tqulpped with the rcgulm open Pullman sleeper, giving passengers theli choice The diking ear service Is lullyuptf tho requirements ol modern railway service Au excellent cuisine, promptly served amid elegant surroundings, ai moderate charges, leaves nothing now to be desired. Any of out people con templailng a trip to any pai t ol tht west or northwest cannot jrosslbly securr better accommodations or lower lates lliar by addressing W. P. Cooley, General A pent ol the Passenger department, 830 ChestnutBL. Philadelphia, Pa. WHITE PEAK8 AND DARK CANONS. Colorado Is a land of sharp contrasts, ol brilliant lie hts, ol Intense shadows; a land where lielghtB and depths make obvious the moaning of the word antithesis; aland where every mood In mind can and an nnsncrlng mood In nature. The high, white minarets of the mountains, fiom whoso slender pinnacles lloat the wind-blown banner's Ol the snow, ap peal with silent eloquence to tno lolly aspira tions of the souh tho sombre chasms cleft bv Titan forces through grnnlte-hearted bllfs wllliln Hlioo depths dark shadows throne and swirling torrents dashspeak to the heart, a language that thrills, insplresnud nwes. It docs not follow that thete glories ol whlto peaks and those gloomsol dark canons pre clude the pleasant intervals, tho sunny meadows or the secluded nooks wherein the tired mind or wearied body may nna peace ful rest nnd rcluge from turmoil aud toil. To one making a Journey In Colorado, New Mexico or Utuli. or tazlng a transcontinental tour from East to West, or ficetcrsu, the Den ver and Itlo Grande liallroad oilers accom modations equal In elegance.convenlonco and luxury to llioso ol any oiuer lino wuu me an. ded attractions of tho unrivalled scenery along Its line, abounding In n magnificent opulence of whlto peaks and dark canons, '1 he month of November. 1890. witnessed one of the most Important improvements In rail road lacllltles that has yet been made In Col orado nnd the West. The completion of the standard gauge of the Denver and HloQrande itaiiroaa irom ueuver, voioruuo, over me mountains to Ogden, Utah, which five years ago was deemed nn Impossibility, Is certainly a triumph of daring and engineering skill. The new Hue Is by the way of Leadvllle, tun ncllnirTennesseoI'nss. threading the canons of the Kagloand Orsnd Itlvers, giving a view ol tho Mount of the Holy Cross, enroutc, tak ing Its trains through Olenwood Springs and down the Grand Klver to Qrnnd Junction, thence to Salt Lake City, Ogden and San Francisco, By this route one is given an op ooriunltv to behold the maimllicencoof Kacle lllver Canon nnd the marvelous beauty nnd grandeur of tho Canon of the Qrnnd. Tho overland tiain Is a model In every respect, From the engine to the last first-class coach everything Is bright and new, and of the most elegant style of workmanship and finish. If nny reader desires to know more about these stupendous works of nature, write to S. K. Hooprr, General Passenger Agent, Denver, Colorado, nnd he will send you, free ol cost. elegantly Illustrated booss, giving a mil de scription of the marvels of the "Scenic Llno."-Btnnley Wood in tho "Oreat Divide." A. grand or run. The Missouri Pacific llallway Company an running weekly two lines of personally con ducted Pullman tourist sleeping car excur sions to Calllornla points, One via tho Iron Mountain route, the other via the Missouri l'acltlo Colorado Short Line. This atlords th tourist the choice of two routes over the lines of the Missouri Pacific Hallway system, an passing as they do through some of the most Important sections of the West. The Colorado Short Line route, is via "The Scenic Line ol the World," and reveals some of the grandest scenery of the Kocfcy Mountains, wh Iron Mountain ronte passes through a region of perpetual Bimshlne, with mild temperatnri in winter wiuiout mgu uiuiuue. iubnh ex cursions leave St. Louis via the Iron Monti tain route every Tuesday night, ond leavt Chicago via the Colorado Short Line rout every Saturday noon, with through tourist sleeping cars to all points In California. Id connection with tins, remember that we art also prepared to ticket parties to all polnU southwest nnd west at the very lowest possi ble raies, giving the passengers option of oc cupying reservation In one of the tourist can at a very small cost in addition to the ticket rate, or In one of our palace reclining cars lree. For further information write to or call upon J. P. McCann, E. T. agent, No. 657 North Main street, Elmlra, N. Y., or No. 891 Uroodway, New York City, or to W. E. Itoyt, general eastern passenger agent, no. iroadwny, N ew York City. CTGonuino.rrf,r Is nnd will ever bo tho best Bomotiy for rcrvnt TnfliiBTiM. Tlackaoho, Tntna in tVin Rldo. Ghost and Joints, Neuralgia, Sprains, Esq Before you need to tray, oltala mn-tl-t: OP CHARCE" the valnible booki "Quldo to He alth," with k indorsements of prominent phyeiclims. i F.AD.RICHTER&CO. 310 Broadway, new york 38 Prize Medals Awardedl BnropeanHou6esiBdoletadt,London, Knramherl-: EonitelQt Lolpilo. 50 Cents a bottle, For Salo by X. I. I. ICIKTjTIV, C. II. 1 1 A.C J IV J5UC1 SHENANDOAH, PA., sad other drugguti. THE HIGH SCHOOL, f Continued .fYoni First Page. around us proper lnfluenrcs,und to instill In. o our minds tho germs Of correct thought and action, xney mvve tried to impress us wuu the thought, that graduation is Indeed the real commencement of our intellectual lives. That as we Icavo the high schoc", the portals ol the great school ol lilt are standing open to receive us. And yet. many of our gradu ates have tho mlstaaen iden, that 11 Is n sin ual fur all study to cease,! un the contrary, It should be regarded as the standpoint from which we behold the temple of knowledge In all its fair proportions, wherein we may enter It wo so desire. Progression Is ono of nature's laws and man has n natural tendency foriictlvlly. Our body rows, but lis growth is limited to tills world Not so with the mind. That contluut-s to de velop throughout all eternity. Itscapa-lly for. ncnulsltlon Is unlimited, nnd the eujoj- ment which It Imrarts. Is everlasting. Our lives should demonstrate the tart that our education consists not inert 1 in nccomnnsi iiieuts serving to make us nur,cilve, butiuat wo nio auie 10 iaae in me wiae range requireu by the onrush of now methods nnn Inven tions, nnd to exercise n pioper Inllueuce lor men aavaneenieui. The graduate should have a deener nnd hi under iund of knowledge than that which is uleaned f;om text-boons, liv d'lleentlv pursuing n systematic course oi reauiug, our II.11K11 may ue greany uupioveu. We should remember, that wo are but ab cedarlans, In the great book of knowl6dgo. Wo have learned only n few of the signs by which Its truth and beauties are Interpreted Putting on the itarb of huiiillllv. let us work tu nil earnestness and endeavor to carry out tho work we have begun. Let us conflim the Intention expressed in our motto, Ttowlnff. not drlftltifi-. Tho painful time lias now come when the ties which have bound us together In class. rciationsnip, must no teveiea. Leaving me sehoolof books, we aro coins out luio lir wide world, whero we must study lu tux. tiarner scnooi 01 experience, iwwomiimvi the lime stiont together In tho last. We forcet all our rctly trials and vexation", and out, mougiiiR reeri uniy toinose uappy perious, In liehnlt of mv ehis-mntcs. I thank the members of lhe School Hoard for the advant ages and privileges which our excellent scuools hnve afforded us. The sullrage ofthe ptople confers no higher honor upon a body of men than that which hns for us function, the establishment nd losterlng of schools, This, vou and vour nredecessors. have aoue In n iimnuer that redounds to the honor and glory of our town. No opportunity lor ud vancing eoucaiiou in our nuaKi nas uecu neirlectcd bv vou. Our earnest desire Is to prove by our Allure ellorts, that wo are truly grateful. To our superintendent nnd teacneril weienaeroui warmest gramuae nua praisef. now patient nna untiring in ineir cnonsi; Instruct us. How ofteD. too.have they incou veulcnced themselves so that ice might be benentted. The rememoranco o: tue wormy examples set by them tor our Imitation, will be cnenanea long alter we nave lemnescuooi room. And now. n woid to mv dear class mates. Our school-work Is over, and our life work commences. The world Is ours, howl shall we meet It? Shall we not be deter mined to do rlchl. thustlntlnceverv phase ol fo a beautiful rose-color. So far our lives ba el ieen intimately counecica, anu we aeugui. io think or our class us a gomcu tnaiu,eacu member a link, and each as Important as the ntlior Tnoot ttir wa linvn pn,-nllnl erpd lhe difllcultlesand shared In the pleasures of our school-llfo. While our teachers were assldul ousiy engxgea In forming the wnrp and woof of our Intellectual and moral beings wo were silently imbibing lessons of patriotism, from that noble ensign, our nation's ling. Its presence in the school room recall to our minds the Illustrious men and women of our country, who started lfe in n manner similar to our own, nnd we resolved anew to press forward. Hlnco the breaking or this chi.in is inevitable, aLd tbe Unas must necessarily be separated, let each ono orustako to heart that sultablo quotation: lie good, school-mates, and let who will be clever Do noble things, not dream them all day long, And so, make life, death, nnd that vast for ever. One grand, sweet song. Mr. S. A. Bcddall, Tresident ofthe School Board, was then introduced. He said: "We have beon amply entertained by tho members of tho class of '01. They I...ita nftatnArl tholr nmnr-t nml hnvn well earned tho honors wo are about to confer upon them. We, as a board pf education. are well pleased with their work'during tho paBt year. I know the cost of bringing1 tho schools up to tho present standard'ls considerablo.butit is not above the average. Tho cost for the past year has been ?S5,C00. To tho class of '91 1 now have the pleasun of presenting them with thoso diplomas.' Mr. Beddall then mado tho presentation rr.ESENTING THE DirLQUAU. School Director Thomas Baird tpokc, IIo said : "1 just want to say a few words You will remember I said some time rro, in my lecture, that I believed the Shenan doah schools wero second to none. If 1 hrd my way I would call the High School of Shenandoah tho collego of Schuylkill county. I bolievo wo are second to nono, and it Is a question in my mind if colORO has better ditclplino and training -n tho lllgh School of Shenandoah," ' Mr, V. J. Ferguson made a if address in which ho thought the sch teachers ought to bo bettor paid. Ho st'' thoy aro not paid as much as laboring r for their work. f'We havo at least 1,W People in this thcatro. To Increase ow teachers' salaries to rorsonablo figures wuld not be more of an expenditure than H 'r ea,ch porson horo to-night, I wish tf impross It upon tho directors here to-night; not only to appoint tho old corps bf tephers, but also increase their salaries," : - Tho exercises closed with the ioKing of "Good Night" and benedlctlot by Kev. Gruhler, after which "The ,Grabtown Meeting," tho farcical dialogv " was re peated by request. The handsome furniture u d on tho stage was loaned by Mr. J. J.tlffmey nrd the piano used was from the w erooms of Mr, J. 1 Williams. Advcrtlso ia the Herald. A WILL nnd lll ll.D ll TII1J WIIOLK HYSTIi.M TO PUHITCT HEALTH. cucVvo'cXniooHoofl Podophyllin Pills every WATERPROOF THAT JXTcyfc to 3XTo-t I 1 IBE UP TO THE MARK MEEDS NO LAUNDERING. OAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN The finest in tho interior of tho State. Only available health and pleasure grounds in tno Anthracite LAKESIDE! "; region Tbe nnturnl attractions aud magnifi- cent scenery of the place are un- equalled, and a day of recrea v i tion and pleasure may be spent in it to advantage. There is good fishing and bntliiiiK iu tho twin lakes 111 surrounding tho grounds. Boat houses will be built on the lakeside and regattas will be frequent this season For Sunday Schools, Lodges, &c, (The grounds are most suitable for pic information, t "r - " jENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. m BCHUYLXILL DIVISION.- On and after Abv. 24, 1890, (ratal u(ll lea anenanaoan ai louowu For Wleean. Gllberton. Vracsvllle. Meu Castle, St. Clair, and way points, 8.00, a m and 4.15 p m. nunaays, euu, v.4u a m nna 3.1 u p m, For FotUvllle, 6.00, Warn and 4. IS p m. Bnndays, 600, 8.40 a m and 3.10 p m, For Reading, 6.00, U.10 am and 4.15 pm. Sundays, 600,8.40 a.m. and 3.10 pm. iror roiuuown, i-noenixviue, womstowii and fhlladelphla (Broad street station), 6.00, iu It iu. ituu n.iij ii hi iv Den. uu) Sundays, 600, 8.40 a m 3.10 p m Trains leave Frackvllie lor Uhenandoah ai 10.40 am and 12.14, 7.42, 10,09 p m, Bnndays 11.13 a m and 5.40 p m. Lieave 1'oiMvuie lor anenanaoan, lu.ia ano 11.18, a in 7.15, 9.42 p m, Sundays, 10.40 a ud S.15 p m. ijeave rnuaaeipnia (croaQ sireet station) for 1'otUvllle aud Bhenandoab. a no 2.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p m week days. Sunday OJS am anai.iup, m. f or w xors, .i.JJ, 4.uo, s.iu, o.x, o.w, 7,su j.208.80, J.60, H.Wandll.l5am,12.UUnoon,(lLm Ited express, 1.06 and 4.50 p m.) 12.44, 1.40, 2.80 J.20, 4, 6, 60.S0, 6.50 7.13 8.12 and 10.00 p m. 12.01 aignu . u.. a nn t ne . tn e oe 0 .n d , n n. tu nuuunia, o.u, ..im, i.w, oo, o.., o.ou, v,w. a m. and 12.49, 8.20 (limited 4.50), 6.1M, 6,30, 6, 7.13 8.12 p m and 12.01 night. For Hea Ulrt, Hprlng Liake, Bclmar, urean urove, Asnury 1'arE, ana iong urancn 8.20, 11,15, a. ra, 4.00 p. m. week dayr roi Freehold, 6.0 p. m. week days. Ualtlmor" ana Washington. S.50. 7.20. 8.81 3.10, 10.20, 1 1,18 a m, 12.5 (fimlted express) 3.41 i.u D.m kuim.iu p. m., ana iz.ua nignt. io' Baltimore- nly.2.02 4.1 1, 5 08 and li.ao p. m OnHundays,8.eo,7.v, 8.llond 11.18 a. m. 4.41 b.ui, 7,.u p m. iz.uj nignt, jjait.'more oniy 5.08 and 11.80 p m. For Klcbmond and tbe South 7.20 11.18 a. m (Limited Kx press 12.35 p. m.,)12.03 nlgbt,week unja. uwuwv.i ,rtv.iu,,,i,Miiiiiui, Trains leave Harrlsbnrt for l'liifDurg and the west every day at 12.23.suid 3.10 a m and j.oo (limited) undS.40 p m. Way for Alteon. 4.15 a m and 4.10 p m every day. For r'UUburg only, 1L20 t m dally juid lO.'A i m week days. Leave Banbury for 'Wlllassirt, Klmlra, Canandalgua, KocheAtirutlaloand Niagara ralls, 5.10 a m rtniy, and 1.43 pm " week days. Tot VatKlmj 6.30 p m week days. For irle and intermediate points, 6.10 a m., dally For Lock Haven, 6.10, and 9.53 a m. inly. 1M and 5.80 p. in. week days. Foj .'-enova 6.10 a m 1,43 and 6,34 p m week days, 1.10 a. m Sundays. 'MAS. K. rOUU, J. B.WOOO, Hen Mr-n'r ' (Jen. Pass.Agt QUEEN CO. Tlip fiimous firm of OCULISTS and OPIICIASS Of PIIILADEI.1?IIIA Havo arranged to send ono of tuclr SlKciulut. on tbe U1K TO SHENANDOAH, Saturday, June 6th, 1891. He will be nt tho Forgusoxx Xlottiuo, frnm R-.TA ft. Til. tflfi II. m. Those whose eyes are causing discomfort should call upon our Specialist, and they will receive intelligent- uuu bkiiuui huvuuvu- CTTDEEJIJSr cfcr CO., 5-29-eod id) 924 Cheitsut St., PHILADELPHIA, PURIFYaiBLOOD CLHA11 THE COMPLEXION, HUIGIITHN THIS KVES, HV1!KTI:N Till! UltKATn, TONII THE STOMACIT, imniJIiATR Tltt! T.IVIJ1I A Nil imwr-iu COLLAR or CUFF CAN BE RELIED ON 8-lt! to Xiis.cooai 2 BEAR' THIS MARK. TRADE iWA'rak.' THE MARKET. Summer Resort, Pic-nic , and Pleasure Grounds T AKESIDE (East Mananoy Junction) mltf w way between Mananoy City and Tamn qua, now managed by a new stock com pnny, will be open to tho public within nlefl weeits, huu uaies can now be secured. A number of societies have already been booke-1 and others wishing desirable dates should make application without delay. Under the now management many improvo- i mciiw win uu ujuut, some oi mem oeiug now under way, that will make it the plc-nloand pleasure grounds of the region. A large dancing pavllllon nnd a trotting park are among the new additions. The best! horses in the State will be secured to run or trot thls'seasou. - nics and outings, For dntes and call on or address, O. A. KEIM, Excursion Manager, BIIENAlSnOA.II, PA Williams d' Bro. Chamber Bets, F Lounges, Divans, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Chiffoniers, Easy Chairs, U Parlor Cabinets, Easels, Muslo Cabinets, Wash H tends, Couches, Dressing Cabinets, Wardrobes, Armolres, Sideboards, Dlrilbg Tables, China Closets, Dining Chairs, Buffets, Smoking Chairs, Card Tables, Mirrors, Sofas, Tea Tables, Parlor Suits, R Piano Chairs, Ball Stands, Settees, Hall Tables, N Fancy Tables, Wood Mantels, Book Cases, Writing Desks, T U Secretaries, Book Cabinets, Pianos, Organs, Bewlng Machines, R E UPHOLSTERY GOODS. BOTTOM PRICES. J. P. Williams & Bro. SHENANDOAH, PA. WATER OF LIFE. A newl; wly discovered MINERAL WATER, s of which will supply important ele necessnry to health. It will curo the tbe use ments necessary to health. It will curo the Kidneys, Liver, Stomach, and all Bowel and Bladder diseases. It will dissolve calculi and remove them. It removes tbe urlo acid from the blood and thus destrnv. Klnlnrin nii Chills. It cures Brlgbt'a disease, and Is es- neclally recommended for people advanced In life, and for general debility. For undoubted proofs of this send lor ir iiuuipuiei civinir mil na.llnnlnra in 1 If I l'Kltliv, water ol-Ule Co., 81 Bouliilain uUf WUkei-Barro, Po, ismr Philadolphia and Beading fiailroadi 1 TU !... i i If.... f li4 ' ruinie wvsv cnirviWTiniii lernimtno ' IIUUUU bliUILI UUHllIlllUUilll ill! I UIjLUITi) Vat New York via Phlladelnhm. week ,iuv! 2. 0 5.25, 7.2U n. m. and 12 85 i.EO and SM i. m. nunaay z.iu ana j.m a. m. For New ("or, via Mauch Chunk, week dnys, 5.as, ,20, a. m. and 12.35 and 2.0p. m. Kor Heading and Phlladelp id Fbllndelphla week days, m., 1Z 2.S0 aud 6.55 p!m. 2.10, 6.25, 7.20, a, iu. a.j. 7.1-u. a. m.. lza- -junday, 2.10 aud 7.48 a. m, ;or HarrUburg, week days, 2.10,7.20 a. m,i ',10, 0.55 p. Kor ARentown, week days, 7.20 m., 12.35 J 0 p. m. ifor l'ottsvllle, week days, 2,10, 7,SM,. mi, 2.31 20 and 0.65 p.m. Sunday, 2.10 and 7.U . in. For Tamaqua nnd Mahanoy City, weok lays, 2.10, 5.2S, 7.20, a, m., 12.35 2.C0 and 5.66 J. in. Sunday, 2.10 and 7.43 a.m. Additional lor Mahanoy City, week days 7.00 p. m, For Lancaster and Columbia, week days. , '.son. m.. 2.E0 p. ni. ' " For Wllllamsport, Bunbury and Lewtsburg, week days. 8.2;, 7.20 and 11.8) a.m., 1,35. 7,00 o. m. Sunday 3:2 i. m. For Mahanoy Jt'lane, week days, 2 10 8.2S. .26.7.20 and 11.30 a. m.. 12.36. l it-,. .so. r ijs ,.w uuu o.m,, p, m. ounuay, u.iu, u a ana 7,48 a. m. ,!' p. ru. For QlrRrdville (Rappahannock Htatlon) "-k days, 2.H.S 8.25, 5.25, 7.2U and ll.Jua. m I5JI), 1 35, i.W, 5,56, 7.00 undtf.25. p, m. Sunday, frmi 9 7. ill u'. m m iaor Ashland and 'bhamotrln, week dfi! S, 5.25, 7.20, 11.3H a. m., 1 ai, 7.00 and!!l m. eunoay s, a. in., s.uo p. m. THAI 1IH fc'HH MI113IVA Ml ,n AIT". 'leave New York via Philadelphia', week lays, 7.15 a. m 1.80, 4.00, 7.30 1'. m 12.19 dllgnt. Sunday, 0.00 p. in.. 12.15 night. Leave New York via Mauch Cliunk, weok I -Jays. 4.30. 8.45 a. m 1.00 and 1.0J n. m. Leave Jfhlledelphu, wees days, 4.10, nnd 1 tndCallowhilland8.35a. m. and 11.30 p. m. from 8th ano ireeti streets. Sunday V.03 a. i m. 11. SO p. m. from Vtu ano ureo, 1 l.ve Ktadlng. week days. 1 3". 7.ln. lo.t" Leave 1'otUvUle, week days, 2.10,7.40 a. m., iuvj, 0.11 p. m. nunaay, i:. iu a, m. ana 2.05 . Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8.20. 8.48 and i. in. and 2.50 p. in, j, arC II dT. m 1 M 1 At nml U AA r. n Unv,- r i ., - ... ,n ..a DMW. 0J. llriiU H. JU..I.VD. .UU. a W. DD...D.. 1111 $41. p.m. f ucuy a uinimviiiH i iuiddjliikiiikhtk nuiLinn weeK aaySjj z.47, 4.07, 6.3a, ana 9.41 a. m., 12.0 4.27. S.Sfl. m. 3.41 n. m ' ' ' Xave Wllliamsnbrt. week days. 3.00,9. 13 ano p. m & nonrin utaHnn Dltlln4n1 .-.V. in l A, U U 1 vuuo ai.vi. uiiauvi tuin. , . us, iw. , i . us iiiui Dui uuu a it 1 ia, uiii i.tn. u.ixj uli u. ui oiiiivmy , i.ig o,j i,i u. IU.. . oo ana .p. 111, ATJLANTIO CITY DIVISION. uia ooaia mreet w nan. For Atlantic Cltv. p. m. Nation. 8.00 a. m. and 4.80 o. m. 3. ill Liu uuu AiiLuutui Rvouueu, w eeiL-uav Express. 7.30. 9.00. a. m and 4.00, p, Accommodation, 6.00, 8.05 a, mi n. m. m, ana . Sundays. Express, 4.00 p. m, ton, a. m. ana ..sup. m. . O. a. HANCOCK, aen'l Pass'r Ael A. MCLEOD. Frea. & Gen'l Manager, , Lehigh Valley Railroad. MAY 10, 1891 Rauaua. Aiieniown. iietnif neni. hMim. lKLiUliauu xuiD,UIWllt ,1V, !7VO Os U4 i ror rjeivmere,. uemwure wuier uap an Dirtjuusuurg iito.ii, a. m,. ana o.iup. m, Vnn r n.ilif.fvll. nil nVflntn.. It IW tr- ui iiMiiouqu, ii iittco-LHtiio tiiiu in l ion 6,47 .U9 n. m.( s.iu ana azti p. m. P.i.m.. ... M 1.11 IN n m niirl F. "I n tn 1 i cunira. itocnesior. liunaio. jn 19 tram wai uuiumu uuu tin uuiuui r i:al hl a.im i. 1 1 1 h. For Jtiraira ana inn wpri v ftNn nmnnnn. n 8.10 n. m. V. AnanHMl Tln-rlotnn BtnnTrtnr, rao p.m. aivn ii. in. , Knr HnrlA Krnnlr. .Tpnrtn llrlflnn nnrt HVan. IHUU Ub a.l. t.tU HUU B.UO U. 111.. B.lll II n U.U U. HI. ff.iu p. in. m iKLtuio, iiiiuci iuu uiiu f rauikvilltj n f. nit nOKj. K n m onni I n rv H lit ItIV, D.W, IU, - Ul., 1MM, O.IU, U.4.U, O.Wi OUI id 10.27 d. m. a' For Lost Creek. 31rardvllle and Afhmna. , '77. lAH-HS'S. III If. n m 1 IUI 1 ll. .Ill H. 8.08 and 9.11 r. m. p. m. mnrpji. .hi. H.im. ni-na m . it... rzjiz. h.iii. n 'zn nil put tut vtu nun. uenLniiiH.. jiil. LunoBi uu and 8.03 p. in. Train, imva Hhnmntrln fAi Khnnnnnnfl at anenanaoan, v.va a. m., izjz, is.iu, o.ai 11.15 p.m. dr For New Castle. St. Clair and PottsvlMU 660, 8.00, 9.80 a . m., 2.45 p. m. W For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delaniu or uoity, Auaennea ana nuiieion, mm & m., 1:40 p. m: t9 For Mauch Chunk. Leblghton, SlatlngtUB' Catasauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, KasUM. and New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m: JM j ur ruuuueipma, i.iu p; m. im u.li.isiia UH1JN , 2 Gen'l Pass. Airt.. BetblehenS Atonoo the newest; oldes purifier known. 200 yen years' test inthls countr- In the cure ol skin dlw rtftp sis BeSe?lBNo(i'neasl"-e. "'so Put up In Solo Cent Packages Fergus AT jSCCHINI & BR0,'S; (V OENTRK STREET, 6rt, The Hatter, es an extraordlnarj' line of Ol" " " furnishing Coodt fti with tbrtAiiderBon Capa Tr iiU)winija cola , ,., .. hs zuall. lMar,li