SHENANDOAH, PA., MONDAY, JUNE 1. 1891. . ONE CENT. THE SUREST EO AD TO ' WEALTH IS THEOUG-H ' LIBEEAL ADVEETISING- ! YOIj. YI.-NO. 142. 1 There will be no chaugo In. the new apportionment bills so far as they ro laloto Schuylkill county. This county will remain a separate congressional district ; will continuoto be represented by two senators and six representa fines, nnd will also have four judges. The Harrlsburg Telegraph remarks that "In alt this discussion of ballot re form let tho reader not overlook the fact that the most zealous advocates' of reform In Pennsylvania are those vho are either silent or have only apologfrji to oiler when the fact is pointed oui that fraud, force and murder nreHhe main elements that keep at least seven states of this Union in the DemocratJa coluufn. They have nothing much (o say then. They cau be rs dumb w oysters when the fait that forty thou sand votes elect ten Congressmen In Georgia, whl'e It requires almost thifc many to elect one Congressman in anj Northern state is pointed out to them They have no condemnation for th Georgia suffrage thief. They rathe rejoice in the skill and completeness iqflus work, what rank ana bare? Sinprl livnnnrlsv Ir. la fnr tho ilnfpnrlnr are anxious about a free ballot anc fair count anywhere? Rooky Mountain Ouro. . ' ' Tho druggists claim that peoplo', dally for the new euro for constipation"; aI?d sick headache, discovered by Dr. f?lKs Lane whilo in tho llocky Mountains. ifys said to bo Orogon grapo root (a groat remedy in tho fur "West for those eon) plaints) combined with simple horbs, and is made for use by pouring on boiling wator to draw out tho strength. It solU at '60 cents a packago and is called Lane's Family Medicino. , A Now Business. -i P. J. Cloary ha3 oponod a ttoro in the Ferguson's building, on East Centre strait, and is proparod to furnish tho local trrjie With fine leather and shoo findings nnd all kinds of shoemaker's supplios. His stocll is a large one and well equipped to fully supply all domands of tho trado. 5-15-tf DR. nUMOULIN'S I.EOAOT. The treat Dumoulin. when dvin?. said ! I laamrui frwrrt wont. Tln-otMit rimnlft .Hak.firt ' tui only inianiDio euro ror scroiuia ana specinc disease yet discovered. Three hundred yearsiffl: perience In Brazil. No failures and no rriapifs. Sold nt Klrlln's Drug Store, Ferguson House Block Shenandoah. CENTS per-yjtfor the BEST TABLE' OILCLOTH. Suha'rlffl C. D. FRICKE'S Carpet Slore, 10 South Jardin St, near Centre JUST RECEIVED AT KEITER'S ! GENUINE IMPORTED GOODS Crosse and Blue Jewell' 8 Choio-Chow and Plcltles. French Macaroni, 2 lbs. for 25c. " Sardines in Oil, 3 cans for 28c. Jiancy Rice, 3 lbs. or 25c. s Eine California Emits. Fancy Prunes, large and fine, 15c. Choice Prunes, 2 lbs. for 25c. Evaporated Jellied Aitrlcots, 20c. ' ,i "Evaporated Peaches, 15o Canned Pears, Plums, Peaches and Jprlcots, FRESH GrOOZDS- tje Roasted ColTec, 30c quality improved, jftovcriimeut Java frceli roamed Tyatole Syrup 2 cits, lor 25c. ggnap8 and Coffee Calcesr 3 lbs. lor 25c. ir UVuf'u:,',;' flutter Snusagc and Clilpped Beef CURF 'rrjMd Flue Dairy Kutter ''uyturini" Early uuiui'il lfC!llb It It inanufoatured u a powder, w In a glaia of beer. a cup of ooHea ol-.n without the kno wledea ot tho Datlenu -c hrmte9, and will eifeot a psrmiink cure, whether the patient la a inoderl1J 5' of eases, and In every Instance a perfe Inwad It 11 over Full. The system a 9A with the Bpeolnojt beoomea an uttei 43 Pae book of partloulara free. '5 in a C. H. HAGENBUCH, Druggist G. M. HAMILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUR THE HIGHSGHOOL. GRADUATING EXERCISES IN FERGUSON'S THEATRE. A BRILLIANT EDUCATIONAL EVENT. Twenty Graduates Delight Over Flftoon Hundrod Rolatlves and Friends Striking Proof of Our Sohool Work. Tho management ofFcrgusor's thcatro is authority for tho statement that slxlw hundred peoplo paid admission feoa to wit noes tho graduating oxorciscs of tho 13th annual commoncomont of tho Shenandoah High Sohool. Such is tho ovidonco of tho great intorost takon in the local public school work. Tho graduates woro oqual to the occasion and their exorcises gavo ample return for tho attendance. THE SWEET GIRL GRADUATE. Tho theatro was brilliantly illuminated and tho stago handsomely decorated. Tho graduates wero in gala day attiro nnd pro11 sonted a splondid picture whon seated upon tho stage. What a tteat it must havo boon for iheir relatives and friends I Tho enthusiasm was unbounded. Superintendent L. A. Freoman antici pated it. In fact ho feared that at times tbo enthusiasm might reach a point when it would interfere with the exercise, so ho stepped upon- tho stage after the curtain was raised and Imprcfsod upon tho minds that perfect ordor would bo maintained. Tho Superintendent had no occasion to call t order again during the evening. "Whon tho curtain aroso School Directors Beddall, Muldoon, Conry, Reliis, Gable, Hanna, Owens, Baird, Stoin, Bachman, D-enport, Butts and Knebel, and School .jctors-oloct Gallagher nnd "Williams, were seated on tho loft of tho stage, iusl rm0uw f60aU Tm'd, f0rth0 Huuuiud, xuu uujl uu iiiu rigni 01 tno ago was occupied by A. P. Blaksleo and f imily, of De.lano, whilo school toachors occupied tho other. I3 jAJSTID good. June Peas-not soalcs-3 cans if those Fanoyl Moquette Hugs at few days. llov. John Gruhler oponod tho exercises with prsyor. Tho graduates then marched upon the s'.ago and formed a group In tho center reprosonting tho figures "91." After maintaining tho position for a momonl or two, the graduatos formed at tho footlights andrenderod tho "March Song" which was heartily applauded. They thon took thoir seats and tho regular exercises com menced. Miss Tossio E. Harnett gavo tho saluta tory and an essay AFTER THE BATTLE. The battle la over 1 What a glorious victory we have won I Yes, we cau well rejoice lu this our first great underlining; nnd how much lireatcrls our cause fur reJolclne when wn irjqk haqx on our march and think of all the hardships ana trials Which wo were obliged to ou.-e that wo mlebt bo able to reach thin. ivr!Riu$T$UjWfcfrrreleran return..'! iuffajCtorloaslromawarbf nine years hov delighted lie Is to once morojolu his lrlaudi nnd eujoy that peaei which aiways como3 tiE tho oonquerorof n Just cause; such nro we toL night, leaving the lleld ot our struggles amf entering the Held of lire. Although we bay, nan very nara worKat scnooi now easy ills u lorgct our irtan oy triuKing over tue swee veil rs or our childhood: so Iresli. so ovous. n innocent, words of tioublo.of danger, of carol wero unknown; they brought us calm Joys ; turn that wo do our duty. Those years orA, gone, and with them havo passed away ramiV. things; what voids they havo lelt; sohool JoyL so true and 60 expansive, recompense so wel earned by days ol application, teaehenl reprimands, pardons so frankly asked tnd s generously acco dedaroall those forever at all ena,nuasnain nauuteni no more? That moments In a person's life when lu leaves his preparatory studies to ixrnpple wltl the world Is one of not uumlngled pleasure lie may rejoice in wuni n uus uccompusnei uutaaxiety ana lear tor uie iuinuuieni, mus uccompany his bright anticipations of the fu ture; In order to be successful lu this battle It la necessary to have an object In view; w may criticise nnd talk about castles In th. air, but without such castlea It Is Impossible tosucceea. learaago caison duui a casue 1. ineairana to aay tuai casue is liiuminaun ino wona; out n we wisn uuo easues t stand it will reonlre a great deal of cersi veipnce, amiability, resignation nnd occupi' tlou on our nart. I)y neueverance wo mea! t.hnt a nerMin Abnuld us.oall'hIn enertrlH united with truth, nurily of heart and a otmt conscience to attain the end lu view. Aml'ibiji. hearts or others and nnitca those ours, la of vast importance to succex i on thU Journey; this gives birth to friendship, whlqn unites the strength of two sods, maklitg inunctions nna moroaciivein laeeRing ai; practising virtue, to resignation xomejr t1 irreatcst men of our day owe their succe nappy are those souls who living in Men snip wuu urn augei ui iPMguituuu an learned "to win what uoci wills:" such m Hons ate strong to bear, pliant to yield ail above all Bind to forgive those wbo have do ineman injury, in oruor mat mo may successful una pleasant occupation thov Id also Etirround and enter us n the air rounds and enters tbo body; to be wlthojut KOUitt UK6IU1 ,H;i:UiUILlUl HUltll UULHIUU U greatdutleswiuniiaiituose little raomei when we are alone, is to slowly plant wltl ourselves the seed of a discontent, which v, cud br destroying our cueenuiuess, weaR Idi; our vlrtuo and embitter! im our chamo'J auaieius niireraemuerou huh juurney u ueauuiui quomnon irom ijongicuuw; "In the world's broad Held of battle, luthe bivouac or life, lie no like ilumtHlrivcp cattle, Bo a bcio m the strife. ' It throuEh this battle we deserve to sucotj but do not; II the uivine wisdom deer fallnro to us, 11 time which tnKen at the rw leads on to fortune CQniM tons nt the ebb 1 ni,Mi1ri inmHmbr that he who clones this jttimu InuVuelrttn" AuftV fib crvca to succeed, mat person uas sgnieui lor wnicn many n eroaiur ouo iuau uu. w lndlv plvo un all the vtral&e the world gave him. ij Tcniirit we leave the field where we trtvk woiked so faithfully for m uy yoais, and let ui hope that at tue clo-o of tue battle or nro we may bo as victorious. Jlr. Bert 0. Hooks gavo an essay on"Pi'l- itics Corrupt and Incorrupt," which met with the opproval of all oicept a fowDeni ojrats in tho back part ot tho thestro. Jliss Edith SI. .Morgan's ossay on "Early Associations" was an Intolligent piece of work and Jliss Mary A. Lynch's essay on1 "Fashion" showed considerable knowledge' of tho customs of olden times. MisaSullie J. Griffiths solo "Lovo's Old Song" was well recoived. CLASS OIUTOIl, Mr, A. A. Iteod, J r., made an oration on "Law and Order" very oUoctivoly and won in encore. Hp took tho late mob act in Now Orleans for his thomo and handled It woll. Ho attributed part of the troublo to t e selection of ignorant mon for Jury work and declared that it Is ono of the easiest things to convict a negroof a crime in citloi like New Orleans, whilo It is al most impossible to convict a white man. He thought allairs like those In Now Or leans could be righted by the pooplp ceas ing to play with Juitioe. Tbo newspapers should teach the people that mob law is a disgrace to a civilized community an I Congres- should pass more restrictive emi gration IttWo. Mies Katie L. Cunningham was warmly applauded for her essay on Homo." a cuorus -xrlDuto to Whlttitir" was rondered by tho class. An oration on "Kolatlon of Public Schools to Government," by "William H Brown, was strikingly appropriate. The maintaining of public schools, ho said, moans tho securing of propriety and peace for tho country. Thoy teach tho objects ind principles of a Republican form of government and tho pupils are taught what to do for their country. Miss Nollio V. Koilly's piano solo, Thal- burg'B "Home, Sweet Uomo," was well exocuted, "Women m "Workers" was Mis "ABrnma E.tfilaonhowor's subject for nn os- ay. "Tho life of ovory truo woman whethor public or private, adds to thi growth and prosperity of tho country " Miss Katie A. "Whnlon's essay on "Early Impressions" was quito interesting. "Parents nnd teacuors should bo careful and givo no bad oxamples and should bo careful in tho languago thoy use. Moral training should receivo particular atten tion." Tho quartette, "Fortuno Tolling," was an amusing foaturo. It was rendorod by Slisses Morgan 'and Twoodlo, and Mosers. Rebor and Hooks. Miss AnniB L. Shoehy's ossay on "Rail roads" was listoned to with interest; and Miss Nellio V. Keilly's essay "Tho Past Year" was equally interesting. Education in our Eopublic" was an oration by Mr. (. A. Howell. His itroat ment of tho themo showod considerable rosearch in American history. THE GRADUATIXQ CLASS. Jliss Katio F. Becker's essay on "Louiso Aloott" was a clover piece of work. u.'ss iMiin m. Morgan won an oncore fo tho vocal solo "What is Lovo ?" Air. W. Frank Iteber's oration on "Uso and Abuso of Newspapers" demonstrated that thoro is a warm place undor tho loft mnd sido of his vost for tho newspaper- ,ion. llo said : "Tho newspaper of to. .lay is ono of tho wonders of tho ago. Tho modern nowspapor is a public educator. The newspapers are a public necessity, and as soeii'ty is now constituted wo could not got along a single day without thorn Before closing Jlr. Ilebor took occasion to condemn tho publication of silly corros pondenco. Ihls sontimont was wartnly applauded. Jliss oalllo J. urullth's ossay on "flow to JIako Duty a Pleasure" was woll re ceived and Air. Jamos J. O'Hara's oration on "Businoss Men In Politics" woii enthusiastic applauso. Ho said: It U necessary that tho fundamental prin ciples ot our government should bo taught in all our high schools nnd colloges. It is no longer nocossary to tako lawyers in preference to our business mon for public office. Tho great problems for futuro con sideratinns are commercial and labor quos tions. The men who aro engagod in man' ufacture, transportation and commerce are moro competent to voto on questions re lating to tho businoss than professional men who havo no practioal knowledge of the various branches of business. Tho business man as a law maker and ex pounder is no longer an experiment. He has demonstrated that ho can perform his part successfully. Tho chorus "Tho Jlower's Soiie" was rendered by1 tho class, after which Mits Katie F. Brogan read an interesting essay on "Jjost upportunltles,"' in which sho cited Napoloon's dofeat at Watorloo by I'iluro to. graip the opportunity. &.. Jian A. Karn's oration ou'Trogress of Ala jyon him honor. "There seems to bo la divina standard towards which in Is steadily drifting. Alan is approa' jng nearer and nearer to that Ideal attribv sffpr which, Qod created him," Tho Uodley Quartette" by membors of the clae won an encore, Jliss .. Luthtan 'Williams' ossay "Suc cess" w i heartily applauded. Aftet he singing of "The Broken Stile" by the asa Aliss Lulu Tweodlo made tho valedlory addross and read an oesiy on . Tit bUTIES or THE OnDCATE. The lrh school graduate I The bov and girl pUwto ixteu I Countenance rudlant wlih Joy! to. it sparkllna with aalmatloa I Iluoy HUtinirtl Mirthful volcos! Refined man uers 1 )deraiely well educated I If th. ., than, are the HUrilmten aMlgnod to tbegm te by the lmaKiuullon, what should be their i tual qualltiesl We have reoHvtd opporiii'itieM nuperl ir to those ol runny oihorh, r.diiiirely, our quallfli iitlous t,hould oMn r lortlon All thiongb our m-IiooI-Hiu Continued oil ekcuihl Ittc. J Mask vi-s mm &$Wfm) MEMORIAL DAY. Post and Camp Honor to Deceased Soldiers. Tho numbor of peoplo who visited town on Saturday to witness tho Memorial Day nxercisos rnn up into tho thousands. From early. morn till lone after dark thn sirt! swarmod with peoplo and tho railroads did a largo Dusinoss. Tho parado was n largo andlstrikinir one. and but two of the organizations on the programmo failed to form in lino tho Phcaaix Ho30 (Jompany nnd St. Patrick's society. But as the omployos of tho P. & K. collieries in thls-district wore paid in tho morning, It would, not havo boon surprising if thero woro moro nbsontees. Tho St. Michael's society, conneclod with the Oreok Catholic church, was in lino, although it had been unintentionally omitted from tho programmo. The attondancos at tho comotorios woro vory largo and tho graves woro profusoly decorated with lovely flowers. A fow of tho graves alter tho ceromonios ovidencod great intorost in tho momorios of dopartod mends and loved ono. Tho ceromonios in tho G. A. B. plot of tho Odd lollows' cemetery woro particu larly improssivo. Alter tho firing of tho customary saluto ovor tho gravos of tbo departed heroes, S. Q. Al. Hollopetor, Esq. was introduced ns tho orator of tho day. His address was ono of tho best ovor mado on like occasions in tho comotory and tho spcakor was warmly congratulated. o. a. r. VET3 in BAnoucnc Aftor paying a tributo of respect to tho memory of tho decoasod heroes and exort- ing tho-living to deeds of noblo, Ood-liko a"tion, Mr. Hollopotor onlarged upon tho following propositions : That wo aro living In extraordinary times. That thoso years of poacoful prosperity, In which wo are rapidly developing a groat and powerful continent, aro tho pivot on which is turning tho nation's futuro. That tho destinies of mankind, for centuries to como, will bo soriously affected and dotormined by tho mon of this gonoration in tho United States. Hold It to tho Light. Tim man who tolls you confidentially ust what will cure vour cold is urnscrihlno Kemp's Balsam this year. In the prep aration of this remarkable modicino for coughs and oolds no expense is snared tr eombino only the best and purest Ingredi ent, nold a bottlof JComp'e Balsam t( tho light and look through it; notioo the bright, clear look; then compare with othir remedies. Pnco 60c. nnd 81 Cornet Ovavy'u llon l-'omid. Flkmixoton, N. J., June 1. The Hun terdon Couuty Historical Sooiety In In high feather. Iu member hiivo found tho grave mid exhumed tho bones of Cor net Qua y, an oflloer in the British army, who was shot nnd killed nnd burled hero In 1778. He was shot while making a raid on an Amoricau bouse with a de tachmont of English soldiers. It was maintained that bU body had boou taken to England, but tbo historical society has proved this an error. With tho bones found wero several British army uniform buttons with tho Initials "Q. L. D., 10" on them, signifying "Queen's Light Dra goons, Sixteenth regiment," the com mand to which Goary belonged. Miloa" Norvo aud Liver Pills Act on a new prihclple-ieulatlng thf .."T,,?"0"'"' 1)r- M1 Mi's speedily emu blllountM, bad last j, torpid liver, plleJ. couHtlpatlon Unequaled lor men, wotnen, chlldreri. Hmallm, inlluet,Bureiil ! S)dw Scu. hiunpUsFree, at C. 11. HageubUfU's " '.1M 1 . BEGIN" THEY WILL FOMENT STRIKES. Trying to Induce the Olty Council to Hold Back tho $6,000,000 Voted Tho Unions Meet and Adopt a Programme. Uu XaUottal Prttt AtocitUUM. Ciiicaoo, Juno 1. Organised labor, fall Ing to obtain any satisfaction from tin World's Fair people regarding the mini muni wage question, has begun an attack upon the enterprise and will endeavor tc induce tho city council to hold back tht $5,000,000 recently voted by the city fot exposition purposes. A meeting was held 'yesterday by lep rentativos of tho Central Labor uuiens and a fighting programme laid ctt. These unions propose to do everything n their power to hurt the fair unless they get soma sort of satisfaction, and the probabilities seem to be thac a series ol strikes will result as soon as work is be gun upon the fair buildings, which will be In a few weeks. Tho war will bo bitterly waged, and strikes will not only be fomented ampng the mon employed iu the work of con struction upon the grounds, but those who work In tho mills and foundries that aro to fuinlnh materials for tiie buildings. Nothing will bo left undone to injuro the fair, and worklngmen in all depart ments of labor nnd In all grades will be culled upon to withhold their patronage. TO LEAVE. THE CABINET. A Humor that Socrotury Noblo Will Go to St. PutorHburc or London. Washington, Juno 1. It is generally bolloved in official circles that while Secretary Noblo is not going to leave tho public service they would not bo surprised If in a vory short time ho would retire from the Interior Depart ment to accept a prominent place In the Diplomatic Service. One story is to tho effect that ho will tako Minister Smith's place nt St. Peters burg. Another nnd moro probable story is that if Secretnry Proctor should bo selected to succeed Senator Edmunds, which now seems certain, Minister Lin coln will bo inado Secretnry of War and Secretary Noble will be sent to the Court of St. James. Secretary Noblo Is still absent, but thero are those in his 'department who bollovo that ho will not much longor occupy his prosent position. Sirs. ltarrlaons IMnng. Washington, Juno 1. Mrs. Harrison has been giving much of her time lately to Bottling upon tho plans of the redocor- ntion and various other changes which will bo made In tho White House during tho summer. Tho decoration of the ves tlbulo and corridor, tho green parlor and state dining room nro what tho public will seo tho most of, but tho necessary changes and repairs In tho plumbing ani other work of that charactor is giving her as much concern. If the weatbor is favornbfo for thocbango, sho now expects to go to Capo JIny Point about Juno 15 nnd spend tho ontiro summer thoro. Tho White House will scarcely bo habltablo aftor July 1. Died 'Whilo Undergoing an Oporatlon New YonK, Juno 1. Willis P. Canda, aged 13, residing in Brooklyn, died at his homo last evening whilo undor tho influ ence of chloroform during tho perform ance of an operation. His upper lip had grown to abnormal slzo through his habit of continually sucking it. An operation was decided upon by physicluns to re move some of tho excess growth. Chlo roform was administered, and whilo in nn unconscious stnto tho boy showed signs of heart failure. Tho doctors mado ovory effort to savo his life, but be grad ually grow weaker and In an hour's tlmo was dend. To NorvouB, Debilitated Mon. If you sond us your address, we will nail you our illustrated pamphlet explain ne all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Klectro voltaic Belt and Appliances, and their inarming efJects upon tho nervous de illitnted system, and how they will quickly eetoreyou to vigor, and manhood. Pttmph Ut free. If you are thus afflicted, we will tend you a Belt and. Appliances on a trial. Voltaic Bkiv Co.. Marshall. Mich. Buy Keystone flour. He careful that the name Lassie, & Co., Ashland, Pa., is printed on every sack. B-8-4tnw Butter Took-a Tumble LAST WEEK. It is down 1o a respect able price now. You might as well have tho, good. Tho diiToreij is only a few cents. Mro al ways havo the litest Creamery. AT GRAF'S, No. 122 North Jardin Street OHIOAGO WORKMEN AN ATTACK. Offlco-28 Wt Lloyd Htrerf ra.