The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 30, 1891, Image 1

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    Eke Citcmim Herald.
O AH, PA., SATURDAY, MAT 30. 1S91.
Bunday Specials.
l'rosbytorian church, Rev. J. M. "Wicker,
pastor. Services to-morrow at 10:80 a. m.
and 0:80 p. m. Sunday school at 2 p. in.
English Lutheran church, Rov. D. B.
Troibloy, pastor. Services to-morrow as fol
lows: 10:30 a. tn. and G:80 p. m. Sunday
school at 1:80 p. m.
Ebonezor Evangelical ahurch. Rev. II.
Glick, pastor. Services to-morrow at
a. in. in Gorman, and C:80 p. m. in
nglish. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m.
All aro heartily invitod to attend.
Rev. I. Pethian Davies, of MorthyrtydQl,
South Wales, will preach In tho Welsh
Congregational church on Sunday at 10
a. m. in English and at 0 p. m. in Welsh.
Trinity Roformed church. Services on
Sunday at 10 a. m. and 6:50 p. m. Pleach
ing by Rov. O'Boylo, of Saxton, Pa. All
are invited to attend. Sunday school at
1:30 p. m.
All Saints' Episcopal church, Oak street,
near Main, Rov. Floyd E. "West, roctor.
Sorvicos to-morrow as follows : Morning
prayer, litany and reading (lay sorvico) ai
10.30. Evening prayor and sermon by tho
rector at 6:30. Sunday school at 2 p. m.
"Wolsh Baptist church, corner "West and
Oak streets. Rov. D. I. Evans, pastor.
Services to-morrow at 10 a. m. in Wolsh
and 6 p. m. in English. Sunday school at
2 p. m. Prayor meeting on. Monday evon
ing, at 7 o'clock. Children's sermonette
"Wednesday ovening at 7 p. m. Class meet
ing on Thurfday ovening, at 7 o'clock.
P. M. church, corner of Jardm aud Oak
.stroeu. Services to-morrow at 10:30 a. m.
d 30 p. m. Sabbath school at 2 p. m.
ng Ptioploa' Christian Endeavor at C
a. every Sabbath. Classes moet Tues
day and Wednesday evenings at 7 o'clock
and Sunday at 9:30 a. m. Genoral prayer
meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. H. Q.
Russell, pastor.
English Baptist church, South Jardin
stroot, Rov. H. O. James, pastor. Preach
ing at 10:30 a. m. and 6:S0 p. m. Injthe
absence of tho pastor, Brother William
Howells will occupy thepulpit both morn
ing and ovening. Sabbath school at 2 p.
rn., Deacon John Bunn, superintendent.
Monday ovening at 7:30 tho Young
Pooplo's Christian Union will meet. Wed
nesday ovening, at 7 o'clock, a general
prayer and covenant meeting.
first Methodist Episcopal church. Rev.
Wm. Powick, pastor. Divine worship at
10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. Morning sub
ject, "Echoes from Memorial Day." Mem
bers of vho G. A. R. particularly invited.
The ovoning sormon will be addressed es
pecially to the young. Subject: "Thoughts
suggested by Commencement Day." Mom
bers and lriends of tho class of '91 ara cor
dially invited. Sunday school at 2 p, m.,
to bo followed by the devotional meeting
of tho Epworth League. Biblo study
qnday evening. Thursday ovonini Mil
iary prayor mooting. All aro invitod.
" Grant Band picnic May 30th. 5-8-3w
CDBZLsTTS per yd for tlie
Sold In other stores for 35a. All floor
Oilcloths reduced. Call for bargains
Carpet Store, iO South Jardin St, near Centre
Crosse and JBlacTewell's Chow-Chow and Picliles.
tYrench Macaroni, 2 lbs. for 25c.
" SardinesinOll,2cansfor25c.
'Jbancy Mice, S lbs, for 25c.
Eine California Eruits.
fEancy Prunes, large and Ine, 15c, .
Wrioice Prunes, 2 lbs. tor 25c.
Evaporated Jellied Apricots, 20c.
Evaporated Peaches, 15o
Canned Pears, Plums, Peaches and Jpricot3.
Fine Roasted Coil'cc, 30c quality improved. .
Old Government Java fresh roasted
Fancy Table Syrup 2 qts. ior 25c.
Ginger Snaps and Coffee Calces, 3 lbs. lor 25c.
Sltlimcd Hants.
, Lebanon Summer Sausage and Chipped Beef
j Fancy Creamery and Fine Dairy Butter
Comatocs, Corn and Early
ior 25c
v Raisins 4 lbs lor 25c
Yashing: Powder, 4 lbs for 25c
Vlll have another lot of those 'francy Moquetle Bugs at tn
A Short But Intorostiug Story
That Will bo Enjoyod by tho
"Horald's" Many Readers
HEN tho tall,
n g stranger
moved into tho
modest dwell
ing next to the
widow Clark's,
that excellent common
with tho rest of
tho neighbors,
somo llttlo cu
rioai ty. In
truth the new
comer was a handsome fellow hand
some enough for any widow to enjoy
gazing at. Though his mustacho and
imperial were snow white, his form, sis
good feet in height, was erect and vig
orous and ho walked with a strido that
if it did not show tho elasticity of
youth at least betokened a liberal sup
ply of vitality. Tho widow Clark got
to peeping through her blinds at her
neighbor as ho walked past and then to
wondering whon sho should make his
But Captain Magcddon (for that it
seemed was his namo) did not display
any anxiety to moko acquaintances.
Ho lived all olono in his little house and
seldom went out of it. A colored boy
made his bed and did his cooking. Ho
was scrupulously courteous andpollto
to tho inhabitants of tho little country
town. IIo exchanged greetings with
tho postmaster every day in tho cheer
iest manner possible. IIo was quite a
favorite at tho resort known as "tho
store," whlthor ho went every day to
order his supplies, and where ho was
wont at times to regale tho assortment
of prominent citizens there assembled
with a story or two.
Now, though tho widow Marjorio
Clark was fifty-two good summers old
(though sho might have prevaricated if
questioned on that subject before a
Judge and jury), and though there wero
streaks of silver hero and thero in tho
locks that had once borne tho hue of tho
raven's wing, sho was a decidedly
wholesome creature to look upon. Sho
had round, plump, white arms, as any
ono could see who watched her knead
ing tho dough on baking day. Sho had,
moreover, smooth fresh cheeks, with
tho tingo of ripo snow apples in them.
Sho had not an unsound tooth in her
head, and her laugh was lllro tho ripplo
of a thin stream of water over pebbles.
Sho wore neat black gowns with fleecy
laoo ruffles at tho wrista and throat.
Many wore tho swains who had sighed
at tho feet of tho comely widow for tho
last ten years; but the number who
had gone away sorrowing matched pre-
alsnlir tha numhtir of thocn who hod
June Pens-not soaks-3 cans
a jew days.
sighed. Mrs. Marjorio Clark sho re
mained, and seemed to bo perfectly
jruruapb woa a memory or ncr van
ished girlhood that caused tho widow to
feel a trifle piqued at tho captain's
obvious indifference. Other tenants of ,
that house had but why coll up har
rowing recollections? And hero was
tho captain, a next door neighbor for
sis months, and he had never even
celled on her. True, ho bowed with a
grave courtesy whenever they met, and
often exchanged verbal salutations
with her respecting tho condition of tho
woathcr and so on. But it was all dono
with a cold politeness that harmonized
very ill with the widow's neighborly
feelings. If anvono had told her sho
had fallon genuinely in love with that,
soldierly flguro and earnest, manly face,
sho would havo been vastly indignant.
Sho grew more and moro exasperated
at tho captain's unsociability neverthe
less. But thero camo a day when this kind
ly interest (to call It by no warmer
namo) was changed into something;
closely resembling dislike, and a very
stormy interview took the place of any
plcasanter ono for which tho lady may
havo wished Dean down in her heart
Mrs. Clark cherished a passionate re-,
gard for a lot of fat hens that sho kept
fenced in in her trim backyard.
Ono morning tho captain's big re
triever, a shaggy brute with a matted
coat and no conscience, burst through
tho fence, put three of tho fattest hens
to death and so eternally scarified the
othera that they could do nothing but
Ho down and gasp for air. The widow
caught tho bruto in. tho act. Sho forgot
he was Captain' Mageddon's dog forgot
everything except tho wanton slaughter
ho had wreaked. Sho grabbed him
pluokily by tho collar, armed herself
with a broom handle and in two min
utes tho dog, having been dragged onto
tho widow's front porch, was being be
labored with a lustiness that caused
him to fill tho air with his howls.
In about ten seconds Capt. Mageddon
descended his front steps and walked
across tho lot that separated tho two
houses, "Madam," ho said rather
brusquely, "why on earth are you beat
ing my dog?"
1 iTIMuuicA-11 .nataviifel i.tia nxiiVrar- sxsxavv
for being caught in so ridiculous a sit
uation, "ho killed my hens! because
tako that, you bruto!" with a final
thump as tho dog flow between his
master's legs and crouched there,
"I am sorry, modam," responded tho
old soldier gravely, "that he killedyour
hens, and I will pay you for them, glad
ly. IIo deserved the beating, and I
hopo youll excuse my tcstiness, but you
see that dog and my colored boy, Tom,
are about die only friends I havo in the
world, and I don't like to see either of
them hurt."
Pay for her hens! As if 6ho wanted;
his money, Indeed! fho widow was
thoroughly angry. "It's not the value
of the hens I caro about," sho snapped.
"I don't liko to see their heads eaten
off by a great, roaring cannibal." Tho ,
captain could not help smiling a little,
which exasperated her tho more "And
I'll make bold to tell you, Capt. Maged-'
don," sho added, "that it shows a poor(
spirit for a man to claim ho has only a'
dog and a nigger for friends, when ho ,
might havo "
Hero tho widow Marjorio felt herself
giving way. With a last wrathful look
tho darted within her door and slammed
After that, when sho passed the can-
tain she looked across the street and
pretended not to see him. Tho captain
continued to salute her gravely, as bo
fore. In this way things went on for a
month or so.
Thero was a certain annual ceremony
that tho widow Clark ij8ver neglected.
In tho little cemetery, eight miles away,
lay her two boysr twins, of seventeen,
they were when they left her on that
bright morning, ohl so long ago. Sho
never ,w them alive again, and they
rested thero now, under tho soft grass.
Tho husband and father who had
brought them home lay thoro also, now,
and when Memorial day that most
eacrcd, perhaps, of all American days
came around, tho widow laid her blos
soms and wreaths on the three mounds.
Every year, as tho day came around,
che hitched up tho chunky old mare to
tho creaky buggy and drove down
tho tree-lined road to tho place
where the dear ones slept. This year
sho was a little lato. Tho sun had gono
down behind tho hills when sho drovo
down the smooth graveled road. Tho
turf looked fresh and inviting. Sho
strewed her flowers on tho mounds
precious task and sat there for an
hour, thinking of those who had rested
thero so long and so silently. Sho felt
no grief now; a calm gladness, rather,
that she 6hould be able to caro for their
sleeping place so well.
A feeling of loneliness camo over her
as sho rose to go. Tho dusk was
gathering over tho deserted city of tho
dead. Slowly tho old horse tolled up
tho incline. Suddenly tho reins wore
lightened. Tho woman who was driv
ing gave a littlo gasp of astonishment.
Sho peered through tho shrubbery.
iTho stalwart man sitting upon a moss
covered stono with his white head
'bowed upon hia hands was Capt.
Magcddon. J
, The old maro stopped. She stood
6toek still for five minutes. Tho man
jiover movod The dusk grow deeper
Moved by an Impulse sho could never
afterwards explain, Mrs. Clark uowly
descended from tho buggy. She moved
noiselessly over tho grass. She ap
proached tho stooping figure, "Excuse
mo, Capt. Mageddon," sho said, soft
ly, "but will not you lot ino-glve you a
ride homo?"
Ho had risen at tho sound of her
voice. "This is Indeed a pleasant sur
prise, Mrs. Clark," ho said.
Tho traces of tears upon the stern,
strong face sent a pang to the good
woman's heart. "Captain," 6ho asked,
6oftly, "are thero dear ones of yours
here, too?"
"My boy lies there," answered tho
old warrior, pointing to a slim marblo
slab. "He was too young to face that
hell of war. But ho rode by my sido
like a hero in that last mad charge at
Gettysburg, his young f ace aglow and
his fair hair streaming hi tho breeze. I
can hear his splendid cry-of triumph,
that ho eavo as tho ball struck him,
ringing through my ears now. 'Striko
home, father ho yelled, as ho rolled
from his saddle, and I saw him no moro
until afterwards. Poor Ned! It killed
his mother. I came to your town to bo
near him, Mrs. Clark. You must ex
cuse an old fellow's weakness." And
tho veteran covered his face onco moro.
"Captain," said the lady, with almost
motherly tenderness. "There aro two
of my darlings sleeping over there
boys of mine who died for their flag as
yours did. Their father sleeps with
them now. You and I must not grieve
for our doad. They aro perhaps hap
phr than wo."
They drovo slowly homo together in
tho moonlight, a man and woman both
maturo In years, who had seen lifo in
all its varied phases love, joy, grief,
passion, all the emotions that carry a
soul from tho cradle to tho inevitable
end of all. Who shall say that tho1
peace thru came with the sunset oj
their days was not deserved? ;
Buy Keystmr. u ur. rJe eweful that the
niia Ljcssio & Co., Ashland, ii
priulud o& ev-.rr g&i !: 8-8-8UW
Picnic at Columbia Park, Hay 80!h
Mueic by tb tichoppe mil orchestra. 8
Yo Oldo Folke's Conoert With tho
Town Moating Dialogue a
Pleasing' Feature A Patrl
otio Programme.
The claw day exeroiw of the Shen&n-i-oah
IIfKh School's 18th annual commence
ment were held in Iuton's theatre
yi-etcrday afuwnoon. As on the oooarions
of the junior exhibition and the grammar
graduating exercises, the theatre was
crowded. AH the seats, all the Handing
room and all available place, upon the
otaRe were filled. It ieems that tho at
tendance at the graduating exercises in
crease with each year.
The Btate was nicely arranged and very
prettily decorated with flowers and flags,
and above and about the private boxes
were suspended excellent samples of crayon
work by tho Hijtb School graduates.
Thoatternoon exercises were of a novel,
internum and very pleasing character.
Instead of the usual programme of decla
mations, essays and recitations was sub
stituted an amusing, but refined entertain
ment called "Ye Olde Folke's Concert."
A feature of tho entertainment was
a dialogue entitled, "The Town Meeting,"
in which nearly all the male pupils of tho
three High School classes participated.
Promptly at 2 o'clock Superintendent L,
A. Freeman directed that tho curtain be
raised and Miss Mamo Wasley struck up a
march on the piano. The graduates march
ed to thoir seats upon the stage amid a
storm of applause. The young ladies, at
tired as near as possible to tha fashion of
New England, with white, aprons, caps and
'kerchiefs, looked very pretty and present
ed a quaint appsarance.
Bart O. Hooks, the prosidentof tho class,
made a briof address of walenmn to ttm au
dience, after which the senior p.Irps rnnrtnp-
ed "Auld Lang Syne" in a very pleasing
Bennio Jones, assisted mmila nf n
fourth crftdA nrimorT. - -T
and chorus entitled, "Hose of Allandale"
with good effect and Anna Dangler's first
erado grammar class was heartilv nnnlanrt-
ed for its rendition of
"Tho Star Spangle Banner."
"Tho solo "Riding on a Load of Hay,"
by Maggie Brennan, was a very pleasing
aendition and won an encore.
Tho solo and chorus, "Lassie Jean," by
Daniel O'Donnell, assisted by tho first
grade grammar school, was also veil re
ceived; and "The Old Oaken Bucket," a
quartette by members of the senior class,
was very prettily sung.
A cornet and piano duett, "Lakes of
Killarney," by Misses Sallie Beddall and
Helen Price struck a popular chord, as at
tested by the applause at its conclusion.
iliss Dangler's class reappeared and
ave "My Country 'Us of Thee" in true
oatriotic spirit. Nellie V. Eeilly followed
with a piano solo, "Grande Paraphrase
Concert," which was liberally applaudod.
Then followed "The Town Meeting."
Twenty of the male Hijr'i School pupils,
ConUtmed on Seaond Page.
Butter Took a Tumble
It is down to a respect
able price now. You
might as well have the
good. Tho difference is
only a few cents. We al
ways havo the finest
No. 122 North Jardin Stroot
' 1