J mtmm VOli. YI.--NO. 140. SHEKANDOAH, PA., FRIDAY, MAT 20, 1891. ONE CENT. ITHE STTBEST ROAD TO WEALTH IS THROUGH LIBEEAL ADVERTISING- ! 11 NEWS OF THE DAY. Cardinal Gibbons Is seriously ill. Socrctary Blnlno has doclded to leave Now York on Monday noxt for Bar Harbor. Heavy frost greatly damaged tho cran I "E'Teddlo E!nno. 12 venra old. was struck and killed by a train at Now Mliford. Conn. 0. O. Bowman has been appointed re ceiver of tho Star Rubber Works at Tren ton, N. J. The President appointed Wilfred A. Jlobblns postmastor at Mexico, N. Y., and Wallace E. Woodworth, at Lako VII lago, N. H. Matthow McCann, roferoo, and Andrew J. Gardlno, one of the managers of tho fatal Burns-Tracy fight at Lynn, Mass., have been arrested. Tho Sixth District school houses at Put nam, Conn., was burned during tho after noon. Insurance, $5,000. Tho fire was of Incendiary origin. Thomas Cogswell, the Governor's nomi nee for Eailroad Commissioner of New Hampshire, was for tho second tlmo re jected by the Executive Council. Tho situation in tho lumbor lockout in Now York is unchanged. It is claimed that on Monday morning tho long looked for break jn tho doalors' ranks will oc cur. Tho framcrs and housosmlths still hold out. Charles W. Dollrymplo, 23 years old, Is charged at Kingston, N. Y., with being a bigamist and tho husband of four llvine res. 'ne complainant Is Mrs. Ella rymplo of Homo, N. Y who ia Doll tuple's senior by 28 years. While Major Blanchot and Potor Hull, a colored man, wore exercising a pair of young horses, at Morristown, N. J., one of the wheels of their road wagon came off. Both were thrown violently to tho ground. Huff was killed and Major Blhnchet's arms wore brokon. Suit has beon brought at Wlnsted, Conn., in $90,000 to compel an account ing for $15,000 placed in tho oaro of Dr. H. H. Huuccorford Drako of Winstod for Investment 11 years ago by his sister-in-law, Mrs. Moore of Salt Lako City. Utah. All of Dr. Drake's property has been at tached by anorili slocum. Miss03 fine patent ieathur tip shoes for 65c. at tho Boston shoe Etoro. A Now Business. P. J. Cleary has opened a storo in the Ferguson's building, on East Centre street, and is prepared to furnish tho local trade 'With fine leather and shoo findings and all kinds of shoemaker's supplies. His stock is a largo one and well equippod to fully supply all demands of tho trado. 5-15-tf Mon's flno Congress shoos, former price 2.25, now 1.60, at theBoston shoo storo. pectaclos to suit all eyes at F. J. Portz's k and stationery storo, 21 North Main street. 3-20-tf The finest mon's patent loather shoos, former price 3, now 2, at the Boston shoo store. 1 0333STTS per yd for the BEST TABLE OILCLOTH, Bold In other stores for 3e. All floor Oilcloths reduced. Uuu for bargains C. D. FRICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin SL, near Centre JUST RECEIVED AT KEITERS ! GENUINE IMPORTED GOODS Crosse and Blaclcwell's Choiv-Chow and Pickles. French Macaroni, 2 lbs. for 25c. " Sardines In Oil, 2 cans for 2Sc. Jh ancy Mice, 3 lbs for 25c. Eine California Eruits. Fancy Primes, large and fine, 15c, Choice Prunes, 2 lbs. for 25c. Evaporated Jellied Apricots, 20c. Evaporated Peaches, 15c Canned Pears, Plums, Peaches and Apricots, FBESH O-OCLDS- Fine Roasted CofTee, 30c quality improved. Old Government Java frcsli roasted Fancy Table Syrup 2 qts. lor 25c. Ginger Snaps and Coffee Calces, 3 lbs. ior 25c Slciuned Hauis, Lebanon Summer Sausage and Clilppcd Beef Fancy Creamery and Fine Dairy Butter ODBiEJP JJSTJD GOOD. Tomatoes, Corn and Early . . New Raisins 4 lbs lor 25c Waslilnff Powder, 4 lbs for 25c Will have another lot of those JTanoy Moquetto Hugs at $1.25 in IGOMMENGEMENT. FERGUSON'S THEATRE FILLED TO THE DOORS YESTERDAY BY THE GRADUATES AND FRIENDS. The Prize Gontosta In tho Junior Exhibition Decided Graduat ing Exorcises of the Gram mar Class of '01. Tho attendance at tho ir exhibition of tho Shenandoah High Lchool in Fergu son's theatre yesterday afternoon was very largo. All tho seats wore occupied and a numbor of people woro obligod to stand. Tho exercises woro participated in by tho members of the class, numbering twonty six, A prize of 5 had boon offered for tho best, and 2.50 for tho socond best, essay. A prizo of 5 was also offered for the best declamation and ?2.50 for tho socond best. Tho judges of tho competitions woro Messrs. "William Stein, P. J. Ferguson, H. P. Mollot, S. A. Boddall and William Krick, and they occupied ono of tho pri vate boxes during tho exercises. Promptly at two o'clock Edward Shoe maker, tho presidont of tho class, mado a brief addross of wolcomo to tha audience and tho exercisos wore then given in tho following order: Groeting song, Class. Declamation, "The Sioux Chiefs Daugh ter," Sadlo Slattery. Essay, "Influence and Morals of Dress," CoraStornor. Dec lamation, "Effects of Intomporauco," An nio Loymol. Essay, "What Does Homo Moan?" Johanna Sangor. Declamation, "Tho Green Mountain Justice," M.?.ud Klein. Vocal solo, Sadie Baugh. Essay "Advantages of Work," Bridgot Flynn. Declamation, "The Americas Ensign," Benjamin T. Mansell. Essay, "Flowers" Sadie Baugh. Declamation, "Jessio Brown at Lucknow," Bridget Nash. Essay, "No Birds in Last Yoar's Nests," Wilbur J. Lewis. Trio, "May Song," Misses Gruhler, Flynn and Klein. Declamation, "Tho Amorican Government," JRoy Swank. Essay, "Brokon Hearts," Julia Creary. Declamation, "Sergeant Jasper," John Cosgrovo. Double Quartotto, "Come, Hiso With the Lark," Class. Essay, "Bridal and Funeral Flowers," Julia L. Bradigan. Declamation, "Tho Drummer Boy," Jean O. Glover. Essay, "Education Our Own Work," Maggie Coughlin. Dec lamation, "Poor House Nan," Katie Con nelly. Duo, "Merry Alpine Maids," Misses Glover and Sangor. Essay, "Be yond the Alps Lies Home," Julia Donohiie. Declamation, "God Bless Our Stars," Tilllo Kaso. Efsay, "The Future of Our Girls," Katie Eisenhart. Solo, "Only Come," Miss Sarah Baugh. Declamation, "Marco Bozzaris," Edward Shoemaker. Essay, "TIii methodical Women," Anna Biorman. Solo, "Welcome Pretty Prim rose," Joan C. Glover. Declamation, "Tho American Flag," Annlo Burke. Essay, "A Bird in the Hand's Worth Two in the Bush," Fannio C. Gruhler. Decla- June Peas not soalcs 3 cans a feiu days. mation, "Tho Painter of Sovlllo," Carrie Luburg. Chorus, by tho Class. THK riUZKS AWARDED. Tho judges of the competitions wont into session immediately after tho closo of the' oxorcUos and decided as follows: First prize (5) to Miss Sadie Slattery for the declamation, "Tho Sioux Chiefs Daughtor." Second prizo ($2.50) to Miss Carrie Luburg lor tho declamation, "The Painter of Seville." First prizo ($5) to-Miss JuliaL. Bradigan for tho essay, "Bridal and Funeral Flowers." Second prizo ($2.50) to Miss Julia Creary for tho ossay, "Broken Hearts." Below are published tho essays for which tho prizes woro awarded : BI1IDAL AND FUNERAL FI.OWERS. llrldal and funeral flowers Those were the wordItbore; Hucked from the forest bowers, bhlnlng above the florin's door. In the selection of this subject It Is not my object to provo that marriage Is a failure or that death Is a great calamity, alt'.ough la either case it Is very oiteu true. Tho contrast between the bridal and the funeral flower Is very marked, but we shall never know the difference until it becomes our lot to have tho experience. Wo shall all realize In life at some time the difference there Is between the flowers which aro for the bride and taose which are for the loved ones who have de parted this world forever. Thero aro few homes which havonot felt the pang which the funeral flower conveys, but we hope that all who have to endure such a burden will have the courage to do so an well as He who boro tho cross for us; and, although our sorrow for the departed loved ones Is such as can never be forgotten, yet we know that If It were possible lor them to choose between this world and the next, they would cbooso the latter. Indeed, when most mortals of my sex are led to the hymeneal they feel quite satisfied at the time that tho beautiful flowers with which they adoru themselves are fitting emblems of their future happiness. But how many of the-n learn that they aro emblems of misery for them rather than happiness ? But why ? Aro they not generally to be blamed 1 Is It not because they havo neglected to per. form some small duty ? Yes, we generally find It so. By the old, but ever true motto, "Life Is what wo make It," every bride can make her home as unsh lne of happiness rather than a place of gloom of misery. That same b:ldo who had taken such a deep Interest In her bridal trousseau, Is now to be laid to rest forever, perhaps In the same dress which sho woro when she walked to tho altar with her chosen husband. Perhaps her luneral flowers are to bo plucked from the self-same branch as wero hor bridal ones. But, ah I how' different I Then she could dictate as to how they should be arranged, but now those ltns are silent forever. That sweet voice Is never o be heard again. Her luneral Hewers are now to De placed in ner com white hands with the same care as they were twined in her hair when they were her bridal flowers. .Lire is sure to bring us one, or perhaps both, of those flowers, whether it Is the bridal flower that Is the emblem of happiness and lov or the pale rose of death that open the gates of :ieuven. una is Durouos u irueremrjiem nt tinn. nluess. we know they are sent bv Him who knows best. Hut who Is the one to tell Which is most truly blest, The bride In her youthful pride Or tho one who Is laid at rest. BROKEN HEARTS. Man seeks for pleasure, fame, and rank in his station or life. His prime Inclination Is to gain dominion o'er his fellow-men. Avarice Is a vice whloh has broken many a talented and girted man's Heart. We have those whose hearts have never been crushed by any great weight of Borrow or disappoint ment; In other words, those happy-go-lucay people, Who tako lire as It comes. And these are the ones who are liable to scoff at the Idea of people's hearts being broken. To their minds the person with a broken heart lives only In the. fertile imagination of the novelist or the fanciful poet. We often see a man wno suouia De content with his sur roundings, sigh for wealth nnd fame. When these men should be happy In the society of wile and children, they are wishing for the luxuries which only the rich c-in enjoy. He gradually talks his wife into taking his view or things, and they struggle and toll against adversaries, and at last reach the coveted goat, Boon tuoy aiscover mat mere are still drawbacks to happiness. The children who have Imbibed the Idea that wealth alone Is essential to happiness, plunge Into a whlrl- wiuu 01 pleasure, una are apt 10 laugh with scorn, when they look bade at the simple norae comiorts wmcu so aengniea tnem in bygone days. The sons fall In with dissipated young men, scoffers at religion, and then sink downward Btep by step. The daughters have come In contact with those fortune-hunters wnolouow in tno iootsteps 01 rich voune ladles, and the marriages which they thought wouiu ue suuruei vi hjuiuuu uiipiuuess; nave ueen mere jarces. w uore uorr are iney 10 look lo r happiness ? Cau tliev obtain Itlrom the rich hangings of silk nud plush which drape their walls? From tho cut glass In which the rosy wine sparkles on their table ? No I Desolate Indeed seems the castle, and thought wanders back to the Joys of the cot tage, which tad been their homo. What is tnt, end or this short-lived dream or harmt. nesS? Two heart" broken by disappoint ment, J-iie siruciuru wmcu iiieir me worK has raised, has crumbled Into dust. Then there are hearts broken by love. Men do not as a general rule take disappointment In love to bean as much as women. It has been said, "Man's love is ol man's life a thing apart; 'tis woman's whole existence." And from tho days or Homeo and Juliet, down to the many tragedies whleh love causes in this enlightened period or the nineteenth century, there have beeu women who staked their all upon love but lost. Ijove was tun last plank to save them from ship wreck; It floated away and all was lost: then came despair and a broken heart. However, I do admire the matter of faot women who conducts her love allalrs on the Plau that, there are as Rood fish in t e sea as over were caught; and when one venture tails, does not hesitate to bait her hook fur another oatch, and reconciles liertelf to tne nrst tnat win uite. a nam, we nave tne nenrior a motuor, uroaeu inrougn tno w.y wardneks of a son or daughter. Ah. sharper than tho bite or a serpent's tooth, Is the a-t or a iiianuiess cinia, -a parent, wonts nun tons for tho child, plans for him, builds all hope on htm, and expects him to he a source of com fort lu old age. Perhaps It Is alovlnti mother. who lavishes kindnesses upon him; and how nasno repaia uerT ua lorsanes nsr ior me society ot wayward, dissipated companions, Is It not a heart broken mother who paees restless y up and down alternately weeping aud praylug for her erring child ? Ills father loses all patience wltu mm nd drives him from homo In disgrace. The end ot the tragedy comes at last. That fond mother sinks into the grave, her heart broken by the waywardness of ihe child for whom she spent so many anxious uuyh uuu sieepiess uiguis, Hoes he reform? Perhaps; but too late to re store his heart broken mother from the uu timely gravo. That demon drink has orokeu ranru hearts than all other causes combined There is the wife who sees the hard-earned dollars of her husband golug Into the till of the saloon keeper, when she aud her little ones stand so much In need of it. her husband but a W'eck of his former manhood, Tho home once the picture ol comfort, now speaks misery from Us every nook and corner. Can drlnlt havo worked this rntu ? Can it have broken that gentle wife's heart? Oh, ye rum sellers I Is It an, wonder that tho curse of to many mothers and wives hang on your guilty headk? Youoponly violate every law of the .land by selling to minors aud on the fiabbath, aud every law of nature by selling drink to those who have already taken more of the poisonous stulf than their system can bear, llrluk, Indeed, has brnken hundreds aud hundreds of hearts. But, then, there are those whose hearts lie In the graves of their dear departed, bnrali Curran's heart was oroken by the untimely death of her hero tuver, ttoueri, E.mmei, me noble young insu patriot, who died a lelon's death for the cause i his unhappy country. Dear friends, may the Great Comforter of all hearts dispense heavenly consolation to those of you, if there be any, whose hearts are heavily burdened. We know thnt He said, "Come to me all ye who are heavily laden, and I will refresh you." EVENING EXERCISES. Tho graduating exorcises of tho Shenan doah grammar schools, class of '91, woro hold in tho theatre in the evoning. Tho tbeatro was crowded by tho relatives and friends of tho graduates. Tho exorcisos woro of a very Interesting and pleasing character and it is rcgrottod that space will not permit a more detailed account at this time. Tho publication of tho prizo essayB of the junior exhibition, and other import ant matters, procludes tho possibility of giving tho exercises of the evoning full justice, but some of tho litorary goms of thoovoning will bo published in theso columns in duotimo. Rev. John Gruhler, of tho Gorman Lutheran church, opened tho ovoning ses sion with prayer and closed it with a bono diction. Superintendent Freoman actod as direc tor of oxorcisos. Miss Annie E. Coogan directed tho musical part of thoprogrammo and Miss Joan 0. Glovor was tho pianist. The following shows tho material of tho programme and the names of the graduates: Chorusos, "Wolcomo" and "Good Night." Essays "Earn, thon Spend," Patrick F. O'Donnoll ; "Who Shall bo Greatest?" Lizzie Hutton ; "Fault Finding," Mary M. Giblon ; "Stepping Stones," Alexander Manning ; "Associates," Johanna "V. Lynch; "What tho "World "Wastes," Arthur Burchill; 'Attention to Llttlo Things," Mamo V. Reed; "Home and Mother's Influence," Paulino Biorman ; "Mako Your Mark," Katio 13. M' Andrew; "The Tomptations of Povorty," Ha'.tie "W. Jonos; "Things I liko to Seo," Annio R. Stoin ; "Poor and Contont, is Rich and RichEEough," Carrie li. Lewis; "Tho Amorican Flag," Ross M. Glovor. Declamations "National Greatness," Hannah Parkor; "Addross at Gottysburg," Harry "Weidman; "Tho Baron's Last Banquet," Bridget McGuirej "Midnight Murder (oncored) David Owens; "Union and Liberty," Martha Burner; "Tho Fu ture Glory of America," John O. Lowis; "Tho Peculiar Gooso," Maud G. Brown; "Mind, tho Glory of Man," Hippolyto "W. Czyzewski; "Young Donald," Fannio Davis; "Tho Palmolto and tho Pine, Grant Lossig; "Tho American Flag," Guy 0. Keiper; "Old Huldah," Katio Graham; "Charcoal Man," "William James; "Tho Last Hymn," Sallio Rocho; "Emmet's Vindication," James Hough. Vocal Solo "I'll Go Back to tho Old Home," Mary A. Connors. Trio "Tho Parting Hour," Misses Lou Cather and Annio Lingham and Edmund S. Shollonborgor. Duett "Aunt Poggy and Undo Dan," Miss Lizzie Davis and James Hough, Cbroniclos of the Class, Martha W. Shields. S. A. Boddall, presidont of tho School Board, presented tho diplomas to tho graduates just before tho closing chorus. The presentation was accompanied by a brief, but very appropriRto address. Among thoso who occupied seats upon tho stage with tha graduates were School Directors Muldoon, Conry, Bellls, Gable, Hunna, Trozise, Owens, Baird, Stoin, Bod dall, Butts, Bach man and Knebel. School Doctors-elect Gallagher and "Williams and Troasuror Lamb. MORPHINE KILLED HIM. Jndgo nonlt's Death IJlamod on the Phy stclan Who Attended Hlin. Knoxvhxe, Tonn., May 20. The sensa tional death of Judge Houk does not end the sensations in connection therowltb. It is said horo now that his doath was causod by a doso of morphlno adminis tered by the attondnnt physician nf tor tho arsenic had been removed. Tho story goes that Judgo Houk had completely recovered from tho effects of tho pjlson, excopt thnt ho was weak and excited. Ho seemed unable to sleep, and tho question was broached of giving n doso ot morphine. It is said that the family physician advised against it, saying that Judge Houk had heart disease, and that it would bo very dangerous to give him tho powerful drug.. Tho morphine was not glvon the Judge thon, but Inter the physician who had advocated it decided to administer the drug when tho other was gone. This ho did by Injection during tho night. Tho Judgo wont pff to sleep, a sleep from which ho never woke, as the sequel shows. A son of Judgo Houk said that his father would bo alive now but for the dose of morphine. Tho physician who opposed tho administration said that Houk's death is directly attributed to tha morphine. This may lead to a hot debate between tho doctors. Nono of Houk's family has said anything about tho matter publloly and tho son mnde tho remark to a friend. The funeral of Judge Houk took placo shortly aftor noon, and wa9 attondod by an immense crowd. Congressman Enloa was bore. Sonator Harris of Memphis, and Cullen of Illinois, and a number of other Congressmen oame, including Grtep of Georgia. Bishop Joyce conductod the funoral exorcises. Any man can bo good in churoh its be ing good whilo out of church that counts. BRILLIANT RECEPTION. Notables Evont on Whito Stroot Last Evoning. Thoro was a social galhoring lat evoning at tho residonco of Mr. and Mrs. Charlee E. Titman, on South "Whito street, in honor of thoirguests.Mr. Goorgo R. Brnwn,Super intondont and General Manager of tho Fall Brook Coal Company's Railways, Mrs. Brown and daughter, Miss Florence. Tho Trout Run Railroad, of which Mr. Titman is a prominont official, connects at Cammol, Lycoming county, with tho rail roads of which Mr. Brown is General Manager. fiKCEIVINd GUESTS. The two splendid connecting parlors of tho resideuco wor3 brilliantly illuminated and Mr. and Mrs. Titman cordially received tho guests, among whom woro O. M. Lawler, Superintendent of tho P. & R. R. Co's "Williamsport division; "Wellington Bertoletto, Assistant Superin tendent of the P. & R. R. "Williamsport division, Mrs. "W. Bertoletto and daughter, of Mahanoy Plane; Mr. Ben. Bertoletto. Superintendent at Atlanta City; Mr. and and Mrs. M. McMillon, Mahanoy City; Mrs. "Wm. L. Torbert and daughtor, Vic toria, Girard Manor; Edward Kulzner and Misses Uattie and Katio Kutzner, Shatno kin; William H. Lewis, "Wm. Penn; Mr. and Mrs. "William Stein, I. M. Titmr.n, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Keim,,Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Boyor, Missos Bollo Grant, Virgio Hollopetor, Mame "Wasloy, Mamo B. Boyer, Messrs. Dr. Bordner, Hossor Zulick, John Grant and George H. Krick. At 7 o'clock tho guests partook of one of tho most elaborato suppers ever sorvod in tho town. The tables groanod under tho burden of everything calculated to meot tho wishes of an epicure, There was an abundanco of flno brook trout, many of them measuring twelve inches and over, The menu was a lengthy ono and Caterer W. J. Lloyd mado good uso of tho carte blanche given him by tho host and hostess. Tho liquid refreshments were the choicest tha market affords and some rare brands wero among them. After suppor the guost3 adjourned to the gorgeously arranged parlors and enjoyed a most pleasant sociable until nearly mid night. Missos Bertolette and 'Wasley, and Mrs. Keim presided at tho piano alternate' ly during tho evening and Mr. and Miss Kutznor cavo several vocal duetts, which wero enthusiastically oncorod. There wa3 also singing by tho gentlemen and whon tho vocal chords failod to rospond tho terpsichorcan art was called into play. Messrs. Lawler and Bortolette made their presonce oxceodingly companionablo and thoso who had tho good fortune to moot them last night no doubt hopo to meet them again in the near future. Tho roception was an agreeablo surpriso to Mr. and Mrs. Brown, and their daughtor, Mies Floronce, was almost car ried away with enthusiasm. The present is heV first visit to the coal region and sho said that sho hadn't tho slightest idea that so much enjoyment could bo found in tho "dusky diamond" fields. To cap the climax, tho "Washington Cor net Band serenaded tho guests at about half past ton o'clock and rendered several oxcollont selections in front and insido of tho residence. Tho renditions wore un usually good and tho members of tho band woro highly complimentod by the visitor. Mr, and Mrs. Titman were warmly con gratulated, Tho reception was cortalnly ono which can only have a fountain-head in unbounded liberality. Of course Caterer "Billy" Lloyd feols proud of what ho accomplished. If any doubt existed as to his ability in his lino ho dispelled it effectually last night. A voire tanie, Mr. and Mrs. Tilman. Flags, Paper Festooning, Paper Wreaths, &c, for Memorial Day. Tho largest as sortment at bottom prices. At Morgan's Fancy Bazar. It Ladies' flno shoos, boot and shoo storo. 85 cents, at Boston Beautiful I Is what ovorybody says of tho display of ncckwoar at "The Famous" : a 6O0 tio for 25c. Buy Keystone flour. Bo careful that tho namo Lessiq & Co., Ashland, Pa., is prlntod on overv sack. 8-8-3taw Ladies' fine patent tip shoot for 95o, at the Boston shoe store. THE GRAND ARMY PREPARATIONS FOR OBSERV ING MEMORIAL DAY. A LIST OFTHB DEPARTED HEROES Tno Graves in tho Throe Ceme teries to bo becoratod To-morrowLino and Routo of tho Parade. Arrangements for the observanco of Memorial Day to-morrow are now per fected. Groat pains have been taken to make tho observance as iinpresslvo and ef fective as any held In tho town heretofore. Tho following is a list of tho deceased joldiers whose remains lie in the Odd Fellows', G. A. R. and Annunciation cem otertes and whose graves will be decorated ifter thoparado, under tho auspices of Watkiri Waters Post, No. 140, Grand Army of the Republic : ODD FELLOWS' OEXtETERT. Wm. Fenstermachor, "Wm. Taylor, An drow Bolich, Isaac Diotrick, Frank "Will man, Samuel Williams, Capt. Thomas Williams, David Sneddon, Wm. Moore, David Nicholas, Jacob Shuoy, Gethyn Jenkins, John J. Reese, Chas. Taylor Jlicbael Schaefer, "Wm. T. Richards. Samuel Wilson. Wm. 'Rhnk .Tnnoh Beacher, Wm. D. Edwards, John Lantz. Watkin Waters. Wm. Evans Georeo Ramer, Henry Stehlov. Richard HnnkinB. Samuel Rushworth, Samuel Mitchel. a. A. K. LOT. Henry Horncastle, Jacob Derr. Jonathan Dirk, Jamos Harlow, Henry D. Brown, Capt. G. B. F. Kitchen, David P. Brown, Daniel Rose, Wm. Kehlor. AJTNWCIATION CEMETERY, Patrick Welsh, Mathias Laubach. Ed ward Murphy, John Sunderland, Edward Mitchell, John Burns, Patrick Grant, Frank Matz, Edward Coylo, Patrick Curry, John Bainrick. The following shows tho societies that will take part in tho par.tde and tho routo s Tho line will form in tho following or-' der at 9 a. m. Carriages containing Orator of the Dav. old soldiers and Flower Committees ot tho G. A. R. and S. of V. on East Oak street. FIRST DIVISION. Form on South Main street, right rostinjr on Oak street. Chief Marshal Fred. H. Hopkins. Sr. Aids Wm. O Maley, P. J. O'Maloy Division Marshal John Watson Chiof Burgess and Uniformed Police Grant Cornet Band Watkin Waters Post, No. 146.G. A. R Henry Horncastlo Camp No. 49, S. of Vm Hoarse Containing Flowers Shenandoah Lodge No. 691, I. O, O. F. Plank Ridgo Lodge No. 830, I. O. O. F. John W. Stokes Lodgo No. 515, I. O. O.F. General Harrison Lodge K. of P. SECOND DIVISION. Form on West Cherry street, right rest ing on Main stroet. Marshal S. D. Hoss Washington Cornot Band Shenandoah Commandery No. II, M. A. P. O. S. of A. Washington Camp No. 112, P. O. S. of A. " " ' 203, " " " 183, " Washington Beneficial Society Shenandoah Lodge No. CO Sons of St. Goorgo. TniRD DIVISION, Form on West Oak street, right resting on Main Btreet. Marshal Harvey Minors Liberty Cornet Band, of Lost Crook Washington Camp No. 235, P. O. S. of A., of Lost Crook. Anthracite Castlo No. 74, K. G. E. Hope Section No. 10, J. T. of H. & T. Garfield Section No 32, J. T. of H. & T. Major Wm. H, Jennings Council No. 307, J. O. U. A. M. Juvonilo Templars, of Wm. Penn FOURTH DIVISION. Form on West Oak stroot, right rostinff on Wot street. Marshal O. J. Quinn Annunciation Temperance Band Annunciation Cadets of Temperance Continued on Second Page- YOU ALL WANT For Snturdny, Decoration Day. Now is tho tiino to mako it. We have Rasor's and Hiro's extracts. ' AT GRAFS, No. 122 North Jardin Street (-4 ' ; . . .