The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 28, 1891, Image 1

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    SHENAND O AH, PA., THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1891.
YOL. VI.--NO. 139.
The Herald Is very well, thank
you, notwithstanding tho Insinua
tions thrown out by the News.
The News wants tho Third ward to
bo divided by Centre street. No ono
objects to that. Anything to accom
modate tho Doyles will do.
The division of tho borough will be
all right If the wards are cut up to
suit the News. But then'Hhe people"
will have something to say about
There need be no fear of a gerry
mander of the proposed now wards.
If it Is douo at all it will be through,
influence brought to bear by the Dem
ocrats, assisted by the Doyles.
Ah, yes, we almost forgot that the
News wants the Fifth ward divided by
Lloyd street.t doeen't look as If the
Doyles were interested In tho matter
at all (?). We would like to see the
Democratic chart made up several
months ago.
rt . t r L .1
"Tim nrn la rnllilnr thfi
- IIUIUI 1 I L 1J V Mil lit W
farmer." The farmer goes on selling
his corn aud wheat and potatoes for
better pr'oes than he has got for years,
and buys his staple dry goods and
sugar and other groceries as cheap,
and oven cheaper, than before. Un
der such conditions lying is more
than usually unprofitable.
Of the Boyer Tax bill the Phila
delphia Times says: The Boyer bill is
a substitute for tho so called Granger
tax bill, and its chief features com
prise an Increase of tho tax on bank
Btock from six mills, the present - rate,
to eight mills; on corporation stook
from three mllU, tho present rate, to
six mills, and on all personal property
in the form of money at interest from
three mills, the present rate, to four
mills. It is calculated that the state
revenues will ba increased hv this hill
Annt ao nnn nnn n......nll..
nmnnnf la m d .ill in nnnrnnrlnflnM
for common schools, which is increas'
ed from $2,000,000 a year, the amount
appropriated by tho last Legislature,
CE3STTS per yd for tlie
Sold In othor (stores for 85c. All floor
uuoiotus reauceu. uau jor Bargains
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin Si, near Centre
Although Syrups liavc advanced lit prices we make no
change iu the Quality of our Flue Table Syrup at xo
and 12JC
We have a Fair Sugar Syrup at 6c a qunrt
OurXcw Orleans Baking Molasses 2 quarts for 25c Is a
strictly choice article.
Coffees arc also a little higher. We make no change In the
price of our Fine Old Java
our 30c Roasted.
received a lot ot Choice
goods at reduced prices.
1' lne Prunes, 2 lbs. for 25c.
Fancy Prunes, extra large, 1.3 o, were 20o.
Fancy Fvaporated Jellied Apricots, 20c, were 23c.
Fine Evaporated Peaches, 15c, were 25c.
JVeio Valencia Raisins, - four lbs. for 25c,
Good Mice, slightly broken, five " (
White Soap, one 2ound bars, five " "
Currant, Ii tsjiberry and Quince Jelly, five " t(
Plum, Peach and Plncupple Preserves, 21-2 ( te
Good lomatoes, .1 cans " "
Mne Ginger Snajis, choice good, 3 lbs. "
On Account ol Superior Quality.
Our "DAISY" Piour, our lnteitt MlnucHotn in our.
Our l"ltie If roHU nnlry nun Creamery itutier-we don't buy Patent
nutter, una t Here To re have none to Hell.
Our Cliippeil llceruucl Hummer Huusiiue,
Our OldHtylo Yellow liar Honp. More ami Better tlonp tlinu nny
tniuic in tlio maruet. win rto more -vvorlt, I.ecauHo it 18 olrt niut
Ury, Will uot Hurt tracltautlti, therefore cannot hurt tlie clollicH.
A&100 Lunch Baskets, from twenty five cents up.
to $5,000,000. The effect will be to re
lieve local taxation to the extent of the
increased school appropriation. This
is not all tho farmers and other local
tax-payers wanted, but It Is a good be
ginning towards tax equalization, and
is effected without the enactment of
the odlouB iuqulsitorial features of the
Grauger tax bill, and without offering
a premium to manufacturing concerns
to move out of the state. In the next
two years tho friends of tax equaliza
tion will have time to devise some
way of further amending tho law to
their interest without doing injustice
to any class of industry.
Tho Star Company in una aimpc.
Trenton, N. J., May 28. Application
has been made before- Vico-Chancollor
Bird for a receiver for tho Star Rubber'
Company's wJrks. It is stated that-the
indebtedness of tlio concern is large, aud
that Its notes are daily going to protest.
Sailed for tho Seal Islands.
San Francisco, May 28. Tho rovenuo
cutter Richard Rush, having dn board
Special Commissioner J. Stanley Brown
and Special Agents Major Williams, Col.
Barnes and Mr. Nettloton, sailed last
evening for the Seal Isluuds in Behriug
Killed Ills Wife With n llrlckbut.
TJniontown, Pa., May 28. While in a
drunken passion last evening Taylor Tag
gart, a Foyotto City contractor and
builder, killed bis wife with a brickbat.
Ho had been on a spree for several days.
ltcjectnd tho Might-Hour IMI.
Boston, May 28. Tho bill constituting
eight hours a day's work for State, county,
jlty and town employes was rojected in
She Uouso by u vote of 00 to 02.
Tho Lutheran Mlnlsterlum Ailjonrus.
PoTTsrowN, Pa., May 28. Tho Lutheran
Mlnisterium, which has been in pession
hero for sovpral days, adjourned to meet
nest year at Beading.
A New Business.
P. J. Cloary 1ms opened a storo in tho
Ferguson's building, on East Centre stroct,
and is prepared to furnish tho local trado
with lino loath or and shoo findings and all
kinds of shoemaker's supplies. His stock is
a largo ono and well equipped to fully
supply all demands of the trado. 6-15-tf
P. O. of T. A. Notice.
A meeting of Camp No. 40, P. O. of T.
A., will be hold on Thursday evoning,
May 28, at 7 o'clock, sharp. All members
aro urgently requested to be present. By
ordor of
Miss TirxiK Evans, Pres.
6-27-2t MissSauah E. Brown, See' y.
B9autiful 1
Is what everybody says of tho display of
neckwear at "Tho Famous" j a 60c tio for
Misses flno patent leather tip shoes for
83c. at tho Boston shgo store.
Buy Keystone flour. Be caroful that the
aame Lkssio & Co., Ashland, Pa., if
printod on every sack. 3-3-3taw
and improve the quality ol
California Dried Fruits flue
The Ceremony Performed by Rev.
Koplowltz, Rabbi, of Baaton.
A Large Number of Guests
Present Numerous Gifts.
Tho tnarriago of Miss Lena, daughtor of
Mrs. Henrietta Friodman, to Mr. Simon
Yedinsky, at tho residenoo of the brido's
motho, on North Main street, yestorday
afternoon, was ono of the most brilliant
aflaira of tho kind over celebrated in this
section of tho county. Mis Friodman is
a daughter of tho late Emanuel Friodman
who was one of tha oldest and most success
ful business mon of Horth Schuylkill.
Tho groom is a son of Philip Yedinsky, of
Pottsville, and a successful young business
man associated with Mr. Wolf Levine, tho
clothier of this town.
Tho bridesmaids were Misso3 Lottie and
Flora Friedman, sisters of the bride. Mr.
Charles Trier, of Mahanoy City, and Mr.
Lewis Friedman, of town, wore tho
groomsmen. Misses Gussie Roeso and
Carrie Friedman woro the flower maids.
Tho bride was givon awny by her mothor
and Mr. Emanuel Strouo, of Philadelphia,
acted for tho groom,
The guests assemblod in tho cosily fur
nished parlor of Mrs. Friedman's resi
dence and among them wore :
G. Rice, Abo Rice, G. Lefkowitch, Dr.
Griggs and wifo, Miss Dora Meyer,
Charles Trior and Miss Lottie Trior, of
Mahanoy City; Emanuol.Strouse, Philadel
phia; Philip Yedinsky aod daughtor,
Samuel Yedinsky and wife, Pottsville;
M-, and Mrs. Georgo Folmer, Misses
Carrie, Laura and Mary Folmer, Mr. and
and Mrs. Charles'Strouso, Mr. and Mrs.
J. II. Pomeroy, Miss Mary Pomeroy, Mr
and Mrs. H. O. Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. Max
Reoso and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Wolf
Lovino, daughters and sons, Mr. and Mrs.
bchloss, Joseph and Samuel Schloss, Miss
Sillio Schloss, Misses Ida and Huttie
Lessig, J, H. Kehlor, Misses Katie and
Loltia Burkhart, P. J. Ferguson, Leo
Bamborger, Mr. and Mrs. Max RubinsUy,
Mr. and Mrs. Lowis Goldin and daughters,
Miss M. A. Maley, Mrs. Mann, Miss
Annio Mann, Levi Refowich.
The coremony was performed by the
Kabbi of the Jewish congregation of Eus-ton,-tho
Rovorned I. Koplowitz, and was
unusually solemn and improssive, many ol
tho guests being deoply affected by the
eloquent and appropriate address of the
Uovorned gentleman.
In accordance with tho Jewish ritual tho
lights woro lit in the room, although it was
not darkened. Mr. Koplowitz com monced
tho coremony by addressing tho bride and
groom as follows in German :
"Blessed aro those who como in the
namo of tho Lord."
"My beloved couple, I stand hero to
sanctify with tho blessing of our religion
tho b?autif ul covenantwliich you are about
to enter into, and to speak to you the word
of God, before you join yoursopara'.o paths
to travel tho great highway together.
Listen, then, to tho wordf the Bible, fitli
book of Moses, Gth chapter, 20th verse.
O, that wero your hoarts towards ono an
other as this day, that It may bo a blessing
10, you forever.' That this beautiful cov.
onaut be to you abiosEing.tbatthiscovonant
oo to you n well ,of happiness, your hearu
must bo all tho day3 of life as this day, un
ihangod. But how aro your hearts to
day ? In your heart is to-day tho truo and
unchangeable love, a lovo that has set
sldo all.the s.ones that may havo hindered
you, and havo brought you hither to unite
your covenant of lovo. The .lovo thai
unite you, is not liko tho love of parents,
r the love of brothers, sisters and friends,
your lovo is tho truo; love, tha one that h
everlasting, that never changes, that is al
ways tho same in youth, manhood and old
igo. In your heart shall be this lovo, that
it will bo a blessing to you forever. Fur
ther shall be in your heart the promises to
oolong together forover. This promise
must remain unchanged forever. And
tlso, shall bo in your heart the fear of the
Lord. Remember by His word you will be
united. Thoreforo, let your house bd .
true Jewish house, open to assist tho poor
iiid needy, always roady to foed tho hungry
and act like genuine Iruelitoi at all ages :
then this covenant will bo a blessing to you
forever. You bavo arrived at a point to
outer a new life, which you have desired,
which you have thought over and workod
for, and you onter Into it with a feeling
of bappinoss and joy; dark and uncertain,
howover, It lies before you. No one is
there who can toll you what tho future
may havo In store for you, You, my
bridegroom, chain to your fate tho creature
nearest to your heart, who can tell you
whatever you will always be favored by
circumstances to make hor alway and en
tirely happy. It Is easier to win tho heart
of a girl ana to lead her to your homo
than to carry her, with novor changing
lovo and true affection, over tho hills ar.d
through the valleys ol lno. You aro ac
companied by your friends, while y)ur
mother sends hor blosing to you from tho
place whnro your cradlo stood, and tho
father looks from tho elevated place of
heaven down upon his son who i9 united
this day to a loving heart. Let this
strengthen you in your path of life in tho
fulfillment of your duties as a husband.
And why should you, dear bride, feel not
heavy. To-day you leave your parent's
houso to enter upon an unknown path, tind
to lako upon yoursolf new duties which
aro entirely unknown and strange to you, I
It is easier to win tho hoart of a young
man and to influence him with love than
to prove yourself a true and loving wifo at
all times. May jour hoarts bo towards
one another all tho days of your life, that
it may bo a blessing to you orover.
"And now I ask you, Simon Yedinskl,
do you take this lady, Lena Friedman, to
bo your lawful wife, Bnd do you promise to
be to her a truo and loving husband all the
days of your life and novor leave her? If
so, you will affirm it with a solemn 'yos.'
"And you, Lena Friedman, dj yuu take
this man, Simon Yedinski, to be your law
ful husband, and do you promise to be to
him a true and loving wifo all tho days of
your lifj, and never leave hitri? If so, you
will also affirm it with a solemn 'yes.'
"I shall now say the blessing ovr two
glasses of wine, of which both of you will
drink symbolical of the cup of joy and
tho cup of sorrow. United in ono common
life all joys and sorrows to be borne alike
by both."
After pronouncing two benodictions tho
Rabbi took :n his hand tho weddin ring,
aying, as the ring was ono ontire mass, not
separated but continuous, so their lives in
future should bo ono a combination of
love faithfulness and unity. The ring is
called in German "trauring," trau mean
ing. trust, it ought to remind them that it
was the ring of trust.
The ring was handed by the Rabbi to the
groom, who placed it on tho bride's finger.
After giving seven bonodictions, which are
laid down in tho Jewish ritual, and pro
nouncing the blessings the marriage was
declared legal according to law and the
Jewish religion.
Tho brido'was attirol in cream faille, on
irain, trimmed with lace and orange blos
soms, tuilo veil, and carried a bouquet of
nride rases Tho bridesmaids wore dressed
in cream surah, trimmed with lace and
oink roses.
Aftor the conclusion of tho coremonies a
sumptuous dinner was served at 2 o'clock
It reflected groat credit upon tho taste of
tho cateror, Mr. W. J. Lloyd. Every
delicacy of the season was provided with
out consideration of expenses, and the
wines were of the best brands and most ox
oelleut f, lality. Tho wedding cakes wore
from the confectionory of Mr. Fred. Burk
hart. Afto tho dinner J. n. Pomeroy, Esq.,
the Borough Solicitor, made a fow congrat
ulatory remarks and Mr. Leo Bamberger
read numerous letters and telegrams from
Philadelphia, New York, Wilkes-Barre,
Scranton, Pottsville nnd othor point', ex
tending congratulations aud good wishes to
tho happy couplo.
At 4 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Yedinsky
took loave of their friends and etartod, via
the Lehigh Valley railroad, for a bridal
tour that will embraco Philadelphia, Now
York and Intermediate points.
Tho presents displayed wero numerous
and both boautiful and valuable. Many
were sent from a distanco by friends and
relatives who could not make It convenient
to be present. They crabracod oyery con-
oetvable articlo of silver service nnd
jowelry, and, as is always tha c;ise with
Avoddin? presents, somo articles wero many
limes dupltctted Tho presents nnd names
of the donors wero: Rod room mt, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilf Levine; couch, Mrs. Alice
' 9
Y5 ,imVUi'i K
Mann; rocking chair, Mr. Lefkowicb;
ditto, Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Folmor: china
toa sett, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foreman,
Chicago, Hi: berry sott, J. K. Kohler ;
labia cloth and napkins, M. liubinsky;
spread, tho Misses Yedinski ; lambrequin,
uertlo Jteeso: spread, P. J Gauehan :
tablo cloth, Lottlo Reese; towels,
Gusio Itcose: silver wator Ditcher.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Philip Yedinski; engraving,
Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Boyer; dlllo, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Schloss; ditto, J. P. Williams;
clock, SHtnuel Yedinski; silk scarf, Miss
Sallio Schloss; dinner and tea sett, Isadore
riiedraan; one-half dozen toa spoons,
Sadie Reese; ditto, Mr. and Mrs. Moyor;
one dozen ditto, P. J. Ferguson; silver
soup ladle, Miss Annio Mann; satin pin
cushion, Miss Mary Pomeroy; porcelain
plaque, .Mrs. J. H. Pomoroy; rug, tho
Misses Lessig; .wator sott, Strouso Bros.,
Philadelphia; album, Simon Trier and
family; pair of vases, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Goldin; silver wator pitcher, Simon Weil,
Philadelphia; music box, Max Rueso;
lump, Mrs. Rubinski ; silve cake basket,
Mrs. A, E. Arnold, Philadelphia; salt and
popper bottles, Mrs. M. Weinborg ; silvor
sugar spoon, Dr. and Mrs. Grlgg; satin
scarf, Mrs. Amelia Wobor ; pickle castor,
Mr. and Mrs. G. Rice; lamp, Mrs. F.
Burkhart; bronze clock, Mr. and Mrf.
Charles Strouse, etc. ,
Ladies' fine shoos, 85 cents, at Boston
boot and shoe store.
David Faust vhited relatives in Shamo
kin yestorday.
Mrs. Towkeabury, of Catawissa, is visit
ing her mother, Mrs. Erwin, of South
Jardin street.
J. Lloyd Evans, of Wilkes-Barre, was
in town ln.-t night as companion to
Ltow Herbi-rt, of Scranton.
J. George Bender, of Pottsville, spent
part of yesterday in town in the intorost of
Wm. II. Wanamakor, clothing dealer,
Prof. David C. Miles, an accomplished
musician of Minersville and formerly of
Wilkes-Barre, was among tho attendants
at tho Sauvage concort last night.
Mrs. Edward Morgan, of Shamokin,
and Mrs. Rachel Jones and her daughter,
Miss Laura, of Philadelphia, aro tho guests
of Mrs. Mary Parrott, of North Jardin
James G. Button returned to town last
night after an extensive tour through tho
Westorn and Southern states. Issachar
and John M. Robbins, who loft here with
him, aro in Birmingham, Ala.
Georgo M. Israel, trainmaster for the
Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Com
pany at Mahanoy Plane, and Anthony
Farrel, his assistant, aro probably two of
the most energetic and reliable employes
under tho company in their lino of work.
Notwithstanding the recent time tablo
changes, which increased tho alroady
enormous traffic at Mahanoy Plane, they
succeed in getting all trains out of tho
place without delay. Passenger nnd coal
trains are continually entering and leaving
Mahanoy Plane, but it seems they cannot
puzzle the gentlemen referred to.
George R. Brown, General Superinten
dent and Manager of tho Fall Brook Coal
Company's Railways, of Corning, N. Y.,
and his amiable wifo and accomplished
laughter, Florence, aro tho guests of C. E.
Titman, of South Whito stroot, nnd occu
pied a box in Ferguson's theatre last night
With Mr. Titman and his family. The
visitors aro very much pleased with Shen
andoah and will romain hero for a few
fays. Mr. Brown's companionship Is ex
Jingly pleasant. Yesterday and to-day he
visited the numerous collieries iu this dis
trict and receivod due attention from the
various officials. This morning ho honored
tno Hkkald sactum by a visit.
I'rlncoton Jlonoj- Mixing.
Piunceton. N. J., May 28. Thomas II.
Warren, tho last treasurer of tho town
ship of l'riuceton, and a prominent can
didate for re-election to that office, has
been suod by tho township for $13,000,
tho amount ot his bonds. It is alleged
that several Irregularities havo been
found In his books, and it is thought
that some moneys which had boon in
trusted to his caro are missing.
A ltallrond Employe Sueil fur S7.O0O.
New Hav r, Conn., May 28.' John
Griffin, an employe of the New York &
New Haven Railroad, lias beeu sued by
Georgo McQueeny, another employe of
the rond, for $7,000. The latter claims
that while at work Griflln lntontionnlly
turned on the water in a hot wator es
capo, thoroby burning McQueeuy's body
In a very painful manner.
Fruit Damaged by Frost.
Rochester, N. Y., May 28. Thero was
a heavy frost last night in this section
aud the damage done to early vegetables
and fruits Is reported to bo moro serious
than auy that has occurred through the
same cause this spring. It has seriously
damaged grapes beyond a doubt.
Fourtli-Clnsa rostmutera Appointed.
WAsmxoTOtf, May 28. Fourth-class
postmasters wero appointed in New
York Stutn as follows; E. C. Grant, at
Farmer Village, Seneca County; D. W.
Cnrlough, Hopewell, Ontario County, aud
M. C. Bachman, Kaudaiu, Seneca Couuty.
Tho finest men's patont leather shoef,
formor price 3, now ?2, at the Boston shoe
The Newspapers Say tho Peoplo
Will Not bo Trifled With-Ru-dini
and Porter Have an Im
portant Interview.
By National Pros Aasociatton.
New Orleans, May 28. Tho ' situutioa
as regards tho jury bribing cases
in connection with tho Honnossey assas
sination case creates much public com
ment and no little excitemeut here.
Yesterday it was discovered that a
mntorial Stato witness in two of tho
cases had disappeared, and tho cases in
question havo been continued until tho
witness could be brought back to tho
Tho testimony required Is that of a
young man named Leonce Burthe, a mem
ber of a well known family. Burthe has
been located in St. Louis, where ho has
relatives. Ho was a tales jaror in tho
Hennessey case, and it was upon his tes
timony beforo tho grand jury to tho ef
fect that he had been corruptly approach
ed by Ferdinand Armaut, a criminal
lawyer, that tho latter was indicted for
attempting to bribe a juror.
MuttHrlugs of Anothor Storm.
There aro many mutterings of discon
tent. Tho apparent spiriting away cZ
ono of the principal witnesses and tho as
eertion that the law cannot punish
bribers of tales jurors havo made a bad
impression on the public mind and may
lead to serious trouble.
The newspapers aro loud in their warn
ing that the temper of tho peoplo will
not longer permit the delay in tho purifi
cation of tho fountains ot justice. Tho
New Delta says: "New Orleans is not in
a mood to bo trilled with. Wo would
greatly doploro a re-enactment of tho
scenes of March 14, but on that day tho
peoplo wero destroying not individuals,
but a system, and they are determined
that that systcm-ln all its offshoots and
ramifications shall bo destroyed by legal
nnd judicial methods if possible, but de
stroyed." Itiullul nud Porter Talk.
Rome, May 23. The Marquis di Rudinl
has had an important interview with Mr.
Porter, tho United States Minister, and
the New Orleans question has assumed a
fresh phase.
They Aro Getting Out ot Now Orlenns as
Fast as They Can.
St. Louis, Mo., May 28. Mayor Joseph.
A. Shakespeare, of New Orleans, is in
this city. He was asked: "What is tho
position of tho Mafia at New Orleans at
tho present timer"
"They are quiet, quieter than they
havo beeu for years," ho repljed. "Tho
lesson taught thorn at the parish prison
bus had a most excellent effect, nnd I do
not anticipate that we will have nny
furthor trouble with them. I do not
think that there are more than 300 Mafia
in Now Orleans at present, and the num
ber is rapidly diminishing, as they aro
gettingout of town as fast as they can."
"Is Blaine's management of tho con
troversy with the Italian government
popular In Now Orloansr" ho was asked.
"It is, indeed, and I intend to make it
moro popular. In fact, I intend to becomo
Jim Blaine No. 2. Tho rascals now
know what they have to expect if they
indulge In their peculiar lino of business
and can be relied upon to keop very
quiet in tho future. They know that
there is plenty of the same kind of medi
cine ready as was' administered to Hen
nessey's murderers, nnd one doso will bo
Mnyor Shakospeara boliovos that Con
sul Corte was iu sympathy with tho
criminal element among the Italians of
New Orleans.
Men's lino Congress shoes, former prico
$2.25, now $1.50, at theBoston shoo storo.
Prom Tho Nation's Capitol.
Mr. A. N, Hnaen, Washington, D. C.saysr
The Famous Hed Flag Oil. Is a perfect family
medlcluo, aud has ne equal lor Itheumatlsm,
Neuralgia. Bpralns, Outs, Burns, and nil
bodily pain, i'rlce 35 cents. At Klrlln's drug
store, ,
Spectacles to suit all oyoa at F. J. Portz's
book and stationery storo, 21 North Main
street. 3-20-tf
Ladies' flno patent tip shoos for 05c, at
the Boston ehoe storo.
For Saturday,
Decoration Day.
Now is the tiino to make it.
Wo have Rasor's and Hire's
No. 122 North Jardin Street