Picnics and Outings! Severn, tlio Grocer, is head quarters for fine Cheese, Fruits and Vegotables,Canned Heats, Pickles, Crackers, Cukes, Con densed Milk, etc., suitable for picnics and excursions. All new and fresh goods. Cor. Centre and White Streets. PUBMBItBD DAILY AND WKHKIjY. LOCAL LUNCHEON. Ropes are blooming. Chorriet nre coming. CI mil 9 to bo good need but litllo cooking. Savo all Hie flowers you can for the veterans next Saturday. No girl who wants to be a lady should engage in street flirtations. To keep asparagus crisp dip tbo woody ends in an inch ot salty wator. Tho ladios connected with the Presby terian church aro arranging (or a straw berry and ico oroatn festival. Tho Grant Cornet Band will hold its sixth annual picnic in Ojlumbia Park on May 80th. 6-8-3. i Confirmed. Tho favorable impression produced on tho first appearance of the agreoablo liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Kigs a few years ago lias been more than conttrmedilby the pleasant experience o' all who have used it, and the success of tbo proprietors and manufacturers the California Pig ISyrup Company. 2,500 Tablets, Costing from 16 to 25 cent each, at the uniform price of 5 cents, at Max Recto's. Playing Cards. You can obtain a pack of best quality playing cards by sending fifteon conts in postago to P. S. Eustis, Gen' 1 Pass. Agt., B 0. & Q.K. K. Chicago, III. tf The largost stock of wall papor and window shades evor received in this town, or county. Good selection, at P. J. Portz's book and stationery store. 8-20-tf Notice, Fisnerrnen. A lot of fishing tacklo received a little lato will bo sold below cost. Call before going olsowhero to secure bargains. Max lteoso, East Centre street. 5-15-tf Completed to Dead-wood. Tho Uurlingtnn Route, C, B. R. R.. from Chicago, Peoria ana St. Louis, is now completed, and daily passenger trains aro running through Lincoln, Neb., and Custer, S. D., to Dondwood. Also to New roetln Wvomincr. Sleeping cars to Dead- wood. Now Bakory. Scholdor L'tos. havo oponcd a now bakery at 27 Sott.h Main streot, whoro you can 'get fresh bread, cakos, candy and Ice cream. Givo them a call. 6-5 3m Saturday's Pionlo. Tlio picnic of tho Social Club of tbo High School, at Lakeside, on Saturday, promises to bo a vory interesting uffalr and will bo largely attendod. Concerning Sunday Specials. As tho IIbrald will go to pres early on tho morning of Saturday, tho 80th Inst., (Decoration Day) all announcements for Sunday should be (lied at this office not later than 12 o'clock, noonn Friday. Lemon Social. Tho Christian Endeavor connoctod with tho Presbyterian church held a Lemon Social In tho chapol of that church last ovening. It was largely attended and its recoipts wero good. Lowest Hates. Steamship tickets with best and fastest steamers, from Shenandoah to Liverpool, only $22. This includes railroad fare to Now York. Also, railroad tickets to all parts of the West, South and Southwest, at Max Rkhsk's, railroad and steamship office, 10 West Centra street, Ferguson Ilotol block, Shenandoah. tf Commencement Chart. Tho reserved seat chart for the gradual ing exorcises is now open at Kirhn's drug storo. Reserved seats 15 cents. General admission 10 cents. No charge for tho day oxercises. Parties holding coupons will forfoit tlie!r claims to tho rosorvad scats if they do not occupy them by 8 o'clock on tho nights of tho exorcises. 5-2G-2t Tbo Judgoa Appointed. Superintendent L. A. Freeman has selected the judges who will adjudicato on the literary competitions at the Junior Ex hibition oxercises in Ferguion's theatro to morrow afternoon. Tho judges are Messrs. William Stoin, William KriektP. Ferguson, Harry Mollot and &. A. BeddHll. Public Sale, A public salo of one horso, three buggies and carriages, sleighs, harness, Urgo-sized steam chopping machino and boiler, butchor's tools, blocks, etc., will be hold at Shenandoah, Pa., on Wodnosday, June-3, 1801, at 1 p. m. 5-2C-7f James B Lessio, Agent. Died. CO AKLE Y. On the 27th inst.. at Shen andoah, Pa., Mary, relict of Daniel Coak loy, aged 60 years. Funoral on Saturday,. 30th inst., leaving Shenandoah, via the Lehigh Valley railroad, at 12:80 p. ra., for Clair, whero the interment will' bo made. Friends and! relatives respectfully invited to attend 6-27 tf Special Train3. Arrangements have been madofor special trains to loavo town on the Lolling Valloy A fnr Mt. Carrool. Ceiitralia, Lost Creek. Ravon Run, Ashle.nd, Girardvillo, and Mahanoy City at 10:80 o'clock on the 27th inst.. aftor tho cWo of the Sauvage concert, at Ferguson's theatre, Shenan doah. r Coming Events. May 30. Ico cream and strawberry tes tlval in Robbins' opera house for, tho bene fit of the Trinity Reformed church. May 30 Grant Bind picnic at Columbia Turk. May 80 Picnic of the- Junior Social Club of tho Shonandoah High School, at Lakesido Park, (East Mahanoy Junction) June 2 Ice cream and strawborry tes irnl Tinhorns' onora house: benefit of Enelish Lutheran ohurch. June 3 Demorost Contost and entertain mont: Forguson's theatre, 8 o'clock p. m Juno 18. Excursion at 'Washington CamD. No. 200. P. O. S. of A., to Lake side. July 4 Grand Carnival and picnic by Columbia Hoso Steam Fire Engine Com pany. To Our Readers. Arvnn trmihlnrt with Consumption or deep seated Cold, If so take healthy exeroie. live In open air, use I'auTlna Cpugh and Consumption Cnre. and he oured. Don't delay. Trial Domes ireeai ivirunu urugsiure. Best work dono at Brennan'e steam laundry. Everything white and spotless, Laco curtains u specialty. All work guar antoed. John A. 6-6 Waters' Weiss boer is tho best. Reilly solo agent. Plonio at Columbia Park, May iKHh Music by the Schoppo full orchestra. C The Open Air Oor.cert. Tho Grant Cornot Band's open air con- cort will commence on ThuVsday ovonlng at 0:30 o'clock, Instead of 7.30, on occount of the graduating exoroisos in Forguscn's thoatrc. A Boy's Leg Crushed. At noon to-day two boys attempted to lump upon a moving coal train near tho Lloyd stroot crossing. Ono of thorn, An thony Rogtisny, agod 7 years, fell and the whaols passed over his left leg, crushing it so badly that tho limb will very likely be amputated juit below tho knoo. Drs. Kistlor and Slraub attendod tho injured boy at his residence in Robbins' row, noar tho placo where tho accident occurred. INJURED IN THE MINES. WANTS, &o. WANTED A good, etroua boy to Irn tut printing builatsc, Apply at this ollloa. 1TOR SALE V stabling, No. 315 M. I Conry. A frame house, with E. Centre Bt. Apply to 5-21-lw DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR sale. One of the most desirable proper ties on West Oak street, for sole on reasonable terms. Apply at'Ilowse's grocery store, cor ner Jardln and Oak streets. Mhenandoab, Pa. FOR SALE An eight-room friinie dwelling on Ilaspbrrrj alloy, at the rear of the Glcek Cat hollo churcu. Apply lo 1'atrlck McCue. 6 22 lw 1FAN riin-An nctlvo reliable man V salary 7o to 8o monthly, with In crease, to represent in his own section a i uonslble New Vork House, References. MANUFACTURER. Lock Box 1585, New Yoi John MUllahy Seriously Injured in Shenandoah City. John Mullahy, a young man residing on East Cenlro stroet and omployed as a "runner" in a slant nt tho Shenandoah City colliery, was soriously injurod while ho was at work yesterday aftornoon. When a car was descending the slant it jumped the track and Mullahy, who was running along sldo of it, was crushod against tho coal. The young man was carried out of tho mine in a semi-conscious condition. His head, shoulders and body wero torribly cut and bruised and it was feared he would not survivo, but to-day the reports of his condition wre more en couraging. His skull is fractured, how over, -and his frionds fear an ultimate fatal rosult. Railway Appointments. On Juno 1st, William H. Blood, now superintendent of tho Atlantic City Rail road, will-become assistant superintendent f the Long Island Railroad and its telo- crranh svstem. B. F. Bortoletto will suc- ceod Mr. Blood as superintendent of th'fr Atlantic City Railroad. Ho is now train master of tho main lino division. Mr. Bertolotte is a twin brother of W. Borto- ette, of Mahanoy Piano. Ho has a rail roading experience of twenty-six yoars and has well earned the position he will assume on June 1st.! The Soap that Cleans ; Most is Lenox4 FOR RENT Store nnd building , now occupied by the Shenandoah uaKery uo. lor ma uracturlng au l retail randy btislnoss. Two floors 0)x2Ofe3t. Apply A GRAND OFFER -For half nrlce. a cabinet orean. et one new heater, and a good Rewlue machine dole, at organ, good as new, Inquire or Mrs. CcnnlcK, Coffee House, North .muiu Bireei, nnenanuoan. o-m-lw 1DKOPOSALS Proposals will bo re JL colvert by the undersigned committee up to .May 30, 1811, for raising the KlrHt wrd school building three feet. Alo for excavat ing ard the onsl ruction ir a stone wall under the same. Therlijhtto r.Ject any or all bids Isreservod. Additional Inlormation can be ouunneu upou application lo the committee, Thomas Haird, K.A.Davenport, H. J. MuLnooN, James O'Heahn, 6-14-Ut WILLIAM 8TEIN, Great Bargains MATS and GAPS -AT- Scanlan's Hal and Cap Store. Justdrop In and f co his 81 stiff hats. They beat anyblng In the market. There Is a n great run at Hcaulau's for his 23 cent neckwear all new styles. Oood working shirts lurfiOc, also good whlie shins for GO cents. Scanlan Carries the Celebrated Pearl Shirt Best made and best fitting shirt In the mar ket. Headquarters lor Children's Jookey Huts and Caps lor'Zic, also a big lluo of gins- Home uiys tor inrge line m, of Overalls niidSuramerOutlog emris iornjo. jioj-b wribis, 25c. Ail goods reduced according to times. 19 SOUTH MAIM STREET." A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written. .marriage licenses anu legal claims promptly attended to. cal Estato, Collcctioa and Insurance Agency. General Fire Insurance lluslness. Represents uionuuiiwraiiiru niie insurance uo. OFKIOK Mllldoon'H ltlltlftlnp. nnrnnr fVnlrn and West Bis., Hhenandoah, Jl'a. Good Properties of All Kinds For Salo. .A two story double framo dwelling house, A dwelling and restaurant on Kast Centre street, Desirable property od onf ner Centre and Jardiu streets, Huliable for business pur poses. A two story double frame dwelling, on West Llovd street. , Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Con- ire Hirt'ui. Two 2 story dwellings on the corner of uoai ana uuesmui sireeis Htore room in one. Two-story single home on Nor Miestnut street with a large warehouse Attiurear. !. Three, two-siory .double framl- ..IdlUgs l?1P0RTANT NOTICE I AU persons are hereby warned NOT TO FISH IN TO DAMS ! Belonging to tho Shenandoah Yfoter Company, aud oil parties caught violating this notice will be Prosecuted as Trespassers. By order of P. J. FERGUSON, MANAGER. orra m&xcT ca3xrxji"sr Our Bill of Fare. Prepared and published expressly for thu Hkralp readers. THURSDAY". BRKAKFABl. Oatmeal Alusb. Buttered Toast. Dropped Ecks. Graham Crackers. Cereal Coffee. DINNER. Beef Steak. Asparagus. Boiled l'otatoes. VV noie w neat uouis. uuuw, Lemon Tie. "Water. SUl'PKU. Tea Rolls. Broad and Butter. Cannod Fruit. One Ek Cake. Milk. scnoKNKn's bkstatjrant, (Boddall's.Bulldlng.) Frozen Oysters. "Ik Oyster Stows. Fr ed uvsters. uoauBn ubkos. Little Neck Clams. Frlod Clams, f! lam Souo. JJrioa Triuo. Ham and Errs. Shoep Tongue. Cream Oyster stews. Panned Ovators. Vanilla. Strawberry and Chocolate Ico uream. Wednesday Eve,, May 27,1091 Prof. James Sauvage ! of New Vorh,lato Principal Baritone of the Carl Rosa Opera company, ionaon, iug., Mil. TONZO SAUVAGE,1 Assisted by Jill. LKW HERBERT, of Scrantou, Basso, BIGNOR OWilBWRLA, Tonor, and number of other distinguished artists la a W, bV SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Mastellcr's old stand,) Corner Conl and Jardiu StH- Mr. Snyder will always keep In stock a flue line of boots and shoes. Custom Worf aud Rcpairi9i; done in tho best style. He guarantees to sell cheaper thnn competitors on Main street who have big rents to' pay, and guarantees u genu ine bargain on every purchase. First Nat Bank theatre; huii.ii:n5, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $100,000,00. W. Leisenring, Pres., . P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisenring, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier. John R. Coye, Attorney-at-Law AND 1 Real Estate Agent, OFKIC&-Beddai,is Building, Cor. Main and Centre Streets, SHENANDOAH, PA. PROPERTY FOR SALE: A two and one-half story double frame dwelling house, with stare-room and res taurou , Located on East Centre street. -A valuable property located on South Jar diu street. t?evcu dwelling houses at the corner of GI1 bertnnd Hoyd streets. Goodlnvestment. Terms reasDnable. j a. coylk A TIORHEY-A T. LA W. Office BeddaU'd bulldlnc, comer Mhi unrt Centre atreAU Open Daily From 9 to 3. 3 PEEf CENT. INTEREST ! Jfnld 011 Hnvlncs DepoKttH. J 11 POMEIIUZ, ATJORNEr-AT-LAW. Milne JlMdtll'i bnlldlnic eornor Mln nrt Oentn Attention, House Cleaners ! The warm weather is here, aud house-oleaulng is the next thlnir in order. Ana at buoii times most everyboay needs something to brighten up the home, so if you need a good carpet of either Velvet, Moguett, Body or Tapestry Brussel, TWO OR THItEE-PLY INGRAIN, HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS You can find a full assortment at PBICE'S. . Curtain Poles of Window Shades, Floor and Table Oilcloths aud Linoleums of all grades. Prices caunot be beaten when quality is considered. No misrepresentation one price to all. - The committee liavlner charce of tho concert will meet every Saturday evening, at 7 i'. av me usuaijpinoo. t PRICES, 2535 nnd 50 Cents. Reserved seats on sale at Klriln's drug store WALL PAPER ! K CAHLOAB JOST ABRIVED AT MBLLBT'S Blanks Be Gilt 8c Embossed 12 l-2e Window Shades, spring rollors..2fio Curtain Poles 25o THE CONCERT TO-NIGHT. A Brilliant Event at Ferguson's Theatro To-night. Tbo concert to be given in Fergusonls tbea'.re this ovening promises to bo tho musical traat of tho season. Mr. James Siuvago, the renowned "Velh baritoni arrived in town at noon to-day and will bo on hand with his son, Tonza, to take part in tho concert. Mr. Sauvage was four years a roembor of Carl Jtoia's Opora Company in London, Ungland, and ho has supported somo of tho world's greatest lvrln .. His son, Tonaso, inherits the musical talent of hia tathor and is a pinaist of marvelous ability. The Mors. Bau- vaito will be assisted in tlio concert by Mr. Llew llerbort, ot Soranton, bignor Oymbwrla, and tho Gwent .Glee Sooioty of twenty voices from Mt. UarmM. Mitses Edith Morgan and Joanetto Bevan, of town, will assist. Mr. Ilerbert is a famous basso. Still at the Old Stand SCHEME'S v a. r-fj'o. ,29 East Centre St. Shenandoah. SIOVED TO 22 East Centre St., Shenandoah, CHAS.;T. RIDE'S OLD STAND. Startling Faota. The American people are rapidly becoming araoe or csrvous wrfcun, ana ;ne louowiui; Hnmesis the best re' edvi Alnhuiiso HemDll- Ing, of lluiler, a., swtnrs thai wtienhlsson was tipfcmeM iruiu ei. 'iiuh uuuee ur Miles' treat Restorative Nervine ourfU him. Mrs J. It Miller, of Valparaiso, ami J. D. Xuslor, of l.ogausport, Iiul., enai ualued'AI, pounds from tuning it. Mrs. 11. 'A. Uuntuer, of Vistula, Xua., win ouroa or 10 (owoon. vultlonsu day, ana itiuoh lieuu icli.-, oiu -iih. bnokaohe am! nrrvous nrotrallon hv one bottle. Trial bottles, uiirt Que books of marvelous eureti, fieo at u. II. iiugenMu'h ihe druiigist, who reooniiiienUB audgnaruu tees this unequuled remedy. Grunt Band plonio May 80lh. 6-8-8w Bettor prepared than ever lo serve our many patrons with a superior quality or, Bread, Cakes. Ice Cream, Confectionery of all Kinds Lace Grata Kinds I. PRICES'S Oid Reliable Stand 113 Nortli Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa, A difference in nuvtorial makes a material difference. Low values and high prices benefit nobody in the long run. We make your dollar count by giving you its full Value 01 Uood, Honest (ioods. With Clothing that is durable Cntting that is intelligent and Making and Finish of the best, w are sure of your continued custom A Difference in Material A Material Difference. NOW ONLY KX0BM0U8 PILE OF -AT- BUNCJAr & WAIDLEY'S -At a sacrlflce.- Handsome designs and new. Woli wortksoc. Tti order to rpII limm quick we have shaved the jirice down E"Doil'L let this onnnrtimllir .ino . - 11 -........ by. Duncan & Waidley, No. 8 South Main Stseot, Shenandoah, Pa. OABB5 The Photographer Is located at No. 14 North White Street. Having nan his gallery greatly Improved, Uo o uipuv'.mji jin'iiaieu uiuu ever to meet thowanu of the puMlo lutliopaoto. feraphlo line. The best photo graphs at '.owest i rices. Crayon Work a Speoialty. New Jilrm. 'JHew Stoclc. Green TmcK, Fine Groceries, -FRUITS, be, Delaware roe shad and Cher fresh fish right from tho boats on Jrldays. Fresh Greens from the South. Evan's Building, B. Centre St. " (J. S, WlUta M old stand) Everything new and resh. Goods dell vered to any p.irt of town. R. C. KNK3-HT & SON. Cor. 13th and Chestnut Streets. IT Opto on Saturday Evenings Until Midnight Open on otlior evenings (Junday ezoipted) until It o'clock, .CLOSED ON SUNDAYS, PCMTO for a Window Hhade. UtlM I Others for 85a. -450, ff'c. B3c, 75a ahd upwards. Bhades made lor stores and private dvelluigs. Cus tomers desidlcg only the fixture or shading by the yard oan be accom- inuuuieu. Examine our stock of Men's, Boys' and Child-, ron's CLOTHING-. It will cost you nothing if you do not purchase, and if you do find anv- tlyng to suit your taste you can buy it at wTe lowest ngures. A 50o ISTEOKTIIE FOR 25 CTNTS. -AT- FAMOUS" ' ONE-PRICE, CLOTHING. c.D.Fncke, 10 South Jardm 'No. 11 North" Maiu Street, Sliftiiandoali, Pa. EAGLE HOTEL! 221 Y. Ccitre Street, sjE3:B3srTro-A.i3: , Formerly toptUy Mrs. Omvllle. The above hutel Is now kept by JOHN "W. WTEKKS, Formerly of the Keystone Hotel, Qllberton, xitbi ui uuuuiniiiouuiious lor Permanent and Transient Guest The bar? j stocked with the b?st brands of clgD.s,ale, beer, porter and liquors. EXCELLENT FHEK LUNOU COUNTER. McKeon's Saloon, 109 east centre st., Beer, Whiskeys, Brandies, Porter, W.INKS AND CIOAIUJ Of the finest brands. Music furnished for balls and parties, from one to five pieces. ICE CREAM, ICECREAM. lly the plate or measure, aho put up In 5, xo nnci 20 Cent PncIcnKCH PETER CECCHINI & BRO.'S, 117 EA.8T OEN'TBK 8TIIEET, Lambert, The Hatter, Carries an extraordinary lino of Hats, Caps and Dents' Furnishing Goods , and makes a specialty of Nellie lily nnd Mary Anderson Caps, e BAST OHNTBB ST. f 1 MA A A