Presents In the most elecrant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUICE OF THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It is the most excellent remedy known to CLEWSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY . When one is Bilious or Constipated SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REPREBHIHO 8L!?P, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUQG'ST FOFJ MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. WUISVILLE. KY NEW YORK. N. t. THE SEASON FOR PIC-NICS Committeemen should bear in mind that the Herald oflice is prepared to do all kinds of Poster Work! at the moat reasonable rates. Give us a call and obtain our prices. All work done when promisedand in a satisfactory manner. Do You Like Soup ? If BO, ask your grocer to send you a quarter pound tin of C3 CC o Lu CC LU o GTS 30 O O rn so CC O 0 CO All In a dry state. Bold In Europe (manufac tured there), Asia, Alrlca and now, by Its own intrinsic merit, forcing ltBelf Into every city, town, village and hamlet In the United States. Bamples lurnlshed free; lor. which, and price list, address OLIVER ANKETELLi 26 South William Street, MEW YORK CITY. lit Lain. nTO jon new Rubbers? Sni iarty. Why, not Tbisa are th old oat cree&oa vnui Wolffs Blacking It makes them look liko nw; and my shoe also drwaed with X. hold their polieh IJNDJiK tho robber, even should tlw sdoit creep In, Change a Pine Table to Walnut. A Poplar Kitchen Press to Antique Oak. A Cane Rocker to Mahogany. See what osnba down wi'!t 2 Uo. worth ol rnr it". WOT-PF s RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. JWt n lint- PWn nnii T7HM F'lTifAinQ StOTO. 8ioo nud Upwards CAN HE INVESTED IN A 1 OH I XX VIC AND SAFE i5 PorCent. Dividend JPaying Stooli. Full particulars and Prospectus can He had on application or addressing 8. I.. HIJ1PHON, Hanlter, 64 Mrontlwuvi, gt. Y. yJ B. BRIOKER, Ji. D., PHYSIOIA N AND SURGEON; No'. 1 Kast Centre Street; Kahanoy City, i ;rj&ui auu nn npcumi umeaiMMk u specially, B. 00Y1.K ATI OB NEY-AT. LAW. Office BeddRiribnUduiK,conier Mln and Oectra MreeU. II MINlSTElOT WAR -H Sovoii Offeiulbrs to "bo Placed on Trial To-Morrow. A BITTER CONTEST EXPECTED. . t It is Charged thai the Reformed Presby tenan Bynoj Has Been Faoied. Tho Clerical Dologntes Assembling at Pittsburg An Effort to Devoto tlio Plrst of tlio 'Session to Prnyor mut Pasting Tho Genoral Assembly at Detroit to Con. sldor Dr. Ilrlggs' Ctiso on Thursday. PirrsBuno, May SC. Thoro is every In dication that tho sessions of tho Synod of tho Reformed Presbyterian Chnrch of North America, which boglns hero to morrow, will bo full of bittornoss and I contention. So marked has tho fooling among tho mombors, become 'ovor tho proposition to cast out scvou liberal minded young ministers that, it is said, no loss than 40 clerical delegates will have to go to hotels while sojourning in tho city. TJsuolly thoy are entertained by members of tlio church. Tho charge is loado that tho Synod has been systematically packed in anticipa tion of tho approaching trials. It is al leged that in tho Presbytrios, whon tho election of delegates cumo up, caro was taken to set aside men of liberal views and elect so-called conservatives. The whole dllllculty hinges upon the old Covenantor doctrine that members of tho Church Bhall not participate in civil elections until "God" shall bo rccognizod in the Constitution. Tho Liberals con tend that members should liavo tho right to oxorciso their own views. Py way of preparing for the struggle to como tho committeo having charge of tho prosocu tion of tho sevon offenders will rocom rnend that tho first day of th"s Synod bo devoted entirely to prayer and fasting. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Dr. Briggs' Cnso Will be Taken Up on Thursday Morning'. Detroit, May 20. Tho debato in tho Presbyterian General Assom'uly on tho seal of tho church finally wound up in tho presentation of a dsf.en suggestions at once. Tho whole matter was recom mitted for tlio committee to ponder ovor for another year. Tho Assembly decided to remove tho financial restrictions which have serious ly hindered the work among tho Southern negroes. The report of tho Committee on Thoo logical seminaries was made the first order of tho day for Thursday morning. This will open up tho Briggs caso for dis cussion. The sentiment expressed on all sides freely is that Briggs must go. If tho Assembly so decides it is genorally be lieved tho trustees of Union Seminary will withdraw that institution from under tho wing of tho General Assembly and' make it an independent college. THE COST OF ORDER. An Enormous Sum Paid Out In the Con test With tho Coku Strllcors. GnEENSBUito, Pa., May 20. Tho sum paid out by tho coke companios for depu ties,arms and legal expenses during the great strike foots up very largo. Thoro havo been on duty 400 Plnkorton dotoctives at $3.o0 per day for 20 days, costing about $28,000. Besides there havo boon sworn in in both counties 800 local deputies, who served an average of a month each. At the rato of 25 cents an hour this amounts to $72,000. Tho Winchester rifles and other small arms wore expensive items. fciViro than 1,000 eviction, writs wero is snod and executed at a cost of $15 each. Injunction writs and costs havo amount ed to $2 moro. Tho criminal costs and that of maintaining tho State troops will make an enormous aggregate. Tho Ball Flayers Domunil Jury Trials. Cincinnati, May 20. All of tho ball players engaged in Sunday's game wero present in tho police court to answer the chnrge of playing ball on Sunday. King Kelly was there with his full quota of ball players, and pleadod not guilty. Attornoy Hart demanded a Jnry In each case. The case of Manager Bancroft was set for next Friday, to be tried by a Jury, while all the players will be tried likewise on Wednesday of next week. Jilted and Attempted Suicide. BwDUEPortT, Conn., May 20. Babbitt Bourrle, a yonng German girl, attempted to commit sulcido by jumping off a bridge into the Connecticut River, a dis tance of SO feet. Sbo was rescued by a boatman. The girl had a quarrel with her sweetheart, John Schmidt, because he paid attention to other young women. Ilroho the Yulo llunnlnir Ileoord. New Haven, Conn., May 20. W. B. "Wright, jr., Yalo '02, has broken tho Yale record for a half-milo run. Tho record was formerly 2:03 2-5, and this has been out down in a private trial by Wright S 1-0 seconds. It Is thought that Wright will win the halt-mile run at the Mott Haven games. Ez-Gov. Uutler Dies Suddenly. Lincoln, Neb., May 20. Ex-Gov, David Butler died suddenly of heart failure at his home, near Pawnee City, early in tho morning, in his 03d year. He was Nebras ka's first Governor after she became a State. Bald to Have Stolen $20,00O. Paterson, N. J., May 20. Cornelius A. King, until recently a bookkeeper In tho Now York ofllce of Hlnchcliffo Brothers, brewers of this city, is alleged to bo a de faulter to tho amount of $20,000, Negroes and Italluns Fight. PAiuutRSBtma, W. Va., May 20 re port from Braxton County says that 180 Italians and 70 negroes, working on a railroad, got into a fight and eight Ital ians wero killed. Jamos Gordon lloimott'a Latest. London, May 20. James Gordon Ben nett, of tho New York Herald, is about to start a hand written journal at Kafum bilo, on tho Congo, to bo kuown as the Congo Mirror. The Portuguese Treaty Signed. London, May 20. Tho Portuguese treaty with tho Congo Stato has been signed. Portugal allows most of tho claims of the Congo State, but receives (tub territory on the West coast, clighest of all in Leavening Power. ' ABSOUUTEOf WWm DEFENDS MRS. SURRATT. llor Confessor Declares Ills Ilellef that She Was Innocent. New Yoiik, May 20. At a meeting of tho Catholic Historical Society last night papers written by Cardinal Gibbons and Kov. J. a Walter, of Washington, D. C, wero road. Thoro was much interest manifested ovor Father Walter's reply to tho Cen tury article, as it was expected to be somewhat caitBtic, if not sensational. Father Wnltor relates how ho became in volved in tho unfortunate Surratt affair, and declares his belief that Mrs. Surratt was an innocent woman. "At tho timo of Lincoln's assassina tion," rays Father Walter, "I was pastor of St. Patrick's Church in Washington, and among my parishioners was Mrs. Surratt. 1 was her confessor. Whon sho was arrested sho sent for mo, and I at tended to her spiritual wants until she went to the scaffold. I cannot, of course, violate my vows to tho Church and loll tho scorots of tho confessional, but I will say that from what I know Mrs. Surratt was lnnocont of any complicity in that great crimo. "I tried my best to save her lifo, ond if sho had been given a reprlevo for 10 days I believo I would have succeeded in doing so. I called twice upon President Johnston and was by him sent to Judge Holt. The judge in turn sent mo back to the President, and I got no satisfaction. Even on tho morning of tho woman's ex ecution I attempted to obtain a reprieve for hor, but I was unsuccessful, and she died, I believo, as innocent of that crime as a babe unborn." What the Druggists say of HeiskeH'sOintment: When we nre asked to recommend a prepara tion for skin disease, we hand out IIkipkelis Ointment, with every confldenco of its success ful treatment of the disease." J. C. Kkdick, 0 Main St., Butler, Pa. "I have been selling IIeiskf.ll's Ointment for eleven yenrs. It gives unlvenuil satisfaction It will cure Tetter.' Q. W. llACKKNBEnoEK, Batnbridge, r ' We have evidence of the curative properties of Heiskeli.'h Ointment here. It Is a gooi? relluule ointment." Fleming & Esleh, Tarentum, Pa, "In all skin dlseaes I invariably recommed IIkiskkll's Ointment." J. J. Keil, Shnrpsbure, Pa. " ITeiskell s Ointment cures when all elss falls." McClkllan A Reed, Preeport, Pa. ' IIeiskell's Ointment sells on Its owrf merit-" n. li. Hilton. Klttannlng, Pa. & Hew Idea in Corsets. PATKNTED JANUARY 22, 1889. Famous for comfort and elegance, opens with ease, elves Instant relief, always retains Its original Bhape, has all the requirements envolved In the mailing of a perfect corset, i, WEAR NO OTIIEIt. PRICE, BOe, 7.fe, $1.00 and $1.35. FOR BALE AT MRS. J.J. KELLY'S MILLINERY, 26 SOUTH MAIN STREET, JS H 3E3 3VT X3 O -A. IX . OH MY BACK ! That generally means pain and suffering. But why sutler? Or Gros-venor'sBoll-cap-slo Porous Plaster will relieve you In one night, sure. Bend a penny (tamp to Qrosvenor & Rlchards,Buslon,Mass.,and learn how to mnove a porous plaster scientifically It will pay you and don't forget that the best porous plaster In the world has the picture ot a bell on the back-cloth, and Is called DR. GROSVENOR'S Bell-cap-sic. A New Venture W- "RA MSA"? POTTB Has opened a AT No. 218 N. CENTRE ST POTTSVIIXE, PENN'a! Bales of assorted goods, notions, hardware, glassware, etc,, etc , A ,, Goods from all parts ol the county solicited on commission. Q M. HAMILTON, M. P., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offlce-28 West Lloyd Street, Bbenoonoah f fjj 17. Sw Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889, Weather Indications. W isntNOTON, May 20. For Now England p.j J Eastern New York! Generally fair; cooler, e.tccpt stationary temperature; in extreme Southern Now York! winds becoming north westerly. . For New Jersey; Showers; sll(?htly warmer? variable winds. For Western New York and . Western Ponnsylvynta: Generally fain slightly cooler? wind becoming northerly. NIW YORK aiAltUIHTS. New York, May 25. Money on call loaned easy ut 4 und i per cent. BONDS. Closing Closing eaiuraay. xo-aay, 4Vs, 1801 Reg 100 100 4is. 1801 Coud 101 118 4 s. 11)07 Iteg 110U 110U I 5 B, 1007 Coup UQ)i 117J4 &TOCK MARKET. Closing Closing Saturday. To-dav. Canadian Pacific 7BM Central Pacific SOU Chicago, Bur. &. Quincy S8!tf Delaware & Hudson 132 Del., Lock. A: Western 1U7H Erie. 20g Erie pref 51M I.nko Shore H0?i Lout. & Nosh 77J Michigan Central 80U Missouri Pacllic 084i New Jersey Central H5W NorthwestJin .108)4 Orptrnn Navigation 71 Pacific Mali 35 Reading 33M Rook Island 74H St. Paul 04U Union Pacific 4j Western Union 80 PllODUCE MARKET. May. June. July. Wheat 107V6 100 0 lOiU Cnm 00V6 03! Oats 65tt 54' mnxwm like iti Blood is thicker than water, ttnd must be kopt pore to Insure good health. Swot's Srncmo ia natoxesieatefy for this purpose. It never to falls ollmnato the lmptta ties and tratld up the general health. There is only one Swiff a Spociflo, asd there is nothing liko It. Be suro and got the genuine. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Tho Swift Specifio Co., Aflxnfc, Gu CARTER! ITTU feck Headache and relieve all tho troubles fccf dent to a bilious Btato of the system, such eH Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating. Pain In the Side, &c While their moaO jremarliahlo success has been shown In curing A vim fleaSache, yet Carter'a little Liver Plus ara equally valuable In Constipation, curing and pro .Tenting this annoying complain t,whilo they also) correct all disorders of the a tomachtlmulale the liver and regulate tho bowels. Even If thoyonlj " HEAD 'Aobs they would bo almostprleeless to thoga who Buffer from this distressing complaint; but f ortu Satelvthelrcoodnosadoes notondtiera.nndthoss xtho once try them will find these Iittlo pills vain 'able In so manv wavn that tho v will not ha wit. tUog to do without them. But after nllfllckhea4 ACHE li tho bane of so many lives that herolawbera we maie our great coast, uur puis euro iswauo Others do not. I- Carter's Little Liver Pflla ara very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a doso. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, bat by their gentle action please all who, use them. In vials at 25 cents; five for $1. Sold by oraggists everywhere, or sent by xnalL CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York! SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Office of ) Comptroller of tub Currency, . f'aMngtoti, AjnHl S, 1891. J Whereas, By satisfactory evidence pre sented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that "The Merchants' WaUonul Bank of Shenandoah," in the Borough of Bbenandouh, In the County of Schuylkill and State ot Pennsylvania, haB complied with all the provisions of the statutes of the United States, required to be compiled with before an association shall be authorized to commence the business of banking. Now, Tiiebefore, I, Edward 8. Lacey, Comptroller of the Cuirency, do hereby oer. tlfy that "The Merchants' National Bank ot Bhenandoab," in the Borough ol Shenandoah, In the County of Bchuylklll, and Stato ol Pennsylvania, Is authorized to commence the business ol banking as provided in section fifty one hundred and suiy-nlno of the Re vised (Statutes of the United States. .r-.-, IN W1INE88 WHEREOf, wit J seal J nefismy band and seal of oflloetnls 8th day of April, 1801. No.W. E S LACEY, Comptroller of the Currency, BASEBALL SCORES. X.oagtie GnliiM. AT CINCINNATI. Cincinnati. .1 01000200 4 Phllad'.lphla 0 00002000 a Hatterlcs Mullano and Harrington; Gloason and Clements. AT CLEVELAND. Clevelnml 3 000002000 Brooklyn 10803000 0-12 Batteries Vlau and Zlmmer-, Lovott and Dally. AT PITTSBURG. Pittsburg 1 01010000-3 Boston 2 0001000 14 Batteries Straton und Mack; Nichols and Bennett. AT CHICAGO. Chlcazo-New York game postponed on ac count of rain. Tho National League Record. Per Per Clubs. Won. Lnst. C't Clubl, IVan. Isisl. Ct Chicago.. ..18 8 .002 Boston .... 14 14 ,r.00 Pitt9bur..ll 12 .S38 NowYork..l2 14 Afrl Cleveland ..15 14 .517 Brooklyn ..11 10 .407 PliU'del'a..l4 11 .500 10 .393 Association Games. AT CIXCINNAOT. CInclnnntt 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1- C Athletics 1 0100 0 1010-4 Batteries Crano and Hurley; Chamberlain and MUllgan. Tho Association Record. Per Per Clubs. TTon. tost. Ct Gube. Won. Ijntt. CI Boston... 28 10 .722 Cincinnati. 18 82 .450 Baltimore 23 11 .070 Lou'vllle... . 18 22 .450 St. Louis.. 21 17 .553 Columbus.. 15 23 .305 Athletics. 10 IS .471 Waeh'ton....0 23 .281 Eastern l.eaguo. AT BYHACUSS. Syracuse 3 0003001 07 Providence 0 0000000 11 Batteries Person and Qulnn; Sullivan and Murphy. AT BUFFALO. Buffalo.. 0 1 3 000100 C Lebanon 0 4040000 08 Batteries fiarr, German and Murphy; An dcrson and McCaffrey. AT ROCHESTER. Rochester... 0 010000001 Troy 0 1010000 Batteries Cushmati and Bowman; Day and PUBLIC FEELING AROUSED. Fifty Thonsand Pooplo Follow tho Ita .mulns of a Murdered Hoy. London, Mny 20. Tho boy murdered by Conway, the Liverpool fireman, and put In a bag, In which his mutilated re mains wero found, was buried during the day. Tho public feeling on tho subject was shown by tho vast multitude that followed tho hearse. It is estimated that not less than 50,000 ry.rsons Joined in the funeral procession. If tho people could get at Conway ho would bo torn limb from limb. The theory of tho police is that Conway killed tho boy In order to conceal nn attempt at, or the perpotra' tion of, an unnatural crimo. Ho Called for Letters. Elizabeth:, N. J., May 20. Edward H. Brlel of ashlngton, D. C, was urrestod in this city on a telegram giving a de scription of him received nearly a month ago stating that ho was wanted in Wash ington for grand larceny. He was ex pected to call at tho postoflico for letters from Baltimore. Detectives were on tho watch, and when he arrivod took him in custody. Tho authorities hero say that they knew nothing of tho charge, und aro waiting for tho Washington officers. Miss Rogers Charged With Forgery. Boston, May 20. Miss Nollie Rogors, aged 20, of East Weymouth, was arrested nt Crescont Boach charged with forging a check for $08o on the Eastern Banking & Trust Company, of Bangor, Mo., pur porting to bo signed by L. Nichols, a liv ory stable keeper. Miss Rogers claims the check was given to her by a man named Knowles, who asked her to col lect it for him, but sho is somewhat hazy as to the identity of the man. Corbett and Ills Manager Q-iarreL San Francisco, May 20. Pugilist Jim Corbett has received nn offer from the Olympic club of Now Irleans, to act as instructor, and also an offer to travel with a minBtrol show. Ho has quarreled with Charlio Stonzel, his manager. It arose from Corbett's action in accepting tho decision of tho directors of the Cali fornia Athletio Club by which it was agreed to award tho contestants in the Corbett-Jackson fight $3,500 each. Officers of the Pilgrim Society. Plymouth. Mass., May 20. The Pil grim Society held its annual meeting at Pilgrim Hall and elected the following officers for tho ensuing year; President, Hon. John D. Long, of Bingham; vice presidents, Hon. Wm.'JL Evarts, of New York; J. Henry Stickney, of Baltimore; Frederick L. Ames, of Boston, and Jsaao N. Stoddard, of Plymouth; secretary, Wm. M. Danforth, of Plymouth; treas urer, Charles R. Stoddard, of Plymouth. Mother and Four Children Fonnd Dead. Harlan, la., May 20. About a week ago the husband of Mrs. Christian Peder son was taken to the insane asylum. His wife and four children wero found dead, hanging in the cellar ot their home yes terday. Tho family lived about three miles northeast ot this town. It is bo lieved that tho woman was also insane, and that after hanging her children she committed suicide by tho same means. Severe Blow for the Mormons. Salt Lake City, May 20. The Salt Lake Herald comes out flying tho Christian colors, owing to a chango in the proprie torship. It has been the leading expo nent in the Mormon Church, and its loss breaks the back of that church as a fac tor in Utah politics. Yale and Harvard May Play. New Haven, Conn., May 20. Yale and Harvard will probably play a series of baseball games after all. It is stated by a person in the confidence of tho Yale Athlotio Association that three games ore to be played between tho two univer sity teams. A Sympathetic Strike. Boston, May 20. The marble cutters employed by A. D. Puffer and J. W. Tufts aro on strike because those firms are doing work for John Matthews & Son of New York, whoso men aro on strike for an eight-hour day. The Tarrytown Inquest Adjourned. Tarrytown, N. Y., May 20. Coroner Mitchell has begun the inquest into the explosion of Tuesday last, through which seventeon men met their death. No new facts were brought to light and the In quest was postponed until Monday. Tuxes Duo from tho Pennsylvania Iload. PrrrsBURa, May 20. A statement of the taxes duo the State against the Pennsyl vania Railroad has just been fled at Harrisburg. The amount is placed at One of the troubles of life Is thebreakingof lamp-chimneys. Needless. Macbeth s "pearl top and "pearl glass are tough against heat. You will save nine-tenths of your chimney-money by using them, " Pearl top fits most ' of the little lamps ; " pearl glass " is tor ' Rochester, " Pitts burgh," " Duplex," etc. We make a great many sizes and shapes, all of tough glass. You can get the right ones. Talk with your dealer about it. Pittsburg. Geo. A. Macbeth & Co. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1S78. W. Baker fifth's from which tho excess o oil lias been removed, 13 Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble No Chemicals nro used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength ot Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is thereforo far morn economical, costing less than one cenl a cup. It i3 delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested. and admirably adapted for invalid? as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorciester, Mass, WlFS !?-oo $3 shoe ass ranted, and so stamped on bottom. Address W.L. DOUIiAf5, llrickioii,.1IiHs. sold by Slao33tjEanc3.osis.l3. JEex ARE THE BEST. 100 styles, prices to suit all. Wm. Aykks J: Sons, Piiiivsei.fiiia. Bold by ail dealers. Uh!ehei' KneUth Diamond Brand. ENiWHOYAl FILLS Original and tlnlj Genuine. SArc. iJwai relUble. ladic ik . mond lirand in ICed and Gold ruenllio V iooxu, Ktiea wiia cine riDDon. 'l ake 1 no other, Refun danatrou tubstitu. (mj ami imitation. AtUraggUu,oreD14o la tunpl for particular tMUmoaliU o4 - imuei ir aiuiem-- in tener, pj return ' JlHlb iv.vvu jwuiugniin, name TiPff- Sold If U Loot! PmgfliU. l'hlladaU Or UiO JLluuor Habit. J'oaltUelv Curetl hy tuliuliilaterlntf Ir. lluliiea Ooldcu KiKwllle. ' It Is manufactured aa a powder, which can be given in a elass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea, or in food without the knowledge ot the patient, It 1b absolutely harmless, and will etfeet a permanent and speedy eure. whether the patient Is a moderate drinker of an alcoholic wreck. It has been eiven In thousands of eases, and In every instance a perfect eure has fol lowed. It never Fall. The system once impregnate ed with the becomes on utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. 48 page book of particulars free To bo had or C. H. HAGENBUCH, Druggist, Shenandoah FIRE INSURANCE I Lviul ui Oldest Reliable Parelj Cul Ccmpaalti Represented by OAYlDFAUST&rri Dr. Thee! Tb moat relUble and luceeiifoi pecUUit for alldntuoi of both Mil ULCERS, htotelwi. plmplea. Bore Uoull, Throat, Irriutlen", Besll Ingi, InflanimatloDi, Kidufye Bladder. Loil Tiialltj, Weak back, WeakneM Debility, Impaired Memory s&d Decay, btrletnret 11 dlsoaset rcaaHlDK rtom jouthful erron or from ferwork Old. Young r Mlddlt, .--t doq'lssffet y Iodjw. core u certiib, no experiment I bs?t everj' jog known t msdioal aodeurKleaUeluuet.obetiQaiaaadol eueieolloited, no matter whofalledreUtratonca. lTreaheaaei cured Ins lo 10 daya, European Hoipltal esterlenee In Germany, Kns Und, France and Austi la, aa aerttficates and diploma proT and U yeara practical exrwHenee. 10,000 oavea t urad yearly, mi S Oftft wiM bPWtenadTertlilnf doctor, wba wikiiUUUtiDi,m gl grratikiU, knowled and iperlenoe and who can enow aa many patienta permanent eared aa loan after rtaaoka and advertising dootora ht. ruined them, Send So.atamp for book "TRUTlI" anS aworn teetlmonlalaeipoains; qaacka Edvr;UinE doe tore with their raUe and Frandulcnt gaaraaieea aud t-ftatrmonlaia. their experience , they do not pouee and their ohema of reranding money or friendly talki and their cheap and wrtnle druie neither of which cuua you, but arc uad aa deeoya and remit la ralo of thouaande or cooftdlng TtotUna. Omer Hocaa Everyday from b A U to IP M-crenlnp t to. Wednesday and Saturday Krenlnge fr.m 0 ic, Sundara from 9 to li, Vci efere&Qe as, Wednctdaj ajid Batordftj Phila, Thaa Breakfast Cocoa Mil -ffflSTS w.IldoOclas - - .1 jiiii'ti'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiriti i-w1