The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 26, 1891, Image 2

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    Shenandoah H&rald. I
2, 0. BOTES. Editor and Publisher,
W.'j. WATEINS, Local Editor.
Daily, per year
yfaxKLT, per year,,
..t3 0o
KnUred at the Postoffloe, at Shenandoah, Fa.,
tor transmission through the Maim
as second class mull instter, '
Senator George B. Sloan of Oswego,
N. Y., has decided to withdraw from
The Supreme Court of the United States
lias adjourned uutll tho second Monday
In October.
Wm. II. Hnrlburt, who was defendant
In a breach of promise suit in London,
Las arrived In New York.
Mrs. Laura Kondrick of New York city
Las been granted an nbsoluto dlvorco
from Greene Kecdrlok, ox-mayor of
Waterbury, Conn.
Kachol A. Hooper and Calvin Goro,
comprising tho firm of Hooper & liore
hat manufacturers, Now York and
Brooklyn, have nsslgnod.
Tho two-year-old child of Sirs. Eliza
leth Myors, of Brooklyn, N. Y., fell into
a boiler of water while her mother was
banging out clothes and was drowned.
Jennio Louise Snedokor, flvo years old,
of Plainliold, N. J., fell from a cherry
irs(. and her hood struck an iron rod.
which fractured her skull. Sho will
probably die.
Francis A. Wither, professor of analyti
cal chomlstry In Rutgor's college, Now
Brunswick, N. J., dlod yesterduy of pneu
monia, ngod 40 years. lie was a native of
Augustus A. Eldrldgo, colored, who at
tempted to murder R. II. Beoho, a white
painter of Asbury Park, N. J., was con
victed at Freehold. Ho will be sen
tenced on Thursday.
The alleged "Jack tho Hipper," arrest
ed after murderously assaulting Officer
Sullivan in Long Island City, Is now be
llovod to be Charles Conraddy, 53 years
old, of Madison, N. J.
By order of the Czar a medal has beon
struck at St. Petersburg In honor of tho
courage displayed by young Prince
Georgo of Groeco, in defending tho Czare
witch from tho Japanese fanatio who
wounded him.
Margaret Hill, who Is charged with
infanticide at Lynn, Mass., has been com
mitted to jail for trial. The woman con
tends that tho child was born dead, but
medical testimony shows that death was
duo to violence.
Resolutions woro passed by the Cen
tral Labor Union of Lowell, Mass.,
endorsing tho request of tho local Granite
Outters' Union that tho contract for the
tmildlniz of the new postofllco bo awnrdod
to a Lowell contractor in preference to
Sudden Doatha.
Heart disease Is by far the most freauent
caufeo of sudden death, which In three out of
four cases Is unsuspected. The symptorosaro
not generally understood. Thei-e are: lytDg
on the light side, short breath, pain or dis
tress in side, back or shoulder. Irregular
pulse, asthma, weak and hungry spells, wind
in siomncn, swelling oi nnxies or aropsy,
oppression, dry couch and smothering. Dr.
Miles' Illustrated book on Heart Disease, free
nt C. H Hagenbucb, who sell and guarantee
Dr. lilies' uneo naled New Heart Cure, and his
Restornthe Nervine, which cures nervous
ness, headache, sleepletsnes-, ellectsof drink-
i ng, etc. n contains no opiaies.
It is high time to make an example of
Totten bankers who swindle tho public.
A Cure for Constipation
Dr. Silas Lane, while ip the Rocky
Mountains, discovered a root that whon
combined with other herbs, makes an o&ij
and certain cure for constipation. It is in
tbo form of dry roots and leaves, and Is
known as Lane's! Family Medicine. It
will euro sick headache. For the blood,
liver and kidneys, and for clearing up the
complexion it does wondors. Druggists
soil it nt 60 cents a package
"Warm weathor makes business for the
barbers. Boards grow more briskly.
Ask Your Friends About It.
Your distrossinR cough can be cured
"We know it because Kemp's Balsam
within the past lew years has cured so
many coughs and colds in this community
Its romarkablo sale has been won entirely
by its gonuino merit. Ask some friend
who has used it what ho thinks of Kemp's
Balsam. There is no medicine so pure,
none so effective. Large bottles 60o andfl
at all druggists'.
Warm weather make the ico cream
dealers and soda fountain man smile.
Oh, What a Cough.
Will you heed the warning? The signal per
baps ol the sure approach of that more ter
rible disease, Consumption. Ask yourselves
If you cau atlord for the sako of saving 50
cents, to run the risk and do nothing for It,
We know from experience that Simon's Cure
will Cure your Cough. It never falls. This
explains why more than a Million Dottles
were sold the past year. It relieves Croup
and WhoppiuK Couijh at once. Mothers do
not bo without it. For Lame Bact, Bide or
Chest, use Shllo.i's I'oroua PlaBter. Sold by
C. 1 1. Hagenbucb, N. E. corner Main and
Lloyd streets.
"Killed by cigarettes" is becoming a
familnr headline in tho newspapers.
Shiloh's Consumption Cure.
This la beyond question the most suc
cesslul Cough Medicine we have ever sold,
a few doses invariably cure the worst cases of
Cough, Croup, and Bronchitis, while Its won
derful succens In the cure of Consumption is
wltuout a parallel In the history of medicine.
Htnco it's first discovery It has been sold on a
guarantee, a test which no other medicine
can stand. Ii yon have a Cough we earnestly
nsk yon to try it. Price 10 cents, 60 cents, and
11.10. If your Lungs are sore, Chest or Hack
lame, usa Shlloh's Porous Plaster. Bold bv
O. U. Hagenbucb., N. E. corner Main and
Lloyd streets.
Look at Him I
A year ago he was not expected to live.
Llvtir complaint almost killed him. Ho got
great relief from three bottles ol Sulphur
Bitters, aud six bottles cured him. EMor
Weekly Sun,
III Grace Finds the Court Not Insensible
to' tho Claims of Nobility.
Ho was not exactly a fashion plate.
TJU cont was apparently a. creation
datlmj back to .tho oorly thirties. It
was grnccf ully fringed, says tho Chica
go News, about tho cuffs and bottom,
and, as to patches, outshono that of tho
historical Sum Patch. His trousora
woro sadly abbreviated, and his shoos
wero a dilapidated memory. Ills hat
was tho orlirlnal of a popular song, and
Ills hair and beard wero abnormally dot
"This Is an outrage Theso hero
Americans ain't got no respect for roy
alty," ho was saying, as a burly police
ollicer led liirn into tho central station,
"Ho was drunlc an' disorderly, ser
geant," said tho officer. "1 found him
slecplna behind a dry goods box In nn
alley. Whou I pinched him ho cussed
mo awful, and said ho owned tho alloy,
So I brung him In."
"Is that true?" askod the Bergcant.
"No, sir. It Is a provaricatloru A
long chain of circumstances una brought
me to mv present condition. Now thai,
fato has throwod mo here, I shall bo
compelled to reveal the secret of my
birth. Do you toiler mev
"Reveal ahead."
"1 am a Uooslau noble a doolie. I
tvuz warned by nihilists to leave ny
ancestors' ucres and hlo mo henco. So
I hied. I am at prevent expecting a re
mittance from Roosla, When It comes,
if vou want a thousand or so, captain
lest colno around. Now, sir, I demand
to be released."
'All right. We'vo got apartments
for royalty downstairs. Good-by, duke.
Wfi'U watch for v.our remittance"
HIT II THE10IIS Ur IMt smrmi ur uiaiaai.
They mtka heroic effort! to free themielrei.
DDI not iDDniai uvw u uv....i.iii
they glTeupinaeiphir oa tins into an -snj
Kent fr, poit-jtH, (ala
for limited t(mi.pllne
in pniioiopny os uiich
mi Anlctlosi of tha
Oi-Rani of Man, andhowby
HOME, lULftimtni,
fcy method, xcluilTly our
own, tho wont riuvH of
Loit or railing uinuova,
nnd McrTOQI Do-
Dlllty. Weakneia or Body
and Mind, Effect! of Errors
or Eicuiii, oi
M't'HSS" S&'-Za.'C. n Int. re. ted.
PBOAHBrAli MOW-J ---.-- c.Qn,rlsl.
Men K.tirf rrom oil '". V.',',":-,7.:."iVnrf -,oor,..Jtarej
The vestlbuled compartment sleeninccarr
recently lnuoauceu un uiu ijjurugo, ot. rau
and Kansas City Itallway are models or com
fort, convenience and luxury. Any patron ol
the sleeping car Is enabled, by the lntroduc
lion oi inese compariiueni. curs, to secure ini
Bame privacy nnd onvenlence that he woulo
In the best hotel. No other line west of Chi
cago runs the compartment cars. In add)
tion, me irainsare equipped win me reguiui
open rul'man sleeper, giving passengers then
choice. Tlio dl. iing car service is luuyuptt
the reaulrements ol modern railway service
An excellent cuisine, promptly Berved amlo
elegant surrounaings, ai moacraio cnaiges
leaves nothing now t o he desired. Any of oui
people contemplating a lrip to any part or tbi
west or northwest cannot TOslbly securi
better accommodations or lower rates thai
by addressing W. P. Cooley, General Afient o'
the Passenger department, b38 Chestnut St..
Philadelphia, Pa.
Colorado Is a hind of sharp contrasts, ol
brilliant HshU, ol Intense sundews: a land
where belchts and dentils muke obvious the
meaning of the word antithesis; a land where
every mooa in miuu can una an answering
mood in nature. The high, white minarets of
tbo mountains, from whose slender pinnacles
Qoat the wind-blown banners oi the snow, ap
peal with silent eloquence to the loity ueplru
tlons of the soul: the sombre chasms cleft bv
Titan forces through granite-hearted bills
whhln whose depths dark shadows throne'
and swirling torrents dashspeak to the heart,
a language that thrills. Inspires and awes. It
does not follow that there glories ol white
peaks and those glooms of dark canons pre
clude the pleasant intervals, the snnnv
meadows or the secluded nooks wherein the
tired mind or -wearied Doty may nnd peace
ful rest and reluge from turmoil and toll. To
one muklng a Journey In Colorado, New
Mexico or Utah, or taslng a transcontinental
tour from Eat to West, or Wee versa, the Den
ver and Illo Grande Railroad oilers accom
modations equal In elegance.convemence and
luxury to tnose oi any oiuer line wun tne ad
ded attractions of the unrivalled scenery
along Its line, abounding in a msgnlflcent
opulence oi wnue peass una uarK canons.
The month of November, 18U0, witnessed one
of the most Important Improvements in rail
road facilities that has yet been made In Col
orado and the West. The completion of the
standard gauge of the Denver and ItloGrande
Railroad Irom Denver, Colorado, over tne
mountains to Ogden, Utah, which live years
ago was deemed an Impossibility, is certainly
a triumph of daring and engineering skill.
The new line Is by the way ol Leadvllle. tun.
nellng Tennessee Pass, threading the canons
oi i no r.ngio ana ursna uivers, giving a view
ol the Mount of the Holy Cross, enroute, tak
ing its trains through Glenwood Borings and
down the Grand River to Grand Junction,
thence to Bait Lnke City, Ogden and Ban
Francifco. By this route one is given an op-
I -on unity to behold the magnificence of Eagle
liver Canon and tbo marvelous beauty and
grandeur of the Canon of the Grand. The
overland tia'.n Is a model In every respect.
From the engine to the last first-class coach
everything Is bright -aud new, and of the
most elegant style of workmanship and
If any reader desires to know more about
tnese stupendous works or nature, write toH.
K. Ilooprr, General Passenger Agent,Denver,
Colorado, and he will send vou. free ol cost.
elegantly Illustrated booss, glvlne a full de
scription oi ine marveis or tne Bcenio
Line."-Stanley Wood In the "Great Divide."
IGOUT, BACKACHE, Pains In tho Side, !
.the Chest and tha Joints, Neuralgia,
Sprains, etc., eto., the
Used with ere&t success In tha Imrterf nl
and ltoyal Octieral Hospital ot Vienna '
unii many otaers.
030 TJti:ll:ltti Teatlacnlil cat of ThsntmJii
lEUToi-OLis, jli., jan. a. -ai
Your Anchor Pain Exnellerli really excel, i
lent.Onartf nurBUtnrfl.itnrrprlniyfmm lthAtt. I
jnatlam for years, could nnd nothing to euro I
uu, juiu Aiiunor i uin r.xnener.
a GO Cents a bottlo.
op host druoqists, on diuect from
F. AD. RIGfiTER & CO..
, SIO liroatlway, yew York,!
fiuropenn IlousoiiIttidolstadt.O'y, ,
LlrMlon, Vlonna, Rotterdam, Prague, J
FREE Books about other Anchor Re-i
medics on Application.
ml V I
Ho Cried I.llto n Child Whim tho lloforco
HocU16d In 1'nvor of llnrco.
NewYoik, May 20. AiLondon cable
dispatch says that 'tho often-postponed
prize fight between Dick Burgo, ol New
castle, and Jimmy i Carney, of Birming
ham, for $5,000 and ' tho lightweight
championship of England, was decided
during tho day.
Tho battle was fought In tho Hop Malt
Exchntih? boxing rooms in tho Borough.
letting wn 1C3 to 80 on Uarnoy, nnd sev
eral heavy bets woro roglstored.
Oruoy had tho best of tho fighting
from tho start and punished Burgo torrl
bly. After tho mon had fought eight
rounds it was any odds that the cham
pion would win, and 100 to 00 was laid
by Chippy Norton.
In tho ninth round Carney fought the
Nowcnstlo man to n utandstill. In tho
10th round Burgo showed groat pluck
and made a gamo effort to turn tho ta
bles, but Carnoy lnnded his left heavily
on Burse's neck and fought him to tho
ropos. In tho 11th round Burge clinched
Carney. Desperate flchtlUK followed un
til thoy broko ground, whon Carnoy
knocked Burgo down by a tremendous
blow on the left oar.
Burco's seconds, on seeing their man
was defeated, shouted foul, and, to tho
Biirnrlso of all present, the referee award
cd the fight to Burgo. Qreat Indignation
was expressed nt tho decision. Carnoy
cried llko a child at the iuiustico done
him. Tho fight lasted 42 minutes.
Dr. Graves Will bo nt Liberty for u TIuio
nt Least.
Denveb, May 20. About 2 o'clock Dr.
T. Thatcher Graves, who had been con
fined In tho county jail since hla arrost,
was brought into tho Criminal Division
of tho District Court. It had beon agreed
by tho court and tho dlstrict-nttornoy to
admit Dr. Graves to bail In tho sum of
The bondsmen wero Investigated by
tho dlstrict-uttorney and pronounced sat
isfactory, and Dr. Gravos will bo nt lib
orty for rt time tt least.
ninny Changes In Ilclgrndo.
Belgrade, May CX Tho Minister ot
Finance has loft the city on a lontt leavo
of absenco and tho government hits placed
tho Prefect of Belgrade and an Inspector
attached to tho Ministry of tho Interior
upon tho retired list, owing to its dis
approval of tho manner in which the ox
pulsion of ex-Queen Natallo was carried
Italy Singles Out American Potroleunv.
Rome, May 20. Tho Minister of Foreign
Aunirs is roported to havo gone to anion
to obtain tho signature oi tno .rung to a
decrco advancing tho duty on petroleum,
This step, it is said, is being taken bo
cnuso of tho largo quantities of petroleum
which are now on tho way to Italy rrom
tho United States.
Mlclmel Dnvltt In Quebec
QuEnEO, May 20. Mlchaol Davitt, his
wlfo and two children havo arrived hero
on the steamer Polynesian.
Wednesday Eve., May 27,189
Prof. James Sauuage !
of New York, late Principal Baritone of the
uuri itosu upera company, i.onaon, ung,,
Assisted by
MR. LEW HERBERT, of Bcranton, Basso,
and number of other distinguished
artists in a
-Mr The committee having charge of the
concert will meet every Saturday evening, at
, i . iu., uv me usuuipiace.
PRICKS, Z5, 35 and 50 CeutH,
Reserved seats on sale at Kirllp's drugstore
Street Railway!
RAILWAY can yet be procured,
and parties contemplating Invest
ment should apply at once at thn
office of
24 N. Jardin St., Shenandoah, Pa.
tfllE contract for the construction
ol the road between Shenan
doah and Ashland baa been award
ed and will be completed within 80
days from the lime the ground Is
broken for the station.
T IS expected that cars will be
A running between Shenandoah
and Ashland no later than July.
CoQd Investment!
The finest in tlio interior of
tho State. Only available
health and pleasure grounds
in tne Anthracite
The natural attractions and magnifi-
cent scenery of the place areun-
equalled, and a day of recrea-
lion and pleasure may be
spent in It to advantage. .
There is good fishing and
bathing iu the twin lakes
surroundingthegrounds. Boat
houses will'be built on the lakeside
aud regattaswillbefrequentthisseason
i '
For Sunday Schools, Lodges, &c,
Tne grounus are most suitable for pic -
Information, call
On and after JVov. 21, 1B80, tramt will teai
ahenanaoah at follows:
For WlsrEan. Qllberlon. Fraokvlllft. Nni.
Castle, St, Clair, and way points, 6.0J, 9.1
a m ana pm.
Hunaays, euu, v.vj a m and 3.1 u p m.
For Pottsvllle, 6.1X), 9.10 a m and 4.15 p m.
Sundays, 600, 9.40 a m and 3.10 p m.
For Reading, 6.00, 9.10 am and 4.15 pm,
Sundays, 600, 9.40 a. m. and 3.10 p m.
For Pottstown, Phoenixville, Norrlstow.
and Philadelphia (Broad street station), U.00,
W.1C a m, and 4.15 p m week days
Sundays, 600, 9.40 a m 8.10 p m
Trains leave FrackvlUe lor Shenandoah ai
10.40 am and 12.14, 7.42, 10,09 p m. Sundays
11.18 a m and 6.40 p m.
Leave Pottsvllle lor Bhenandoah, 10.15 ana
11.48, a m 7,15, 9.42 p m. Sundays, 10.40 a w
6.15 p m.
L.-ave Philadelphia (Britd street station)
for Pot'tvllle and Shenandoah, 5.57,10.25 a m
2.19, 4.1P and 7.00 p m week days. Sunday 8.2J
am and 1.10 p.m.
For w York, 8.20, 4.05, 4.40, 6.35, 6.50, 7,30,
B.20 8.S0, J.60, 11.00 and 11.15a m, 12.00 noon, (llni
lted express, 1.03 and 4.50 p m.) 12.44, 1.40, 2.30
3.20, 4, 6, 6..D.30, 6.60 7.13 8.12 and 10.00 p m, 12.01
On Sundays, 3.20, 4.05, 4.40, 6.35, 8.12, 8Ji0, 9.60,
a m. and 12.49, 8.20 (limited 4.50), 6.28, 6,80. 6.60
7.13 8.12 p m and 12.01 night.
For Sea dirt, Spring Lake, Belmar,
Ocean Grove, Asbury Park, and Long Branch
820, 11,15. a. m. 4.00 p. m. week dayr Foi
Freehold, 5.V-, p. m. week days.
Baltimore and Washington, 8.60, 7.20, 8.81
9.10, 10.20, 11.18 a m,12." (limited express) 3.41
4.41 6.W anr,7.40 p. in., and 12.03 nlghU Fo'
Ualtlmore my, 102, 4.1 1, 6 08 and U.80 p. m
On Sundays, 8.60, 7.20, 0.lband 11.18 a. m. 4.4)
8.57, 7.40 p m. 12,03 nlghU Baltimore only
5.03 ond 11.30 pm.
For .Richmond and tbo South 7.20 11.18 a. tr...
(Limited Express 12.35 p. m.,)12.03 night, week,
days. Sundays, 7.20 a. ro., 12.03 night.
Trains leave Harrlsburg for PUisbnrc and
the west every day at 12.25 and 3.10 a m one
3.00 (limited) and 8.40 p m. Way for Altoona,
i.15 a m and 4.10 p m every day.
For PUUburg only, 11.20 a m dally ana 10.20
P m week days.
Leave Sun bury lor Wllllameport, Klmlra,
Canandalgua, Rochester, Unoaloand Niagara
FalUj 6.10 a m dally, and 1.43 pm week days.
For Vatklns, 5.30 p m week days.
For Krle and Intermediate points, 6.10 am,,
dally. For Lock Haven, 5.10, and 0.53 a m.
dally, 1.34 and 6.80 p. in. week days. Foi
Kenova 6.10 a m 1,43 and 6,39 p m week days,
).10 a, m Sundays,
Hen. Man'r Uen. Pass. Ant
Time table in effect Slay.16, 1891.
Trains leave Reading (P. & R. station) for
Gibraltar, Seyfert, BIratboro, Joanna, Spring
Held, Waynesburg JuncUon, Coatesville.West
Chester,Chadsford Junction, B. A O. Junction,
Wilmington and Intermediate stations, dally
except Sunday, at 6.25 and 8.30 o.m. and 8.15
p. m. Sunday only at 8.05 p. m.
For Warwick, St. Peters and Intermediate
statlonB,dally except Sunday, at 9,20 a.m., and
6.19 p. m. Sunday only 8.16 a. m,
For Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations,
Saturday only, at 12 m.
For Baltimore and Washington (B. A O. R.
R.) dally except Sunday at 6.25 and 8.S0 a. m.
and 8.14 p.m. Sunday only at 3.05 p, m,
Trains arrive at. Reading (P. & It. station)
from Wilmington, U. & O. Junction, Mont
cbanin, Chaddslord Junction, West Chester,
Lenape. Coatesvlile, Waynesburg Junction,
Sprlngfleld,Joanna, Blrdsboro, Gibraltar, Sey
fert and intermediate stations, dully except
Sunday at 10.20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m. Sun
day only at 11.24 a. m.
From St. Peters, Warwick and Intermediate
stations, dally except Sunday, at 8.23 a. m.
and 2.25 p.m. Sunday only at 0 p. m.
From Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations,
Saturday only at 1.40 p. in.
From Washington and Baltimore, dally ex
cept Sunday, 10 20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m.
Sunday only at 11.24 a. m.
tiotajKiriaaneutly cured by
Tliuiu-iii'i i ..v.-
l'i I U. A U Kl. 1-1 1 1 A 1' A . lise at once, no operation
or Ium uf tlum fnini tm ilnuss. Casns pronouueed lu
curatilu by vtlien wauted, boud for Circular.
3N"Q-t to Plsgjoxoayg
Summer Resort, Pic-nic
and Pleasure Grounds !
LAKESIDE (East Mnhanoy Junction) mid
way between Mahunoy City and Tama-
qua,liow manuged by a new stock com
pany, will be open to the public within a few
weeks, and dales can now bo fecured. A
number.of societies have already been booked
and others wishing dtBlrable dates should
make application without delay.
Under the newinanageraent many Improve
ments will be mna, some of them being now
underway, tbnt will make It the plc-nlcand
pleasure grounds of the region.
A large dancing pavilllon and n trotting
park nre among the new additions. The best
horses in the State will bo secured to run or
trot this season.
nics and outings. For dates and other
on or address,
Excursion Manager,
Williams IBro.
Chamber Sets,
Wash Stands,
Dressing Cabinets,
Dining Tables,
China Closets,
Dining Chairs,
Smoking Chairs,
Card Tables,
Tea Tables,
Parlor Suits,
Easy Chairs,
Parlor Cabinets;
Music Cabinets,
Piano Chairs,
Hall Stands,
Hall Tables,
Fancy Tables,
Wood Mantels,
Book Cases,
Writing Desks,
Book Cabinets,
Sewing Machines.
Ane-wlv discovered MINIIRAL WATER,
the use ol which will supply- Important elo-
ments necerssry to uaitn, it win euro tne
Kidneys, Liver, Stomach, and all Bowel and
Bladder diseases. It will dissolve calculi and
remove them. It removes the uric ,cid from
the blood and thus destroys Mala) la and
Chills. It cures Bright' disease, aud Is es.
peclally recommended ior people advanced in
life, and for genera) debility. For undoubted
uroofs Of this send lor pamphlet elvlne mil
particulars, to J , R. PERRY, Water ol Lite
Co., 34 ttouin juain bi., wiikes-iiarre, pa.
tftve cured inaay housand lm-h. Cure patient P'onounced
less tne beut t-iiysii tins vtota nr,t dose symptom?
l"hysii in
I in i"-n
nuldlv dlitnunr. an
Vslt leat twrv(hlrri- nt U
tyrDptoms are re tngved,
Send for CRPiT unotf . IkiI
monulsoi totr-
ixuloui cuim. Ittl UtllO riiriiUliejrnCu you order
tcm ii hvp rrcfliinrDi rnrr bv mm. 11
til&l. send ten cents in stamp to mv
'" mark'
U1L . U. OUUE Si BUSfcj. AT,
Philadelphia and Beading Eailroad,
Time Table in effect Slay 10, 1801
for New York via Philadelphia, week days,
10 5.25 ,7.20 n, m. and 12.35 2.C0 and 5.5S
. nt Sunday 2.10 and 7.1 a. m. For New
ni-V vln .li.nnl. r,l..W . U. r ne
20. a. m. and 12.M mill '2J.a n. m.
For Reading and Philadelphia week days,
.10. 8.25. 7.20. ii. m. loss 9fn cnri K nr. ml
Sunday, 2.10 and 7.48 a.m.
or. fiarrl8BU, weeK "ay. 2.10,7.20 a, m,i
,c0, 0.55 p. m.
i-or Aiieniown, week day. 7.20 . m 12.35
,(0p, m.
..U"V!'?1 wren uays, i.iu, i.jjm. m.,
12.3i2.B0 nnd 5.65 p.m. Sunday, 2.10 and 7.48
for Tnmaqua and Mahanoy City, week
ys, 2.10, 6.23, 7.20, o. m., 12.3S 2.60 and 6.55
m. Sunday. 2.10 and 7.48 a. m. Artrutinnai
!or Mahanoy Oily, week day? 7.00 p. m.
For Lancaster and Columbia. wm tnvn.
rjoa.m.. 2.50 p.m.
For Wllllamsporl. Hnnburyand Iewlsburu,
week days. 8.25, 7.20 and 11.39 a. m., 1,35, 7.&0
. m. unoay s:a n. m.
For Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2.10 8.25,
25. 7.20 and li.30 a.m.. 12.15. 1.85. H.50. R.fiB.
.00 ana H ii, p. m. Sunday, 2.10, 8.25 and 7.43
- m.- i.i'op. ra.
For Glrardvllle (Ratmahannock Station)
-wit days. 2.1U. 3.25. 5.25. 7.20 and 11.30 a. m, l 93, cju, o,aa, v.iai anav.zu, p. m, uunaay.
iu .l ,, a. m., p. m.
Nor Ashland and Hhiunokln. week davs
a,, ii.j-i h, in,, i oo, v.w ana v,i
Leavo New York via Fhlladelnhla. week
dsys.7.45 a. m 1.S0, 4.00. 7.80 p. m 12.19
night . Sunday. 6.00 p. m. . 12.15 nlgnt.
.Leave New York vi Mauch Chunk, week
tlajs, 4.30, 8.45 a. m l.oo and 4.01 p. m.
leaVe Philadelphia, weea days, 4.10, and
10.00 a. ni. 4.00 onrl 6.00 p. m., from Broad
ind Uallowbill and S.3, a. to. and 11.30 n. m.
from 9th anc Ureeu streets. Sunday H.05 n.
m. 11.S0 p. m. from Bth nfl li'en.
Jeave Heading, week duys, 1.35. 7.10. 10.C5
and 11.50 a, kn 6.65, 7.57 p, m, Sunday 1.35 and
10.18 a. m.
Leavo Pottsvllle. week dare. 2.40. 7.40 a. m..
12,3i, 6.11 p. m. Sunday, 2.40 a, m. and 2.05
. m.
Leave Tamaaua. woes davs. 8.20. nnfl
tl O, n in, T14 nn IMI) h . .1 .. nn.
. in. and 2.50 p. m.
iieave Aiananoy uny. ween aays, B.4U, 8.18
and 11.47 a. m.. 1.61. 7.42 and 9.44 rj. in. knn,
day, 3.40 a. m 3.20 p. m..
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days. 2-40. 4.rr
O.OU, I1.QV U. Ul, ,J.UlJ, 4.VV. O Mt OQ, ..O , aU
10.00 p. m,
Sunday 2.4 , 4.00, and
a s.iu.ti
i,h. n
H4i. p.m.
r.eave uiraraviue (itappanannocE tsutioi
.... fa. .. o .1 . (rr nod n n . ,ne
rt put uujro. n.u,, u.ou, auu u. ui,,i,r,,
JJ2, 5.20, 6.32, 8.03 and 10.03 p. m, rjunday 2,7,
;n, a. m. 3.11 p. m.
Leave Wllllamsnort. week davs. S.O0.g.4'n4
11.55 a. m. 3.35 and 11.15 p. m. Sunday ill
, m.
For Baltimore. Washlntrton and the -tel
via B. & O. R. R., through trains leave Glnd
Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & R. If,.)
at 4.18, 801 and 11.27 a. m.,1.34, 4.2-1, 5.65 nit
f.zj p. in. aunoay, .io b.i 11 .i a, m i
i.65 and 7.23 p.m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Whil;
and South Street Wharf.
I'or Atlantic CIttr.
Week-days Expreli 8:00 a. m. and 71.-
1.00 p. m. Accommodation, 8.00 a, m,,'
Sundays. Express. 9.00. a. m. Accornra-
Aatlon, 8.00 a. m.ana 4 ?0p. m.
P.eturnlng, leave Atlantic City, depot corir
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues. Week-dr a
Express. 7.30. 9.00. a. m. and 4.00. n. 1.
Accommodation. 6.00. 8.05 a. m. and 60
1.30 p. m.
Sundays. Express, 4.00 p. m. Accommoo.
tion, 7.30 a. m, and 4.S0 p. m.
u. u, A&nuuuii., uen-i i'aRsr All
v.. A. MoLEOD, Pres. & Gen'l Manager.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
MAY 10, 1891.
Passeneer trains will leave Shenandoah tr
Mauch Cnunk. LehlBbton. Slatlngton, Caa-
sauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Ptl
adelphla and New York at 6.47, 7.40, 9.08 a. r..,
izaz, aiv, o.u p. m.
For Belvldere. Delaware Water Gap act
Stroudsburg at 6.47, a. m., and 5.2S p. m.
ii'i.t... t r ,.-,!. .... l,.. .!... Ai .. '
ton 6.47, 9.03 a. m 3.10 and 626 p. m.
For Tunkhannock, 9,08 a. m 3.10 and 6,!6
p. m.
s or Auourn, iinacai ueneva ana anu uyros
9.03 a. m and 6.28 p. m.
torijaceyviiie, xowanaa, tsayre, waveriy,
,.1.11 1111, ivwumci, ijuumu, ijugiun tv. ,
Chicago and all points West at 9.08 a. m., ad
6.26 p. m.
For Imlra and tho West via Salamanca at
3.10 p.m.
n or Auaennea, uazieion, otocaion, lhq.
her Yard, Weatherly and Penn Haven Junc
tion at 6.4f. 7.40. 9.08 a. m. and 12.52. 3.10 ana
58 p. m.
f or jeanesviue, revision ana ueave;
Meadow, 7.40, 0.08 a. m. and 6,26 p. m.
Forscranton at 6.47 and 9.08 a. m. 3.10 anl
5:28 n. m.
f or uazie urooK. jeaao, unnon ana free
land at 5.47. 7.40 and 9.08 a. m.. 12A2 8.10 ani
5.26 p. m.
f or uuaause at o.n ana a. m ana
8.10 p. m.
f or w iggans, uuuerion ana f racKviue ui
6.60 and tl.08 a. m., and 4.10 p. m.
5.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10, W. m., 1152, 3.10. 5.28, 8,03, 9.2
and 10.27 p. m.
For Lost Creek. 3irardvllle and Ashland,
4.27,, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 635,
8.06 and 9.14 p. m.
For New Castle, Bt. Clair and Pottsvllle.
7.40, 9.06, 10.58 a. m., 122, 8.10, 4.10, 6.26 and 8.03
for jnouuiain, new nunuin tuiu
Morea. 7.40. 9.06. 10.63 a. m.. 12.62. 3.10. 6.26 ana
8.03 p. m.
f oritaven nun, uentrnna, aiu Lrmei ana
Bhamokln. 8.52. 9.45 and 10.15 a. m.. 1.40. 4.40
and 8.06 p. m.
xruiiis leave oiiuijiu&iii lur Duoumiuuaii,
7.55 11.65 a. m., 2.10, 4.30 and 9.30 p. m., arriving;
at Shenandoah, 9.05 a. m., 122. 3.10, 6.26 and
ixao p. 111.
For Lost Creek. Glrardvllle and Ashland.
8.50, 9.10 11.35 a. m., 2.45 p. m.
For New Castle, St. Clair and Pottsvllle,
&50, 8.00, 9.30 s. m., 2.45 p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano,
8.00, 1135 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m.
f or ijouy, Auaenriea ana naiieion, b.uu
a m 1:40 p. m:
For Mauch Chnnk. Leblghton, Slatlngton,
Catasauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton
and New York, 8.00 a. in:? 1.40 p. m:
For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. m.
Gen'l Pass. Act., Bethlehem.
At onoe the newest; oldest nnd best blood:
purifier known. 200 years old In Brazil, two
years' test in this country, and without a rival
in tho cure ot skin diseases nnd rheumatism,
eating ulcers, boils, tumors, king's evil, whlto
swelling, hip disease, and all disorders irom,
the poison taint of scrofula and epeciflo di
sease. No mineral, no failures, no relapses.
Sold at Klrlin'8 Drug store,
Ferguson't Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa.
lPt. 4-..iihliul with thnuA iinnDTlnir TrrenlarltiBA t'fl
frequently following a culrt or exposure, or froi O:
vlllUUOntil ?i CttKltoBtwil n J puuui 1 ur iu utoti o, ww
Vao Dfl9 Ducmcine'S ceieornieq
Tbernro Btrenstheninit to the enttry rarrt
uone.Ticorand looiicetlo (ores to nil (onctlooiM boar
ud mind. Bent bjr runil, feourely leil, liAJM
Or. Hartor (eclloinoCo.,ST.L0U13. MO.
.a, .
aiO-Wfari,liiBTl tei'