! H A. ... . - , J : ' ; : I ' ; ' -wit- Picnics and Outings Severn, tlio Grocer, is head- Now Bakery. Scholdor Bros, have openod la now bakory at 27 South Main Btreot, wbora you cannot fresh broad, cakos, candy and lco croam. litve mom a can. o-o om Should be Divided. Thn Xew.i paid last Sundav that the quarters for fine Cheese, Fruits First, Third and Fifth wards ought to bo divided, wo are wining aiso loaumitvuav for tho convenience of tho votori tho Fourth ward misht also bo diyidod. Sun day News. Supervisor's Notice. "With a vlow of making a gonoral clean ing-up of our borough and putting it in a healthy condition I request all residents to swoop tho dirt out of thoir gutters into piles on Fridnv. Alnv 9, nnor which I shall send teams along to have it removed. trust that all will join in tho good work. David Llewellyn, Supervisor, and Vegetablcs,Canned Meats, Pickles, Crackers, Cakes, Con densed Milk, etc., suitable for picnics and excursions. All now and fresh goods. Cor. Centre and White Streets. v. - A. tM -Mr - i' Beautiful I Is what ovorybody says Jof tho display of neckwear at "The Famous" i a 60o tto for 25c. A Lemon Social. Tho Christian Endeavor will hold a Lemon Social to-morrow night, at 7:JU clock, in tho Presbyterian chapel. A cordial invitation to attend is extended to all. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WKEKI.Y. LOOAL LUNCHEON. May is going. Strawberry festival times coming. The public school term is rapidly noaring its close. Quito a crowd from Mahanoy City spent part o yesterday in town. 'there are a number of new street cross' ings being put down' in town. Tho foundation for J. S. Williams' Coal street building is about finished, Is Shenandoah going to do anything ab ut a 1th of July ce'ebration ? The veterans are preparing for Docora tton Day, Saturday, Jtay 30th. Tbero are two things that tho average woman cannot koap a secret and u base ball score. Tho fence around tho l'resbytorian church is to bo repaired and tho grounds sodded. Tho Grant Cornet Band will hold its sixth annual picnic in Columbia Park on May 30th. 6-8-3w Tho spring of 1891 will bo momorable for its scant rainful and for tho violence and dostructiyeness wrought by its forest fires. Confirmed. Tho tavorablo impression producod on tho first appearance of tho agreeable liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs a fow;years ago has boon more than conflrmodjlby tho pleasant experience of all who have used it, and tho success of tho proprietors and manufacturers tho California Fig fiSyrup .Company. 2,500 Tablets, Costing from 15 to 25 cents each, at tho uniform prico of 5 cents, at Max Koeso's. Playing1 Cards. You can obtain a pack of best quality playing cards by sending fifteen cents in postage to P. S. Eustis, Gen'l Pass. Agt., B.. 0. & O.K. R. Chicago, 111. tf Tho Krcest stock of wall paper and wiudow shades over received in this town, or county. Good selection, at F. J. Portz's book and stationery store. 3-20-tf Notice, Fishermen. A lot of fishing tacklo received a littlo late will bo sold below cost. Call beforo coine olsewhero to secure bargains. Max lteese, Bast Centre street. ' 6-15-tf Completed to Deadwood. Tho Burlington Route, 0., B. i: Q. R. It., from Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis, is now completed, and daily passenger trains aro running through Lincoln, Neb., and Custer, S. D., to Deadwood. Also to New castle, "Wyoming. Sleeping cars to Dead- wood. . tf Coming Events. May 30. lco cream and strawberry fes tival in Robbins' opera house for tho bene fit of the Trinity Reformed church. May 30 Grant Bund picnia at Columbia Park. May 80 Picnic of tho Junior Social Club of tho Shenandoah High School, at Lakosido Park, (East Mahanoy Junction). June 2. lco cream and strawborry fes tival, Robbins opera house; bonoflt of English Lutheran church. June 3 Demorest Contest and entertain ment ; Ferguson's theatre, 8 o'clock p.m. June 18. Excursion of Washington Camp, No. 200, P. 0. 8. of A., to Lakeside. July 4 Grand Carnival and picnic by Columbia IIoso Steam Firo Engine Com pany. To Our Readers. Are you troubled with Consumption or a deep seated Cold, If so take healthy exerct&e, live In open air. use Pan-Tlua couth and Consumption Cure, and be cured. Don't delay. Trial bottles free at Klrlln's drug store. : - Rates. Steamship tickets, with best land fastest steamers, from Shenandoah to Livorpool, onlv S22. This inoludos railroad fare to New York. Also, railroad tickets to all parts of tho "West, South and Southwest at Max Reese's, railroad and steamship ofllco, 10 Wost Centre street, Forguson ilotol block, Shenandoah. tf A Day Out. Wasliineton Camp No. 200, P. 0. S. of A., has decided upon giving an excursion to Lakeeido Park on tho 18th of June, during tho weok that Pawnto Bill and his wild west shows are thoro. The committee havinc tho matter in hand will spare no pains to make the oxcursion a success, and we havo no doubt but that tho mombors and their friends will reap tho benefit, both socially and financially. Card of Thanks. Mahanoy City, May 21, 1891. Allow me to return thanks for th amount of 8110 paid mo to-day by Mr. B, L. Talley, Genoral Manager, and David T. Williams, agent, of tho Homo Fnondly of Baltimore on tho death of my mother, Anna McCarl.,113 West Pino street. recommend this good society to all wishing protection in timo of need. Joiin McCabl, (son). Concerning Sunday Spooials, As the Herald will go to ptoss oarly on tho morning of Ssi rday, tho 80th inst., (Decoration Day) all announcements for Sunday th jdld bo filed at this office not lator than 12 o'clock, noon, on Friday. P. O. S. of A. Notice. All members of Camp 200, P. O. S. of A , are notified to meet in thoir camp room on Tuesday, May 20th, at ono o'clock, p.m., to attend tho funeral of our lato brother, 1. M. Blakor. Tho mombor3 of Camps 112 and 183 aro also invited to attend. By order of A. 0. Morgan, Pre9. Attest: C. T. Strauqiin, Sec'y. "Gettysburg." During a recont visit to Philadelphia roprefcentativo of tho Heba.ld visited th new cyclorama of Gettysburg at the corner of Cherry and Broad Etrpets, which is un der tho supervision of Genoral St. Clair Mulholland. Thoso who havo seon tho old cyclorama should not miss seeing this, thogroatost of all. In tho old ono but ono day's battlo could bo seen. In tho present ono all tho battles aro portrayed in a man ner that is startling in tho almost lifo-like figures and actual fichtinc. To tho old soldier a reproduction of Gettysburg is al ways a treat. The President's Trip Illustrated Several pages of pictures in Fr.nk Leslie's Illustrated. Newspaper this weok are dovoted to President Harrison's trip to California. Tho battle-field of Gettys burg and its monuments also require pago ; a fashionable four-in-hand passing the Vanderbilt mansion in .New xork presonts a remarkably attractive first-pago picturo, and another pago is devotod totho adventures of the Leslie exploring party in Alaska. "Tho Millennium: An Ira pending Catastrophe," by Professor Totten, of Yalo University, is tho loading editorial in Frank Leslie's, and n startling one it is. Printod in English and German. Price ten cents. "tXTANTED A. good, strong , T irara me priming Dunnes, this offlce. boy to Apply at FOR SALE A frame hoiiBe, with stabling, No. 315 E. Centro Bt. Apply to Al. 1. Conry. 6-21-lw DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR sale. Ono of the most desirable proper ties on West Oak street, for Bale on reasonable terms. Appiy at uowso'h grocery store, cor ner Jardln and Oak streets, Hbonandoah, Pa. T7OR SALE All eight-room frame Ju dwelling on Raspberry alley, at the rear of the Oreek Catholic churcn. Anntv to V 1'atrlck M cCiie. 5-22-1 w TITAN I'KIJ-An nctlve reliable man VV salary $70 to S8o monthly, with In crease, to represent in bis own section a re' snonaiblo Now Yorkllouse. Kelorences. MANUFAOTUKER. Locfc Box 1685, New York. Mr. Palmor'B Disclaimer. Editor Hekald : I havo boon charged with being tho author of tho letters to your paper over tho signaturo "Taxpayer." I hopo you will do mo justico by denying that I wroto or had anything to do with tho comaiuications. 0. G. Palmer. Shenandoah, Pa , May 25, 1691. DESTINY AND DEITY. Destlnv elves us diseases, since we maybe bom Into scrofula and specific disease; but Deity sup pliesthe remedies. Scrofula and specific diseases, nrtth their terrible army rheumatism, (rout, ul cers, bolls, carbuncles, skin diseases, stomach, liver ana Kidney trouoios, nnu u eaiu, lmumuiu, rapid euro in the ptreat Brazilian medicine, Cactu3 Blood Cure. No failures and no relapses. d Klrlln's Drug Store, Ferguson House k bhenandoao. imlllllni' oah TTOR RENT Store and 8 now occupied bv the Hhcnnndoa Bakery Co. lor manufacturing an! retail ranay Dusmess. A wo uoorsuixiwieet. Apply to j . j . a rauey. o-m tr A GRAND OFFER. For sale, at half price, a cabinet organ, good as now, one now heater, and a good sewing machine. Inqulrool MrR. Connies, Coffee House, North Main street, Huenanaoan. o-'a-iw Special Trains. s Arrangements havo boon made for special trains to leao town on tho Lohihg Valloy railroad for Mt. Carmol, Contralia, Lost Creek, Haven Run, Asb.lp.nd, Girardville, and Mahanoy City at 10:30 o'clock on the th inst., after tho closo of tho Sauvago "PROPOSALS Proposals will be re jl ceivea uy tue unaersienea committee U to Mar 30, 1891, for raising the FfstWHn school buildlua three feet. Also for excavat lng and the construction of a stone wall uuder the same. The rlnht to reject, anv or nil bids is reserved. Additional Information can be obtained upon application to the commutes UIIOMAS liAIRD, Jt. A. DAVKsroitT, H.J. Alnr.nooN. JAMES O'Hbarn, 5-lMlt William stein, Great Bargains HATS and GAPS -at- Scanlan's Hat and Cap Store, Just drop In and see his 81 stiff hats. They ueai nnyminK in tue maruei. xiioreiB u, a great run at Hcanlan's for his 23 cent neckwear all new styles. Oood working shirts lorMc, also good white shirts for 50 cents. Scanlan Carries Ike Celebrated Pearl Shirt Best mado and best fitting shirt In the mar ket, lleaaquarters lor unuaron s jocKey Hate and Caps lor 25c, nlso a big line of girls' Nellie Blys lor 25c. Large lino of Overalls audSununer Outing Bhlrts for25c. Boys' waists, l!5c. Ail goodh reduced according to times. J. s 19 SOUTH MAIN STREET. A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written. iirrmge licenses ana legal claims promptly attended to. eal Estate, Collection and Insurance Agency. General Fire Insurance Business, Represents tue xsorinwestem Life Insurance Co. OFFICK-Muldoon's lilllMI and Wost Sts., Hhenaudoah. ia. Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale. A two-story double frame dwelling house, store and restaurant, on East Oentro BU , A dwelling and restaurant on East Centre street. .Desirable property on corner Centre nnd jura in streets, suitable for business pur poses. -A two story double- frame dwolllnc. on West Lloyd street. 5. Two 2-story frame dwellings ou West Cer- iiB ireui. 0. Two 2-story dwellings on tho corner ot uoiu tinu uuesiuut streets Htoro room In one. 7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut street with a large warehouse t the rear. 8.Three two-story;double frame buildings corner oi J.ioya una uuoert streets. CHARTER NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that an application will be made lo the Court ol Common I'leasof Schuyl kill county, on Mondny, May 23, A. D. 18(11, at 10 o'clock, In the forenoon, under the "Corpo ration act of tho Commonwealth of Pa., ap proved April 29, 1874," aud the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended cor poration to bo called "Pulaski Citizens' Bone tlclal Hoclety of the United States of Amer ica," Bald association Is to bo located at Shenandoah, Pa., nnd to havo for Its object the maintenance of a society for social, edu cational and beneficial purpces to Its mem bers from funds collect a therein. H. G. M. HOLLOPETER, Attorney for Applicants. RnENANDOAll, Pa., April 30, '91. (4-30-3W irst National Ml THI3ATRK DUII.DING, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. iiPQRTAffT NOTICE ! concert, doab. at Forguson's theatre, Shonan- HUTOHISON HIT3. What County Papers Say of Man ager Hutchison. That tho J?- .guson House, of Shenan doah, is deserving of tho reputation ol be ing ono of tho best hotels in tho county, no ono who has over sat around JJlino Host Hutchison's board, will disputo. Tho way in which ho took caro of tho Pross Associa tion is deserving of moro than wo can say for him. Orwigsburg News. Mr. Hutchison, proprietor of tho Forgu son House, Shenandoah, ha? incomparably improvod tho Forguson Houso, over its former nronrietors. Thoro is no bottor hotel in this rection of tho state. Mr, Hutchison and his efficient clerk Charles Schuster, aro to bo congratulated. Ash land Local. All persons are hereby warned NOT TO FISH IS THE DAMS ! Belonging to the Shenandoah Water Company, nnd all parties caught violating this notice w.ii uo JProsecuted H3 Trespassers. 13y order of THE 003VtI-A.3Sr-5r. Capital, $100,000.00 A. W. Leisenrmg, Pws., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisenrmg, 'Cashier, 1 S. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier. Open Dally From 9 to 3. John R. Coue, Attorney-at-Law AND 1 Real Estate Agent, OFFICE liEDDAI.1,'8 BDILDINO, Cor. Main and Conlre Streets, SHENANDOAH, PA. PROPERTY FOR SALE: i A two and one-half story double frame dwelling house, with store-room and res taurant. Located on East Contre street. U -A valuable property located on Bouth Jar dln street. 3-Beven dwelling housos at the corner of Gil bert and Lloyd streets. Good Investment. Terms reasonable. D. CENTS for a Window Hhnde Others for 3oc. 45c. 5c. 65c, 75o and upwards. Shades made lor stores and private dwellings. Cus tomers dcsldlng only tho fixtures or shading by the yard can bo accommodated. Fncke, 10 South Jardm St, DTOTCAH & WAIDLEY'S 3 PER CENT. INTEREST Hntl ou HavlntcH Deposits. J JU fOMEKOY, AnORNZY-HT-LAW. Oflloe Bsddnll'r bclldlne corner Mln mi Centn Our Bill of Fare. Prepared and published expressly for the Hxrald readers, TUESDAY. BREAKFAST. Oatmeal Mush. Milk. Butter Toast. Apple Jelly. Graham Crackers. Cocoa. DI2TNER. Tripo with Butter Qravy. Mashed Potatoes. F rsnips. Brown and Wheat Bread. Butter. Applo Pio. Uhooso. BurrER. Warm Biscuits. Canned Berrios, Jolly Crackers. uaKe. Hot 'Water, SOHOENKU'S RESTAUR ANT, (Beddall's Building.) Frozen Oysters. Big Oyster Stows. Krind Ovsters. Uodlish Cakes. Littlo Neck Clams. Fried Clams. flliu.i Soun. Jfnod Triuo. Ham and Eggs, Shoep Tongue. Croam Uystor otows, Panned Ovsters. Vanilla. Strawberry and Chocolato lco Croam. Best work done at Bronnan's steam laundry. Everything, whito and spotlots. Lace curtains a specialty. All work guar anteed. Picnic at Columbia Park, May 80th Music by tho Schoppo full orohostra. 8w WALL PAPER. ! A OABLOAD JUST ARRIVED AT MELLBT'S Blanks , ..Co Gilt 80 Embossed , ...12 l-2o "Window Shades, spring rollors..25o Curtain Poles 25o MOVED TO 22 East Centre St., Shenandoah, CHAS.ST..RICE'3 old stand. AT THE OHTJROHES. G. A. B. and W. O. T. TJ. Servloes Held Last Night. Thoro woro special services in two of tho churches of town last evening. At tho Welsh Baptist church Kov. D. I. Evans preached a special Memorial sermon and tho mombors of Watkin Waters' Post, No, MO, Q. A. K., wore in attoudanco in a body. Thotormon was an oxcollontono and soomcd to gratify the veterans very much. In tho Methodist Episcopal church mem bers of that and tub English Lutheran and Presbyterian churches assembled to hold Union service with a viow to raising funds to aid the World's W. O. T. TJ. Tho service was of a' very interesting character and substantial assistance was offered the W. O. T. U. Startling Faots. The American people are rapidly becoming a race oi nervous wreoss, ana mo lonowintj suKEBbts thebeslrei, edv: Alnnousollemnn lug, of llutler, fa., swtain tbut when his son was speechless from Mt. Vitus duueo l)r Miles' great Kestoratlve Nervine cured mm, Mrs. J. H. Miller, of Valparaiso, and J. D, Ttylor, of Logausport, Ind., eao a gained 21) pound from taking It, Airs. II. A. Gardner, of Vistula, lud.. was cured of 40 to GO con vu!s)ona day. and much hcadachs. dlvil- nets, bacbache and nervous prostration by one bottle. Trial bottles, and lino books of marvelous cures, free at U. 11, uaeeniiucli the druggist, who recommends andguaran' tees mis unequuieu remeqy. Waters' Wolss boer is tho beat. John A. Heilly nolo agent. 6-5-tf The Soap that Cleans ost Attention, House Cleaners ! The warm weather ia here, nnd house-cleaning la the next thing in order. And at such 'times most everybody needs something to brighten up the home, bo if you need a good carpet of either Veuet, Moguett, Body or Tapestry Brusse, TWO OK THREE-PLY INGIIAIN, HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS ! Handsome desitnia and new. wn worth soc. In order" to Hell tiipm quids we have shaved the price down Bgy-Don't let this onnorhinH by. Duncan & Waidley, No. 8 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. is Lenox, Still at the Old Stand SCHRODER'S Nc. 29 East Centre St., Shenandoah. Setter prepared than ever to serve our many patrons with a superior quality of Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream, Confectionery of all Kinds, Open on Saturday Evenings Mil Midoiglii Open on other evenings (Sunday excepted) until 11 o'clock. CLOSED ON SUNDAYS, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store (Masleller's old stand,) Corner Conl and Jardlu.Bts. Mr. Hnyder will always keep In stock a fine uuoui uuui9 auu snous. Custom Work and Repairing: done in the beat style. He guarantees to sell cheaper Uina competitors on Main streot who uhvu bib rents w pay, ana guarantees n genu iuu Murium ou every imrcuuse. You can And a full assortment at PRICE'S, t rj 1 mi Lace mm, Una in Poles a Window Shades, Floor and Table Oilcloths and Linoleums of all grades. Prices cannot be beaten when quality is considered. No misrepresentation one price to all. 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. A- difference in material makes a material difference. Low values and high prices benefit nobody in the long run. Wo make your dollar count by givinc; you its full value of Good, Honest Goods. "With Clothing that is durable Cntting that is intelligent and a Making and Finish of the best, we are sure oi your continued custom A n:ff3rence in Materia I A Materia Difference NOW ONLY ENORMOUS PILE OF -AT- At a sacrifice. DABB, me Jriiotograpner Is located at No. 14 North White Street Having ban his gUIery greatly Improved, ho. 10 uintwiiiwi jjicpareu umu ever 10 meet the wants of the public lu the nhoto. graphic line. The hest photo graphs at lowest prices. Crayon Work a Specialty. New liirm. New Stock, Green Truck, Fine Groceries. FRUITS, &c. Delaware roe uhailand other fresh flsh right from the boats on 'rldays. Fresh ureens irom me aoutn. Evan's Building;, E. Centre St. (J. S. WtUta ns' old stand) Everything new and .'resh. Goods delivered to any p:irt or town. R. C. KNIGHT & SON. EAGLE HOTEL! 221 W. Centre Street, Formerly kept by Mis. Oinvllle. The above notei is now Kept oy JOHN W. WEEKS, Cor. 13th and Chestnut Streets. y frrfw-m pnjna fmXrrm lata l Vgmgy (a&aD Examine our stock of Men's, Boys' and Child ren's CLOTHING. It will cost you nothing if you do not purchase, and if you do find any thing to suit your taste you can buy it at the lowest figures. A 50c 1STEOKTIE FOE 25 GENTS. AT- FAMOUS"-! ONE-PRICE CLOTHING-. No, 11 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Formerly of the Keystone Hotel, Gllborton. nwh ui uuuuruiuouuiiuns jor Permanent and Transient Guest The bar) a stocked with the best brands ot clga.s, ale, beer, porter and liquors. EXCELLENT FKEE LUNCH COUNTER. MoKeon's Saloon, 109 Ea8T OENTIIE BT., Beer, Whiskeys, Brandies, Porter, WINES AND CIQAKS Of the finest brands, Music furnished for balls and parties, from one to five pieces. ICE CREAM, ICECREAM, By tho plate or measure, also put up In St xo nnd 20 Ceut fnclciiiren PETER CECOEINI & BRO.'S, 117 EAST CENTRE STREET. Lambert, The' Hatter, Carries an extraordinary line of Caps and Dents' Furnishing Goods, flats, and makes a specialty of Nellie Bly and Alary Anderson Caps. e EAST OHKrrJCH,EI ST.