The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 25, 1891, Image 3

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    Presents In the most decant form
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
1 1 is the most excellent remedy known to
When one is Bilious or Constipated
Every one is using It and all are
delighted with it.
Committeemen should bear in
mind that tho Heuald oflico
is prepared to do all kinds of
Poster Work!
at the most reasonable rates.
Give us a call and obtain our
prices. All work dene when
promlsed'and in a fiatisfactory
Do You Like Soup ?
bo, ask your grocer to PCDd you a quarter
pound tin of
All In a dry state. Sold In Europe (manufac
tured there), Asia, Alrica and now, by 1U own
Intrinsic merit, orclng It self into every city,
town, village and numlet In the United
Btates, Samples lnrnUihed free; lor which,
and price list, address
26 South William Street, HEW YORK CITY.
lil Zaiy. Have yon new Rubbero?
t Xa-Iy. VTlir, no! Taeao txo tho old aa$
It itukeu tliem look like uw; end ray nheea also
dreued with it. hold taeti poliih IJNUlilt tho
lubUir, uvea &Uuald tno bnow cvop In,
Change a Pine Table to Walnut
A Poplar Kitchen Pres3 io Antique Oak.
A Cano Rocker to Mahogany.
Sea nbu cut tie dona with SB C worth of
WOLFP is BANDOIJPH. Philadelphia.
JtA -- ' f ... n,Jli0 ioru,
Qxoo unci Upwards
15 Per Cant.
Dividend Paying Stock.
Full particulars and
1'rospec'iu can be had
on application or addressing
H. I., hwiphon, llnnUer,
64 nronilwav. J. Y.
Nol 8 East Centre Streets Muhanoy City, Pa,
akin and all special diseases a specialty.
rl iw
HrvhltMli1a11'Afenlldlnff.nnnifir M.ln and nmtrt
Chicago tho
Scono of an Affair'
of Honor.
Ho Bcoatoo Infatuated With a Pretty
Yourig Actress,
A Young RouiUornor IVns II1 Ittvnl and
Thoy Ilnd H Quarrel They Arrancod to
Meet In Juoleson Park at Daybreak
Somo Sharp righting In Which tho
Nobleman Pared Ilndly.
Chicago, Hay 25. Chlcngo was tho
Bceno of a genttino romance onrly in tho
morning with all the essential features
a wealthy nobleman, n beautiful woman,
a duel and a mystery.
Baron Rudolf Kalnolcy do Korospataka,
a uepliow of Count Kalnolcy, of Vienna,
arrived hero a month ago, registering at
tho Richelieu merely ns "Rudolph Knl
noky," of Now York. WIillo in America
ho became infatuated with Miss Millio
Atherton, a member of tho Duff Com
pany. Site led tbe Baron a doleful llfo
both here and in other cities to which ho
followed her. Sho constantly kept bo
foro him that sho could novor become
his wifo, as her heart was already given
to one for whoo sake sho would shortly
end her stage lifo. Knlnoky "ii.lly be
came convinced of the truth of this and
remained behind when tho company loft
Ten days ago, however, ho mado a fly
ing trip to Louisville in ono last effort to
conquer tho pretty actress. While thero
ho scema to have met one of his numer
ous rivals, though not tho successful ono.
Saturday morning he returned to tho
Richelieu, having given up his original
idea of following Miss Athetton from
Louisville to Pittsburg. That samo night
tho man whom ho had encountored in tho
South dined with him at tho Richellou
restaurant, the two seeming to take a
morbid interest in together drowning
their mutual sorrows. A too froo indul
gence in the wino onded in a quarrol in
which the stranger was knockod down.
Kalnoky claimed ho insultod Miss
Atherton atftl asked Mr. Carlson, of tho
Rlchollcu to act as his second in tho
ovent of tho stranger demanding a meet
ing. Carlson declined to act in this ca
pacity, and when an hour afterward a
friend of the Southerner nppeared with a
n'oto demanding 0 meeting, Kalnoky at
once accepted in a noto which ho sont to
n friend then stopping at tho Richelieu,
and to whom the Southerner's second was
Raplois Selected.
The Baron was informed that all tho
details had been arranged, and that tho
meeting would tako pluco at Jackson
Park at daybreak. Tho weapons selected
wore rapiers.
At 4 a. in. tho Baron ontorcd a waiting
carriage and was immediately Joined by
his second. On arrival at Jackson Park
they found tho opposito party.
Tlio Vnron Wounded.
At 10 minutes past 0 the adversaries
wore facing each other, sword in hand
and bared to their shirts. A moment"
later tho word was given, and llko a
flash the Southornor commenced. After
Bomo sharp fighting, tho Southerner suc
ceeded in inflicting a slight wound in tho
right leg of tho Baron. A little later tho
Baron mado a clover lunge, which prick
ed the skin on tho right shoulder of his
adversary. Tho latter, howovor, parried
admirably, and at this moment, to the
horror of the seconds, the Baron appeared
to slip and literally to fall on tho point
of his adversary's sword, which entered
his neck. A stream of blood gushed
from tho wound. The seconds at once
stopped tho combat. Baron Kalnoky
was assisted to an adjoining knoll and
his wound hastily dressed.
Kalnoky Is supposed to bo at tho resi
dence of a Hyde Park physician, who at
tended tho duel in tho capacity of medi
cal attendant,
Tho Southorn gentleman loft tho city
on tho Cincinnati train of the "Big Four"
at 0:80 a. 111.
In a Drunken Itow Ono of Their Number
Is Fatally Injured.
Plymouth, Pa., May 25. A torriblo
fight occurred last evening on tne river
bank, opposito this town. Six Hunga
rians from Ashley visited hero this after
noon and drank very freoly. Shortly
after 0 o'clock they hired two boatmen to
take them across tho river toward their
On the way over tho intoxicated Huns
in one of the boats became restless and
upset it. All were precipitated into (ho
river. They were rescued by the occu
pants of the other boat.
When the boatmondomandod their pay
the Huns set upon them. Their cries at
tracted tho attention of a crowd of young
men on the Plymouth side, who rowed to
their rescue.
They thrashed tho Hungarians, four of
whom lied to tho woods, but tho othors
made a stubborn light and wero sorlonsly
One of them is suffering from a severe
ly fractured Bkull and has not recovered
consciousness. It is feared that he will
die. Tho other man sustained Beroral
knife wounds. No arrests havo as yet
been mado.
Dr. Ilober Newton Explains Hl Position.
New York, May 25. In his sermon at
All Souls' Church yesterday the Rev. Dr.
R. Ilober Newton carefully explained tho
theological opinions held by him, which
have attracted attention throughout tho
wholo Christian world, and which will
soon bo made the subject of a church in
quiry. Dr. Newton based his belief on
the Nicene Creed, and opposed tho thirty
nine articles of the Church and tho West
minster Confession of Faith.
Italians Quit New Oilcans.
New Obusans, May 25. Eighty Ital
ians returned homo yesterday, and it is
probably tho beginning of an exodus of
dissatisfied or frightened Italians. All
but throe- wero steerage passengers. One
of those in tho cabin was a relative of
Qeracci, killed iu the prison.
Elated for tho Chief Justiceship.
WsniKOTON, May 25. Ex-Congressman
Payson of Illinois is said to bo plated for
the Chief Justiceship of tho new land
Ex-ConKreuinan Owen nn Applicant.
Washing; ot, May 25. Ex-Congressman
Owen of Indiana, 1b an applicant for tho
position of superintendent of immigration.
highest of all in Leavening Power..
A Woman Aceusod of KlUlnj; Both Her
Augusta, Mo., May 2b. Flvo yeara
after tho commission of the crimo a wo
man in this county is about to be accused
in court of poisoning her first husband
in order that she might marry a second,
who himself recently died dnder sub
plclous circumstnnoes. The first husband
discovered In 188C that his wife was un
faithful to him and ho ejected her para
mour from the house.
The following week tho husband died
and nrsenlo was found in his stomach.
After his death tho woman marriod tho
man who cauBed tho trouble. Recently
this man, who, it is alleged, had consid
erable power over tho Woman, was burnt
to death in bed Under suspicious circum
stances. Detectives havo been at work on tho
first caso some time and claim to havo
discovered ovidonco that will fasten tho
crime on tho woman.
Tho Lenders of tho InopIo Party 8ay
Ho Will Head Tliclr Movement.
Washington, May 25. Tho leaders of
the third-parly movement hero profess to
have diroct assurances that Senator Stan,
ford, of California, is ready to put him
self at the head of their movement with
all that is therein implied, and that ho
will bo tho standard bearer of tho "Alli
ance" or "Peoplo's Party" in 1802.
Somo of the Alliance leaders claim to
be authorized to mako public tho alleged
fact that Senator Stanford considers ho
holds his great fortuno simply as "stew
ard for tho people" '
What the Druggists say
of Heiskeil'sOintment:
When weareauKed to recommend a prepara
tion for bkln disease, we ham out IIeimckli.'8
Ointmknt, with every confluence of its success
ful treatment of ttie disease."
J. C Hkcick, 6 Main St., Butler, Pa.
"I have been selling nEiaKEix's Ointmknt
for eleven yenra. It gives universal satisfaction
It will euro Tktteb."
G. W. IlACKKNBKnaEB, Balnbrldge,
"We have evidence of the curative propertie
of ItKisKKtL's Ointment here. It'll a goo
reliable ointment."
FiEMiNO 6 Ksler, Tarentum, To.
"In all Bkln diseases I Invariably recommed
Uei.ikell'h Ointment."
J. J. IIbii,, Sharpsburg, Pa.
" IIeisketx's Ointment cures when all els
falls." McCixllan & Reed, Freeport, Pa.
" ITeiskell's Ointment tells on Its own
merit-" IL 11. Hilton. Klttauning, Pa.
K New Idea in Corsets,
Famous for comfort h'ld elegance, openB
with case, elves Instant rehs), always retains
Its original shape, has all the requirements
envolved In the making of a perfect coreeL
ritlOE, BOe, 7Se, $1.00 nrt $1.SS.
That generally means pain and
sullerlng. Hut why suller? OrGros
venor's liMLcap-Mo Porous Plaster
will relieve you iu one night, sure.
Bfnda penny itamp to Orosvenor
A Ulcharda,BoMon,Mass.,and learn
how to rmove a porous plas'er
Bclentlflcully it will pay you and
don't forget that the best porous
plaster In tbe world has the picture
ot a bell on tbe back-cloth, and la
A New "Venture
Has opened a
AT No. 218 N. CENTRE ST,,
Ba,let of ntsoited goods, notions, hardware,
glassware, etc, eo.
Goods from all parts ot the counly solicited
on commission.
OffioQ-28 West Lloyd Street, Bhcnondoah
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
President Hnrri.on IM-pleased Willi the
Krigllnh Pi-entltir's Tnotlo.
Wasbinoton, May 25. The President
nd his Cabinet officers are not a Uttlt
put out by the failure of Lord Salisbury
to reply to Secretary Blaine's proposition
that both governments permit a limited
catch of seals in Alaskan waters during
the present season.
A gentlemen who called upon the Pres
ident said that ho expressed himself very
much displeased with the -manner In
which the Premier had treated our Secre
tary's proposition, and ho Intimated that
unless a response were received soon this
government would tako the bull by tho
horns, and, regardless of what England
might think, Issue very vigorous orders
to the commanders of American revenue
It was over a month ao that Secretary
Blaine's proposition was transmitted to
Lord balisbury, and, so far as can be ns
cortalnod, neither is a reply on its way
nor has it even been prepared. Tho
alacrity wi i which Great Britain's chief
diplomatic officer act-opted tho sugges
tion that this year thero should be no
slaughter of fur-bearing animals in
Behring Sea, and tho way in which ho
now Ignores what this government re
gards as a Just request, havo oxcited
much comment here in administration
San Francisco. May 25. It is reported
that orders relative to tho Behring Sea
sealing industry have been recelvod from
Washington by Collector Phelps. Tho or
ders are to ho dollvored to tho command
er of. tho revenue cutter Rush and nro not
to be opened until the vessel 13 at sea.
how is your mm?
Swift's Specific is the groat
developer, of delicate child
ren. It regulates , the secre
tions; it stimulates the skin to
healthy action, and assists
nature in development.
There is no tonic for child
ren equal to S S- 8-
Send for our treatise on -Blood nsd
Bkln Disease.
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Qe,
blcSncaaacbGond relieve oU tho troubles fnof
dost to a bilious state of tho system, such 03
Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress alter
eating. Pain In tbe Bldo, io. Whilo their mosO
remwiable success has been shows In curing j
fcoaaachs, yet Carter's Llttlo Liver PUIS ara
equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre
senting this annoying complaint, while thoy also
correct all disorders of the stomachtlmulale tho
uver ana ngiu&ia we uuwojs. area 11 lacy ociy
fAcbfithey would boslmostprleeloss to thosawna
I enlbr from tMa distressing complaint; but f orta
, ootoly their goodness does notend horo,nud thosa
. who occo try them will find theso llttlo cilia vslw.
able In so many ways that thoy wlU not be wll.
LiiBg to do without them. But aftorailelclt bead
Is tho base of so many Uvea that hero fa where)
Wo make our great boast. Our pllla euro it wbila
others do not.
Carters Llttlo IJTor Puis are very email ana
very easy to take. One or two nllls mako a doso.
.They are strioUy vegetable and do not grlpo or
purge, but by their gentle acUor please aU who
lusothem. In vials at 2S cents) live for $1. Bold
'by druggists everywhere, or seat by maU.
Office of
Comptroller of the Currency, y
Wathington, April 8, 1601. J
Whereas, By satisfactory evidence pre'
seated to tbe undersigned, It has been made
to appear that "The Merchants' A'atlonnl
Bank of Shenandoah," In tbe .Borough of
Bhenandoah, In the Connty of Schuylkill and
Btate of Pennsylvania, has complied with all
the provisions of the (statutes of the United
Btates, required to be complied with before au
association shall be authorized to commence
the business of banking.
Now, Therefore, I, Edward B. Lacey,
Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby cer.
tifythat "The Jlorclmuts' National Bank of
Hhenaudoah," in the Borough ol Bhenandoah
In the County of Schuylkill, and Btate ot
Pennsylvania, 1b authorized to commence tbe
business ol banking as proy'ded In section
fllty-one hundred and eixty-nlne of the Ke-
vlsed Btatutes of the United Btates.
I i new my hand and seal of oulce this
6th day of April, 1891.
No.1518. E S- LACEY.
Comptroller of the Currency,
M is Sea
Tho National Lawmakers Selecting Tholr
PnsltloDS for tho Noxt Houston.
Washington, May 25. Thero lias boon
considerable changing around of Boats In
tho Senate chamber. Senator Colquitt,
of Georgia, has pre-ompted Senator Joo
Brown's neat right in the front row of
tho Democratic side and next to the main
aisle. Mr. Carlisle goes down to Reagan's
place the old Beck seat lu the second
row facing the Vice-President. Mr. Brlco
nets Colquitt's old neat lathe rear row of
the Democratic side, and Hill gets tho
next one to that Hampton's. Gordon,
of Georgia, will occupy Bate's former
place, and the Tenueseean will movo
around to the one to be vaoated by
Faulkner, of West Virginia. The new
Senator from Louisiana, Mr. White, who
succeeds Mr. Hustls, will sit where Mr.
Payno, of Ohio, had a desk, and Mr.
Palmer, of Illinois, will be a close neigh
bor of Mr. Barbour on the outside row.
On the Republican side the shifting
has been Just as marked.
Wasbburne succeeds Ignalls, and Quay
will sit where Mr. Evarts used to do his
talking. Walcott goes down from a back
seat to the place vacated by Mr. Spooner,
and Sona'.or Dixon of Rhode Island will
occupy the chair soon to be vaoated by
Senator Edmunds. The Kansas states
man, Peffer, has been awarded au ox
tremo right-hand corner seat, lately occu
p'od by Senator Allen.
Imported front tho Wost nnd ITutal to
One Farmer's Flock.
Kohtbioht, N. Y., May 25. A slugHar
nnd most fatal disease has broken ocln
the large flocks of sheep owned by De
Witt Sharp, of this place, who, piiEzled
to account for the deaths of the animals,
communicated with the Stato authorities.
A thorough Investigation and examina
tion of tho sheep docided the State In
spector, Mr. Qulgly, to adopt drastic
moasuros, and all which had been with
thoso that had died, numbering about
200, wero at onco killed and their bodies
It was found that tho animnls had died
from worms which had preyed on tho
liver and other organs, and their exist
ence Is traced back to certain parasites,
generally flies, which lay eggs on tho
grass oaten by tho sheep. It 1b believed
that tho disease has been imported from
tho Wost, as a number of sheep were
brought from there a few months ago by
Mr. Sharp, and until then it was totally
unknown hero.
Rev. Dr. Ilrldemannn Episcopalian.
New YonK, May 25. The Rev. Dr.
Charles Do W. Bridgman, who resigned
from tho pastorate of the Madison
Avonuo Presbyterian Church on aecoun t
of theologlo viows which ho held, not
consistent with the doctrinal tonetsjof
mat denomination, was continued oy
Bishop Henry O. Potter yesterday after
noon in this city as a communlcant'of
the Protestant Episcopal Church. Also
his wife, son and daughter, together with
his friend and old parlshlouor, Dr. Alfred
L. Loomls, tho noted physician, were con-
Stubbed Ills Wifo and Flod.
Rio Grand City, Tox., May 25. Dernto
Medina killed his wifo yostorlay and es
caped to Moxlco Ho swam tho river
amid a shower of mullets. Medina walk
ed into tho house and found his wifo nr.
VlTltrtnr, n Imalrnf ff (Ini.uM nml lin n .
proached her, spoke to her lovingly and
oogan to play with nor hair, whon sud
denly he drew a dirk, reached over hoi
right shoulder and stabbed her to the
heart. Sho had two children and was a
beautiful woman of tho Spanish style.
?Tho Hoy Died ot Exhaustion.
ittsduro, Pa., May 25. Dr. Jamoa
McCann, at tho West Penn Hospital, last
evening, mado tho fourth attempt to re
move a piece of olny pino stem from tho
bronchial tube of David Williams, a 4.
year-old boy. Thy lad had swallowed it
a week ago. All efforts to grasp it with
a probe, of which several kinds were
used, proved futilo, as it was impossible
to secure a hold upon tho hard substance
About two hours after tho operation tha
boy died of exhaustion.
Ed. Mooro, who kidnapped his young
eon on Thursday night at Watcrtown, N.
Y., from his mother, has been captured.
Tho members of the Now York and
Brooklyn Coal Exchanges, on excursion
this week, will bo entertained by tho coal
men of Baltimore
William Welch has started on a tramp
from Chicago to New York to decide a
wager of $500.gHo is to walk the 091
mllos of his route in 10 days.
Tho International Telegraph District
and Construction Company, of Bnltimoro,
have admitted their insolvency and con
sented to the appointment of receivers.
An order has been lssuod from the Navy
Department placing the Navy Yard at Nor.
folk, Va., under Civil Service rules and
declaring all positions of foreman or
master mechanics vacant on July 1.
The bill passed by the Massachusetts
Legislature restricting tho height of
buildings to 125 feet has been signed
by Governor Russell. Tho rostrictioa
applies to buildings in course of erection.
Tho fauulty of Harvard Collogo has
made tbe annual award of fellow
shlps and scholarships to tho graduata
schooL Tho fellowships run go in value
from $150 to $750 and aggregate- about
The directors of the California Athlotlu
Club decided to offer another purse of,
$7,500 to Jackson and Corbot'tfor another
"go" boforo tho club. Eaoh of tho men
was awarded $3,600 for their part in
Thursday night's fight.
To take poison and die in tho arms of
her beloved was tho romantic intention
of Mrs. Agnos Ilobblns of Now Haven.
Conn., but it resulted in the poking ol
a yard of rubber hose into her stomach
and a period ot extreme nausoa. Sho
will live.
Frionds of Mrs. Mary Norton of Addi
son, Vt., aro divided in the opinion
whether sho was dead when placed in tho
collln. Hor remains wore taken from a
private vault for burial and on opening
tho collln it was found that the body had
turned p.irtly over.
J. J. Kellogg, E. R. Hodges and S. J.
Kellogg, of Washington, Pa., havo been
iudictod,for fraudulent use of tho malls.
They ara.accusod of advertising for persona
to become members ot a fraudulent de&
tcctive agency, whom thoy. charged $10
for a certlflcato.
Weather Indications.
Wabhinoton, May 23. For Now England,
Eastern Now York and Now Jcrsoyi Fair)
slightly warrnor; southeasterly winds.
For Western Now York! Gencrully fain
ttttfonmy temperature; northerly winds.
One of the troubles of life is
thebreakingof lamp-chimneys.
Needless. Macbeth's "pearl
top" and "pearl glass" are
tough against heat.
You will save nine-tenths of
your chimney-money by using
" Pearl top " fits most of
the little lamps ; " pearl glass "
is lor " Rochester, " Pitts
burgh' " Duplex," etc.
We make a great many sizes
and shapes, alTof tough glasu.
You can get the right ones.
Talk with your dealer about it.
from which tho excess o!
oil has been removed, is
Absolutely JPuro
and it is Soluble.
No Chemicals
nro used in its preparation. It has
more than three times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Gtarch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, and is thereforo far mori
economical, costing less than one cenl
a cup. It is delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, easily digested.
nnd admirably ndnptcd for invalid?
as well as for persons in health.
Sold by Grocers everywhere.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchesfsr, Mass,
3L I CaK
and other special
ranted, anil so stamped on bottom. Address
W.I.. DOUUliAg, Urockton, Miirs. Sold by
.Tajsoiipla. 33 3. II,
100 styles, prices to suit nil.
Wm. Aykks a Sons, Philadelphia
Bold by uil dealers.
a ChUbetrfs KnaUftb Hlauond Knud,
'ennyroyal pills
Original and Only Genuine.
afc, iUwaTu rillabl. ladies uk .
DrusfrM lor Chlchattrt AWdA Dta-J-mond
Brand in Red m& 6i id tneUlLifiV
fboxM, wiled with bloe ribbon. Tnko
no othh Rttutt tlnnartrouM miAmii.
Kti and imttatisne AtUruegUu,orieti344
ntmri ror pu-ucmari, teaumooiua ta4
,4 Itllef for I-ndlf." in letter, wlnm
f oil iw.uvu TtuuiuoDiftia. jfame "aper.
Chit ho ler Chemical Co.tn1lAOD Haunre
octl Dragffiau. l'hlladi., VtZ
Or tho Uuuor Habit. lOtt!tlvvly Cureti
by tulintn Uteri tic: Dr. Ilaluca .j
CJolilen NiMTlllr. "
It Is manufactured aa a powder, whioh can bo given
in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea, or in food.
without the knowledge of the patient. It la absolutely
harmletia, and will effect a permanent and speedy
cure, whether the patient la a moderate drinker or
an aloohollo wreck. Ithaa been given In thousands
of casoB, and In every inn tan ee a perfeot cure has fol
'owed. It never Foil. The system once impregnate
ed with the tipeoltto.n becomes an utter impossibility
for the liquor appetite to exist.
4C page book o' particulars free. To bo had of
C. 'i. HAGENBUCH, Druggist, Shenandoah
Uffjit ui Oldest Reliable Porelj Cwti CompssTss
Represented by
120 S, Jarclln Street,
538 BPEWfcMtSfiS:
The oirt relUMe ui taeeeairu
peclftiui for tlldiieaiM el to La
r U'KUS, b otcbei. IMmplei, Hor
uuuui i iiroii, irriiftiieDB, ootu
ia latUiumttK'Ll, KldDtjs
lusi .lf.r, IaaI TiuUtj , Wesk bsokf
D Mis. FUei. Htlsoobolji
Weak&eti Pvbllltr, Irapilrcd Mtwiry sad Pesy, trlotarc
Mldlicsiearvia'uag from juuthfui vrmri or fiom oferwork,
OldiYoung or Middle Agod don't nffsr so; looter,
cart u certstu, no vxririmti.t I tui Trytblnf I Down l
DtdlSft) sod uritl acicbde, obtUnfelK tod eld asms toUctUd.
nomktter vbo r)icdreiurioncf Friab esiei oorad In
to 10 4tjt, Earopctt Hoepttil txirlinn tn 0rmDy, Eds
land, Kruno sod Auatrts, u oertl&etc sod dtplomu prof
sod U yr- t.riiCtKil c-.-riinos 10 009 tint ' ur4 jtTj
IfilK Afttfa t isid Co in sdvertlilsi; doctor, wba
JJ LkJ)JVir cairu(B s gun klil. kDovifdgosul
siperleooo od vbs coo show utsur plnu ptrinnnUy
eorod u I can sftf r qnaoki sod sVertUinc doators bv
rolntd thtn Sood So. iiup for book TRUTH" sod sworn
tfitimooili3cpiiu qnaeki sod dvrtUlot doolon wilh
ttielr film nod rrtudutaot susraoteet a I ti vJiuoolsU. li'lf
lprlcira, lti.T do not iMitik mi tin Ir ti-iif Mtuodlfif
monty or irieu'lly tulki &a) oheav sud irr.riblea druis
otUbor rf whioh ear n r. n but art ttfd u i or and reaulfc
taruia oftbouau-lb of roni) llnh ilctima Onw Huosi
Kfarydar rrin.i a U tmip M wuu.iiit Wtdnwday
aodflamrfl Kwuhia tr mn-lli Hiinlny tr.nn to It, JTo
aWferiuoM Wtr.ui.Ju and tiatudfjrf'tUs. Tias
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