The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 25, 1891, Image 2

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    Shenandoah Herald.
2, 0. BOYEB. Editor and P.lls,or,
W. J. WATKI.TS, Local Editor
Dkn.r, per year ; t8
Wkikly, per year 1 6:l
Entered at the Postoftlee, at Shenandoah, Pa.
for irWMtnlMian thro Huh the Malls
m second class matl msttor.
TIio Mstrlot-Attorimjr to iJcglu Trocccil.
lug Agnlnsl Htm at Onue.
Washikgton, May 25. Attornoy-Gen-ernl
Miller placed In the hands of District-Attorney
Cole the documents hav
ing to do with the charge that Greon B.
Itauni, jr., had a man appointed to a
Pension Bureau office In return for finan
cial favors. Mr. Cule later had an Inter
view with the Attorney-General, and it is
understood to havo been decided tnnt
proceedings nifniust yountt Haum should
Bpeedlly bo beun. Civil Service Com
missioner Boosevelt, in commenting ou
the Attorney-General's move, said:
We fait very suro that the tostlmony
made out a prima facie caso against tho
four men Raum. Straun, Johnson and
Smith and that it was our clear duty to
promptly report it, not only to tho heads
of departments in which tho men woro
serving, but also to the Attorney-Gonornl
for such action as he might seo fit to take.
Tho misconduct these men nro allotted to
be uilty Is of so serious a charactorthat
we could do no loss. Incidentally tho
whole affair shows tho immenso benefit
conferred by tho civil servico law in do
ing away with the possibility of tho salo of
ofllccs; it must be remembered that tho
gross offenco alleged was in roforonco to
the obtaining of a place in tho unclassi
fied sorvlca Such an occurrence is not
only alwnys posBiblo, but is always prob
able under tho spoils systom. It is im
possible under ours."
It Will Probably Como Before- tho rren
byterlnn Assembly To-Morrow.
Detroit, May 25. Look out for tho
Briggs dobato. Every preparation Is be
ing mado for a groat struggle. Tho
Briggs mon nro working with might nnd
main to stem tho tldo of opposition
against tho Union Seminary professors.
The hotel corridors are filled with clergy
mon earnestly advocating tho causo they
espouse. What tho Briggs contingent
wants 13 nn ablo leader, and thoy are try
ing hard to find ono.
The Row Dr. Herrick Johnson, of Chi
cago, is hero and sympathizes with Dr.
Briggs, but ho can take no part in tho do
bato for ho is not a commissioner. Ho is
doing yooman's service for tho Briggs
party, Tho Hov. Henry M. Field, D. D.,
of the Now York Evangelist, is also on
tho ground and working hard on the
eaun side, but ho can havo no voto on tho
question. Prof. Henry Preserve Smith,
of Cincinnati, is about tho only commis
sioner of prominonco who sides with tho
Briggsitos. Ho will certainly bo heard
from in tho great debate.
Sudden Deaths.
flerrt disease Is by far I ho most freauent
caufee of sudden death, which In three out or
four eases Is unsuspected. The symptoms aro
not generally understood Thefce are: lying
on the right side, Bhort breath, palnordls.
cress In side, back or ; boulder, Irregular
fiulso, asthma, weak and hungry spells, wind
n stomach, swelling ot ankles or dropsy,
opmwlo- -"-y cough and smothering. Dr.
Miles' Illustrated book on Heart Disease, free
au! II Hngeubiich, who sell and guarantee
Dr. Miles' unequaled Kew Heart Cuie, rind his
llestorntlo Nervine, which cures nervoiif
ness, headache, sleeplebsnos, ellectsof drink
ing, etc. It contalcs no opiates.
One would suppose a floating dobt would
bo easily washed away, but it is not.
Hold It to tho Light.
Tho man who tolls you confidentially
ust what. will cure your cold is proscribing
Komp's Balsam this year. In tho prep
aration of this' romarkablo modicino for
coughs and colds no expense is Bparod to
combino only tho bost and purest ingredi
ents. Hold a bottle of Komp's Balsam to
tho light nnd look through it; notice the
bright, cloar look; then compare with
othir remedies. Prico 60c. and ?1
The loafer of to-day will bn the father
of tbe tramp of tho next generation.
Rooky Mountain O'uro.
-Tho druggists claim that people call
daily for tho now euro for constipation and
sick headache, discovered by ' Dr. Silas
Lane wliilo in tho Rocky Mountains. It is
said to be Oregon grapo root ' (a great
rooiedy in tho far West for those com
plamte) combined with simple borbs, and is
made for use by pouring on boiling water
to draw out tho strength. It sells at 60
cents a package and is called Lane's
Family Medicine.
Within a week or two the excursion soa
jn will open.
Oh, What a Cough.
Will you heed the warning? The signal per.
bain of tin sure approach of that more ter
rible cllKeakri. Oon-uinmMon. Ask vcurselves
ir yon t'tto mtord far tbe sake nl saving 50
i'whi., loror i ntH una no Homing Hint.
We know liora e-pi-rieuce that Shlloh'g Cure
will i 'ur juiir lougb. It, never lails. 'Ibis
expMit. wny more ibuu a Million Bottles
were nold lli past year. It relieves Croup
and Wbopplau cough at once. Mothers do
not be wllnoi t It. For Lame Back, Hide or
Chest, use Khlloh's I'orouo piaster. Bold by
O. II. Hag0 buch, N E. corner Malu and
i.loyu Htrutiia.
It w m'l 1 o long now till the picnio son
son will oi,. o.
Shlloh's Consumption Cure.
This In beyond question tho moMM suc
cessful Cough Medicine we have ever sold,
a lew duties lu variably cure the wo t cases ol
Cough, Cronp, and Bronchitis, while its won
derful sucoena In tbe enre of Consumption is
Without a parallel In the history of imdtelne.
Since It's first discovery it bns been sold on n
guarantee, a test which no other medicine
can siana. u you nave h t oukii we earnestly
ask you to try it. Price 10 cents, SOctnts, and
Jl.iil. II your Lungs are tore. Chut or Back
lame. aseHblloh's Porous Plaster. Sold bv
O. U. Ilagenbu.u, N. K, comer Main and
Lloyd street.
It's tho fellow who novor gives anything
who is always kicking over tho extra col
lections. ,
Ho Itoqnests Cardinal Glbbnnt to l)o Some
thing About tho Lynching Affair,
Paris, May 25. A dispatch to the
Fltjaro froinRomo says tho Popo has writ
ten to Cardinal Gibbons askliig the latter
to furnish him with dotalls as to tho Now
Orleans dispute, nnd as to it effect upon
tho position of Itnliaus.
His Hollneis, according to this dis
patch, has also requested Cardinal Gib
bons tr do his utmost to obtain an
cciultablo solution of tho quostlons which
have beon rulsed by tho New Orleans
lyuchings. v
Arrested Tor High Treason.
Parib, May 20. Emllo Trlpono, n
French artillery officer, has been arrested
on a charge of high treason In being nn
naent of the Armstrongs, the British gun
manufacturors. Turpln, tho invontor of
mellnlto, has puhllshetl a pamphlet
charaluu Tripono with stealing nnd sell
ing the secret of tho manufacture to the
TheCzaretvltch's Vlult to Siberia,
St. Pmxjwmmo, May 2)5. To celebrate
the visit of the Czarewltoh to Siberia, an
imperial decree has been issued author
izing the Sih.ilan Governors to remit
two-thirds of the sentences nnd otherwise
to ameliorato tho condition of worthy
convicts. '
103 Italians Convicted.
Eomk. May 25. Tho result of the
Mala Vita trial at Bari is that 14 havo
been acquitted, nnd 100 sontonced to
tonus of imprisonment ranging from six
months to 10 years.
Conflict With the Portuguese,
London, May 2C Tho government
confirms the statements as to tho conflict
between tho British nad Portuguoso at
Pungwe, but no details are glvon.
Four Persons Drowned,
LrvnnpooL, May 25. Tha stoamors
Traffic nnA Mnrant? fMlMfr1 vnstnr,1n.v In
.he river Morsoy and both sank, four
poopio Doing urownea.
Buy Keystorte flour. Bo careful that thi
namo Lkssiq fc Co., Ashland, Pa., i
prin'ed on overy sack. 3-3-3taw
1 5 Weakness of Body aad Hind, Effects
Itoboit, Aotilt .lA.MlO(U) mllr Ilntorf i). How lo HnUnto anil
AbtOlutftr UDfalllnr 1103IK TKKATnKNT.ltvnrfilK In n dov.
Henteitlfyrrora&OSlattH and ForplirariiiinlrlK,. lrilAtl.m.
Kloierlplhe Hook, explanation and prwifa malted (iea!ed)rree(
The vestlbuled compartment sleeping cart
recently Introduced on the Chicago, bt. Paui
and Kansas City Hallway are models or com
fort, convenience and luxury. Any patron of
me steeping car isenaoica, oy tue introduc
tion of i hose compartment cars, to tecure thf
same privacy and onvenlence that he would
In the best hotel. No other line west of Chi
cago runs tbe compartment cars. In addi
tlon, the tralnsare equipped with tho reguln
open Pullman sleeper, giving passengers then
choice. The dl ilng car service Is fully up to
the requirements ol modern lullway jervlce
An excellent cuisine, promptly served amid
elegant surroundings, atmoaernUi charges,
leaves nothing now to be desired. Any of our
people contemplating a trip to any part of tht
west or northwest cannot possibly securt
better accommodations or lower rates thai
by addressing W. P. Cooley, General Agent ol
the Passenger department, 836 Chestnut Bt.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Colorado Is a land of sharp contrasts, ol
brilliant lie his, ol Intense nlindruvs; a land
where hclgbts and depths muke obvious the
mean'.ug of the word antithesis; aland where
e'ery mood In mind can nnd an answering
mood In nature. The high, white minarets of
the mountains, from whose slender plnuaclbs
llont the wind-blown bunnors oi thosnow, ap
peal with silent eloquence to the lolty aspira
tions of the soul; the sombre chasms cleft by
Titan forces through granite-hearted bills
wiiiun wnoso aeptns aura suaaows throng
and swirling torrents dashspeak to the heart,
a language that thrills, inspires and awes. It
does not follow that thete glories ol whllo
peaks and those glooms of dark canons pre
clude the pleasant Intervals, the sunny
meadows or the secluded nooks wherein the
tired mind or wearied body may find peace
ful rest and refuge from turmoil and toll. To
oue rnnklug a Journey lu Colorado, New
Mexico or Utah, or taking a transcontinental
tour from Host to West, or vice versa, the Den
ver and Rio Grande Railroad offers accom
modations equal In elegance.couvenience and
luxury to those of nny other line with the ad
ded attractions of tho unrivalled scenerv
along Its line, abounding In a mngntneent
opulence of white peaks and dark canons,
The month of .November, 1890, witnessed one
ui uie mosi linporiuiu improvements in ran
road facilities that has vet been made in Cnl.
orado and tho West. The completion of Ite
standard gauge of the Denver and HloQrnnd)
Railroad from Denver, Colorado, over thi
mountains to Ogden, Utah, which five ycais
ngu whu ueeiueu un liupobsiuimy, is certainty
a triumph of daring and engineering skill.
The new line is by the way of iieadvllTe. tun.
nellng Tennessee Pass, threading the canons
of the Kaglo and Ornd Rivers, giving a view
ot the Mount of the Holy Cross, enrouto, tak
lng its trains through Glenwood Hprlngs and
down the Grand River to Grand Junction,
thence to Bait Lake City, Ogden and Ban
rrHiuuMro. ny huh rouie one is given an op
portunity to beuold the :agnlftcenco of Eag'e
Hlver Canon and the marvelous beauty an
grandeur of the Canon of the Grand. The
overland train Is a model In every respect.
From the engine to tho last first-class coach
everything Is bright nnd now, and of tho
most elegant stylo of workmanship and
If .tny reader desires to know more about
i nose stupendous works or nature, write to H.
K. Hoonr. . General Passencer Aceut.Donver.
Colorado, and he will send you. free of cos,
elegantly Illustrated books, giving a full de
scription of the marvels of the 'Bcenlo
-jine.'-Hianiey wood m me "Great Divide."
SGOUT, BACKACHE, Pains InthoSIrfo,
k the Chest and tha Joints, Neuralgia,
Sprains, etc.. 'tic, tha
li n ni mi n n n
Ufiod wltli Croat sucoeea In the Imnerlnl
and Royal General Hospital of Vienna
Bua many omen.
tea Uuolisitil Tutlnoiiil out of Tfcsniisli;
, . TKyroious, lu,, Jan.iW. -SO. I
Your Anchor lJAtn ExnfA-l twill- avmR. I
lnt. One of our Sisters, suffering from Itbeu-1
fiuum ror years, could nnd nothing to euro I
uukruur AncnorrsmAineiisr.
DO Cont8 a bottle.
, BIO Jiroaaicny, treUi York,,
Kuropenn Ilonsosinuiloiitndl.G'r, ,
ilndou, Vlfiiua, ltottonlam. VramM
, juneuiin, UAtn, Nuremberg. Lelielo. M
f BEE Bcokt about other Anchor RoJ
meaies en Appliatlon,
liroko n Itlb 'Whllo Suoczlng.
Boumd BnoK. N. J., May 25. Dr. T. E.
Davis, a physician living hero, was taken
with a vi6lont fit of snoozing yesterd.iyi
In his offorts to restrain tho convubiotiB
ho broke a rib on Ms right side. Tho nc-
cidont is said to US ns unusual na it is
peculiar. The sudden shook glvon by
the fracture frightened awtty tho Bnoeai-
ing fit,
General Ilutlor Will Fight.
Boston, May 25. Gonoral Benjamin F.
Butlor will probably to-morrow fllo n peti
tion in tho United States District Court
for n Writ of habeas corpus in behalf of
Clariotta Johnson, now confined in the
Woman's Reformatory. Judgo Nelson
has consented to glvo him a heariug this
All the Hall l'luyors Arrested.
Cincinnati, May 26. Au attempt was
made by tho Cincinuatls nnd Athletics
to play a game of ball yesterday after
noon on tho Association Qrottnds, but po
lice interference put a stop to it nt the
end of the first inning. All the players
were arrested. Thero was a largo crowd
in attendance.
A Quarter Million Clone.
New Havbn, Conn., May 25. O. W.
Scrnnton, of the defunct bank of Bunnell
& Scrnnton, which closed Its doors May
10, has nt Inst vouchsafed an opinion to
tho anxious depositors and creditors as
to tho condition of affairs. He says tho
liabilities will reach $400,000.
Two Druthers Drowned.
Tnov, May !Jb. Thomas and
Mason, hi others, whllo out In a row boat
were capsized and Urovnl last evening.
The -.labilities of tho Star Company esti
mated nt 1300,000.
TnEtrroN, N. J., May 25. Tho Star Rub
ber Company's troubles excito much com
ment in business circles in this city. The
liabilities as estimated nro 350,000.
Mortgagos aggregating 230,000 will bo
glvon to protect tho banks and Indorsors
ot the company's paper.
Tho company has doubt, It 13 said, of
being ablo to pull through. The credit
ors will probably to-day ask for tho ap
pointment of a receiver.
It is claimed by somj that tho com
pany's assets will reach nearly as much
as tho liabilities, and that tho company
will bo ablo to pay dollar for dollar.
JonathanJStewart, tho president, states
that a roceivor will bo asked for to-day.
lb is paid that tho Chemical Bank of
Now Y jrk has 30,000 of the company's
papor and (ho Bank of Amorica a smaller
Died from n Buaho's Dlte.
Belyzdere, N. J., May 25. -Fred Duf
ford, a well known stonomason of
Qunkortown, Pa., is lying nt tho point of
death from the blto of a. copperhead
snnko. DulTord was riding along tho
road aud seeing tho roptilo sunning it
self got out of tho wagon to charm it.
He claims to possess peculiar powers in
this direction, but while attempting to
manipulate tho snake it suddenly throw
out it3 fang, nnd fastened thorn in his
arm. Tho snnko could hardly be shaken
loose. Tho man was at once, attacked
with spasms. Tho snnko was subse
quently killed and was found to measure
three feat In lenorth.
Wednesday Eve,, May 27,1891
Prof. James Sauuage !
of Mev York, late Principal Baritone of the
Carl Rosa Opera Company, London, Eng.,
Assisted by
MR. liEW HERBERT, of Bcranton, Basso,
and number of other distinguished
ai lists In a
s The rommttt-9 having charge of the
concert will meet eveiy faturday evening, at
7 P. M.. at 'ho usur! place.
PRICES, 25, 35 anil 50 CeutH.
Reserved seats on ealo at Klrlln's drugstore
Street Railway!
RAILWAY can yet lie procured,
nnd parties contemplating Invest,
went should apply at once at the
office of
24 N. Jardm St., Shenandoah, Pa.
tftlE contract for tho construction
of the road betwoon Shenan
doah and Ashland has been award
ed and will be completed within 00
days from the lime the ground la
broken for the Elation,
T IB expected that cars will be
running between Shenandoah
and Ashland no later than July,
Good Investment I
The finest in the interior of
the State. Only available
health and pleasure grounds
in the Anthracite region.
The nutnrnl attractions and magnifi
cent ecenei of iho place are un
equalled, and n day of recrea
tion and phasur. may be
spent in it to advantage.
There ia good fishing aud
bathing in the twin lakes
surrounding the grounds. Boat
houses will be built on the lakeside
and regattas will bo frequeutthis season
For Sunday Schools, Lodges, cfec,
tub grounus are most suitable for pic -
inlormation, call
On and after iVov. Zi, 1890, trains wM leax
Hhenantioah as follows;
For Wlggau, Gllberton, Frackvllle, Now
Oaatle, St. Clair, a.a way points, 6.W, 9.1 .'
nm nnd 4.16 pm,
Sundays, two, y.10 am and 8.1 Op in.
For Fottsvllle, (MX), 8.10 a m and 1.15pm,
Sundays. 600, 9.40 a m and 3.10 p m.
For Koadlng, 6.00, tf.10 a m and 4.15 pm,
Sundays, CM), 0.40 a.m. and 8.10pm.
for Fottstown, Phoemxville, Worrlstowi
and .'hlladelnhla (Broad street station;, 6.00,
4.10 am. and 4.15 p m weekdays
Sundays, 600, 9.40 a m 3.10 p in
Trains leave Frackvlhe lor Shenandoah ai
10.4O ui and 12.11, 7.42, 10,09 p m. Sundays
11.18 a m and 6.40 pm.
Leave yoitavllle lor Shenandoah, 10.15 ana
11.43, a in 7.15, 9.42 p m. Sundays, 10.10 n in
5.15 p m.
Irfjavti Philadelphia (Broad street station),
for 1'ottsvllle and Shenandoah, 5.57,10.25 a in
2.10, 4,10 and 7.00 p m week days. Sunday O.Zj
am and 1.10 p. ni.
Kor W York, 3.20, 4.06, 4.40. 6.a5, 6.60, 7.80,
8.208.30, rf.E0, 11.00 andll,15am. 12.00 noon, aim
lted express, l.OS and 4.60 p m.) 12.44, 1.40, 2.80
S.20, 4, 5, (I,a.il0, 6.60 7.1S 8.12 and 10.00 p m, 12.01
On Sundays, 8.20, 4.05, 4.40, 6.85, 8.12. 8.80, 9.60,
a ra. and 12.49, 8.2U (limited 4.60), 6.-3, 6,80, liM
7.18 8.1. p m and 12.01 night.
For Sea Girt, Spring Lake, Belmor,
Ocean Grove, Asbniy Park, and Long Branou
8.20, 11,15. a. ra. 4.00 p. m. week day For
Freehold, 6.1 p. m. week clays.
Baltlmop- and Wr-ehlngton, 8.60, 7.20, 8,81
9.10, ll.20, J1.18a 7n,l2.'"(lp3ilUdep.ress)8.4e
1.41 8LW anf v7.40 r, m., and 12.03 night. Fo
iialtlmoro. niy,!ii2, tit, 5 08 and lt.80 p. m
OnHandays,8.5U-:,aj,9.lUmd 11.18 a. m. 4.4)
6.67, 7.10 p m. 12.3a night, Baltimore only
5.08 and 11.80 p m.
For Atlchmond and the South 7.20 11.18 a. mH
(Limited Kxpress 12.35 p. m.J12.03 night, weet
days. Sunday B, 7.20 a.m., 12.03 nlghl
Trains leave Harris tmrg for Pitusourg anc
the west every day at 12.25 and 3.1 u a m an
8.00 Ulmlted) and a.40 p m, Way for Altoona,
a.15 a m and 4.10 p m every day.
For Plttaliurg only, 11.20 a m dally ond lO.!
p m week days.
Leave Sunbury for WlUlamsport, Elmlra,
Ounendalgna, Rochester, BnQaloand NUigors
Falls, 5,10 a m dally, and 1.43 p m weok days.
For watklns, 5.80 a m woek days.
For ICrle and intermediate points, 6.10 a in.,
dally. For Lock Haven, 6.10, and 9,63 a ia.
dally, 1.84 and 5.80 p m. week days. Foi
IVenova 6.10 a in 1.43 and 60 p m week day,
J JO ft. m Uundayi.
0HA8. Ji. PUW1I, jr. It, WOOD,
(Jan. Man'r Uen. Paw, Agt
Timetable in effect Hay, 10, 1891.
TralnB leave Heading (P. s It, station) foi
a oniltar, Seyfert, Blrutboro, Joanna, Spring,
field, Waynesuurg Junction, C'oatesvllle.VVest
Chnler.ChudKford Junction, B, t O. Junction,
Wllmlugiou aud lniernu dime stAtlons, dully
exuptsouday, at 0.23 nnd 8.80 a.m. and 8.15
p. m. Sunday only at 8.05 p. m.
For W-rwlek, HUPeter and lntr;medlate
Btutlons,dally except Sundy, at 9.10 a.m., and
6.19 p. to. buuday only 8.15 a. m.
For Blrdsbjro nnd Intermediate stations,
Saturday only, at 12 in.
For Baltimore and Washington (B. A O. R.
It.) dnll oxoepi. Hund y at 0.25 and 8.80 u. m
and 8.16 p. m. bundev only ai 8.05 p. m.
Tra.nsnrrtvof Pending (p. tt it. station)
lroai V 'mlngton, It. & O. Junction, Mont
cbanln, Cb.ddsioid Junction, West CheMrr.
Lenape. Contesvllle, Waynesburg Junction.
Sprt,.leld.Jt jnna.B.rdeboio, (illirultai, 8ey
feriHUd mieimedlate otatlons, dally except
Sunday at 10.20 a. in. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m. Sua.
day only at 11.21 a. m.
From St. Peters, Warwick nnd lhterraedlulc
flatloiiB, dally except bunday, at 8.24 a. in.
and 2.25 p. m. Sonday only at Op. m.
From Uliilt-Loru mid intermediate stAtlons,
Bauuuuy only at 1.40 p. m.
Fiom Watblnt. uu trnd Baltimore, dally ex
cept Sunday, 10 8) a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p.m.
Sunday only ui 11.24 a. in.
BOWNESH BltlQGS, Qen'l Pass. Agt.
vii iriimiieatly curuil L
..i'tti i
i'A. Eaw) at oncv, no KiwiaUca
or Ions of tin
fiuiu Imtilneijs. Casusjironnmu'tK. lu-
curablu 'jy Mwr.i
buua tor irtui&r.
i Summer Resort, Ptc-mc
"I and Pleasure Grounds 1
LAKESIDE (East Mahanoy Junction) mid.
wny between Mahanoy City and Tama
qua, now managed by a new stock com
pany, will be open to tho public within a low
weens, and dates can now bo secured. A
number of societies havo already been booked
nnd others wishing desirable dates should
make application -ftlthout delay.
Under the new management many lniprovo
mentn will be made, some of them being now
.under way, that will make it tho plc-nlcand
pleasure grounds of the region.
A large dancing pavilllon and a trotting
park are among the new additions. The bost
liorsesln the State will be secured to run or
trot this season.
nics and outings. For dates nnd other
on or address,
Excursion Manager,
ww 4 Bro.
Chamber Sets,
Wash BUinds,
Dressing Cabinets,
l)(nipg Tables,
China Closets,
Dining Cnalrs,
Smoking Chairs,
Card Tables,
Tea Tables, .
Parlor Snlts,
Easy Chairs,
Parlor Cabinets,
Music Cabinets,
Piano Chairs,
Hall Stands,
Hall Tables,
Fancy Tables,
Wood Mantels,
Book Cases,
Writing Desks,
Bool. Cabinets,
Sewing Machines.
J. P. Williams & Bro.
A newlv dlsrovert d MINHItAL WATER.
the upe ol whh h will tunply Important ele
men's utcn iry lo health, It will cure the
Kidneys, 1 tver, Stomach, andnll Boweland
jjiuuuerm er'srs, it -win uitMuvu ciuciui uuu
if liKivo tliem. It removes the nrlo acid from
the blood and thus destroys Malaria and
tiiil',. Itciuniif.hl'H disease, and is es.
pr'j'a'ty : rcommended for neonle advanced la
l e, and "cr general del"" . For undoubted
)Uoo jo i'i&nnrtJor pn. ohlet giving full
p:u.ici'a loJ.H. PKHUY, Water ol Llie
ic, ; fcouiii juaiu au, wnxes-iiarre, pa.
TREATED tiFE..fffeS?asJ
Hkve cured iftanv tl.uMnd Cur. isticnu prpnuuucou
hofl- ny the 1X.-5I I.livsi nts From firt doja tvmutoim
Kpktly lltpi. "4 i" ttn ,l.,y, .11 kin twlvlhlrtU of nV
wuiiomiKe,rjii,,oL Vi.d ', r FHHP BJOOK of teeth
UUl, tend ten cents In tl ntpi to iwiy postfttfe nmxmn
UU. 11. U. OIIEKJ. A 80.W. AlJ-tSrS.
Philadelphia afid loading Bailroad.
Time Table in effect May 10, 1891
ror ew York via Philadelphia, week duvh
1.1D 5.25, 7.20 ft. m, and 12.35 2.60 ond 5.5C
). m.. Sunday 2.10 and 7.18 n. in. Vnr n
Ydrk, via Manch Chunk, week days, 5.2(1.
7.20, a. m. nnd 12.35 and 2.60 r. m.
f or Rend I 111? nnd l'lillnilnfnhln uv iio...
2.1b, 6.85, ,7.20, n. m., 12.85 2.60 and 6.55 pirn.
anuany. tu ana i.ia a. in.
MMTiBuurB, week days, 2.10,7.20 a. m,.
i.10, 6.65 n, m.
or Auentown, weoK aayii, 7,20 v tn., 12.35
,10 p.m.
o".or- rottsvllle, week days, 2.10, 7.W," m,,
2.3 1 2.50 and 6.56 p. in. Bunday, 2 10 and 7.18
k in.
For Tamnona and Mahanoy City, week
lays, 2.10, 6.35, 7.20. n. m., 125 2.60 nnd 5.50
i.iii, nuiiuiiji iiuauu .ia a. ra. Additional
or Mahanoy City, week days 7.00 p. m.
put iw.uh miu uuiuuiuia, weeK uays,
,20 a. Oi., 2.E0 p. m. '
0n.,tri1llnHi.Kn O 1 . . . .
ri ,i iijiuiaH1! uuuur'BflU X,eWlBOurR,
feek days, 3.25. 7.20 and 11,3) a. m 1,83, 7.00
. xu. auiiuuy n:3 h. nr.
For Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2.i0 8.2),
7.711 nnri 1 f '-ill n iy l'J! 1 or. ki, . ce
7.00 and p. m. Sunday, 2 10,' 8.25 au'd 7.48
For Glmrdvllle (Itnnnahnnnock Stntlnni
k days, 2.10, 8.25. 5.26, 7.20 and 11.30 a. m,,
12.S5. 1 85 Ji0. 6.5ft. 7.00 HndB.36. D. m. Sundav!
2-10 ..2 , 7.4b a. m., 3.06 p. m.
it Ashland nnd Snamokln, week days,
,25, 5.25,7.20, 11.3') a. nl., 1.35, 7.00 and 0,25
ia. Monday 8.25 n. m.t 8.06 p. m.
Leave Nmi York vlil Phllndelnhtn. irenV.
lays. 7.45 a. in., l.ilO, 4.00, 7.80 p. m U.ltUf )
nvni. Nnnnuv. n ill ri Tri v isn,n,i,r
Leave New York v)n Mau'cb Chunk, woek
lays, 4.80, 8.45 ft. in., 1.00 and 4.03 p. m.
Leave PhllurtemhlH.. ww: iIuvh. 4 in. and
10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 6.00 p. m., frrm Broad .
nd Callowhill nnd 8.35 a. m. and 11.80 p. m. i
from 0th anc irreeu streeta. Sunday 0.05 a.
m. p. m. from 9tn anc -en.
iave Heading, wees auys. 1.35. 7.1". 10J5
and 11.80 n. m., 6.55, 7JS7 p. m. Sunday 1.35 ana
Leave Pottnvllle, week day, 2.40, 7.40 a. m.,
'-2.80, 6.11 p. m. Sunday, 2,40 a. m. and 2.05
p. m.
Leave Tamaqna, week days, 3.10, 8,48 una
.1.2 1 a. in., l.'Jl, 7.13, and 9.18 p. m. Sunday 3.20
Ui. HQU 3U p. Ill
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8.40, 9.18
rod 11.47 a. zn 1.51. 7.42 and 0.44 i. m. Bun.
day, 3.4U a. m 8.20 p. m
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days. 2-40. 4.CO
8.80, 9.35, 11.69 a. m.,1.05, 2,00. 5-20, 6a), 7.57, and
lu.uu p. u. aunuuy , una g..o, a. m.
14 5, p. 1U.
t.27. 8.26 a.m. 8.41 p. m.
x.eave vf liiiamspon, weec aays, B.VJ.H.4S ana
U.65 a.m. 8.85 and 11.16 p. nr. Sunday 11.13
For Baltimore, wasnington ana ttse west
7la B. & O. K. K., through trains leave Ulrara
Wenue station. Philadelphia, (P. & R. It. K.)
it 4.16, 801 and ll-!7 a. 13., 1.84, 4.24, 5.56 anrf
'.23 p. m. Sunday, 4.16 8.02 11.27 a, m
.65 and 7.23 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia. Chestnut Street Wharf i
and South Street Wharf.
KTor AtlautlcCltv.
Weekdays Express 9:00 a. m. and 2.00,
1.00 p. m. Accommodation, 8.00 a.m., 6.00
p. ui, ,
Sundays. Kxpress, 9.00, a. in. Accomme-i
4auon. 8.00 a. m.and i.sop. m.
Returning, leave Atlantlo City, depot corner
Mlantio and Arkansas ayenues. Weeklayis
-Kxpress, 7.S0, 9.00, a. in. and 4.00, p. m.
Accommodation, 6.00, 8.05 a. m. and 4.89
1.80 p. m.
Sundays. Express, 4.00 p. m. AccommolR.
Ion, 7.80 a. m.aad iMv. m.
C. G. HANCOOx, Gen'l Pass'r Agl
l. A. MaLKOD. Ire8. & ten) Manager.
Lehigli Valley Railroad.
IitAY 10. 1891.
Passenger trains will leave Shenandoah fcr
Mauch Chunk. Lehlchton. Blatlnaton. Cata.
sauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Phil,
adelphta and New York at 5.47, 7.40, 9.08 a. m,,
l.d, o.o p. m.
For Belvldere. Delaware Water Gan ana
Stroudsburg at 6.47, a. m., and 6.20 p. m.
ffni" r.flmliortvlllo onil 'Vret.ttnn tl lw o m
For White Haven, Wilkes-Barre and Pitts
ton 5.47, 9.08 a. in., 3.10 and 5.20 p. m.
For Tunkhannock, 9,08 a. m 3.10 aud 6.28
p. m.
For Auburn, Ithaca; Geneva and and Lyons
9.08 a. m., and 6.26 p. m.
For Lacey vllle, Towanda. Sayre, Waverly,
Elmlra, Rochester, BufTalo, Niagara Falls,
Chicago and all points West at 9.08 aAm., and
5.26 p. m.
For Flmira and the West via Salamanca at
3.10 p.m.
For Andenrled, Hazleton, Stockton, Luna
her Yard, Weatherly and Penn Haven Juno.
Hon at 6.47, 7.40, 9,08 a. m.and 12.62, 3.10 ana
53 p.m.
For Jeanesville, Levlston and Beaver
Meadow, 7.40, 0,03 a. m. and 5.2t' p. m,
For Bcranton at 5.47 and 9.08 a. m. 3,10 and
5:28 p. m.
For Hazle Brook. Jeddo, Drlfton and Free. ,
land at 5.47, 7.40 and 9.08 a. m 12.52 8.10 audi
6.26 p.m. '
or uunKnae at 0.47 ana a. m., ana
3.10 p. m.
For Wlggans, Gllberton and Frackvllle at
6.60 and tf.03 a. in., Hnd 4.10 p. m.
For YalesviUe, JMabanoy City and Deiano,
5.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10, a. in., 12.52, 8.10, 5.26, 8,03, 9.2t
and 10.27 p m.
For Los. Creek, 31rnrdvllle and Ashland,
4.27,, 10.15 a. m., 1.C0, 1.40, 4.10, 6.35,
8.00 and 9.14 p.m.
For New Castle, St. Clair and Pottsvllle.
7.40, 9.08, 10.58 a. m., 12.62, 3.10, 4,10, 6.26 and 8.03
For Bnck Mountain, New Boston and
Morea, 7.40, 9.08, 10.68 a. m., 12.52, 8.10, 6.26 and
For Raven Run, Centralla, Mt. Carmel and
Shamokln, 8.52, 9.45 and 10.16 a. m., 1.40, 4.40
and 8.03 p. m.
. Trains leave Shamokln for Shenandoah.
7.55 11.65 a. m., 2.10, 4.80 and 9.30 p. m., arriving
at Shenandoah, 9.05 a. m., 12.52, 8.10, 6.26 and
U.15 p. m.
For Lost Creek, Glrardvllle and Ashland.
6.50, IU0 11.S5 a. m., 2.45 p. m.
For New Castle, St. Clair and Pottsvllle,
5150, 8.00, 9.80 u . m.. 2.45 p. m.
For Yatesvlllo, Mahanoy City and Delano.
8.00, 11.35 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. in.
For Lofty, Audenrled and Uaileton. 8.00
a m 1.40 p. m:
For Aliuich Chunk, Lebighton, Slatlngton.
Catasauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton
and New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m:
For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. m.
Gen'l Pass. Agt., Bethlehem.
At onoo the newest; oldest nnd best blood
purifier known. 200 years old In Brazil, two
years' test In this country, and without a rival
In the cure ol skin diseases and rheumatism,
eating ulcers, bolls, tumors, king's evil, white
swelling, hip disease, aud all disorders trom
the rolson taint ot scrofula and speclflo dl.
sease. No mineral, no failures, no relapses.
Sold at Klrlln's Drug Sloro,
Ferguson's Tlotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa.
Whoa troublftd with tboas unuoyiac Irremlat lti
frptaeattv followinva oold or ncpoare, or froiOfri
tutuUonal WtiaknweM .10 peculiar to their . kt
Use DR. DuCHOLNE'8 Celebrated
They ere titrenvtheuiag to the entiru yatcf, impart
tone, visor nnd uinKnetfo forra to all t n net too of body
sndmlnd. Beatuyruftil. AeaurHlrfealefljIl. Addrt'-jw
yr.HartrMoUlclnoCo..ST.lOUIS. MO.
A3t.- ...ijih35.,'ii
y-itSb iiMiin ii'V .