The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 23, 1891, Image 3

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    Preterits tn the most elegant farm
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and enective laxative to perma
nently cure Habitual Const!
f pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the ,
It is themostcxcellcntrcmcdyknownto
When one is Bilious or Constipated
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
Committeemen should bear In
mind that the Herald ofllce
is prepared to do all kinds of
Poster Work!
at the most reasonable rates.
Give us a call and obtaiu our
prices. All work dene when
promisedand In a satisfactory
Dp.Y'oii Like Soup ?
It to,
, nek your grocer to eend you a quarter
poumi tin ni
ba-hi f hi B'l m 7, 1 xjam
All In a dry state. Bold In Europe (manufac
tured tbcrel.Asltt.Alrlcaund now, by Its own
Intrinsic merit, forcing Itreiriutd every City,
town, village and barolet. in the United
Btatea. Samples InrnUned Ircej lor which,
and price list, address
26 South William Street, NEW YORK CITY.
til Zaiv.Uim jaa new Itabber!
ilnij ta4u. Wfcy, pol Tbcso ots tho old oooJ
dressed Uh
It mak'33 thorn luck Hfca new; and ray shoes also
rabbtO'. ttrnn fthnnld .he ni.ui mn in
Change a Pine Table to Walnut.
A Poplar Kitchen Prsss to Antique Oak.
A Cano Hacker to dkJiouany.
Dj what) tan bo to SOO. tioSh ot
VfOLW 6 nAKDOLKX, ridlAdelphla.
Sioo and UpivnrtlH
15 PorCent.
Dividend Paying Stock.
Full particulars and
l'rospectu can be had
on application or addressing
H. I., HIMI'tmiS, Hauteur,
64 llroathYav. X, v.
1'. 9 Kftst Centre Htrcett Mahanoy City. Pa.
Hklu and all special diseases a specialty,
OiEotK-BetkU'i koUdliHt, dirtier Mln ncd Osntice
.1 ljllwSivtrowHrf' i 30
idoloqel .of figfi FonrtS
-ft tory of th.e Late War.-
Author of "Loyal nt Last," "My
Lady 'Fantastic," &c.
"Wlnstanloy Is not much of niplncc,"
Frank Ilcsant said, as they marched
that September afternoon up tho ono
dusty street that constituted the main
portion of the mteerablo village, twhoso
squalid houses -and sallow, unwholc
soino Inhabitants scorned from their
signs of decay to bo unworthy tho no
tice of friend or foe. No wondor Bragg
had not stayed his march to pillage so
contcmptablo a community, as it was
really only a settlement of unhealthy
"cracker" whites, on whom oven tho
slaves looked with isontempt.
"No, it isn't much of a place," Lieu
tenant Gregory, to whom Frank's re
mark had been made, assented, with an
oxpresslvo shrug of the shoulders.
'They say ho was a bold man who first
swallowed an oyster, but hang me, if
he woidd not be a bolder who laid him
self to rest in one of these huts."
"Yet that may be our fate," Frank
"Tho Lord forbid!" was the pious re
joinder. But amid all this squalor, one house
stood high on a hill at the, further end
of the village, which boasted greater
pretensions than its humblo neighbors.
It was a great, square, stone building,
utterly without ornament, but roomy
and capacious, which nerer by any pos
sibility could ihave suggested homo, but
which was largo enough, td promise
accommodation for a host; and out of
its square, ugly gateway, a tall, spare,
fiddle-aged man was coming at a rapid
-walk towards tho advancing column.
"Ilowdyl Ilowdyl" cried ono of the
eracker gentry, coolly offering a be
grimed paw to Major Hopkins, a court
icsy which that gentleman pretended not1
to notice.
"Who Is this person coming down tho
hill?" the officer asked.
"Dim's Squar' Dixon, him is. We
'uns don' take much stock in h! lcylnd
'o1 peart on his raisin', an' thinks his
solf better'n res' o' us."
Squire Dixon- forthwith roso ono
.hundred per cent, in tho Major's estima
tlpn, a good opinion, which was forti
fied by his unaffected expression of
pleasure at tho presence of Northern
.troops, and Ills kindly offers of hospi
tality. "I am sorry I kyant house you all,
he said, heartily, "but your officers will
find a welcome in my pore homo, an'
your men can tako up their quarters in
the vlHaffo church," a proposition which
was gratefully accepted.
All went merry as a marringo-bclL
Considering tho times, a bountiful sup
per was dono amplo justice to by tho
grateful officers, who did not fail also
to appreciate a box of excellent cigars
and an abundance of whisky, which,
though forced upon them with a gener
ous display of hospitality, thoy in'
dulged In with moderation. Tho squlro
proved himself-an admirable host, and
won golden opinions from his well
pleased guests. Ills was a peculiar
case, as ho explained to them. Sent as
a boy to a school In Massachusetts, ho
nod acquired sentiments which were at
variance with tho opinions of his neigh
bors, particularly as regards tho ques
tion of tho abolition of slavery, of which
ho approved and which, of courso, had
mado him a marked man in tho com
munity. When tho war broko out,
though his sympathies had been entire
ly with tho North, ho had never dared
to declare them, though ho was willing
pow and at all times to sacrifice any
thing In reason to his conviction any
thing, in fact, short of beggaring his
family. Ills family? Oh, yes, ho had
a wife and three daughters who were
now in Cincinnati, thank Heaven! be
yond tho reach of Immediate danger.
As tho Major said, when thoy reached
their chambers, Mr, Dixon was altor
gothor a most Interesting person.
Lieutenant Cuthbertson, of Charlio Ful
ton's company, was on guard duty, tho of tho officers wcro assigned to a
suite of chambers sldo by sldo at tho
back of tho mansion overlooking a neg
lected gardcii. After a brief chat in
the Major's room thoy retired to rest
But Hopkins, though bo had prof essed
fatigue, was not Inclined to follow tho
example of his subordinates: so Instead
of throwing Ids weary limbs on tho
tempting foathor-bed ho lit a cigar, put
,out his lamp, and drew a chair up to
his chamber window. It was a brill
iant moonlight night, almost liko day
In Its semi-tropical clearness, and tho
Major, who was a man of sentiment,
Rooked with unfeigned pleasure on tho
pretty scono wldch met Ids gazo. In
iront of him lay the garden and orchard,
and boyond, a rugged country road
winding up tho sldo of a hill covered
wltli 6crub, but whoso top was. crowned
with lofty forest trees, sharply defined
In tho whlto moonlight
Could Frank Besant havts followed
tho current of tho Majo:Js wandering
thoughts, ho would lnde j Juwo been
startled; for his meditations wero on
tho possibility ot a man sincerely lov
ing two women, .with himself as an Il
lustration of thA proble a, and ono of
tho women, the. sxuo wko tho sea had
robbed him ot, tho other whom ho
could only romcmber as a lovely school
girl the mother of his young friend
and subaltern. Ah, it was her face,
not his boy's, that tho lad had reminded
hhn of when ho first noticed him on
board tho ship going down to St Louis.
"Protty Mary Carter," tho Major
thought, "I wondor what eho Is llko now
r wouder If sho was happy with that fel
low Besant, who always seemed to mo
a bit of a prig, wonder If"
But his dreams wero cut short by his
noticing tho figure of a man creeping
stealthily across the orchard. IIo first
thought it was Charlie Fulton, but as
the fellow emerged from tho shadows
Into tho moonlit road. ho. aulokly aw
flighest of all in Leavening Power,
his- mlslaltc, and a moment after ho
recognized tho tall, spare figure of his
host. In an instant treachery flashed
across his mind liko an eleetrio shock.
Surely Dixon had told him an hour ago
that .he was so weary ho could scarcely
keep his oyes open tmd would bo in bed
in a iew minutes: then what did this
midnight ramble moan? Snatching his
Hold-glass from its case, he fixed 'his
eyes on an open bit of road he knew
the midnight prowler would shortly
Yes, there ho was. A long, shrill
whistle like the call of a bird, and a
mounted man in Confederate uniform
rode up to him. Thoy talked together
earnestly and negligently negligently
because they thought themselves too
far away for observation, but -thoy wero
reckoning without the Major's power
ful binoculars. Then tho trooper
turned back up tho hill end Dixon ac
.companled him. To snatch his cap
and pistols and spring from the win
dow was but the work of a minute to
ono whose active, wholesome lif o mado
his five-and-iorty-ycars as light a bur
denas many n man's of half his age. Tho
drop to tho ground shook him a bit, but
ho tos not hurt, and without stopping
to glTO word of warning to any one, ho
started up tho hill. Now he could un
derstand why Dixon had persuaded
him to post his sentrles-on tho north,
why this important road was without
patrol or picket
Tho best part of an hour elapsed.
"Wake up, boys, quickly and quietly
as you can. Make no noiso whateveiv
our llve3 depend upon your silence."
It was the-Major's voice.
In flro mbiutes his officers wero In hla
"You seo that hill yonder, my lads,"
ho saii, grimly pointing to tho cluster
ing pines. "Well, just beyond those
pretty trees In a little valley lies half a
regiment of Confederate cavalry, who
are about to do us tho honor of an early
morning call. What do you say to out
getting up allttlo surprise party and
anticipating them In their polite atten
tions? You think it best of courso
then order your men imder arms with
out an instant's loss gpt them out of
tho churclj if you can without a sound
and meet me at tho bend of tho road
Ah, llttlo do Colonel nawes and hla
merry men, stretohed at their eano on
tho green sward, snatching a few hours
of precious sleep before they shall cap
tho climax of Jack Lascelles' superb
mimicry by peppering tho lives out ol
thoso poor devils of defenseless Yanks,
know that two hundred gleaming
muskets, held by tho hands of resolute
men wero pointed on their prostrate
forms from every tree around them.
Llttlo did thoy think that even now
their careless pickets lay stunned, 01
gagged and bound at their neglected
Did they start in their sleep and think
'It was a dream, as tho hoarso command
rang out:
"Make ready Flro! Fix bayonets
Charge!" and two deadly volleys waked
tho woodland echoes. With wild hurrah
ithe Fighting Fourth wero on them.
There is no time to even shout surprise
tho only sounds, tho scuffling of men
and tramp of steeds, as a score or two
of trooDcrs. ficrhtintr lllco wild-cnts.
' t a 1
'TnnTinrprt tr rtnf 1. n( t- Tint-ona lnncn ntA
giunuuo uiuo viciory miy 01 ma
enemy killed and wounded, over forty
prisoners taken ,and nearly two hundretf
horses, with their equipments and ac
coutrements, captured, to say nothing ol
several stands of small arms 1 and two.
baggago wagons filled with ammunition
and supplies.
But thero was one enemy the gallant
Major missed, and him ho sought for
with eager, vengeful haste rfh, thero
ho goes stretching his long legs liko a'
crano in awkward, flight, and making
with maddened haste for a neighboring
"After him, boys!" tho Major cried,
pointing with his sword to tho luckless
fugitive. "I'll gtvo fifty dollars to tho
man thnt brings'hlm back to mo alive
alive, remember, for I want to hang
i Who would ever havo thought tho
gcntlo Major could havo made as blood
thirsty a declaration not Frank
Besant, who gazed in inquiring wonder
on his flushed cheeks and flashing eyes.
But tho Major's soul was raging against
tho hapless wretch's sustained duplici
ty, and, when ho said ho Intended to
hang tho s ,oundrol, ho surely meant It
Poor Squlro Dixon was Indued a
pltlablo sight as ho was dragged by two
.rough soldiers into tho irate Major's
"Fling a ropo over tho limb of that
treo and tie him up!" was tho stern
' At first tho poor wrotoh'a tonguo re
fused to utter abject prayers for pardon,
but when In an agony of terror ho saw
them making tho fatal preparations a
torrent of wfid supplications burst from
his Hps.
But tho Major's faco never relaxed a'
"String hhn up, boysl"
Alroady the men's hands wcro forc
ing Ids nook Into tho nooso, when an
other appeal from the doomed man was
more effective
"I will glvothe lives of six Unlqn sol
diers for my own six strong, i,oung
1 I ,11.1. t 1 ftL X .1
minx in the vigor ol youth lor this oiu,
Worn-out life of rjlnol" ho criod,wlth
dctbalrixur enemy.
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889,
"What do you" mean? Speak quickly,
scoundrel, or It will bo too latel"
"There are six Union prisoners hidden
whoro vou can never find them if I dio
with the secret on my lips, and where
in- . -.
"fling a kore oveb the limu ok that
if you slaughter me, they will perish
with hunger and thirst for I alono
havo fed them, and there will bo no ono
to do It if you murder mo."
"If he speaks tho truth there is soma
sense in that" tho Major said, reflect
ively. "It is God's own truth," the man
moaned. "If you will give your word
to let mo gu free and unharmed I will
mako a clean breast of It and tell you
where they arc. Six young lives for ono
old ono think of it!"
"Yes, and such a worthless one as
that you offerl" Major Hopkins said,
dryly. "Well, prove your words, and
I will accept the terms, even though I
cheat tho dovil in giving you your life."
"And you will let no ono injure me?"
"No ono; but be quick about it or I
may chango my mind. Where aro theso
"In a cellar under my own house."
"I might liave thought of that" tho
Major said, annoyed to tldnk that tho
miserable wretch was to escape big
righteous punishment
So Mr. Dixon was marched back to Ids
own house, with tho rope still around
his neck and hla. hands tied behind his
back, together with tho horses and
spoils of war, and tho many wounded
men, who, though most of them ene
mies, wero treated with a wonderful
tenderness by the rough soldiers.
It was even as Dixon had said. Tho
men ono officer and Ave privates of ap
Iowa regiment wcro found, gagged
and bound with cords drawn so tightly
that their flesh was cut as with a knife.
"A 7o had to keep them quiot or you
would havo heard them," Dixon said,
reading tho stern inquiry of th Jlajor'a
"Unloose his bonds and let him go
before I break my word and brain him
where ho stands!" Hopkins cried, una
ble to cont-.ol his Indignation.
Nor was tho Major alono In his wrath,
for it was with tho utmost difficulty
that the officers wore able to restrain
their men while tho trembling wretch
slunk from their sight
When tho rescued prisoners, whoso
tongues had been so cruelly tied by
whip-cord, wcro ablo to speak, they
wero of courso asked a hundred ques
tions, and among them thisi
'Ttn -'An lmntw TtrVirtrv 1 i r. lo
. "Yes," was tho prompt reply, "ho is
off northwards with all tho speed ho can
to Louisville."
"And Buoll knows It not!" Major Hop
kins declared, aghast at tho significant
lmportanco of the news.
So, leaving tho enemy's wounded to
(tho tender mercies of tho citizens of
Winstanley, and despatching their own
in a baggago wagon with a small es
cort, they mounted their nowly-ao-quircd
steeds and hurried as fast as thoy
.could back to Buell's army.
"No wonder Southern gentlemen call
such as our Wlnstanloy friends 'wldte
trash,' "tho Major mused. "I havo often
felt surprise at tho epithet, but now I
think It 6ults them down to tho ground. "
to be continued.
A New Venture
w- RJaVtlATr POIT8
lias opened a
Bales ot assorted goods, notions, hardwire,
glassware, etc, etc
Goods from all parte ot the county solicited
on commission.
bopelets by the kt iyiclni. Vrom flru do&e &
Q il. HAMILTON, M. D-,
Otneo-)WetIJw;d et, :
yroptuti i
lymntnrasarerem'Ted. Send 1W FREE ROOIt nf ieit
htoMMloah I
Koystono Baiik Directors Pre
paring for Trouble.
Philadelphia's Oity Treasurer Has Mado
an Assignment
IIo Is llolnc Shadowed by OlHcers Tho
Tanclo Scorn to Ho Increnslnc 'l tlio
Kurt l'ar Distant A Member of tho Se
lect Council Slukos a Statement Gov.
Pattlsnn Wants Information.
PitiLADKLi'inA, May 23. Tho sensational
developments in tho matter of the city's
financial affairs, the Koystone Bank and
tho Spring Garden Bank continue to bo
of paramount interost, and thoy wcro
furthor intensified by tho rumors con
cerning another national bank which has
city money on doposlt. President Harsh
has not beon found, and his bondsmen
havo offered a reward of $1,000 for his
capture. Thero was a rumor that he had
been apprehended In Montreal, but this
the government officers of this city do
nied. In the meantime Bardaley's affairs are
becoming more complicated. The court
granted an order that he should answer
such (mentions as Councils' investigating
committee saw fit to put to him. He
has made an assignment for tho benefit
of his creditors, and his bondsmen at
tached the Bradford Mills proporty.
Thoro Is no doubt ho is a ruined man.
The experts appointed by tho mayor aro
still at work on his books, but it will bo
somo timo before thoy havo anything
dclinito to givo out.
Tho city treasurer Is being shadowed
by tho officers, but tho3o in authority
.are dolicate in ''heir admission of this. It
Is even rumored that he will bo arrosted,
and tho equivocal roplio3 of the mayor
and others to questions on this point
only tend t- confirm theso suspicions.
Bardsley was at his office until noon,
when, nt tho bidding of a deputy -United
States marshal, he went to tho marshal's
offico. He issued a statement concern
ing his connection with the Clamor notes,
which Mr. Clamer corroborates in full.
Governor Pattison, as tho State Execu
tive, enters upon tho proceedings. Ho
has instructed Auditor-General McCa
mant to gather such information as may
ba obtainable, so that ho may take such
action as tho circumstances may warrant,
Tho tangle seems to bo increasing, and
tho end still seems to be far In the dis
tance. A reliable member of select council
made this statotnont: "Tho ond is not
yet. I can toll you for a fact that sov.
oral of tho directors of tho Keystone Bank
havo within the past fow weeks sold or
othorwlse disposed of their horses and
other property. Thoy scent danger in
tho nir. They havo been allowed suffi
cient timo and they have mado tho most
of it. If you levy on several of them to
day you would get nothing. Thoy havo
boon preparing, and aro prepared for un
pleasant experiences.
Crodltors Will Probably Itocclvo Sixty
Cents on tho Dollar.
Boston, Mass., May 2d. It is reported
that tho liabilities of Mr. Josoph Davis
will amount to $3,000,000, and that tho
creditors will, in all probability, receive
sixty cents on the dollar. A meeting of
creditors will be hold on Monday.
A sensation was created hero when the
report was received that the Hill Shoo
Company of Memphis had failed, and
William Vilas Hill, tho presldont of tho
company, immediately thereafter com
mitted suicide. Tho failure of tho firm
was directly due to tho falluro of the
Davis Shoo Company, of Lynn, which
owed tho Hill Shoo Company botween
$300,000 and $400,000.
Everything In Confusion and Everybody
Is Alurmod.
Ottawa, May 23. Matters at Ottawa
are in a critical condition. Sir John
Macdonald is ill again, suffering, it is
said, from a collapse similar to that
which came upon him at Kingston dur
ing tho elections.
His oldest colleague, Sir Hector Lan
govin is lying under indictment for
fraud and malversation of public funds.
Mr. Chapleau is demanding tho French
leadership in virtue of his greater ser
vices and cleaner reputation, while con
viction thnt tho end of the long reign is
near is corroding tho allegiance of many
private members elected to support the
Its humbler workers in the country
are hurrying as fast as they can under
the friendly roof of tho Custom House or
Postoffico. Everything is in confusion:
everybody is alarmed. There Is talk of
sending for Tupper, but no ono believes
his presence could avert tho crash that is
Removals at the Huston Custom IToasc
Boston, Mass., May 23. Speaking of
ths dismissals at the Custom House, Colt
lector Board said to a reporter to-day :
The reduction in tho force of the Custom
Houso hero means a saving of $25,000.
The reduction will tako placo on June 1.
This will make a total reduction, under
my administration, of $00,000. Most of
thoso who will go aro clerks. Thoro will
bo no now hands taken onw
Drowned While Flshtnc.
Bounh BnooK, N. J., May 23. James
Coopor, a student in an Ohio collogo,
who was on a visit to his uncle, Dr. Jo.
seph La Rue, while fishing in tho Passaiq
River, felt suddenly a sharp, strong tug
on his lino. In attempting to land his
fish he overturned tho boat and was
thrown into tho water and drownod. His
body was picked up later about three
miles down tho stroam.
Tragedy In "Llttlo Italy."
New Yokk, May Ctf. Albarlgo Arnone,
aged 24, was shot aud Instantly killed
and John W. Remington, aged 20, was
mortally wounded by Gussoppl Cangro
on East 112th street In "Little Italy" last
night during n quarrel. The murderer
escaped, All tho parties participating in
the tragedy are Italians.
Short lit Ills Accounts.
WitanNT?atf, Del., May 23 John 3.
Dougherty, collector ot taxes for tho
northern city district, is short in his ac
counts about $101000. He was elected by
the DomocratlO levy Court two yean
One of the troubles of life is
the breaking of lamp-chimneys.
Needless. Macbeth's "pearl
top" and "pearl glass" are
tough against heat.
You will save nine-tenths oi
your chimney-money by using
" Pearl top " fits niost of
the little lamps ; " pearl glass ii
is for " Rochester, " Pitts
burgh," " Duplex," etc.
We make a great many sizes
and shapes, all of tough glass.
You can get the right ones.
Talk with your dealer about it.
from which tho excess ol
oil has beon removed, 13
Absolutely JPuro
and it is Soluble,
No Chemicals
aro used In its preparation. It has
more than three times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, and thereforo far morn
economical, costing less than one cenl
a citp. It is delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, easily digested,
and admirably adapted for invalids
a3 well as for persons in health.
Sold by Grocers ovorywhoro.
W. BAKER & CO., Borcliester, Mass,
and otber special,
tlei for Gentlemen,
Ladles, etc.. are war
ranted, and so stamped ou bottom. Address
IV. u, JJUUULAS, Ilrockton, .Hiikh, Sold by
iToso2pla Ball, JE&.
100 styles, prices to suit nil.
Wm. Avbks & Boss, Philadelphia
fciold by all dealers.
ChtehMter Ench.h Diamond II rand.
iliielnaland Unly Genome.
src, blwtvj rUabl. ladics Mk .
viagpn iur LAKAMitr 1 jnoui via-
twtui Brand la ld and (.old tnet&llla
IboiM, lealed with bins ribbon. Tube
no other. Jtrfutt danaerauM mbiiiiu.
turns an4 imitation. AtDfoggldti,oren44o
la iMapl for pw-tloulwi, uitimoolalB &nd
UUef fur Lutlle in utter, by return
SlolL IO.OOO TuiLimobiKls. Xamt 1'aptr
ltbeterCaexnloal CaMndUon Square
unite"". miuafkH I'm
Or llio Llnuor 1! ill; It, loUIveLv CureU
bj-utliiiliiUtcrliii; Jr. Ilulnca M
Un 1I en SiuTiilc.
It la manufactured as a oowder. which can be (riven
tn a glass of beer, a oup of coffee or tea. or in food.
harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy
cure, -whether tho patient is a moderate drinker ot?
an Aleohollo wreck. It has been given In thousand
of cases, and In every instance a perfect cure has fol
lowed. It never Fall. The system onoe impregnat
ed with the becomes an utter Impossibility
tor the liquor appetite to exist.
a page ouojs oi parugiuttrs 1x10 u ue uou u
C. H. HAGENBUCH, Druggist, Shenandoah
lirjut iti Blitit Reliable Porel Cult CiujuIh
Represented by
Dr. Thee!
To oiott "siUbU ao4 iucewufal
pcuilUl for lIduM of both
Special DIseases,BIood Poison
t'LCE lt9, UlotobM, Plmplei , Sore
tUuth, Throit, Irrltstloo. Siftld
lni. laflm;nuloDi, ttldoy
Ul&dder. Uoit vittuitj, Wwk bick
DriDtuiU. FLIei. UtUnholr.
WetkoeM PbUltr ImpitrvdUtuorj sodDtetT, ttrloUrw
ill dUuei reauHlDg from jtifil rrori or from ortrworK,
OlcLYouns cr Mtddto Aged don't anirr qj tcai;
sort u erutu, do ciptrltsaut I bars ttirytbl&g kaowa ta
mtdleii sad lurKiaii telae, tbttlntu sod old cuei oHoiiatf.
noniitur wbofaJIdriUrstonca. Vraib eaie cored in
Is 10 drt. Kuropaaq UwnlUl tirarirnte to Oermaoy, tot
Uod. Prices sod Anatrlt, u flrtlhetwa and diploma pro
sod U yer practical isprleneo ia.000 caa aurd J earl
Ot & if t At vUibepsldtfftQtlTartkmf dCHtior.wboi
Ca-UjUUU cdv"t si crtataklU, kncwiadasua
iprlaQ and vbe ecu abow m&nr patiaota parmsutatlr
cured sa I eta sfW quiet t and .ltrilitn doetora bi,
ruload tbcm, ileud So a urn p for bo "TBUTu" sad aworu
teattmttotiiatXDOilnr onset sad sdvfrl'alas doctors with
Ibetr fa-la 10 4 fraudulent f uuintee 4 d tabtfinouia!, tbels
siperlance they do sot poaitasod ibru ebeniti of rafu&dma
noser or fritodly ttlis sad their obtsp sad wortblcaa drurs
neither wbleb enrn tpu, but are uicd sa datcj sod remit
loruln oftbouitnd of eooadiDg- flottuu, Omrr Uocej,-
Bvcrjdfty from 9 A U USl' sf oealnialto. Wedoeadsj
end Saturday Krrolno trnm I lb, Sunday from to IS. rl
4uercooia acs waaufcj saaDsiwrou immi iuuh.
f. nil. SPPilB
.-rJ nv H'liifatiAi
ri I tVJAJBSfti. w -1
ill Loci