The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 23, 1891, Image 1

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    YOL. YI.-NO. 14.
The deal made by the Philadelphia
& Reading Railroad Company with
Coxo Bros, was a glgautlo one and will
ultimately result in putting the former
in a moat prosperous condition. By
fcho agreement of Wednesday tue
Reading is to receivo the entire an
thracite tonnage of Coxo Bros. & Co.,
for a period of thirty years. At the
same time we are informed thut, as
consequences of the agreement, a
Tamaqua, Hazleton & Northern Rail
road will bo formed and the Reading
will have its own line to "WHUea-Barro
and Scranton within two years.
It now looks as if the Philadelphia
and Reading Railroad has at last
struck a trail that will ultimately lead
it to prosperity. For years it has
dragged along in a half-dead state,
active only when attempting to de
fend Itself against the more aggressive
Lehigh Valley and Pennsylvania
roads. But now, with renewed vigor,
it steps forth to push and win.
It is the young blood and brains in
the Reading management that is do
ing this. President MoLeod has
' sifted the old hulk thoroughly and has
shown those dependent upon his man
agement that to regain its place in the
railroad world tho Reading must
"strikeout" and take the aggressive.
The steps already taken must be high
ly gratifying to the stockholders.
We envy the Hazleton region, but
we cling to a hope that tho Reading
will soon show the same aggressive
spirit in-this seotlon and practically
demonstrate to us that 1c intends to re
gain its long lost laurels.
Bill Tweed lived in the Sixth
ward or New York City. He lived in
nice shape. He had a nice wife and
pHasant-faced children. He smoked
good clrs! he spoke kindly even to
his neighbbws, notwithstanding tho
important fact yhat he was born of a
1 Tweet-volced wdman in the metropolis.
He carried a fi'no silk handkerchief,
.and frequently blety his nose, but he
rifled the cltv Treasirrv. wronced the
taxpayers, violated th?Vacred oath of
0333XTTS yd'ipr the
Sold In other stores for 35c. AH floor
Oilcloths reduced. Call for bargains
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St, near Centre
Aituougn syrups nave auvanccn in prices we in nit; no
change In tlie quality of our Fine Table Syrup At io
and xajc
"We liave a Fair Sugar Syrup
Our New Orleaus Baiting Molasses 2 quarts for 2&c is a
strictly choice article.
CofTees are also a little higher.
price ot our Fine Old Java
our 30c Roasted.
Just received a lot ot Choice
goods at reduced prices.
Jsine Prunes, 2 lbs, for 25c.
Wiin.n.ii ft' pentfn. In.vnu. Ilin. nipfp. Qftn.
. ; - . - . J r ,7 "J J ' " ' - " " " .
Fancy Evaporated Jellied Apricots, 20o, were 25c.
JJ lilt JUVUIIUI -llt(. J. OWllllVB,
Hew Valencia JRaisins,
Good Jtlce, slightly broken,
White Soaj), one pound bars, five
Currant, Jttspberry and Quince Jelly, five
Plum, Peach and Pineapple Preserves, 2 1-2
Good lomatoes, - - . 3 cans
Jiine Ginger Snaps,, choice (food, 3 lbs.
On Account of Huperlor Qiinltty.
Our "DAISY" FlOur, Our I'atcut llllmtuHotu Flour.
Our Flue Fretilt itali-y nnd Creamery nutter we don't buy latent
mmcr, nnu tnerciore iiuvu uoue to nell.
Our Chipped neefmttl Hummer Hnuuasre. '
tlilutr lu the market. Will do
dry. will not hurt we ltumlu,
' V
100 Lunch Baskets, from twenty floe cents up.
office to guard the interests of the city
and notwithstanding his gu flaws
over tho efforts of honest-minded tax
payers to call him to account, and his
courageous (?) defense by unscrupu
lous and conscienceless maniacs, who
thought to fool the people, the robber
chief wasurled from power by an
outraged public, and the world knows
the balance of the story relating to his
ignominious end. AU of which goes
to show that some public officials are
not always what they would have the
public believe even though they "are
the people" and are to the manor
born. Anyhow it is a foolish policy,
as Boss Tweed learned to his sorrow,
for public officials Jo seek to explain
thoir public acts by striking a don't-care-a-d
in attitude or to rely for de
fense upon the purchasable columns of
rickety sheets sometimes called news
papers. We hope there are no Bill
Tweeds In Shenandoah and that tho
town will never have any. But when
we sometimes listen to and look upon
some of our public officials we are
tempted to yield to a senBe of fear that
our confidence may sometimes be
shattered. And this feeling on our
part is intensified when we hear offi
cials mako threats of discontinuance
of patronage in order to stifle the
Tue present Legislature is Republi
can. Its legislation will stand the
oriticism ot the opposition.
After the Legislature gets through
with Its work the Mugwump papers
will have little to say.
Ttie Boyer tax bill will pass.
Ballot Reform sure.
Letter List.
Tho following letters remain uncalled for
in the Shenandoah, Schuylkill county, Pa.,
post office, May 23, 1891 :
Lott, Harry E. Macgregor, Duncan
Masenhelmer, Jacob Wallace, Charles
Parties calling for advortisod letters
should please say "advertised." One cent
will bo charged on all advertised letters.
H. 0. Boyer, P. II.
To Nervous, Debilitated Men.
If you send us vour address, we will
nail you our illustratod pamphlet exploiti
ng all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro
Voltaic Bolt and Appliances, ana, their
inarming eflects upon tho nervoifa de
bilitated system, and how thoy will quickly
restore you to vigor, and manhood. Pawph
i&iiree. If you are thus afflicted, we) will
lenu vou a uoit ana .appliances on a trial.
VOExaic Beiv Co.. Marshall. Mioh.
Advertise in tbwdlERALD.
: : L
at 6c a quart.
We nialce no changb in the
and improve the quality ot
California Dried Fruits flue
four lbs) for 25c.
6 :.
more worn, Itecaune it In oldViud
tueref ore cannot hurt the clouVuu
Tho Laws Rovlaod So That They
are Now Governod by a Gen
oral Statute Interesting
for Business Men.
The legal holiday laws of the state of
Pennsylvania have boen revised so that
they are now covered by one general
statute. The bill has been approved by the
Govornor and eevoral doubtful questions of
practical moment to business men have
boon cleared up.
Thoro aro some important special pro
visions relating to the Saturday half-holidays
which should bo well understood in
business circles. Ono is that for the pur
pose of protesting or holding liable any
party to a note, draft, etc, which shall not
have been paid by 12 o'clock, a demand of
acceptance or payment may be made at
any time on that day, and notice of protest
may bo given on J,ho next succeeding busi
ness day. Another is that any person re
ceiving for collection any chock, draft",
etc., shall not be deemed gujlty of neglect
for not presenting Buch papor for payment
or acceptance on that day. "While tho
holidays and half-holidays designated in
tho law aro "publio holidays and half-
holidays for all purposes whatsoever as re
gards tho transaction oi business," issu
ance, ontranco and service of any writ,
summons, confession of judgment or other
legal process may bo done on any of tho
Saturday afternoons named as holidays,
and uny bank may keep open its doors for
business if its directors decide to do so.
"Whon New Year, Washington's Birth
day, Independence Day or Christmas shall
occur on Saturday, tho following Monday
shall bo a legal holiday and all bills, etc.,
falling duo on Monday will- be held as due
on the preceding Saturday, excepting in
tho case of Independence and Labor Days,
when the same shall bo due and payable at
or before 12 o'clock noon on Saturday.
When Decoration Day, tho 30th of May,
falls on Sunday, the precoding Saturday
ahall be observed as a legal heliday. By
this act the varied and sometimes confusing
legal holiday acts have heon harmonized
in ono general law defining and regulating
holidays, and it is important to all business
men to be well advised of the changes
mado by the new statute.
Tbo legal holidays inJPennsylvania now
1. New Year's Day, January 1.
2. Washington's birthday, February 22.
3. Good Friday.
4. Memorial Day, May 80.
6, Independence Day, July 4.
G. Christmas Day, 25th Docombor.
7. Labor Day, first Monday in Septem
8. All days designated by tho Governor
or President, for thanksgiving, fasting or
9. Saturday, from 12 o'clock
noon until midnight,; beginning 15th of
Juno and ..ending 15th of September of
each year.
All of those days as declared by tho new
legal holiday law, "shall for all purposes
whatever as regards Iho presenting for pay
ment or acceptance, and as regards tho pro
testing and giving notico of tho dishonor of
bills of oxchange, checks, drafts, promissory
notes, mado after the passage ot this act,
bo treated and considered as tho first day of
the week, commonly called Sunday," and
"all such bills, checks, drafts and notes
otherwiso presontablo for acceptance or
paymont on any of the said days shall be
deomed to be payable and be presentable
for acceptance or payment on tho secular
or business day noxt preceding such holi
day, or in case of a half-holiday, shall be
deemed to bo payable and be presentable
for acceptance or payment at or before 12
o'elock noon on such half-holiday."
Picnic at Columbia Park, May 30th
Music by the Scboppe full orchestra. 3w
A New Business.
P. J. Oleary has opened a store in the
Ferguson's building, on East Centre stroet,
and is prepared furnish tho local trade
with flno leather and shoe findings and all
kinds of shoemaker's supplies. His stock is
a largo ono and well equipped to fully
supply all demands of the trade. 6-15-tf
Spoctacles to suit all eyes at F. J. Portz's
book and stationery Btore, 21 North Matn
street. 8-20-tf
Special Meeting.
A special meeting of the School Board
will bo held in tho Superintendent's offlco
on Monday, 25th Inst., at 7:30 o'clock.
From The Nation's Capitol.
Mr. A. N.Hazen. Washington, D. C.says:
The ruinous Hed Flag Oil, Is a perlect family
medicine, and hits ne equal lor Kueumatlsin,
Neuralgia, Hprulns, outs, minis, una nil
botillv ualn. Price IS cents. At Klrllu'si drug
Buy Keystone flour. Bo careful that tho
lame Lksbio & Co., Ashland, Pa., is
1nnted on every saclc. 3.3-3taw
To bo Held in the M. E. Ohuroh
To-morrow Evening.
Miss Floronco E. Willard, president of
the World's W. 0. T. U has issuod an
appoat asking for Co-operation, in financial
way, looking to the raising of a fund to
prepare for the World's W. O. T. U. con
vention to bo held in Boston on Nov. 12,
1891, tho day precoding that of tho Na
tional VY. 0. T. U.i and urgos that on tho
24th of May, tho W, 0. T. U. of each
town hold a meeting in tho interest of the
World's W. 0. T. U., and that at the
close thereof a collection bo taken to help
meet tho oxpensos of the World's conven
tion. In accordance with tho requests con
tained in tho circular the local W. O. T. U.
has decided to hold a Union mooting in tho
Methodist Episcopal church, cornor of
Oak and Whito streets, at G:30 o'clock to
morrow (Sunday) ovoning, with tho co
operation of tho M. E., English Luthoran
and Presbyterian churches. Tho sorvico
will comprise hymns, readings, song and
prayer, concluding with a collection spooch
for tho World's W. 0. T. U., tho collec
tion, temperance doxology and benedic
Sunday Specials.
Presbyterian church, Kev. J. M. Wicker,
pastor. Services to-morrow at 10:80 a. m.
and 6:30 p. in. Sunday school at 2 p. m.
Trinity Reformed church. Sorvicos to
morrow at J a. m and 0:30 p. m. Proach
ing by Mr. S. A. Brandt, of Collegevllle,
Montgomery county. All invit9d. Sun
day school at 1:30 p. m.
English Luthoran church, Rev. D. B.
Troibloy, pastor. Services to-morrow as fol
lows: 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. Sunday
school at 1:30 p. m.
Ebenezor Evangelical church. Rev. H.
J. Glick, pastor. Services to-morrow at
10 a. m. in Gorman, and 0:30 p. m. in
English. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m.
All aro heartily invited to attend.
All Saints' Episcopal church, Oak streot
near Main, Rov. Floyd E. W est, rector.
Services to-morrow as follows : Morning
prayer, litany and sermon by tho rector at
10:30. Evoning prayer (lay service) at
0:30. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Rogular
meeting of the Ladios' Guild of tho Parish
Friday evening at 7:30.
Welsh Baptist church, corner West and
Oak streets. Rev. D. I. Evans, Pastor.
Prayer servico to-morrow morning at 10
o'clock. Sunday school at2 p. m. Preach
ing by. the pastor at 0 in the ovening in thd
English language. Watkin Waters Post,
No. 146, G. A. R., will attend tho evening
servico in a body. Prayer meeting on
Monday evening, at 7 o'clock. Young
Peoplo's sermonette Wednesday ovening
at 7 o'clock. Class meeting Thursday
evening at 7 o'clock. All aro cordially in
vited. P. M. church, cornor of Jardin and Oak
streets. Services to-morrow at 10:80 a. m.
and 0:30 p. m. Sabbath school' at 2 p. m.
Young Peoples' Christian Endeavor at C
p. m. every Sabbath. Classes meet Tuos
day and Wednesday evonings at 7 o'clock
and Sunday at 9:80 a. m. General prayer
meeting Thursday at 7:80 p. ni. H. G.
Russell, pastor.
First Methodist Episcopal church. Roy.
Wm. Powick, pastor. Divine worship at
10:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Morning sub
ject,' "Class Meetings." Evening : A
union meeting will be held in tho interests
of the World's Woman's Christian Tem
perance Union, for which a special pro
gramme has been prepared. Sunday
school at 2 p, m., to bo followed by the de
votional meeting of tho Epworth League.
Biblo study Monday evening. General
prayer meeting Thursday evoning. All
are invited.
English Baptist church, South Jardin
street, Rev. H. G. James, pastor. Preach
ing at 10:30 a. m. and 6:80 p. m. by the
pastor. Morning topic: ''The Elixir of
Life." Evening topic: "Active Religion."
Sabbath school at 2 p. m,,' Deacon John
Bunn, superintendent. Monday evening
at 7:30 o'clock tho Rev. M. Mesropian, of
Turkey, will lecture and sing in several
Unguagos. Tuesday evening at 7:30 tho
Young Tooplo's Christian Union will meot.
Wodnesday evening, at 7 o'clock, a gee
oral prayer and covenant meeting.
College fuihmer Curo Will Count.
Boston, May 28. All coursos in tho
summer school of Harvard College, be
ginning with tills summer, in fe-eulogy,
physios, Genuau nnd engineering, will,
by direction ot tho faculty, bo counted
toward tho students' doaroe. This Is tho
first step in allowing nil summer coursos
to count in the regular university work.
Suicides nt 31 unto Curio.
Lo:)ON, Mny 23. At Monte Carlo yes
terday n banker of Munich, named Speok
art, committed suicide because of, heavy
gambling Ipssa. Six suicides havo
occurred nt Monto Carlo since May 1,
Queen Vlctiirlu'a Illrthday.
London, May 30. Oucen Victoria has
arrived at Balmoral, wliero sho will spend
to-morrow, the sovonty-second anniver
sary of her birthday.
ninilatoiiu'n Til J) to Ilawiirden,
f London, May 23. Mr. Gladstone ar
rived nt lluwaydeu none tho worse
for his Journey, aud drove in an open
aso to the rectory.
Waters' Weiss beer is tho best. John A.
Ruilly solo agont. 5 G-tf
Soorotary Tracy Says Mr. Blaine
is as Strong Mentally as He
Ever Was The Matter
Fully Discussed.
By National I'rcts Association.
Washington, May 23. Secretary Tracy
in an interview about published state
ments casting doubts upon Secretary
Blaine's real condition, mentally and
physically, denies emphatically the truth
of such statements, "and any statemont,"
ho said, "that Mr. Blaluo is not as strong,
sound and alert mentally as ho ever has
been does him grave Injury.
"Tho Inst timo I saw Secretary Blaluo,"
he nddod, "only a few days beforo ho left
for Now York, wo wero together a long
timo in consultation over a most impor
tant public document. It was criticised
and discussed nt groat length, and I havo
never seen him when ho npponred to bet
ter advantages than he did on that occa
sion." Tho statement as to tho Secretary's
health was discussed in the Cabinet, and,
while there was no divorgonco thoro from
tho general opinion as to tho character of
the publication, novorthloss somo of tho
Cabinet members were inclined to think
that tho misleading statomonts given out
from day to day in regard to Mr. Blnlno's
condition 'were largely responsible for
tho publio uneasiness.
TV'lmt Kmiuons lllalno Says.
New YonK, May 23. Emmons Blaine,
when asked rogardlng tho reports about
his father, said: "Tho story is a lio and a
gross misrepresentation. Any denial of
it would bo almost useloss, as tho state
ments nro merely gonoral and refer in a
great degree to what Is past aud gono."
Young Mr. Blaino wont on to say that
in his opinion the wholo story was tho
result of personal s; ito. His father, ho
sold, was simply the victim of over-work.
Regarding the statement that tho busi
ness of the Stato Department suffered on
account of tho mental inability cf its
chief, young Mr. Blaino said that tho
official records of his fathers ofUco would
completely dlsprovo such a grouuloss as
sertion. Sir. Blaino Mnoh Improved.
New YonK, May 2& Dr. Dennis said
this morning that ho would not tako
Secretary Balno out riding to-day as ho
feared tho weather would bo too wnrni,
Mr. Blaine is now ablo to be up and about
the bouso, and Dr. Denni3 says that bis
complete recovery is only a matter of a
few days. '
Bocrotary Foster Tliluks Ho 1VU1 Havo
No Trouble Jn Meeting the Demand.
Washington, May 23. With referonca
to tho quarterly pension paymonts, duo
June 4, aggregating 20,000,000, Secre
tary Foster says that ho does not antici
pate any difficulty in meeting the de
mand. He had no doubt but that tho ro
coipts over tho expenditures wou.d bo
sufficient to meet this amount. There,
was already on hand nearly $16,000,000
Thore would bo no necessity of calling
in tho deposits held by the National
banks on account of the Government to
meot pension obligations. Tho amount
of Government funds on deposit with
National banks was $23,000,000.
Tho Secretary thought it likely that an
opportunity to renew tho $50,000,000
4 1-2 per cent, bonds would be giver? to
the holders of sai'd bonds, after Sopt. 1,
nt tho rate of not moro than 2 per cent.
He had no doubt that definite steps
would bo taken in tho matter in a short
With regard to tho shipments of gold,
Secretary Foster said that it con
clusively showed that tho credit of the
United States could not bo shaken by
any drain upon it.
Promoted on Ilia Dcnthbod.
Washington, May 23. A telegram ha
Deen received uy tue nujutaut-gouoral or
the army announcing that Capt. Franlt.
Hamilton, 2d Artillery, Is lying nt the
point of death ot his post, Fort Wads
worth, New York harbor. Ho has just
been promoted to bo mnjor of the 3d Ar
tillery on account of the retirement oi
Col, Gibson. Tho announcement of his
promotion was sent by telegraph from
tho department.
Tho Sttlo of tho Guluna llccoiumondcd.
Washington, May 23. The board of
officers appointed to survey the
United States ship Galena, which was
wrecked on the coast of Massachusetts,
near Guy Head, has made its report to
tho Navy Department. The board finds
that the vessel cannot bo repaired within
tho 20 per cent, limit and it recommends
her sale. The Galena was an unarinored
cruiser of tho third rate.
Concert To-Puy for the Children.
Washington, May 23. Tho Prosldont
directed that n concert bo given !y the
Marine Bund in tho Whito House grounds
to-day for the children in lieu of tho
Eastor Monday ogg rolling, which was
ubandonod becauso of tho bad woathor at
tho time.
Jfo I'ontponement of the World's l'nlr.
Washington, May 23. Tho Austrian
Minister has received a telegram from
Secretary UutterwortU douyinir tho ro
port that tho World's Fair would have to
bo postponed till 1801. He characterizes
tue report as false una prouauiy malicious.
Tho Gnornl Atsembly Disposes or thtf
Confession of Faith Problem-
Detroit, Mich., May 28. The cxpec ed
dobato on Revision of tho Confession was
closed for this year by the adoption ot
Dr. Hayes's motion that the report of tho
committee bo sent down to the Presby
teries for criticisms, etc., using which tho
committee continued nt its request
till next nssembly can then mako its
final report.
President Pntton, of Princeton, proba
bly represented thoBO who havo urged
Important modifications of the report if
thero had been any proposition that tho
assembly should adopt as its own tho
recommendations of the report boforo
sending It down. He mado the principal
address urging that it bo sont down with
out any adoption or endorsement.
It is rumored that Professor Brlggs has
announced his determination to contest
every point in his case, carrying them
into tho civil courts, nnd up to tho high
est courts any points Involving civil
rights, and thus keeping up a conflict it
may be for years.
Ten Nogro Convicts Meet Death lu n Mlno
in Alabama.
Birmingham, Ala., May 23. At tho
Pratt minos an oxploslon of gas in a shaft
whoro convicts nro worked killed ton
negro convicts and ono free miner named
Tom Moore.
It is believed that tho men had l n
somo way knocked off a plank from a
door which stood across an old chamber
nnd on which tha word "Gas" was writ
ton. The gas rushod out and caught flro
from the lamp.
Ulllcers of tho company went to tno
rescuo and worked to save tho men, but
were themselves sullocateu and narrowly
scaped, being dragged out uncpnscious.
Tho bodies of tho dead havo all been
Tho mines aro not considered in dancer
from gas as a rulo, and this is the first
uccldent of tho sort for a long timo.
Two life convicts worked faithfully
with tho rescuing party.
They Wore Chnrccd With Murdering tho
Mnrowood Hloters.
GnEENsnurto, Pa., May 23. At 0 o'clock
last night tho jury in tho cose of Capt. J.
A. Loar, Harry Wilson, Louis Davis,
Richard Burns, Caryl Brown, Horace
Ruco, Jacob Zundel, Harry Gilbort, Miles
Hann, Elmer Nichols and Jesso Borger
returned a verdict of not guilty.
Tho nccus3ed were on guard as doputy
sheriffs at Morowood Coke Works on the
morning ot April 2 last, when several
riotous Hungarian and Sluv strikers
were shot dead. Tho deputies woro sub
sequently arrested for murder and in
Tho Star Rubber Compnny of Treuton In
Financial Trouble
Tkenton, N. J., May 23. Tho Star Rub
ber Company, ono of tho largo concerns
hero, Is reported as having failed. Tho
officers deny this, and say they expect to
patch up matters.
Thoy claim that tho banks huve refused
to discount tho company's paper becauso
of tho general lack of confidence oxistiug
among tho banks. If tho Star Rubber
Company falls soveral other concerns
will go down with it.
Favor Dr. ISrooks for Illshop.
St. Loots, May 23. The trouble over
the election of Dr. Philips Brooks to bo
Bishop of Massachusetts is sottlod, tho
standing committee of the diocese ot
Missouri havo decided to improve of his
Indianapolis, Ind., May 23. Tho stand
ing committee of tho diocese of Indiana
voted unanimously to confirm tho elec
tion of Dr. Philips Brooks as Bishop ot
Collapso of the Ills Fool Scheme.
NeW Haven, Conn., May 23. Tho
grand pool Bchemo involving $100,000,
organized under tho name of the Nevr
Haven Jockey Club, has collapsed. Tho
scheme wns backed Uy a syndicate ot
pool-room and policy-room proprietors,
nnd tho plan wts to give prizes to tha
holders of tickets bearing tho names of
tho first, sotand nnd third horses in tho
Suburban Handicap, which is to be run
at Shoepshead Bay on June 10.
Churgos of Fraud Suutuiacd.
CniCAGO, May 23. After much debate?
tho Important matter before tho National
Trotting Association, tho expulsion of tho,
stallion Nelson' was decided by the Board
of Review. The decision was avorso to tho
horse und its owner, and will areata
somewhat ot n sonsation in sporting cir
cles. Tho obargos of fraud woro sus
tained. AT SCHOSlT
Teacher Nov,Tommy,wheu should
n capital T be used ?
Tommy Always,
Teacher Always! What do you
mean ?
Tommy Why, we use Graf's Tea
always at home, aud mamma says it is
a capital tea,
Aud Tommy was right. For a cheap
tea we defy competition on ourSo-cent
goods. We have an excellent mixed
tea at 40 cents, and better out at 60,
00 and 76c. No presents.
No. 122 North Jardin Street