Bedford inquirer and chronicle. (Bedford, Pa.) 1854-1857, November 20, 1857, Image 3

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    ioiffii & an
Friday Morning, 50v.20 IBH.
••Fawless ani Free."
On motion of Alex. King, Esq., Robt.
IV. Fvan, 0. M. Barton, and Jas. L. Rush,
Esqrs., were admitted to practice in the
several Courts of Bedford County, on Wed
nesday evening last.
We understand that they passed a very
"creditable examination.
The present week being Court, we have
not been ableto piy ws much attention to
<mr paper as we ought.
Young Billing, tried at the present term
of nur Court for the murder of young Flock,
was acquitted ou Wednesday evening last.
A story is going the rounds of the press
wbic'i will show the real consideration that
the demagogue leaders of the Democracy
have for the liish, on other subjects than
that of voting. We condense from the Chi
cago Trinune of Oct. 2d. It seems that a
bady of speculators had long looked upon
the site of Superior City. Wisconsin, as ODC
they wisftrcd to pos-ess. They were Douglas,
Frank Fierce Sidney Webster, Vice Presi
dent Breckenridgc, .Tesse P. Bright, and
others. Before the land was brought into
market and before it was even
when it cuiiid only be held by
ihe>e speculators employed an agent lo in
duce a company of Irishmen to build on the
ground. They did so, erected their
and staked iff and cultivated their gardens.
They fulfilled the requirements of the Pre.
eruption Law, excepting in recording their
intention to claim t;,c land. W hen the land
came into market, no legal claim to it could
be found on record,Wfcd the agent of these
~peculators bid it in, and ordered the Irish
men to decamp with their pigs and property .
Now, it was the intention of the Pre-emption
Act to protect this very class of ignorant
settlers, against the non-resident specula
tors. Under it, a lawyer for the Irish
brought a suit before the General Land Of
fice in Wisconsin to recover tnc land, on the
ground of prior settlement. ine suit was
decided against Messrs. Douglas, Breckeu
ridgs & Co., but will pre bally be cairied to
the General Land Office at asniogton*
TIJO New Turk Tribune predicts that by
the l<t or middle of next December, ut
itaet OHO hundred thousand persons in
the city of New York will be out of employ
ment and nearly cut of means. The ship
cards in New York are nearly idie, the
foundries but half working, and the great
clothing stores are doing very little. It is
stated that women Lave recently corue to
New York from places 100 miles away in
quest of work from the clothing stores, only
to bo turned off with none, and compelled to
beg their way home again. The Tribune
a l is, that places have looked for servan*
girls for -one time past: soon servant girls
will look earnestly for places, and be very
glad to And them. It is predicted that soup
houses for hungry laborers who can find 110
labor will be wauted before January! The
Journal oj Curnmtrc* is of the opinion that,
hardly, sinee 1837, has so gloomy a prospect
lowered npon the laboring classes of New
—When it was r.nnouneed that Mr. Dorter )
Corresponding Secretary of the American
Sunday Shoal Union, a man of simple tastes
and habits, with a salary of $2,000 a year
was a defaulter to the amount of nearly
SOO,OOO, every body asked: "What has ho
done with the money?" Pari of the accept
ances were made to accommodate a friend
who was a paper dealer. But this leftover
$50,000 yet to be accounted for. The
Philadelphia Presbyterian, of last week,
states another fact that throws light upon
*ue mystery. Tneuty years ago Mr. Porter
weut into the morus niulticaulas speculation
which, it will be remembered, was going to
enrich many people all of a sudden.—
He used the funds or credit of the Sunday
School Union. He lost, like the real cf his
neighbors. Finding that he had sunk ten
thousand dollars of money not his own, and
not having toe moiai courage to confess lii
dclir.qnency, he used the credit of the society
being authorized to give acceptance in its
name—to meet the debt and the interest.
Ho Las bc-eu doing this for twenty yea r s—
the amount of course giowing all the time.
If this statement i 3 true, it shows most
impressively the folly of trying to right one
wru .g by another, and the infatuation 0 f a i
man who onto begins to try to financier
•himself out of difficulty.
n the Chicago Tribune informs us that;
s-ioals of people from New England and lbs i
Middle Sates arc travelling westward to ;
look after tiie farm lauds and building lots
in which they invested sa much money last
summer unif spring, at a time 01 great infla
tion, or upou the security of which they
lent money to western men. The Tnbttie
adds that these investments are hopeless
En*, ano wilt be so for years to come. But
this probably bpends upon whether the
holders of such luuds and lots continue to
expect good prices. The article wc quote
ftou), s-iys that the amount of land now for
sale is immense, in fact out uf all propor
tion to the demand at present, or any pros
pective demand for the next ten years. As
for building lots, nine-tenths of them might
as well be sacrificed at once by their owners
for any price they will bring. From the
tone of the wtsfem papers it is quite clear
that none of the land now held by specula
tors will be saleable for along lime to come
unless thrown into the market for whatever
it Wui bring. Then emigrants aud settlers
will be attracted to "he regions which the
eager appetites of speculators had swallow
ed up. But if n< t then, the next tide of tm
igratiott w til pass over them entirely and
they will he forgotten.
flj?""Tbe Frederieksburg, Va., .Vetcs gives !
us the adventures of a hundred dollar bill, 1
and the good it ae joniplished. A merchaut ;
of that city went to Carolina Court on a |
certain occasion with a SIOO note of a car. i
tain denomination. Shortly after he got on >
the green he paid it over to a farmer. The j
farmer soon discharged an indebtedness to !
some one else, and thus the note kept ou its j
mission of liquidation until near the heel of
the evening, when it was again paid back :
to the same merchant who took it there,
and he brought it hack to Fredericksburg.' j
Having the curiosity to trace its workings, j
he found that SI,OOO worth of debts had I
been nai i by that SIOO note on a single
day !
ff!F"A? an evidence of the hard times
which arc prevailing everywhere, the New
ark (X. .).) Advertiset relates the following
incident: "A young uicehaaic ou Saturday
evening was arrested for stealing a piece of
meat front * butcher's stall. lie said i.o
had been without work several weeks, and
| being without money or credit, and too
prond to bog, he preferred to steal to save
: from starvation a wife and two etiildred,
who had been without food since Friday
morning. An investigation into the ease
proved the truth of his statement, and he
was released, given the meat, and told to
come Tor more, and was also presented wit It
a purse of $6, which was made up foi uiiu,"
Tub Wokkingman's Friend. —ONE o,
cur democratic exchanges publishes the fol
lowing, as an item of news
"it is reported from Washington that Pres
ident Buchanan intends to introduce a sys
tem of rigid tooootny, aud Among other things
to stop all work, and to dismiss the woikmcu
employed upon the various Custom llonsc**
and otlier pebble buildings in the course o*
The workingmen can see from this the
iove the President has for them, at tlAi pr.
ticular time, when money is tight anuindu.--
try paralysed. To deprive them of labor,
tor which toe Government has made appro
priation?, may be democratic, hut, tiicie is
neither humanity nor economy in the move
information on (be subject of the man silting
on a chair for blasphemy, throws soma light
upon the origin of the story. It is said that
a ruin iu Union eoutvy, an 1 not at Mt.
Union , while winnowing grain, became ex
asperated on discovering that the weevil
had destroyed a portion of his grain—that
ho indulged in some tall swearing—went
into the house and sat down, and the ex
citement brought on a severe attack of ap
oplexy, from which he ultimately recovered-
This was the basis of an enlarged and won
derful story, and such papers as copied our
article will do well to set their readers right
on the blasphemy question.— Hollidaysbur g
—Tiie Peninsular (Del.) J\'ews says: "The
people of the lower part cf Sussex county
continue to pick up silver coins along the
coast. A friend informs us that, according
to the best information he can collect, there
have been from tight to nine thousand dol
lars collected altogether. The coin date,.,
as far down as 1718, and is iD circulation
all over Baltimore Hundred. The prevail,
log opinion is that it is the money which wa g
buried by Gibbsanl Wulmsley, the two no
torious pirates, who after conviction, con
fessed that they had buried money iu the
sand in that neighborhood."
product of gold in California for 1856 was
$77,114,858; of which $69,136,922 were
exported to foreign countries. It is largely
trau-.hipped from Liverpool to London,thence
to France, Germany, and other pat ia of
Europe, to be manufactured into watches,
jewelry, &c., <!ko. Gold has become an
article of product and of export from the
United State?, as much as cotton, maize or
wheat. Prior to ibe discovery of the Cali
fornia hiines, the average export of precious
nietaLs was scarcely five millions of dollars
per annum, now the annual average auiouut
exported exceeds forty tu'.Fious.
DEBT OF VIRGINIA—It appears, from a
statement of the Auditor of Virginia, that
the public debt of the State, on the
Ist of Octobor, was $27,482,915,63.
The mjst skeptical people can be con
vinced by trial that r4l the family medicines
are not humbug, and that among the thous
and of butterfly iife thwe area few of great
merit, and undoubted worth. Of these,
Dr. Sanford's iuvigorstor or Liver Remedy
stands first una foremost among the reme
dies of the day that can be relied on as a
medicine that is ail it is reco turn ended by
its proprietors. It advertises itself on ev
ery trial, for there are uoue who-use it but
tell their friends to do so, and so it goes
from mouth to month till all the people of
the Union have learned the good of this tru
ly valuable medicine. It is recommended
with testimonials to prove its virtue for the
cure of iiver complaints of every kind, from
the worst Dyspepsia to a comuinu headache,
and is particularly adapted to Jaundice,
Deranged Stomach, Bowel Complaint*, and
diseases of children.
Oue or two doses arc said to cure a cold
with scarce a failure. It is worth a trial
ser this alone. It is particularly adapted
es the use of ladies, particularly those of
fodentary habits. Some ladies of the high
to tstnndiog in society have given their cer
tificates of its cScacy, and we say to ail
who arc ailing, try one bottle, and you will
never be without it. For sale by Dr. B. F.
Harry.—Nov. 13,-b.
TO THE MILLION—Prof. Wood, of
St. Louis, has, after years of deep study
and untiring research, succeeded in present
ing to the pubiic an article superior to any
now in use, and indeed it is truly a wonder
ful discovery. We advert to his Hair Re
storative, the only article that has been
completely successful in cheating age of his
gray locks, removing dandruff, itching,
scrofula, &c. It restores the gray head to
injrc than the original beauty, adds new lus
tre to locks already luxuriant, having the
effect on coarse, harsh hair to render it
glo-sy and watery ; fastens permanently hiir
that is loose or falling, and many other
qualities which will become known as soon
us used. For sale bv Dt. B. F. Harry.—
Nov. 13,-b.
HERMAN'S TINWARE can't be beat.—
His shop is a few doors West of the old
Globe Hotel; He is an old and good me
chanic, and makes all Lis work himself, and
sells cheaper than anybody else. All who
want tinware will save money by calling on
him. He follows no other business and
pays all his attention to making aud selling
good, substantial, aud cheap work.
May 22, 185".
• VToori-xyn Cream" — .1 Potnnit for beauti
fying Ike Hair. —Eighty perfumed, superior to
any French article imported, awl for half t
price. For dressing Ladies' Hair it has no
equal, giving it a bright glossy appearance—
It causes Gentlemen's Hairto curl in the most
natural manner. It removes dandruff, always
eiving the Hair the appearance of being fresh
shampooed. Price only fifty cents. None
genuine unless signed
FCTKtDGrE CO., Proprietors of the
'•>! m a Thousand Flowers."
For sale by all Druggists. fiTeowr..
!!!!<: IHARfim.
PHILADELPHIA NOV. 10.—The receipts
of Flour have increased, the inspection* of
(he pas' three days amounting to about 10,-
000 barrels; and with unfavorable European
advices ;.ud accumulating stock, prices are
It ss firm. There ssuie little inquiry for
export, with further sales of 1000 barrels
superfine at about $5 25 per barrel, and 000
barrels Ohio extra at $5 85. Sale? in lots
to the retailers and bakeis at $5 37 i up to
$6 fur common an-1 extra brauds, according
to quality, and stl 50-w 50 i'or fancy lots.
Nothing doing in live Flour or Corn Meal—
we quote the former at $4 50 and the lat
ter at $3 25 per barrel.
Grain —There is fair amount of Wheat
i ffering, and the demand for it is limned,
and wo reduce our q natations 2 cents per
bushels. Sales 0t1250 bushels gr 1 and
prime Pennsylvania and Southern red at §1 27 per bushel, and 1400 bushels prime
Delaware white at $1 31, afloat. 200
bushels li ve sol i at 75 cents, at which rate
ihere is a fair inquiry for distiiling. Corn
is in good request, but supplies couie forward
slowly—sales of 2500 bushels old yellow
at 80 cents, and 6uo bushels prime dry new
at GO cents. Oats are unchanged—sales
of Southern at 33a34 cents per bushel.—
]larley is dull at 87 cents. 700 bushels
Barley Malt sold at §1 10.
On Thursday ntorniog, 12th inst., by tlm
I 11cv. P. Benedict, ISAIAH CONLKV, Esq.,
' of Seh 11.-burg, to Miss CARRIE A. MILLER,
I of Bedford.
Accompanying the above, we received a
! ; sr g e a nd delicious wedding cake, and what
was better still, a very pretty little "yellow
boy," in the shape of one of Uncle Sam's
new-coined gold dollars. The example is
worth following by all about to "commit
matrimony," and will be duly appreciated
by the printer. The young and happy cou
ple have our best wLhes for their future
happiness. May naught hut one continued
stream of joy follow them through life's
At Yellow Creek, on Thursday evening,
the 12th inst, by the Rev. Wm. M.
BARA L. FINK, of the former place.
On the 12th iost., by D. B. i'routtnaa,
DAVIS, aii of Somerset County, Pa.
On the 26th alt-, in West Providence
William Williams, in the fifty-eignth year
of her ago.
Her sufferings during her last illness
were protracted nl severe, but borne with
Christian fortitude. She was an intelli
gent, and eminently pious Christian, hence,
the closing days of her lire were peaceful.--
She died iu hope of a blissful iiumntali \
bovsn 1 the grave; therefoie.we sorrow not
as those who have no hope, sud eomtor. our
hearts with the reflection that our h*s ,s
hvtr eternal gain- Lommunu Jed.
in Friends Cove, at the house of imr son,
Mr. Joseph Diehi. on the 9ib ln, p I "
ANNA MARIA DIEHL, relict ot the 1 to
John Diehl, Sen., aged 84 years, 3 months
and 24 days. .She leaves c.. '
grand ehildj'tu and 86 great grandchildren.
Administrator's Noiire.
LETTERS of administration having beeu
granted to the subscriber, living in St.
Clair Tp., on the estate of Rebecca Wright,
late of said township, dee'd, ali persons
knowiug themselves indebted to said estate
are Hereby notified to make payment imme
diately, ami those having claims against the
same wiil present them properly authentica
ted for settlement.
Nov. 20, 1857.
The Assessors
OF the several Townships of Bedford coun
ty, will meet at the Commissioners' Office,
on Monday, the 7th day of December, 1857,
to receive their duplicates, instructions, &o.
Nov. 20, 1857.
••A Rook Tor Every .Han's Library.'
Canvassers wanted to obtain subscribers fo r
theCo.MPßKiiE.\*sivh Gcofiau'nir and History.
Ancivxt AND Modkrn OF THE WORLD;"
liyS.G. Goodrich, (Piter Pailej). Hand
somely bound in cloth gilt, and illustrated with
200 beautiful engravings and 80 maps. Price
$3. Sold only ' yageats, to each of whom a
speri il district will he given. Applicants
should state what counties ttuy would like to
canvass. The book is now ready. Copies will
he sent by mail, post paid, on the receipt ofthe
price. 3.1 L on ail solvent banks taken u! par.
The " Hume Journal" says of this woik: "No
family whatever should be Without it." For
lull partiular* in regard to an rgencv. address,
Publisher and Bookseller.
No. 172 YYilliara Street, New York.
[r?"All kinds of School atul Miscellaneous
Books, Cheap Publications, Stationary and
M qis, furnished at the very lowest prices. Or
ders solicited.
Nov, 13, 135".-It.
Just Published, Gratis, the 25//; Thousand.
treatment, without Medicine, of Spermatorrhea
or Local Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, Gen
ital and Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of
the System, Jtapotency. and Impediments, to
Marriage generally, l>y B. DE LANEV.M. D.
The important fact that the many alarming
comp'aints, originating in th imprudence and
solitude of youth, may be easily removed
WITHOUT MEDICINE, is in this small tract,
clearly demonstrated ; and the entirely new a..d
highly successful treatment, as adopted by the
Author, fully explained, by means of which ev
ery one is enabled to eure HIMSELF perfect
ly and at the least possible cost, thereby avoid
ing all tic- .advertised nostrums of the day.
Scot to any address, gratis and post free in
a sealed envelope, by remitting two postage
stamps to Dr. DE LANE Y, IT Lispenard Street,
Xi tf York.
Oov. IT, 1857.
This i a large 12nio. volume, PRICK S.OO
with a tine mezzotint engraving, and is one of
the most thrilling tales ever written by the
auttror. It shows how amm may seem to the
world all (bat is good and noble, and yet be a
tyrant i:i his family, and finally send his wife to
a mad-house.
We p,]l lish aH Mr. Arthur's new books, also
works of History. Biography, Ike. for which wo
want Agents iu all parts of the Unite 1 States,
to wiiom tiic bitgest commission w.ll lie paid,
also an extra commission iu tbo way of gifts.
48 North Fourth St. Philadelphia, Pa.
K. B.—Specimen copies sent by mail, free,
on receipt of the price of book.
FOR SALE, the stock of the best located
and handsomely lilted up Store in Fulton Coun
ty. The jftock is neariy all new, and will be
sold low. The fixtures belong to the Store.
Rent (with a good dwelling) is very low. A
person with a few thousand dollars capital,
could do a large business. The present propri
etor wishes to s i for the purpose of going into
b;..-.! :ess in th" East. Address A. B. C, Box
-12, McConuellsburg. Fulton Co. Pa.
Sept. 4, 1857.*
LETTERS of Administration having been
granted to the subscriber, living i.. St. Clair
Township, on the e-trte of Catharine Oldham,
late of s.iid township, dee'd, all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate are here
by notified to make payment immediately, and
those having claims against the same will pre
sent them propcily authenticated for settle
Oct. 16, 1857.
THE subscriber has removed hit Tinning Es
tAbPshment to the frame builiirg in Juliana
Street, two doors south of "Brown's Store,"
where he will bo h lppv to see ail his 01.1 friends
and customers. He keeps constantly on hand
all kinds of ware in his line, as substantial and
Chen's as can be procured in the county.
Aug. 14,1857.
r THE subscribers have just opened a large as
sortment of FALL and WINTER GOODS,
all of which will bo offered at prices to suit the
times. We respectfully invite cash and prompt
six month cus'oners to c.iil and examine our
stock, assuring them that we shall offer greater
inducements than ever heretofore.
Country Produce of all kinds wanted, for
which we will pay the highest price.
Oct. 16, 1857.
HOS. 11 <s• I CHKSTSUT Streel. (.south tide,
below \Vater,)PiiILADELPHIA,
(The Oldest Wood-ware House, is thb City.)
\TANUFACTARERS and Wholesale deal
xVA ers in Patent .Medicine, mads PitOOMS,
Patent fj-roved CEDAR-WARE, J irranttil
not to tkrink, HOOD nnd ff /
CORDS, BRUSHES, he., of all descriptions.
Please call and examine our stock.
Feb. 27, 1887.-zz.
THE subscriber would respectfully inform his
ol 1 customers, as well as lb" public generally,
tint ho s- i continues the manufactory of
WtSUMiLLS, aud keeps them .>u himlco:-
stantly. He will also do all kinds of repiirln
in his line of business. As his mills are w. 11
kuowu in Bedfor 1 county, he deems it unneces
sary to siv anything about them. His ah >p is
:i3 i'ormetiy, at tba K i*t end or Bodlord, on i'itt
Street, Lear the Foundry.
Aug. 21, 1857.-Bni.
ALT. perso s are hereby notified th-t my
wife, Sopnia O'Neal, has left my house with
out any just cause, and tnat I am determined
not to'p.iv any debts ane may contract, nnd I
hereby wittti all petaODS uot to trust her on my
West Providence Tp., Nov. 20, 1857.*
TIIK subscribers havi: g formed a partner
ship under the style of "Dock k Ashcorn" for
the purpose of c >nducting a general
business in the establishment recently erected
by Gilhard Hopewell, Bedford coun
ty, are now prepared to execute orders fot
scription. They will buili to order steam-en
gines, coal anil"dritt-c:irs, horse powers and
threshing machines —also, ca.-.iing of every
kind for furnaces, forges, s iw, grist and rolling
mills, ploughs, water-pipe, columns, house
fionts. brackets, &c., &c.
They are also, now making a fine assort meet
of STOVES of various kinds of the latest pat
terns an ! most approved styles, including sev
eral sizes of COOK. STOY ES oi the best make,
heating stoves for churches, offices, bar room*,
A lull assortment of Stoves will be kept
constantly on hand, and sold at wholesale and
retail, at prices to suit the times, and quality,
warranted equal to the best eastern make. —
Machinery of all kinds repaired promptly.—
Patterns made to order.
Nov. 6, 1857,
THE partnership heretofore existing and
trading under thetirin of Barn-dollar, I.owry J*
C>>.. and Kverhart, Asheoin & Co., has this day
been dissolved by mutual consent. The books
he., are in the hands of UarndoHarA Kverhart,
who are authorized to settle all accounts of the
old Ann.
Hopewell, Nov. 6, 1857.
THE subscribers takes tills method of in
forming the public th'l they will continue the
business of merchandising at the old stand, and
hope by strict attention to business to receive
a liberal siiere ot public patronage.
We have remodeled the Ilopewell Mill, and
are now readv to grind ail kinds of grain for
which the highest price wiil be paid.
Hopewell, Nov. G, 1357.
/ T5 Years of a pre,
/ Whose sands of life have neaily run out,
I discovered while in the East Indies, a cc
| tain cure for Consumption, Asthma. Bron
chitis. Coughs, Colds, and genera! debility.
The remedy was discovered by hi: i when his
only child, a daughter, was given to die. iie
had heard much of the wonderful restorative
and healing qualities of preparations made from
the East Indi i Hemp, and the thought occur
red to hiat that he might make a remedy tor
his child. 110 studied bard and succeeded in
realizing bis wishes. His child was cured.and
ii new alive and well, tie has since adminis
tered the wonderftil remedy to thoiisancs et
sufferers in all parts of the world, arid he has
never failed in making them completely heal
thy arid happy. Wishing to do as much good
as possible, lie will send to such of his afflicted
fellow-beings as request it, this recipe, with
full and explicit direction s for making if up,
and succesdully using it. Ho requires each
applicant to inclose hira one shilling—three
cents to be returned as postage on the recipe,
and the remainder to be applied to the pay- e
uient of this advertisement.
Address Dr. H.JAMES, No. 10 Grand /
St., Jersey City, X. J. I
Nov. 6, 1857.-lm. /
RESPECTFULLY tenders his professional
services tt> the citizens of B •1: rd and vi
Office and residence on Piit-Sfreet. in the
building formerly occupied by Dr. J. H. Ilotius.
Nov. 0, 1857.
needs who is not in a perfect state of health
for the Liter is second only to the he m in our
human economy, and when that is deranged the
whole vital machinery runs wrong. To find a
medicine peculiarly adapted to this disease lias
been the study of one of the proprietors, in a
large ami extended practice for the past twenty
years, aid the result of his experiment is the
Invigorator, as a never-failing remedy where
medicine has any pou rto help. As a Liver
Remedy it has no equal, as all testify who use
A lady writing from Brooklyn, says, • Wou.4 j
that I c ,ull express in this short letter the val. i
ue your or has been to me in raising '
a large family of children, for it has never fii - i
ed to relieve all affections <>f the stomach, bow- !
vis or attacks of worms. If mothers once had j
this remedy placed Within their reach, and wrote j
taught how to use it, a fearful and untold a
mount of agony might be saved."
One of our prominent bankers says, "Five or
six years since I fund myself running down
with a liver difueulty ; ri sp ting to your Invig
orator, was greatly relieved, and. continuing
for a season, was entirely restored."
A clergyman called at our office the other
day and said he had given a poor woman a hot
tie, who was suffering very badly from Liver
Complaint, and before site had taken the whole
of it she was at work earning bread for her fam
A gentleman, recently from the West, says,
while at Chicago, he was attacked with a slow,
lingering fever, that baffled the skiil of physi
cist!*, but the luvigorator cured him in a few
One of our city merchants said, while on a
visit to Troy, a tew days since, he was attacked
with bowel and stomach disorders, so as to con
tine him to his room, ho sent to the drug store
for a bottle of Invlgorator, took one da so, which
relieved hiin so that he was able to attend his
An acquaintance, whotc business compels j
him to write most ot the time, says, he became
so weak as to be unable at times to hold his
pen, while at others, sleep wouid overpower
him, but the Invigorator cured hirn-
A gentleman from Brooklyn called on us a
week or two since, looking but the bad >w of a j
man, with a skin yellow, pile and deathlike,— I
lie had been for a long time suffering from
Jaundice and Dyspepsia, and unable to attend ■
to his business. We sat him again to-day a
changed man. a > 1 to use bis expression, he has
not seen the bottom of f'a •f-st bottle, and fur
ther adds "it saved ray lit.-, for I was fast go
ing to a consumptive's grave."
Among the hundreds of Liver Remedies now
offered to the public, there are none we can so
fuiiy recommend as Dr. Sanford's Invlgorator.
or Liver Remedy, so gen- rally known now*
throughout th • Union. This prepirition is tru
ly a Liver invigorator, producing t'e most
happy results on all who h-m it. Almost innu
merable certificates have been given of the grejit
virtue of this ni diciae by these of the highest |
sttnding in soei. fy, and it is, without d. übt,
the best prepuvtion now beloro the public*
SAXFORD St CO., Proprietors, 8-15 Ijroad
way, New York.
For sile by Dr. B. F. Harry, and Druggist's
Oct. 30, 1857.
"V*7\A.sst I*lTDx>. ~
TWO Journeymen Tailors will be emnloyel
by the subscriber, if application be inade im
mediately— constant imployment an t good
wages will be given. ' C. Lol'LK.
Bed lord, Dec. IJ, ltotj.
ai'ttinistrator's Notice.
LETTERS of administration on the Estate
of Samuel .Mock, late of St. Clair Township,
dee'd, having la-en granted to the Subscriber,
residing in said Townslrip. all persons indebted
to said estate are, therefore, hereby notified to
make payment iminodiattdy. and those having
claims ag.inst the Estate, will present the in Ju
iy authenticated for settlement
Aug. 14. I 85".-f *
Whtsreas, A certain man tiarae 1 Matthew
Gaau r being deranged in his mini, left his
home in Woodcock Valley about the first of
Slay last, and has not been board of since the
first of June. Said Garner is aliotit 5 feet 9 <>r
10 inches high, gray eyes, dark complexion, 53
vetrs < f age, u.i 1 his hair is middling long and
gray. 4ny person giving fti'bmiaflon of his
whereabouts and sending to Henry Garner or
John Garner, Jr., Marklesl tirg, Huntingdon
Countv, will receive a teward of S2 : J.
Oct." 30, 1857.-31.
SITUATED in Juniat < County, Pa., 8 miles
from the Mifllin, and f> miles from the Perrvs
viile Stations of the Pa., K. Road. Tins In
stitution is especially note lpn the following par
Ist. Healthy location— bnildinvs nearly new
—in the mild of beauty ul scenery.
2d. The surrounding community is marked
for intelligence, morality, and high christian
3d. Being in the country, students are not he
set by temptations , as in lowus and places of pub
lic resort.
4th. Thorough Instruction is given in all thu
branches necessary for Bc.vs&i, F r TKACHINQ
or for COLLSOK.
sth. Mi LI. bat firm discipline.
G'h. Pit t ■ittsiudeuU are not retained.
7th. Special pains are taken in the Boarding
Department to have healthy food, in sujfi'icnt
quantity and properly prepare '..
Bth. The comfort, haJpiness. and mental i<n
procemhU of pupils \ constantly kept in view.
Terms. For Tuition, Boarding, Washing and
Furnished Room, (per session ofs mo.) SHO.
payable quarterly iu advance. Light and Fuel
extra. The Winter Session opens oa tb 3d of
November nest.
i'or further particulars applv to
J. 11. SHOIAKER A. M . Prin.
Aeadataia, Juniata Co., Ps.
Aug. 28, 1857.-3 m.
The <*real L'ngiih Itfmedj.
Celebrated Female Pills.
Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke,
At. D , Physician Extraordinary .0 tkv Queen.
This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the
cure of all those painful ai d danger ms dis
eases to which tho female constitution is sub
ject. It mwderves all < xcer.s and removes all
obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied,
it i peculiarly suited. It will, in a short'irae
bring on the monthly period with regularity.
Kueh bottle, price One Doilar, hea-s the
Government Stamp of Great Britain, to pre
vent counterfeits.
These Pills should not he taken by females du
ring the THREE MOETJtS of Preg
nancy, us they are sure to bring on Miscar i'-igc,
but at any other time they ai e sift.
I a ail cases of Nervous tutd Spinal Affec
tions Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on
slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hys
terics, and Whites, these Pills will effect a
cure when all other means Have failed, and al
though a powerful remedy, do not contain iron,
calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the
Full directions accompany each package.
Sole Agent for the United' States and Canada
(Late I. C. Baldwin & C 0.,)
Rochester, N. Y.
N. 8.—51.00 and 6 postage stamps enclose 1
to any authorized Agent, will insuro a bottie
of the Pills br return mail.
For sale bv Dr. B. F. iiarrv.
Oct. 9 1857-zz.
The undersigned, npp >inted by th<* Court of
Common Ft ns in and toe the County of lie i report a distribution aruon -st creditors,
of the ra:•:• in the hinds of Joseph B. Ko
hie. Esq., S-qiiestritor of the F.Utousvilh: and
TFoodberry Turnpike id' .id Company, wiii at
tend to th" dutie* of bis appoiutmont oa Wed
nesday, the 14th day <>r" October next, at 10
o'clock of .nil day, at b:.s office in the Bor
ough <;t Bedford, when an i where all persona
interested can attend with due proofs of ikeit
respective claims. Claimants s.iouid Oe full' }
prepared in this particular.
Sept. 25, 1867.
BAN AWAYfrom the subscribe!, on the stb
inst., John laras, an apprentice to the faming
business. All persons are cautioned against
harboring or trusting said boy, as I ant deter
mined to pav no debts of his contracting .
W. Proviiance Tp., Oct 30, 1857.
LETTERS of administration on the es
tate of John Peter Skiruer, lr.te of Union
Township, deoM, having been granted to
the subscriber, residing '.a said township,
notice is hereby given to ail persons indebt
ed to said estate to tnahe payment iuiuiedi
<ceiy, and those bat'ng claims against, said
estate will present than forthwith properly
authenticated for so'.t'euwnt.
JOHN AKE, Adm'r.
Aug. 7, 1857—f *
Gettys' Photographic Gallery,
WHERE Arabrotypes, Dagm-rreotypes, do j
4'C. are iXecuted in the latest styles \
and improvements of the Art. A full assort- i
ment of plain and fancy c .ses, gold and plated j
Lockets >\t very low prices.
The r.ublic are respectfully invited to call j
and t-Xi'.miue his specimens.
T. R. GETTYS, Js. !
Kay 22. 1837.
r'rv.lE subscriber lias removed his KF.STAC- |
EsTA3oisiiM!iST, to the Rising S ia Building, ,
in Julians Street, where be would tea pleased
to see all his o> 1 trie a is and cnuomors.
He keeps cnnnUntly onhmd the choicest I
,nd best CJIxES, CANDIES. FRUITS and j
NUTS, evr off-red to the pnblic; aiso Cham,
bersburg \T.ia and IIUIJII.
He tiiStlUvd Up an |rC Cri'dtM fttttoOß,
and wit/ keep OH ban t throughout the season,
a '.nil supply of this hiee refreshment.
®jr f VRTIKS suppliel, on tu sh rteat
notice, with Ice Crt 'n, Cakes atid Coutcc
Having served a regular, apprenticeship to
the a'lovn bast s. ani naviug been const mt
!_v engixed ir forunnv years, he feels ou
li bnt th t can renter s .i-ifictiou to all
who IUAV favor hiin <*l th visit.
Bedford, April 2i, 1b57.
Firrhi Hair—Jockey Club, ami uewmovyn
h ty, pomatums, genu iue ox marrow ,*t Br
' il.rrr's.
old and yonnc, to this wonderful prepa
ration, which turns to its original cior,
gray hair—covers the head of the Odd with a
luxuriant growth—removes the dandruff, itch
in-, and all cutaneous eruptions— causes* con
tinual flow of the natural flcid'i; and hence, if
used as a regular dressing for the hair, will pre
serve its color, and keep it from falling to ex
treme old age. in a!! it:: natural KAuty. We
call,then upon the bald, the gray, or diseased
m scalp, to use it: an l surety, the jroung will
trot, as they value the flowing locks, or thg
witching curls, ever l>e without it. Its praise
is upon the tongue of thousands.
Walcrtown, Mass.. Mav 1. 1855.
PROF. O. J. WOOD; Allow me to attest
the virtues and ms"ic powers of your Hair Re
storative. Three month's since, being exceed
ingty gray, I purchased and soon commenced
to use. two bottles j and it soon began to tell;
in restoring the silver locks to their native col
or, and the hair which was before dry and harsh,
and falling off. now became 3<>ftand glossy, and.
it ceased failing; the dandruff disappeared,
and thu scalp lost all the disagreeable itching,
so annoying before, and now, I not only look
but feel young again.
Respectfully, vottrs. o<c.
New Yo-k, Oct. 2. 1855.
PROF. O. J. WOOD—Dear Sir : After read
ing the advertisement in one of the New York
journals, of your celebrated Hair Restorative,
i procured a half pint bottle, and was so much
pleased with it that i continued its use lor two
months, and atn satisfied it sdecidedly tiie best
preparation before the public, It at once re
moved all tire dandruff and unpleasant itching
from the scalp, and has restored my hair nat
urally, snJ, I have no donbt, permanently so.
You have |M-riuissiori to tefer to me, all who
entertain my doubts of its performing all that
is claimed for it.
MISS FEEKS, 261 Greenwich AT.
f have ned Professor O. J. Wood Hair
R-slorative, arid have admired its wonderful
effects, it restored my hair where it had fallen
off; it cleans the head, and renders the hair soli
and smooth —much more so than oil.
Louisville, Nov. 1, 18.".3.
State of Illinois, Carlisle, June £7, '55.
I have used Professor O. J. Wood's Hair K
storative, and have admired its wonderful effect.
My hair was becoming, as I thought preniatuie
lygray, hut by the use of the-Restorative," it
Ins resumed its original Color, and, I have no
doubt, perrua.'iell. ao.
Ex-Senator United States,
[Frctu the Washington Star.] t
Among the many preparations now in use for
the restoring, preserving and 'beautifying tho
hair, there are none that we can recommend
with more confidence than Prof. Wood's Jiair
Restorative, now in general use throughout the
States. This preparation possesses the most
invigorstin: qualities, ami never lads in produ
cing the most happy results when applied ac
cording to directions. We r fer our readers to
the advertisement for a few of the Innumerable
certificates which have been sent by parties,
who have been benefitted by it, and who feel
happy in giving testimony to its wonderful ef
fects produced on them.
O. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors. 612 Broad
way, N'. Y., and 114 Market street. St. Louis,
For salo by Dr. B. F. Harry, and Druggists,
Oct. S9, 1857.-dm.
Country Physicians, can havetheii orders
filled, with the very best articles, at city
prices it Dr. Harry's Cheap Drug Store, Pit!
St. Bedford, Peiiu'a.
0ct.31,1856. DR. B. F. 11AKRT.
THE Public Schools of the Borough <f Bed
ford wili be opened on Monday, the 21 day of
November next, there niil be wanted two ruale
and three female Teachers, also a male or fe
male to take charge of the negro school. Ap
plicants must lie examined and procure proper
certiScaua from the County Superintendent at
tue time adv. i.ud, 24th October. No others
need apply. The Hoard will expect to be able,
to contract with Teachers on the Lath oi Octo
By order ot tho Board.
Sept. 18, 1857.
r AME to the residence of bc subscriber;
j living ia Southampton Township, about the
| Ist of June last, four yearling heifers, three
( brown and white spotted, the other red aud
' white, two marked with a slit in the left ear;
i no other marks recollected. The owner is re
quested to come forward, prove property, pay
■ charges and take theui a Way.
Sejt- L 18-57.-c*
Administrators \oU'fe
LETTERS of Adminis.ration having been
I granted to the subscribers, on the estate of
i George B. Kay. late of Hopewell Township,
j dee'd, all persons knowing themselves indebted
■ to said Estate are hereby notified to make pay
' ment immediately, and those baring claims
: against tlie same will present tiuw propelly au
i theulicat.-ii lor settlement.
Residing in Blair Co.,
THOii. J. KAY,
Residing iu llopeweil Tp.
Sept. 11, 7857-f.*
WOOD WAR D'S Improved Smut and Screens
ing Machines, Mill Bashes, Bolting ' o* 1 -:
and Bfan Dusters, of the most improved pian
Mill Screws, Corn and Cob Grinders, Paten,
Bridges for Mill Spindles, Portable Bills,
warranted to grind ten bushels per bonr, .Mill
Irons aud Mill Burrs made to order. Also,
Stover's Pateut Corn Kila and Grain Dryer—
a valuable invention. The above articles are
kept constantly on haud, aud can be obtained
at any time, from S. D. BROAD,
Schellsburg, Bedford County, who is also
gent for Radford, Somerset, anJ adjoining
Mill wright work done -it the shortest notice,
and on the most reasonable tc.uis.
February 15, ibid,
kfcCORMICK'S Reaper and Mowrr for sal*
M by S. 1). BROAD
at Schellsburg, Pa., agent for Blair and Bedford
ounties. February Id, 1856.
W . II e M t K s s ,
TfOUT Vi I'.n .ince to the citijtens of Bed-
YV f<- . an.', vicinity, that be is prepared '> Ct
11* .Kin h,< line.the .st st- <e. x'doo
onub'.eterwis. M W VSSES. w ivh or w i
(wings, tui le in a superior miapcr, equa; tt
ie bo st m r.ic in the cilv, and 'his brincb 't
ri' business he would Invite osperiirt atleQtioao
nnv lie found at the 3>op <>•'" Micha.-' H eta.
1 a -short distance; of the Borotgb, ovnK
/. residence on East Pin Street, oao duo*
west ol M ii. U':ihi :it!gh a.
6, ! —> to*
A M-r's Cherry i'eftorai.—i At tp.. t <>
jLCoitghss • "OULA. ic., CJUA le Uil * l u
' llarry'a Drugstore
*>- -- -' :