mm. SADDLE**. Harness, Truuks, Whips, Ac.— The undersigned would le pee I fully announce 111 the I'll 111 is tlwt they have formed a partner -whip, and are new lullV- prepared to manufacture all kind* of work In* their line of basine-s oi 'tho heat material*, lu luuon the shortest :? ' ce - Whips. wholesale or retail. Sitn tt it tub old sta* 1 on l'itt Street. V S j'i I SIMON* LING, J. A. HENDERSON. Keitord, NoT.SIh'G matt certain and rented* erer disfavored for j mil r*ray.< if l*c Ckist and Lmnft Cnltif. isthma, i'onevmption. Jironchetts, t.-fuenza lluartMtMs. Dtff.cuU S'ore Throaty 4-<•*. • npfr*E'KIP give the mo#t !ntAiitaa#orn i I )-v ...n ncTor *-• i % mpi t perfect health ho h*r* • tr#4 >lh*r rr.#.-\i u> i>> ruin. To *\\ el***** and all P'Ojditor Rofh#wpr, S. V. , I 7*rir+ i% rMitl* prr Mt Ff-rsHl>r T)r. B. K. li.irr^. Sojit. IP, 1857-sz. -TUSCARORA ACADEMY. FITCATED in Juniata County. Pa., 8 miios j Tr<->m the Mifflin, and 6 miles fiwm the Peirvs vjlle Stations of the-Pa., R. Roei. This In- j atitutitt* in especially wotedjin the following par ticulars : i let. Healthy location— buildings nearly new —in the midst of ht dutiful scenery. "it. The surrounding community is marked j for iuttlliper cc, morality, and high christian character. Hi. Being in the country, students are not br ut by itmptati'-ms, as in towns mid places of pub- ; lie resort. t;li. Thorough hstruetion is given in *ll the j branches necessary for Bcm>cr.M. lor Tka inn.) Sdtl. ■ payable quarterly tit advance. Light and Fim! estra. The Winter Session opens on the 5 1 oi .Mo vein her tiejtt. Km further particulars applv in J. TI. SIITTMAKKR A. M.. Prin. Anademia, Juniata Co.. Pa. Aug. US. ISS7.-3ni. i The treat English Remedy. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Pills. JH spared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, C . Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. ' This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the ! cure ol all those painful a* d danger ins cis- j case* to which the female constitution is suit- ; jeet. tt modern'cs all excess aad removes all' • obstructions. uud a speedy curcm.iv im relied. ' on. TO NIRRIEN LADIKS it is peculiarly Miited. It will, in a abort Mine brinj: on the monthly period with regularity. Each hottli*, price tine, beu-s'the tiov.-niejent Stamp of Great Britain, to pre sent counterfeits. C A V T'l O X . I hest'Pills should not b. taken by females fil ling the FIRn of the Heart. Hvs*. and Whiten, th.-ae Pills will effect a -cure when all other means have failed, and al though M powerful remedy, do not contain irmi. •calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the Full dlrejtions accompany each package. fole Agent for the United States and Canada JOB MOSES, (I.atc I. C. Baldwin A C 0.,) Rochester, N. Y. N. 8.—51.00 undo postage stamps unclosed to any authorized Agent, win-insure a bottle of the Pills by return mail. For sale hv Dr. B. F. flarr*. Oct. 9. 1857-rz. NOTICE. IN the matter od the exceptions to the *e- 1 count of S. 11. Tate, Kaqr.. Adm'r of the Es tate of Michael B. Shrincr, dee'd. The undersigned, appointed bv the Orphans' I ■ Cou't to examine the exceptions u nil report ! an account, Will sit tor that purpose, at his of- ! lice, in Bedford, on Wednesday, the 14th day : of October, in*t., at 10 o'cb ek. A. .M., when i sod where all persons interested may attend. j J Ml. MOW KB. ! Auditor. ; Oct. 2. 1857. Look Here. Storekeepers and ! Others! THE greatest assortment of Toy s pf every: description, aud Fancy articles of an ondles's variety, you can find at the great Curiosity Store, No. 144, X. 2d St., above Arch, Phil- 1 ttde'phia. Also Fancy Baskets, Pipes, Segar Case- fohaeeo Boxes, Dominoes, Cauoa. Cni iia, KiJ and Wax B.ihies, and a great many other articles too numerous to mention. JOHN DOLL. Importer. 114, X. 2d St. Sept. 4, 1857. JOIIX ill. A LI, EM ft CO. A Ol. 2 <5- ♦ CHESTNUT Street, (south side, he tow Water,) PHILADELPHIA, ( THE OLDEST WOOD-WAR r. HOUSE, IS run CITT.) • HAN'UFACTARERS and W holexale dea!- aHL ers in Patent Medicine, made BROOMS, Patent I roved CEDAR-WARE, Warranted not to shrink. HOOD and WILLOW. WARE, CORDS, BRUSHES, fee., of all descriptions. Please call and examine our stock. Feb. 27, 1887.-xx. REMOVAL TKEwwhscri'her has removed hit Tinning E taldishment to the frame buildirg in Juliana Street, two doors south of "Brown's Store," where he *ll he happy to see all his old friends and custumers. He keeps constantly on hand art kiwis of ware in his line, as substantial and ■cheatsa* can he procured in tl eonnty. ABKATTAM HEH.MAX. Aug. 14, F867. If FILL GOODS. THE subscribers have just opened a large as sortment of FALL and WINTER GOODS, ail of wjiica Will t offered at prices to suit the rimes. We respectfully invite cash and prompt oil month ens'omers to -ca'l and examine our stock, assuring them that wo shall off.-r greater inducements than ever heretofore. Country Produce of all kinde wanted, for which wo will pay the highest price. A. B. CRAMER & 00 Oct. 16, lbtf. 10nm0.\ StIIOOJLX THi: teachers and directors ot th s Common Schools ot Bedford Co. aW hereby notifi'-d tint lite" County Superintendent will meet with them in their respective district*, as follows: Napier, at tire selnml house in ScheUsburg, Sept. 2f. SclttjllsUur? Horoutr'i, Sept. (evening.) , Juuiua, at Bueli i \ ista. Sept. 2S. St: Clair, at Eight Square School House, Sept. 20. TTrdon,at the School House heir John Fick- e's "dwelling, Sept. jU. Middle Woodberry, it Wnodbernr, Oct. 1. South Woodberry, at Pattjiisville, Oct. 2. Harrison, at Kiaer's Scioiol House, Oct, 5. Londonderry, at Btidgep art, Oct. <. Cumberland Valley, at tlte house ol John May. Oct. 7. Southampton, Chaueysvil'e, Oct. 8. Monroe, at Clearville, Oct. 0. Ileiltbnl Township, at the bouse of John 11a fer. Oct. t'. Friends Cove, at the Il ick Church. Oct. 11. East Piovidenee. at the house of John Ny cum. Sen.. Oct.-15. VTeut l'rovi iencc. Nt Bloody Run, (new school house.) Oct. Dl. Hopewell, at the Sciivol'Tlouse * Dash er's store. Oct. 19. Broad Top. at Hopewell, Oct. 2'). Liberty, at Stonerstown, Oct. 21. Be.lfor.ilßorough, at the oifice ot Jno. P. Kee.l, EsqOct. 21. (evening.) Teachr and directors in particular, and the public in genera respectfi 11)' requested to attend. Pit iness of importance r.-litive to the interest* of the schools will lie transited at end place. No private examination of teach ers will he granted, eXCep nig unavoidable ca- Si*t9. 11 K.N R Y IIECK.KK M Aft, Co.. Superintend** >.. s. pt. 4, \hs:. 1. S. WaiauT, 1,. G. LtAsitu, W. M. Hancock NOTICE. THE partnership heretofore existing and tra ding unii. r the lirni of I. S. Wright Ik Co.. was dissolved on the 18th inst., by mutual consent. All persons knowing them-eivtu indchted to thi-m in any way, hy note or hook account, will call and pay their respective accounts shortly! As the Hooka arc in the hands of i- S. WrigV f.r a uhnrt tim only. I. S. WRIGHT d- CO. Sept. 4.'1857.-c* ~iS~WNESSESr or, THE FOiUER I OA INTER. Jihn S. Dye id t'ie Author, Who lias I ad id years experience as a Hank er and Publisher, and An hot . i i ries of Lecturer at the /f/Oj.'iruy T ibernaclc. when, for 10 successive nights over : ~_s~ 30,1)00 People O him with Rounds of Applause, while he exhibited the maimer in which Cun !? lerleiter.s execute their Frauds, and the jc Surest and Shortest Means of Detecting them! The Ilaid; Xote Kugrattrt •*!'. ray that hf is the greatest Judge of Paper Money living. RK4TKT IHVC OTERV OF OVJ the Prwnil Century for rllH'teoling Counterfeit Bank Notes. Describing every Genuine Bill in Exis tence. and exhibiting at a glance every Counterfeit in Circulation!! > Arranged so admirably, that REFERENCE O is EASY and DETECTION' ivsTANTAXKors. - 27" No index to examine J No pages to "to hunt up! Hut so simplified and srrang •~e ed. that the Merchant, Banker, and Bu sin ess Man can see alt at a Glance. rH _____ § English, French and German. £5 Thus Eich miy rsad the same in his own Native Tongue. . Tlost Perfect Bank Note Li*! Published. p.'j Also a List of All the Private Banker* fx America. A Complete Summ.ry of the Ft usee or Epiioi'K and America will heijnildished in fi e tch "dition. together with all the important "7* NEWS OF THE DAY. Also 2 -I SERIES or T-ILF.S Fptii an Old .M inuscri|it found in the East. _ 1? turnih. s the Most Complete History ot ORIENTAL LIFE, Describing the Most Perplexing Positions which the Ladies and Gentlemen of that o Country have been so often found. These Ft or ics will jout nne throughout the whole year, and will prove the Most Entertaining ever offered to the Public. 7."y~ Furnished Weekly to Subscribers i only, at $1 a year. All letter* must be ad- ; dressed to ,IDH\ S. DYK, Broker, PubliVher and Proprietor, 7(1 W ill street, j April 2t, 1857-zz. New York. j SUMMER ARRANGEMENT.—Huntingdon and Broadtop It. R., On and after Mon- j day. March 2d, 1857, two passenger trains a ' day each way, (except Sunday,) will run lw tween Hopewell and Huntingdon. Leaves Hopewell at 12 15 P. M., and 6 10 P.M. Arrives at Hopewell at 9 40 A. M., and 5 40 I P. M. Connecting at Huntingdon with trains for [ F.ast and West on Penna. K. R. THOS T. WKERMAX. Supt. : Huntingdon, Feb. 26,1857. Public Sale of Real Estate. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford County, there will be sold at public vendue, on the premises, on Saturday, the 10th day of Goto her next, at 1 o'clock of said da>, acm tain House and lot of ground, ill the' Borough of Bedford, late the properly of Elizabeth Kin ton, dee'd. Sail Lot is situ ate on -West Pitt Street, being 09 feet on said street, and extending back 240 feet to an alloy, with a good two-story log house thereon. TERMS of sale—One-ihird on confirmation of sale and the remainder ia two equal annual payments with interest. JOHN KINTOX, Adm'r of F.lixnbein Kinton. Sept. 18, 1857. IMPROVED SETR-SEALIXA FRUIT CANS, can be hod *t HERM AN'S TINNING ESTABLISHMENT, in Juliana Street. Aug. 21, 1857. A RARE CHANCE. FOR SALE, the stock of the host located and handsomely fitted up Store in Fulton Coun j ty. The stock is ncariy all new, and will bo i sold low. The fixtures belong to the Store. ; Rent (with a good dwelling) is very low. A j person with a few thousand dollars capital, \ could do a large business. The present propri | etor wiahea to sell for the purpose of going into business in tho East. Address A. B. C, Box ' 42, McConnellaburg. Fulton Co. Pa. j Sept. 4, 1857.* ; NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the subscriber, living ia St. Clair Township, on the estate of Catharine Oldham, late of said township, dee'd, all persons know iug themselves indebted to said estate are here by notified to make payment immediately, and those having claims against the same will pre sent them property authenticated for settle - ; naent. RK3U- U. WALKER, I Adm'r. 1 Get. 18, 1857, ■ NI'OKT IXT TO MILI. OWXER WOaOU'AH D'S Improved Smut and Screens ing Machines. M ill Bushes. Bolting• aadßrati Dusters.l the most improved piau Mill Screws, Com mid GoR Grinders, I'atenj Bridges for Mill Spindles, -Portable Mills, warranted to grind ten liushels per hour, Alill Irons and Mill Burrs made to order. Also, Stover's PateutL'orn iCiin and Grain Dryer— a valuable invention. The above articles are kept constantly on hand, and can he obtained j at any time, from S. D. BKOAD. Sehetlsburg, Bedford Count} , who is also gent for Biir.irt!iiiig to give hint a call, as he f.-i.fidn e can please all wuo do so. J . . 'l4, *s7at f jlilE Rev. C. L. Burnett, while laboring as 1- a Missionary in Southern Asia, discovered i a simple and certain cure for Consumption, -dtlli- ' ma. Bronchitis. Coughs, Colds, Xer. Debility, and all impurities of the Wood; also, an easy J and effectual mode ot inhaling the Remedy. Ac tuated by a desire to beneSt ids sutfcriiig fel lows, hu will cheerfully send the Recipe (free) j to such ax desire it, with full and explicit di rections for preparing and successfully using the Medicine. Address REV. 0. S. BURNETT. 831, Broadway, N. Y. City. July 31, 1857.-3 m. NOTICE. Lv.TTKItS of administration on the es rate of John Peter Khiiuer. late of Union Township, dee'd, having been granted to the subscriber, residing in said township, notice is hereby given to ail persons mdebt cd to said estate to make payment itutuedi ceiy, and those having claims against >iu estate will present them forthwith properly authenticated for settlement. JOHN AKE, Adm'r. Aug. -7, lSu7-t'.* Gettys' Photographic Gallery. • EXCHANGE BUILDING,' BEDFORD, P.I W'HERK Ambrotypes, Daguerreotypes <}-c sc., are executed in the latest stylet and improvements of the Art. A full assort ment of plain and fancy cases, gold and plated Lockets at very low prices. The public aro respectfully invited to cail and examine his specimens. T. K. GETTYS, JR. May '_'2, 1857. -\otice. ALL persons interested are hereby notified ' that the citizen* of St. Cluirsville, in the county of Bedford, have n;ale application to the Court of Quarter Sessions of a!d county, for a Char ter of Incorporation, which said ap.'li.tation has been read and filed among the i! • r is of ud j Court, and will be held over for fin...! consider*- ' fion until November Sessions. 1? ;7, when oh- j jections (if any) will bo hear 1, aud a final .e --crec made in the premise*. By the Court. MANN A SPANG. Ati'ys for Applicant#. Sept. 11, 1857. Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of Administration on the estate of David T. Chanev, late of Monroe Township dee'd having been granted to the subscriber, residing at Clearvllle, in sii 1 township, notice ia hereby given to ail persons indebted to said estate to make payment without delay, and those having claims against the estate are re quired to present the same dalv authenticated for settlement. JOHN L. GROVE , Ailm'r. Sept. 18, 1857. As the season for chapped hads and faces, is comingou, we advise our frieads to call on Dr. Harry, at the cheap Drug Store, and get a cox of D izin's Arn indine for prevention and burn of chapped hands, 0n1y37 4 per bos. BARGAINS! —The undersigned, ous of rednciug stock, in ordo to make room for Spring Goods, will offer to purchasers, the best bargains ever seen in Bed. ford. Call and see how cheap you can buy! A. B. CRAMER, A Co. Jan. 16, 18.07. folisMim DR. HARRY,atthe Cheap Drug and Book Store, hasjust received, a largo assortment 0 f abe hpstflsvoringextracts, together with Bak ng Soda, Cream of Tartar. Ssleratus, &c., o he very best quality, all of which he willael ttlie lowest prices. * Notice. LETTERS of administration OD the Estate of Samuel Mock, late of St. Clair Township, dee'd, having been granted to the subscriber, residing in said Township, all persons indebted to said estate are, therefore, hereby notified to make payment immediately, and those having claims against the Estate, will present them du ly authenticated for settlement. NATHAN H. WRIGHT, Adtn'r. Aug. 14, 1857.—1* Physicians prescriptions carefully compound ed, at all hours of he day or night, at Dt llmy't, Drug Store- BEDFORD INQIUIREft Ai\ T I) CHRONICLE. AVniiiiisirator'* So lice LETTERS of Admin",a.ration having been ! grouted to Ibe subscribers, on the estate of George B. KHV, late of Hopewell Township, dec'd, all persons knowing themselves indebted j to said Estate are hereby notified to tnake pay ment immediately, and those having claims against the sarua will present thorn propeily au thenticated for settlement. J. F KAY Residing in Blair Co., THUS. J. KAY, Residing in Hopewell Tp. Sept. 11, 1857-f.* HEMOVAIi. '■ SHE subscriber has removed his HKSTAC ! -L RANT AM) BVKKITV AMD CONNECTION AI: Y | ESTABLISIIME.NT, to the Rising Suu Building, in Juliana Street, where he would l>c pleased to s'-e all his old friend* and customers. lie keeps constantly on hand the choicest and E st t'.ih'ES. C.iXDIES. FRUITS and NL'TS, ever ofLred to the public; also Cham ; hersborg ALE *nd ItFEII. He has fitted up an Ice Crcaill Saloon, ; and will keep on hand throughout the season. ! a lull supply of this choice refreshment. {&* PARTIES unpolled, on the shortest | notice, with ice Cr> n<, Cakes and Conlec i tions. Having served a regular apprenticeship to ■ the shore Imsi s, and having been constant |lv engaged i' for man* years, he feels won 't! lent that on render satisfaction to all ' who ttuv favor him with visit. JOHN J. LUTHER. Bedford, April 21, 1857. ST.tuE OFFICE WASHINGTON HOTEL, Bedford, Pa. MRS. MARY COOK would announce to her friends andthu public, thst she has fitted j | up this old and uell known stand, in a very *u j perior style, for ;he accommodation of the pub- I lie. Visitors to the liedlord Mineral Springs ■ will find the Washington Hotel a comfortable I summer retreat—and no pains will be spared to please all who pitronize the house. ; Boarders will lie taken by the day, week. ! month and year. A gentleman of high qualification, and corteous deport stent, has charge of the house, who will do ail in his power to make the guests hippy and cotoi'ortabie. I j*" IVrtns as moderate as anywhere else in j the place. ( Daily Slices from Latrobe. Cumberland, , Holiidavsburg and Hopewell, all stop at tint ! Hotel. A Hack belonging to this Hotel will run be j tween Bedford end the Springs. Bedford, J "an*. 12, 'lßs7.—sz. PUtlli Hlii SE HILL. ' piiE sithscrib.-r is now prepared to aecotnmo- JL date the piblic at the Poor House Mill. : Custom work an I M -r.'ii.iut work done to or i - der. All Flosr made by him warranted to j give satisfdCtUn. He respectfully -solicits ' share of the public patronage. XE.'.SO V F.Ib'QUIUK. May 1. 1857.-c norms & FILLER. ITTOB.YEYS IT LIW. BEDFOBD, PA. W'ILL PROMPTLY ATTEND TO ALL ! legal business entrusted to their care.— ' During the letsions of the court, the senior) partner may br found at the office of the firm * two doors south of iloa. S. L. Russell's office! I D. If. HOFIUS. ! JNO. 1!. FILLER. Bedford, Nov. 28, 18Gb. THE undersigned respectfully requests al ' those indebted to tim in any manner to make payment iniMediately. Oct. 3, I>6. GEO. W.BLYMIRE. j STONEWARE. —Cm a r:i Crock?, Milk Ctocks ot all sizes; Hatter Dishes, front one to one md a half gallon Pitchers, all o! j which are of best qualitv, for sale hv A. FERGUSON- Bedford, .'an. lb, 185b. 110-lli Mill liIHHR. A. B. CRkMER 4-CO. havo just received another of SIMIIEK GOODS, rendering tteir assortment very ".oiuplete. Now style calicoes, Binge Robes, handsome white Crape and Stella Shawls, Brilliants, Ac. Su perior French Cassimeres ami striped Satterns for men's wear; also a full supply of Carpet ing*. Groivriis. Mackerel, Herring, 4-c. Country produce receive 1. and good prices will be paid therefor in merchandise. June 26. A. [). CRAMER $ CO. C MftilTE TEETH and a perfumed breath " cin be acquired by using the '-Balm of Thi ousaud Flawcrs." To be had at DR. HARRY'S. March 6, 18i7. W~ BOER K. K *"s~ DfffOLSTKRBR. .TTOUI D amounce to the citizens of Bed -1 VV fr d and vicinity, that he is prepared to dt 1 HI w ,ain his line, wi the best style, andoo :-onabletenw. M .WRASSES, with orwitho.n prings, made in a superior manner, equal u le best made n the city, and to thisbrauch ot ' rls business hwould invite especial attcntiono Ee may be fonid at the shop of Michael Weis- I, a short distmce East of the Borough, or at. his residence o East Pitt Street, one doof west of Ma). Washniaugh's. Bedford, Dec 5, 1856.—3 m. TWO Journymen Tailors will be employed by the subscriber, if application be made im mediately—oomtant imployment and good wages will bo given. C. LOYER. Bedford, Dei. 12, 1856. A yer'sChvry Pectoral.—For the cure o -cM-Coughs, (olds, Ac., can be bad at D Harry's Drug Jtore WISDMEIiSI WIXDMIL.LSI! THE subscriter would respectfully inform his oil customers,as well as tho public generally, tlwit he still iontiuues tho manufactory of fWINDMILLSj/Lwi keeps thorn on hand con stantly. He w|l also do all kinds of repairin r in hi3line of htiiness. As bis mills are well known in Bedfdd county, he deems it unneces sary to say anyiiing about them. His shop is as formerly, atthe East end or Bedford, on Pitt Street, rear tht Foundry. SIMON DICKERHOOF. Aug. 21, 1851.-3 m. SCHOOL NOTICE. THE PublicSchoois of the Borough of Bed ford wili bo opped on Monday, the 2d day of November next there will be wanted two male aud three femai Teachers, aleo a male or fe male to talc*; ctarge of the negro school. Ap plicants must be examined and procure proper certifieaUe froa the County Superintendent at the time adverbs-id, 24tb October. No others need apply. The Board will expect to be able to contract wifb Teachers on the 25th o4 Octo ber. By order of tho Board. JOHN P. REED, Sec'ty. Sept. 18, 1867. SOMETHING EXTRA. Boston Tea and Pic Nic Crackers, Swtis Cheese, Sardines in Oil, London Pickles. Mackinaw Trout just reo'd, and for sale by CIL4MER A Co, July 3. {THE IMjlHßiillA CIIROMILIi "j Is published every Friday Morning, in Juliana Stret. in the white frame building, nearly opposite tie Mongol House, hv i>.tVU OVW?. TERMS: If paid in advance or wi bin l.'C ear, $2 pe; i annum—if not paid I'ilhin the year, $2 50— No paper discontinued until ail an-M-age* art paid— except at the option of the r.ditor.— A failure to notify a discontinuance will bo i regarded as a new engagement. .htrrrtisrmei.ts not exceeding; a Mjnure, FEMALE SEMINARY. Male anil Female Departments Distinct. Rev. GEO. W. A LuuiNß.vron, A. M. Principal. Mrs. Gto. \V. ACUHIMSAI'UII, Precep tress. Miss CORN EL.iA A. Ivv ARTS, Music, French, Drawing, -&j. Mrs. LLCY SroTTSWooP, Oil Painting aud Shell Work, Miss MARY HELEN SMITH, Assistant. THE duties ol this Instituiiou will he re sumed on Monday, Aug. 151st. Owing to the limited accommodation* of the Seminary Building, the number of pupils will he lim ited. It is important, therefore, that appli caliotrs tor admission be made ut an earlv any. These who enter brjors the expiration of half the quarte*, will be charged for the whole quarter; those who enter after the expiration of half the quarter, will be charged for half the quarter. No deduc tion made lor absence except tu eases of protracted illness. In thts-school students am prepared for the higher ela*-es ot any college, or to ett ter ut. once upon tße active duties of life.-a \\ i ilst special care i* taken ti> form in our pupils habit* of order, strict punctuality and thoroughness, their Physical, Moral -ud Social Education is not neglected. Pie government of the school is designed to be parental. It is the aim of the Prin cipal and his associates to excite in their pupils a love of right doing:-; and to awaken within tuem some proper consciousness of the dignity of humanity. Parents uiav rest assured that uoy gross delinquency ou the part of their children will be reported to them immediately, should circumstances re. quire it, or the discipiino of tha school fail to accomplish the desired reformation. TEH\IS per quarter of 11 woeks, inclu ding Board, Tuition, Furnished Room, Washing, Light aud Fuel, SIO.OO, —one- half in advance. EXTRA CHARGES Music, $lO 00 Use of Instrument, 2 00 French, j 00 Drawing, and painting in Water Colors, each, 5 00 Oriental Painting, 5 00 Grecian Painting, 5 00 Oil Painting, 10 00 Ornamental Needle Work, f* 00 Shell Work, 5 00 TERMS FOR BAY SCHOLARS. Elementary English, 00 Higher, 4 00 Classics, (j 05 lied lord, August 0, 1557. SlllllfOfK & SMITH, CSI 4 JIIJKItSBI; !;, PA., I>(>OKSELLRUSand STATIONERS, and S-A Dealers in .Music and Musical Instruments. Our *to ; ;k consists of Books, Stationery, Mu sic. Musical Instruments, Wallpapers, Blinds. Fiench, German au 1 American Lithographs and steel engravings, gilt mouldings for frames etc., etc., wholesale and retail. Dr. B. F. Harry rs our agent for Bedford, and all ordsre given hiin will he promptly attended to. March 7, 1857. Caift ami Retail Book Store. XOW OPEXED TWO DOORS WEST OF THE WASHINGTON HOTEL, REDFORD, IA. NEW AND VALUABLE BOOKS TO BE DISPOSED GHMMEMATELV. Our Plan is to Insure a Rapid Sale. ALL Books will be sold as low as the usual retail prices, many of them for less. A SU BURB GIFT will he delivered with each book, without additional expense to the buyer. Our list of books comprises the works of the best American ami European authors, bound in va rious styles, in Morocco, best Turkish, An tique, Gih edged. Muslin, Paper, Ac., Ac. We keep ou hand, also, STATIONERY, including Gold l'cns and Pencils, Silver ditto, letter pa per. fools-cap and writing paper of all kinds, envelopes, inks of the best quality, Ac. Jewelry—KreaSt-pins, Ear-rings, Finger rings, of all descriptions; Watches and Chains, Port-monaes ; Perfumeries, Children's Belts, Toy r. Cravats, Ac:, Ac., &c. CIGARS of the choicest brands will also be found at our store, which will be aold cheaper than the cheapest. MoCAUSLIN A SHOEMAKER. Bedford, Sopt. 4, 1857. AUDITOR'S NOTICE The undersigned, appointed by the Court of Common Fteas in and for tbc County of Bed ford, to reporta distribution amongst creditors, of the money in the hands of Joseph B. No ble. Esq., Sequestrator of the Pattonsville aod Wocdberry Turnpike Road Company, will at tend to the dntios of his appointment on Wed nesday, the 14th day of October nest, at 10 o'clock of said day, at his office in the Bor ough of Bedford, when and where all persons interested can attend with due proofs of their respective claims. Claimants should he fully prepared r this particular! J NO. P. REED, Auditor. Sept. 26, 1857. WALL and BLIND PAPER—Dr. B. F. Harry is our agent for this necessary article. By calling at bis store, our patrons willsee saraplesof our papers. We bavesnado our spring selections with ancboare, an* think we canuot fail to please. SURTOCK & SMITH, Chainbrrtb+rg, . March, 7 1967. i\ II T I (! fi . NOf ICS i hereby Riven that .in application will lie matte to the neat Leg!*Utilr o'f the State of Pennsylvania. fur Ha? pjsvtge <>t at: Act of Awnanbiy utliori*i*g tin- incorporation of a Bank Ujf 'lssue. with general banking und • discounting privileg'S, under the genera) bank ing laws <>f thl.i State, to tC.-btu. filKt 1 (ATIIJ:. 'CAME to the residence of 'lie subscriber, living in Southampton Township, about tin Ist of J tine last, four yearling heifers, three brown and white spotted, the other red and white, two marked with a *!it in the left ear; no other marks recollected. The owner is re quested to coine forward, prote property, pay charges an l t ike them THOMAS Ki.VSEIt. Se;t. d, 1M57.-C* QUALITY OF UAMMKRKI" IRON ; lily mire Hartley, keet constantly on hand, all sizes beet Juniata Iron, al Forge prices, for cash or its equivalent. clso Ro.led Ir>n,Nail Hods, Strap lion and Naileu. A'.l orders tilled prdniptly. PHILIP VILIS OF j I pry \aluable Kel L'stnfe. ALL that property in Somerset County, ; known in part us the linlioof property. and now belonging to the estate of Joint Reeffe, dee'd, width was advertised for sale by tins subscriber in the Bedford and imp of the Somerset papeis 'of last Dccetober and January, and not sold, ! will again lie offered for sale on H'JCDXESD.IY, the 7tli day of Oclobtr next, —altogether or in parts, as may best suit the several interests ap , ! jlla, Wtstir's itilsaiu of Wild Cherry, Aver j C i -Try Bect jral, Moffat's Liie Bills and Pbue ,ix Bitters, Dr. Jayne's Fauiil > Medicines! r alinstock's, Hobensack's, and other verui'fu s; iloofland's Gorman Bitters. Ac., Ac. Const tutly on hand a large stock of historic | iographical. scientific, religious, poetical ! ichool,ad miscellaneous JIOUKS. Also a great variety of FjIACX S J'jiTJOle,. f/?J',Ca.p, Post and wrapping paper of every quality, Paper Hangings in great variety.— Window Blinds i n patterns or by the piece.— Wall l'aper, Steei and Fancy Goods. liLxtXK HOOKS of every size and quality. Pocket Books and Port Mommies, Diaries. Blank Deed* and Mortgages, gold Pons and Pencils. Combs, Brushes, Perfumery in great ; variety. Soaps, Ac., Ac. Lamps, and Camphinc Oil and Lurnii gFluid, kept constantly on band. CHOICE LIQUORS for medical us-: Wolff's Scheiaam Schnapps, Gin, Port, Sherry and I Madeira Wines. Aug. 11, 1854.-tf I,umber ! Lumber !! infWHin SHINGLES of different -llxUjUlliJ kind*. Also. 75,W0 fee ol' LUMHER of various sorts, such as Whit Pine, Yel.owr Pine, Poplar. Spruce, Jtc. Kt ale F. D. BKEGLE.o si <3 1-6 i ravie. Feb. 18. 1853-tf MUSIC H MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.— Pianos, Melodious. Flutes, Guitars. Brass Ilorus, Clarionets, Drums, etc., of vari ous manufacture, always on band. Hands sup plied at cily wholesale rates. We Keep always on hand a lull assortment of all the now and ! fashionable music, which wo .tail at our ex pense to any part of the country, i X. B. Music arranged to order. .SURYOCK & SMITH. Chamoershurg. March 7, . SAMUEL RADEBAU3-H, Justice of the Peace. OFFICE two doors South of the Merge Hons;, and next door to the ottice o Mann *c Spang, where ho will attend to the collection of all claims in his hands. Bedford, Jan. 11, ISS& JOB MANN, G. 11. SPANG. JVW PARTNERSHIP—The utd< s J have associated themselves iu the Practice of the I and willpromptly attend to all busi nessentr. ♦ dto theircarc in Bedford and ad oining couu*. S. CC7V)ffice Oi. Jullanna Str b st. three door„ southotMengel aird opposite the resi dence of Maj. Tate. MANN & SPANG. June Ist—lß64 tf. Dr. F. C Reamer, Physician and Surgeon. X>eapcctfully tender* his services lo AA. the citisens of Bedford and vicinity. He may always be fonnd (unless profesaienally en- Stiged; at his Drug and Book Store, in Juliana [St. ■ Feb. 16, 185*. Til IML 18. Valentine Steckman, PHO^UXBTOH.. Boardeta taken by the day, week, month and year. April 25,1856 tf For dimples, and wrinkles and freckles and i tan, Nothing has e'er been discovered by man, Like that wonderful product of tropical bow ers, The popular "Balm of a Thousand Flowers." To be had at R. THAERY'S. March 6. %!reu( JLtlraWlioii, —o— COLIN LOYEE, Mtrchant 'left lor, rjTAKES this method of announcing to th ' L citizen* of Bedford and vicinity, atul Strang ers vi-iting the place, that Iwhas received at his old stand in Bedford, mat door wi st of the Bedford Hotel, t lie richest afsollu cut of Cloths, Ac-, he has ever yet ofimd to the 11.L lie. md to which he invito* the attention oi pur chaatrs, s.iti.-Jicu that be eat; aee ii ioodale. IhiiU b.i to price and quality, all wl.o favor hitn with a call. He has s Suncriorarticle ol cloth, for hoy's clothing, which he tan *•*'! "" low as to astonish those w> . examine it* ufi CaasiiutrcK. A line article of Shirts, latest style, l.isle Thread under Shirts 4 Drawers. Cotton •• i Shirt collars latest style; i I.itwn Cravats; Black Siik •• U hite I.'iieri Handkerchief*; ; Summer Stocks; Superior attiole of French Suspender*} [ Black Kill Gloves Fancy Colored Kid Gloves; ' Silk Lisle thread n ; and ail other articles usually kept iiy Merchant Tailors and (Jcnfa furnishing store's. Be iford, Dec. 12. Ir>s. Chnirs and fabiiirt Furniture. THE subscriber ha* removed to the shop ON Weft i'itt Street, recently occupied lir Wm. 1( itchiv as a .Machine shop, "Where he continue* to make to order ami keep on h 'lnl a general 1 o|t!oe(it ol'chart a ami Cubinet furairtire, consisting in p ar t Spring Seat I'arlor Übairs, 1 reitch Hocking Chairs, Can* seat and Wind sor. Sofas. Lanugos, Ottomans. Wliat-Xots, .Music .ritaiiils, i'aticy Parlor Tables. Brcsk isst. Dinner, and Extension Tables, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Wardrobes. Ac. Suits of cottiige furuiture at very moderate |irice. so that it is tvithin tile reueh !' all to iiave nice, goou and fashionable furniture. 1 lie- Ladies arc partic ularly invited to call and examine tor them selves, as it will lie my desiie to please a?t tastes. X. i). Collins will U* made on the shortest j otice lor any will favur him with a call. I June Id. 1857. ISAAC MENGEL. Jr. ; i jLO . "•! hereby cautio Xj ell p< rsons from trt spassis jr un my jirop%r --j Ob by huiiliug, or olhei wise, as 1 will most cer tainly put the law in luce against any one so offending. So look .lilt and save trouble. WM. MAIkEX. Bedford Tp., Aug. 118, IS-VT. !. OaZins Fancy Soap—shaving Cream, just rc ; -Uceiveii iioui the ej&j , by Dr. Harry. Bazttis and Lubius Extracts for the Ilai dk.t cliiel. Cologne Warer, Ac., at Jr. Harry's liKUi'Dliil IlllTtL, A Nil GENERAL STAGE OFFICE. rFllli'j aubbcribvircftjit'cililh torn X iiuutiec to his ..lil lYNju's ai.d the ju'.Jv getierany ,liiu i i.e 1 fast fl a itfi tuker . c siou o 1 the Bedford llorej .lately in t i.e octt. 1 pancy t> l Col. Au, B;:ralit. Jt is not his Uesiguto i-i ak. utiuy jitolestie'i. as to whet i.e will do, but he pledge* his'niird _t his n.est energetic efforts m il, be employ*d to renthr comtortablealiwL-,; give hi TheLous. will l.c handsomely littv* up, at: <2 j.t:t hl.t carefu land attenriv e sen jts sUlleerftfcd. Persons visiting the Bed.ord tijirii'gs. a* we I as those ittenitttix Couit. and the iruTciu." aomiaumty g..:ueroJh , a?e rejpectttli l . invited to give him a callaud ju igcfoj themselves. C?" The stages ail ujw stop at this hotel. Hoarders taken hy t' <• Week,"month or year onfnvoritbU terms. ".■j" Ample aad C'.jifortal.le stalding isai t.iched to this bote , Which nilinlvr.j s h, s< en.led hy a careful hrfstler. Also, a sale sru'i convetiieti tcarriage house. JOHN lIAFKH. Kedloru, Apr., 6, ]"SSS. 7. TO BUILDERS. Ti ibe subscriber!s fuHv prepcreri toturuisl. ens X quant'tv or quality olßuildii.p Luu.hfi any Plastering Latns. Orders directed to St.Clabs vill. Bedford Connty .Will be prompt!; attinded to, t>y giving a reasonable notice. F. D. BEEGI.K Dec. 18.54. New JpHclry. r pHK subscriber has opened out a new and L splendid assortment of all kinds ot the most fashionable Jewelry consisting in pur; o Breast Pins, Finger Kings, Ear Kings, &c. Ac Call an 4 see his stock. deU DANIEL BORDER. I WIP. Attend pasaotiMllw d cmmfully lu *1? operation* a- i J t trctu Ito hi* onr 'tunit HleJ. Jt:., ttnJ l] v arvßcutl tveta ii>rteJ. frvui uoi to as wourr •*;. 1 1 * CaArje wv*d-ral.\ and tali ©jert*Uuft wrr*uVtf.