iifflil Si dtOllCLi. 3BD FORD,Pa. Irida.v llui uißS'j A'ov.l3 IS "Feirle33 an I Frea." V\'tn )VK t, EOlTOtt AND VUOVHI KTCR. GOVERNOR WALKER. The news from Wellington strongly in dicates that Gov. R. 3. Walker must re si2n, or submit to the uiovtiSqation of are "tnoval. A southern man, a'hd n slavehold er too, lie could not do enough to satisfy the negro drivers iu Kansas. In throwing out'the fraudulent pro-slavery demociatic vote in the Oxford district, and granting certificates of election to the Republican delegates, he lias exceeded his instructions, and given mortal offence to the Dark l owei Who controls lJucliau.ui aud the administra tion. lie will be either recalled, or left to the tender mercies of the ballot stuifers ot Kansas. So they go. Four satraps in less than as ytinny jours. Kansas his hedn truly eal lc-i the '•-slaughter house" of democratic politicians. It matters not how zealously ihey had served the party in former days, if they faltered ouc moment in aiding the slave lords to fasten their ruli upon the ter ritory, they were brought to the guillotine. , There was no grateful remembrance of past services, nor forgiveness of offenses the most trivial on the part of their inexorable masters. ■ First, lieeder. lie was a regular Kan sas-Nebraska Popular Sovereignty Demo crat. lie was a favorite with the party in j Pennsylvania, ami his appointment waspop ulaf'th'."(Ptghßtt But because 1m manifested an unwillingness to assist the bo gus legislators in carrying out their iniqui tous purposes in Kansas, they dououueed ' him and demanded his removal. Pierce yielded, and he was recalled. Next went Shannon, of Ohio. He had , : faithfully" served the party in Congress, had been Governor ot his State, and while in Cougress had voted f-r the repeal of the 'Missouri Compromise. Ho was indignantly repudiated by his constituents for his treas on to Freedom, and Pierce healed his lace rated breast by making Idm Governor of Kansas. Shannon was an easy, gOod "J --turod Bonosus, perfectly indifferent as to tiie course of events in the territory, as ong as he was left undisturbed to his pottle companions arid his polatious. Hut Ins ueu ' trality was a constant reproach, and the Border Ruffians compelled 'hiln to retire. Then they got Jno. W. Geary, the very impersonation .of all that is odious in the k "character of a doughface. A fawning, eVinging Mac Sycophant, from a contractor and tyrannical overseer of Irish on the For. tiige Railroad, he managed to find favor with some of the tittle great men of the State, itnd obtained the eomtii 'ud of a regi ment in the 'Mexicau war. Like Cashing, 'he fell into a ditch, and was just a little too late to go into the fight at Chupultepec. lie returned from California, and is said to have joined the Know Nothings. His ca reer in Kansas was brief as those of his pre decessors. Ho tried to play fast and loae 'with both parties for awhile, but it would ' not last. A Border Ruffian spat in his face, and he made his exit rather abruptly from ' the territory. Ho came home and told an ' old woman's story about his fears that the Border Ruffians would assassinate him. The fate of Walker is the im>st melan choly. His full is the hardest. He should not have gone to vansas. Ihe fate of those who preceded hiui should have taught him that no laurels were to be gained there, j lie had been for many years a member of the Senate of the United States from his ; adopted State, Mississippi. As Secretary of the Treasury, he bad gained himself a high reputation, with his party, at least, throughout the country; aud he even had aspirations to presidential honor?. Hut in au evil hour he permitted himself to accept the post of satrap in Kansas, in the vain ex pectation that he could satisfy the impartial loversof freedom in the tcrritoiy, and at the : same time do nothing to offend the prepa- j gandisis of slaveiy. Who will be the next Governor of Kan sas* If neither an independent Northern man like lleeder, nor a doughface like Gca- i iy, nor a gallant southron liko Walker wil' satisfy the party or the administration, they must look about for some other material. — It must be some man who is willing to give himself up, body and soul, to the slave dri vers, and do their bidding without hesita- j tion or scruple. It will have to be an over- j seer, like Legrce, with a hundred blood- j hounds, to hunt out the "abolitionists," or j John MitcLel, with a brigade of libetty-lov ing Irish. BEARS.— The bears, we learn, are get ting quite numerous in this neighborhood. In some iostauces, they have been extreme ly bold, approaching to the very farm house door. A son of Mr. Stiffler, in Bedford township, shot one last week, in a field not far from his father's house. Mali' Kh'Ciions. MARYLAND O. IV —The eksctiou for Gov ernor, members of Gongrcas, it?., came >ff on Wednesday week. Baltimore city *lori owrfy stub-tins her devotion to American principles, giving OVER NINE THOIJS AND MAJORITY ! The vote for Gover nor stands—Hick", (American) 10.9(>3: Gmotuo, (Loco) 0,3:2*. Fillmore had 7,- 020 majority at the last Presidential elec tion. The vote was pretty full, and tlifc day parsed off without any special difficulty. At one or two of the poll", fracases occur red, resnliintr in knock downs and bloody noses, hut the prompt interference of th<" police quelled the disturbances, What ex" ou*o the Foreign journals wilt now make lor the utter route f their forces,'we cannot imagine. It won't do to talk about votes being drive from the polls. The compara tively full vote in the city crushes" out that game, flicks' majority in the State is 10,- *2- r >: Fillmore's was 8,817. Nvtv YORK.— There was a triangniar contest in this iS'ato. the Americans and Republicans dividing their strength on sep arate tickets. The result is u Locofoeo vic tory. In New York city the Foreign party have, a plurality of about '23,000. The lx>- cofneo plurality in the State is about 10," 000. M ASf>AC tit'SETTS. Bank*, (the. A flier i. can Republican eatididati) is elected Gover nor by some 20 000 plurality. The Ameri cans also ran a straight-out ticket, for which they polled a heavy vote, beside that east f,ir Hanks. The Foreign l)e inner aey are no where. In all hut four towns tin vote stands— Hanks. ( An.er. Repub.) <>l ,- 407: Gardner, (Amer.) 37,044, Bc'aeh, (Loco) 01,000 I X EVV JKKSEY. —Tito election in This State has re.-ultcd in favor of Locofoookutt, by about the same vote as last year. LOI ISIANA: —But few retuius. NT J W Or leans gives a heavy American majority. WtSCON'htN. — Returns cntiic in slowly, and nothing definite. Ten counties give Randall (Republican) 800 majority fnr Gov ernor. Onto.—The plurality for Cfiaao, Repub lican, is 1503. The other Republican State officer* are all Republican,except "tie, who* Was defeated on account ot some local question. low A —HatrgOfte Republican by about 4000 m jovity. ACCIDENT. —On Sunday afternoon last,' Mr.'John Simmer, <>f Bedford township, was thrown out of his eaitiage, a short, dis tance above town, and had his leg broken. The colt which he was diiving took fright at a drove of cattle through which he was pas-iit", and became unmanageable. His wife ami two children were with him, but fortunately escaped with a few slighi hruis- , os. He was taken to the house of Mr. 'Johnston llafcr, where every kindness was . rendered, until surgical aid could be pro bored. He"W'is removed the same evening ' ' to his hone', and is now doing well. MONEY! MONEY - ! The approaching Gourt, will afford many of our delinquent friends au opportunity of paying off the ; printer. We hope all who are in arrears will come forward promptly and settle off as we need fttdney badly. The notes of all cur rent banks'will be taken by us. \VE are U;I Jer obligations to Mr. J. Hen- Son Akers, for a Catalogue of Dickinson College for the Academical year, 1856—7. I c QGr" The Blind Family will give a Con cert at the Court House to-night. They are among the greatest wonders of the age. ' Call and see tiient. SEN GEORGE W. EU.IOTT'S advettise , merit for Agents headed, "? Book for Ev ery Jinn's Library ELECTION FRAUDS IN KANSAS. —The fol lowing paragraph wuieii we copy from a Kansas letter (says the Pittsburg Commer cial Journals interesting and sug gestive: "On Guv. Walker's retain from the precinct of Oxford he halted at Lawrence, and taking out of his portfolio a large roll of paper, said to the crowd that he would show them a curiosity, if they promised not to destroy it. lie than unrolled the returns of the precinct of Oxford, (in Kansas,) whicdi contained one thousand six hundred and one names, all written in the same hand writiug, and which measured exactly fifty-four feet in length! tIW the names, except one huu dred and twenty, were copied from 'Wtt • Hams' Cintitmnti Directory," those eomuien 'cing with the same letter following each other as regularly as they do upon the pages of that book!" FATAL ACCIDENT FROM BURNING FLUID. —On Wednesday evening, the 21st., says the Lancaster Express , a German woman whoso name we understand is Clemens, liv ing near Smoketown, in East Lampeter towu ehip, attempted to fill a fluid lamp while it was lighted, when an explosion took place, by which she and two of her children were dreadfully burned. One of the children died almost immediately, and both the moth er and th"i other child are so badly injured that the physician in attendance has but lit tle or no hopo of their recovery. No WHERE in the world has the industry of man been rewarded as in the United I States, with so many tokens of universal prosperity.— Forney's Press. Suspended batiks, broken merchants, and i people out of employment are the "sigtrs of I universal prosperity*' which appear upon ' every side.— ftorrrstown Defender. j THE WAY THE LAND WENT. — When the CocgrcsS of the Hutted States were en • acting the .-w.ipip html laws of 1840 and 1850, they h.ttie supposed thai tlo-v were making a donation of fifty-four mi'lions ut a 1 *res of laud to tiic States' tilloieii. It had i been represented that a few hundred thous and acres of overflowed land in these States were entirely worthless, and that the gono- I ral health of the country required tbe.ir be ing drained and brought into cultivation. Surli lands it was intended to convey to the State as an indemnity for any improvement which might be put upon them. The law lias been made to cover iu its operations much of the very best lands of the whole western country. Particularly has this been the case in Louisiana, l intel' the net 0fT849, the approval of the department passes the fee. Thus has Louisiana receiv ed a title to upwards of seven and a halt millions of arses. One million nine.hun dred thousand (teres have been patented to Missouri. SCFCPE.VWTD RAILROADS. —WITHIN the ia>t thirty 'tavs, the following railroads com. panics are reported as having either gone to protest on their floating debt, suspended, or made an assignment of their property: Name. Total Liabilities* New York it Erie 5*'58,000,000 Illinois Central -4.000,000 Philadelphia & Healing '40,000,000 Michigan Centra! 14,000,000 Mieiiigan Southern 15.000,000 Cleveland A Toledo 7,500,000 Mi haauk e & Mississippi ~000,!" a> La it -Milwaukee J4,Oi'O,oOti Cleveland it l'ltisbnrgh 0,0l)0,000 Pel., Lackawanna it Western 10j000,00O Chicago, St. I'JUI IT Fund 10: Lao 5,000,000 North I'ciinsy 1 vanii <1,000,000 Outnberl uid Co,ll Company ' (LOOO.Ot'O Huntingdon arrested, and is awaiting a hearing at the 1 Major's office. At the hearing this evening, Smith elai i tn'-'d to be the traveling agent of a mereau j file agency. HEAL ESTATE. —It i-> one of THO phe nomenon of the. times th.it real est tie does not sec in to he affected by the failures o' the' iiieiehatHs, brokers, banker?, The reason is, that these men do not own real estate. In ItSoT, every merchant, who failed tfed real estate assits. Now they hav< only "p 'per'" la some ea.-- s their wives own the houses they live m; hut us a general ruio the Island of Maii liattan is owned by men, women and cdiiidren who are not known in the com mercial world. Hence their failures throw uo real estate upou the market. —A . I- Minor. AN IWi ii, FATE. —One ef the Sepoy murders iu India was Mrs.'KarquhaisoUj the wife of Col. FattjuUnrson, late of the 7ih Fusi!eers,a beautiful but eccentric woman. One account siys she was burnt alive after the most frightful atrocities were committed on Iter person; hot 'he Dublin fawning I ost says a private letter has been rreeived in that city stating that after suffering a series of indescribable barbaraties, she was placed alive between two board?, and cut through with a saw. THE II OU MaU-IvKT. — The Louisville Ky.) Courier of Wednesday last says "The market for hogs for packing is flat, with no buyers at any price, with, in tact, uo price offered. Those who ccuti acted some time ago will loose, as contracts for over 25,000 hogs were made bv ono or twa packers at 6 k cents. (TF s The Locos aro again to fear a reorganization of the Whig party, and consequently show a disposition to pitch into it right briskly. After the many eucomiuuis they have been passing on the Whig party and Whig principles for the last two years, those anathemas are now a little inconsistent. Wouldn't it be funny if the Whigs would Mick" Looofocoism "out of its boots" in iß6o.— Lebanon Cour ier. THE MARKETS. R PHILADELPHIA Nov. 7, P. The Flour market is firm, A sale of 600 barrels good Western extra at>o par bar rel, and 175 barrels fancy family - There is some inquiry for superfinb at 5 but holders now generally refhse this figuie. Sales in lots to the trade at $5 374 up to $6 for common and dXtra brands, and 5 25a7 for extra family and fancy, ftje * lour is steady at 4 50. e it hut tell their friends to do so. and so it goes front mouth to month till nil tit" people of the Union have learned the good of 'his tru ly valuable Medicine. It is recommended 1 with testimonials to prove its virtue for the i cure of iiyer complaints of every kind, from I the worst D)spepsi i to a common headache, ; and is particularly adapted to Jaundice, j Deranged Stomach, Udtrcl Complaints, and I diseases of children. f One of two tlo.-es arc said fo cure a coM with scarce a failure. It is worth a trial : for this alone. It is particularly adapted to the use of ladies, particularly tlib.se of sedentary habits. Some 1 alius of the high ; est standing in soviet) bare given, their cer tificates of its efficacy, and we say to ail who are ailing, try one bottle, and you will never be wrhont it. For sale by Dr. 12. F. ! Harry.— .Nov. 13,—b. TO THE MILLION'.—I'rnf. Wood, of St. IjOilin, Ims, after year< of deep siinlv ami untiring research, succeeded in prt seni ing fo tlie public an article superior to any now in use, and in ieo.l it is inilv a woiider t'n! discovery. We advert to his Hair Re storative. the only article that has been compl Tely successful in cheating age of his gray lock*, removing dandruff, itching, scrofula, A' 1 . It restores tlie gray head to in to than the Original beamy, adds'tiew lus tre I" 1 -cks already ll!XUris.u I, il.ivii.a Iho effect, on coarse, hush hair to render it glossy and watery; fastens permanently hair that is loose or falling, and many other qualities which will become known as soon as used. For sale by Dt. I}. i'. llurrv.— Nov. 1.1,-b. 11 i: IIM A N I S TI N\V AIIK ca"t be beat.— His shop is a few doors \\ rst of the old Lrlobe Hotel. lie is u, old and good me cliaui.-, and makes ,li his w,s k liimself, and sells cheaper than anybody else. All wbo want tinware will save money by ciilliug on 1:1 tu. lie fellow's no oilier busitiess and juvs all bis attention lo making and selling -good, substantial, nod cheap wbrk. May 22, 1857. ajl OODLAXI) Rf l M —.7 I'oiicdt for bptlllli fi/htg Hit IJuir. - highly poi'tuiuWi. Superior to any French article import-ad, ltd for half the price. For u: sing Ladies" Hair it has no equal, giving it a b. igbt el's u y a'vpearance It cause., (ientletueti's H.iti lo curl in the most natural nl tuner. It removes dandruff, always giving the .iair tlie appearance of being fresh shampooed. Price only titty cents. None genuine unless signed I'LTIIIi)GE .V CO., Proprietors of the '>lhitm of u Tis ir.ttid Flowers.'' l'or sale "by all Druggists. l'27eowz. vT(Kli.—Will not softie of oursubs'ibers brill" lis along a few cords of vood! \Ve need it immediately. We also want, pork, beef, graii ami oli— br "garden vegetables"'for sut seuption,'ad vertising ami job work. TO fOLLECTOUS! Ooileotors of Taxes are hereby notified to pay into the County TrtSasHiry, at 11" Ndvein ber Court, as- large an amount of taxes 'as possible. Tne wants of the County render fliis urgent, demand necessary. The notes of all current I'entisy ! vaitia Ranks will be received for tax s. It isMl-uv desirable that each Collector shall pay a portion in specie. DAVID OVER, Treasurer. Oct. 30, LS-)7.-3t. TO ttETHLBU^ Notice is hereby given to nil Eetniiets vfliose Licenses remain unpabl, jthat if tiiov are not paid at November Court next, tltev will be placed in the hand* of uproper of ficer for collaciio'i. D. OVEII, Tteasurer. Oct. SO, 18.")7. imiiiKD. At Woodbury, Bedford eour.V, Fa., on the 29i!i of Oct , by the Rev. A,L\ WeisU ample, MR. I'avid Stoxkii of ijttousville, to Miss Jeabktte ScftAS Coup daughter of late J. W. Cot 1 ? of Woodburj lp. Oil the 3rd iust., in Dnncansdlle, by tlie Rev. A. 11. Tuylorj .Mr; John Bitio'AHAJt of Bedford, to Miss LottieSto\Eß ofl'un cunsvillc. "A Book for Kt ery Mail's library.'' HARE INDUCEMENTS TO /CENTS. Canvassers wanted to obtain sulscrioer* for thn CoMPBF.HKNSIVE GEOC.rtAPttV AS DISTORT. AxctKNT AXU Modkbx OF THE WORLD;" by S. G. Goodrich, (Peter I'mly). Hand somely bound in clotii gilt,and illuirated with 200 beautiful engravings and 80 imps. Price $3. Sold only bv agents, to each >f whom a special district "will lie given. Applicants should state what counties they woild like to canvass. The book is row ready. Copitte will bu sent bvmail, post paid, on the rjceipt oftbe price. Bills on all solvent banks taten at par. Tho >• Home Journal'' says of this fork: '-No family whatever should be without it." For full partiulars in regard to an agency, address. GEORGE IV. ELLIOTT, Publisher and Booiselier, No. 172 William Street, Niw Vork. All kinds of School aud MieoUaueous Books. Cheap Publications, Sfcatenary and Maps, furnished at the very lowest pices. Or ders solicited. Nov. 13, f857.-lt. TIIE SECRET INFIRMITIES OF youth and matubty, Jutt Published, Gratis, thrlUh %ous,ind. A FEW WORDS ON THE RATIONAL treatment, without Medicine, of Sprfmatorrhea or I oc il Weakness, Nocturnal Emiaions, Gen ital and Nfervotis Debility, Preraatu* Decay of the System, Irapotency. ahd Impednients to Marriagegenerally, hy B. DE LANEI,M.D. The important fact that the many alarming complaints, originating in Hm tmpridcneo and solitude of youth, may be easily removed WITHOUT MEDICINE, is In this him 11 tract, clearly demonstrated'and the entirelynew ami bighlv successful treatment, as adopted by he Aslr, fully expliined. erv one is enabled to cure HIMbELr perlect Tfand at the least possible cost, ther.by avoid ing all the advertised nostrums of the day. Seht to anv address, gratis and post tree in a sealed envelope, by remitting two postage stamps to Dr. DE LANET, 17 Li.pem.rd Street, New York. I Gov. 13, 1857. ; FOVKURT AS!) fIAUIIXE. SHOP! THE subscriber* havirg formed h partner ship tinder the style of "Dock it Ashcmu ' lor ! the jmrpoNk* <>f c h 1 PO(J.%IICY HO MACHINE ' business in the < ,r,it bailment recently erected i he Milliard Dock, in Hop.-well. Bcdt.-r I cotttt tv.are now prepa-c.l to execute ..rdcrs tor C'ISTIXI ;s' . I Xf> M.ICHISEII \ot even do i rermtioit. They will build to order steam-cn i pin.-s eoal and drift co s. horse powers am! • threshing machines—also, canting of ey.wy kind for furnaces. forges, saw. grist and rolling mills, plough*, watei-pip.;, columns. lioii.sc fionts. bracket*. fit:., fcc. 1 They ais! also, now making n tine assortment i of S I'OVBS of s irious kinds of the latest j t teras and most improved stvles, including xci*- j era I sizes of COOK STOVES of the best make, ! heating stoves for churches, offices, l>;tr-roonis. A full assortment of Stoves will be kept constantly on hand,and s. Id at wholesale and retail, at prices to suit the times, and (piaiity, warranted equal to tlm b.-st eastern make. Machinery ot all kinds repaired promptly. Patterns made to order. GILLIAKD DOCK, c. w. ASHCOM. Nov. ti, lS"i7, , . DISSOLUTION. THE paitmrship heretofore existing and trading under the tin it : B no dollar, I.owvy S. Co..and F.verhiri, As com A Co , has tins day been dissolved by luuttlil consent. The Books Ac., arc i:i the hinds ot Barndollar 1. verhart, who are aidfotiz d to settle all accounts of the oici firm. G. H B AUNDOLI All, J. F Li J WHY. C. W. ASHC.JM, J. C KVEUIIAUT. Hopewell, Nov. 1807. TIIE stibscriiitrs takes this method of in forming lite public tht they wiii eontii.ne the business of literch IN Using at the ol'l stand, and hop,- by' strict attention to business to receive a libori! she re ot puYi.- pitronage. We i.avo i-eiui'ideted the Hopewell -Mid. and are immv rea-t ■ to grind ail kinds of grain for which the h ghost price will l>e paid. BAUNDOLLAK A- EVEKHAHT. HrWiewell, Nov. 0, ISO7. / 1 liETIRHD I'IIVSK I IS, / 7" ' I'rars of Aire, / Wti'ose sands ol l ie hare iiouily run out. I discovered while in tl'.e K.ust Indies, a cv'- 3 tain our-for Consumption, Asthma. B,ou chilis. Coughs, Colds, and general debility. The remedy was discovered by liitn when his only child, a daughter, was pvon to die. lie had heard much of tic wotideriiil restorative a .id healing qualities of pi .'partitions made from the K.ist India Hemp, and the tbought occur red to him,'hat he might make a remedy lor his child. He studied hard and succeeded in realizing bis wishes. His child was cured, ar I is now alive and v.eil. Deltas since minimis te ed the wonderful remedy to tlion.sttics of MifTi'ie. sin all parts of the worl I, and iie has to ver failed in making them completely heal thy and happy. Wishing to do a much good as possible, lit; will send to sueii of li s afflicted fellow-beings as request it, ;liis recipe, with full arid explicit directioi s for making it up, and ucees fully using it. He iequires each nppiicatit to inclose hint one shilling—three cents to lie returned as postage on the recipe, ami the remainder to Inrapplied to the pay- | meiit of t is advertisement. 3 Address Dr. 11. IAMBS, No. Iff Gtand 3 St., Jersey City. N.J. / Nov. C. 1857.-l:n. / fiJB- i?. v. CAttUl "I") ESPKCTFCTLLY tenders Ids professional Li services i the citizens of B dford ami vi cinity. tJilice ami residence on Pitt-Street, in the building formerly occupied by l)r. J. I!. Melius. Nov. 6. 1 *57. 592:. SAAFORB^ I.WIGORITOIt, OR LIVER REMEDY rs AN AKTIGLV: Hi AT KVEKV BODY 3. Heeds win, is not in a perfect stite of health for the Lirer is secoli i only to the heart in our human economy, and when tuat is deranged the wh, 1 • vital machinery runs wrong. To find a medicine peculiarly a lapted to tiiis disease hat been the sH iy - I'raie ot the proprietors, in a large and extended practice for the past twenty years,an i the result of i-is experiment is the Invigorator, as a nevtu-failing remedy where medicine his any power to help. As a Liver Homely it has no equal, as all testily who use A lady writing from Brooklyn.savs, '■ Would thai I outM express in tliisslinr; letter the val ii" your liivigorator has been tu mo in raising a large family of child; a, for it his never fail ed to relieve ail affections of the stomach, bow els or attacks ot'worms. If mothers once had this re fruity placed within their reae.li, and wore taught how to t;stj it, a fearful and untold a mount of agony might t: saved." One of our prominent bmktrs says, '-Five or six years"since I fi.und myself running down with a liver difaculty ; resorting to your Invig orator, was greatly relieved, and, continuing for a season, was entirely restored." A clergyman called at our office the other day and s lid he had given a poor woman a hot tie, who was siiflering very Kelly from Liver Complaint, and before she had taken the whole of it she was at work earning bread for her fam ily. A gentleman, recently from the West, says, while at Chicago, he was attacked with a slow, lingering lev nr. that baffled the skill of physi cians, but tha Invigoruor cured him in a few (lavs. One of our city merchants said, while on a visit to Troy, a lew days since, lie was attacked with bowel and stomach disorders, so as to con fine. hint to his room, be scut to the drug store for a bottle of Invrgorator. took one dose, which relieved blfu so that he was able to attend his business. An acquaintance, whose business compels him to write most ot the time, says, he became so weak as to be unable at times to hold his pen, while at others, sleep would overpower him. but Llie luvigorator cured liinr- A gentleman trom Brooklyn called on its a week or two since, looking but the shadow of a man, with a skin yellow, pale and deathlike.— He had been for a long time suffering from Jaundice and Dyspepsia, and unable to attend to his business. We saw huu again to-day a changed man. and to use his expression, lie lias not seen the bottom of the first bottle, and furr ther adds "it saved mv life, for I was fast go ing to a consumptive's grave." Among the hundreds of Liver Remedies now offered to the public, there arc none we can so fnliy recommend as Dr. San ford's luvigorator, or Liver Remeny, so generally knowu now throughout the Union. This preparation is tru ly a Liver Invigorator, producing t l> e most happy results on all who use it. Almost innu merable certificates have been given of the great virtue of this m-Uiciae by those of the highest standing in society, and it is, without doubt, the best preparotTon now before the public. SANFORD'St CO., Proprietors, 345 Broad way, New York. For sale by Dr.'B. F. Harry, and Druggist's generally. Oct. 3t>, 1857. WALL and BLIND PAPER.—Dr. B. F. Harry is our agent tor this necessary article. By calling at his store, our patrons willsoe Samples of our papers. \Y> have made ourspriug selection* with ranch cure, and think we cannot fail to please. , SHBYOCK SMITH, Ckambirsburg. March, 7 1857. fdiyii'n Ann. 11 y virtu •of tfifuJry*writs f Fi. Fa. to me dil'ec!' d. there will be ?ld at the CbMrt House in thelVorotlKh of E fford. on Monday, trie DiMj.i l-- of November, f">7, -at 1 o'clock, P, M.. tlj • follow,im; dewrib i real cst.U to wit: i v.,- tract ol I.md containing H*' acre*, more or less, ahollf '.t'i acres cleared and under fence, ad pi; ling 1 iiklk of Uvurg ■ May. George Trout man and others; situate an i lying partly m Londonderry'and jr'tHy in Jfltii da townships, Bedford County, and taKcn in exeeiui oil as the K i riiWii. Also, one tract of land, containing I V> acres, more <>r less, about "0 acres cleared and nnd.w lencc, with at wo-story frame house wagon h'd and double log barn thereon vntctc t, adjoining lambs ol John Lali'erty, Bm. Nycum an l <>Hi eiH: sitinte in Juniata township. Be Ford coun ty, and taken In execution a. tiia property of closes Luflorty. ANo one ir..ct of land, c >ut lining o-'fi aefes, more <>' Icss.aholtt b6 acres cleared and 1(11 dor lencc, with Wn-xtorv frame rbostenant house, new saw mill and double h.g haru there on erected, adjoining I itl is ot Jam • tfMMujel, (iasseud Mail t arid otiiers. sitiiaf - in Mo. r.e tow llsl'il). It sffllll colt (D , ill I liken ill execu tion us the property of Henry Arnold and Jo seph Heed. Also, ill! defendant's Fetor *1 irnio eFx right, title, interest and chihfl, in and to one ir.ict ot unimproc d ridge laud, c nitaining ft acres, more or le-s. adj doing lands >t B. M . (rirret son. James Ken. W ills m's heirs an ! others; situate in Bedford townslfip, Be Fur i eon Xy, and : iken in execution is the propetty of Pe ter Baron mil. Also, one tract of laud containing 14 acres more or less, all cleared and under with a two-story stone house, tenant house, rm.di store room , leg wagon ftltk.-r ...p, and iF.unle log haru thereon tweeted, uiso an apple orchard thereon, adjoining I mis of Jehu Ttvdivel', John Kerr and others; situate in Juniata totVaship, B lfonl c .itn'y,and Uken in ex eutionas the property ot Joseph Goa Jon. Also, all ite.endafit's, lieorge \\ . Hollars right, title, interest and eiei nin an'd to a tract ot land coat lining Sin acres, m ire or less, aiv'jnt FJ ) acres cleared and ttl.iier tt-ncc, aith a two story lor t.o is..- with kilcm-n attic 1 ef.au-ie - bio log oarn tii-reori erect eh. also ~u apple or chard thereon, a.ij > iriiig lair's of Joseph if oil doll, .I.dm K.-jr and others; situate in /unfits township. Bedfoid county, an 1 ti.; -n in execu tion as the property of George '.V. Miliar. Also al, the IlopeWell and ilioody liun Plank lion t Company's right, title. interest and claim in u.ad to a Ini wl ground fruiting a'-> iut'l'K.l tcct oil tiio Jlop,-well and ll'ffo'lv Kuil I'lank road, a lei extending back about Si 10 feet, containing ; :n all about one-half acic, wit i i new two-story i pi nk'!n,Une tli.-reijw erected, adjoining lands on I .he east, west and iiorti, of t iu H ,)>e,v if t roa . aii.tCo.il Company; situate in Hopewell' 4 /w„- , ship, Bedford county, a., I taken in execution ! as tiie property of the H tpevveil and iliou.ly ; Kuil PiutiK lie.ul Compile'. Also, one i 't of ground in toe town of Slo- ! lii rstowii, fronting Oil teet on Main Street, am! ' eXieii'iitig luck üboUt"22> teet to an alley, witil : a large two-story fr.tine taver.i hoyse wrtli luck Imtl ling attached, frafiic shop and large frame sonde inereon ereeled. adjoining lot of Dei'; \ flicker on the north, and an alley on the SOUtfl — Also, one vac tn 4 rot of ground in the town i of Stouersiown, fronting about 55 feet on .Main Street, an 1 t-steu litig track uncut 225 feet to an ale . adjoi'nng an alley on toe uort'i and lot ot Joim McCaffrey on it • south Also, one lot of grotiri'l id the town of Sto ncTsrown, fro sting 'if feet on Main Street, and extending hack aoout 225 feet to an alley, with a Story an'l a half 1,>3 hotisc tiivrcou erected, j adjoining lets of Hoover's h.-irs on the north, and lot of Deft Tricker on the souj.li, and all situate in Libcity toci - up. 'Bedford county, and taken in exactf.ou as tne property of Gorge Tricker. Also, nil defendant's Daniel Me'tzgar'x right, j title, interest ami claim in and to a tract of ; land, containing about 112 acres, mure or less. , ,out 80 acres elenredamd llllikf feci,with a ; two-story log house and log iiam 1 hereon erect ed, adjoining lands of John Metzg.ir William Showman a id wife, and others; situate inlltr risoa township, lied fori county, and taken in execution as the property of Daniel Mctzgar. ' Also all defendant's John Kreis* right, title, j interest an 1 elii ninan!to atr eat of land con taining 311 acres, more or less, about 2 I acres j cleared and under tenC". with a story and i h 'if log bouse, log stable and s twmii! there on e.recl- ; ed, adjoining binds of Aiuliew Spar. Jobe Sel bt r. M aft hew Kittenour and others; "situatfe in Juniata township. Bedford ■co'unty, and taken . its execution as the property of John ivreis. Also, one 1-t of ground irithe town ofSto iior.-iown, fronting "•> feet m MM t Street. and and extendtug luck 22<) leet to an lley. with a two-story lraine store house thereon erested, adjoining other lots of deft '■ 'risnrm on the north, and street running fia the Juniata river to the town ol" Saxton on the south; situ it.- in Liiwrty township. Bedford county, and taken in execution as tii • propeuvof Joseph Crifsm n. Also, nil defendant's Jos.fdi Cartas' interest in and Iwo a tract of laud containing 25*1 acr -s. mora or less, about 25 acres cleared and under fence, with two small log houses and log stable thereon erected, adjoining lands of Lsiac Hun ter, Andrew Collins. Abraham Kitehey and oth ers; situate in Southampton township, B -dfaid county, and taken in execution as the property of Joseph Barns." Also, one tract of land cont lining 135 acres, more or less, about IS acres cleared and under lence. with .i two-story log house thereon erect ed, adjoining lands of Samuel WeeSr'y, John Zook, Christian Long and others, situate in Brondtop township, Bedford county, and taken in execution as the property of Wilt, Lowrey. Also,alldeleiidint's interest in audio a lot of ground near Farhner's Mil!, iroyting about 250 feet on the public road, and extending back about 15') feet, with a t.vo story Methodist Episcopal Church thereon erected, adjoining 1 unls tin th • north and west of John \Y. Scott, and lot of Jacob Farhner on the south; situate in Bedford township, B'dford county, and ta ken in execution as tins property of John Smith, John Sanson), Samuel Smith. David Pointy 'and Samuel Beeler, Trustees tif the Methodist Episcopal Church at Farhner's Mill. HUGH MOORE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Bo iford, Oct. 3d. 18>7. WIMOIILLS! HIXORILLS! : TIIE subscriber wonl i respectfully inform liia oil customers, sis well as the public generally, that he still continues the manufactory of WJXDMi LLS, and keeps tliciu o do all kinds of repairin in his line of business. As his inilis arc well known in Bedford county, he deems it unneces sary to ssy anything about tliem. His shop is us formerly, at the East enrt or Bedford, on Pitt Street, i.ear the Foundry. SIMON DICKER HOOF. Aug. 21. 18."7.-3m. .% i *iaistrator's Notice. LETTERS ©1 administration on tiio Estate of Samuel Mock, lite of St. Clair Township, deo'd, having l> en granted to the subscriber, residing in said T.ownshij), all persons indebted to said estate hereby notitied to rank* payment immediately. ui*C those having claims against the Estate, wjjjl present them du Iv KUtis!ntic.ited tor settlerjiyr.t . - , NATHAN H. WEIGH.'. Adiu'r. Aog.lt. 18.7T.-f SOMETHING EXTRA: Boston Tea and Pic Nic Crackers,. Si ;s Cheese. Sardines in Oil, London l'iek-iesi Macbih i'w Trout jus! ree'd. and for sale by CR.IMER & Co, July 3. ■ SIX CENTS REWARD. RANAWAY from the subscribe*, on the fith in.st., John lams, an.apprentice to the fanning business. All persons are cautionc 1 aeiinst leuiboriug or trusting sai 1 boa-, as lam deter mined lo pay no debts of his contracting. JAMES O'NEAL. W. Provideneb Tp., Oct 30, 18-57. W£ CALL THE AT TE.vtion* ru* all * * T"' l *- t . tl.i., iv.,„ ..-riu usvua ration, xxiiicii turn* lack to its my hilr_c.r, tlia I, • wli,;' the witit ' lux.,runt sroxvtli*—removes tin; n, ; ' ,,c,!, -'"- oas crl! <■..Ciscs tnvut So* H: natural fluid*; and r - ai * r •'??* '<•■ will pro s i .i. .t 4 ,„1 k L .,.., u froiJJ , 0 (x _ treinc 'hl a Z .?.l!,iin its natural t^amx. Wo call. Thou u,.,., u,„ !u! I, tl „, gr>ri or y-o it: a V(>u;i , wi| , fi "' fluvhijt |,r*k>, „r tho vt . !i ,o c -V. • 1t,01,r it. hi J,'rai„ IS tuo Loigtio .ftt|..,h4l,ds. U atcrtow,, diss., Jfav l is - ,', j'ROF-.-O. f. w„a D; Ah'oviii;,! B^ (In, virtue* and in u,|. ~„w •: >: v „ ur ~ . Ue . storage. I I;roc months I, - i:| , ■ .. , y sy, I ioirc'iiso.J I 'won . ; omm ~.cd !■. i-so, t >v,,.>oU!os; ih lit m.., l.txu, t„ wl | in r,,:,mus t,i, silver look* tfK-ir r,:,nd the inir .o cdrvand h**l , in i l.im m now h-caoi.. s ,r r i 4„ i gfonxV, au i it ceased Uluugn It andndf disappeared. and Mosi-.lj, lost .-illtin* dis^ w ..,o|„ Li,;,,,,, so annonn: loMf,: n> lluo r , , ~ „ ~ " #tit l w yuuug again. !t '•>!> •otiiiiiy, yours., <;; CM4.A WHIT.VET. . . .. Ncn Voi.'c, Mot. •' 'Htt WW.O..J.WOM!,- i)o..i' S:- ; AiWreud llll, till. aUiCUI.,. JHo, lt j;, „„ , „ t ; (iJ journals, ol . v ur.<:,Ji>i't -,t- If.ilr UesMr,rivet , l I r " i ! " nt and xv is 50',.,.,0-, (ilejSo.J ao it ili.it l Co*;io;v.ni*lls nss ~j r t \v7, monilis ; :.v!."u,.i:i„i i: | it is,! ~; iio iilv the k'Jt l.roiiu-ati • 1 not ore 10.- joihh.... | t •„ ■ r „. iiiovci .ii> ti.-s-iLto inifl- : . r , irom Uic s J;j, au4 ivstoo, ( My ;„, r , wt ? • 1 c |er.rr.n,r*ttv >o : .in; ,> ■ iiissma toi.-C- to in ; airxv io Oiiteriai" any .i.,u„t a v f jt portLriui,. * 'all I'i tt is cUi.uo l tor it. . f. . f PEEKS; -dti, Gr.-. ioviv-h Av. ! IIIV,- lis.,, i t'ro:o>s>H- >. J. Wood s* Jl iir 0.-storatixv. and liav-- aOanr,- | },, n O ,„L.|:-,l ,t r. -'oro 1 ji.iir-xx „.. v , t . |f 4ll 0.1; n cyans th-i he „i. a-irlrc 1 Urs tfi -h li* s„ir anu snioosh —inucli <>>*•■ > tiidn rfiJ. * . . „ dAi. v/. A rKix.s'ix L 'llimviLu. .\tv. St It,- of ifiirtois,C>rirsi...-J nn% .-of V,- * s I iMVc used i'rolcssor (i. J. H'.iV Ko s.o.ai-vv. and nave adluirrdais Wofdertol cjkcl. Mx is "c 00,." .a, „ l> tin; as,- <>, tlif>.K l Mtor.itivV. W it ms rvMim- :u oiioiu.j f luy> . , itottl.r. , si d n k r h hV: es y . L .v-Scii.tTor UiiitmL St.ilcs. [Frt-'ut the ll'a.r'iington Star.] A,r,(T:,- „,y lif-tMrjtKws uo i„ use for t.. • tenonnr. " !' r " l "' r ' ■ t'' U !■ tan recom'luMi-l wil 1 in lire confidence t!w. Prof. UJ\ t Ke.st" r "tive. " .• ner.,l u *e throughout the i tiiten. Ihis jirepirat-oa i>,,sses.cs the luiwt iuv !? or.inn i il: .l rt „.,. ail l ru . V(;r , ; „ u jt j , ■ cins tiiemuM hnj.jiy icsiih, ; „- eoitling to W"e r fer our r^de^n, t lie.iiuvei [,s-meiit ,„ r a ia# -, f i citn,ai whic.i invc l.oeri % c „t by hartie* vl. Hive born fit:wl !f- j-. ~r, Tu'V, fo,.[ j.i|Vi IB. git to'it's 'f. o!„leri U ! el fu t.s jhodticc c!i*fii. ■ ' * * <>. J. U <><);> >v- CO \U " Lou;.*, 'For ~V IT. 0. F. Hurry, bruits generuilv. . i-" 1 _>- js.'.T—S:,). Cl'"T , i '.' ys , i -' : • i> l " '■ : - " ''eir order* once* ,t*l>r II x ", r articles, at eitv s:s&ss:-&&* <+!•* -• e.i.ii.n-,.;. ; iis.h.jmhb;;,. JOSS.\ sc. 4LI,E\ * t'O. X ' J *- * * 4<:MSTXVV str S fi. :*oulh side, ii tar.) P-HIL.IDHLPHl-i, (Tits OI.OESP WOOD-vahr: rna Ciri) WANTFAOTAftSUS .ujd U'liolewnk-tiaii'- ~ -*■ lvs Futeut U • lieiju". niutU-HiFOOsAFf lit tent <,voY+-i CKI).IR- U\iRK. H irra>r/c t ° on a 's-i H'iLLUfi'- WJRE, ',,, R'iL sIIRs, etc., of, ail (iescrhaitiii*. i least* an 1 u'x.i.'uinc our stock, i* oi>. '27 % I£-57.-2z. KEtfOVAL. "ntr., sifbserilirr Ins removed his Tinning lis ULiisliuujnt to tin frame InriMirg hi Juliana Street, two doors south of '-Brown's Store." wnere he w •! i.e lu],pr tbjise all his oM fnertris n ! i.' n f on hand ;... kinds ol W ire in I'M* line, as snlisunti.il ami cltea - as c.ui lie procured in the coitfctv. abrahaai IIK KM AX. Aug. 14.1557. W i 11/!, {SwK ! Hr. subscriber,*.have just ripeneda lirgr as sortment <.f 1" A Li. ami WINTKIi GOODS. : li ol which win lie offered at prices to suit tho times. He respectfully invito cash ami prompt six month etis'o ners to call and examine our stock, assuring tii.-ih tint wa's iall offer greater imliicetrfentx than er.-r heretofore. Ooiuflrv Produce of nil |;in Is wanted, fin which we will pay the highest price. A. 11. OK AM ER A GO Oct., Iti. 1M57. A RiT.E CHANCE. h I IR S'ALh, the slock of flat Inst located and Kvnrlsaniely luted up Store ih Kulton Goun tv. The stock is nearly all new, and win hj sold low. The fixtures belong to the Store. Rent (with a good dwelling) is very low. A person with a few thousand dollar* capital, c 'ill td„ a luge J-usiiiass. Tl.e present propri etor wishes to .■.,■! for the purpose of gome Hit " business in the Kint. Address A.il. G, Box 4-. ( nun ils :rg. l-'ulson Go. I'.i. Sept. 4, lb>o7.* NOTICE. LETTEiiS of Ailmjri;fr.irini) haring hern granted lo flu: subscriber,- living i„ Su Clsrr ToirAship ; estate of '.'atlmrtno fHrtbam, latent said tow'uslHp, dee d, all pcrtoM i.ig themselves indebted to .said estate are here by notified to make payment imuiedmto.lv, a:.d those having claims against the same will pre sent them property authenticated for settle ment. BKXJ- IF. >VAJJiES, ' Aum'jc. Oct. 16, JW>;. ( • : > & ■ .<>■ ttf: -". ■. c SCHOOL \OTHE. _ THE Public Schools of the Borongh oT Bed-* ft>rd will lm opened on Monday. the 1 day ol November next, there will tie wanted two mule and three female Teachers, also a male or fe male to take charge of the negro school. Ap plicants must be examined ami procure proper eertitleatts from the County Superintendent at, tpe time advertised. 'J4th 'titttuber. No otherj peed tipple, The Hoard will expert tolbe blt* to eentract with Teachers on the -sth Ot < Vfo- * ber. Bv order 1 thcßeard. JOHN I*. RISER. Sec'ty. Sept. 18, 18e7. IJh\ sit, un.\ preset ipuoiin rare!ml) compound od, at all hours of he day or night, at Ihij ' Worry's, Brag Store.