m Fiim. SADDLES, Harness, Trnnks, IVhipa, Ac.— The undersigned would repeetiully announce to the Public that tboy have formed a partner ship, and are now fully prepared to manufacture all kindj of wo r k in their line of busine-a ol the beat materials, aud upon the shortest tree. gyrTT} Whips, wbolea.ile or retail. Sho at the old taad on Pitt Street. ■ )3T) SIMON LING, J. A. HENDERSON. Bedford, N0r.8156 Tka mnti certain and e>cdy rtmtdj ever dieeerered far •U Diet ant of the Che it and Lunge. Cangke, Caida, Aetkmc, Cotmrnpi'mn, Branrkitt*, Influenza, ffoareentet. D'&cull Br catkin*, S-re Threat, tfOk,c. THESE WAFERS give tlie moat iuftantaMsnt and pwftrt relief and when psraovvred with accordioj •lowctinna, never fail to effect a rapid and luting cur*, tbniiaanda hart been teetered tn perfret health who have triad otter mean® in rata- To all convex and ail conxtitn tines ibe.T are eqnallr n Wewiug aid a core—none need ce-jMlr, tvr. matter hoar long the diseae* may hare existed, or however severe it may be, provided the organic atrne tor* of the vital nnana is no' bopeleeatr decayed. Ever/ a Pa., K. Roid. This in sfitat.ou is especially notedpn the following par ticulars : Ist. Healthy location-* buddings nearly new —•.a the midst of beau iful scenery. 21. Tho surrounding community is mark j for inleUigtr.ee. morality, and high cbri' n ; character. 8.1. Being i i the cou dry, students are r l?< ~ : set by temptation*, a* in towns and place.*' I >ub " i lie resort. j 4th. Thorough Instruction is given 1 a f r,e i branches necessary for Business, for ACHIsG ! or for College. j 6th. Mild, but firm discipline. *>•';. Vicious students are not r*" n ' 7th. Special pains are takerA. "oar ling T>epartmerit to have healthy/ 01 *' ln sufficient quantity and properly prepar 1 - Bth. The comfort, haipir"- Rnd mc * tal ,m " prcvemrn! of pupils is con il kept ' ri "' *■ Terms. For Tuition,' oariliD *' Washing and Furnished Room, (per*® 18 '®'* of 5 mo.) S6O, payable quarterly in rtrunee. Light and 1 uel *-xtru. Th-> t\'iataf^ ess ' on opens oo the 3d ol November nuxt. For further wftieuDrs apply to J. 11. SHI."MAKER A. M., Prln. Acadvmia, JuuiauCo., Fa. Aug. 28, 1i57.-3iE. HOTH'E. IN the matter oi tho exceptions to the ac count of S. V. Tats, Esqr., A tra'r of tho Es tate of.Michael B. Shrtner, dee'd. The undersigned, appointed by the Orphans' Cou'-t to examine the exceptions and report so account, wid it fur that purpose, at his of fice, in Bedford, on Wednesday, the 14th day < r'October, iau., at Id o'cliok, A.M., when and where jll persons interested day attend. JNO. MOWER, MU'lilOT. Oct. 2. 1857. HOI EXCITIIiT! B* 99 HIS JI'ST RECEIV ED TIIE most attractive assortment of SPRING TOTO SUMMER GOODS r.vr offered to the people of Bedford. I a cheapness, tleginct and variety , bis stoca emtio, be surpassed. It consists tu part of I CLOTHS AN 1> CtSSIMrRF.I, Vesting*, of every do fCriptioO, Linen Goods. Jeans, Denims, Jtriliings, While andßrowo Muslins, an 1 Geutlemao's Fur nishing Goods generally. DILESS SXXjISLS , Figured, plala and fancy Silks, Silk Tissue. | Ctulii da Lsines, Barege de L vines, Vliin PI ill and Striped Lswns, Zamsrtroe Cloth. Croliouu ut Ir. vit'e, Wool De iaim-s and n great variety of Plain and Fanej Prints, Rid. Silk and Llsla Thread Giovca, Needle 1 Worked C lor*. uvlor Sleeves. Handler vltef*. Scarf*, E Iging* and Inserting-. Fein - ; g te, Ribbon* an i D.e.aa I'rrumiujt, Kc. <*c. ia greit variety. Moire Antique Maatillaß, latest style. BOOTS SHOES, l adies Press Gliteri and F.n'y Sho ' !lj Mis tms* Shoes, Gentlenrjun's (iaiters, Boys' Shoes, Ac. A general assortment ot Qnernwarr and Hardware. A new and lar e stock of FRESH GROCERIES, Ac. Ac. Ac. 33T" Person* ctt- r.dmg Court, s ixf week arc invited to call nl exarn a i this exccllen and cheap stock o (Jo?is. Grsat plcasurt - will be taken in exhibiting thorn. May 1, 1857. WIS DM ILLS! WIXDMILLSt! THE subscriber wool 1 respectfully intorra his oVI customers, as 'll as the pu'obc generally, that ho stiil contiuues tho :n u.ufactory of WI.YDItILLS, and aeeps them on hand coa- Mantl>". lie will ak-o do all kinds of repairiD ; to blsßhe of business. As bis ra.lis are w.41 ku&wu in Bedford county, he deems it aoaer.es- Nsry to say anything about tbem. Ills bhop is as Ibviatriy, at the F.aatend or Bedlord, on l'Ut Btreot, x.ir the Foundry. SIMON DICSERHOOF. A off. 21. 1857.-An. * SCHOOL NOTICE. THE I'nljflc Srjmout of the Borough of Bed t r4 w, 1 ) to opened oo Monday, the 2-i duv, oi A ascjoUir next, there a L.l be wanted two male an I thgev ftmiW Teachers, also a mnieor fc male to take chargu of the negro school, Ap rvfieawta mast be xurln<*i and procure prop.-r vjrttlkahe from th< Costnf v SnfHirlnUmd 'nt at the tiiiKt advertise.). 24r. t Qatober. No other* notd apply. The Board will to bo able to oooUMt with Teacher a on the 25tb oi Octo ber. By order of tbo Swi. JOHN B. RKED, ' Beo'ty. IVpt. 18 'B7. Ctountry fhysklsns, can bavetbeii orders 'ffiiod, wills the very best articles, at city |)iKsatDr. Itsßf's Cbesp Drug Store, J'itt al. 8.-,'ord, i'naa'f DR B.r.BABRy. COTiJIO.V 8CB0L. i c T fli : toch '-' rs ;!n '> directors of th Comrao j Schools Of 8.-dtor-i G<>. aia hereby notifi-d thai ' th" Count} Sup. rimeiiil.on will meet with them , iii their respective districts, as to lows: Napior, at the school bouse j ;i Schellsbare 1 Sept. 26. 6 j Sciiellsburff Eoroug'i, Sept. 23, (ovenine Ju iiU, i Bueiu Vist.t, oept. 2d. i St. Clair, at Light Squire School Ilouan I Sept. 2J. Union, at the School House near Johu Tick 1 e's dwelling, Sept. 3(J. | Middle VI oo 1 berry, at VI oodberry, Oct ] • South VVoodherry, at PaUonsriilo, Oct " I Harrison, at Kiser's School House, Oct' 5 | Londonderry, at Bridgeport, O-'t. 6. Cumberland V alley, at the house of Job' May. Oct. 7. Southampton, Ckanej sville, Oct. 8. Monroe, at Clearville. Oct. 9. Bed/or.i Towusliip, at the house of John jr. fer, Oct. 10. U4 " Friends Cove, 8 t tho Brick Cla*roh. Oct 14 Fast Providence, at the homo of J o |,„ ' v _' cum. Sen., Oct. 15. West Providence, at Bloody a un school house,) Oct. 16. ' v , Hopewell, at the School lusj near D- ' ; er's store. Oct, I'd. ; Broad Top, at Hope*/" Oct. 2). Liberty, nt Stonoista-' 1 ' °'t. 21. r „„ p Bedford Borough, a* °fflce ' * ) Reed, Esq., Oct. 2L Teachers and di> rs ,n & ' CU,ar ' * n txCt T' :in S unavoidable ca- j | KM " HENRY IIECKERMAN. Co. Superintendent. j ■w 135 ~- . ~ A RARE CHANCE. j JR SALE, the stock of the best located | p handsomely fitted up Store in Fulton Boun j". Tlie stock is ueariy all new, and will be old low. The fixtures belong to the Store. SV " vu,vo • * I'JU oWtc. Rent (with a good dwelling) is wry low. A , person with a few thousand dollars capital, , e uU do . 1 irge business. The present propri i-tor wishes to sell for the purpose of goim; into j business in the East. Address A. B. C, Bos i 42, McConuellsburg. Fultou Co. Pa. j Sept. 4, ia-37.* I. S. tt atnnr, L. G. Leahek, IV. 31. llakcock. NOTICE. THr, partnership heretofore existing an ! tra ding ur.ner the firm i.f I. S. Wright & Co.. was dissolved on the 18th inst., by mutual consent. Ail persons knowing thero-idvej indebted to them in any way, by note ot book account, will call and pay their respective accounts shottlyt As the Books ar; in the hands of I S. Wrig'i for a short tiraj only. I. S. WRIGHT S CO. Frpt. 4. 1857.-C* Look Here, Storekeepers and Others! THE greatest assortment of Toys of every description, and Fancy articles of an endless variety, you can Cud a' the great Curiosity Store, No. 144, N. 21 St.. above Arch, Phil adelphia. Also Fancy Baskets, I'ipes, Sugar Case* Tobacco Boxes, Dominoes, Canes, Chi na. Kid ani Wax Bibles, and a great uianv other articles too humorous to mention. JOHN DULL. Importer. 144, N. 21 St. Sept. 4, 1857. '25 WITNESSES; or, THK FAR AFR CONVICTED. Jdha S. Dye ii tae Authir, Who has 1 ad 10 years experience its a Bank er and Pablisher, and Aurhoi -f series of Lectures at the Broadway . Tabernacle, when, for 10 successive nights over 50,000 Feopte _j~y\ O Greeted him with Ilounis of Applause. >y while he exhibited the manner in wbich Cmtn f> terfeitera execute their Frauds, and tnu at Surest and Shortest Means of .© Detecting theni! Tic Bank Mote Engravers all say that he ii the greatest Judge of Paper Money living. Or'HEiTEST DISCOVERY OF OvJ the Present Century for 0 Itoteeting Counttrfeit Bank Notes. Describing every Genuine Bill in Exis tence, and exhibiting at a glance every Counterfeit in Circulation'! > Arranged *o admirably, that REFERENCE ° i* E \SY and DETECTION instantaneous. " Zy No Index to examine! No pvges to gto hunt uy>! But * . simplified and srratig •-e ei, that the Merchant, Banker, and Bu- j pj Biuess Man can see all at a Glance. •—i S3 0 English, French a-id German. Eich may read the same in his own Native Tongue. , Mout Perfect Bank Note List Published. P3 Also a I.is; of All the Private Binker3 in America. A Complete Snmmiry of the Fi.vavce or -jEubopk anh America "will be. published in sarli i- lition. together *uh all the important 3 NEWS OF THE DAY. Also 3 -* SERIES OF TJI.ES Q Frotn an Old Manuscript found in the Ka*t. p| It lurni'ht t e Most Complete History oi ORIENTAL LIFE, Dcstribing the Most Perplexing Positions Jjj in which t!e Ladies an i fjentlem-n of that O Country liavo been so often fonr.d. These Stories will cont nue througliout the whole yt-ar, and will prove the Most Entertaining ever off .-red to tiie Public. Furnished Weekly to Subscribers only, at $1 a year. All letters must be ad dressed t JOHIY S. DIE. Broker, PobHsher and Proprietor, 7f> W,lt Street, April 44, 1857-xx. New York. SUM M ER Alt R ANGEM ENT.—Huntingdon and Brovitop R. It., t>n and aflerMon dy, Mar*'h 21. 1837, two riassenger trains a day •web way, (except Sunday.) will run be tween Hopewelland Huntingdon. Go ives Hopewell at 12 1.3 P. M.. aid CHI P. M Arrives at Hopewell at 9 40 A. M.. and 6 40 P M. C >nnet:ng at Tlußtlnc'lon with trains lor East und W -st on Penrv K. R. VUGS T. WEF.RMAX. Iltt-it ngdon. Feb 2ft, 1857. Pnblic Sale of Real CjCate. IN puiMaaee of uo orler of u>, Orjihvna' Qoxj-i of Bodfosd Couaty, tntremi*a, an Saturday the HMh dky of 0t iier iitxt, at 1 o cl-ck o'f .-ktid do., ace lam House and lot of gropnd ili til*? Borough oi B ut. th*3 prv>r>t?rfv" df J&iiiaiwlh Kiaton, deiM. Sit>l. .t i* situ ate on (Vest Pitt Street, b-irig C I fbut on .aid street, and eaten iing lurk 2Jj feet an alley with a food two-Story log ixxtfff ttwrv rn. * 1 f fiti?"f. Ba'-o —(Joe t-bird on confirm iflon [of . tie and the remain lei in ina equal annual pa., men's with interest. JOHN KJNTON, Adm'r of KlUib.-ci, Kinton. Sept. 18, 1557. ; Ixriovxo StLr-SsAtixo Farrr Cvr, Tri i ae ha i at Htisut s Tuaisti l.miiunisikvr I in Juliana Street. Aug. 21, IS>7. | IMPORTANT TO Ml 1.1. OWNER | f IyOOD iV A RD'S Improved Stum an dSereens ! If mg Machines, Mil! Boshes, Boltine andßran Duster*, of the most improved pwn ' Mill Screws, Ooru and Gob Grinders, Rater:. '■ Bridges lor Mill Swindles. l'ortahl.- \iiit. < arrunted to grind ten bushels per hour, ,1 ; Hons and Mill Burrs made to order. &\ J "stover's Patent Corn Kiln aud Grain 11;., i I j a valuable invention. The above art i, ■!u!iv!in J "r y hand, and can J* is A J so ] .u uiiv time, troni 8. I> i; :. Sctiellsburg, Bedford Gout' " ' ] aunties!' Jju,u "ihortest notice, Mill wriglit work done and on the most rcasn> February 15, per and Mower for sale MCOORMICKV H. BRt'AD by s., agent for Blair and Bedford atScbellsbu February 15, 185 S. "Unties. -- : .C'OUi) MUHINK SilOF. .Win dersicned respectfully announces to | Armors of B tdford and adioiuing counties, r i.xd the public in general, that he is still man u fucturiug, *nd has on hand at his shop in Ifed ford, a large assortment ol Fanning Utensils, which includes the diflereut kind of Threshing Macninos, as follows; llis well known arid ele gant .Four-Horse-Power Tumbling-Shaft and Strap Power Machines, Two-llorso Powers, and his highly improved and very convenient Turnblin -Shaft and Strap-Power Machine.— This Machine took the first premium at our last county Fair, (fur ibur-hoise-tuinb'iag ska" machine is made to stand in the I rc ii' C' "• same as the snap machine, or othv '•_ to suit purchasers. The cylinders are dt iven by j one single bevel wheel. All the above ma- j chines can be had with t'ue latest Improved Straw Shakers, (far Superior to Pierpont's Pat eut Shaker, and at a less prioe, and not so like ly to get out ol'order) or without shaker, if de sired. ALSO, a superior article of Fanning Mills, cultiva ors, (a new and complete article for farming corn and seeding in wheat) Hay Rakc-s cutting Boxes, and doable and single shovel j Ploughs. Horses. Grain, Lumber, and all kiuds of trade taken in exchange for Machines. All kinds of Repairing of Machines and other firming utensils done on the most reasonable terms, of the best materials, and at the very shortest notice. All work warranted to, give satisfaction. Farmers, this is the time tor you to have your own machine, when who at is h gh. Give taea call, and 1 will give you a bargain. PETER 11. SHIRES. Machinist. Bedford, June 20, 1857.—4 m. Win. Shafcr, Milium TAILOR, CONTINUES to carry on thoabove business in all its branches, ut his old stand in Juliana street, and is prepared to accomra idatu all who may favor him with their custom, on reasonable terms. Ho. constantly keepson hand a large as sortment of ready made clothing of a good and substantial quality. And, having in store a choice selection of cloths. ens* i mores, vesting*, drillings. Ac.. d a simple and certain cure for (.'•m-u/i . <- ma. Bronchitis t Coughs, Colds. Sens • . , i . an 1 all impurities of the B/ooi; !., Bnd effectual mode of inhaling the Re , A:■ tuated hy a desire to lieucfit his suffering fel lows, he will cheerfully scud the Recipe (free) to such as desire if, with fall and explicit di r ctions for prep iritig and successfully using the Medicine. Address REV. C. S. BURNETT. 831. Broadway, N. Y. City. July 31, 1857,-3 m. NOIIt'L. LETTERS of adiuinistration on tins es tate of John Peter Shinier, late of Unioti Township, doc'.i, b iviug been granted to the subscriber, resi ling in said township, notice is hereby given to all persons iodebt ed to said e6tate to matte payment iaituodi steiy, arid those lm.vug el ii.us against said estate will present them forthwith properly authenticated for sct.tlem-nt. JOIIX'AKE, Adrn'r. Aug. 7, 1857—f * (iettys' Photographic tiaUery, EXCHJSGE BUILDISG,' BEDFORD. P.j IXriIERE Ambrotypes, Daguerreotypes So Yt Sc., ar<- executed in the latest .stylet aurt. MANN A SPANG, Att'ys for Applictuts. Sept. 11. 1857. Administrator's Notice, LETTERS of Administration on tho es'ato of David T. Chancy, late of Monroe Township riee'd having been granted to the subscriber, residing at Clcarrille, in mil township, notice is hereby given to all perrons indebted to mid estate to make payment without delay, and these biting clvims against the estate are re quired to present the same duly authentic ited fir settlement. JOHN L. GROVE. Adrn'r. Fept. 18, 1557. As the season for chapped hads and faces, is coming >n, w a Wise our friends to call on J>r. Harry, at the cheap Drug Store, and get a cox of B tzin'.s Am indii.e flit pretention and burn of chapped ban is, ODI', 37 \ per box. AUUAIN'S!—The undersigned, desu /lyb on- of rediiciu£ tbtir stock, in orde to make room for Spring Good*, will offer to poich.sers, the best bargains ever seen in Red ford. Gal! and sua bow cuecp vou <*a n buy' A. B. CRAMER, *> Co. Jan. 18 1867, TO liQIMkhM. DR. II AliH \ ,:U tin Chap Drug r,d Book Store. hasja*i received, a t**e assortment of aiie K-stii together viib Bait nf S > I t, Cream of Tartar, ~S*lemt us, he.. > bj> voce beat quality, all of which he villi,,' tihe 1• -a: prices. . i Soli*r. LETTERS ol administration on the Estate of Samuel Moefc,, hte of -St. Clair ToTfnehip, j dec' I, hating Ken granted to the subscriber! I rt-slling in at id Township, all peraoia indebted ! to said estate arc, therefor*, hereby roflrled to i rank • payment Immediately, and those having I eliims against Uiu Est de. will present them du tj authenticated (or sett! -nienf. NATHAN 11. WRIGHT, A lin'r. Atj. 14, 1837—f* Ilhysicians prescriptions carefutlj coin pound cd, at all hours of he da* of night, sVlff If'fry's. Drjg Store. -••• —-.nfD CHRONICLE. BEDFORD INQUIRE*' - --- -- 4(or's Notice? . , ration having been aff subscribers, on the estate of LETTJj, lute of Hopewell Township grantyfersond knowing themselves indebted (jrtKuatAte are hereby notified to make pay dnumediatelj, and those haviug Claims nst the same vitl present them propel ly su- I iticAtedfor su tlument. J. F KAY Residing in Blair Co., THUS. J. KAY. Residing ui Hopewell Tp. Sept. 11, 16i7-f.* nsiio TllK subscribe has removed his KestaC UANT ANI> pAVnHT AND COSJPBCTION VR? E jTABLisHSicsT, o the Rising Sun Building, in Juliana Street, where be would be pleased to sec all his old l ien Is and customers. lie keeps constantly on baud the choicest an I best CJk'E.} C.iNDiES, FRUITS and NUTS, ever ofllrnl to the public; ulso Charu bersbuig ALE aid ISEEIt. He h i.- fi;ted upun ice Cream Satoou, and will keep on rand throughout the season, a tull supply of ttis choice refreshment. PARTIES supplied, on the shortest notice, with Ice Crc m,* Cakes and Contcc-! tions. Having serveJ a regular apprenticeship to the above busi a and having boon constant ly engage 1 i r forjnrtnv jeage, ho fuels tun ride lit tint can reader satisfaction to all who ta.rv.favor Uiiuwitlj visit. JOHN J. LUTHER. Bedford, April 2i 1857. EVERHART A9IIOOM A CO. FOHtfIMIXMIIIWSiIM MKROiIA.VTS-TIOPE WELL-FA. The subscribers toing business under the Firm of Everhart, ishcom A: Co.—nre now prepared to stote aid shipFldtrr, Grain, and a)) kinds of Mrchandke, upon reasonable terms. They also keep on ian~ r, Plaste JFish. S?~t, Rock Powder, do. , they invite thu -,t tentiun of MLurchantt in the county, and Far mers. The highest :asb prices pari for Flour, and Grain, that the .''.ostein Market.willsfloid. .NO. C. EVEELAKT, f. \V. ASItCOM, .N'O.F. LOWKY, U. K. B Alt N DOLL AS. De o 26, 18.">6. UUIOVAL. THE subscriber Irs removed his Tinnlnz K's Übl nlituect to the frame builltrg iu Juliana Street, two doors soith of ''Brown's Store," where he will he hapiy to see all ins ol 1 friends an.', customers. II ■ keeps constantly on hand nil kinds of Ware iu lis line, as substantial and chea~ as can be pro IJred in th.i county. ABRAHAM HERMAN. Aug. 14.1867. STAGE OFFICE WASHINGTON HOTEL, Bedbrcl, Pa. MRS. MARY COOK would announce to her friend* and the public, that she has fitted up this old and well known stand, in a very su perior style, tor the u.;cotnmo.latiof of the pub lic. Visiters to the Bedford Mineral Springs will find the.Washington Hotel a comfortable summer retreat—an 1 no pains will be spared to please all who patronize the house. Beard-rs will be taken by the day, weak, tn 'H'h and year. K7~A gentleman of ligh qualification, and corteous dep. rtuient, hits charge of the house, w ho will do all in his paver to make the guests happy and comfortable. H7~Terms as moderate as anywhere else in the place. Daily Stsees from I ifrobe. Cumberland, Hoilidaysburg and /iuprwell, all stop at this Hotel. A Hack helonring to this lints! will run be tween Bedford and the Springs. Bedford, June !2. 1857 .-n. T'fl.JHßlMllliLLr f subscriber is now prepared to accomroo- J. data the public St the'Puor If iuse Mill. Custom turn wf M f.livit work done to or der. All Fk>ur iiiade by hin warrant dto giro s itiaf.Ciion. Hs respectfully soticils a shore of tbe puiilia pttron tgii. \EI. SOS F.iBQUU.i H. May 1. 18>7.-c ISOFIVS & UM.lilt. ITIOIIMS AT U®. BEDFORD, PA. tX/TLL PROMPTLY ATTEND TO ALL legalbusiness entrusted to their care.-- During the se sions ct the court, the senior partner mar be fonud at the office of the firm, two doors south of Hon. S. L. Russell's oft 4 e. I). H. II OF IDS. J NO. 11. FILLER. Bedford, Nov. 23, IMb. TUB unie-signed respectfully requestsal those indebted to ti nin any uia.i .er to m ike I p lyment imniediatslv. Oct. 8, Irt'f.. GEO. V*. BT.TSHRE. STON'Kff.ARB. —('ream Crocks, Mi'.kj Crocks of all sizes: Butter iiishe#,from I one to one and a baif gallon Pitchers, ail oi which are of bast qualitv, for sale by A. FERGUSON- J Bedford. Jan. 16. Ifc66. TiOfiK KBW TotiDS. A. B. CiAM ER d CO. have just received : another supply <> r sPMHivR rendering their assortment very complete. New j style calicoes, il tr ige Kjhes, linnd-oni • wiiite 1 Crape and Stella SHnarfs, Brllliihts. fee. Su p.-rinr French Cissini'r-s and stripcf Sit teens • for men's w .nr; !•> n full supply of Carpet- j bigs, Groc-*ri< , Mjck*re', Herring, Ac. Country produce received, and pood prices 1 will he paid therefor In rn- rchnri tis-a. j June 26. „f. L. C'HJJi&R $ CO. j i 4 TLftilTE TEETH and a perfumed breath i i V V can b acquired by using the ' diaun o. j I Thi ousand Flowers." To he find at DR. HARRY'S. March . IM7. JOlim EI. AI.IKX A CO. SOS. 2 f -1 CHEST.VUT Street, (toulh tide, belou.' Water,) PHILAJJELPMaf. (TITE OLDEST WrK>!-W ARK HoCSC, I!* THoCITT.) MANOFACTARERS and Wheletnle enin Patent Medicine, ni BROOMS, Patent Grovel CE 0-1 fi-Wui HE, WirrunteJ i not to \rijfc, il'OaO and WIILQW- WJIJIE, CORDS. BRUSHES, fco., of ail description. Please call and examine our stock. Feb. 27, ra. W . (1 O G R H ti M £ , (jpiisLsfeaiffl. jlTflin Li announce to the cttizecs of Bed- J |l' J"r and vicinity, that he is prepaid to rtt I >ll* .tln his line, in the beet style, sudeoj i'.sii onahletcrm*. M waAsers. wstb or witho.n { jprlirge. tnad9 in a superior mw *r, e>nt tie best in ide In the city, am! to thistwanch e nls business ho would Incite especial attentions ' 2!e mty be found st the shop of Michael c re sumed ou Monday, Aug. Cist. Owing to the limited accommodations of 'he Seminary Building, the Dumber of pupils will be lim ited. It Is important, therefore, that apjdi catiooe foe admission be made at au early day. These who enter bejorc the expiration of half tho quarter, will be charged for the whole quarter, those who enter after the expiration of half the quarter, will be charged for half the quarter. No deduc tion made for absence except iu cases of protracted illness. In this school students are prepared for the higher clas.-es of any college, or to en ter at once upon the active duties of life.— Whilst special care is taken to form iu our pupils habits of order, strict punctuality aud thoroughness, their Physical, MoruK and Social Education is uot neglected.. The government of the school is designed to be parental. It is the aim of the Prin cipal and his associates to excite iu their pupils a love of right doinz; and to awaken within them some proper consciousness of the dignity of humanity. Parents may res: assured that any gross delinquency on the part of their children will be reported to thetu immediately, should circumstances re. quire it, or the discipline of the school fail to accomplish the'desired reforuntiou. TERMS? per quarter of 11 weeks, inclu ding Hoard, Tuition, Furnished Room, Washing, Light and Fuel, $ 10.00, —one- halt iu advance. EXTRA CHARGES. Music, $(10 00 Lse of Instrument, 2 00 French, 5 00 Drawing, ami painting iu Water Color®, each, 5 00 Oriental IVmtiug, 5 00 Grecian Painting, 5 00 Oil Painting, 10 00 Ornamental Needle Work, 6 00 Shell Work, & 00 TERMS FOR DAY SCHOLARS. Elementary English, $1 00 Higher, 4 00 Classics, € 26 Rcdford, August C, 1867. i.VFO.i.n K>.X WAXTIvD. Vi'h-r-'is, A certain roan named Matthew Guru ar b-lo;'deranged in his mint. left his horn In '.Vo > Icock ralley sbur.it the first of .V) n Ist. and his nit hem heir.l of since thn first of June. Said Garner is a'>ut 6fc S or I ) inches high, gray eyes, drk eimipl xi"r, 63 ye irs 1 Cage,' an bhis hair i*middling 1 nig an i gray. Any i ifvrms'ioi! of his wlicr -aboats i --rected to John G trn :r. Jr., Sprucis Creek llun ti-igdnu County, will be lanugfullv received. Sept. 4, 2S>7. -St. shriocr i SMITH, CIl iMBERSBi'RQ, P.*., ODOKSELLERS and ST ATIONERS. a*ui I-A Dealers iu Music and Musical 1 nifrumen's. Our stork consists of Books, Statiouery. Jiu sic. Musical Instruments. Wad pipers. Blinds, Flench, Gorman sai American Lhbogr phg ai d std engr ivin.ts. gilt mouldings for Iranios etc.., etc., wholesale an I letail. Dr. B. F. liar.;.' is opr.agent for Bedford, and all orisre given him arid be promptiv att-oJed to. March 7, 1857. K Evr r I JEt M noiPEWiniars. i Till! subscribers tracing and doing business ! under Fie firm of liam'tntlar, [a.wry, A Co., 1 would fully iqforot their friends, and the public generally, th it they have opened at the above place, and are daily receiving a large stock of Merchandise, consisting in part ot Mostitis, I.eking. Osenbergs, Drills. Cassimcre* Satticette. Clothe, Flannels, Dei.ines, French Merinos, ' .las. Cal.cos. Hats an t Caps, Hard ware. Qneeiswtre,"FootJ and Slucr Groceries of till descriptions. Also a large ss>c"i~"ftt of Ready nude Clothing, all ol Which w 11. tie sold U|io!j as short profits as can he had in the coun ty- G. R ff Alt VDOLI AR, JOHN F. LO\rRY. JiIWN C. KYF.RHART, C. W. ASH COM, Pec. 21, IMP.. Gift nai! Rclnil Hstok Store, sow opeseo two noons WEST OF TBIE WiSIIISbTOS IIOTBX HJ.DFOKD, PA. 'NEW AND VALUABLE BOOKS TO BE j'israsEn of immediately. Our Pint is to lustre a Rapid Sale. ALuJIi-iAa .i b" i ua;;a) retail pw::i, many of then; for less. \ SfC jpKUB UIFT wili tio deliver**! with each book, without additional .-xoouse tf. tuo buyer. Om list ot' funks co uprises the works of the hest American ami Kuropetn authors, hound in va rimr* stylus, id Morocco, btSR Inrkiah, An. tiijuc, lli'il edged, JUualwi, Paper. rVc., fcc. \Fe keep I'll hand, ;tl*i<, STAfiONKKV, inoiuding Gold I'ctis and Pencils, ,S;lvor ditto, li tter pa per, fools-c.-.p and writing tnp-'f of all kinds, envelop.-**. inks ot the besi quality, *cc. Jewelry—Hreast-pins, Far-rings, Finger* rings, of all description*: Watches srnj Clyus. Fort tnoiiai-s ; Perfumeries, Children is Belts. Tj r, Cr*v.its, Fes, tec., rc. CIGA.US of the choicest brands will nlao he fjuad at our store, which vr'.R bo sold cheaper hsu the cheapest. MoJAITSMNT k SIIOSSJAKEU. Bodfcrd, Sep. , Utt7. f " ,k T ■ ■ ' —' ■ Af 911011*3 JSOTICK. ■ ■ ffl]; wjpMWWi HJ tun o-sn c i iJ,wnmoufeaa <2 wad (*,* f.y County of Bed- J ft ird.to fCforii'fistrtb'itfhOiitiifnr'n creditors, tf tiMtmoaaf It*. jh t*l. B, X* 1FtB.- .fi ''"ictmaa-'i y-VcpW 6c Juily , jutful.Tr. I. ,WVo'.il'-4KSO. 1 v , -* y-ejA. 'Jj, 15,7. * . . NOTSlfi. NoflCS f? herd by giVcti tuu an application WSI bainadn fe> tki next i. igisUture of the Ktate of Penrtsyir.ihi*, for toe passage of an Act of Assembly WathorUthig the incorporation of a Bank EST QUALITY OF HAMMERED gj. IRON !—Ulytuiro & HartUv, keet> constantly 011 huud, all sizes best Juniata Iron, at Forgt pruts, for cask or its sqvitalnti, glso Kq:!ed Ir)n,Nall Rods, Strap lion and Kalles. All orders filled promptly. Irnic SALE OF Very Vahnbl© 3cal Estate. ALL that priprrty in Somerset Cemitf. known In part as the lmhool'propi'rty. nd no if belonging to the est its ol John Keotle, dee'd, wtii di was advertised for sale by the subscriber in the Bedford and one of the Somerset pant-is of l-'.st Deeera'ast aqd January, and not sold; will a-Aiu be o ft rrod for sale on 1 VEDSHSDJi J'; Ihe T -l day of Uctobet mat,—-altogether or in pari*, a* may bast suit the several interests el the heirs. Conditions of sale made known at the time, and t the house 03 said property, now occu pied bv Jacob King Ivr. bv SAMUEL BKOWN, Surviving Executor of the 1 ist will kc., ot John Kceffi:, dee'd. Srpi. 11, 1567. UHIGJi, LOOKS IP STA TIONARY. 1)2. f. t. UEASIEK, Bedford, Pa., HAVIXG purchased the Drug end Book Steve of Dr. S. U. Scott, lias coustaruly ta ninl.v. the old stand, a large and Well se alct.nl stack of choice Drnjs and Medicine Dhole sate v: 1 rrt ii, *ll of which will ue sold w f.ur ter us. I'he issort meuvcoiisisU in pari j era e> a C .f.ri.c ill, Dye Woods and dells Priu 1 1 •! Oh, IP.adou) Ohaet end Ulan. Ware, Tofrteco ad - g* r t, fer/uii try, Fanc : t ar.icle j, 4rc., <{c. PaTis: Mtoidwics. tlarir.g the regu .ig-oiy tor tue sale of 1.. of these ntediciu tba pujlivaro assuiuJ that they a eot the hg rruj.t as Lsve stood tue tost of tiac and exe etouce, .tJ cis Ue safely recommended as p • aiUrio. via: t'ownsend's,and Sand's Sor.->ap '.'ta, Wistir's livlsim of WYid Cherry, Aver ® rsrry pjctoral, Modal'* Li lb Pills and Fbui tjx Bitters, Dr. Jayoe'i raunii Mediciu.s PahastocX's, Hohensack's, aud other veroi'fu es; iioodiud's German Bitters, kc., Ac. Constantly ou hand a large stock of 1) storiu iogrsphical, scientific, religious, poetical school,-n.l raiscellutieoes BOOKS. Also a great variety ui /.rfACL SLATicLY, ARY, Cap, Fust and wrapping paper ui ever} quality, Paper Hanging* > D great varity.— •Window Blinds in patterns or Py the piece.— W ill l'.iper. Steel and Fancy Goods. UL ihtC BOORS of every sire and qu.ility. Pocket Books and Port Mounuic*, Diaries. Blank Deed* and Mortgages, gold Feus an I I'encirs, Combs, Brushes, Ferfuiterv lit great variety . Soups, Ac., Ac. L imps, and C'amphincOH and Burnii gFluid, kept ;onstantly ou hand. CHOICE Ll\ilh*SS for medical use; Wolff's Scheinam Schnapps, Gin, k ort, Sherry aud Mad -ira Wines. Aug. 11, 1804.-tf Lumber ! Lumber!! 1 6\(\ ffcflfl SHINGLES of different AvrvJyv/CrCr kinds. Also, 75,000 leo of LUMU&R of various sorts, such as Whtf Pins, Yel.ow Pine, Popiar, Spruce, Ac. Ft ale F. D. BEEGLE.o sS. <5 lairs via, Ftb. 18, 18f.8-tf . Af'CSIQA M USIG VL INSTRUMENTS.~ lTi. Pianos, Melodious, Mutes, Guitars, Brass Horns, OarioneU, Drums, ete., of rati ons manufacture, always ou hand. Bui Is sup plied at ci'y urholtsale raits. Wu l;et*p always on hand a toll assortment of all the acw ami fashionable music, which we .nail ok oar r --penst to any oart of the country. N. B. Music arranged to order. f SUKYOCK. A SMITH, Ciambirtb-irg. | March7, 1357. | SAMU3L HA.DEBAUGH, * Justice of the Peace, j/AFFICii V-vo doors South of the, M.engc i House, oil next door to the office o i Manti ft Spits, where hu will attend to the collection of all claims placed in his hands, j Bedford. Jan. 11. 1856. , Jou MANN, ~ * l>. 11. SPH.NO, "jr AW FAKTNKUSIIIF,*—The -undersign I A hive themselves in the Fracture oft is t "''.au t wilipromptfy attend to all bu*i a ess intr. <■* dto their care in B?d?dtd and ad oining coot. • ft C7-.)flice o._ Juliana a Strtyj. throe door south ol Men gel P~dae and oppdH< tha rosi* •lence ol'Mej. Tate, MANN A SPANG. Jnnelst—lßs4 tf. Dr. r. 0 Eoamer, Physician and Surgeca. iJ frndcrs his services •- X.\ rpe gitaseas of Bedford ami vicinity. He mi; -Iways be found (unices profcfsictmlly err jagvd, a his Drug and Booh Store, ir. Juhar.fi St. ' ■. Feb. 15, 1834. TEa HE. Valcatiixe Steckmau, | IXIOI>X^X32a?O.TT. B sard Jrs taken by. tips day, toteV, month wild Ifiiar. AfWil 3, WKi—tf . ; - For dimples, and wrinkles ond fr.-ckloa and ' ' taA'. * ■*' - no - t ; h~o'htn j; leva elct h<-'.iTi discovered by turn, I Lrikc that woqdfrfpi product of tropioiU bow i ' era, ** * ' Tfc' popßii Balm of a ■ptoturni! £io}rcr,V ] US.BAWIfaI., Circat Attraction. —o- COLIN LOYEE, Merchant TatUr, TAKES tbia method of announcing to iho citizena of Bedford and vicinity, and Strang era visiting the place, that he has joist received at bi* old stand in Bedford, neat door West of the Bedford Hotel, the richest assortment of Cloths, &r., he has over yet offered to the |.lib lic, and to which he invites the attention of pur chasers, satisfied that he can accommodate, both aa to price and quality, all who favor h.m with a call, fie has a Superior article of cloth, for boy's clothing, which tc can se|! low aa to astonish those who eianune its qsu-iy. of every description, Ju hi* line, made to order uu the shortest notice and most reasonable teim Oy lie would direet attention to the follow ing list, as comprising some of the leading ai ti des to be found in his establishment: I Black Cloths, ranging it: price kuu ?i,W f i $9.00 per yard ; | Blue Cloths; | Olive Browns it Greens; . Biack Casiuiers; Black Doe-Skins; j French Fancy Casimercs; j Linen Dri'Uugs; . Main V list-hots, Music Stands. Fancy Par!, r Tales, Eienk tast, Dinner, and Lv. tension Tal-.s, bedstead*, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Xc. Suit* oi cottage— furniture at very moderate prices, so that it is within the reach of all to have rice, good and fashionable furniture. The I.ndi s arc partic ularly invited to call and examine lot them selves, as it will be ray desire to please all tastes. N . B. Coffins will lio made on the shortest Mice lor my wto w.li ,'ivor hl n with a ctll. June 12, J3ST. ISAAC MKXGEL, Jr. ! ( l AUTIONT,-l hereby ca-atio I Vy all p. rsousfrem trespassing oh niv proper- J t.V. by hunting, r odhet wise. :.s 1 will must cer tainly put tin- law in force against any otio so , oilciidiug. So look out am: s. Ve trouble. V.ll. MAIEE.N'. Bedford Tp., Aug, 2S, 1507.—d. Bazins Fancy Soap—shaving Cream, just re ceived fnm tko City, by Dr. Harry. Bazins and L shins Extracts lor the Ilai riktr chief, * Cologne Water, Ac., ut Dr. Hurry's IPI MOTKLT AND GENEEAL STAGE OFFICE. rrTIE ? übscy ibe :rej cull iiy liyilmv.u . L X 10U11C1 i. ki> ODI fiUi.ct sic tki ji > ].. generally ,th the has least. and take, j is.-ttc siou o ! the Dcaioru Hotel .lately iI. t i c< ~ pane.- o 1 Col. Adnn, Barxkait.' li is lei lis design to make taatiy proiessimi art, v 1 „ 1 )<■ win do, but iit pledger 1m word „at hit n it energetic eifortj. wii.be -i. pit y cc. to itttiir comfortable all who givt hi ,acsi. HGuu will be handsomely titte- i.j.arc 1,, carefu land attentive sen ntt wijlit tigigd. Persons visiting the lied.ord Sjriifs. a* v, il as those attending Coti t. sr-d tie trnvrlijg aommunity g-nerally . at e resjectmlly ii.viu.i to give hini a caliarh i u ig. fOl tl u, n'h, *. stages all now stop, aitl is iwt* ', Boarderntsker. by t' e wcik , nun ti. ei aesr onfavorahlvterms. £7" Ample and c jifoftable stal lit p is a ■ tiched tothishote , whi*b v ilkalv.ry ; i. rt ended by a careful b ostler. Also, a snies.i.d cnuvenieutcarriage house. JOHN HAFKK. Bedford, Apr.l 6, Ibfh. it TO BUILDEES. I!he subscribe:'!s fully prepuri r tcfnrnisl. arft quanvrv or quality olßnildinp I.* n.i < > any i Plastering L'.t'ij. Orders directed to St.C'niif ; vill, Bel lord Comity. will he pron.j tit sUrtsttl J tojuy giving a reasonable notice. F. D. LEEGI.E j Due. 2!, ISot. New Jewel™, TUB subscriber lias opened out a new and splendid assortment of all kinds el tie most lUshiunabie Jewelry—cco|i.M tup in part o Breast Pins, Finger Kings, Ear King,, Ac. Ac Call an ! sue his stock. •dolt DANIEL BORLEK. ■I j Will fc It, *3 pmi-eviKy soS ,a„Vjl!v }o ,H j■■ ..wsq la. I 3 ji, iradmiiw. TsS j5i,p,,,.,-i.sci*t,a,4-, 04 it 11. ... S.i%i MrV'i. weol, -■ ,sa VI *.l #r.l*-s osi II! ttr v.,. urv+niAnuT OASIS LVi QJ!ti on E.*t ri*Vr*cC BsiljVii, fa. a Plastering Lath*!! THE l ADEIISIGJED having eracud a itillfor saw IIIG Pi ASTKBIPG Larnron PI premlsdW'h'l'tHbti 1 p., Bedford county, b new rcadyio aruish auy quantity <>n tl., shortm optice. PrlccJl.6o per thousand, Jft. long iti proportier. Letters vidressHl'• res St- Clafravilir lopronptlv sttenceu to. WM. GEirriTn pmioi Tp.. Fh. 15.185)1. *. A stir.?. Fr. Jordan. IiAW PARTNERSHIP. King* Jordnn. / urttjau 1.,w Lj'.;' ' BKPFOBr-, IX, "Iff ILL prippice In the ver*l C'oiutr of Led Iff ford and adjoining ooi idler. .AgciKliW,Cttmifrh. rff ad* rther busftwM Jatmstod't* proli'fl} anf Initl -' sully attt t dc !i Boston Te.t an 1 Pic Nit Cr -cttors. Fwd: s | fine •.>, fciaaltbißtv Tr >u',Nts ri 'J ni )'.stl, fey 1 July 8.