Bedford inquirer and chronicle. (Bedford, Pa.) 1854-1857, September 11, 1857, Image 1

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    IMffltii 3water and Ctoiidf.
sllr c f of t r i).
The kl.ig can drink the best ol'wioe—
So can I,
And lias enough when he would iline—
So have 1;
And cannot order rain or shine—
Nor can I.
Then where'* the difT-rco cc—let nto Soe—
itetwixt my lord the king and me 7
l>o trusty friends stiTound his throne
Night and day 7
And make hi* tut -rests tbuir own 7
N"o; not they f
Mine love nie for mys< If alooe—
ULssed he they!
And that's one difference which I s <a
Itetwixt my lord the Mug and me.
]>o knaves around in? 1 e in wait
To deceive 7
Or fawe and (I nter when they hate,
And would grieve 7
i IT cruel pumps oppress my s tut i—
-I'y tar 1.-*ve 7
Sr.' 11 • iven bo tkat ked ! And here you see
More diTerotiCC 'twixt the king au-i me.
110 has Ids foolwith jests and quips,
When he'd play;
H < has his armies and his ships—
Great are they j
Hut not a child to kiss his lip*--
Well a-day!
And that's a d ft'- unco MJ to seo
11. twixt n.y the ki g and mo.
I wear Ihe cap, and ii ? the crown—
\V at <•] tint ?
I sleep va straw, and he v.ti down—
it hat 01 that ?
And he'i the king, and I'm the clotrn
What of that t
'rtupov I, and wretched l e,
' , ,i!i king woul tch luge with me !
■■ ■ ■ ■
Fur tht Inquirer <tn:i Chronicle*
Aug. -2\, 1*57. j
Mr KITOR: —When in our youthful drys
the 'inquirer' wrs tiie computioh of many a
- v 1 n. 'icnt, wc little thought of our ev
. • g. •••sring one of the contributors to
'..0 c duiwop. But ••life ia full of changes,''
ii -I we have found it. Tito companions
' f -•'.r youth
■1 lvn likcroif* in Moom,
So'.-ie jr ti'-' and iolne £ Ihe toinb,"
t '• \ having no such a happy epoch in
c lii.-i'M ;.is our friend, the'•lnquirer,''
wltf weCc'.M be congratulated on u happy
HI. i, -rc still pl.tiidiujr uur weary way sin
tie nd alone. However, wc are not envi
i. of tho happiness of others, ucitber do
v. .• wish to be selfish. Being content and
i'.aj p urtfhe*, and having uo one with
v b.on to divide our cares and double our
joy*, we propose to divide with tho friends
<if ur youth, hoping that
♦•.Some tc.l >ni, shipwrecked hrithur,
cdiari.;r, may t.iku hope again."
He wi'l not refer to our life since our
i-iue 1 ft Bedford (Jo , further than to
u the cause of our present plcaritiqcon-
J'iiu. For the last year we Lave been at
Tu-oamra Academy, and we feel thankful
to an overruling Providence that ever di
rected our course hither. May we ray
v. hy? Because we have enjoyed peculiar
advantages for study. Those advantages
•:rc | riticij a'iy owing to the healthy and re
tired location— good teaching —cotufor ta
ble accommodations and the elevating influ. .
cuees hy which we are surrounded. If not
presuming, allow mo to particularize those
advantages, By Tuscaroru Academy Ido
riot iitcau either Mr. Wilson's aeliool, called
•"Airy VifW/'at I'errysvill*. or Tuscarora
Female Seminary. Though near, yet it is
CTit'r ly separate from l itter, and six
lot- fiom iLe former. TbertJ are no bogs :
fowwkcMla pfllJute tho atmosphere, pro
duce chiigs hbd rstfider it generally unj?,<tts
•nt and (tuliotlthy; 1Vt,,00 .the other hand,
the hiils and Aurrttvtading ijceuery give to !
the air a freshness tlat invigorates the hr.iin, J
inspires the soul with a love for nature, and
exerts * * tftening influence on tlw better •
let-lines ot the heart. And this is not all.:
'Hie moral atmosphere is as free from sources I
..of pollution as the natural; and the ipflu
♦.ores of the social circle are no less reti-j
ning tbau the beauties of the natural scent- ■
ry. The society of the n*ighbotbood is de-|
ridedly refined and intelligent, and posses
sed of a high tone of tcLgious cultivation.
During tho auoiuier we have had many visi*
itort from the eastern cities, who added
much to our sooietv, as well as spoken loud--
ly c. ti.e healthy nature of the place. We j
are ?',ad to he alio to say that our boarding i
.is of a superior order, 'ri e speak partiou- :
larly *• ..ecauaeof its beiog the repre-
AtnC*n.<ii count against o many institutions.
The Prv?r : pi h >u excellent stewaid.who
provides n abundance of the first class of
suitable pry virions. We, of cowrae, do not
A Weekly Paper, Devoted to Literature, Politics, the Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, &c., &c—Terms: Two Dollars per annum.
liveou daintie*, such as an epicure would
wish, bul we always Lave plenty of (be kind
best suited to the student, and always clean
and neatly cooked. Hut, finally, wo would
recommend Tuscarora because wc hare felt
'hat God is htre. During the whole histo
ry of this iustitution, God has seemed to
hover over it in a cloud of mercv, and not
unfrequently, he desceud? in copious show
ers of converting and enlivening grace,
both upon us and our neighboring institu
tion, the Seminary. The cause of this, no
doubt, is owing lunch to the prayers of pi
ous parents, but more, perhaps, to to the in
fluences brought to bear upon the miud of
the student by the example and instructiou
of teachers who feel the importance of 'he
soul. So fully does the Principal realize
the duty of teaching and (ruining fur otor*
nity, that he will not, under any considera
tion, i eta in a student an hour after lie has
once been convinced of his influence being
deleterious. Ihus many who come here
thoughtless, return home to gladden the
hearts of their relations, and rejoice that
they wore ever permitted to sper.d a part of
their life at Tuscarora Academy.
J. 11. w.
rnriTS i\ snniiiß
By an arrangement of Providence, as
beautiful as it is benign, the fiuits of the
Earth are ripening during the the whole
Summer saason. From the delightful straw
berry 011 the opening of Spring, to the lus
cious peach of the Fall, there is a constant
succession of delightful aliiueuts; made de
lightful by that Power whose kindness is in
all Ilis works, in order to stimulate us to
tneir highest cultivation, connecting with
their use, al-o, tba ruo-t health-giving influ
ences, and with the rich profuseoess of a
well attended fruitery, it is one of the most
uuaccootable things iu nature that so little
attention is paid, comparatively speaking, t°
this Lraneh of farming.
It is a beautiful fact that,while the warmth
and exposure of the Sun tend to biliousness
and fevers, the free use of fruits and berries
counteract their tendency. Artificial acid*
aie found to promote the Septration of the
bih from Mood with great milduess and cer
tainty. 1 his led to the supposition that the
natural acids, as contained in fruits atid
berries might be as available, and being
more palatable, wouli necessarily be prefer
red- Experiment Ins verified the theory
within a late period medical writers have
suggested the of fresh, ripe, perfect raw
truits, as a reliable remedy in the diurrljcc
as of Summer.
How strongly the appetite yearns for a.
pickle, When nothing else can be relished, is
in the experience of most of us. It is iti the
instinct of uature pointing to a cure. The
want of a natural appetite is the result of
the bile not being separated from the blood
and if uot remedied, fever is inevitable,from
the slightest grades to that of biliom, con
gestive and yellow. "Fruits are cooling,'
is a by-word, the truth of which has forced
ttsslt on the commonest observers. Hot why
they are so, they hud not the time, opportu
nity inclination to inquire into. The rea
son is, the acid of the fruit stimulates the
liver into great activity in separating the
bile from the Lh,od, which is its proper work,
the result of which is, the bowels become
free, the pores of tho skin areopeued. Un
der such circumstances, fever and want of
appetite arc impossible.
To dorive, from the employment of fruits
and berries, all that healthful and uutritiv,.
effect which belongs to their nature, we
-Ist. Ise fruits that re ripe, fresh, per
fect. raw.
'2d. 1 hey should be used in their natural
stale, without sugar, cream, milk, or any
other item of food or driuk.
Jd. Frails have their best effect when
used iu the early part of tbs day; hence we
do not advise their employment at a latter
hour thau the middle of the afternoon; not
that, if perfect and ripe, they may not be
eaten largely by themselves,within two hours
uf bedtime, with advantage; but if the
sourness or decay should happen to taint
them, or auy other liquor should inadvertent
ly be largely dratrli afterwards, even cold
water, acidity of the whole mass may follow
resulting in a night of distress. So it is
better not to run the risk.
To derive a more decided medical effect,
fruits should be I isgdy eaten soon after ri
sing, iu the morning, and about midway, be
tween breakfast and dinner.
AQ incalcuable amount of sickness and
suffering would be prevented every year, if
the wiiolo class of desserts were swept from
our table during Summer, and fresh, rife,
perfect fruius and berries were substituted,
while the amount of money that would be
saved thereby, at the New York prices of
fruits, would, iu some families, amount to
many dollars, enough to educate an orphan
child, support a eolporteur a whole year, iu>
some regions of our country. — linlVt Jour
i n"l of health.
It was Charlotte Bronte, I leliev*, who,
when she was urged to write more books,
said she thanked God for the ability to keep
silent when she had nothing to say. I wish
her beautiful art were ntore appreciated,
for we have too much even of & good thing;
but; as brevity is the only excellency of
common places, it scents a pity that the
quantity should be so often wanting. There
is always a right point, beyond which to
proceed is dangerous and ridiculous; timid
ity sometimes comes chert of it, but confi
dence often overleaps it, an d falls on the
other side.
••Oh the little more, and how much it is!
And the Utile I ■.**, and what worlds away !
llow a sound shall quiclton content to Miss.
Ora breath susjiend the Mood's best plav.''
Speaking of this geod world in which we
live, I cnee heard a clergyman say, with the
simple directness of real eloquence. V
our Father made it all.' Unfortunate! ,
however, that concise statement failed to
satisfy him, and lie bodied forth the follow
ing: 1 es, my friends, the great omniscient
and eternal Jehovah frfeatcd this mundame
planetary snkerc, and that, too, without
any materials.
1 was yesterday a good deal amused in
witnessing the parting of one of those hippy
pairs who are likely to forget that there is
anybody except themselves in the world.—
God bless you, my dear—God bless you, ex
claim-d the lover, with a forveticy of unc
tion almost pathetic, and at tbc very next
moment, becoming aware of nty proximity,
lie added, and you, too; tut the vanidnes*
of the addenda rendered it perfectly ludi
Many a clever man has lost his sweet
heart by saying too much, and making
courtship un importunity, a drop more ad
ded to the sweet-enough makes it nausea
Familiar handling rubs off the bloom from
the delicate fruits, and when we have said
so much that nothing more can he said, whv
Many au author hides his meaning with a
cumbrous load of words, as if poverty td
thought could be concealed by any such ar
tifice. To say what we mean, and there
end, is true wisdom: but even when forced
at last to come to the conclusion that we
have nothing more to say, we cannot cease
speaking without first say ing we have noth
ing more to say. The accomplishment of
happily aud effectively leaving offslmjM he
pi iced among the fine arts, 1 think, and
studied us such, so that onr writing and
speaking might be less upon the school girl
uj"del of "I believe] have nothing more to
say at present —1 believe 1 have told you
al! I can think of at present—i believe 1
must draw my letter to a close, as I can
think of nothing more at present to tell
you. ' The book called Lust Words of
Baxter, had a lemarkable sale, but when
some poor imitator wrote another and called
it More Last Words of Baxter,ihe re was iio
demand for it.—.Wee Curry.
A French I>etectlve.
It is said that since I'.-iris has been given
over to the millionaires nothing has been
more common than cashiers taking flight,
bankers stopping payment or speculators
making false calculations. Since money is
plentiful, and nothing but money is talked
of, it is necessary to have a great deal of it,
and to get it, therefore, somehow, is otic of
the necessaries of life. Apropros of money
and deficit*, there is a curious anecdote,
which is circulating just now among the
fiuancial worthies, the truth of winch cannot
be avouched for.
M. 1* , one of the authorities on
'change, on looking over his monthly M—
counts, discovered a deficit of one hundred
thousand francs. Now, his cashier au
old school friend of his, aud an intimate
friend of his family. He could not suspect
him. In despair ho went to the police.—
There one of the detective officers was de
puted to attend to his case.
'llow old is your cashier!' inquired that
'About eight and twenty.'
'Dissipated l '
'No; lives in the house with me; is a
friend tf my wife's and myself.'
'How old is your wife 1 '
'Pretty 1 '
•Very, and devoted to tne.'
•Hum!' replied the deteotive. After a
pause: Won't you go out of towu for a
week? I'll find the money?
M. P obeyed, and the detective be
gan his watch. On the second evening af
ter M. P.'s departure he suddenly towards
eleven o'clock in the night, made his appear
ance in the boudoir of Mote. P . She
was not alone—the cashier waa with her.—
Great was the eonsternation.
'Wow my little augel,'said the detective,
wbcre's the money? juat fork it over.'
'We have only one hundred aud twenty
five thousand ftancs left.'
'Never mind that will do. Now,' con
tinued the detective, having got hold of the
money, 'my dear sir, bid this lady good-lye.
This gentleman is going to* Ilavre, and
thence to America.*
Expostulation was iu vain. The lover
was escorted to the Ilavre, generously giv
en teu thousand francs by the detective,
and is now, for aught I know, winning the
hearts of some of the belles at (Jape May,
as a distinguished foreigner.
M. 1' was astonished and overjoyed
at recovering so large a portion of his mon
ey. His wife is more devoted to him than
ever. He has told her how his cashier de
ceived him, and all too for some worthless
woman, of w lioni the detective forgot to tell
hut the inme. All Paris knows the adven
re. M. P don't. \\ here ignorance
is bliss, Sea.
A gentleman of this State, who resides in
the town of Ellmore, Mequaugo county, is,
as he described himself, very onsartiu in
politics, and besides that, is the most onsar
taiti practical jo:cr we have heard of, of
late. JL-re is one of his jukes:
The gentleman was in his store on Sun.
day morning, preparing for the duties of the
day, when the deacou entered. An unfor
tunate pack of cards was lying tu the coun
ter, and the deacon, as iu duty bound, re.
tuoustrated with our joker on this villainous
practice. The latter admitted that it was
at least an idle waste of lime, ami taking
the en lis in bis hand, moralized on the sub
ject as well and warmly as the deacon. At
the saute time he allowed a few cards to fall
here and there ou the counter, they lying
very much in the shape of tricks, and look
ing as if the two had really been 'taking a
At this juncture, another member of the
church came in, (die Post Office was in the
store.) aud ail at oucp the joker, his
•uger on couple of esruj on itie ourm r,
' Now, deacon, I tell jou this won't do
The quern always takes the jack, and the
ten the Dine, and so down, and if vou don't
attend, you will never learn the game.—
That jack is a good cird, but my queen
takes it, counts me one point, besides one
on couni for game.'
'Wi.y, neighbor,"exel lined the horrified
deacon, 'what do you moan lv that?'
'Kxactly what 1 nay', was the roplv
'the queen takes the jatk, and it's mine
you might have trnuapec with it and saved
it long ago, now this ;mk, with low and
game, puts uie out.'
At this tuoiuenr, the jentlcman from Me
quango county turned around, pretended
tor the first time to notic the brother dea
con who had entered, 10-ketl confused, drop,
ped the cardsana vanided.
Of course the deacontrn caught. The
horrible tale was told d his having been
caught playing cards Sunday, lie Was
cited to appear before be Church f-.r his
backsliding, and as the evidence was com
plete, would have beet convicted and se
verely punished, in spit of all his protesta
tions of innocence, Lai not our acquain
tance of the town of Eiiuore made his ap
pearance in the nick of imp, as a witness in
lavor of the deacon tola round unvarnish
ed tale,and procured jr him an acquittal-
It is said to thi#day, jbe deacon has an
increasing horrorof carls, and though be
feels a tie 'Queen will take
the Jack," and Oat tho lack can take tin
deacon, yet he Us un liter aversion of giv
ing his'high, ow, J ark."— Racine .Idvo~
A Pictur of Illiaois Farming.
The great mnaries o' Kgypt hardly bear
comparison vith the enormous productions
of the West. We readof a single county
in Illinois pducing-over a million of bush
els of gaaioand we now hear frum one in
the State, <'hn is acquainted with what he
writes ant with facts upon which to b:is e
his reasonc, that he estimates the wheat
crop of Illiois this year ut ,35,000,000
bushels, il the corn crop at 290,000,000.
and, sayiwhc writer, I am persuaded the
conclusioi are correct, as almost any one
who shod see these extensive fields would
be of likopiuiou.
The sue writer, in a letter to the New
ark Adniser, gays of one of the fanners
in Marsll county where the wheat averages
from 2 do 25 bushels to the acre:
"He ould like to sell at once, and if arc
will git him 90 cents per bushel, he will
engage) deliver it all at our mill in ten
days. Jut that is the starting price for the
harvesand the immense crop promises that
we cathortly for less moucy. That is all
we cafffer for this weak; the next most
take ij chance, and 75 to 80 cents will
short Jbel be mark. There are fields here
wbicbfor several yens have alternated
wheat and corn, itrtd there is yet no appa
rent diminution in the crop. I know of one
field which has this year the eighteenth con
secutive crop of corn upon if, and I doubt
no' tbis will be as copious as any."
•The following is a picture of the Illinois
"Ascending a gentle knoll, which to your
view seems risitig for a long distaiice, we
stop and look arouud us; what a bu*y scene-'
The clatter of the reaper on every si le
strikes the car. Look around and count—
twelve, fifteen reapers —each four horses at"
tacheJ, requiring at numberless sheaves.
Hide to the next knoll—the work is here a
little farther advanced, and two or ttiorefai-
Uicrs have joined 1 heir forces and are gath
ering the bountiful harvest into the ricks—
they never make stacks here —but long and
bioad ricks—the size of which I dare not
put in figures. Another half mile aud you
are upon the unbroken prairie; but have all
the cattle of the towuship been gathered iu"
to this one field or rather pasture! Count
thetu. Without stiring from the spot, I count
two hundred cattle, aud some thirty horses:
cross that geuiie undulation, and a simular
scene is repeated, and again. lam sure I
could have counted not less than a thousand
cattle iu that one ride "
GRAPH CABLE. —Mr. Field bus telegraphed
ed tiie following to Mr. lliehard Stuart,
agcut of the Associated Press at Liver
poo' :
LONDON, Saturday Morning. Her Ma
jesty*.-' steamer Leopard arrived HI Ports
mouth on Friday evening the 1 Ith iust., aud
teports that the Atlantic cable was lost at u
quar'er before 4 o'clock on Tuesday morn
ing, the 11th instant, after having paid out
successfully 33") nautical miles of the ca
ble and lost 100 miles of it iu water over
two miles in depth, and the greater part of
tiiis at the rate of ru'ber more than five
knots an hour.
The Cyclops w is sent back with despatc'u
.. *r . ...a., .i™. tn || ie Leonard
at Portsmouth.
Although the unfortunate ac.-iu'ent will
postpone the completion of this great under
taking for a short time, the result of the ex
periments has been to convince all that took
part in it of the entire practicability "f the
enterprise; for with some slight alterations
in the paying out machinery, there appears
to be no great difficulty in laying down the
cable, ami it has been clearly proved that
you can telegraph successfully through twen
ty-five hundred miles of cable, and know
that its submersion at a great depth hod no
perceptible iutiuunce in the electric current.
There is no obstacle to laying it down at
the rate of five miles per hour in the great'
est depth of water on the plateau betweou
Ireland and New FounJlauJ.
Ihe experience now obtained must be of
great value to the Oifmpany, and it is under®
stood that the Directors will decide wheth®
er it is best to have more cable made and
fry again, immediately after the equinoctial
gales are over, or wait until another trial
will take place in October. A Liverpool
paper reports the arrival of the Niagara,
Susquehanna •ml Agamemnon at Plymouth
on b riday. but doubtless it was a mistake.
In the first place, make up your mind to
' accomplish whatever you undertake; decide
! upon some particular employment and per
severe in it. All difficulties are overcome
I by diligence and assiduity-
He not afraid to work with your own
! hands, and diligently too. "A cat in gloves
j catches no tnicei"
Attend to your own business, and never
; trust it to another. "A pit that belongs to
many is ill-stirred inti worse boiled."
i lie frugal. '-That which wi'l not make
! a pot will make a pot lid."
He abstemious. "Who dainties love
shall beggars prove."
Rise early. "The sleeping fox catches |
no poultry."
That every one with tespect and civili- i
ty. "Every thing is gained and nothing
lost by courtesy." Good manets insure
Never anticipate wealth from any ether
source than labor. "He who waits for dead
men's shoes may have to go tor a long time
Heaven helps those who help tbeuiselves.
If you implicitly follow theac precepts j
nothing will hinder you from accumulating, j
you tell me what are the wages
here!' inquired a laborer of a boy.
'I don't know, air.'
'What does your father get at the end of
the week?'
'Get,' said the boy; 'why he gets as tight
as a brick.,
o*"Tbe heart of an old coquette resam
bie# an Kgypti&n tcunb filled with mummies.
Au Old Advertisement—Franklin ■
Breeches Stolen-
On the 15 iust., by one William Lloyd,
out of the house of Beuj. Franklin, an half
worn Sagathe coat, lin'd with silk, four fine
homespun shirts, and a fine Holland shirt,
ruffled at the hands and besom, a pair of
black broadcloth breeches, new seated and
lined with leather, two pair of good worsted
stockings, one of a dark color and the othor
of a litish, a coarse cambric handkerchief
marked with an F. in red silk, a new pair of
calfskin shoes, a hoys new castor hat, and
sundry other things.
N. B. The said Lloyd pretends to under
stand Latin and Greek, and has been a
schoolmaster; he is an Irishman, abom, 30
years of age, tall and slim; had on a litish
colored great red jacket, a pair of black
silk breeches, an old felt ha', too little fur
him, and sowed on the side of the crown
with white thread, and an oil dark colored
wig; but may perhaps wear some of the stolen
clothes above mentioned.
\\ hosoeVei 1 .secures the thief so that he
may be brought to justice, shall have thirty
suillings reward, and reasonable charges
P a 'u By B. FRANKLIN.
Philadelphia, Feb. 22, 173S—9.— Penn.
THE ICFIERENCE.—It will be retnent
; bered that several weeks ago the police of
New I ork, while atteiupriug to arrest some
disorderly characters, accidentally shot a
German. The excitement was tremendous;
five thousand armed foreigners paraded the
streets in uitcr contempt of the law, breath
ing vengeance against the police, and beat
; ing every American they met. The New
York Herald, Tribune and Sun were vehe
ment in their denunciations of the policemen
and in applauding the spirit of the Germans.
But mark the difference—a young Ameri
can is murdered in Hoboken under circum
stances of peculiar atrocity, bv a set of Ger
man desperadoes. and these very same pa.
pers mention it merely as an item of news,
vv . u..u A.-. livce un Incoming too
j cheap altogether. It is time, if we pretend
to any spirit, to show these eowardlv knaves
that Americans ate not to be i'anghtered
with impunity, and the law of the land
trampled upon.— Washington .lauric.m.
I' NR > or A P AST MAN.— A younir mm
named l'rpssley M I - alI, aged hut twcntv
years, stabbed hiiu-clf a f-w days since, and
died in the Charity Hospital. ITis brief ca
reer is t hits described in the Now Orleans
Crescent. Jr sneaks for itself:
"He died on Saturday, not frnin the ef
fects of the wound, but front the ctf'-cts nt
hard driukiug, under the influence of which
lie inflicted it, His story is brief one, hut
a mural might be drawn from if. He wis a
| Kentnckian, otily twaanty year* of age, and
came to this ouy last winter, full of the
youthful appetite for excitement, and with a
pocket full of money, lie pave himsoif up
to taut living, two items of which—wine and
women—brought him down. It is sniti that
troiu the time of his at rival here to his death
he squandered upwards of §20,000. At
last, when he became bloited with drink and
his money failed, the painted bawd who had
helped him on to destriiciiou dosertod him,
ami refused to ami]-* on him any more. kx
aspoialed, he drew his knife and attempted
to kill her—did wound her slightly and then
attempted to kill liims-lf. Though he ex
hausted his means here, the luckless young
lUIII is Naid to have still owned property
amounting to a fortune in hig native State/'
Woruaxo ON St-NDAV.—An exchange
*3j9 that a few Sundays since, a preacher
in one of the rural districts near Augusta,
Me., seeing that tioue but feitttles were
present at church .service, rose and remark
ed thai all the meu were evidently in the
fields taking care of their hay; he thought ,
it their duty to iio so, and his fir go ami
help them. So he dismissed the ladies with
benediction, and went forth among his
friends, to show tbeui hit countenance and
help their operations by the labors of his .
MOB* PisoovKniKs.—Tim following r-
I tide* liavo receutly been discovered, and
[ premiums hare been a war tied therefor
A pint of that excellent hot water in which
people arc perpetually plunging.
1 he lock of flic door through which silly
youth* have in all ages rushed to destruc
The hand of charity, el.sliding open, with
a counterfift sixpence in it.
The daguerreotype of the printer of the :
book of fate.
(.'OMi.vt Uvgu.—Mr. James llernev
Marshall, late editor of the Columbus
Statesman , the Sta'e organ of the Demo
cratic party of Ohio, lias abandoned that or*
gaPi zatioii in disgust and declared him-clf
io favor of the priuoiples of the American
party. It is said that he is about to nndcr- j
take the editorial management of the Cnjn
tot City Fact , the American organ at the
Skate Capital.
VOL. 30. NO. 37;
Bedford Classical School,
Hale and Female. Departments
j Rev. GEO. JV. Alohinkacgh, A. 11.,
t Principal. >
Mr.". (JKO. VV.'OH. Precep
French, {'rawing, &c.
Mrs. Licv HPOTTS\TOOI>, Oil Painting
■ and AVorb,
Miss MART IIKI.EN SMITH, Assistant.
j THE duties nl (Lis InctitQtion will be re
j sumed 011 Monday, Aug. 31*f. Owing t<>
1 the limited accommodation* of the Serainar\
Building, the nuutber-of pupils will be Jim
i ited. It is important, therefore, that appli
cations for admission be made at an ear!'
• day. These who enter before the expiration
! of half the cjuarter, will be charged for tb
| whole quartet: tho-e who enter cftar the
! expiration of half the quarter, will I—
; charged for half tho quarter. .No dedu< -
! tiou marie for absence except in cases <•!
j protracted illness.
In this school student* are prepared for
the higher ela*es of any college, or to en
ter at once upon tlie active duties of life.—
Whilst special care i* taken to form in cm
pupil® habit* of orJir, strict punctuatUt;
and i.'ioroni>hne*x, their Physical, Mora:
and Social Education is not neglected.
T ie government of the school is designed
to he partnla/. It is the uitu of the Prin
cipal and his associates to excite iu their
pupils a love of right doing; and toawakt r
within tiiem some proper consciousness of
;he dignity of tinwapjiy. Parents may resi
assured tuat any gross deltuoueuev on the
part of their children will he reported to
them immediately, should circumstances re
quire it, or the discipline of the school fail
to accomplish the desired reformation.
TERMS per quarter of 11 weeks, inclu
ding It iar>% Tuition, Furnished Room,
Washing. Light aud Fuel, $40.00, —onu-
half in advance.
Music, §lO 00
l'e of Instrument, 2 00
French, 6 00,
Drawing, and painting in Water
•Color*, each, 5 HP
Oriental Painting, 5 On
Grecian Painting, 5 00
Oil Painting, 10 00
Ornamental Needle Work, .* 00
Shell Work, 5 00
Elementary English, §4 00
Higher. 4 00
Classics. 0 2.*,
Eedfonl, August 6, ISaT.
5-ITI*ATr.P in Juniata County, Pa.. 8 niil.-i
from the V ft' i. and 6 miles tro'm the Perrvs
vi'le .Stations of th- Pa., 15. Koid. This In
s itatin'i is especial! noted in the following p„r
ticul trs: t
Ist. Healthy lorn Hon— liuildii.M nearly pw
—in the midst of beautiful aenrry.
2d. 'Hie surrounding community is marked
for iutelligeiee. morality, and high christian*
3d. Hciug in the cou dry, students arc not be
-Ift by temptations, as in towns and places of pun
lic resort.
4th. I'horauzh Instrurtion is given in all tlie
branches necessary fir Pfsisras, for Tr ICBISU
or for CIM.LKOF.
sth. Mild, but firm discipline.
6r'A. f'icfbtn s'adrnl' ard nut retained.
7tli. Special pains arc taken hi the Hoarding
Department to have htal 'hy food, in svjfirieui
! quantity and properly prepared.
Bth. The ntmfor:, ka ipiners and mental im
provement tit pupils is constantly kept in new .
i Terms / For Tuition, Hoarding. Washing and
Furnisheif Room. (|ief session of 5 mo.) 500,
pay .bit quarterly in a'iranre. Light and Fuel'
\trs. The W inter i>e-iun CJUJUS on tliu 3d o!
November next.
For furtlier particuVir? applv jo
Acadetni*, Juniata Co., Fa.
Aits. 38, ls-.7.-*rw.'
* iHttfctratar's ftotire*
LETTERS ot administration on the Estate
of Saiuitef MOCK, fiteof St. Clair Township,
dec'M, b ivbig b en granted to the atihscribur,
rest ling in said Township, ail persons indebted
to saM estate are. theretOre, hereby notified to
make payment innuedlately, and those having
claims against the Estate, will present them du
lv authenticated tor *'tttolm'i<t
Aug." 14. 1857.-1*
Whereas. A cert:iiu man named Matthew
Garner being deranged in his wind, lett hie
hcun in Woodcock Valfuy limit tlic first of
May 1 -St. and lias n>-t l*cn heard of since tins
first of June. Said Garner is aU.ut 5 fiet fi or
| 10 inches high. gray rye*,. jrk complexion, 5*
i years ■ f age. and his hsi-vs middling l<ug and
gray, tar iulurniitii>n itTkis wlwrvatsiuts ui
-1 rected to John Garner. Jr.. Spruce Greek Hun
tingdon County, arid he thaukfudy mvitud.
Sept. I. ISO7 - : it.
NTR H < 4TTLi;
( AM hto the residence of f be uhs-riber,
living in Southampton Township, a -out the
lt of June last, four, jeariing heifers, three
hrown and white fi sltrt!, the other red sod
while, two marked with a slit in ft* hit ear;
no uthe r marks r ei Heeled. Ibe < setter ia re
quested lun nie toward, proYe |>r)ivrtt, pny
ebarges and take tUetn wit.
Sort. 4, IHGT.-c*
rAUTIOST.-l hereby cautiisw
V>" all persona t'loiu C eap.satug on toy plopel -
ty, by hunting, or ctbeiwixe. a I will moat rer
t inly put the law in it-re against any -nt so
offending. So look out and aav-.- trouble.
Bedford Tp., Aug. 28, 1867.—d.