111* DATIB OVEH. :. - m .j Jttr.m iJ-iaV ' ?r!rtf 1 •. . v ' 'i-D - > iv<A- ' 'i A*l AK J 'i from *W# " hide[Wildcat Press. The I>slilonnMe Prayer. I\ 11. J. kifcillj SfeH." • ■ i> uH * .a ofi mB) •'! k.V<I ' iJivf 1 fcjPtifi.s fa? ofir daflJrbtMiU'* '' Anjl pj,e bvsid'elj, ' \. 4 'i'.t liNid Hw sad, „ 4 J A fid ;f' fts| jgdif a M#p<* f >| •.. (Awlimf% WIftXTT ~U r, VS.IJ aJ* U) J svfv'tTff.ilk'of --God's mystftvwus *'VS'.'i | ' AnffTi* It'ctl't* tlito.-v • • wNvlf i S i' i Au kb !ti all J-•-; villi! t*ll V )uJ ? ■! >'> I*M ;or.nsd<| i S-Jh<iaj a-.p li i(J L,'v.' <W.¥tfyu l !l!iW IH.ivMft WW*', ••< 4 *'a 'y?wfT.py \ z:i (Vnsmai'WWtViarhMs arotuij'yr wa>Yt. AimIKS *<>!' ! hrviWh.K y " >"*' - M ?' fH ' * l&* +*L WMM a) IpiMdiNl , Unr.aiint^d.Tr^W^... ~ ..,-T htutut- sviv ■.* :;*j trt-n* i yMBb• sj.,n • ■*■■■■■ .-.j .S-.ibll {iisli .1 ii.itl i(ii Give us pnri mi mil, Ami .Ntrvaiit*, ito'lgiog our call, i Aim slMika?r* baaAjw^ fedwevvr wnrtiiV hhw, j %t t^V^Tß '^ i '^!i x l.'- 1 '• i I'IK-U : v|>e .v* I'-y, eouiiuutuou day, ] AM WWnn> with ttiva. i . .•jtaui t<*iin >0 rtuw atg !• aham auavoastfe Ma*fb "tl* all \\ v io aKsatiw I ♦> G-ii ami w*U> , c ftr.KViirrt efvalaar I hrnd' I ' lift..■ r give ns ikTt itWf 1 ' '" T I'.* pdjs'.c >mr-b>4 t baa • • Aud if lerLna "tVo-'tv)-#! • A'bll l fiHftrtWtlitWiAßf' i o si omm4 •••,; Ui- ; JkL> ail UV *imth>ir>a nail Tts'-'i i U ,?vl \d uijw, li' any curse, we jui*sV , rg'>! 1 - JAWpI'.AAmIUiIWUtaVSA' At? BaAiiilu withbu!*?* U'kaq A.. !i ltutsoi4A6 iwuouryll .litcH *u And if f.4k:il tdw m'isioue?i;m . Fw t'nril fcitnaaitjv ea. j ip- ■ - *Us SFe'B <KIV rOtlawa- *"•! VW • *, i an 'Wlftiwy ittutf mi m-o. i i'l Jji'i > fiflfl yfi ito 3 {ik>4 )i!*i ? IA till li 4 t'ls J Yea, gire us boVlm, '* 'V^ 0 ® And li.it tliilig-iJi'tfudnV; ' '- 'fbsgtmuasb'a v(.irm-h.th d.y, ( . t To "' ifl—i.iMd-r'iiwyi! v-urt f i i t A Ait# iv Uc#*tf*rnMlivN d.awx. If t ' - s k \c\ i\ A e-!';4ibinto seareb V' ' "-uia-. a H*!* *HSI taev. ' ). el - A WORD TO STRAIGHT-OFT A MM ID J * ;.f y!: >,iIJ! 4,rl Many of you liug tlie u. iusfsi xve niraHrrd o w wwy-Abi MHW Mmeufc and j • -d' ,i! -> ! >a€iNMM[ v, ' i ' l ' R( t ull; ~ ja-dAffouixvfliwt ik: rent elooliurrr -! Aw 10# IH h + vwaiey W ifch f Your National Americanism iv ; Wvtwwkt>htdiipV as strove to any Scwßierrt State was the old .(."toy y.'hi ggery. It) Jjalf a ddijeh sout!|j ern States— i*t Soutii Caruiina, • da, Alabama .VUsissippi and A tike®* a* — 'thtot ji 4M I"MTt ftif a -']tit?i jP l Wt§j\ ~~ r..a;, parly, ||r tim prv.-cof giuws weaker, as all recent elceiiuus ahuw, even iu the oid '■' .- S- "c-, even iu North FaroHifa, nes ca aud Kentucky. M'hy i iiiia-' liteaus< slaveholder* now make slave extension Ike prmtnotml issf'e, in ■' on t'nv issue tkey iron I trust the . Imu ran ¥M$ iate -.iiivci \. It is wedd'd to its degraded vas sal ami shame —Lototocoisln—a bogus De mocracy. The I'rook-cs; 'Sandersons, and Hazlebursf.- <ain;iot Lid a* high us the Bit— k iS, Buchanans and Packers. Americans (Mi* abas* thcuiselves ever **> Low iu the ijjpt.bpfmy the slavery dC tho South may try <> prove tbut tlmy'are ever so-'Niy ijrfial,' American* may hdwl ottj nbuse on Bla-'ir Wepuhlicanisui, hut it won't . The keen, .suspichu-, lynx-eyed, ever- ; watchful Staff? Propagandists, who now rule ikjutueru aud opinion*, cannot i force', that Amarhwus generally oppose ike repeal 'of jjje Missouri Compromise, that nino-tenths of tho A&ieriefln iuassos iu the NojfU are free in sentiment; that the Americans >o# tiie North generally, except i where venal traitors interfere, act in unison wiih the Repablicamr, that Americanism , boasts such noble leaders as John Bell, civ 1 ward Bates, Samuel Houston, Theodore 'I. Hunt, Gen. CuMoni, Kenneth Itaynor, V%spaMßf Wilis, John M. Boii*, aud such like, tfipi refine to be the vassals of the Pfepagalid*, and boldly avow opposi tion to the polity of Slavery extension, — fh have ,sense enough to see that Americanism in the ef Bates, Houston, Hunt, "Bot, pod like the ohj WJuggery of tlenvf essentially moderate and conservative, anil tbcrefdie opposed to ail Nebraska repeals of solemn compacts, to all W ilkcr fillihusterisin, to all Border Ruffian outrages, to a]l attempts at forcing the . NRW N T . W 4 LIIIR-YT- I H ILL iiTiifHiiis'ulTT' ~- T|J —R-| FI ITTTT T"" 1 a wt v i Tl n . x•, ui uu iipiisf* t7j ([77 ,awf?iwlU n tnoin'J ! . " T*® " Vw - , l < l* 110,1 A Weekly Papc., Devoted to Literature. Polities. the Arte, §c&£#B,.4uß9lttini &W i 4> t Dbtl'tti% L pptmmmim. -• . - . -"*■ * '**" L'^ C V o*lßuintM lae it: [ •Itdtr boa t tai*n lit! . I I swnidl r-illo 1-utioaia.ododa io FLI ; LO STNDIA'NTI flet* kthe reason AtoeritfftftWAMoti't lioiirif##lrt the South- It I> there to he the mtar&l uklr of Rc|WhNeatii-;1.i Tiwl 'phgwc pat' t free soTtMnv AtnerfcthtMu} HI the Pouch eaa hot wash uway. ■ ■. • TWfe that Afneri<r*>in toMsV than' jy,a .Whfg party. TfAmeri caumui i* agwhj aful itu^du; .b States as Tt North Uandma and Kentoekv, wb* can it at present ex from the South' For he it observed that Airierfcaoisui is not beaten at t!.e PitMlli k$ tim./uretgn population. 'Thtfre \'f hut Littia ot that fin|iuhttiui, Native and 4't*ite*tant citizen* Ihiuuselvea thero defeat Americanism, tv enu-e • Americaniant it coiuuiitthd (ft ,Bl^-tf'ilitotifeSon, Why, Uepuulwuu SutU-S 4 l localities' ii, the Aortic with all their <¥ th-rfr to Congress of thorough American fcelrJrjjf and principle (hanvver bn r will b6 tntfsfet'Wbfh vhe SooKtd fPHWfrf time* as initfy Atneric.tffs r<Ht<f SSp ker &£'' Vdfe#- htm. ti RepmWiitJinj j free srii! * mne member* to Gwigfcss of Ameidean fee ting, j and cdtiirfsA ti awfeun >i ban ' ifrty two tr the New'JSngUTtd ?tatesJW|<l<Jdbtiad the : ' Northwestern State?. TV fact is that the j RcpdHiorns off he NftHh iff eWt * 0 do far iuor6ffir distinctitC AffwiVfn prirjetples than "ftie SurtlL Ctier'diffi' -Of 1 wIM d. The ' 'tdnTPrsTefS,'onHbb 'tMhoH* Itwilfto aid ?hem in'mainiadtrttig their nife x #fteV th® i eduhtryf iVft ?I s!av#i-y- aiv- • ' r.tl a;lios. The Tiara and tV alirve whin— j ilie thtrflfafttAtihf! !• shainrock Aid f*nlinetln, wtitira}ly and eai ly form alliances. On the ofter"llEnti,what cdalescer more ' rWadtfjr thah AtukviosMstn •ttd fiepabHrttfeh**?'' ;'PW bH id a protest *^aThid A the*'rt#lis*on cffdifll slavery. "A'ei i fher Am#HeiMtisi* OF HrepuWikiWiiArH inter ; iHc with theai gofdk ( !B#rfy of %oap r irtislt?Bfti¥v of soul. They are twin brethren. Hand iu liarid'Tlfcy one I whip and of f Rouie and of Charleston— the I'iopagandists I .jfßittirLft despiittlnirihd T4# TiVpaguftiists | * b*rr*® ad u ,lwbt:boi j Strai #ltVAinerflitKi! rati ytfn hwft plain is ail this? Are yoti' ihelf dtfttk s ; to see that ynnr enemy is ' IrDh Ca?loHe-. i Wi-^vWyisiiidbfr^ftiirrfft' Thaf ft'Ui fM* tltst dtlty ttff#ift.' rkke ycur coit? tiff and ; f!ogr ! tlihi eriFifty* Yen now have the ohuiice I lf vott ip[inrt 4)avid WUtntft Vnrtidf Wu4 . urriv errs ally, the robber, Pricker^— l(# f Irl.-b fJatßofie, Pro-ftltTery, otitVl ' didatc, Phftker— wil Fh# baddy tieAbaji. Iti | fViven"'!? name V.on't that be y#nh ; WiF tiAf the ddfeetf of F>r(M!'ireoim by Ame id i iuan votets-benn^' Aiiiertwra vieh Phi let. m&** Utatovj !daa aid do i i -*+~:al <► Fiw ,sad Packer HMU I'oUi owwf) ■ JWn army of eoWwrs ■mwiivtulttr wirtw>vli i*-ue a t'toUrfin jas t dying ii* Mtoitkwg miyt-grturn tne cnodty when ehaUciiged to fight. 1 wnti be pt fi boV' ixl uiiu oil ttie-spurt ;iiW viable *dn.e one ot requisitaplutkmt pmee >f tire ,W,fr \ iaserwd tietuntrf. But the lieiiKurutu!party of PeunuylvuSt* n> auiiuated -lyy |v tFtcb spirit, iunteuii ot turning ittdigitaully upon tho fnint-imai ted Fucker, aud deiiluuduig m be led at # .%> tim tray, jlmy - tyoh-tvul with bim 9ft erwuietiteu with tlicir voluntary (Wsgrmje? ;>%i> jcbae t'ontavr, iu ntoad of being regarded as intamuus, is hdepted by them at an ornament, and they murub *>ff, beatmi without a aH if euch a ftbUea| wera enay#ipg W lv2:protut s eL-a ihftur pure baaing their victory ia-t iati.bol frauds, it is-iiot to b# wendsred that tlmy dunk cw* ardieeo vintuefeoMix,e iatiie4>Uve that fight? ! Mdfau elmating will servo aa well. ....31 hyu Packert¥s uouiiuated f Cahgard great deal tiom bh> trumpeters) .about 'his ability on t lie etouip, his immense 'powers i :as an araloii, and the aerUifcty of lua vJ quwbiiig the "Black Republicans'' by bis ■ nugio might. Alter Wtituot was odmiuur ' | and it was -given out that he would I probahljwshalleuga Packer,- the deaioßralic t presa was mightily at tho prepostcr i ousuess of the idea, Wiliuot eh|Unga , Packer.' H would never think of ?uch uu > act of assurance; as well put his head into , the IIOD'S mouth at uncel Presently it was i reported that AVilmot hid challenge J hup,; ' b*t the ioco/oca leadets were iucrcdulous - an d suftered themaelves to deny it as a - tbiqg that could upt he. Then eatue the i letter itself, from Judge Wiirnot, inviting j his ojipoueut to canvass the state with him. , and although the leaders were astounded at f such extraordinary temerity, they never 1 doubted for a moment that Packer would 1 accept the challenge and administer a fit -1 ting robnkc to one who dared thus confront ti the giaut. e I This was the state of affairs until Pack-. Of., jfhWfW* wa.ar j;Jho mtmu>iy fJy-J affright#!? hVduiiisf'Xrtd took fp/i|ge bchiud th#. £t:tte Goiuuiittee, latter t^s ; thua ciHflueiiifi t Myad up as a shield before put lurttud * manifesto to the e#pltujqg why the ! challenge was deyliued. t 4U fats tAc ex 4em>'Wt ,p&|i iigldV'" dW itarU i?"g. IN i## fiP?/ n ,WB uat fiF jtXth °f fiW D^fal fc# n . NrffftfM&r W M ito INV§ ar^i.'ii#ftvftft}'6',: £M MlftiSfYftiLF'fldiM'# t&t %wwiw> 9*' ,Vi' tUtt.,jitiintp, are now oyOfjn<F 3 4Ahi|.;itWjp i* N^3^ oi Vi# n t4^ t t ,Wiff ie #ny-f4 > <3 i ttfr er a, an e isU f $ un aa J\ jf i 'f-n ra ir, e<a tat B<Wriill>r^Wtß? o, thn to viudioj.to their wcali- Uc4 Caotiuate nr. !u he pm. a. V\ i. .; - <vm *b c 7 aygl l iWife?F , Wt al Tj^^ B i? : .:VWtMS# "■*.! WfolrW'ftJji Hf t 1 1 *tfl f I Wim i toljuk* itdpkwi Ihrt while they they do ;u>t like the yihes atui.jjen. ty which they -re snhjectedj and iuttch UM> spuit,h.ui they marchtd, up. — l>u' while we pity tLwia, tlieif uiou-a 4 /iriud eoiaiuandar is withy only of cuutcmpt.-- Uucnforwiyni iiaokfr b synafymovts teiujs.— PUuLuig GucJlt. cL ut A li*AU. —\ sboeiiu^pffj'l'^pucj* Pi^ r ', a boy eleven yofir.s iews |4>jw v Wft - s ialfc t <B^ !,p city. 'J'he ejrcuMi-ttinises of Uf.e, t-iufe art; thus alveu 4>- the Detroit, iir<&}><*>*: -. A man named Joseph lUd-m.aeL ■' went M^<WiW9n a >hdii)9f Il iMiiriß C WWJW H little brother, 'o s pik rs^ihgtytif s^ s . ,Tksp g M r y4^ r tfHHmTfflti ""fr same fyre ey. ffiwupflty SWtftfiftf l^Af|' or is® r t^ u iWffc yvk ei *" t % mw 6<*> in picking berries, when his I at ha hooked around,and, jto his intense :i>mnis}i[yciitj saw lart;e slif bean een[iwr • i ~*f *irc P*b* 11W d in devouring hie diiHiA kit was but the work of a moment to drop his basket of ber ri *Kbliti##J-, fj itHlillt'fmfJ ru^ii i 9rar from hiui when lie left the spot, but said w..-thtn. % iptswHi- woy' bmibv bail got n safe <ll sranc <v rhaywbei r 1 terrible screams in the directive I '' V#*y J h ; >d wMeVWnlji SefwedAa Wee#fWlfffe' their pacPfSifd'i IJ6G at 4 i*& thijiffrifril thiitgri 4 . 'i^lnpy - kfivf by t)f the tfov*) Win afrt-i them iii n : KetrifldWhi^ht , 'W fViglff, feWt WiU^lfl6®Mf<yh*4 , rkdTWyPfliW , MiH i fl l ' hiVhi'M^ 4WM a" s '(Wf,*WWo^i# l^r WV#J 3 ffit sertiug the sufferer h. 'i'i.e cw abdFy Tjrbught tkeitl id )li% city, wlielf fViet vfircat! l¥alrfnt,* -M 'ai^HfLdt party WJ.s jiAff ¥'tr tirtt s rcwuO, which procdeded to the*S!6fl*hof fi tbh Aiiiatd ter, oblompanied by the father of the uufortuuuW i*oy. A 5 - ;lbng search resulted in findiue the.' o' , ~ , , , aAsa ft IT aa> the boy, the bear having eateu up about tftre fdhtif 'ftigethe'Pwrth Rail* cmaehcr's roiit, torn to pieces. A 'g'eiivral hlinti '4im bo'nnuenftetJ'tvrth ti cf thMitjl lSyCT^co^SWfeß l iW¥b rfe AV \ m ■ ; r f*UP fnl i'd present time without success. IM| -MX-;- r o'a;'-. 'ell bet- LOLA MONTE/ AGAIN.—We loaru Tuta the Rochester Lnion, that.last j-'oiday morn i!:g L>lti to .k' the tram from Niagara h'a.'ls tor Buffalo, and, without advice front auy source, .she seated herself in tiie baggage car to ijuietly puli her ci^urrelit. White cosily throwing oh' from her lips the curling smoke, the was discovered by the Conduc tor and informed that passengers...were uot pciuiiUed to ride in the baggage ears.— She paid uo attcution to the intimation, how ever, hut continued to sniuke, as if no one hjtd addressed her. A*sistaut Supcriuteu | dent CpUwner was at the station, and was j informed what Lola was doing. Ue said ; she auast do as other passengers did, and : couLd not be p limited to ride in j the baggage ear. Tho Conduotor called [ upon her ud politely told her tbaff she must take a jeat iuypiu of 'he ears designed for passengers. Lola drew herself up into an altitude of defiance, and told the Conduc tor that she had traveled all over tho world and had always rode where she had a mind to, and proposed to do so in thu case. The ! Conductor further expostulated with her, .3J01M03H3 fl'/iAiiaaiuimi Q&OI<138 Id! rtoeffaf • ■(pStevottTsffs ,|nr(d>ff*oahO*ffi tj t |} "jobd""gft|gori'J" "3iT ioiutT BBS; and assured her that he was but exerting Ihe < lor at' the *upda&'yl-awlf'neffil4i of the Company. LoU replied hbrsctfi],pc<f" &en .Vffiii L sm iMWffif. She rode to Buffalo iu the baggage ear and hsffftO feccaPMPTtftoe TK^hatU road men did cot care to furtlier .dutiffl .-tstienr. <tooatom '*LncJT puriatri M Af w4 .11 1 ; M iVltbili 's; lifbsol'. ' , RikMJ BWitL)IKL,I -,lr,. t Vf In the palmy days of George, P&icasf Wales, there was 3 " cdob"' fa sV ni'n ,a ni! : e xe fu si v Jri e?|. u hlolie fjti £2 /tfriifl; . , r. • v' ' ■>' its members the J'ruiee, Bruuimel, kc., inueed all were won of the tif-i water IN I'AL^DIIFIIHBRI OT HTORATWWNDT ,IVIIBH irrtug, L-.rd P-loraiw, the famous i-y <^IMSOT n in9t#RWlWl?C' si ties might militate against him, h^|tilgk>d itfiw Ikvt-iv brt'ors tdiis ballot, and very plainly intimated •ftmf'fft vUtfUsiT .a.VoViiivH, shou.d consider his ri'joction us a p|j>qu<y :.ffr-it, wtd demand sat.kaeuon Lorn every owe sfvei attr, except the Afrwce, of WoW, whose positiou as heir to the tbronSi'pfti ninotiS. .noaasoi.BG aine went to the club, sent up his reqnesteii N kimw ff: 14e b #to*iOfc fin**<?/• As he |iad been, blackballed, an an.swdr wat^ there being a %\&T WTf m the bokrr; iie up - V> say that Ihere tnHRt be a nikthfcovl ha rw&i --~ i •'•hairman ftf l^4W: ahrb. The !'i fi,eo was about mpllvJrt'^hM'.d^- rjijeous rfCTiuest. uUep (vyliuitev ed to satisfy the incensed duellist. Teeing ft?# vtaifet to show Ijhrtl lkri Kainc tn® pri f ale'rOtijlv; 1?i %'Wv tdrlHiteemfV tcrwarda. T'nou en term 2 tin- rbnm. he ad- W HUnilft ( luiT| wftX* ul wnuK'iMt vanced m his blandest manucr. 'Jj^d^ur ,f's n|Mrtunate. but yuu are MtekMTiiUA Wt'tnA') The o'lmp.replied,. tSiartc a ,-AV^t had better tTy-agwiti-A*... a while ball in he b-liot;. fn:' pray, wait, |il!ow.me t(j 0 *VaiWr' lit'.fl#siA , ft, i *flrW^tucl aaiii," 4 ! -Viiig hit attrsitlf c atiffcWflte for tWo? ' Tirtrd' I?eVrairi# ' sfstt#ft' r ' iA 1 4(- Asm oAi bet ~mlaoi) Jiisan| \l*iuih The wdSter" hmugiit tbn afitiele*. It - hi BriiiiiM.i-1 said, 4 V pMMdtf (AfliS I' 1 T '■ ft(#W^l MSB *-*** l <"1 • vd uwdi Js-i T*ufArrV\lifA inibrvnl RrnrtiiVf' t.,Hrvd KlWtft'VSMM',' Vm f ! ■ tUbHubkt fHv*\Ms'tfibjW* E*d ffalhraine giz'mg Mm idi'ffihi'vbry wpF&Fdvi bf dUma jWratice;,9'**!i"o* edqmai-jq otlt tovies * : iTlifcW w'M'ir'BtohghT "thr 'iibe and rt#%ox, Wi'ttij Mtyimg, 'Y.9t?^i(v' 1 L(l. n 'OWe*t/f "§4 : ivtl? f> want dbn't kitiw \Vhltih ' iff uw"|t Wflf b# l us'iftW *•!• lo The waiter bowed and retidWP Brumniel then naiff,*l know you like 1. WVn wettuVeTipishod wftl ♦(rticee'F'MlbftTdhiWßd 1 <\-■■-■>'l F: ai ffii> I flVh'hiokVltodP-Itiswid ftufdnift* TiVf VfWeFn his fevtV .' . . yob 'Mo?t eVfxivflf.' how. ihj- de*Y I am the rliAHVigbd panfty. I hWlitrilte of dictating Tlie tcruw: 1 "HTTCTTS a pistol— tcrre arJ*4lic(*. We tifft Throw' fof Nhe tWSfficev ItPother 'are fjhHfe equal. It you fall, you will leave a witfcftf to ni )urn your dea'dfA TT I perish, I shall The Ws and left tho room. *tfrafunud tejoincd his l'ri.".)d>, and .vliotl, tlic.stol".' g,nt around in the clubs, IMifnfSffle WirwT®Tlflcb annoyed ffifl Ire tTcht syffdcMl i bijt offolfn. >u 5 1 iiegof naiTiftM iiltflil vlt vbi : t TttK PtCINGK OF MAGdCIAWei? p Sig" r liljftf/, tJijR wYikj ing one day, while in l'ennsyl vauia, cure a draft; on Now York, for ascertain amqunt, he stepped into one of the country banks in that State, and made kuowu his wishes to toe proper officer, who,hy-the-way, was a stiff,staid old Quaker. Being inform ed that he could be accommodated, he was asked— 'ln whoso name shall I draw tlie draft ?' 'Ln uiy own, Sigoor Blitz,' was tho an swer., 'Art thou the wonderful man who it per forming all these mysterious things?' asked the Quaker. 'The same,' answered the Signor. 'And now, friend, will thee show me one of thy tricks?' interrogated the Quaker. 'With pleasure,' answered the magician? and taking a quarter of a dollar from his pocket, he handed it to the officer aud re quested him to mark it so that bo would be able to distinguish it. This the Quaker did. 'And now,' said the Signor, taking a glove from his pocket and placing it over th# quar- tr wtWli haihwdehwi upon vtiwl'asuoAeri 4ubHe ill*t!nW fJhve'Haih l*d) ni boa usm •rgimt) j4&Ahe fitvy, wa>l hokiii# Ttlie lyswinlor , aid wonif (sdt \ ttm* ' ton4J mino'i)Vkf l4s' 1 dl |.siny;?ly/'.igiii j n.uri i| ewlite.Uitfifkißvl #,#WJw ddttohoctv liffSiikt RWiMiifi-' vo<!' nod; id* I -at f fMß&'iaHlt tahou. 4n;| n-ivwl .cui a daw. nu;' ot )d^-|MUM<Ai - t kfi:fß , WrJi* it V)#w HJStWWgstbjk. §ioVuH>. ! NiPthbf totw. p Ml'fo Wdfri)U>'#lje<W9Bi> ot .a i4iO ji swA'iUWiWwilfcWr. * da-:<wip4j Jwg fWD* iMFJi i JFI MI N<RA IO .OCIVOI'L Mwd}jf, jok*, yiliw.t win give jv M L nvn, ww<Ui!s*btoJ<<tMtw. ,_l^yjai°i[oj^uto ;tt iy puwk ;L, f f jift"T6.Loi mihtoob lo bhoiihLf itMiik mk things trnid kg the; Sig§nr4# // ,d - a ;i J bca.n- •> '>rfe 1" k{Tin"* a bs'.#i:f ', i%n vm mx fb' 1 to' 1 |Ws., ; |ogjy f U^ j eciod of j'V :,,an y cases of thy,,yiy?H-'iiyqi^ippy^B auee frgiiji .ijy/s of; bt a wil4.[pid ipgeryrous hr; generally succeeded in Vwpf some otlnwr-. dafcuoa,-■ ihiah reduced the uH *1 AM kills Aukw*. viit-iMd ii* yaatouirw'l -It Kt Wt, Jiiw(*i wdhig Nnv thRV'J'UV, yumkwikiitHti 'wuiy,m *hlf stealing tiMs.ugb h<*THu4a,aMi WfttN looking at uaiid to fag dm*, noose was nisir, wlk*d ffPgHthe ltunis#f lj*wp, sag dvltbv rntnh knocked ow* the lurgtst ttfd fattest mm iudb* rlook. At tliir taoaiwtt fffp plant bviiadc up. aud eonfrontieg rhe ildsf, he nswittiuwei: an- -ui-/ 1 V w •isifm* sir, I hare got vWtff YuuVatiL gbtoff this time—yon' aiki cab" lit rti tbo ifff.* "4*t:i4i.to:ii') -Jttf | thief. • •**' ''V -■' 'ij ot .'*ttfe • ?n:is'i in nwwgll io? tiTeinus 1 '.sir, y-. Ij.id liefer mind low a charms of slmep Aiusdiug no * irenpeotHlrle Mktctomm ciiizsn,' 1 i<v| tho man with iV IBFA#TT I FFTL4EB , I?T: nioaiD* > jji OT I df.ua loT *co>x*(i rijV',i giiiu-Tmu ,si juTTd mat |3 ,. ; . ti i 'No,■ SJB,* )wautlwpr nwf t ;omw*#: Fldki kiU:hr*., a*M * go ft again. I'll ki-tl auy- ; Wfty V s SlWiftf auwu. j! raa Muosxv Wi- ; d< i,n.:ir . ! a;%TiiESouth' oxo Nom-Mt—i-Tho fatfw fnf^hi?ii we ffitd uW- tIW- head (Vu^Vo'm^e.V,,."fears to us (.fmush-a/e \kf illative [.osuiuiir, of the South and Noktiw'! ■ is: .j alu tfJj*. : ! i. (tnu cold Qaasliee. wobw front hh sud ktHtLYSiif hik liiveril?g <bbdM *- ot lm*Li njlst *ua Mtt? | 'Oul UeilißliMß Mt mi '.auuaei nf I .yfnt k A lf do cubb^- lid,' t -"o Ii ifiluq dgid tul tsisbibtu-'1 •i 'QuasbAegt matte wot half ui-[ ftuaew ai Vhi o rd ud J Wf* & . fi4? *PW#i *¥■ od. JMftliiteftfir' half, yon foot.'Y u,, ,odw ,nCU43fii.9 too I •.Lu_">' Jim T qut^4t¥ < fl^KA < l4M4i%tld4 $f Ktsff*' tK, . ( OWi U8> v M 0 w lOfr] tu*43 ofiL ua*j;!n<l Co bam 'No you won't you sorb berry w*li Jor, - n|j Anrfcj warm, so just keep tpiiet and Idy where .cili is, it you kliow what Is gboi you niggei.' imh-**# i t ■ fUTt UIV - i, tl.lHxf — 9Bo ~ "? , - ••• -—i jp .nootoao ! LTEKXITV.—Au oltra, .prthodox \'au kee expresses himself as follows, concern ing Kternity: ; . .. .u . ;| 'Kternity! why, don't you kuow thv meaning of tjiat word? Nor I, either, h*id-1 ly. It is forever and ever, and five er six , everlastings a-top of that. You might phcc j a row of figures from here to suuset, and cypher them up, end it wouldu't begin to ' tell how many ages eternity is. Why, my frieqds, after millions and trillions of years had passed away in eternity, it would be a hundred thousand years to breakfast time.' Riff" A wieked eotomporaay says no la dies visit hiui beoauso they cannot get through lb® door without undressing. FASHIONABLE AsacapiTr.—An old wo man in hoopsi skirts. card), rs .tllerd po T other jor Lie t'o con- . m,ttOtt ™ ! "l^iave^JUflft'a goe'd 'fuhl'i V'fiave U iifJ 1 H llf ill Mi pidr -uu <jy Ina. .stsri e<i uiy course,!, have Kept tlie faith, lifence foj-lTi ttimr isiijei' up rme rf 4 crpwn.'ef t coashess/—.M, * * la ™ ' ! odTiita jTi'jttp-/J.aJaJd sdi lyakci eiavsiil . . .Vv life is ilie s(ear and yellow leaf i nl HHiwi-'Wrtrtb .. . . , .Are iaine sionjj. 10l Ui.itii'ffio • .msUpl hit* otUidiisoton Isarn 1 hfeTiry that m ntv hnsom hurijs Is i.me As * mit ,to jiakii'rsn xoiyb-Uaii ./cio-f .'.sw.'ilTvd AfthuugTi Ibe ffg trea Fhalr tiot hlcesom, i •wlj'a'M raj.ifWkstiTCi® I ~y>* : Tif uiv irwm.is&^i^ussmi • RNPB oiii* ,O ,siiio(utMiirirl lo .IT -j/i vlufr : when aying. ' ' 1 st m, tm $• & eii&foy MWT* ■MPMNNO !XU ,tIB- ,Tl;l/. * Vt sm.,iOii beta usP. ei TjJ'.ftca*.! Go.r—lTTVrp lea T^sll_l )a ve Jnercj i &o4 tisi 4 mrte MhtriWi -il 1 M m. tie# VM#** <' n °M -is In tuaJUtilMmiqal OUi't, ant •*ifb HKAL fuutFrtsrirr •tfwwidXW'Asw rt*aw ah; ida: Vr * ilibv ' wwh the hwki.uh'on 'fnesday tdfrbt M loot aieek. and the ['MwngßoaJJwbrfrwaxo®* Awtmutihtiprv|lirirnp ahowre tfwat from tile smkut.'*twf t, uod wttormskißL -tteifroWap ■*con ftiil f about scventewi .-■oriiwa ua stand ee on the gnanl intcntlt•otiHuijiaiiipitkt socnajwiiJ looking: anxtoesW U >h<ma A young mak,W tl*. gash larvtrys, *#ipwliu|otea**e*Ma MmadNd: V yuu unfaf my fifflqpit •.!•" jtrpikdr Me ywtiog- -termiwi || "but you tiee.l not tieftiq ?yiUM.*if| Iwe ! <(H rQ*J lu gel tittf pfcthe ; Wtfikwj, ftfotW- if if^JX.auJ J <¥.WS' outi li^y, tta n* ] with apparent ease, and whlmm :..c least 5 &\wwi/Kfr%irrs§ isrifiWMmg SKA'4TOR sf.llAlfß " ni I r - BSfr too | (ion writes to tLc Tribune/under^Ue^of ji Jul - V M i *fc}- a|(f Han toMUW ?i: • Sumner IwfjL^CTAjfoclJ t 111 ' - Vt>• t U 111 11). bnt so rut* friend- reirtn?hfe Is*hwfcfbg' vefy wdfc. No'Akwt'&io'iM'g Avar bMi Mit*: powikw m Kn<iotj fiiMt Mr. 6'uuuan, M tl be is -it pkmu: :! >Ut|i (ft the lp wave of JiOndon society, I.heard, (be -ifljcr liav, ai - cf'TV 'TL"i> a nival herei lis nam# upon •',* §hip\f> 'W. bWur, HMN4K,d utsd; w* j doniibytUa Mcteutdijpl uiuary traveler. Tint next mumiugyme of iter came to Mr. Sumner ti rooux flij : s urn- exlifttoi?: ; , I is-'dwdh fTM the *IHEMU<MH,/M. 3j vVe.y wu. ; siwjitm up." i -t- I terwurd the, former ciitne. stUrAioraexcitait:) *?? Af ! d asp* ftw *♦*? , * 4I K4V()W'Sim it Af.er his lords'. opduuJ ie pvfe4* Vttilr to s & jfa:*- mtkmb tw,' j U iTStke aordiMwo-futWwsN*# IfMUtotj at ocefc<. 1u m u nicstrl to Hie landlord, (W rffcbnwfr*'*'* 4V* *#***+W 4 h*': SI sttTu Ioa sir.'gyßs aflady.t. >##<* wak#* htb I#id&iM &,*** .Mom. : P*MMPbvic • MM-Atuityq tW'*kiii#4(yrt>}s4Kbo Wit* i'relfeyterdtt t'itftrolj Wui fcifr](*g ff*4i*s - #!*• d *f )M ho, *S*t| >*s*** mok Mft urtd£ il ..*% :MM# Mplifi JeriM)M T . •tlfti-cviwta. \fi t *!#l ><Wd.- te k MMHfr , titfi HtWlJlftllU eMu H%s^%hipwtf HWbAp|*nSfet todV'P!;irfe." reihaelrnbt.; 1t '"rerbiiiik tfc be 4Mrf j 4 #rWi rtif-#f%; ciergytnm who Vwibived it tr. n TO present. It is stated that laSifs hoops in their Hkt Ike hoops j h mstf*e% uxrt'mttld?* HHlt3 -j; trie fluid was thth ditfuned, ah lives saved bv this nore! VprceieifhT cfllftjli#- tor.—jy*ew York E'xM*ttfst. * # r ' ,J. If hoops wiil save the lives of the wfttewi. why not let them wear them* £ay> Ms. | '(Vrmudgeon of t'he EtanfeliA. : * aro toauy uieu who iu , playing the fool, but who get angry jlh> i%i- j meut they are told eo. 1 .si.aaoiaaa "TdMi/mrifir U.H. ,\ju. i~s-^Tie -Par u cjirrawjgttjjJen l of t UeiiytoiiiTs:U oiler fafcfce*i.iAkil)fiiw mtfmUfi recent bttkin tieerilXntar'rfce.jai *4. |, O A old,but by ylh' hrotWYr marks of any nge—lie has as if he might kUUUiMIMi *Ar*4U*Uir a svnfewywiyf v>f Napoleon. At tire Tuii cries ball bp^njj( ;{o|l|i9h was ten d " ke \Bt*srf L itit l,i * ,k or ebony, a j;ieen frock coat, so covered with ehibroiuerr, Jtti ffie famous diamond hat * and ®tl#f4red at the pr altdnitMiin>ie wore on his breast fwlftteh Of tiers hi diamonds. ~4fig shirts ,K7T DISGUSTING,'♦iWMWi'A—A letter from 'mwptiffltm eggs in 11 Joys un^j 7 amounting to a tbou-sy iMtffr HTl<*HTW!|p>pf condition of separate hour, 'ft* oil -jUimMfr ing made a fnoDmafcv4at>ot himself ouce btfort?*pfe<W£ at ODe sitting,• lt^e'HJ*4fl#' < lo be iu firtn rate'sjff!ft\*nj and height are purticulir it v- the fi/M y Qlr& p & ,Lc per wsi^ o ar A wea„*uicl. was Uf *. MX-iSI V .liw t i.W ovar • •ill l JbUf -tW--U#**f^UibTo 9 *m *%fai togethet with a certificate of their genuine- 1 togeihei with a certificate ottlietr genuioe , fM fifrfultte niii 1 1 yi.l<qMfcUßu*i>. | th Mtik** nnrchwor wua • c r L 1 dies of the Blount ?j|tri|L'!i As.toeiation of I rtid [ relics to praiibt lion. Kdwart 1 Everett, as ilfet gratitude and t rcguru'fnfKii iu behalf of t their cause." . ' ••* too Ji Ar,-* .f H * Wamjy VW - 'tu(l / '* iih>lsiitjoKnr)W sayn s>£ Wl^a'lc' AM jM!i-r ***■> J ici { tui t, m! p .si.ola svqi| ijn L j .j;:o'ite dectiB 4f iUft |p|>, t syi ( o f. has taken to , tWittr. ttuieti wtwisaena ini f itlmr f WI4- r || like iiialiguity, out uw great 'ji ] Jics, is tUe crownmd cilrse oPtlitT l'dnm (f|oVitM.i*r^rHflfft!i itMiijrtt4vWNfyJi'tMieh -1: (fW^ 4 •' ffladtytu yatt c> Utitme •ji ■ •ctaaii) 180 lo tja >i| Ih, • . 1 •i—-V-'i||'fr-, -mat y n <iT. 'jit j loeit ibrnvwimkmrnidiit yadiwiiity he. beard *; (mt'tM VA^fr/tHWti •Ktty^agwtiistg the : ji,qww>\gbtMtfl iff>s£. 1; Ah' >QHia ljlUi ; ;—"iVrVTrtif iflfiwiilg rtTial ■jfji*" "' of t*Kwh-dfh*biM W HMtif ■ tmJil tit 4* m >., v4 t MWii|rtiit ' • Litem* turtji,* ji kinti's evidence." j, •vXIm ■ 'ihia Ciwad.itMHHM WaitiiM; fW' Wft^obU -OAw w.lk.wffitj'tls>liiiut j !f ]r> iKa M44qv4 Um **ttso. A •<t : We tVii wmh , t* b tMr rmrrt j and sliotv Mbi/gith thrfamvteitMmims mil** %kor- .itffA >• albhtoi . 1 *WjSaeHku'.V t r i : e ■<tm .sUx jaipiirtyiaiw mw #2) exUiu ' ee u* : extra. Cheap UtMSrUri* BhwaO jisxtftMiog t* tiad ,?** re ! • r.gonf -heir hue saw vo-. 1 siatk j! >:Of oMirs4thec4asofildfai< V .til 4 i ~^ —nvmtth U . !, 1 :r r tw pfhjJvk It* m iT * 1 dispute with a that * blockheai.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers