Bedford inquirer and chronicle. (Bedford, Pa.) 1854-1857, July 03, 1857, Image 1
BY DAVID OVER. For the Bedford Inquirer and Chronicle. SPRING. Of the four seasons of fhe temperate zouw, Spring is acknowledged by all to be the most pleasant. After having been compelled for weeks and months to seek a retreat around the fireside to protect us from the northern winds that howl around our dwellings, and from the congealed element that so fre quently clothes the earth during the winter season, and after vegetation has been visit ed by the Hast of death, and has re urned (o its mother dust, and all naturo has been enshrouded in mourning on account of the absence of the fructifying rays of a venial sun; bow delightful when by the annual revolution of the earth we arc brought in more immediate contact with the geuial and vivifying rays of the sun, the a?mospher e becomes warm and pleasant, the earth be comes heated and productive, and appears to whisper to vegetation, that has been bur ied within her bosfttu, to awake from its slumbers aud enter iuto life. And how soon are the glades, hills, valleys and motin tains, clothed in aVidi; and delightful foli age. The earth 13 covered with a carpet of green, that defies the art of man to equal or imitate. How pleasant is the face ot na ture at the preseut time, when we east our eyes over the surrouuding scenery, how bcjutifn! is the s'ght prcseuted to our view, aud while beholding it, and enraptured with iis delights, we are almost ready to imagine ourselves iu the "Garden of Eden." As we ramble through the couutry "amid SCCDCS of rural pleasure" and behold the growing grain waved by the gentle winds, promi sing lo the fariuer the reward of his labor, the green gia-s in the uiCadows, the beau tiful flowers of the fields ana gardens, the varied hues, and color of the landscape, the gentle murmuring of the wu'er brooks, a* their crystal waters gently glide dowu their appointed channel, and the sweet iii<te3 of the feathered songsters, as they sing their song of praise to the autlibr of nature, we are struck with a tlirill of delight that i® inexpressible. Buir while contemplating the objects of the sccuc, and about to prom ise ourselves great pleasure in them, we arc brought to the reflection that they are transitory, that MKHI the flower will have accomplished its purpose and be no more, soon will tbe ripened wheat be gathered in to the garner, and the grass, cut down and withered. Soon will the forest he disman tled of its foliage, aud vegetation droop and die. Thus teaching man an important les son of his own mortality G. Itiddelsburg, Juno 11, 1857. As EDITOR <X tits TRAVELS.—One of our brother editors lias been travelling some and relates how the barber made a "dead head" of him. While f>u board a steamer the fuzz grew rather longer.than was agreeable, and we repaired to the barber shop to have it taken fill. Thefelttro did'tt up in first-rate style, and we puTied out a dime and proffered it to him, as a reward for his services. He drew himself up with considerable pom posity: "1 understand," said he, "d it you "is an editor?" "Well, what of ii?" said we. "We uebbercharge editors nofin!" "lint, my woolly friend," we continued, "there are a groat many editors traveling t.6w-a days, and such liberality on your part will prove a ruinous business." "Oit, nebber mind." remarked the bar ber. "we makes it all up off de nemmen." The aforesaid editor r -marks that there upon he incontinently sloped. A Goul> ONK. —David Crockett happen ed to be present at an exhibition of animals in the city of Washington, where a monkey seemed to uttiact particular attention, and he abstrae'edly observed : "If the fellow had on a pair of specta cles, he would look like Major Write, of Ohio. "The Major happened to be just bellied Crockett and oveihead the observation and tapped Davy on the shoulder. Turning urouml Davy very formally remarked. -I'll be banged, Major, if ' wlwsi nny J-onia. lor tbe . -'1 llj lilt, . A*i'fnblf* authorising tbe incorporation j tn of Issue, with general banking and j BK. H.tvKi._ privileges, under the general bank- J SLOPS, baa jast r a .f this Stitj. to he located at. tbe Bo- i the hsist flavoring lot Be bard, in the County of Bedford, j ing Sod -. Cre*nrj ft!! d --The Bedford Conntv Ban';," with I the very bvst qua, id of two hundred and 'fifty thausand atthc lowest pric A- ant with the privilege of increasing ttie , - u •ft. toe sum of font hundred thousand dol- VV.\BGAINf> _ 1 Jss ous of red E. L. ANDhR .t N. j to make r om fof TV. T. ItACTGHbUrV. purft ,the TV. P. SCIIKLL, : T , r j. Call arid A. K1 KG. 4 q, MCHOLASiI'VjJNN j j ln . ir, 1857 SAUL. L.ItUSSSLb. ' i'' r! - 2- | mo keep the t t f Siow'ehi new work— Drcd, a tale of the 1 Basin's Kof ■ : -;,t Pit :nai Swamp, equal M Uncle n Thousand F' S CaW . just received it Dr. i/arry's of Inch can b' aJB U ,uk Store. ' r y 4 " A Weekly Paper, Devoted to Literature, Politics, the Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, &c., &c—Terms: Two Dollars per annum. SJLB OMllOMll\if LETTER No. 4. PRESENT CONDITION OF THE MAIN LINE, AS GIVEN BY THE STATE ENGINEER IN HIS ANNUAL RE POUT—APPROPRIATIONS ASK ED FOR 1857, AND PROBABLE RESULT OF NEXT YEAR'S OPE RATIONS. BEFORE proceeding, as proposed in my last, to an analysis of the operations of the line for 1855, I will make some additibnal remarks, which have a connection with the results of 1850. After showing what was accomplished iu that year, it appears pecu liarly proper to direct attention to the pres ent audition of the Line, the expenditures to be made this year, and the probable re sults of Ike year 1857. Thus the public will be able to see whether tbey can rea sonably anticipate an improvement in the near future. Under an act of tbe last Legislature, the Ganal Board appointed a State Engi neer, to have genetal charge of the works. Between the 25th of last September and and the 27th of November, be made a tour of examination on the several divisions.— In his report, he gives his opinion of the condition of each. Ouly those belonging fo the Main Line claim attention. To the Columbia road, bo states that he has not devoted any espcfeial attention, in ebasequcuce of pressing duties elsewhere. He thiuks the estimate of the Superintend ent for ordinary repair, a reasonable one. The Eastferu Division of the Canal, 49 miles in length, and extending from Colum bia io the wCst eul of the Juniata Aque duct, has "2 dams, 9 aqueducts, 28 locks, 84 bridges,"l 6 culverts, 3 ovtfrfalls and 6 waste-weirs." On a poition'of the canal, j rlic bottom width has become reduced, by ; the wash re gof materials from the banks, to au average of 16 feet, it being seldom over 20,' and in some cases not over 10 feet wide. At such points the water is not ! over 3|i feet iu depth, which reudeis the i passiug of boats exceedingly difficult, and occasions constant "jams.*' He dots not I consider the division iu good order, aud ' says that busiuess is done *upoo it to great J disadvantage. Its capacity is nearly one- j fourth less tliau was originally designed.— Heuce the cost of transportation is in- . creased by that amount. 'Large annual ap- ! propriations have been made for clearing , out the bottom, but with poor suedes*.— He recommends that two steam dredp e boais be constantly employed during navi- i gation season, in removing bars and the j bottom on the bertue side, that all the ma terials cxcavr.ted from the bottom during the winter, be taken from the tow path side and deposited on the towing path with a view to raise it; and that the towing path shall also be raised by of the repair force in tbc summer. Two dredge boats would cost $5,500; it will cost §lO a day to work each of them—total cost one season 'of *250 dayr, §10,500. The second year the expense would be less. All the locks i equire mote or less repair. The Juniata Aqueduct begins to show "visible marks o f decay;" tvto spans were propped last sum. mer. ItcAnbe propped another season Or two, but must be "shortly rebuilt." Esti mated cost of repairs, §lO,OOO. The walls of the of the outlet lock at Duncan's Is land are dilapidated, and should bo tlior" oughly repaired, that they may stand another season. A large portion of the guard embaukmeut and towing path arouhd Peter's Mountain has been washed away by flood*, and should be renewed; but the 6n giueer lias not had time to make an accu rate measurement and calculation of ex pense. All the locks should be doubled. Of two modes of doing it, one would make the cost of improving each §lO,OOO, the other §>6,000. If the locks be not dou. hied at once, additional lock tenders should employed. The Lower Juniata Divisiou has some imperfections; insufficient depth of water and width of bottom, as the Eastern.— Locks 2 and 4, are much "collapsed," and portions of the wall must be taken down and rebuilt. The wood work at most of the locks is much decayed, and much inju ry results to the masonry. Considerable repairs are necessary, also, upon nearly all the aqueducts (12.) Estimated cost of repairs 535,400; §11,607 20 more tbau those of lest year. Upper Juniata.—Steam dredge boat re commended to clcau this out. Towing path, also, should be raised. Locks are very dilapidated. At the 02 locks, twenty four pairs of gates are brokeu or decayed, and must be immediately replaced; others require renewal or extensive repairs. The aqueduct at Shaver's Ford was propjed last summer, aud will require rebuilding next year. Oue span of tLe aqueduct at Jack's Narrows is in the same condition. — That below Alexandria, and several need much improvement. Of 10 dams, 8 require more or less repairs; three towing path bridges are iu a falling condition.— A dam is recommended to stop leakage ahout Iloliidaysburg. Estimated repairs, $19,100; $13,400 more than repairs re pairs reported last year by Cutlal (Joinmis* s ioners. Upper Western.—The same story as concerning the upper Juuiata. Estimated repairs, $30,000: last year $20,954. Lower Western—Ditto. Estimated cost of repairs, $28,000. Last year, $19,502 30, according to Caual Board. Portage Railroad—particu lars are painful. He re ports amounts due on fi nal estimates ou the tuuuel, $23,070 78 In addition, claims amount ing to 4,207 09 Also, bill of Cambria Iron Company, 19,659 95 547,04 41 Road and farm bridges, for repairs will cost $20,925, of which $8,070 btdong t'-> the Main Line. The aggregate estimate of State Engineer for repairs for 1857, in $890,487, of which $303,182 belong to Main Line. Amount reported by Canal Commissioners as expend ; ed in 1850, for ordinary repairs aud bridg es, $180,141 02. increased appropriation needed this year, $117,940 98, according to the State Engineer. tSueh is the geueral condition "of the Main "Line. What anount of appropriation* do the Canal BoArd ask for 1857 1 1' copy from the General Apropriatiou Dill, trow under consideration in the llottee of Representa tives : Ordiuary Repairs for vear ending Nov. 30, 1857", OO In addition to §225,000 ap propriated last session. Ordinary Repairs after Deo. 1, '56, 173,012 00 Ordinary Repairs after Dec. 1, '57, *225,000 00 I Motive power for year ending November 30, 1857 Co ! luiuhia road, iueludtug six j locomotives, §395,700; Portage §90.000, 485,700 00 I Motive power after Dee. 1, 1, 's7 Columbia §BO,- 009, Portage, f20,000, 100,000 00 ! Collectors, Weighmastcrs, &c., (same as iast year) 23,256 32 Lock keepers, 31,015 00 i Use of Peu'usylvauia Rail road, 12,500 00 i Canal Commissioners and of fice, 76,995 00 i Repairs of Farm and Road j Uridges '(same as last ' year) 8,070 00 ' Prate Engineer and offi. e, f3,125 UU I Debts for repairs coutract j ed by consent of Canal j Commissioners, 9,370 91 iOn South track Columbia road, 9,333 92 ! Debts on' Portage, 40,308 22 1 Old claiois certified by Spe i cial Commissioners, 4,701 00 "Unauthorised debts" con | tracted 1856, and autbor i ized to be paid, if found just, by Canal Hoard, on Lower Western, on Poi tage and on Upper Juniata, 30,728 64 Damage.*, 1,117 50 i Added in llouse, OTI motion of Committee of Ways and Means: Bridge over Columbia Road, 2,000 Additional appropriation for motive power on Portage, 27,050 29,050 00 j Total appropriation §1,476,410 61 j Last year lue total revenue from tbc same, 1,222,973 45 Excess of appropriations Over revenue of last year, • §253,437 16 Tbe Canal Board do not ask for the en tire amounts stated by the Engineer tb be necessary to place the line in good order. They coutent themselves with postponing as long as possiele Sundry of the improvements that officer suggests. Ifad they taken his advice, and undertaken to make the line as complete as he desired, tbe appropriations would have beeu considerably swelled, let these re-buildings of aqueducts, locks, Ac., must eotne ; and the State, iu considering the profitableness of the line, must cunside r this cer'aiuty of larGe outlay. It will be observed that the Canal Com missioners propose examining and payibg *lt is fair to include this, as no part of the <§225,000 appropriated last year for expenses of 1857 is included in this table. -j 'All of these sqms are not strictly due to Main Line; but it is difficult to divide, and tbe amount 's very fflial! BEDFORD, PA., FRIDAY. JULY 3.18-57. the "unauthorized debts," to which allusion was made in toy last, and which they talked of collecting from the bail of the Common wealth's officers. When that conimnicat ion was written 1 had not seen the Appropria" tion bill, and did not know that the Board had so soon abandoned their determination. Thoy kept it just long enough to exclude the amount ($30,72$ 64) frotr. either their expenses of last year or their estimates for 1857. I counted the debts, including those on Portage, in the general repair ex pense?, and named those on the Canal as a separate iteiu. lieuce, in calculating tho business of 1857, Pais suin should he exclu ded thonglj it should be added, with many other like items, fo the figures given by the Canal Board. In addition to the general appropriation bill, a bill providing for the payment of damages will be passed. Last year they amounted to §584,809 43. They arc not included in the i statement above, and will be an offset to the '-unauthorized debts" mentioned—so that the above bal ance, in round numbers 1>250,000, is what the State will lose next year, if it keep aud work tite Main Line. | It is but fair to stato that in the tabular statement given above, tin mention is made of the apropriation of $Ju,OOO for repairs of damages caused by flood or fire—because being conditional it inajr not be drawu- The rest are absolute. Whatever portioD of the $50,000 may be Srawn should I* added to the balauce of $250,000. Nei ther is any accotiot taken of the interest of $890,000 payable in 1857 on the cost of the Main Line. Adding this, the Common wealth's loss will exceed a million of dol lars on the Main Line Afr the coming year. ADAMS. The Murder of a Vojog Jew Pedlar in Massachusetts. Isaac Jackson, agedswno eighteen years, employed as a pedlar by his brother, a Jew merchant, at Westfield, was murdered and robbed on the road leading froui Westfield to llussell, oh MondSy forebobn, by Charles Jones. He was shot through the heart, and his body was dragged some thirty rods to the bank of the iivor, where it was sunk in a swift eurrent, and covered with stones and rubbish. Suspicion was not excited until Tuesday morning, when au old man, who was driving cows to pasture, saw a trail where some heavy body had been drag ged across the .road, and gave the alarm. Search was then made by some half-doz en of the neighbors and the body was found. Jones, after shooting the pedlar, took the wagon and drove it towards Blandfjrd about a mile, ind there left it in a'piece of woods over night. lie then went to King Basting's house in Blaudford, where he staged until 2 o'clock in the mobbing of Tuesday. It is suspected, that after leaving lias tings' house on Tuesday luoruing. he went to the dead body and completed the werk of searching it. Front the body lie went b t£k to the wagon, which he drove to anoth er place, changed his clothes entirely, and came down to Russell to get boxes to pack his goods in. This was towards noon on Tuesday, and suspicion having been cxcitell as above, the man was defamed. A warrant for his arrest was promptly obtained froui 11. 13. Lewis, of Westfield, and I)r. Jehiel Abbott, of the same place came up to llusscll to hold an inquest. Some dozen witnesses were examined before the Corotrer. and all the evidence pointed toJouesas the murderer. Jadksou was shot through the heart, and Jones was found to have a pistol Which King Hastings recognised as one which he and Jones had practised with at his (Hastings') house in lilaukforJ, where Jones spent the Sabbath, Jackson was about 18 years of age, the youngest of four brothers, Jews, who have a store at Westfield, Massachusetts, and send out goods in pedlars' wagons. Jones evideuily killed him for the purpose of rob bing him. He shot hiui in the back, the ball passing through his heart, aud Coming out at the breast. The pistol must have been held close to the body. The body of Jackson was brought to the citv last even ing, aud buried in accordance with the He brew rites, there being m> synagogue at Westfield. The funeral took place at "J p. m. last Thursday. J.,nes, the murderer, is the same fellow who has just served out a term of four years in the Connecticut State Prison, for robbing John DeaD's store. He was the coolest scoundrel that ever infested this city, lie professed great concern for the souls of sin ners, and was constantly reading the Bible, and exhorting at evening meetings. Whilst iu the confidence cf Mr. Dean, he stole about S2OCO worth of goods from the store, together with considerable sums of money.. He stole the make him a. surnlice to pfcach in—started a church in Glasteubury—stole the trimmings for his pulpit, and velvet for his chair, ami also stole goods to pay tlie cabinet-maker for the chair; broke into the Catholic church and stole the priest's robe fur a sample for one for himself, and also stole the silver chali ces. Sie., from the altar—called at Mr. Dean's one afternoon to have "a little sea son of prayer," remained till e veiling, bade the family good bye, but instead of goiug out of the door, he stoic upstairs and secre. ted himself under the bed occupied by Mr. Dean's sou—remained tbere till past mid night, when he crept but and robbed young Dean's pocket of $lO0 —which he had as certained the day previous that he had just procured from the tank—then went up to St. John's Hotel, called for lodgings, got up before daylight, stole a suit of clothes from a boarder, and cleared for a neighboring town. But this is not half of his villanies. He was constantly stealing, praying and exhorting, till brought up by a four years' term in prison. A greater nor cooler scoun drel probably never went unhung.—Hart ford Times. A CHAPTER ON MATRIMONY. A young lady, cut west, in a communica tion to theS-iudusky Register upon the sub ject of matrimony, says : It is a mournful fact that this world is full of young men who want to marry but dare not.' Dirty this, as some will, it is never theless true, as we can easily show. Iu this town, for instance, there aro some thir ty or forty young men, well-to-do in the way of salaries and business, yet they re fuse to take the step which they alt want to take, but do trot—why ? The large major ity of them have salaries ranging from five' hundred to seven hundred dollars per year. Now tbe first question to be asked by any sane uian is, can I properly Support a wife, if I take one ? Then he coubts the cost of living, a the woman of his preference would wish, and lo ! he finds to hia amazement flm his income is vastly too sutall to support even a modest modern establishment; and somewhat maddened by the reflection, he plunges into labor and courts business vLth an assittity that takes away his health even tually, in hope of attaining an income that shall enable him to marry and have u boilie of his own —And this is the secret of all the hard, dneuding toil of the young inch of to day vriio are fast approaching thirty years of age —tins rs the reasons of so many disappointed men and waiting Woman, denv or hide it as you may. But says some good wdrnan, you do us injustice; far any woman who truly loves a ' man will adapt herself to his circumstances with the greatest pleasure. But what mau of any sensitiveness, or high sense of houor, would take a wotnan from easy circumstan ces and a pleasant and well fdrnishe&'hotne, to adorn his fotir little looms and to do hi* housework, as the first principles of eiononiy would demand of him ? Few will do it, for though the woman signifies her willlngucss to take up Willi such experience, we are all such creatures of circuuistauces that there would be complainings on her part, eventu ally, and sickness from over-cxertibu, and wuhappiness frotu mauy cares—all iif which would render marriage any tniug else than pleasant. And so the you tig tuen very wise ly think—pteforing a few more years of single loneliness, iu order to obtain money euougb to support a modest house of bet ween twelve and fifteen bundled dollars a year expense, rather than to pluce a 'modernly educated woman into ttie house of six huti 'dred dollars a year, where she must do her own housework. A \ow, what is the remedy ? Plainly, that Woman must fit themselves to be such wives us the young tiien must have. Kite the young men uiudt fit themselves to be such IrtisbanJs as the woman want, and spend the very choicest years of their life hi the dis mal drudgery of a ceaseless toil, breaking do'wn health, happiness, energy, only to give themselves up to tuiniage when the best of thfeir manhood is gone. The woman must for themselves which y Shall be, for tbe matter is solely iu their bauds. Let mothers say to their daughters;'but on that calico gown, go into the kitchen fend prepare dinner, take charge of this household, and fit yourself to become a wife and a mother let the young wnmau cheerfnlly consent to such service ; aud instead of lavishing all thought, and time, aud money, upou the adornment of the body, seek to accustom the hands to proper industry aud the school the mind to proper tastes— then there will be no longer complaint that the young meti "cannot afford to marry," and we shall have beautiful modest lieuses a ! *. around us, and women will have loving husbands,and all life shall once morehave something of the truth-' fulucss and virtue which it had iu the days of fathers and mothers, wlien it was the wo man's ambition to become the head of tUc house and the utcther of noble ekildrcn. I ROYAL ANECDOTE.—As Joseph 11., Em peror of Austria, was driving his horse cab* riolet, dressed in the garb of a private eiti" zett, lie was accosted by a soldier, who mis* taking him for a man of the middle class, re* quested a seat in the vehicle j "Willingly," replied the Emperor: "jump ! in, comrade, fur I'ui in a hurry." i The soldier was soou seated alongside of the Emperor, and became very 'loquacious "Gome comrade:" said ha slapping the Emperor familiarly on the back, "are you good at guessing?" "Perhaps 1 atii," said Joseph, "try me." "Well, then, my boy, conjure up your : wits, and tell me what 1 had for breakfast." "Sour kroul:" "Gome, none of that, comrades try again.'' "Perhaps a Westphalia haul, replied the Emperor, willing to humor hfe compan ion. "Better than that,"exclaimed the soldier "Sausages from Bologna, ami Hockheimer • from the Rhine." "Better lliau that- d'ye give it up?" ' "I do." "Open'your pyes aud ears, then," said I the soldier, bluntly: "I had a pheasdht, by j Jove, shot iu the Euiferor Joe's park ha, ! ha!" When the exultatiofa of the soldier had i subsided, Joseph said'tjuietly : "1 want to try your skill in guessing, comrade. See if you can name the rank I i'bold." • "You' re a—no —hang it! you're not smart enoitgli for a cornot." "Better than that,"said the Emperor. "A lieutenant?" "Better than that." "A Captain'" "Better'tlian that." "A MJjur?" "Better than that." "A General?" "Better than that." The soldier was now fearfully agisted, | lie had doffed his hat, and sat bare-bended, ! be could scarcely articulate. "Pardon hie, your exeellencv, your a Field .Marshal?" "Better than that," replied Joseph. "Lord help Hie,'' cried the soldier, "you're the Emperor!" lie threw himself out of the cabriolet, and knelt for pardon in the mud. Tie circumstances w<-re not forgotten by either, the Euiperor ofteu laughed over it, and the i soldier received a mark of favor which he ■ could not forget. The 1 fc ad -Ipuia Pennaylvanian the lead ing Democratic paper of this State, has ta ken very decided ground in favor of the sale l of the Main Line, and denounces those Democrats who are strivinr to make capi | tal out of- it. The late Democratic State i Convention repudiated the policy,aud the Pennsylvania retorts in kiud,and continues to press its vieWs with pertinacity. A* a sequel to these facts it i announced that Judge Woodward,of tbe|Snpremo Court, has I discontinued his subscription to that paper, in consequence of its course on this ques tion, indicating atery decided pathizau tecl ' ing on the part of the Judge, ft is a very ■ pretty quarrel as it stands. The Pennsylixtfian received yesterday ! has an article apparently intended to show that Mr. Paelter, in voting tor a l'rohibi | tory Liquor Law when in tho Senate, was faitidul to the popular will; and thereupon, it proceeds to give the record, in full, anow : tug his votes in favor of that measure. Con sidering the latitude iu which tlris record is thus blazoned, we should say this was a poor way of promoting Packer's electiou. - (U~"JJob, Hurry Smith has got otic of the greatest curiosities you ever saw -Don't say so—what is it?" '•A tree that, never sprouts, and which be comes smaller the older it grows." "Well, that is a curiosity. Where did be get it I "Froui California.', "What es the name of it?" "Axle tree! It ouco belonged . a Cali fornia omnibus." Scene closes by the sudden tran* of an an ii.kstaud towards a half closed decfr. "What are yotrdoing with that lutiber ?" cried a steamboat captain to an Irishturn, who was staggering along toward the boat ? beneath a huge plank, just as the bell was ringing for the 1 st time. "What atu I doing ? sure au wasn't it yer self as said, 'all ye's as Is going get a board aud iu't this an illig.uit one intircly?"!— -aid tho Ilibcrian triumphantly, amid the laughter of the spectators. The captain gave him his "board" and passage that trip. <£7*"lt is said that, the kind mothers in the East are growing 30 affectionate that they give their children clorofcrm prevTom to whipping them VOL. 30, NO. -27. I Mo.\ ST.ITK PLATFORM. Tlij.f Convention of Delegates, representm • the Freemen of Pennsylvania, opposed to th* j lead fry measuresof the late .National Admiu- I istration, xnd thecontinuanceof tlie same de i structive policy clearly lor.-ahuduwed by (ho acts and declarations of tile adioiiiistratiuc • %; j HI lUgli rated, do Resltce, That the maintenance of the : pies promulgated iu the Declaration ot ln'e j pendi iice, and embodied in ihe Federal Oun . ititUfioii, is essential to the preservation ot j our Republican institutions; that the Federal | Constitution, the liberties of the poojde, til e j sovereign rights of the States, and the Union ! of the States, must and shall be preserved. | Resolved, That with our lieptldjcain fathers, !wc bold it to be a self-evident f-upli, that nil i inch are created equal; timt sfieV are endowed 1 by t/;eirCreator with certain infelienable rights; j that among these ate life, liberty aud the pur j suit of happiuess; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among nieti; and that the primary duty and object of our Fedcr al Government is P secure these rights tosd persons under its e.voiusivejurisdictioiu That as our Republican fathers abolished Slaverv in all the national territory, and ordained in "the Conaiitutiop that no person shall be deprived of life. liberty or property, without due process of law, it ('.comes our duty to maintain this provision of the Constitution against a'l at tempts to violate it, for the purpose of estab lishing Slavery in the territories of \he United States. That we deny the authority of Con gress. of the Supreme Court, of a Territorial Legislature, of any individual or association of individuals, to give legal existence to Slavery in any territory of the United States, while thit Constitution shall tie maintain-d. Resolved, 1 bat the Constitution confers upon ' Cotigres- sovereign power over tho Territories of the r,yte<l States, lor their government; a power no; controverted for the lirat sixty years of our rational existence, l.ut exercised by the general concurrence of all departments of the Government, through every Administration from W ASUIKGTOX to Pout; ami that in the ex ercise of this unquestionable power, it is tho duty of Congress to prohibit in the Territories, those twill relics of Uirbarisin, polygamy and : Slavery. Resolved. THAT WE ARE r*T i"a*Eitx.N,ai)d that while wo retain the iuostiruahle rights of Free men, secured to us by the sacrifices, sutferings i and blood of our Revolutionary fathers, we will | notsiibiuit to have a new Constitution imposed upon us by the xtr opinions of Jud- I ges ot the Supreme Court—opiuious subversive of the rights of human nature—in conflict with the truth of history, with the unbroken action of the government and the law of the land, a* heretofore pronounced by the Federal Judicia | r\, .m l th - Courts of nearly every State in tho 1 American Union. Resulted, That tlie recent opinions of the ma | jori'y 'f the Judges of the Supreme Court. In' j a Case over which tln-v decided the Court had no jurisdiction, and. tticrcihre, no authority to pronounce the law arising therein, is but auo | ilier step in consummation; ot that, conspiracy j against our free institution?, which had its Tiir cption in the repeal of the Missouri Coropro • mise: that it is tho direct result of the late tri j umph of the Slave Power in the election of its • candidate, J IWKS BICUAS IS, to the Presidency, ; ami unless prom ply reb iked by the people "at ; the ballot-l>ox, may lee followed by other usur | pilioiis fatal lo the independence of |br Freo | States and the liberties of ourpeople. Resolved, That the constitutional rights of tb people ol Kansas have been fr.iudeiitivand vio lently 11 ken from them. Their territory has . been invaded by an anii'-d force; spurious and pretended legislative, judicial and executive i oliiceis have been set over their, by whose usnr t ped authority, sustained by the military power I of tiie Federal Government, tyrannical at d un- J c institutional laws have In-en enacted and en j forced; the right ol the people to keep and [ bear arms las been infringed; test oaths ol an ! ;raop.lin.Ny and entangling nature have tieen imposed ae a condition of exercising the right | suffrage and holding oflice; the right of an : accused p<' son to a speedy and public trial by | .iu impartial jury bar lasm denied; cruel and unusual [►fjnshuients have been iuflcted upon the innocent, while murders, robberies and ar sons have been instigated and encouraged, and tiie 011.-iiders have lieeu alioweii to go unpun isbod; the riglit of the people to be secure in t'orr persons, houses, papers and effect a against unreasonable s-arches ami seizures, has been violated; they have been deprived of life, lib erty and property, without due process of law; the freedom of speech and of the press has ! been abridged; tho right to choose their repre • ■ sentatives has been made of no effect: That ail , these things have been done with the know ledge, sanction and procurement of tlia Fed j eral Government, in violation of the plainest mandates of (lie Constitution; That the usur pation by which a spurious Legislature was im - | posed upn Kansas, and iu people sabjurtol j to a code of laws unparuliel d jbr cruelty iu tho ■ history of civilized nations, is still in lull liircc, ; end the people are denied the right peacefully to assemble and (letitiou for* redress of griev ances; til- Nation il Executive has permitted two Governors of his appointment to be driv • • he Territoiy under fear ot assassins , Hon, ami has not dared ru exert it.s,power tor ; their protection agninst the lawless juiuions of 1 Slave, v. while judicial tuousVcrs and Lien whys* h.duds are red with innocent blood, are returned I in ollice. lo carry ou the Work of subjecting ' free territory to the cause of Slavery, Kansas : (us been denied admission under a free cousti j tution. and fraudulent means are sow iu pro . gress to secure its admission as a Hlav* State ■it the next session of Congress. Against this stupendous wrong, we protest, in the nsuie of GOD AND lIU.V '">lTY —by UU teat is glorious in our history, ami by tho memory of tha great ; aud good men VJJO established our liberties, j Resolved. Thai it is a fraud upon our laws, and fraught with danger to our institutions: to admit to a full participation in their benefits, any man who acknowledges a foreign supre ! maqy, which he cannot conscientiously and without mental reservation, abjure and forev er renounce; Whether that supremacy be civil or spiritual. Rtsolved, That tho stupendous frauds lr which our popular elections are swayed against a majority of the legally quad* ed voters, strikes at the foundation and lift; of our system of government; anil unless speedily corrected, ' will lead to violence and anarchy; and w. urge upoh nil good citizens to unite for the enppr< s smn of tnis evil; and we call upon our own Legislature to guard by elective anil stringent laws the purity of tho ballot box. Resolved, That the sale of the Main Liue of our improvements, is demanded,.>y every con sideration that should weigh with Intelligent and honest men. As a source of reveow, it is wholly worthless to the State, while it is notoriously used as a mean of peonlaflo* anil plunder, thereby inflicting s upcui the State pe cuniary loss.and also irre]>aiahjc injury, in the almost universal demoralization and political profligacy engendered throughout ila ei tiro extent. Resolved, That we invite the affiliation ami co-operation of meuof all parties, however differing with us in other respects, iu support of the principles therein declared; and believ ing that the spirit of our institutions, as well as the Constitution of our country, guarantees liberty or conscience and equality of rightv anvong citizus, wc oppose all lcgitlat or. '.r p 'ftinS their security.