NEW SPRING N AND SUMMER GOODS. Tax undersigned having just returned from he Eastern cities are now receding a large •npply of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Consisting in part of iTlack and Fancy Silks, Challlel, Lawns, Bril liant, plain and figured delaines, poplins, ca licoes, ginghams, ribbons, bonnets, hosiery, handkerchiefs, colors, *c.; Men's and Boys' fancy, plain and black cassimeres, cloths, linens, and a large assortment of Men's and Boys' Summer West; boots, shoes, hats, tc.; drills, tickings, muslins, flannels, single and double carpet chain, all colors; Groceries, syrup, molasses, white and brown sugars, green and black teas, tobacco; Queensware; Glassware: Buckets, Dye Stud's, *c. All of which will be sold c(|p:ip for cash or approved produce; and to good and punc tual customers a credit of six months will be given. Thankful for past favors they hope by fair dealing to receive a liberal share of the public patronage. J. it J. M. SHOEMAKER. Bedford, April 17,1857. TIM. THE subscriber has now on hand, at his New Tinning Establishment, West Pitt Street, opposite Dr. Harry's Drug Store, a large and splendid assortment of TINWARE, which he will dispose ol wholesale and retail, on rea sonable terms. C.illand sec his stock and judge for your selves. House Spouting made and put np to order, on reasonable terms. Old Pewter and Copper will be taken for Cash or Tinware. ABRAM HERMAN. Bedford, April 24, 1857-3 m Notice to Bridge Builders. PROPOSALS will be received at the Com missioner's office, in Bedford, until the . 30th of May inst., for the erection of a new bridge over Dunniiigs Cjeek, near its mouth, in Bedford Township. The bridge is to be an uncovered one. The plan may be seen at the Commissioner's office. The bridge is to be placed on the old abutments, which will, how ever, need to he repaired. Bv order of Commissioners. H. N ICO DEM US, Clerk. May 15„1857. MEW GOODS ! THE undersigned liWve just received a full supply of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS— which they will sell at lower prices tnan are generally asked in Bedford. Please call and udge for yourselves A. B. CRAMER & CO. May 1, 1857. prune SALE OF RIAL ESTATE. [X pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford County, the subscriber will expose to sale bv public vendue or outcry, on MONDAY TIIE22D DAY OF JUNE, A. 1)., 1857, on the premises, the following de scribed Real Estate, lately tho property of George Replogle, dee'd, viz : A Tract of Laud, situate in Middle Woodberry Towns! Ip ad joining the late mansion place of said ueceas e-d, containing 125 acres and 129 perches, neat measure, of which there aie almnt 8(1 acres cleared and under fence. The improvements are a good two story LOG DWELLING HOUSE, a first rate new frame Bank Barn, well finished, with two threshing floors and a Stable. TURKS. —Ono third of tiie purchase money to remain in the hands of the purchaser during the life of the widow of said George Replogle, deceased,the interest thereof to be paid to her annually, and at her death the principal to the heirs of s\id deceased—one third on the first day of April, A. 1)., 1858, and the remaining third in two equal annual payments, without interest. Said payments to be secured by judgment bonds. Possession will lw given on the first day of April, A. D., 1858. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. | ALEXANDER HOLSINUEK, Adm'r of George Replogle, dee'd. May 15, 1857. Gettfs' Photographic Gallery, ♦EXCHANGE BUILDING,' BEDFORD, PA AXTI'ERE Ambrotypes, Daguerreotypes, 4-c. W fc.. are executed in the latest styles and improvements of the Art. A full assort ment of plain and fancy cases, gold and plated Lockets at very low prices. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine his specimens. T. K. GETTY'S, JR. May 22. 1857. Mitiirn MI,!:. BY' virtue of a Writ of Fi. Fa., to me di rected, there will be sold at the Court House, in the Borough of Bedford, on Satur day the 18th day of June, 1857. at 1 o'clock, P. M., the folkiwing Real Estate, to wit: One Tract of Land, containing 440 acres, more or less, about 60 acres cleaiedand under fence, with 2 two story log houses and a dou ble leg Imrn thereon erected; also an apple of clurd thereon, adjoining lands of Jacob Kite hey, Adam Hinish, John Crove and othe s, situate in hast Providence Township, Bedford Coun ty. and taken in execution as the property of Christian Fisher, Wesley Fisher, and Philip Fisher. HUGH MOORE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Bedford, May 22, 1857. niHE Books and Accounts of the snbscrilw-r JL have been left in the hands of JOHN ALSIP for collection. AH persons knowing them selves indebted to bim will please call anil settle immediately, and save costs. MOSES STIXE. April 24. 1857-f Mrs. Stowe's new work.—Dred, a tale ofthe Great Dismal Swamp, equal to Uucle Tom's Cabin, just received at Dr. Harry's Cheap Book Store. SAMUEL ML. MECITTCHEM, MILL-WRIGHT AND BURR MILL STONE MANUFACTURER. SOLE Proprietor ef JOHNSON'S highly ap proved and much improved SMUT AND SCREENING MACHINE; Improved IRON CONCAVE BRAN DUSTER, the Premum Machine for Millers. Residence: NO. 64 QUEEN Street, (18th Ward,) address Ken-itigto Post Office. Shop:- HAY DOCK Street, below Front, PHILADELPHIA. Cocalico Mill Stones, Mill Hons. Smut Ma chines, Patent Mill Bush, Portable Mills, Stretched Belting, Cement and Screen Wire, Square Meshed Bolting Cloths. Feb 27, 1857 -3m poorWBILLT - f IIHE subscriber is now prepared to accommo- X date the public at the Poor House Mill. Custom work and Merchant work done to or der. All Flour made hy him warranted to give satisfaction. He respectfully solicits a share of the public patronage. NELSON FARQUHAH. May 1, 1857.-C . —— I__ I>hysicians prescriptions earef ully compound ed, at all hours of the day or night, at Dr. fkirrv's, Drugstore. REMOVAL.. THE subscriber has removed his RESTAU RANT AND BAKERY AND CONFECTIONARY ESTABLISHMENT, to the Rising Sun Building, in Juliana Street, where he would be pleased to see all his old friends and customers. He keeps constantly on hand the choicest and best CAKES, CANDIES, FRUITS and NUTS, ever offered to the public; also Cham bersburg ALE and REEK. He has fitted up un ice Cream Saloon, and will keep on hand throughout the season, a fnll supply of this choice refreshment. PARTIES supplied, on the shortest notice, with Ice Cream, Cakes and Contec : tions. Having served a regular apprenticeship to the above business, and having been constant ly engaged in it for rianv years, he feels on fidiut he can render satisfaction to all who raav favor hitn with a visit. JOHN J. LUTHER. Bedford, April 24, 1857. TBT , aCCZ2 SB - THE Partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the name and firm, of STIDEL A PERRIS, in the Blacksinith ing business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the late firm will be settled by by A. B. Perrin, who is authorised to col lect all accounts, anil pay the debts of the firm. All persons knowing themselves indebt ed to the late firm will please come forward and settle up immediately. WILLIAM SPIDLE, A. B. PERRIN. Apiil 27, 1857.-c STON E WA RE.—Cream" CrMkfTMifk Clocks of all sizes; Butter Dishes, froiu one to one and a half gallon Pitchers, all of which are of best quality, for sale by A. FERGUSON- Bedford, Jan. 16, 1556. JOIIN POOL WOULD tespectfully announce to the pub lic, that he lias opened a Blacksmith shop, at the stand recently occupied by the Mersrs. Weisel. wkire he is prepared to do all work in his line, equal to any other shop in the county or elsewhere. He invites those in need of his services to give him a call. May 1, 1857.-tf NEWIUAC iiEH ALT BEST quality Mackerel—for sals for Cash or Product. Shad and Herring will soon be re ceived. A. L. CRAMER it CO. May 1, 1857. Last Notice, frtllE subscriber being most anxious that JL his old books and business he closed up, would say most earnestly to those having ac counts with him to attend to them immediate ly. The books will lie left in a short time with a Justice of the Peace. March 27, 1857-d. JOHN CLARK. HIDES AM) TANNER S OIL. 1000 DRY FLINT HIDES; 100 Bbls. TANNERS OIL. For sale by J. PALMER Ac CO. MARKET Street WHARF, PHILADELPHIA. May 15, 1857-c "dst ;bl<: B® 9 £TW | hhs Bacon, for which the highest tJI/UlI market price will be paid, at SHOEMAKER'S COLONNADE STORE. April 17, 1857. j SUM MER ARR ANGEMKNT.—Huntingdon and Broudtop K. K., On and after Mon day. March 2d, 1857, two passenger trains a day each way, (except Sunday.) will run be tween llojiewell and Huntingdon. I.e ives Hopewell at 12 15 P.M., and 6 10 P.M. Arrives at nopewell at 9 4J A. M., and 6 40 P. M. Connecting at Huntingdon with trains for East and West on Penna. K. K. THOS. T. WEEUMAN. Supl. Huntingdon, Feb. 26,1857. W'tilTE TEETII and a perfumed breath can te acquired by u>ing the '-Baliu of a Thousand Flowers." To be had at DR. HARRY'S. March 6, 1857. BEDFORD Hllul SCHOOL 11 11K duties of this School will he resumed . on Tuesday, April 14th. in the large three story building situated on the corner of Main and Rieh-.rd streets. Male and female de partments, distinct. The services of a thoroughly e located voting lady of Vermont, have been secured as teacher of Music, fcc., ] ice. The services of other competent teach- j ers aho have lieen secured as assistant Term per Quarter of 11 weks. Board, Tuition, Furnished Room, W.tshiug, Light and Fuel, SSB 00 Extra Charges. Music, ?K) 00 Use of Instrument, 2 HO French, 5 00 Drawing and Painting in water colors, each, ft 00 Ornamental Needle Work, ft 00 Terms far Day Scholars. j Ist Grade, 4 00 | 2nd < ft (Ml ; ird " 6 25 G W. AUGIIINBAUGH, A. M. j Bedford, April 8, 1857. THE mm Ifsf Valentine Steckman, phoprietor. Boarders taken by the day, week, month and year. April 25, 1856-tf For pimples, and wrinkles and freckles and tan, Nothing has e'er been discovered by man, | Like that wonderful product of tropical bow ers, The popular •• Balm of a Thousand Flowers." j To lie had at DR. HARRY'S, j March 6. | Jhalon's Magic Hair Dye, Colors instantanr i 1 ously, tue Hair or Whiskers a jet black or i beautiful brown. Also, PlialonsChemical Hair i I nvigorator, a superb article, for preserving and | beautifying the Hair, can he purchased from ! Harry, at the cheap Drug Store. ("fount ry Physicians, can have their orders -tilled, with the very best articles, at citv prices at Dr. Harry 's Cheap Drug Store, Pitt st. Bedford. Penn'a. Oct. SI, 1856. DR. B. F. HARRY. Bazins Fancy Soap—shaving Cream, just re ceived fiom the , by Dr. Harry. BoussePsunrivaHcd premium Shaving Cream at Dr. Harry's. RL'IAWAI, f\N the 6tli day of May, 1857, from the sub- V scribtir, ADOLPHUS ICKES, a boy between la or lb y.virs of age, bound to the Farming bus Hum, viho left my premises without any just cause. I hereby give notice that no per son shall h: irbor or trust him on mv aacount as I will }*u no debts of bis contracting „ . „ SAMUEL SHAFER. I Union Tow wish Ip. a y J857 A Great Arrival of SPRING- GOODS. THE undersigned has just returned fronrtbe Eastern Cities with a large stock of Spring Goods; and is now exhibiting at CHEAP SIDE, a general assortment of New Stylo of Spring Goods, comprising Ladies Dress Goods, part, Ducal, Crocovella, Challi, Fancy and Plain De Laine, Brilliants, Lawns and Cali coes, etc., etc. Gentlemen and Boys wear, Cassimeres, Cas sinetts, Canton Cloth, Shepherd Checks, Cot tonades, etc., etc. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Boints, Woolen and flag Carpets, Floor Oil Cloth, Syrup Si classes, White and Brown Sugars. Green and Black Teas, Groceries of all kinds, Queensware, Tubs, Buckets, Brooms, etc., Hardware, Sho vels, Forss, Hoes, Knives and Forks, Spoons, etc., and all articles usually kept in Stc res. All kinds of produce taken in exceango. The undersigned will sell cheap for cash or produce, and hopes by fair dealing to receive his usual share of patronage. G. W. RUPP. Bedford, April 10, 1857. SHRYOCK & SMITH, CHtRBERSIIittG, PA., BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, AND Dealers in Music and Musical Instruments. Our stock consists of Books, Stationery, Mu sic, Musical Instruments, Wall papers, Blinds, French, German and American Lithographs and steel engravings, gilt mouldings for frames etc., etc., wholesale and retail. Dr. B. F. Harry is our agent for Bedford, and all orders given him will be promptly attended to. March 7, 1857. EVFRHART, ASHCOM ft CO. FORWIRDING *" COMMISSION M EKCHANTS—HOPE WELL—PA. The subscribers doing business under the Firm of Everhart, Ashcotu ft Co.-are now prepared to store and ship Flour, Grain, and all kinds of Mrcbandise, upon reasonable terms. They also keep on hands. Plaster, Fish, Se.*, Rock Powder, do., to which they iuvrte the at tention of Merchants in the county, aud Far mers. The highest cash prices paid for Flour, and Grain, that the Eastern Market, willatf'ord. J NO. 0. EVKHh ART, C. W. ASHCOM, JNO. F. LOWKY, G. R. BARNDOLLAR. Dec. 26, 1850. WOOLEN FACTORY—The sub scriber having rented the well known Wooicn Factory, situate in Water Street, South Woodberry Township, Bedford county, Pa., formerly owned by Mr. Wm, S. Fluck, aud now owned by Mr. Adam Ketring, is prepared to accommodate the pnblic in a superior manner. The Factory is now under going thorough repair, which will enable bim to execute wi rk as well as can be done at any other establishment in the country. He constantly keeps on hand, Cloths, Satti netts, Tweeds, Flannels. Blankets, Girth and Rag Carpets, Goverlits. Ike., ftc., Country Carding done from the first of May until the tirst of October, for Cash, r two cents per pound 4 added on credit. Wool and all kinds of country produce taken in exchange tor goods or work. By long experience in business, and a desire to pleas :, he hopes to receive a share of the public patronage. ROBERT RALSTON. Feb. 8, 18-37.-6 ii. PURE AND GENUINE GARDEN SEE EDS! BLYMIRE A HARTLEY will have in time a choice assortment of Garden Seeds,from the best establishment in the State. Bedford, Feb. 27,1857. BEST QUALITY OF HAMMERED IRON ! —Blytnire & liartlty, keep constantly on band, all sizes best Juniata Iron, at Purge prices, for cash or its equivalent, aiso Ko.lod Iron, Nail Rods, Strap lion and Nailes. A'.l orders filled promptly. 'JTJEiO -4 PARTNER in a Tavern located in the l\.c entie of the coal regions of Broadtop, which is doing a good business. This will be an excellent chance for any one who wishes to go into business. Every information shall las given by addressing a letter to • TurrpH," at thoofSccof the Bedford "Inquirer and Chron cle." Feb. 27, 1857. X E W FIRM —AT— -4 ROPEWEIiL. THE subscribers trading and doing business under the firm of Biunttollar, Lowry, & Co., would respectfully inform their friends, and the ; public generally, that they have opened at the I above place, and are daily receiving a large i stock of Merchandise, consisting in part of j Muslins, Ticking, Oseubergs, Drills, Cassimeres I Sattirrtts. Cloths, Flannels, Delanes, French | Merinos, Silks. Calicos. Hats and Caps, llard j ware, Queensw are, Boots and Shoes, Groceries ;of all descriptions. Also a large assortment ol i Ready made Clothing, all of which will be sold 1 upon as short profits as can be bad in the ceun. ! tv. G. R BARNDOLLAR, JOHN F. LOWRY. JOHN C. EVKKHAKT, C. W. ASHCOM, I Dec. 2d, 185 G. JOIIX 11. ALLEN A CO. ( SOS. 2 (J-4 CHESTNUT Street, (south side. below Water.) PHILADELPHIA, ! (TiieOipkst Wood-ware Hoisk, IS THnCrrv.) | 11 rANUFACTAIfcERS and Wholesale deal ! JLTJL ers in Patent Medicine, mad: BROOMS, j Patent Groved CEDAR-WARE, Warranted ! not to shrink. WOOD and WILLOW-WARE. CORDS, BRUSHES, ftc., of all descriptions. Please call and examine our stock. Feb. 27, 1857.-zz. j TITALL and BLIND PAPER.—Dr. B. F. j v t Harry is our agent for this necessary ' article. By calling at his store, our patron: | will sec samples of'our papers. We have made I onr spring selection; with much care, and think I We cannot fail t*> please. SHRYOCK Ik SMITH, Chambersbvrr. I March 7, 1857. W IIOERKEifS, UPHOLSTERER. WOULD announce to the citizens of Bed ford and vicinity, that he is prepared to do all work in his line, in the best style, and on reasonable terms. MatrasseS, with or without Springs, made in a superior manner, equal to the best made in the city, and to this branch ol bis business he would invite especial attention. He may be found at the shop of Michael Weis. el, a short distance East of the Borough, or at his residence, uoarly opposite the dwelling o: Dr. Watson. Bedford, Dec. 5, 1856.—3 m. New Jewelry. THE subscriber has opened out a new am! splendid assortment of all kinds of the most fashionable Jewelry—consisting in part Ol Breast Pins, Fi iger Kings, Ear Rings, Ike. &c Call and see hia stock. deld DANIEL BORDER. BARGAINS? —The undersigned, desir ous of reducing their stock, in order to make rooi a for Spring Goods, will offer tu purchasers, t'se best bargains ever seen in Bed ford Call ajid see how cheap you can lnv! A. fl. CKA'MKK, & Ob. Jan. 16.1857. BEDFORD INQUIRER AND CHRONICLE. Drug, Paint and Glass WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE, CORNER OE TENTH AND MARKET STREETS, Office in Second Story, PHILADELPHIA. WE invite attention to our enlarged stock of Drugs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c., selected expressly for our sales, and compris ing one of the finest assortments in the United States, which w offer at low prices, for casli or approved credit. WE MANUFACTURE very extensively: Premium Pure White Lead, (best,) Keusington Pure White Lead, Pearl Snow White Lead, "Viellc Montague" French Zinc, (best.) Pure Snow White American Zinc, Philadelphia Snow White Zinc, Silver's Plastic Fire and Weather-proo Paints, Chrome Greens, Yellows, and colors gener- j ally. AGENTS FOR: Porter's superior Alkaline Window Glass, Genuine French Plate Glass, (warranted,) The New Jersey Zinc Company's products, Tiiden ana Nephew's N. Y. Varnishes, Brooklyn Premium Pure White Lead, Hampden Permanent Greens, Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy, Ac., Ac. IMPORTERS OF: French and English Plate Glass, French and English Cylinder Glass, I Colored ami Engraved Window Glass, Daguerreotype Glass, Hammered Plate for Floors and Sky-Lights, Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Ac. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN : Druggists Articles generally, Painters' Tools of all descriptions, Hydraulic and Roman Cement, Calcined and Land Plaster, Paper Maker's Clav, Satin White, Ac., &c. FRENCH, RICHARDS $ CO., Store, N. W. cor. of Tenth and Market Sts.. Factory Junction York Avenue, Crown aud Callowhiil Sts., Pnii.AJJKS.RHII.. April 10, 1857-3 m. WA2STTED. TWO Journeymen Tailors will he employed by the subscriber, if application bo made im mediately— coastaut ituployment and good wages will be given. C. LOYEK. Bediord, Dec. 12, 1858. TO BUILDERS. Ithe subscribers fully preparedtofurnish and quantity or quality of Building Lumber any Plastering Laths. Orders directed to St.Clajrs vill, Bedford County, will be promptly attended t0 > by giving a reasonable notice. F. D. BF.EGLE Dec. 29, 1854. ~ TO HOISEKKBPERS. DR. lIAKRY, at the Cheap Drug and Book Store, has just received, a large assortment <>> the best flavoring extracts, together with Bak i kg Soda. Creamof Tartar, Saleratus, Ac., o the very best quality, all of which he willsel attbe lowest prices. DISSOLUTION. THE Partnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned, under the firm of Miller Sr Conley, has been this day dissolved bv mutual consent. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm, either by notes or book accounts or otherwise, are requested to appear at once for settlement. The Books, Ac., of the Store in Schells bnrg, will be found at our former place of bus ines. Those of the Store at New Paris, will be found at our former place of business there. for a short time, after which they may be found in Scliellsburg. J. W. MILLER, ISAIAH CONLEY. Schellsburg, March 11, 1857. Tho undersigned, thankful for the libera share of patronage heretofore conferred upoi the firm of Miller A Conley, would inform hi: numerous friends and the public, that he wil continue business in the room formerly occu pied by the above firm, where he will keej constantly on hand a general assortment of al kinds of goods usually found iu stores iu this section of country; all of which will be sold at exceedingly low rates. He hopes by strici integrity, and due attention to business, t< merit and receive a lilteral share of the custom of Lis former patrons and others. J. W. MILLER. A CARD. The undersigned, in retiring from the above firm, cordially recommends his late partner. .1. W. MILLKK, to the patronage of Lis friend: and the public. ISAIAH CONLEY. March 13, 1857 .-2m. MADAME FREYTET'S EMiIJMI Al FRENCH FOH YQUm It AD IBS. Eedford, Pa. TUG object of this Institution is to instruct yonng Ladies in all the branches of a thorough English education, anil at the same time to make them practically acquainted with the French language, the knowledge of which is so essential to a finished education. The success which the method adopted has met with, jus tifies the assertion that Pupils of moderate ca pacity may In a short time master difficulties which with other systems appear insurmounta ble. Hons, ami Madame Frcytef are both en gaged in the Tuition, and every effort inadt for the advancement of the Pupils. The course of studies comprises Reading. Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography, History, Composition, Natural and Moral Sci ence, Astronomy, the use of Geographical aud Astronomical Maps, Chronology. 4 Piano—Harp, and vocal Music—Drawing, and every style of Painting- Italian Language, Spanish Language. Mous, Freytet will give French or Spanish Lessons in classes, or indi vidually, as may ><• desi-ed. either at the resi dence of the Pupils or at the S-eminary. TERMS PER SESSION OF 12 WEEKS. Tuition for all the English and French Studies; $8 0(4 Mnsic —Piano, $lO; —Harp, sl2; Vocal Music. SlO. Drawing, $0; Painting, $8; Italian or Spanish Language, SB, Terms for French Language in M onto Frevtet's Class —for a course of 24 Lessons, in classes not exeeedihg oin number, $ 8 00 Individual ' rivate Lessons, 10 00 May 7.-b SHOE, Glassware, and VARIETY SIT MLBS: • | —o 1 ADAM FERGUSON HAS just opened, next door to Minniek's, on Juliana Street, a large assortment of Shoes and Boots, of every kind, size and des cription. Also an extensive assortment o GLASSWARE, including cake stands, preservs " dishes, cake baskets, hall lamps, tumblers, largo beer glasses, window glass, card receivers, terra cotta, Ac. Also silver cake baskets,aud a vss riety of other articles in that line. He hae also on hand the best kind of tobacco and cigars cheese and crackers, carpet bags, Misses satcli ' els, Gentlemen's canes, shotguns, Gentlemen', 1 and Ladies'gloves, of all kinds. Hosiery oi I all descriptions, and a variety of other articles, ! not necessary to mention. | Having bought his shoes and glassware, in I larger quantities, than is usual for country Mer ' chants, be can sell at reduced prices. ■ ! Dec. 19.1853. >| mo keep the teeth and gums healthy Use • ! JL Bazin's Rose tooth paste, orthe Balm of j a Thousand Flowers, with a good brush, all I of which nan be piirehised cheap, at Dr. //r --■ ry's. fPHE undersigned laving entered into par JL nership, respectfully announce to the puh lie generally,thatthe\ are now prepared to tur nish anything in their line at exceedingly low rates. We are now opening an elegant stock of Hardware, Cutlery, House Furnishing Goods, Tin Japanned, Brass, i rench. and Brittania Ware, Willow, Cedar, and Pine Ware, Nails, Class, Brushes, Putty, A large stock of TIN-WARE constantly on hand, of our own manufacture. Spouting and other work done to order, as usual. STOVES of every des cription for wood or coal, of which we are just receiving some beautiful new patterns. Also Farm Implements in great variety, warranted as represented. the best and latest Inventions ol the day. And, as we are every week receiving goods from Philadelphia, Baltimore, or Pitts uurg, we will always endeavor to keep a lul supply of everything in our line, or at leas fbrnish any article required at a short notice. We are also prepared to furnish all kinds ol Lead Pipe, Water and Pump FtxMires, at low rates. We cordially invite all to give us a call, audespecially the Ladies, as we have nearly everything to make house keeping easy from a needle to a Cooking Stove, GEO. W. BLYMIRE, WM. HARTLEY. Oct. 8, 1856.-lv. SHOE STORE. AB. CRAMER & CO. have just receive • a very large assortment of Boots an slices, suitable for Fall and Winter, part style is follows : Men's Super Waxed Double Sole Boots, Men's " City Made Call do. Men's " Heavy Kip, Lined do. Youth's Waxed Double Sole Boots, Youth's Calf and Kip Lined do. Boys' City made Calf Boots, Boys' Kip Lined Boots, Womens' Double sole Kip Bootees, Womons' Fine Calf and Seal do. Womens' Fine Goat Morocco do. Womons' Parodi Bootees, very handsome, Children's Shoes of every style and price. Gent's Morocco, Kid, and Calfskin Bootees, Ladies' Double Sole Gaiters, Gum Shoes, &c., in fact. Boots and Shoes to suit every purcha ser. If you want Boots and Shoes, please give us a call, and you shall be suited in quality and price. Exchange Store is the place to buj Boots and Shoes. Oct. 12, 1855. IMPORTANT TO MILL OWNER ¥OODW AKD'S Improved Smut and Screen itig Machines, Mill Bushes, Bolting Cloths and Bran Dusters, of the most improved plan; Mill Screws, Corn and Cob Grinders, Patent Bridges for Mill Spindles, Portable Mills, warranted to grind ten bushels per hour, Mill Irons and Mill Burrs made to order. Also, Stover's Patent Corn Kiln and Grain Dryer— a valuable invention. The above articles are kept constantly on hand, and can be obtained at any time, from S. D. BROAD, Schellsburg, Bedford County, who is also gent for Bedford, Somerset, and adjoining oanties. Mill wright work done at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. February 15, 1856. MCCORMICK'S Reaper and Mower for sale by S. D. BROAD at Schellsburg, Pa., agent for Blair and Bedford ounties. February 15, 1856. Honrs & FILLER ATTORNEYS IT LAW. BEDFORD, FA. WILL PROMPTLY ATTEND TO ALL legal business entrusted to tlieir care.— During the se. sions of the court, the senior partner may lie found at the office of the firm, two doors south of Hon. S. L. Russell's offi-e. D. H. HOFIUS. JNO. 11. FILLER. Bedford, Nov. 28, 1856. g% BEEN SPRING FARM FOR SALE. —Tbe above property, late the resid ence ol David Piper, dec'd, situate on Pipers Run.Hopewell Tp., Bedford county Pa., is of fered at Private Sale. The above property contains it) all 420 actes, more or less, being divided into three different tracts, as follows: Ist. The Mansion Tract,containing 133 acres more or less, of a first rate quality of limestone land, about 100 acres cleared, iu a high stale of cultivation, under tho best offence—a good orchard of choice grafted fruit, a good Sugar Camp, one of the best springs of limestone water in the county, the water from which ruus close to tbe barnyard. The improvements are a large and very con venient Dwelling House, a good barn, the best corn cribaod wagousht-d in the country,a good stone springhouse, and all other necessary out. buildings, all in good repair. 2d. The Mountain Tract, (byway ofdistinc tion,) lying on the west side of the mansion tract, adjoining lands of Carrs' heirs, King's and others, along the foot of Tusseys Mouulam containing 200 acres, more or less, about 30 acres cleared, a good two story Log House thereon erected with a small orchard. 3d. The Warrior Ridge Tract, adjoining the mansion tract, on the east, containing 8!) acres, more or less, of good limestoue laud, about 20acrescleated. All the uucleared land of the above three tracts Is well limbered, and pretty nearly all susceptable of cultivation. Taken all together, the above property has few superiors*)!* a wheat growing and stock raising farm. The best of running water being accessable to pretty nearevery field, tbe best of range for stock on both sides of the farin. Tbe cleared land pretty nearly surrounded by the best of timber. The (oliowing pr'ce is asked, namely:—sso dollars per acre for the mansion tract; "S2O per aero for tbe mounts n tract; $22 per acre for tho wart lor ridge tract. One tract will not lie sold, without selling the whole, except at an advanced price. An undisputedtitle will be given bv THE HEIRS. For further particulars addrea, J. T. PIPKR, Bludy Run. Bedford Co., Pa., Feb., 13. 185".-3nt. Journeyman Blacksmith Wanted. THE highest wages, and constant employ ment, will be given, for a good Journey man Blacksmith, by the subscriber, living at Charlesville, Bedford County, Pa., if applica cation be made Immediately. CHARLES PENCIL. March 27, 1857.-c* A large assortment of Hair, Tooth,and Clothes XTLbrushesjust received, at Dr. Harry's. THE undersigned respectfully requests all those Indebted to him in any manner to maki payment immediately. Oct. 3,185(1. ' GEO. W. BLYMIRE. Journeyman Wagouraaker Wanted. VTIHE highest wages nd constant employ- J. meut will be given by tho subscriber, ' living in Boydstown, half mile West of Bed- I' ford, for a good Journeyman Wagonmaker.— 1 Application to he made immediately, r iKTOX SING MAX. I May 1, 1857,-e Ureal Attraction. f 0 COLIN LGYES, * I • Merchant Tailor, TAKES this method of announcing to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity, and strang ers visiting the place, tiiat he has just received at his old stand in Bedford, next door west of the Bedford Hotel, the richest assortment of Cloths, tec., he has ever yet offered to the pub lic, and to which he invites the attention of pur chasers, satisfied that he can accommodate, both as to price and quality, all who favor him with a call, lie has a Superior article of cloth, lor hoy's clothing, which he can sell so low as to astonish those who examine its quality. of every description, in his line, made to order on the shortest notice and most reasonable term KF~lie would direc * attention to the follow ing list, as comprising some of the leading arti cles to be found in his establishment: Black Cloths, ran sting in price from $2,50 to $9.00 per yard ; Blue Cloths; Olive Browns & Greens; Black Casitncrs; Black Doe-Skins; French Fancy Casitueres; Linen Drillings; Plain If Figured Grenadiens; Superior article of Black Satin; Velvets; Marseilles Vestings; Buff Cassimcres. A fine article of Shirts, latest style. Lisle Thread under Shirts £ Drawers. Cotton " Shirt collars latest style; Lawn Cravats; Black Silk " White Linen Handkerchiefs; Summer Stocks; Superior article of French Suspenders; Black Kid Gloves Fancy Colored Kid Gloves; Silk Lisle thread < and all other articles usually kept by Merchant Tailors and Gent's furnishing stores. Bedford, Dec. 12, 1856. BEDFORD HOTEL, AND GENERAL STAGE OFFICE. THE subscribe (respectfully begsleavetoan nounce to his old friends and the public generally,that ho has leased and taken posses ion ol the Bedford Hotel,lately intheoccu paucy of Col. Adam Barnhart. It is not his design to make many professions asto what fie willdo, but he pledges his word feat his most energetic efforts will be employed to render comfortable all who give hi .sa call. The house will he haudsomely fitte' np,and none but carefu land attentive serv-ats will be engaged. Persons visiting the Bedford Springs, as well as those attending Court, and khe traveling community generally, are respectfully invited to give him a call anil judge for themselves. £C The stages all now stop at this hotel, Boarderstaken by the week, mouth or year onfavorable terms. E?~ Ample and c .mfortable stabling is at tached tothishotc , which will always be at ended by a careful hostler. Alstj, a safe aud convenient carriage house. JOHN IIAFER. Bedford, Aprli 6, 1855. zz Oil. KELLIXG'S ( INCUR INSTITUTE, FOR the treatment of Cancers, Tumors. Wens, Ulcers, Scrofula, any Growth or Sore. Chronic Diseases, generally, cau be cured, (if curable,) without surgical operation or poisou. For all particulars write, state di seases plainly,and enclose twenty-five cents for advice. All letters must have a postage stamp enclosed to pre-pay answer. Medicine cau he seut any distance. Address, C. L. KELLING, M. D., Mechhamc.ibu.rg, Cumberland Co., Pa. UJT~ M echaoicsbnrg is 8 miles from Harris burg, on the C. V. Railroad, and accessible from all pa rts of the Union. Old and young, poor and rich, come all—wc will do you good. To those afflicted who cannot visit me personally, I will send, per mail, on receipt of > 5.00 only, a Recipe to prepare Medicine, with 1 ull directions for use, Nc. State all purticu -1 ars. Address as above. Feb. 27, 1857.—z. A.King. Fr. Jordan. LAAA PARTNERSHIP. liiag & Jordan, 3 (oriieys at Law BEDF01? , PA., ¥ILL practice in the uveral Courts of Bed j ford ami adjoining counties. Agencies, Collections, and all other business ! intrusted to their care will be promtly and faith fully attended to. OFFICE in Juliana street, formerly eccupied by I). H. Hofius, Esq., aud more recently in the occupancy of Jos Mann, Esq. January, 5, 1855. riiifiH! I Will nit-mi punctually and carefully to all Of* rat tout in- t i { I trusted to hit car* T. eta flloJ, {lu£i'd, rt-fuUfaul, Ac., ami I J < nrufietal tooth iwrtod, from ou- u> au entire -t. I ' oisl-rat.', ami all ojwmuon* warrauVti. I OT Terra IXTAIUABI.Y CASH. OAc* . Ura Titt B-dfwrri, T*. i Plastering Lathi!)!! TUE V\DERSI(iKEI) having erected a Millfor sawing PLASTKRIMI I.ATUson his premises in Union Tp., Bedford county, is now ready to furnish any quantity on the shortest notice. Price'per thousand, 3 ft. long Otherlengths in proportion. Letters addressed to meat St.Clairsvillewl be promptly attended to. WM. GRIFFITH nion Tp., Fob. 16,1834. zst. WSOTICE TO DKLIXytTENT "cOL- XsX EfciOTOßS".. —Xotiee is hereby given rto all delinquent collectors in Bedford county, up to tiro year 186 inclusive, thai if they pay up balances standing in their duplicates by May Court 1857, they will be allowed 3 per cent on the amount so paid in. over aud above the 5 per cent already allowed by law. By order of the Commissioners. H. MCODEMUS. Jan. 16, 1857. Clerk. J. PALMER & CO. MARKET STREET WHJRF IWIL'J. DEAUKHS r* Ftsn tsn PROVISIONS : Have constantly on hand an assortment of Mackerel, Shad, //errings, Codfish, Beef, I Pork, Lard, Shoulders, /Jams, Sides, Cheese, Rice, Medicines, Fahnstock's, Hobensack's, and other \ eittiilL ges; Hoofland's German Bitters. &<■., he. Constantly on hand a large stock of historic, biographical, scientific, religious, put ;ical. school, aud miscellaneous BOOKS. Also a great variety of P.I SO Y ST JIT 10}- JRY, Cap, Post and wrapping jap,, ot every quality, Paper Hangings in great variety.— Window Blinds in patterns or 1 y the piece.— Wall Paper, Steel and Fancy Goods. BLJSK BOOKS of every size- and quaiiiv. Pocket Books and Port Monnaies, Diaries' Blank Deeds and Mortgages, gold Pens , Pencils, Combs, Brushes, Perfumery in pre:, variety, Soaps, &c., fcc. Lamps, and Camphine Oil and Eurnii g Fluid kept constantly on hand. CHOICE LIQUORS for medical use; Wolfl'# Scheidani Schnapps, Gin, Port, SLerry cr.d Madeira Wines. Aug. II; 1851-tf mFIRM. SADDLES, Harness, Trunks, Wliips, &<•.— Tlie undersigned would repectiully announce to the Public that they have formed partner, ship, and are uow itilly prepared to nianutacturu ail kinds of work in their line of husiriej* . BEEGLE.o St. CUirsv-ille, Feb. 18, 1853-tf Hollowav's Worm Confections.—A safe pleasant, and effectual remedy for worn, a at Dr Harry's cheap Drug Store. IVizins and T.tihins Extracts for the Hatidktt Jchief, Cologne Water, Ac., at Dr. liarn . MUSIC lit MUSICAL IXSTKUJIEXTS.- I'ianos, Melodious, Flutes. Guitars. Brass Horns, Clarionets, Drums, etc.. o! vari ous manufacture, always on hand. Ravi* sup plied at citf urhoitsale rote*. Vie keepul*.i on haud a full assortment of all the r.t tv i u fashionable music, which we mail at mrei to any part of the country. X. B. Music arranged to ostler. sjiKvocK & SMII n. C 'hutttbtrsfarz. March 7. 1857. SAMUEL RADEBAUGH, Justice ol (he Peace. OFFICE two doors South of the Jier.r Hons-, and next door to the oflice Mann & Spang, whore he will attend to to collection of all claims placed in his hands. Bedford, Jan. 11, 1850. JOB MANN, espcctl'nlly trndcrs his services m XX. the citizens of Bedford and vicuiity. I' e may always be found (unless professionally in gaged) at his Drug and Book Store, iu Julmr.a St. Feb. lti, 1854. HARDWARE STORI. The subscriber would announce tohbeM. ! enils an 1 tho public in general, that he ha' i e-uoved his HARDWARE STORE to the j folding second door west of the Bedford P®* ! tel. where he has just received and ojirm-d i extensive assortment of Hardware, ctubraciir ! almost every article in that line ot huisim>>. j His stock of SADDLERY is of the best e,u. '■*' j and was selected with great care, lie veto ; respectfully invite all in want of article? in |W i Hardware line, to give hint a call, satisfied t-"- 1 he can please all who do so. JOHN ARNOLD- May 23, 1856. CORN SIIELLER, FODDER CUTTERS. AND C O If. N M ILLS. VirE warrant the above Machines to workj' j VV represented, and if after h fair trial 11 ' do not give satisfaction, the purchaser may b j turn them and get his money back. Give turn < a trial, and tou will save money, as they ha* 1 not vet been surpassed, if equalled. Dec. ID, 1856. BLYMIRE t IIARTLM • tpo FRUIT GROWERS. —The uii lersig" 1 ed would call trie attention of persons m sirous of planting this spiing, to iiis tiee let ■' apple trees from 5 t> 10 feet high, of the i" 1 " approved varieties, will l>e sold in quantities suit purchasers, atth; lowest rates, b) '• hundred. . Persons clubbing together and ordering • the thousand will be liberally dealt with 1 superior trees. Also a few I'esCh, Aprio j Keetarino graphs, < rseborritM*> i Ate. Ail articles labeled and carelully P • to carry safely any distjiucc at the small cost " 1 material. Pears, Plums and Cherries are ; small. For further particulars address a II . Hues to T. M. LYNCH Bedford. I -1 IVh. 20, 1857.