jrifih in A DILEMMA. —Wo sympathize w ' l h the Sage of Wheatland. \vhsfher he reaiiy has many friends to r< - T j;J tr to punish we know not, , oae thing is certain—the number of of- s'il! dogging his footsteps is a • ...ing. Their name is legiou.—They arc j; cuuicrous. pestiferous, and offensive to ; n t geciety as the frogs and lice of £• leiccd if such pother, clatter, brow ng, caucussing, jabbering, log-rolling .slog, .swear'tig, praying, whining, beg .., md wrangling, emanating from high ' , 3 ..a] 1..w, noli men and poor, snobs, ple- Vl . u'tjiferanee men and rnmsuekcrs, ijppcr crust" as well as the tag ends, . • i.tg anJ bob tail of society, aud terai *i this doe-, in nn unearthly yell for , we and powct which fairly makes the wel . R io;. If soch a state of things is ne ;,ri!y t!>c firs! salute of a newly itiautru .jijJ President, then the position of a boot i is, in every respect, more enviable. . would i.ot sicken with disgust in alike . .jifiaiontßaltimore Clipper. KANSAS OFFICERS. H fu"r>", who headed the party that mob- H' -cw rib last Summer, and who, it ■ .met hued Mr. Philip.*, of Leaven- H; ,bs j■ s.; got an appoiutment in the H : . Mayor Murphy, tlie Horder I i:.. i-ad-r of Lcarenworfb, t.n* been aa ■ 1 Lilian Agent iu Clarke's place. J. H ' .'•"in, the Jlorder Kuffiin proseeutor . , ; legislator, who resides at L-xittg ■■. U h:.s got au appoiattuent. Cbris ■ '."ns C- uncilman, Pro-Slavery, | J . !;ei*a appointe t Postmaster of Lawrence, I Mr. liabeock, a Free-State Natiouai t Tai removed. Whitfield and Woodsen, P tr; . are aud alwaas have been among 'tr, wort litter persceutors of the FrecSta'e I ..are appointed te positions in the Ltnd B. ir. Vt aiker, were ho an angel of I and a mode! of justice,eoui 1 tir.d no i r vi'h'.r fjuali'ies iti tlie land whither t . I, tie "t to ruforce the laws of (■•. "'i : i'.'gislature? T!r: frauds now being -eJ in i-oMicetion with taking t'ne • ;he of such men as the i metif.irce them, the 1 \ ing up of tiie L.cs nt the only olueer who may have toe • ;ie*. to do right, such is the first step B Preri ienf Rucliauan's Administration iu i'.ue to Kansas, ftuch is the answer to - whose ears were tickled with Rue's at,d | OLD OPINIO;; ON Slavery —ln the | '*t f ':' i ar'ieic, the Trifinbe ijuntos | , rick Ilcriry ;rl.> wrote " Would any one | ..g thai I '.iu tiift.s'er of slave* of mv own | 'uisc/ lam drawn along by the incofi .-.rcaee of living leie niihout rheui. 1 will [ <—l cannot justify ir. I believe a time i p.i coute when art oppcrtuuity will bo offer- i j 'j mulish this lamentable evil. Every j L: gwe can do is t>> improve it if it han fin our day; and if uot let u* trnnsiuit i nr dpscondeiit.*,together with our staves, PLty tor their nubappy lot and a:i abiior of slavery ""I eau only s.v," wrote 1 !•'. nigioii," rhere :s u,r a unit living who f• "hes more fiicer-sly than f on to see a |"j ado; ted for tho abolition of it, (i. e.,lu - y.: hut •here is < nijr ouo proper and tfiec |i ! nio !e by which if can be accomplished, |. i s'nat t.s by legislative autucriiv. and this pLra* tuy suffiage will go, shall never he I'ia-:."' Li the erT-lier and better days of 1 1 < >ui, before r actional auihtlioii had " •! him, it was his great and le .ding as • : rti mi to set on foot (an 1 in this M i-tison I sp.'UiZMl and cuop 'rate i with liiiu) some [;Ki Irg.sia'ivo uteiHiire of emaneipatiiin as tkat lor which \\ shingtou, in the letter >a oootcd, j'lecged Lis influence and Li.s [i Pas'v le WILLIAMSON PASg.—The ae | "'ir d u.iiges brought ng .iiist judg" John ivaut' hi tise court of Uonuuou Pleas of i.va i county, wa.i some time since ar : up,iti ilcii.urr r. T-> the declaration | .iing damages Judge Kane Tint in five id pleas, setting forth his office, the I ■ cings which occurred, and justifying I ■ -itire conduct. Th - * plaintiff replied de I ; tri •. to these pleas that the defendant had a;ait:.'d ij,a of hi, owti will, and ■ t Cause. ( Judge's couTisel demurred especially to | r Katie, so that the replication stands, I. i the m o will go on trial on the general ''. and will be tried some time dur ug the ; s cnt summer. r.e!;n Berni Yat Citizen*. rding to J't lge Taney's decision in the | • e 'l Scott case, naturalized foreigners, and a ' -eendants of foreigners natural zed I "w the fortnatiori of the Constitution, are tc'tizens, and Lave not the rights of Jtens of the United States. That oRe i •-uicLi functionary mays; '•Krery v.-Tson. and every cla*s and do" '"iT tion of persons at the time of the adop oj ihc CancHiuL'on, regarded as citizens V Ike several Stales, became Citizens of • J n<-w p dittcal body, AND Nt'Xß OTHER. ■zosjrnmt'J for I hem and tieis posterity it t! e niiuralizttion law- were not passed ■-"! af'er the a>loption of the Constitution, "doctrine would, it* followed out, disfran "-isc not only all naturalized foreigners bet "ir native born posterity. This is infinitely ''-er tl.nu Know Xothingism. Yet jt has *' -aceii>n of the 1) • uocratic party. i "nue OPtxioJi is ST. LOU, a.—The Sf- M-ui, Democrat, in nuLounctug tne iriuutnu 'he Emancipation party iu St. Louis, f Wd iu thus : "Ltf men every whet e know, hereafter, " at St. Lonis baa made a proclamation in th people of tbe world to coma and *"fia in LermiJat, assuring them of protcc* '-n so person.proporty and opinion. She ' iceforth "he Free City of :ho valley of Lsai--ippi. She iuvitea Uihcr, capital to !:.en->-, without d'siinefton ofeoutj- She p.*. — We invite the atten tion of those who are bald headed, and those wiio are afraid of becoming so, to the adver tisement of Prof. Wood's Heir Restorative in to-day's paper. Wo are uot ia the habit of puffing every quack nostrum that Is advertised in our piper, but we feel it our duty, when we come across a;t article that Is good, to let the people know it. Wo have no fears of having soon to J *cud under hire poles. 3 " and therefore have not used the Reslorulice, but think, if the certificates of hones: men can bo relied upon, that it must he a first rate article. Try it, ye whose natural wigs need rejuvenation.— [liock ville Republican. ,malb. For sole by Dr. B F. Harry, Bedford, Pa. WUITB TKETU. PRNTFL MELI BREATU AND BE\r- Tirct COMPLEXION—can be acquired by using the • D iltn of a Thousand Flew ers." What lady or gentleman would rcinaio under the curse of a disagree a bio breath, when by using the "BATS OF A mo ISAND FLOWERS" as a den tiirice, would not only render it sweet, but leave the teeth white as alabaster? Many per sons do uot know their bieath is bad, and the subject is so delicate their iriends will never mention it. Beware of counterfeits. Be sure cash bottle is signed FETKIDGE & CO..N.Y. For sale by all Druggists. l'27eowz. WE are authorized to announce the name of A Bit AM R. BUNN, ESQ., of Schelshurg Bo rough, as a Candid ite for 'he office Of Pro thonot.iry, fcc.. •uiject to the decision of the Union County Convention. * WE are authorized to announce the name of J Eli. K. BOWLES. ESQ., ot Bedford Bor ough, as a candidate for Prothonotary, subject to the decision of the Union County Conven tion. " • DAVID OVER, Esq.: Yon wiii please announce the name of JOHN ALSIP, ESQ.. of Bedford Borough, as a candidate for Prothonotary of Bedford County, subject to the decision of the ITuiou County Convention. MANY.* We are authorized to announce CAPT. J AS. S. BECK WITH, of Coiciain Township, as a candidalj f r the office of Sheriff, sulject to the decision of the Union County Convention. We ur? authorized to announce SAMUEL J. CASTNER, ESQ., of Middle Woodlwrry Township, as a candidate for Sheritf, subject to the decision of the Union County Convention. WK ore authorized to announce GEO. K. OSI ER, of Bedford Borough, as a candi date mr Treasurer, subject to the decision ot t'ie Unior County Convention. 31ARR1ID. In F Lends Cove, nt tlie bouse of tlie bride's father, on the 30th April, by the Uev. C. F. UofTweier, .Mr. Philip J. Shoe maker, to .Mrs. Mary Caroline Compiler, daughter of Mr. i'bilip J. Shoemaker, Sen., both of the Cove. On the evening of the 23J ult., at the house of the bride'" father, by Abraui 11. Hull, fcKrj., Mr. Isaac Wentz, to Miss. Su sanna Fiukes, bo'li of Union Township, Bedford Connty, Pi. mew m Tun undersigned have jut received a full supplj of SPRIXG JSD SUMMER GOODS— which they will sell at lower prices tnan are generally asked in Bedford. Please Call and udge foi v ourselves A. B. CRAMER A CO. May 1, 1857. PIMK UUINB MILl f subscriber is now prepared to accommo- J. hate tbo public at the Poor House Mill. Custom work and Merchant work done to or der. All Flotv made by him warranted to give satisfaction. He respectfully'solicits a share of the public patronage. XELSUS FARQUIUIt. May 1, 1857.-c XK\ MAIkLKAL. BF.SR quality Mackerel—for sab for Cash or Produce. Shad and Herring will soon bo re ceived. j3h L. CRAMER SL CO. ISTEME BXCITMENT ! s & as DAS JUST RECEIVED TIIE .most attractive assortment of SPRING AND SUIIMER GOODS ever offered to the people of Bedford. In cheapness, elegance and variety, bis stock can no. be surjiassed. It consists in part of (LOTUS AMD CASSIMERES, Testings, of every de scription , Linen Goods. Jeans, Denims, Driliings, White and Brown Muslins, and Gentleman's Fur nishing Goods generally. r>nEss silks, Figured, plain and fancy Silks, Silk Tissae, Lhall. de Laines, Barege do I.aines, Plain PI iid and Striped Lawns, Zansartine Cloth, Croileau et Dcvillo, Wool De laines and a great variety of Piaiu and F<*ney Prints. Kid. Silk and I.islo Thread Gloves, Needle Worked Colors, under Sleeves, Handker chiefs, Scarfs, Edgings and Inserting*, Frin ges, Ribbons and Dress Trimmings, &e. &e. in great variety. Moire Antique Mantillas, BOOTS AInB SHOES, l.a lies Dress Gaiters and Fancy Shoes. Mis ses' Shoes, Gentlemen's Goiters, Coyg' Shoes, Ace. A general assortment of Quecuswarc and Hardware. A new and large stock of FRESH GROCERIES, &c. &c. tec. Z7~ rarsons attending Court, ne.vt week, arc invited to call end examine th! s excellent ami cheap stock of Gcods. Great plcusqre will be taken in exhibiting them. May i, 1*37. BEDFORD INQUIRER AND CHRONICLE. 2-5 WITNESSES; or, TIIE FORGER CONVICTED.i S John S. Dye is the Author, | Who has 1 ad 10 years experience as a lieck j - er and Publisher, and Author of •—' *1 scries of Lectures at the Broadway ,£< Tabernacle, ® when, for 10 successive nights over Greeted bim with hounds of Applause, while he exhibited the manner in which Cnun- i " terfeiters execute their Frauds, and the •p. Surest and Shortest Means of 5* Detecting them ! C 2 The Bank Sole Engravers all say thai he is \ the greatest Judge of Paper Money living. OriREiTEST DISCOVERY OF . VJ the Presrut Ccutury lor © Detecting f onaterfeit Bank Xotes. Describing every Genuine Bill in Exis s-< tence. and exhibiting at a glance w every Counterfeit in Circulation!! 0 Arranged so admirably, that REFERENCE is EASY and DETECTION INSTANTANEOUS. A -7* No index to examine! No pages to to hunt up * But so simplified and arrang ed, that the Merchant, Banker, and Bu rt siness Mail cau see all at a Glance. PS . O English, French and German. ■gThus Each may read the same in his own Native Tongue. . Most Perfect Bank X'ote List < Published. W Also a List of All th© Private B inkers in America. A Complete Summary of the FINANCE or pj EUROPE AND AMERICA will W published in each edition, together with all the important 3 NEWS OF TIIE DAY. Also Ji SERIES OF T.ILES © ron) 1111 Old Manuscript found in the East. P It furnisbts the Most Complete History ot ORIENTAL LIFE, W Deacribiug the Mosr Perplexing Positions in which the Ladies and Gentlemen of that OCountry have been so often found. These Stories will cont nue throughout the whole year, and will prove the Most Entertaining ever offered to the Pnulic. CC7~ Furnished Weekly to Subscribers only, at $1 a year. Ail letters must be ad dressed to JOHN S. DYE. Rroker, Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Writ .Street, April 21, 1857-zz. New York. OiiPIM.W COIRT SALE. PLRIIIPTORI! Estate of Dr. P. Shoeuben*er, dee'd. BY ar. order of the Orphans' Court ot the J City and County ot Philadelphia, the un- t dersigned, Executors of the Estate of Dr. : Peter Shoenbetger, dee'd, will sell, without re serve, on THURSDAY 28th day cf MAY, 1857, At the '■■Logan House," Hollidavshurg, the fol- i lowing described property, located in Bedford 1 County, viz: A Tract of Timber Land, adjoining the i Stone House Farm, near Pattousvilie, and | containing about ISO ACRES. A very desirable Farm known as the Zook j Farm, adjoining the town of Woodberry, and ; containing 196 ACRES, on which is erected a large Farm House, Bank ; Barn, Wagon Sited, Corn Crib, and all other j necessary out houses, with several tenant j houses. For furthei informatian in regard to the sale ' of Real Estate in the counties of Huntingdon, • Blair, Cambria and Bedford, see handbills and j Blair County it'Arg. The Terms of S; le, to all other pur chaser* than the residuary Legatees, their airwiits or trustees,are to be. One third ot the purchase nanney iu cash uii tiie execution and j delivery ola Deed ot Conveyance by the c;. j ing Executors—the remainder in two equal in stalments .it the expiration of one and two years from the date of the Deed, with interest. Suclt payments to t secured in the meantime by Bonds and Mortgages of the property sol i. SM> Cash is to be paid at the time of sate on each piece ot property sold. Plans, copies of siuveys, exhibit of title j papers, and due attendance will ne given on the day of sale by the acting Executors. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, .1. At. of said day. By the Court, JOHX SHER H Y, Clerk 0. C. JO US' G. MILES, I ~ MICIUEL BERRY, j The acting Executors will offer for isle at the same time and place. •"JO Share* of Hollidavshurg and Bedford Plank Koad Company Stock, par value, $25 per share, on which $18.50 per share has Ween paid. 20 " Hollidaysburgand Bedford Turn pike Road Company. 50 " Hollidavshurg and Martinsburg Turnpike Koad Compativ. 30 " Wood berry and Pattonsville Turnpike Road Company Stock. April 24. 1857.-ts. ASSIGNEE NOTICE. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bedford County: \ WUZBEAS, Jacob Birnhnrd and Jonathan Horton, Assignee* of tlie Estate of Dr. Win. E. Reichter, did, on the Cth day of March, 1557, file in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Conunou Pleas of Bedford Coun ty, their Account as Assignees on the said Estate, Notice is hereby given to the creditors of the said Dr. Win. E. Kiehter and all others inter ested, that the Hon. Judge* of the said Court, have appointed Friday the Sth day of May, next, for hearing the same, and lor showing cause why the said Account ought not to he allowed, and in default thereof, the same will bef confirmed. W IT*ESS the lion. F. M. Kirnraell, Esq., President of oitr said Court at Bedford, this Cth day of April, A. D., 1857. D. WASHABAUGH, Prothonotary. April 10. 1857. ~ TIWVRIL THE subscriber has now on hand, at his New Tiqning Establishment, IVest Pitt Street, opposite Dr. Harry's Drug St _.re, a Urge and splendid assortment of TISR'ARE, which he will dispose o! wholesale and retail, ou rea sonable terms. Gall und zee his stock and judge for your selves. House SpctUing made and put up to order, on resaontblc term*. Old Pewter and Copper will be taken for Cash or Tinware. ABRAM HERMAN. Bedford, April 24, 1857-3 m Attention Riflemen I *\/* n U are hereby ordered to parade at your A usual place of training, on Thursday the 21st of May next, at 10 o'clock, A.M., la winter unito:..i, (wth piuuie.) Each member will provide himself with twelve rounds ot ball cartridge lor target practice. A full turn out is desired By order pt the Captain. W.M. RJTCHEY, 0. S. April 24, 1857. ONLY ONE BOTTLE OF DR. SAiIFORD'S IMIGORITRR, OR LIVER REMEDY IS required to euro any ono trouble' 1 with j Liver Complaints, unless tbo most deeper- j ate of cases, wlicn the SECOND bottle will, with ; scarce a single failure, restore the finiient to i health and vigor. We wish to call the alien- j tion uf all to these facts, that Hie Invigorutor i is compounded by a physician who has used it i iu liis practice for the past twenty years with a j success almost credulous, nud that it is entire- I Jy vegetable, being composed wholly of gums. I * Some itiea of the strength of tuese gunis j may heloimed when it is known one bottle ot : the Invigorater contains as much strength a* | one hundred doses of Galouiel without any ol ; its deleterious effects. One bottle is the surest thing known to carry j away the had effects of mineral poison of any j kind. Only one bottle is needed to throw out of j the system the effects of medicine after a long ] sickness. ! One bottle taken f r Jaundice removes all j yellowish cr unnatural c >".; i from the skin. , One dose after eating i> sufficient to relieve the stomach and prevent the food from rising j and souring. Only one dose taken before retiring prevents j nightmare. One dose taken at tiight loosens the bowel* i gently, and cures costiveuess. One dose takeu alter each nieal will cure! Dyspepsia. One dose of two tea-spoonsful will always . relieve Sick Headache One bottle taken fr female obstruction re- - moves the cause of the diseafe, and makes a ' pel feet cure. Only one dose immediately relieves Choiic, while One dose often repented ia a sure cure for j Cholera Morbus, and a suie preventative of i Cholera. One dose taken often will prevent tlie recur- I reiice of bilious attacks, while it relieves all | painful feelings. (T7" One or two doses taken occasionally is ! one of the best remedies for a cold ever known, i Thousands of case* of inflammation and weak- i nes* of the lungs have been cured by the In- . vigorator. One dose taken a short time before eating gives vig.ir to the appetite an i ma c J-. food di- J gest well. One dose often repeated cures Chronic Diar- ! rhos m its worst forms, while summer and how el complaints yi-ld almost to the fir-t dose. One or two doses cures attacks caused by worms, while for worms in children, there is no ; surer, safer and speedier remedy iu the world, ' as it never fails. There is no exaggeration in these statement*, they are plaiu and sober facts, that we can give i evidence to prove, while uli who use it are ! giving their unanimous testimony in its faror. ! 5Ye ish all who arc sick and debilitated to ' try this remedy, and test it thoroughly, and i any who are uot benefitted by its use we should j like to hear from, as we have yet to hear from j the lirat person who has used a bottle ofluvig. i orator without receiving lieuefit, for there ir.- ; such astonishing medicinal virtues iu it, that ' all, no matter how Lug they have been affect- j ed, if their complaint arises from a deranged ( liver, will lie benefitted, if *>ot entirely cured. . SANFOHD $ CO., Proprietors, 345 Broad- | way, New York. For sale by Dr. B. F. Harry, Bedford, Pa. j March 27, 1857-zzcq ALWAYS SOMETHING- NEW. HEAD THIS— OLD AND 10UXG. Is. no doubt, the most wonderful discovery of this age of progress, for it will restore, perma- I nen.lv, gray hair to its original color, cover : tho head of the bald with a most luxuriant ' growth, remote at once all dandruff and itch ing, cure all scrofula, and other cutaneous eruptions, such a* scald head. etc. It will j cute, a* if by magic, nervosa or periodical j headache; make the hair soft, glossy, an i I w ivy, and preserve the color perfectly, and i th: hair from falliug. to extreme old age. The following is from a distinguished mem- ; bor of the medical profession : ST. PAIX. January, I, 1855. PROFESSOR O. J. WOOD; DEAR SIR: Unsolicited, 1 send yoit this ' certificate. After being nearly bald for a long 1 time, and h tving tried ail the hair restorative* extant, and having no faith ill any, I was in duced, on hearing of yours to give it a trial, j 1 placed myself in the hands of a b irbar, and | bad my head rubbed with a good stiff brush. | and the Restorative then applied and well : rubbed in, till the scalp was aglow. This,l j repeated every morning, and in three weeks the young hair appeared and grew rapidly irom I August last till the present time, and is now ; thick, black and stroug—soft and pleasant to i the touch; whereas, before, it was harsh and | wiry, what little there was of it, and that little j was disappearing very rrpidly. 1 still use your , restorative about twice a week, and shall soon j have a good and perfect crop of hair. Now. I | had read of these things—and who has not? j hut have not seen hitherto any case where nv person's hair was really benefitted by ar.v ot ; the hair tonic, etc., of tlie day; and it really j gives me pleasure to record the result of my experience. I have recommended your pre paration to others, and it already has a large and geiieril sale throughout the Ternary.— The people here know its effects, and have cwnfl icnce in it. The supply you sent us, as wholesale agjuts for tho Territory, is nea'ly exhaustc'. utiddaily inquiries are made for it. You deserve credit for your discovery; and I, for one, return you iny thank* tor th" benefit it has done me, for I had certainly despaired long ago of ever effecting such a result. Yours, hastily, J. W. BOND. Firm of Bond is. Keller, Druggists, M. l'au". £F rum the Editor of the Real Estate Adv'ser.] BOSTON, 27 School Street, March 2D, 1855. DEAR SIR: Having become prematurely quite gray, I was induced, some six weeks since, to make a trial of your K-.storative. I have used less than two bottles, hut the gray hairs have all disappeared; and although my hair has not fully attained its original color, yet the pro cess of change is gradually going on, and I am in great hope* that in a short time my hair will be as dark as formerly. I have also been much gratified at the healthy moisture aud vigor of the hair, which before was harsh and dry, aud it ha* ceased to come out as formerly. Ke.-p ctfuliy vours, D. C. M. RUPP. Professor Wood. CAKLTLE, Illinois, June 19, 1855. ! I have used Professor Wood's Hair Restora tive, and have admired its wonderful effect.— 1 My hair va> becoming, as I thought, prema turely gray, but by the use of the tive," it ha* rasumod its original color, and I have no doubt permanently so. SIDNEY BREESK. Ex-Senator Unite 1 States. O. J. WOOD & CO.,Proprietors, 312 Broad, way, N.Y.. and 114 Market street, St. Louis, Missouri. For sale by Dr. B. F. Harry, Bedford, Pa., and by Druggists generally. April 8. 1807.-zcq. "jYl'rs. Stowe's new work.—Pred, n tale ofthe i_vj. Great Dismal Swamp, equal to Uncle Tom's Cabin, just received at Dr. Harry'* Cheap Book Store. I THE liWJUIREII & CItBOiMCLE [ i Ii published every Friday Morning, in Juliana 1 Street, in tbe white lranic building, nearly opposite tlie Mengel House, by DAVID OVER. TERMS i ! If paid in advance or within the year, $2 per j annum—if not paid within the year, $2 50. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid—except nt the option of the Editor.— A failure to notify a discontinuance will be • regarded as a new engagement. I jldvrrtUimeuh not exceeding a square, (12 j lines.) inserted three times'tor IS I—every sub sequent insertion 20 cents. Longer ones in t the same proportion. Each fraction of a i square counted as a lull square. All adver- I : linemen ts not specially ordered for a given 1 time wid be continued until forbid. A li'ierai j reduction will be made to those who advertise i bv the year. Job Printing of all kinds executed neatly | and promptly and on reasonable terms. AI.IST OF lICTAILERS | OF Merchandise of the County of Bedford ' lor the year, A- 0. 1857. Class. License j A. P. Cramer & Co. Bedford 80. sl2 00 , Nicholas Lyons, •* 12 10 00 | G. tt . Itupp, •' 13 10 00 Jacob Keed, " 13 10 00 • | Samuel Brown, •' 11 7 00 : i Samuel Shuck & Co., •• 14 7 00 i i Robert Fyn, " Id 7 00 ; ]J.AtJ. M. Shoemaker, " Id 700 i Sarah Putts, " Id 7 00 | Isaac Lipptd, " Id 7 00 j IVm. Shal'er, ** Id 700 • Colin Lover, •' Id 7 00 C Agnes Saupp (hardware) •' 14 7 00 ! Juhu Arnold (hardware) •' 3d 7 00 Blyndte liartlev (h. w.)" Id 7 00' Hi. B. F. Harry, 14 700 j Br. I'. C. Reamer, " Id 700 j Adam Ferguson, •' Id 7 uo : A. 1,. f'etinaiigii, E. 11. '• 6 5 00 | Jacob Bollinger, E. 11. " 8 500 Jaeuh Bartihatt, Bedford Tp., 14 7 00 * ! Barndollar. Lowry & Co. Broad top, 12 12 | Alex. Port Ac Co., " 11 700 ; i Beegie Cf Evans Coleraio, 14 7 00 j j Alex. C. James. " Id 7 00 j James S. Peckwitb, *• Id 700 ' I Jacob Anderson, C. Valley, 14 700 j 1 Thomas Fisher, 14 7 Oo 1 j Daniel It Anderson, " 14 7 Oo I i Thomas Growden, " 14 7 00 1 John Nvcutn, East Providence, 14 7 00 |D.A. T. Black, • Id 700 ; Laudewtugh (f* Pea, '* 1 k 7 011 ' i John Dasher, Hopewell, 14 7 00 . ; Thomas King, •• 14 7 Oo j J ante* Madura $ Co. 14 7 00 i Val. B. Werli llar.ison, Id 7 Oo j • John U*. Smith, " 11 7u) i : Andrew J. Suively, '• 11 7 Oo ) Jacob lliliegass, Juniata, 14 7 00 ' j W 111. Keyser, ' " 14 700 ' Hilluga.-s n Mowry, •' 14 700 [ Lewis A", pya.i, '• 14 700 Joseph Gonden " 14 7 00 I ! Fr. 11 ilde brand, " 14 7UO j • Dai id S. Bergstrcsser, Liberty, 14 700 j Lewis Putt, •• Id 700 j I Johu Cipher, • id 700 | Fteel a Kiitriken, •• 1* 7 00 • Patriot- Mitchel, <• Id 7 00) j Saxton a Foekicr, • 14 700 I Jacob Devore, Jr, Londonderry, 14 700 j • Burns i Thorp, •• 11 700 ! ! Thomas J. Porter, " 14 7 Co., " Id 10 -JO ; : James M. Barndoliar, " li 10 00 ! Thomas Richcy, * 14 700 j Joseph Fisbt r. " 14 7 00 i ! B. F. Horn* Brother, Scheilsburg, 14 " It) :A. B. Bum-,, " 14 700 ! 1" - Sutler a Son, " 14 7 ISJ : , Jacob Milter, • 14 7 00 Coivin t Robeson, " 14 7 00 | I Mrs. Schell 4 Sou, •• 14 7 00 t i John S. Schell, " 14 7UO j F. I), lieegle, St. Clair, 14 7 00 | G. B. Atnick a Br.>., •• 14 7 00 • George Hinesling, " 14 7 00 i Gideon D. Troti*, 14 700 j ls.ia?. S. Wright 4 Co., •' 14 70" j • Sini >n liersbman, " 117 i);> ' Thomas B. Smith, • 1 4 7 00 j J Jobu Caveiidcr, Southampton, 14 700 | VVm. Lashley. •' Id 700 , j Lashley 4 Waters, • 14 7Ok Kirk 4 Fletcher, •' 14 7 thr | John V. Waters, Union. Id 700 ' ; Jacob Brenr.enian, M. Woodberry, 13 10 00 : ! John W. Duncan, •• 13 10 00 i IG. K. Biradollai • 11 7 01'! Simon Beard, •• 14 7 00 Pote 4 Brother, * ; Id 7 00 j John Wjs-gaiver, E. H. " 8 500 , James Piper, Jr., S. Woodberry, 14 7 00 |S. li. O-ter. •' 14 7 0o! George Kaufman, •• 14 7 09 i D. F. Buck. * * 14 7 0o D. Beegie 4 Co.. •• It 7 00 An Appeal will be held at the Sheriff's Office . in the Borough of Bedford, 011 Saturday the I yth day of Mav. 1 So". HUGH MOORF,. Appraiser of Mercantile Taxas for the year 1857. April 17 1857. lI3DMOVAIs. i riTilK subscriber has removed his RESTAC- ' JL BAM and BAKERY AND CONFECTION III Y 1 ESTABLISHMENT. to tie Rising Sun Building, j ' iu Juliana Street, where lie would be pleased i to see all bis old friends and customers. He keeps constantly on hand the choicest and iiest C.iKES, C.IXDIES. FRUITS and XL'TS, ever ottered *0 the public; also Cham, bcrtbutg AI.E and UIIER. Me h is fitted up an ice Cream Saloon, ( and will keep on hand throughout 'he season, j j a lull supply of this choice refreshment. Gy PARTIES supplied, on tha> shortest 1 notice, wilh lee Cream, Cakes and Contec tions. flaring served a regular apprenticeship to I ; the above hu-dness, and having been c.onstant ! ly engaged in it for manv years, he feels aon fidi nt that he can render satisfaction to all who may lavor him with a visir. JOHN J. '.OTHER. Bedford, April 24, 1807. *9 EL . j rTTHB Partnership heretoforeexisting between j X the undersigned, under the name and firm of SPIDEL 4 PEUBIX, in the BUcksmitii ■ ing business, is this day dissolved by mutual , consent. The business of the late firm will lie settled by by A. B. Perriu, who is authorised tu col lect all accounts, and pay the debts of the firm. All persons knowing themselves indebt- j ed to the late firm will pleaao come forward and sotile up imaacdiatulv. WILLIAM fPIDLK, A. B. PERRIX. Ap.il 27, 1857,-c Journejiuan Wagonmaker Wanted. TIAHK highest wages and const-mt employ- JL ment will be given by the aubscriber, living iu Boydstown, half mile West of Bed ford, for a good Journeyman Wagonmaker.— Application to be made immediately. J.IXTOX BJXGM.IX. May 1, 1857 ,-c New Jewelry. i tJIHR subscriber has opened out a new and X splendid assortment of ail kinds of tho > kmest Jlssbiooaido Jewelry—consisting in part >t ■ : Breast Pins, Finger Kings, Ear Rings, &e. Ac 1 Call and see bts stud!;. 1 d.-id DANIEL BORDER BEBFOHD HIGH SCHOOL j THE duties of this School will be resumed ! on Tuesday, April 14th, iu the large three ; story IwihliAg situated on the corner of Main i end Richard streets. Male ami female de- j partments, distinct. The services of a j thoroughly educated young lad. of Vermont, i have been secured as teacher of Music, &e., ■ Ac. The sen ices of other competent t xeh ers also have lieen secured as assistants. Term) per Quarter of 11 iretka. Board, Tuition, Furnished Room, Washing, Light and Fuel, SSB 00 Extra Charge). Music, $lO 00 Use of Instrument, 2 00 French, S | Draiviug and Painting In water colors, each, 5 1)0 Ornaiiieiit.il Needle Work, 6 00 Turn) for Day Sctxlarr. Ist Grade, 4 00 2nd •' &©0 ; 3rd •• (i 25 ; G W. AUGMINBACGn. A. 31. Bedford, April 3, 1857. '-M NSR ARC SJD 9 ! Bbs Bacon, f>r which the highest ! tIUUI/ market price will l>e paid, at SHOI MAKER'S COLONNADE STUUK. . April 17, 1857. OI'DMEi! ARRANGEMENT. —Huntingdon and Broadtop R. R„ On i.:: I alter Mon day. March 2d, 1857, two passenger trains a j day each way, (except Sunday,) will ruu be- j tweeii Hopewell and Huntingdon. Leaves Hop. w.-ll at 12 15 P. 1., and 6 10 | P.M. Arrives at Hope well at 9 40 A. 31., and 5 -10 i 'P. M. J Connecting at Huntingdon with trains fot ; Cast and West on Peuna. it. U. TIIOS. T. WEERMAN. Supt. Huntingdon, Feb. 20, 1857. itfttlTE TEETH and a perfumed breath v V can be acquired by using the ••Balm of a Thousand Flowers." i'o be had at DR. HARRY'S. March d, 1857. SHOE, Blatitware, antl VARIETY neo ,aa. sr-c: Q i —O— I ADAM FERGUSON Hal 4 just opened, next door to Minnicks. i - on Juliana Street, a large assortment of * Shoes and Boots, ~1 every kind, sire and des- j criptiun. Also an extensive Bsaorttneot 09 ' GLASSWARE, iucludine cake stands, preservf I •lishes.cake baskets, hall lamps, tumblers. Urgt ; beer gb'-sses, window glass, card receivers, terra ' cotta. ,\c. Also silver cake liask. tg.and vss ' riety of other articles in that line. He ?>a also oil hand the best kind of tobacco and cigaia.* Cbeev- and crackers, carpet hags, Misses sticn els Gentlemen# canes, shotguns. Gentlemeu'. 1 and Ladies gloves, of all kinds. Hosiers-ni I all descriptions, and 1 variety of other articles not necessary to mention. Hiving boujfiit his shoes and glassware, in larger quantities, than is uxusi for country Mer chants, be r.m sell at reduced prices. Dec. 19,185 G. WOOLEN FAOTOUY-—The bX -criber hueinw rented the well known Woolen Factory, situ-to in Water Street, South Woodherry Township, Bedford county, Pa., formerly wned by >1 V 81. S. Fluck, and now own. d by Mr. A lim Ketring. is prepared to uccomni odate thea 1 icin a superior manner. The Factory is now unde-- going thorough repair, which will enable Tim to execute w< rk as w.dl as can ie done at any other establishment iu the Country. He constantly keeps oa hand. Cloths. Satti- 1 nettx. fweeds, Flannels. /Markets, Girth au-1 Rag Carpets, Coverlirs. tvc.. &c.. Country Carding done from the first ot Miy uutil the first f October, fur Card, tr tvo cents per poll on credit. U 00l and all kinds of country produce taken in exchange tor goods or work. By long experience in business, and a desire | I to please, he hopes to receive a share of the ] I public patronage. ROBERT RALSTON. Feb. 6, 1857.-b XI. ( NEW SPiiIAG ANP SUMMER GDOU3. THIS undersigned having just returned from ' the Eastern < ities are now reee'viag a large supply of SPRIXG .iXD SUMMER GOODS, • consisting in part of Bla.-k and Fancy Silks. Clnillies, Lawns. Bril liant. plain and figur.-U d-laines. poplins, ca licoes. jringliams. ribbons, bonnets, hosiery, hand erehieta, coior.s. 4c.; Men's and Buy.-' fancy, plain and black cassimeres, cloths, linens, and .1 large assortment of Men's and Boys' Summ r Weat; boots, shoes, hats, ac | drills, tickings, muslins, flinnels, single and double carpet chain, all colors; Craceries, I syrup, molasses, white and browu sugars, i green and black t -as, tobacco; (Jneeusware; Glassware: Backets. Dye StulFs. 4c. All of which wilj be sold chap for Crash or approved produce; and to g-odand j.uue tual custom,-,# a credit of six months will iaj given. Thaaktul tar past favors they ho pe by fair dealing to receive a liberal share of the public patronage. J. i J. M. SHOEMAKER. Bedford, April !7.1857. JOHN POOXj "VXTOULD lespectfully announce to tin* pnb v v lie, (hat lie has opened a Blacksmith shop, at the stand recently occupied by the Messrs. Weis l. wk we he is prepared to do j alt work in lxis line, equal t i any other shop iu the county or elsewhere. He invites those in need of his services to give him a call. Mav l, 1857.-if 1 MADAME FREYTET'S ! EMISII m FltEMIi YOUNG It ABIES. Eedford, Fa. Tnr o! j -ct of this Institution is to Instruct ' young Ladies in alt the branches ola thorough English education, and at the same time lot make there practically acquainted with the French language, the knowledge of which is so essential to a finished education. The suece s which the method adopted has met with, jw- I tifics the assertion that Pupils of moderate ca -1 paeity may in a short time master difiicnltlea \ which wjtii other systems appear insnrmonnta -1 ble. Mons. and Madame Freytet are both en gaged in the Tuition, and every effort max!* hn* the advanctinent of tbe Pupils. The course of studies comprises Reading. Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar. Geography, History, Composition. Natural and .Morai Sci ence, Astr-moniy, tha tt*n of Goo graphical and Astronomical Maps, Chronology. Fiona—Harp, and YOCHI Music—Drawing, and every style of Painting- Jvaiiau Language, Spanish I.anguage. Mows. Freytet will give French or Spanish Lessons in c! isses, or indi vidually, as u*y be desi-vd. either at tho resi dence of the Pupils or at the Seminar}'. TERMS PER SESSION OF 12 WEEKS. ; Tuition for all tbe English and French Studies. $8 00 ! Music— s\o; —Harp. sl2; Vocal Music, i $lO. ; Drawing, $0; Painting, $0; Italian or Spanish i Language, $6. ; Terms for French Language in Mons. F revtet's Class—f o* a course of 24 Lessons. :in clxtsscs tn.t exceeding sin number, $ ! the plainest mandate* of the Constitution: That the usur pation by which a apurion* Legislature wasiiu-i posed upon Kansas, and i?s people subjected to a coda of laws uitp.ir illcl -d fir cruelty in the history of civilized nations, is grid ir. full force, end the people are denied the right peacefully to s iti'-ie and pulitiou for* redress of griev ances; the .National Executive has.permitted! two Governors of ids appointment tn> be driv en from the Territoiy under fear of assassin v- Jior., and has not dared ro exert ifs power tor ill -ir protection against the lawless alliums of Slave.y, while judicial monsters and men whoso hands are red with innocent blood, uce retained in olfiee. to carry o.i she work of subjecting tree territory to tne caune of Slavery. Kansas, has belt denied adminsion under# tree constw i tutiou. a.ii fraiidnleut Means are now in pro gress to secure its admission as a Slave State at the nxt Session of Congress. .Vgiiuist till# stupendous wroug. we protest, in the name of GoP ASti lU Masidv—by *ll teat is glorious in onr history, and by th'> memory of the great and good men icho esf ab ashed our liberties. Rfflitd, That it is a fraud upon onr laws. , and fraught with tl&ngewto wer institutions; to admit to a full participation in their benefits, ' any man who acknowledges a foreifjn supre macy, winch he cannot eobacientioßsly audi ! without mental reservation, abjure and forev : or ren of ce; whether that supremacy be civil or spiritual. Resolve I. That the stupendous frauds hy Which our popular elections are swayed against a majority of the legally opa.ftied voters, strikes at tiie foundation and We of our sytufi ' of government and unless sboe'liay corrected. | will lead to vinfence and anarchy? ami wu urgo [ upon all good ei'iuens to unite tor the supptxa sion of tuis evil; and we cali upon oty own • Legislature to guard by effective and stringent . laws the purity of ibo ballot box. I Resolved. Tli.it the sale of the Ma.ru Line of onr improvements, is demanded hy every con sideration that should weigh witih intelligent ; and hop est mn. As a source of revenue, il ! is whoflK wufthieM to the State, while it is ' notoriously wet) as f means of pecul.itinn and I phi infer, thereby indicting upou the State pe , enniavy loss, and also irrefutable injury, in the almost universal demoralisation alii political profligacy engendered throughout it* extiro extent. fiesoirr*. That we invite the affiliation co-opccutian of men of all parfi-s. however, ditferisg with xs in ether respects, in supper* of tha prim iples herein declared; and btiie*-. ing that the spirit of eur institution*, as wutll its the Constitution of onr country, guarantee* lilierty of conscience and equality ot right* sliioug citieens, we oppose all legislation Im pairing their security. SA.UiXL Jl. MCCCTCiIEf, MILL-IVRIGHT .dSD BUR-i MILL STQSE MJSi'FJCTURER. ! Proprietor ef Jonxsos's h ; jrh!y an ►s proved and much improved S.Ht'T AM> | SCREENING MACHINE; Improved IKON I CONCAVE BU AN DUSTER, the Frcuium 1 Machine for Milters. Resident- SO. 64 QUEEN Street, ( lH;h Ward,) address Kenstngui Post utter. ! Shop : KAVI>OCK Street, be leu Front, ; PBILADELFUIA. ■ Coca boo Mil! Stones, Mill I vena. Smu* M#- ! chinos, Patent Mill Jiasii. Fvuabh? Mk •> ; Sirvtched Bolting, b emeut and iscreeo. Wire, Squaie Meatted ColUug Clot ha. i rot -7, lb*.e3ai