Bedford inquirer and chronicle. (Bedford, Pa.) 1854-1857, January 09, 1857, Image 4

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    ~—!•-■ - ' - I
IX pursuance of an Order of the Orphan*' j
Com' of Bediord County, tins suUerilier
lAilf expoae to sale. by public vendue or outcry,
on THURSDAY' Tut nut ■*' of JAM'A
KV A 11., W37, on the premise*, tire fotiow
tiig. described Kent Estate, Utiy the property
of George Beploglo, dec'd, vie:
A Trad of Laid, ait a* to id Middle \ ood
burry Township', beiug the dftuino" Place of
(he said George Replogte, dec'd, conlmsring 18
aires, 150 ytrcha, neat me-isafc of which there
ate about 105 acres 1 hired cue sender fence.
The improvements are a large Two Story
with likienuait, * Wash House, Spring House,
Suiokc tiooae and Dry House. Also a large.
tlrMt rate new Bank Barn, an old Barn, \\ agon
Shod, Corn Crib*, and other out Wildings. ant. ;
a Work Shop and Blacksmith Shop. There is !
an extensive orclwrd of choice fruit | rc, ' s - ]
This is one of the very best farms 111 Bedlora
County. The laml * in a state of high culti
vation", ami the buiklings are in jpod order, a
eutisloerablc portion of the fences i post an
rail. , . .
Also n Trod of Land, adjoining the almte,
containing 125 jujrW, itltl reticnr*, neat uia
aure, of which tliere are about SO acres cleared ;
and under fcuce. The improvements are a ,
.good 'X'g o Story
Log Dwelling House,
. first rate frum Bank Barn, Weil finished, with ;
two thrashing floors, and n Stable.
Al-o, a tract of mountain laud, in South
Woud berry Township, adjoining lands 01 Dr.
William Heed's lieirs, conUing D J acres, 1
perches, neat measure. This tract is umuiprov
ed. and has some excellent timher upon it.
with a fine growth of young chestnut, ami Will
be divided and sold in two tract*, to suit pur
chasers, if desired. _
The temu arc as foHows, viz: One third of
cho purchase money to remain in the hands oi
the purchaser duriug the lifetime of the widow
of the said George Kepiogle. dec'd. the inter
est thereof to be paid t her annually, and
at her death the principal to the heirs of said
deceased. One third on the first day of April.
1857, and .lie remaining third, in two equal
annual payments without interest. Ssid pay
ments to he secured by judgment bonds.
Possession will be given on the first day ot
April. A. D. 1857.
Sale to commence nt Id o'c'ock. A. M .
A dm'or of George Reyloglt, dee'd.
Nov. 28, 1856.-4 '
Dissolution of Partnership
milE Partnership ill life saddle aud Hurness-
X business, heretofore existing between Bay lui
■A f.lnff 11.13 ibis day liecn dissolved liv mutu
al consent. 'i'hu hanks <>t l> H nn n t,H:
hands of Simon Ling, to whom piymeut U iut
mcdtafelv requested. A.. J- BAi LOR,
.Kov. 113, l*iC. SIMOM LINO.
SADDLES, frame**, Trunk*, iWup, &c.—
The unilursigncd would rej>eflitl) Hirttoiuico
to the Public that they have formed a partner
ship, and are now tally prepared to manufacture
jtll kinds of wu*fc in tlreir line of business 01
th best materials, and upon the shortest no.
•ice. ...
<. ■ ST) 'Eliips, wholesale or retail. Shop
at the oU stao i >u Pitt Street.
Bedford, Nor. 8106
A. Kinj. Fr. Jordan. !
liiag & Jordan. A torneys at Law
-txriLL practice in tiie • sveral Conrta af Bed-
W ford and adjoining counties.
Axencie*. Collection*, and all other business
intrusted to their care will bo proiutly and faith
full v attended to.
OFFICE in Julians slr-et. formerly eccupwd
be D. I!, nodus. B#n.. end more recently in the
c< upmicy of J* Uann, E*q.
January, A, 1355.
Justice of tlie I'race.
OFFICE two door* South of the Mengel
lloii -c. and next door to the office •#
"Mann *t Spany. whi-rj he will attend tt. the
collection of all claims placod :n his hand*.
Rdf'.rd. Jwn. Jl. ,
rcrAJ vv fium.
THE subscriber, having purchased the Tail,
cring estifh'lshnie'it ot S. J. M'Caus'an. In the
building <np stairs, occupied by Capt. John
Arnold.a* a Hardwire Store, are prepared to do
.j. all kind* of work in tireir iitte, in the lat.
H est styles, aud which for neatness and
II durability will not, we venture to assert,
be sutpuasid by ay other establishment in the
By strict attention to business and a uesifie to
ytoase. they to receive a libeisi share of
the public patronage. A. 0. MOh'EK.
Isept. lift, Ihoft, W . It. ROSS.
}>hv*iet;ni prescriptions carefully compound
ed. at all hour* of the day or night, at Dr.
Warty's. Drug Store.
WOOIDT ARD'S Improved Smut and Screen
ing Machines, Mill Bushes. Bolting Cloths
and Bran Dusters, of the most improved plan:
Mill Screws, Corn and Cab Grinder*, Patent
Bridges for Mill Spindles. Portable Mills,
warrauted to grind ten bushel* per hour, Mill
It ens and Mill Purrs made to order. Also,
Stover'* Patent Cora Kiln and Grain Dryer—
a valnable invention. The above articles are
kept constantly ou hand, aud can be obtained
at any tii'K'. from S. D. BROAD.
Scbellsburg, Bedford County, who is also
gsut for Bedford, Somerset, aud adjoining
Mill wright work done at the shortest notice,
aud on the most reasonable terms.
February 15, 185 ft.
MCCORMJCK'S Reaper and Mewer for sale
by S. D. BKOAD
at Scliellsburg, Pa., agent for Blair and Bedford
MI, nits'*. February 15. IHSS.
Dr. F. C. Reamer,
Physician and Surgeon.
|>espcrtfnll) tenders his services to
JLV the cititena of Bedford and vicinity. He
way always lie found (unless professionally en
jtaged* v* his Drrrg and Book Store, in Juliana
Feb.l , 1854.
FOR yLli.
rjillE subs'.vi Lei ivllf sell at private sale, a
JL falualdc Form of limestone land,
situated in Middle Woodh-rry ij*., Bedford
county Pa., containing 180 acres, about I'io
acre* cleared and under good fence. ajid in u
high s'nle the balance is 'yell tttn
lo • with good two Story Wir.iw tad a '..ore
back hit (Id ing aMycUca . .7lo * good 'nek barn
with tbeasbiite hnuae. tenant bouse, wash and
tyring ii.ui.-e, and all other out budding* requir
ed •! 1 firm. Also a never' spring oi
Fni -uo-.e tr uetu' tUc buildutgs. Any per
son wi'hiivi r< I'" radi pr< iwrtv wfil do
well r<i rail uii the sil'i*. rieer living on the
Aug. , 1X66.
ST received arid fur sate ut RIED'S NK* ;
U STOBK, A lage and well assorted stock "t r" j
in.l Winter Goods. We is now prepared to
tccomntodatc hi* friends and customers, and the
public generally. To attempt to enn.n tare his
stock liia u-vs p:.|.er advertisement, wuUM be
rotlv, of a list of the prices useless- for the I'lth- j
lie would not Relieve that goods were selling a* .
they other litem, tmvas they call and sec- for
themselves Wedm't wish to ho tat but mere
ly rem irk that tA v ariety texture and ehe-tp- j
itcss. his stock eauntt be excelled, and it to cal- I
euhited to please all.
We cordially invito the public to call at
and sirisfv themselves in regard the variety ol
the aboveVatemeut, and examine hi* slock be
fore vt unreltaso elsewhere.
Produc ■ of all kinds taken ic exchange for
Oct. 10, 'od.
TVi E WMnckeraland Salmon for sain be
IN Ma 23, 1376. A. P. CRAMER A C*.
Plawtfruag Lath*!!
THE Ui*DERSH;.\'EP having erected
A Millfor sawing PLASTKBIFO I.ATlison liis
iremises in Union Tp.. Bcdtord county, 1* now
■eadyto larnish any quantity on the shortest
tot ice. Price $1.60 per thousand, 3 ft. long
)therlengths in proportion.
Letter* ad*lressed to ine at St. Olairsville wl
>e promptly attended to.
Union Tp.. Feb. IK.IPM. h.
Administrators Notice-
LETTERS of ilmiiMNticn having be-.,,
granted to the subscriber, living iu Union
Township, on the Estate of Jennyngs Oldham,
ae of Clayton County, lowa, dee'd all persons
indebted tii said estate are hereby notified to
make payment iiuatudiatolv, and those having
.hum* against the same.will present them prop
erly authenticated for settlement
May ''J 1850,-'
Administrator'* Notice.
LETTERS of Administration having heen
granted to the subscriber, 1 ving in South
Woudhcrry Township, on the Estate of John
Teeter, late of Monroe Township, dee'd, all
person* indebted to said Estate are notified to
nuke immediate payment, and those having
claim* against the same will present them pro
perly authenticated for settlement.
July 18, 1376.-1"*
if. & 8. T. R. B. CO.
IK connection with tha Penn'a Rail Road
Company, are now Shipping, without delay, be
tween IIOPEIVEM. and Philadelphia or Baltimoro.
(via Huntingdon) at the following low
r-Jte* vir.;
ARTICLES of Ist and 2<l Class. Dry Goods,
and Shoes. Rags, Kails. Pork, Ivon, and mer
chandize generally. .itSDA2i cent* per KHI lbs.
ARTICLES of 3rd class. Bacon, Blooms,
Bark, Fish, Pig metal, See., at 43 cents per 100
ARTICLES of 4th class. Iron, Fish, Salt,
Mai!*. Ac., at 38 ctn. per 10<1 Ilia.
FLOUR- 73cent* per bbl by Car Load.
Tlie above rate* will be the whole charge on
good* delivered In. Hopewell front either Phil'a.
or Baltimore until further notice.
Huntingdon. JAMES BOOK,
Sept. 26, 1816. Sup't.
rrtME subscriber will sell at private sale,
_L valuable Farm of fist rate limestone land
situate in Bedford Tp., about two mile* north
east of Bedford, containing 271 acres ami al
bvwujce, 1 i-i acres cleared aiul under good
fence, <f which 2a acres arc good meadow. It
is in high state of cultivation,*aud the balance i
i well tiro IH; red.
The improvement* are a new two story Brick
//oust', with a basement kitchen, and a iollti
tain pump at the door, and in riio seller; a frame j
.stable, with aw I<OH shed awd corn-crib attach
ed; a log born. Al*, a tenant bouse, vvitb a .
never failing spring of excelled water, a lilack- ]
smith shop and oilier out buildings. There is
also on the premises a large orchard of excell
ent fruit.
Altv person wishing to ]Mtrcb se will call on
the subscriber liviug on the premise*.
Oct. 24, 1316. A. K. OK AINE
MKKS Panama, Leghorn, !t Braid hat*. Aiso
Bovs and Children* hats lor sale by
May 18-Vt. A- B. CRAMER A CO.
(qufeetfouary Establishment,
J. W. Boehtit, still con'inues to keep on had
Gaudies, tints, fruits, cakes and inter, at hi* old
stand a few doors We*t of Brice's Tavern.—
Thankful fur pa* favors he solicit* the patron
age of the public.
Aug- 22. 1H76.
Plank Uoa<i Election Notice!
THE Stockholder* of the Hopewell and
Blo&ly Run, Plank and furnpiko Road Com
pany. are hereby notified that an -lection for
offices of aid road for the etisilin year will he
hcM at lite ollice of the Treasurer on Monday
the 3d Uy of November next.
Bv order of the Board.
J N't). MOW KB.
Oct. 17, 15.7 Sce'y.
ALL wool Venitian, Rag*. Cotton and hemp
Carpeting, Floor Oil Cloths— white and
Check Matting just received by
M iv 23. 18.76. A. B. CRAMER dCo.
Having lost my Port Monaic at or near
SclnrfTshurg, on the IMb Sept'r last,con
taining $46 in bunk notes, beside* numerous
valuable paper*, and having heretofore adver
tised for the same without success, 1 hereby pro
pose that il tho Under will place the Port
m'.uaie and papers in any private place within
fifteen miles of Piea*rtvi!le, and notify nic of
the tact, by letter, without date, or signature or
otherwise, describing the place so I can find it,
I obligate myself to deposite $7 in the precise
spot I find the Port luoaaie and paper* as a re
ward fur tha same, asking no question*.
Nov. 7, 18.76.
Com Starch, Farina. Ac.—The very be: t ar
ticle* can be bad at Dr. Harry's Cheap
I>r.:g Store.
A. B. CRAMER. A Co., bare just received a
full supply suitable few the appro*. uing season.
0ct.,"14, 1870.
1. B CK 4.V1 EH A Co.
//AVE received tla ir usual assortment of
Fall and Winter Goods. 7*hey respectrtilly in
vite tli.O- friends to call and examine stock, and
epiies.- -Get. 24, 1836.
Holloway'a Worm Confections.—A safe,
pleasant, and cdcctaal remedy for worms,
al Dr. Harry 's clioap Drug Store.
DOWAOIAC, Mich, March 11. 1856.
J. A. RHODES, Esu : Dear Sir—Aa I took ;
war meduUiio to sell on consignment. "no i
I fur* no pay," 1 take pleasure in stating its vf I
"oets a.% reported to tue hy three brothers who |
Tive iti this place, anil their testimony is a lair j
■ specimen ol alt i have received:
j U .S. Cu.NKJ.Ui told an— ' 1 had taken nine I
bottles ol Christie's Ague Balsam, and cuutin- |
' unity run down while ustug it uutli lay; lungs !
and liver were Congested to that degree that
| blood discharged Iroin my luoutli and bowels,
j so that ail thought it impossible for me to lite
! through another ehiii. The doctors too did
| U u they votihl lor hie, but though 1 must die.
: Nothing did any good until I got Rhodes' Fo
i vcr and and Ague Cure, which at once reliev-
I ed me ol' the distress and nausea at tny stom
ach and pain in my head and bowels, and pro
duced a permanent cure in a snort time."'
11. 31. CoMtLts says: '•! had !een taking me
dicine ol as go. d a doctor as we have in onr
county, and taken any quantity of quinine
I and specifics without any eood result, iroin
I 25 August to 17th December. Bt'.t seeing how
i nicely it operated on my brother. I got a hot-
which eli'ected a permanent cure hy using two
I thirds of a bottle."
S. M. CONKIUS was not here, but both the
1 other brothers say his ease was the same as 11.
i M's. Isold the medicine to both the same
: lay, and the cure was as sjieedy from the same
small quantity, and I might so spec IV. Yours
; with respect. A. HUNTINGTON.
The auove. speaks for itself. Good proof ax
; it is, it is of no'better tenorthantlie vast rum
! her of like certificates 1 have already puhlish
| ed, anil the still greater amount that is coiitiu
' ually pouring in to me.
! One thing more. Last year I had occasion
' to Caution the I'itblie in these woids:—
"1 notice one Jlrtnuhe .iore I akin one of my gtn
j era!- rireulmrs. substituted the -.time oj their nos
trum for my medieiue, umi iltcn tciih brazen impu
dence end their pamphlet iritis the exclamation,
'Lei the proprietor of any other medicine say i:
murk if he dares.' " Ac.
Now I take pleasure in saying that the Cau
tion referred to the same "Dr. Christie's Ague
Balaam" that is mentioned in the above cer
There arc several other indnsti ious people
who are applying to their poisonous trash all
that I publish a hoot my Fever and Ague Cure,
j or Antidote to Malaria, except the certificates
I of Cures, and the Certificate of the celebrated
Chemist, Dr. James. It. Chilton of N. V., in
favor of its perfectly HARMLESS CHAKAO
TEIt, which is attached to every bo trie. These
will always servu to distinguish my medicine
from imitations.
JAS. A. RHODES. Proprietor.
Providence, R. 1.
For Sale by Druggists generally,
April 25 1856. 3m.
PLAINS. By J. 11. Headtey. One 12 mo.
Volume, Cloth, elegantly illustrated. Price
$1.25. Mailed lYee of postage on the receipt
of the retail prim.
"This volume will lie rend with satisfaction
by those who roost enjoyed the 'Sacred Moun
tains. *" —.V. Y. Evening Pest.
"It is full of deep Interest, awl written in a
most glowing and beautiful style."— Louisville
"There is merit snflicient in the work to make
it a favorite with the lover of things associated
so close with Biblicul history."— Detroit Daily
"The writer has a powerful use of language,
and though be enters upon his task with a time
devotional spirit lie invests his theme with an
interest sure t" fastinate the general reader."
i-.. Keening Gazette.
"A finished specimen of style and workman
ship."— Buffalo Christian Advocate.
"Ho has clothed his ideas with lofty and beau
tiful language, and treated the subject in a man
ner becoming its importance."— Hock. I'JUIMI.
"Tile slyie is different from J . T. /feudley, and
perhaps better adapted to ti>e subject. It is
sinqde and unpretending, but plain an l forci
ble."— boston Journal.
"It is written in a style of poetic prose suited
to the subject and makes some glowing pictures
of the 'Sacred Plains,' spreading them out in
all their oriental loveliness, ami investing them
with a charm and interest that belongs oulv lo
scriptural scenes."— Mcdiiti Tribune.
"Ail elcg.i'it honk, both in contents and ap
pcr.rance—fitted to adorn and increase the vl
ue, of any lilirsry."— Buffalo Daily Republic
"This volume is handsomely illustrated with
views of many spots made interesting hy the
sacred history."— Boston Daily AdrertUer.
"The author lms faithfully executed bis design,
and presented to the public a book replete with
interest am! instruction."— Genet sec He/n blic.
• •The materials of the several chapters seem
to have been collected with great care."—Ha
tem Obsercei.
C7"Papers inserting Hie foregoing three times
and sending a copy of paper t<> Publishers, will
receive a copy of the above work, and also the
Economic L'ottag:: builder, pre-paid.
WANZKR, MeKIM A CO., Publishers.
July 11, 1858. [Buffalo, Yew York
A good stout Boy, about IS years old, to learn
il. the Tanning Business. Applv immediately.
Aug. 20, 18M. S. SHUCK, A Co.
Lo ik Out, Uetiiim!
All retailors who have not lifted their Z.I
cerises hy November Court, will find them at
the office of Justice Kadchaugh in Bedford
after that time.
DAT ID OYER, Treasurer.
Oct. 25, 1856.
i\ tiik: court or
In the matter of flic estate of Jacob Longen
eckcr, A Lunatic, whereas David F. Buck
committee of Hie said Jacob Longeneckei, has
tiled his account us committee on said estates.
Notice is hrveby given to the creditors of said
Jacob Ltigeßc.cker,atid all others interested in
said estate, that the Court !iave appointed Mon
day fhe 17tii diy ot Novemltcr next, lor the
hearing ot the same, ati.l for showing cause why
he s<id account should not be allowed, and tn
d- fhalt thereof, the same will l>e confirmed.
Wi cness the Honorable F. >l. Kimmefl presi
<h u. of our said Court at Bedford the 2()th dsy
i of Get. A D 1856. D. W ASUABAUGII.
Oct. 24, 1355. Plot'y.
ASSESSORS. —You Will meet at fhe Com*
missioners Olficc. on Friday the 7th of No'
veniher next, to comply with the Act of Asseni
i b!y,in relation to the Septennial Ennnmcration
i ot the taxable inhabitants of this county.
A. S. RUSSELL, Clerk.
! Commissioners Oftico, Oct. 31, 1856.
The undersigned take this method of inform
ing their old Customers nnd the public in gen
eral, that they have removed their entire stoc
of Goods from the West end of Bedford to the
C'olonade Store, lately hy Capt. J.
Keed, where they will be pleased to see all
who tr.ay favor them with a call.
AH kinds of proiiuec taken in fo
Thankful for past favors, tbev hope by fait
; dealing ami a desire to plrasu, to .continue to
Receive a liberal share ol the public patronage.
Bedford, July 25, 1855.
ONE family Carriage, one Falling Top Buggy
—both new and work warranted —also Two
New 2 norse Wagons for sale !>v
Prod.tec received for Carriages or wagons.
May 23, 1856.
GIENTLRMENS Gaiters a.u Shoes —Mens
I and boy* shoes snd boots. Also Ladies.
Misses, and chililreLs do, for sa'e by
MaySS 1856. A. B. CRAMER ACo
f XOTlt'E.
THE undersigned would retpwSffully n- '
Bounce to the ciii/.ens of Bedford and vicinity
| thut lie will open a high school U|kiii broa 1 and '
j comprehensive bat is. embracing®!! the English*
! and Classical branches ofix liberal education.
! Jt Is designed to establish u permiriunt insti
j tutlori of the first academic order in which inn*- '
i ic, drawing, painting ami other emamcntal i
! branches will be taught also.
The school will open about tho Ist. of So-J
| vember.
(Joins.) ol studies —terms, Jcc., will !> made j
: known hufosmer. I
| Sept. 20, ISoC.
Will atl.uU ,MHtl I.llv an ' t ll np-mtiOM in- I |
! I tnar.4.*h.n tni. -IW.*:*). ps-wond, As., 11
, n-ita*.inl m ail lns,fWl, ISo n "o* *• nn rnlin. ,t.
I i CuijitnikbMt, ll ••rnun^l.
W* Oifiea ... (inn Pil MftM. r. ,*M
j li?&
i ANTED in the Bedford Borough School
i \\ District, two male, ami three female
Teachers. Teacher* wanting employment
should make immediate application to the Board
us it is contemplated opening tin-- Public Schools
ou the Ist of November, inol.
By order of the Board,
J NO. I*. BE ED, Scct'y
Public Bale uf Ileal Estate.
THE undersigned Executors, tsf the last
will and Testament, of John Smith
late of Union Township, Bedford e>ity,
dee'd, will soil atpuMie sole on the premiers
ow Saturday the 'iotii d;v <-f October next,
tU) following Rka.l) Estate lato the pro
perty of said decM \ ix.
One tract of patented land, adjwßfhjj
lands of George K. Kiddie Jacob Berkhi
ner, Josiah Griffith s>d the widow iTris
van's heirs, containing about eighty sir
teres. The improvements are a log bouse
md log barn with tuber out buildings, about
3D or 70 acres of the laud arc cleared and
uwler fence.
Said property will bo sold subject to a
life estate in a small house and two acres
if the land.
Possession will he given en the Ist of
April urxt, at which time the pcrcbase
money wilf be paid. JOHN AKE
Sept. 5, ISSG. EX'OTO.
Administratis '• Notiee.
LETTERS of Administration having heon
granted to the subscriber, on the Estate to
Daniel Diehl, latent' Warr son Tp., dee'd, ail
persona indet>ted to said Estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same wii! present tbeiß pro
perly authenticated for settlement.
//ENRV P. DTK HE, Adm r.
Aug-8, ISSG.-Gt. Cob-rain Tp.,
betters of administration upon the estate of
Sainucl Cromwell, late of Bedfont Borough,
dee'd , having been granted to the subscrils-r,
notice i hereby given to ail person* indebted to
said estate to make payment without delay; and
those having claims against the same are noti
fied to present the same iluly authenticated tor
settlement. fit. JORDAN, Atliu'r.
Bedford, July 25, 1856.
A Prime lot of Groceries, just received ami for
sale at SIIOEMAKEU'B, Coionadc 6l ore
Oct. 3. 185(5.
Jon Mann, G. H. Spaxu.
lA\V PARTNERSHIP—The undcrsig.e
-J have associated themselves in tin- Practice
ol the Law, and will promptly attend to all busi
ness entrusted to their care in Bedford and ad
willing counties.
Q3T*t>tT!ce on Juiianna Street, three doors
south "l Uengel House and opposite tho rest
•leoce of Raj. '1 at,,.
MAN ft* * SPANG.
June Ist l.'-'M tf.
New Jewelry.
""pllE subscriber hn* opened out a new and
J. splendid assortment of all kinds of the
moat fashionable Jewelry—consisting in part ot
Ureas! Pins, finger Kings, Ear Kings, fee. Ac.
Call ami see hi* stock.
T KTTERS of Administration having beer
£j granted to tlitr stthscriber, living in, St
Clair Township, on tho Estate ot Christiat
Mock, late of mid Tp., dee'd; all persons in
debtod to Said Restate are hereby notified ti
make payment immeui itely, and those huvinj
claims against the same will present them pro
perly authenticated tor settlement.
Sept. 12, 1856. Am'r dc bonis nnn.
Bs/.ins and Kuhins Extracts for the Handker
chief, Cologne Water, Ac., at Dr. Harry's
For the Hair—Jockey Club, and new niowi;
bay, pomatums, genuine ox marrow, at Dr
B a/ins Fancy Soap— shaving Cream, just re
ceived from the city, by Dr. Harry.
As the season for chapped harts and faces, h
jTA-coiiiing ou, wc advise our friends to call ol
Dr. Harry, at the cheap Drug Store, and get >
box of llasiu's Amandine for prevention ami
cure of chapped hands, only 37 per box.
R missel's unrivalled premium Shaving Cream
at Dr. Harry's
AUrg- assortment ol Hair, Tooth, and Clothe;
brushes jut received, at Dr. Harry's.
(*B">uniry Physician*, can have their order
edited, with the very lest articles, at city
prices at Dr. Harry's Cheap Drug Store, Pit
st. Bedford, Ponn'a.
Old. 31, 1856. DU. B. F. IIARRT.
Balm of a Thot:ss*l Flowers.—An cxcelleti
article for the toilet, (or sale at, Dt. liar
ry's Cheap Drug Store.
Mrs.Stowe's new work.—Died, a talc ofthi
Great Dismal Sw-nip, equal to Uiicb
Tom's Cabin, just received at Dr. 7/arry'i
Cheap hook Store.
READER have you over heard of Gettysinimit
, able Daguerreotype I If not, go at mice t<
his saloon and see for yourself, and if you wan
a likeness ofyonrself or friends as true aR natttr;
and art combined can make it, that is the placi
to get it.
If jron w in a picture put up in the most ap
proved style and of the best materials—or i:
short if jfo.n want tin- worth of your money in:
splendid Daguerreotype or Aniurotype, go to
As ho is the only artist in Bedford county* win
can take the new style of Daguerreotypes am
He *pii •* no pains to give full satisfaction an<
permit* n" picture to go out until be is confi
<lent it will do so.
Having just return- diYin't l.e East hois in pos
session of all llh- lat-- iiuprovinouls in the ait
and can assure id* patrons that he o-n fumis!
them with a stylo >fpictures in.l taken by .on
other person in the county.
Room* at the ••Exchange Sail Tins" r )-b
J'eilows Halt—immediately above the stoic o
A. B. Cramer.
t. s. t*;t r: y>. Jr.
Jnuedih 1860.
.HIE ttfldoraignod informs tli„- farmer* of Bed- |
1. ford and adjoining Counties that lie lias {
made arrangement* by which ho can furnish to ]
those desiring, the latest improved and beat ag
ricultural implements o< thu day, embracing
Scott's "Lit ie Gianl" Com and Cob Grinder
—guaranteed to grind from 8 to 16 bushels of
! feed J>or hour with one horse— Potts' Coru
I Stalk Cutter and Crusher—t carranled to cut
from 120 to 160 bushels of feed per hoar.
1 Hay and Straw Cutters in variety, Grain Drills,
Corn Shelters, which are unsurpassed l'or cheap
' nes. and quality; Cultivators, Horse Hoes,
.Cider it Hi*, &c., &c. In short every utensil
' used on or about u larm. Wishing to avoid all
! imposition, each machine sold by him will bo
; warmnfed to work as represented, or no *aU—
\ and as tbese machines are procured in most
cases directly from the patentees urd mnnnfuc-
I turers, the purchaser will he secure in the right
1 of using.
Price? will bo as moderate and in some in
j stances less than the same articles can be pro
j cured singly from the manufacturer*. As the
| demand is very great for the two first named
I machines, orders should "bo given sown, by
i those wishing to purchase.
June 20, 1856-x
EVERY variety o# Summer PantaVvos good*
and suitable material for Summer Coats
; for sale by A. B. CRAMER k Co
I May 2£, 1866.
! r Dj*pepiie and Nemo#
1 fTIHK subseribvT wk* has srfTcrfd r®ent
J A horrors of Indigestion, is actions „ f Q ,
' part the oslv luerbud of enre to itivalu.
j larly alfectedb n
r Aikhcs* Br. W. J. MULLIX, Sehtilah
{ Bedford t's. JPtf.
JL'ST received r.t Reed's New Stores Fresh
Supply of Late Style and Fancy Goods,
embracing a large lot of
Ladle* Lress Goods.
French Needle Worked Collors,
Fancy Silks,
Gros tie Hbines,
IJH: Sill; Fringe,
Dotted Swiss,
Stripped ditto,
Plain Nantwook,
Bonnet Ribbon*,
Vanttin Ribbons,
Jilk Silk Cravats,
Hyron Collars,
Merino Ca isi'.uero,
Gent's half Hose, .M is'd and Bro.
Also a p.-inie lot o; Family Groceries, con.
sting of Sjgar, Coltev. Ten, Syrup, Mete*-
a. Kice. Com larch, Farina, ike., ire.
July IS. IOoG.
i Orricc. v. V. M. P. Co.,
j Fob. 28, 1866.
IYTOTICR is hereby given that the Board o
_L\ Directors of this Company have this day
levied an assessment of 5 per cent, on all pre
mium notes belonging to the Company and in
force on the sixth day of February, ff6. ex
cept on original applications approved from
Nov. 2D. 1856 till the said sixth day of Febru
ary. on which there is assessed -i percent.--
And on ail premium notes expiring between
slid <lates, and not renewed, '£ per cent. The
metulvrs of tills Company are hereby required
to pay their saverul amounts so assessed iu
the Tieaurer or authorized receiver of this
B-mrd within thirty days of the publication o
this notice.
ttkst—JOHN T. GREEN.
M arc2Blß-56 *t.
IB imi ira.
Valentine Steckman,
Boarders taken by the day, week, month and
April 25, 1856 tf
Clotliiiife and Dry Goods Store
f|"i5TF mhscribers arc jnst receiving anew
JL handsome and cheap assortment o \' REA
their store in the Last Cornerof'BodfOrd Hall,'
consisting in part of Coats. Pats.Vests.Shirts-
Satin Stocks. Handkerchiefs.Boots aud Shoes.
Hats and Caps, and all other article* usually
kept in Ready Made Clothing Sloris.'
Also a good assortment of DRY GOODS,
consisting of Calico, 5i on*, de Laine, Shawls
Alpacas, Trunks. Carpet Sacks,&c., Ac.; at!
of which they will sell as cheap as can be pro
curcdclsewtmrc in Bedford, for Cash uvLouu
try Produce.
They request all their friends in town and
countrytogivc thorn a call, and see uud exam
tie tliir stock for t Ives sh they conside
t a pleasure to show their goods, whether per
sons wi.-h to prchase or not.
Bedford, April 20, 1855.
Hooped fckirls?
Calico, Ginghams. Muslins. Chintzes. Hoop,
ed Skirts, flsh &e., just reeeivod at Reed'*
May 23, 185.
Important Announcement J
TO ait per*ons afflict-d with Sexual diseases,
such as Semitic! Weakness, Impotence,
Gonaortuct. Gleet, Syphilis. fee., kc.
The Howard Association of Fuikdelphia, in
view "f the awtui destruction of human life mid
health, caused by sexual diseases, and tiie de
ception* which are practised upon the mii'ortn/
nalu victim* of such diseases by Quack*, have
directed their consulting Surgeon, us a ckarilav
hie act worthy oi their nutiic, to give mc/iru
udrire truth, to ailpersons thi.saftiicted, (.Male
or Female.) who apply hyiettcr, with a descrip
tion of their condition.(age, occupation, hal*.
its of life,/&c., and in cases of extreme pov
erty and suffering to fur tilth fit.Urines fret oj
The Howard Association is a benevolent In
stitntion,established bv special endowment,for
the robot of the ick ami distressed. ufjlicted
With "'Virulent nitd Epidemic Diseases." and
Itsfundsoan be used for no other purpose. It
has now a surplus of means, which the Diree
•ws haft) voted t" advertise 'ho above notice,
t l nee lies* to add that the Association com
nniids fie; highest Medical skili of the age, aud
will furnish the most modern treatment. Val
uable advice also given to sick and nervous fe
males afflicted with abdominal weakness, IVot.H
oompkuiU.C istiveness. LeiKOrrhfloa. kx.
Add res (poxUpaid.) Dr. Gfo.,R, Camiopx.
.IduitiltlngSnrg on, Ilo.ward Association, No.
2, rfotith Ninth Btre--t. Philadelphia, Pa.
By order of the Director*.
V.AH A D. HE ART WELL, President.
Gko. KviaeniLD. Serrv/ary.
J uue 1. 1855.-zz
O SfIJTA BiIRS wr.uld anuoence to Id* old
3 frit.el* •nt the public genoraiiy, tliat he bus
; just received another largo supply of Spring aud
Sttmiuer Chitltios for Men and which be
is determined to sal! on the most reasonable
term*. Thankful for p-r-t fibors. ln> hope* to ami receive* lihvra'i she; u o<" the polroua
; .if a gen • • i s public.
i Beilford, f ue.c 6, iSfo
. DKS0UI110!I>
I AT OT,CE is ~ereb- v < lfr, ' n ***** tho Preribip i
1 lYlicretoforeoxisthig lietwcen tln; subscriber*, j
I tinder the flini of A. !iWi) & Cet'e, h* been
' dissolved by mutual ciiWoM. I lie bwki. Ac- '
I counts, notes,*iu the bauds of Adam .
i Dielil, who is here! > authorised to settle the j
i same. •••• A.JJIEHL,
' Dec. S, IH.VS. JOS. F. COHLE.
ATOTICE ia hereby given to the Stockholders
j\ of the Somerset arid Bedford Turnpike Rood
Company, that the President and Managers
have this day de'darod a ilivvlwul of one per
cent, oil the capital stock of said Company, to
be paid by the Treasurer.
Dec- 5, 1856. JACOB M USSER.
CAME t" the premises of the subscriber, liv
ing in St. Clair Township, on the 27th of
November last, one Jied Steer, both ears otl,
ai d a slit in the left, a dart: brown Heiter, the
same mark; one red niiilev Steer, the. left ear
otf and a hole in it. They are supposed to be
abotrt two years old next Spring. The owner or
owners are requested to com* forward, prove
property,pay charges and take them away.
Dec. 5, 185t>.
lWO r .a7*:C.'2 iZSS
LETTERS of Administration having lieen
granted by the Orphans' Conrt of Bedford
County to the subscriber, livir.g in Hopewell
Tow nship, on the Estate of Joseph Armstrong,
late of naid Township, dee'd; all persons itt
dofoted to the sane, are hereby notified to
. TMfaent immediately, and those having
Irj .fsAgaiiist llm si me will present them pro
rrly authenticated for wtHcumt.
h. H.DIEUL, JMvuuitlraibr.
rplfE undersigned, appointed by the Orphans'
J Court of Bedford County, to distribute the
balance ot the nsoney in the hands of John
Mower and S. L. Russell. Esquires, Adminis
trators de bonus i<>u, with flic Will annexed of
Willutin Lane, lata of J/opeweH, lowrnsliip in
said County, deceased, to and among the credi
tors of said decedent emitted to reeeivc the
same, wrll! attend to tire duti'-s of his appoint
ment on Tuesday the 59th day of July, iust,,
>1 his office in .he Borough of Bedford, when
and where all parties interested can attend if
llicy set proper.
O. H. SPJXG, Mndilbr.
July 11. ISM,
Letters testamentary ou the last will and
tcm anient of KI wood Warmer, l..te of the Boro'
of Bedloid, dee'd, having lieen granted to the
Subscriber, residing in said Boro. notice is
1 therefore given to ad persons indebted to the
j Estate of said dee'd, U make payiu-ut iin
j mediately; and those having claims will pre.
. sent them propeilr ant bent tented for settle
t July 23, 183(5. Executrix.
THE utslcrsigncd, thankful (as advertise
ments say) for past favors at the Colonnade
store, in Bedford, would respectfully announce
to his (m itous and friemls generally, that he liac
removed .his entire stock of goods to his new
brick store room lately occupied by Peter Had
c>-augh opposite the Bedtord Hotel. His sup
ply ol'goods is fresh, new ami fashionable.
His new room has Ixven neatly and elegantly
fitted up and remodel**!. All kinds of province
are taken in exchange tor goods.
lie hopes to be continued in the favor of his
| patrons and the public.
| July 4. JBSS.
IS heretiy given that the next Session of the
Ali glwny Male and Female Seminary will
: Commence on Tuesday tbe fth day of August
Bv order of the Trustee*.
August 1, 18i>t>.
* LL persons are hereby cautioned against ta
IJL king an assignment ot or purchasing from
Daniel Border of Bedford Borough ola curtain
obligation or writing signed and sealed by roe
fuby. 20th 185b and conditioned in part for the of i 1 i!3,bo one year thereafter. To
the whole of said claim I hare a full and just de
fence—and am determined to pay no part thcrof
unless compelled bv process of !„■*.
Letters of Administration on the estate of
Michael Putt, late of Liberty township,
Hedford County dee'd, having been granted
to tlie subscriber residing in ilroad Top tp.,
notice i. berefore given to all persons in
debted to said esttite, to make payment im
mediately, and those having claims are re
quested to present them propetly authenti
cated for settlement. \V3t. FIGARP.
Sept. 5, 185f>. Adin'r.
and will tske pleasure in rhowing them to all
who may favor us wilii a call. Great bargains
will bo offered for Cash, and all kinds of Coun
try Produce ;—or to punctual customers, a
credit of six months will be given.
Bedford llr 2 IK-IK.
A yers Cherry Pectoral—For the cure of
-vrXCougliN, Colds, Ac., can be had at Dr.
Ham 's Drug Score.
DR. HARRF, at the Cheap Drug and Book
Store, lias just received, a large asscrtiueut ol
the best flavoring extracts, together with l<nk
nig Soda, Cream of Tartar, Saleratua, &c., o
the very best quality, all of which he w ill gel
t tlie lowest prices.
IF i'OU want CHEAP GOODS, call at
Cheap Side.
Nov.* 30.
~ ¥oitiT mmobs!
THE undersigned has just returned homefr-,m
the Eastern cities witli n large stock of FALL
and WINTER Goods, and is now exhibiting
A general assortment ol'new style of
Comprising in a great vari.*ty of Ltidiet Press
Goods, which consists in part ol Black snd Fau
ci/ Silks, Chiihji, Law us, De Lainet, Madonna
Clht's, Coberg Merinos, etc., cte.
A large variety of Black and Fancy" Clothes,
t'.tssimercs, CassiuctU, Joanes, etc., etc.
Booh■ Shoe-, Halt and Bonnets, Groceries, Sti
go>s. Molasses, Syrup*. Herrings mid
j'f irkcrst, Paeon. Qu.eitsa.ire, Ilatdware,
Brooms', Buckets, Lookbig (itasses. etc.
Tl.cabove stock consists of every article us
ually kept ill store— Jill of which will be sold,
eimap lor cask or approved produce.
Thankful for past favors, ho hopes by fair
dealing and a desire to ti' continue to merit
ami receive a liberal soars of public patronage.
Get. 3. 1850.
rtthe subscriber is fully prepared tofurtiisli anil
L qiutntity or quality otßuilding 1 umber any
Plastering Laslia. Order* directed to St.Clairs
viH, flcdfcr ! County, will l>; i<otuptly sttcudod
io. n> K' v g a reasons! l'J uutise.
Dec. 2:, tba.
: Dfesolniioit of Co-Partoemhifr#
I rrUIE Copartnership heretofore osrtknjr be*
JL twuen the subscribers ra Shi:' Steam Saw
Mill and Lnmbar Business, iwtd all business
! transacted by the firm oi Loekc k Si. bier, Is
this day dissolved by Haiti foil con set, I.
The abov business trill lie continued by
j Jacob Snider> *n is anthorixcd to receive all
, claims coming to satd firm and also to pay sil
debts that nay l owing by said firm.
j Bloody Kttn, Pa., Oct. 3,1966. *
Seven Teachers Wanted.
THK School Directors of Harrison Tnwn
■ ship, Will meet at the house of V. V. fftfti,
on Friday the 81st of October, inst,, at tea
o'clock, A M., to examine cud employ BKV
| EN TE AOIfKRS. to take charge of the Schools .
of said DiiWrict. T. K. tfcttvs, County Su
| pcriu tend cut, will be present to examine aj.-
i piicant* Tbe schools will commence on the
i lOtli of November, ami be lept open four
i months. Teachers who wish to bi employed
must appear for examination before the Board
; of Directors.
JXO. McVICKEK, Pres't.
V. V*. lA'crtx, Scc'ty.
Oct. 10, 185 G.
W2b3; STT /% FJFER.
WOULD announce to his former fiatr
ami the public generally, that lie barju
eceived, from l'mUuleiphia, a large ati<l null te
pcietl assortment of the most choice Cloths
i Jastdmeres and Vesting*—abo summer wear o
[ oatry desert; lion, to which he invites the attend
twei of pr.rrfcao-jra. lib. cloths, etc., were &e
--| lected with great care, and he can rucunifocn.
them as being equal, at feast, to any to be fti- ral
lin the place. He also keeps Ready-made cfo
thing of every description, at very low priced—
ami is prepared to eat and make garments 00 the
! shortest notice and most reasowtble terms. We
1 respectfully invites tbe public to give hint a
i cad.
Bedford, June 6, 1866.
WANTED—At Reed's Cwlonado Store
Wheat, It ye, O.its. Com. and Buckwheat—also
all other approved pnxlwte, la txcikinge lor
foods at cash joievs
IRON —Blacksmiths ami others, are inform cl
thru vva have jpt recci-cd a large sttpplw ot
: it-fined Ituti—warranted best qnalitr.
j NOT. 28, 13C8v
t DOVaf.E. Sit R MILLED CUSS —Two Don
i ble Barrel Guns—twist wwsniited. for sale by
! Nov. 23, 1856.
! r | vHE subscribers having just rctnrncd from
1 A the Eastern Cities, are nw receiving a
1 large and splendid assortment of Fall and Wvn
! ter goods, consisting in port # F.-eaeh Merino,
J Thibit Cloth, Parfovttn Detaiacs, Silks, Flan
' nels, Aljmcas. Sat inert.-., TJeans, Min
ims. Cotton and Woolen Wrapper* and Draw
ers; Boots and Shoes; Qweensware. flardwara,
and in fact a little of every thing kept in Store.
Thankful for past favors they hope by fair
dealing, and a desire to please to receive a.
liberal share of the public patronage.
Oct. S, 186(5. J &. J.M.SHOEMAF.F.K.
IV.'K HE will Ik- ofl'erH at Public Sale on thu
premises on Tuesday the 11th day of No
vember next, the following described Hell
Estate, via., one tract of land situate in Monroe
Township Bedford eonnty Fa., adjoining lands
of Thomas Robison ami others, containing ttro
humfrcd and forty-six acres and allowance,
about sixty cents, of which is cleared cud un<h r
fence. Tbe greater part of tbe remaining Por
tion is tillahiv, th- improvement? are a log 1 ton3o
ami barn, an appie, ami peach orchard, luvb
several never failing springs of water. cbr.vei.i
ent to tint house; tliere : also said to b a
quantity of the best of Iron Ore up-.n the above
tract of Rind.
Terms, wiii be mode to suit purchaser*.
Sale to commeuoe at) o'clock when duo
. attendance will be given by
October. 7, IS6G.
JOHN CLARK a Mm. X. S. CLARK having
funned a partnership (in the Tanning
the business liere.otoro on in Scheilshurg
by John Clark will nou k* conducted by aud in
the name of John Clark ar.<i Son.
PERSON", hiring unsettled!aocoants with
the undci signed are called npon to attend to
tliutn promptly and hTe them closed. More
particularly accouts that have been s'a.idind
some time, should, and mini be arfendod to; ang
if in s.,tue eases persons art nor ptwpsrvsl to
clase fully, they must at least aMem* to them.
March 14, 1806—3 m.
TVTELVK TKACHEHS suntrd to tske
charge of lie Schools m West l"Tovhience Tp.,
for which lilteral salaries will Iw. given. Schools
t<> open the flr.t of Novemlienand to coutinuo
four months. JOHN A. GUMP.
Bloody Run, Oct. 17, l-H-jG; See'y.
LETTERS of AdUiinistration having bce
granted on the Estate of Isaac Loucheri
our, late of Juniata Tp., to tlio suhscritier liv
ing 111 said Tp.. all |>er.s,>;;a indebted to said
j Estate, are hereby notified to ittake payment
| immediately, and those having claims against
the same will prosit.t theni propeliy authenti
cated for settlement.
Oct. 8. 1h.56. FOB SM
THE undersigned will sell at private sale •
tract of land situate in Milligun's Cove ltarri
i son Township. Bedford county, lately in the oc
cupancy of Mrs. Elisabeth Earnest and family,
adjolnltig lat.ds of the widow Wert*. Dauiel
May and others, and containing one hundred
and sixty thiee acres and aßowauee. about
twenty five ot whioh are cleared and under
! fence.
The iniprovcruetUs aro alwo story log dwell
ing house, V.iiull log bat 11 and other out hnikl
mi's. There is ;t"Li, a young orchud of choice
apple tryct; ou tljf'pbce.
TEe'tcir.,., win IbViiiaue ,'">vru by either of
tho anlisccihers, wbd aroTrtistl'ciS of Mrs. Earn
| est
If the farm Is not sold "t- privaAe sale before
. the Ist., of November next, it will be offoted
| at public Sale on ilmtdav.
tifet). F. HIiIDLK.
■ Sept. 12, 1864. Trustees.
S.uiislwr! Lumber!!
lIAA fUAH SHINGLES 01 different
llAitlßiU kinds. Alar., 7A.<*>o fee
, of LUMBER of vsiions sorts, such as VVhi|
i I'ilitJ, Ycbuw i'tnc, Fopbr, Spruce, Ne.
! sale t". T). HiiJiGLli.o
' Cldrsvilla, Fei. 13 ,