I 50,000 K.AKE:S F 4JRRFIF ? ' I I "ml the IhiloVring exacts from a c^uecb I I in llflOjtta which h- sdroeaTofl the re* M tueiio* uttifc# .to the Enropean standard! 8 We nuderstand the Loeofocos in easrd Mr. I ir.trnd to putuowu I 'o price of tahor to ten cenls a day imma ■ I y to try the experiment i! I Won't sotsicof oar hard fisted laboring men I ; v to Mb. Buchanan nt W iioatlabd for I t |, o situation without delay? I Ilsre'a his in favor ft bird money -Liittlirrd-a piece of broad- I >; can be tnanufa turol for fifty dolhir#-, th..- I V - inuftetnte Of which. In our country from the 8 1; . ii of paper currency would cost one 8 I 'ii. ! do'lurs. Tlie foreign French and B j. i mmniUetarer imports this cloth iatu B 1„ a:n"v mid soils U for aJatadrcd. Does 8 •' .'.. %rr person p-ic-iv: th dLb icdun liiicy B -lut-s of ' 1 per rejit in favcr of ffitf manufacturer. •: t'.riu of prirtvntlon, Hale**lt amounted , . *.)hihith>n. rottlJ copnteiaiet these nilv-ant 1- J: 1 favor of foreign mathiflfotuitss. I would ;;-.ftven that I could arouse the attention of manufacturer of the h i'.tbrrtb this impor . ■ • Mii.jv-t. --®. ",tu .•That is the icts.-.n ih.il. with all these a i ■ or i RICES TdIROUGHOUT THE d'OSLD. .v.J yon cover our country with it lea- j aings and hcnclfts. • •Tlie coinpurative LOA" PRICES of France •: Germany' ha-. ..if- r led such a stlirnliwi* , I.rlr munuf'.cturcs, that they are now rapidly ex -1,. ding themselves, and would obtain possession 1 no SMALL decree, even of the English home ,t: rr IT M"ERF! NOT FOR THEIR PKDTETING DUTIES' H'hile British umu j- c' s SR.: now languishing, those of the I.T at-.- sjaiiiging into A healthy and * igorous esiuonce." UOTICEI U. & !i. T. R. R. (0, IN cOßneiftlon with tU • Tennhi li.iil Road : i'.viv, are now Shipping, without delay, lie • ■ ... 1 IL>i'EivEf.L and Pilade!| liiaor Bakintore, .i t ll.tali. 3Ion) at the following low rv s viz: Aii'flCLES of Ut and 2.1 Class. Dry Goods. ,1 • I: . 1, Rags, N dls. Pork. Iron, aad nier rally, at .3-'AHS2J cents per JOO lbs. ARTICLES of 3r ! class. Bacon. Blooms, 1 r'C , Fish, Pig uvct.d, No., at 43 cents per 100 ARTICLE* of -lib IroD, Fish, Salt, .'.•liS, k<\, at 28 its. P r 100 lbs. 'LOUR. TCcents per bbl by CirL >\l. , tie above rites wilt be "tie whole charge on ds deli v.- ;1 1 in llopeweil in m either Fhil'a. B tit:..V uiitil further imtie •. 11 . iting'lon. JAMES 800 IF. S 11. 2d, 1835. Snp't. LOST! Ml .LOST!! LITIIkit Lost hi SeUollsbnrg, or on tlie Way iron Stludlsburg to i'leisantvill ", r>n Friday the !9th 'ft S- ;:t. ii.sr., a M i>.rrmotine end handing <>r sending if to tin*, will r -ceivc a very htrwima reward, and my sincere thanks in the baig.iiii, .is fam needy. Tin least luitc of ill got en gaiu biing of the nature of livea. wilt sour the whole lump, and bring down curses upon all a in ;n j ov-t ssvtli. • J. U- VKIGIII. .Sept. 2(1.1, 183<5. 1 AiLOUIMi LMAIiUSMILYr. FIRai. i HE subscriber- having purchased the Tail, r ring estah'isliiucut of S. J. M'Caus'an, in the building (up stairs; occupied by Cap!. John A not I •* a Hardware Store, arc prepared to do ail kinds ot work iu their line, in the lat- Irk vt styles, awl which for neatness and 1 T_ durability will not, we venture to assert, i. -aipassed by any other establishment in the By strict attention to business and a desiue to fie i-.-. te.yhopa t> reie.'ive a liber tl sir ire of (he pi die patronages A - r ■ MOM FK, >ept. 20, li .O. W. 11. BOSS. NOTICE. :T!E n': "i r- r —vd (TiinW respectfully an- j • uuce to the citizens yf Bedford. and vicinity | l' d he will open a high school upon t,roa t ,ir,'i >•'. mpreli -nsive fctiH, embracing all tho English : rid C lassie a I branches of a liberal education. It is designed to establish a perminent iusti- j tnrinji of jhefl.st academic-order in which nuts- j drawing, paiisiirig and other irnataeuUl j 1.-r.cc s will be taught also. The school will open about tho Ist. of No v-nibei*. Course of studies—terms, Ac., will be made 1 fr.own her. after. j C. W. AUGIIINBAUGit. Sept. 215, 1?56. WllfSI! | AN APPRENTICE to the pru/ ,n 3 harness : will be taken at this office, it appl.."ation he: made immediately. Cue about 16 or 17 1 age will be prtferred. Sept. 2.„ Public £a!e of Valuable Heal _ j I'state. BY virtue of ar Order of the Orphan* Court of Bedford county the undersigned. Admin istrator of John Teeter 1 itc of Monroo Town, ship, dee'd, will on Friday tho 2-Ith day of Oc tober next, expose at Pxhtic Sale, on tho ptetn u.u., all that certain farm and tract of lan 1 situ, ate' ia tho Township of Monroe, and county afores iil, adjoining lands of Jabex Ilixou. John M'Daniel sn'i other",C'i dollars In hand at the confirmation of the sale, and the balance in payment* to suit purchasers. ' Sale to commence ai 1 o'clock, I'.M. ADAM KKTKING, Sept. 19,1856- Mm'r. Bedford Classical Academy. THE undersigned rtayectfully beg leave to inform the citizens tj J3oUiing hiiia ot the widow Wertz, Daniel j .uny iiriii others, and Containing una hundred i sixty three re-res and allowance, about | twenty Jive of wuiuh are cleared and under j feOcc. j Ifc improvements nre n two story tog fiweO ! ii! B bouse, small log bun ami other out build ings. l'hc*r is also young orc'ied of choice apple traes on the {.dace. The terms will bo made k :i,wis by cither of the si'bicribera, nhu a Trustees ot Mrs. Earn est II the farm is not sold ;i private sale before tho Ist., of November next, it will be offered I it nubile Sale on that Gav. i CEO. F. KIDDLE. k:i\ w V,'ek. Sept. 1", TBL3S, Trustees. umuM!)' A DirimsNn of one per cent., on the capita ;*• sf'tok of the Chsnibersbuig nnd Bud ford TurnpHto Roid GOWpany. has been declared by the .Monagers, payable on tho Ist of August, at the office of K. 1,. Anderson, Esq. G. R. MES.SEUSMITH, T.taturtr Jnryrjr, IA3S, W AKTTEIS ! Ageod stout Boy, abont 18 years old, to learn the Tanning Business. Apply immediately. Aug. 29,1866. S. SIIUCK. & Co. Atrijice LETTERS of Administration having b-cn granted to the subscriber, living iu, S*. Clair Township, on the Estate ol ChristUn Mock, late ot add Tp., dec'.l; all persons in. debtod to said Eestate are hereby notified to make payment immediately, and those having claims against the same will present the u pro perly authenticated fbr settlement. II IK A.M. DAVIS, Sept. 12, 183 S. Am'r de bonis non. Jfotlce, Letters of Administration oa the estate of Michael Pulf, late of Liberty township, Bedford County doe'd, having been granted to the subscriber residing in Broad Top fp., notice is herefore given to all persons in debted to said estate, to make payment iiu tuedi iteiy. and those having claims are re quested to present them properly anthonti nned for settlement. W.M. FiCiAHB. Sept. 5, Iboti. Adm'r. Public Sale of Hral Estate. ®ySUK undersigned Executors, of the last will irul Testament, of John Sinitu !a'e of Union Township. Bedford county, dee'd, wiii sell at public sale on the premises on Saturday the 25th day of October next, the following UEAL ESTATE late the pro perty of said tlec'd viz. One tract of patented land, adjoining lands of George F. liiddic Jacob Berkhi mer, Josiuh Griffith and the widow Cri.i uian's heirs, containing about eighty six acres. The improvements are a log house and log barn with other out buildings, about CO or 70 acres of the land are cleared and under fence. Said property w ill Le sold subject, to a lifts estate in a sutall lious • and two sores o! the land. will be given on the Ist of April ties', at which time the purchase money will be paid. JOHN AKK Term- (.'ash- PKTKK SMITH S q t. 5, lSo'i. Kx'ors. To Teachers antl School Directors. STCI'HK I'ireclors, and Teachers of Com- Jt irnrn SebooU of Bedford county, tire hereby iiotißed to meet the Superintendent, iu their rcepectivo district®, as follows- On Monday the loth of September for the borough of Schellsb-jrg, an 1 township of Napier, at the house of George Col via in Soln llsburg. At Bnenavista, r.n Tuesday lite 16tb. Bridgeport. Londonderry, WeduciJay the 17th. Contreville, Cumbctland Valley Thursd iy tue 19' li. Kainsburgb Colerain on Friday the 10th. ChnncyiviUe, Soutbamptoa, Monday ihe 221, Ulcarvtllc., Monroe, on Tuesday the 23J. Bloody iiun, West Frovulenec Weducs day 24th. House of J. T. Black, East Proridence Thursday 25th. Diedjers Store, Hopewell, Friday 20th. ]j. Evans' Store Broad top. Saturday 27th. Stouorstown ott Monday the 29th. Woodherry on Tuesday 30th- P.ittonsvillc Wednesday October Ist. . House of John Fiekes, Union, Thursday 2d. Spring* Mills, St. Clair Friday the 3d Bedford Borough Saturday the 4th llousc of V. Wcrts, Harrison, Monday Gth. Bedford township, at the bouse of John Ilafer, Bedford, Saturday the 1 ith. —- School Directors and teachers are parti cularly requested to be present at the time, snd place fixed upon, as I have souie re tnaiks to make, which tnaj be useful to both Directors, Teachers and tho friends of Edoaution. T. It. GET'IiS Sept. 5. 1850. County Sup't. Notice. IS berel'V given, that an application will j be tuadi? to tie Governor of the corn- \ monwealtb of Pittsylvania, on Thursday tho 18tb day of September, 1856,f0r the pardon of ROISKRT C. iJoNRW, convicted in tho Court of Quarter Session of Bedford coun ty, for the crime of Burglary,and sentenced on the 14th Fcbruarj*. 1855, for a term of 21 years. Of which all persons interested will take notice. _ Sept. 5, 1856. ~ mrnmr JOHN (.'LARK a Wm. A. S. CLARK having | formed a partnership (in the Tanning ?c.,> j tho heri'iess hprtjofore carried on in Schellshttrg ! by John Clank will now be conducted by and in the name of John Clark and Kon. NOTICE. PERSONS, having unsettled accounts with ! the uadeisigned are oaited upon to attend to ! them promptly and have thoni closed. More particularly accents that have been standind j sow: tithe, should, and mutl be attended to; ang ; if in '>nie cases persons arj not prepared to i clsso fully, they must at least attend to them, j • JOHN CLARK. ! March 14, T856-3m. Mfifdftl) I,\UUiߣli AI\D CHRONICLE e the Commonwealth ! Loi-u AM AT I ON. TT'HRRKIS in and by an Act of Gene ' ' r *i Assemby of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to regnlafa the I General Elections within this Commonwealth," it is enjoined upon me to giro public notice of ' such Klectioas, and to enumerate in said notice j what officer* ere to be elected, f, HUGH .MOORE, sheriff of the county of Ite" ! house erected on the land own ire by John Whip's heirs i" said town ship. The Electors of Harrison township 1? meet at thq .School house No- 5, near tile dwelling house of Henry Keyser, in said towusk p. The Electors of //o pew ell township to meet ' ut the house of John Dasher, in said township. The Electors of Juniata township to meet at the house now occupied by William Keyser, in said township. Tue Electors of Londonderry township to meet at School house No. 3, in said townthip. The Electors* of Liberty township to meet at the School house in the village of Stonerstown, in said township. Tha Electors of Monroe township to meet at the house of David O'Neal, in Of*arviUe, in sai l , township. The Electors of Napier township to meet at the house built for a School House, in the bo rough of Sclieltaburg. The electors of East Providence township to meet at the house of John Nycum, Jr., Inn-: keeper, in said township The Electors of West Providence township | to meat at the School House, in Bloody Run, 1 in sy id township. The Electors of St. CUir township to meet at 1 the Storo House, near tho dwelling house o( Gideon D Trout, in said township. The Electors of Sehellsburg Borough to meet at the house built for a School llousc, in said Borough. The Electors of Southampton township to meet at the house of William Adams, in said township. The Electors of Union to'.raship to inert at the house cf Michael Wy*nd, iu said town ship. The Electors of Middto M'ood berry township to meet at the house of Henry Pluck in the village of Wood berry, in s b.d township. The Electors of South W'oodherry, township to meet at the house occupied by Jacob Otter, in sj.i l township. At which time and place the qualified Elec tors will elect by ballot. One person for Canal Commissioner of th; Common wealth of Pennsylvania. One persou i >r Auditor General of the COUJ tnor,wealth of Pennsylvania. One (icrsoii for Surveyor General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person, in cv.junction with the counties of Adams, Franklin. Juniata and Fulton, to represent this District in Congress. Two persons, iu contraction with the counties of Cambria and Fulton, to till the office of numbers of the Ilouso of Representatives of I'ennsy Irani i. One person for the office < f Associate Judge of Bedford county. o.f Bedford county. Two persons for tpo office of Auditors ol Bedford county. One person for the office of District Attorney. One person fot the office of Coroner of Bed ford county. CETTIkj election to Ik- opened helw ; :u th j hours ol 8 and 10 o'clock jti the forenoon, In a public proclamation, and to be kept op.-n until Seven o'clock iu the evening, when tbe polls shall be closed. NOTICE IS HEREBY" GIVEN", "That any person, excepting Ju3'i"rs "f the Peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of profit ■ r trust under the United States, or ot this State, or any city or gorpoiytod district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise a subordinate officer, who is or shall be employed under the. legislature, ■executive or judiri uy de partment of this .State, or of the United States or of any incorporator district, and also that ivery member of Congress and of tin: Stat e EegWlaturip and of the fcaioot or common c ,un. ci! of any city, or commissioner of any incor porated district; h by liw ine ipabic of hotdiug or exercising at the time, the otlieo or appoint ment of judge, inspector or Clerk, of any elec tion of this commonwealth, and no inspector judge or other officers of such ejection, slij'l be eligible to bo voted for." And the said Act of Assembly, entitled -An Act relating to elections of this commonwealth;"' pass al July 3d 183 d, further provides, as fol lows, to wit: "That the inspectors and judges shall meet at the respective places appoints 1 lor holding the election in the district to which they re spectively belong, before 9 o'clock on the morning of the 2d Tuesday of October, and each said Inspector shall appoint one clerk, who shall be a qualified voter of such dis trict. -In case the person who shall have received the second higbe.'t nninlier of votes for inspee- , : tor, shall not attend on the day of any eicc- , tion, then the person who shall havu received the second highest number of votes for judge at the next preceding election, shall act as in- j specter in his plaeu. And in caao Iho person j who hrs received tho highest number of votes : for iaspoclorshall not attend, the person elect ed .judge shall appoint an inspector in hi* place and in case the person elected judge shall not i attend then tho inspector who received the highest number vote* shall appoint a judge in 1 hi* place, and if any vacancy shall continue in i for tho space of one hour before the ' time fixed by law for the opening of the olec ■ tion, the qualified voters of tho township, ward ; or district for which such rfHccr shalt have i been elected, present at the place ol election, i j shall elect one of their number to fill such ' a i cancy "lt shall be tits duty of the several assessors respectively, to attend at the place of holding j every general? special, or township election, during the whole time s ii.l election is kept op en for the purpose of giving information to the inspectors, and judge, when called on, in rela ion to the right of any person assessed by them to vnto at such election, ymd on such other mas ters in relation to th- assessment of voters, as th ■ said inspector, or either of them, shall from time to time require. _ "No person shall be permitted to vote at any election as aforesaid, than a white freeman of 1 the ago of twenty-one years or more, who slutll 1ha"t) resided fu this Stat: at least one voar, and in tne election where ho offers to vote at least tun days aui?di#itcly preceding J I such election, and within two ycarspud a j i irate or county tax, which shall have >eß •- I scssed at Tuts#ten days before tbo election.— j But a citizen <>f .the United States, who has I S previously bnen a quaked voter of this State ! and removed therefrom an I returned, and who | has resided in the election district ar.d paid 1 taxes, aforesaid, shall be ontitls I■> veto after I residing in this Statu six tnoßtln; Provided: - Th t the white freemen, citizen* of tho United I Status, between the ages ol twenty-one and J twenty two y ears, have resitted in the election S district ten 'lavsas aforesaid, shall be entitled to , vote, aithvugh-they shall r.A have {Mid taxes ! "No person shad lie admitted to vote whose ' name is not contained in the list of taxable iti ! habitants furnished by the commissioners unk-g.; First, he produce a receipt for tho payment within two years of a state Or county tax as sessed agreeably to the Constitution, and give satisfactory evidence, either his own oath or affirmation pt anotiier, that he his paid such a tax, or on .ailure of payment thereof; Second, if he claim a right to vo'o lee Ueing an elector between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-two , years, shall depose on oath or affirmation, that he has resided in the state at leaf ecus year next before bis application, and make such proof, of residence in the district as is i-equired by this Act, and iie docs verily believe, from the ac counts given 14m that lie is of the age aforesaid and give such otb r evidence as is required by j this Act, whereupon the name of the person so admitted to vote a ball bo inserted in the alpha. | betical list by the inspector, and a note made | opposite thereto, by writing the word 'Tax." il i he shall be admitted to vote by reason of hav ing paid tax, or t-.e word "age," if he sliali be admitted fb vote by reason ol age, and in either e iSe tlie reason of sucb vote thai I Uo call ed out to the etcrks, who shall make the like note 111 the list of voters kept by then). "In alj cases where the name of the person claiming to vote is not found on the list furnish ed by th? Cbui-nissionei* and alssosors, or his right to vote whether found thereon or not. is objected to by any qualified citizen, it shall be the duty of tho inspectors to examine sucb person on oath as to bis qualifications, and if he claims to have resided within the state for one year or more, his oath ah ill LC surtieieht proof m -*cof, but he sh ill make proof bv at 'east one pompett.T* witness who sliail be a qualified elec tor (hat, he has .""-sided within the district for more than ten a*.;" next immediately preceding said election, and shall aikp hiZ?"""* that his bonafide residence, in pursitajc.e o. ''3 'aw ful calling, is within tho district, add that . *• did not remove in the said district for the p' ,r - ] pose of voting therein. "Every person qualified as aforesaid and who shall make due proof, if required, of his resi dence, and payment of taxes as nforesaid, shall be aduiUte I to vote in the township ward, or district iu which he shall reside. "If any person shall proveut r attempt to prevent auy officer of an election, under this Act from holding such election, or use or throa te i violence to any such officers, and simli in terrupt or improperly interfere with him in the execution of his ditty, shall block or attempt to block lip the window or avenue to ar.y window where tho same be holding, or shall riotously disturb thu peace of such election, or shall use or practice any intimidation, threats, force, cr ovcraw any elector, or to prevent hjin frotn vot ing, or to restrain the freedom of choice, such peisons on conviction shall b? fined in any sutn not exceeding five hundred dollars, and to he imprisoned for guy time not legs than que not more than twelve months, mid if it shall be shown to t-Ue.Court where trial of such offence shall lie had, that the perso.. so offending was not a resident of the city, ward, district or town ship Where the said nii'ance was committed, and not entitled to vote th -rein; thc-n, on conviction he slpifi Ue Sentenced to pay a flue of not less than oue hundred nor more than one thousand dollars, and lie imprison d not hns than six month nor more than two yeirs. "If any'person r persons shall make any bet or wager upon the result ol any election within this common wealth, or oflor to make any snch bet or wager, cither by verbal proclamation thereto, or by aty written or print'd advertise ment challenge ur invito any person or persons to make such bet or wager, upon conviction thereof he or they shall forfeit and pay three tinuM tho amount so bet or off-red to be bet." And tho Judgrs ol the respective districts nforesnifi, are required to meet a? the Court House, in tile Borough of Bedford, oa Friday next following tlie holding of said election, then and there to perform these thipgs required of thmi by law. Dated at Bedford, the 29th ttav of August. A. D.IKMS. HUGH MOORE, Sheriff. Aug. 20,1850. BY AUTHORITY. Proposing Amendments lo liio < n- Mifn'ion of the Couibiou wraith. He. id ct I try the Senr.'c ami Howe of Reprcscu iitlircs of the Commonwealth of Pewsyirania in General Assembly met , That the following am. -.1- mcnta .ire jirbpotnwl to the constitution of the coirmonflftsulfb, in Secor i iun* with the provi sions of ih • tenth article thereof. FIHbT -AXKXDXt NT. Tin-re shall lie an additional arfi* lc to said cit, i.stitutlon to Iw designated as arlieii* eleven, as follow# t* — AItTTCI.E X(. CP PUBLIC DEBTS. Si&rtON 1. Tin* state may contra -f del ft. f" supply casual deficitii or failures in revenc s. <>r to mo *t expense* n it otherwi * provided (or; hut the aggregate amount of such debt, direct and cmntmgeitf, whether Contracted by \il'tue ol oic or more acts of the general is acuthly. or at difi'eretit pc: lot's of lime. shall never cxcee-' *vtn hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and the money arising from the creation of such debts, shall lie applie ! to ih * purpose for which it was obtained, or to repay the debts so contracted, and to no oilier purpose what ever. Section In :i l lition to the .ilim Bmit.ed power the state may contract debts f> repel in v irion. suppress insurrection. defend tlm state' jn w ir, or to redeem the present outstanding imlol>tvdiie-s of the st itc; but the Homey aris ing front the c<, any individual, eompa ny, corporation, or aasoci itiou; nor shall the commonwealth hereafter become a joint owner, or .stockholder, in any company, association, or corporation. Seers ax 6. Tbo commonwealth ahail not as snmo the debt, or any part thereof, ot any county, city, borough, or township; or of any corporation, or association; unless such debt sballjnva been contracted to enable tho state to repel invasion, suppress domestic insurrec tion, defend itself in tin J of war, or to assist ilie state jn tlic discharge of auy portion of its prose 't iudebteduosi- Section 7. Tbclegislatßrcshxll jotauthnrpe any county, city, borough, township, or in :or p n-ated district, by virtae of i vote <>f its citi zutis, or otherwise, to become •t .tIU MrXUiV. Frotn faction two •>£ the first sitle'e of the Constitution, strike ont the words, "of the city of Philadelphia, mid of cm h c.oicniy respectively;" trotn section five, of sumo article, strike out the wools, t-,)f Philadelphia and of the cental coun ties;'' from section seven, *i:ne article strike out the wonts. "neither the city of Philadelphia vvi any," ami insert in lieu thereof the words, "ami no;" ari l strike out section four, same ar ticle, ami in lieu thereof insert the following: '■SECTio.t 4. In the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, ami in every seventh year thereafter, representatives to tlie number of one hundred, shall be apportioned and dis tributed equally, throughout the state, by dis tricts, in proportion to thy uuaib-t of.taxable inhabitants in t Ira-several pails thereof; except that ftuy county containing at least three thou sand five hundred taxable#, nnr be a'U.w, d a separate representation; but no more. limn three counties shall be joined, and no county shall be divided, in the tiwuiation of h district. Any city containing x sufficient number of taxable* to entitle it to at ler it. two representatives, si- ill Sisv ■ a sep.. rate re,;. tseiiMtiou assigned it, and shall 1 divided into convenient districts of con tiguous territory, of equal taxable population as near as may be, each of which districts shall cleat one renreseatativc." At tlie end of section 3even, same article. in sert these words, "the city of Philadelphia ih.nU be divide J into single senatorial diirirlt, of d.t territory at n-orly et;n:ti in taxable vopH mi as pC**ib]e; but no ward shall be divided in the form;::™ The legislature, at the af?t session, after the adoption of this atiieno.;?""*• *h*l> divide the city ot Philadelphia, into sena^ 1- ' l4 ' reprc soutalive districts, in the minnsr above provid ed; such districts to remain unchanged hn.y the apportionment in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. FOURTH AMENDMENT. 77. be seeflcu xxvr. Article I. The legislature shall have the power to a'ter, revoke, or annul, any charter of incorporation here .titer eon (erred hy, or under, any special, or general Lur, whenever in th ir opinio** it may be injurious to th citizens of the com monwealth; in such m inner, however, that no injustice shall be dona to the corporator*. In Senate, April 21, 5876. Mesolcc.l. Tli.it this -resolution pass. On the first amendment, yeas 24, nays 5. On the sec ond amendment, yets l'.l.nus ti. On'the third amendment, yeas 38. nays I. On the fourth amendment, yeas 28, nays 4. Extract from the Journal. TIiOMAS A. M AGt'IEH. CUrk. IN IIOCSEOF REmvsENTATmtN. | April 21, 18-jS. \ R ttolced, That this resglution pi. On the first amenduicut, yeas 72. nay* 21. On the se cond amendment, yens 03, nays 27. On the third amendment, yeas 64, nays 27; and on the fourth amendment, yeas 00. nays 10. Extract from the Journal. WILLIAM JACK. Clerk. Skoh it Any"# Omcr. { A. O. CURTI.V. 2 'led. . Jp : 11 24, 1870. \ Ser. of the t Arm th. SKCRFT.'.Kr'S OrF:,-K, | lJ*u rutwrg, June 20, 1870 J Pet: r.tjjii ania. ss : f do certify that the above and foregoing is a rrue and correct copy of the original '-Resolu tion relative to an amendment of the Constitu tion" as the same remains on die in this office. t-Sj&jsigjt, In t'etimctty where f I have hcre- I I It; to set my hand and caused to he ' nJßfj affixed the set;! if the Seertdaay's YyrtlCt? A. G. cv&iisz . c ,c e'at ? t'f He Commonweal Hi. In St.NVTE. April" t. 1 Soil . Resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution i.d the ComiuMiu cußti, being un der crniitienitinij, t)-i tin* question,- Will c i' S estate agree to the 3rst amend ment ! The yeas >tid nays were taken agreeably to t! - provisions o; the Cutis!itntion, and were as follow, viz ; Yeas— >l ssrs lir-.-w te. Euckalev., Crcswell, Evans. Fepgunon. Eiennhien, Hog*. Ingram, J amison. Knox. Latihach, Lewis. M'Ciintock. Price, .Sellers, Sham in. Souther, Straus, Tag g.irt. W alton, Wei* i, Wherry, W .lhii s ami Plait, S/ifi'ker —21- Nats—Messrs. Cr.ihh. regg, Jordan. Mcl- Mtiger and Pratt—7. So the question wis determined ia the af fl'tuatiye. On the question, VV ill the Senate agree to the second amend ment The yea* and nays w ere tik-n agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution an! veie as follow, via; as —.Messrs. Brown \ BueU.slew, Orwell. Lv.in*. Hoc*, fncrim, Jamison. Knox, Luft hacli, Lewis, MVhniooK. Sellers, Sliuiucn. Souther. Straub, Walton, Welsh, Whom and Wi'kins IP. Nats' —Messrs. Crabb, Ferguson, Gregg, Pratt. Price and Pi at, Fpetkir —'l. So the qnestioii wo determined in the af firmative. t)n the question, Will the So are agreejo the third amend ment ( The yens uti-1 nay* were taken .njreoabiy to the Constitution, and v.ere as iollow, vis; Yeas — .Messrs. Browne, Buckahw. Crjhh, Ore,vitrei!. Evaiis. fV.gi son, i'lenniken. Hog.-. Ingram, Janii-on, Jordan, Kflux, l.auh.icli, Lewis, M'C'intoek. Mellinger. Pratt. Price, Sell rs, Shuman,* Souther, Strsub, Taggurt, Wa'tcsn, irc!!i,*iV berry. Will;ins and Piatt, C'puiAr.*—2K. > ays— Mr. Gregg-1. So the question was determine I in the af firmative. On the question. Will the Senate agree to the fourth amend ment .' . The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the Constitution, and were as follow, vis ; Yeas —Messia.Browne,Suctcal ;w, Crcsswell, Evans. Fbuiikcn, lfoge, Ingram. Jamison, Jor dan , Knox, f.autiach, Lewis, li'Clintook, J'rico. Seller*, Siinnwu, Souther, Strath, Walton, Welsh, Whetry, Wjlkins au.t Piitf, SptaMer oe ( _ Xivs—Messrs. Crab I ', Gregg, MeUinger ami Pratt—4- So tiie (juration was determined in the af firmative. Joufnal of the House of 11-. j resentafire* April 21, IWW. The tom an t twys *•!•(' lake" agreeably to the provision* of the Consliution, am! on the liiat proposed amendment, were as follow, viz; YKAS —Messrs. Anderson. Back us,-Baldwin, Ba'l. Beck, (Lycoming,? lieck. (York.) Beru htrd, Bovd, Boj i-r, ftrown, Buoh, Buchanan, CalJwoll, Camp he tt, Carty, Craig, Crawford, Dowdall, Editigor, Ftts.H. Foster, (lotr, Haitiua, Hum-I, llirpor, Haim, Hibbs, Mill, llillegss, flippla, Holconb, llun seeker, Iru bric, Ingram. Innis, I> V \ Johns, Johr.ar.n, Laporte, Lelro. Longsker, Lovott. M'Oalmout, M'Carthy, M'Oomb, Mauglo, Menesr, Miller. Montgomery, Moorboad. Nuußeuiachcr. Orr, Pearson, Phelps, I'm cell. linrunev, Rood, lieia hoM, Kiddle, Roberts, Sbeak, Smith, (A!l ghe.iy.) Smith, (Caiuuii i.) Smith, ( Wyoming.) St rouse, Thompson, Vail, Ifhaikm, Wright, (Dauphin.) Wright, (Luzerne,) Zimmerman and Wright, Upeiker— 72. NAVS -Messrs. Augustine, Barry, Clover, C ib.iurn, Dock, Fry, Fulton, Gaytoisl, tJibbo ney, Hamilton, Hancock, Housekeeper. Hnnt i;e.r. L<- sen ring, M a ge'*. Mauler, Morris. Mum | uut, Patterson. Salisbury, Smith, (Phllidel* ' phtp.) Walter, Wiutredj an l Yoareley—2l. So the question was determined in '.lie aSLr amtive. On the question, \Vtft the House agree u the second a nem 1 ment. The vcas and nays were taken, and were as follow, vis; Yt-U—Messrs. Anderson, Back-is. Baldwin Ball, JBck. (fiycomuig.) Beck, (Fork,) Bern- Ixir.i, Boyd Brown. Brush, Buchanan, C*Jd. well, C.mpbell. Caity, Craig, Pa-mdd, P.ejt r '.lets. Ilaiaes, Ha-nel, Harper, Hei-;r, Hibbs iiilt, Hillegaa. ilij-pK, Ho'cdcab. liqnsockt-r'. Initric, Ingham, 1 finis, 11win, Joints, Johnson. Lsporto, Lebo. Longukvr. Lovotf, M'U'abnont. M'Earthy, M'Cotnb. Maugkq Monear, Miller. Montgomery, Moorheud, Kunnemacbor, Or-. Pearson. Parcell, Ramsey, Reed, Keinhoid, Riddle, Roberts. SfaiuL, Smith, (Allegheny,) Si rouse, V.iil, a ballon, TYrtgh*, (Luzerne,) Zimmerman, and '.fright, Speaker 6-3. Navs —Messrs. Augustine, Barrv, Clover, Edingor. Fry, Fulton. Gayh-rd, Glbbonpv, !Jj. tßiltan, Hancock, ilunoeker, Leiseiiriny, Ma gee, 31* a ley. Morris, Mumma, I'aflcrson, Phelps, "-alishury. Smith, (C itniwit.) Thomp son. V alter, \V intrude, Wright, (dauphin. 1 and V eat'sley—2s. So the question was determined in the ■ mative. On the question. TV. II tlyi !lou*.a agree to the third a tar it. I- - vneu' ? The yets anln y s were taken, a;„l w.-n ! as follow, viz: Yr. as—Messrs. Anderson, Bark us, Baldwin Ball, Beck. (Lycoming.) Beck, (York,) P rn , hard, Boyd, Boyer, Brown. Buuiiartati. Cald well fSampbeli. C irtv. Craig, CrawSml, F.dir. •- er. 1 lUS Id. Foster. Fry. Gets, llaiues, flamel. Harper, Ileitis. Hibbs, iiii), liillegxn, lib,' Holqomh, "••a-e'keiq.i-r. Ifidwie, Ingham. locus! ! Jrwiti. ohn.i. Johnson, Lap..rte, 1,e1,.,. i„, n „ 4 . ker, I.ovett. M'Ciltiiout. M'Cornb, .Mangle, i Menfiar, Stiller. MOBlgotDtry, NimneniaelWr! ' Orr. l'ttarson. I'beips, Pareell, Bamsev, Kced, Kiddie, .i he-uk, Smith, (Allegheny.) Smith! i (Cam ria,) Smith, (TVyomjng,) Thompson ' \\ nation, Wright. (Dauphin,) Wright, (Lu-S z.-rtie.) and /imnii'mnn-(>4. Navs Messrs. Barry, Clover, Cobourti. Dock, Fniton. Gay'ord, Gibboncy flami.'F-n. iiuneker. LeiK-nrmjs, j 31 'Carthy. Magte, M irdey, .Morris. Patterson. BelnholJ, Roberts, Su!ihn:f. IVal- 1 ti r. IVintrude. Yearsley ar.d Wright, Speaker ' ! So the question -a-; Set -rminmed in the af- ' Urinative. On the question. Will the House agree to the fourth amcu-l raer.t ? The yeas and nays Wert taken, and were as follow, viz: Yea —3f ssrr Anderson, Backus. B ill. Beck , Lie-imiiig,) Beck, (York.) Bernlmrd. Boyd. I Boy. r. Brown, Brush, Bnchanati, Caldwell, J Caiup'ieli. Carty, Craig, Crawford, DowtLall. Edinx-r, FansoM, Foster. Frv. Gi-lz, Hatml' Harper, Ileins. Hibbs, Hill,* ilillegus. Hippie ID leoro'i, iloiisi-kee(K-r, llutisecker, lmbrle Innis. Irwin, Johns > i, Laporie, loobo, Lcmga k r. Lovvtt, M'Ci-lrnont, M "Carthy. 3!' Comb .Mangle. Menear. .V ilk-r, Montgomery, Moor head, -Vunuetuschor, Gir, Pearson." Phelps j Pereell. Ramsey. Re.-d. Reinhold, Riddle. Rot- j erts. Shook, Smith, Cumbria.) tsniith, (Wyom- ; ing.) Thempson, Vail, Welter, TV ballon, U right. (Luzerne.) Yearoley, Airntueriiian and i Wright, Speaker— ®U. Nats —Messrs. Barry, Ciover, Cobourn, r-al ton. Gihboney, llair-es. Hancock, Huneker. lughani, Leisenriug, Mi gee, M.mley. Morris, i'atteison, Salisbury, and Wiutrodo—lS. So the question was determined i:i the ai finnative. S.-.cbKi AK i *s Of -v". I H'trriebh. June -7, IBf.tj. ) P.- rntyliv.-.ni. st t I do certify that tlie above and foregoing s a true and correct copy of the "Yeas" ft.id "Nays" taken on the Hesolntio i proposing amecdnicrits to the Constitution of tlie Cos, - rr!'>nwealth, as the same appeum on the Jtour nds oi the two Hou s ,..s ol the General Asset:- tdv of this Co;jitpomve:dtb for tl e se-.; : , a: rwcj Witaaxs :i.;. band au-i th; • I'-; said office, tlsls twentv-sevenfii day if June, one thousand eig! t hund red d liltv-six. A. G. CURTi.V Secretary of the Gentmome se,. : Kicc. Indigo, Tobacco. & •. Ike. .T. N J. V . .SHOF.I AM;.:*,. August Ist 13 >U. i; vr.!!must n-stful ♦ v'r '! rrpntima b- !|| | tr *- i •" -i * cvn T .Si fiiei, a rvgattkui, A . .u | , *-• . .. .C;V..Aetc hereby given that the ">th an! j\ lart iust-dmcn: of tho stock st.'osrriiwd to the Hopewell an 1 lli-ody Itun Mark and Turn pike ltoad, will he due and ptyahle at the office of thft Trcasari-r oa the tfi.i ..f August, inst. Suit* will lo immediately inslituu l for the colkction of ill suistcriptious ic pvld after thr.t day. lly ir!:i of 'Jo- Biai I ■ f Managers. JXO. MOWEJi, TnMfiurer. Bedford, A-tg. 1", ISoC. C : K& "H'o THE suliserliiers take this method of iaforw j the people of BeJlord County that they ivc up.-uud a IF/r olcsilt an I fidzil CJofniaf ,tcrt.A\. X". c, Lloyd's How. Itollidayat-urg, L'a..where t'acy will at ajl times luivo on h in i a arge supply of e'ery sittclp in the Clothing Line. They would jileased to sec all their fiends at their estrudiment. S. HMISIIMAM, 51. SffOEX 1 iJUi.. ,Ttine *7, 1 tf CLOTHING STOKE XSIE sabserioer lias removed i.;s Clofimig Store to the room next door to the < iScc <■ i Dr. Watson, wiiero he baa on hand, ami will con stantly keep, a general assortment of CWftling for Men and Boys, which he will sell on the uiost reusoiiablc tcinis. and to which he respectfully invites the attention of puiehaser-. Isaac urrEL. Leu ford, May Si'", ISC.C. JOB MANS, l>- H. SPANO. ■fl AW" PARTNERSHIP.—Tiic un kT*ipn- S J have associated themselves io the Practice <>! the Law. tail wUlprosupt IT attend to aUl>usii no** entrusted t< tlu-irCAic iii Befitr-rd and an oinin; conn ties. •;rT.Mloe on Joliiknna Street, throe 'loors ot Mongcl iltiiwr ani OppusiK tfc'S rest deoce of Maj. Tate. J out' 'it 1804 tf. I*. 11. Shires' iimim; SHOP. TiTE •4ti'kt*igDel rwpji?etflly ansctMrx to the Farmers of Bedford ami iirintuiag ~u on. ami tin- public in jrcmral. lint he hat now. , "ii haii'i at l)| .Shop iii li>?bf remembered tii.it this Mitchim- t#.k the FfirST ! at orCounty Fair im>< fat. It Hi j "villi tu'flMing Shett amlßtr.pctt I rrt ! f< " ,i>Ur ) ,ors ' ; Shaft Machines 'i- If, v ' ' : ' s ' '■' n ' —two and three homo tutnb uiiAfchxft power—and titrfrrfel an t weil-Lnowr iTt < ,r y-:;" n l' *-"thine. which, for atrength •r * to h ty 9 c:;r*n 01 h* anywhere, i ar,Ut ' r * *w unties that *e are now pre | !° oriiisii Machines on the most fhvora , *fwmaiiting t rnn. anil at the vera lowest pneva p.xsnitite. Hones, Gmi Lumber i Jfift.""* of "-• UUn in payment s for M anion.... A „ k; nda of repairtn/ot Wa . t ailfereut kinds andatli otbf tarminp j i ei.s.un.ie on the most reasonable terms, of i the v. rv wt materiii*, tu. I u the short** ©. i u? x ' 07* AII i M .chines warranted one '-ear if j properly li -nei. I'tease come this way for "a got,a | ami cheap Mac Lb • J't'fEß 11, SHIRKS, Machine st> Axi-ust J, lg.lt). Jpfrial .\olhf*. A P' alfen ljiis to this notice at once ami not put ' a under the mtpleaa vit n-ecasJty ofmr. v int'fit pay eie t.*. Bedford May, 16. ISS;~2m. I.OOK OIT4\D Sir II COSTS. fJIHK Books and .Votes of Peter Raiebangh, A are lett in my hands for Collection. I\.-- cu wotl'd do wcil to call and settle at once ■ r costs will Lc added to then.. SAMUEL RADEBAUCI?. Jtfarch ' 1, itIC tf. HARDWARE STORIT I he subscriber ronU mrvrjaoe to hh U r.en Is a". 1 tlm public in general. .that tie has restored his U ARDIV ARE STOKE to riie new UniMing second door xv*at of the Bedfor i He ld, "her • lie has just received an i opened an extensive assortment of Hardware, cutbrweing a .most every itrtiuV in that line of lousiness. His stock ol SADDLES V is of tti • o-st quality ami was selected xvitit f,re.u c ire. fie would respectfully invite all in want of articles in the Hardware line, to give him a call, satUSed that . he can plemw a'i aho. $0 so. JOIIS -VRVOLD. Max C.l, ISIC. TO THE FARMERS. GIF. un.lera'gned inform? th farmers of Bei'.- i. forj which he can furnish to those J (-siring, tin; latest improved and best ag ricultural implement?! ir nc. jc/e — an! •V-;': r.i vciiinva - procured :a moat o-wes direct I • from tie pat-nt eea at d man ifac ?t: -cr;. the ; •irehar-.r v.-.it t> secure in the right I- • w:!** as raj rate ani ;• soma h -1 -it meet 1 s than the sum* Articles can be pro : rurod ti.iahj from the manufacturers. As ttpi | (knsi'i ! is very gr ;at for the i tnnrbiucs, orders should to give;! soon, by ! those t.. purete&. U*i L'.I.VM CAHTLLT. June CO. ISO6-Z J. J. fIARCXAT, JTTORSLY JT I.JW, BEDFORD, F. 2., ItrJM, kttond promptly to all legal businofcS . t V entrust.-< lU> i;i, care. Ofice on Juliana Siri-rt, tiiur doors South of the Court Houm , 1 ami Untie. v oei iij itd I y Puck) i fa; Kay. June 13, IS-Kl. aoin: MIOS:s i\:> (au^as IlHr Receive! at She-'maker's Ccioss.ii* St.r-. !,••' ■ ■.. Misses, Childress and Gent; sho •*. And ilso Ladies and L'ei'tJ tj >it#. August 1, Ib.vl. /ISIt. , Vj rV \5 .ekenhi td :•> .Injon for i'j b* -A May lb \.Ji. C.i VHSK *0 WIMC- C33A2?TfEn, MERCiI t\T TUI.OII ' £"5 (>{Jt l anmoiHua to h:n former patron?, ! * and the publicgenerally, ;iwt i.c ha s just j eeeire.l, irom Philade'pbia. a large and woil ta j rcte i Bssortmvnt of tin; trust choice Cloths, j Jiwaitser- s and Votings—also summer Wear of j every . jscri ption, t" which le invites th-* atten tion ot purchasers. His cloths. etc.,,were ta lented nithgreit care, and he can recommend i t'ietu as being equal. at least, ttrany to be found jin tie- (dace. //e also keens Hcady-mad eio : thing of every d- srription, at very low prices—- '■ and ia prepared to cut and make gn meets oc the ! shorter I notice and most reasonable terras. H '-.spec tful'y invites the public to give fcira a i : HcP'.rd, JoneS, 18e0. SETTLE UP. I'd R subscrlVr, h* ring disposed of his Store I. ti: trlfvir I, is desirous of closing- up his i uoks. Ail pvttsons indel-tvd to Uitu arc teqnes . ted t i settle up immediately. Hi t books n ill be iu tin: aaiiil* ..I Mr. Job M. Shoemaker, till tift July next. It-, is thankful to his fiian-V* for the very gem roes support they have yieMed hrra since his curutnenci■> ent in this place and cordially reC'ioin nea Is "r.J oh M Si oein iher, as s young j man of go . i business habit?, of strict honesty, ' capacity ai d integrity,s;-.i who will not fill to give gimerfll satisiacticai-i aty custoraets and t trie ! '.:oli< . Hi AS M. USHER. M ajrch 11 ) 3ofi—'?m - A. Kin-. Fr, Jordiu. LAW PAItT N'EBSHTP. KiS &. Jordan, J at taw, liSPFOH , PA., > "\iril.L i r.-ictiee in the 'vcral .OputU of Bel \V Hard and adjoining counties, t Agenciei. Collections, and a'l other business | intrusted to tin ir care will buirroa>tiy anJ'aith , fnllv nttcuded U>. ttFnCJB in Juliana struct, formerly *cev.pied ! he I). IK ifotius, Esq., and mure recently in tK. i Otoopanoy of Jos .Mann, Esq. January, S, 18SV FOR SALE CHEAP ONE FAMILY C;ir*nge. OIK Fatlir.Z 3>P Patter >Ui new ami work warranted"— sJ Iw > Ki 2 Hirst" widens ffer 'e b A H. CF.iXr.H k Co., Produce JSPfficed for tutisgce or*aeons Hay • 1