Bedford inquirer and chronicle. (Bedford, Pa.) 1854-1857, September 12, 1856, Image 2

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    pin .ft mm.
Pilduj Morning, fept l'J.
••Fearless and Free."
Canal Commissioner
Of York County
Auditor General
Cf Armstrong County.
Surveyor General r
Of Bradford County.
Fot Assembly,
Of Fulton County,
Of Cambria Connty
of Juniata County-
Associate Judge,
County Surveyor,
Poor Director,
The Americans of St. Clair Township
wilt bold a meeting on Saturday the 18th
of September next, at 1 o'clock, I*. M., :n
PleawntviUe. Fr. Jordan, Esq., and oth
ers will be present to address the meeting.
A eordial invitation is extended to members
of hil parties to be present on thu ocoasion.
Aug 29, 1850.
We are authorized to announce the fol
lowing American meet.tigs:
For Schcllsburg, Napier, and the sur
rounding Townships, on Friday the 195.1 i, at 2 o'clock, P. M.
For Kaet Providence Towaahip, at the
Juniata Crossings, on Saturday the 20th
,uit. _
For West Providence Township,at Clark's
ScLool House, on Saturday tbo 27tb inst.
For Londonderry Township, at John
Wilhelms, on Tuesday the 80th iu>?.
Sen. Win. I' Koontz, Francis Jordan,
Esq., and l>r. Coinpher, are expected to ad
dress all of these meetings, an 1 wo hope
there will be a general turn-out of our
friends. -
Fremont and Dayton ! ! ! !
A meeting of tho friends of Fremont and
Dayton, will be held at Fisher's School House
on fdituidny afternoon, Sept., 20th. Sever
al Speakers will be present.
The Public are invited to attend.
Sept. 12, 1856. R> A GRIFFITH.
Adjonrned Court,
Judge Kitnmel ha* called a Court to meet
i'i this place on the 17th inst. It is un
derstood that this was determined upon by
the loaders ot the Locofoco party in this
place, for li e purpose of having a number
of Foreigners raturallzcJ, so a? to secure
their votes in time for the But'aanicr party
this fall, ar.d as Judge Kimawtl is a bitter
I.ccofuco jaris m Judge, 03 w predicted
sre years ago he would be, he does any
'hirtgfee party purposes tha Loeofocos dc
t :tud nf him. This "... on unusual proccei
rc in this County As warm is political
contests ii-tvo beretofax-been in Bedford
County, ca Judge, so far as w? can under
stand, has ever before called ar, ?;ti Court
forth® purpose of ratiaufa turmg fenian
papist voters, of we • t-n there SJO
-ho at tenor fifteen American fret me ..
fire in your tnigV, as J Lusl from power
and place, a hue j arty who use thec cx
truci Ju.sry means to sway the foreign r--
I'tzt i.-eptre ever your head.-. ;
Thit p rsoa v.-as male President tf the
Imcotoc i aatetiug ,>i; Thursday uight.—
a hey make great fuss <jygr hiui as a great
uvoMsiea to. their party, Ac. Tho fact is
the fellow always was fisbey in politics, is a
mere nobody, has DO icfitteiKe and never
had He told several persons iu this pdccc
bU Xliuraday that le never voted the Ameri
can ticket, and rbav he was born in England
Tlif# w tlrHod vf feMows-'hey lna*t over.
All the avCvssicnsraalfe in this County;
never were wtb os
Nothing ia more progressive in its owu
way than shau) democracy It is forever
going ahead from bad to worse. In the
days of Jefferson it was democratic to pro
hibit slavery from free territory, and bis
celebrated ordioanco of 178/ gave freedom
to Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and other btates
by act of Congress. In that day slavery
was considered an evil which ought to he
! restrained within proper boundaries. In the
1 etesof modern Buchanan democracy, slave
ry is now considered a great blessing, and
which of course ought to be extended. 1/t
• (lie opinion of our ancestors slavery was
i only deemed a fit state for the aegrn for a
temporary purpose; but uow democracy*
looks upon it pot only as a permanent insti
tution for the black man, but as proper and.
desirable also for the poor white-men. —
This is progress with a vengeance; and. we
submit it to cur readers whether the doino
cracy ore not progressing a little to fast,
and a little too far. We speak uot at ran
dom in what we have said aboVe, but upon
good democratic, Bnehanier authority. The
Richmond Examiner of Virginia, in a re
cent number, speaks as follows:
"The South now maintains tLat. slavery is
right, natural, and necessary, and does not
depend upon difference of complexion.—
The laws of the slave states justify the
holding of WHITE-MKW in bondage."
Such is the abominable doctrines openly
and shamelessly avowed iy a paper which
advocates James Buchanan for President.
Such a paper could not consistently advo
cate any other candidate cow in nomina
tion. Such too are the laws which the pres
ent admiuistratien aro endeavoring to force
upon Kansas, and into all the Teritorics of
tfca Union.
From another Buchanan paper published
at Charleston South Carolina, wo submit
the following choice extract:
"Slavery is the natural and nominal con.
dition of the laboring man, whether WHITE
or black. The great evil of Northern free
society is, that it is burdened with a servile
class of Mechanics and laborers, unfit for
self government, and jet clothed with th e
attributes and power of citizens. Master
and Slave is a relation in society us neces
sarj* as that of parent and child; and the
Northern States will ye Lave to iutroduca
it. Their theory of free government is a
Friends of freedom, what do you think of
these progressive principles of shain demo
cracy' We always denied the p.reteuce that
loeofucoEm was in any sense a friend to the
poor tnau; and the above quoted doctrines
are but one more proof that our denial was
based on solid foundations. This bisturd
democracy tells you it is tlc sumo every
where, North, South, East, and Wea f , its
great champion, James Buchanan, is "in fi
ver of reducing the wages of labor to the
European Standard: and the presses which
support hie: not only pronounce ".1 t'chanics
and laborers unfit for stif-trotyrnmi nt," bni
declare "SLAVEUY" to he the natural and
nominal condition of the I ABORING-MA.V,
whether WIIJTE or black.
We say well done Locofoco ism! Out in
your true colors at last, and the freemen of
the North will treat you occor.lingly.
As our columns are crowded we will be
brief in our remarks on the meeting of Mon
day night of last week. After the organi
zation of the meeting, Win. P. Scbell, Esq ,
addressed it for a short time, in praise of
Fiilinore and the American party, (Ameri
cans don't thank Locofoeos for their praise,
knowing h to bo deceitful, after their call
ing us •'dark-lanterns" "assassins,"cut
•-hroa:!,'' and "viilians,'') and then at
tempted to provo that the Americans were
about deserting Fillmore, and supporting
Fremont, ]l e sUa stated that the editor of
this paper was about to do the same thing.
Tills is all more gammon Locofoco asser
tions—no truth about it at all, and Mr.
Scbeil ought to have sense enough to know
MeWilson Roilly was the next speaker,
aud if tbo Bachaniers bad gone to South
Carolina, they could not have procured one
who would havo gone farther in his abuse
of tho free North, and fulsome laudation of
tho institutions of tho South—niggerism
and all- lie nrgucd that Locofocoism was
right in repealing tho Missouri Compromise
line—that it was unconstitutional, and
ought to uavc been repealed long age. That
the Republicans were ia favor of diiS-iSj,
that Freiuont was the worst mart in the Uui
tcd States,.and all Republicans were fanat
ics and Jisunicnists. We presume they
will know how to act when tiiey come to
vote for a Congressman. Mr. Reilly thea
opened a paper, called the Bedford Inquirer
ImJ Chronit/e, (some how they don't like
that paper,) and gavo its editor particular
fi', so he tbojght, on account of a very
short s-ntence in an article headed "Joseph
i'umroy." The sentence was as follows:
"Mr. Ihiairoy is a man of steru integrity,
snd hie moial character is without spot or
blemish. Mr. Reilly's friends cannot boast
much for him in these respeots." Is this
hU'l Me say it is. Ect the midnight or
giesqf Mr. Rci'y in Ckataber&burg, answer
the question. -Mr. Reilly then saiJ that
"his daughter, (he introduced Krr name in
a public medtmg ) wanted to eouie along
v ill; him to Bedford to scnio —the nose
of tho person who wrote it! But we will i
havo aore rnpett for her than bo tad' and !
drop that pari of the subjeot. Ho said ho
aenr gave la a public speech a history of
his life, hut that article, was the cause of
bis doing so uow. He then commenced
with hie boyhood up to this time. We would
like Itiui now to inform us what was the epe
cial reason two years ago that in that same
Court room when he was defeated (or Con
gress, he gave the same identical history of
his life, word for word? Will Wilson au
swei? Ilia other a'lu ions 'o i s are
not worth answering. •
Two persons from Somerset next spoke,
one ia English awhile, tbeu iu German.—
The other ia English. The sum aud sub
stance of their speeches was opposition to
Republicanism, which vtc Lava nothing to
do with, and will therefore not notice.
Little Shannon came next, and as wc gave
him a pretty severe 'fig last week, which
was acknowledged ail round to be true, and
which he felt, so we arc informed, quite sen
sibly, we will be rather Jenßnt with him
this week. His speech occupied about half
an hour. It was from beginning to end
personal abuse of the editor of this paper. —
He said tlmt wo "caught Know Nothings
from the country by the button-hole, and
pulled them into our office, for fear they
would go iuto hit office or that of Gen.
Bowman, to prevent thein front making good
Democrats tf them!" That "General Bow
man had a machine in his office by which he
could griud them into good Demcciats"
&c., &c. Now this fellow is acknowledged
all round to be nothing but a 'nincom-poop,'
with no more brains tban a cracked pump
kin ! It is also wetl kuotvn that had it not
been for John Cessna's taking him in, when
he was elected to the Legislature, he would
have starved long ago! He only does the
rough drafting, and receives a salary, i
said, from Cessna, and is no partner at all.
The speech which he delivered in the Court
House is the same ho has rehearsed in
Scheilsburg, Woodbury and Union. He
hadn't brain 9 enough to compose it himseif,
and called on Jaek McCaushn, who wrote
it for him. and the "nincom-poop" has been
committing it to memory ever since. We
will leave him, promising him if he ever
uses our name iu vain in any other place
iu the County, to return upon him with ten
fold more seventy.
The meeting then closed. No enthusi
asm was manifested, except by a few things
stationed in the corner of the room, and by
some bovs 1
The Guxetta of last week has a long ar
ticle, trying to make capital out of the pas
sago of this lan, winter before last. We
have frequently explained how, and by
whom it was passed, and it is not necessary
to go into a lengthy argument now about it.
The Legislature of 1855, which passed it,
was divide! in politics, the Senate being
American, and tbc House Loeofbc. It
passed t'-o American II use. and it also
passed the Locofoco Senate. In the Senate
seven I.oeofocos voted for it and only sir
Americans—it received the sanction of the
Governor and became a law. It will thus
be perceived that the Llatne of its passage
cannot be laid exclusively to the Americans'
as it passed the Imo/oco Senate, of whom
mere voted for it, than of Americans!
Tha Gazette also trie* to make capi
tal ont of the late liquor law, which re
quires a license to keep a public house in
Bedford and other counties of 9-5 and
950, also compels tavern keepers to have
! not less than 4 rooms, and to give an cxccs
-1 sive bail, and sets spies upon his house. It
l®, ; f anything, a worse law than thu Jug
Law. Mr. Bowtnan knows that on account
of the odiousness of the Jug Law, and the
attempt to fasten it upon the American par
ty, the Locofoeos carried both branches of
the last Legislrturc, and they also prom
ised that tbo first thing they woold do,
would be to repeal the Jug Law. They
were in session three months before they
did repeal if, and they gave us the present
law in its plac. They are responsible for
the present law, and they know if. Kvcrv
Locofoco in the Senate voted for this Li
quor Law. So did noarly every one in the
House Among tboso in the Hnaso who
voted for this Law, are the names of G.
• NELSON SMITH, one of their present can
didates for the Legislature, and JOSEPH
BERNIIAUD, the members from this dis
trict. New if there be anything wrong In
the late Locofoco Litjaor law, we hope tbo
people who are opposed to it, and its unjust
provision?, now that they have the oppor
tunity. will vote against G. NELSON
SMITH, and the Locofoco party, who have
eo deceived them on this question
A Locofoco has been industriously cir
culating a report all orcr Bedford county,
to the effect that War. Griffith
American oaodidate for Associate Judge,
believes io witches; that at the time the
people were bunting the Lost Children) he
g#t cr-ijy and a witch took him to the creek,
and bo waded in, and said the children
wero in the deep w.tcr. Xbia is a lie, hat
there was a u>au did this. His name is Grif
fith, hut be is one of the Locofoco leaders in
Bedford ToWDshtp, and not William Griffith
at allTbey will, siuee this explosion, have
togetupsomo other cock and bull story
against hitn. Ifewillbc elected, notwith
ataading their ties.
The Americans sad Republicans in In
diana Lave united on oee elector*! ticket
TL.s seals the fate of Buchanan there.
Among the many slanders upon the old
line Wltigs, there is none so gross as that
which charges them with an intention to vote
ft r James Ruehanan. They have been fight
ing LovSiocoism all their lives; and the
above charge takes it for grafted that the
old Whigs are about to abandon or have
abandoned nil their long cherished princi
ples, und have embraced, or arc about to
embrace the very pxtremc opposite of every
principle heretofore entertained. The idea
of au old liao Whig voting for low wages,
slavery exteusicm, or any other of the loco,
focos enormities is incredible. We never
did believe there is any truth iu this slan
der, and we never trill, we have better
evidence or it than the declarations of Bu
citanier papers and orators. The lest evi
dence on this mutter we have seen for some
time, is the Vermont Election of last week.
Our readers are aware that Vermont was
always the firmest, and most steadfast whig
State in the Union. It never fullered, let
others do as they might. It east ifs elee
' tfral vote for Clay and Scott, amid general
disaster and defeat elsewhere. According
tu the loco doctrine, therefore they should
| have curried the election high aud dry in
Vermont the other day, where there were
only the Republican and Loco tickets in the
field. He did not quite carry it however.
The Republican Governor was olected by
about 20,000 majority, and the same party
| elected the three members ot'Congress, eve
ry State Senator, and nineteen twentieths
of the House of Representatives. In for
mer days from five to six thousand was a
good majority against loeofoeoism in "V er
luont, but since the old Federalist Buchan
an i- ou the track, it has just moved up to
twenty thousand, for the mere purpose, we
suppose, of demonstrating the love of old
line whigs for James Buchanan.
A Locofoeo meeting was held in the
Court rooui on Thursday night of last week,
which out beroded anything we have ever
heard or seen. Suuil. 11. Tate spoke, in
his usual biood and thunder way. lie pul
led off his coat, rolled up his sleeves, and
said —just nothing at all, as he always
does! lie is the greatest bag of wind and
gas, as a speaker, iu the town. Then came
Hall. He had a hard time of it. We on
ly heard the commencement aod ending.—
He praised Filjmore, (wonJer why he don't
vote for hirnT) and abused the Americans
and Republicans. In conclusion be said
that the reason why he declined the Domi
nation for County Surveyor, wa9 that "Mr.
Over'' Had told him that he would be beat
on about 800, and he thought he might be,
so He thought best to decline. This was a
good admission, and thows that even the
Loeofocos admit their defeat in this County.
John Cessna catuc next, as the orator of
the night, uu<i abused soute of the best cit
izens in this place, by name, on account of
having belonged to the American party and
denying it His object no doubt wis to in
jure some of tleat in their business. He
commenced with the editor of this piper,
which he need not have done, as we never
denied since <ur connection with the parly
that we belonged to it. Neither of the
gentlemen he named deny their connection
with it. Before the speaker concluded he
was frequently asked certain questions
which he refused to answer, in relation to
the conucxton of persons with that party,
and he was scared till he wat pale iu the
face, and dropped the subject ti : l a more
convenient time, s he said, tut which we
assure our friends will never come. This
meeting made four or Sve votes against Ba*
chanan in Bedford Borough, and several
that wn couhl name if necessary, in the
Township. The meeting adjourned with
three cheers for Fillmore and Donelson.
Freemen of Pennsylvania, that the last Lo
cofoco Legislature passed the present Li
quor Law, one of the most unju-t and strin
gent that ever wus on our Statute books !
That the last Locofoco Legislature crea
ted a new officer, (State Engineer.) on our
Publij Works, at a salary of S3OOO per
annum, when it is known that our public
works arc DOW ovcrstoslicd with officials
and wbicil was only done to roward bitter
Ixwofoc partisans ud run the State still
deeper in debt ?
That the last Locofoco Legislature increas
ed the salaries of the Supreme Judges eight
hundred dollar ,* each, —that they increased
the salaries of the President Judges four
hundred <iollars each !
That the last Liaoofooo Legislature came
into power promising to repeal the law al
lowing SSOO per session to tho members,
aud that only IHX> Locofocos in the Seuatc
voted for its repeal, and scaroely any in the
Freemen of Pconsjlraaia, that the Public
Debt of the State is over ?40,000,000 ♦
that it was contracted bj the Locofocoe, and
that their corrupt legislature of last win
ter, has added several huDt'red thousand
more to that debt'
—,—y si >i
The latest new# trom Matae is that the
Republican Candida to for tiove?nor a 21,-
000 ahead. Tbey here elected everj Con
gressman so far as beard from, every Sen
ator but ono, and nearly evarv member o*
tha House.
An American meeting was held in the
Court Room, on Friday evening last, to
ans.ver John Cessna's speech of Thursday.
It was a large and enthusiastic meeting.—
ROBERT GIBSON, Esq., was called to the
chair, and John Heeler, and SaniQ Itade
bangb, Esq., were appointed Vic* Presi*
dents, and Martin Milium, Secretary.
Dr. Compiler was called on and delivered
an able speech in answer to Cessna's. He
exposed a few persons who are now Loco
cos, who pretend to always have been real
si moo pure, and nothing else. The Doctor
stopped short of the mark in regard to Judge
Hartley. He ought to have stated that he
told several persons in this town, whom we
will name if he desires it, that he only
wanted his card then {in the campaign of
1854,) till after the election, so that he
could derive Rowuian and the Loeofoco
party by telling them that he was not a
member of the order! He also stated over
aud over again even wp to last few months,
that he was a3 good an American as any one
and was fooling the Loeofocos! The Doc
tor we suppose didot lite to tread too heavi
ly ou his corns.
Francis Jordan was then called on, and
delivered one of the ablest and most ar
gumentative speeches we ever listened to.
The meeting then closed with three hearty
cheers for Fillmore.
After the conclusion of the meeting, Jno.
H. Filler, Esq., was called upon by the Re
publicans, an 1 addressed tho crowd for a
abort time in some spit ited remarks. He
will make an able speaker,and if he had said
nothing aguinat Mr. Fillmore, his speech
wonld have been well received by all.
ft ILLIAM T. RALSTON.— We are author
ized to state that William T. Ralston,
whoso mime the Loeofocos have in the Ga
zette of last week as one of the Vice Pres
idents from South ft oodbury, gave thera no
authority to name him him as one of their
officers, ft'e ourselves conversed with the
old gentleman last week, and there is not a
better man, and truer American in the
JACOB 9. BOWSER.— The Locofoco*
have the lianie of this gentleman as one cf
their Secretary's, from Colerain. He is a
good American and Fillmore man.
AMOS EDWARD®.—FT'o are authorized
by this good rid American to rtate that
the Loeofocos had no authority to name him
as one of their Vice Presidents, last night
a week ago! lie is one of the best Ameri
cans in the County, and will ro tie whole
State and County ticket!
This is the manner the Loeofocos of this
connty tako to deceive tbs people. We
know of other names among tho*e officers as
published in the Gazette, who will vote for
Fillmore and Pcnelson and the whole coun
ty ticket!
ALEX. (\ Mrixix, Kfiq -—This gentle
man has received the nomination for Htate
Senator, for the neighboring District, com
posed of the counties of Cambria, Blair and
Huntingdon. Mr. Muliiu i> a jonng man
of -talent,and will make a good faithful Sen
ator. lie was ruised in this County, and
wo are happy to add cur testimony to hie
merits. \\ o ire sorry to see the Blai r
County Whig take a stand against Litn, for
at thi- particular time old prejudices ought
to he thrown aside, nod all the opponents of
Bunbaneering Locofocoism, should unite on
the respective Htato, District and County
tickets. Unless wise counsels prevail, that
strong anti-Locofoc.i district tnay be again
misrepresented by a Locofoco.
Sot a Troe Bill !
Col. Beegie, at the late term of our
Court, brought suit against Willias;
GuiyflTll, Esq., for libel, contained in a
communication iu regard to the lost chil
dren, which appeared in cur paper, some
time since. Mr. Griffith is a hard-working
industrious man. of clear head and sound
mind. Ila t onr candidate for A&cociate
Judge, ar,d sinoe his nomination, no man
has been libeled and slandered more than
he, and no one doubts that this suit was
got up for no other reason tjjjfl lo perse
cute bito. The Grand Jqpy ignored the
bill—the j 0 the costs
Our readers will seo by on anisic iu another
part of this paper, that W. W. Sellers
Esq., of Fulton, and JouN PHINQLE Esq.,
of Cambria, tmvo been nominated for the
Mr. tssllcrs is the editor of the Fulton
Republican, a talented and able man, aud
will, if elected make a representative of
whom this District may well be proud.
Mr. I'ringle is an exocllent man, well
qualified, and in every way worthy the
snpport of the anti-Buehaneere of this Dis
Let our friends all rally to their support
and the support of the whole ticket.
!*ew Subscribers.
We had the pleasure of addiug some 50
new subscribers to our list last week, and
wo did not lose one? This speaks well for
the good e*use in this Couuty, and shows
the appreciation of our friends.
It is said the Loeefoeo meeting of Thurs
day night week, VM got tip for the purpose
of abusing the Methodit?#- and they did
tt.-'" JF- ~ % - ' '1... R'<; % R 7TJ
"We conremed last week with persons
from every part of Bedford County, and
from ali we could learn, w are confident
that the American ticket will be elected by
a majority ox certainly not less tban three
hundred, and from the gains we are making
all over the County, it tniy be much larger.
Public Iceting.
We see by the last Cbumbersburg Whig,
that Col. Alex. K. M'Clnre of that place
is to speak "ori the political issues, of the
day, and in favor of a union of all the cle*
ments opposed to the national administra
tion," in Bedford, on Tuesday evening next,
the lCtu inst. He is an able speaker.
ALEX. C. MCLLIN, ESQ. —We had a
visit this week from our old friend, Alex.
C. Mullin, Esq.,of Ebensburg. 110 looks
we'!, and bears his honors meekly.
MONTTELIKB, Vt., Tuesday, Sept, 2,
Our State election for Gorertior, Members
of Congress, Legislature, &e., took place to
day. TLe vote, judging from the returns
received thus far, is very large.
year the Republican majority for Gov.
Royce was about 13,000. The candicates
this year were llyland Fletcher, Republican,
and llcnry Keycs, Democrat. The returns
show a large Republican increaso on iast
year's vote electing Mr. Fletcher, Governor,
by at least 20,000 tnnjotity, and the three
Republican Members of Congress, and
nearly the entire Legislature.
Tito vote in some of tbe principal towns
for Governor stands as follows:
Woodstock—Fletcher {Republican), 335:
! Ivevea (Democrat), 109.
I Thotfort—Fletchor, 289; Keyes, 100
| Royalton—Fletcher, 29*2; Iveyes, 51.
Burnet—Fletcher, 257; Keyea, 114
Rutland—Flcfehor, 582; Keycs, 121..
| Rockingham— Fletcher, 301; Keycs,
In seventy towns heard from, the Demo
crats have elected but three members to the
| Legislature.
The Republicans have swept the State
Montpelieh, Vt., Thursday, Sept. 4,
The general result of ou.r State election
is about tho same as published ou Wednes
day morning. Fletcher's majority for Gov
ernor in 100 towns is over 12,000, and the
130 tow us not yet fully reported will in
crease it to about 20,000. The three Re
publican Congressmen have from 3,000 to
7,000 majority. Tho Republicans have
carried tho S'a'e Senate entire, and the
Rouse is about nineteen twentieths Repub
Maine Kleclioa.
Portland, Sept. Bth. —The election for
Governor, members of Congress and State-
Legislature, took Lee in this State to-day,
and tho partial returns received indicate
that the State bss gono Republican by an
increased majority ever the vote ot last
year Portland, Doth, Danger, Augusta,
Rockland, anil other large towns, show Re*
pn hi leans gair:9 on the vote for Gorernor,
over Gi t. Morrill's vote last year, which,
if carried out through the State, wilt elect
the Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, Governor hv
over 12,000 msjori'y.
Portland, Sept. 8, 10 P. M—The re
turns from 51-towns give Hamlin, Repub
lican, for Governor, 18,400; Wells, Dem .
10,000: Patten, Whig, 2600.
The vote of Pon'and and B ith, for Gov
ernor, is as follows;
Hamlin. Wells. Patten.
Portland, 2438 1755 358
Rath, 1194 293 300
Bangor gives Hamlin 400 majority; Saco,
360 majority for Hamlin; Biddcford, 200
majority for Hamlin.
John M. Wood is elected to Congress in
the Firf-t Distiict, and Charles I. Gilmao.
in the Seaofid District. Both Republicans.
Charge it on the black Locufocos that
they have violated the Missouri Compro
mise, a solemn compact made by oor fore
fathers cn the question of Slavery.
Chaigo it on the black Locofocos that
after having violated that Compromise they
| have used the strong arm of the National
Army to make Kansas a Slave State—to
bum tho homes if peaoetnl settlers in Kan
sas—to imprison and murder citizens from
Free States who had gone to seek a homo
for themselves and families in tha:Trrito
Charge it on the black Looofocos that
the present Locofoeo Senate has demanded
money from the free North to imprison
couviet, and hang unoffending citizens
in Kansas \ to tuurder and assassinate
Charge it on the black Looofoeu that
they aro in favor of Slavery, in favor of
Slavery extension, and in favor of stealing
uew territory to aid iu making uew Slave
Charge it on the black Locofocos that
they hare stained the Senate chamber with
the b;ood of &n honorable Bcnator from
Massachusetts for exercising his right of
Free Speech under the Constitntion.
Charge it on the blank Loool'ocos that
tbey have defended and vindicated Herbert I
for murder;ug • poor Iriirh waiter iu Wasljv j
ingtoo City.
Charge it on the Mack Losofoccs thsit
John 0. Breckenridga, tho candidate for
Vioe President, wiotfioii his services to
eiear Mat. Warl. the murderer of sa offend
ing UK)I master iu Kentucky.
Charge it on the Itfaekw Locofocos that
James Bachanau was in favor of reducing
the wages of the laboring uim 'o ten cents
a day.
Charge it on the black Locofocos that '
Jain"? Buchanan, as proven by the Ofltend
Conference and Manifesto, is in favor cf
stealing Cuba to extend Slave territo
Charge it on the black Locofocos that
they are opposed to constructing a tele
graph and railroad line from any point in
the Northern Stales to the Pacific.
Charge it on the black Locofocos that
they hate nominated and support an ex
clusively pro Slavery and sectional ticket.
Charge it on the black Locofocos that
their loaders in this State lie to the
people bv telling thcui that the Locofoco
party is opposed to Slavery.
■Charge these things home to their,
Americana and Republicans, whenever you
meet them in conversation or on the stump
If they are afraid to avow their real prin
ciples, it is your duty to let them kuow
they cannot conceal them any longer.—
And let theui understand, also,that the A
merican & Republican party and its candi
dates are in 'favor of tLe preservation of
the t nion "one and in=eperable." that
they are opposed to sectionalism in m.v
part of tic country, aud that their motto
is now, as it has been, "the whole country."'
Gettysburg Star.
"liirds of a Feather Fioek
The truth of the shore adage has been
singularly prcven by the report from New-
Hampshire, that CX-GJV. II L\B BARD, tie
only serving member of the famous Hart
ford Convention, is stumping that State for
ford Convention was a Federal Assembly,
Gov. HUBBARD a blue light Federalist, ami
JAMES BUCHANAN an old Federalist also;
and of course they will support each other,
|t* for no other reason than for early associ
ation and the glory of the days of "au'.d
lang syne." The old Federalists wuo op
pored the war. of 1812, now go for Slavery,
Cuba, war, and tire spoils of office. "Old
BUCK" will surely win now, with the moral
and active influence of the notorious Hurt
ford Convention in his f.ivor. Ilurra f.,r
"old blue light Federalism!"
IIoLLiDAYSucao, Sept. G, 1856.
Friend Over:— Last night was one
i long to be remembered by the Fillmore
and Ponelson men of Hollidaysborg. Xo
j tice had been given that there would be a
j meeting of the Fillmore and Ponelson Club,
; ' Young America," of Hollidaysburg and
Gay sport, at the Court llouse, on Friday
evening, the sth inst. Accordingly the
Club assembled at the time and "place,
when it was stated that a delegation from
' Alton an, would be in at 8 o'clock, and it
t was tnovcu that the Band go to the Depot
j to receive them and escort them to tho
Court House, and that the Ciub adjourn un
til they arrive.
Well, they came: and snob a delegation
has rot visited this town during the present
campaign! LocofocoUm qnailed, ar.d the
Portage road groaned with the weight of
true Americans.
They formed in procession, and mart ho 1
to the Court Honse. when it was ascertain
ed that one half could not get into tho
Amotion provide! to adjourn to the
Diamond, when the pra-csslon again form
ed, and marched to that place, wher<\ after
appointing the officers 5-r the evening, thev
were addressed by Essington Hammond,
Esq., out able District Attorney, and Mr.
S. S. Blair. The .hour of 10 having arri
ved, Mr. Blair had to cut abort his address,
as the ears were in waiting for the Altoona
Delega-ion to return home. It is acknowl
edged by all to have been the largest meet
ing held in Hollidaysburg this fall, and it
was only the sprinkling previous to the
fhundtr iturm that our next wil lc. Re
member that this was only called as a Clri
Meeting, but the Democrats have failed s >
far to mutch it st their Mass Mtcting?, ei
ther in point of numbers or respectability.
The "Young America" Ciub escorted tl:-
Altoona Delegation to ibe cars, where they
parted with three thundering cheers for
Fillmore and three for our-State ticket.
The last American has beeu discharge 1
! ftomtho Portage Road,/br being an r
| 'Wj and expressing bf preference for Fill -
taord an.l IJ7 js 1 poor man,
| Villi u large family. Fie was a switch ten
dor, and when be said that ho would rota
j for the American candidates, was told inr
j mediately, that he was not wanted on the
j Road any longer, iic says he intends to.
j help switch Jimmy Buchanan off the trac'v
in November.
I siu told, on good authority, that Henry
• L. Patterson will now oppose the Locofoeo
j party. Heretofore he has been on aof the
j leading men in it. But Ido not know
j whether he supports Fillmore or Fremont
j y ours,
j MhiSULD,
On the 24th of August, by the Rev. II
, Ileckerm TD, Mr. DAVIJ? DENSYK to Mis*
I CATUARIN-E Ilt-rr.MAv both of B^dford
i township,
Ou the 2nd fast. by the same Mr. Wir-
both of vvahcllsburg.
On the 2sih Mt by Leonard lfitlner K<q ,
Mr. SAMSEI. CUMJ' of Harrison Township
to M.s.-i LOCISA I.OWR.Y of Bomerrel Co.
1 a
On the liSth at Lntherau Parsonage, Ly
the liev. F, Benedict Mr. MARTI* GABLE
and Miss T. pMlTii both of Friends
Core. -' i -fi ,te;
00 ihf 31st of August, at Win. Berth 1-
iat!f, by the Rev. N K. Gilds, Mr. PETER
j of H'Jferd (Jo