Bedford inquirer and chronicle. (Bedford, Pa.) 1854-1857, September 05, 1856, Image 4

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I il. C.i.V.VIKIC k CO, have just receive
* • 1,1 usiortmont ol Roots !j
■cde,.-*, suitable f>C fail and Winter, part style
:.s follows:
Meß's Super Waxed Double Sole Sio.rj,
Mud's •• City .Made Calf do.
Men's •- Heavy KijlJ Lilted d.
loiilh's Waved Double Sole Boots.
VootlM Coili and Kip Lined do.
Bys' I*i t y made Calf Boots,
Lois' Kif ).inert Boots,
Women*'* Double sole Kip Bootees.
Wotnoiis' Fine Calf and Seal do.
Women.*' Fifty Goat .Morocco do.
W'j'o -ns' I'tnwli Bootees, verv hitridsieme,
Children"* Shoos of every style and price,
trent"* Morocco, Kid, and Calfskin Bootees, j
t, i fie.' f> Kittle Sole Gaiters, Gum Shoes, &c..
sit fte*. Boors to l Shoes to suit every pureha
vr. i( you uMttt Boots and Shoes, please five
.is a call, 11: 1 yon shall be suited in quality and
Exchange Store is the plac r to b\ Boots and
Get. is, mis:
Lumber! Lumber!!
SHIXGLES of different
kinds. Also,. 7>.0(H1 feet
<d' U Miikß of various sort*, such as White
I'ine, Yel.ow Fine, Poplar. Spruce, the. For •
stie F. I). BBS G LE. I
St. CI airs vi He , Feb. IS, 185-1-tf
t i, I
.and L*itr>,
In Exchange for Goods.
Bedford, Dec. 21,1855.
Justice of tle Peace.
OFFICE two doors South of the Veng
House, ami next door to the office
M uiu .v Spurn, where ha will attend to th
collection of all claims placed in his hands.
Bedford, Jan. 11, 18-56.
r (he subscriber is fully (umpired tofuruish and
JL ((uantity oriiuality ol'Kuilding Lumbel any
Plastering Laths. Orders directed to St. Clairs
vill, Bedford County, will be promptly attended
to. by giving a reasonable notice.
Dec. 20, 1854.
WOULD announce to Ins former patrons,
ana the public generally, that he has just
eceived, from Philadelphia, a large anil well se
eded assortment of the most choice Cloths.
Cassimeros and Vestings—also summer wear of
every description, to which he invites the atten
tion of purchasers. His cloths, etc., were se
lected with great care, and he can recommend
them as being equal, at least, to any to be found
in the place. He also keeps Kcady-maile clo
thing of every description, at very low prices—
and is prepared to cut and make garments on the
shortest notice and most reasonable terms. He
respectfully invites the public to give him a
Bedford, June (5, 1856.
LKTTKRS of administration having been
granted io the subscrilier, living in South
Woodberry Tp., on the estate of John Stoner.
late of said Township, dee'd, ell persons indebt
ed to said estate will make payment immediately.
and those having claims against-the same will
present them properly authenticated Tor settle
June, 1856: tdm'r.
New Jeweiry.
THE subscriber has opened out a new and
splendid assortment of all kinds of the
most, fashionable Jewelry—consisting in partol
Breast Pins, Finger Kings, Far Kings,
-Call and see his stock.
VLL persons interested, either as heirs, credi
tors or otherwise, are hereby iiotitied, that
Ibe following named persons have tiled their ac- 1
counts in the Register's Office, and that they I
will be presented to the Orphan's Conrt of Bed- j
ford County, on Friday the s'b day ot Septetu- J
ber next, for confirmation, at which time they ■
may attend if they think proper:
The account of Amos Wertz.administrator of
Mary Statler late of Juniata tp., dee'd.
The account of J. B. Noh'e Esq., Executor
of the last will etc., of Jacob W Jlfcing, Late of
6'outh Wood berry tp., der'd.
The account of O. K. Shannon. Guardian of
he minor children of Solomon Rice Late of South
ampton tp., doe'd.
The account of Jesse Blackburn executor of
the last will etc., of Levi Lam burn, late of St. ;
Clair tp., dee'd.
The account of Fredrick Smith guardian of :
John Ft ight, minor son of John Feight late ol
C'oieraiu tp., dee'd.
The account of John Burger adm'r of Susan
Burger late o! South Woodberry tp.. dee'd.
The account of John Mower, Guardian of
Victoria one of the minor children of Win. Tate
The account of David Shaffer one of the ex'ors
of the last will etc., of //eury Shaffer late of
t'olerain tp., dee'd.
The account of John Cessna, one of the ex'ors
of the last will etc., ef Baltaer Jfforgart, late of
West Providence tp., dee'd.
The account of Samuel Blackbruo, adm'r of
Daniel W. Blackburn late of St. Ciairtp. ; dee'd.
The account of Adam Stayer adin'r of .Mary-
Stayer late of South Woodberry tp. . dee'd-
Thjj, account of Henry P. Diehl and Wm.
England adm'r of Isaac Bingaman late ■ot t'ole
rain township dee'd.
The account of Geo. If. Spang, Esq., a hu'r
of Klias S. Hook late of Cumberland Valley tp.,
The account of John S. Holsinger one of the
ex'ors, of Christian mock late of St. Clair, tp.,
The account of Samuel Cam adm'r of the 1
estate of Mary Samuu-11, late of St. Clair tp.,
The account of Francis Donahoe adm'r of
James Doaahfbe late of Southampton tp., dee'd.
The account of Jacob Casper and David
Stonerook admr's of Jacob Smith, late of Mid.
die Woodberry tp., dee'd.
The account of Jacob S. Brumbaugh adin'r
of Jacob Biddiclateof South Woodberry tp.
Registers Office, jfug. 8, 1866. Register.
IS hereby given that the next Session of the
Alitghenv Male and Female Seminary will
Commence,o& Tuesday the fth day Of August
inst., " .
By order of the Trustees. *
August 1, 1856.
Miss R. S. Procter will resume the duties of
her School in the Lecture Room of the Prenbv
terianChurch, on Monday, the 11th of August
inst., and respectfully solicits a share of the
public patronage. [BedfM, J'y 25, '56 3t.
bIS 11.
"jVJEW Mn.-kTalaa.-l Salmon for sale be
II May V 3. lfc;,6. \. B. CRAMER Go
iiwii m.,
T-> V" virtue of sundry writs ol JO, t*. to me ,
> directed, ttiore will be sold at the Court
House in the Btrough of Bedford, on M omUj
the Ist., day ol September,, 1 Fob, at 1 o clock,
P.M., the "following described Haul Estate, to
v\ it
i.lao one tract of unimproved mountain
land (o'ntaiuuig 400 acres, more or less, adjoin,
iuir lands of Cam tie 11 Hendrickson \\ illiura Gil
lira and others, situated in Cumberland Valley
Tp.. Bedford county, and taken in execution us
the property or William Hemming.
Al**>, iu the hands of Administrator, all the
right title and interest of Hubert Stewart dee'd,
ia and to tract of land, containing 4UO acres
more or lesson the top of Martin //ill. and be
ing iuii:Bpi'ovod, situate and lying partly in
Co ten in and partly in Southampton Tp. Bedford
county, adjoining lands of John Cessna, in
right *u' 'M iry Wilaiui ou the north, lands in
right ot S ctiastiaii Kegg on the south, lands in
right of Jacob Whetstou ou the wast, lands in
right of Jac ">b Wiland on the west and taken in
cxi-cntion as the property of Robert Stewart,
J< Also. all the right,title and interest of defend
ant, John '// err, supposed to be the undivided
half of a tract off land containing 21 acres and
sixteen perishes more or less, a 1 joining lands
of Michael .Moses - , Rebecca Sleek. Jolm Wolf
and others, situate in St. Clair Tp., Bedford
county, ami taken An execution as tiie property
of John //err.
Also, one tract of land containing 10-5 acres
more or less', abont 75 acres cleared and under
loncy with a two story Jog house and kitchen at
tached, and double log barn thereon erected,
also an apple orchard thereon, adjoining lands
of James Allison, Esq., Jesse Blackburn and
others situate in Napier Township, Bedford
county, and taken in iVtectttkMi as the property
ol Natliati Garrctson.
Also, one tract of land cobtaining 110 acres
more or less, about 50 acres cleared and under
lenco with a story and a ha!. 1 ' log house, and
. double log barn thereon erected, adjoining 1 tnd.s
of Jolm Sills, Jonathan Miller. Augustus Gree
i nawatt and others, situate in Napier Township,
! Bedford county, and taken in execution as the
■ property of Maria Taylor,
j Also "one lot of groumliu the town of Wood-
I berry fronting CO loot on the I'attoi.sville and
j Woodberry turnpike road, and extending back
I about 200 feet to lands of G. R. Barndol.'ar with
! a two story rough cast Tavern House, am! Store
| Room, and frame stable thereon erected, and as
j No. 5 in general plan of said town, adjonbig lot
{ of Dr. Samuel Smith on the north, and lot of
I S. J. Oasitier on the south, situate in Middle
i Woodberry Tp., Bedford county, and taken ir
j execution as the property ol' Jacob Schnebiy.
Also, one lot of ground containing about
I one acre; more or less, with a two story log
; house and log stable thereon erected, adjoining
lands of Henry K. Audi nan, John Bowser and
others situate iu St. Clair l'p., Bedford county,
and taken in execution as the property of Con
rad Appletnan.
Also, all of defendants interest in an to a tract
of land containing 'JO acres more or lens about
45 acres cleared and under fence with*2 two
story log houses, spring houses and 2 double
log barns thereon erected, also 2 apple orch
ards thereon, adjoining lands of Edward Ward,
now John Beetle's heiis on the east, Jacob Sleek
now George Ickes on the west, and Peter Song
in right ot William Swagar on the south, and
now in the possession of Andrew Adams, Mary
Boweu and George Ickes, and taken in execu
tion as the property tl Ann Anderson. David
Robb and wife, and Jane Anderson, now Jane
Morehead delendects, situate in St. Clair Tp.,
! Bedfordcounty.
! Also, all of defendant, Samuel Sloan's right
title and interest in and to a tract of land con
taining 75 acres more or less, a iout 40 acres
cleured and under fence with an old cabbin
house thereon erected, adjoining lands of Rachel
and Margaret Dolton, Wen. T. Dougherty Ed
' ward B. Trout and others, situate iu St. Clair
J Tp., Bedford county, and taken in execution
; as the property of Samuel 8'on.
Also, all the right title an 1 interest of Joseph
i ft Harbaugh, in tiie following property to wit,
one ,r *et of land containing lot' acres more or
less, about 60 acres of which is cleared and
under fence, with 2 one and a half story log
bouses, log bam, log stable and other out build
ings thereon erected,also an apple orchard there
on, adjoining lands of Thos Allison, George C.
Davis, William Barefoot and others,'e in
St. CLi'r Tp., Bedford county, and taken in ex
ecution s the propertv of Joseph ft Harbaugh.
HUGH MOORE, Sheriff.
Sheriff's office, Aug. 8, '56.—3t.
(Ist day) 1850.
Geo Mullen vs J Patterson et al
J S Morrison'L admr's vs Urysher & Tho's
Sam'l Stuckey vs Henry Keyser
G W Figart vs Griffith & Thomas
M M'EWowney vs Saml Williams et al
J Pattern et aivsK Lockart
C Colfelt vs Saml Aiuieh
Jno Brideham vs same
A J Dunlap et al vs Asa Duval
Saml Davis vs John James
L> Patterson usevsS. Vondersmith
Jas Reynolds vs S M Barclay's admr's
Phillip Weisel's adin'r vs K L Anderson
Holunan & Christy vs H St B Railroad Co
Wood At Dovereu.x vs John Figart
M Bart he low vs Jacob Hippie
H F Rohm vs Edward B Trout
Isaac Lipple vs F Wobm'an
Edward B Tront vs Saml Taylor
Henry Johnson vs Joseph Lea sure
Jacob Stockenin.s vs Dual B Troutman
Joshua Filler vs Sarul Williams
John Dasher vs James Kntriken
Joseph Harbaugh vs John Harbangh et al
William Smith vs Charles Smith
Isaac Hull"# admr's vs John Hull
J Morehead et al vs Christopher Xaugle.
Aug. 8, 1856.
VV xui, President of the soveral Courts of
Common Pleas in the counties composing the Judicial District, and Justice of the Courts
of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jaii Delive
ry, for the trial of capital and other offenders
in the said district— and JOSEPH B. NOBMC aud
JOHN G. HARTLKV, Esquires, Judges of the
Courts of Common Pleas, and Justices of the
Court of Oyer acd Terminer, and General Jail
Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other
Offenders in the couutv of Bedford—have is
u xd their precept and to me directed, for hold
ing a Court of Common Pica*,and Gcoeial Jail
r, elircry, and Court of Oyer and Terminer at
Btdfo.-d. on MONDAY the Ist., day of SEP.
Tiff.MBER next. NOTICS is beieby given to all
the Justifies of the Peace, tun Coroner and Con
stables within Die said county of Bedford, that
they bv tl*-tt and there in their proper persons,
with their rolls, records, and inquisitions,
animations and other remembrances, to do
those things which to their offices and in that
behalf appertain to be done, and also they who
will prosecute against the prisoners that are or
shall be in the J*il of Bedford county, to be ther.
and there to prosecute against them as shall be
ust. HUGH MOORE, Sheriff.
Aug. 8. 1855.
THE undersigned, thankful (as advertise
ments say) for past favors at the Colonnade
store.Bedford, would rovpectfnUv announce
to his pattons aad friends generally, that be ha*
removed his entire stock of goods to his uew
brick start) room iately oocupit- 1 by Peter Ra.l
et-augh opposite the Radioed Hotel. His sup
ply of goods is fresh, pew and fashionable.
His new room has been iw- vtly and elegantly
fitted up and remodeled. A0 kinds of produce
f taken in exchange for
Ie hopes to be continued in the favor of his
rons and the public.
Jjtly 4, 1856.
Administrator's Xclicc.
LETTERS ol Administration having been j
granted to the subscriber, living in South .
Woodbcrry Township, on the Estate ot Hem -
Ik-lick, latent said Township, deed, all ye r
R tn indebted to said Estf. are hereby notified ,
to make payment imtned: ely, and those Inu
iug claims ligvinvl the sauve will present thvut
properlv authenticated tot setticnient.
Si arch "28. DA Vi D C. LONG, Mm'
PlasUring Laths tj
THE F r MDERSI.\ED having erected
a Mill for sawing Plastkripc Laths on his
premises in Union Tp., Bedford county, is now
ready to furnish any quantity en the shortest
notice. Price 81.50 per thousand, 3 ft. long.
Other lengths in proportion.
Letters addressed to meat St. Clairsville wil
be promptly attended to.
Union Tp-, Feb. 1fi.1854. zz.
To Dyspeptic and Nervous Tuf
THE subscriber who has suffered nil tb
horrors of Indigestion, is anxious to tut
pnrt the osly method of cure to invalid Mini
larly affected.
Address Dr. W. J. MULI.IN, Srhtlhbvr
Bedford Co. Pa.
HE mm HE,
Valentine Steckraan,
Boarders taken by the day, week, month and
April 25, 185G—tf
Hooped Skirts
CaHco, Ging'unn, Muslins, Chintzes, Hoo/>
cd Skirts, fish fe:., juH, Itccd'
May 23, 13", >.
horse power for sile cheap .it Rec I's o<lo
nadc Store.
i'ov. 30, 18'V>.
Excciilor'* Nollcf.
IETTEUS testamentary having been granted
J to the subscribers, on the Estate of John <:
Smith, late of Union Township, dee'd, all
persons indebted to said Estate are hereby
notified to iuuke payment immediately, and
those having claims against the same, will I
present them properly authenticated for set
PETER SMITH, of I'nion Tp.,
JOHN AKK, of Si Clan Tp.,
March 21,1836* Executors.
Dr. F. C. Keamer,
Physician and Surgeon.
DcspectfuiH tenders his services <•>
-Li. the citizens ol' Bedford and vicinity. lie
may always be fouaid (unless professienaHv en
gaged; at his Drug and Book Store, in Juliana
Feb.l 6. 1854.
t flrncx. v. v. M. P. Co.,
) Feb. 28, 1866.
TVTOTICE is hereby given that the Board o
2.1 Directors of this. Company have this day
levied an assessment of ,5 per cent, on all pre
mium notes belonging to the Company and in
force on the sixth day of February, 16-56. ex
cept on original applications approved from
Nov. 2". 1855 till the said sixth day of Febru
ary, on which there is assessed 3 per cent.--
And on all premium notes expiring between
said dates, and not renewed, 3 per cent. The
mem tiers of this Company are hereby required
to pay their saveral amounts so assessed to
the Treasurer or authorized receiver of this
Board within thirty days of the publicatioti o
this notice.
March 28.1856-3t.
A. King. Fr. Jordan.
Ring A Jordan. Aiiorneys at Law.
"tITILI, practice in the ' -vera! Courts of Bed
"YV ford and adjoining conpties.
Agencies, Collections, and all other business
intrusted to their care will he prutntly ami faith
fully attended to.
OFFICE in Juliana stret. formerly occupied
by D. il. Hofitis, Esq., and more recently in the
occupancy of Jos Mann, Esq.
January, 5, 1853.
LETTERS TE3T*ME.VT\BY to the Estate of
Solomon llollar, late of West i'rovi
dence Township, dee'd, having been granted
by the Register of Bedford County t<> the un
dersigned, notice is hereby given that all ip:r
sons indebted to said Estate will be required
to make immediate payment, and those hav
ing claims will present them properly authen
ticated for settlement.
HANNAH HOLLAR. Executi-ir.
IV est Providei.ce Township, (
April 11, A. D., 1855. 1
THE subscriber would respectfully announce
to the public that lie has removed his Tinning
Establishment to the building recently occu
pied by Mr-Luther, as a Confectionary Store
i:i the Diamond, where be is better prepared
than ever to accomodate his customers with
every articlein the line of his business, either
wholesale orretail, and hopes they willgive
bun a call at his new location.
Bedford, April 13, 1855.
P. S. The subscriber is desirous ot having
bis books closed up till Ist April, inst., either
oy cash or note. He hopes his= otiee will be
trended to immediately. G. .B
TITflpD WARD'S Improved Smut and Screen-
VV ing Machines, Mill Bushes, Bolting Cloths
and Bran Dusters, of the most improved plan;
Mill Screws, Corn and Cob Grinders, Patent
Bridges for Mill Spindles, Portable Mills,
'■ warranted to grind ten bushels per hour, Mill
Irons and Mill Burrs made to order. Also,
I Stovfr's Patent Corn Kiln and Grain Dryer—
I k valnable invention. The above articles are
, ept constantly on band, and can be obtained
t any S. D. BROAD,
t Sc bells burg, Bedford County, who is also
for Bedford, Somerset, and adjoining
Mill wright work done at the shortest notice,
and on the most reasonable terms.
February 15, lßsti,
McCOR.MICK'S Reaper and Mower for sale
by 8. D. BROAD
at Schellsburg, Pa., agent for Blair and Dcdiord
cunties. February Ift, 1868.
Administrator * Notice.
LETTERS of Adminirtßatioii having been
granted to the subscriber, living in South
Woodberry Township, on the Estate of John
Teeter, late of .Monroe Township;'dee'd, all
persons indented to said Estate are notified toj,
make immediate payment, and those haviugr
claims against the same will present them pro-!
pcrly authenticated for settlement.
Administrator. '
July 18, 18.jQ.-t'' .a ,
4 LL persona are hereby cautioned ngainet fa- j
A. king an assignment ot or purchasing Ironi j
Daniel Border if Bcdiord Borough ot a certain 1
nbligution or writing signed and sealed hv me
Feby..2oth JboO and conditioned in part lor the
payment of 8125,00 one year thereafter, l'o
the whole of said claim I have a full and just de
fence—and am detetniiiicd to pay no parttherof
unless compelled by process ot' law.
Dowaoiac, Mich, March 11, 185 G.
J. A. RHODES, Esq : Dear Sir—As I took
your medicine to sell on consignment. "n<
cure no pay,' 5 I take pleasure in stating its ef
fect* as reported to me by three brothers who
live in this place, and their testimony is a tail
specimen of all I have received:
W. S.*Coxklin told me—"l had taken nine
bottles of Christie's Ague Balsam, and contin
ually run down while using it until my lungs
and liver were Congested to that degree that
blood discharged from my mouth and bowels,
so that all thought it impossible for me to live
through another chill. The doctors too did
all they could for me, hut though 1 must die.
Nothing did any good until 1 got 1! bodes' F
ever and and Ague Cure, which at once reliev
ed me of the distress and nausea at niv stom
ach and pain in my head and bowels, and pro
duced a permanent cure in a short time.' 5
If. .11, Conklis says: "I had been taking me
dicine of as good a doctor as we have in our
county, and taken any quantity of quinine
and specifics without any cood result, froiu
25 August to 1 itli December. But seeing how
nicely it operated on mv Id-ellier. 1 got a bot
which effected a pX-miam-nt cure by using two
thirds of a bottle."
i S. M. CONKJ.IN was not here, L.ut both the
' other brothers say his case was the same ns H.
M's. 1 sold the niediciue to both the same
day. and the cure was as speedy from the same
small cjuiuiti v, and 1 might so specify. Yours
with respect. A. HUNTINGTON.
The aiHuc speaks for itself. Good proof as
it is, it is ol no better telior than the vast t um
ber of like certificates I have already publish
ed. and the stiil greater amount that is contin
ual!} pom ing iti to me.
(hi*' thing more. Last year I had occasion
to Caution the Public iu these words:—
'• / ■notice une Jinn who hare I until One of my gen
em! circulars, subs'iluteit the name of their uos
trum fur my medicine, ami then trilh brazen impu
dence end their pamphlet with the Reclamation,
• Let the prop tie/or of any other medicine say an
much if he dares.' " &<".
Now i take pleasure in saying that the Cau
tion referred to the same opr. Cluistie's Ague
Balsatu" that is mentioned in the above cer
There are several other industi ions people
who are applying to their poisonous trash ail
that I publish aiiout my Fever and Ague Cure,
or Autidote to Malaria, except the certificates
of Cures, and the Certificate of the celebrated
Chemist, Dr. James. K. Chilton of N. Y., in
tavorofits perfectly HARMLESS CHARAC
TER, which is attached to every bottle. Tbete
will always serve to distinguish niv medicine
front imitations.
J AS. A. RHODES, Proprietor.
Providence, R. I.
For Sale by Druggists generally,
April 26 1860, 3m.
Clothing and Dry Goods Store,
THE mbscribers are just receiving anew
handsoiue and cheap assortment of REA-
their store in the East CorneroPßedford Hall,'
consisting in part of Coats, Pants, Vest a..Shirt-
Satin Stocks, Handkerchiefs, Boots and Shoes,
ITatsand Caps, and all other articles usually
kept in Ready Made Clothing Stor. s.
Also a good assortment of DRY GOODS,
consisting of Calico, Mous. de I.nine. Shawls.
Alpaca*, Trunks. Carpet Sacks, Ac., &c.; all
of which they will sell as cheap as can be pro
curedelsewli-re in Bedford, for Cash urCouu
trv Produce.
They request all their friends in town and
countryto give them a call, and see and exa m
ine their stock for themselves as they eonside
it a pleasure to show their goods, whether per
s ens wish to i rebate or not.
Bedford, April 20, 1855.
Important Announcement!
mo all persons afflicted with Sexual diseases,
1. such as Sentinel Weakness, Impotence,
Gonnorbica, Gleet, Syphilis, Ac., &e.
The .'/oward Association of Philadelphia, in
view of the awful destruction of human life and
health, caused by sexual diseases, and the de
ceptions which are practised upon the unfertile
nate victims of such diseases by Quacks, have
directed thvir consulting Surgeon, as a charita
hleact worthy ol their name, to give medical
ailricearc/is, to allpcrsons tbusattlicted, (Male
or Female.) who apply by letter, with a descri jw
tion of Uieir condition,(age, occupation, hab
its of life,) kc., and in cases of extreme pov
erty and suffering to furnish medicines J'rce of
The Howard Association is a benevolent In
stitutiou, established l>v special endowment,for
the relief of the sick and distressed, aillicted
with "Virulent ami Epidemic Diseases," and
Its funds can be used for no other purpose. It
has now a surplus of means, which the Direc
tors have voted to advertise the above nociee.
It is needless to add that the Association com
mands the highest Medical skill of the age, and
will furnish the most modern treatment. Val
uable advice also given to sick and nervous fe
males afflicted with abdominal we a kness, W otub
complaint,Costivencss, Leucorrhcea, Ac.
Address (post-paid,) Dr. Gko. R. Calhocv.
OonsultingSurgeon, Howard Association. No.
2, South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
By order of the Directors.
EZRA D. HEARTMTELL, President, i
Gko. F.uacHim, Secretary.
June 1, 185&.-ZZ
IF i'OU want CHEAP GOODS, call at
Cheap Side.
Nov. 30.
HIE undersigned informs tlu farmers ofßed
-1 ford and adjoining Counties that he has
made arrangements by which he can furnish to
those desiring, the latest improved and best ag
ricultural implements of the day, embracing
Scott's " Giant" Corn and Cob Grinder
—guaranteed to grind front 8 to 15 bushels of
feed per hour with one horse—Potts' Corn
B'alk Cutter and Crusher— warranted to cut
from 120 to 100 bushels of teed per hour.
Hay and Straw Cutters iu variety, Grain Drills,
Corn Similars, which are unsurpassed for cheap
ness and quality; Cultivators, Horse Hoes,
Cider .Mills, Ac., &c. In short every utensil
used on or abouta farm. Wishing to avoid all
imposition, each machine sold by him wiil bo
warranted to work as represented, or no sale—
and as these machines are procured iu most
cases directly from the patentees ard manufac
turers, the purchaser will be secure in the right
of using.
Prices will be as moderate and in some in
stances less than the same articles can he pro
cured singly from the manufacturers. As the
demand is very great for the two first named
machines, orders should be given soon, by
those wishing to purchase.
June 20, 1866-z
D 352 NT IST,
B dford, Pa.
OFFICE 0" **'<* S.trtet, nearly opposite
•the "Bedford Hotel." TbetA plugged; rig,
ulated, Nc., and artificial teeth Inserted, from
ouo to an entire sut. Charges moderate, iftid ali
operation! warranted.
(■"7"Term —Postrivfitr GASA.
Dii. F. C. ftKt>l rSt.
Bedford, Pa.,
HAVING purchased the Drug and Book
Store of Dr. S. D. Scott, has constantly
on hand, at the old stand, a large and well se
lected stock of choice Drugs and Medicine--,
Wholesale :ll)d retail, all of which will he sold
at fair Items. 3he assortment consists in part o
Drum a hi' Chemicals. Dye Woods and .indt,
Paints ted Oils, Window Gtass ami Glass
Ware. Tobacco and Siegers, Perfumery, Fancy
article*, etc.. 4r.
PATrsr Midicines.—Having the regular
agtney fot the sale of all of these medicines,
the put lit,are assured that they are of the best,
such as hove stood the test of time and expe
rience, and run be safely recommended as ge
nuine. viz: Townsend's and Sand's Sarsapa
rilla, Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, Avers
Cherry Pectoral, Moffat's Life Pills and Phoe
nix Ifnters, Dr. Jayne's Fauiilv Medicines,
Fnhnstock's, llotiensaek's. and other vcrorfu
ges; Hoofland's German Bitters, bee., fee.
Constantly on hand a large stock of historic,
biographical, scientific, religious, poetical,
school, and miscellaneous BOOK'S.
Also a great variety of FjI.XCY ST.iTIOR-
JiR V, Cop, Post and wrapping paper ol every
quality. Paper Hangings in great variety.—
Window Blinds in patterns or 1 v the piece.—
Wall Paper, Steol and Fancy Goods.
BI.JIXK BOOK'S of every size and quality,
Pocket Rooks and Port Monnaies, Diaries,
Blank Deeds and Mortgages, gold Pens and
Pencils, Comhs, Brushes, Perfumery in great
variety, Soaps, fee., fee.
Lamps, and Camphine Oil and finmi'.gFluid,
kept constantly on hand.
CHOICE LIQCOnS for medical use; Wolffs
Scheinam Schnapps, Gin, i'ort, Sherry and
Madeira Wines.
Aug. 11. IKH.-tf
Administrator's Notice.
JETTEKR of administration having l>een
A granted to the sitbseriher, living in Union
Township, on the Estate of Juswiyngs Oldham,
late of Clayton Comity, lowa, dee'd all persons
indebted to said estate are hereby notified to
make payment immediately, and those having
claims against the same, will present them prop
erly authenticated for settlement-
May 9, 1850,-*
i LL w<xd Venitian, Hags. Cotton and hemp
-t\- Carpeting. Floor Oil Clot ha— white and
Check Matting just received bv
May 23, 18-50. A. ll.'t RAMEK 4Co.
EVERY variety of Summer Pantaloon goods
and suitable material for Summer Coats
for sale hv A. IS. CRAM Ell h Co
May 23, 1830.
. N>w Firm and New lioods,
WE beg leave to inform the public that we
are now receiving and opening an entire
new stock of Goods of great variety and ail
of the latest styles, consisting in part of
Cloths; superior Fancy ami Black Cussimers;
Cassinetts; Tweeds, and all kinds of Gentle
metis' and Ladies' DRESS GOODS ; all the
Prints from six and a fourth cents, up; Mous
lin de I.aincs, most beautiful styles and fin
ish; Muslin, bleached and unbleached, from
a tip it)i.
WJIJIE, Mats Caps, Bonnets, Buckets, Tubs,
Boots, Shoes, and every thing usually found in
Our goods have been selected with great
cart from Baltimore and Philadelphia mark
ets, and we will warrant them to be all new
and good.
As we are determined to spare no pains to
please, we hope by strict attention to business
to merit and receive a liberal share of the
public patronage.
We are going to sell cheaper lhatt the cheapest
—so don't forget to call and see the great
bargains we will offer.
Mo charge tor showing goods.
All kinds of country produce taken for
goods and the highest prices allowed by
St. Clairsville, April 11, 1850-c
fjpilE State Treasurer has issued circulars to
-L the different County Treasurers, calling np
ou them tor the amount of Tax now due the
Commonwealth. It is feared, there will be a de
ficcncy in the Treasury when the August inter
est falls due. It is therefore desirable that the
Co'lectors should settle their Duplicates as soon
as possible, and save expense.
DAVID OVER, Treusurer.
J line C, 1850.—tit.
THE subscriber! take this method of infornt
g the people of Bedford County that they
ive opened a Wholesale, awl Retail Ctotniug No. 6, Lloyd's Row, Ilollidaysburg,
Pa..where they will ut all times have on hand a
argc supply of every article in the Clothing
Line. They would he pleased to see all their
friends at their establishment.
June 27, 1 HiitJ—if
rpHK undersigned have just received their i
J. usual supply of
and will take pleasure in showing them to all j
who may favor us with a call. Great bargains !
will be offered for Cash, and all kimls of Coun- !
try Produce; —or to punctual customers, a
credit of six months will be given.
A. 11. CRAMER & CO.
Bedford May 2 185b.
JO /IN CLARK a Wm. A. 11. CLARK having
formed a partnership (in the Tanning 4-c.,)
the tmsiness heretofore carried on iu Schehshurg
by John Clark will now be conducted by and in
the name of John Clark .and Son.
PERSONS, having-unsettled aecouqts with
the undersigned are called .upon to attend to
them promptly and have them closed. More
jKirticularty accents that have been standind
some time, should, and must be attended to; ang
if in some cases persons are not prepared to
chsse fully, they must at least attend to thorn.
March 14, 1855—3ui.
Administrator'* Notice.
LETTERS of Administration on the Estate
of Win. Anderson, late of Broad Top
Township, Bedford County, deceased, having
been granted to the undersigned, all persons
indebted to said Estate will please maka pay
ment without delay, and those having claims
will present tivein to
both residing in Broad Top Toumhiu
GENTLKMENS Gaiters ami Shoes—Mens
and boys shoes and boots. Alao Ladies.
" Miasej itftd childret s do, for saleby
M )2 . i 855. A. B CRAMER & Co,
XI PL.II.VS. By J. H. Hezdlej. One 1- mo.
Volume, Cloth. elegnatly illustrated. Price
sl,2d. Mailed free of postage on the receipt
of the retail price.
orfxiov* or THE purs*.
"This volume will lie read with satisfaction
by those who most enjoyed the 'Ssend Moun
tain- "---A. Y. Everting Post.
"It is full of deep interest, ami written in a
most glowing'ami BealuTful style. LouiscHU
"There is merit sufficient Withe work to make
if a favorite with the lover f things associated
so close wjth Biblical history."— Del roil JJailu
JldrerUsei. *
"The writer h%s a powerful use of language,
and though be enters upon his task with a true
devotional spirit be invests his theme with an
interest f:uro to fascinate the general reader."
s\ Ermine Gazelle.
'•A finished specimen of style and workman
ship."— Buffalo Christian Jdrocaie.
'■He has clothed ins ideas with lofty and beau
tiful language, and treated the subject in a man
ner becoming its importance."— finch. Union.
'•The style is different from J. 1". /feadley, and
perhaps better adapted to the subject. It is
simple and unpretending, hut plain and forci
ble."— Boston Journal.
"It is written in a style of poetic prose suited
to the subject and makes some glowing pictures
of the 'Sacred Plains,' spreading them out in
all their oriental loveliness, ami investing them
with a charm and interest that lickings only to
scriptural scones."— Mcdtni Tribune.
"All elegant book, both in contents and ap
pej.rauce—fitted to adorn and increase the val
ue, of any library.''— Buffalo Daily Rtjrublic
"This volume is handsomely illustrated with
views of many spots made interesting by the
sacred history."— Boston Daily Mcertiser.
"Theauthor has faithfully executed his design,
and presented to the public a book repietc with
interest and instruction."— Genesstc Republic. j
"The materials of the several chapters seem j
to lurvc been collected with great care." —sa-;
I em Obrcrier.
C7*P>ipers inserting the foregoing three times
and sending a copy of paper to Publishers, will
receive a copy of the above work, aud also the
Economic Cottage builder, pre-paid.
WAXZER, McKIM A CO., Publishers.
July 11,1800. [Buffalo, Aew l'ork.
rot) 0 pounds wool wanted at Reed's Colonnade
4/ Store.
SSONA/JOUX would announce to his old j
• friends and the public generally, that he has j
just received another large supply of Spring and j
Summer Clothing for Men aud 7ios, which he
is determined to sell on the most reasonable
terms. Thankful lor past labors, he hopes to
merit and receive a liberal share of the patronage j
of a generous public.
Bedford, June li, 18r-
Tonics won't I>o!
They never did do more than give temporary
relief and they never will. It is because they
don't touch the CAUSE of the disease. The
CAUSE of all ague and billions diseases is the
atmospheric poison called Miasma or Malaria.
Neutralize this poison by its NATURAL AN
TIDOTE, and all disease caused by it disap
pears at once. Rhodes' Fever and Agne Cure
is this Antidote to Malaria, aud moreover it is
a perfectly harmless medicine. The certificate
of the celebrated chemist, J. li. Chilton, of
New Turk, to this effect, is attached to every
bottle; there lore if it does no good'it can do
no harm.
This is more than can lie said of Quinine,
Arsenic, or any tonic in existence, as their use
is ruinous to the constitution and brings on
DUMB AGUE, which never allows a person to
feel perfectly well for a single moment. In il
lustration of these truths 1 annex some extract*
from a lotter jusi received from a Physician:
GEORGETOWN, OHIO. March, 17, 185 C.
J\S. A. RHODES Esq.—Dear Sir: Yours
of 2d inst is at hand. The Cure arrived l ite
last year and tlie diiliculty in getting any one to
try it wag greatly increased front the fact that a
remedy had been introduced which was grow
ing in favor with the public, as being better than
using Quinine, —not knowing I presume that
the remedy they useded ti escape taking Quin
ine. contained the DRUG ITSELF!
This remedy, (known as "Smith's Tonic,")
would invariably BREAK an agne, hut it did
not CURE it, as it would often return with re
newed vigor. This one ciicumstance I deemed
' iu your favor, if 1 could institute a test coni
j parisou between it anu your CURE. The fol
lowing is the result:
Three person* look yeur "Cure," all of which j
wem cases of '-Quotidian Intermittent Fever," j
of many weeks standing. They had tried Qui- j
nine, and other remedies, occasionally missing a J
chill, hot it was, (as in all such eases,) slowly j
wearing them out, and laying the foundation oi j
other and severer maladies. I did succeed in j
effecting a radical cure of all three of these :
cases with your remedy, and they have not had ;
a chill since. In all three of these cases the j
"Smith's Tonic" had hoeu used, and would, as
before stated, break the chill, hut after a peiiod
ot two had elapsed it would return.
I think there wii! be uo difficulty now in gir- j
ing to your Cure the vantage ground of any
other remedy now in use here, etc., etc.
Rhodes' Fever and Ague (Jure, or Antidote j
to Malaria, the only .harmless remedy in exist
ence, is equally certain as a preventive, as a }
| Cure. Take it when you feel the chills coming j
on, and you will never have a single one.
JAMES A. RHODES, Proprietor, Pro.
vidence, K. I-
For sale by Druggists generally.
MENS Panama, Leghorn, & Braid hats. Also
Bovs and Children.* hats for sale by
May 23, 1856. A- B. CRAJLEK & Co,
THE subseribcrrespectfully begsleave to an
nounce to his old fiiends and the public
generally, that he has leased aud taken posses
sion of the Bedford Hotel, lately in the occu
pancy of Col. Adam Barnhart. It is not bis
design to make many professions as to what he
willdo, but he pledges his word, _at his most
energetic efforts will be employed to render
comfortable all who give hima call. The house
will be handsomely fitted up, and none but
careful and attentive servants will be engaged.
Persons visiting the Bedford Springs, as well ;
as those attending Court, and the traveling j
community generally, are respectfully invited |
to give him a ealland judge for themselves.
OF"" The stages all now stop at this hotel, I
aud it is therefore the Stage Office.
Boarderstaken by the week, month or year, I
on favorable ternyi.
KF" Ample and comfortable stabling is at- I
tachcd to this hotel, which Will always lie at
ended Uy a careful hostler. Also, a safe and
.._ , JUttN ITAFEIS.
April 6, 1855. u
(VANTKb—At Reed's Colonado Store. —
Wheat, Rye, Oats, Cora, and Buckwheat—also
all other approved produce, in exchange tor
goods at eusn prices
1M E subscriber, having disposed of his Stoie
in Bedford, is desirous of closiug up his
ooks. All persons indebted to him arc teques
ted to settle up immediately. His hooks will he
rn tbo nanda ofMr. Job M. Shoemaker, till first-j
July next.
He is thankful to his friends >fbr the very i
gew.ruus support they have yielded bim since I
. his commencement in this place and cordially i
reccommeujls M r. J ob M ks a young I
man of good business habits, of strict honesty, '
capacity and integrity, and who will not fail to I
give general satisfaction to ray enstomers and I
thepuolic. .
March 14, IS6C-Sm. 1
JKTXD-W dC3<3X3iSl c
| iJB subscribers having just returned f rom
I the East, an? now opening and exhibiting
it the stand formerly occupied hy E}, s 51.
Pinker, 8 i irge ami Weli selected {.-somuent of
Conrnfinjr in part of
Black and Fancy Silks, Delaines,'
Lawns, hereges, krilliunf s. shafliift, strnmier 1
shawls and m. ntiilas, veils, prints from a 3p
up, dress trinaming, IS". Y. Cotlan from a
cents tip, bonnet ribbons, bleached snd tin
hleached muslin from a f:j> tip, nankeen,
tickings, paper niuslio, crash, lion'crv, glove
floss. and a large assortment of men's arei
hoy's wear, all prices, black and fancy stun -
rner vt-stings, cassinetts, cloths, tweeds and
sattinctts, counterpanes, Irish lit.en#, c large
assortment of men's and boy's summer hats,
misses fiats, bonnets, boots and shoes, ail
sizes aiiij prices, in great variety, looking
glasses, 4cc. £c.
GROCERIES. —SUI>erior Golden Fyrup, JC.
O. and Sugar house'v s, Hio O'oll'ee. K.
O. crushed, clarified nd steam Sugars, spices,
teas, extract of coif e, rice, chocolate an 1
QUEENSW.IRE. —A large assortment of
Quci'iisware and Glassware, all cf which they
are determined to sell cheap.
They respectfully invite all in search of bar
gains to git<* 'Vm a call before purchasing.
So f*oai>le to show goods.
All kinds of produce taken in exchange for
goods at cash prices.
Bedford, -Ai Hi 18, !br..
Call at
fflll E subscriber has jiiif received frt m (!.-
X Eastern cities the best assortment of Erns
Copper, and Tin Ware ever offered in thin plan,
rowhich lie invites the attention of the public,
lie has a great many improved cooking utensils.,
that cannot I'ailto plc-ase every hoflsi keeper who
uses them. The Ladies especially are invited to
calland examine the articles. Among them are
BRASS and BELL METAL Kettles of all sizes.
Water Coolers. Chafing Dishes,Saucejians. Mill;
Boilers, XUHSE LAMPS, an excellent aiticlefer
the sick room. Cake Moulds, Spice Boxes-. Tea
Cannisters, Brass and Iron Ladles, Patent
Lamps. Candlesticks,Gktss Lamps, Match Box
es, Spittoons. Ac.. Ac.
English and French Tin, Iron and Brass Ware
a great variety.
Japanned Tin Toys, and a great variety of
Fancy articles.
Chain and Force Pumps, ai d in short evi rv
article in my line.
Don't forget to call at the Tin Ware Depot ia
Pitt St.
.fag; 11, 1854.
Bakery and Confectionary,
THE subscriber, thankfnl tor the patronage
heretofore extended hint by a libera! pub
lic, tenders his thanks, and be would respect
fully inform them that he has received and
opened# new and choice lot of Confections,
among which are candies, tints, fruits, Ac.—
Healao keeps Groceries, such as Sugar. Coffee,
Tea, Molasses, Cheese. Candles, Ac. Also iH
descriptions of Cakes, and will serve Wedding
and other parties, on short notice, With CoEfeC
tions and cakes.
He has opened up ami refitted his Ice Cream
Saloon, in a superior style, where lie will he al
ways ready to serve his friends and the public
with good and highly tlavered Creams. lie will
also serve parties to order.
His stand is opposite the Odil-Fellmv's.
Buiidirig. where he feels confident that those
who gi Ti: him a call will not go aw-iv disap
pointed JQIIN J. LtTllEli.
June 27, 1856.
jYTOTICE is hereby given to ail persons inter-
J. A ested that the audersigiied has been ap
| pointed hv the Orphans" Court of Bedford
I County, Auditor t• distribute the balance i n
| the liands of John Dickey. Administrator of 1
1 Satnnel L. Tobias, Esq., dve'd, to ami among
ill those entitled to the same; and that 1 will,
sit for that purpose at my office in the Borough
of Bedford, on Tuesday the 22 1 day of July,
inst., at one o'clock, P.M.. when aad while
all who think proper raav atten t.
July 11, IfoC.
stray t:nu:.
CAME to the premises of the subscriber liv
ing in St. Clait Ti wtish-p, about tlic fr>t
of May last, a WHITE BOAR, supposed Jo l-j
about one year old—with a crop out of the 1: it
tar—no other marks recollected. The earner
is requested to come forward, prove property,
pay eliarges and take him nwtiv.
Juiv IS, 18'.6-c*
11 IIE undersigned has just returned home fir.m
. the Eastern cities with a large stock of Sum -
nier Goods, and is now exhibiting
A general assortment of new style- of
Comprising in a great variety of Dress
Goods, which consists in part ot Btark and Ft -
cy Silks, Chathjs, Latent. Dc Lnines, Madonna
Cloths. Alpacas, Deberxea etc., etc., Mantiili-■'
and a variety uf lilark ami Fancy Clothes and
C'asshneres,Linens and Cuttouadc for gentlemen
ami hoys wear.
Boots. Shoe*, Hah and Bonnels, Groceries, Sv
gais. Molasses, Syrups, Shad. Herriups and
Mackerel, Bacon, Qliecnseware, Hardware,
Brooms, Buckets, Churns, etc.
Theatiove stock consists of every articlesis
uallv kept in store—,W of which wilt he sold,
cheap for rash or approved produce.
Thankful for pst favors, he hopes by fair
dealing and a desire to cnutinue to merit
aud receive a liberal share of public patronage.
June fi, Iftofi.
JUST received at Reed's New Store a Fresh
Supply of Lato Style ami Fancy Goods,
embracing a Urge lot of
Ladies Dross Goods,
French Needle Worked Collets.
Fancy Silks, ' J
Gros de Kbines,
Blk Silk Fringe,
Dotted Swiss,
Stripped ditto,
Flain Naunsook,
Bouuot Ribbons,
Mantua Ribbons,
Blk Silk Cravats,
By ruff Colhug,
Merino C.usimero,
Gent's half Hose, Mix'd and Bro.
Also * prime lot of Fatuity Groceries, con
sting of S.igar, Coffee, Tea, Syrup, MoUs
s. Rice, Corn ttarch, Farina, Ac., &e.
July 18, ISoO.
George Sigafoos, thankful for She patronage
received in the past, would respectfully an
nounce to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity
that he iviti commence the 2d Qi arter of bis
School, August 11th next, in Die Lecture
room < f the Lutheran Church, which grid
V>e deatiy fitted up for that purpose. No
pains will ins spared to advance his pupils
in their Studies, and strict attention will be
given to the health and morals of all hu pupils-
Term* of luition per qttorter as
Primary SB.OO- l*ractical, sd,60 —Natural Sci
ence* and mathematics $4,00. G. SI G AEQUO'