BY DA V7l> OYER. From ike HA uca Cttizen. yiEr FJTE OI.I> FEOI .R tL GEX TLEMty. Tv \ e—Lucy .VeuL Now l)i raoerat*. just listen, 1 he. while we sing a song, A.:;onS a flue old gentleman Art and whose tig yon throng; He is a nico old bachelor Of three score years atid mere, And. like old Grimes, lie Wearv-a coat -'AH buttoned down before/" Hut he is not the lucky man To tako the chair of State; j 'Tis Fillmore—the AMKRICIN; Poor Jimmy, h" too late That, eoatl —rho' '-bntto aed down Itefore," j Turrit often ou bis bj ck- , 'Twas Fedtral blue in 0 ays of tor;, 'Tis now Nebraska black; And every time it takes a eh.ia*.; Its shade the people scan, For by it they can ju Ijo The color of the mat., Hut lie is not tbe luck;. m-wi, die. Tl>is fine old man. we tsive betnrold. Got troubled in his brains— And dreanTd souse iletrtocrftlit drops- Were coursing through his wins; It tr-ivibled bins by nigh t and day— Of this there is nodouU— He tho'l it would his stock Uisgy;, . And swore he'd It! if o it' llit he is not the lucky raaav Sec. Perhaps tiiis is the reason that 1! < never in his file Dared take unto bis lonuly self Some fair one for a wriie, Fur fear some democratic blood ilis ortspr i:g might impure, For Yankee girls, 'tis itmiorsti Arc Democratic —ar. 13n! he is not the lucky Ac. I en cents a day he thinks etitnftgh The laboring BIEII to ■earn, Thus in the pockets ol' tiie rich He would his favors turn; The working men must lie kcj.i down, The ualsdi must havo sway, A ah taws enacted fur th ; rich 'i he pooi mart must oloey. tint he .s nytjiiio iucky Man, Ac. Now, ail who labor for your bivad, \V'll tell you what tc do— TTa vwicTnr wr Unwrteft"i, lie's to yonr mtieest't ne; lie is hinasoH' .vwdriung mati. Ami sure will hover g' To pay you bit a Uiuie a iuy, As Jimmy did, vou ka itv. Far FiLi-MORt isthe lucky TO: in To take the chair < f ISt.ite: lie m the great A-itta!c.\s, And true as he is great. From t