HUiiKIBU: K.iiLKOll) At ( IDEXT. Collision tsffl a Swndtty School Kxmrstm Train Thirly-siiae {.'ret {.oil, aaA Sixty-nine iroaa 6,4 —.1 number Of Jhhtiti Consumed by fire— fitert-Reuekmg Stents, ftc.- A serious accident occurred on the North Pennsylvania llaiiroad on Thursday morn ing im an excursiou tram containing the Sunday school of lit. Michael's Church.— The results are horrible. The accident was acflHUion. It occurred about 7 o'clock be tseca the down train aud the Excursiou •rain. A locomotive with cars and a number , f surgeons were dispatched to the scene. A dispatch from Germantown say* a uuar bor of wounded have been brought there in private conveyances. From a special re porter sent out to tiie scene from Philadel phia. the lollowing di-patches hare been re ceived: PjIILAMXPHIA", July 17. The excursion train contained eleven • undred cluidmn, parents aud teachers. 'f.:o trains cirue in collision at a curve near p„rt Washington, with the down train; the •.I'.ier was going very slow!v. The exeur .i.ju train was going very rapidly endeavor to reach the stopping place. Both the locomotives were crushed and three oars of the excursion train, t gtfhef With those that were consumed by fire. A number was crashed beneath the ruins po that ex trication was impossible. The sdeue was n,- st heart rending. Tue nam's of the killed Pre tfi follow*: Ilcv. Dtnicl chorister of the church, body ikm recovered: Htrgh Canip ieii, Barry Kelly, .1 ames Mc In tire, ?oh u I'a r in, h iwar'.l li.-tll. Jno. Jiivefs," James 11 it-key, U in. Barttsfil, Henry Harris, M. MH.aia, Catharine Moßurk, Ellen Clark, Sarah MeO ngan, Kate McOirr. ,1. Brady, Margaret Meanly, John McGuire, James Carney and Henry Harrison, the engineer < I' the up trait: In ad tit ion to the above seventeen bodies were e tutted beoeath the ruins of the cars, mostly eor.suij! ul; i-ieveit lnt-n and vrouten e ami two children were consumed, The to la: killed is S9.ind the number wounded 09. HATER. The scene of the disaster is fourteen miles from the city, in the neighborhood of two curves, so that approaching tr'aibe can not b t seen five hundred yards distant.— The track i- also single. W'kfen'tlrS loeo tnotives erttae t get her they rose 01 e*id, the fire hoses of each nearly touching.'add fell < ver across the road. The flro being scat tered about (lie wreck, the first excursion ear soon caught fire, and the 11 tines rapidly communicated to the two o'hets piled up upon it. The most ■ xtraordinary efforts were made to extricate the unfortunate be ings wfie were crushed amid rlie wreck tending the air wi;h their dying groan?. Many of these poor beings were still alive alien the fl lines reached tbeut,and thus suf fered as it were double death' that groans :.tid shrieks for aid acre awful and henrt iending, nitogether bAyund the power or language to describe. i-ultimately there were two hotels, n (iwellitig ami n blacksmith'slmp and iutall sii'-d within liiree hundred yards of the wreck, all of wliitih were used to stielier the dying and w.lmiJcd. A number of physicians fioiu the city and front Gcrinau towti were carlv in nttcn'hjnee, doing all within their power to aid the sufferers. Two urc • ngiiies from ("mistnnt Hill'cniue to t'ue spot, and forced cafer through hsse to the wreck from a neighboring stream.— After working fur several hours the fire was extinguished, and the human remain? wore i.moved. Nineteen bsrncd l.fiios wore removed to the Llack-iiiith hop—three sup posed to be females. Under another shed placed eight other todies, tStarred by the fluii-s as to d'-fy recognition. The body of Father StienuAn iyis been lecovcted ami brought E> the city. An iiuurense crown wag attracted to the spot from the surrounding sectionsof coutf' try: luutiy friend.-. of the cxetirsiotiT-ts v.nikeil from the city, and oihers proceed'.wi thither in every despriptioj nf vehi-le, which were made use of in bringing tlie wounded nnd dead to lh° ciiv. Vt'i lira in \'iiu.-awen, the couduotor of tin down train, driven to desperation by the ca laiuitv, committed suicide by .wallowing ar senic. William the engineer of the ?aftne train, has bti-ri arrete-l and cninuiilLad for" exauiination. The train this evening brought down four bodies burned to a orDp: one unknown, the others John lUHon and two bro;her? named K"vce. STILL LATER, PIIII.ADM.iaiA, 10 P. M.—All the re. inaio3 of the victim* have been gathered up and brought to the city. Twenty-seven Louies Itave not been iecogtii?ed. They ara mostly burned so as to defy recogni tion. FATAL AFFAIR.—We have the pain ful duty to-day of announcing that aooibcr of our eititdtis has been slain in our midst by violent hand?. Ou Saturday uight jast at about 11 o'clock an affray occurred nt the "Dauaul* iioase" in this place, in which D. J. Neff, Esq. :wi attorney at our liar, Mortally stabbed Mr. David HewL. [We fefrniu from detailing the particular?, of the affair, to avoid any bias of the puhUe ytiud jo regard to it, and our reader? un:*t Kait "AUtii they are r'uiiy lieveioy.ed bv a yudifioiie inve,tig 4 ti„ f . j \i[ r alter leoeiviiig ih-> L a repaired (e the '-tf-.-e of W. Inn* dis, and had the cut examined, but its ex tent eou'd uof be very definitely ascertained, and as the hemorrhage did not appear to be be very profuse it was hoped that it would not prove fatal He then walked to his home, (a square distant,} and went to bed; but at about 5 '/clock in the morning he was sieved with severe pains, and grew worse arid worltc until about half-past 9 o'- clock on Sunday night, when" he expired. On Monday morning an inquest was held upon ins body by Out oner I't'NK, and a post mortem examination made by Dr. Imudis, assisted by Dr. Oonrad, and a verdict was rendered that he came to to his death by a sound between the sth and Citb rib on the left side, inflicted with & knife in the hand of D. .) -Hollitiaysburx Registrr. Sotue of the Sag Nieht editors, in enu merating ilie claim* of Buchanan upon the people, have had the ithpuJehce to peak of hiii! as having been' among the first to take up arinV *f>'defence of hi< country in the war of 1812. The gross falsification t>f tiie record can be attributed ouly to utter ignorance or to wilful attempt Jo deceive. So tar from Hiding Lis oountrytuea in the war of 1812. he took part with England in that cotftest He. abused Mr* Madisou's aduiiuutrwtion for undertaking to carry on a war with (treat Britain. He declared that the War was unnecessary, ill-advised, and unrevoked. lie was at that time promiii'ent among the Hartford Convention Federalists, who instead of taking up arms in defence of their country, were arrayed against it. and have been charged with giv ing aid and comfort aad warnings of dan* ger to the British forces. — Lou ire ill* Journal. KEtiof £i>. The undersigned take this method, of inform ing their old Customers *r.d the public in gen eral. that they have removed their entire stock j of Goods troin the West end of Bedford to the Colonide Store; lately oeou bed by ,C*pt. J. Reed. where they will be pleased to Sec all I who n ay favor them with a call. All kinds of produce taken 1:1 Exahitge fur i Goods. Thankful for pist f .vors, they hope by fail dealing acd a desire to please, to continue to Receive a liberal share of the public patronage. Bedford, Julv 2"), ls")">. ' J. A J. M . SHOEMAKER. NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the last will and testament of EI wood //artner, late of the Born' of Eejford, <1 e'd, having been granted to the > Subscribe-, iecling in said iloro, notice is therefore given tq all persons indebted to the j Estate of sal'J d'eCM'. to' make paynmnt im -1 mediately; and those haWpjr claims will pre. i sent jbetu properlv aiiti.enti.atC'! f't settle j meet , CHARLOTTE Li ITAILVEK. July IT*,, 18.M'". Executrix. SCHOOL. George Sig*!' for the patronage ■ received in the past, w >uid respectfully an neunee ty the citizens of Bedford an 1 vicinity that he will commence the £"J Qi art or of his school, August Hlh next, in the Lecture room ..f the Lutheran Church, which will be n-atlv fitted up tor that purpose. N'o pains will b jyirni to advance Ids pupils in 1 heir Studies, ana strict attention will be given to the health and m irals of *ll hi: pupils. Term* ct luiti"!) per quarter a*, heretofore.— Primary sd,i —Practical, $2, -">9— -Natural Sci ' euci an §4,'>4J. G. SIGAEOOS. ,/ulv -J i. IS">J. '/oniir Letters of tdntinist ration having la-on grant ml to tliy sulcfcrioer, on the Estate of Samuel BUckhtirc, late of Pleasantville, St. 'lair township, dee'd. al I persons indebted to said Estate are hereby notified to mdte payment and those having claims against the same will present then) properly authenti cated for settlement. 11. MII.LEK, Adtn'r. July tSO. St. Clair township. SOTIC'E Letters'of administration upon the cut >of S.mrfiel late of Bedford Borough, dt-c'.l. havmg lu'eii granted to the Mbirriwr, notice i* hereby given to nil persona indebted to • said estate to make payment without delay; and those having claim* against tho same are noti ced to present the same duly authenticated for self lenient. FR. JOKD'.X; Adm'r. i Ifeilfeni. July 2-5, 18-56. ♦ & IIOOL XOTKt Mis? It. S. Procter will resume the duties of School in the Lecture Room of the Presby. tt-rianChmcb, on Mon-Uy, the llth of August inst.. and resjs'ittJiilly sidieits a slure of the public patronage. [ltislt"d, J'y St-3, 6j.—3t. WANTED. A voaiig ruin to assist in a Dry Goods >ti,r. For information, inquire at this office^ iw MAI lilliilL. JEST reee'veil at Keod'-s New Store a Fresh Supply of J ate Slyle and Fancy Goods, , embracing a large lot of Ladies DrvJw Good j. French Xeedfe tiorUsil Collars. Fancy Silts. < iros do 81-ines, hU Sirk Fringe, Dotted Swiss, Stripped ditto, Rlain .S'aunsook. ! Bound Ribbons. Mantui Ribbons. Klk Silk Cravats, Byron Collars, Merino Latshiiere, Gent's ball' Hose. Jlix'd and Bro. Also a prime iot of Family Groceries. cn sNting of Sigar, Coffee, Tea. Sirup. Molas i sea, Riot; Corn --tareb. Farina, &e v ate. e'jly 18. 18,8. _ DITIDEAD A Drvtmrjinof ore per cent., on the capita' _ Y stock of the Chaiubcrsbu.-g and Bedford I urupike Company, has been declared by the Manager*, payable on the Ist of August, at the office (>i E. L. Anile/son. Lq. G- R. MKSSEIfSMITH, Treasurer ■ July 18, 18-56. Bakery nnd foufedionary, ICE CREAMT SiLOOX. * THE .subscriber, thankful lor the patronage heretofore extended him by a liberal pub '. be, tenders bis tbaßka, nnd be would respect fully iufonn them that he has received and I opened a new and choice lot of Confections, among wbirh are candies, nuts, fruits. &e Ueulso keeps Groceries, such as Sugar, Codec, , Tea. Molasses. Cheese, Candles, &c. Also all I descriptions of Cakes, and will serve Wedding awl other parties, on short notice, with ccmfec I lions and cakes. lie has opened up and refitted bis Ice Cream ' Saloon, iu a superior style, where he will he al ' ware rendf to serve his friends and the public ! with good'aud highly Havered Cream*. Ho will also serve parties to order. ILU stand is opposite the Odd-Fellow's Building, whenr he feeis cenfldent that those nuoshe ii.iaa csll will now go away disap- I polutrkl JijliN J. 1 L i lIEK. •' ,t*ne 27. Injfi i f v* , - . , * . " I BEDFORD INQUIRER AND CHRONICLE. Ii Public Sale of tots, in Ibp Town of Hopewell, Bedford County, Pa. A SALE of LOU in the town of Hopewell. i -£X will take place by Prntic A errant, on the : J" U ~ SI Ar • T,IK alsT "AY Tbe Sale to commence at jJo clock in the forenoon. The town of Hopewell. Abe termination of the Huntingdon and BroaiJ "J'op itountain Rail Road, is located on the Utuk of the Ju idau, ojipusite the mouth of Yellow Creek— II is declined to he a large nd important It is within half a mile of the Coal openings; U lies directly upon the main line of rail road, and at lhg point where the yishors to Bedford Springe will leave the rail j-oad lie the plank road. It ip the only point on tho main rail road, where the produce of the groat rich limestone valleys, watered by the Raystown nriuich ot the Juniata and its tributaries, can tin i a convenient shipping. place to market Here they will fiud a cwutgann centre. But ' f re * 1 i"!vantages of Hopewell, are the fa cilities which it alfords to the niynutuoture of iron. Th re is no place its in Penn sylvania. There is an inexhaustible supply of Goal, iron ore and limestone, and also a great abundance of water-power in and adjoining ibl* town. CT" The terms wt!l he made known at the time ot sale. HENRY R. STRONG, President of (lu Hopewell Coal utvl Iron Company. H, R. Coocshall, Secretary, July 18, 184 th. Administrator'!? Notice. LETTERS of Administration having been granted to tiie subscriber, living in South Wooflherry Township, on the Estate of John Teeter, late of Monroe Township, dee'd, all persons indebted to said Estate are notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same wiji present them pro perly authenticated for settlement. ADAM KETRING. Administrator. duly 18, 18.16. -f STRAY BOAR. JTIAME to the premises of the subscri'oer liv wl/ ing in St. Clair Township, about the first o' May last, a WHITE HOAR, supposed to be about one year old—with a crpp out of the left • a'.-no other marks recollected. The owner is rctyjested to come forward, jfrove property, pav charges and take him awa". CHRISTOPHER NOGLE. Jtiiv 18. 181C-c* AI'IHTOR'S NOTICE. "IVtOTICK is hereby given to gjl persons infer _Li espoi that the undersigned ha* been up pointed hv the Orphans' Court of Jtedlbrd County. Auditor to distiibute, the balance in tae h'!l-> qf Joli n Dickey. Administrator ot Sanivtei L. IVbUs. Esq., dt-e'd, to and among all sit for that purpose at my oflice-Jh the Borottgh of Bedford, oy Tuesday the day of July, inst.. at one o'clock, I'. M., v. hen and where all who think proper tnay attend. JO H.\ M(> IV>'R,. luJiior. July 11. I.SSC. Administrator's* 7611ce, LETTERS of Administration on the Estate of IVm. Anderson, late of Broad Top Township, Bedford County, decc-isod, having ben granted to the nu lersigned, all persons indebted to said Estate will please make |siy ment without delay, and those having claims will present them to LEMUEL EVANS. LEWIS ANDERSON'. bath, raiding ia iiraai Tup Tuicnthrp Jaiyfl, 1806-I* S J. M CAWSLIN. FASHIONABLE TAILOR, HAS reruotcd bis shop to the new Building second "door V'ml of the Jfcdford Hotel, where he is lidly (trypans! to make, all kinds of garments for Men and Bovs iythu most fashiona ble style, and on reasonable terftis. 1 living had much-experience in the business, and being de termined tousj^hiabest to please, be le.pes to receive a liberal sKar'e of the pstromtgtj of a generous ptthlfc. XT' OarsteiiT, rut to order on the suartast notice. Bedforl. J-.iK- 4. IK.-.6, COLI.IM'TOKS Of 18-w. ITIHE State Trea*|rer has Issued circulars to JL the d life rent C %nfy Treasurers, calling tip or tlwrin tor the an. unt of Tax now duu the Commonwealth. It i feared, tliere will he a de ficency in the Treasury wlwr the August Inter est fills due. It is therefore dq'itable that the Collector* should settle their Duplicates as soon as possible, and save expense. DAVID O'/Efl. Trtt>*urer, Jofre fi. TBsfi.— 6t. MURK if lillllilN. THE undersigned has just retnrncd home front ' the Eastern oiti.-s with a large stock of Scin- i met Goods, and is uow exhibiting AT CHEAP SIDE. Afknenl assortment of new style of SUMMER GOODS, Cuie'p-i,iug in a great variety of Ladies Dress , for collection, and must positively bo closed. Our friends who are iu arrear* will please conwilt their Interest by attending to this notice at once and not put us under the unpleasant naratsity of making then, p.iv -rat*. Bedford May, ltf, '1856-2® Manny's Oorobined Reaper and Blower. With "Woods' improvement." FARMERS of Bedford and Blair Counties are informed that this justly celebrated machine van he had by application to \r W. .1 ACKMJ.x. A. DF. ARMIT. Agents for Blair awl Bedford Counties. July 11. 1&&-C. AY D| TOR'S NOTICE. THE iinderrigned. appointed by the Orphans Court of Bedlbvd County, to distribute i flip monov (n the hand*.of Ddnifi B. ! ver end John Mower. Ksqiros, Executors ol the { last Will and Testament of John H is-garver f late of Sik CUir Tovrn*li[, dtierel ; to tiie dutjes of his, appointment on i esdaj the j 12th day of ABgnst, next, at his tiffice in Ked- J ford, when and where those inter.- ..tod can at tend if they desire. JOB MANN. Auuitor. I July 11. ISS6. BY AUTHORITY. H-ISi^OXjiTTTXOI^r Propositi;? Ameuimciits (o the (OP.- stiliUioH of the ConimonneaHh. Kesolre l by the JStuatt an I HonKf RtprOeu tatives of the Comtmuv eallh of Pcuntil/rati in in Oeneral Atnatbiy piel, 1 hat the ho ou iitg atlK'tid nieuts are proposed to the coijsf itutiqii ul the con ruonwealth, in accordance with tne provi sions of the tenth article tbercol.- PlUrr AMENDMENT. There shall bean additional article to ?ald constitution to he designated as article eleven, as follows: AUTtTLE XI. Of" PUBLIC DEBTS. SECTION 1. The state may contract debts, to supplv casual deficits or failures iu refeutles, or to "meet t-xpens'-s not otherwise provided tor; but the aggregate nmount of sqch debts direct and , whether contracted by virtue of one or more acts of the general as scuiblv, of it different periods of ih-ae. shall never excec' seven hundred and fifty, thousand dtdlsrs. and the money arising from the creation of such debt*, shall ljc applied to tie.purpose for which it was obtained, or to repay the debts so contracted, and to no other purpose what ever. i>Ki'TiON 2. In additi n to the above limited power the state may contract debt.-, to repel in vasion, suppress insurrection, defend the state in war, or to redeem the present outstanding indebtedness of the state; but the mont-v arm ing from the contracting of such debts, shail be applied to the purpose for Cecil if was raised, or to repay such debts, ami to no other purpose whatever. , SECTION 8. Except the debts above spec, a -d, in sections one and two of this article, no debt whatever shall be created by, or on behaii of the stale. SECTION 4- To provide for the pry men t ol *Vie present debt, and any additional debt coti- Hactcd af gfi/rosaid. the legislature shall, at its first session, ulter the adoption af this amend ment, ere.-?e a sinking fund, which shall be Mrtfetient to day the accruing iiiercst on such debt, and auhuqViy to reduce the iriucipnl there of by a sure n >t !e-y than two hwidrrd and fifty thousand doltars; which sinking Amd shall Con sist of the net annual iucußie of Uio public work*, from time to time owned hy'llte etato. or the proceeds of the sale oi tin same, or atiy part tlieteof, and of the income or proceeds of sale of stocks owned by the Mate together with other funds, or resources, that nay lie designa ted by law. The said sinking find may he in creased. from time fo time. i>v tssicaing to it any part ol the taxes, or other rtvenu is ol tin state, not req-fired for the ordinary and current expense*, of government, and urte*s in ca>e ol wr, iiivarion or insurrection, >o part of the sabl sinking fund shall lie used or applied oth erwise than in cxtingtt*ltnctfj •>f tlie nublic debt, until the amount of suctiMeOt is rv-fuccd below the sum of five millions <{ dollars.. .SECTION S. The credit of th vtommopwealth sfiall not in nnv manner, or elrtif. i: plcdg ed, or loaned to, any indFntuai, compa nv, corporation, or nor li. U. the cpintuonwealth hereafter become a joint • - ner, , >r stockholder, in any corn panassociation, or F corporation. SECTION 6. The cotnniouweijth sha I not as sume the debt, or any part thereof, ot at y countv, city, borough, or towt-liip: or of any corpo-atlon, or association: titles* such debt shall have been conlpacted tojemtfile the state to repel invasion. *-.: pi-res-> djmeatio ititfurr -e --tion. defer s!' itself in time of *:ir. or to assist, the stale in the diacha'ge of d>V portioo of its present in b-litedncss. SECTION The legiataGire siall not tßtiioriae soy county, cSfy, borough, tostusbip, or in.-.>r poruted district, by virtue of .1 vote of its citi zens, or otherwitc, to IteeotßCh stockholder in j any mmpafiv, association, it corporation; i)f to obtain money for, or loan L* credit to. any corjioration, association, instijLition or party. SECOSIJ .VUL>MIJT. There shall be an additional article to s-thl const itutfon, to be deshrriatcai.r it tide XII, as 1 follow: ABTICJ-E XII op NEW COUNTIES. > o county stud be divided py a line cutting ! amen dm ej, shall divide the city ot Philadelphia into material and repre sentative districts, In the miner above provid ed; tueb districts to reran, unchanged until the apportionment in the ear one thousand eight hundred and sixty-fori rocsTtt mnttyt. To be section xxvtiArticle t. The legislature shall havihe power to alter, revoke, or annul, any chart of incorporation hereafter conferred by, or ider, any special, or general law, whotierem thoir opinion it may 1> injurious to the cLzena ot the com monwealth: in such man no however, tlut HO injustice shall be done to t! corporators Is Sasjß jSptil 21, 1806. Krw/vsd, That this resilion pas*. On the first amendment, yeas !<)) 6. On the we oudaiaendm-v. >e*a l'-'.tfs 6. On lb third [ amendment, peas 38; uuys i. Oa the fourth | amendment, yea* 2g; ,># 4. Extract from the J onritul THOMAS A. MAOtiEB, Cork JX Floiat UP KEPHI9E*TAITVT;, 1 April 21, Iss*. ( Rtw/wrf, That ttiis re agin linn par*.. Oa the first amendment. yeas 72. tuy< 21- 'On U'e se cond amendment, veaa 68. nay 25. . Or) tie third amendment, v< a* 64. nays 2 V and -.n the fourth amendment, yeas C 9, nays" id." Extract from the Journal. WILLIAM'K. Vierk Sroei TJUr'i OrricE, ( A. G. CURTi.'V. J'ilett, .ipril 21, IftoC. \ Set. o/the CovSiJi- SiOKt.TAar's Ornce, ( Hiirrubnrg. Jute 26. l!*-"> 6 \ i Penary n' 1 do certify that the above and foregoing i< a i true and correct copy of the original -'Kt-solu- i tiori reUtire to an amendment of the Constftu- | ti-hh" its tiie sauie r -mains on file i*i this utUre. Int >ti'mony wliereof I have here tl set My hand and caused to be j -snaJJLfca- ufiixed the eeal of tW Stcttdary 'a . itibee tiu day and tear above written. A. G. OI'KTIX, Secretory oj the Cuininomreuilh. Is SEX vi n. April 21, 15.16. t H;*oiutojj , proposing amendments to the Constitution oi the Corariioriwealih. being uu- j der,cousidealion. On the question. Will the Senate agree ir the first amend- i rnent t The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to , the provisions of the Constitutioh, and were as j follow, viz: YEAS — Messrs. Browne. Backdew, f'resweli. Evans, Ferguson, Flenniken, Huge, Ingram, j J aimsoit, Kimx, Laubach, Lewis, M'Ciinioek, j Price, Sellers, Shuruan, Soother, Strsub, 1 ag gart, Walton, Welsh, Wherry, V\ ilkins and l'iatt. Speaker —2 4. N v is--Messrs. Grahh, Gregg. Jordan, ilei- . linger and Pratt— -5. So the question was ifetormiaed in the sf f firmi'tve. j On the question, Will the Semite a"-eelo the second -luti'ml- , niwit / The yens and nay* were ♦aken agreeably f* t the provisions of Hie Court it m ion and -vere as i follow, viz : Vi As—Messrs. Browne, Buckd.-w. CreswtlJ, > Evans, Iloge, Ingram, Jamison. Knox, L*u- ; bath, Lv>vis, .M'C.iiitocK. Sellers, Shu las n. { Souther, Straub, Walton, Welsh, Wherry and Wiikimv—l9- .\ \v Messrs. Cribb, Ferguson. Greg;-. Pratt, Price a:i.l Piatt, Speaker— 6. So the question was determine.l in the af- , ilmiativo. Uu tiie question, Will the S. ate agree to the third am 1- ment t The yeas uud nays wt re taken agreeably to the Constitution, and were an follow, viz : YEAS —Messrs. Browne, Buckalew, t-rtbh, Cress Well. Evans, Fe.gusou, Flenniken. Hog.?. Ingram, Jamison, Jordan, Knox, Laitbaclt, Lewis, M "Clintock. Mellingc-r, Fratt, Price. Sellers, Shitman, Souther. Stranb, Taggart, H"alton, Wels!:, Wherry, Wilkius and l'iaU, Speaker —2B. .V AVS— Mr. Gregg —1. So the question was determined i u the af firmative. On the question. W ill the Senate agree to the fourth .".'n imi nted ! The y- j :tn-l nays were taken jigroealfiy to th- j Coiistitntlon, and were as foi'o.iv, vit ; YEAS —Menure.Browne, Buccal .--.v. Cres well, Evans, Fleniken, Hope. I ngrant. Jamison, Jor dan, Knox. Laubach. Lewis, M Clintock, Price. Sellers, Sliuman, Sottfher, Stra-tb, Walton, Welsh, Wbetry, Wilkius ami l'iait. Speaker XATS—Messrs. Crahh, Gregg, Mellioger and Pratt—l • So the question was determined in th af firmative. /otirnal of the H"tise of Kepreseßtativei April 21, '.806. The yeas and rays wereJakon agreeably t. liteApovisiqijf of iite Constiution, an-1 on the firs' pr-iposed.amerdnteitl, v't-re as follow, vir : \*l.AS —Messrs. Anderson-. Backus. Bald wis, Ball. Beck, (Lycoming.} B.- k. tYmk.i Beru haril. Boyd, Bofj-r. Blown, Brush, Buchanan. Cabiweli, Campbell. Catty. Craig, CrawTorit, Doufiall, Edinger, Faasoi L F >ter, G -tr, Hutnes, Painel, Harper, ffcfuv, ITihbs, Hill, lli'legas. ILpjile. iloleouib. Heimecior., iu brie, TngriitUj ,lunik, liwiu, Jolui*. Johnson, L.aporte. Leb \ Longaker. M'Calmont. M 'Carthy, Ji Com.i. Jlaiigle, Mi-:te,.r. Mfiler. Monigoniery. Moorbead ,Yuui"-r- tcl 'r. Oi-r. Pearson. Phelps. Parcel!. Uanisey Ri-in iiolt. Kiddle. Roberts S!e-nk, Sirith, i.\lb gheiiy.) Shiith, (Cambria,') Smith. ( Wy.ottiiig,) Sironse. Thompson, Vail, Wballon. II right, ( Dauphin, y Wright, (Luzerne,) Zimmerman and Wright, Sjnaker —72. NAY* —My-sara. Augustine, Barry, Clover. Cobourn, Dock, Fry. Fulton, Gay lord, Gibbo ttey, Uarutltoi-.. Hancock, Housekeeper, Hnne ki-r, Leisenring, Mag.;'-, Mauley, Morris. M im nta. Patterson. Salisbury. Smith. (Philadel phip.) Walter, Wintro-le at 1 Yeirslev—*24. Sy the question was determiued in the atjw-- nia';"g. (Tn the question. Wilt the Hulls'; agree to the second mend meat,- The yeas and nays were '.i!cn, and were as follow, viz : Yt.vs—Messrs. And 'rwn. EsWis. Baldwin, Ball, Beck, (Lycoming,) Beck. (York.) Bri h ml. Boyd Brown, Brush. Bcdtan in. f'-ild well, Campbell, Caity, Craig. Fausokl, Foster, Getz, Haines, Hume), Harper. Heins, Hih:>.-, Hill, Milk-gas, Hippie, HqVotub, Hunsecfcer, I rubric. Ingham. iunis, Irvin, Jonn. Johnson, Lsporte, Lota. Longaker, Lovett, M'Calmont, McCarthy, UTTiirab, M.rfjfe. Mane ir. Millef. Montgomery, MoorlieaJ. iiunmniacher, Orr, Pearson, Parcel I, R ursey, Keeil, Reinliolj, Riddle, Roberts. Sliest. Smith, (Allegheny.) Strause, Vail,. Whallon, Wright. (Luzerne,) Zir.merman, end Wright) Speaker —63. NATS—Messrs. Augustine, Barry, Clover, Kdinger. Fry, Fulton, Gay lord, Gibbon ey, Ha ni ilt on. Hancock, llunnek#. Leisenrine* Ma gee,. Manl'v, Morris. .Munima, Patterson, P.helps, Salisbury, Smith. (Cambria,) Thomp son, Walter, Wiiitrode, Wright, (Uauphin,) and V earsley—2-5. So the question was determined in the affir mative. On the question. Will the House agree to the third amend ment ? The yeas and uays were taken, and wete a* follow, viz: YEAS —Messrs. Anderson, Backus, Baldwin, Ball, Beck, (I.ycoming,) Beck. (York,) Bern- j hard, Boyd, Bayer, Brown, Bucnunan, Cald well. Campbell. Cartv. Craig, Crawford, Edirg- j er, Pausold, Foster, Fry, Gotz. Haiacj, ffutael. Harper, Heins, I III)Its, Hill, liillcgus, Ff ipplo, ' Holoomb, Housekeeper, Imbrie, Ingham. Funis, ! Irwin, Johns. Johnson, Laporle. Lebo, Longa- ! 1 ker, Lorett, M'Ctlmont, M'Ccm'i, llaugla, J | Menear, Miller, Montgomery, Kuaneratchor, I Orr, Pearson. Pbslps, Pnrcell, lianiAoy, Bred, j lliddle. Sbenk, Smith, (AJlqgheay4 Smith, 1 (Cambria,) Smith, (Wyoming,) Thompson, | Whallnn, Wright, (Dauphin,) Wright, (Lu- j zeme.) and Zimmerman—6l. NATS Messrs. Barry, Clover, Dock, Dowdail, Fulton, G A) lord, Hamilton, Hancock, liuneker, Leix-jirin;;', •M'Carthy, Mngeo, Manley, Moorhea-J,, Morris I Patterson, It emboli, Huberts. Sa'jCi>u r y, Wai ter, Wiatroihs, Yoarsley and fright, xJtaktT —IS*. Mo the question was dct # . ra) ; O0 1B t fie af fimiativfc. On the question. Wllltha House agree Or the, ftfr.rtli rmruiU-i ment I 'The yeas s/id ntfi were taken, ami wire as follow, viz: Y*A— Messrs. Api> r *>n, Backua, BaU.Heck, (Lyconung.) Begf., (York.) Bombard, Boyd,; 10 if Brush-, Buchanan, G*ldwU. . r-unnpl*tt.. > CM frawford, Dowdaii, (Fd:ng*, p M ;,fa Fcsur, Fry, Gete. Amu 1, 11*1 per, Ileitis, Iflbbs, Hill. HiUegaa, Hippie lfevJier — Oil. X&*-—Messrs. Barry, Clover, Cobtrirti. Fol ton. Gil. honey. s. li.uicock, Tfktteker, tngt'iuu, i. -isofjrirtg, suipfi. Mauler. Morris. Pst' hun, Aiilis'utry. ami Vfintrude—l6. .So the question was determined In the af firioative .StcßKiiiiv's Orrp. (> IlarriibxL eg, June .7.1 sod. f /Vrty/oHrta. >i •• J tin ev'tfy that the above ami foregoing i i a true find eorre.t copy the ••Yeas" "Nays" taken i/fi fiie Itesolurior proposing aiaeniiai.'pts to ?hs< f.institniioii of the Cugi monwealtli, a* the no> .apptjurs o the Jour nals of the IWO HIK* 1 .-# of the iielKTal AsNv!H hl.v of this r\>mtat)n*'.ea!tli lor the. aasvhiti wi 16.36= - - ®. IT it *lß*l HIT h.tnl sud the seal of | said ofli,*C. this tOeutv-spventn day 'ofJuhc. ffljf thv tsand elfin hutij re.l and jlly aix. A. fi. Id, KTI.V Secretary vf tie ( r-Ti i "um iceuJiA. July 11. lohb 3tii. HF. ALLEY'S oKlf IKXtfC I—TIIE BACREI) PLAINS. By J 11. IFeadUif. Oa I'd in... \ olunje, Glotli, elegantly ditisir.tted. Price 81 —3. Maiieil I ret of p.stjge op the bee. ipt oi' the retail puce. optajuvs or rnt: rnrsv. ••1 Ilia volume will be read with satisfaction by those who most enjoyed the 'Sacred Moon- ' tains.' " —A. ] r . FNWII; Port. ••It is full of deep interest, and written is a : must glowing uud bettibiftil style.''— Luuittille , Journal. ••There is merit sufficient in the work to make it n tavorite with the lover of things associated ■ so close with Biblical hist ore."— Detroit Daily .■hlcertiiiT. • v I he writer baa a powerful cae cf.lengnage. and though he enters uj.on his task with a true ' devotional pint he invests his theme with an : interest sure to fascinate the getleyal reader." C. Eicnr g GuzeUt. ••A tlrtished specimen of sfjfe and vVorkman ship. — Buff; lO t'b-siiwM . {:ic'jcale '■ife has olutti.r ] his ideas with lolly and beun tifu! Utiguage, and treated the subject in u niar ovr becoming its h ip utai. L -H JII. • Tkistyle it diiferent Irani J. 'i. //.'.idlcy, and : JierllJps .letter adapted tc the subject. It is s.muio and unpretending, hut plain and furei *>!£• —boston Jo '•lt is written in astyie id p>etie prosn suited t . the sulject u; ' t.isKi s v Ate rlov/mg pictr.r' s o! the -S.iered ins,' Rp••••,..itng tjietu <>•:'. in ail their orieutat ioe,-Hn.-s, invesiiil.T them with a charm and interest .that behmgs oalv to scriptural scenes. '— : .UcJi*i TrVrtue. ■ A.l elegant twiok. both ill contents 3T! i :>p j pCfjninee—tittedte udoru and i run ease the val ue, ut any library."— Buffalo Daily Wtf-uhlir ••'i'uis volume is handsomely illustrated with views of many spots mad.- inter -ting by the sacred history."— Barton Daily .idrcrtitcr. '•The aitfhot has fai'.hfully exe. nted his desitnr. and prefcuted to the public a book replete with interest ami instruction."—( 'lent.tare Kepnblic. '• I he materials of the several chapters seem to have beea collected with great care.*'—Sa te m Übirner. tL/*P*per inserting tin- foregoing three times and sending a copy of pajier t > Publishers, wiil receive a copy of the above work, ami also the Economic Cottage builder, pre-paid • W ANZhK, McKIM ts CO., Publish-:™. Jul) 11, ib-iti. Xeu- York. r"o.*- aiding in Union Township, notice is therefore given to all persons indebted t<> said estate. Xu make payment Immediately, and those hav'ng claims ate rc'inested to yrusent them properly aiitheiiti. tted for settl*tnetit. JOSEPH I.VIJ.EH. Aiitu'r." EsT.iTE Ol SOLO3IOX HO L L.I It, HE CD IETTERS Tt-T\K*TAav :<> the I'-late of A Solomon Hollar. Isty of IWxl Provi dence Towushyi, dre'd. having been praiud by the Bejrixtcr of Bed lord Coßnty to the u'J dersig.tffll. notice is ltejeby given ( list all Estate aitl I.e required t;> make immediate pavpu'Ot., ana those hav ing claims will prqseut ll!vm pr- -pcrly a lit hen lieate.d for settlement. HANNAH HvH,LAII. Ext,;'r,r. PHJLIP V. lIJ>LLAK,, Executor. Wim, Providence Town&liip, 1, April 11, A. I)., ib".">. t REMOVED. THE ur>der*ictied. thankful (as advertise mer,|s say) for past favors at the Colonnade store, in Bedford, woijld respectfully announce to his potions and f.dcnds jrSM*Hy, that he ha* removed his entire stock of goods to his new brick store room lately occupied by Peter Ilal ehangh opposite tlioßediord Hotel. Ifi-> sup ply of goods is fresh', new and fashionable. His neu roin Uaa been neatly and elegantly fitted up and rerootL'ted. Ail kinds uf produce are taken ft* exchange for goods. He hopes to be continued in the favor of hit patrons and the public. JACOB KEEP. July 4, Idoti. SEW SPRING & SUMMER GOODS rpflE undersigned have just received their j X usual sujtpiv of SPRING i SIMMER GOODS, and will take pleasure in showing them to all j Whoouy favor us with a call, threat Imrgsins will he offered for Csah, an 1 all hinds of Ooun- ! try Produce ;—or to punctual customers, a . credit of six months will ha given. A. B. CRAMER & CO. j Bedford May 2 1856. IJIPOHTAST TOMILL ©WXfcRS 1X7"OODIV AMD'S 11/iproved Smut and Screen tf ing Machines, Mill bushes, Bolting Cloths and Bran LHisters, ol the most improved pUuu Mill Screws, Corn and Cob Grinders, Patent bridges fur Mill Syindk-s, Portable Mills, warranted to glial ten bushels per hear, MUi lions and Mill Burrs made to order. A'fo, Stover's Patent Corn Kiln and Grate Dryei a valu J>le indention, lira aoove article# are kept ou hand, ahi ran be obtained at any trout . P. D. BROAD, *i Sivucbeburg, Bedford Coutdy, who is also egtj. for bed lord, SuiCctut, aad adjoining fyiuntie'i. .Mill wrigiii work done at the shortojt notices, and or. the Hit*. raaaottablo tcjjr j. February U, 1656- MILK'S aq<3 Mower for aaie M. l, y s.i. broad at HrhcUslgftf, Pa., agent for Blair and Ee"l coumivs'. Pobruarj I£,H*s6. CLOTHING STORE* i O SO MAJORS' would announce to pi old i Intends and;ho publicgenerally, thru, fie has just eceeivtsa another large supply of Sifriag and , Summer Clothing for Men ana Bn, a," which he i is cicuruiiued to iwll ontbV most rcAsonabto ! terms. Thankful tor past f.l-ors ho hopes to merit audi receive a libera! share ol'Ty patronage of a BetiOf vua public. i . Bedford, June 6, 12£<5. C" Si*A* Mm. . ■•- AfDITORS XOTICE, f|MJE -jrvJersieae i, appointed by flw Orphans* J < ourt oi Bi dt'or-J County, to dt*drfbet° tb i balance of _ the tti >acy In the hands of Joh.t Mower ami S L-. | squire. 6 t n " n • WlU > ,h * Will anaii-d of I s i laiit I.ane, late ami the public en.r,l|v. that be tiisja rt . . .-•■iy rl.frotn Philadelphia, w , lwci f t - . V s4 . ***•*•* of the most choice Cloths. .is nc ■• ana 1 'stings—also summer wear t" . very d.-cripflon, to which he invites the atten tion ofpnrehaSfcr*. His uk-th*. etc.. wwt , e _ b.etod with great ? ire. and , e ean roeowmead HtcnPas Mug < uh|. at least, to an, to be found in the place. he al.-o- ketj* Heady .made .sL j thiwg of every .i. script:, >n. at very hvw price-- • an;! i.. prepared to rut and make garments otvtho j sli irtest notice and to isf reason tide terras. Ho resjHtetful'v int ifea th* pnblk- to give hie x •.•all. 1 Bedford. June C. 1856. HKMUVAL. • *i lIE #:ibcc:ber wotiM resporl ftijly anaouayu to the pu . lie rlmt lie box removed bus TitinitiK Ksttb'.lsStirenitothe building receath l^tcn■ I pied by Mr f.r.ther, n* a Canteetionavy Stay.- in t:ie Buunottd, wlu-re he is belter prepared' than e er to accomodate his custom, is .vit , ereryarHcli in the line of his business, wholesale -orrotail, and hopes tlev wiLgjvw hint a call at bis new location. (TKORGK BLYMIRh. Bedford. April 13, 18.35. P. bi. The subscriber is desirous r f hli book*closed tip till Is; April, in-t.. either by cah or note. He bopts thu notice aid be uiteufieJ tfiihtHNilately? "HASBWAiIE STOP.E. Tin* subscriber wo 'd cr.not:wee to hiv oi l rionds a-id the pnH.- in. "cneral. that he bw r -moved los 11A UD W VJt S STuh hto the n w building second door r:at ot the Bed for t Ho lt!. viber • h<- iiKj iusi r i eivt'tl and oj.cmd ai extensive aseor-ment of iiuiis'arv. eiutr.icjr.r -.lmoat every t.tticl- is •iiat, Uoe ot hnUwcsst." I!is sick of 8 .Vi f)LK£Y is ot tim i./ t quat' v and i.'.vf w tti. greet care. He wl:!.\r; SIMMER GOOUS, e-o-tnprjsing in a great v.vrh t> of l.adhs vrp t i.oirtls—Consists in jait ,t (ir di. s. Lff. - Dc Karnes. Aipaeci-s. Madonna Girth. S>c. 4.r t and a great variety ~1 Black ar.d F*ncy C. i aimers, Linen and t ottonsde jor GciitlcUons' , and Boy' wear. Hoots. Shj'fs. li* niij I ''7iT.r?t. tif(CfnVj t Quftiui/'jrj, Ha-du art. /J.v.rin. BttckfU . Tutu. Churutf JfC. Sc. j The above sfrMc enns'st* of evrry ftrtkd# nstxallr kept in •.tores—ail of which wiil he sold cheap tor e *th or approved 1 hankitil for past Inters he hopes I r f*ir dealing. and a desire to please to ci niir.t,.- to merit and receive a 1:1 T into partnership in th Carriage miking and Mteltsmhhiog ban-ios*. under the name Mtcnvi i. \ Jons (J. ITEfixx, Onr stand is the one heretofore o- rtipied by TViisti. & Go. Im mediately <■ ii if /fdfurd. We hope by the character of our Work and by promptness and attention Uj Merit and receive a lair dttu oi I ratal oni. MICHAEL ITPITr. JoUN U. WE IS EI . May SO-Cta iuik. MEN'S rattain a. Leghorn, it Braid hat*. $ B<>\ s sdJ Childrent !ut> for sale hv May 2d. IH.VI. A- B. CItAME It A THE anbscriberstake this method ofiuforte ing the people of Bed lord County that they have open.* I a WkoUtaie ,ai' Etlail Clotniu; " Store, at No. ;>, Lloyd's ffnw, Pa., where they Will at all times hafe nil band a largo supply of every article In tbc Clothing Line. They wcnld lw pleased to see ail their triends at their establishment. s. hkksh.Man, M. SHOKJfTnOL. June 27, lbod-'.f • FESIL "\1 EIV M-ickerslaad Salmon for sale fe -4-N May gsi, im. A. P, CRAMER ACo CLOTHIJfG STORE. Tllli subscriber h* removed his Clothing Store to the room hcxt door to the oHco of I'r. Watson, wiitce he haa ou hand, aj.d will oori •tgptiy keep, agtceral of Cloathiug lor Men aad Nova, which he wi!) sell on themost reasonable terms, and to uluclTht rejpefetfully uivitss the at t tut .on of purchaaers. ISAAC LIPfSL. liodford. May CO, 187*1. Cf KNTLhMEN'S Callers and Shops— Jl ens " and boy* abaca and boota. Alio Ladi. Misses, and ehildrec* do, for ill'by May 2d, lnt>6. A. £ CRAMER & Co, SETTfiE*" UP. E having disponed of hi,* St':r.: . . in Ec.lfcrd, #3 desirous of closing up on'ij. All 1 arsons indebted to him arc t'-sp;es to auttig, up in tlio of Mr. JobM, Sboeniek r, ti'.! f.ra; July r/it Y* is thankful to hi* frienda for tbc very retwrous support they have yielded lifci ir.r, .bis commencement in this plage aad cordially v rccuoniraends Mr. Job M a* a young maa of nry, business habit*, cf atsirt hoc, sty, capacity ar.u integrity, and who will cot fail V* rivu general satitfActioo to iry customers aad 1 fhcpunlic. ELI AS M. FISUF.K March 14, ISiifi-dm. LOOK OUT A Si® SATE COSTS j fdHHii Rooks and Notes otPet- r kaJebaiigli, X are left in my bauds for collection; Per svtis would do well to call and settle at ores or coats will be added to ttictn. i£ „'t t 5. SAM PEL K A ftP itk® CM, Vircb 14. ISoC-tf-' *' . ' ■*" " •"% ■ - sil #c"rc- ai to