Bedford inquirer and chronicle. (Bedford, Pa.) 1854-1857, July 18, 1856, Image 4

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fpHF. undersigned informs tlu farmers of Bed-
L ford and adjoining Counties that lie lias
made arrangements by which lie can furnish to
those desiring, the latest iiMj>r.vcd ami best ag
liciiluiral implements of the day, embracing
Scott's • io Giant'' Corn and Coh Grinder
--guaranteed to grind front 8 to 15 bushels of.
teed JHT hour with one horse —Potts Corn
,Stalk Cutter and Crnsher— irarratiled to cut
from 120 to Kid bushels < f teed per hour. - j
llav and Straw Cutlers in variety, Grain Drills. ,
Corn Shelters, v. iiicli are imauriuessed for cheap- |
liess and quality; Cultivators. Horse llocs.
Cider .Mills, &c.. &c. In short every utensil
Used on or about a iurm. Wishing to avoid ail i
imposition, each machine sold by liim wiii be
warranted to work as represented, or no tale—
imtl as these machines are procured in most
cases directly from the patentees and inuimike
inivr*. the purchaser will IK- secure in the right
of using.
Prices will be as mod -rate and in some in
stances less than tin- same articles can he pro
cured singly from the manufacturers. As the
demand is very great for the two first iiatned
machines, orders should be given soon, by
those wishing to purchase.
June 20, 1856-x
CM KNTLEMENS Gaiters and Shoes—Mens
X ami I toys shoes and boots. Also Ladies.
Misses, and childivi s do,for sale iiy
May 20, li&tb A. CKA.MEIi & Co,
"1 f KNS Panama, Leghorn, & Braid hats. Also
.it S. Boys and Cliildrciis hats for sale bv
May 2d. IS-MS. A- li. CHAMKII Ik Co.,
11F K siihserilier, leaving d is] rosed of his Store
in Bedford, is desirous of closing up his
ooks. All persons indebt.-d to liini are :oijUes
fed to settle up immediately. His 1 looks will be
in the ol Mr. Job M. Shoemaker, till lirst
July next.
lie is thankful to his Xrihmls for the very
generous support they have yielded him since
iiis commencement in this place and cordially
receonimends Mr. Job M young
man of good business habits, of strict honesty,
c.parity and integrity, and who will not fail to
give general satisfaction to my customers and
tic* puiilic.
.March 14 ISMi-tm.
Vt'AN'l ED —At Reed's Golonaiie Store.—
Wheat, Rye. Oats, Corn, and Buckwheat—also
all other approved produce, in exchange li>r
goods at cash prices
S. SON A BORN would announce to his old
• friend-'. and the public generally, that lie has
just receiv ed another large supply of Spring and
Summer Clothing for Men and 80, s, which he
:s iletermiued to sell on the most reasonable
tei ins. Thankful lor past tabors, he hopes to
merit and receive a liberal share of the patronage
of a gen irons public.
Bedford, June 0, 1850.
N3sx fi S> - 0 H<3 - Hi].
|ett,-rs of administratioil on the estate ofPetcr
; I ekes, late of Union Township, Bedford Co.,
d' e'd having been granted to the subscriber re
siding in Union Township, notice is tlwrefore
given to all persons indebted to said estate, to
make payment immediately, and those having
claims are requested to present them properly
authenticated for settlement.
pounds wool wanted at RKKIJ'S Colonnade
r) Store.
rrllK partnership heretofore cxestiilg In-tween
I the subscriber under tin- name of Wiscn
ik t m the earri me making ,N Bl.u-ksmitliiug
business, was tliis day liissolvmi by mutual con
sent. AH business of tin- late f inn will In; at
! -tided to by .Mil IIAKI. ami JOHN G. WKISKL who
will collect the outstanding notes ami aecouts
and piV the debts.
May 27th 1850.
\irE the undersigned, have this day etfter, d
VV into partnersliip in the Carriage making
and Bhieksniitliing business, under the name ol
MtcHAki. tk JOHN G. WMSKL. Our.stand is tin
one heretofore occupied tiv Wrasn. ix Co. im
mediately east ol Bedford. He hope by tlie
charm-1. rof our work and by pronq>tncss and
attention to merit ami receive a lair share of
May 00-.'lni
.1. .1. BARCLAY,
"\ITII.L attend promptly to all legal business
V entrusted o his care. Ottice oil Juliana
Street, tour doors South of the Court House,
and formerly occupied by Barclay is Barclay.
June 13, 1850.
riViiK undersigned Is-gs leave to inform his
I friends and the public, that lie has just re
turned fiom iheKastern cities, and is now ex
At (heap Snip.
A general assorfnwnt of n-w style of
comprising- i n a groat variety of Ladies w ss
Good*—consists in put of L'huilica, La lis.
Do Raines, Alpnce.ijt, .Madonna Clntli, kr. ijc
e. lel a great variety ol Black ami Fancy Uas
simers, Linen and Cottoimde lor tientlcniciis'
and Boys' wear.
Itoa/s, Shun, //-'t an t Runnel*, (iroceries,
Qi-crasicon:. Hardware. Rrouttis, Markets, Tubs,
t:l.rn- ) -.
1 lie ainjve stock cons'sts of every article
usually ke]>t in Mores—all of whicii will be
sold cheap for- ensh or approved produce.
Thankful for past favors be hopes by fair
dealing, au-1 a desire to please to continue to
merit and receive a liberal share of the public
1-atr inpe.
G. W. RL'PP.
Bedford, April 11, IBoG.
A. Iking. Fr. Jordan.
Kiusr A. Jordan. Allorlirys at Law,
lUll,h practice in the several Courts of lie l
\ ? lord and adjoining connties.
Agencies, Collections, and all other bnsiness
intrusted to their care will be promt!}' alii faith-
Tally attended to.
tFt ICE m Juliana - tref. formerly eccupie-1
tr\ It. H. 11 fius, Fm| , ami more recently in the
occupan-'v of .)os Maim, F'vj.
January,s, IS.}.",
A LL wool \ cnitian. Rags, Cotton and hemp
J\. (aipeiiug. Floor Oil Cloths white and
Check Matting j-isf received by
May 24,14 Mi. A. li. CRAMER 4Cn.
variety f Summer Pantaloon g-.ods
J nud suitable material f--r Summer <-.ats
lor sale t-j A. R. CRAMER x. Co
May 23, IBM.
itTOTICE is hereby given that the examination
J1 ot classes aadcaJiiiAtb-n by the stUiUnts -if
the Alleghany -M - lie .S-*tnitt!Cy. will
take place on* fMny flje 2>Kb of Jus-ex!.
Exammatiow wilt coiimiijt.; a r 8 o'dfotj,-**/. x..
Exhibition sv. F/j-K-.
Rains il ifV'.k. \
4.T/OULD announce to his former patrons,
\ V ana the public generally, that he has just
eceived. from Philadelphia, a large and well se
ccted assortment of the most choice Cloths.
Jassimeres and Vesting*—also summer wear of
every description, to which he invites tlie atten
tion of purchasers. His cloths, etc., were se-!
levied with great care, an ihe cm recommend •
tliein as being equal, at least, to any to be found
in the place. Be also keeps Ready-made clo
thing of every description, at very low prices -
ami is prepared to cut and make garments on the.
shortest notice and most reasonable terms. Me
respectfully invites tlie public to give hint a
Bedford, June ft, 1.850.
11I1E subscriber respectfully begs leave tostn
. nounce to his old liierids and the jrtiblic
generally, that lie has leased and taken posses
sion of the Bedford Hotel, lately in the occu
pancy of Col. Adam Burnhart. it is not his
design to make many professions as to what he
will do, but he pledges his word that his most
energetic efforts wiil be employed to render
comfortable all who give him a call. The house
will be handsomely tilted up, and none bet
careful and attentive servants will be engaged.
Persons visiting the Bedford Springs, as well
as those attending Court, and the traveling
community generally, are respectfully invited
to give him a call and judge for themselves.
(IP" The stages all now stop at this hotel,
and it is therefore the Stage Otiice.
Boarderstaken by the week, month or year,
on favorable terms.
[fp" Ample and comfortable stabling is at
tached to this hotel, which will always be at
ended by a carefu 111 ostler. Also, a safe and
convenient carriage house.
IJe-IforJ, April fi, 1855. 7.7.
LOOK our tftl> S ITE COSTS.
fpHK Books and Notes of Peter Itadebangh,
L arc left in my hands for collection. Per
seus would do well to call and settle at once or
costs will be added to them.
March 11.183fi-tf.
e: iii 32. As a
THE .subscriberstakt this method of inform
ing the propie of Bedford County that they
have opened a Wholesale and Retail Clainiiis
Store, at No. 5, Lloyd's Row. Jfollidaysborg,
Ft., where they will at all times have on hand a
largo supply of every article in the Clothing
Line. Tliey bo pleased to see all their
friends at their establishment.
.Tune 27, 1850-H"
"VT EW M lekeralaad Salmon for sale !ir
A >iav 25, 1855. A. B. CRAMER ik Co
THE subscriber lias removed his Clothing
Store to the room next door to tin- otiice of Dr.
H atsnn, where he has on hand, an 1 will con
stantly ijjrp. a general assortment of (Mouthing
| for Mi-n Boy s, which he will sell ou the most j
reasonable terms, and to which he respectfully j
! invites the attention of purchasers.
, Bedford, May .'!0, 1850.
Now Firm and New Goods
U'f K Is-g leave to inform the public that we
are now receiving and opening an entire
new stock of Goods of groat variety and all
: of the 1 itcst styles, consisting in part of
; ClotbA superior Fancy and Black CaSsimcna
l'assim-tts: Tweeds, and all kinds of Gentlc
•uens' and Ladies' DRESS HOODS', ail the
1 Prints from six ami a fourth cents, up; Mons- j
lin de Laities, t.iosi beautiful styles and tin- !
ish; Muslin, bleaebed and imbieaebed, from i
a tip up.
lI.IRE, Huts Caps, Bonnets. Buckets, Tulis,j
Boots, Siloes, and every tiling usually found in (
! stores.
Cur goods have been selected with great j
' cart from Baltimore and Philadelphia mark- !
jets. and we will warrant them to lie all new j
and good.
As we arc determined ti> spare no pains to
please, we hope by strict attention to business
to merit and receive a liberal share of the
public patronage.
We are going to sell cheaper than the cheapest
—so don't for-ret to call and see the great
bargains we will otter.
No citargc for showing goods.
All kinds of country produce taken for
goods and the highest prices allowed bv
St. Clairsvilie, April 11, ISSG-e
Tiii(i won't l>!
'l'm Y never did <I more than give temporary
relief and they never will. It is they
don't touch the CAUSE of the disease. The
CAUSE of all ague and billions diseases is the
atmospheric poison called Miasma or Malaria.
Neutralize this poison by its NATURAL AN
TIDOTE, and ail disease caused by if disap
pears at once. Rhodes' Fever and Ague Cure
is this Antidote to Malaria, and moreover it is
a jH-rtectly harmless medicine. The certificate
of the celebrated chemist, J. K. Chilton, of
New York, to this eli'ect, is attached to every
bottle: therefore if it does no good it can do
no harm.
This is more than can lie said of Quinine,
Arsenic, or any tonic in existence, as their use
is ruinous to tin- constitution ami brings 011
DUMB AGUE, which never allows a person to
tee I perfectly well for a single uo-iiient. In il
lustration of these truths 1 annex some extracts
frotn a letter just received from a Physician:
GEORGETOWN, OHIO, March, 17, 185(1.
J AS. A. KHOOBS Es-|, — Dear Sir: Yours
of 2d inst is at hand. The Cure arrived late
last year and the difficulty in gettiug any one to
try it was greatly increased from the (act that a
remedy had lieen introduced which was grow
ing in tavor with the public, as tieiug 1 letter than
using Quinine, —not knowing 1 presume that
the remedy t ln.-v use-led t > escape taking Quin
ine, contained the DRUG ITSELF!
This remedy, (know n as "Smith's Tonic,'')
would invariably BREAK an ague, but it did
not CURE it, as it would often return with re.
newe-1 vigor. This one ciicuinsUnce I deemed
in jour tavor, if I could institute a test com
parison between it and your CURE. The fol
lowing is the result;
Three persons look yur "Cure.'' all of which
were cases ol -'Quotidian Intermittent Fever,"
ot many weeks standing. They had triiai Qui
nine, and other remedies, occasionally missing a
chill, tint it was, (as in all sncl) cases.) slowly
we.triug them out,*and laying the foundation of
other and severer maladies. 1 di-1 succeed in
etiveting a radical cine of all three of these
cases with your remedy, and they have nt had
a chill since. In all three of these cases the
"Smith's Tonic" had been used, nud would, as
before stated, break the chill, but after a petiod
01 two had elajised it would return.
I think there will be no difficulty now in g'v
iug to your t'ltro the vantage ground of any
other retnedv now in use here, etc., etc.
Rhodes' l'ever tuul Ague Cure, or Antidote
to Malaria, the only tinnuless remedy in exist
• uce, is equally certain as a preventive, as a
Core. Take it when yon feel the chill* coming
on, and yon will never have a single one.
JAMES A. RHODES, Proprietor, IVo.
vjrtcuce, 11. I-
T'or awle by Druggists generally.
UK. K. (. lIKAMKH,
Bedford. Pa.,
HAVING purchased till- Drug and Book
Store of Or. S. I>. Scott, has constantly
oti hand, at the old stand, a large and well se
lected stock of choice Drugs and Medicine-,
wholesale and retail, all of which will be sold
at fair terms. The assortment consists in part o
Drng: * ami Chemical*, Dye Wood* and .Seed*,
Paint* and Oil*, IVindoir (lias* and Ola**
ll".ire, Tobacco and Segitr*, Perfumery, Fancy
article*, &c., dr.
I'atkxt .M kdicixes. — Having the regular
agency tor the sale of all of these ntedjeines,
the public are assured that they are o! the best,
such as have stood the test of time and expe
rience, and can lie safely recommended as ge
nuine, viz: 'i'ownsend's and Sand's Sarsapa
rilla,'s Balsam of Wild Cherry, Acer's
j Cherry Pectoral, .Molfat's Life Pills and Phc£-
| nix jiitters, Dr. Jayne's Family -Medicines,
i Falms-tock's. Holiensack's, and other verorfu
ges: Ilooiland's German Hitters, bee.., Isc.
Constantly on hand a large stock of historic,
1-iographieal, scientific, religious, poetical,
school, ami miscellaneous JIOOKS.
Also a great variety of F.INCY STATION
ARY, Cap. Post and wrapping piijier of every
quality, l'nper Hangings in great variety.—
Window Blinds in patterns or l.y the piece.—
Wall Paper, Steel arid Fancy Goods.
BUFSK BOOK'S of every size and quality,
Pocket Books and Port Mommies. Diaries,
Blank Deeds and Mortgages, gold Pens and
Pencils, Combs, Brushes, Perfumery in great
variety, Soaps, tee.. Src.
Lamiis, and CainphineOil and Bntuii g Fluid,
kept onstantly on hand.
CHOICE LIQUORS for medical use; Welti's
Scheiaum Schnapps, Gin, Port, Sherry ami
; Madeira Wines,
j Aug. 11. 1804.-tf
Administrator's Notice.
IKTTKRS of administration having been
-l granted to the subscriber, living in linioii
I Township, on the Estate of Jennyngs Oldham,
[ late of Clayton County, lowa, dee'd all persons
i indebted to said estate are hereby notified to
! make payment immediately, and those having
! claims against the same,will present them prop
ei!v authenticated for settlement.
May .), 1850,—"
New Jewelry.
fpilK subscriber has opened out a new and
X splendid assortment of all kinds of the
most fasiiionahle Jewelry—consist ing in jiart of
Breast Pins. Finger L ings, Lai Rings. be. be.
Call and see his stock,
Special SoJice.
4 LL persons indebted to the firm of Kupp&
ill Ister are respectfully and earnestly rei|nes
ted to iinike immediate payment. The books
arc in the hands of U. \Y. Rnpp. for eolleetion.
and must positively he closed. Our friends who
aro ia arrears will please consult their interest
l>v attending to tbis notice at once and not put
us under the unpleasant necessity ot making
them pay coils.
Bedford May, 10, 18-jO—2 m.
IJirORTVVr T0 3111.1 i OH.MIRS
YITOOD WARD'S Improved Smut and Screen-
VV ing Machines, .Mill Bushes. Bolting Cloths
and Bran Dusters, of the most improved plan;
Mill Screws. Corn and Coli Grinders, l'aleut
Bridges for .Mill Spindles, Portable .Mills,
warranted to grind ten bushels per hoar, .Mill
lions and Mill Burrs made to order. Also,
Stover's Patent Corn Kiln and Grain Dryer—
a valuable invention. The above article* are
kept constantly on hand, and can be obtained
at any time, from S. 1). BROAD,
at Kelicllsburg. Bedford County, who is also
agent for Bedford, Somerset, and adjoining
Mill wriglit work done (it the shortest notice,
and on the most reasonable tertus.
February lb, 1 SbG.
JtrcCORMICK'S Reaper and .Mowerfor sale
111 by S. 1). BROAl)
at Sebeltshurg, ]\t.. agent for-Blair and Bedford
counties. February lb, lfcbC.
TO //X CLARK Jt Wm. A. B. CI.ARK having
J formed a partnership (in the Tanning erf..)
the business heretofore carried on in Sebellshurg
bv John Clark will now Ik! conducted by and in
the name of John Clark and Son.
PERSONS, having unsettled accounts with
the undersigned are called upon to attend to
them promptly and have them closed. More
particularly accouts that have been standiud
some time, should, and vintt be attended to; ang
if in some eases persons are not prepared to
cisse fullv, thev must at least attend to them. j
March 14, IS-Mi—3m.
ami LABI>,
In Exchange for Goods.
Bedford, Dec. 21,1855.
ONE family Carriage, one Falling Top Buggy
—lvotli new and work warranted—also Two
New 2 horse wagons for sale hv
Produce received for Caxriages or wagons.
May 23, 1856.
The subscriber would announce to his old
riendx and the public" in general, that lie has
removed his HARDWARE STORE to the new
building second door west of the Bedford Ho
tel, N*her • he has just received mid opriied an
extensive assortment of Hardware, embracing
almost every article in that line of lmisiness.
His stock of SADDF.KKV is of the licst quality
and was selected with great care. He would
respectfully invite all in want of articles in the
Hurdwaie line, to give him a call, satisfied that
he can please all who do so.
May 23, 1856.
THE subscriber would respectfully announce
to the public that he has removed his Tinning
Establishment to the building recently occu
pied by Mr Luther, as a Confectionary Store
in the Diamond, where be is better prepared
than ever to accomodate Ins customers with
everyarticlein the line of his business, cither
wholesale or retail, and hopes tbey willgive
him a call at his new location.
Bedford. April 18, 1855.
P. S. The subscriber is desirous of having
hi* books closed up till Ist April, itisf.. either
by cash or note. He hopes this notice will be
attended to immediately. G. .B
1" ETTER3 of administration having been
A granted to the subscriber, living in South
Wooiiberry Tp., on the estate of John Stoner,
late of said Township, dee'd, ail persons indebt
ed toaai.l estate will make payment immediately,
and those having claims against the same wB
present thorn proper)v authenticated tor settle
J una, 1856: Adtn'r.
KUE subscribers having just returned from
L the East, are now opening and exhibiting
..I the stand formerly occupied hv Ellas M.
Fisher, a large and well selected assortment ot
Conristing in part of
Black find Fancy Silks, Alpacas, Delaines,
Lawns, be rages. brilliants, shallies, summer
shawls and mantillas, veils, prints from a tip
up, dress trimming, N. \V. Collars from 5
cents up, bonnet ribbons, bleached and un
bleached muslin from a tip up, nankeen,
tickings, paper musiiu,crash, hosiery, gloves, i
tloss. ami a large assortment of men's and
boy's wear, all prices, black aud fancy sum
mer vesting*, cassinetts, cloths, tweeds and
sattinotts, counterpanes, Irish linens, a large
assortment of men's and hoy's summer hats,
misses flats, bonnets, boots and shoes, all
sizes and pices, in great variety, looking
glasses, ice. #c.
GROCERIES. —Superior Golden Syrup, N.
O. and Sugar house Mol.issis. Rio Coffee, N.
O. crushed, chrilied and steam Sugars, spices,
teas, extract of coif e, rice, chocolate aud
QUEENSIY.IRE. —A large assortment of
Queetisware and Glassware, all cf which they
are determined to sell cheap.
They respectfully invite all in .search of bar
gains to g>>. tbesn a call before purchasing.
So >ohUc to show goods.
All kinds of produce taken in exchange for
goods at cash prices.
Bedford. April 18, 1850.
ALL persons arc hereby cautioned against ta
.kiug an assignment of or purchasing from
Daniel Border U Bedford Borough <>l a certain
obligation or Mriting signed and sealed by me
l-'eby. 120 th 1811 and conditioned in part for the
I ptv m jut. of 425.00 one year thereafter. To
j the whole ol' s;d claim I have a full and just de-
I fence —and an) determined to pay no part tlierof
j unless compelled bv procees of law.
DoKaouc, Mich, March 11, 1856.
•J. A. ItHOjES, Esq : Dear Sir—As I took
your medicine to sell on consignment. 'no
cure no pay,'"l take pleasure ; n stating its ef
fects as reported to me by three brothers who
live in this plu e. and their testimony a fair
specimen ol all I have received:
! W. S. told me—• 1 had taken nine
i bottles of Christie's Ague Balsam, and contin
ually run devil while using it until my lungs
and liver wete Congested to that degree that
blood discharged from my mouth and bowels,
so that all thcught it impossible tor me to live
through another chill. The doctors too did
all i hey could tor me, but though J must die.
Nothing did any good until 1 got Rhodes 1 Fe
ver and and Ague Cure, which at once reliev
ed me of the distress and nausea at my stom
aeli ami pain u luy head and bowels, and pro
duced a permanent cure in a short time.*'
11. M. Cox says: had been taking me
dicine ol as good a doctor as we have in our
county, and taken any quantity of quinine
and speediest without any good result, from
25 August tollth December. But seeing how
nicely it operated on my brother. I got a bot
which etfeetul a permanent cure by lying two
thirds of a buttle."
S. M. Cox Hun was not here, but both the
other brothers say bis ease was the same as 11.
M's. Isold the medicine to both the same
day. and the cute was as speedy from the same
small quanti y, snd 1 might so specify. Yours
witn respect. A. HUNTINGTON.
The above spoiks for itself. Good proof as
it is, it is of i n tetter tenor tbaxi the vast T um
ber of like Certificates 1 bare already publish
ed, and the still greater amount that is contin
ually pouring in to me.
Otic thing more. Last year 1 had occasion
to Caution the Pcldic in these Words:—
••jt a (Hire u.n Jinn ir/nf have tnkm one of my cen
tral circulars. siib*!i<Htcd the Ittintr of their nos
trum Jor my meinour, aml then iri.'ri brazen impu
dev.-c em! their pavphlet with the en iamttiiuti,
• I.e.' the pmpTte urof any other medicine say tlx
much if he dare.' " Ur. ,
Now 1 take pleasure in saying that the Cau
tion referred to the same --Dr. Cln'tatfe's Ague
Balsaih" that I* mentioned In the above cer
There are several other industrious people
who a~e applying to their poisonous trash all
that 1 publish about my Fever and Ague Cure,
or Antidote to Malaria, except the certificates
of Cures, and the Certificate of the celebrated
Chemist, Dr. James. R. Chilton of N. V.. in
favor of its perfectly HARMLESS CIIARAC
TEU. which is attached to every bottle. These
will alwaysserve to distinguish my medicine
from imitations.
J AS. A. RHODES, Proprietor.
Providence. K. 1.
For Sale by Druggists generally,
April 2-> 18b(i, 3m.
Glatiing and Dry Goods Store.
fTIHE abseribers are just receiving anew
JL handsome and clmap assortment oI RK.I
- MJDK CLOTH!S'ti and OK Y HOODS, at
their store in the East Corner of* Bedford llail,'
consisting in part of Coats. Pant,Vests,Shirts-
Satin Stocks, Handkerchiefs. Boots anil Shoes,
lints and Caps, and all other articles usually
kept in Heady Made Clothing Stuns.
Also a good assortment of DRY GOODS,
consisting of Calico, Mous. de Inline, Shawls,
Alpacas, Trunks. Carpet Sacks,&c., &c-; all
of which they willsell as cheap as cult be pro
curedelscwh'Te in Bedford, tor Cash orCouu
try Produce.
Thev request all their friends in town and j
conntrvto give them a call, and see ami exam i
ine their stock for themselves asthey consider |
it a pleasure to show their goods, whether per- .
sons wish to prchase or not.
Bedford, April 20, 1855.
Important Announcement!
TO all persons afflicted with Sexual diseases, !
such as Setnmol \\ cakness, Impotence,
GouaoruaM, Gleet, Syphilis, kc., txc.
The 7/owaid Association of Philadelphia, in !
view of the awfuldestruction of human life and ;
health, caused by sexual diseases, and the de- j
eeplions which are practised upon the unfertile I
nate victims of sucli diseases by Quacks, have ]
directed their consulting Surgeon, as a charila- j
hie aci worthy ot their name, to give meilical j
advice gratis, to allpersons thusafflictcd, (Male j
or Female.) who apply bytetter,with a descrip
tion of their condition,(age, occupation, hab
its of life,) Nc., and in cases of extreme pov
erty and suffering to furnish medicines free of
The Howard Association is a benevolent In
stitution, established bv special endowment,for
the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted
with''Virulent and Epidemic Diseases," and
its fund scan be used for no other purpose. It
lias trow a surplus of means, which the Direc
tors have voted to advertise the above notice,
i It is needless to add that the Association com
j rounds the highest Medical skill of the nge, and
I will furnish the most modern treatment. Val
| liable advice also given to sick and nervous fe
males afflicted with abdominal weakness. Womb
' complaint. Costiveness. Leucorrhu'tt. kc.
Address (post-paid.) Dr. UKU. R. GAUIOI X.
Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No.
I T, South Ninth Street, Philadelphia. I J u.
I By order of. the Directors.
EZRA J>: HEART WELL, President.
GKO. FAIRCKII.D. Secretary.
• June 1, 1855.-i.v.
IF V.OU want CHEAP GOODS, cull at
Cheap Side.
Nov- Jb.
Administrator"* notice.
IKTTEKS of Administration having been
_i granted to the subscriber, living in South
Woodbcrry Township, on the Estate of Henry
lletriek, late of said Township, doe'd, all per
sons indebted to said Estate are hereby notified
to make payment immediately , and those hav
ing claims ng limit the same will present them
properlv authenticated for settlement.
March 28. DAVID C. LONG, Mm'r.
J*la*teriit£ Lntli*!!
THE I'XDERMCiXED having erected
a Mill for sawing PtASTKßtscj Laths on his
premises in Union Tp., Bedford county, is now
ready to furnish any quantity on the shortest
notice. Price 51.50' per thousand, S ft. long.
Other lengths in proportion. .
Letters addressed to meat St. Clairsville nil
be promptlv attended to.
Union Tp., Fob. 16.1854. zz.
those who wish farms—to have
fertile land at a cheap price, and ou easy
terms, your attention is called to theßidg
way Farm and Coal Company. Twenty-five
acres or more in proportion are given for
$"200, pavabie in instalments of Si per
week, Or $ 1 per month. It is located in KJk
county, Penua., and has one of the best
marketsfor its produceiu the State. The
soil is a rich loam, and is not to be surpas
sed for farming, as examination will show.
It has the hest elements of prosperity, bo
! ittg underlaid by two rich veins of coal.
■ and will shortly he intersected by four rail
roads. The timber is of (he most vaiua
bie kind. Title uuexeeptionably good, and
warantee deeds are given. It presents a
good atid substantial opportunity to com
mence farming, providing for one's chil
dren, or making an investment. Further
particulars can be bad from the pamphlets
which are sent to iiujuircrs. Letters nn
| swered promptly. Apply or address Sam).
; \V. Cattail, Secretary, 135 Walnut street,
north side,between 4th and stb streets,
Phila. Full information is contained in
the pamphlets.
Fob. 2D, 1 SoG-3 tn.
To Dyspeptic and Nervous tnf
rrilli; suliscriber who has suffered nil the
..L horrors of Indigestion, is anxious to im
p.irt the on i.y method of cure to invalid simi
larly affected.
Address J)r. W. J. MULJ.IN', Schellshure
Bedford Co. Pa.
Valentine Steekman,
Boarders taken by the day, week, mouth and
April 25, 1850— tf
Hooped Skirls?
Calico, Ginghams, Mil sluts, Chintzes. Hoop
ed Skirts, fish be., just received at Reed's
May 26, Hit.
hor-e power for silo cheap at Read's Cjlo
riarle Store.
I ;11. 1855.
Evccafui's Notice.
fETTKKS testamentary having been granted ;
J to the .subscribers, oil tlie Estate of John !
Smith, late of Union Township, dee'd, all 1
persons indebted to said Estate are hereby
notified to make jsiynient innnediately, and 1
those having claims against the same, will
p: -sent (Item properly authenticated tor set
rETKR SMITH, of Union 7>.,
JoIIN AKK, (>/ >/. Cittir 7V.
March 21, IN.JC* KJwuivrs.
Dr. F. C. "Reamer,
Physician and Surgeon.
P espcetfully lender* Ms services t,n
IX the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. lie
may always be found (tm'ess professionally en
gaged) at his Drug and J look Store, in Juliana
I'Vb.l 6. 1854.
\ OrritK. V. V. M. I\ Co..
) Feb. 28, 1856.
"Vj"<ITICE is hereby given that the Board of
J-i Directors of tins (join;) my have this day
levied ;ui assessment of 5 per cent, on all pre
mium notes I).donning to the Company and in
force on the sixth day of February, 1 850, ex
cept on original applications approved from
XIIV. 1855 till the said sixth day of Febru
ary, on which there is assessed 3 per cent.--
And on all preniium notes expiring between
said dates, and not renewed, 3 per c'lit. The
mernliers of this Company are hereby required
to pay their saveml amounts so assessed to
the Tieasurer or authorized receiver of this
Board within thirty days of the publication of
this notice.
March 28,1856 —3t.
Sipilies ft i troops of customers at prices so lotc
asto command speed)) sale, ami general salis
faclionto his friends, in ami on I of town.
So come one, come all!
MOTTO 1 lair Sales ami qvick Returns !
His stock eon.prises in part.
Clot! s. Buff Marsnilles,
Cassimcres, Grenadines,
Cashmerets, Lawns,
u erino Casimeres, Brilliante. col'rt k plain,
Camlet Cloths, Barege da Laines,
Jeans, Crape de Paris,
Cottonades, Tissue,
Velvets, Satin Plaid Barege,
Satin vestings, Chamhra,
Florence. Kihbcn*.
Stripped Swiss, Needle Work, all kinds.
In short every thing usually kept in a coun
try store. His stock is large and well selected
and JACOB BEEII is the man that will take
pleasure in showing his goods, whether pur
chused or not.
April 25,1856.
THE undersigned have just received their
usual supplv of
and wIH take pleasure in showing them to all
who may favor us with a cull. Great bargains
will lie offered for Cash, and all kinds of Coun
try Produce ; —or to punctual customers, a
eredit of six months will be given.
Bedford May 2 1N66.
OR, rVF.Kt ONI HIS OWN physician
with One liundt d Kngru,
ings, diowing d senses a <•
Malformations ol the lln
man System in every sha|ie
and form.. To which is
added a Treatise on the
Diseases til l'ciuales.heia®
of the highest iniportance
to married people, or these
ocntctu plating in a triage
Let no father be ashamed to present a copy
lot the .KSCULAI'IUS to his child. H may
| save hiiu from an early grave. Let no young
; man or woman enter into the secret obligations
j of married lite without"reading the DOCKET
j vESCULAI'IUS. Let no one suffering from a
iiacknicd Cough. Pain in the Side, restless
nights, nervous feelings ( and the whole train of
! i)vs]ieptie sensations, and given up by their phy
sician, l<e nnotliei moment without consulting
! the aESCULAPiIfiS. Have the married, or
' those about to he married any impediment. reat!
i this truly useful book, as it lias been the means
■ of saving thousands of unfortunate creatures
I from the very jaws of death.
■ DT7~Any person sending TWENTY.FIFE
! CENTS enclosed in a letter, will receive one
; copy of this work by tnail.orHve copies will he
| sent lor One Dollar.
S Address, (pest paid) DR. WM. YOUNG,
No. 152 Spruce Sireet, Philadelphia.
1 July 3. 1865—ty.
Valuable Prcperlj
JI f IIH subscrilier offi rs Ids valuable Mil! I'ro-
JL perty and Tannery for -ale. (situate on
Brush Creek, East Providence Township, Pol
ford County, Pa., two miles South of the Juni
; ata Crossings, containing 4'MI acres, more or
less, with upwards of UK) acres cleared, with
25 acres id goctl meadow. The balance w ell
; tinils-red with oak, white and yellow pine.--
There are two good orchards of choice fruit on
the place. *
The improvements arc first rate MUR
CII..INT MILL, with three run of stone, ami
all the necessary machinery fordoing merchant
and country work, all netvly repaired in 1854.
The T.dA'S'EIiY has 44 vats, with all the li\-
ttires belonging thereto. The bark-mill and
iiide-breaker rim b> water power. The 1141 'KT.-
/./.W HOUSE is large and commodious, with
running water at the door and in the cellar;
also a large bank-barn, with running water in
the barn yard, wagon shed and carriage house,
corn crib, smoke house, wash house, with all
necessary out buildings. There are also a
Plaster Mill. Saw Mill, and three Tenant Hou
ses ami stables, and s vera 1 line springs ol' liv
ing water on this tract. .
Persons di Mraits of purchasing good propt r
| ty ivill i!o wtll by calling on the subscriber, re
■ silling on the preinist s.
j Kays IIit! I*. ()., Jan. 23, 1830-2ui*
iry Olntiiibersbitrg llep. and Transcript. piib
. " is tlir.e moil and send hill to this olliee
I . t*<' i
Head <|uar(fi%
T//E subscriber mould re>i"-ctfully inl< r
the public that be is now offering at th ■ Bedford
//all formerly Exchange //otel in East Pitt
' street, the largest ml best assort went of ready
made, fashionable Clothing, ever before offered
or sale in this place.
j HIS STOCK consists of* large and G'lcnd
supply of Winter (iuutK
He has every variety iiwl description <1
; &c.
Ho has also n large stock of prime CLOTHS,
j CASSLMEItES ami VESTINGS, which heispic
. pared to make tip to order in tlx- most fashiona
ble style. iti' 1 warranted to lie well made, and
11 living purchased his stock for CASH he fee's
! assured thai he can make it to the ail vantage <d
, those wanting noon and CWKAC I I.DTUIM. to give
! liim a call before purchasing el.sea lo re.
> anuiry 10, 18jl.
fit. .\ici:fius
Justice ol" the Peace,
|"|"AS removed his Office to Juliana Street
_a_A two doors North of the--1 mjc : .. r end
Chronicle" Oflice. and two doors South o
King rj Jor I ets' 0.1i.-e w!i>i e lie will puueUi
ally attend to the collection of all claim
placed in his hands.
litlt'orJ, April 6, 1855 -7.Z
JOB MANN, G. 11. Si*AMI.
"1 AM -*AKTNhRSII IP.—The undersigned
J_J liave assoeiated themselves in the Prae.ikc
ol the Law. and will promptly attend to all i.usi
iitss entrusted to their care in Bedford and ad
oining eoimties.
K7"Oltico on Julianua Street, three doors
south ot Mongel House and opposite the resi
deuce ofMaj. Tate.
June Ist—lßs4 ft
C 6 J . Q4\ &?,<■*, J.
X> 33 2NTT IST,
S Bedford, Pa.
OFFICE on Pitt Street, nearly opposite
the "Bedford Hotel." Teeth plugged, rcg
u'ated, Hie., and artificial teeth inserted, from
one to an entire set. Charg-s moderate, and all
operations warranted.
KS^Ternw —POSITIvn.v CASH .
Jan. 19, 185 L
I.unilH i-! Lumber!!
1 iWIH SHINGLES of different
_I_PV * kinds. Alsp, 75.1100 feet
of LL'MHER of vations sorts, siteli as White
Pine, Vel.ow Pine, Poplar. Spruce, Nc. For
sale F. I>. BUB G I.E.
St. Clairsv ille. Feb. IS, IS3S-tf
MIIII; iiti
\B. CRAMER A- CO. have just received i
• a very large assortment of Boots and
Shoes,suitable for Fall and Winter, part styles '
as follows :
Mill's Super Waxed Doable Sole Bpots, \
Men's • City .Made Cult do.
.Men's Heavy Kip, Lined do.
You tit's Waxed Double Sole Boots,
Youth's Calf and Kip Lined do.
Boys' City made Calf Boots,
Boys' Kip Lined Boots,
Wontens' Double sole KipßAotees.
Womens' Fine Calf and Seal do.
Wontens' Fine Goat .Morocco do.
Worn ns' Parodi Bootees, very lumdsonie.
Children's Shoes of every style and price. '
Gent's Morocco, Kid,and Calfskin Bootees, J
Ladies' Double Sole Gaiters. Gum Shoes. Ike., i
in fact. Boots and Shoes to suit every purcha- ;
er. It yon want Boots atid Shoes, please give |
as a call, ami you shall he suited in qnahlv and 1
Kxeliunge Store, is the plme In Boots and 1
Oct. 12, 1
Justice of the I'eaee.
OFFICE two doors South of the Metigel
House, and next door to fl.e nltirc o
Mann n Spang, where he will attend to tin
collection of nil claims placed in his IIUIMJS.
Bedford, J Hi. 11, 185 U.
"IN J.uruance of an Act „f Assembly apjH< a
I .<i the eighth day of May 1854. re' t tiinrt
the Treasurer <• f eh G'oimty Ui publish m tJ
mouth of April and May, ofcace yvar, a list <f
all Retailors ofl'oreign and Domestic Goody
II a re* anil Moiehurulize. let ice if* lien iv pi % cj
to retailors in classes, as difeit.d bv law. t1...
Lite Taxes IlHlrt fie paid to the CountV Treat-is.,
er ou orbefole the tiest day of AlifUsl iiext.
Bedford lioroutrk.
\ ' ' (.lass. Taj]
i A U Cramer x Co. 1;; to ,
; A J Naasotn 14 7 .it
>iclioln* !,von* 14 t tM ]
Jacob Wd. ,
Samuel Shack & Co. „ 14 -■
Kelly A: Dugdaje H
; Koliert Fyan 14 ~ ( ]
John Arnold, [hardware] 14
.Somtaborii It Co. lj - (!|
; AgnesStiiipp J4 i "
Dr. I> F Harry i 4 - ,
William Shatter j i - .
Dr. F C K earner 14 - f1
! Colin Lover 14 ~
Sarah Pottx 14 - (()
J sane Lij pel 14 i |()
Joit Shoemaker >c Co. }4 - ~,
John 11 Mitiiiich featilie house 1 8 r , to
John J I.tit her do 8 "| H .
A I. Dolihauph do 8 in
Jacob iioliinger do 8 to
Best Providence Tvunship.
Williain States it Co. U 7 M
McElhaiiev 74 7 i it
Jacob ihirtxlolhir 4 Co. ;• ]o n
James 51 /iarridoilar ]?, 70 ,
Thomas Ritebev 74 7 (1
. Monroe Tiw/ih/np.
J Horton 7 4 - H .
D Fletcher 14 - ( ~
Micliael .Miller ] 4 7 t (:
Scultavjdon Township.
Jobn Cabii.-r 14 7 11
William I.asbley 7 4 7 <.
i.asbley 4 Walters 14 7 I .
Fletcher 11 7 (*'
Colcrain Totcrn'rip.
Jaines 4- /[regie 14 7 Ot',
Diclii # Corl 14 7 (./
B rood! up Township.
Lett) HP! Evans, 14 7nu
Fluck \ Echelbarger 14 7 (nj
Liberty Township.
David Reik.-beascr 14' 7 no
Lewis putt 34 "7 i,n
Jacob Snyder 14 7 en
Jolm Cyphers 14 7 tsi
U (ilium Fisher 74 7 (0
John ShalV-r [eating house] 8 ill)
Sc/icl/sburg Borough.
John 8 Scbell 14 7 (id
A 1> Dunn M 7 on
Stath r 4 Son 14 7 ( u
A J Snively 74 7,•
Miller £ (oidry 14 7 on
Willow Sehcll "<S-Sou 11 7 to
Colvitt 4 iiobesoii !4 7 (*0
Juniata Township.
Term r / Kegg }4 7 i ,i
William Kei.-cr M ; i o
William Platl 4 Brother 54 7 i n
Joseph (iornlon 14 7 to
F llildi lbrund 1J 7 to
London t.'i rry Township.
Thomas J J'orter 14 7 <kj
Jacob G IU-voiv jr. 14 7 mi
IJarrison Township.
V 11 I Vert a 74 7 no
John Smiih. it 7 on
Jonathan Foiohm r, 1 { 7 no
Lust Providence Township.
John N'vcum ' 3 1 7
DAT Black 31 7 ( n
Hope wet / 7 own i h ij.
Joint Dasher II 7 n"
John King 4 Brother 14 7 Ch>
JJtdJlu Moot/berry Tomuship.
Jacobßreniienn.o lit 10 <HI
<i li Banniollar 13 P" "hi
4 IV Duncan 13 1" •"><)
Putt 4" Brother 14 7 On
Jiimes 1. Prince It 7 on
Simon Beard 11 7 mi
James S Tussey featiog bouse j h ai n
Istdjord Township.
Jacob Barnhan 14 7 t*i
South Wood turn/ Lowns' ty.
James Piper jr. 1 I 7 fa!
5 U Osier 11 7 no
D F Buck n 7 no
(7a or?e Kanll'man 14 7 Hi
William S Fluck 14 7 no
St. Citiir Township.
F D Beegle 14 7 lai
(1 /i Arnicli K Brother 14 7 "Hi
John II Wright 4 Co. 14 7 "Hi
T /i Smitii 11 7 en
tl> Trout ij 7 iit
John Bocgle ] i 7 imi
/.'iiicsheg <J- Bridaliam If 7 on
Simon Jiersl man, 11 7 no
Cumberland I alley Township.
Jacob Anderson It 7 t'<
John May i 4 7 in
JJ.OYEK, Treajuicr.
M ity Id, ltn'iG.
Fall at 111 jut lie's.
Hill E subscriber has jii.t received from ths
1. Eastern cities the best assortment ot Br.;>
Copper.and 'I in W art* ever elk led in (ids plact .
towhieh he invites the attention of the pi.l l ..
He lias a great many improved cooking utensils.
; that cannot lailtu please every liousekeeja r who
| uses them. The Liulks especially are iin ited to
call and examine the articles. Among lliem .te
Btt vss and fititi MKTAL Kettles of all sizes.
Water Coolers, ("baling Dishes.S.iiiecpe.ns. M ilk
Boilers, NIBSK LASPS.HU excellent article for
th" sick room. Cake Moulds, Spice Boxes, Tea
Cauuisiers, Brass and Iron Ladies. Patent
Lamps, Candlesticks.Glass Lamps, Match Box
es. Spittoons. Ac., he.
English and French Tin, Iron and Brass lihri
a great variety.
Japanned Tin Toys, and a great variety of
Fancy articles.
Chain and Force Pumps, ard in afeo? I every
article in-my line.
Don't forgot to call at the Tin Ware Depot in
Pit St.
.fas,- ii, itv>4. ~ y
Ilhe auhstcrtbcr isTully prepared tofnrmsh and
quantity or quality t Building Lumber any
Plastering Latlm. Orders directed to St. Clair—
vj 11. Bedford County, will !*• promptly %ttin*led
to. bv giving a reasonable notice.
F. 1). BEEGLE.
Dee. 29, IBSJ.
"I" KTTKKS Ti sTAUt N.t wrr to the Estate ot
1J Solomon Hollar, late of West I'nivi
deuce Township, dee'il, having been granted
by tile Register of Bedford Comity to flic mi
ll cr.signed, notice is hereby giv i thai all iler
aolis indebted to said Estate will be risinihsl
to make immediate payment, anil those hav
ing claims wik present them properly authen
ticated for settlement.
West Providence Township, f
April 11. A. t>., ip';VJ. j.