OBITUARY. It becomes out painful duty to am ounce the death of our lamented neighbor, the lion, dailies Buchanan. He departed this life on the —— day ot Juuo, 1556, sur rounded by his friends, 'the Keystone Club.' Like most illustrious men he had his "last words" which are recorded, and will long be remembered. Those of J. Q. Adams were "this is the last of earth—l am con tent." Of Daniel Webster, "I still live." Of tbe subject of this notice, "I am no longer dames Buchanan." All memorable 'words, are worthy of those who uttered them. Mr. Buchanan was the son of respectable Irish parents: he was born in the county of franklin, Pennsylvania, in the last quarter ~f the last century. Never having Leon married, and the family record being some what defaced, it has not been found possi ble to ascertain the exact year of bis birth It is variously stated from 1733 to 1791. t.if course, he had attained the age of—from i;G to 74 —according as you take the various assumed dates of his birtlu He graduated with distinction at Dickinson College, read law under that distinguished jurist, James Hopkins, dee'd. After having read the full term, he was admitted to the Bur of Lancaster county, iti 1812. lie soon rose to distinction, au-J acuired a large practice, lie early entered, with great zeal and suc cess, into politic'', ile was an ardent Fed eralist; aud his principles were of tho most, pure and unmixed kind. Indeed, it wa s proverbial, that his veins were unalloyed by a '-single drop of democratic blood."— As he advanced, iu life, however, the l'ed" eral party fell into a hopeless minority, and Mr. Buchanan, consequently, became con vinced that their principles were wrong.— No sooner had lie made the discovery than he boldly joined the South Carolina school. Of his sincerity there can br no doubt, as he went further iu the doctrine of free trade, 1 the divine right of Slavery, tlau even tiie groat South Carolina founder of those j < tog mas and iu defiance of popular odium, he j maintained on the floor of Congress, the ' policy of reducing the wages of labor in j this country to the European standaid.— Even in the midst of the unpopularity which j it brought upon him, we belieue he never | i (.traded the opinion which he then ad van- j <"ed: This, was most severe test of fidelity to principles, which he met with Roman fortitude, lie adopted, also, if indeed he j did not help to originate, the philanthropic ' idea of compelling the weaker Southern j nations of this continent, (as w*'ll as Cuba.) t.i receive the blessings of our free Repub lic, and submit to annexation. Having seen the innumerable blessings which we had forced on unwilling Africa, his heart throb bed with the Christian desire to fasten simi lar favors on the weak and ignorant of other nations. It is true that Mr. Buchanan left a pos thumous letter address to a committee ap poiued to infonn him of his nomination, which looks as if he were repenting of some ot his ultra notions, and felt some pronip tings of his ancient Federalism. It is no*, improbable that could he have foreseen the •aid of his existence for a longer time, his death bed might have pioduccd a still great • r change. He contined to reside in bis native fchate during his whole life, except a f.'W years, when be exiled himself to the , < ity of Washington, lie seems there t<> have foinied a determination never to re turn: being stung thereto by high taxes, as we gather from :t letter of his found among the papers of the late Lamented Buudle. lie was buried on consecrated ground.— Th- funeral service was performed by the Light Rev. f John llugliei-, Archbishop of New York. I'n/l Bearers —11;. Bev. Father Bixler, James Campbell, J\ M. Gcn"h, I#c. E. Arnold Douglass, lion. I*. S. Brooks, M.C. Two of his trustedcouncilors and friends, Beverly Tucker, and George N. Sandersj have kiudly furnished the following inscrip tion for his marble; the latinity of which we understand, is none of the purest. lIIC JACtT, JACO B US DO \V 11AX AX. ■ Yafui .iiiuo Dumini 17 (ee dubilalur), Obit perStto Mann. 1350. ' ■Seek not his merits lurther to disclose, M r drag bis frailties frotn their dread abode.*' Lancanster Whig. PASSAGE OF THE Ka.N&AS JJILL.— It Will be seen by our Congressional report 'ltat the Senate, after an exciting session extending through the whole of W'cducsuay 'ght, passed the bill for the pacification of < ansa.-, which had been introduced on 1-nday from the conunittce on territories. '' provides for a commission for ascertain ing '-be legal voters, who shall elect delega • or. the day of the Presidential election s °d the convention to assemble on the first Monday b December to decide, first, wlieth- r 't be convenient for Kansas to come into be 1 niou at. that time, and, if so decided, froeeed to from a constitution and State government, which shall be republican in form, and admitted on an equal footing with the original States. All offensive territorial laws against the I'bcrtj of speech, the press, and requiring 411 oath to support the fugitive slave law, A : ure repealed thcroby, and for the pre " (!ti,>n ot fraud or violence at the election, Mifary f orCe Vj UO(J The bill was n,) "d 'P one or tvr* BSfortaot particulars' wht L imcodtfe *4.. f'.'ikcs out pro vision which allowed any white male above twenty-one yuan* old, who had resided iu the country and Territory three niunths, to vote at the election. It is to be hoped that the bill may pass the llouse, and succeed in giving quiet to the country. 'lhc amendment of Mr. Seward, for the admission of Kansas with the Topeka con. stitutiou, was promptly voted down, as wag also several others of a kindred nature. The House, however, it will be seen by the proceedings, yesterday reconsidered its former vote rejecting by one majority the Kansas-Topeka bill and passed it by yeas 101, nays 97. Butt. Su.i i 4 th inst. From'tke .V. V. Express. SIGNS OF THK TIMES. A republican, on the Central Iload, tween Home and Utica, insisted upon taking a vote, on tbe 3d iusl. The result was— Fillmore, 129 Buchanan, 91 Frectnotit, 70 A vote was taken just after on the Hud" son among tire passengers, and the result was, — Fillmore, 11 Buchanan, 10 Frccmorst, 7 On the llii of July a vote was taken on train of the New York and Erie Railroad at half past 8, A. M. f from Jersey City to Patcrson, wbi eh resulted in the following statement. Fillmore, 45 Freeinotir, 29 Buchanan. 28 No preference, . 15 1 left N. York for Albany, in the steam er "New World," on Thurday evening, 3d iu.sf. It was proposed to take the vote of those ou the upper deck. The following is the result:— Fillmore, 37 Freemen t, 21 Buchanan, .1 July aih, ISS(J. l'l LJURA, Jll.Y sth, 1856. A vote was taken in "Trapp & Co.'s Barrel Faetory," this day, resulted as fel lows: Fillmore, 37 Freunnr, 8 Buchanan, 4 IJ IS OWLV STITE PRIDE. Mr. Buchanan's nomination has elicited the publication of the following letter, the auibentity of which cannot be denied. As the feeling of State pride is warmly invoked to secure support to him, it may be well fu r voters to consider what kind of ".State Pride" actuates Mr. Buchanan when he could cooly repudiate his Pennsyl vania residence to escape a few dollars tux" ation ! WASHINGTON, Feb. 10, 1810. Dear Sir • — l have re.eiyJ yours of the l2t!i inst., informing life, tour, not knowing whether 1 considered myself a resident of Lancaster, yon could have assessed mc as such. I had supposed that you could have known that 1 had removed from Lancaster nearly, a year ago, and have ever since been an actual resident of this city, where my of. ficial duties required that 1 should reside.— I trust that at some future period I may again become a resident ol Lancaster, but thut is vhult y uncertain. JAMF.S BICHA.NAN. MICHAEL BCUDEJ., K>q. THK BROOKS CASK. BROOKS has been found guilty of commit ting un assault on Senator SHINER, and has been fitted S3OO which he paid and then left tin* (,'ourt. in company with his friends. The case lias been under discussion lor several days in the House, hut up to lite present time no definite action has Leen tak en. Mr. CAMPBELL, of Ohio, gave notice, on '1 hursday week, that he would call the previous question on a resolution expelling BROOKS, on last Monday, if he is not expelled, a resolution of censure will be tittered. \OTIfK. The Dev. F. W. GuvttAi) will preach in the Lutherau Gburch, in this place, on next Sabbath morning, at 10 o'clock. J IIAMILTOK—Optician, ■-'Jgh. Bees leave respectfully I'' call attention to bis vu r,w * a '"' e '**gat assortment & yjg of SPECTACLE*, (including " - At. • tlie genuine Brazilian Peb ble;) in Gold, Silver, Steel, ke. See also bis celebrated Acoustic Instrument— an instant and permanent Remedy for Deafses* —which alone of its kind obtained (be Medal, at the Great London Exhibition in ISSI, and also in Paris last fill. Highest Reference all over the world and in this eery neighbor hooJ. to parties using with in expressible ad vantage,both his Spectacles and Acoustic Instruments. Washington Hotel, Bedford, Pa. E7~lfours from 2 till G o'clock, P. M., for a lew days only. July lb, 18-76. MORE NEW (.OflllS. JLSl 1 received at Reed's New Store a Fresh Supply of Late Style and Fancy Goods, embracing a large lot of Ladies Bros* Goods, French Needle Worked Cotllors, Fancy Silks, Gros de Hhiucs, Blk Silk Fringe, Hotted Swiss, Stripped ditto, Plain Naunsook, Bonnet Ribbons, Mantua Ribbons, > Blk Silk Cravats, Byron Collars, Merino Casxiruerc, Gent's half Hose, Mix'd and Bro. Also a prime lot of Family Groceries, con sisting of Sagar, Coffee, Tea, Syrup, Molas ses, Rice, Corn rtarcb, Farina, ike., &c. July 18, 18GG. BIVIBESO. Al)i viiiKxn of one per cent., on the capital stock of the Chamhersburg and Bedford Turnpike Road Company, has been declared by the Managers, payable on the Ist of August, at the of K. L. Anderson, Esq. G. R. M ESSE RSM ITU, Treasurer July 18, JB'.fl. BEUfOKI) INUUIRER AND CHRONICLE. I iiblic Sale of Lots, iu (he Town of Hopewell, Bedford County, Pa. A S -* LE , of Lots in ti,e ,ovva of Hopewell, . ' 'a* 4B place by Tubmc Arcrjott. on tho premises, ON THURSDAY, TilK RIsrDAY Ot JULY, J856. Tbe Sale to commence at Jo clock in the forenoon. T he town of Ifopcweli, the termination of the Huntingdon and Broad Top vlountatn Kail Ka Ivauia. There is an inexhaustible supply ot Coal, iron ore and limestone, and also a great abundance of water-power in and adjoining the town. C7" Ihe terms will fee tuade known nt the time of ale. HENRY K. STRONG, President of the Hopewell Coal and Iron Ck-ntpawg. "• P. COOOSHALL, Secretary. July 18, I8o. Administrator'* Notice. LETTERS of Administration having licen granted to the subscriber, living in South Woodborry Township, on the Estate of John Teeter, late of Monroe Township, dee'd, all persons indebted to said Estate are notified to make immediate payment, ami those having claims against the same will present thvtn pro perly authenticated for settlement. ADAM KKTRIXG, .IdmiaisinUor. July 18. 1850.-f STRAY HOAR. , CIAME to the premises of thu snbscriher liv ' ing in St. Clair Township, about the first of Alar last, a WHITE BOAR, supposed to be about one year old—with a crop out of the left i ar-no other marks recollected. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away. CHRISTOPHER NOGLE. Juiy 18, IBSG-C* AUDITOR'S NOTICE. "TYfOTICE is hereby given to all persons infer -La csted that the undersigned has been ap pointed by the Orphans' Court of Bedford County, Auditor to distribute the balance in the hands of John Dickey. Administrator ot Samuel L. Tobias, Esq., dee'd, to and among all those entitled to the same; and that I will sit for that purpose at my office in the Borough of Bedford, on Tuesday the "Jt the money in the hands of John Mo ver and S. L. Kttssell. Esquires, Adminis trators Ue bonus noil, with the Will annexed ol William Lane, late of Hopewell, Township in said County, defeased, to and atiioug the credi tors of said decudent entitled to receive the same, will attend to the dilti'-s at his appoiot meut on Tuesday the 2hth day of .1 uly, inst., .al hi, otliee iu the Borough of Bedford, when and where ail parties interested can attend if they see pr. per. a. 11. sr. I Mi. .huh tor. July 11,1856, S J M'CAUSLIN, FASHIOYABLK TAILOR, IT AS removed his shop to the new Building .1 seeond door West of the Bedford Hotel, where In- is fully prepared to make all kinds of garments for Men and Roys in the most fashiona ble style, and oil reasonable terms. Having bad much experience in the business, and being de termined to use his Unit exertions to please, he hopes to receive a libera! share of the patronage of a generous public. 6J*" (iarwi'iits cut to order on the shortest notice. Bedford, June 6, 1856. COLLECTORSOFIBSS. fill IE State Treasurer has issued circulars to 1. the different County Treasurers, calling up on them tor the amount of Tax now due the Commonwealth, it is feared, there will be a de ticency in the Treasury when the August inter est fails due. It is therefore desirable lliat Hie Collectors should settle their Duplicates as soon as possible, and save exjetme. DAVID OVER. Trensvter. June 6, 1850.—Gt. MORE NEW I.OOIIS. rplIK undersigned banjust returned home from X the Eastern cities with a large stock of Sum mer Goods, and is now exhibiting AT CHEAP SIDE. A general assortment of new style of SIMM Ell GOODS, Comprising in a great variety of Lmlit\ Dress Goods, which consists in part ot Black and Fan cy Silks, L'halJys. Lawns, De [.nines, Madman Cloths, Alpacas, Dcberzcs etc., etc., MautiHies ami :i variety, of Black and Fancy ("lollies and Casaimeres,linens and Cottonade for gentlemen and 1 toy swear. Hi+jh, Shue<, Halt and Bonnets, Groceries, Su gats, Molasses, Syrups, Shad, Herrings and Mackerel, Bacon, tjueenMuvare, Hardware, Brooms, Buckets, Churns, etc. The above stock consists of every article us ually kept in store — -Jill of whieb w ill he sold, cheap tor cash or approved produce. Thankful for pmt favors, he hopes by fair dealing and a desire to please,to continue to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. G. \V. UUFP. Juno G, 18oG. Bakery and Confectionary, IC U SALOON. THE. subscriber, thanktul tor the patronage heretofore extended hint by a liberal pub lic. tenders lii* thanks, and hewoutd respect fully inform tliem that lie has received and opened a new and choice lot of Confections, among which arc candies, nuts, fruits, &c.— He also keeps Groceries, such as Sugar, Cotfee, Tea, Molasses. Cheese, Candles, &c. Also all descriptions of Cakes, and will serve Wedding and other parties, oil short notice, with conl'ec tious and cakes. lie has o|>ened up and refitted his Ic Cream Saloon, iu a superior style, where he wiil bo al ways ready to serve his fi lends and the public with good and highly Save red Cretans, lie will also serve parties to order. His stand is opposite the Odd-Fellow's Building, where he feels centldcnt that those who give him a call will not go sway disap pointed JtjHN J■ HUTHEH. June 'J7, 1806. Mannv's Comuined Reaper and Mower. With "Woods' Improvement. : FARMERS of Bedford and Miair Oouuiies are informed that this judly celebrated machine can be had by application to W. W. JACKSON, A. DF. ARM IT, Jtgeuh for BUnr avd Bedford Counties. July 11.18-lb-f*. AUDITOR'S If OTIC E. THE undersigned, appointed by the Orphans Court of Bedford County, to distribute the monev in the Iktnds of Daniel B. Wisegur ver and John Mower, Esqires, Execaitors of tin last Will and Testament of John VYiseg.uver, Ute of St. Clair Township, dee d, will attend to tiw duties of Ins appointment on Tesday the 12th day of August, next, at his Oliiee m Bed ford, when and where those interonh-d can at tend if they desire. JOB MANN, Juhlur. July 11, 1856. BY AUTHORITY. hesoxjUTlOkt Proposing Aiiiendnifiiis to Uh* ton stitiitiou of tb© Common.rcalth. Resolved by the Senate and House •/ Jtepresea talinee of the Commonwealth oj Pen■•tsylruma iu General Assembly met, That the foltou'iugamend ments are proposed to the constituiaoti ol the COIL moQWcalth, iu accordance witli Ihe provi sions of the tenth article thereol. FIRST AMENDMENT. There shall bean additional art icOe to said constitution to be designated as a .'I i-'.le eleven, as follows: — VUTTCTE XI. OF ri'BLIC DEBTS. SECTION 1. The state may contract uch districts to remain unchanged until the apportionment in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. Koer.TU AMENDMENT. To be section XXVI, Article I. Tlio legislature shall have the power to alter, revoke, or annul, any charter of incorporation hereafter conferred by, or under, any special, or general law, whenever in their opinion it may be injurious to the citizeus of the com monwealth; in such manner, however, that no injustice shall lie done to the corporators. 1* .SENATE, April 21, 185 G. Kesoleed, That this resolution pass. On the first amendment, veas 24, nays 5. On the sec ond aitj-ndioent, J 1 * as lfi.uqys G, On the third amendment, yeas 2F. nays I. Uri the luurth amcu-lment, yeas 2?., nay* I. Extract t'loiri the Journal. THOMAS A- MAG LIRE, Clerk. Is Hot'SE OF KEFRFSrSTATIVtS, ( Jipril 21, 18)6. J UtenlreJ, That tins resgtution pass. On the first amendment. yeas 72, nays 21. On the se c. On the third iinieiiilmeiit, yeas 64, nays 2: and on the luurth amendment, yea* OH, nay's 10. Extract from the Journal. WILLIAM JACK, Cieik. SECRETARY'S OFFICE, ( A. G. CURTIX, tiled, Jipril -I, 1 800. (* Sec. of the L'um'lh. SKCSET ART'S OFFICE, ( IJarrifburg, Jan 20, 1500 y i'cnmylrauia, is : J do certily that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original "Resolu tion relative to an amendment of the Const tui tion" as the saute remains on tile in this office. Int -atimfliiy whereof I have bere- I gKN|liit.t.. set toy band and caused to be atl.Xed the seal of the Secretary's Oliiee the day and year aiiove written. A. (i. CURTIN, Secretary of ilu Cotumuuiceallh. Is SENATE, April ill, 1856. Resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution of the- -Commonwealth, being un der consideration. On the question. Will the Senate agree to the first amend ment The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, and were as follow, vi/.: YEAS—Messrs. Browne, Buckalew. Creswell. Evans, Ferguson, Flemiiken, Hog-, Ingram, J aniison, kuox, L.iubach. Lewis, M'Ciiutock, Friee, Sellers. Simntan, Soutln-r, Stranh, Tag gart, Walton, Welsh, Wiu-rry, tt tlkins and l'ialt, Speaker— 2l. N A vs—Messrs. Grabb, Gregg. Jordan. Bel linger and l'ratt—s. So the ipiebtion wis determined IR the if tirmative. On the question, U ill the Senate agree to the *ecold amend ment ? The veas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of the Cotwlitut ton and *ere us follow, viz: YEAS—Messrs. Browne, BackaUw, C res wall, Evans, lloge, Ingram, Jamison-, Knox, Lau hacit, l.ewis, M'ClititocU, Sellers, Shaman, Souther, Straub, Walton, W clsh, >V berry and Wilkius—lS). NAYS Messrs. Cribb. Ferguson, Gregg, Pratt, Price and Piatt, Speaker—'). So the question was determined in the af tinnative. On tint question, Will the Se. ate agree to the third amend ment I The yeas tind nays were taken agreeably to the Constitution, and weir as follow, viz : YElS—Messrs. Browne. Buckalew, Cribb. Cresswell. Evans, Fe gnsim. Flenttikejt. Huge, Ingram, Jamison, Jordan, Knox, Lauhacti, Lewis, M'Ciiutock. Melliiiger, l'ratt, Price, .'•sellers, Slmntau, Souther, Siraub, Taggari, Walton, Welsh, Wherry■, Wilkins an i l'ialt, Speaker —2B. NAY* —.Mr. Gregg— L. •So the question was determined in the af firmative. On the question, Will ttie Senate agree to the fourth amend ment .' The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the Constitution, and were as follow, viz : V E AS —Messrs. Browne, Bue&ai at, Cressweli, Evans, Fleriikea, lloge. Ingram. Jamison. Jor dan, Knox, Laubach, Lewis, M'Clintoek, Price, Sellers, Shumau, Souther. Strati), Walton, Welsh, Wheiry, Wilkitts an ! Piatt, Speaker NAYS— Messrs. Crabb, Gregg, Meliinger and Pratt—4. So the question was determined in the al firniative. Journal of the House of Representatives, A J >ri 11l 1, 1856. i h yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of the Couxtintiou, and on the ■first |ro|H>sed amendment, were as follow, viz : YEAS —Messrs. Anderson. BUCKUS, Baldwin, Bail, Beck, ( Lycoming.) Beck, (York,) Bern hard, Boyd, Buyer, Brown, Brush, Buchanan, Caldwell, Campbell, Carty. Craig, Crawford. Dowd&J, Edilifttf, Fa.usoU. Foster, GetZ, Haines, Mantel, Harper, tteins, Hibbs, Hill, Hi degas. Hippie, II u loom I), Huuseeker, Im hrie, Ingram, lunis, Irwin, Johns. Johnson, l.aporte. Lebo, Loagaker, Lovett. M'Galnwut, M"Carthy, M Coin!). Mangle, Meaaar, Miller. Montgomery, Moorliead, iianetnacber. (.irr, Pearson, Phelps. Pttreell, Ramsey Heed, Uein hoM, Kiddle. Uoberts, Sbenk, Smith, (Alle gheny,) Smith, (Cambria.) Smith, ( Wyoming,) Strouse, Thompson, Vail, WhaUon, Y right, (Dauphin,) Wright. (Luzerne.) Zimmerman and Wright, Speaker— 7J. MATS— Messrs. Augustine, Barry, Clover, Cohoiirn, Dock, Fry, Fulton, G.tylurd, Gihho ney, Hamilton, Hancock, Housekeeper, llune kw, Leiseuriug, Magee, Mauley, Morris, Mam ma. Patterson, Salisbury, Smith. (Philad.d pbip,) Walter, IV intrude an t Yeirsiay—2l. So the question was determined in the affir mative. On the question, Will the House agree to th • second alien 1- meut, The yeas and nays were taken, and were as follow, viz: YKA#— Messrs. .Anderson, Backus, Baldwin, Ball, B ek,(Lyeoining,) Beck, (York,) Bern hard, Boyd Brown, Brush, Buchanan, (Jai l well, Campbell, Carty, Craig, Faiisold, Foster Get z, Haines, ilainel, Harp r, Hoi us, llibbs. Hill, lliliegas, Hippie, llo'coujb, llunsecker, luibrie, Ingham, Innis, I twin, Jonus, Johnson, Laporte, ).cho. Loogakcr, Lovett, M'Cahnout, M'Carthy, M'Comb, M.tugle, Menear, Miller, Montgomery, Moorhead, Nnnnemacber, Orr, Pearson, Purcell, It unsev, lioed, Reinhold. Kiddle. Roberts, Shetik, Smith, (Allegheny.) Strouse, Vail, Whallon, Wright, (Luzerne,) Zimmerman, and U'riglit, Speaker— fid. NATS —Messrs. Augustine, Barry, Clover, Edinger, Fry, Fulton, Gay lord, Gihbotiey, 11a miltau, Hancock, Hunmdter, Lcisenring, Ma gee, Mail ley, Morris, Muuima, Patterson, Plielps, Salisbury, Siuitli, (Cambria,) Thomp son, Walter, Wintrude, Wright, (Dauphin,) and Vear-sley—23. S i the question was determined in the affir mative. On the question, Will the House agree to the third smcml meu'! The yeas and nays were taken, and were as follow, viz: YEAS —Messrs. Anderson, Backus, Baldwin, Ball, Beck, (Lycoming.) Beck, (York,) Bern hard, Boyd, Buyer, Brown, Buciianan. Cald well, Campbell. Carty, Craig, Crawford, E ling er, Fuusold, Foster, Fry, Getz. Haines, ITaroei, Harper, Ileitis, Hibbs, Hill, lliUegas, Hippie, Holcoiub, Housekeeper, Imbrie, Ingham, Innis, Irwin, Johns, Johnson, Laporte, Lebo, Lunga ker, Lovett, M'Cilntoiit, M'Comb, Maugle, Menear, Miller, Montgomery, Muuaeruachcr, Orr, Pearson,Phelps, Purcell, Kauisey, Ueed, Kiddie, Shellk, Smith, (Allegheny,) Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Wyoming,) Thompson, Whallon, Wright, (Dauphin,) Wright, (Lu zerne,) and Zimiuerwvn—6l. NAYS Messrs. Barry, Clover, Co bourn, Dock, Dowdad, Fulton, Gaylord, Gibboney, Hamilton, Hancock, Hunekcr, Li-Ben ring, M'Cartby, Magee, Mauley, Moorhead, Morris, Patterson, Reinhold, Roberts, Salisbury, Wal ter, Wintrode, Yeursley and Wright, Speaker So the question was deteriuiniued in the af firmative. On the question, Will the House agree to the fourth amend ment I The yeas and nays were taken, and were as follow, viz: V KAS —Messrz. Anderson, Backus, Ball, Beck, (Lycoming,) Beck, (York,) Benihard, Boyd, Boyer, Brown, Brush, Buchanan, Caldwell, Campbell. Carty, Craig, Crawford, Dowdali, i Edinger, Fausoid, Foster, Fry. Get?, Darnel, Harpyl. ileitis, ILbbs, ililb Ji lhlromb. Housekeeper. 11 tmseeker. i luliriv* Initio, irit, JukiiMia, Laporle, 1-ebo Longa ker, Lovett, H'OulitHHit. M "Uarthy. M'Ootnb, Mauglc, Mem-ar, Miller, Montgomery. Moor head, Nunminaclier, Orr, Feat-sou. Find|, j I'urei !|, Runner, Reed, lit inhold, UHdk. Hob- , errs, Sin i,k, Smith, (Cambria.) titui'.h, ( VV.voui- j ins.) Th*W(ktun, Vail, Walter, IV ballon, Wright, (Luzerne,) Yi-aritley, Zimmerman ami > Wright, Speaker —fib. N AY Messrs. Barry, Clover, Cobonru, J'ul- j ton, (iiHwnrjr, Haiie-*. Hancock, Hutieker, Ingham, Leisenring, Magce, Mank-v, Morris, I'attersoft, Salisbury, ami VVintrode—l6. So fit* qngsfioti was determined in tie' af firmative. * SECRETARY'S OFFICE. ( Hot riitairg, Jvur 27, 1800. ( Poiusyhama. : I do certily that the above ami foregoing i a true and cyzm-t copy of the "Yeas" and "Nays" taken on the Resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution of the Com tuonwcailh, as the same appears on tire Jour Hals of the two Mouses pf the General Assem bly of thin Commonwealth for the session of iK-ie; Witness my hand and the sealol if PH2P' s ''d this twenty-seventh day ■nmJmpf'iif Juue, one th-ni-uid eigltt han l rod and filTy-sU. A. G. CURT IN Secretary of the Cs/nrmouH-t lit! July 11, 130<>.—"ni. HI- A DLL) S NEW BOOK! I'IIE SYCRII. PLAINS. By J. H. Hex J ley. One 12 mo. Volume. Cloth, elegantly illustrated. Price $1,115. Mailed Iree of postage on the rcc< ijit of the retail prize. OPINION* OF THE PRESS. "This volume will be r-ad with satisfaction by those who most enjoyed th - 'Sacred Moun tains." " — X. Y. livening "ft is full of deep interest, and written in a most glowing and beau iful sly i. '-■ Jjunterilic Journal. "There is merit sufficient in tin- work to make it a favorite with the lover f tilings associated so close with Bitdicul history." Detroit D uh, MccrtLmr. -•The writer ha- a powerinl use of language, and fhoiigii he enters upon lil* task with a true devotional spirit he invests his theme with an interest sure to fascinate th-- general reader." -. v . the,ting Ila mile. "A finished .ubljc a book replete with interest and distraction.'"— types If si'-t, go at once to his saloon and see for yourself, and if yu want a likeness ol yours if or friends is true as nature and art combim-d can make it, that is the place to get it. Ifyoii trail! a picture put up in the most ap proved style and of the best materials—r in short if you want the worth of your money in a splendid Daguerreotype or Am rotvpe, go To GLTTYS. As he is the only artist in Bedford county v <• can take the new style of Daguerreotypes and Am'orotypcs. He spares in pains to give fid! s itisfacti'-n and permit* no picture t-- g•• out until he is confi dent it will do so. Having just returned from the East he is in pos session ol all the late iniprovrocnts in the art, jiud can assure his patrons that he can furnish them with a style of"picture* not taken by any other person iu the county. Rooms at the "Exchange Building" or Odd Follows Hall—innnedi itely above tlie store ol A. B. Cramer. T. R. GETTYS, Jr. June Otli. lh.>f). T^ T f r - Letters of administration on the estate of Peter lokes, late ofUnion Township. Bedford Co.. u ecM having been granted to the subscriber re siding in Union Township, notice is therefore given to all persona indebted to said estate, to make payment immediately, and those having claims are requested to present them properly authenticated for settl anient. JOSEPH IMLF.R, A int'r. iiravo. THE undersigned, thankful (as advertise-, luciits sav) for past favors at the Colonnade, j store, in Bedford, would respectfully announce 1 to his (Nitrons and friends generally, that he has removed his entire stock of goods to his new brick store room lately occupied by Peter liad t'baugl) opptwi.e tile Be-Lord Hotel, His sup- ' ply of goods is fresh, new and fashionable. His new room lias been neatly and elegantly fitted up and remodel" 1. All kinds •(' produce j are taken in exchange for goods. lie hopesto be continued in the favor of his patrons and the public. JACOB KELP. July 4, 1856. NEW SPRING k St-MMEU GOODS fit HE undersigned have just received their A usual supply of mm & mm MODS, and will take pleasure in showing them to all who may favor us with a call. Great Lirgams wilt be offered for C*sh, and ail kinds of Conn try Produce ; —or to punctual customers, a credit of six Moiilbt will lie given. A. B. CRAMEit & CO. Bedford May 2 1850. CLOTHING STORE. SSO.VA BORX would announce to his old • friends and the public generally, that he has just received another Urge supply of Spring and Slimmer Clothing for Men and H which he is determined to sell on the tuost reasonable terms. Thankful lor past labors, he hopes to merit and receive a liberal *h ire of i ha patronage of a generous public. Bedford, June 6, 1 850. Special Notice. ALL persons indebted to tiro firm of KttppJt Osier are respectfully and earnestly ivques tod to make immediate payment. The books are in the hands of G. W. Kupp. for collection, | au l must positively be closed. Our friends who 1 are in arrears will please consult their interest : by attending to this notice at once and uot put us under the nnple- <-j.nt necessity of making theiu pay costs. Bedford May, 10, 1850—2 m. /TOOO pouttd wool wanted at ItErn's Colonnade ti Store. PtirWlßNtttf: JU/J.V I.Ah'lx iVm _\ n. CLARK I,whip • farm tl ajj .;iu-i shi{< (jn the 4'',) the iioninm tM-:■ I<-. U. More |4rikularty acftuuts that have been si ami m l -nine lilUe, should. anil ipbe attended t>- r ant; if in s-ifiie eases jn-rsoiw art- not prepared elsse fully. tb-yitiust at M atteu.l to them JOHN CLARK. March 11, Ufatj m. I HI'OKTUT TO US I I. On MRS lIMyOD WARD'S Improveil Snutl anil Screen VV ing Machines, Mill Bushes. Bolting Chub.- arid Bran Dtt-ler<, ot tin- most iutprored plan, Mil) Screws, Corn and Cob Grialcr*, Rati-nt Bridges for Mill Spindles, portable Mills, warranted to grind ten bnshoi- per hour, Mill irons and Mill Burrs made to order. Also, Stover"- Patent Corn Kiln arid Grain Dryer a valuable invention. The above articks art lo-pt ei i.stiatlv outlaw). and cm be obtained at any time, from S. D. BROAD, at Schelbrtmrg, Bedford Comity, who is also iiijent tor Bedford, Somerset. and adjoining eolililies. Mill *v right wok done at tie shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. February 13. ls'ei. Me<,'tlliM|(;K'S Reaper and Mower for sa! by S.D. BROAD at.Setiellsl.iirg. Pa. : agent for Blair and Bedford connties. February 15. Iboti. HARDWARE STORE. 'lb- subscriber would announce to his old riewls and tin-pit" lie in general. thai lie has removed Ins HARDWARE STOKE lot lie new briildiirr v-cwitd door west of the BedlbrU Ho tel, wher • In- bus just received and ojieiicd ait extensive assortment of Hardware, embracing almost every article in that line ol bnismes-. His stock of SADDLER V is of the L-st quality and was selected with great care, lie won lit r. speed fully invite all in want of articles in the llarvlw ire line, to give him a call, satisfied that lie can please all win- do so. JOHN ARNOLD .May 2.1, IBSC. REMOVAL. THE subscriber would respectfully announce to Mm public, that he tins removed his Tinning Establishment to the building recently own pied by Mr Luther, as a Confectionary Store in the Diamond, Where he is better prepared than ever to accomodate bis customers with every irti. lein the line of Ins business, either wholesale octet nil. and hopes they nillgive liim a eall at his n tv location. GEORGE BLYMIRE Bedford. April 11, 1855. P. S. The subscriber is desirous ol having his tiooks e.bised up till Ist April, hurt., cither by cash or note. He hopts Ibis notice will be attended to immediately. G. .B VVTJVS siiiir'r'JEii, MlitlllVT Til LOU, S OXJ Li) announce to bis former patrons. W ami tile public, gcm-ratly. that lie ha* just eeeive.l, from Philadelphia, a large and wdi se ed e-i assortment of the most choice Cloths. Li.ssimeres ami Testings—also summer wear of every d -scriptidn, to which be invites the atten tion of purchasers. His cloths, etc., were se lected with great care, and be can recommend tlit-iu a liein,; equal, at least, to any to he found in the place, /ft* also keeps Ready-made eb>- thi.l,2 of ev.-ry d. script ion, at very low prices— ami is prepared t<> cut and make garments on the shortest notice and most reason tWeterms. He ra-specttuHv invites tin- public, to give him a call. if dford. June 6, 1835. BEIPBII HOTEL, AND GENERAL STAGE OPE ICE. ,'nllL subscriber respectfully begs leave to an _L noutice to his old ft lends and the public generally, that' lie has leased and taken posses ion of I lie Bedford Motel, lately in tl.c occu pancy .-t Col. Adam Bamhart. It Is not his design to make winy professions as to whfct be will r|o, but he pledges his word that his most energetic efTorls will be employed to render comfortable all who give him a cull. The house will be handsomely fttlr d up, and none lint careful and attentive servants will be engaged. Person, visiting the Bedford Sju-ings, as well as those attending Court, and the traveling community generally, arc respectfully invited to give him a call and judge for themselves. rj"s=" The stages all now stop at this hotel, and it is therefore the Stage Office. Boarders taken by the week, month or year, on favorable terms. "7" Ample and comfortable stabling is at. Inched to this hotel, which v.ill always be iit ended by a careful hostler. Also, a safe and eonvcniqnt carriage h'utsi*. JOHN HAFEIL llodlW'l, April 6, r.r. l\T3i:"W" GOODS MAii;: undersigned l*ps leave to inform his J- friends and the public. tlmtju' lias just r iunu-d fiom iht F.nsiirn cities, an 'I is now <•> hibiti £ At (heap Side, A general assortment of new style of SPRJXG .1X1) SI MMER GOODS, • comprising in a print variety nf La die i- vs* Goods—consists in jwtt ot Gadiia, l.ts. I>e Luir.cs, Aipaccas, Madonna t'!< tb, kt.ic and a great variety ol Black and Fancy Cas sinicrs. Linen and Cottonnrte for Gentkjueus' and Boys' wear. , Reels, 'Shuts, //■• 'i on-1 Bonne's, Groceries, Queeuswurr., tlurivcarr:, Brooms, Bucket*, Tub*, Churns, tffc. fyc. The above stick coTis'sLs of eviry article usually kept in stores—a'! of which wiil be sold cheap for c *sh 01 approved produce. Thankful for past tar ens bo hopes by fair dealing, and a desire to phase to continue to merit and receive a lil-cral share if the public patronage. „ G. W. Kl'i'P. Bedford. April 11,.1850. DISSOLUTION. THE partnership heretofore exes ting between the subscriber t under the uauie of U"iei. k Co., in the carriage making H BUcksmithing business, was this day dissolved by mutual coil seat. All business of the kite Finu will lie at tended to hy Mieu vixand Jtitrs C. IVrisen win. will collect the outstanding aud accosts ami pav the debts, WM. IVEISEL, MICHAEL WELSKL. JOHN G. WEIoKL. May 2th 1850. vir i; lite undersigned, have this day entered W into partnership in the Carriage making and fliack-smithiug business, under the name ol MICIISKL & JOHN G. Wltstt. Our stand is the one heretofore ocrnpied hy Waist* fc Go. Im mediately east of Bedford. We hope by the character of our work and by promjituea* and attention to merit and receive a fair siiare ct euatom. MICHAEL WEISJSL, JOHN G- VVEISEI. .May 3(l-3ui ILITS. ME NS Fanant a, Leghorn, & Braid hats A tu Kovs and CLildreua bets tor aale by May , ISbh A' B.