Bedford inquirer and chronicle. (Bedford, Pa.) 1854-1857, April 18, 1856, Image 1

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Ut, l.i oNI. HIS OWS i'HVaJCA *
, —1 Hi. fii' tlt iII Fdltius,
v. tu, otic H uutii u Lanra-
J&y y.a nigs, *ht.u iiijj u muo i .
3j JBE AlaUt-nusticiiS i liic llu
* "Mi tU4H Sy st *U u *t try allaj*
J,IIU '^ rU - 1 H'lilct) is
a -''wj? VfljJj ISctilUi'U a Trcutisu <>a the
v ; 'Ah WHisrssts ul Feuiaks, l>ei:ia
VY. /§&of.hj highest importance
A j; s3.' tu married people, vr those
taint cml-lTting marriage—
fsggf >■ '
! .• n „ jstijof O- a-iaiiied to preseol a copy ;
ti.e .•EiJt'L.i.t'lUS ti Hi* child. It uy j
c i,-.- ui u tri'-ui in early grave. Let no young
. in >r w amva enter lto 118 secret obligations J
!• iinTioiUt'-i without reading the I'OGhET
L ;ju -. vI'[AS. Lot n<> on* suffering from a •
•Ca.ei oougJi. i'.iin in the Side, restles* ;
r.i, rwrvoes fouling*, and the whole tnin oi '
( . t .-icitsatiutia. and given '.'l' by their phy- ,
44. If.: n-Jthei moment without consulting ;
tie AFIUA. 11-tva the uurritid, or ;
, )>> inourio be ul trried any impediment, read
t ■ • r.ily useful book, us it hat been ihomwans i
■if saving td>o*ni* of unfortunate creatures :
i... ufuvji't j.iw* oi death.
••tp viv v>; r j in sending TIVEXT\ -FIVE |
i' I i' ft on in 4 hitter, will receive one :
c ,thit w jritby mail, or copies will be J
•j : u f >r O !!
t Slro-ts, (; Mt pai l) DR. WM. TOtJ.VO.
\' > 1 -5 >r io* Sir-iit, Philadelphia.
J i'. v- Id. IS>s—lv.
(f. G4 f G%-( i /tr/t %
x> ia mo? ist,
Bedtori, Pa.
OVS'iCE on Pitt Strict. nearly opposit* i
the -Bedford Hotel." Tooth plugged, reg j
dated. fcc.. and arthlcir.l tdeth inserted, from i
vie to .in entire set. Charge* moderate. and ail !
oper iti'ins warranted,
y l'enn* —PiUJTJvr.L v Ciu.
.} an. Ih, 1 S.j-1.
liEfftßll P'j'feL,
AN h
rp'lK i'rtcriher respectfully l*gs leave tonn- j
L. 1144.100 to IL old ftitutdv arel the pu'die :
generally, that ho ha. iended sad taken {toade.v- i
ojo'i of the BcJfo-. J Hotel, lately in the uccu
p tiuiy of Go). Ad mi ii inUart, it jd not Lis •
• i.-sjej.i to ni litc >miiy pFOlosaioii* a* to what bo j
•w : !1d), ij'lt he pic'4't '* his Word that his Biodt
eaergctic eif.rt." wiil be euiployed to render'
•:.jrui''.rtitile sli who gic hi:u a call. The house j
viil be iialtdsomciy Httod up, and n.tie but
e ireful and attentive servants Will he engaged. |
P-triiiiii .'iritinx the linltlifii Springs, a* Wot* t
i. those attemiiiig Court, and the traveling
ooiuaiiimty g morally, arc rcspeetlHilv invit.;,, '
to RI : 1)411 a Ciil .md judi': for thenmelvus. I
Z7~ I'h: Stages ail *a>w shop at this hotel, ;
an-l it is therefore the (Ulici*.
H >.irders taken by the v. -ea. month or year, !
on ff ora'de 'ei .'as.
jrsr- Am . an 1 comfonalde stal.iing
t n:lied to this hotel, which wili aiv ny a li.- at ,
•iil•t by i c ireful h ostler. Also, a Mile and
e nnreriieut earr'i vjfe house.
t.-Jt.rd, April 0. sr
M'W Fail and \\ iultr tioods.
'lf IT .11 i .".•sig'iisd begs leave to inform iii h
1. tVu els m i tiic pbbiic tint he has juot it*
•* or 11 f.-i'il Tlv-e tst-'ro cities, and is tiow ex-'
hi iltiug AT C'TK VP SllWi, a g-uentl asort- 1 of ii..r stole TU and
WlM'liß tOOIIS.
••or.ipi ii:.g a a." •it variety ofI.AIHEIS'
f the '■ i'.eat styles: such in pud as Flack and
Fancy JiiHts. M •rinocs, (. sahmcrs. Cnburg and '
. iiv.-t Cloth*. ASpiecte, diousseiin ilolaiues. '
M ' mjhas D • Bagcs, Fancy J'lints. a li-c J
•: i, fiue*;a, t's i. hei and urbtMtlMd. fr> m a dp i
:,. all wi.lthi. Thibet and Jty State Shawls. !
i. . , if i f. fii*wa uni Olive Preach Cloths,
S ip'r Hi mi P m-y I' .•.simeres. Tweeds.
I tsi'i itts..(-Vis. V Af jr,no Shirts and
'I iw r,. II its and u;<, II ivV *u i Shoes io •
; r. rat vjrie'jy. li.r.j \r..
S;;>'? G >ll ot S . r'jp *3l V. (I. Molasses, best '
J.'. iiniJ iv v Cfia ie, <4. cUrirt.-d. crushed, )
oi i gr.i.miate 1 S i*yi, T', Phoco
.; it-*. Extract f ii'.-i, P.i, Tobacco Prec* 1
an i Oils, lor ithor with every other article adapt- !
<ai . • tu ■ wmts of the pcoplu, all of which lie
u d'Jtarraire:l to r-\: CHEAP TOR CASH, or
• porovdd produce.
IK* roapcctfuliy invites all in .iryl. of bar- !
ft 11 us to c:>*c Ida call before f'.rdiraias
Th mWful for p t*t faror*. he hi per hj ,
in*, and a desire to ;>Umo, to cnntini'C t merit 1
and reasive a lihural share of flic pul.lir patron- ;
0. W. IMTT.
<)!H l'J.ift'.fl.
Dr. F. C. Kearuer,
Pli/Aiciau aud Sargean.
I) cspectfullj' tndon hi* sendee* u, j
*V the wtiseoe of Bedford and vicinity, lie i
." ay .ivray* be found (iin'csa p/ofcfMenaSy ea- !
at his Drug m.d Hook Store, in iuowia
St. - ,
Peb.l C. ISa^.
Tll li KM 11N G MAG If |.\" ,i d. with o r '
Uor,e powjr for Si cheap t Reed's Colo- ; Stors. , j
hfov. en. tx.
i Ic. Ja >: i ,*i •{ would respectfully announc e ,
t tii p j j'ic r-bat he has removed hi* TmuinK
). it. jlk in -at te ta> usildi'i* recently occu* :
100 lUj Air Lathjr, a, , 0 uiectio*ary Store
i ! 11: D.aui iu J, w.i -re he is butter prepwod
iiu *ivr to accomodate Ka cu*t.niers with '
t| arciaite in the lint oj hi* bu*ia<**, either j
nr -otail, and hope* they willgive i
a cail *t his ucw locstjaiti.
H>Jford, April 13. ]!?<•s.
P. .S. The subscriber is desirous of hi*:n-i
I:'* !Xjakt closed up till Ist April, iit.. either '
■i c *"b or note. He hopes this notice will he f
atbjiided to i'HUK-di.tfolj . G. p. j
.New JfWfh'j.
f pl!l. su i.cnbef lui opened out i new and [
' splendid n-aortmcnt of all kind* of the j
ii'T't !... ii.jiiahj,. Jew-dry—eounistiiHt in part oi j
I i>ig'*r Ui'igs, Par Ring,, lice. Ac. '
f i . i'l v : • his t'>c';.
itXl DA Mi; I. pOJiDEG. j
A Weekly Paper, Devoted to Literature, Politics, the Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, &c., &c—Terms: Two Dollars per annum.
THE *til< ESS rimovcdhis establish
ment to th" in tlie Odd-Felloes'
• Building, iintnedistciy -th'-ve tbo store of A.
! U. Cramer it Co., where lie will attend prnajpt
i ly to all bmttw.NS entrust yd to Ms rare, lie re
' reivesregularly the latest City Fashions, and
\ will pledge himself that, work done at his shop
j sliall wear well and fit neatly.
] lie respect t till j •elicits a sbafe of the pub
i lie patrotoafte:
NOT. , 185$.
Lumber! Lumber!!
! "I nfl |V¥I SHINGI.ES of different '
JLVrv/jVsVrvF kinds. Alto, 75,C0) feet i
j "i LVMiiER of vaiioua sorts, such as White i
1 Fine. YW.ow P:ae, Poplar. Sjiru'ce. Ac. For j
/ sale by F. 0. EEECLE. .
St. Clairsviiie, Feb. IS. 1353-tt"
Valuable Properly
THE subscriber offers his valuable Mill Pro- ;
Jiertv an I Tannery for sale, situate on I
Brush Cri-i-lc. B*st I'rovidcuecTownsbip, I'ed
!md County. Pa., two miles South of the Junj- j
at.i Crossings, containing 4tK> seres, more or j
less, with up,tar is of Pitt acres cleared, with |
25 acres ot good meadow. Tile balance '.veil j
timbered kith oak, white and yellow pine.—•'
There are orchards of cboica fruit on j
the place.
The ituprorutnoDts are first rate MER- j
CH.4XT MILL, with three run of siouo. and •
| all the necessary machinery fordoing m--reliant ;
j and country work, aft newly repaired in 1854. j
The T.IKSHRY lias ft vats, with ail the fix-
I tures belonging thereto. The birk-inill and ]
j hide-bre.slter r#u l>. water power. The bIVKL■ '■
i LhiYG HOUSE Is hrs" and commodious, with j
' running water at the door and in the cellar: >
aVo a large bank-barb, with running water in :
j the imru yard, wtgoit shed and carriage house, ,
corn crib, smok • house, wash house, with all
I's'Oi usury out buildings. There are also a J
Plaster Mill. Saw Mill, and three Tenant Hou
ses and stables, and s ver&lfioe springs of liv
ing water on this tract.
Persons il isiroti* of purchasing good proper- j
y w ill do well by calling on the subscriber, re- :
siding on the premises.
It js Jiill I*. O , JMri. 25, 1356-3 m
•J_7*CiiaRbefsburg Hep. and Transcript, pub- ,
libs this tiir e nion and scud bill to this office j
1 ocoleetiori. i
Important Announceawnt!
j rpu ail p ,<•* >us affiicto l with rfexuai diseases. ,
j J. auch as Sjiniuel Weakness, Impotence,
i Goiiaori.u:Gleet, Syphilis, &c., &e. (
j The No ward Association of i'niladelphia, in
view of the awtul destruction of hutnan life and !
i health, caused by diseases, and the do- '
j caption* which are practised upon the unfortu- '
i n.itc victims ot" sucti diseases by Quicks, have
directed their consulting Surgeon, as u char it a- J
'had worthy o( their name, to give medical !
'irlcice grttlit, to allporsons thusadlicted, (Male !
or Fern tie.) who apply by letter, with adescrip- ,
i tiou of their condition.(ugs, occupation, hab
its ot lift.) kc.. and in cast s of extreme pov
erty atid sutfering to furuithtntdiciutt free of
; charge.
; The if.w*rd Association is a benevolent In
st it tit* r>n. established bv special ?n iowm ent.for
the relief of tile sick and distressed, atflictod
• with 4 -\ irulent and Epidemic Disaases." and
; its funds can be used for no oth>T purpose. I
hssno.v a surplus of means, which the Direc
tor* have voted to advertise the above notice 1
It is ceudlevs to a id that the Association com
j mauds the highest Medical skill of the age. and 1
will furnfsb the most modern treatment. Val
uable advice also given to sick and bTvons fc
; male* afflicted ivithabdoniinatwt- tkaes*. Womb
' complaint. CostlveneM, Leucorrhaea. Ac.
Address (post-paid.f Dr. GKC. R. CALMOI S.
1 Consulting.surgeon, Howard Association, No.
2, Mouth Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Bv order of the Director*.
EZRA I). HE ART WELL, President.
; GKO. FAIU.CHII.II, Secretary.
J title 1, 1505.-7Z
TOilN CLAKK k Wn>. A. B. CLARK having
t id formed a partnership (in the Tanning Sic.,)
I the business hwetnftifr carried on in Schells
burg by Joliu Clark will now be conducted by
i and in the name of John Clark k Son.
PERSONS having unsettled aeoourda with th
j nndomgoed are called upon to attend to them
promptly and ham them closed. More partic
ularly accounts that have heeu standing .some
. time, should, and muet be attended to; and if
! irt suaiciSiM persons are not prepared to close
fuby, they must at least attend to lhm.
March 14. 1858—3 m.
A. Kixo. F*. JOK pax
j Kit? L Jordan, iaornfyn at Law
pncticc in the sever* 1 Courts ot Be
v for i and adjoining.lo'umies.
, Agencies, Collections, and ill other ou*ineB
intrusted to their care will bepromptlyand fattli
' fully atten<ied to.
i 01 FICE in Juliana street, formerly occupied by
D. 11. Hofitu, Bso. .ami .of recently in the oc
' enpmey ot Jo. Mass. Esq.
J ii u try,lS .j.
Bakery and (oufpcfioniry.
rnif Y itibs-riber, thaukful top the patronage
j i extended liun by a liberal pub
j lie, tender* his thanks, and be would respect
t fully inform thonj that he has recuived and
1 opened a new and chvice lot of Confection.'!,
among which arc ciadies, niita, fruits, ric.—
j Hn also keeps CrrJarie*, such n Sugar,Cofce,
Tea, Molasaes. Cbecae, Caadiea, &c. Also all
! descriptions of Cakes, and will aervo VFedding
■ and Other pirtlea, a short notice, with confcc
[ tlons and cakes.
He his opined up and refitted his OYSTER
: S.ILOOS'. io asuperior style, where ho will al
ways be ready to serve his friends and the pub
' lie with the freshest and choicest Oysters that
j can Ite procured.
His stand is opposite the Old-Fellow's
. Building, whom he feels cenfident that those
I who give him a cHI will not go away disap
pointed JPrtN J I UTIJER.
t X y .9;
OATS, Cor. V. Fees,
J and IJJIR X>,
Jln K.xehaw|E E OR Good*.
' ll.i if.jrJ. Due. *>i,
tf lltßf lllE S'POitE.
Yh< subscriber having purchased the
tock #f lIAKDWAUK Ofth„ i.ito tt.
Atiller,in the Borough of Bedford, would re
■puetfutly Announce to hisfriend* ar.e thu pub
ic gttner&lljr, that he is r*uw prepared tfur"
, Jiisn almost JV cry article lis itu line 01 ousinvs.
on Livoralilotet'iu >. His stock, being NEARLY A!
i new, and lEK-CTAD <F one well experienced in the
! business, he is fully siitlsiied that purchasers
' williind IT to taeiradv-.vnta* .to give ium a call.
! IN A I lition to A general stock of HARDWARE, HE
I HAS on hand, and will CONSTANTLY K P P ORG.
, CEJUES of the VERY best quality— GLASS of
i all SUE—aIso.STON'E WARE of A very superior
! quality, FL- has ALSO on hand all kinds of Oils.
| Paints, Drugs. Brooms, TK C., ICC., and Cedar
I Ware in great variety.
j Hiving now permanently settled iti huslness.
and being ietersiinoi vo uo every proper ex<-r
i tion to please, ho to merit and receive a
literal share ofpublic patronage.
Doer. It!), IBM.
Call at lllymire'il.
i r pil E subscriber has just received frorn the
j I Eastern cities the l>est assortment of Brass
; Copper, and Tin Ware ever offered it. thi* place,
j !<>v,-hich he iuvitea the attention of the public -
j He*has agroat many improved Cooking utensils.
! 'hat cau.oot fail to please every housekeeper who
| uses them. The Ladies especially are invited to
j call and examine the articles. Among thetn are
; flu ASS AND Butt METAL Kettles of all sizes.
Water Coolers, Chafing Dishes, Saucepans, Milk
Boilers. NI RSE LAMPS, an excellent article for
■ the aiCk room. Cake Moulds, Spice Boxes, Tea
; Gannmtcrs, Brass and Iron Ladles, Patent
Lamps. Candlesticks. Glass Lamps, M .ich Box
es, Spittoons. kc. f &r.
English and French Tin, Ifoti and Brass Ware
a great variety.
Japanned 'fin Toys, and a great variety oj
Fancy articles.
Chain and Force Pumps, and in short every
i article in my line.
Don't forget to call at the Tin Ware Depot in
i P'tt S*.
' .lag: 11. lst.
In tlic Origiual Half Chests.
IN* noxKB, or (j AND I*2 rouxn®, AND IN*
& CO.,
Wholesale Dealers in TeaOuly
">"reis in Metallic Packs put u-> in Hail
Chests, containing a variety ol both BUck and
Green, to suit buyers.
Printed List o(Trices, Tonns, Ac., furnished
by unii to all who order them.
All Teas warranted to pie j so. or no sale.
One and the same price and terns*t* all, and
one only.
HalfChekts of Black contain ahottt .V pound*,
I and Green, about 60 pounds each.
Feb. 29, 1 $56. e
j WHO M INTS 1 F 111)1!
±/~To those who wish firms—to have
j fertile land at a cheap juice, and on easy
terms, your attention is called to the Ridg
j way Farm aud Coal Company Twenty-five
' acre* or more in proportion are given for
5200, pavab.e in instalments of SI per
week, or? I per uiouth. Iti.< located in Klk
\ county, Peuua., and hn one of tiie best
marketsfor its prodtlceiii the State. The
; soil is a rich loam, and is not to he surpas
sed for farming, s* examination will show.
It has the host elements of prosperity, be
ing underlaid by two rich veins of coal,
j and will shortly bo intersected hy futir rail
roads. The timber is of the most Vaiua
i hie kind. Title unexoeptionably good, add
warantee deeds are given. It presents a
good and substantial opportunity to cora
i mencc farmiug, providing for vine's clii!-
! dren,or making an investuieot. Further
. particulars can be had from the pamphlets
: which are sent to inquirers. Letters an
swered promptly, Apply or add res* S ami.
\V. (lattell, Secretary, 135 Walnut street,
north side, between Ith and sth streets,
; Fbtla. Full information ii contained in
the pamphlets.
Feb. 20, 1556-3 in.
TIIE subscriber wishes to rent bis Tan
nory and Saw Still, situate in St. Clair
| Township 5 mile? north of Schellsburg.
:to any person wishing to engage in the
| tanning business. This property will be a
eery profitable and desirable one, as bark
; is very abundant and cheap.
ThoSaw Mill is iu fine running condition
and will pay well. There is attached to
the Tannery a good dwllin2 House, Stable
and other out buildings, with running Water
at the door, and 6 acres of land.
The Tannery has a One borSt* breaking
machine, 16 lay-a-way vats, two limes 2
bates, 4 loeohee.and pool.
Any one wishiug to rent, will please call
on the subscriber living on the premises.
Terms easy and possession given the Ist
day of April.
Feb. 29. 1866.
Street, one door West of the Bank House.
I'tissnsgion given on the Ist of April next.
Ci W. ANI) Bit-SON".
Jan 11,1fip5.-tf.
Warning to Every feasible Womaa
Why Females Suffer In Xlealth.
Xo woman of delicacy is willing to ;
th..- peculiar ailments iucideiit to her sex, even :
to a most intimate family physician.
This modesty and delicacy is implanted by
nature, and neither houkl nor need be subject. i
ed to the rude shocks inevitable in making |
knowu to theother sex those uilmests belonging j
exclusively to the female.
Ex-sept in oxtrerae eases, her aenaitivenes i
will * rtriflio. her
Th.* c j:h ••lii.nce.t ari serious, Luaeuiablh <
ami life-long.
I'htti what at Srst could have been easily rem j
edicd; or perhaps bettor still, not incurred, bo- 1
comes a complication of diseases, not only ru- j
iningthe health of the mother, and embiueiin- i
j her days by sickness and sudering, but entailing |
; broken constitutions upon her children, ang j
| entbirratsing, if not distressing, the business auii i
i pecuniary prospects of the husband. Let eve
; ysensible woman
j (as thousands luve done) by the Utter expo-re 1
nee and suffering!, of others, of the dreadful
I consequences she entails upon herself and those I
j endeared to her, by her ignorance of the aim- 1
j piestand plainest rules of healina* connect**!
with the marriage state, the violation of which
entails disease, suffering and misery.
llow in iny are suffering from obstructions of ,
I irregularities peculiar to the female srstem
| which undermine the health, the effects of
; whiun lieyitreigii.itant, and for which their .n i
! icacy forbids seeking medical advice! How
I many suffer from prala/ieui a ttri (tailing of the i
i womb,)or front Jf hot a/fcta (weakness, debility
: ice.) ! How many are in constant agony f,
- many months preceding confinement; How ma
j nv have difficult, if nut dangerous deliveries,
and slow and unoertain recoveries!
; To the question, how a'-e these to be preven. j
tod ? shall he done? the answer Is simp].-.
Jet every *onnti ascertain for herself, without !
vrolence to bar dilicvcy. the nature and chart*. .
or of the ailment (to which she aa a female is
übject) the causes from which it may arise, an 1
the proper retnidkh, for its cure and i'uture pre
This she Cm do by possessing a little volume i
(already possessed by thousands) which tells her
what is the inittur, and tells her what to do for '
it. in simple hut chaste words, and such as she '
can understand.
This little vohiih- is entitled
raorcssoa or msxssrs vr wowtx.
; Hundredth Edition (iii O,U 0) l(>r;o.. %o> j
[o.v tin fapek, l.trt.i hi.vdixc, SI.J
A standard work of established reputation,
found classed in the Cstalogii. r W the great
; Trade Sales in N'ew York, Philadelphia, an I
othui cities, and sold by the principal book scl
era United States. It was first published i
u !Sl7, since which time
av. ; been soil, of which there were upward* of j
MAIL, attesting the high estimation inwhichii
<ll ss a tollable popular medical
the antborhiving devoted his exclusive atten
tion to the treatment of con.plaints peculiar t„
eiuales, in respect to which he is yearly con
sulted by thousands, both in person ilnd bv
Here e<cfy woman can discover, by compa
ring her own symptoms with those described,
the nature, character, causes of, and the proper
remedies for, lmr complaints.
The wife about hocoming a mother has often i
need of instruction and advice of the utmost;
importance to her future health, will find such i
instruction and advicre, aud also explain many |
symptom* which otherwise would occasion anxi •
etv or alarm, as ill the peculiarities incident to- :
her situation are described.
It is of caurso impracticable to convey full*,
the various subjects treated of, as they are of a i
nature strictly intended for the married or those 1
contemplating marriage. Tile revelations can- !
tained in its piges have proved a blessing to
thousands, as the innumerable letters received
by the author i which he is permitted bjr thewri-j
fers to publish) will attest.
Extract of a Letter from a ftntltmar. in D entin, I
Pivrox, May 1, 1817.
; Or. .2. M Htttricrau .-
• •My wife hia L ien perceptibly sinking for
; some three years or m->re, la cou.sjquety'e of
i her great anguish and suffering some months bc
i fore and daring conflaement; every successive
I one more and more debilitated and prostrated
! heir, putting her life ia imminent d inger, and
' which wag on the l ist occasion desp dred of. I
; supposed that this state of things was inevitable, !
and assigned myaalf t< meet the worst. At this
time (now about two months! £ beard your book .
highly spoken of, a* containing some ro titer* |
reaching my case. On its receipt and perusal.
1 cannot express to you the relief it afforded my j
distressed mind, an.l the joy its pages imparted ;
to my wife. on learning th*-groat discovery o! )
: M, S. D ssornuaux provided remedy. It open- .
1 ed aprospictto nio which I little conceived wis '
possible. Xo pecuniary consideration can ever >
: repay the obligations I am under to you, for f
having been the means of imparting to us the J
matters contained in '-The Married Wannus,
Private Medio*) Cotnpinion." But for this, ere
pother year would have passed over mv head, i
sin all human probability my wife would have
; ' ,-en in h<n grave and toy children left mother, i
' less."
In inawju *n *j of the universal popularityo |
the w k, as evidenced by its extraordinary j
nh. v irioui impositions have been at tempted
j as will o;i b iokacllora as on jho public, by im j
i jt v.i mi if till nig), spurious editions, ami sitr J
ptitio-ix infringnunts of copyright, nod othe ;
vie>** an I d,; 'prion*, it has been fuund neoes !
j ry therefor*
to buy no boo* unless the words "Dr. A. M. j
"airiceac, 120 Liberty Street, X. Y./'inon;
j (ud the entry- in the Clerk's Office oil the back i
i of) the title page i and buy only of respectable j
i and honorable dealers, or send by mail, and ad ;
' dress to Dr. A. M. Manriceau.
UyUpon receipt ot One Dollar. "THE
j COMI'AXION"" is sent (mailed free) to any
j purf ot ine United States, the Canada# and
British Provinces. All letters must be post
psl I, and addressed to DR. A. M. MAUKI
CEAU, box 12d|, Xew York City. Publishing
! Office. No* 129 Liberty Street, Now York.
July 18, 18ij-6m.
AOSKTS— Dr. F. C. It'imier, Ifedf.ird; T. B r
j Peterson. J. M. Moss ts Bro., and Tho a Cope r
thwalt, Philadelphia; Spang!or E Bro., Lanca"
! ten J. B. (tunuis<in, Erie; S. B. Lsutfvr. Green"
! burg; J. S. Vinkton and A. K McGlttre,Cham' i
: bcrs'.mrg. '
Ron rnr, ccar. OK i
Fits, Sp>\ais. Cramps, and a!
StrvQun and ConsJllpJieitai lis- j
.. . ... . j
IjEII.SONS who rtTe iahoring und< r this i. v. j
distressing malady. will find the Vegetable
Epileptic Pills to be %ke only remedy ever 4is
overctl fur
" VrtrHf Erttopvj cr FAIFFCG KITS
These pills possess a specific action on the tier i
vous njiitent) 4i!ti } although thcv arc pre ■. iu*i
especially tor the purpose ol curing Fits, tbev
trill be found of especial benefit for all person,
afflicted with weak nerves, or whose nervous
system has beep prostrated or shattered from
any cause whatever. In chronic com plaint e. or
diseases of long standing, superinduced h\ ner
vousness, tliey arc exceedingly beneficial."
Teslimony in favor of Hip Vege
table fcxtrart Epileptic Pills,
In the publication of I l.e fo How in g cert ifl catsi
of cures, the names have been suppress, d. as
the testimonials were voluutarily offered, and o'
would be improper to publish tl.eni wjtiir.tit the
consent of the parties, and who would be un- •
willing to publish to the world that they or ;
their children or friends, ever had fits, when i
the circumstance is always regard.d as one oil
the family secrets.
Hz tniMi, Berks fnunty. fa. I
Decanther ti'Jd, }HBa. i
To Seth S. Ilauce : [
Dear Sir—The Fills my brother l>uglit o i
you it v November. 1 up:an the Vegetable Epi
leptic. Pills, are out, and ] get n friend to enclose I
you live dollars, for which I wish you to tend '
mo immediately two afore. * 1 hare been
troubled many years with KITS, and have tried j
the skill of man e physicians, in,: nothing which I
I have taken appears to h ire met the require,
monts ot aty case, so well as your Epileptic ■
Pills. ' j
C'l. VHKSRfRU, Va. (
November 1->th. 1851'. (
To Seth S. Hanee, Baltimore. Mb.
Dear Sir—Having been afflicted for mc i
years ptst with railing Fit*. 1 saw your adver- j
tisemcut. and determined to give tour pillsa
trial, and 1 am bappv to nav that since I cent- I
merited the use of them. I have not had un *t
tack. I believe them to be a first rate article,
for. at I hare written to yu in a former letter
I was attacked every two weeks, but since l!
have been using them 1 have not had an attack.
V >tir.s, respectfully,
Now York, Oct. 10, 185:2. j
Dear Sir—Please send me two boxes more of !
your \ eyetallle Epileptic IMiJh. 1 lie jiern ?* tor I
whom J procured them, is much pleased with j
tUoireffects. They seem to have at; excellent i
Pittsburg, November"-, 18 .*.5.
Dear Sir—it is now tin month* since Juy wile
had any ol'those nervous attacks. She tliir.ks
she is cured. She has not had aV symptoms of
the disease for the last nine months. She took !
your Vegetable Extract Pills lor about four I
months, and discontinued them four mouths '
since. Mrs. S. was treated by the best old !
school physicians in the St to for ten years,th.-n
by tho best Uotnnepathic for eighteen month*,
n i.'bout a cure. It is to y ur Vecetahle Fx-.'
tract Pills, and with str rectr l to diet, that i
we ascribe her cure of the moat dreadful dis-,
ease that evei alllicted the human family. I wish :
every person afilicten with Epilepsy had this
medicine, and would rive it a thorough trial
It may not cure in Hll<MS.$. nut in this it hot
performed wonders.
M illedio. viEe. G. (
December 17. 18522. j
Dear St.'—l wish to inftopi you that once!
nty family has been alilicted with FITS lur i
number of years, and seeing an advwtiaciiiei - i
In a news paper, concerning your VegetsnleEx i
tract Epileptic Pills, 1 capio to the ci nclu*i< n. .
after trying almost every physician in my react.t
and all having failed in relieving my child of j
the disease, to scud for sit boxes of your pills,
which proved uu effectual cure for my da lighter,
whoi*now about 18 v.-ars ot age. i think!
there is no other medicine in use equal to them, ]
and 1 will be forever grateful to you for the use I
of them for niv daughter whom it b is cured.
Vours, respectfully.
Servoos and ConsJj:a:ional SJisea-;
Those pills posses? a specific r.ctior on the i
nervettv system. and although they are prepu- j
red especially for the purpose of curing bits,
they will be found of especial benefit to all per- !
son afflicted with weak nerves, or whose net- !
vous system has been prostrated or shuttcrd,
from any cause whatever; ill fact it is almost i
1 to convey an adequate idea of the |
speedy and almost miraculous results which
these pills etf ust in the diseased, broken down]
tr > arostrated nervous systems. Persons who i
were all lassitude, weakness* and debility, be- ;
fore their use. at once become robust and full of '
energy . No matter whether the constitution
has been broken down by excess, weak by na
ture, or debilitated by sickness, th -:r cfTectton
the unstrung and shattered tiervons orgacixa.
lion is equally certain and apparent. Incases
tof neuralgia, headache, vertigo, paiu jn the
nerves of the face, and the v irions train of ner
vous affections, palpitation of the heart, period
ical headaches, cold and shivered state oi the
frame, frequent fits of abstraction, total inabili
ty, dislike to society. meLncbol* .religious too- i
nomanii, heats and rln,hrs of the face outhv'
slightest occasion, a desire that existence should
terminate: they will produce a cure in an f sion.
iisbugiy short period of time, ami it t ill ulcs i
remove depression, excitement, a tendency to j
btuat:, restlessness.sleeplessness,incapacity for
stndy or business, k.** of memory, confusion,
giddiness, blood to the head, mental debility, f
hysteria, n decision, wretchedness, thrmghls ot;
self destoe tion. fear of insanity. Ac., kr.— j
They will increase and restore the appetite
strengthen the emaciated, renew the health nfj
those who have destroyed it by cxc> sses. and j
induce continual cheerfulness and equanimity •
of spirits, and prolong life.
Persons of pale complexion and vosr.umptive j
habits are restored by a hex or two, to bloom :
and vigor, changing the skid from a pale, vollow
sickly color, €o a bountiful fiiuid comph \iuti.
these Tills areci mpnsed of MKC C '
the TO'Mt expensive maty sals in the tlateri-i ,
Meiiicri, it will !>.- impossible to I eat a thetn j
around the country on agency. as common I'st- !
ciit Mediuine* usually t-rt*. But in order, to let '
the afflicted iu the most remote parts of the
country hare a chance to obtain them, they
will tie sent by mail free of postage. to any pari
of iff i-r.ited States, or any country with which
tLe *" :lf t i States has postal arrsng, invents, or
!he receipt of a remittance.
PRlCE'S.—Vegetable Extract KpilepticPill
| SO per bos. two boxes for f If, or $24 perdozea.
ir?-An orders must be addressed postpaid to
1(8 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. s Sirw-ipartlla Wood Pißt f _
• IfoCehotjnd
•' Compound Syrup of florehound.
•XT'Aldo for sale by MILLER 4. CON LEY
SebeTsburg. Pa.
May 25. 1 (SSli — r.
Til 13 Dtidi-rfiyr-ed have this day formed
h jtartueihllpi;) the Carriage Mating and
Blockt-initlitßg business, under tbc name
and fiitii of Weifil ii Co. Ve will en
deavor by pr<iiiptnera, attention and the
character of our work, to merit and obtain
a fair share of custom. Our stand is- '.lie
; one heretofore occupied bv IVcuei A Fot>-
; ler, immediately cast of town.
Feb. -U, 1856—(Itit
W AJi'Tlll)—Ai Reel's Colouaiio Store.—
! Wheat, Kve. Oats. ('mn. sad Buckwheat—also
i .all oihcr approved produce, ;a exchange tor
j goods al cash price,
r j ——-
Justice of the i'eacr.
f \mCE two doors South of the Mongol
House, and next doer to the citicn >f
' Matin & Span;.', where he wilt attend to the
i collection of all claims placed in his hand*,
i Bedford. Jan. 11. 1855.
rplIK SM-onu session of this institution wi !
. X continence on Monuay January ?L-t, 2856.
Tb<; session w'll be divided into two quarter*
| of 11 weeks entii with, nt a vacation.
Bate*of tuition f*d'ow \in;
Common English per quarter S?,C(J
To which will i e added for
i Bach higher branch "
Each Ancient 1 angutir* 1,2*
The entire amount tit the aboTe not to
• Exceed six delta,*
f)iaw ing in if Paintirg of tie different v.-irietif?
from SS to
'< Lesson on Finro. 10.(IP
Voeai music 2 lesson* per week l.fX
Incidentals. 5f
Boarding can be secured on reasonable term*
By order of THE TRUSTEES
Kainsburg, floe. 7. 1855.
t)!t. F. f. KEIHEK,
Bedford, Pa,
HAYING purchased the 4irqg and Rook
S'ore of l)r. S. 1). Scott, has constantly
en hand, at the oh! stand. a luTge and well se
lected .stock o, choice Dings mid Medicine .
wbolera " and retail, all of which will be slid
at fair terms. The assortment consists in parr oi
Drvfi.t m.,.' Chemicals. Dye Woo ds and Acids.
Faint. i avi Oils, Win-la v Glass and Glass
Ware. Tobacco aad irs, Perfumery, Fumy
at.H-Its 6 c.. tfC.
Pattst Mi.PtCt.MS.—Having the regular
agency tor the sale of all of these medicines,
the jini lie are assurftd th-u they o< the best.
: such n hsve stood the teat of time and expe
rience. and can lie safely rwomqtcuded a* ge
nuine, viz: Tovnsvnii's and S-'tid"* Sarsspa
■ rißa. Wisfsh's Bulssm of Wild Cherry, AVer's
Cherry Pectoral, .Mn(Tit's Li:.- Pili* and Pboi
uix Bitters. j)r. Jayr.a's Familt Medicines,
j Fsiii.stcck**. Hobewsack's. i..,t ether verei'fn
' trc-s; Hooftand's (larmxn Bitt .rs. \e... 4;,'..
Constantly on hand a large at ck of historic,
" liiograpliicAl. setentitle., rVlrgloc.s. poetical,
| school, ami m'sn dianeous LOOKS.
A : so a gfat variety of F iNCY STJTIOS
ARY. Cap. I'ost and wrapping paper of every
• quality. Paper Hangings in great variety.—
Windi w Blinds in patterns or 1 y the piece.—
Wall Paper. Steel and Fancy Goods.
FLASK FiOOKS of every siae ami quality,
Pocket Books and Port Monmics, Diaries.
; Blank Deeds and Mortgages, sold Pi-ns and
. Pencils. Combs, Brushes, Perfumery in great
variety. Soar*. Ac-, 4;c.
Lamps, apd Cimphtne Oil anri Cumir griuid,
i kc-pt jonstwntlv on hand.
; CHGICE LIQUORS for medical ns-q M oltPs
; Schotitam Schnapps, Gin. Port. Sherry and
! Madeira Wine*.
Aug. 11. 155-1. -tf
1111 E suhseriher. thankful for the patronage
. heretofore extended to him, v.-> hl ro~
( specttully t-> the ciliz-n* < f B'vdfooi
; and vicinity, tliat lie wilt oix n a Scuoot, on
: Mond ty, AprilJih. in tlioLeeiiire-roow of the
; Presbi teiii'i Ch ireh.
l'is host endeavors will b" used to discipline
| his pupils r.i'iileciually, morally and physically.
Terms of Tuition, per quarter, to bo paid at
j the close of each qnsrter. as follows:
j Prima! v. $8 00
Practical, Anthm -tic, Geography ic. S 50
j Jfathenntlcs and Natural Sciences. 4 >0
Bedford. Mch3B, 'Sti C.EC. SIGAP.JOS.
O'X 1 W A
PKOFOSALS will bo received hv the Mans
gurs of the lT ipewcl) and Bioody Run
fun,pike sud Pbnk Road Company, at th
; House of John A. Gump, in Bloody Ran, on
Thursday ihe 24th dav of April next, for
| grading, atoning and hridaioe the first seven
miles of si id. Road iroru TTopcW'dMnthe direc
tiisi <>f Bloody Rim, SneciJi3tions. Plans
itß(i l'loptisais will bo exhibited at said place
lor tliree days previous to said 24iii oi April.
Blank printed projmsals w-ill b,> found in the
bauds of P. Van DorsmW, Esq.. Stonerstown,
Jacob H. Barut'ollar, RUiody Run, and the
Secretary in Bedford.
By or er of the-Board.
JOHN MOWER, S:-rci:ry.
March 28. ISSC,
VOL. 2}). NO 10'
Attoraey at Law, Ecireijet Fa.
W? " HERE AFTER practice in t?,.y
' * *•"** <<#* of Bedford countv Jj .
ruay bo consuted -luring the WMtni,, * o f t!>
Court at Davis' II jo.
Feb. 18, lSftt.
®opr°ed Dagnemotycci.
J LL who viah to )uv k Zk.ttu c
i. themselves or of their Ijulca. e , K
oeaccommodated at tle*-i.xcUi.cßjjHEe '•
the Stw i j JJr. />
MtRK-ri where l)aj-i:errvory r ~i of all size* an,
on# up in Uh: most bvutililcltltii t v TltA.
| tAS L-tjhU' 'Jf S, Jft. Tiiutn siuefv or 'a
?roujm. J' rnr. fc taken ar<ieceae.
Lt-ii.'S ami Gent lets en are respectfully ir, v,
ted to eali ami examine tbo specimen*.
Young lady brinu in that veceribie father
and that watchful mother, ami secure a Hktntu
t<—lay, for to-morrow. it may be toe late
Mother bring on those Utile ones, with curling
locks and sparkling eyes, tiiey will i.sfce TP! .
ty pictures.and thuo I;culd deatftninoTethtia
you can exclaim,
•'Gone to their rest, yet w<- would u„t recall
Back to ti)i3 world of sorrow ;.cd psin
Got.-- t., their rest where no ill can Waif them
t Ut We have their likeness both perfect aui
pi. tin."
0.l i I ickets, single and double- #j so fancy
tn liund.
Inst rust ions given in the Art and apparatus
tiiriusbtn Of reasonable terms.
Bedford. Dec. 21. IS.j.j.
JOB 1. AXN, G. 11. SPASO.
1 iA;* ' -VERSHIP—The undersigned
L. r Ve ■' 4 - 50Cia "' ti tic tuselvcs in the frantic*
o: the Law. and wiL promptly attend to all busi
ness entrusted u> thtii care in lied fold and ad
oitiing counties.
on Julianua Street, three doora
south of .w,gel House and opposite the resi
•ieliCf: of M*J. Tate.
. , , MASS St SBa.NC
June Ist —IP6I ,f.
4 L. CRAMER & CO. have jtttt receive**
_l t i very isrge asscniDent ol Loots
Shoos,suitable for Fall and Winter, past ifvk4
3 lol.l*a ;
V en's Super Waxed Double S< ie L'ooa,
V-iiht .. City Matii-C'alf do.
.ten's •• Heavy Kip, Lined df.
Youth's Waxed Double Solo tcots.
Youth's Calf and K : p Lined do.
Boys' City madeCai: Boots.
Boys' Kip Lined Boots.
Women*' Double sole Kip Booties
Women*' Fine Gait" and Ftal do.
Won.ens' Fine Goat Morocco do
Women*' Parodi Bootvcs, very haydn tre,
Children's Shoes of every style and j tice.'
Gent's Morocco. Kid, and Calfskin Bootees
Laities' Double Sole Gutters. Gum Shoe*. Ac.!
iti fact. Boots and Shoes to suit t verr turcLa!
*er. Ir you want Hoots and Shoes, pit **c rive
a* a call, and you shall he suited in cuabtv and
price. ' •
Exchange Store is t l&platt !c U j Boots aid
Oct. }2. 1855.
Taylor Jt Jfowry,
HAT 13 € OXSTAVri.Y l)\ llilKn
it their Tannery on Ea.*t Pitt St. leath. i
o( ail kind* and of the hquality. itexcc-c
l-'Stly moderate rates. They pay" the lhgli,,:
price*tor country bides.
Feb. It). 18ft 4.
FlMcrinf Laths!!
'FsHE 5 \BEBSIt.\LD having erected
L a Mill for sawing LATHS on bjtf
promises in Union Tp.. Bedford county. i. new
ready ;o furnish any quantity on the' shone*!
notiae. Price si.M) per thousand. £ ft. livjg.—
Other lengths in proportion.
Letter* addressed to meat St. CtsirmDe nil
l-c pmmptiv attended to.
nr> Tp,. J>n, 16.1854. 77.
rv the subscriber Is fully prepared to tcrr.ih and
1 quantity or quality ofßniltfing Lurcher any
la storing hatha. Orders directed to St. Clstts
t'rtl. Bedford County, will be promptly vitetiied
tn, 'ny giving a reasonable ntrtice.
Dec. 29. ISS4.
IF \'OV want CHEAP COOL'S, call a!
Cheap Side.
Nov. 30.
lire hi Arrival !
FILL l.\i) li iVil 11 C6O6S.
Exchange Building Stcrc.
IHIE Sithscribera rispcctfttfly jnfoiin lhei r
, friends, customers, na ti.e public giticia!"
iy. liicy have ;o:t rcwittd the iai,,*! a*
sonment of
I all and Winter Good^
they have yet offered to purchaser*. Our ttoei
is in P'.vt .s follow*:
Blue, Black, Brown, and Invisible Grc n
Freucii and American Cussiiueres. \nitons col
ours; Ky. Jeans Wool Tweed'. Kersey *. Flsn.
acls, Coating*. Beaver Cloth, BLiukcis, Colds,
\ ••lvets, Drillings. Hibluyis. Laces, Glotcs,
Hosiery. t>hwis, Ac., be.
4-')' l pieces Fail Style Calicoes, *ll
U"> " Main and ITg'd I>e Lsius and Per-.
sian Cloths.
-•>" " Heavy and ilvdiwni Brown Mus
flu • Super Bleached Shirting Muslin,
It') Thiliet Cloths and Aijiscyiis, all
c olora.
To •• C"<:dncttfc *T colors and prie,
2. " Ail Wool, Rag, List, and #UirCar
1.1 •• Floor Oil Clothx, 4-1, h-i, &-4,
and 8-t wide.
Men sud Boys' Wool. For. and Beaver Sionch
It ds, Morocco Lined Xnvr Cap*. H<> Cloth
andPiusb do.. Boots and Shoes for ise* *3d
boys. Bootee*. Double Sole Msiocc* and Kid
Shoes for ladies, fo. an immense suj fOy of
Bonis and Shoe for mi#ses *nd ehildra -
Grocrncs, Qwensware, Hard*a**, Prpir.
Bucket*. Tuhfc. &c.
Fish Oil. Spe'nn Oil. Lard Oil. T.insred do
Bar Iron, N'ail, fyc.
Our issorimont includes dvcry article uacally
fouad in stores, and to prove e are sailing,
"cAvstner txtt Ihi rhtapes!," all urn ask i a call.
No tmuhlo io show goo ds
It will not co*t you anything to cctnc and
look at the bar;, lins we will rffir.
Produce rocctved tor goods at
coih prices.
Oct. 12, ISbi-,