Bedford inquirer and chronicle. (Bedford, Pa.) 1854-1857, April 11, 1856, Image 3

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    stow on him the genius and tingftaiiiaiity of I
bis father, the kindness ami inexhaustible ;
charity of his mother, the sincere faith and
devotion of both; and to sum up in one
wish, bestow on him a heart worthy of his
name A name was iLcii bestowed on the
infant —" Napoleon Eugene Louis Jean
.Joseph, /(7.v de 'France.''
Thisaj pcllatiou was entered in the Paris
registers and signed by the Emperor, being i
witne.-s<4 ''A Price Marat, the Duke of
Alba, Marshal Valliant, Minister of War;
M. Tropbmg, President of the Senate, and
Count de Morny, President c>f the Legisla
ture. On Sunday morning the Senate ank
Legislature met at eight o'clock and ro
eeiv. d the official announcement of the
bird: of an heir to the throne, an announce
ui si! which was received with every appear
ance of cordiality.
Tllii i.Ml'Eni.t 1, fIAEV.
The imperial infant, as 1 learn from a
credible eye-witness, and not from the rat
tie of courtiers, (says the Daily News cor
respondent,) is really as fine and robust a
l,y as ever was seeu. Lie is uccribcJ a*
rosy, plump, tveil made, fully developed and
with a suiprising abundance of chesnntcol
ored hair, resembling his father's.
He is called Napoleon ami Louis, after
bis father*, Eugene, from bis mother Eugenie:
Jean, after the Pope who is to be bis god
father, and Joseph in compliment to his in- |
tended godmother, the Queen of Sweden, !
whose name is Josephine.
lam assured j ositively (snys a corres
pondent) the Empress did not take chloro
form, and I leant on the same authority that
the forceps were used.
His royal Highness the Emperor,on the
occasion of the birth of the Imperial Prince,
has deigned to order that a sum of 100,000
francs, taken from the funds of the Civil
List, shall be divided between the Burt ax
de Bienfairence of the principal towns aud
communes in which are. situated the domin
ions of tlie crown. The Emperor has also
accorded, on tne same oec isi m, from ill
funds of the Civil List, a sum of 10,00Ol'r.
to the relief fun ! of the Hoeicte des A incur*
or Compositeurs: lt',oUUfr. to the Secicte
des Gens do Letfres: 11,000fr. to the As
sociation des Aliistes DrnuiatiqUes, I<J,
!, 00fr. to the Hocii to des Artistes Pointro*.
H ulpteurs, Graveurs, et De.s.sinuteurs: Ji,-
OOOtr. to the Sociote des Inventeiiis e.
Artistes I idustrieis.
hue !'.' is Munincipal Council, on re
ceiving the news, immediately voted a sum
ot 200,i It'• * francs for the poor, of Waich
lUO, 'Ui> : ,r ■ to be employed i.u redeeming
bedding pledge* at the Mont de Piece, and
the Oilier 1 GOjUOO francs in paying the nurses
of poor mothers who arc in arrear.
WilUiu a few minutes of the birth of the
Prince the Emperor sent message*-in hi.,
own uame announcing the event lo the
l'opc, the Queuu of England, the King
of Piedmont, ihc Qug-en of Sweden, the
Grand Duchess Dowager of Baden, and
some other courts. It is a very curious
Lie;, :t* showing not only the wonders of
til.: Electric 'Telegraph, but also the activity
of great personages at hours when the
world at large is wrapped in sleep, that
telegraphic messages of congratulation
were receive l .! in answer before six o'clock
from the Pope, Queen Victoria, aud the
Queen of Sweden.
Such an immense number of presents for
the Empress and the imperial infant have
! ately been sent to Pari- that it ha* been
foim ! absolutely necessary to send orders
to all the railway stations and dilligeueo
••dices in liio country not to receive any
parcel for such a destination. The money
spent in paying for the carriage lias been
enormous. Of course very few could be
accepted, and the greater part were returned
to the senders with thank., fur their offer.—
The carriage of ail these returned parcels
was paid by Iler Majesty. Many of the
presents were of a very odd character.—
Among the gifts for tlio infant was an enor
mous case of honey, the carriage of which
came to 20 francs. The Empress received
tf ii.i tie: south of France an extremely dirt)'
girdle, which the donor said she had worn
far seven confinements. .'ls she had only
hoys, she thought the Empress would be glad
lo watr it fur tuck.
'l'he New \ ork Evening Post in an ox
tended article, compares the 'lron Trade of
England and the United .States.' That pa
per states that tlie suuual product ion of
crude iron throughout the world is estima
ted at <,'JOOjOtX i of tons; and of thi* iiu
nietise aggregate, Great Britain produces
3,000,000, and the United HtaUs 750,-
000. The consumption moreover, must!
eon-tautly increase. X ay, extensive a* it .
already is, the iron trade may be regarded j
as only in it * infancy. Iron is now employ- !
ed for a thousand objects, for which a few !
years ago it was not made available. Iron '
"ips, iron houses, iron steamers, iron fetic-I
es, iron pavements and iron bedsteads, are
-icw in com mo ti use. But the question oe
rt v, here are the future supplies to be j
dbta:nedf It i contended bv those who j
'ti' 1 best informed upon Ihc subject, that in
♦heat Britain the moat favorable locations 1
arc ti' w fully occupied, and that if the iron
trade "f t'iat country is destined to a fur
ther increase, it must bo by bringing into
use the iron deposits of Ireland, which have
hi'herfo, for tin: most part, been entirely
neglected. Hut in the United States, the
work of manufacturing iron iris just boon
commenced, while the deposits are on tndi
an inmieuse scale, and arc so widely diffu
sed, that a production even to the extent of
3,000,000 tons per annum, would scarcely .
make an impression. In this view of the
subject, therefore, (lie resources of this
country in iron, possess the greatest impor
tance. The .trade is indeed Tfcry heavy al
;)1 ready. ]>ut what would it bo, if ade
quately fluttered and encouraged, the read
er may only imagine. Thus, in 1850, ac
cording to the census, the number of iron
establishments in the United States was
1301: and the amount of capital invested
was §15,410, 301. In Pennsylvania alone
there were 320 establishments, with an ag
gregate capital of $3,4*22,1)24. The sub
ject is one welt caluelated to excite reflec
tion. The iron mines of the United States
are tar more valuable than the gold mines,
and as the consumption increases, and our
ability to manufacture improves, the results
in an industrial point cf view, and as an el
ement of the national wealth, cannot but
ptove of stupendous magnitude.
I !
He Portrait cf John tlampileu.
(tur late Minister to England, Hon. James
Buchanan, has sent homo, by the ship
Tropic Bird,just arrived at this port from
London, a valuable original portrait of that
stern ?ld Republican, .John Hampden. It
belonged to Hon. John Maggreger, member
of the British Parliament, from Glasgow
and is presented through Mr. Buchanan to f
the people of the United States. It is one
of the only two original portraits of the true
patriot now in existence. Hampden was
otic of the men who uiay be regarded as the
forefather* of Republican America, for his
example stimulated that opposition to king
craft and the Papacy, which led the Pil- j
griius to our shores to liud -freedom to Wor
ship God.'—Phil. Huu.
A question has been raised as to whether
this picture sent by Mr. Buchanan is an f
original. Wo have the evidence of Mr.
Maea uley, the great English historian ami j
essavist, to the following effect. The essay
' ... j
from which the subjoined is an extract ap
peared in the E iinburg Review, in 1831, |
and may be found in the standatd edition*
of Mr. Macauiay's Essay*.
We have read this book (Lord Nugent'* I
Memorials of Hampden,) with great pleas- j
ore, though not exactly with that kind of
| pleasure which we had expected. We bad
i hoped tliar Lord Xlitreut would have been
able to collect, from family papers and local
traditions, much new and interesting infor- :
mation respecting the life ami character of i
the renowned leader of the Long Parliament ;
the. first of those great English commoners, i
whose plain addition of Mister, has, to our
oars, a more Majestic sound than the proud
est of the feudal titles. In this hope we :
have been disappointed: but assurdly not
from any want of 7.eal or diligence on the :
part of the noble biographer. Even at
| Hampden, there are. it seem*, no important 1
! papers relative to the most illustrious pro
i prietor of that ancient domain. The most
! valuable memorials of him which still exi-t
1 belong to the family of his friend, Sir Johu
Elliot. Lord Elliot has famished the por
trait which i* engraved for tins work, to
gether with sonic very interesting letters.—
The portrait is undoubtedly an original,
and probably the only original in cxisteuec.
j The intellectual forehead: the mild penc
j tration'of the eye, and the inflexible rosolu
• tion expressed by the lines of the mouth,
sufficiently guarantee the likeness.
On Thursday night last at about 12 n'-
| clock, a fire broke out in a stable or ear
raigc house on an alley near Montgomery
street, and before it was .-übdacd it did a
vast amount of damage—burning two ex-i
° i
j tensive tinware establishments, one belong- j
ing to Mr. John Boiingcr aud ihcother to
Mr. Daniel B dinger—the clock and watch
I maker shop of Mr. H. Liius—the dwelling
house of Mr. Deeter—another and a 1
j carriag(-housc in the occupancy of Mr.
ibisher, together with a considerable ipian
tity of other property, embracing a new
! rockaway carriage owned by Mr. Joseph
j I'uDou—four hogs, aud a lot of corn, coal
and wood, by Mj. Raymond—B,ooo or
j 10,000 shingles and several barrels of salt,
j by Jos. Smith, Esq. Ac. Ac. The Messrs.
B diuger lost heavily in the way of tools
aud wares, and Mr. Muorehouse considera
ble by damage of furniture kc. The shop
of Mr. Kouutz was also considerably dam
The night wan calm, hut the buildings
were all Ira me aud burned with gi cut ra
pidity, and t w** only by the greatest ex
ertion that Ui further spread was preven
How the tire originated is not certainly
known, but the prevail jug impression is that <
it was in Borne way accidental.
The entire loss was perhaps from $6,000 i
to $8,000; mainly insured vie believe ia
the Lycoming company. Only about
SISB or S2OO fails on the Blair Co. Com
pany—tofhdnysburg JUgisfcr.
litis. George M. Dallas ih Livtr-
I'Oi'L.— -The Liverpool Chronicle of the 15ib
nil., after announcing the arrival of Mr.
Dallas, iho American Minister, in that city,
' says :
'•At noon yesterday a deputation from
the American Chamber of Commerce of this
poi t, accompanied by their president, Mr.
Hd'ar, wailed upon Air. Dallas, in order to
welcome him on his arrival in this country.
In responding to their felicitations, his Ex- j
eellency expressed his belief that the caus
es 'ff difference between the two countries
' were capable <>f an amicable solution, and
trusted peace would be preserved, not only
for the sake of humanity, but also for the
interests of commerce.
"His Excellency afterwards visited St-
George's Hall through which lie was cou
ducted by Mr. Alderman Parker. lie ex
pressed, m bigli terms, his admiration of the
noble edifice, and later in the afternoon
brought, his lady nod daughters to visit it. i
('apt. Oliver Elcrige, Commander of the !
Atlantic, dined yesterday with his Excel
lency at the Adelpbiu Hotel. He take*
his departure by the 610 A. M. train to
Jay, for London, to assume his official du
The French press scam to be consider
ably exercised by the long struggle for a
Speaker in the United States Ilonse of Rep
resentatives. The Pntrit , a Paris evening
journal, a few days ago gravely annouced
t< it* rca iers the termination of the com
bat, in the election of Mr. Banks, "a n
irro," who bad long been violently opposed
by the Southern members on account of his
color, and whose election would no doubt
lead to the speedy dissolution of the Union!
Another paper in re-publishing the ballots
ret down by".l D*. Scattering"' a member of
the minority, as having received a few
votes from first, to last, and thought bis
friends' resolution in sticking to Him Very
commendable indeed. There's wisdom for
you '
Incident of the New Hampshire
They must have had a hot time of it iri
Now Hampshire. We copy the following
, circular which was published in one of the
American papers. The cd'tor says it was
i picked up bv someone who thought it 100
; good to be kept a secret. Whether a roa]
call, or a burlesque, he is unable to say ?
Tins will inform you that there is to be a
Grand liaily of the Hons of Arin at the
; place of our seconil nativity the Custom
j House, (third story) on Saturday Xii.hf,
! March X. .Mr Zuni* O'Ciiuient, Teddy Ma
■ gee. mid Hamucl MoSwa.sey will pako at the
[ meeting
The di nmycrats promise to give u* a
j Representative or an Alderman this year,
| and if Wells is elected, to help us celebrate
: Ht. Patrick's Day on the 17th.
Kape this to show at the door. Password
i —"Look out for Bit Hindoos."'
By Permission of the Praist,
Patrick MoG.irthenv, Scribe.
: Portsmouth, March 5,
Shocking Occchrence.-Oii last Thurs
; day night, about 10 o'clock, a limn went to
, Mr. Oberhaltzer's, in Warwick township,
• Laneas'er enmity, Pa., knocked at bis bed
1 room window, end called him bv bis name
demanded fifty dollars of money in a hurry,
,or ho would ret Mr. O.'s house and barn
; on fire. Mr O. did not do as roquet ted,
! and the barn was soon all in flames. It
contained forty-seven head of cattle, horses
i sheep and hogs. Not one head was saved.
The fatuity did nfit dare to go out to save.
' their stock on account of the burglars. A
man, after the fire was over, was f >und un
! dor the foreshot of the barn, burned so
i badly that be could not be recognized. Ilow
lie come there nobody knows.
: We can say to the Old Line Union Whigs
j and Democrats says the Memphis tingle
\ who are still unpolluted by Sag-Niciifisuu
Popery and Jesuitism: "Here is a ticket,
that carries the flag and keeps step to the
] music of the Union ! Here is a ticket sound
ul*m every constitutional question! Here
jis a ticket, true to the Houth, true to the
I North, true to the East, true to the West,
true to 'God and our country!' Fill
more and Donclsou! Come up aud support
| Uieui !"*
TENNESHEE.—We learn by the Ten
nessee papers that the American party bad
j achieved the most signal victories in the re
cent elections for sheriffs and County Clerks
jn the Htatc. The Washington Organ has
i been authorized to state, by an intelligent
i Tennesson!), that the Atneriean party is 20
per cent, stronger there to-day, than it was
in August last.
DANGEROUS CUT —We find in a
southern Anti- American paper a wood er.-
i graving, representing Sam as walking off
with a brandy bottle in his hand. The
Anti-Americans are very imprudent, *ay s
the Louisville Journal, to represent him
They will have all their eivn fellows
running after liiui.
CHICAGO.— Chicago is a fast place, as
• every body knows, but rapidly as the popu
lation increases, the votes at the ballot
i boxes beat it. At the recent municipal
ejection, 500 votes were returned from one
ward more than the whole number of legal
voter.* therein, at)d all these were for the'i'' eondidatcs.
Lot. is 1A >. a —Tin? Planters" Banner,
; (Franklin} unfurls the ilagrd Fillmore ami
Douelxon —anil a moat encouraging
report of tlic cause in ilta f quarter. The
t New Orleans Crape tit says:—
"We sLall carry the State for him, un
less the present Legislature passes an net, j
deiVanehi.sing ail native suffragans. Wei
are not sure that such a law will be passed, ,
although we buve heard it spoken of, neither j
are wc sure that it would be respected, evoti j
if it should pa*-*.
.St. Louis Intelligencer says "Enthusiastic
meetings of the American Party are taking
place in all parts of the Country. The
spirit of 1840 is aroused, and promises to
sweep the land like a tornado.
"We put down Missouri for Fillmore and
Ponelson by 10,000 majority sure. And if j
such things can bo done in Missouri, what j
may we not expect elsewhere 1
"Roll on the hatl!"
• '
On tii .tTili nit by the Rev. H. 1 loegurwuiw, !
Mr. Jmit LF:oN\Ki> to Miss Sarah Ann H iu-•
i.i IK*, l.otli of Bedford.
At the house of John Leader, Ksq., near
Bloody Run. on Tuesday evening,Bth lust, hy
flu- if'ev. If. Brads haw Bschtefl Mr. D.vvin
Trues of Blair County, to Miss M. Vtauitiii.
I.kaoEß of Bedford County.
On Friday the 28 th ult. Chariottg Bi tf.,
infant dangiiter of Mr. ami Mrs. Wifliam Al
lison, gd 17 months and 2U days.
Meat Bloody Hun. on the 8d insf., Mr. Sot.- '
, oitox Hollar, aged 04 years, 1 month and-27 j
IKT:E3"W S6T7OXX3U,, ' |
.\*m Firm and Aew Hoods,
\X r F l, cg leave to inform the public tint we j
\ V are now receiving and opening an entire •
new stock of Gotxli of great, variety and a!! j
of the latest ,lyles, consisting ill part of
Cloths; superior J'uney and Black Cassimers: •
o.lssinctts; Tweeds, and all kinds of fl mtle- •
niriis' ami Ladies' DRESS (il)ODS; all (lie j
Prints from six and a fourth cents, up; .MUMS- j
tin dc Laines, most beautiful style* ami fin- I
I.xli; Muslin, bleached and unbleached, from >
a fin up.
, U'.fRE. Hats Cap*. Bonnets, Buckets, Tttfw,
Boots, Shoes, and every tiling usually found hi
Our goods have been selected with Treat
cart from Baltimore and Philadelphia mark
et,. ami we will warrant them to be all new
and good.
As wo are determined to spare tio pains to j
I please, we hop.- by strict attention to business j
to merit and receive a liberal share of the 1
j public patronage.
We are going to sell cheaper /kit* the cheape*!
—SO don't fnrppet to call ami see tbe great
bargain* wc will offer.
No c! th-ge f>r showing goo is.
I All kin l of country produce taken lor
goods and tlie highest prices allowed 1v
Sf. Clairsrille. April 11, lsif.-c
VN election will tic hold at the Hull of "Thk
Bkhforu H ti.L Ass ri vtiox or the Boit
loi tui anii Cot'XTv of BrnroKn," on Moud-iy
tbu ofti day of May next, between tin-hours of
! 1 a"d J o'clock. I*. M.. to elect Five Trustees
j to manage ami conduct the affairs and luisi
! m'ss of said A.-woci it ion. for the ensuie.*' year.
agre -ably to the charter of arid Association,
i By order of the Board of
April 11, I.Sid-1
DR. U. E. KICHTKH, having made an
assignment of his property to the under-
I signed, for the lienetil of his creditors, notice
- is therefore given to all persons indebted t >
said Dr. Riehter to make payment to the un
dersigned immediately, and those having
claims are hereby required to produce them
immediately for settlement.
| April 11, 1856.
OH* ii K FlhLfcS,
OFFERS his professional services in all the
branches of Medicine, Surgery, Oostet
| rics, an I all other branches connected with the
| profession, to the citizens of Pattonsvplj,
i Woodbcrry, Hopewell and the surrounding
j comnuinity; and hopes ny strict attention, and
j lonnei success in practice, to give satislac
j tioii to ail who favor him with a call. He will
! always be found at his oiliee, one fourth of a
I mile north of P..ttonsvillunless profession
ally engaged.
Pattonsvillc. April 11, 1856.-c*
f p 11 F. undersigned begs leave to reform bis
A friends and the public, that he has just re
turned frotu the Eastern Cities, and is now
At Cheap Side,
A general assortment of n<nv style of
comprising in a great variety of Ladies Dress
Goods—consists in pait of Chatliea, Lawns
Do, Alpacvs. .Madonna Cloth, BtC. #c.
| and a great variety of Black and Fancy Cas
: aimers, Linen audCottouade for Geiitluiuctis'
and Boys' wear.
Jioolt, Shoe*, 11. h awl Tunnel*. Grorcie*,
I Quffiuvran, HaMw-jft, Broom t, Bucket*, Tu!>*,
! Churn*, fcr. ife,
I lie alxjve stock consists of every article
1 usually kept in stores —til of which will he
i sold cheap for ruh or approved produce,
j I hanklul for past favors he hopes hy fair
dealing, and a desire to please lo continue to
merit and receive a liberal share of the public
i patronage.
G. W. Rl'IT.
Bedford, April 11, 1850.
, 1" KTTEKS.iI'FSTAMEtiT.vRT to the Estate of
X_j Solomon Hollar, laje of IVest Froyi
idetree Township, dee'd. having-been granted
by the Register of Bedford Oouh'y to Hie im
dersigiied, notice is hereby giventhataU per
sons indebted to said Estate will be required.
, to make immediate payment, and those b:iV-'
| ing claims will present them properly autben
j ticated for sefflcmenf.
Weal Providence Town ship, I
April 11, A. D:, 1855. 1
t Attention lii Semen !
"%7"OU are hereby ordered to parade
X on Thursday the 17th iut., in
winter uniform, with plume, at 10 o'-
clock A. M. i\ full turn out Is requos-
Ilv order of the Captain.
April 1,1856.
/•i ik\e Court of (Jairman Pl-ns of Btd
f,)d County.
'?! TUX Ef-TATK or J lMr* K. If AU.AW. i
TXT 11EREAS O. K. Sn.xs SON, Assignee of
W !te Estate of James K. Halhtin, did oh
ijic 7 ti> day at April. ISos;, tit a i" th office of
{he Prut! utmtaty of Ihe Court of Common
Picas of Bedford OtiHrtT. Mr Aoconut oi' said
J-ist.t. ' i
Notice is hereby given to the creditors of
said J as. S. if' it at! others interacted in
said Estate, that the Uouoraliie Judges of our
said Court have appointed Friday the '.-£ li dry
of May nest, for the hearing of the v.'Oic, tmd
i for showing cause why the said Ace >y.nt ought
not to ne ".nil in default 1 her oof the ;
said Amount uiil tv contfrntod.
Witness lite Hon. F. \i. Khamuli, President
of our said Court at Bedford the Hits day of
April. A 1). luaf.I u af.
U. WASH ABA EG 11, JUYtry.
April 11, 1860.
In the. Court of Common Plats of /?•>'-
J<rrd County.
"VSfFKh'KAS (. K. giiANSos, C- remittee of
V V the Estate aiore-said, did on the "Ist day
of Febnisry 185!. file in the • ftice of the I r-.
thoiiotni v of tin < ourt <a .'■ tumt.n Picas of |
Bedford County, his Account. as Committee of
the Estate of Samuel Beetle—
Notiec is hereby given to the creditors of
the said Samuel Beegle, and all others interest
ed in said Estate, Hist the Honorable Judges
of our said-Court have appointed Fiiday "he
■tth day of May next, for the in trine f the
same, and for showing Capsc why the said Ac-.
cuiit ought not to be allowed . and in default
thereof, the same will he confirmed.
Witness the /Ton. F. M. Kfauaelt, Presf b't.t
of our srid Court at Bedford, the -th day el
April, A. j>. lh-'iC.
I>. WAS 11 ABAUGH, Proth 'y. |
April 11, ISSO.
sf I ttloable Eftate.
FX pursuance of an order of the Orphans''
Court of Bedford County, tho übscriher '
whi exp '.ve to s tie f jv public vendue or out>-ay, i
AT THE CO CUT IHtESE. in the Re.ougii |
of Radford, on MONDAY th ■").*.'! day vf MAY, .
;i Valuable Tract of Coal Land. s{|sl) Acres, more or less, vni
ate in Broad Top Township in said County. 1
adj suing lands of K. P. Phelps. land. I Be of
the heirs of Mt sTmCtC E w.uals, land of Hutiiil i
ton and Evans, mid others.
Tntvf: CASH.
J()11N DICKEY, Aim'r
:■/ /he Eih:lt of S. L. T.i. fi'., '•!.
April 11, 1350.
I>CT down lor Trial sit Al - Tena„s:h day,)
•Snrab Lnwian vs Zachins Sttman
Muliits " J. Patterson et al
Charles StucUev " George I ekes et al
taiiitt'*l S. Stnckey vi Henry Kiser
(r. W. Fig.t: 1 " John Griffith et :il
JacobSii'der •• David Earns
C.,nii)io::woalth for use • llohert C. Morris
Daniel Baker PbitfpS. Croft
D l'atteison's use '• Samuel Ifoiui usinith
Aln am "Lehman '■ S. M . Barclay's ad'r
Haiti ".' Sill " Siin'J Griffith
A Init Purney '* JobS. Alters
Levi i far.linger Will mm lii.dr
lioine.aii Jc CristV llHut. & B. T. H. Co
Sarah llixVr et ul '• i) B Wiaugarveret a!
Adam Kerahncr '• George Blackburn
Adam Furney J< : -S. Alters
Jm'tri Cristnan '• Christian
C. Stouffcr's assignees J as. S. B-aehwith
Hiram F. Jtohm •' Kdivard It. Trout
Kdw inl i>. Trout '• Samuel Taylor
| Michael Ssniniel* '■ Samuel Cams
; Philip rfarkleroad *- KHas llite
! Jot. Wollord '• U in. Blair at al
' Daniel Smith " Santo
K. B. Vef; gir's r.s > > Jo' a Tread we! I
Siiuuiel Miller " Paul Wer'z
Thomas Miller •• Same
Joint llerr ' O. K. Shannon
Same '■ John S. Hetrtck
! C. Stoufler's assignees John Cessna
j Proth'.vs Office, April 11, 1850.
Msf'i'S Mii'il '
VLT, p::rsons interested either as heirs, cre
ditors. or otherwise, are hereby notiliad
that tiie following named persons have ft ed
; their accounts in the lb-gi ■ t'S utlicand that
they will he presented to the Orphan's Court
I ol Bedford Countv on Friday the Uth day of'
May next for cortirmtrtion, at which time and
; place they may attend if they think projver.
The Am ount of O. K. Shannon, Ls'j., Guar
; dian of .Wtni Bliinkley's .u.itiors.
The Account of John Cessna. Esq., Gu-ir
: dim of Daniel W. Blackburn, tiow ib c'd.
The Account oi' Jesse BUokbilfii, Guardian
of Jesse Kotiser, uowrfecM.
Tiie Aceoust of Jos. MeDaniel, Adci';" of
. Daniel Mailspeaker, late of West Providence
■ TovffMhip, dee'd.
Tbe Aocouiit of Samuel L. Knsscll. Lsi(..
Ex'or of the last Will, Ixe., of Solomon i'il-
I ler, late of the Borough of Bedford, dec d.
The Account of George tV. .Willkints, Ad
mirrisfrator of Andrew Miller, dee'd, who was
. Adm'r of Jacol) Miller, late of Harrison Town
j ship, dee'd.
The Account of George W. Williams, A l
j mir."isti ator of Andrew Mill r, dee'd, who was
; Guardian of Ann Stu lelstkcr.
: The Aecoi.ut of John Montgomery, Adm't
i of Jonathan Bally, late of Bethel Tp. dee'd.
The second Account of Job Mitnn. Ksi|.. Ad
j miiiistrator of Jos. S. Moci" son, lute ol the
j City of St. Louis, dee'd.
I The Account ol John Mower and R.B. AA'isc
garver, E> j'rs, Executors of the. last Will Ail.
of John Wiseg.irver, late of St. Clair. Town
ship, dee'd.
The Account of Hiram l.entit, one nf the
Administrators of Henry Dully, late oi the
Bomugh of Bedford, dee'd.
Toe Account of Courad llardinge.r, Guardian
of George Ilouck's minor children.
The final Account of George W, Wihiarua,
Executor oi the Us; Will &c., of John Wil
liams, late of Napier Toivnvhip, dee'd.
The Account of G&orge Vf. Pigird, acting
Executor of the last Will Stc., o' Junius Pi
gard, late oi' llroadtop Township, dec'ti.
j The A "count of John Dickey, Adm'r of S.
i L. Tmiias, late of Middle Woodbtriv Town
f ship, dee'd.
The Account of Win. II Boor, Adm'r of
1 Nicholas Boor. Utu of (.'am urluiid Valley
Township, dee'd.
The Account of Joseph Dull, Esq., Adfu'r
of Joseph Nedro, lite at Juniata township.
Tlw Account of Jacob Koons, Adoi'r of
David Koori,'late of Napier Township, dee'd.
. The Afcqunt of John M. Smith, Adm'r of
Stinitn'-r Jlarbaugli. late of St. Clair Town
ship, ifc-c'd.
.Ttm ol' James Taylor, Adui'r of
.Mrs. Margtrei Taylor, late of Papier Towti
Tim Accpiwit ol John Mower, Esq.. one of
the Executors of Matthew Wa!l,l.;te of Bed
bird Borough, de-'-'d.
The Account of Simon Nycuni . Adm'T of
Dr. David M. Hudson late of East i'mvi
deoco Tovmship, dee'd.
Tin -Account of Bccj. Mills, Ex'or of the
' last Will sp. of George yiills, laic of Monroe
j Township, dee'd.
The Account of Beftj- Mills, Ex'or of ,t!m
j last Will ffc ,, of John Mills, late of Monroe
j Township, dee'd.
Tin- Account bf 'Patrick Donahoe, Adm'r of
' the Estate of Solomon liico, late of SoutU
-1 amptbti Township, dee'd.
|" llcgist' i'a Office, April 8, 1850.
BX virtue f sundry vvrifs of Pi. Fa. to mp
directed. fh"rv will if_>il at the Co rift '
House, in tap Borough of Bedford. on Satur
day tin- 3d day of May, A- !>-, 1K3, at li
o'clock. A. M., the following described H l ' d
Estate. to wit: i
One Tract of Land contain ing 5 acre*, more
or less, all cleared and under Asicit, adjoining
lands of fir. Peter Siionnbel' beiro, David I
Daticis sii.'l others, situate ill 'diddle Wood her- j
ry Towhrfilp, lied ford Oohntr, and taken in
execution as the property of Folard MeCor- !
| laick.
Also, one Tract "f Land cont?!rib'g Si acres, *
more "i !'■: , about 2d acre* ot which is cleared J
and under fence, with u story and u half log |
house and tog stable tvitlt tfires! Lug floor at- .
'ached thereon erected, adjoining lands". of John '
< <x k. JtuMtkiii Jjy-.le an I otbcr.s, situate in j
H.ii-ilson Township, Bwlofd County and ftk- i
en in execution as the ore: ,1V ol iienrv Ltm
hmgh. |
Also, Ail ih.'fe'i.l ni. s 11 - .t• :vf in hd to n |
'.Tact nt Land c-.itt lining Ir> !■ re-rcs. more ov :
less, about -JJ.acres eh- under fence. {
with a lw story Log //nus' . :id double e'jr
i>ani then a.a ♦•reeled, ai'joitnug lands of Joseph
1 isker BtchaiJ K.. no till* a ltd- othc-;, situate in ,
Juii! ti.x Township, IT-'.ford Count - . a .id taken !
in I Xecutien as the [iraiiTW of. lie- re Uui- *
Ungii. _ j
Also, all defendant's, Isaac Reighnrd's, into- j
rt audio a Tract of Loci, containing 25 i
acres, mure or iess,abort 20 acres cleared und ,
Under fence, with a two story frame hous • with
kitchen attached, nod Toe *!aide thereof! erect- '
>;d, adjoining land* of Jacob Better, John 8. j
I* itcliev and others, situate in Bedford Town- i
ship. Bedford C runty, and taken in execution j
as th properly of Roighard.
Also, al! dM'.-ml ant's interest, in and to :i i
Tract of Lend, cmtninittg 7 acres, more or |
less, ail cleared and under fence, with a two j
story log house and log stahfe thereon erected, i
ndj.iini.tig lands of Jacob A-car, Samuel ISerk
heiin-l and othe-s, s': : i;sk ill .St. Clair ToW'h- j
shin, Bedford County, and t uteri in execution i
is the property of .?. remiab Elsrode and Sam- j
uel Elsiode. 1
Also one Tract of Land containing 440 j
acres, more or less, amtEt .teres clear 1 Hti-i J
under 'shoe, with a two story log house, one !
cahhin house, double log barn, bistcksiii'th i
shop, and saw ieiiJ, thereon erect adjoining j
f.nds of Leonard May, John L. llili otii- i
ers, situate iu /farr'uou Township, Bedford
County, and taken in execution as tie proper- j
ty of George Trout man. |
Hi o/t MOOR/:, s;*rij: ;
Sheriff's ' HFce, April 31, 3H-s<i.
/MIL REAR the Ijonorabh■ F.u wcis M. Km- ,
* President o; iltc set era! Courts of'
fl.uumor PI is in t;.e counties eenipodng tool
Kith i utiici i! IWsteict, rmi ■! entice of the Courts !
of Oyer .oi l TofiitiiKtr, nut Oci.'era! J.iiJ Dulivc- i
ty, for the tri il of capitat and other offender* in i
the said district—and Josmni H. Noaisr and :
Jons (j. 11a.kti.kv, L-'piires. Judges oi the
Courts ttf Common Picas, and justices <4* tlie
Court of Oyei and Ternt;n"r. arid G -tietal Jail
IMivery , lr the trial <>t a e '.pitai mid other oi
leliders in the county of Bedford—have issued
their precept and to me directed, for holding a
Court o! Common picas, and General Jail le
--liverv, and Court of Over end Tyrraiuer at Bed
ford,' on MONDAY the ->Mi day ot MAY,
next. N'.rricr is In. red y given to all the Justi
ces of the Peace, the Coroß T am! Constables
within the s-iM eor.n'.v of BcdfWlfd*, tint they be
then and the, • in theirproper persons, with their
roils, r- cords, and impiisi'.i ,:is, examinations
and other retßemhtarires. to do th<>se things
which to their-otiices and in that oehiif .ui]ier
taiii to Ik- dune, ami also they Willi will prose
cute cgtinst the prisoners th n are or shall t in
tie:.!. il of Lied; cotttuy, to he then and thur,:
to [irusecuteagrinst them as >h..o he jest.
Sheriff's Giiicc, Bedford, April 11, LSfdh
Sff: M£im
TJli- Partnership heretofore existiiig between
the undersign'.d, trading under the name
aed finn of Sa.n-ix l Gi i-uvar, in t;>e Dry
Goods business lias this day • dissolved by
mutualc'ttsent. Ail i ersuns iiidchted to said
Inn are requested to hive their aeoonnts sett led
up by the Ist of May. The Books and Ac
counts will Lr found in the hatnls of A. .1.
Sansom until that time.
April 1. 18-56.
The undersigned will coniiUHc the business in
the room lately orenpied by Isaac. Lipped on
llie corner of Juliana and Pi:t Streets, oppos
site Dr. P. C. lieamer's Drug and Bo.ok Store,
where lie v. 11! be happv to See all his fucn-V.
VO!t ERABLY to the pro 1 isians of an Act
of Assembly direetiug tire mode of soiling
unseated lauds tor tuxes and other purposes,
pis- d the IVh March, 1816, and the supple
ments thereto, passed the iilthih .Matoii, 3817.
ami the 2-">i!i ilay f Ji-rcli, lßotl, .uni jthe Mil
day of March, 1816, the Treasurer of the
f'.-mity of Bedtord, hereby gives notice to ali
pi-rsous i-oneerneil, that i.ule.-..- tie County.
State, School •! I iioad taxes, d'-'e on tie- fof
lowiue !raets of 11 nseuteii lamls. situate in Bed
ford County, are paid before the i!ay of sah
tite. wiiole or stueli parts of each tract rs will
p.av the f axes and t lie eon's chargeable thereon,
will lie sold at the Court li ,u- . iu the Borough
of Bedford, on the SKC'jyj) f'i \ /Tj ItT/f
DJiY Of JOSH SHXT, for iho arrearages of
TaX'-s due aiid the costs accrued thereou, alld
siid sale wi.B Ik' eoutiuneii from day to Jay,
until all are disposed of.
Tr-nsnrer's Otii *.
Boil ton), March 2.5, 18-" d. \
liftftrr'i Tmrnxtiip.
Acres anil Warrantee* Amount of
Perches. or owners. Taxes,
dsny Jae-'li Funk. b I Ki
If' Alox.iniler Boyil, '
ftmmtion ToHms'iip.
24-5 Joshua Edwards. 1 1'
100 William Edwards. ll'
:j!l J. dm (f r-i v r, K>
ath") William tiray", !
4'Jb CMiarles Richitrds, I 11
2b:? Peter Keag-iee, - "2
llffi Mordeca Whi-eh-!', 7-5
it? Abraham Kerns. 2f
47 Wui.T. D.inghertr, i 2il
id Willi an Fieijfl.
Ijtai Barclay fs Poster,
18'J Francis 51 •'in. - lb
TjJ-5 312 William Ward," 1 93
400 Jacob Myers. 2 ub
400 ltwbcrt Sharp, 2 -50
244 Benjamin Pfiee, 1 2 (i
421 Abraham Henry, 3 20
IfOfi 32'J James lliirioq, 1 —i'
-50 Wm. T. Daughertv, 2 K
400 Jalhes Putt-on, 1 2"
KM Jo.xi.ii! Duugau, 24
.r WiPiani Htnin. 1 20
4AI Moiitgomery -Tlioinait 72
272 Bamuel L. Tobias, 1 3.6
433 Margaret Mnntgoiueiy, 3 - r >(>
20 James Copley, 1 0-5
400 Philip Murray, 2 -56
Coirs ain Ton whip.
422 J Philip nielil. I 21
406 Christian Welti, I 20
4-M David llessner, '• 32
424 Willi mi Scott, I 28
30.1 John Smith, 1 2o
3 iialser Dull. ■>('■
tJO 1 ) Sam uel Williams, . - '24
7)0 Philip Dielil, 48
11MJ John '.i.irtleroau. M
2-51 John Stockman. j3
C*mbtrtu-l I'ulPy Tor Sip.
251 128 Rid.-'-rt L-vis, K
338 115 Wili'mm 7 i!'V
iiy ics j„ u; i 2*.
m k;jI 1%-r. ]:
3'Ju H2 (rturiSf lhvi, Hji
s'i4 SU c 1-' I t--
flurris. i f+wiupi
362 52 sVii!;4U.Fi{x.'r. i"
l"4j 4t. (iarretsot; <v Awl,.Sia;H*. 1
2>" Jvhi) 1" ;
4"" John Mc'syif, I 31
Hr.pmHi Term 5, .
•?<() jo'ui Kcilsfl, o <■ >
-14 Joseph Lino is-Wr, r,"
:".l Richard (Marl-. 28
7 Ki"i'lidefbaigli, i i
jUil IVffi 2'iVJ
227 Zic'nmb Muni.. _ c-:
25" rStiiofbv S"in, g",
21— i;<3..'ir .* ...v.' I g
-2*tlt Willi tM N io'tol
ffift Henry Kv A. 4 cu
2" George Wiiiiti, p
Ldoxki, r 7 :>••.. Jar.
3"5 D.iTii i (Jirt'ci., i j i
442 John S.tutpU l-'J
457 11 ilii it Sample. !
ill Joseph Situ: i Hg
22 ' Je.iin s Shaw, 1 2i
401 John King, . i>.i
40" F. Almost. 1 2i.
3W Thomas McC-ill. 7 :<
SSO S uniu-I M. B iro'av, I >o
400 Mud<id Trcadweil, i S"
240 S.iniUi! .'4. Hiiclj;<, id)
Li/rify Tn, trfip.
1"" J l.vard Ali" iti, I 11
}." W":j. J'. J'.iiighcr! v, 21
CO A til l Trttt, 7"
SO Geufjte Thompson, :>
47'; Lmg3it--ad, ' 41
I>-.niul M o!.:'uriu r., "
4>>s Wikt :m Montgomery, sx
401 M j;uiret Montgomery, 8.-
-Vutirui T- ■■ atop.
101 Jaroh V. Win!;,
785 Suuauni AV.iuk, !-t
50 .1 iuii s Means, it
8-"> lMtiiul Moans, 12
4:to Join, Tr-.-tcs. 3"0
45 K!i/;tli v.
7 I 111 - h iVilvni, 22 *
V i>:er T'-i
150 .Jitliii U'Xoal, 4 f-'O
250 Jul> Mann. 2 .
E ixi JVoitiieaee Tu'i: ~ ,l. if.
•i_l tieorg-! Ilenm-so, "i ft"
10 KSiilji ii iitun. I'ti
40 Aaron Lojtou, 1_
<■" Charles McLaughlin, 2"
4tXl ticul*-; H-ss, 52
,i(j" Jacob Uiuiliey, :-.'i
•3 - 1 ivniiaui r.u-.y. 1 !tt
-1 Hi VFillbm O.ivit.. 1 fin
4-'4tii..'. 0 rushy , t: t
/'. itl'i 'n- TV -... Ti. ■.
3,7 sujuniun Williams, 4"
447 l! tutah All*!rti. I ' c
_ 2 Nithuhis 11 uuUittiul. I 2;t
Ijfir.nyi Gn.cittc. 1
f'.cs/ PiCii'hmrt JV'a-n-i'. if.
11" King, 21
St. Clt.r TjmiUip.
4 Lota JiMStiO Itis's liciis, 4s
ltiti .!li i StitH.-r, 1 2 i
Sir-. 'tampion 'Tutc tahij,.
121 Joseph Cttlipc!', 1 ,2
404! Huir, 7 20
;.io jatcpUll .-iriiig. l t/l
10" Jl icli.i -1 M'-Vc:fV, 1 • 2
401 i -fulm Km, 1 2)
2 a> .latuc.o lligjra. (in
03.' Stephen Hwrf, 7 tat
till William lit-utf, 1 "J
is* J tin tea Recti, 7 2"
434J Otis-m iiiis <1 2"
1""' f!ciiw K. All. it?.
40 -.1 William Hell, 1 so
Is ! ='■ Ihm: r. . ,-t
Union T-.-'-hs'iir.
4" ' J- Un .Svr.,ug,,tt.
4tHl Lcunttrd ." t:u
SUi'i .4 tviiijfl (jiuuil.'Ct, 2 l i
11 l Wiiiiaui Smith, 1 !4
40 S.-i'fiiH'l IJcrkct,
lU> J-)hu SJltrt:, Se:
lo'i J ihics Jiib..str>ti. SS'■
5" it.l; StiyOur. 2*.
•'•1 i .1 cieui. th JOsttn, _ 52
till i i-x-is
41') M'illiom Ti.-r -on. 2 'ii -
44" Khcm-sor .iinurhuln, ,0 "0
12" Cubfjil imlcr, 7
2't) Clirtstl.-y Buwscr, ISo
lit I tlrurgu Lailt, "0
l"ti Ji:;oh Burkel, J 2"
15" I'ofer ShotiuU-rgw,
l"!i J-ilin still, .5 !'"
o '• AO.:; . Btu'-fc, '2 22
2-HI ?t'.r-!u Irvine. 1 2"
~22 .M iriia.-i Shinier. 1 41
4<H> M Uoi . l Shiincr, 5 0"
10!) <3r.!0.., |;vttf, 2 "1
404-j I'bilip Sticc, 2 ft
43J Wilsuii iiunt, 2 "4 Sc-itt, 2 00
'27 I'f'rr Slioi'nlieiji'r, 0 ?•
121 it to ojjtu. i", 3C v
4-< IS-lcr ShtHiul'erjtor, 24
Sru'i. ll iKiiberry I'urH.u.ip,
l"t William Montgomery. .'! 312
212 lioitcr; Saaw. 7 23
51" l'cter Sliavr, 2 til
■"' 11-0 .Hr.rtii) Ley, 02
24K Martin Ly. 1 2"
54 100 Jui.nS. IliOrka. 52
n tnt'.u'; ;y Tcuil'-'up.
4fu fr<;.>rg< , 5 k*l
41<> Jiitm (ieurjrc. 5 05
421 A lex-.tiKicr Buy". 5 ;■*
lO3J AlcxaniJ'-r Mui.ljrmrici;, -5 S5
432 11-uniili Montgonien. -4 K5
31" William .M-u lyujiicrv. 3 85
101 jMnjvl ur Paii) WertjSj 1 51
100 Harry Swaup, 2 v ?
JttM'tU try 7S;ri?i.Vta.
It) Maitin Hysufig, .74,
4" -Toiiii, 1 f.i
117 ])*a l .Mnjitgomery. 7 44
18" T).V"i i Mt-i.tgi iacry, 2 40
4"!) Margaret Slontgoroeiy, 2" -Vi
1"" Atatrcw Baker. } 2"'
20 Andrew Uusle. 84
2 l'frlip Unifi, 12
1" Ad;'in Sin tcr,
Lut Xu. 72 a.l,mil Struck, ;3
Lut Kit, 74 Jacob Struck, 1 514
A secern! incctinp of Teachers, Directors,
and the friends of Kducatlbn, will be licM
in Hedford, on Tuesday the 2lld day ot
April next, for the purpose of organizing 3
County Teuclwra' Association.
T. li- dKTTVt?,
County Sup't.
r-'areli SJf, 18.58
K**:utor , Xotlee,
1" ETTMUS test ouentaiy having 1 wn irrniiteM
j tiii ;' - .sniisorihu!s. on the Estate of John
Smith, late of Union Township-, 4 ch'l. fl
persons imletit'd to -'id Estate are iu rehy
-iQtifujd to make paynient. jiotncdiutely, tit tl
t'fis • having claims ugainat the same, vriii
present tintu projnrrlj naihenticatc" lor set-'
FEi'KR SMI I'll, of Vnlot, Tp.,
JOHN AKE. of St. Ciuir Up..
Mareh 21. IS-"*}* Stwnum.
rpnr Taitiierslnp heretofore existing het.veer
.1. the ftmicrMgned, linder the li#!ne ami fit it*
of Wciscl Fost in the Gmcli at > Wagon
MitnnlUc.ory. is this day d:olv;d t>y lntitteu
Cimseiif. The iirtsiness 0! the late Urni v ill !'
settled up hy Wni. UVisel. ulm is s n: It or iist-ft"
coilec: ill ave ,nijt.-. 4c.. and pay tht- dU* 1
tin- ffrni.
Jtill.N EOS TEX;.
Due. II 1355- utiAJ