Bedford inquirer and chronicle. (Bedford, Pa.) 1854-1857, March 14, 1856, Image 4

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ff -lii subscriber Ba# iot onened a new and ; I
1 complete CL riIIXCS STORE. {
tie -Midding on the corner .1" Juliana Street,
Be tfor I, P.i., owae-i by David Mann, Esq., j
A;I I lately in the occuponey of Mr. Solomon •
Filler as * Dry Gusli Store, .-tod two doors)
South of the lifting Sun Tavern. tl
His stock comprises one of the largest and : o
cheapest assortments of Read)' .Made !
ClOthtUT ever brought to Bedford. He has n
also a choice assortment of Dry Goods, all e
of which lie will sell cheap as can be procured k
in the town. e
He requests all his country friends and others,
to call and see Itis goods—as lie does not con- v
rider it a trouble to show them to anv one.
April 6, 1855.
Tiie ,tleugei House. •
The subscriber having taken lite above we t
known Hotel, in the town of Bedford, recently 1
kept by M,-.lsaac .Vleu jel.wmUil respectlnll) an *
nounce to ins friends and the public generally, • I
tnat he is now prepared ;o entertain them >n •
superior style.
His Bad# and Budding, are new. and
ruietumber# commodious and well ventilaie I
and furnished in Hie best manner. ,
il l his I'able, will he fouiiiFthe choicest ri
anils the market can produce. ,
His Bar will be supplied with the best l- ,
His Stable is large and commodious and will i
be attened by andatientive and industrious oßt- '
Boarders will be taken by the day. week, 1
month and year.
As he i* determined to spare no efforts to
please.and make all persons who stopvriih him
feel at home.he respectfully asks the patronage
of the public.
Belforil. March 31, 1854.
('nil at Blymire's.
rnilE subscriber his just received from the
JL Kistcrn cities the best assortment of Brass ?
Copper, and Tin Ware ever offered in this place, I
to which ho invites the attention of the public— j
lie has a great uitny Improved Cooking utensils, j
that cannot fail to ploasu every housekeeper who I
us .s them. The Ladies especially are invite.! to
rail anil examine the articles. Among them are
BIASJ ,aa i BKLL MCTAL Kettles of all sizes,
Water Coolers. Chafing Dishes, Saucepans, Milk
Boilers, XCRSE LAXC*. an excellent article for
the sick room. Cake Moulds, Spice Boxes, Tea
Cannisters, Brass an! Iron Ladles, Patent
Lamps, C in Uestieks. Glass Lamps, Match Box
es. Spittoons, &c., &c.
English and French Tin, Iron and Brass IVare
in great variety.
Japanned Tin Toys, and a great variety of.
Fancy articles.
Chain ml Force l'umps, and in short every :
article in my line.
Don't forget to call at th Tin Ware Depot in .
Pitt si.
.fa?; 11. 18 >4.
BsJfdrtl .iciideraj and Ft-wale
77. W. CAHP3ELL, Principal. >
TIS first session of the ath school year o f |
this! istitiition will open on Monday mom- i
lag tiudi day of September. The pso '
history of the Academy, will, we trust, bes j
sudlcient guarantee of its future elficiency.— j
The hrvi.iltestaught will lie the same as hereto- '
fore. To mtsf r priariples will be considered
the moat i ii i >rtant p irsuit .if the pupils; and '
while it will h i the constant business of the 1 n- j
ntructorto :oi > irt knowledge, it will also be his
ainti.lail his pupiU to make a practical ap-j
plication of their acquisitions. To load the I
mini with ianura formulas, without cause !
ing it to use them, would be like placing a how
u a child's hand, without teaching hini bow to
v ..'ilit. In Bne. it tb*U be our object, as it has
ever b-r -n. to lea 1 the pupil to think.
->y- \. B. Instruct ion in Single and Doabel
Entry B ok K .—ping will he given by the Prin
cipal". Ttis class inthisstu ly will be mo arr ang- j
e 1 that any v nirig turn ,d siring to pursue this 1 brineh. in order to prepare thein- j
selves for clerkships, can recite i i it aic-r — j
his recitation will receive attention out of the |
rog liar school hours. Instruction in flii i
lirnth i 'ra, and will be charged accord;
in gly,
Tti > terms are as usual.
t\r Qniir
Glassies. - V-fi j
Higher English, ... S 00 i
Middle '• - - - - 460 ;
Elementary, .... 4 (K) j
Book Keeping, (extra.) - - 5 00 j
STATEMENT of thi Receipts and Unpen- i
dirur's of the G'laiab .Tsburg and Bedford j
Turnpike Road Company, for the ysar ending ;
January !oth, JBSG.
To current expenses iiielu ling re
building of Bridge oa theTuiiUta.
at Be If .el, $5,081 71 J
Paid for 2'*> shires of Stock and
unpaid Divi I mis thereon, 2.3 V) 00 |
Dividends during the year, I.uTJ 60 j
Balance in Treasury, 1.33'J 56 <
3i').7'ii 77 j
Bv bal nee at settlement,
Jan y 1555, $2,218
Amouat of tolls received, 5.217 VJ
Amount r.-e'd J.
Colhoan's Eat ite, 3.2H 43
$10,707 77 I
Feb. 8 1553. Tmvjrtr.
i'he sabs •r'ber having pure! ..sod the ctifjr*
o.:f. of HARD tt VK E of the late Thomas B
Mi tier, in the Borough of Bedford, would re
spectfully anaooiiioo to bisfricnun aioJtiw pub 1
be gJnarali. V, that ise :s IM.W preiinred to fart
niiti a'.iaostovery article in his li-.u of business )
<-n fi-'oraidctarm it is.stock being nearly 11
ne v. an 1 a.'Ucted y one well experienced in the j
bainjsi, iie is lully satistied tnat purchasers 1
will dad it to theiredrautngeto gi. e liitn a call,
liallition to a general stock of Hardware, he
fras on haul, and will const.ahtly keep tIRO. ■
GKRIES of the very best qualirf—GLASS of j
all size— ilso, S TtiXS W ARE of a verv superior I
q,i city. It; has also on band all kinds of Oils, j
i'lints. Drugs. Brooms, it';., Jo-., an<J Cdar
Ware i i gr -a: variety.
I! iviig now pt:rm immly settled in bninesf, I
•an 1 bi\ag 1 terai'-ied vo us" every proper exer
tion to pie iso, he hopes to merit and receive a ■
lib Til s 11re of public p#tro*ge.
X)scr. 20. 1871.
Lakery mid fonfeciienHry,
rn HE subscriber, tl.iirikteJ t..r the patronnC
JL heretofore extended him by a liberal pub j
li-. tender# hi# thanks, and he would respect j
faiiy inform tbvtu that he has received and i
opened an -wanl ch dee lot of Confbctiona,
uaionr which ire candies, nuis, fruiis, &c.— '
Heals J keeps Groceries, such ag Sugar, Coffee] f
Tea, MoUsses.GheesT, Candles, Ac. Also nl. j
deicrjptions of Cakes, and will serve Wadding
and ot icr parties, n sliori notice, witbeonfee '
tions and cake#.
He !iu Opened up on l refitted liis OYSTER
5..4L00X, in a .super* r style, where hf will al- j
ways be rya ly to attf his friend# snd the jiub
lic wilh the fr'sh ;.st and choicest Oysters that,
ca r . lei procured.
[fis staid is oppi.ite th- 011-Feliow'sj
Baitli'ig. v'urs he f.-elx eenS<Unt that those i
ivha give liitu a call will not go away disap
po nte.i. JOHX J. LUTHER. J
Xov. 'J, 1855.
Warning to Every SEN BIBLE Woman
W fcy reniaics Snffctr lit iiealllt. I
No woman of delicacy is willing to disclose j
the peculiar ailments incident to her sex, even i f
t> a most intimate family physician.
This modesty and delicacy Is implanted by i
nature, and neither should nor need be subject- [
ed to the rude shocks inevitable in making ; ]
known t theiitlier sex those ailments belonging '
exclusively to tJie female. '
Except in extreme cases, her sensitivencs 1
will sacrifice her fieaith rather than her delicacy
The consequences are serious, lamentabl'h i
and life-long. t v
Ttius w hat ni first could have been easily rem j
ediod, or perhaps better still, not incurred, be- j *
conies a complication of diseases, not only ru- !
ining the heplth of the mother, and embitteriii- j
her days by sickness and suffering, but entailing j '
broken constitutions upon her children, ang 1 !
embarrassing, if not distressing, the business and ! '
pecuniary prospects of the husband. Let eve- j
v sensible woman
(as thousands have done) by the bitter expert 1
encu and sufferings of others, of the dreadful i
cou#eqaeoce she entails upon herself and those j
endeared to her, by her ignorance of the sim
plest and plainest rules-of health as connected I
with the marriage state, the violation of which j
entails disease, suffering and misery.
How many are suffering from obstruction# of j
irregularities peculiar to the temaie system !
which undermine the health, the effects of'
whieo thej-ui e ignoiant, aud for which their del- j
Icacy forbids seeking medical advice! Howl
many sutler from, prolaps-it u.'tri (tailing of the j
womb,} or from./lucir a'.bns (weaktiewirdebiHtv, j
aic.j ! How many are iu constant agony for
many inonth#Q>Teceditig COß ttncmetit! How ma- '
ny have difiioult, if not dangerous deliveries, '
and slow and uncertain recoveries .'
To the question, how are these to be proven- I
ted ? what shall be done the answer is simple. 1
Let every W"tnan ascertain for herself, without
; violence to litir delicacy, the nature ami cliarac
! tor of the a.luient (to which she as a telltale is
I subject ) the. causes from which it may arise, and
I the proper remidiei for its cure and future prc
i ventiou.
| This she can do by possessing a little volume !
| (already possessed by thousands) which n lis act
j what is the matter, and tells her what to do for !
j it, in simple but chaste words, and such as she j
can understand.
This little volume is entitled *ll~
•hie Hundredth Edition (500,600) 18n;o.. 7?) . 250 !
A standard work of established reputation- i
j found classed in the Catalogues of the great
, Trade Sales m New York, Philadelphia.' and I
) other cities, and sold by the principal booksel- i
■ ers iujhfi United States. It was first published i
n 1847, since which time
hive been Sold, of which thert> were upwards o< 1
! MAIL, attesting the high estimation in which it i
, fceld as a reliable popular medical
I the author having devoted hi# exclusive utten- •
i Lou to the treatment of complaints peculiar to '
o.nai* #, in respect to which he is yearly Coti- '
- suited by thousands, both in person and bv '
j letter. ;
i Here every woman caa discover, by cotnpa-*
j ring her own symptoms with those described, I
i the niture. character, causes of, and the proper ,
remedies for, her complaints.
The wife about becoming a mother has often I
j need of instruction and advice of the utmost ;
I importance to her future health, will find #u c h ;
i instruction snd ad vie re. and also explain many j
symptoms which otherwise Would occasion anxi i
• my or alarm, an ill the peculiarities incident to- •
her situation are described.
It is of course impracticable to convey fuliy
the various subjects treated of, as they are of r, |
nature strictly intended for the married or those !
> contemplating marriage. The revelations ou. .
tuned in ua piges have proved a blessing to'
| thousands, as the innuutecabie letter# received ;
by the anther < which be is permitted l y thewri
j tor# to publish) will attest.
Extract of a Letter from u gi nilcman :n Dtvion,
Uiio ;
DATTOX, Mav 1, 1817. I
Dr. -d- M. M tnrifCJU :
"My wife has been perceptibly sinking for ;
some three years or more, in cons -'qoem-e ot !
tier great anguish and suffering some months be- !
fore and during confinement; every successive I
one more and more debilitated and prostrated I
her, putting her life in imminent danger, and !
which was on the last occasion despaired of. I :
supposed that this state of things was inevitable,
and assigned myself to meet the worst. At this i
time (now about two months) I lieardyoar book j
highly spoken of, as containing some matter ;
reaching my case. On it# receipt and perusal. !
I cannot express to you the relief it afforded my
distressed mind, and the joy it# page# imparted ;
, to my wife, on learning the great discovery ot
M. .'J. DHfloineaux provided a remedy. It open- \
ed prospect to me which 1 little conceived wa#
• possible. No p -e.unixry consideration can ever '
repay the Obligations I am under to you. for I
I having been the means of imparting t* us the j
j nlatter# contained in "The Married U'onian's
. Private Medical Companion." But f.-r this, ere '
. rother year would have passed <>ver my head.
no a" human probability my wife w. u'.d !, ;vs i
j ! een in hot grai e and my children left mother- !
in coogcq uence of the nr. i versa I pepnlarifr o
! the work, a# evidenced by its estraordinnrv
1 SAIC, various impositions have been attempted !
; a? well on booksellers as on the public, by itn j
i it-.linns of title page, spurious editions, ami sttr !
deptitioos infringements of copy.ighf. and othe 1
. ervice# and deceptions, it has been found neccs '
sary therefore
i to buy no boos unless t!;e words "Dr. A. M
! Mir*ic:*r, 120 Liberty Street. N. Y.," is on '
• I slid the entry m the Clerk's Office on the back 1
j of) the title pag ■; and buy ®n)v of respectable
j *nd honorable de ilers. or send bv mail, anil ad. i
I <tre># i > Dr. A. M. Mauriceau.
ft"?" Upon receipt of One Dollar. "THE
j COMI*ANION" is sent (mailed free) to any j
1 part of trie United States, the Canada# and i
I British Provinces. Ail letters must be post
| paid, and addressed to l)It. A. 51. MAURI-I
I CKAU. tox 1221. Vow York City. I'ubli>hiap '
(Jltice, No. 12b Liberty Street, New York.
I July 13. 1855—6 m.
\r.- s:—Dr. F. C. Reamer, Bedford: T. Bi
• Peterson. .1. \l. Mors A Kro., and Thos- Coper '
j thwait, Tliiiad dpbla; ,Vpj n glef N Bro., Lanca# |
ter: J. B. Gunnison, Erie; S. B. Lautfer, Greens j
bnrg; J. S. Nivksonand A. K .McClnre, Chaui
j hersburg.
j 1 ' bD—A; Reed's Colonade Store.— :
B best, Rye, Oars. Corn, and Buckwheat—also : :
j al! other appro ted produce, in exchange for : >
; feeds at cash price. j ,
Jasllcc of the Peace,
/"|FFICL two doors South of ihe Mengc ! 3
" ' House, aud next door to the ulfice of c
M ini & Spang, where be w ill attend to Hie J s
, cflicctlon of al! claims placed in hi# hands.
Bedford, Jan. 11, 1856.
; Street, one door West of the Bank lipase. !
Possession given ou the Ist of April next. j
Jan. 11, 1856.-tf.
Fils, Spasius. (ramps, and i'
VerFOiis itud lousHlulicuai Ms- '
1 PERSONS who are laboring i: n.l r this 1. o j
distressing malady, wi.l} find tljp Vegetable,
Epileptic I*ills to be tlie billy remedy ever dig
overed for
Curing Epilepsy or Failing Fits.
These pills possess a specific action on the ner"
vous system, and, although they are prepared
especially for the purpose of curing Fits, they j
v ill be found of especial benefit for all per.o i
afflicted with weak nerves-, or nervous
system lias been prostrated or shattered from i
any cause whatever, In chronic complaint*.ol :
diseases of long standing, superinduced by ner- !
vousneSs, they are exceedingly booc-ficiui.
Teslinsouy in lavor ef (lip Vege
table K&tracf Epileptic Pills.
In the publication of the following ccrtificats'
of cures, the names have been suppressed,as
the testimonials were voluntarily ottered, and yt
would be improper to publish them without the
consent of the parties, and who would be un
willing to publhdi to the world that they or
their children of friends, offer' had fits, when
the circumstance is always regarded as one of
the family secret*.
Reimso. Berks County. Pit. f
iK-euuiber 22d, J852. .t
| To Seth S. linnet •
Dear Sir—The Pills tny brother bought f
you in .Vovcmbe:*, I mean the Vegetable Epi
-1 leptio Pills, are out,and i get a friend to enclose
1 you five dollars, for which i wish jViu to send
i me immediately two boxes more. I have been
i troubled many years with FITS, and have tried
| the skill of many physicians. but nothing which
' r have taken ap | tears to hare met the rr-quirr
•uent.soi my ease, so Well as vour Epileptic
i l'iils.
(i'I.VRKSUCKO. \'a.
November 15th. 1852. \
j To Seth St. iiance. Baltimore, Md.
Dear Sir—Having been afflicted for some
! years past with Falling Fits, I saw your adver
i tisemcut, and determined to give your pills a
| trial, and I am happy to say that since J corn
j meticed the use of thorn, I have no* had an at
, tack. I believe them to be a first rate article,
j for, as I have written to you in a former letter
I I was attacked every two weeks, but since 1
J have been using them f have not had an attack
Tours, respectfully,
New York. Oct. it), 1852.
Dear Sir—Please send me two boxes more o
1 your Vegetable Epileptic Pill*. The person IV
! whom 1 procur d them, is much pleaded wit!
their effects. They seeiu to l.avv u;i exec Hon
i effect.
Pittsburg, Nov ember 22, 1858,
! Dear Sir—lt is now ten months since my wifi
j had any of those nervous attack--. She think
I she i* cured. She has not had any symptoms o
, the disease for the last-nine months. She too!
j Vour Vegetable Extract Pill* for about fou
mouths, and discontinued them four month
j since. Mrs. S. was treated by the best oh
school physicians in the State tor ten years.the;
| by the best Homeopathic for eighteen month*
| wkkouta cure. It is to your Ex
j tract Fills, ar.d with str t ),
we ascribe tier cure of the most dreadful di s
; ease that evet afflicted the human family. Iw
j every person afflict en with Epilepsy had thi
. medicine, and would give it a themech trial.-
It may not core in ali casus, but i-i this it ha
pcrfntmed wonders.
M'.Uedgeviile, Gu. (
December 17, 1852.
Dear Sir—l wish to inform y n that oac o
j my I'aniiiv bus neon afflicted with FITS lor :
number of years, and seeing uti advertisemen
- in a news paper, concerning your Vegetable Ex
' tract Epileptic Pills, I came to the conclusion
aftet trying almost every physician in my reaci.i
j and all having tailed in relieving my child o
; the dUease, t.. send foe six boxes of your p lis
, which proved a a effectual cure tor tpj" daughter
i who .s now about 18 years of age. I think
l there is no other medicine in use equal to them
• and 1 will be forever grateiul to you for the us-.
| of them for my daughter whom "it has cured.
Yours, respectfully.
.Venous aud ConstttntianqJ Disea
These pills possess a specific action on tii a
nerveussystem, ani although they are prepw"
. red especially for the purpose of curing I'its
they will lie found of especial benefit fo all per
j son afflicted with weak nerves, or whose ner
vous system has been prostrated or shatterd,
frotn any Cause whatever; in t'aet it is ajmost
n.possible to convey an adequate idea of the
peedy and almost inlr&ruloua result* which
these pills effect in fho diseased, broken dowu
t- prostrated nervous systems. Persons who
were all lassitude, Weakness* and debility. be
fore their use, at once become robust and i'till ot
energy. No matter whether tin- constitution
has been broken down by excess, weak by na
ture, or debilitated by sickness, tit -:r cff'ecfioii
•ne tiiisiririg and shuttered nervous organ'za
tinn is equally certain ami apparent. It, cases
Of neuralgia, headache, vertigo, pain ir. the
nerves of tliefsce, and the var'oiiK frain of m-r
--yous atf--e.tious, palpitation of .the heart, period
ica! headaches, cold and shivered state of the
frame, frequent tits of abstraction, total inabili
ty, dislike to society, melancholy , religious mo
nomania, beats and diishes i f 11,.• face ontbe
slightest, occasion, a desire that existence should
terminate; they will produce a cure In suasion
iishngly short period of time, sud it will alus
remove-depression, excitement. -, tendency to
II u*ii, restle.xsness. sleeplessness, incapacity for
study or business, loss of memory, confusion,
giddiness. Hood to the head, mental debility,
hysteria, indecision, wrefchednrss, thoughts ot
seif dc*trlion, fear of insanity, fcc., txc.-
Thcy will increase and restore the appetite
strengthen the emaciated, renew the health of
those who have destroyed it by exe. sse's. and
induce continual cheerfulness and equanimity
of spirit*, and prolong life.
Persons of pale complexion and cosr.timptive
habits are restored by a box or two, to bloom
and vigor, changing the skin from a paicfveilow
sickly color, to a beautiful tloiid eaaiplt xioir.
U7"As these Pills areomposed of* into of
the most expensive mite-iiL in the dstcria
Medic.v it will be impossible to lean* them
around tho country on agency, is common Pat
ent Medicines usually are. T> :t io order to lot
the afflicted in the most rcnv-Hc parts of the
countryhav- a chance to them, they
will be sent by mail free of postage, to any part
of the United States, or au>' country with which
•>qi ' Tnited States has postal arrangements, ot
atp receipt of a remittance.
PRlCES.—Vegetable Extract EpilepticPHl
S3 per tox, two boxes for>s. or $2-1 per.doxcii.
iI7"AU orders initst be addressed postpaid t 0
108 Baltiffibfe Street, Bihlinc-re. Vd,
Hauccs'a Sarsaparlpa Blood PU'a,
■' Hpfoliouu'l Candy j
•' Gdhipoirnd Syrup of ITure-het'r.d.
tor sal,- MILLER & CQX.'LEY,
Schellsburg. Pa.
May 25, 1855 -xx.
J€RA 15. JLJUIK. j
Attorney at Lew, Somerset Fa. r
lIERE.4FTF.IK ]'V:iot!<*<" iutii'M -
f Y severs*] Courtis of Bedford fniiMy. II ;
liar W; consulted duriug the sessions ot th j \
dottVt at 1 'avis' M j£| ] c
Pcli. 10. 1 ft->t i *
nt pro red Bagixerreot jpes- 1
t\ tln-niseives or oi' slieir friends, can HOW '
tie acceiiiuiodatedat the '-Exchangeßuiklingi" j
immediately above the Store or Mr. A. 13. '
rtaMtuy, Where Daguerreotypes of all sizes are I
' one Vl' iii the must beautiful style by TH-O- 1
IAS K. GLI i lb. JR. Taken singly or in '
gronpes. Person* taken after doc< •ase. !
Ladies aud Gentlemen are respectfully iuvi
tedto call end examine the specimens.
1 otuig 1 tails bring m that venerable father
and that watchful mother, and secure a likeness
to-day, for to-morrow, it may he too late.—
Mofherhriug on those little ones, with curling
jocks and sparkling eyes, they will make pret
ty pictures.and thou should deathreinovethein
you can exclaim,
'•Gone to their rest, yet we would not recall
B icu id this world of sorrow and pain.
Gone to their rest where no ill can belall them.
1 et wo hare their likeness both perfect and
GAU lockets, sTngte and double—also fancy
cases constantly on hand.
lustra -lions given In the Art ugd apparatus 1
furnished on reasonable tents-
Jiudf'oru. Uac. 21, l.hoo. i
~B Ad -AH rNABMIiP.—The undersigned ,
J_i have associated themselves iu the I'rnctic 4 -'
ot I,aw, and willpromptly attend to all bus -
ness entrusted to their cam in Bedford aud ad
; omine counties.
mce oil Jnli.inna Street, three doors
South ot at en gel House and opposite the resi
dence- of At ,;j. Tate.
June lac Wo 4 tf.
Sll!)E liTOBE.
\II. CRAMKIt f CO. have jtt-d received
• a very large .vie runout of Boots ami
i Shoe.*, suitable for Fall and Winter. part styleS
] as billows :
Men's Super Waxed Double Sole Boots,
| Men's '• City M ade Calf do.
' -.Men's " Heavy Kip. Lined del
Youth's Waxed Double Sole 13hilts
Youth's Calf and Kip I.iued do.
Boys' City* made Gait' Boots.
Boys' Kip Lined Boots,
Womttas' Double sole Kip Bootees,
U'onuins' Fine Calf and Seal do.
Womcns' Kino Goat Morocco dp.
! M'' l'atnli Bootees, very handsome,
j Children's Shoes of every style and price.
Gent's Morocco. Kid. and Calfskin Bootees,
Ladies' f) >:fh- Sole Gaiters. Gum Shoes, fee.'
■ m (act. Boots arvi Shoes to suit every purcha
| ser. If aiou w uit Boots and Shoes, please goo
; .ik a call, and you shall be suited in quality and
j. price.
Exchange Store is the place to iaj Boots and
Oct. 12, 1^55.
| A berxwris knowing theniso/ves in debts 1
-FK- to the lateSrm ofSxssoM M ILI-XK. either
by note or boon account, will do well to have
them setth-d by the It of Jannarv 15.56. After
aw t; ii • ta : ,v. 1. tie pi iced ig the hands of a
rjj,er b.H* lor collection.
■Surviving partner.
1 Dee. 7th IMS.
-lotice to Tresspassers.
lILREBi w i many person r perxofm fVoin
hunting, cu'ting timber, or in any other t*n-
I nor whatever, tresspassing on my premises, as
i the Itw will he rigidly en forced against any
; ones so oif-nditig.
| Jan. 11. ISss.—c*
Taylor A Howry,
i at their Tannery on Ka*t Pitt St. loathe!
ot all kinds and of the Let qiialitv. at exceed
mgly moderate rates. Tlmy pay" the hurbes
prices tor country hides.
Feb. Ift. 1854.
Mi ! LUMBER ! !
I { t( ) ! )/ W kind?
. . " "** M/ W Ai-o. 75.000 fee;,if LUM
BER t difieraiit kinds. S iu-ii * Whim i'me
leliow Cine. I'oplur. Sprue*, fc.v FVir salt
, r F. I). tSf-'.KGLK.
>!. LM'r*vl|* 18, 1853-r*
Plalcrins Latlifi:
T iJ u n having erected
'. l . "awing I'L.Aari KI>Q LATHS,M hit
! premises lh Union Tp„ Bedford c<futy,i* „ou
I read: to furnish any quantity on the shortest
i notice, t rtcu per thousand. 3 ft. _
t IWher lengths iri proportion. '
i fj the subscriber is fully prepared to furnish and
1 quantity or quality ofßuilcfing Lumber anv
: l-' r i">' W- <o St -Clairs
i", Bedford t .ounty. will be promptly attended
j U > a reasonable notice.
; 1>,,. M. '■ "OLE.
lioous -
Nov. 30.
Ir.; 4 1 '?,?) ,nlli,ra, ® r ' !l s'otice.
f. . ThRS of Adminisirutioit having been
U granted to the subscriber, living in South
; Woodheri v Township, Bedford County, on the I
i Fstate of George Heploglu, late of Middle
I n im<iberry I uwnbhip, dec'ti, all pvrxonsknow- i
I ing'themsolves indebted to siid Estate arc re- '
quested to |nake payment withottt delay, audi
those having claims against the name will' p r ,,. I
sent them properly authenticated for settle- I
Jan. 18. ]Bsfi.--f* ~WmV. !
Admiuisirator's Xofice.
LETTERS of Admiiu<ration liaviug been
granted t > the subscriber, living in S ut th
Wood be iry Township. ~n the Estateof I'avid
| Bloner. late of Said Tolrnftdp, dre'd; all per-
I sons indebted to s lid Estate ars requested to
make payment immediately, and these having
chums against the name will present them pim
perly auiueuticated for settlement.
Jan. 25, 1855-f
AtintinlMtrglor's Sotlce,
"3 KTTJvRS of Administration on the Estate
i.J ~f Andrew Miller late of Londonderry !
dhe'd, having b.-en grnpfed to the '
snhgf'Vib*r- 04t*iltCg in Napier Township; all j
pottiAn* jtidabted to s-ri.t Estate are hereby no- j
ti;ie,l to ra,kc payinout iinniodiatoly, and those '
having claims against the safnc, are ivquired
fa ores uit them tortbwitb pinptiriy authetitica
tjii for settlement. j
Jail •
HKT r M ? H 0L 2 .
(THE Partnership heretofore existing betw, en
L the tJ-eta-signed, under the name ini flrm
f Wei sis I & Porter, in the Coach and Wagon
atmfactory, is this day disolved by mutual j
msent. The busincxs of the late firm will he
•ftfed np hj' Wm. Weisel, who U authorized to.'
effect all accounts, &c., and pay the debts o
no firm. I
Doc. 11, 185f).-n3l
Narcrcss' Rotary Planing Machine.
I VTAN JFD To Sell the Eight# anil Machines
IT i'<)t aKotary Planing, Tunguing and fjioov
ng Machine, ft>r boards and plank, under the
Coreross Patent. Also, the attachment of the'
loulding Machine, which wjll work a whole
o?nl into mouidings at one operation. This
>atvtlt lias been fried, and dicided ititheSu
ircmc Court iu Washington. to be no iiifnngt;- •
nenf. hying superior to Wood worth's Machine.
ApiilV to J. if. DA FIN Willow Street, V J,, ve i
| Wclftli. Philadelphia, where the Machine# can i
he seen iti op. ;' ition.
JarffllK, 1 K-'iC-Sm
1 UK subscriber wouid respectfully announce '
to the public 'hat lie has removed his Tinning
Establishment to the building recently occu
pied bv Mr I.other, as a Conteetiynary Store
in the Diamond, where he is better prepare!
thaw ever to accomodate fda customer# with
every ,yt ie!e in the line of his business. eitiier
wholesale orrefnil, and hope# they willgive
him a call at his neWlOcatiop.
Bedford, April 1:3, 1855.
P. -b. ihe subscriber is desirous of having
his books closed up till Ist April, inst., ait he;
by easli or note, lie hopes tins notice will be
attou(led to immediately. <}. 11.
Sew Jewelry.
rnHE subscriber has opened oct a new and
A splendid assortment of ait kinds-of the
most fashionable Jeweir} —consisting in part of
Breast l'ins, Finger Kings, Eat Kings, ko. kc.
Call and see his stock.
A dniistlalrator's t'otfre.
LETTERS of Administration l.avipg been
granted to the subscriber, living in n.irri
son Township, on tie Estate of John Kegg.
late of Juniata Township, dee'd; all persons
knowing themselves Indebted to suit! Estate
arc hereby notified to make payment ntirnedi
dy. and those SiavlngVelaims against the same
will present their account* properly authenti
cated tor settlement.
Jan. 11. 1356-f
Valuable Properly
rjtllE subscriber others his valuable Mil! Pro
, JL peily an! Tannery for sale, situate on
Brush Creek. Best Providence Township, Ped
f< ,1 County. F.i.. two mil.- Smith of the Juni
ata, Crossings, containing 4t>o acres, more or
less, with upwards of lutt acres cleared, with
So acres of good meadow. The tmlniicc well
' timbered with oak, whir,- and yellow plrre.-
I I liefv are two good pn-hards of choice fruit on
i the place.
Tin* improvements are fi-st rate .HFfi-
CH.>l ST MILL, with tnref nm of cone, and
i all the necessary machinery fordoing merchant
and country work, all nt-w'lv repaired in 1854.
The Tjfb'SERY lias 41 vats, with nil the fix
turen belonging thereto. The bark-mill and
bids-breaker run It, water power. The lIWKL
-I.IA Q UOI'RE is large and commodious, with
running water at the door and in the cellar:
ii'.so a Urge bank-bun, wh running water i:
the barn yard, wagon shed ami carriage house,
com nib, smoke house, wash house, with ul
necessary out liuiVHngs. There are ulso t
Piaster Mill, S.uv Mill, and three Ten int Hon
ses and stables, and fine springs of li v■
lug w- .ter on this tracf.
Persons d-.-sirou of purchasing good proper
t.v will do trefl by c siting on the subscriber, re
j siding on the premises.
K ys Hill P. ()., Jan. jf,, iBo6-Sm
a /"Ohsmlurshnrg Jlep. and Transcript, pnh
lihs this three mon and st-r.d bill to this otSci
IfCH iiiO MiM.tTlo.\,
E:u;iortunt Announcrnien!!
ffllO all persons afflicted with Sexual diseases
A sttch us Sentinel \\ cakuess. Impotence
Gonr.ori,i. (licet. Syphilis, &e., fee.
The f/ow-rd Association of Philadelphia, h
view of the wlul destruction <>t human life am
health, caused bv sexual disease#, and the de
ccpti'ins which are practised upon the unfortn
loite victims of such diseases by Quacks, Ravi
directed their consulting Surgeon, as a ckarila
hit act worthy o\ tiicir nurne, to give medtc
ifdrice grafis, to ullpersoiis thus afflicted, (Mali
nr Female.) who apply by letter, with a desnrip
t ion of their condition.(age, occupation, hah
its of life;) ,vc., and in cases of extreme pov
erty an! suffering to furnish tnedicines free e
The Howard Association is a benevolent in
i stitution,established bv* special uudo>ya|ent,foi
j the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicter
with •• Virulent and Epidemic Diseases." am:
l its funds cad he used for no other purpose. I
has now a surplus of means, which the Direc
tors have voted to advertise the above notice
It is nee lifts to add that the Association om
mauds the highest Medical skill of the age, and
wic furnish the most modern treatment. Va!
nshic advice aiso givou to sick and n.-rvons fe.
male# afflicted with abdominal weakness. Womb
complaint, Gostiveness. Leucorrlnea, &,•.
Address (post-paid.) Dr. It. C vi.nors.
wonsultinpSurgeon. Howard Associntion. No
2. South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
By order of the Directors.
LEO. Fairckild, Secretary.
•'nut- 1, lb,")d.-?7
Dr. F. C. Reamer,
Physician and Surgeon.
Rcspectfallr lenders his service? to
the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. He
nay always he found (unless professionally on
!aged) at his Drug ami Book Store, in Juliana
Keb.l fi, ISSI.
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS of Administration having been
granted to the snbscrdit-r, rttiding at Ea
(1; Fottnify. Huntingdon County, Pa., on the
istate of James Hamilton, Utp of Broad Top
Township, Bedford County, Pa., all persons
indebted to Rail Kstatu are notified to make
• -.yiaei.t Without delay, and those having
claims against the same, will present them pro
perly authenticated tor settlement.
Feb. 8, 1836.-f*
iViiKxr, Ilvr, Brrritu,
Oats, Cob v. Jir.ts,
aud LAHI,
n Exchange for Coeds.
Bedford, Dec. !J, 1865.
THRFsniNG MACHINES, with L'. 3, or
: Ror.o- power for sa'o cheap at Heed's C.!o -
lane Scor\-.
Nut. 30, 1853.
um. i t. ri:ai;k,
r laving Piucliasfd Ilif Dmc An*\
Li Bopk Store of l)l- S. 1>- Scott, has -< b
tantlyiu Immi, at tire ©ld Stan-, >l large and
oil selected stock of Choice Drxigr* tun! Med
eines, wholesale and xeJUul, allot which will be
old at/air terms. The assortment mi<i*ta l
>art of
f'KKFCMEBV, FA.NCV AWX'W>) <■'' •-
Having the ragutaa agem y for tt.e sale of a {
of these medicines the public are assured tba|
theV 4 r C fi Lite best, such #. Uw sloe© the ir._
ot t'.liu uudospcricucv. ajld can be sulciuevem
mended as genuine. Y'tz.
Towniend'if and Sand's 'Sflrsaptmlla . tftwi
Balsam f Wihi Cherry.Ayer * C ferry Hectors
Moffat's Life Hills aud I'ha-nix Bitters, i
J sync's Family Medicines.Fahceau ck<o ilob i
sacks, and other vermifuges. Hooif.ard
Bitters, &c. Ac.
Constantly on hand a large stock ©• Histi ii
biographical. Scientific, Keligious, Foetics
school and Miscellaneous
Also a great v ariety of
laacr Stationery,
Cap. Post and wrapping papet <,)' every qualit
paJMjr Hangings in great variety. "Windo
jjlinds in patterns or by the piece. Wall pap<
t eel aAd Fancy Goods.
of every size and quality. Puche-tJluoh * and Po
Mohnaies. Diafies, Blank feeds knd .Mhrtgiire
gold Pens and Pencils, Combs. Brushes. 1 e
Aimer}' in great variety, Soaps, kc, Ac., S.c.
Lamps, and Camphine Oil a' Burning Flu
kept constantly on band.
r mi Ileal use; Brandy. Wolff*. Scbeiii
hn&pp.s.Gin, T'ort, Sherry and Madeira " in
Jan. 19, 1854. ■
on, kiveS v ose flt ows ,i'it i sici a.
11! L fll Till i M t uiLei
>vitll < - ,ue **iwu4 d fcupn
Ch ings. ahowiug d tucstta
S MaUermuliiii* U the l!
l 'S gjftk csaiihiu System in ever} aha |
ff; < ■■van.l form. 'lo which
vjy £<W' i?: added a Treatise n tl
Pi Ti-' .' jl fjJ' lltiveiases of Females. beiti
S,- "£¥• .©/ of the highest irt'7>oittur
married people, or clou
ocntrniplating nun, -
Let uo father be ashamed to proem u cop
ol the vLKCII.AH J L'S to Ins child, it n a
save biui froui an ear'} grave. Let no youu
mau or woman enter into the secret oblig.ui .1:
Of nimxied lite willqut reading t-h© J'UCKK
.tSCULAPIUts. Let no one *uffering-f;;4ia
liacknied (b'Ugli. Pain ru the Side. Testier
nights, nervous ; ( .a&d ihe wholotraio •
By jptptic seintiitloii*. And given np hy tlieir pi.}
isiciau. he nnothn moment without cotisuiiin
the vF.SCL'LAPIIiSL Have the married. •<
thoga about to he marl ied * ny inipediment. ree
thir truly neful book, as it ha he en theinon
of saving thousands of unfortunate ercatwre
froiu the very j;sws o desrh.
ffJ-Any person sending TWRNTV-PlV]
CENTS enclosed in a letter, will receive on
copy of this wort hy mail, or five copies will b
sent for One Dollar.
Address, (post paid) DR. WM. YOC.VO.
N'o. 1-52 Sorites Si rent, Philadelphia.
Jnlv IS. ]Bf>6—l v.
11 the " CHEAP CORIER."
YfTE would reepecttullv nmui iie lo th eit
j W zen* of Bedford and vicinity, that wchav
just returned (rim lie eastern pities, ai-.osr
: n"w receiving and opening alaige and hand
I £o ine assortment of
.Spring and Summer Goods
I consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimaves. Ha>
' and fuvcy Ssttinets; a large variety of Bcc!
i and Mersailles Vestings, Kentncky Jeans. Cot
j Liucn Drills for pent*. l inen for coat
'Tweeds, brown and blaek Muslins, iurr ti
| e.ents per yard upwards: Cotton Bagging. Asna
; kurgs. cotton Table Diapers for yard
| n Jail attielesfor us© or ornament.
! Lidits' Dress ard Fancy Coeds,
! of all descriptiona. Silks. Ecerege de I.nVe
| ("hallica. Jfons. de l.aines, Aipecss. fr> n: 1:
I tents up to SI per yard; Bonic-atic Gingh: n ;
| Berage fiinghame. i.acc" and Edgings. Kihhot,
j kid and all kind ef ladies' end getit'.•• Glove
; linen and silk Hdkfs, Eosiery for meß, women:
misses and cUildrcnj men and wotte.tsshois
boots and gaiters; misses shoes; a large assort,
went of Hilts and Bipoefs, of the very 1.-ites
tvles. A good supplv of
Coffee for cents per ponnd. brown Snga
at all prices; crushed, pulverized and chi rifle'
■Sugar. Baker's brotua Chocolate, Cocoa Lan
Oil,. Sperm Gil. Whale Oil, Ethcrial Oil, Can
dies. Teas of all kinds; best Golden Svrnp anr
New Orleans Molasses; fresh Herring am
and Hardware,
°f all kinds. Giassware and Cedarwnre.
Our stock has been selected with the gvratcsl
care, in regard to quality snd prices, aud w.
ilalter oilrselves wo can offer indnc.eiti't'ts t'
purchasers. Call and see and tlon't mac oni
word tOT it—drop in and judge for voitrsolvo
All kinds of country produce tnken in >-
hang* tor goods, at (he highest market priecß.
Bedford, April 27, 1855.
Bedford, Pa.
OTFICF on Pitt Street, nearly opposit
the ''Bedford Hotel." Teeth plugged, rog
ulated, Ac... and artificial teeth inserted, from
SIR* to an entirasft. Charges moderate, and all
operations warranted.
i'^Terifts—Posmwttr Casn.
Jan. 19. 185-1.
Justice of tlie Peace,
HAS retaoved his Office fu Street
two doors North of the "Inquirer and
li:romele" Office, and two doors South o( King
r* Ollice, where be will punctually at
end to the collection of all claims place'dia
ils hamia.
Beui'ordi April C, IS55— j.t
An election f<vr five tuahagtdft of the
nnuiiLeisbuijr ami Bedford tumpikc rml
ertiif üßy will be held et the public >f
Nl. 1 'ivelbiss, in .MctVunclNburir, bo Moit
buj, iLc 3d day ptMareb nest,at 1 o'clock.
F. M.
T. B. KTI.VNEDY, Presidet.
Feb. 29, 185 G.
If fad Quir(rN.
F im fasiiiovablc ci fll i„. f
VjVrphc mibtth-ilior would regr,.-cir tl ih " "
m- J r '"ionii the pwWic that I*. i 3 nVu4B
f£ •' t!l '- Ilall(fojmeilv T#
KxtVfd Hotel) it, T.fgt Mrt strict
md I***l MWttMrtt of rp a av. 7 -., lfk . \.,0 .
Clotl,sg. vvr before oKwdt£^'J?££* lU
ins uZ Z h 7'
.supply of M inter (iocnls. ' P' e,!tl >d
He has every variety and de*,*;. t
lie ha also a large stock of prime CTnTi.o
CASSIMKRESahd VESTIXg's. "jVm 1 ~S '
|.ard to make up to order in i|,e mo-i Ci' ,u "
blc*|j!, ami warranted he JI U r "'i
1:1,011 viT*. mane, *nd
Hiving purchased his stock for Cash 1 .•
assured that he can mUi, r 0 the ,P h'
those wanting uoon and cur ,cu.rkrvr t ' '
htm a call before pure-hash,,, PU °
K.-<1 ford.January Hi,
C3-ZE_tCZSI3SZ3 3E3" Tr**r
%Vc si Pitt Street, Bed/bnl
yJUJ.\ TL\ r. ST&CKM.I.V
| i'ropricler.
0 Vrii'a Book ton TBIG. f>2i ; l y 0 |.
iiuie! The Pioneer Magazine! Especially de
voted lo Hit wants n the Jiaiie* ol AiinrJcx.
M Liu* thin Msgi'ZJia' ii taken in house, no"
pM.i: is w.ti.trd, ii it coinjirisca "11 tlui coda
or obtained by taking three other Magazines.
Ant J luiitllj jvr IK-St—A new and vnv in
urcaiing story will he csmmn Mcx*d in JauCim .
by Manut Uiuriiind, author td-"Aloat.*'sua
•' HitiUt o Path, tvvn un> eh, that have crcrtHl
An liinoi iM - M i.satiuit i:i the Jjteraiy world.—
A' si —>i ija VvginiH F. "iWiMSend wilt t. j,..
Ululate in ihe February numler a Xnnvellettc,
which We kin n will strongly interest the read'
ers ul the ••Book-''
Storii s by su English Authoress—Fntv t.>
make Wax Flowers and Fruits #itl e#ia
riltgh—The JVurtw ami the Nursery .—lb w r<.
itmke nßoiitMft—Trouble* iil an English House
tci r- j lie Art ot sketching Fkt imoi
Natfi With engraving'—'ln it co| itti l.v
the cnroei on paper to he colored.
\ ; lerualei ousels to a J)tlghti:r—Designed
to aid her in the care of im health, the impiove
t'leit oilier mind. and the cultivation other
heart—■ w >iy 1- e.f lllinniiirf ing Windows and
Lr::'j> SI ides, with engravings— poetry and
History ot'FiiiperlUng*. Illnstratcc: SIkF * ior
Lllieadirs. and where they come from, withen
guiyh g>—.Mcdriht gin Leather with engravings
1 h's i* oply giving nn hUnol <i.r intentions
for ISlti, — X<w design* ot interest to the la
dii fi are sprlrgit p up every dry. we shall avail
out selves <•( i vrvthina that can interest them.—
In lrct, '-G< dey's La tv's Book.'* wiil posses
the interest of any other three magazine*—ln
trddrtSon to the shove will he continued in each
No. Goiivi 's splendid Ftoel < ngravings—One
btrwdr ti pages ot tvndifip.
G'dej s cbnlii t yt* Feshii n Plate*. In tf'i
us iii i very oi'ier department we defy rivalry or
iiiil'iiiioi —h tni ri iiiery pstteins. Arty <w itntitv
ot lie 111 ;re pix el 11 otublv NeiM C Wipes.
Dress making, with disci; n: to cut h--
Dress ri . 1 tit: nl's sttd Chihlu n's l>rce.
A !l kinds of ("ri lel.t t srd Nett.: e Vfstk.
Drawing lesson* ft.-r Youth —Ho ilmtgi.s.
"It >.*<• Worth ST. is fjvi II every year. U.e Nvr.-e
and ihe N'nr-ery with toll instructions-, Go
dev's ii v InsHr Frr ; pe> njw n ■ wgrv jirijcci.
eo; y. one year. {.l T w-o copies one year, {f.
Five c >ie* one year, and in < a ra c py to tie
person sending the eh h. making six copies
SI". Light ei pies ope y ear, and an xtu. •] v
tothej-eri n tie elnh. limbing nine
ei pies. 5 1.1. Klevdi copies em \ ear. at dan es
tra copy to the pel son st tiding the t't h. twelve
Copies S7O.
Godrv* L July's Book and Ihuper's Mrp :;.ire
hot h ui:year tor 10. Gedey's I.Pdy's ftyck
and Ariimr's ll< me Slnguzinv l oth one year
for So ,111
A Speeinuin or Spechnens will he sent direct
to any FosProaater making tire leipicst.
M'e a'wi vs supply Imefc liumher* for the
vtwr. as the work is sterotvjn d.
..Lt/hvrs. " L. A. GODLY.
No 11^Chestnut Street, Phllade phi'
im BR Till! PEOPLE.
LA I*E aitniVALOF NFVV axd cmsr cooi s AT
Reh.'S COLONS xi t: STOHE.
The subscriber hits jatt retißiied from tl e
E istern Cities, and is now receiv it g nd < Jien
iag a Igrge assoi tment ol splenitid Good*, se
lected with enre, and suilnUe to the beasi l;
comj rising LA pa* a' Guoii ot li.e newest
styles—ssilks, Mtrinties. Caskmcies. I'ersinn
Twill, .Vipkcas. Delaiiu*. C. BiuZe nnd Wool
Fl tids. Inserting. French worked .Collars and
under Sleeve*. ?ilie and Gum Belts, Cloths of
all shades. Gxssimers,pjiu:i and fancy Satin ells,
Jeans, Tweeds, OVerdovts, Bufi'alo Overshoes
for Ljaliies sad Gotits.Guui Shoes and Savdel-,.
B nit* and S'n ics, a large assortment. Hard-
Wire and (Jiioviirwrre.
GBOCERlLS—Cotnprisitig L'io, Java, Lc
guira Cotfee—Sugar* of all description;— S
yrups and M olassec—Rice—Tobacco—Spet w
0 i Ac., &c.
Bring on your Cash and Produce to Hrrt 'ii
STOKE, where you will find all yov.r wawts, u:
the loiwesl cwsh price*.
Bedford. Dt t. 2.1, IMI.
I'havepureiiasi'u the pntetit right lor Bedfi rd
County, of , IJickft#t#ti'S Patent Corn-Shi 1-
1.-r," and 1 ani prepared lb furnish every far
mer with this very useful and convenient ma
chine. It comes very highly recommended
bofh at l'ittshv.rg and New York. It is not
necessary for fun to detail its merits. 1 want
•every body to see the Machine f s it carries
with it its own ycroinnieiidativ n. Ita pirice
brings i; within the reach of every s.uti, beins
SIO.W) wheu delivered at Xav
' Jan. 2,5. 1811.-tf
Valnabie Farm (or Snip.
THE subscriber inlesirocr ol sel ii p tie
Farm, on which be now resides, ji: llnllud
towr,ship, about t,ne ltiiK* noith ot ifidftid
near Do nnings Greek, contaii.inp Ift! icier ,1
land, Iw-twecn 71) and ho acre cleatcd. abv t v 10
acres of which is good meadow, plenty ol goot
timber on the tract. Tlmre is e- yum g orcl *r
of choice frnit log house, log lam and - tl ir
out buildings tlu-reon. also good watt r. it tl c
whole tract is not s !d, -o acroa thereol Wi',ll*
sold separate
Terms of sale will be liberal, and p'>scsio
given Ut of April next.
August 21, 1851.
4LLi:(HFi\* am> ffwam:
THE scconu soasiovi of this institution wi'l
commence op Monday January 21st, It A.
T: • s-isi' "i w ; ll he divi'i. d j'nto tin cp ni tvis
Of 11 week* each v:lh' i.t a **ca'rfon
•ltate* of tuition as follow* virf'
Goinmow KiittKM; jet ipiatief sS,<d)
To which will added Itji' .
Each higher hmueb ' ; '
jKueh ' 12'
J'lib entire amount ot the ahovr hot t<*
l.Se. ixt *i\ dad!it's
J'tavvitig and FaL.ltvg of the difTi vent vailetU"
tVom jttt'iS.fHy
ties-win on i'tnno. 10. id 1
I'oCol tuiuifi 2 Unarms tier wreck 1 ,hG
r lucidentiils, •'''
jßoanting can ho seettrod en ri'a s "oal , l'' t rtca
Jlj order of THE THt'^TKES*
Bainshurg, Doe. 7, 1811.