JOB G N g PANO> "I . Te aaaociated themselves in the Practice 01 the Law, ami wit!promptly attend lo all busi utas entrusted to theircare in Bedford Mid ad joining routioa. on Street, three doors south of Mengel House and opposite the resi dence of Ma;. Tate. HA.NN Ik SPANG. June lat—lßs4 tf. IMPORTANT NOTICE. L persons having unsettled accounts with the firm of Rupp A Ostcr, are respectfully and n. ?st earnestly requested to call aud settle up without delay. Oct. 26, 1855.—2 in. Dr. F. C. Reamer, Physician and Surgeon. T> rspecUhM) teudevi his services t at. the cttiaens of Bedford' and vicinity. He rnsy always be tbund (unless pro(V.iei,a"|lv ,-a itaged) at his Drug and Book Store, in Julian* Ftb.l 6, 1854. TO MAT. THE Riving Sua Tavern iu the Borough Bedford, arili he rented for a term' of years.•— 1o n g->o I ten tut a very advantageous lease will be given, and the bouse completely re pairodi Possession given the first of' April next. AUofor rdnt tli Store Room tn David F. Maun. DAVID MANX. Nov. 30; 1845. A. Kiku. Kr. Jordan LAW PARMSHIP. Miag t Jr4an. Attorneys at Lair, BEDFORD, PA., WILL practice in the several Courts otßa ford aud adjoitiiug counties. Agencies, Collections. and-all otherbusinea intrusted to their care will bepromptly and fldth fully attended to. Off ICE in Juliana street, formerly occiijtad by D. H. Hotiua, Esq.,and more recently iu tbo oc eupauey ol Jos. Manu, Esq. January, a, 185.">. Improved Daguerreotype* A LL wb> wish to hava a good likeness of thantsslvcs or of their friends, csn now beaecoinui idated at the '•Exchange Building," immediately above the Store of Mr. A. B. Graraer, where Daguerreotypes of all sixes are done up in the-most beautiful style by THO MAS R. GEfI'YS.JR. Taken singly or in groupes. Persons taken after decease. La lias ami Gentlemen are respectfully Invi ted to call and examine the specimens. Young lsdy bring in that venerable father au-l that watahful mother, and secures likeness to-day, for to-morrow, it may be too late.— Mother bring on those little ones, with curling locks and sparkling eyes, they will make pret ty pictures, and then should death remove them you can exclaim, "Gone to their root, yet< we wonld not recall them, Back to this world of sorrow and pain. Gone to their rest where uo ill euu befall them, k-etwe have their likeness both perfect and plain." GAIJ lockets, single and double—also fancy cases const tntly on -handi Instructions given in the Art and apparatus furnished on reasonable terms. Bedford, Dec. 21. 1855. Stray ('tittle THREE head of Cattle have been tresspass ingou my premises for three months past, and I hive now taken them np as strays. One red Heifer, with a few white spots. One red Heifer, with white face and white stripe over the back. One Steer, brindle, and white spot ted. All two years old. No e.-tT mark. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pavcharges, and takethein awav. DAVID GOUCHNOUR. Dec. 21, 1855-c* Union Township TELLIM OFF IT COST. THE snbscrilier. about removing to the M'esty will sell his entire stock'of goods, which is ver, Urge, at cost. Persons will please call before baying elsewhere and examine for themselves. Country stores desiring.-to purchase goods will be supplied on more reasonable terms that they cen purchase them ia the city. All per sons who-have unsettled accounts-will call im mediately and settle, otherwise their accounts will be left in the hands of a proper o&cer for collection. PETER R'ADE BA UGII. Bedford, Nor. 16, 1855. Public Sale. BY order of the Orphan*' Court of Bedford County, there will he exposed 'to Public Sale, in Juniata Township, os SJTL'RD.IYthe U day of FEBRUARY, ntxt, 18&6, at 10 o'- clock, A. M., the following Keal Estate, to wit: A tract of land containing 67 acres, and al lowance, late the property of Joseph Nedro, dee'd, adjoining lands of Joseph Boyet, Valen tine B. Went, Jacob Hitlegass, Jonathan Feicbtner and others, on tbe road leading from Schellsburg to Buena Vista, and about half a mile from the latter place. The itnprorerarots area good Story and a half LOO HOUSE , Log Stable, wick threshing floor attached, and other out-boiidftrga. with a good Spring cloae to the house. About 40 acres of this land is cleared and under fence, 7 or-8 acres of which is meadow, and more can be made. A running stream passes through this farui. Team made known on dav of sole. JOSEPH DULL, Mn'r. P. S. Fcrdnformation in iegnr-1 to thin farm apply to Lewis A .Turner, Bueua Vista, or John j VS'yant, living on the place. Dec. 14, ao-e to Assessors. THOSE AssesHor* who do not receive their Duplicates before the 17th day ofJanua ry, inet., are notified to call or send" by soma re sponsible person them. 1 will send them if. an opportunity offer* a* toon a* they are ready. AJ S. RUSSELL, OUrk. Jan. 4. IBSC. ilew. Jewelry, Tiff K anbacriber baa opened out a new and i aplendid .laiorcnient of all kind* or the moat fashionable Jewelry —consisting in part of Breast Pins, Finger Kings, Ear Ring,, ft a., fce. .~c* STARTLING, BUT TIiUE H arniug to Every Sensible Woman. Why female* Sutter | Health. No woman of delicacy is willing to diacloae the peculiar ailments incident t her sex, even o a moat intimate family physician. This modesty an 1 delicacy 1* iitiplauted by nature, aud neither should nor need Ik? subjeet'-- ed to the rude shocks inevitable iu' making known to the other sex those ailments belonging exclusively to the lenialc. Except in extreme cases, Iter aensitirenea will sacrifice her health rather than lierdeHcacy The consequences are srriuns, lamentalrih and life-long. Thas what at first could have been easily rem i edied 1 , or perhaps better stiff, dot incurred, be- j conies a complication of difet-ascs, not only ru ining the health of the mother, and embittftfn her days by sickness and stltleriug, but entailing broken constitutions upon her children, ang embarrassing, if not distressing, the business and pecuniary prospects of the huwband. Let eve ry sensible woman TAKE WARAIACi IA TIME e(as thousands have done) by the hitter exjieri- I .lice and sufferings of others, of the dreadful j .onseq Ji-nces she entails upon herself snd those J ndeared to her, by her ignorance of the aim- ! pi-stand plainest rules of health as connected with the marriage state, the violation of which entails disease, suffering and misery. How many are suffering from obstructions of irregularities peculiar to the female system Which undermine the health, the effects of wliie.n ihey are ignoiant, and for which their del icacy forbids seeking medical advice! How many suffer from proiapm , u/eri (falling of the womb.) or Irum Jtuur albu* (weakness, debility, Ac.)! How many are in constant agony for many months pteceding confinement! How ma ny have difficult, if not dangerous deliveries, and slow and uncertain recoveries ! To flie question, how are these to lie preven ted f what shaft tie done ? the answer is simple. Let every -.Woman ascertain for heraelf. without violence to tier delicacy. Ihe nature aud charac ter of the aiifm-nt (to -which she as a female it subject) the causes from which it may ariae, and the projier remidiei for its cure and future pre vention. This she can do by possessing a little volume (already possessed hy thousands) whtch Sella her what is the matter, and tells lu-r what to do for it, in simple hut chaste words, and such us site can understand. This little volume is entitled THE MARRIED WO.V.f.VS RIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, BY DR. A. M. MAURIUEAU, fiorcsson or OISEASXS or wonts. One Hundredth Edition ( jfO,B early con. suited by thousands, both iu person and by letter. Here every woman can discover, by compa ring her own symptoms with those described, the nature, character, causes of, and the proper remedies for, her complaints. The wife about becoming a mother has often need of instruction and advice of the utmost importance to her future health, will find aucb instruction and advicre, and also explain many symptoms which otherwise would occasion anxi ety or alarm, asall the peculiarities incident to iler situation are described. It isnf- course impracticable to convey fully the various subjects treated of, as they are of a nature strictly intended tor the married or those contemplating marriage. The revelations con tained in its pages have proved a blessing to thousands, as the innumerable letters received by the author (which he is permitted by thewri ters to publish) will attest. Extract jfa Letter from a gentleman in Dayton, Ohio ! DATTON, May 1, 1847. Or. .1. 3t. Mturicrau : My wife has been perceptibly sinking for some three years or more, in consequence of her anguish ami suffering some months be fore ami during confinement; every successive one more and more debilitated and prostrated her, patting her life in imminent danger, and which was on the last occasion despaired of. I supposed that this slate of things was inevitable, and assigned myself to meet the worst. At this time (now about two months) 1 heard your book highly spoken of, as containing some matter reaching my rase. On its receipt and perusal. I cannot express to you the relief it afforded my distressed mind, and the joy its pages imparted to my wife, on learning the great discovery oi M. M. Desomeaos provided a remedy. It open ed w prospectto me which I little conceived was possible. No pecuniary consideration can ever repay the obligations I am under to yon, for having been tbe means of imparting to as the matters contained in -The Married Woman's Private Medical Companion." But for tbfe, ere nother year wonld have passed over my head, ain all human probability my wife would'have teen in het grave and my children left mother less." In consequence of the universal popularity e the work, at -evidenced by its extraordinary sale, various impositions have iieen attempted as well on bookteilers as on the public, by im itaiions of title page, spurious editions, ami sur deptitious infringements of copy.ight, aud-othe ervices and deceptions, it has been found neces sarv therefore TO CAUTION THE PUBLIC to buy no boon unless the words "Dr. 1 A-. M. MAcmoEAit, 129 Liberty Street, N. Y/,"sou < and the entry in the Clerk's Office on tbh'back of) the title page; and buy only of rrtnwetable and lionorable dealers, or send by mail;-and ad dress to Or. A.M. Maurices u. ETUpon receipt of One DoHatv "THE M.VKKIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE IMIDICAL COMPANION" is sent (mailed frto any psrt ot the United States, the Canadas and British Provinces. All letters innst Iw post paid, and addressed to DK. A. M. MAURI CEAU, box 1224, New York City. Publishing Office. No. 129 Liberty Street, New York. Juiv 12, 185.>—6m. Aoexts —Dr. F. C. Reamer, Bedford; T. B Peterson, J. M. Moss Ac Bro., and Thos. Coper thwait, Philadelphia: Spangler k Bro., Lancas ten I. B. Uunn'mon, Brief S. B. Lautfer, Creetu Imrg; J. S. Xiekson and A. K McCluro, 6bam beraburg. Plantrrinr Lalk!! THE rNBERSHSNED having erect* a MtflMur sawing PustxbikJ Laths on hit premises in UnkNi Tp:, Bedford eotrety, is no* ready to furnish any quantity on the shortest notice. Price $1.60 per thousand, f 8 It. long.— Other lengths in proportion. 1 addressed td'iwe at St. Ctairsville wi bo promptly attended to. - WM. GRIFFITH Union Tp., Feh. 1(5.1834.' ax. TO BUILBMtS. 11he subscriber is fully prepared to- furnish and quautity or quality of Building Lumber any Plastering Laths. Orders directed-to St. Claim vill, Bedford County, will br promptly attended to, bv giving a reasonable notice. t' I>. BEEGI.E. 1 Vse. 29. 1854. FITS! FITS! FITS! rUE ?EGTABL£ EXTRACT PIMA. For* TWE CtRE OV Fits, Spasm, Cramps, **4 ERSOXS who are laboring ttttilrr tbia no* distressing malady, will find the Vegetable Epileptic Pilla to be the only remedy ever dia overed fur Curing Epilepsy or Falling Fits. | These pilla possess a sj-eciflc. action on the ner vous system, and, although they are prepared especially for the purpose of curing Pits, they will be found of esjiecial benefit for all persons attlicted with weak nerves, or whose nervous system has beep prostrated or shattered from any cause whatever, in chronic complaints.or diseases of long stsnding, superinduced by ner | vouauess. they are exceedingly beneficial. Testimony ia favor of Ike Vege table Extrart Epilepfie Pills. In the publication of thefollowiugcurtificatai I of cures, the name* have b-eu suppressed, as the testimonials were voluntarily ottered, and at would lie improper to publish them without the consent of ttie parties, and who would be un willing to publish to the world that they or their children or friends, ever had Hta, when the circumstance is always regarded as one of the family secrets. Heading, Berks County. Pa. I Decouiber 22d, 1852. | To Setb S. Hauce : Dear Sir—The Pills my brother bought of von in November. I mean the Vegetable Epi leptic Pills, are out, and I get a friend to enclose you five dollars, for which 1 wish you to semi me immediately two boxes more. 1 have been troubled many years with PITS, and havetried the skill of many physicians, but nothing which I have taken appears to have met the require ments of my ease, so well as vour Epileptic Pills. ANOTHER CASE OF FITS. \ ULAKKSRCRC, Ya. I Novenu r 15th. 1852. t To Seth S. ilance, Baltimore, Md. Dear Sir—Having been afflicted for some years past with Falling Fits, I saw your adver tisement, and determined to give your pills a trial, sad 1 am happy to say that since 1 com menced the use of them, I have not had an at tack. I believe them to be a first rate article, for. as I have written to you in a former letter 1 was attacked every two weeks, but since 1 have been using them I have not had an attack. Yours, respectfully, LETTER FROM A DRUGGIST. New York, Oct. 10, 1852. Dear Sir—Please send mo two boxes more of your Vegetable Epileptic Pills. The person for whom I procured them, is much pleased with their effects. They seem to have an excellent effect. A PERFECT CURE OF EPILEPSY. Pittsburg, November 22, 1858 Dear Sir—Tt is now ten months since ray wife had any of those nervous attacks. She thinks she is cured. She has not bad any symptoms of the disease for the last nine months. She took your Vegetable Extract Pills for about four months, and discontinued them four months since. Mrs. S. was treated by the best old school physicians in the State for ten years,then by the laist Hommpathic for eighteen months, without a cure. It is to your Vegetable Ex tract Pills, and with strict regard to diet, tlmt we sscribe her cure of the most dreadful dis ease that evet afflicted the human family. I wish every person afflicten with Epilepsy had this medicine, and would give it a thorough trial.— It may not cure in all cases, but in this it has performed wonders. A VERY REMARKABLE CURE MiUedgeville, Ga. t December 17, 1852. J Dear Sir—l wish to inform yon that one of my family has been afflicted with FITS lor a number of years, and seeing an advertisemen in a news paper, concerning your Vegetable Kx tract Epileptic Pills, I catne to the coociuwkin, after tryiug almost every physician in my reacht and all having failed in relieving my child of the disease, to send for six boxes of your pills, which proved an effectual cure for my daughter, who is now about 18 years of age. I think there is no other medicine in use equal to them, and I will be forever grateful to TOU for the use of them for my daughter whom it bas cured. Yours, respectfully. Nerroas and Caastitatianal Disea ses. These pills possess a specific actio* on tba nurveus system, and although they are prepa red especially for the purpose of curing Fits they will be found of especial benefit to all per aon afflicted with weak nerves,, or whose ner vous system has been prostrated or shaiterd, from any cause whatever; in fact it is almost impossible to convey an adequate idea of tbe •peedy and almost miraculous results which these pills effect in the diseased, broken down tr i.urostrated nervous systems. Persons who were alt lassitude, weakuesss and debility, be fore their use, at once become rotaatand full of energy. No matter whether the constitution has been broken down by excess, weak by na ture, or debilitated by sickness, their effection ' the unstrung and shattered iterrous organira tion is equally certain and apparent. Incases of neuralgia, headache, vertigo, pain in the nerves of the face, and the various train of ner vous affections, palpitation of the heart, period ical headaches, cold and shivered state of tbe frame, frequent fits of abstraction, total inabili ty, dislike to society, melancholy,religious m<- noiuania, heats and flushes of the face on tbe slightest occasion, a desire that existence should terminate; they will produce a cure inanaston iishngly short period of time, and it will alos remove depression, excitement, a tendency to blush, restlessness,sloepiessness,incapacity for study or business, loss of memory, confusion,- giddiness, blood to tbe head, mental debilrtyy hysteria, indecision, wretchedness, thonghtfe'of self destruction, fear of insanity, kc., ke.'- They will increase and restore tbe appetite-' strengthen the emaciated, renew the health of those who have destroyed it by excises, and | induce continual checrfnlness and equanimity I of spirita, and prolong life, i Persons of !>•* complexion and cosr.umptive i j habits are restored by s box or two, to bloom i and vigor, changing the skin from a pale.fyellow ; sickly color, to a beanßftilflotidcompl) xion. these Pills nrec mposed of t >rao of , the most expensive mate ials in the dateria Medica. It will be impossible to lea\cthen around the country on agency, as common Pat ent Medicines usually are. But in order to h t the afflicted in the most remote parts of the country hare a chance to obtain them, they wRI be sent by mail free of postage, to any part of the Bnited States, or any country with wiiicb st j, United States has postal arrangements, om b( M reeeipt of a remittance. PRICES. —Vegetable Extract EpiVepticPill fffper bo*, two boxes for fS, or $24 perdosen. □GTAII orders mnat be addressed postpaid t 0 S. S. JIANCE, 108 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. ilanecs's Sarsnpariila Blood Pil'i, Hhrehound Candy, " Compound Syrup of Ilorehound. K7-A*!IO for sale by MILLER it CONLEY Sebellsburg. Pa. Ma* 'Ji, IKs-M. BEDFORD INQUIRER AND CHRONICLE. ■cad Quarter*. OR FASHIONABLE €L*TIIIMG f"~p h subscriber would reapeetliiUy aa I. inform the public that he ia now T* tferiug *t the Bedford Hall (formerly JUL uge Hotel) iu Kaat Pitt street, the largeit and assortment of ready-made, fashionable Clothitf, ever lit fore offered foraale in this place. HIS STOCK consists of a large and splendid auppN' of Winter Goods. ; He Ins every variety and description of COATS. PASTS AND VftSTg, SHIRTS, DKAMVKKS, COLLARS AND CRAVATS, SUSPENDERS, HANDKERCHIEFS, Ac. Itc* lie has also a large stock of prime CLOTHS, CASBIXEKKS and NESTINGS, which he is p- Itared to make up to order in the most fashiona ble style, and warranted tff be Aell made, and GOOD UTS. Having purchased his stock for CASH be feeli assured that he can make it to the advantage oT those wanting ooop and CLOTHING to gife him a call before purchasing elsewhere. WX. SOHAFER. ! Bedford, January 19, 1854. Taylor 4k H*WPJ, TANNERS, BEDFORD, FA. HAVE COXNTANTLV OH HAND at their Tannery on East Pitt St. leather of all kinds, and of the bee* quality. at exceed ; r.gly moderate rates. They pay the highest price* lor country hides. Feb. 10, 1854. Call ut HI) mire's. Til E subscriber has just received from the ! Eastern cities the best assortment of Brass Copper, and Tin Ware over ottered hi this place, lowhich he invites the attention of the public.— He has a great many improved cooking utensils, that cannot fail to please every housekeeper who uses them. The Ladies especially are invited to call and examine the articles. Among them are Brass and Bell Metal Kettles of all sixes, Water Coolers, Chafing Dishes, Saucepans, Milk Boilers, Nt'ltsx Lamps, an excellcut article for the sick room, Cake Moulds, Spice Boxes, Tea Cannisters, Brass and Iron Ladles, Patent Lamps, Candlesticks. Class Lamps. Match Box es. Spittoons. Ac.. Ac. English and French Tin, Iron and Brass Ware 1 In great variety. Japanned Tin Toys, and a groat variety of Fancy articles. Chain and Force Pumps, and in short every article In my line. Don't forget to callat the Tin Ware Depot in Pitt St. GE URGE BLYMIRK. -fuy.ll, 1854. IW CLOTHIM STORBT THE subscriber has just otiened a new and complete CI.OTIIIKC STORE, in the building oi. the corner of Juliana Street, Bedford,, P., owned by David Maun, Esq., and lately ir. the occupancy of Mr, Solomon Filler as a Dry Goods Store, a..d two doors South of the Rising Sun Tavern. His stock one of the largest and cheapest assortments of Ready Made 1 Clothing ever brought to Bedford. He has also a choice assortment of Dry (.Odds, ill of which he will sell cheap as cau be procured in the town. Hercqucsts all his country friendsandothers, to call and see his goods—as he does not con ;lder it a trouble to show them to any one. ISAAC LIPPKL. April H, 1855. IF YOU want CHEAP GOODS, call at Cheap Side. Nov. 30. GRAHAM'S AMERICAN MOVTHI.V MltttZINE, SSTAUMSttED IS 1837. DEVOTED TO LITERATI.HE, ART AND FASHION, 1856. TIIE new volume commencing with the Ja nuary number, 1856, will contain over Twelve Hundred Pages of the choicest reading matter, Steel and Wood E u gravings, and Music. "Graham" is a Family Magazine, with mat ter to please tbe grave and tbe pay, the young and the okl; and while everything relating to Fashion, and purely femiuino in its nature, is fully equal to that published in any other peri odical —tbe Literature is of a higher character, and better suited to all members of the Family. This Magazine is, and has been, withiu the scope of its design, the exponent of a pure healthy, and elevated literature; in proof of which we refer to the past and more especial ly to the pre ® nt year. " Tha coning volume, on account of the en gagements made witii literary celebrities, and the superior facilities at our control, will, while in other respects unchanged, excel in the beu ty and variety of its content sail former issues. The following are the uamei of some ot those whose contributions have appeared in •'Gra ham" dnriag the present year. W. C.Bryant, J. Russell Lowell, J.T.Head lev, T. B. Head,, Wm. Dowe, R. W. Griswokl, E. P. Whipple, W. G. Situms, 11. W.Herbert. K. H. Stoddard. Park Benjamin, Paul H. Hayne, J. M. Church, J. Belcher, 1). D., Wir., Alexander, K. W. Ellsworth, E. O. Smith, Alice Ca,.T, Ellen Louise Chandler, Julia C. Dorr.Ca r uline Chesebro, Ella Rodman, Mrs. E. L.Cu h/tg, E. Anna Lewis, Mary A. Den ison, M g ion Harlaml, "Rosa," Caroline F Orne . Ceria M. Burr, Aline T. Wilbur, Bell Bush Mis. E. J. Karnes, E. L. Kilhurn. Each rumber of tho coining volume will con tain a upltndid Steele Engraving; a Plate o the Parss Fashions, on Steele, elegantly color ed; one. or more articles richly illustrated with Wood Engravings; Miscellaneous Pros., and Poetry- an Editor's Table; Reviews of New Books ' Monthly Summary of Current Events; Hints on F.sition und Fashionable Int dligence fertile MonThi Patterns for Needle-work, and New Mousic. The Steel Engravings will embrace flaely ex ecuted portrait! of the celebrated lady-writers of the day, intorspertfod witn a variety of other nbjects, audi as we think will prove accepts sblo to the general reader. The Fashion Plates arc engraved on Steel, fa/er the lateit Paris Fashions, giving out and in-door costtmes for the month in which they appear. Tbtjy have been pronounced superioi to those published in any other Americau Pe riodical. The Literay Matter will consist of Histori cal, Biographcal, and I.iterary Essays, Sketch, e* ot'Travel, Tine Arts, Novels, Tales, Roman, ces, Ac. Thi Novels and Romances of "Gra ham" (of wheh from two to five will appear in every issue) are universally acknowledged to excel in beany and interest any other publy one w ell experienced in the business, he is fully satisfied that purchasers willflad it to their advantage to give him a call. Inaddition to a general stock of Hardware, he has on hand, aud will coiistahtly keep GRO CERIES of the very best quality—GLASS of all size—also, STOKE WARE ofa very superior quality. He has also on hand all kinds of Oils, Paints, Drugs, Brooms, Ac., Ac., and Cdar Ware in great variety, j Having now permanently settled in business, j and beingdetertiined to use every proper exer [ tion to please, he hopes to merit and receive a j liberal share of public patronage. JOHK ARNOLD. Deer. 29, 1854. O-Li 088 ECOTRIZj, Wl Pitt Street, Bedford, Peuna. VA LE.\ TI.YE ST EC KM JX. Proprietor. LIMBER! LINKER!! I /"t/\ f\fVASHiIHiLKSof different kimts XVfv!FeV/vrV/ Also, 75,000 leelot LUM BER ol difierani kind*, such u Whi'e Pine, 1 allow Pin a, Poplar. Ni r ice, Ac., Ac. For sula F. D. BEEGLK. Si. Ciairsvitle Ftb. 18, 1853-tf St TILL GMKAIKK A I I'KAC I lUNa! *•- j oar's Dadx's Book roa ltSoli. o-ud Vol ume! The Pioneer Magaxiue! Especially de voted to the wants of tne Ladies oi America. Where this Magazine is lakeu in u house, no other is wanted, as it comprises all that could he obtained by taking three other Magaziues. Arte Ftuturtt for 1 dob—A lie'*' and very in terestiug story will be commenced tu January, by Marion liarlaud, author of "Alone," oust ••"iliddeu Path," two novels that have created an immense sensation in the literary world.— Also—Miss Virginia F. Towuaeud will com mence iu the February number a Xouvelielte, which we know will strongly interest the road ers of the "Book." Stories by an English Authoress—How to make Wax Flowers aud Fruits.— With engra vings.—The Nurse and the Nursery.—llow to make a Bonnet —Troubles ofau English House keeper—The Art of sketching Flowers Irotu Nature—With engravings—lo be copied by the learner on paper to be colored. Maternal counsels to a Daughter—Designed to aid her In the care of Iter health, the improve ment of her mind, aud the cultivation of her heart—New style of Illuminating Windows and Lamp Shades, with engravings—Poetry aud History of Finger Kings, Alustrateu; Shells .or the Ladies, aud where they coine from, with en gravings—Modelling in Leather with engravings This is only giving au idea of our iutentious for 1856.—New designs of interest to the la dies are springing up every day, we shall avail ourselves of evrytliing that can interest them.— In tact, "Godey's La ly's Book," will (losses the interest of any other throe magazines—in addition to the above will be continued iu each No. Gdey's splendid Steal engravings—One hundr d pages of reading. Godey's challenge Fashion Pistes. In thi as in every ot ier department we defy rivalry or imitation— Embroidery patterns. Any quantity of them are given monthly—Model collages. Dress making, with diagrams to cut by— Dress pattern , Infant's and Children's Dresses, All kinds of Crotchet and Netting Work. Drawing Lessons for Youth—looo Swgu, M nsic worth $3 is given every year, the Nurse aud the Nursery, with full instructions; Go dev's invaluable Recipes upon every subject. CyTFRMS, CASH IN ADVANCE.—One copy, one year, $3 Two copies one year, $6. Five copies one year, and an ex ra copy to tbe person sending the club, making six copies $lO. Eight copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, making nine copies, sl.l, F.leven copies one year, and an ex tra copy to tho person sending the club, twelve copies $lO. Coder's Lady's Book and Harper's Magasinc both one year for $1,50. (Jodey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazine both one rear for $3.50 A Speciman or Specimens will be sent direct to any Postmaster making the request. We can always supply back numbers for the year, as the work is sterotvped. Mdrttt , ' L. A. CODE V. Mo 113 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. The Neugel House* The subscriber having taken the above we known Hotel, in the town ol Bedford, recently kept by Mr.lsaac Meugel,would respectfully an uouiice to his friends and the public generally, that he is now prepared ;o entertain them in a superior style. His Beds and Bedding, are new, and tiis chambers commodious and well ventilated and furnished in the best manner. On his Table, will be foundjthe choicest vi ands the market can produce. His Bar will be supplied with the best li quors. Hi* Stable is large and commodious and will be etteued by andattentive and industrious oat ler. Boarders will be laken by the day. week, month and year. As he is determined to spare no efforts *o please.and make at! persons who atopwithhim feel at home.he respectfully asks the patronage of the public. JAMKS S. EECKWITH. Bedford, March 31, 1854. Bedford Academy and Female Senna try. W. W. CAMPBELL, Principal. THE first session of the 6tb school year o' tbislustitution will open on Monday morn' itig the 3d day of September. The pao history of the Academy, will, we trust, bes sufficient guarantee of its future efficiency. The branchestaught will be the same as hereto fore. To master principle* will be considered the most important pursuit of the pupils; and while it will bo the constant business of the In structor to impart knowledge, it will also be his aim to lead his pupils to make a practical ap plication of their acquisitions. To load the mind with innumerable formulas, without causa ing it to use them, would be like placing a bow 'n a child's hand, without teaching him how to bond it. In fine, it shall be our object, as it has ever been, to lead the pupil to think. XT' X. B. Instruction in Single and Donhel Entry Book Keeping will be given by the Prin cipal. The cftws In this study will be so arrang ed that any young mon desiring to pursue this mportant branch, in order to prepare tbem elves for clerkships, can rtcilt in it atom his recitation will roe live attention out of the regular school hours. Instruction in this branch is extra, and will' be charged accord ingly, The terms are as usual! _, Par Qioir Classics, • . . . $0 20 Higher English, ... A no j Middle " .... 4 M Elementary, .... 4 Book Keeping, (extra.) - £ 00 THftBhHLNG MAcWixes, with •.l, 4 horse power for sale cheap kt Reed's Coda narts Store. Nov. Off. IMi. DRUGS, BOOKS, STATION*B DR. I', r. REARER, JtT bedfokp, pa., Havtef Pai-dianed the Drue And BookStore of Dr- S. D. Scott, has -oo stantly on hand, at the old atau-, a large and wellselected stock of choice Drugs and Med icines, wholesale and retail, all of which will be sold at (airterms. The asaortmemt consists h. part of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, DYE WOODS AND ACIDS, j'AINTF AN D OILS, WINDOW GLASS AND GLASS WARE, TOBACCO AND SEGAKS, PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLE*, AT •, K PATENT MEDICINES. Having the regular agency for the sale <>l al of these medicines the public are assured that they are of the best; audi as have stood the test oftiiueandexperienee.and can besafcl)recom mended as genuine. Vif. Townsond's and Band's Sarsaparilla. Wistar Balaam of IVild Cherry.Ayer's Cherry I'ectoral Moffat's Life Pills and Phornix Bitter*. Jr Jayne's Family Medicines,Fabnestoeks'slloU n sacks, and other vermifuges, llooffland German Bitters, kc. kc. Constantly on hand 0 large stock of Historic biographical. Scientific, Religious, Poetical school aud Miscellaneous BOOKS Also a great variety of Fancy Stationery, Cap, Poat and wrajiping paper of every quality paper Hangings in great variety. Window Blinds in patterns or by the piece. Wall paper gfueland Fancy Goods. BLANK BOOKS of every sixe and quality, Pocket Booksand Port Monnaies, Diaries, Blank Deeds and Mortgages, gold Pens and Pencils, Combs, Brushes, Per fumery in great variety. Soaps, kc. Ac., kr. Lamps, and Camphine Oil ' Burning Fluid kept constantly on hand. CHOICE I IQUORN, for medical use; Brandy, WolfTa, Scheldt gelmapps.Gin, Port, Sherry and Madeira Wine Jan. 19, 1854. DOCTOR YOURSELF. THE POCKETESC ULAPIT7S OS, CVCKT OSB His OWN PUVSICIAM. tTHK FIFTIETH Edition, with One Hundred Eupra ings, showing diseases and Malformations of the llu man System in every shape and form. To which is added a Treatise on the Diseases of Females, being of the highest importance to married people, or those ocutemplating marriage.— WILLIAM YOUNG, M. D. Let n<> father be ashamed to present a copy of the aESCULAPIUS to his child. It may save him from an early grave. Let no young man or woman enter into the secret obligations of married life without reading the POCKET cESCULAPIUS. Let no one suffering front a hacknied Cough, l'ain in the Side, restless nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train ot Dyspeptic sensations, and given up by tbeir phy sician. lie another moment without consulting the AISCULAPIUS. Have the married, or those about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful book, as it has lieeii the means of saving thousands of unfortunate creatures from the very jaws of death. H7"\ny person uniiinji TWE N'T V.FIA'E CENTS enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this work by mail, or five copies will be sent for One Dollar. Address, (post paid) DR. ITM. YOUNG, No. 112 Spruce Sireet, Philadelphia. July 13, 1855—1y. JIXT IS SEASON! NEW GOODS, At the "CHEAP CORSEK*' WE would respectfully nunotince to the • iso zens of Bedford and vicinity, thnt wehare jst returned from the eastern cities, atuare u ow receiving and opening a large ard hand uio assortment of Spring and Summer Goods consisting in part of Cloths, Cassinieres, black and fancy Sattiucts; a large variety of Sack and Marsailles Vesting*. Kentucky Jeans, Cot onadge Linen Drills for pants, Linen for coat j Tweeds, brown and black Muslins, trim 0- cenls per yard upwards; Cotton Bagging. Asna burgs. cotton Table Diapers for 12 j per yard; ad all articles for use or ornament. Ladles' Dress and Fancy Goods, of all descriptions, Silks, JJeerege dc Laincs Challiex, Mous. de Laines. Alpacas, from 12 centa up to $1 per yard; Domestic Ginghams Berage Ginghams, Lace* and Edgings, Ribbons kid and all kind of ladies' nnd gent's Gloves linen and silk Hdkfs, Hosiery for men. women* misses and children; men and women* shoes, boots and gaiters; misses shoes; a large assort ment of Hats and Bonnets, of the very latest styles. A good supply of GROCERIES, Coffee for 12J cents per pound, brown Sugar, at alt prices; crushed, pulverised and clarified Sugar, Baker's bronia Chocolate, Cocoa Lnrd Oil, Sperm Oil, Whole Oil, Etherial Oil, Can diet, Teas of all kinds; bent Golden Syrup and New Orleans Molasses ; fresh Herring and Mackerel. Qieeoswart ail Hardware, of all kinds, Glassware and Cedarware. Our stock has been selected with the greatest care, in regard to quality and prices, aud we i Hatter ourselves we can offer inducements to purchasers. Call and see and don't UKC our word for it—drop in and judge for yourselves All kinds of country produce taken in exc hange for goods, at the highest market prices. SANSOM A GII'HAKT. Bedford. April 27, 18,15. A Miracle tf Science. Dr. C. Kelling of Mechtnicsburg.Cumberlan Co. I'a.,announces to those afflicted with Tu mors, Welts, Cancers, Polypus, Lupus Molesor Marks, Scrotals or King's Evil and all disuases that have been usually treated with Caustic or Knife, he can remove tlieiu by an entirely new method, without cutting, burning, or pain. Nei ther Chloroform or Etheri a administered, to tbo patient. It iano matter on what part oftho body they may be, he can removethem with perfectsafety, and in a rcmarkablcshort time. No Mineralor Vegetable poison, is applied, and no money re quired until a cur c is perfected. ProlapsuUtcri,bFemalecomplaints, Chronic atienral and all otper disease* treated withposi vjae success. Full articular* cat; be obtained bv • arcssingin either English or German postpaid, h ieuta can be accommodated with Board on ceSsnnahlc terms. rMechanicstmrg ia one of the prettied and aithieat towna In this or any other State. It is miles front Harriaburg on thoC. V. B.C. and 1 pccssihle from all parts of the Union. The Dr. will viait oases in any part of f.'ie State when desired. Kind reader if you know any afflicted fellow reature.defe? not totellthero ofthistreatment. Feb. Ifc, IBU.-za CXkRN and Quekwheat meal far sale by Nor. SO. G. W. RUPI*. __ _ | A" NW BUGGY for rale hy Nuv, m. Ii #. Hfjpp. j TERMS. THE IEDFMD INOILIREIt AND CHRONICLE will be published ever v Thurs day Morning at two dollar* per annum, in ad yanee, or two dollar* and Ally cents the rear cxpiri t. No suliacrlption will be taken for a shorter period aihn six mouths,'and no subscriber will be at tberty to discontinue his anbacription until ail arrearage* ore paid. Rates of Adrertisia|: " 1 insertion. 2 do. ,1 d„ 1 square,(l2l ines) fiO ;& gj ((> 2 squares, SI,OO l,fi® 2'.U> 8 squares, 1,60 2,00 2 5o 2 months, 6 do, J2do 1 square $2-50 $4,00 $7,00 2 squares 4.00 6,00 lo!> 3 square* 6,.00 8.00 12lo<* Half Column 8,00 12,00 lfiioo- Whole Column 12,00 16,00 30.00 DGTAII advertisements not marked with th*- nttmber of insertion* desired will ha inserted until forbid. and charged accordingly. SPRING AND SIMMER GOODS. '■" HIE subscriber takes this method of intoim- X ing his friends that he ha received his ml stock of SERIAG SIMMER GOODS, which be has selected Irom the largest stocks* in the eastern cities. We name iu part, J.,. DIES' DRESS GOODS, comprising rich Sum mer Silks—beautiful colors ai.d original steles; rich Black Silks of all widths and qualities' Bert-ges, Tissues, Grenadines Berage at Lainet Lawns. Ginghams, 4tc. in WHITE GOODS our stock is unusually large and varied, cm bracing Embroidered Swiss; pleid, atrjediiol plain Cambrics; Jaconets; Muslii's; Bishop Lawn; Dfwilies, etc., elc. IWI SEKEEPJSIi GOODS —Linen Sheetings, Cotton, do., Pillow case Muslins; Table Linens, bleached an brown; Russian I'ispers, etc. Blue, green and brown Berages and Grena dines for Veils. G EXT I.EM EN'S .I.XD BOY'S WE JR. nch as Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesting!, of every conceivable stvle and quality MOURXIKG (SOt/uS— Bombasines. Alpacas, Lawns, Ginghams, etc. EMBROIDERIES— French worked Collars Handkerchiefs, Sleeves. Edgings, Inserting*, etc., etc. DOMESTIC GOODS—A large assortment— embracing everthing in the line. Gloves, Hosiery, Notions, Ac., all prices and qualities ROOTS. SHOES. H.ITS .IXD CJIS. China. Glass and (JnccDsware, conaistirg of every desirable article. Looking (/lassos. all sizes. cheaper titan um al. }UHI)U'.IRF.. GROCERIES. Drugs. Me dicines, Faint*. Oils and Iltc Stuffs, nnd in fact everything tliat ought to be kept in a well conducted country store. Thankfully acknowledging t lie llberal patron age heretofore extended, I shall rrda\<>rto merit its continuance by keeping one of the largest, moat varied and beet stocks in loan. Ilia store is opposite the Bedford Hotel. PETKR RADEBAUGfI. Bdford, May 11, 1850. JO JE2 NT I 13 TP . Bedford, Fa. /"MFFICE on Pitt Street, nearly opposit the "Bedford Hotel." Teeth plugged, h-ge ulatod. #tc., and artificial teeth inserted, from one to an entire set. Charges moderate, and all operations warranted. EETTerms— POMTIVKLT CASH. Jan. 19. 1854. ~ STRII fcTKEK. CAMR to the premises of the subscriber, living near Enterprise, South Woodberry Township, about tho Ist September last, a steer about one year old last spring. Its color red, marked by'crop oft the right ear. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and tske it nwav. DAVID SKOBEKGKU. sov. 30. 1835 h. "vicodeiiis, Justice of the Peace, HAS removed his Office to Jutiaian Sneet two doors North of the "Inquirer and Chronicle" Office, aud two door* South <>i King if Jordan*' Office, where lie will punctually at tend to the collection of all claims pltrrcin his bands. Bedford, April 6, 1856-si STANDARD CLASS BOORS, roa THE ADOPTIO* or Township Boards of Ednc&tion ard Union Schools. THE follownig excellent School Books hv been adopted, by more than o*i IMOISAS Boards of Education, in the last eighteen months — Firit. because of their UDSUtpassnl merit; Second, because they are, also, the most economical to the learner. READING AND SPELLING. McGuffey's Eclectic Pictorial Primer, McGutfes's Eclectic Spelling-Bock, McGutfey's Eclectic First Render. McGuffev's Eclectic Second Reader, McGuffey's Eclectic Third Reader, McGutfey's Eclectic Fourth Reader. McGuffey's Eclectic Fifth Reader, or Rhetori cal Guide. The Helmuts Young Ladies" Reader. CLASS BOOKS IN ARITHMETIC. Ray's Arithmetic, Part First, Ray's Arichmetie, Part Second, Kay's Artbmctic, Part Third. Kev to Ray's Arithmetic. ALGEBRA. Ray's Algebra. Part Find, Ray's Algebra. Part Second. Kev to Rav's Algebra. Part* First and Second. FOR COMMON SCHOOLS. Pinaco's Primary Grammar. Revised and Eu i arged, and printed from new "type. This en ' Urged edition, embraces SYRTAX, which is treat ed in a clear, practical and plcaaing raannet, and the volume is a full and comp/ttt Class hook for Common Schools, containing all that ia taught on the subject in Public Schools. FOR ACADEMIES. rinnvo'a Analytical Grammar, Revised, with enlarged tyjc—"designed for aevanced pnpila who wish to study the subject on a more rxtrsih ed basis, and with more ir : tuteneas in detail. Analysis. Pinneo's Liglish Teacher, in which is taught the structi e of sentences by ANALYSIS and STXTHKSIS. A popular work on 1 the anslvsis of English sentei. as. It is believed that no books . er presented to the public have met with *uch universal appro bation as those embraced in the Ecucnc Esr- CAYIOHAL SCRIM. Not only have Dearly all the leading practical teachers in the State, by their letter* manifested their high appreciation of their merits, and the satisfaction tffcy fed in using them; but many others, whose sphere of instruction is in the higher Departments of Idl - but who also earnestly labor for Hie progress and welfare of the Common Scloeiv, bare nulled in this genarol voice of appaoeai. Pnbliahod by W. B. SMITH & Co., Cmeinnatl. AOAIITS row BEDFORD Conm.-fr- B. T. fIARWT's Drug and Book Store. Bedtbrd; Dr. T. ' O. RBAHRW'S Drug and Book Store, Bedford; where those books may bo had wholesale and retail, on the moat favorable terms. School Boards will he supplied with oopies lor examination, and schools supplied for a first introduction, at reduced rates. Sept. 28, 1855-c STRAY HEIFER. CAME to the premises or the subscriber, living in Monroe Township, ahent the mid die of November red and white Wth supposed to be risiag In two years old. no manes.' Tb'n*Vr is requested to come ffir ward, projfdrty'pay ch*iKes ! and't4*e awavr. ILEITIS EGO VS. Dee ifcto.