Bedford inquirer and chronicle. (Bedford, Pa.) 1854-1857, February 01, 1856, Image 3

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    Qpaixt am. €vai')rß.- T Amo ? the f
••'jaiiint and curious" cowoapeadaiwe al- \
wo.f t daily received at ifntf
in this eity, we hare Recti slfotjhi the fol
lowing fvom a genius out v;est' To in- 1
.juirj propooodad hiwby tbeCircular of ike !
Association, demjudin*—*hiw many pa
pers are published in your place-pomiia
tion, &cV the wb!vto — f i
"So pa pet-* Imfe hcennsc the
people can't read." The population if a>
follows' t.y.ii
itbb, . Kn ,
Amsterdam Dutch, ]-p, j
Other dam Onteh, ,<{>
White "ion, '7 1
There were formerly eirlit while men,
hut vour humble servant lias vacated the
ranch* and pitched his tertt in Mineral I
joint, where if he cm aid the Cosmopolitan A
in a moral or religious way, command him. '
s*f4utkn g tristax j
5 -jl<if R*lrT"r tiff w/Jh iQ
The European Times says that 'the belief
•Mtmuucs to gaiu groun iia he eouinieruiaf
<nd world that 1 hit negotiations I
t'T i 'csetfj itecftnlly proposed, have decided
iy fdied although if has heon stated that,
belore she gives a final reply, Russia is de
sirous ot ottering Counter propositions. It
i, plain that the object of such n stem is to *
gain time, as no on? believes she 'would
prop .se terms at this stage of the war that
would cause the Western Powers to con
clude a lasting and honorable peace."
PitDZEN 10 Pf Ant.—The Dtavenpurt
ilrz;lte state that four ni *n were frozen to .
•death ne nr Fort Dodge, and that eight ,
others were missing. The stage driver on 1
the route betweeu Cascade aunt A naiuusa, on
Wednesday last, became so chilled that the 1
passengers were obliged t<> eaa v him into a J
pritu.e house, and to wait some touc before
lie was able to proceed, inside th e SUge to ,
Anamo&t, ot) jo' toe prssengers sti pplving
his place as driver. At La Salle, tiie dri
ver or a co il-cart was found frozen to death
setting ou his cart,
. p "Did you know, ' said a cunning
Yankee to a Jew, "that they hang Jews and
Jankasses together in Poland?"
"It-dccd: then .t is vtll you and I
are not ther<\"' retorted the Jew.
"Bill, why is that tree called a weening
■wiilow? Baeause one o." the sneaking
l-'Csky thin s grows near our seao jKhou e
and supplies the teacher with, switehfcs."
due European Times c cnij-iaias that tit? .
English couunandgrs. with execpt'ioti of Ad- F
inir-il Lvons, have not shown any military or
naval skill worthy of name.
This paper commences the *2fMi volume,
and the , th year, siirro we became connect- ,
'd with it, is editor and proprietor. Wo
have lab' .red hard for ottr party, and tried ;
to pabH-.h a paper that- would uicet with
the approbation of our friends; how far'
we have succeeded we leave tlieiM to sav. j
Wo eomm.-need to r, and frequently with
in that time, have hardly had cue copper b
rub against another, and were compelled to
borrow money to carry on our business—a--
it is one of the most expensive in exis
tence. It i also welt known that about-.-., 1
year and a half ago, we purchased tfte!
"Chronicle," and uniiod it to the "Inqui
rer." involving oarself to the amount of 1
SIOOO. l'nrt o r this sum has been paid, ■
bit we still owe SSOO, which falls due on
the first day of Apipl u '- xf, and we have as
yet not a dollar to liieet it with. We have
been thus explicit in stating oar private af- j
lairs, so that those indebted to us may know
our circumstances, and our need ofa little
ot the "roof." Now we have a number of j
übseriHers who owe us fr.'in two years up
to six, who if tkey would pay us would help
us out of the scrape. Our friends know our I
terms, §2,00, if paid within the year, or ;
52,50, after the year expires. To all those
who owe us, if they settle between
this and February Court, we will square off
at the rate of §2.00 a year, and to those
who let it run over that time, we will have
to exact 52.,>0 off them. We do not in
tend these remarks to apply to any of those i
true friends of ours who every year or two i
greet us with their cash and good will", for
bad it not been for them, we could not liavo
got along at all. (Jar remarks are intend
ed for all others who owe us. The oast has
been an abundant harvest, prices for all
kind of produce ha-, been high, and we
think there are none but can now come for
ward and pay what he owes. We most
earnestly hope our friends will attend to
ear wants without delay.
•lan. 4, lcsti.
At the Bedford Hotel on the 24th ult.,
by H. .Yioodetmix Esq., Ma. John Colf. to
Miss Kltzaufth BEOKT.ev.
Vaiiiahle Properly
ffffMlK subscriber of its his ulu ibb Mil! Pro -
* p-rty ant Tannery fur silo, situate on
CrMk, E t Providence Township. fed -
turd Camitr, Fa., two miles Sooth of the Juni -
ata Crowing*. containing 4-10 acres, more or j
l'?s, v/ith upwar it of l'W acres cleared, with !
- acre* er g>ed meadow. Tha balance well
tuabcred with oik. wlti. ; and yellow pine.—•
I here are tiro good orchards of choice fruit on ,
the place. " j
The iinproveojcntK are a first rate MER
' H. INT .MILL, with three ran of a'.one. and
si: the necessary machinery for doing uxorcliaut ! 1
and Country wick, li newly repairt'd in lfcol. !
The TJ.\.\EhY oa* l-l vats, ejth all the fix
tures thereto. Iho bark-at ill and
faidi'-l realter rdnbi water power. Ifiu DWEL- i 1
(-■/.V; liOVcE is larjm mnl commodious, with ( '
•uimiip ureteral the door and ia the cellar; ''1
"•**> a Urfgc bunk-liarii, with rutiuiag water in
'be ! arn yurd, wagon alasi and carriage bouw,
• ••mirib, smok>- house, wash bouse, with nil :
SM ,ry out iHiihiiuga. There are also a
blaster Mill, S;iw-Mifi, and three Tenant lion
■"* ucd fctablva, and S L *.ers) fine springs ot' liv-
Water 1,0 U.ia traA't- '
i Ucairotig of pe cbaaing good prop-iS ;
ty *ili -io vei| hv tiic tuscrjbcr, rc- ' -
< u Urn prmi sva
„ ,-nvcc*. ;
'taya If),, l\ j) t gl/jct -blll t
Hep. and Trynscript, pub- . •
' MJs tbr*i' zDon.aHki send, bilj t,t 'his ofiji-c i
-Vol; Ct ioil.
1 1 << HAfford
, Patent Coro-Shwl-
r ' ou a "' f vcpared to (Urnisli every btfa
iijer wJU* btfenery nsei,y! ppj eou.veuieiit mf
elntie. It comet very hlglrfy focdnrinieude#*
taith at Pittsburg and A'ew- Vork. It is
iß'Cessary fur iue to detail Its merits. 1 want
eveAr dimly ittwtfofidltii.maobttn tm "& mlm
w.tti it its own rec.(teirifeMUtrri. Jtc
brwvtrsat witiin the coaelt f>4 ewr* ui.i.lnsiig:
if Mb<)<)• hen delivered at mv hute. (
Jan. 2'n i-85",*tf -sac
AdiiiiruMiraior's ftotict'.
LKTTFHS of Adrufniiilnirlohi haviiiir ibecrt
Krunted t the fiving injSnujh
Woodbcrry Towuship, ou tl,ij Estate of David
• Stoßcr. late of said Township, dee'd; ill pc
sons ituleilted' In said Estate are reqftesteil to
make i>*ifdift{efrj amt th.< iuvtlfw:
elaiuH(*mkt,'Mfc4e 5 ill presinf them prj
pvfly auilienticated tor settlement.
JO /OT STOXKR, .l!n>'r.
Jait —i, IBoo—t
Administrator'* \oticr.
LET PKUS at' AdmitiistratuMi .u the Estate
of Andrew M Her , late >f I.ohdeudcrry
Township, dee'd. liavme W-u granted to the
subscriber, residing lu-.Napier Township; alj,
i persons indebted to said Estate are hereby no
tified to 111 ke payment immediately, nd those
bavin? claims against tin- same, arc required
to present them forthwith properly auiheutica
t,od for settlement. t . 01
'.IDKiU. U". U il.:AAii.>.
Jan. 18. - 7T --'*-*-
iduitnixtrdtur'* XotHv.
LETTERS of Athuinlsh-afion haiii tK-eti
granted to the subscriber, living in Soutti
SYobdberrr Township, Bedford County, on the
Estate of George Keplivgte. late of Middle
M'oiutberry Township, deeNl. alt persons know
ing themselves indebted to said Estate are re
quested to riiake pa?lnciit without delay; and
those having claims against the satire will pre
sent them nrcperlv authenticated for settie
Jan. IP. IHsfl. —t" .fdnHr.
More House and Taveru Maud
For Kent.
rixHl' subscriber wiil Veiit his Store house
J- and Tavern Stand, in the town of U'eiudy
Kmi. Pa., together or separate. There is at
tached to tin- Store room, ware (louse, runary.
and com cry% mwi to tip) Xavtgn
ling for fifty hosd 'of horsi-V. together with
oa:.s hotsr. corn eiib, carriage shed, nud an
excellent weft of Water at tin? door, if rented
possession wi'l be given on the Jst of April
Bloody Run. I.m. 18. 18f>f,. y, i._ "
Narcross Rotary Planing Machine.
'ANTED—To sell the Rights arid Maehinea
TT for I.Rotary T'Jaiiing, Tonguing oHcl (Groov
ing Maebino. for boards and plank, under the.
Ni.rcross Patent. Also, the ntraobuicnt cf tiie
Moiildmr Mitoitino, which wKI work a whole
bo nd info mouldings at oneopefatlon. Tfiis
patent his keen fai <d,.aud decided in Xht? 'Su
preme.Court in VTaxhiugton, to be no infringe
ment, being superior to Woojwcuth'xMaehiirt.'.
Apply to J. I). D.ALEs M'Ulbw Street, nbovc
Twelfth, Philadelphia, where the Machines can
be seen in operation.
Jan. 18, IboC-llhi
CJB " B OLZ M <2 rn
THE Partnership heretofore existing between
the nndcrsigned, under the name and firm
of IVeisel ,1r Foster, in the ffoaoii and Wagon
Mr mi fae err. is this day disolveii ny mutcal
consent. Too business of the late firm will be
■settled up by IVn*. IV'eisfel, who is authorized to
collect all accounts, Ac., ami pay the debts of
tho firm.
Do", n, lßqj.-nOI
THE siitiDcri'jer w utld respectfully announce
to the public that he has rc: fi-cd his Tinning
Estabiislime'it to the . huildhig recently occu
pied by Mr Lurher, a.s a Confectionary Store
i:i wiiu i- lie is better prepared
tiiun ever to accomodate bis custom, r- with
every article in the Hee of his business, either
wholesale or retail, and hopes thoy wfllejve
him a call at his new location.
Bedford, April Id, 185.">.
P. S. Thd shbscrfbrr As dcslrbus of having
his books closed up till Ist April, inst,. either
by cash or note. He hopes this notice will be
atteuried to immediately. G. B.
of ( uuscs
Ijrr down for Trial, at Februaev Term.
I 1856, vA Ith day.)
Sarah Duify, vjs. John KcefFe's Tx'iyr.
Catharine Sands' use • Moses Wis-rearmr,
Barndollar ,v AshConi " P. Morningstar A; wife
John Davis it Co. ||' ra . Kuby's iwtnj'r,
Jas. M ' V'icker et al •• George Powell,
Samuel Carn " David Four et ai,
Aaron Danels n " John Grirtith,
Jacob A. Sleek • Abel I>ull,
Archibald (lasteel * S. M. Barclay's ad'r,
Jacob A. Sleek • G. F. Kiddle et al.
I>r. W. E. Beichter • Samnel Winter*,
Pat. & Wood.T It. C >.' J ames Pat ton,
Sauit- " John King et al,
George W. Finrd John Griffith,
Maria Melldowney •> Saiu'l Williauis el al,
Jas. Patton et al " Ezekiel Lockart,
John hivcuiu v; I'low-man & Kiechter
Johu A. Blodge! '■ James Williams,
Dauiel Shea •- John Hollies,
Jacob Snider ' David Kama,
Daniel Baker • Philip S. Croft,
David Patterson's tire •' Sani'l Vonderniith,
Abrabmn Lehiuan S.. At. Barclay?*ad'r.
James W. Reynolds " Safhe,
C. Stoutter's nwignoes ' A. K. Galiwaith,
George l)ats " iaaac llill,
I.evi ifardiDger " Win. Blair,
John Adatus, •• Jared Jlnnks,
Hubert Dick " Fred. Mundwtler,
IVtu. Barndollar •• John M. Vunborn,
(diaries Merwiue •• Joseph P. Phelps,
: Benjamin Fiuk George Golhaugiu,
Peter M. Cessna Abr'in Kessler et al,
I). M" ASIJ AB A EGH, Prutk'y.
Prothonntary's OUice. f
Jan. 18, I3.VJ. (
New Jewelry,
rpllE subscriber has opened out a new and
A sjileadid asnonruect of all kinds of the
most fashionable Jewelry—consisting in part of
Basast Pins, FiuKer Kings, Ear Kings, A*. Ac.
Call and sea his stock.
Admlnfutrator'M IVotlce.
lETTEKS of Adfninlstratiou having been
J granted to the subscriber, living in Harri
son Township, 011 tie Estate of John Kegg.
late of Juniata Township, dee'd; all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
are hereby notified to make payment imnivfi
ately, and tbosn having claims against thcsanie*
will present their accounts properly authenti
cated fur settlement.
Jan. 11, 156-f
Notice to Tresspassers,
I HEREBY warn any person or persons from
hunting, cutting timber, or in any other man- )
uer whatever, tresspassing on my pretuisM, as
the law- will be rigidly enforced against any
ones so offending.
LBW.VKp 0. TKy'JT.
Jam U-
MMOIiJ) i\(il iiilii; AMJ CHRO.N'K'LIv.
a. Tff Slivrin s Sale.
j. tiouse, in Knt Borough ot'B. diord, on Jtonday
KM IMb day rf Febramiy, ] u'.jhack.
P. M.,xlio tollowiug described Real Est .to to
ft-'Gnc Tract of La I*4, tmatiuiimg H)o acres,
more or less, .about o') licrus cleaccd aadaiUwur
v 'Hb a (Jaluu House u|r>l b >( # 6 taUo,
1 AvAh tbrt'shing fiour aUscio d, tlo-reoti crecie.l,
pl-nist. an at'j.le orchard tUoreou, adjoiaiii.g l.uni,
fat'JacbhFfetefr*, Philip Suekmm, and . He r;
situate iu MoiirutfTowusUip, mtd taken ie ci
uentiot) as tlie prior.T'y oi Elijti(i ilauki-.
Also, all tUfeudgpt'ij interest in ami to a
| Tiact of Larul, Hsontaiuiag (>0 mrt's, more or
! less, about ll>, acres cleared aud under lcue.-,
t ; with a story and bait Log llouy tiiereou uie-ct-
-H, adjoining lands of Henry Kyuatd. David
f ibfoylaor and others; airuato iu Hopewcii Tewn
, ship Bedford County. unj lalo u iunxeeution
~ tli: property of Fmmiel S, Burrock.
' ' AU<>. one Lot of .Ground, fronting about
Did feel; on the jiublic road, and extending
back about 3->() loot, containing in uU about
| one acre, with a story and a hall Kougli-cust
, Hotiic, |og eooper <*bd
j tireeti-Tl, aiTmfhfrig talidSof JaOTfi KeiJTeV, SiiWn
■ j cution as the property of George Dartmun.
1 | Also, all defendant, Ueßry.MMii! a , his right,
I 1 title and interest, in and to Uvo Lots of Ground,
in the Borough <tf Jhsfiord, duiatu yit kit*
; North side 61 Pitt Street, coiifuilii'ng about
1 12 ) feet in front and luuuiug bank about 256
■ livt. numbered in geneial plan of sard Borough
as Nos. 181 and 186.and havingtlyn ou erect
ed a two and a fixlr story SVme iVu-elfing
Mouse, Store House. Ware House, and also
C three one story Brink Offices, und sVrny stable
thereon; adjoining 1 it of I'oter K<hdi4gli ou
the hast, and lot of Get rge Blynnre on the |
1 i West, and fciken in.execution as the ju-yper; v
1 I of Henry Wriads.
1 j Also, one Tract of Lsud, containing 211
• : acres, more ox less, about 50 acres cleared hud
under fi-iiixi, tvi'li a two story Log iin'csv,
: spring boose, and log stublo thereon erected, 1
' also sou apple oiotHir i thereoiif lauds
• ] M' Joint Wolf's-hoii s, Andrew iuuds and. oali
' ers; aituorein Napier. T'ownsliiji, and taxeu ia j
execution as the property of George ickos.
Also, ail dt-ic-nduut, Samuel i>Wu, his right,
i title and interest, iu and to a Tract of Land,
• containing 96 atsce*, more or Wsj, about IU
acr*ai cleared arid under ionce; aojoinibg lands
of Benjamin W, GarroGou, John Wolf, S.uii
- ' in.-1 Miller iiiui o.iie.s, situate in IJt. CT.lair
I 1 owuship, Bvdfoi'd County, and taken in exe
cution as the property of .Saiuue! Si"an.
Also, all defendant. Johu Haley's, intercut 1
J in and to a Tract of Land, containing 150 acres, 1
■ more or less, about 120 acres cleared and un
der leuce, with atwostory Log House, and log
| stable tiiereoti creeled; adjoining Uudsof John
Miller, John Wilhuliu and others, situate lire
, i Londonderry Township, Bedford County, and
1 taken in execution as the property of John 1
j Ralev. ,
Also, all defendant, Jacob ivegv's, iuterest, ,
[in and to a Tract oJ' Land, containing 366
f ne r-*s, more or less, about 240 a'-tcs cleared ar.d
.'under h-uov, with a two story rough-cast
,t| house, v. jth kifcijeu attached, four tenant ln>u
! ses. two double log haras, ami two. log st.ildes
j t her yon creeled, also Uire-e apple orcjiartis
thereon; adjoining lauds ot Philip Shoemaker,
Abraham WeiseJ and others,situate In Colerain
j Township, Bedlord Couuty, and taken Hi exe
cution us tho property ef Jacoh Ivegg.
i Also, one Tract of Land, containing 87 acres,
t more or less,about 15 acres cleared and under
fence, with a story and u halt' log house and
dog born tberoou erected, also an apple orchard
tin reor.; adjoining iands of Jacob Anders, Xi
t eliolas Lyons uul others, situate in St. Clair
i Township. Lcdfo; i v ounij . and taken in exe
: cution ■:* the proji -rty of ilem-y B. Mock,
i Also, one Tract ot Laud, containing sft
• aeres, more, or less, about 25 acres cleared and
! under fouce, with a two story log house, and
I k>£ stable thereou erected, also an apple* orch
iard thereon; adjoining lauds of James O'Neal,
Win,. Weeks aud others, situate in West Pro
vidence Townsnip, tv<.i(Gt ('ounty. ...\ „i<, „
i in execution as tut- property of Stiles Hill.
111'GH MOOR K; Xkerijr.
Sheriff's Oltiee, Jan 13. 1850.
Rcgistci's Ilotlcc.
VI.L persons interested, either as heirs, cre
ditor, or otherwise, are he re I>j notified
j ! that the following named persons hive fi'.cd
. 1 their Accounts in the Register's Ofh - :, anil
: that they >viil be presented t<> the t/rphans'
' j ! Court <>t Bedtbrd County, on Friday the 15th
r ; day of February next, si the Court House for
' t eoutirmalion, at wkivJi linie au<l {dace they
■ ;n.<y attend if they tliink proper.
file port'uU ArC'iUui of John Cessna, Lsip.
one ot the Aumiiiifclirttol's ot Alilahain {sparks,
f latent' West Frovi Leuce Townaliip, dee d.
r The Account of Thomas Blackburn. Admiu
- ■ istratcr 01 John W Hammer, I.ato of St. Clair
1 Township, dce.'d.
- | Tho Account F. Jordan, Esq., Administrator
' d". bonis noli Ac., of Richard E. Bonnett, late
\ of Hopewell Township,dee'd.
• j The Aecoi.njt of Wm. N'ycum, Acting Ex-.
I ecutor of flic last Will, Jtc., of Leonar 1 N"y
--' 1 cum. late of Sotffbe Towtisbrp, dee'd.
Tim Account -it Henry and D.tun-l flersb
' ' tierser, Exeeutors of tbl last Will, Ac., of
George Hershberger, late of West Providence
j Townsliip, dee'd.
The Account of John M. and James .M.
1 Smith, Administrators ot Kobart Smith, late
; of St. Ciair Township, d c'd.
' Tins Account of John W. Hull, Administra
tor of H utrv D.tuglierty, late of Napier Town
' ship, dee'd.
The Aeortunt of John Sparks. Esq., Adniiu
istrator of John Biankley, fine 01 Monroe
Town-hip, dee'd.
' Tlie Aceiunt of S. L. Russell, iisq., Exec
-1 utorid' the last Will, Ac., of Elizabeth Metz,
r late of Coter iiu Township, dee'd.
' The Accouut of Jacob S. Brumbaugh, Ad
luiuistiator of Jacob Riddle, late of South
WoodlH-rry Township, dee'd.
Th Accbiinf of Fmdley Megrew and Wm.
Ffntt. Exeautoriftf the last Will, Ac., of Mary
' Hull, late of Napier Township, dee'd.
The Aecovnt of Elias Hite and George Sli
• ger. Ex enters of the last Will, Ac., of Geo.
Shger, late ot Cumberland Valley, Tp., dite'd.
flic final AvdS'unt of D *vid S.,
Adiinnisir.tfor of Jacob Itf?ifgy.Tate oi Mli'dfc
Woodoerry Township, dcor'd.
The Account of John Cesfsnh, Esq., Admin
istrator of Peter J. Miller, late of Harrison
| Towufibip, dec d.
The Account ->f John Griffith, Guardian of
Abner Griffith of St. Clair Township.
The Account of Samuel Cam, Esq., Trus
tee to make sale of the Real Estate of Simon
Claar, late of L'nion Towr. hfp, d-e'd.
The Aechnnt of Hugh Modre, Esq., Admtn
, istrater ot James Moore, late of West Provi-
I deuce Township, dee'd.
i j Tlie Account of Kr. Jordan, Esq., one of the
t' : Executor* of Philip ComphiT, late of CoWrain
Township, dee'd.
j The Account of John W. fluovir, Executor
of John Wefsel, late of St. Ciair Township,
Kcgivter's Office, Jan. 18, IBSC.
1 A LL persons knowing themsoives iudebted
I -t*. to tlie late firm ofSsssoM & MiLi.iiß, either
by note or book account, will do well to 11-tvc
i them settled 1 by the Ist of January 18)56. jitter
• hat time they will be placed iu f'fie bauds of a
j roper officer for Collectioii.
' ,\.J.S.\NSOM,
Surviving partner.
Dec. 7th 1855.
Stray Steer.
CtAMf: to tlie plantation of flits subscriber,
J living in l'nion Township. Bedford Cohjity.
j some liuiu in Juno last, a 8m MthEa. supposed
16 be about t.vo years old. tvlth n nbfeh r.nt of
tlie lower part of he left ear. The owner is
requested / o come forwartf, fir eve property,
pay cha rgt* s. rrtd Like him itwav.
. D-e 14.'5'.. DANIEL SriVEMA-'*
\J itinct *Joor t° th otte ot
k JJpiicr, win-we Uu wUt.*te*4 to Ik;:
.yydba;"l"** pkuicd in iti* iisatls. ;
tiioisd, Jan. 11,. Mutt*
FOR rent,
Street, one doer to"e*l Hi tho Bank
Fissc-iii>li given HQ tilt'lst d? April JKt. .
t,, to. ANDERSON. 1
.'HHI A\
1 •■•'■ ■ '■ "V~ t ' - J ~
A T an Orphans"Court. held a I Bo ffurd, ffi
: JV. and Tor ffiS County of Be ltor.l. oi Cm
: 'i!4ftT ,Lv v' >.'oVi-inl)i,-r, A. D-- 185>,
• tHc Judgis of the stiii Court. :
The petition" of .fost-ph AJmtnisWji
tor of t'lic I.sf.oi' of to ilSani Griffith, laie of
St. C'Uir as aucl fll i* J, j
. representing, That In; a* Adioinisfrat-in o! cuJ
i William Griffith, deceased,' *<dtf the Keil K;-
tato of said dec'd. and settled his account as
/'Administrator, 4 iAd'dfrt6Ato.lSuiMi-Mid
to the hcir4iw eatin; ptVW4*T ot I J I B
j Real mid Tersoii.ti; "escfittinpr'tim' off* flf.M
that remains for tlie use of the widow; rint|
i by the rep.itf of the Auditor oil !#■ aSWoint lt,-
appeari) that be Ims oveipaid said heirs; That ,
; lie is now the otvner f the. .Mansion pWoie of |
I said ffeeessed, on which the third is reserved
! for the use of the widow, at whoso death it will
I hi 1 co wing to said heirs, and that said heirs are
now scattered, and some of them are unwilling
: to refund to petitioner the amounts >ver,pi:i
!to them,—and praying that a Role may he
' granted unsaid heirs, requiring them to appear,
I at nevt le. ni, ami show cause tyhy lie sUqjyd i
f sat have a set-off entered ou the Judpneiit a
: curing said third, for the several auiouutsso
t overpaid by liiiu to said heirs.
Whereupon <>umotion of Jeiis Mowna,
' the Court grant a Kille upon the heirs oj to il-
Mkm G iitiih, dee d, to ha and at a:i
f Orphans'-Court, to be he.ld at Bedford, in and ■
for the County of Bedford, ou the s'eoud |
• Moh day, ilthday of February, next, ami ah .v j
I cause if any itny have, why a set-off sh-ut'd
1 not bo luade, raid a credit entered upon sail
• Judgment semiring tin: widow 's third, for tlie
1 aim itnts so overpaid to said heirs respectively;
personal notice rut the heirs residing in life
! County, and publication as to the heirs resid- j
ins out of theX'vunti'■
®l\ TWixoxv WiiKßKor, I have j
buieunto set my hand arid tlie :
seal of said Court at Bedford the J
Jan- 11, 181C-1 Clerk.
STATEMENT, of t! W affairs of the Bedford j
and dfoywoWu Turnpike Road Company, '
from 2d da j of January . 1855, to the Ist day ,
> of January, 1816.
Balance in Treasury Jan. 2.d85, $1.47-> (1G |
Anionrlf of to'li 'collerfed during
I s ;nie time, l.tytfc 4Hi j
t.a.47U d4i |
Amount of Expcnditnrcs
during the year, $'.2,301 03
i Dividend of one half'per
• cent. Atnv payable, 73.1 00 \
sß.ti3G fKJ
Balance in Treasury, including un
current and counterfeit money,
January 1, tKlf>, $ 488 OH t
•; The tolls collected in 1816 are sffcV7 Htl loss j
; thai; the* were in 181.. The dividend of half j
j per cent wilt he paid on demand, or as usual to
stockholders hv
PETER SCHELL, Treasurer.
J all .11.1816—c I
d \
Brtliord ( oiiHty, ss.
A T an tfrphatis' Court, held at Jludforti, in j
In. and for said County, on um :ua day of j
Xovembcr, 1811. lielore the Judges of said
(ln .Motion of A. Kiro, Esq., the Court grant
! a Kule oil the heirs and legal representatives of
f tcoh Smith, lato of Middle to*oodberry
I Township, deceased, to wit: Susannah Ebsr- !
' sole, widow of JMiiici Eboraole, alary, ir.ter
loarried writh Abraham Klmrsole, Abraham
| Smith, Danicd Siuilii, Catharine, intermarried
with Jehu Carper, Klizahcih, inu-rmarriinf with
| Jacob Curper, B lrbara, iuti (married with Wil
liam Smouse. Nancy, intermarried with Cliris-
I topber Cucper, Jacob Smith, Hannah Smith,
Krany, iiitcruiarried with Davjd ,Stonerook.
Margaret, interinwrri -d with Samuel llaro and ;
t John Smith; all residing in Beddbrd County—|
except John Carper and Catharine his wife.!
who reside in Bureau County. Illinois; and ■
Jacob Carper and wife, who rnsrde >i> lihir !
Couwty, I'cansy lyania, to be ami appear at an i
Orpbis' Court, to be held at Bedford, in ami j
■ for tho Cotmty of Bedford, e>a ttse second
Monday, eleventh day of Fcbruaiy, A. D., ]
iBCo, to accept or refuse to take thcßual Es- i
tato of said deceased, at the valuation, which ,
lias been vnhied and apt raised iu pursuance j
of a writ of partition or valuation issued out
rj of onr said Court and to tlie Sheriff of said
t County directed, or show cause why the same
1 should not be gold.
' N TMTMOMf to'HEKJa.r, 1 have
StßSCffil hereunto set my hand and seal of
3 said Court, at Bedfbrd. the 2_7th
dav of November. A. D.. 1855.
• ' — 1). WASUABAUGI!.
Jan. 4.1856-d
i B. CRAMER k CO. have just received j
, Ai a very large aaaortmeitf of Boots aod
i Shoes,suitable for Fall and to'inter, fisrt styles ,
] as follows :
M en's Super Waxed Double Sole Boolb,
Men's City Made Calf do.
Men's c Heavy Kip, I.ined do.
Vouth's Waxed Double Sole Boots.
\ Youth's Calf and Kip I.ined do.
. ( Boys' City made Calf Boots, i
, i Boys' Kip Lined Boots,
i ; to'omens' Double sole Kip Bootes*,
\Yomens' Fine Calf and Seal do.
Womens' Fine Coat Moroeco do,
i to'oni ibs' Paroiii Bootoe*. s-ery lmndsome,
I Children's Shoes of every style ntd price,
f Cent's Morocco. Kid. and Calfslui Bootees, i
j Ladies' Double Sole Gaiters, Gtitri (bofs, &e.. i
■ l in fact, Boots and Shoes to suit vvey purcha- I
i 1 ser. It you want Boots and Shbes.p'enne givr I
us a call, and you shall be suited hi tjuality and j
• j price! I
Exchange Store is the plarr to bu{ Boots and i
' Shoes,,
i i Oct. 12, 1855.
WOODto'AUD'SlniprovedSmtrand Screer
ing Machines, Mill Bushes, BiltiugCloths t
I and Bran Dusters, of th'e riirist imirove i plan |
ui ciews, Little Giant Corn am Coh griml !
ITS, Patent bridges for Mill Spindlis, Portable j
Mills, warranted to grind If) bushels per hour, •
[ ■ Mill Irons, and Altil Burrs made tdfrdcr. can lu!
• ! pvoured of the Ageut, S.. D- pItOAD, at
SiAiellshurg, Bedford County, Pa
• I Mill wrright work done at the sbAtest notice,
i I and on the luogt reasonable terms
N. B. It is agent for Bedford,lftraersct and
! adjoining Counties.
May 4, 1855 iv. ,
Siraj Heifer.
CAME to the pUntstion of tknsubscriber.
living in Union Township, lometime in
Msy last, x britidle HejJ'or. tp>sed to lie
I three years eld, with a notch oil of Die light
f] ear, and ft small star on the lurbead. The
i nwmer is requested to come fftsratd. prove
propcrtv, psvcharges, and take iwaway. j
"i f. iw-c' j I
Y.nluabic Farm for Sale,
rflilE subscriber is di**irous oT'*ellifc| the
Jl ! ?drm o iwvh4'M he-'tiAw resides. Mi ilod>/(<i
about one mite q,up.ltjM| Bedford.
n#ar iihnnings Creek, containing Is- acres ot
lun t, between 70 and" cleared, aboni 10
ayr.'S ot ivhuili is.gaod meadow, plenty of good
thplvr on tie trafeti Thta IfiM ai)Aun#ttMdiMct
whole tract is not sold, 21 acres thereof will b
tqr.ut> let. liberal, &u4 posgessioii
aiv-ui Ist of Aloji.'i'-'xL... ''
August 24. irlol.
. SOflS LI IAN- / -j j q'j[ * a
MC&yti. YE-te.
\K HV.VGEMK.N j'.S for iL.- becond Annual
'olk'ulieujof Vlu* ins* and popular llislitu
ti''fi lor the ditfusiiMi of LitetntHoe.and
b 'i ui ida on the Uoikt- exleiisivo sralv.,
Aifi >ug t.'i-: -orks *lrAdy eug.iv'f.l, is the tar-
Arffyj (inso* CsWßflU'' wh'tcii origiiiall) cost,
2'en l'housand Dollars,
In forming this new collection, the diffusion
of works jm; .Ajnericfn Art. and the e,ueour#ge
urnt of Airilrfcaulct'ifius'liatc for lilwi Mfiv
k Imp tied Commisii'-Bs have le issoet to niaiiy
ot the most distinguished American A Mists, who
will contrtbute some of their finest produetiunv.
rVtnaiig are three Mwble Busts, cxeuuted
by th; greatest living Sculptor—Hiram Powers;
(iEOUGK W ASHJ NGTON. the Father oi his
Comitrv; BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, tlw: Phi
losopher : DA KIEL WEBSTER, the States
mlu. A special agent has visited Eur< pe and
in wi'i careful and judicious selection* of loreigi
works of Art, both in Bronze and Marble; Sta
tu u v and Choice Paintings.
fu- whole forming a Urge and v*IIIHI4c cnl
ijecjioti of Pointings and Stilunry. to be dist'i
buteti free among the members ot the Associur
iiou for the Second year.
Terms of Membership—The payment of three
II IT.- constitutes any one a ni-tuber of this
Wjii,iritvir, ind entitles him So either one of
the .btlowiug Migur.inerfor one year, and also a
ticket in the distribution of the .Statuary and
Tlie Literature issued to suliscribcrs consists
of the folk win .''Monthly Magazines : Harpmr's
HutpknCh, Kuiekorhsclter, Blaekwood's. Gm-
Irum'i. Godey's I.adv's Book, and Household
Person* t iking lire memberships are entitled
to any live of the Magazines tor one year, and
j to six tickets In the distribution.
The net proceed* derived from tlie sale of
in embers hips, are devoted to the purchase of
works of Art for the ensuing year.
The Advantage s Secure.?-—hy becoming a
member of ties Association, are—
-Ist. All persons receivefl.etitll value*>f their
subscriptions at the start, in tlie shape ot' sterling
Magazine Literature.
I 21. Each member is eontribnting toward* pur
-1 chasing choice Works of Art, which arc to be
! distributed nmong thumselves. and are at the
-ante time encouraging the Arts of the country,
I dtsiHirsing thousands of dollars through its
Persons ip remitting funds for membership,
will please give their ]>sl office address in full.
1 stating the month they wish the Magazine to
commence, and have theletter registered at the
| post office to prevent loss; on the receipt oj
! which, a certifloat- ot iii.imhorShlp, together
' with the Magazine desired, Willbe Forwarded to
any part of the country.
Those who purchase Magiztnes at. Bookstores
I will ohserZe that hy jutting this Association.
' tluiy receive the Magazine and lree ticket in the
j annual distribution, all at the same price they
now pay tor the Magazine alone.
1 Beautifully illustrated Catalogues, giving full
description#, so\jt Geo on applica'ion.
For M-.uib'r.ship, Ad4res.s~C. I. DERBY,
Aetuary G. A. A. At either ot the principal
J office*— 1 '• Knickerbocker Magazine'' office,
' Broadway, N". Y., or 1Y es tern Office. IGC Water
Street, Saudusky, O. Nov. 23,'55 —St.
Mr* Fail aud Winter Good*.
TIIE undersigned begs ie.n'e to inform his
friends anil the pbbUc that he has just re
ceived from the eastern cities, and is now ex
hibiting AT CHEAP SIDE, a general assort
ment of new stvle fall and
comprising ft great variety of LADIES'
of the latest styles; such in pari as Black and
Fancy Silk*. Merinoes, Casjiiueis, Coburg and
Thibet Cloths. Alpaccig, Mousseiin Delaiucs,
! Mousseliue De Beges. Fancy Flints, from a tip
f up. Muslin, bleached sul unbleached, front a tip
1 tip. all widths, Thibet and Bay State Sliawjs.
! Blue, B aok, Blown and Olive French Cloths,
j Sup'r Black and Fancy Cassimeres. Tweeds,
j Gsssinetts. Jeans, Vcstirtgs. Merino Shirts and
Drawers, llats and Gaps, Boots and Shoes in
'great variety, icc.t Ac..
Sup'r Golden Syrup and X. 0, Molasses, best
! Rio and Java Coffee, N. O. clarified, crushed,
and granulated Sugars, Spices. Teas. Choco
late. Extract of Coffee, Rice, Tobacco Drugs
and Oils, togitfher with every other article adapt
ed to the wants of the people, all of which he
Ss determined to^ sell CHEAT FOR CASH, or
approved produce.
He respectfully Invites all in search of bar
gains to givg liini a cull before purchasing.—
Th&iikful for past favors, he hopes hy fair deal
ing. and a desire to pleaso, to continue to merit
' aad roeeive a liberal share of the public patron
j Oct. 12,1855.
J Bakery and Confectionary.
i rpHK subscriber, ticinktul tor the patronage
| X heretofore extended him by a liberal pub
j lie, tenders his thanks, ami he would rospect-
I fully inform tiu-tu triat he has received and
(opened a now and choice lot of Confections,
among whioh are candies, nuts, fruits, &c.—
lie also koeps Groceries, such as Sugar, Coffeel
J Tex, Molasses, Cheese. Candles, &c. Also al,
I descriptions of Cakes, and will serve Wedding
and other part ies, on short notice, with coufec
tions and cakes.
He has opened Up and refitted his OYSTER
SALOON, in it superior style, where he will al
j ways he ready to serve hi* friends and the pub
-1 lie with the freshest and choicest Oysters that
! can he procured.
' His stand is oppoiste the Odd-Fellow's
j Building, where he the Is cenfidont that those
who give liitn a call will not co awav disap
i pointed. JOHN J. LUTHER.
I Nov. 9, 1855.
WIIEREAS tho Honorable FRANCIS M. Km- .
MXU#, President of the several Courts of
; Common Fleas in tlie counties composing thy ,
16th Judicial District, ?ml Justice of the Courts !
, of Oyer and Tenniuer, and General Jail Dolivo- |
I ry, for the trial of capital and other offenders in
the sai l district—oixl Josu'll B. Nequ and j
' John G. iiAun.fcr, Esquires, Judges of the
Courts of Common Fleas, and Justices of tho !
i Conrt of G.ver and Terminer, aud General Jail j
j Delivery, Jhr the trial of a cupital opd other of- 1
I fenders in the county of Bedford—have issued
J their precept and to mo ilutMtteu. for holding a
I Court of Common Fleas, aud .General Jail Dy
j livery, and Court of Oyer and Terminer at B;d- j
j ford, on MONDAY 11th 4ay m FEBRUARY
: next. NOTICK is he ruby given to all the Justi- i
ces of the Peace, the Coroner and Constables
i within the said county of Bedford, that they he
thou and these iu their proper persons, with their
roils, records, and inquisitions, examinations i
and other remembrances, to do those things
whieii to their offices and in that behalf apper
tain to be done, and also they who will prose- '
cute against the prisoners that are or shall bo in
the Jul of Bedford codrrty, to be then nnd there i
i to prosecute against tbem as shall lie just.
HUGH MUURL, Sheriffs
( Sheriff's Office. Bedford, Jju, 18,1850.
e 11 v T.,S. AiiTuen., / i.-, ,i ,
™ '.'l Hosi: who wish to hear something of that
,! it is having an WMfcense salcf SOW copies
u having been ordered in advance of pubhcatioj,.
<■'. We fend a 1 'dopy M nifil* 4* >?■
* ceipVol the price, SI
-I. W. BR ABI.KV. ■-
r-wnsf 4 North Fourth Strvet.
W*lade4p*i*',<#>. •<
Dec, sr; ißst.-^
, N't b- AorhV* wanted to seff this and other
( populfr books, in iill jnrti of the tTuihid States."
ioftd tor dar List and terms to Agents.
I ATE arrival or srv and cheap soon* as
-J Rsto a Colox-sase bioat.
The subscriber twa just returned irem the
e j Eastern Cities, and is i>bw.,rc<iiv lug and open
[ itig a large assortment of splendid Goods, *c
. , fected with care, and tattlnbie to the xeeseu,
I c >mjirisiiig I.aoies' Dues* Gvoii*®t' the newest
-ft 1,-s—Silks, M.<:riinit-b.. C'AbiiiDeres, Persian
, Tivtlf. Al|Kwas, Delaines. •'. Biastt and Wool
. I'laiAs, int'-rtins. French worked Collars and
r- Ski! shades, Ca,-.*i>-joXs. plain and fancy Shtuiett*.
Ji, Overcoats, Buffalo•es
. for. Radius and Genu. Gum Shoes ami Saadel*.
I , Roots and Shoes, a lagge assortment. Hard-.
ware and Qlieclisware. \ 1
i GROCERIES —Cofiiprising Rio. Java, La-
Igiiira Coffee—Sugar* of all descriptions—S.Yy
nips au.t it o htsati # r~B ice—Tobacco—Sperm
1 | Oil, &c., Ate.
■ | Bring on your Cash and Pr -d'tce to Reed's
. j wher.* you will find ull your wants, at
the lowest e mit prices.
Bedford. Dec. 21, 1655.
Great Arrival !
mil AMI \n\TM (iOIIIIL
Exchange Building Store.
. j r pH t- iunac/ibcra respectfully inform their
; X iriou.U. customers, and the public general*
, j Jy, that they haf'u just received tbe largest aa
, J aoriment of.
Full iihi! Winter Goods
| 'hey have yet oftl-red to purchasers. Our stock
| is ill p.irt AS follows :
I Blue, Black, Brown, and Invisible Green
French and American Cxs'slitteres. various col
. j ours; Ky. Jeans, IVool Tweed-, Kerseys, Flan
| nets. Coatings, Beaver Cloth, Blankets. Cord>,
Velvets, Drillings.-, Ribbon*, Races. Gloves,
Hosiery, Shawls, sc..
' 4-i0 ;.i ,-ees Fall Style CaliCopa, ail prices,
' ufi • Ilain and Fig'd lie Rains and Per
sian CU.fha. A
-250 '• Heavy and Medium Brown Mus
] So •' .Super Bleached Shirting Muslin.
tW •• Thibet Cloths and Alpaceas. all
c oltirs."
7.5 •' CassioetU, #.B colors and prices,
'Jo •• All Wool. Rag. List,and Stair Car
1-5 <• Floor Oil Cloths, 4-4, 5-4, 0-4,
and 8-4 wide.
i Men and Boys' Wool, Fur. and Beaver Slouch
Hats, Morocco Riued Navy Caps, also Cloth
. and Plush do.. Boots and Shoes, for men and
' j boy*. B lotees, Double Sole Moioecn and Kid
Shoes for ladies, i.iso, an immense supply cf
Boots awl Shoos for misses and children.
Groceries, fjucenxware, Hardware, Brooms,
Buckets. Tubs, he.
Fish OiL Srierm (>il Lard Oil, Linseed do.
, Bar Iron, A'ail. Rod, Ac.
' Our-assortment include* every article usually
found iu stores, ami to prove we are selling
j "cheaper thuu fht chtjpeit,?' ali we ask is a call.
( ■\o trouble to show goods
t it will not mwi you anythioj* to corno and.
look at the bargains we will offer.
' CT7""Couutry Produce received lor goods at
! caeh prices.
A B. CR iMF.K k CO.
, f Oct- 12, 1800.
NOTICE is hereby given to tbe taxable in
habitants 01 the County ul Bedtbrd. tnat
an Appeal will be held by thu County Ckiiaiuis
sioners. on the days, and at the place* speci
fied. to ait:
For St. Clair Township, on Monday the 21*t
I day of January, instant, at the Store House
I of Gideon f>. Trout.
, 1 Union Township, on Tuesday the 22d day of
> j January, instant, at the house of Michael
> M" yant.
Middle fTooltH-fry Township, on Wednesday
. the 2Sd day of January, inst.. in the town of
\roodberry. at the bouse it Henry Fhick.
i , South H'oodberry Township, on Thursday
the 24th day of January, inst,, at the house of
tVra. Snider, in Pattonsville.
Hopewell Towm-hip, on Friday the 2.5 th day
of January, ins:., at the heiiac of John Dasher,
t ! Liberty Township, on Saturday the 2fitb
, ! day of January, inst., at the house of Michael
- ' McCabe, in Stonerstown.
| Broadtop Township, on Monday the 28tli ;
- j dty of January, inst., at the house of James 1
> ! Eicheiherger. I
ri East Providence Township, on Tuesday tbe,
29th day of January, inst,, t the bouse of
■ John Nycum. J"r.
- ! West providence Township, on Wednesday
■ I the 89th day of January, inst., at the honso of
t : John A. Gump, in Bloody Gun.
' itonroe Towuship, on Thursday the 31st day 1
! of January, inst., at the house of David i
'< O'.frtf; in CtearviHe.
1 Southampton Township, on Friday the Ist
1 day of February, next, at the house of Wm.
Adams, near Chertsrtßc.
j Colerain Township, on Saturday the 2d day
i of February, next at the house of Joseph t. j
' • Cpri, in OhariesviUe. 1
' 1 Cumberland Valley Township, on Monday
| j thedth day of February, next, at the house of
1 Mrs. Elizabeth Ccntrerille.
Londonderry Township, ou Tuesday tbe oth
| day of February, next, at the house of John :
'' Miller, near Bridgeport.
Ilarrison Township, on iVedutsday the 6th ;
; day ft nok' at 'hd Scho-'i House, 1
' near Jonathan rciglttner's. j
Jnniata Township, on Thursday the 7th day
' of February, next, at the hoasv of Lewis A. ,
Turner. 4n Buena Vista.
N'apier Township, on Friday the Bth day of
I February, next, at the house of Johu M. Gobi* i
j son, in Schellsburg.
1 For Scbeiisburg Borougli, on Saturday thj
; Oth day of February, next, at the house of |
i John M. Robisoa, in Schellsburg. ■
j Bedford Borough, on Monday the 18ih day
| of February, next, at the Gommissioaera' Of-!
i flea, in Bedford.
Bedford Township, on Tuesday the HJth day ;
of February, next, at the Commissioner** Gf
: flee, in Bedford.
1 When and where allpersons and corporation#
feelingtheraaelves a grieved at the onunu-raiion .
j and valuation of their taxable projwrty and
I effects, made pursuant to the severui Acts of ;
t in such easts made sitd provided, j
! are requested to attend and sau< theii gciov- .
' ances for redress according to law.
dWid c. I.ore;
ATTV.ST, lwi#tifoaffif
A. S. KtsSEli, CRrV.
CbnuQiSsTtme-S' Office. \
j J an. 1,18 55. **' j<°' ; * j
Witxifyj RYE. Bctter,
Oats, - Con .4, Rqus.
and Lr,
j In Exchange for Gpods.
; Bedford. 1)<?C. 2T. T835. J ' l
SVANTED —\t Reed's Chlrtnadc v ' -
1 M'heat. Rye, Q-tS, Corn, arid fhtckwfteat--also 1
aIT other approved produce, 'u ciCfcauye |or ■
I fboda at pt'cct * '
• ** A k |
GENERAL stage office
fpIlE subscriber respectfully begs leavcto au
-1 nonnte to hi* obi frtehdySna th* pubjW
generally, that he BasTeiiodafiVl liken tw&e,
sioti of the Bedford llotwi. lulolv inijic OctU
policy or OT. ,\<latu %affeffaVt. It as nut bp
design to make many professions js'lb yrlukt be *1 "
will Jo but he pledges fei, w r >T d/that iite, vton (
( enCrgetm efforts 1 Will WW.jAoV/tt fo rCiufeV '
Cotßromblefinsriv.gtTifWwawtl. TM&otfs*
: wilt h.- handsomely fitted a Ti d ift,ric hir
carefu i and attentive servants will ho engaged. ba *
, P'Tions visiting the Bedford Springs.
as those attending Court, ami th- traveling
community generally, are respectfully invited
ty give him a oallasil iad|H> fir tHiwtlrn!*
• PT #,aK ' J a! 1 atyp at this hotel ,s
ai:J It IS therefore Office
, BoanfcEakaktm by tft. w ee Jt. riMWHrfg-*" * H
dr,i*T'>rflme tt#iwa. *
i, y7" Ample *j comfortable tshling is it * U . **
J tached f tM hotel. which *11! ah* ay si; H f
, ended by a careful bostler. Also, a raft sng
■ j carriage ht use.
Bedford, April 6, Ifjft. a j
Stray Roll.
- -
|""l.\\lE io Ibc premises of the JUl.Brribor.liv .
? lugib St. Clair Township. <il>Out 'he <!;%
of September last, a red and white spotted
Bull. With apiece off the left er. Slid note It
out of the under side of the riglit—Suppose <1
lo be one test old last spring. Tbo owner is
requested to come forward, prove property ,
pay charges, nail take him away.
J. i\ BuM'EKS.
Dec. 21, 1855 -e*
THE s -conn session' of this institution wili
comuteiiCe on Mowiaiy January Kfst, 1866.
The session wjll li divided into two qu*iti
j "I'll Weeks each without.a vacation. f f
Kates of tuition as IplTowa vi/. ;
Common English per quarter 52,09
To which will he added for stalls <(h)
Each higher branch ti'
Each A tic whit Language 1,3*
The entire amount of the above Dot to
Exceed six dollars
IJi awing and Pmytiug oi, tjie ddlerent taiwties
from $8 to
: I.esson" oti Piano. * LO.tO, f
Vocti music' 2 lessons per week Ift 1
1 neidetitals, -,g
Hoarding can to secured on reasonaPi" t.-*a a
By order of THE TIL CSTEE<?
M.iiiishitrg. Dec. 7. 1535.
jCBA R. Tim;.
Attorney at Law, Ecmerset Pa
j > T several Courts r.fUedford V.htWfv .' it'.
nay be consulted duHisg the sessibni oi th<- '
i Court at Davis' II (yt
j . Pah.. Id. 1854.
• rp.IIE subscriber lias removed his establish 4
1 tnent to the room in the Odd-Eellous*
, Building, immediately above the store of A
B. Cramer .V Co.. where be will attend pttwpl- '
;ly to all business entrusted lo Ills care. He re
ceives regularly 'he Intcßt City Fashions, end
will pledge himself that work done at his shop
shall wear well and fit neatly,
tie respectfully a share of the gttb
i lie patronage.
} OY. 9,18"3. I
Cbthlng and Dry Goods Store.
r 111 IE subscribers are just receiving a i.
; J handsome aHd . b.:sp assormu lit oi HE~i
their store in theEaat Corner el -lieclord Hali,'
f consisting in.part af Coats, Panul Vests. Shirts
; Satiu itocks. liandkerchiei's, 11 wot a and Sboea,
' Hutu and Caps, and all other articles usually
, kept in Keadj .VJade (a'orhtus (i-.tes. , ;
Also a g<.fni assortment of PRT? pfyQpS;
j cooiisting'of Calico', sous, dc Lainc, Sbavrfs,
! Aljvicas, Tmiiks, Carpet Sack*, kc.. &c-t ait
j of which they will sell as cheap as can bv pro.
| cured e!sewh"re in Bedford, for Cash or Coun
try Prodtiee.
They request siß their friend® 5n toWr. and
coimtry to give them a cull, and see and exam
ine their Stock fort hen;selves, as they consider '
it a pleasure to show their gdods, whether per
sons wish to purchase or hot.
Bedford, April .20, ISoti.
Opened Ont in a Slew Place!
rjAHE kubscriher has just out a Ktw
X and Cheap
Dry Giro as and Fancy Store,
in the VVct end of the buildiag formerly in the
occupancy of Dr- Jphu H.
now oeoupiod by Dr. B, F."Horry."
Ho soils silkpoujlotliandjierctliofs at fr v iu 17}
cents up, to $1; iimicrslccves fyo)p 11) ccuU :q
s2#>o; silk mits from 3to lo cts; t'ottou hoso
fn.tu Oi up ho 274 cents; good Juloc calico for
6j cents per yard: allars e from 3 cents up to
?S; lineu pocket handkerchief from ti cqnts t<
s2,fri); bonnet rioliops fn tu Ci to 21 cents;
chemisettes frm decent* to $1,2-5; bonryts
front 25 eta up; bloomers Irani 62i cents tip,
and Ladies nnd beutlemcDs' Wear
of every ib scription.' UMiallv found in Dry
Goods and Fancy Stoge** also tabic lintuis,ait
all prices; boots atpi shoes; carpets; a general
assortment of <{uiiswarc and Ctro
ceri<; and a groat many stnall articles oae
hundred per cenl. lower than Can be procured
elsewhere in this place.
Ho resp"cuu!y roqiu*krs.sil jo nd ex
amiue his stock and judge for themselves.
April'G, 1855.
Valuable Real Estate Fer Sale.
f riUE subscriber takes Xis method 01 ixdoini-
X ing those desirous of purchasing a vplualde
Farm, that ho wishes to sell that well knewq
Farm and Tavern S^nd^imw lticb he now resides
situate in East PwruMfflr twwSiip. Bedford
Couu.y, It miles east ol th Juniata Crossisgs,
and onemsle. west yf It ays 11 ill, .containing 242
seres of Und, about 150 acres of which si*
cleared and mostly euolosed by good post fence,
ami in a high state of cultivation, the majority 01
wiiicltbus rticumtly itndorgone a thorough dres
sing ol limo, which has rendered it extremely
The impf she a tttrS fhree stoiy
BRTCK. HOTTSE, with probably the mort cbni
modiHus diilliaf hhd<*r it ib the cburify tolrta'bm
gooff hr.Vn. stsihio, atnfkiteh otjdr Wrt'tfi^dinj*#
.is sr.' nteoisary. There are pK-t-ty rf' k*< <*
water at the hbCse. whtvc marly all tii* tftit>i'
mro' we'll watered. There ts also a
ohard tif 2'lH chbVo'fVult frees jhtrt ctrrmeEC?
iiig loTfear. ' , ' ... *VI .J.
There ijsWfo Hood I>i.a,nf jVnr 'sa. treeffhr
with ati vXeeHt'nt Mill f n the piopnty. i
--th ited vcrV'itonvenientlr ou ke road,
with an abundance of the choicest whit/j Irs
ditnhei. immediiilcty around the mill, prohal ly
the largest Uodv of timber in the county.
wjll oadeavor to give ail the sntisfapjifl n W'
sar.v. Tc also fel site in stafibgiffct ft
t., the l.m<l is giM.J, and Is wittirfc f)
a; all cl.iire*.
- r A m """*