Bedford inquirer and chronicle. (Bedford, Pa.) 1854-1857, February 01, 1856, Image 1

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    tfeiiforti 3ncinircr and Clxrowirlc.
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For Ike Inquirer and Chronicle.
.1 Pieman! Sleigh Ride—literesting Theologi
cal Controversy — The place of meeting—Ft>u r
days public discussion—lmmense crvtcd—The Dis
putant! — Greenfield Hotel—Journey home, fc. se.
MB. EDITOR, For the information of
those of your readers who weie not there to
Lear and see. we desire to refer briefly to an
interesting theological controversy which
wc last week had the pleasure of witnessing.
Tempted by the fine sleighing--(to assign
no more laudible motive) —we bade an early
good morning to our village on Tuesday,
and, iu company with u friend, dashed oft
in the direction of HoHidaysburg as fast as
a span of lively bays could draw us! A
lew hours drive, over delightful roads,
brought us in sight of the place appointed—
the old Greenfield Church in Union town
ship. This church or Dei Mansnlis
dwelling house of God—is situate about
two miles south of Sarah Furnace, in the
midst of a woods, and though near the road
ride is not within sight of any human habi
tation. A first glance gave us some idea of
the crowd assembled ! For a large circuit
arouud, sleds and sleighs and every imagina
ble kind of conveyance on runners met the
eye; and dozens of horses, lushed fast to
suppling* stood patiently awaiting (be
pleu6Uie of their owners ! Groups of men
also, for whom their sucmed to be no accomo
dations witbia, were seen standing about
whiling away the tiiuc iu conversation!
Our first impressions, therefore, as wc drove
up in front of the church aforesaid, with
r egard to comfort, were not very comfortable.
But having secured our horses after the
fashion of the place we began the work of
entering. The expected "crowd" was
there ! The aisle?, and pews, and altar
and galleries, and steps, ami every point
where a live being could sit or stand seemed
occupied ' But either owing to our rever
ential uppearanse or the kind assistance of
friends (perhaps both) we soon found onrself,
in the midst of ministers, in tlie altar, and
facing the congregation. And now that
we arc seated let us glance hastily at the
place, and the people, and turn then to the
speakers, the subject and the occasion.
The building itself gave evidence of being
a log structure weather-boarded—and the
interior arrangement resembled in appear
ance an old Virginia church! The tall,
narrow windows, —straight, high-backed
paws: narrow, peculiar gallery and altar;
high, small, ttib-iike pnlpit, perched aloft
on a single post and surmounted by the
eld fashioned sounding board or cop gave
striking proof of it* primitive origin.
The large audience assembled was equally
respectable in number and appearance.
From towns, and villages and country
homes— the whole region round about—
from hoary age to helpless infancy was
there. HoHidaysburg, Newry, Freedom,
Martinsburg, Wood berry, tbe Oove, Snake
Spring Valley and Wills Greek—besides a
host of other towns and places were fairly
represented! Alt were orderly, alt were
attentive. To our left sat the Tunkerd
brethren—and as we surveyed their thought
ful, earnest looks, their hoary heads and
patriarchal beards (badge of their brother
hood) we could uot help foaling that this,
truly, was a "solemn assembly." The oc
casion was full of interest. The church of
Luther was joining issue with the followers
, -of Alexander Mack, upon a cardinal princi
ple of their faith—a great theological
Is Infant Baptism or Infant Church .Mem
bership Recognized and Authorized in the
Scriptures f
Tho affirmative of this issue was mantuin
(Lutheran, Pastor of the N'cwry charge in
Blair county,) and the negative, by the REV.
•TAS. QriSTKRs (Tanker,of Fayette county.)
By ansngcuicnt, the gentleman last named
spoke first and had commenced his discourse
when we cnterod. He is in appearance a mid
dle-aged man, about medium size, an origi
nal thinker and gave evidence of being a dili
gent student of the scriptures. Fie spoke
with much case, and earnestness, and for
three full hours was patiently listened to.
He was followed by Mr. FXIOHTNER—who
1J graduate of the Lutheran Theological
Seminary at Gettysburg, Pa., —and though
a young man iu ministerial life gave ample
proof of being a correct thinker and a sound
theologian. His discourse was equal in
length to that of Mr. QCINTMS, and was
throughout a close, careful, logically ar
ranged analysis of texts pertaining to
'He subject—a jrell digested Argument
presented with force and beanty. To de
cide upon the merits of the debate, or give
'he public's opinion of the respective ability
tif tho debaters is not our object; for
Whit is beautiful and what is crude
Kinds thousand answer in a multitude.
At the close of this first days discussion,
it wa* agreed to adjourn on the next day to
the Church stChysburg, three miles distant.
A Weekly Paper, Devoted to Literature, Politics, the Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, Ac., Ac—Terms: Two Dollars per annum.
len o'clock was the hour appointed, though
at a umch earlier hour the house there,a large
commodious building, was crowded as much
as the church at Greenfield the day before.
Rev. Jacob Miller and Rev. Benedict
were chosen moderators, and with the appro,
bation of the audience, limited the speakers
to one and three fourth hours each. The
discussion was confined to the same branch
of the subject as on the previous day. On
Thursday the modes cf Baptism were ex
amined, and on Friday (the last day.) the
same point was'further discussed, together
with a review of the first question.
Ibroughout, the discuasiou was conduc
ted with christian forbearance, and though
in an earnest, able, and animated style, yet
with an evident desire, on both sides, to
discover if possible the truth ! The proofs
adduced in support of either sido were '
drawu from the Bible, the works of com
mentators and writings of emiuent theolo
gians. Upon the whole one could not help i
thinking that this public discussion would!
be atteuded with good. A large crowd ofj
people *cre called from their houses, many \
of whom perhaps, on ordina-y occasions, do
not go to chnreh ! The gopol was here
fully and earnestly quoted and explained,
and some seed many likely have fallen in
such ground as will hereafter yield good
fruit. The disputants, in their dissertations,
carried us back to the days of the patriarchs,
to the times of our Saviour and pointed fre
quently o the acts, and teachings of the
appostles ?
lu a word we were both instructed and
During our absence we stopped at the
"Greenfield Hotel" of which our clever
friend I'. Mauk is the owner and proprietor'
lr. is one of the best country houses in the
State, and no pains are spared by the pro
prietor to make all Lauds comfortable and
at home.
The weather was pleasant, the sleighing
excellent, and our return to B de
fftiHiingdoH and Broad Top Kail
The annual election for Provident and
Directors of the Huutiugdou and Broad
Top Mountain Railroad and Coal Company,
I took plice in Philadelphia on Monday of
last week.
! The following gentlemen were elected:
President— L. T. WATTSON.
Directors —S. MORRIS WALK,
We make the following extract from the
annual report of the Directors to the Stock
The road from Huntingdon to Stoners
town, twenty-four miles, is completed, and
the cars running upon it daily. The bridge
at the latter point can be completed with
one week of good weather, and the tracp
frorn that to the mines is already laid, with
the exception of about one and a half
miles, which the track-layers are now put
ing down. Wc expect to commence the
regular transportation of coal by the 30th
inst. The track of the road has been laid
with T mi! of the best quality, from the
Cambria Iron Works, weighing 50 lbs. to
the yard, on substantial cross ties, laid in
ballast of broken stone, and the whole work,
as far as completed, pone in the most
substantial manner. Two portions of the
Company's lands have been leased to re
sponsible and proatical lessees, for a term
I of five years, at a rent of twenty five cents
j per ton, and the lessees have already driven
! 111 fDo gangways, from 120 to 150 yards
o ach, and are now creoting schoots and
platforms, so that they will, in a short lime |
be prepared to deliver from three to four
hundred tons daily. Besides the two al
ready leased, we expect to have three other
of the Company's mines opened and ready fr
leasing by May, for which wo have already
numerous applicants. A large number of
private operators are also opening their
mines, end heavy contracts for the Spring
delivery of coal have been made by them,
as well as by the Company's lessees. The
Broad Top Improvement Company and the
Semi-Anthracite Company, w hose lands lie
higher upon the mountain, have each open
ed for working extensively during the ensuing I
summer. From the vigor with which the !
work at the mines is being pushed both by \
the Company's lessees and by private oper- j
ators, and from the hoavy contracts already •
made for the delivery of coal, wo are satis-!
Bed thst the present year's business Will far i
exceed our calculations hitherto made.
The Broad Top mines being generally open
ed from the outcrop, and no breakers,
soreena, or enginoer needed, they can be
inueh more rapidly developed than those of
an anthracite region.
The annexed statement is, perhaps, as
near an approximation as can be mads to the
business of the present year
Transportation 150,000 tons
coal, at 75 cents, §1 12,500 00
Rent from Company's mines,
j say 00,000 tuns, at 25 cts. 15,000, 00
Receipt from passengers and
®ails, 15,000 00
Local freight, including lum
ber, iron, iron oar, produce,
maze., Ac-. 15,000 00
5157,500 00
Six stations, for reparis,
five men each, 59,500 00
Removioglslides, &c., 2,500 00
Running 2 freight trains
1 year, 15 000 00
Running one extra train
6 months 3,750 00
Running one passenger
train 1 year, " 6,500 00
Salaries, rents, superin
tendcudence 4c., 7,000 00
Contingencies, 10,000 00
554,250 00
Nett earning*. 5103,250 00
luterext on 8500,000
bonds, at 7 per cent.. §35,000 00
Six per cent, on §550,000
stock, 33,000,00
§68,000 00
Surplus, §35,250 00
Hie nett earnings of the road tht second
year, by which time a large number of col
j lieries will be opened, will perhaps benear
j ly double that of the first, an J must annually
increase thereafter. The peculiar adapta
! tiou ot this coal to tbe use of locomotive,
j steamships, and stationary engines, as well
as rolling mills, foundries. Ac., tbe solidity
:of its coke, and its value for blast furnaces,
will of themselves create an immense demand
' for it. Besides this, it is only neeeasaTv for
; it to be known, iu order to take the place of
Anthracite fer stoves aud open grates in
families, burning freely, with little suioke,
and making a cheerful and pleasant a fire as
hickory wood. With those facts before us,
we think we hazard little in saying that with
in a very few years, the Broad Top coal re
gion, this heretofore terra incognita, will
scud to market a million of tons annually.
With a liberal charter, granting many val
uable privileges; and without restrictions
upon dividends, with the most valuable coal
in the States, or perhaps in the United States
for nearly all the purposes enumerated
above, and with 2,500 acres valuable coal
lands, costing the Company comparatively
nothing, there is no reason, being once
completely in operation, why tbe stock
I slionld not pay as large dividends as any
. other in the market, and command as high
a price.
L. T. WATTSON, President.
•The longer I live,' says Sir T. F. Pax
ion, 'the more I am certain that tho great
difference between men—between the fee
ble and the powerful, the great and the in
significant—is energy, invincible determina.
tion, a purpose once fixed on, and then
death or victory.
Self-praise is the ground of hatred.
Speaking evil of one another is the fifth
element men are made up of.
When a mat speaks to you fair, look to
your purse.
Play not with a man till you hurt him,
nor jest till joit shame him.
lie makes his grief light who thinks it
He thinks but ill who does not think
twice of a thing,
He who goes about a thing himself bath
a mind to have it done: who sends another,
cares not whether it be done or so.
He that cannot forgive others, breaks
down tho bridg over which he must pass,
himself—for every man has need to be for.
Wishes can never fill a saok.
Eating more than you should at onee
makes you oat less afterward?.
Anger is the most impotent passion that
that influences tho mind of msn—it effects,
nothing it undertakes, and hurts the man who
is possessed by it more than the object a
gainst. whom it is directed.
A man may sec his own faults in those
which others do.
Success in life depends upon an absolute
and unyielding determination to succeed.
If thou take pains in w hat is good, the
p aitis vanish, the good remains. If thou
take in what Is evil, the evil leaiaius, and
l hc pleasures vanishes.
From the Lutheran Observer.
Preached in HoHidaysburg on the
22d of Now-ember by Rev. L.
Knight, from X Tim. X; 2-4.
Ir FROM the pulpit, ministers of the gos
pel now should attempt to walk in the foot
steps of inauy of their illuilrations prede
cessors, such as Da vies, Edwards and oth
ers, and should freely express their opinion
of the "Kansas outrage," and other iniqui
tous proceedings, they would bo denounced
by many partisans and demagogues as
"traitors" and "midnight conspirators,"
4c. In some States (e.g., Maryland) the
minister of the gospel is totally deprived by
law of the rights and privilegs of free cit
izenship. While a subject of the Pope of
Rome, or of Mohammed, can bold office in
Maryland, a native born citizon, a minister
of the gospel, can hold none. If ever the
time was, that "supplications, prayers, in
tercessions" be made for all sffice-hoiders
acd office seekers, it is now. If ever the
time was, that the country and tbe church
were in dang er of not "leadiqg a quiet and
peaoablc life, in all godliness and honesty,''
it is the present. Why what trill politicians
not do in these latter days to get into office?
And when in, what will they not do to hold
on to it? What care they about involving
the country iu a war and butchering thous
ands of their fellow sitizeus, enly so it will
enable them to hold office? What care thev
whether freedom or slavery, nght or wrong }
prevail, only so it might belp them into
office? What care they, in adding territory
to our already too rapidly growing country
whether these possessions a;-e peopled with
a motly, ignorant, suporstitutious race, on
ly so they will help to vote them into office
What care they wether F-otestanilsm or
Papacy, whether Mohammedanism or Mor
mon ism triumphs, only so die triumphant
ones will give tlicui au oflbc. Ycriiy the
lust for office is becoming so great that
the political demagogues (aid their name is
legion) would sever tho gLrious fabric of
this union into a thousand pieces, should
ihore appear the least chance sf their riding
into office on one of the smallest fragments!
3. A third source of danger i Popery.
Of this we have long ago b<en warned by
such illustrious men as Washington and
Lafayette. Many Roman Catholics in this
country are uo doubt among our best class
of citizens and little know the iutentions of
tlieir lenders. Many Protestants, too, ap
prehend no danger from this source, at
least they profess not to see it. There are
many Jesuits in this country, some wearing
the garb of neutrality, aud others even that
of Protestantism! And, although the bold
attempt to destroy our free school system,
the burning of the sacred word of God, and
the sudden entrance into the political arena
and grasping the balance of power, did
arouse American freemen from their slum
bers for a little season: they seem neverthe
less to be closing their eyes agaiu in seonr
ity. And unless God in tuercy prevent it,
they will awake before long, like Samson
fhori of their strength. Bonaparte, one
of the most sagacious men and greatest
generals that ever lived, was and
ruined by two Jesuits in bis cabinet. And
then we have in this country thousands of
nothingarians, ar dough-faced Protestants
and political Esau?, who would sell their
country's li'>erty for a mass of potage*—
Daniel O'Counell said in 1843, "You should
do all in your power to carry out the inten
tions of hie holiness, the Pope. Where you
have the electoral franchise give your votes
to none but those who will assist you in so
holy a struggle."
Brownson says in his review, (Roman
Catholic,) of November, 1854, that govern
ment, "is a mischievous thing where the
Catholic faith does not predominate to in
spire the people with reverence, and to teaeb
nnd accustoms them to obey. The last les
son to be forgotton is obedience. But is it
the intention of the Pope to possess this
country? Undoubtedly it is. And in this
intention, is be aided by the Jusuits and
all the Catholic prelates and priests in the
country? Undoubtedly- If they are faith
ful to their religion.
What can be nroro plain? Romanists
themselves tell us their iutentions. The
orders are from head-quarters, that Catho
lics in this country are to vote for such per
sons only who will assist them in carrying
out their intentions. And the intentions
are to have the power in this country. And
I ask every unprejudiced mind, have Ro
manists not been voting, are they not now
voting, and wilt they not contiuuc to vote
agreeably to these orders? Yes, verily, to
a man. And they will Lave many Protes
tants to help them carry out their inten
tions. And then, according to Catholio
authority, (The Rambler,) "If it will benefit
tbo oause of Catholicism, the Pope will tol-
erate them; but if expedient, he will impris
on, banish, fine or hang tbeiu. One thing
be assured of, be never will tolerate them
for their gloyious principles and civil and
religious liberty." God save tbe country
from the rule of the Romanists and their
allies. • * • •
4. Another source of danger to the civil
and religious liberties of the con ntry is in
We may learn what would be oar condi
tion, from tbe condition of that country
where infidels and atheists did possess tbe
supreme power and government, and at
tempt' to disptoM*- tatmu happiness Re
cording to then: own doctrines and wishes
"The name and profession of Christianity
was renounced by the legislature. Death
was declared to be an eternal sleep. Tbe
existence of the Diety and tbe immortality
of the soul were formerly disavowed by the
national convention, and the doctrine of
the resurrection from the dead was declared
to have been only preached by superstition
for the tormeut of the living. Correspon
dent with these professions were the effects
actually produced. Public worship was
utterly abolished. The churches iu France
were converted iuto temples of reason,
in which atheistical and licentious
homilies were delivered; and an absnrd and
ludicrous imitation of the pagan mythology
was exhibited uuder the title of the religion
of reason. In the principal church of
every town a tutelary goddess was installed
aud the females soleefd to personify this
new divinity were mostly prostitutes who
received the ad orations of the municipal
officers and multitudes of people, constrain
ed by tear, favor or the motive of gaiu.—
All distinctions of right and wrong were
confouud*d; tragedy followed tragedy in
almost brotblcss succession op the theater
°f France: the waters of the river were
impeded in their progress by the drowned
bodies of the ministers of religion; children
were put to death as they clung about the
knees of tbeir destroyers; the moral and
social ties were all broken: women denoun
ced their husbands, brothers, and fathers'
and sons as bad oitizens and traitors."-
Three uiilliou of human beings are sup
posed to have perished in France through
the influence of infidelity! U, unhappy
France! Never, perhaps, will she altogether
recover from these dire effects. Should we.
as a nation adopt such sentiments, what
crimes would we no* prepctrato, what agonies
would WJ not suffer? What mean
those gatherings iD many parts of our
country for mirth and pleasure on the holy
Christian Sabbath, trampling it with con
tempt in the dust! What mean those ef
forts put forth to have the Lord's day abol
ished, as it was iu France? What mean
all the numberless and nameless infidel as
sociations in the country, from .Mormonism
down through Spiritualism to Free love
societies? What mean those efforts oc
casionally put forth by our rulers to have
tbe Bible, all ministers of the gospel, and
tbeir .services excluded from tbe Senate
chambers and congress halls of the Senate
chambers and congress halls of the nation?
What means that great opposition to the
Bible, on which our civil and religious iu
institutious aro mainly huilt? O say not
there is no danger; when there are thouswds
upon thousands, both native born end
foreign, as rank infidels in this country as
there ever were in France; aud when thou
sands more of the saam sort are landing on
our shores annually. And if we would
never have reason substitute] for the Bible;
if we would have no foreign potentate build
upon our ruins; if we would not see our
government sapped to its foundation, onr
constitution trampled in the dust, our glori
-018 union divided, and our beloved couotry
bleeding at every pore; if we would never
stoop to the dogmas of tho mystic Baby
lon, nor bow tbe knee in vassalage to Ler
sainted bishop, we must faithfully obey the
injuctioos of the text. . . .
May our grateful thanks go up to the
God of heaven this day for the preparatiou
of out civil and roligious liberties; for the
peace and plenty we have enjoyed; for the
sncoess which has attained the labors of all
classes of our honest, industrious citizens,
and for all past favors and present bles
May we contiuuo to guard our liberties in
the fear of God, feeling the power and life
of religion in our souls, and reducing iu
divine precepts to practioe in our daily in
tercourse with the world. May we ever keep
in uiiud that it is "righteousness which ex
aheth a nation while sin is a reproach to
any people," and will ultimately bo the
ruin of any form of governmeut.—
May we continue to offer "supplications
prayers, 4c."
'1 hen may wc expect to "lead a quiet and
peaceable life and See. Then may we con
fidently look for the divine goodness and
protection in the future, and expect to con
tinue a free, independent and happy people.
"Then our nation shall be exalted high
above all the nations of tbe earth," and we
shall be blessed at home and abroad, on the
land and on the sea. Then our prosperity,
civil and religious, will continue to "flow as
a river, and our peace and happiness lik e
tbe waves of the sea."
The teacher stands bctwee n the present
generation and the futnre. He must repre
ccnt the world as it is; his ideal is the world
as it should be. He should possess the care
fully hoarded wisdom of the Past divested of
its dust, and should be inspired by the genius
of tbe futnre, without being visionary.
Education cannot create faculties. It can
only develop tbe affections, powers and aspi
rations of the human character. It is not a
mere discipline of the intellect, nor confined
to sehool rooms; bnt commencing with each
person's existence, it never ends. It is the
bringing of Manhood and Womanhood into
form and activity, the training of affections,
tastes and faculties.
A small portion only of these duties are
committed to teachers. They are formers of
character only to a limited degree: and their
exertions are often painfully embarrassed.—
The persons and circumstances around thorn
warp them to a great extent from their true
position. When the future welfare of those
under their charge should be consulted, they
are required to enact the sycophant, and
consult the means of securing their own
popularity. Fond as nil well constituted
persons are of approbation, they are often
compelled to receive ingratitude, and to
learn the mortifying fact that their Dohlest
and most interested efforts are not appreci
ated. Possesing the frailties incident tc
our nature, they are expected to display
merits and virtues greater than those of
other Lilian beings. Whether to them much
has or has not been given, it is very cer
tain that from them much is required.
We have, however, no inclination to give
any wordy declamation about the nobility
of the profession, or the lofty motives which
should inspire teachers. We feel OIK im
pulses too much repressed by the peculiar
utilitarianism of the age to be very eloquent
in these particulars, or to regard avocation*
as very honorable which aro indifferently
c oßipensated. Fulscme and complimentary
language can never make a proper equiva
lent for an insufficient salary, or for the
want of a home, wholesome food and com,
fortable apparel. The first step will be
taken toward enhancing the respectability
of the profession and elevating thestundurd
of teachers, qualifications, when they are
honorably remunerated for their services;
and this will be done when the people arc
convinced that the instruction imparted in
eur schools is worth that it costs.—-V. 1.
The correspondent of the Louisvillo (Ky.)
Democrat, writing from Madison, December
3, 1855, relates the following :
Having during the last ten years, heard
the history of Mr. David Wilson, who
formerly resided at Carrolto n,Ky., repeated
frequently and which seemed to me fabulous,
or which, at least, taxed my credulity very
uiuch, happening, a few days ago tomcat
Madison,with Mr. Alexander Wilson of North
with whom I've been acquainted for several
years, I spoke to liirn of his father, aud
he said whst 1 h card was correct. He told
uic ho (Alexander) was the forty-fifth
child of David, and David was the father
of forty-seven lawful children. He lived
to the age of 107 ye ars, and daring his life
time had five wives. A few years before
he died he expressed a desire to remove to
Indiana, but was opposed by bis fifth and
'ast wife. He, however, took a trip to find
a new location to suit him, and when he re
turned he found that his wife had packed
up some of the goods and chattels and re
turned to her friends in Kcutuuky. He
went afer her and endcavord to persuade
her to return to his house, but she would
not go. In a time, however she relented,
and then wished to return to his house; but
ho would have nothing to do with her, aud
so they remained separated till his death.
Very few of his children died in their in
fancy or youth; and there are now thirty-five
of them living who are all men and women
full grown. David Wilson was a man of
pure health and robust physieal constitution
At the age of 105 years he conld mow an
acre a day for a week at a time without
evincing much fatigue. He appeared to
have not a rib. The whole region of his
breast was shielded by a plate of solid bone,
and he could rccoive the most severe and
powerful blows upon it without being hurt. j
He frequently, for the gratification of others j
suffered them to strike hiui most violently ,
in the breast without being made to feel iu J
the least uncomfortable. During our bor-
•VOL. 29, NO 5.
der wars he was taken prisoner by the
Indians, and they attempted to stab bioi io
the breast, bnt found the solid bone impene
trable. His minute history would be inter
esting if collected and published. He was
one of the most letnarkaUe men that eve r
lived in America. His progeny was very
numerous, and he attained a green old ag ♦.
At the age of 107 years, when he died, none
of his faculties of mind or body were
materially itnpared.
Fer the Amusements and Instruction of
the Yoitg and other* during Wmttr Eve
nings, - ,
1. Take a tumbler, and fill it nearly fait
of water. Then insert a lump of sugar in
water, and continue to stir it. la a few
minutes the sugar will become invisible.
2. Place a candlestick, with a lighted
candle in it, in the middle of a table.
Mahogany is best, but deal will answer the
purpose. Place an extinguisher upon the
candle, and the appartnient will be left in
darkness, unless there are other ligLts in
3. Take a kitten (one of kindly disposition
is preferable! and place it upon your lap.
Stroke it gently for a few seconds and the
animal will be distinctly heard to purr.—
This experiment may be varied by pinching
its tail, in whioh case it will spit, and jump
4. Let the cinders be thrown upon the
fire, and then take a common hearth-broom,
and carefully sweep every particle of ash and
dust under the grate. Hangup the broom
and sit down, and a pleasing display of
tidiness will be made
5. Take a pair of scissors, the sixe im
mat trial. Obtain a piece of white paper,
six inelie s long a yard and a half across.
Snip it in two. You will find that no exer
tion of strength will join the severed parts
together agaio.
b. Place the palms of your hand together
crosswise,and holding them somewhat loosely
strike them on your knee. A sound will be
produced somewhat resembling the chink of
money - - This is quite as good as having
money itself, which only le&dB to out-Lay and
7. Take a common rule oopy-book, and
at the top of a page let a confederate in
scribe Bounty Commands Esteem, or some
other moral sentiment. Copy this on every
line of the page, and when you Lave it done
show it to the company. This experiment
is not only interesting in ittelt, but Lads to
improve the handwriting.
8. Take the tuiubler of water mentioned
in the first experiment, and show the com
pany that the glass is nearly full. Drink
it off, and instantly make tbeui observe that
the glass is entirely empty. The success of
this feat depends on its rapidity.
9. Go to bed.— Punch.
llov TO SLEEP WELL. —Since the fullest
amount of sleep is as essential to the health
ful working of mind and body as necessary
i food, it may be well to know bow to secure
it, as a general rule
1. Clarify vonr conscience.
2. i'ake nothing later than t*o o'oloek
P. M., except some bread and butter, and a
small cup of weak tea of any kind, or half *
glass of water for supper.
3 Go to bed at some regular early hour.
: Get op the moment yon wake of yourself,
' even if at midnight.
4. Do uot sleep an instant in the day
: time.
Unless your body is in a condition to re
! quire special medical advice, nature
will regulate your sleep to the wants of the
! system in less than a month; and you will
not ouly go to sleep at once, but will sleep
j soundly. Second wtjpt and luttas make the
• mischief.
: proud parson and his man, riding over a
: common, saw a shepherd tending bis flock,
aud having a new coat on, the person asked
him in a haughty tone who gave him that
; coat?
"The same," said the shepherd, "thai
! clothed you—the parish."
The parson, nettled at this, rode on mur
muring a little way, and then bade the man
go back aud ask the hep hard if he would
not "vuie and live with him, for he wantuct a
The man, going accordingly to the shep
| herd, delivered Lis master's message, and
| concluded as he was ordered, that his mas
i ter wanted a foul.
; "Why are you going away, then?" said
the shepard.
"No," answered the other.
"Then you may tell your master," re
turned the sitephurd, "that his living cannot
maintain three of us."
AN OLD bachelor says there are two ii
portset cares in * woman's life — OM when
she wonders who she will have, and theutu
er when she wonders who wi'l have her.