mmu The subscriber having purchased the cut if atoer oi HAtiDVYAEK of the late Thomas B Mi!; .in the Bwfough of Mfuttl, would re spectfully announce to his friends ami the phh lie generally, that he is now prepare'! to fur nisi; almost every article in his line ol Uuviries; on favorable term .. llisstock being nearly a! new, auii selected >y one well experienced in tbi business, he is frilly satisfied that purchaser will find it to theiradvnntngcto give liini a call In addition to a general stock of Hardware, h< has on hand, and will constahtlv keep GRO CFTRIES of the very best quality—GLASS o all size—also, STONKVVAItK of a very Ml per in quality, fie has also on hand all kinds of Oils Paints. Drugs, Brooms, Ac., Ac., and Cda Ware in great variety. Having now permanently settled in business and beingrl-ter-mncd to use every proper oxer tion to please, ho hopes to merit and receive ; liber il share of public patron"ok. JOHN" ARNOLD. Deer. 20, 1864. GLOBE XIOTELs W eil Pitt Street, Bi er—The Art of sketching Flowers Iron Nature —With engravings—To i'c copied by the learner on paper to Ik: colored. M iternal counsels to a Daughter— Designe. to aid her in tlioc ire oflier health, the improve of her mini, and the cultivation ol he heart—New style of Illuminating Hin iows am Lamp Shades', with engravings—Poetry am History of Finger Rings. Illustrated; shells >o the Ladies, and wliere tliev come from, wdheu gravings—Modelling in Leather with engraving This is only giving an idea of our intention f,r 18-515.—New designs of interest to the la dies are springing up every day, we shall avai ourselves of cvrvthing that can interest them.- In fact, • -fi...ley's T.aiy's B-ok," will posse the interest of any other three magazines If addition to the above will be continued in eacl No. G vice's splendid Steel engr.ivings— On. hundr.d paces of reading. GKlev's challenge Fashion In tin; as in every ot u-r department we defy rivalry o imitation— Embroidery patterns. Any quantity ul° them are given monthly—Model cottages. Dress miking, with diagrams to cut by- Dress pattern . InSrttfs smLCbildretr s Dresses All kinds of-Crotchet and Netting " or*. Drawing Lessons for Youth —Iftftft designs Music worth $3 is given ev.-ry year, the Nurs. and the Nursery, with fU instructions; Go dev's invaluable Recipes upon every supec!. '■ r- rFP.MS. C ASH IN AD\ ANCE.—Om can-, one vear. S3 Two copies one year, S'l rive copies"one year, and an ex ra copy to tin pectin s>n ling the club, miking six copie; il >. Eight copies one year, and an extra cop; to tin; person sending the elnh. making ni-n copies, sls. Eleven copies one year, and an <-x tr.l copv to the person sending tiie club, tvven. topi -• sl(s. , lrodev's Lidv's Book and Harper * Mag.zin. both one year for $1.5 h Godey's Lady s Bo", and Arthur's 1 Foul J Magazine both one yea for $3.5 I A Speciui.l or Sp -cim -ns will bo sent dircc to anv luikine tb • request. We evn alw.ys supply numbers Tor th vo ir, as th" w irk is sterotvped. .Hire tt. L. A.GODF.Y. N I 113 C I Mtnitl St.*. 1 (t. Pbilil; p m swffi! Opened Out i a flew Place! F (K siiti.'icrllier Jim opened out a Nt I. and Cliuap Dry Goai3 and Fancy Store, the West end of the building formerly intli occup incy of Dr. John 11. llolius. dec at, an now occupied by Dr. B. 1- . Harry. lie sells S.IK pocket handkerchiefs at from I. cunts up t<> $1: lindersleeves from 10 rents; $2.50: silk in it from sto 75 ctM cotton lios Iron, fit tip to 37!, cents; good bine calico fo t,- cents per yard: collars front $ cents uj. t $ *:; linen pocket has. Ikerchicf from C J cents t #2.50; bonnet ribbons from rttrtt*nt ot* Qucensware and Gro ftWl-ies; and a great mmy small articles on ht>Und per cent, hirer than can be procure, olvwherc in this place. IU r is'iectfulv re quests all to call nd ex amine his stock and judge for themselves. ELTAS FISHER. April G, 185.5. Claibins ani Dry Goods Store rililE subscribers arc just receiving * n.w L handsome and cheap nssortmentol RED uy v.JDi: CLOT my; and ,I>RY HOODS, a their store in the East Corner of" Bed ford Hall, consisting i n part of Goats, Prints, \ est.-. Shirts S .tin Stocks, Handkerchiefs. Boots and Shoes ll.its nn I Caps, alld all other articles usually .kept Jn Ready Made Clothing Stores. Vlso a good assortment of J)HY (lUODS eoi'sistißg- of Calico. Mens. .• Lainc. Shawl., Alpacas. Trunks. Carpet Snrks, Ac.. An-; al. of.which they will sell as cheap as can he pro. cured elsewhere in Bedford, for Cash or Coun try Produce. They request all their friends in town an. country t-> give them a call, and see and exam th.'ir stock fort In nu Ives, as they eooaidei it a pleasure to show their goods, whether per sons wish to purchase or not. SONS'A BO UN A CO. Bedford. Apr.' 2ft. 18-56. A NEW BUGGY for sale by Nor. 3d. G. W. Rl PP- I' hMf ION .1 It 8,11 n\mm ESTABLISHMBNT. mlfE sulwcriber remuv.H his estil>li.s3 J. lti :nt to th room m tii ■ Odd-felluw Building, fhimediately above the store ot A 15. Cramer tv C.. where ho attend prompt ly to ail business calrusfe Ito his care, lie re ceives regularly the latest City Fashions, an will ph-igY himself that worksloiie at hifsboj siaall wi-ar well and lit neatly. He respectfully .solicits a share ot tlir-pue Se patronage. S..J. McCAUSLAN. Nov. 9,-18.55. \I;\I (UITIIIM; STORE. 11l IE subscriber has just otiened a now and . complete CI.OTIIIXG STORK i" the tMtilding en the corner of Jittiaha Street. Bedford. Fa., owned by Darid Matin, Esq.. and lately in the occupancy of Mr. Solomon Killer a* a Dry Goods Store, a..d two doors South of the Rising Snn Tavern. His stock comprises one of the largest and | cheapest assortments of Head? Made Clotllillif ever brought to Bedford. He has I also a choice assortment of I>r>' Goods, a" | of which he will sell cheap as can be procured ' in the town. He requests all his country friend sand others, to call ami sec his goods—as lie does not con sider it a trouble to show tlietu to anv one. ISAAC LIPPEL. April (5, 1855. Call at Illy mlre'N. Til E subscriber has ju.t received from the Eastern cities the best assortment of Bras' Copper, and Tin Ware ever offered in this place, towbich ho invites the attention of the public.— Hchas a great many improved cooking utensils, that cannot fail to please every housekeeper who uses them. The Ladies especially are invited to call ami examine the articles. Among them are Bit.tss ami BELL METAL Kettles of all sizes, Water Coolers. Chafing Dishes, Saucepans. Milk Boilers, NrnsE LAMPS, an excellent article for the sick room. Cake Moulds, Spice Boxes, Tea Cannisters, Brass and Iron Ladles, l'atent Lamps, Candlesticks. Glass Lamps, Match Box es. Spittoons. Ac., Ac. English and French Tin, Iron andJßrass Ware in great variety. Japanned Tin Toys, and a great variety of Fancy articles. Chain and Force Pumps, and in short even article in my line. Don't forget to call at the Tin Ware Depot in Pitt st. GEOR GE BL YIUKE. .LT;lt, 1854. Head Quarters. f !>R FISIHOX ABliE CLOTHING T |"1 lie subscrilier would respectfully G jffijjfrt -I inform the public that he is now H offering .-T the Bedford Hall (formerly .JjL, Exchange Hotel) in East Pitt street, the largest and best assortment of ready-made, fashionable Clothing, ever before offered for sale in this place. HIS STOCK consist Aof a large and splendid supply of Winter Goods. He lias eve-y variety and description of COATS. PASTS AND VESTS. SHIRTS, DRAWERS, COLLARS AND CRAVATS, SC.SPENDERS, HANDKERCHIEFS, Ac. Ac. He has also a large stock of prime CLOTHS, CASS IMKRES and VESTINGS. which he is pre pared to make up to order in the most fhshiona ide style, and warranted to be well made, and UOON FITS. Having purchased iiis stock for CASH he feels assured that lie can make it to the advantage id those wanting noon and CHEAP CLOTHIM; to gi\E iiim a call before pnrcliasing elsewhere. W M.'SCIIAFE R. Bedford, January 19, 1854. ' Taylor V Honey, TANNERS, BEDFORD, PA. HIVE CONSTANTLY oxnxn at their Tannery en East Pitt Sr. leather ; o! all kinds and of tin; BEST quality, at exceed- J •UGLY moderate rates. They pay' the highest j prices lor country hides. Feb. 16, 1854. STRAY STEER. CI YMK to th" premises of the * T'ntrib ir. ' living uc ir Enterprise. South Wo Iberrv Township, about the Ist September last, *T steer about on • yen- old IWT spring, lis color re L, mirked by crop oif the right ear. Ths owner is RW [NESTED to conic forwird, prove property, pay chirg-s and take it awav. DAVID S.VOBEiIGSR. Nov. IT 1, IBIE H. \ifoi>l;rx, Justice of the Pence, H\S removed his Office to Juliana Street two doors North OT the '-Inquirer and Chronicle*' ( lllice, and two doors South ol King Jordans' Office, where he will punctually at tend to the collection of all claims plucedin his hands. Bedford, April 6, l£sfi_zz IIEIIFOIID HOTEL AN R GENERAL STAGE OFFICE. NPHE subscriber respectfully begs leave toan- L nounce to his old friends and the public generally, that lie has leased and taken posses sion of the Bedford Hotel, lately in the occu pancy OL C 01. Adam B.iruhart. It is not his design to make MANY PROFESSIONS as to what he will DO, but bo pledges his word tli.u bis most energetic efforts will be employed to render comfort aide all who GIVE him A call. The house will lie handsomely fitted up. and no no but careful and attentive servants will be engaged. Persons visiting the Bedford Springs, as vveli as those attending Court, and the traveling community generally, are respectfully invited to give him a call and judge for themselves. CY~ I H'-' stages all now stop at this hotel, and it is therefore the Stage Office. Boarders taken by the week, month or yeKr, on favorable terms. CT7*" Ample and comfortable stabling is at tached to this hotel, which will alwn\ s BE at ended IV a careful bustler. Also, a sale and convenient carriage house. JOHN HAIKU. Bedford, April G, 1855. n. Stray Bull. (T 4 M E in til • PRUNITES of the subscriber, liv J ingioSt. CUir Township, about the firs of September last, a red ami white spotted Bull, with a piece off" the left ear. and notch out of till! under side of the right — supposed to be orte year obi last spring. The owner is requested to come forward, pro ve properly, pay charges, and take him awav. J. P. BOWERS. Dec. HI, 1855 -c* V.ILHIiLE MILL PItOI'ERTV FOR SALE! THE subscriber, about to r.-muve to Calif nia offers at Private Sale, bin valuable Mill Pro perty, situate about I! miles EaR of Bedford, on the Juniata River, in Coleiain township, at the lower end of Friends' Cove. The M iilis lour stories high, frame, with three run ol stones, is o pair of which are Burrs, hav ing all the machinery necessary to manufac ture merchant and country work in the best man ner. It has one of the best water powers in the Puled States, which may be known from the tact thatduring the last dry season it hadahun dance of water, when neatly every other mill ir, the neighborhood was stopped. Tli TO are between IB and 11 teres of land adjoining, six acres under post fence, about 4 n which is muadsw, on which is erected a good two story log house. weather-boarded and plas tered good water at the door, with all necessa ry out buildings—also a flnv orchardof choice fruit, peaches and apples. : Being determined to sell purchasers will da |' ell to examine thispropertv soon. TfcRMS will be made to suit * lie pure ha -1 veer, giving approved Bonds. HIRAM F. ROHM. June S, 1855.-U I PBRMS. THE BEDFOKO IXQIIItEB AXO Llj ill be published every 1 nurs;- dav .Morning at two dollars per annum, in ad vance, or two dollars and Hlty edits it It e I the year expiter. No subscription will be taken for a shorter period aihft six months.' ami no subscriber will be at ttn-rtr to discontinue bis subscription until ah arrearages are paid. Rates of Advertising: 1 insertion. 2 do. oil" 1 square. (12tines) 50 To SI,OO 2 squares, SI,OO 1.50 '-'.(HI 3 squares, 1.50 '!.00 t'.oO. 3 months, 6 do. J-do 1 square *2-50 $4.00 $7.00 2 squares 4,00 0.00 10.00 3 squares •"'•00 H.OO 12.00 Half Column KOO Whole Column 12,00 10,00 30.00 advertisements not marked with the number of Insertions desired will he inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. mmm smiMOos LIIK subscriber takes this method oi nlottil ing his friends that he has received ins ltd stock of SPRING OM> M MMHR UOOaJS, which be has selected trotn the largest stocks it* tlie eastern cities. We name in part, V-.i- DIES' DRESS HOODS, comprising rich Sum mer Silks—beautiful colors and original st \ ies; rich Black Silks of all widths and qualities; Bereges.Tissues, Grenadines licrage de Laines, Lawns, Gingbams, &e. In IL HIT E HOODS our stock is unusually large and varied, em bracing Embroidered Swiss; plaid, striped and plain Cambrics; Jaconets; Muslins; Bishop Lawn; Dimities, etc., etc. HOLSHEEEL JAG HOODS —Linen Sheetings, Cotton, do., Pillow case Muslins; Table Linens, bleached atu' brown; Hussion Diapers, etc. Blue, green and brown Borages and Grena dines for Veils. „ NESTLEMEX'S JXD H'AVJfi, su ;h as Cloths, C.tssimeres and Vestings. of every conceivable stvleund quality MOL'R.MXLI HOOOS— Bombazine*, Alpacas, Lawns, Ginghams, etc. EMBROIDERIES —French worked Collars, Handkerchiefs, Sleeves. Edgings, Inserting*, etc.. etc. DOMESTIC HOODS— A large assortment— embracing everthing in the line. Gloves, Hosiery, Motions, &c., all [irfeesand qualities BOOTS. SHOES. H.ITS . IXD C.I PS. China, Glass and Queensware, consisting o( evury desirable article. Looking Classes. all sizes, cheaper than usu al. H.IRD IT. IRE. GROCERIES, Drugs. Me dicines, Paints. Oils ami Dye Stuffs, and in fact everything that ought to be kept in a well conducted country store. Thankfully acknowledging the liberalpatron - ige heretofore extended, I shall.endeavor to merit its continuance bv keeping one of the largest, most varied and best stocks in town. His store is opposite the Be "'ford Hotel. PETER RADEBAUGH. Bdfor l. U ay 11. 1853. . O>Y. D E JSTT IST, Bedford, Pa. OFFICE on J" itt Street, nearly npposß tl: - Be lford Hotel.Teeth plugged, rege dated, M'., and artificial teeth, inserted, from ine to an entire set. Charges moderate, and all .perations warranted. Terms—PostriVEl.V CASH. Jan. P.l. 1X34. A Miraeie of Dr. C. Roiling uf Meeh.uiicsiiurg, Cumberland To. Pa.. announces to those afflic ted whli Tii" uois, tVuiis, Cancers, Poly pus, Lupus Moles n l ilarlrt. Scrofula or King's Evil ami all disease* hat hove been usually treated with Caustic or voile, he e til remove them by ail entirely new uetbod, without cutting, biiniing. or pain. Xei her Chloroform or Etheris administered, to the latient. It is no m ittar on what part of the body they nav IKS, he CM remove them with perfect safety, inuin a remavkable short time. No .Mineral oi Vegetable poison, is applied, and u money re l tii rod until a cur e is perfected. Pro laps is Uteri .hVem.ile com/damts, ( limine, and nil otpcr disease* treated with posi ive success. Full articuUrs can be obtained by • pressing in either V. ngHsh oi ('' l mi- post pa j, j. 'ieiits can be accommodated with Boar.l < (n ''"sonahlo terms. Mec'ianiesborg i* "ne of he prettiest and levlthiest towns in this or any other State. Jt t miles fjom Harrisburg on theC. V. R. tt.and vceessiblc fro in all |>arts of the Union. The Dr. will visit c ises in any part of the 3fate when desired. Kind reler if you know any afflicted fellow jreature. deUe not to tell them of this treatment. Feb. Id. 1855.-ZZ STAN!) VltD ( LASS BOOKS, rort TIIV. ADOPTION or Township Boards of Education and Union Schools. fTAIiE following excellent School Bonks liftv A. Iteen ad opted, by more than ONK TiibcsANu Boards of Education, in the last idghtcen mouths — lint, because of their unsurpassed merit; Second, because they are, also, the most economical to the learner. HEADING AND SPELLING. McGuffcy's Eclectic Pictorial Primer, McGutfes's Eclectic Spelliog-Boek, McGutfey's Eclectic First Header. MeGoffev's Eclectic Second Header. McGudby's Eclectic Third Header, MeGutfrV's Eclectic Fourth Header, MeG alley's Eclectic Fifth Header, or Hhetori val Guide. Tim 11 emails Voting Ladies' Reader. GLASS BOOKS IN ARITHMETIC. Hay's Arithmetic, i'art First. Hay's Arielnnetic, Part Second, Hay's Arthmetie, Part Third. Rev to K-.v's Arithmetic. ALGEBRA. Htv's Algebra, Part First, Uav's Algebra. Part Second. Rev to H iVs Algebra. Parts First and Second. FOR COM>l<>X SCHOOLS. Pinneo's Primary Grammar. He vised and En larged, and printed from new type. This en larged edition, embraces SYN rax, which is treat ed HI a clear, practical and pleasing ni.autiei, and tlm volume is a full and complete Class book for Common Schools, containing all that is taught on the subject in Public Schools. FOR ACADEMIES. Pinneo's Analytical Grammar, Revised, with enlarged type —designed for avvanned pupils who wish to study the subject on it more extend el basis, and with more m intones* in detail. Analysis. Pinneo's Li glish Teacher, in which is taught the structi e of sentences by ANALYSIS and SYNTHESIS. A popular work on the analysis of English sou'on es. It is believed that no books >er presented to the public have met with such universal appro bation as those embraced in the ECLECTIC EDU CATION AL SBKIKS. Not only have nearly all the leading practical teachers in the State. liy their letters manifested their high appreciation ot thuir merits, and the satisfaction they fee 1 in using them; hut many others, whose sphere ot instruction is in the higher Departments of Ed ucation, bat wlio also eiruestly labor for the progress an 1 welfare of the Common Schools, have united in this generol voice of approval. Published by W.B. SMITH & Co..Cincinnati. reu BHDHORII COI'XTY.—Dr. B. F. H VIIKY's Drug and Book Store, Bedford; Dr. F. C. HK VMKR'S Drug and Book Store, Bedford: where these books may be had wholesale and retail, on tho most favorable terms. School Hoirds will be supplied with copies or ex tin in ition, and schools supplied fur a find introduction, at i educed rates. Sept. 28; 1855-e __ COUNT and Buckwheat meal for sale bv Nov. 3D. G. SV. HUPP. BEDI011J) IMUIBEB AND CHRONICLE. DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONARY DR. 1. i REA.HKK, 3EDFQRP. PA., naving Piirchaitrd tlic Di ne And II Book Store of JJi- S. I>. Scott, bus .on- , stantly uu hand, at tfe "Id stun.., ii large and well selected stock of choice Drugs anil Med ; icincs, wholesale and retail, all ol \\Jiieli will he sold at lair terms. The assortment consists ii j iiart of DRUGS AND CHEMICAL?, DYE WOODS AND ACIDS, PAINTS AND j OILS, WINDOW GLASS AND GLASS I WALLE, TOBACCO AND SEGALS, I PI.KiMMK.uY, Fancy Article*, NT- & i PATENT MEDICINES. | Having the regular agency Our tic sale el al of these medicines the public are assured that . they are of the best; such as have stood the test j oftimeanifexfieiTdtiee.itnd can bt safVlyreeoii.-j mended as genuine. A if-- . j Townsend'sand Sand's Sarsapanlla W istai , Balaam f Wild Cherry.Ayer s ( h.n> 1 ectoial Mofliit's Life Pills ai d 1 I u nix Itittrrs. 1-r j Jay lie's Family Medicines, Fghnesioi 1 s *ll el* n- . sacks, and other vermifuges, llootHttiid German Bitters, \c. &e. * j Constantly on hand a large sto< k ot Historic ; biographical. Sveieutiflc, Religions, 1 octicuJ . 8001, and .Miscellaneous BOOKS Also n great variety of Fancy Stationery, Cap. Post ami wrapping pa)>er of every quality Paper Hangings in great variety. Window Blinds in patterns or by the piece. II all paper Steel aitil Fancy Goods. BLANK BOOKS of every size and quality*, l'oeket Books anil Pot* i Monnaies. Diaries, Blank Deeds anil Mortgage?. | itold Pens and Pencils, Combs. Brushes. Per- j 'urniTy in great variety. Soaps. \e. Ac., Ac. j Lamps, and Camphine Oil and Burning Fluid i kept constantly on hand. CHOICE LIQUORS for medical use; Brandy, Wolffs. Seheidam schnapps, Gin, Port, Sherry and .Madeira Wines, j •Jan. 19, 1854. DOCTOR YOURSELF. \ THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS Ot, KVKRV OXK HIS OWN I'll VSICIAX . §THE FlF'J'iKTli Edition, with One Hundred Engru ings, showing diseases and Malformations of the 11 ti man System in every shape and lorai. To which is added a Treatise on the Diseases of Females, being of the highest importance j to married people, or those I'llitclnplutiug marriage- j WILLIAM YOUNG, M. I). Let no father be ashamed to present a npy r ..I the JISCUF.APIUS to his child. * ".ay save him from an early grave. Lit r" young man or woman enter thro the secret obligations j of married life without reading 'he POCKET .ESCIT.APIUS. Let no one i' l ing from u haekuied Cough. Paiti in 'he Side, restless j nights, nervous feelings and the whole train ot J Dyspeptic sensations, and given op hj tiieir phy sician. le snoDiei moment without consulting the .-iiSCULAPIUS. Wave the married, or those about to be married any iurpediment, read this truly useful book, as it has been the means ; of saving inousaiias or iinrortiiiiutc creatures ' from the very jaws of death. " *?"Anv person sending TWENTY-FIVE (TEN'FS enclosed in a letter, will, receive one I copy of this work by mail, or live copies will he j sent for < Die Dollar. Address, (peat paid) DR. WM. YOUNG, Nil. '52 Spruee Sireet, Philadelphia. Jll ly IH. 1 855—1 y. .11 ST IS Ml),\! NEW GOODS, 11 the "CHEAP COftAEH"' UfK would respectfully to tl.eeif/- " VV zens of Bedford and vicinity, that We have j*st returned from the eastern cities, anil are n ow receiving and opening alaige and hand- ; s<) nii' assortment oJ Spring and Summer Goods consisting in part of Cloths, Cassiim res, him k win! fancy Saftincts; a large variety of Sack and Mars.lilies Nestings, Kentucky Jeans. Cot -0 iil'i Linen Drills for pants, Linen for coat{ ' 1 Weeds. brown and black Muslins, from (>- cents per yard upwards; Cotton Bagging, Asria- Jiurgs. cotton Table Dinpers for I2Jper yard; . n 1 all articles for use or ornament. Ladies' Dress and Fancy Goods, of all descriptions. Silks, Beerege do Laincs Fhallies, Motis. de Laines, Alpacas, front 12 cents lip to $1 per yard; Domestic Ginghams Ber.ige Ginghams, Laces and Edgings, ltibli um kid and all kind ot' ladies 'and gent's Gloves linen and siik ildkl's, Hosiery for men, wotneus misses ami cliildreu; men and Woiilg,is shoes, boots and gaiters; misses shoes; a large assort ment of Hats ami Bonnets, of the Very latest styles. A good supply of GROCERIES, Coffee for 12j cents per pound. 1 rt wn Suga 1, at all prices; crushed, pulverized anil clarifie" •sugar, Baker's bronia Chocolate, Cocoa Ear 1 ' i til, .Sperm Oil. Whale Oil, Ktherial Oil, Cap • dies. Teas of ail kinds; best Golden Syrup and New Orleans Molasses ; fresh Herring and Mackeral. Qiieciistorc anil Hardware, °f all kinds, Giassware and Cedarware. Our stock has been selected w it h the greatest care, in regard to quality ami prices, and we Hatter ourselves we can offer indecent' tits to purchasers. Call and see and don't WKCour word tor it—drop in anil judge for yourselves All kinds of country produce taken in ex iting • tor goods, at the highest market price* SANBOM & GEPIIART. Bedford. April 27, 1855. WANTED—At Heed's Colonade Stor.e. — Wheat, Rye, Oats. Corn, and Buckwheat—also all other a|>proved produce, in exchange lor goods at cash price.' ALLEGHENY MALE AND FEMALE SEMINARY. IlllE sacoira session of this institution will , . commence on Monday January :11st, 1850. i The session wilt lie divided into two quarters : of 11 weeks each without a vacation. Rates of tuition as follows viz; Common English per quarter • $15,00 j To which will In; added for Each higher branch 75 | Each Ancient language 1,25 ! The entire amount of the above not to l Exceed six dollars EXTRAS, thawing and Palntiug of tki different varieties i from $5 to 8,00 i T.esson on Piano, 10,00 i Vocal music 2 lessons per week 1,00 ' 1 unideutabi, 50 Bozrding can be secured on reasonable terms. By order of _ THE TRUSTEES. Kuiiiahufg, Dec. 7, 1855. JOHI% K. E DIE. i in ney at Law, Somerset Pa. ((.ILL HEREAFTER practice in t YV severalOottrt* of Bedford county. II nav bo consulted during the sessions of tha Jourt at .Davis' IDtcl Fel. 10, 1851 rpiiEKcw loik fTi-Ilmitr, X Tii '1 nun m ix now ui the middle of iti fifteenth yea,; \oL XV. ofits weekly issue com menced on the Ist or September lest. The Ame rican public need not. now be made acquaint ed with its elmracter or claims to considers tion. With V.ut a subordinate regard lor ;>J"U deuce, policy or popularity, it lias aimed ti stand lor Righteousness, tor Ttuth, tor llu inanity, against fortified Iniquity, Fraud ami Oppression. There is uot g slave-trader on this Cont. in lit. though he may never read anything but bis bills of sale and nines-payable, win does not know and hate Tut TRIM NK; there i; not an extensive fabricator of drugged andpOi soiious Liquors w ho does not consider it a very dangerous uud immoral paper, and wonder wh} its publication is tolerated in u commercial, cot ton-buying City like .New-York. TV Si wark Mcriury ouee forcibly renin iked that it had ne ver known a hard, griping, screwing, avari cious employci who was not hostile to Tut TKIBI SK. nor one eminently generous and kind ly who did not like it. Frump and plain-spo ken in its denunciations of iniquity ami abu ses of pe>ver, while claiming no exception from human falibility, it may have done temporary injustice to individuals, hut it has never been unfaithful to Principle, nor deaf to the criesol the wronged a'..d suffering. In itscoliitnnstlie advocates of novel and unpopular theories contemplating the melioration of human woes, especially those of the voiceless and down trodden."have ev r found audience and hospi tality; while it has ardently resisted, and w ill persistently combat every attempt t" pioseribe and degrade any class because of diversities of Nativity. Creed or Color. in defiance of calumnies the most atrocious, and of hostilities the most deadly and untiring, THR TIUBI NU has grown steadily in public ap preciation from the day of its origin. Ii- Incaiis of serving the public have been atigs merited in proportion. Instead of a single editor with one or two assistants, ii organiza tion liuw comprises a numerous body of wri, ters, each filled by special accomplishment and experience for the particular Hue of dis cussion to which bis pen is devoted; the daily amount of reading matter given more than quadruples that of itsearlieit issues; a stall'of valued correspondents encircles the globe, transmitting early and intelligent narrations ol whatever is tuost wotthy of attention; while Polities, Legislation. Literature, Art, History —in short whatever alfects the social wolt'tn' ing of mankind. Polemic Theology alone opted—finds here the freest and luost se' rc "" ing discussion. _ Attached by profound conviction t* ,tle |K ~ ncficeut policy wf Industrial develn' ,iu ' llt iUI " 1 eternal 1 ntercommunicatton, wh'Sc most con spicuous champion through the last llail c "* tury was Ht.Mtv CLAY- in^ UT -'D, moreover, with that spirit of f'orlie' ,:l " cc ' toward oui weaker neighbors, audit t ' lu U, H C ' I wrong ed Aborigines of this Mutinuf, and of I eace with All Which will the name of U lug, T'-K TRIBCSV WW* surrendering no jot ot its independence', earnestly and ar dently with tU< Whig part, so long a. its vt tulitv was preserved. When, in 18oU-2, an attempt w* made to interpolate slave-hunting into itsiceed, we sternly resisted that impo sition; when, at the close of the last Presiden tial ..inrnxs. it was seen that a large portion ol l*e Whigs preferred to defeat their own party rather than ullow its Anti-Slavery wring to share its triumph, even under a conservative Chief on a Pro Slavery platform, w - e knew and proclaimed that the Whig party was no more. Subsequent events, including ttic rise and cul uiiiiutiuu of the know-Nothing conspiracy, and the speedy absorption therein of the whole force of Pro-Slavery M'higismt, only continu ed our utidoubting unticipclions. With no sicklv liinientiitions. therefore, lor the inevita bly bygone, but wilb hope, aud joy, and lym patby. and words of cheer, have we hailed the beginning aud watched the progress of that mighty licpt IU.ICAN tnoveioent which, impell ed by" the perfidious violation of the Missouri Comparl. and stimulated by the astounding outrages whereof the rights of the Free Set tlers of Kansas have been the victims—by the repeated and utter vitiation of their elections bv an armed mob collected by conspiracy and hurled btuldedly upon them from the border counties of tlie neighboring Slate State, is destined to sweep away the landmarks of old party lends, and unite the true hearts and xtroiig anus of the free-souled in oue mighty effort to confine the scourge and scandal of our country within the limits of the States which unwisely uphold it. To the success ol this ctlort the energies of TUN TKIBI sr. will lie sternly devoted; While the TKMBKKANCK KS roa >t, including the cut ire suppression of the Traffic in Intoxicating .Beverages, will find in it. as hitherto, an earnest aud unflinching champion. Commencing as a daily folio sheet of mode rate size, and with scarcely a shadow of pat ronage. Tins Tniur.Ni: is now issued in quarto form Daily n trust. Tf it is not stopped when the term paid for expires, and the subscriber does not choose further to pay for it, we resort to no legal force to compel him. On the Weekly. we mean to stop every paper on the expiration ol the advance payment, awaiting a fresh remittance frotu the subscriber. If none comes the account is closed. We pay no local agents: wish no money paid to any when , t lie payer cannot trust him to mailer other wise send it to us; once mailed, its safety is at dor risk, (and a serious risk it often proves;) lull are grateful to everyone who deems it a good work to obtain ami forward the munes ami money of his friends and neighbors. Our terms lU variably are—lor the Daily Tribune. $0 per annum. ■Venn- XV'etkty, $3; two copies for $5; five for sll 25- Wttkly, $2; three copies for $3; five copies lor $8; ten copies for sl2; twenty copies, or over, to one arkircss. for $1 each; twenty copies, or over, to address of each subscri ber. $1 20 each. Additions' may at nil times be made to a eluh at the price paid bv those alreadv iti it. GKEELY A McKLHATII, No. 134 Nassau street. New-York. JOB MANX, (Jr. H. SPANO. LAW PARTNERSHIP. —The undersigned have associated themselves in the Practice ol the Law, and will promptly attend to all busi ness entrusted to their care in Bedford and ad joining counties. [T7"l)ffice on Jitlianna Street, three doors south of Mongel House and opposite the resi dence of.Maj. Tate. MANN 4c SPANG. Juno Ist—lßs4 tf. IM PORT ANT NOTICE? * ALL persons having unsettled accounts wit'' the late firm of Hupp A Oxter, are respectfully and most earnestly requested to call and settle lip without delay. Oct. 20, lf>ss.—2ni. Dr. F. C. Reamer, Physician and Surgeon. T> rspectfully tender* his services t XV the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. He may always be found (unless professionally en gaged) at his Drug and Book Store, in Juliana I St. 1 Feb. 10, 1834. STK Af LINO, BI T Tl'. VEr Warning to Emj Sensible Neman. Why Female* #***■" * HwUir ti woman of delic-cy ,e <"•• tKullar ailments i:>v*£•>"• M *, tin most intluiale family J*)"-*" '■ This modesty aod delicacy us Jiftoted hy njlure. and neither should nr Becl £ e< to the rude shocks inevitable making kioWn to the other sex those ailments L '-Tonginp delusively to the legnaicg Except in extreme cases. lor will w.crlHce her health father tl an herdi-Tieac. The consettHenCes are serious, lament..hi!i Iflj iilF-lullg. , . , what at firat could luive lu-ei) eaaiiy rem he sim plest add plainest rules of health af Connected with the marriage state, the violation of which entails disease, suffering and munO • How many are suti'eriiig from instructions or irregularities peculiar to tl) teniale system, which undermine the heat'i, the i fleets of ahicn tliey are ignorant, ali tor which their del icacy fori rids seeking uedica 1 advice! How many suffer from protrP* us uteri (tailing of the womb.)or from Jiuo < weakness, debdit) , &c.)! How mane are in constant agotii for miinv months preceding confinement! How ma ny have ditfici't, if not dangerous deliveries, and alowurtuncertain recoveries! To the uestion, how are these to Ire preven ted f win* shall ire done I tire answer is simple. Let e-cy woman ascertain for herself, without vi o f,.rce to her delicacy, the nature and charac te,-.if the ailment (to which she as a female is jj.njact) the causes from which it may arise, anil ihe jiroper rcuiidica for its cure and future pre vention. This she can do by possessing s little volume (already possessed by thousands) which tells her what is the matter, and tells her what to do for it, in simple hut chaste words, and Mich as she can understand. This little volume is entitled THE M.IRHIED HOM.I.Y'S RIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, BY OK. A. M. MAURICF.AU, paofF.ssoß or IMSFASFS or VESTS. One IfiiHclre'llh Edition (t>b'o,(-0C) lhnie., pp. Hop [OS rtSK l'.U-fR, KXTBA BtSDI.Mi, sl.] A standard work of established r.-j.u gtafi found classed ill the Catalogues of the rent Trade Sales in New York, Philadelphia, and otin-rcities, arid sold by the principal 1 ooksel ,ers in tire United States. It was first published ir 1847. since which time FIVE RUN DUE I) THOUSAND COPI ES have been sold, of which there were upwards of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SUNT BY MAIL, attesting the high estimation in which it eld as a r citable popular medical BOOK FOB EVERY FEMALE the author hiving devoted his exclusive atten tion to the treatment of complaints peculiar to females, in respect to which he is yearly con sulted by t'riiusamis, both in person ami try letter. Here every woman can discover, by compe ring her own symptoms with those described, the nature, character, causes of, and the projrer remedies for, her complaints. The wife about becoming a mother has often need of instruction and advice of the utmost importance to her future health, will find such instruction ami adviere, and also explain many symptoms which otherwise would occasion anxi etv or alarm, u-all the peculiarities incident to her situation are described. It is of impracticable to convey fully the various subjects treated of. as they are of a nature strictly intended tor the married or those contemplating marriage. The revelations con tained in its pages have proved a blessing to thousands, as the innumerable letters reserved by tho author (which he is permitted by the wri ters to publish) will attest. Extrart of a Letter from a gentleman in Dayton. Ohio : DAM-OX, Max 1, 184*. Or. .1. M. Maurirenn: "My wife has lieen perceptibly sinking fin- Biiine three years or moro, iu coiiseqrien-e ot her great anguish and suffering some months be fore and during confinement;, every successive cue more and more debilitated and prostrated Iter, putting iter life in iu minent danger, and which was on the last occasion despaired of. 1 supposed thai t bis state of things was inevitable, nnd assigned myself tu meet the worst. At this time (now alwutt two months) I heard your trook highly spoken of, as containing some matter reaching my case. On its receipt and perusal. I cannot express to you the relief it afforded my distressed mind, nnd the joy its pages imparted to mv wife, on learning the groat discovery of M. M.. Desomeaux provided a remedy. It open ed, prospect to me which 1 little conceived was possible. No pecuniary consideration can ever repav the obligations 1 am under to you, for having been the means of imparting to us the matters contained in "The Married Woman's Private Medical Companion." But lot this, ere another year would have passed over my head, in all human probability my wife would have ! een in lr-.-t grave and ruy children left mother less." Inconsequence of the universal popularity of the work, as evidenced by its extraordinary sale, various impositions have been attempted as well on booksellers as on she public, by im Ration* of title page, spurious editions, and stir deptitions infringements of copy.ight, and otlre ervices and deceptions, it has bccu tumid ncces sary therefore TO ( .lIITIO.\ THE l'l BLW: to buy no book unless the words "l)r. A. M. M At'KtcK.vt', 129 Liberty Street, N. 1., * is on (and the entry in tin- clerk's Otlioe on the hack of) the titte page; and buy only of respectable and honorable dealers, or send by mail, and ad dress to Dr. A. M. Muuriceiiu. D 3"*L r pou receipt of One Dollar. "THE M MIKIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL ooMI'ANION" 13 sent (mailed fYev) to any part of tlie United States, tho Catiadas and British Provinces. All letters must he post paid, and addressed to DR. A. M. MAUHI CKAU. box 12.14, New York City. Publishing Otlice, No. lfi'.t Liberty Street, New York. Julv Ut, 18-15—f>m. AUKSTS —Dr. E. C. Reamer, Bedford; T. B Peterson. J. M. Moss & Bro., and Thos Coper tliwait. Philadelphia; .X'pangler N Bro., Lamas tor; J. B. (Jupnisou, Erie; S. 15. LaulVer, Cretiis le.trg; J. S. Nickson and A. K McClure, Cham bers burg, IMattlrriiig Lathi*!! Till) UNDERSIGNED having erected a Mill for saw big 1. ATlison his premises in Union Tp.. Bedford county, Is now readvto famish any quantity on the shortest notice. Price $1.50 per thousand, S It. long.— Other' lengths in proportion- Letters addressed to meat Ht. Clnirsviile wil he promptly attended to. (:lilKriTlt Union Tp.. Feh. 1fi.1834. x*. TO BUILDERS- Dthc subscriber is fully prepared to furpish any L quanlitv or quality "fßuihling Lumber and Plastering Laths. Orders directed to St. Oluirs viU, Bedford County, will be promptly attended to, by giving a reasonable notice. Dec. 29, ISol. '' fits: LTI.S: FITS! nil: VEtETABLEI KXTRitT PlUl' FOR TUf. CI.'RR Oy Fits, Spasm** Cramps, and 11 forvoux and Canstilntwiial Lis eases* PERSON* who art laborlrg under this j,.. f di*treslng malady. *il' find li e Yij-cUUr Epileptic Pi*sto b* !h* fblj rtß.edy tv.r *Ji (mid fi _ „ Curing Epiisfsy or Falling Fits. T|, w wflto jr<>iwtw< a specific action en the :tr' v o u avatrm, a#d, •IrUmgh they art pupiud' |R .,..jaJl}- for the purpose ot rtrnif 1 its, tli.v •jl fay found of especial bent ill tar all pctw: .- ij. tot i wtak revves, or Vhns JKITII:, .m "has ,>ew Iff**" 14 '"'' 1 "If shattered . tit any car<. whMtwr. In .brenic wmplainD. disease* ot long etandtag awpennd.iced l y n.-r vouaness.thov l^ntfrial. Testimony in favor f the Wge-- table fcxiiaet Pills, In the publication of tin, foll.d a* the testimonial* were voluntarily ot. ~ l4 *' ' a '- d l would be improper to publish then. m. 4 !; t; "- 1 ' consent of the parties, and who wohjd >'* willing to publish to the world thai )Ih. ' tbeir children or frietuls, ever had tits. r hi"" 1 the circumstance is always regard, d as one i t the family secret*. KKADINO, Berks foUßty. Pa-( December 22d, lP'Si, | To Seth S. Ilauce : Dear Sir—The Fills irry brother bought o' you in November, 1 niean the Vegetable Epi leptic Pills, are out.and 1 get a friend to ene*#*. you tjve dollars, for which I wish you to mis- 1 me immediately two boxes more. 1 have Let troubled natty years with FITS, and have tried' the skill of many physicians, but nothing ui h i. 1 have taken appears to have met ll.e n yairt - ments of mv case, so well as your Fpißitiv Pills. ANOTHER CASE OF J ITS. CltltKSßt rr. Ya. I November loth. { To Seth S. Fiance, Baltitiionr. Md. Dear Sir—Flaring been afflicted for sitae years past with Fallisg Fit*, 1 saw your adver tisement, and determined to give your pill* a trial, and 1 ant happy to say that ince I con - meneed the use of them. I have not had an at tack. I believe them to l>e a first rate article, for, as 1 have written to yon in a foimer letter I was attacked every two weeks, hut su re 1 have been using them I have not had an attack- Yours, respectfully, LETTER FROM A DRUGGIST. New York, Oct. 10. 1 So-. Dear Sir—Please send me two boxes in.ire n" your Vegetable Epileptic Pills. The person for whom 1 procured them, us much pleased with t heir effects. They seem to liave at: excellent effect. A PERFECT CURE OF EPILEPSY. Pittsburg, November 22, 1 b.*~. Dear Sir —ll is now ten months since toy wii. had any ol those nervous attacks. She think, she is cured. She lias not hail any sympti the disease for the last nitie months. She to, k your Vegetable Extract Pills lor about hur "months, and discontinued th. IU fut tnonll s since, Mts. S. was treated by the lust wM school physician, in the State lor ten years thu;, by the Iw-st Homo pathio tor eighteen lnet.ili*.. wi.hont * cure. It is to your TegvtaWe Ex tract Pills, and with strict regard i" dirt, ti :.t we ascribe her euro 5 the nest dreadful dis ease that evel afflicted the human family. 1 wish every person alHicten with l.pilej sy Ird ibis imsFieine. and would give it a thorough trial.— If may not cure in all eases, hut iu this it las jwrfetmed wonders. A VERY REMARKABLE CURE. Milh-dgevUh-. Ga. | December IT, 1852. j Dear Sir—l wish to intorm yi ti that ore ■ r mv family lias been ailiicted with f1 I S in > numlier ol v cars, and seeing an advei IIM NO at in a news paper, concerning your Yeg, lul l, F..\- travt Epileptic Pills, 1 mime to the roiielusion. alt el try iug almost every physician it; ny 1 . and nil having failed in relievitig my child .1 the disease. to sehd for six boxes ol your pills, which proved an effectual cure loi my diiegbt. i, who is now about IK years ol age. 1 thick there is no other medicine in use equal to tlati'. and I will he forever gratetulto \ u for tl., M of them for my daughter whom it has cured. Yours, resjieettull, . Nervous ami fonslilulioual Discu ses* These pills possess a specific action ml I '' ncrvcus s\ stent, and although they are j-ripa red especially for the purpose of curing lit* they will lie found of especial benefit to all |i son'afflicted with weak nerves, or whose int vons system has been prostrated or shattered from any cause whutev en in laet it isalti iot impossible to convey an adequate idea ol tie pcedy and aimost tU*culous results whbh these pills effect in the diseased, broken down !r iirostratcd nervous systems. Persons who were all lassitude, weakness* and debility. Ic fore their use, at once become robust and lul'•'! energy. No matte? whether the constitution has been broken down by excess. wc;k by na ture, or debilitated by sickness, the r , licet on tlie unstrung and shattered nervous organi/.-- t ion is equally certain and apparel.!. J east s of neuralgia, headache, vertigo, pam " ' L nerves of the face, and the various tram el ner vous a"V>ctions, palpitation ol the lieatl. l u r "'' ical headaches, cold and shivered stat" ot me frame, frequent tits of abstraction, total msbd ty, dislike to society. moUnclioly,religious urn noiiuinia. heats and flushes of ll.e J:-ye slightest occasion, a desire thai existence slnmM terminates they will produce a cure man -rio" itthinglv short period of time, ami it will l'- reiut.vedepression, cxciteineuti. a legilpwey to blush, restlessness. sleeplessiH'ss,intMipai.aty !' - studv or business, loss of memory, cvnltismii. giddiness, blood to the head, mental debility hysteria, in leeisinn. wretchedness, tlowpms"' self destrio tion. fear of insanity. \o., fce. Thev will increase and restore the ap|a tite strength. D the emaoiatod. renew the health ol those who have destroyed it by esc. ssrs. ami induce conHiiuat cheerfulness and equanimity of spirits, and prolong life. Persons of pale complexion and eostiumptivc habit* are restored by a box or two. to bloom and vigor, changing the ski a from a }>ale.|? cllow sickly color, to a keautifulffoiidconiph xioii. these Pills arcc* r.iposed of * " rt '' the most expensive mate •tal* in the rfateria Medica, it will be impossible to leai e them around the country on agency, as common Pat ent Medicines nsnally are. But in order to let the afflicted Ftr the most remote parts o 1 I '''' country have a chance to olitafn them, tr.ey will he sent hv mail free of postage, to any patl of the Foiled States, or any country with whir the United States has postal arrangements, or the receipt of n remittance. , ... PRlCKS.—Vegetable Kxtract Epileptic 1 U>* 8 per nox. two boxes for SA. or s'-'4 perdorem H7".V1l orders must be addressed rostpan 1,1 S. S. FIANCE,, 1W ItaltSmore Street, Baltimore, Mil, ITancos's Sarrfaparilhi Blood Pit's, .. Horehotind (Jandy, | •Compound Syrup of floehoun.l- QyA*lßo for sal" bv MILLER \ CUNT.EV*. Seltellshurg. Pa- May 25, ISGi am