JBRIHJIiTF&Hi. Aor.icuLicsiß Tiit pROPta CAI.MNO. — A most sensible writer ia the Country Qont'envin^ays; All other pursuits are proper ia their ph ew bat when carried to too great at ezient, pro In :e no vert 7, distress and misery. The more agriculture is pursue!, the greater is tbe beneat to the human race. Here is a field for the philanthropist. Establish ag riculture upon a basis, the basis of in telligence—and jou will do ulueh to close what arc now flood gites of misery to sue ety. Oor city poor, cur merchant clerks our emigrant poor, ocd our country pao.\ all call tor relief, and here alone can it be obtained—in intellectual husband'}'. Ag ricultnre w tbe great moving power of humau cxistaac 2, and as (he human family increase we must but cling the closer to our mother earth, for sjpport. Thus the mandate "to cam our bread by tbe sweat of oar brow,'' becomes from our condition a matter of ne cessity; but in it we sec- the goodne?3 and wisdom of our great law giver, for "necessi ty is the mother of contrivance," we thus increase in intelligence, and intelligence promotes morality and iiappiness. In the dim but yet brightening f s ure, we heboid instead of cities overcrowded with hiuuin life cud ragged pauperism stalking abroad, the whole face of nature one great Eden, the sons of Adam all inheriting his cs'a'e. Agriculture exerts an iufluenee, to equalize tbe diJtrilction of wealth, which no law nor j tbcorv. or any other pursuit, has or ever ! ... i can accomplish. To STOP POTATOES ROTTIXQ.— An ex perienced agriculturalist informs us thai about six years ago be applied flacked lime to potatoes tbat were partly roueo, and it immediately arrested the decay. Potatoes that were partly rotten when too ]ime was applied, remained as they were, tbn n "og ress cf the rot being sroppo;!, while potatoes to wLiah tlfo lime w.13 not applied, c.-.win ufd to rot aud were lest, hince iltp h? has made it a constant pract:oe to anply aluclcd lime to Lis potatoes as Le takes them cp. He puts a tbio Lyer of lima upon the floor where the potatoes are to be laid, and sprinkles some of it oyer the potatoes— about every lea inches,, as they are put down. IIJ considers this as perfectly pro tecting them from rotting, as he has never bad a rotten potato since ho has practised it, and he believes that potatoes thus u? Ed are rendered bettor by the action of the law*. W'e advise the farmers to try this plan, as it can easily be done by them all PbASTiJI OF i\iaj3 AVD GREKT MA szt±L.— Iq ccnver&atioo not loag since with Mr. Benjamin Qundtar*. so industrious and observing farmer in Starke, Somerset oountr, be observed tbat be hud by experi ment, iscertaiuctk Low b* sould use green or iufcnaeaxey uaferwe.ite-J.taianra to the tills of com. Fbrmenj/lfaC'jßover bo pat •iofenoiotdd manure in toft bit! <, the cu.-a woulJ iioad of growings j,briftyfnj is toe ] o ,° planter over It. Twrosai: wu M *;eil# r *t crop a* a* tbo plaster wo? aa;d, while im the re onalndcr rT the £e]d the cnr; wu yellow aadsickly t! a whale season, stfcl yielded oomparativcly lit;!?. 'Tud-e are important fiats ia corn culture, -jiaur. e.diar int. '.ortvicoe a man of Lis orrcr and ha wi'j thank you. Com 109 a fool and be w;il m. ault yco. There is but one pride pardonable, that <■{ bemg above doicg a buns ami d.sbocera blc attiott- No tcoa should be too ooaSda;,? rf b: 3 own unfits. The lest errand the wisest are dciv.d. Detroit, wbss Borneo tod Juliet wrs '! the billr,** ascape-grace known as "Kouieo" wis io the pit. Whn Juliet cxaluimed: "Borneo; where art tbou?" (o quote from memory and may not h*v* lias tftxij ibe youngster row nod said: "Hero I nana tbe pit—T had only a quar ter aui and coulda't get into the hemes"' Juliet fuiuted. Tbo Journal of tho Asadcmy of Medicine at Turin, says among ether things that tall men live longer than those ofsmsll suture. Of course they do, and - longer in bed. tit VIIS avqllßEß A!VI> cnsomiE Will oe pum.shcd every Thurs day Aiofiiin;; at two doilius per abnuiii, in ad vance, or two dollars and titty cents after the year expiree. will betaken for a shorter period aihn six mouths 'and no subscriber will beat tberty to discontinue his subscription uutii all arrearages are paid. ! Rates of Advertising: i insertion. 2 Jo. 3do 1 square, (12-iioes) 60 75 SI,OO 2 squares, SI,OO 1,60 2.00 3 squares, 1.60 2.00 2.50 8 months, 6 do. 12 do" 1 square $2-60 $4.00 $7,00 2 squares 4.00 6.00 10.00 3 squares 6,00 B,OU 12,00 Half Column 8.00 12.00 16,00 Whole Column 12,00 16.00 80,00 ~7*All advertisements not marked with the number of insertions desired will be inserted until forbid, and charged accordingly. Farmer* Louk to your interest UiuoailUs ! \Hisdiuiils ! ! TiFIE subscriber wishes to call the attention of f-nners to his new and latest Inarovtc Fanning Milts, which he continues to manufac ture at his shop, a few doors east of Hi ice's Ho tel, of the best material and w in-anted. lie has also procured the right of J. B iwboroogh's cei- ■ ebrated Patent Box Screen, which he uses in all ; of his mills, which renders it far superior to any now in use, in the removal of cheat, cockle and j smut. He considers it unnecessary to say anything ! fortberin refers ace to 'lis mills, as they are now generally in use in in Ist pirts of Bedford coun ty, and a,' cm b ire a.i opportunity of examin ing for themselves. All kinds f Wiodm'.il rep tiring done on the shortest notice Aov p_-, s n who Wishas to purchase a good Panning M il. will plat.se call and examine id fere porch-sing elsewhere. SIMON" DICKERHOOF. Bedford, Au gr.st 81,18> £ - fm. Slead carters. F9K r iSiIIOX AiILE CLOTHiSG /fo. r ri: subscriber v.ouid respectfully . 'tfCij J inform the public tfcat be is now 5$ otfL-ring c r the Bedford Hallformerly ll Hotel) iu E-st. Pitt street, the largest and best assortment of roactv-made, fashionable Clothing, ever before offered for sale in this place. HIS STOCK consists of a largo aad splend.d supply of Winter Goods. He has evt'ry variety and description of COATS. PA.M 3 AND VESIS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, COLLARS AND CRAVATS, SUSPENDERS, HANDKERCIT! EPS, Ac. Ac. He has also a large stock of prime CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and VESTING 3, which he is pre pared to make up to older in the most fashions ute style, and warranted to be wEI matte, and oaro r:rs. Having purchased his stock for CASH be feels assured that he can make it to the advantage 01 these wanting aooc and CHEAP CIOTBI.NO to give hitu a call before purch-slng elsewbvre. WM. SCHAFER. Bedford, January 19, 1864. Dr. F. C. Keamer, Physician and Sttrgeon. pe?ectfully tenders his services to J£\ toe citizens of Bedford and vicinity. He may always be found (unless professienally en gaged jat his Drug and Bock Store, in Julians St Feb. Itt, ISC4. SPRING MD mm GOODS. rflE auoscriuor takes tbis method of inform ing his • rlttads that he has received his full stucjt of SPRING .IND SIMMER GOODS, watch be has selected iron the largest stocks in the eastern cities. We name in part, LOi- DlE>' DRESS GOODS, comprising rich Sum mer Silks—-beautiful colors ai.ti original styles; rich Black Silks of all width? and qualities; Beregea, Tissues, Grenadines Stray ede Luincs, Liwrta, (iingbanis, Ac. la WHITE GOODS ou: stock is unusually large and varied, em bracing Emtroidcred Swiss; plaid, striped and pui Caair.nca* Jaconet* 1 MuslM'.st Bishop Eiwat Dimitie*. etc., etc. HOUSEKEEPING GDJDS— Linen Sheetings, Cotton, do., Pillow Muslins; Table Linens, bleached an J brown; Rusaiat* Diapers, etc- Bitte, green and brown Berages and Grena dine* for Veils. GENTLEMEN'S £ND DO V'R WEMR, su;b asClwthj, Gassimeres and Vsetiags, of avery conceivable sty le and quality MOURNING GGjifS -Boitsbaaiaes, Alpacas, Lvwiis, Ginghams, etc. EMBROIDERIES—Treach worked Collars. Handkerchiefs, Sleeves, Edgings, Inserting?, etc.. etc. DOMESTIC GOODS- A large assortment— embracing everthing in the line. Gloves, Hosiery, Notions, Ac., all prioes and qualities ROOTS, SHOES, JUTS WD CJPS. Ch.n. Glas* avf QaeenawiNs, consisting of every desirable article. Looking Gi -jses". all size*, cheaper than usu al. KdRDW.IRE. GROCERIES, Drags, Me dicine*, Paints. Oils and Dye Stuffs, aal in fact everything that naghrto be*op: in a well conducted country store. Thankfully acknowledging the liberal ;*itron age heretofore extended, I snail endeavor to merit i?j continuance by keeping one of the largest, most varied and bcststocks in towa. Hi* etoje is opposite the Be ford Hotel n ar a „ FETER RADEBAUGH. Bedford, May 11. 1845. rayicr <& lUowrr, TATmiIRS, BEDrORD, PA. HA fS COMSTAIVTLY OIV UtYD at iDeirl'aaocrT on East Pitt St. ieother of allirtads and of the ker qeatity. atexoefd tocly moderate ratc. rJdey ttw twbt pnerslor coanfry bides. Feb. 16, 1964. • West Fi felrcek, Ftcna ''AI.C.STLKE ST EC UMAX, Proprle Ccr. iij wi9.v FAcraaw. THE aaviag catered into pariaer ahip ia toe aOovg busiaess, would mnonaoe to the ciUaeas of Bedford Conaty that tfcey are at* prepared, at tdoir Shop at the East E>*d of this borj-ijrb.to farnisb CARBIAGES and MCu- CirCS.of every style and price; HsOjOOACiIES, Waoo.vs, and Paaeons. Btwc/.snrru war* of every description executed to oruer, on the short est uoUce, at tbotr shop adjoining the Coach Factory. Oetertniu:d to keep aoaebutthe best of work men ia tojirv:n|Joy, io.l to soil as cheap as sr-.y other estanlahmoul In the State, tfcey hope to receive liberal enoouragement. XFOoo-try Fr i>ice of di kinds tabea la ex change for work, sod trie highest pric< aiiowe-l. Ufe in ate tbe public to give ns a cstl. WM. WEISKL. JOHN FOSTER. 0-yifcrd, Feb. 1864. LUMBER LUMBERTi I fAA AAASHfN<;i.ESr different kio.te ! i'/'-I/yV'vllJ Also, 7VO&0 fret of LUM H'lß of diterant kinds, sor.h an tVhiin Ptne, Vv(k>w i'.ne, k'ojlkr, Spruce, fee , Ac. For safe F. I'. BBKftLK. S'. Clairsl!l(r Ftb. 11, t"53 Hi I DSUGS, BOCKS, STATIONS*.Y | DR. F. C. REAMER, Having rarcltasfd the Dms And Book Store ol Dr- S. D..fccitt, Lis -.1- staatly on hand, at the old stan., a large itt jvellselected stock ol Choice I rtgs :■ i.ti IV.to icines, wholesale and retail, all 01 vl.icL wib I sold at lair terms. The assortment consist? ii part of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, DTK WOODS AND ACIDS, FAINTS ANI OILS, WINDOW GLASS AND GLASS WARE, TOBACCO AND SLGARS, PSRFCJIERY, FANCY ARTICLP T, Ac., &. PATENT MEDICINES. li.tvirig the regular agency !• 1 ii ; sale < • .'1 of these medicines the j übiic ate est .t> p by their phy sician. he anothet moment without consulting the rESCULAPIUS. Have the married, o tho3e about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful book, as it has been the tnaans of saving thousands of unfntunate creatures frm the very jiwaof (team. person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this work by mail, or five copies will be sent for One Dollar. Address, (post paid) DR. )VM. YOUNG, No. 152 Spruce Sireef, Philadelphia Jnly 13, 1&&5—ly. JIST IN SIiIMN! 2KT3i3*W* GOODS, At the " CHEAP CORNER*" ¥ii would respectfully scr.octer to the c.i xens of Bedford and vicinity, that wehaVe jsst returned fr.m the e&sttrn citit s, a.ic „r" now receiving and opcnirg a large and hand some assortment of Spring and Summer Coeds consisting in part of Clcths, Cassimeres. btv ll atxi fancy Sattinetßj k large variety of Mac* aud Mar*allies Vesilngs, Kentucky Jeans. Cot" jiirijj Linoa Drills for pants, Linen for coalj Twoeds, brown and brick Muslins, from 6- conts per yard r.pwsrdsi Cotton B izgi.ag, Asaa burgs. cotton Table Diapers for 12J per yard; ad all articles for use or ornament. Ladies' Dress and Fancy Goods, of all descriptiors, Silks, Bcercge do Lvoes LtvaJiies, Mous. de Ljines, Alpicas, from id cents ap to SI per yard; Domestic Oiogbmas Borage (vinghams, Laces and iaJgisgs, Kiobou* Kid and all kind of ladies and gent's Gloves lioe.n and siik lidkfs, fiosiery fur men, wo moos oiiaeos and children) men and wome.is shoes, boots and gaiters; misses sboesi a large assort ment of Uats and Bonnets, of the very latest styjes. A-good suppiy of GIiOGESIE3, Co3fee for 12| cents per pound, Irtwr. Suga r ••t all prices; crushed, pulverised Sugar, Baker's broma Chocolate, Cocoa Lard Oil, Sperm Oil, Whale Oil, Oil, Can dies, Teas of at) kincts; best Golden Syrupand New Orleans Molasses) fresh Uertiig and HackeraJ. Quecaswaro aud Hartwarc, °f all kinds, Glassware and Cedarwar* Our stock has been selected with theg-eutest r are,ia regard to quality and prices, and we Hatter ourselves we cau offer ind.icrm'l is to purchasers. CiT) and see and don't -aaeor.r word fori;—drop in and judge for - ourselves All kiads of country produce taken in tx hang j lor goods, at the highest market prices SANSOM ft GEPUART. Bedford, April 27, 1365. Cull at Hlytulre'g, TU E subscriber has jnri received from the Eastern cities the best assortment of Brass Cojqier,and Tin Wareever offered in this place, mwhioh be invites the attention of the public flabos a great many improved cooking atensiis, that cannot fail to piease every housekeeper who uses theui. Tho Ladies especially are invited to Call and examine the articles. Among ihom are Baasd aod Bell Mbtal Kettles of all sixes, Water Cooiers, Ohafing Dishae, Saucepans, M.lk Boilers, Ntosb Lami-s, an excellent article for the sick room. Cake Moulds, Spice Boxes. Tex Cannieters, Brass and iron Ladies, Patent Lncipe, Candlesticks. GUss Lampe, Hxtch Box es, Spittoons, Ac., Ac ifcngiisb and French Tin, Iron and Rc&s* Wore in groat variety. Japanned fin Toys, and • great variety of Fancy articles. Chain and Force Pomp*, and lu xhort every article in roy line. Don't forget to call at the Tin Ware Depot ki Pitt st. GEORGE BLYMIRB. JOHN R. EOIK. i tlemey at Law, Somerset Pa. (I/IIX HEREAFTER prxetico in the ww sovarxl Courts of Bedford rnni.ly, ITe ■nay bo consulted during tho sessions of th Conrt at.Davis' Hotel. Fob. ft, 1864. BEDFORD INQUIRER AND CHRONICLE. ! ri I£E Skew los-k Tribune, lboo-t; _L T.IK TRIBUNE IT now in flic middle <■! its i fi:teentlj)Hi> Vol. X.V. ol its weekly issue com s Oitnct-doii tie Ist f Si-pti tuber Lst. The Autt i lit-au public Tie< dli't tu.w be tnadft acquaint j ed yiitli its character or claims to considera ; tics. With hut a subordinate regard for pru ; deuce. policy or popularity, it has aimed to 1 stand for Rigliletuisness, lor Truth, for fin I naitihy. against fortified Iniquity, Fraud and jOt pn ssiou. There is not a slave-trader on this ( . : timid. though lie to• v never road anything ' bVt his OBw of a lie mid note* payable, who jd< es nit know arid hate fur TBIHCNE; there is ! tU an extensive lubricator ot drugged and pol j sonous Liquors who does not consider it a very j dangeroi s and imn.oral paper, mid wonder why ; iis j üblicatiei! is tolerated in a cotuniei ci.il, cot j ton-hut ing City like New -York. The Xtirark i ileum once forcibly remarknt tii.it it had ne ver known a hard, griping, screwing, avari cieus employer wiio was not hostile to Tun I'sitiM. nor ouaeniinently generous andkiod )y who did not like it. Froiup and plaln-spo ktu ii its denunciations ol iniquity and abu se ol pvwer. wliile claimiug 110 exception from 1 cihaii ialibility, it niny have done ti wporaty 1 ifji. ttce to individuals, but it !,;.s never been 1 Ut foithful to Principle, nor deaf to ti:e ciiesol j ti.e WieigtoituU sutferipg. In if* columns foe j advocates of hovel and unpopular theories j coiitctoiplatii c the melioration of human woes, I' especially those of the voiceless and down trodden haye ev r found audience and hospi , lul.lv: while it has ardently resisted, and will j pusifenth com hat every attempt to prosciibe • ~tvd degrade any diss Itioause of diversities jot Nativity. Creed or Gofer. . In defiance of calumnies the most atrocious, | and of hostilities themost dea ify and untiring, INT. TMWNS lias grown steadily in public ap preciation front the day of its origin, lt lneai jr of serving the public have been augs n.ented in proportion. Instead of a single editor with one or two assistants, its organiz. 1- tiort iiuw comprises a numerous body of wri ters, e.th fii tied by special aeooiuplUhmoHt anu ex}ieri-:t.ce for the particular hue of d.s cnssioi, to which his pell is devoted; the daily anion;.t of reading mat:or given more than quadruples that (A itsearliett issues; astalfof vaiucd correspondents encircles the glohe, traesiititiitig early and intelligent narrations of whatever is most worthy of attention; while I'o.itics, Legislation. Literature, Art, History —itt short whatever affects tie- social w :11-be iug of mankind, 1 oleinic Theology alone ex c ptud—fi:.di hero ihe freest i.nd tuosi search ing discussion. Attached by profound conviction to the be nefice* t policy of Industrial development and i teruai interci n n.uiucation. whose most con sptcuous champion t uough the l ist Halt Ce;.- tury was iit.NKV CLAY- imbued, ntoieover, witu that spirit tt forbeaianco toward our weaker neighbors, and toward the much wrong ed Aborigines of this Continent, and of Peace with All which will hallow the name of Whig, I'-'E i'mecKE, while surrendering no jot 01 its independence, cooperated earnestly and ar dently with tie Whig party i-o long is t's vi tality was preserved. \V hen, iu 1850-2, an attempt wa? made to interpolate slave-hunting into iTscrccd, We sternly resisted that impo sition; when, at the close of the last i'residen tial canvass, it was seen that a large porttoii ol the W nigs preferred to defeat their own party rather man allow its Auu-Slavery wing to shd'c its triumph, even under a conservative Chief on a Pro Slavery platform, we knew and proclaimed that the Whig party wis no more, but sequent evtr.ts. including the rise and cul mination of the Know Noth.ng conspiracy, and the speedy absorption therein of the whole force of f'ro-Slnr,ry Whigistu, only confirm ed our undoubtug anticipations. With no sickly Uinentatiutid. therefore, lor the inevita bly bygone, but with hope, and joy, and sym pathy, .aid words of cheer, have we hailed the beginning and watched the progress ot that mighty REPUBLICAN movement which, impell ed oy the peifidkus violation of the Missouri Gun.pad. i,nd ailnulas d y ISt astounding Whereof the rights" of the Free Net tiers of Kansas ha7e been the victims—by the repeated and utter vitiation of their elections by an armed mob collected by cons ir.icy and hurled gudded'y upon th, in from the border counties of the reighboting SUve State, is dest'beu to swetpaway the landmarks of old party tVuds, ami unite ti.e true hearts and strung arms of the ffte-souhsl in one mighty effort to confine the scourge and scandal ol oar country within the limits of the States which unwisely uphoM it. To the success ol litis effort the energies of Tan TRIBCHB will he sternly devoted; wint-j tne R.CHPKRANOK IVB ro* a, including the entire euppressiou of trie ["rathe i.t Intoxicating Beverages, will find in .t, AS hitherto, n earnest aad unlliuching champion. Commencing as a daily folio sheet of mode rate auj and u.ti -v.ircely a shadow of gat rouago. Tun Tkiol-mr is now issued in quarto form D ai.y \three distinct editions.) ilemi f Vtikij aad Wetklti, on a sheet 41 by jjl iach es, eight ample pages of six column* each Its circulation has steadily grown from nothing to the following aggreg itos: Daily issues (evening and morning) 29,.100 copioa Semi-Weekly, 11176 • Weekly, 137,760. " California edition, ft (X>o << Total, 187,426 We believe no fther newspaper i n the world has a subscription list over balf so large as this; an 1 no periodical of any sort can rival it. And while its extrri is cheapness, rendering an incraasc of paying readers only as indirect pe cuniary advantage to us, has doubtless largely -.welled its subscri)ti-.n list, it would he absur dity not to |3ca on Jlianna Street, threw door# imithoYMongol Htioo and opposite tha roL donee of iaj. Tat. MANM ft 3I'AN(;. JnnoW—lß64 . ; fIIUC subcribe#'i-old respectfully annonnc A to the patilichst ho baa removed his Tin niog Eitablishmocio tbo building recently oc cupied by Mr. Later, a* a Confectionary Store in the Diamond, rut-rc ho is hotter pet-pared than over to accWdate his custritcrr with every article in tbline of bis business, either wholesale orretaj and hopes tbey will give him a call at his tfn location. 1 GEOKGE BLYMIEE. Bedford, April}, 18&6. P. H. The subiiber is desirous of having nil books closed tlitiil Ist April, Inst., aitif. r cy cash or note, So boprs this notic - wtli ho att jsided to iuiujeitoljr. G- B. 1 • . .. naaotfAh. 61 BAILING, BUT TRU M . Waraiiigu Ererj Sensible Woman, j Wlij I'eoaalc-s Suffer in IKeattb. ! No woman of delicacy i willing to disclose j th-: pcc iliar ailments incident to her sex, even to a most intimate fatally physician. This modesty an 1 delicacy is implanted by nature, ,ujd neither should no need be subjett ed t the rude shocks inevitable in making j known to thenther sex those ailments belonging 1 excftthividy to the leraale. Except in extreme cases, hir sensitivenes ' will gicrtfice he.r health rather than her delicacy j The consequences are serious, Umentablh j and lif'-long. Tiius what at first could have been easily rem edied, or peril ijts better still, not incurred, be comes .1 complication ol diseases, not only ru ining the h alth of the mother, and enibittvriii her d tys by sickness and stifle ring, but entailing broken constitutions upon her children, arig ••nibarrissicg, it not distressing, the business and it (tat iry prospects of the liusbat.d. Let eve rv sensttilt" worn in T.IKE W.lfii\l.\K 1.1 TIME (as thousands Imtte done) by tin* bitter experi ence and sufferings of others, of the dtc.d'ul consequences she entails Upon herself and those endeared to lier, by her ignur. nee cf the sim plest and plainest rules ot health us connected with the marriage state; the viob-tion of which entails disease, suffering and misery. How many are suffering front obstructions or irregularities peculiar to the female system, which undermine the health, the effects of whicn hey are ignoiant, and for which their del icacy forbids seeking medical advice! How many snffer front prolapsui vtori (falling of the womb,) or from fiwr albus (weakness, debility, Kc.)f Tfow many are in constant agony for at my months ptecedtegconfinement! How ma ny have difficult, if riot dangerous deliveries, an.l slow and uncertain recoveries! To the question, how are these to l>e preven t"d t what shall be done? the answer is simple. Let every woman ascertain for herself, without violence to her delicacy, the nature anil charac ter of the ailment (to which she as a female is subject) the causes from which it may arise, and the proper retnidie for its cure and future pre vention. This she can do by posscssit g a little volume (already possessed by thousand*) which tells her wli.it is the mitter, and tells her wl.at to do for t. in simple but chaste words, and such ts she can understand. This little volume is entitled 77//; MJ Ii RI ED iVOMJX-S PRIVATE MES)im (OMPAMCN. BY DK. A. M. MAUEICEAU, naocEssoti or DISEASIS or neurit. Out Flundredik Edition (6CO,t(C) lfmo.. pp. 2op [OS FIVE CAPER, EXTRA BtKMXG, tl.] A stimiirJ Work of established reputation found cl iSid in the Catalogues of tie gieut rride Sales in New York, Philadelphia, and other cities, and sold by the principal 1 coksel .ers iu tne U.iiCed States. It was fiist published .1 18)7. since which time riv'B ihUihlßD THOUSAND CO PI F 8 have b.-e'i - •! t. of which there wne upwards of OXK iiUM'iiED THOUSAND FFM BY MAIL, attesting the high estimation in Which it held as 1 reliable popular medical BOOK FOR EVERY FEMALE the author hiving devote ! Lis exclusive atten tion to the treatment of complaints peculiar to ' females, in respect to which be i* year.y con sulted by thousands, both in peisi n *jiU by letter. Here every woman can diarovw. ly compa ring symptoms with those described, the nature, character, causes of, ar.J the proper remedies for. her complaints. The wife about becoming a mother has often need of instruction and advice 1 f the utmost import luce to ber future health, will 2nd such inatrnctinr. and advicrt. and also explain ra ir.y symptoms which otherwise would occ-.aii ri auji ety or alarm, as ill the peculi iritiea incid ;ul t>- her situation are described. It is of c otrse impracticable to convey fu'lv the various subjects treated of, r.a they are of '.l nature strictly intended tcr the married rr those contemplating marriage. The reveUtiusa con tained in Its piges hava proved a blessing to thousands, as the innumerable letters received by tho author (Which he ;s permitted by the wri ters to publish) wiii attest. EJC T act of a LtiUt a gtniiemaii in (Jiuo : Das zoic, May 1. IS 47. Or. .2. M. liittricta*: "•My wife h.ia been perceptibly sinking for some three years or more, tu cons •queii'-e u) liev great anguish and sciierirg some montLj I •- fore and during confinement; every successive one taoro and more debilitated and prostrated her, putting her life ia iirmicent danger, and wiiicti was on the last occasion despaired of. I supposed that this state of things v,as inevitable, ind assigned myself to meet the worst. At this time (naw about two months) I heard y wur hook highly spoken of, as cor.tainitg some matter re iching my case. On its receipt and perusal. I cannot express to you the relii-i itufTorded my distressed mind, and the joy its pages imparted to my wife, on learning :h> great discovery of M. M. Dosomeaux provided a remedy. I* open ed prospect to me which i little conceived tv is possible. No pecuniary consideration can ever repay the obligations I atn under to yon. for having been the meant of imparting t us the matters contained in '-The Married Woman's Private Medical Companion." Bat for this, ere another year would have passed onrntv head, in all human probability my wife w-uild have ! een in hci grave and my children left mother, less." j In consequence of the universal popularity o the work, as evidenced by it* extraordinary sale, various impositions hove been attempted as well on booksellers as on the public, ty im nations of title- page, spurious editions, and snr dcpiitioe.s infringements of copyright, and oiho erviees and deceptions, it has been found neces sary the'eforo , TO CAUTION THE PUBLIC to buy no boo* unless the words "Dr. A. M- Maoricbau, 129 Liberty Street. N. Y.," is 0:1 (and the entry in the Clerk's CAlce on the back of) the title pvco; aii bny only of respectable and honorable dealers, or send by mail, and ad. dregs to Dr. A. M. Manriceau. receipt of One Dollar. "THE MA R RIE 0W 0 M AN' S PRIV AT K M EI) IC AI > COMI'AMIOV" is sent (mailed free) to any part ot tne United States, the Canada# and British Provinces. All letters mnst be post paid. and addressed to DR. A. M. MA UKI CKAU, box 1224, New York City. Publishing Otfice. Mo. 129 Liberty Street, New York. July 13, 18.">6--6m. Aosnrs— Dr. F. O. Reamer, Be-iford; T. B Peterson, J. M. Moss A Bro., and Thoa Coper thwait, Phila I ilphiu; rfp.angler A Bro., Lanes* tor; J. B. Gunnison, Erie; 8. B. LaufTer, Gre< ns tmrg; J. 8. Nie.kson and A. R McClure, Cham bersburg. rlavlering Luthsil THE CXi;SWiYED having erected a Mill for sawing Pt\srnir> Laths on his premises in Union Tp.. Bedford ecrnty, is now ro>tdy to fnrnish any quantity nn the" shortest ns'.iftc. Price $1.60 per thousand. 3 Rf. Jon* Other lengths in proportion. jLetters addressed to me .at St. t'inirsvllle wll* he promptly attended to. rr • m v VVM " ORIFFJTU union Tp.. Feb. 16.1864. ss. TO BUILDERS^ fk ilio subscriber is fully prepared to furnish an) A f|u tntity or quality oi Budding Lumber ■ ami PlMfrrmg Laths. Ordera -lirocted to St. Claiw *ll , Us 11 or 1 fa-xmty. will hi promptly attended to, by giving a ru-asoualila notice. D-. 29, uu * J> * FITS! FITS! FITS! THE TCCET.4IiL£ EXTRACT PILLS FOR TUE CVRE cr Fits, Spasms, Cramps, end ; I | fttrrotts and €BStHutional dis eases. I>ERSONS who are laboring tinder this trus 1 distressing malady, will tind tie Vegetable j Epileptic Pills to be the only remedy ever dte- , covered tor Curing Epilepsy or Falling Fits. These pills possess a specific action on the ner vow system, and, although tbey HTC pr epared especially for the purpose of eurmc F'.ts. the; will be found of especial benefit for all persons ■dieted witl; weak aerv?. or whose nervous system has.been prostrated or. aicM.-red ft* m any cause whatever. In chronic c-iuiplaiuts. cr diseases of long standing, superinduced by ner vousness, tbey are exceedingly beneficial. Testimony in favor cf llir Vege table Kxtrart Epileptic Pills. In the publication cf the following cert if mid of enres, the names have been f oppressed as the testimonials wt re voluntarily offered, end ~t i would be improper to ppblieh them without ti o j consent of the parties, and who would 1 e r.u --| willing to publish to the woild Hint tbey or their children or friends, ever had fits. wbSf the circumstance is always regarded as one cf j the family secrets. r.rADiiro. Berks County. Ta. 1 December S2d, Jfcoii J To Seth S. Dance : Dear Sir—Th° Fills my "trothrr 1 ought of ; you in November. J mean the Vegetable Kpi ! ieptic Fills, are outjind 1 get a friend to ettch s< ! you five dollars, for which F wish yon to i*td jme immediately two boxes more. I have leer I troubled mar.v years with t ITS. and have trlexl | the skill of m mv physicians, bnt nothing v.hicl ' I hare token appears to hive tnei the require ments of mv case, so well as vour Epileptic Fill*. ' % ANOTHER CASE OF FITS. OLAH Ksr.rr.c, Va. ) November loth. lijt2. \ To Seth S. Fiance. Baltimore. lid. Dear Sir—Having been stUnted for scrr.c yenrs pa*t witii Falliyg Fits, I *r your fidver tisetnevt. and determined to give your pills s trial, and I arm happy to sat that since I com menced the use of tbem. I have not had an at tack. I believe them to its a flrat rate article, for. as 1 have written to ru in a former letter I was attacked every two weeks, bnt since 1 hate ten using them I have net had an attack. Yours, respectfully, LETTER FROM A DRUGGIST. New Tc rk. Oct. 10, 1862. Dear Sir—Please send me two boxes tn rc O' your Vegetable Epileptic Pills. The person for whom 1 procured them, is much pleased with their effect*. They seem to have an ercellent etfect. A PERFECT CUKE OF EFILErSY. Pittsburg, November 22, 1812. Dear Sir—lt is now t-n months since nay wife bad any of those nervous a;tnci A VERT RE MARE A RLE CURE. MilledgeTiile. G&. I Decetnber 1, j Dear Sir—l visit to inform yen that one if uiv family has been ctlhcted with FirS lor a number of years, and seeing art advert sen,cut n a new* paper, ooncertib g your Vegetable Ex tract Epileptic Pills I c.n e to tiie conclusion, after trying almost every physician in my reach, and all having failed in jaDwing n.v "cbi'd of the disease to send for six boxes oi your pills, which proved in effectual cure for my daughter, who is now about 18 yeaTS ot age. 1 think there is no other medicine in use equal to Ihetn, ami I will be forever grateful to you for the use of them for ruy daughter whom it has cured. lours, respectfully. Nerroag aud Disea ses, Tht-ao pills possess a specific rctior or, if* nerveus system, and although they are jrt pa led especially for the purpos-j of curing Tits they w..i be tour.d of especial benefit to ail per ron afflicted With wjilt nerves, or whose nct voas system has been prostrated or shattered from any cause whatever? in fact it is almost i possible to convey an adequate idea of the (wixiy nd almost mtracolcns results v. tich these pills cfiect in the diseased, broken down tr ares'.;- tied nervous systems. Persons who were all Ussite.de. wesknerss and debility, be fore their use. at once become robust and lull of energy. No matter whether the constitution has been broken down by excess, w..*k by na turo, or debilitated by sickness, th • r effect en the nnstrnng and shattered nervous orgnnifia tion is equally certain and apparent. Incases of neuralgia, beadacb". vertigo, pain in the nerves of the face, and the various train of ner vous affections, palpitation of the heart, period ical headaches, coid and shiveTed state of the frame, frequent fits f abstraction, total inabili ty, dislike to society. melanchoi- , religious mo i.onania. heats and flushes oft.'.- face or. the slightest occasion, adesirc that existence should terminate; they will produce a enre in an aston ishingly short period of time, and it will also remove depression, excitement, a tendency to biush, restlessness, sleeplessness.incapacity for study or business. loj of memory. confusion, giddiness, blood to the head, mental debility, hysteria. Indecision, wretchedness, thoughts "of self desfr't- tion. fear of insanity. Ae. They will increase and restore the appetite strengthen the emaciated, renew the health of those wb? have destroyed it by esc SK-S. and induce continual cheerfulness and equanimity of spirits and prolong life. Persons of pile completion arwl couiumptive habits are restored by a bo* or two. to blecro and vigor, changing the ekin from a ptle.lye.kiw sickly color, to a beautiful fletldeoaipU tion. CiT* A* these Till# areci n;posed of i ins tf the most expensive tnatedals in the Materia Medlca. it will be impossille to lease tb*a around the country on agency, as common Pat ent Medicines usually are. But in order to Jet the afflicted in the most remote parts of the tenwtvy have a chance to obtain them, they will he sent by mail free of postage.to any part pf theKnited States, or any country with which the United States has postal arrangements, or the receipt of a tetniatoee. PRlCEß.—Vegetable Extract KpiteptlePllis |3 per box, two boxes for SA. rr *24 ps-r dngen. ; OfT*AH orders must he addressed postpaid to U.S. UfXyCE, 108 Biltimere Str-K-t, Baltimore, i,d. Ilanccs's SirsaparKli Blood Til's, • tforohoniid Candy. " Compound Syrup of IWohcund. BVAtso for sale by MILLET. K OOXLEV, Schellslmrg. Ta- May 25, 1&65-. i r ihe Henri'* l-10nr,., The l.taian leart is like a girder. i_*!. Ed rith tberrs. Y>n mm j.n, difficult enclosures tefcro veu eon p' v K Worsens. A tene will take n,r,t secure j* violet that flourishes load . ous place—for tre are naturally fotvl'j Imzsrd, and p.ri?e a treasure by ii", Co „, the fair growth? of iU bear; . ; !fr after much seeking become r; <2C \ valfte. TLeynre worth Mrhlr.g - , where are the flowers with tims ?c . .. itc,with odors so trass-porting, as thfse V I shoot firti: the rich ©tsil of :t c i cm. | It is proper that each ore -heal] c , | vate Lis earn domains. U who - fx c lo cs> £cr fcr car.'vlreg, There may Ic hearts in sLieh p - - sccn.s cerics. There are. Vi'e r- 3 u them 1 eft re us. There is 35 j eTt revive their Lligntcd LlosaciEa —r.- f- • - cut. warm *o life their dead fruitage. J yet the attempt is not wholly escks*. f - there may be one blosscra acd me*'- that lave survived the r.c rr- ci'-—- tion. They bare a fable in flc os-', that - maiden's tear falling on the lip c f' s Zi soldier, recalled !mo to Ji.'e araio. ■ thus may it be with the heart whe re reac tion is Wittered and dried cr, for tea " s r , :e mighty ted we may not rock on their iaf . crcc. Khali we not tier, busbar.; cur . | whilewcgive good Itsd to nor cwn kars ! extendcur eympnthv and ai lto o-i.er* "• is a glorious ard satkf'irg Jrfccr, tc wcti omung the blossoms of the !:er.r',a kr*' vhtcb !. ill make sleep sweet, Hf-- be?.u:i-ai and the future mellow as a May Dernier.— Et'fTuh Uxprrss. LaHEE.— The paragraph below ui-r-j, J jd article, whose running title is Pim -j --j nctuy, in the London Quartfr'v Eerie-, rho new bom babe meets our curies* gaze, an ugly enough specimen cf rfi3.iE muiia —the cghest, perhaps, wl.i:h tie earth produces, wirb a tiar. re t. r- - comfyitable fate, tj-on which to 1 vacantly as on the map ( .f a veunura which ilc nan,! s of | luce* r.rc ctLittc . For aw hue, u lies there, a site rh g, v,L. ting, grwdy little animal, ti i ... C3S something iascea to Siakc.- otct the:. Sicheritg thrcngb the bc:s.is>i sit f, = ewuetliag which alone is .ii .•.> eunt to u:stincui*h nan f;vm tpe L. '.os i which Eve earricd nwsy, even threcgl: 'c I tears frcm the garden of arid ihc . a uai legitimney of the infint's birth is : ouce declared. A: this age ail but that i uncer iiiu; th-3 mother s?es beiatv, and f-: f.iuc.ly tr.ire likenesses; but form, color, r.i txprcasion are sospeocled: and oven ou:.r."> f\ goes for nothing. A few tuoctL# iitrr and the scet, i changed; tender c It is said tiiat a writing-mats- of | New Fork 1 as recently written, on ou- shvt • cf paper, the whole of the old Testament (excepting the Chronicles, which arc but re petitions of Kamuel and Kings) into one fancy-piece, which is framed as a picture, covered with a largo piatw-giuss. It is np_ parfntly a fine drawing of iho frost of temple, but the line*, ir.sto-ed of being sit gle marks, are lines cf writing so fino as t need so eye-glass to read tbeui, yet form ci with sho-ir.tet exquisite skiik Tbo-jisoe eontaic?27.lo4 lines, and look# liko a:i W giaving. It eosttiw wrtcr the lubsr . : thirty-oM mectbs, A young lady wwlkingout oaeflae ajesa iog root iho owlebrafwd Job a Wllkc#. She rrrnarkvd to kiir, ,l You see, eir, Ibs'recy**'" < utft>ra Iti■ io rue i i air." •■T , oorLt Itetter, madntr, gel a bwbnod first, r was his reply, Cousciiuee ii a great ie.igrr-fcnok, in which ali o'er set! y.is are written and rcyt istered, If a gordact nt ny rtse, itbcn i;C's the doer,