Bedford inquirer and chronicle. (Bedford, Pa.) 1854-1857, December 28, 1855, Image 1

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    _ -' : - v ,-V'T l>sr, U'iivgl r ;. , . : itf ■>\ ■ ' , ; ' * vC^ ; ' .
X> jS3 DvT =3? .X Si "37 ,
Pa. j
*' it 3 on Pit: Street, near?? eprroslt i
r ' 3 V,:?y.'A- ! H vtsfl." It'ccUi Jiiiigjq-u. rctf . I
teste 1, 0J4.; and artin&tl tWfti inserted. i'roi; i
OUJ touts astir • aft. t-lfti'rgrs modetrate, and a!: ]
3 lirai, ?-J3IARSW CASH. '
•■' ■• 11'. I K'. t,
A siirt'ie oi Nbieiut.
Of. C. JiJifiaj sf jieeluaicsburg, UuiiiberUrf
YJ- '.ui-'iajcs tj tuuse Jtinea-u wiiit lu
1." J. i, 5 fa, C-iacars, Fuivpus, Lupus aioiuso.
M. irti. GrriWaiu or King's Evil Jt!i all' disease,
lull nee ai ui; iils- Treated with Caustic 01
f.a remove vlii'iu dy m enure?? new \
M : :;>ut calttuj;, faaraiag. or p.:i ß . T* EJ !
♦ft a* tfiizrmot KbSGria ailtaiai stored, to th. I
put sat; • " ■ ' - --. - j
Uis matter on WhJtfc part .of Use body the* j
m•• >e, he c 1 a remove them with perfect safety j
•; i:i a r:*i irkabie short time. So Mineral ur
o'fbii'ii, it applied, and ab fabney re
"v*> ra i until 1 care is perfected.
i'foiipiiH C tar:. Pern tie complaints, Chronic
Vim. 1". '. if -ill other diseases treated with jiosi
Fail pirtiealars can be obtained 1-j ;
ai Ir .*<?itt"in either English or German post paid j
patisnts cm bo accommodated with boaru ot-]
re it >■> ibis terms.
M.ft arilcstmrg is one of the prettiest ar.
'Hil'.dtest tow us is this or sny other State. Ft |
■a n tus i." *.ii II ncrisjwg on theC. V. li. K. and j
is: :?li'iii from ai! JJ .rto of the Union.
Tiie Of. sr.Si visit cases in 3:i f pari of t.hi j
Siite eban besirei.
KLP.I ravlor if yon know any aflEcted fell'V. (
tr* attire. is! Tv not to tell them of this treatment.
Feb. 15. 1835.-1;
ron THE inorrros or
Bi)irds of Siuciticn zvA
Oolo!* School?.
rrVIE fjliawnhr eTci'treiTf School Bootshav ,
JL been Adopted, by more than ost tsomss |
iiiirds of Kdufeatiuti, in tiie last trip; h tee; ;
•JJ ottns— First, because o?" tiieir ujisuipahsi-d 1
a •rit; i.*ro id. because tber are. slso, themom j
economical to the learner.
McGaffey's Eefectic Pictori*'. Primer,
.'L-'J ilsh Eelectic Speliii g-Keek, :
Ma'} tftsY*! Batectic Plfitt Kbnder,
M ii<fey"B tiei-.'Ct ic Second it "der,
e J . Ee'tfoiic inni j
jCeir : f'"*s Eeiectio Fourth Leader,
MGife" y'a Eeiectta Fifth Eejde.', or Ehetorij |.
.. * ■ Guide. j
Z. he lieu ••- T aung L idies' Re-.der.
- '
K iy'a Arthmetic, Par' Tnjid. ~
Krv it Bvv's AritUmetie.
K-.y's Algebra, Part First,
Kay's Aigdtr.i, Part Second,
to H v'i AtgeiiPa. Parts Flrft and Secntsd '
P nneo'j Print vy •■rr.tmnur. Kevised nd Fu
ivrrrd. atTd pnntaa frotn new type. This en-'
1 irg * 1 • irtiou. embrscas STSTAX. which is treat- .
ei in t elf ir, p-acticii and pleating laannes. tin VoUraj is a fi-U and reuj it. 1 Clusa
b ) ; iir Cewaan Schools. Oo t-tilling *ll thai
is iught on the su'dact in Public Schools.
?'nn-o's Antlytrcai Grammar. E---rlsr-d. with !
ef t'|i type—l •sigti-d for aevanct'i! jmpils
w in- wish t • study the sttlj ?ct on a more extend j
e l oviii. -anj with mir* mintflcnes* in detail,
Amtys'-s. PijtnotjS K r.giish Teacher, In |
whi-atr is t'ljrbt rice ttrtrctar? of sccterces by
Aysi.rsts *od SiXTitEsn. A popular work on i
rue analysis of E ivMsh senrenc-s.
I: balieved that sio b"oks ever presented t<|
the p i-dichavr m.-t with soeh utiiversal appro- i
htunn as tbjse ejibr.iciid in the ECMCTJC £W -
cari'JXAt. Jj® :f.i N t have-T'cartv'aJ! 1} e :
!e: ii-:? ur.ctic ti teachers in the State, by their
luiisrs m taifeste i f'.ei- high *T>prrd*ti<>o < f;
•Gtir mi : . a-; I the agf fiction Urv f<l in j
r -g l-o'ii lut many others, whose sphere <1 !
i :13 In liit* bigh'T Departments -of Ifd
•icitiai. bat v.tio also oarnestiy labor ior li e !
p- ir ii.iiiJ. ogtliare. of the CU>TOon Sv-hoo-ia
bar; inita ! iT tiii* genero! voice of epprovsl.
PnaPihed by '.V. B. SIHTH A Co.,Cinc'ftta'i.
A-SOURI <JI BENFOSI. C>rKrv --i>r. F:. F.
TlVi-r'3 Drug and Book Sjore. H-titord; I r. F".
C. KsAXß't's Drag cn:i Book Store, Bedford! j
whs'V tfiioss bifj inivra iia 1 whoivsals and |
ret'-A. or. tire ifl 'St fav -ra'de terms.
S ;booi K iai" ii wti. b stippiied with cr.pies '
or ex mi nation, snd sci.or.Jt foppiied tor a, ibtro<la<!ti'>n. at reduced rut .s.
Sept. 28, YSS- —c
iwifliliL ;
TT™ fu'-'Jcfii*r L#s started a new Stage .
I-inc freti :iosr,mrox to UEJurokß, which.will ■
ran etch way twic - every week.
T* • C.a-JC'i wiil Jeivc SUVjcretoW* <n SION-
J)AY s.n i FKLDA Y of each week, wmcdiliteV
itfecr the warning t-sin arrfve fr< ui Iluytinc
d>n. an! r:tur!jing, avill leave Bedford on]
w'CDN LSD V.Y ami SATU KB AT, and urrivu
in Ston rritowa is tunc tn m-el the evening txstn ,
for Huntinglh, hving much the near rt *sd
cb-ip-'t r itif to
Pcaj only $1.75 to Slontrsiowh.
N.w. 2H, &i.
Opened 0u( in a i\ew PLice!
r*v{E sa'-...cribcr buJ. jwt opened out Nu""
JL *r.d Cheap
Dry Goods 2nd Fancy Stare,
ia the WWi rod oT Gic building fort rl\ intho
'Axmpaocy of D r - John H. Ht-fies, lcc'd,ari*i
boa iccepied by Dr. B. F. Ilari-y,
lie sails silk jircXetbsadk*rchiefs
wants up ta SI; undersliKTes from M cents ti|
Si.siH silk its t'rooj 6 to 7f cts; -coitus luisd
liub ti |) !i #7i ccalst good bl''c eslteo fb<
'4 crnt* pur yof "it Co liars frot; 8 up tii
j.i; Hssn pocket haraikerchief frctr.B centt <f
$.50, Vianet ribbons from 6$ to contsf
rfietawetVes from 3! cents to 51.25; bonnets
'r-Mh 25 cts up: blooracrs from f>2 j cents tip;?
and Ladiei and Genllciaet*' Wear
of every 'i^scrtptton, tisusHy fftmd Dry
Goods and Fancy Stores; slsotsbk- line** ar
•Ut prions, boats aad shoes; ksrpeti: s goneral
Msortoeat of Qoed'osTfare ntul Gro
f:r!ek| sad s greet tatny smsll erticlrs e-<
Ss ifrsd per rent, lotmr this ess bv proeut*d
HKfiw. in this plsee. i •
lis rSspji-Ueif rocucsts all to csli nd ct-i
'-•wise his mUfik sad Juanfr ti> *r sGv s.
April o. IHf>s.
?-<r Justices, Constsbl#--. Witness*/, ko
cr ic at tliie ffc +.
A Weekly Paper. Devoted to Literature, Politics, the Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, &e., £rc —Terms: Two Dollars par annum.
i Tj all tvlitttn these shall conu-,
j setide g?, ting. j.
W lie rent at a eoart of Over and Ternii
j *
| nee, and qmrier Hps-knw uPthe Peace, beH j
i in and thr the cify and ooanty- of P!)il*dei
jthit, and GaoSmonweaM> of FenßSirlvifiis,
at Augns: A. J>. 1854, Dt. j
Stepheti T. Ir-'aW, l#. atist, was indicted bv .
the Grand Ju;y c! the said-oify anil county,
far the criujo of tap-, alleged ti> have libtu
CMiuiiuitted trpcu the jfebeea of Miss Nurcissa ]
E. Aindgc.
Atui whereas, at a wbiequest EOSSI WI of,
; saiii cHirf, to wit, st iUe Oetni er session, i
• A. D. Itiad, the- said Dr. Stcjlltt/T.'Biale _
having Lccri arrieoeci ami tried,
w.i> ionud entitf o. the fi-ioity whereof Le
stood charged, end was by said jury recoui.
mended to the mercy f said oeutr.
| And whereat on the 28th df November
j A. 11. 1864, it was adjudged by the said
; court that she eui-i Dr. 8. r cplieu T. Heu e j
i pay ufiie olose cent to the CY>aoi>>nwea.lth |
I anu undorgo an iiHpriaon;neut at iiar j labow
| in the Puiiadeijii'ia Couuty Prbdn for the j
! term of four Tears and six calendar month": i
liißt he be led. c-liuheci and otherwise treated |
as 'i.e Lw direct,", but he pay 'be costs 'of j
prcseccticu, mid ,-isad oiucdiii tei until this J
jaogafeL't is fully complied with.
AJ.U whereas it appears by the testupor-y
iaken ou the trial ot the said I).-. Stephyn !
! T. liealc, and now filed iu the See of the j
; Secretary of the l\,imw.t!ejhh, that tie i
said Dr. Sk-jdicu T. Hale was convie ed
j of t';c felony aforesaid upon the evidence of
' the pro utsix afouc, and thut she at the *
- - -
I ttihe tl the rdtiiUsissioa of the said ofTt-uee,
: as 8j j cat s 1 y her t-wi j?eclamina}, wus so •
| uiiteii vindt r the iufiueDcc of r-tbey as 'no
be ui.-1 !c to uuike my rcsistan.a or \
I tu.crv. - ' }
• Auc whe-rois it T:: been tntccl U?,
' 'jjaJLA •**..-tueyu;&e :in tfa""'1:^1^4!"""
; jf - v Yin ~ f
. >f fte SSiiwWiyw the (.'onriinnwc-jh! , froin
! Dr. T. S. Crane, of E si i Pa, Dr. S. 11.
Harvey, c.OkCunn.'iisburg. Pa. Dr. N. W.
Harris of Sherburne, I\y., Dr. A. F. Siaiih
|6l Syracuse, N. Y., Dr. A. 6-7 S. 'Gale, of
: Port Richmond, N. Y., I)r. 11. Eaton, of.
' Mi 'dlehury. Yt., recently Gavernor of taut'
! State ; Dt. Hugh Maruire, of Winchester,
| Va., Drs. W.Jm. G.if-s, H. E. Seloon
i maker, Aorin R. Terry, \Y. I?. Roherts
|C. S. Putiuan, an I cue hundred other
J dei.t.sts of iiie city of Now York, Dr". A.
R. J'li.uson, A. 31. Burden, T. S. Wilkirt
son, D. B. Whipple, and twenty-fire other
; dentists of the city of Philadelphia;'Pes.
j ERwird Hartshorn.', Wm.Y. Keating, .Mor
ton Stilic, I>. H. Coatos, Samuel L. llol
| lingswcrth, L. T. Gc-U.arc', Prof. Samuel
Jackson, and sixteen other physicians the
city of Philadelphia, tint they have sever- j
ally bad considerable experience in the ad
j nto is trot ion of ether and chloroform . that
when either of them is taken, it usually
produces a trance, dream, d Ins ion, or hal
-1 Incinatii n rren the iitini of ths patient, that
the testini: ry of 3 pers'-n as to matters
1 trar-piring whilst under ir iiifinenoc, unless
j sustained by eorrrtboratire testimony is un
; safe attd unreliable,and-hould irot be re
ceived : and they therefore ask the pardon,
of Pr. Stephen Pvale as a: act of justice to
an irrnoent iridrvidual.
And wherea", it has been further repre
sented to m? as forvai T, hy Dr. I). P.
Dickenson <tf Boston, Mass., Dr. Ward A.
j M. Cnrtis, of Newark, N. J., Dr.'J: W,
IDislett, of New York city, I).-. J. McAllis
t-'o, of Lancaster, Pi-, D~s. J. T. Bird
Samuel K. Ashton, Thrttias J. Rctd, Jas.
BWm, T. Patterson. T. A. V ii; ivk 0 ,
tL. P. Gebhard, L-wis H. Gebhtrd. Tbeo
philu* E. B-asley. Prof". John Wiltbank;
S Washington J. Duffce, YYm. Gibson, mad
i teo. other pbjSMeians of the city of Phiwdci
phia, that tbey have carefully exatuined the
l ic-timr-'ny i; the case of Dr. Stephen T-
Deale; that they believe lira innocent Wtbe
crime charged against him, and they there
fore ssk the inle-potifion of the executive
pwcrogfttive in his behalf.
AuU whereas, it Iras also "men represented
to me as aforesaid, by E. U. Ghouch,
!I of tie city of New York ; John G. Srte. oj
1 Bnrllngtou, Yertiiont; John H. Jackson^
M. T) , and tkirtfeeh other Testden!? of Hops
|j persvillo, Kentucky . Professor Benj. Hi?ID
f man, ct New Haven, Bonn ; ITorj. Neal Dow,
1 of Portland Me.; Hon. Henry Button,
■ Goveruor of Connecticut; Dm. James' Mi
j pgcliaiiaitof Baltimore, slaryland; Iloa. 31.
I Watson, one of tie Judges "of th? state of
- New Yuri; Hon. Demos Hawyer, County
Judge BclVobane county, New York; Hiram j
j Sexton and Wm. 11. CrowjSesMtons Justtcej
f and J. D. Strain, District Attorney for said
\ county, as wctl 4s from Hon. P. 8. Pan
forth, L Sandsord, Lyuau Tre ma in, und
twenty other tneinbdrs of the bar of the
Stats of New York, tbwt in tboir opinion
the said I)r Btapbeo T Bewlo is innoocnt
|f the crisue charged against him : that he ■
l "aO'ild not have been eeuvioted upon t!<c
i evidenee udduced on his trial, and that
justice to litn as tvoll as a due regard to the
proper adiaini&tration of the law demands
■ his pardon.
Atpjt * borsuc, it hps also ba represca ted
to uie as c'-.e-esaid,,. Ly the Rev. J. jV_
i Chickerbg of Portland. 3Je.; IJev. J. li.
j J.ujsay ri' Gjeeuwliicii county, Rev. W il
[ liatn A. Fetter of Duller, Pa.; Eev. Win.'
i T. Bryant, llev. Juhn Haxictt, Rev. John
-j Ghnuibers, Rev. Anson Rood, Rev. Albert
j Barnes, D P., Rev. Henry A. Board man,
I). R., that tfcry liava severally cacefullj j
| rca-i tie testimony of Dr. Stephen T. Bcale,
-i Ut in their epioioji, innocent of the j
; eriiue of wbki Lu jus been convicted.
Aud whereas, it has aNO IHCU '"presented
i to lue as aforesaid, by Robert Carlisle, j
• Theodore Guy.'er, William L. Hirst. J. ID
j Perkins, A. V. Parsons, J. C. Vandyke, |
Horatio G. Jones, James R. Lud'ovrt
David Paul Brown, Johu VY. A-djmead. and ;
j C.taru-a Jar mi Ingersoll, E-tjs., aud U.-n.
} TlpMiias 8. 8011, that n tle;r uplnion Dr.
j iivale sla>uid nqt have bv-eu couvicted on
1 the evidence adduced against him, and j
| therefore, they roeommend his oar-ion |
At id whereas, the pardon of tlie said Dr.;
Stephen T. Bcale, bis been recommended i
j tu i.ui, as ~ iil appear by communications on
i file as aioreisaid, by the Hun. Robert T. '
Cvarad, Mayor of the city of Puilad dphia, 1
• by Gi?->rge Ciisc-o i, Esq., and forty-nine
, otbor members of the Select and Common •
Cmtbyils of the said city, the Hon. Eli!
Sillier, Smte Treasurer, Hon. William
Strong, Hon. Simon Cameron, Hon- J. W.
> Kiiiiuger, Francis Jordan, Join KuukK'. '
Vi in. 31. Piatt aud .Jcbn Hendricks, uem
t hers of the Svßute uf Pennsylvania, litn - ;
Heury K. Strcug. R. JjL E. G.
G. RushSmiUt, kirk ilaiues
• and John M. Klrkpatriuk, Ksqs., member?
raMP^ir^f •n:n\i'd*AfrT.:^t
the Abr/A Jlf.prk<iß. Robert Morris, of
the i,-,qw.'er , James S. Wallace of the
D.iily Sg/t, A. 11. Siuiiuani', of the Public
Lzdgir, Andrew McMakio, of the Saturday,
Cornier. Edward G. Webb, of the Pennayi-
Joseph Severn;, of lira £.:.itt/<g
Arias. Joseph R. Fluuiigxn, of the Daly
A Vies, Sitkei", Jones and 31 nan, of the
[hu'y Tx nev, W. B Jacobs of the Christ it n
Chronicle, A. Converse, t f ihc C'iriiliitn;
Q'rf-rv r, and A. Outnmir.g", of tit Damnj
Bull din.
And, the \ fifdOH of the said Dr.
Stephen T. B ale has also been asked for
(on the ground of his entire lhti 'oeuea of
the crime wherecfhe is convicted, by Samuel
P. Darlington, John Reld, Scmuel Ilea--
ants, John B. Eckefts, Gideon G. Westcott,
fFilliauj L. Newboid, George 11. Marti'q
Daniel T. Jenks, and over five tbou-and
, others of the most respectable citizens of and New York, consisting of!
ladies, members of the bar, members of the j
medical profession, c-lergvinen, dentists,!
1 tuerch-aris, ruanufact'Jres, mechanics aud
And whereas, Charles B-'sl, A. B. War
| den Isaiah B. Stralton, Andrew JotihsoiT,
and A. iron Engle, five of Ihe Jurors who
fried an I convicted fba said Stephen T. i
Bcale, have united in ail application to lire
for If.s rarifou. as ; ppcars by their pbtilion
I v.u file in the office of the Secretary of the
] CommcmWealth.
Am! v.herfcas, tlie Hon. Ellis Lewis,
Chief Justice of the Supreme Dourt, fn his
letter of the 21st of December, A. J). 1?34
to the It kecitive of 'he state, now on file in
the office? of the Secretary of the Common
wealth, gires it as his opinion, thai Miss
Madge, the prosecutrix, wis '•incompetent j
i! to tost by A ihut iscr testimony "Is not such
evidence as In his opinion justifies a convic.
ii <n." and thai if lie hail the power reposed ,
in the Executive, be would grant Dr- I
' * I
Bcale a paraon.
And where is, the Hon. Jeremiah S-
Black, one of the Associate Judges of* the ;
i f said Court, in bis letter of the 23th of De
cember, A. P. 1854, io the Executive of
II this State' (now also on file aroiesaid) says j
. "tfr.iT there u no evidence at all in the '
' .|
5 ea'aej urdcsi wa lake that of a women who .
j swears to Very little, and whose'faculties of i
• mi mi no 4 *rocty* were totally fospcnJed j
■ when"she sl;ppost*3 she'saw or pAceived the'
little aweair foi When a boimc-j
. fion'tokct place'VitrifAß evideuce, it Is tnetj
| duty'oT flic Governor to rescife Cfc vicfim|j
• j immediately from a punishtnaiii wHicb is|i
'I wrongly iuflicteJ." |!
! And whep 2*8,3 be Gyprgo W .Wood-;
ward, another of tLc Associate J;idge3 of
the said Court, in his latter of the 7th of
January, A. D. 1834, lo the Executive of
thidhUtc, cud now on fiie, as aforesaid, and
recommends that Dr. lieale bo pardoned for
the following reasons viz Ist, That The
amount of pviJeace required by law to con
j vict of rape, was not rjbmitted to the jury j
j 2d, That the ouly vritcss to the priactpal
; fact w is as coi'.iplctclv disqualified to relate I
I occarn-nees as if she had been drunk. 3d I
j The scientific discussions to which the case
has given rise, dcuioustrated the insnfficicn
' cv of the evidence, and the insecurity of
• human liberty of this case be pcrimiled io
' stand as & precedes!.
And w'.ereas, the Board of Inspectors of
ibe said Philadelphia County Prisou, (as
appears by their communication on file in
'the offi e of the Secretary of the Common,
wealth.) have unanimously rcccoturoendcd
: the pardon of the said Dr. Stephen T. B?ale,
I because in their opinion the and contrmpla- j
i ted by the law i:i the moral reform of the J
i prboner has bec-n attained—because full '
i and ample catisiactioa has been rendered to i
• public sentiment by the imprisonment l.c •
l:as already undergone—bec; bis health !
it* undoubtedly breaking down under the j
I suffering-- of body ar.d mind which he has '
: airsady endured, and because tho destitute j
j condition of his aged parents and bereaved j
! and so trowing wife and children impera- :
tively demand the p-csonce and support of j
j rlie son, liusband and fatl;er.
And whereas, altar a full and carefal ex- i
: imumrii'B of the facts'ar.d evniener; in the j
esse, ai led I'v the scientific discussion? to
i which it has girra ri;e, without any inten
tion to i fleet upon the prosecutrix, who no
doubt testified to what she believed did nc- (
cur, nor to impugn the integrity of the
learned Judge vrho tried the c*s>-, Yior the !
honesty of the jury who convicted the j
prisoner, 1 HIE now satisfied that the defeu- j
Jant, Dr. Stephen T. Bv tle, is not guilty of
the ctiuit whereof he stands charged, a till ;
was convicted upon evidence unreliable in
i its ebaractt.r and trisuffiaient in amount.
I do, tharc-fpre, io consideration of the
premises pardon the said Dr. Stephen T. i
Bcale, of the cr'.qse whereof he is convicted
.'<> a: .. sM, a:, j |aixjj|fuby folly } trdomeu
Hy the Governcr, AKDREW G. CCRTIV. I
Secretary of TUE Commonwealth of Penn
One of Gen iii's Soldiers CO2-!
(I<ct:trd for flurder.
An interesting niurd-r trial took place tn
Burlington, loaa, isi November last. The j
accused was h man rranied John J. Jotte*. '
sevenfy-tbrenyears of ege. He h-*d h-ena
soldier under Gea. Jackson, srtd was with ;
the bid hero in several of hG ctmp tigtis
against tlie indians. Joaw was charged \
with murdering Horatio W. McCaHele, a
neighbor sotno fifteen year* ago. He made j
his escape and was not l:eu-d of until s
s!;ort lime before Li? arrest. Capital pun
ishment having been aboli-hed" In lowit, tlj,?
prisoner wat scntenciul to hard tabor in the
penitentiary during the rcuainlcr of bis
! life.
1 Jones, through his attoancy, wh 3 n asked
!if he had anything to say why' sentence
! should not be pronounced, sttblmiUted the
following statement:
"May ff phase tie U iorable Co'-'d:
'I am an old man, fast tOfter'rtT* to |
grave. The frosts of seventy -three winter*. !
tlic-u a tlVc.- have 061 whitened ttiy btow. ;
Lave wrinkled toy face, and chilled toy heart j
with many sorrows. Mine has been ache- j
q icred fife! And row, when about tA be sop- j
ara'ed from nay fellow?, I any gitc a truth- |
fill t,-r*'on iif the past.
'I had a family and home—-s mde Isomc,
jt is truo, and a plant and hum ale family—
but they were my all. The decease 1 rob
bed me of otic and infaded the sdneltity o.
the other. Two sdall ifnf-i lovely
daughter and a Wife—< ctcwsft'iVifcL
| ' "Oa returning to fiat h>me, the day of 1
the fatal deed, I leaded the ceriainty of 1
the maddening truth, rtti hastened 1 to the i
field tav rifle still iu Laid. I knownOt why j
i I went. I bad no fixed design, lie met nte
with a club: I shot him And Ibougb 1
claim not to have acted in defense, I do as
sert that there wss mutual combtt. You
know the rest. I fled; my family followed.
' BUT; for the fiftoeu \ais 1 bavo lived at
j Dockland I madeaoeutof the ,?;:cd I iiau
i done. . . ,
"Now timq tioac t* work- The gov
i ernmeoi. itself Is?* New Jaws are
' pa&arij apd „id ones thpa,,-
; who
' a wsy. A d'.fTejgnt p.upl • arc ij tiio Ud
J dri#k. i. ANJ: wif-yye,, tauc so tkyn govi 4
! bavj; Upn tbcjfifaefoft., lion luiiigh-SLahw
isaucd npoq tha aivpforf J.
treat ono'a Yql'mw io iy*|wk>isiug"cyq}.w*s
dceaoodproof p.).?iiiv©of gontle training.
•I any not be held responsible HJIMIU for
Iho vice.? of society—it enough that I
have been their victim. Those days are past
and thatlovod one is gone—bom down with
trouble, fibe sank into an tfirly grate. That
byruly daughter is now shopclesx cripple,
wearing a haggard face. Of tlwoo two boy.*,'
who should have been the prop of my old
| age—the one is gone to join his injured
mother, ns witnesses against the deed dc- '
atroyer of iheir peace—the other—and my ,
heart sinks w. bin me when I say it—five
but not to me: with an ear deaf to my •
calamity, he comes not near t,s-;l But I
♦To this honorable Court, Fee jtuv, and to ;
the attorocys and officers thereof, and
to ibe people of this cwmwninity I return
my Lumblc thr.nks'.or ;hc:r impartial iisar
| 'I have never been a otiaa : nxl of eiioioe,
j but rather the Ureasuje of eireumstanca,
) bone ith the weight of which far better antn
; than inn, L-,ve sunk. I mv have been to f
! jelous ixf mine honor, Rtt never have but
1 nwer Ii but once pr *v .1 fiki.ljss to ;
itsty 'rust. When my country's rights
were invudc.d, I answered them, and
:HO did mine lienor. With OiS. Jaxlvton in
! all .lis Greek campaigns I bat tied for tin*
I country end its laws. At tie* FAST in too
WILDER KKSS I was there: as ftfc fast of
j acr.rns, i was there: it Keoiefaan-'l Tatedeca.
j I was theve; and when tha shouts P victory
; drowned the cries of the dying t the bai
f! of IDr.;* ri'hoe, io the fr.'nt ranks of mv
COtstitry, I was the e: ana th" r IUI ot Liui
whom you now call John J. J.ii,as was
| another word for deeds of daring. .
♦These are of tho A long iiie i
1 nearly spt-ut—the scents b*s ct. :ng- d: be;'
iie ot-oae, wiw. reads the ham to hear;, i
l further than the formal senteuce-of the law,
competent to mo."
Judge Lowie, in passing sentence n-un;
the prinOEer, said:
"It ii p uuriul to reflect, in revievriog, the
c-r," letter fur and against yo-t, tD'fflial cart !
WW ugoti no one fact or circnni"!ance that >
would secin to offer t'hr shgh'es* r.po>~v *r
paliiatibajor yonr "i'bc atuvv vrii
your' ennio" i? a efiort one. aud tu-cv h
briefly told time: Yen f • d set up fe.iic kind
of a claim ceeupicl by McCirdel, ttpo? which
he bid raised a crop, mid was outage] in
gathering the s.-tnj** for h.mcjf- and ftniflri. ;
Instead of testing rbur ctaims "in the peace
ful mode proscribed by ! r. w*"u ir;*i<tcc
upon reaping where you ha-i t-ot S"v- n. And I
von said to 3lcC.itdel' that ff he should tike i
::ty more can from your field tin* you
woul isi cot tii:n. McLHrrii", believing him-;
salt entitled to the fittilSOf his r—n labor.'
persisted. Yon, broeding over ttet fat:q j
menace u few dvs. w.-lked deliberatsir in''-
Lis field with your gun, and executed yW j
fell purpose, by rendS'g aba; let test* heart j
in the presence Ot" his sen. j
♦McCard'e went down to t'.e crave, and j
you, as gu>lty felon, to ptrts tttikntwn.— j
Fifteen years have since rolled away, and a |
mysterious Providifn'ce turns Joa up, and
brings yovf within the j trisulcfion of thai
law whose majesty yo" have outraged."
Bike Wais?!.
The Louisville Joirr.'-l, of the 3J inst., j
giva* the following incident of the tender j
years of Mike Walsh:
'Too Hon. A. H. Stephens, ir. !*tc r>?'r;h
a* G* t&n, ! Ga., called for throe h"or? fo
| 31 ike JYtifsb, and they wore given fret&ftuYr
! thousaudtlrroats.
3fikc bss"certainly hem true ?o the South.
[ and with all hi? error.;, ve belevc him to be an
honest win and a patriot. We first saw
bimnearly twenty-bug tear# ago, when he
wasn't tnJLe than twenty--.:,.: c;rs old.—
Hp came bur •■ffie.e iu rid sui: of",
ttraridy 'ffota head Jo f ><jt Lo t'nok a dollar
from h:s pocket whie'i lie said wak alt the
money he Lad in the world, aai offered it
to as'for advertising a scoundrel who on h?s
way up the river bad atoTou everything be
longitig to hhr. We conliTtrTdak* the poor '
• fcliokV doirfr, but wc published his adrer
ti*cnint. We had forgotten the ctrcum
steovctmtil bo tecaH"d it to dntr rnltrl, in
presence of !.nic of lit? congressional col
ic agues last winter.
"It seems that Mike was cotn'ng up the
river wiF; ft few hard earneil Jbllars in his
fob, when a fellow who claimed to bo a soil
of s Olerfytuer. iu this cHy. got into ihc
kmfl-hetirtcd yctfth'a good graces by roprg
serliinHtitnsvl: to lie fick sn j utterly desfi-
ptrt him fold his own st.iteroour,
gave him S par: of hi? money,nod took CSTO !
Uf M#. e" V'Ir-' 1 r -' |
Ythfr? tl,'Dii! "t :p- ■ 1 i lit! i.'ng, t!;e I
IftVftli.f a" fvrrtlde desire for I
a'hwif * tnile I
for hf p. JSiifkie Tel - |
lonfftiWe appeaD jo biut
he ifcdfaaqy rfont, and tlie fctAtla! '< !iin softi |
e'ndSgh, whereupon tio lo>altd, rboo vrtug'
"tt-idenf/, took |WHe's!ffofj, excipc i.."lat he
carried upon his baok in bis oxdnAfab f er
the milk. Milto weftt lo chopping vroofl till I
he got eriough to tike him tn LogiteiTte, and J
on arriving here, found as Le expeoted.'j
1 that Ins customer tr-us unknown in these
' parts
IVitltont a farriring abo at bttf: he went to
' shoveling in the, aua tbe first collar
he tnide fti -re was tbe one hv brought ro ti■>._
He toiled in the r,iuti until he made en ;ga
•'ogo to iTevelarJid on hi? way hour", and
there l e nic: i i the street* tits tuau who he i
swiaißc 1 bias. T.;dswindler ran like a deer
• but Mike pursue ! him lilte a grey bound,
coughf iriih, and thrashed him nearly to
(1 tb in the street before any one couli in
terfere. Mike was sent ro stil for assault
and battery, mJ hi- victim was sent to the
pet.ircntiaty. Mrk- is true lieucted, po* ees
ses very ron-Yiirable talent, and is an ut
tt'r stran ;er to either personal or po'.biciii
fear. *-V." say with Mr. Stephen?, •three
cheers far 'like "Walsh.'
A GatF.N Yaskci. —The editor ot the
Knicktrhrtckir says, "I siiould like you to
have seeu a specimen of a green Y at.uee
who earn? down the sound io a Hartford
Steam r frith n:". lie hud never been to
Yo.k "before, aud he was asking questions
of everybt'dy oo i'v ltd the boat. However
if tie tozi "green a; grass" he was picking
• ft god deal of information which will
dot biles# sis i Liinin gno-i stead bcreu'tcr
Ono of Lis ootsparisocs struck me. as deci
dedly original:
•'lip-tlva N jrthjmptoa," aii.l ije, "I teok
brcskfitst, and they taxed me tew jliiilia'sl- -
•'Two.- a pcety good priee. but I gin i; !o
'cnC Taws enoug'ti, swy vray. Weflf whea
I Canie down *o Il.irtfnra. I took
agaitl., and when I asked "em
Lfivr truch, tbty looked at ine aud ?a : 'i,
half n dollar. I leaked back at 'em pootv
-r.3?p—ftct I put-I if, and after fd paid it,
I sot down, and ciphered rp inside how
aist'sch it wnnl-i a ~r a fellow'to Foard loop
it first rate ; 2nd I le'll y-u what, I pcety.
, sqor-fciaa^y.ost flat fflri tie Cfei cf-x.arontb
jt VtiJd nr.!*" s fcliavri? pocket book hx-r.
-•j? si H?; i as* has!sfcf; V dontotf? Sft'ti
•flick hhuseftnevercrjpl.ricd a more ntrikfg
RAT aSB DID IIIM.—A roereaaat iu a
town near Bostott. i,: i a cuKvipcr tuurc
Jlfc-jdrd. than tieslreu, who wa? aNvays
j ready to eat early fruit, wit bout byi£
| any, eat raisrr.s by tbe handful, dip into
th" wuptf barrel for !- : g!wn:p'. and fl'l hi?
j snuff box from the cs the <rtnnter,-wa
| dr tho pretence-of taking a pinch. This '
i giin* girt 'to b: insufferable. Tim mtr"
vhnM had a barret • f eVico apples-free hi ;
I Ins store, afa ot -vbicb cur Kpong? discov- ,
i eree, who sttete.l h ! ;:r?}f upfo iud wire*
■ the stor-ekeepor'? cy -* were titaned be rtdrirc (
; j:p into the barrel arid ■* cop up a bandfj.
lat a f.trc and take it down a:a gulp. Tire .
; healer hod seen tbe whole by man* of a
"oofcivig-g SJ which reflected the store, arte
he resolved upon a elan to ge* the thief.
' r J>kn." said Its fo hi? young man (
; him a witia, "'why dlJu't yc'u threw that,
j apple sauce akrayT'
Without waiting for John's answer, the
sponge broke in with—
"Why what's the matter w.ui It * Lrj|
first-rate, 11 jit h."' ]
u \ c,' ? s -io the storekeeper, "it Tt\w ; hurt j
i oat and four kittens were drowned in it I
iat night ? , i !
TLe victim looked pa'e xntl moved to- j
w mis tba doer. He feit as ,jf Le w-s ar. j
injured m>u, ami xc-ieuialv vowed uo: to j
patronize that store any more.
X." is sail tW a; horse* seot to
the Bhch Sea by France, only iO.OtDtJ re j
main. H.e other 70,1300 either porished in |
taitio or through oxposure and ueglect.— j
The avurge cost woo about SlC'O each, anc |
about ag much more to convey tbeui to tiie j
: Ctiuiea.
The expon.?e? of the navy for j
the next fiscal year aja §l3, for the j
army, Slo,Oij7,4SD; making AU aggregate,
for both branches of the military service of
'the country,of $28,55i,953.
"Col. French,Minister,has several sp:cl
uietis of native gold froui Nicaragua, Tfte
population ig about of which 28,- j
d&s are whites, 15,000 negroif, So,ol\' J
Indiu ig, aud 130,000 mixed breeds. Ag-i
rfeuUnre .aufi getting up rurolutious have
txjen :i<ir cLjef pttrsuiu. TLo tetuoiea cx r
leecd l(jc mails in ouajbers.
The Bent oris! Caucus cannot di*pose cf
dfe'suWebt rfPibc PHffling. The DemocYata
■fcpeaf to be equally divfded between Tucker
aiui tlie publishers of the Union, and they j
seem to nearer a notoination than the
| Ilouse U to orgaiiia'tioa.
, Tli'j'populsiton of Louisvtlß, K|., L*
I etatod by the Courier, to lo over, 74,000 i
| Tbe builliinga erected Here within the last
two }"■>-? are rained at §237,~C8 _ .
YOL. XO 52.
BY virtue vf an order vf U;e Orphan's Cos rt,
<ii Bcdf-.rd Ocautv. tße re v.iii be np, t,_ a
it) tofe 1-v pul-tic vittejy, un the - -rena.* ;<• vs
I Itif 26 h, tff* vf D' T a.I
1 va!m ' i*te the pfajrerty e-t * !i -a \\V
\y, dy""d £t> in Jv about ii.rk?
A ..rtu iV ett at Kehfelb&urg, containing
1413 Acres
of patented itr.ds, ftftr nrg>*ovemet;t* are-.
A large Ttvi) Story iog rtweilitti lu-tso, witfc
' Stone Itltehot? attached. large double If jr last,
gmiaery and ether out buidtr**. almut V-J
j sen:* cleared. under good fence end in a btgh
sta:* ol cu!;on. tue naiance ir weH tiki be. vd
l Ufri are m this JAi-tu about -0 acre* of
1 iierc t> aUo a large apple ore Lac 1
, t.f c .Jice fru t together with :.n obundat.-e vi
peaches. pear* plums, cherries avc.
I here ii aiso a walj ct JDcVer failing water roar
the door, sad several good spring* on the latin.
The above pr party is well wcriliv tbs notics
: of purchaser*.
i 1 EEiIS ande known on dav of sale.
Adwr's ci Allen Coittcy, dee'd.
P. S. Any person wixhirg to ex .mine the
| property btsore the day of sale wiiipleaas ?&li
<r. Uriah Conly residing on the facta,
liecembfci 7.16 AY
OF \ iLFttil Era il. LSTtTE.
Br tl too of b!j.order of the Orpheus' Cotri
of EedtAr; County, the jb>t:r.>>er vrili ex
po.v m s by j ahlio vendue or oatcrr, tt the
C 'Brt House ir, the Borough of Bedford rj
; i.vrdat. ihe S;A ttji; of Javimry, P. JgSfl.
| ■ e ioilowmg dcaerihea' fei Estate. hte tbi
' property at SojUupon Pillar. dnce. sed, vis
jn tht TVtou?'i of Bedford,.being lot S'. I?,
in ike- p!a: m sitd E >roac!L S,:uj;j on Jui.Ski
■ Street, cent ii:b:;g 63 feet in front on si:i street,
ani rconl: g-i#ci2t<) feet, hsTitig thereon efai.
J ted : fat rate couismiioiui
mm ssUKßise seisi,
Frttae St tide, I& {fonsn. Taw Pin AHey -fttd
other cuiiaiLC*. Thjs pj .periy : hjicdst-tieiy
l-c.;ed or. the street leading A Ite Bedic>v4
J Spring*, trod is a very deslrabie ,>ar—{iaft!cn2ar>
i> toe. personwishing tr.|-.ecp a private but
ding Lo iv, fw jrhioh perpiw it ,-u be-a vsid
fot fcsversSytijj. The bniMlng Is rrfi.cicr.tiy
: ta-,V'• cctar Ut
and ft IWr.rstWWt? y sis f otai tie 23U d.;
| of Septw.Aer. u't.
I ih.ilS—Cash ot the BinSrrwtfoaof the sale.
F.-t'->i'QT CJ .iui cf ietcl7rj3 tit
EWeera: er 7th, JS6S.
UAS TEE-At Keci's C SioVe
. *he;,i. Hyo. Oits C>m. and ouckwhsat—*lre
illothir :in>rvrel produce, ia exchange tor
f Ooda *t casii price) " i
"pfTE svonn sessTca f this irsfitntian *:!)
I. C"nrr 'occ on hi y-d.y J inuovy 2iat. I?sd.
The session wdi he dM.ici in'c two quarter*
i of ll weeks cvcii without a vacation.
Kir- ~ jr t:n*ion -is fdl'rws rl2;
Common English per quarter f|,tK!
, i... * hich wift e added for
I -.0 r.-ch Tt
; Esch X -intAaPcSage I.'ki
, - entire amount ot tha shove not in
i-xecc . iix Gc-.tarv v
T)i3w-.- 1; - and Piiktirg ci tile diff'ritt vrrietlje
■ li ni' i.? l> fj.O'i
L-sscp oa riM<\, 10,00
Vyc d tPtiiic 2 itsecxa per rr;ek I,i>i
!' IncLi.-ritoli. * 5'J
Btonrding cos.bc aecnrsvi o" term*.
Krus'oaW Die. 7,1331.
Cfi iiiiV as 4 Vty iSop-Js St:ro
' s i : lb
X handsome'dndciieap iii.. it tin? t': Z£.S
: ItY MJD£ CLOTIIiXU avd IiRY ti&XDifi
, chair sfpre in iie suit Gorpvr cv-Bo,ifd.,t iiiii.'"
oc uisting i i j.a,-: ot Coats. J--a- ts, Vests, oi.u:
Sttrir Stecifs lT: v iltcrc'.io.s. Boots ncd hbues,
Hate and Cip. and all other article* tisca'ly
kopc in lier.i> 3? iije tbothiog Stores. *
Aim a good jsortment of £RY GGOES,
ctnsist;eg of Calico, Tiou.-. dc Laine, Shawls.
Alpaca*, franks, C.rpr: Saels, fcc., Ac.? aij
cf-wi.fph they wH! sell *.* cheap'ts can be pro.
eared al#e'r' • ra in Bedford, for Cash or Coun
try Produce.
They request iii tbcix friends in town arid
country to give thorn a call, and see and ex.aut
tuo their tt ok f-r th-.n.srtves, is they ccssicer
it i nl 'isure to slow their g< -vus, whether per
soxe wish t purvii'.use or Bet.
| Bdford, April 20, 1556.
I wiTpiiT"
J ThllE subscriber respectfully begs leave to r
|JL to hi old U.iei;is wed the puhiic
j gcaerilly, that he. has 'e istd ud t dcer yomeo
jsion of the B<sdfofd note], lately in the oei u
j pancy of t'al. .Vri •.ru Bamhnrt. ft it-not" hi*
j design to male many proiew>Hi • tc what he
i wiildo, bat he pledges jysy era :bat
j endrgrtic efforts w ill'be employed r-> -e-.ider
j oorotomblo all who.give fcims Cell. I'hefctmso
i will be lf;ndonJvly fitted up.,and liet.f bv.t
t caretVfl>ra attentive servants will be engaged.
| Persons visiting the Bedford Sprirgs. as well
; as those attending Court, sud tl.e trm e-iir.e
ooibaucity general'y. pre penpcctfrjlf invited
f to civ# him a call and **idg fob themselves.
!X7" TV stsges ali now atop at this hotel,
ao# it is •bprefi-rt the Stage (TJice.
Bnarier taken by the week, raontb or year,
j on f vvorablfHerma.
Cf?" Ample' and eomforiahle stabling is t
--taohed I to tSia hotel, wbfe.h Wfl! Rjwaya be tt
rei.dod i.y a cweful bpst'er. Also, a safe aarf
icvivenknt carriage hoxse.
Bedford, Apri! f, 18EB. rr,
. —■ ——>— - ■< -. i" '- ~
Sl4i MKE.
C VitK toCt prrnj'ses of tke # tbrtrP.vr,
U*>u| Bir EaVerprUo, Soatb 'Woolherr y
Township, about tbe lit, Beptorahar last, a
iter about ona year old 1 <*'. sp-icg. 11l cf.n r
mritd>y crop off the drrja cur. 1a v
owner!* requoa'ed to come torvjrd. pr..v e
property, ■* rh*e*oa and tske it away.
1 DAYiD S.VOSiKG2U.ia,g |