i\oiißEß m CHROMR. BEDFORD, Fa. Friday Morning;, DEC 14. IKU. "Fearless and Free." DAVID OVER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR IU OONGREFS. The House lias not vet organized. The ballotings for S|taker still go on, with little more favorable prospect of election than on tbs first day of the session. It is thought, however, that an election will be effected sometime during the next week. Mr. Campbell, the Republican candidate for Speaker, withdrew bis name after the 23d ballot on the 7tb inst., aud bis frierds gen eral!} united on Mr. Ranks. The highest rote that we have noticed that has Lcert .re ceived by Mr. Riehardeon, (ho Pierce pro- Y very Kansas candidate is 74, whilst Mr. Camp Del: frequently had a larger vote.— Tuc vote stood on the ®th inst., on the 33d ballot, for Richardson, 72, 'B inks, 100, Fuller of Peun'a, 30, Scattering, ID. So I it will be seen that at any tune, if the op- I position to Lonofuciiistn would unite, they : could elect their Speaker, aud have control j of the House committees. We think that j the Pennsylvania delegation should unite ' in some way or other, and vote for Ranks, or Pdutiingtcu of .New Jersey, ot any good unit-Nebraska American, as soon as it be comes sppareut that Puller cannot be elect ed. If they do not. as they have the pow er IO to do, au organization may be effect ed, as was the case iu I;4D, when Howell : Cobb, of Georgia, was elected, by a plu- . rality vote, aud one of the same stripe be •:hosec. Such calamity would be deeply regretted by every true patriot, and on the ■ majority of the anti-Nebraska delegation 1 from this State, would rest the anuuadver- j aious of tl c-ir-consftturtiU. Heaven avert j ihe calamity! ELF" We copy the following from ihe Get tysburg Star, in relation to the Post Office at Greenmount, in Adams County. It will he seen from it the manner in which die Je- ! suits manage the Post Office Department of the country, and prostitute it to their own . purpor.es. The statements here made are j facts, stubborn fact?, ami undeniable.—- Read it, and won 'or no uiore why one of the best ami DW-I accommodating Ihnio crotio Postmasters in this county, was re moved a few weeks ago, and a Dutch Jew appointed in his place. And why nearly all the best offices in this county aie'SHtd by foreign papists, some of whoui can neither read nr write English. lluw long are American freemen to submit to such insult? l.et thcni remember that their only remedy will be at the ballo'-box. Here's the arti cle from the Star: TilM INQIISITIO\ IT Ho!ii. We have learned that soma two "Or tlftee weeks ago a gentleman, representing him self to bo a Mr. jklFs, Editor of the "Organ,"' a Ktfjw Nothing paper published at Wash ington, drove up to Mr. Weikert'# store, sud profc =scd to bo very solicitous to gain oeet.iato informs* ion us to the strength and progress < i the Know Nothing movements U; Adams county. Mr. Weikert w5 nna- Mc to give the requisite information. Tlie stranger wanted to kirow how much Aunty might be used to advantagein the approach ing political canvas-.? Mr. Weikert re plied that he did not think the rotes of out p< ople ci uld bo influenced by money—that they were generally intelligent ami think ing men, aui could not be taught. The latter was then aked whether tie would promptly deliver any Know Nothing papers that might be sent to the office— to whioti he icplied that of course, as Postmaster, he would regard it his duty to deliver all pa per* sent to bis office with namea endorsed on tiicm. Whereup|n the stranger urove off, not. however, without having had a conference with Keefauver, the accomplish ed successor of M>-. Weikert. This "Mr. Ellis," who, by the by, has a rich Irish 1 vogue to betray his mission, had a compan ion with him, who, however, did not make Ids appearance during the conference with Mr. Weikert, but rejoined the buggy a fe* undrcd yards from tho store, and the two ;.ove off. Mr. Weikert's next information or. "lie subject was a notification from Pust mafcu-.r General Campbell, that his services longer needed! Thgsa are sober, substantial facts, every word of which we are prepared to, prove, if contradicted. We dare u denial. The inference isiirresistablc that tbis Mr. "Ki ll-wn no ether than a spy in the employ of Mr. L'imphgj' *n l his Jesuit advisers, travelling tbroqgh he country, end seeking to prortitate the rPast Office Department to Jesuit purpose?. Who doubts that if Afr. W ikert had adviuced a proper disposi tion to destroy Know .'Nothing papers and refuse to. deliver th. tu, bcwroulJ never have bten rep.>rtd to Mr. ytkuqpbeH; and still be J'ostaiosfej ut (ire^pmougi l We leave these facts to the reader,, They are preg nant with important tlmaghtip. and justly de rntnd attention. Fallow-eitieeas—the In quadtion is at work in your midst! Jiook to your rights; S*Ali.—A good deal of inquiry bar gene abroad as to the whereabouts of Jxub. t'ome of his enemies have published but the V O. Creole, understands that be has gone into ENCAMPMENT ARV'AHI.RI* FIHTGK. Look oiii lor ihe r.'.x: campaign. f | the attention of our readurs to the advei j tisomcnt of this paper, in another column j It will bo conducted after the first of Janu ary by Co!. A. K, MeCluri, lately of the ! Chambersburg Repository and Whig, and Hon Jas. M. Sellers, member of the .Senate trorn Juniata, it will sustain tho present I State administration, and the policy of the American party. From the reputation of i these gentlemen,we Lave no doubt,the paper ' will be conducted with that ability which should distinguish the organ of our party at the seat of Government. Subscrftera' names vjill be forwarded ik&oi tliis o'ffice. , We arc s6rry 'that the letter from our Washington correspondent did not reach us in-Gm to be published this week. It will find a courteous place in cur next, aud our readers trill recognise in it the pen of an 1 ; old ficquaiotancc. We shall look for his | : contributions with anxiety, and we have no I ; doubt biw racy productions will be hailed, 1 | with much pleasure, by tlie readers of the j j Inquirer and Chronicle. i whether our School Ejhrd will suppress the reading of the Bible, in our Common Schools, iu this Borough, as requested by a good CtthtfHe ? A high nofc, that the reading of the Word of God, : by otti' ebildrer, at our schools, should be stopped'—and that, too, at Rome's dicta- I tiou! In thn name of Heaven, what are ; |we coming to ? Will not the true born ' | sons of America open their eyes to tfceae ; things ? It is time. ° tij If tie House of Representatives organ- j j izos, and we receive the Message iu time. ' jwe will lay it be f ore our readers in our ' next. TIIK AMERICAN PARTY IN MIS- j SOUR I.—At the last semi annual meeting j of the State Council of the American party j j in Missouri, the platform of the organixa- ' . (ton adopted at Philadelphia, in June last, j : by the -National CouiJci!, was accepted, atid fully endorsed as a true exposition of the j American faith and as setting forth the real 1 objects for which the order "Wits called into J existence. The Council have a long -dJiess, in which the several articles of the j platform aro elaborated, and freeS from unjust and illiberal contractions. The t address discusses, with other questions, the ! | "regions test." It avers that there is i imtLmg in the eighth at tide of the platform ! '■ that iu the least avor3 of proscription for 1 religious belief. MISSISSIPPI CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION*. ; —The reports from Jackson, Mississippi, were erroneous iu saying that the Democrats of that State had elected all their candi- j i dates for Congress. Mr. Singleton, in the j fourth district, failed to be reelected, aud is succeeded by William A. Lake, the • l "American" candidate, aud who, during the j j canvass, as we are informed by tbe .Missip , pian, lnf J the boldness to declare bis oppb- j sit ion to the Nebraska act. Tbe Democrats elected the Congressmen from tbe other j four districts, as has been previously repor- • j ie-J. Tlie late elections go to show that the American party is by odds the strongest ! and most efficient organ zation against Eoeo. J focoism in all the States of the Union- | Norfli and South. It would bo the part of I wisdom, therefore, for all opposed to Loco foco misrule td unite, with thtu party in the ! coming conteW. If this is done, success may be regarded as certain in 1350. Tho President and Directors of the Penn sylvania railroad have, in the promptest j i manner, decided that the "Soldiers of the | War of 1512," who intend to participate as | I Delegates in tho Notional Crnrention, to be j he'd at Washington on the Sth of January, shall pass over their road free. A noble i i j example. I ANOTHE* OL'TRAFLE BY FOREIGNERS. — ■ ' COLD BLOODED MURDER OV AN A.UKRI ; CAN. —On Friday evening, the '2nd of No- 1 vctnber, a political meeting was held in tbe j Twenty-second Ward. Among others j 1 present was a young and very respectably : connected man named Eddy, twenty-two | years of age, and residing with his j ; on the Bloomingdale road, near Seventy I > • third street.—Mr. Eddy was an American ; 1 j wbe feared not to let his sentiments be j kwiwtt. This fact was well known to the 1 j foreigners in the neighborhood. After the j ; ' meeting had adjourned, Mr. Eddy was pro- j , j ceeding homeward in a quiet tuannar, when ! ■j be was met and accosted by a band of for- ] [ eign rowdies and bullies, who addressed : some abusive epithets to httn, which brought j r out a remark from Mr. E. His assailants • > . # t immediately set upon and beat bim iu a - most iulmuian manner, injut ing him in ao | | serious o aiiDnet, that he died therefrom, i , at the residence of bis parents yesterday ! Is( Sunday) morning.— JY. Y. Express. OUR FOREIGN RELATIONS. —A " despatch from Washington on Monday states j " | that the advices received by tbe steamer ' ! Atlantic represent our affairs with England !to be unc'jaugod since the sailing of the j ! previous steimrr. Mr." Ibjohauau says that s , fjord Claronlon and the British Cabinet j j are endeavoring to patch up a reply to our j goremmeiit's communication in reterence j t. the violation of our neutrality laws by ; British agents, iu order, if possible not to j ■woor.d our sensibilities, and at tbe saun.- j i!nt rfcield Mr. Cramptou. I AFFAIRS IN KANSAS.— -We have ac counts from Kansas via St, Louis, stating thai thee free state uicn attempted to drive Mr. Coleinen, a pro-slavery settler, from bis claim, uear New Hickory Point. Oole | mart killed one of his assailants, when a | mob gathered, drove bim and several other settlers off, and burned their booses. The ; ring leader in tbe affair bad been arrested. ' j Gov. Shannon bad called cmt tbe militia, j and nutua Missourians had gone to offer their ' services to restore order. The people of L&wrance are under arms aud have five ■ pieces of artiler.y A nutfiber ot houses i have beon'burnt in DouglSs count v, atd several families driven to Missouri. The law aud order people of tßa territory are rallying in large numbers tc insist tlie Sheriff in tho execution of the law. Sixteen bouses have bem burnt ak llickorv Point, and a number of citizens are missing. THE KANSAS QUESTION TN WASHINGTON, J —The Washington corespondent of the Baltimore 3un writes under date of Dec. | 4th : , Gov. Shannon may have acted upon false i or exaggerated complaints, and there is also reason to believe, that it was intended to create a row just at the moment of the or ; ganiiation of Congress. Gov. Shaunon, being now armed by tbe United States, may 90 use his authority as to quiet the agitation, if any pervails, or to increase and aggra ; vhte it. ! It is not stated in the despatch of Gov.; I Shannon what particular laws nave been re ; sisted by the inhabitants, but i£ is known j that 4 portion of thcu> regulate all tlie laws of the feTritorial government, though they , do not YeSist their execution by violence. ■ They* do notsfle for certain beftrfe the jns j tices, nor resort to the courts of probate. But I kavo understood that they intended ; to resist tbe actual execution of the 12th i section of the sedition law, which provides | for the punishmeut of any persofc with fine i and imprisonment who may in wofds spoken deny that slavery exists lijgaJlv ir Kansas. A person was convicted under this act, ; and the free State people had determined Dot to resist the law until sentence could be passed, when they would interfere to • prevent its execution. So it rs possible | that this is the cause of the present di?- | turbanees. The Kansas question is to be J.e absorb , ing one of the House of Representatives— ! that is, if wo shoul-l have a HOIK'S ) Sineh the above was in type, we have re j eeived tho Washington Lmion of the 6th instfrom which we copy tho foiling:— Rumors have passed into circulation the effect that the President ha? authorized | the employment of the troops of the Halted j States in the Territory of Kansas ti aid the ! local authorities in the execution of the i laws. No such authority has been given. ' In order to show exactly what has tr&n.epi ; red, we have obtaiued permission t6 pub j lish the following despatches: WEST PORT, (M 0.,) Dec. 1, 1855. | I desire authority to call on the United States force at Leavenworth to preserVe the peace of this Territory, to protect tbe | Sheriff of Douglas county, and enable him I jo execute tho legal process in it*e hands. | [f the laws arc not executed civil Wr is in evitable. An armed fores of one thousand men, j with all tho imploiuents of war, it is said I are at Lawrence. They have rescued a I prisoner from the Sheriff, burnt houses and 'hrc-atened the lives of citizens. Immediate t assistance is desired. This is the ouly means to save bloodshed. Particulars by ! mail. W ILSON SII AN NOW ; To his Excellency FRANKLIN PIERCE. WASHINGTON, Dec. 3,1855. j Your despatch received. All the power j vested in the Executive will be exerted to preserve order' and enforce tlie laws. Or.! ; the receipt of your letter the pcrlimioary t measures necessary to bo taken before call - 1 ing out troops will be promptly executed, anil you will then be fully advised. FRANKLIN PIERCE. To WILSON Sn AN NOW, Governor of Ihe ' Territory of Kansas The Kangas Free Stato papers give the ' j following account of the difficulties in the: I Territory: i A young man 22 years of age, named ! Doflr, while at a blacksmith shop where sev eral tuffiahS had congregated, was deliber- I ately shot by one Coleitnin. An aPenipt ' was nladc ttf arrest the murderer, hut through ' ; the aid of his abettors, lie escaped to Mis- ! ; souri. A meeting ot the citizens wa.i con- | | vened upon the spot where the murder Was , ! committed, and enquiry made into the facts |of the case They pronounced the act a ! told-blooded murder on tlid part of Cole , man, and charged Hague, Burkiey, Moody i and Wagner as accessories. A series of resolutions were passed by the Committee i appointed to investigate. Still further j search was made <to find out the offenders I and bring them to juatice. Sheriff Jones arrested Jacob Branson, at whoso boiisa i Dow lived, for the security of the peace, ' but while proceelfng to Lecouipton, he ; Branson, Was rescued by a party of his i neighbors. Sheriff Jones has sent to Paw nee Mission for aid, declaring that thoGov i ernor had assured hiia of the assistance of 10,000 men if needed, FILLMORE is being urged in various parts of tbe Union as the ; next American candidate for President. It is said that tbe New York delegation to the National Conv-jutton w'lt support bim. BEDFMD INQUIRER AND CHRONICLE. . 1 FROM HAYIJ.—BJ the amval at this ; > port of the barque Charles E. Lex, Captain ! s I Harper, we have Hajtiau news lo the 14th ] uit. At Aux Cayca business was exceed-; . i iugly dull. Money, native and American | i | produce, in very limited supply. The new I • ! coffee crop was small, and none coming to I . I market, owing to scarcity of labor. The J j Emperor bad been successful among tho la- j , boring classes in raising a respectable force ! ; to march as soldiers against the Eastern or j ' i Dominican part of the Island. 'J his re- j j cruiting paralysed business to such ait ex- j lent that men cannot be found to forward 1 i the little native produce on hand to market, j | It was reported that the Emperor was going to the eastern part of the Island, at the in- • stance of its president, ftantana, who is in- j dined to acquiesce in any honorable meas- j are, to prevent a collision between the two 1 lioverrtments. 'J'KRJIRBLE EXPLOSION 'OF POWDER. — The Hartford (Conn.) Tidies of the 80th j ultimo, gays: "As a teamster, James Murphy, with a two Ljr.de wagou. was cartitEg powder from , one building to another, on the tifkli insr, at Hazard's powder mills in Enfield, the load exploded, tearing wagon, horse* and ; driver to atoms. There was about a ton of j powder &!\ the wagon, and so powerful was 1 the explrftbn that an arched bridge over a canal, on which the wagon happened to be when the explosion took place, depressed about three feet. The powder was in half barrels without any heads to them so that ■ it was exposed." .VegreCS in .Missouri. —The Missour 1 i Legislature has under consideration a se~ j vcre law against free negroes. The prin cipal features are as follows: First, no slave hereafter to be emancipa ted in that State. Second, no free uegro j hereafter to come into, or settlo in that J State for more than thirty days. Third, 1 felony for free negroes to come into that State in violation of this law. Fourth, no ; I negro or mulatto to be hereafter capable of | i holding real c.-tatc in that State by pur t chase, gift,grant, descent or lease—excep- I tion as to free negroes now in the State ■ j All contracts made with any free negro or i mulatto, who is in the State, in violation of I law, null and void. (Jen. Larimer, late of Pittsburg, has boon : elected to the Territorial Legislature of Xe ' brisk a. i i NOTICE. The first examination and exhibition of the Allegheny Male and Female Seminary, j will be held on the first of January,, 1856. Examination to commence at 9 o'clock, j A. M. Exhibition at 6 o'clock, P. M. JOHN POLLOCK. Mr. Jacob Reed has just received a fine | assortment of new goods, wnieh ho in soiling ! cheap, at the "Colonnade Store." Call ! and see them. MAHRIED i On the Glh, in St. Clairsville, by Ryv. F. j Benedict, Mr. JOHN J. POTTER, and Miss S.VRAIL KLRNEY. In Schellsburg, on Thursißy the 6fh int. ■ by Jolfn Smith, Esq., Mr. .fotix MCORKW, and Miss CHRIST EN A, daugfler of Conrod Otto, all of Napier Township. DIED. On Thursday, Nov. 99th, of typhoid fe- j ver, I'F.TEK, eldest surVivitig sen of Rev. ; C. and Nancy King,age Jls years, 7 month?! and J days. On the s'h inst., Miss CATHARINE RI CH- ' TELL, sister of ttie Rev. Wui. B. Reehtcll, of Bloody Run. ii Public Sale. BY order of the Orphan*' Court of Bedford | County, there will b* exposed to Public Sale, in Juniata Township, on S.ITCRD.IYthe < -I duy oj FE'BRUJRY, neit, 185t>, at Id o"- j clock, A. M., the following Ileal Estate, to wit: A tract ot land containing 67 acres,and al lowance, late the property of Joseph Nedro, • dee'd, adjoining lands<>f Joseph Eoyei, Valen tine B. Wert/.. Jacob II illegas.s, Jonathan Feiehtnor and others, on the road leading from Sehcllsbnrg to Buena Vista, and about half a mile from the latter place. The improeem 'tits area good Story and a half I.OC, HOUSE, Log Stable, with threshing > door attached, and other out-buildings, with aj good Spring close to the house. About 4'> j I acres of this land is cleared and under fence, 7 , or 8 acres of Which is meadow, and more can he i made. A running stream passes through thin ; j iurin, j TEKMS made known on dav of sale. JOSEPH DULL, Aim'r. P.,S. For Information in regard to this laru; apply to Lewis A. Turner, Bncna Vista, or Jolin Wyunt, living on the place. Do r. 14. 55-c Turnpike Election. j fTVHE Stockholders in the Somerset and Bcd- I X tonl Turupiku Road Company, will take 1 notice that an .Election will b. he'td ttthe house ] of Joshua Palmer, in Allegheny township, on j the seventh duy of January next, to elect one I President, six Managers'and a Treasurer, to cs.nduct the atj'uffs of the said couijiany the eu ' suing year. BENJAMIN KIM MEL, President. J Dec. 14, 1855. ! 1 I Stray Steer. CIAMK to the plantation of the subscriber, ] 1 > livirfg in .Union To vns-hip, Bedford Cuanty-J ( sometime In June last, a llsii rjrtna. supposed 1 1 t'l be about t.vo years olj.l, wi<|i 4 notch OH of c I tie tower pnrt tit the left bar. The owner u. !•****' I. . ■■AXiyi. sm-sa-u.-. . New Jewelry. • > THE subscriber has opened out a WW ami „ splendid assortment of all kinds- of the , most fashionable Jewelry —consisting in part of Breast Pins, Finger Hangs, Ear Ringi, &e. &e. Call and see frTs stock?" do! 4 DANIEL BORDER, mm WIKAT, Rye, Cora, Oats and Buckwheat, in - pavmont for subscriptions, for; which the 1 high Ist market prices will bo allowed, ami to be • left at any of the mills f?i the neighborhood.— * Also, about 30 cords ol good wood. Won't I some of our friends bring on these article;'. THE EDITOR. !> The Pennsylvania Telegraph, Ful urged Form u.id Reduced Terms. J THE CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED. OV arid after the first day of Janur.ry, 186}. the PKNSSTI.VAXU TKLUORAIMI, p nWirlred ! at Marrisburg, Pa., will be owntd and eouduct ' ed by the undersigned, who will give their best | energies to'fcfuke it worthy of I's cause and of 1 its friends - It will commence the new year printed on 1 eutirely new type, and the Weekly greatly en ! la.-ged in-tdrif., while the price will 00 lower j tliun that of any other paper of its cries c" ,*r 1 published at the capital of ttie State, and pay j inents\jill be required strktiy in advance. No ' paper will he snt untH paid for, oaid ail will ) be discontinued a* the subscriptions expire, ! unless they are renewed. The "Telegraph" will be issue! SEAIi- U'I.EKJ.V, on a sheet ..f twenty-tour columns, during the sessions of -the Legislature, and : WEEKLY, ou a double sheet of forty-eight ; columns, the remainder of the year, it will . present a comprehensive Minimal y of Legisla -1 tive proceedings; all the important general | laws they have |sscd, and aim to 10 give the j current political intelligence of the times in the | fullest anil most reliable maimer. In short. I the proprietors hope to make it a complete Fa \ mily and Political Journal, and they confident - I !y appeal to the people of Pennsylvania to ; sustain them in their enterpriic. The "Telegraph" will advocate a lilcr.'tl po ' litieal policy, and aim to unite ail those who though animated by the same common purpo sts, and looking to the samr beneficial results, sectft distracted by the conflict of distinctive organfMPtomi. It will sustain the highest • standard of American Nationality; and, while yielding a sao'-ed oliedience to the Compromi ses of the Const(futian, will determinedly re sist the ex tens it/ft o? iTftSnvn Slavery. It will yield a cordial, writ)est, indeymndent sup- i i-ort to the administration of G'Vv. POLLOCK. TER.MS — Striciiy in Admit . The "Telegraph" will ha furnished SKM!- WhKKLY during the sessions of the Legisla ture, and WEEKLY, on 11 double sheet, the remainder of the year, at tjia follow ing low | rates—the nu ney Invariably to accothpany the order:— Single subscriptions, 53 00 j Five copies (SI.BO per copv) - - 900 I Ten copies ($l7O per copy) - 17 Oe ; ' Twenty enple(sl,so per copy) S'J o.' And at tne same price (sl,fo p'-'r cop) ) on any number over t'Aenty. | Clubs should lie made up at once, and the subscriptions forwarded before the first of Ja- I i.uarv, si> that tlfey ean commence with the I session c.f the f.cgisbvturc. I LSubs>WF]ititins will be fovwiirdcd from i this otlire. All orders must bo addressed to MM:LURE & SELLERS. IfaTmoury. Pa. | C"7* Bnsiness men will timl th 'TelegfaV' the VERT BEST Advertising Medium iri Pentrt.yl vania, oui of the cities. Dec. 14. 1865-c* MttVEim. Ipropr s • f > teach young lueti |ract,c*l sur veying:—how to lnaUe surveys ; hovv to eal -1 c.ilato areas ; how to make dr.tus. Any OIK | who understands common arithmetic; wle> can j add, subtract, muitipiy, aud div'd •can learn i surveying thoroughly in iuo rcn'Jri, at . e ; $1G,(IO, as follows, silt, tuition. $3. for a book | of tables, and drafting instruments. ;.ml 54. FAs i two'weeks boarding for those living away from i town. lam confident that any o a who will j apply himself under my guidance can make i himself a good Surveyor in two weeks, or less ; i and if this proves a mistake as to any otic \ there will lie no charge for his tuition, i 1 will commence my class on Monday 31th, I Dec. inst-. provided I em get lit or more stu 1 a.-irf s. At lio.itioii MicttLt tie miric Ki' prWMi | or by letter as soon as possible. One half the tuition tee to be paid ic. advance, WM. M. 11 ALL. ; Dec. 7, 18,>1. | Valuable Ileal Kstale For Sale. rtlllK subscVtbcr tikes this m< tiio.l of inform JL ing those de.sirous ofpurchaiig a valcnhlt ! Farm, that be wislies to sell that well known I Partqand Tavern Stand,on which he now reside: : situate in Last Providence township, Betlfoni i Gouiy, 11 miles east ol tint. Juniata Crossings and no mile west of Rays Hill, containing 34t: j acres of land, a (hi lit IV) acres of which an i cleared and mostly enclosed by good post fence j and in a high st He ol cultivation, the majority o i which has recently undergone a thorough dres sing ot limo, which has rendered it extremeii 1 fertile. Tin - improvcMcnty jr.- 1 large three story : BRICK HOUSE, with jiroliably titc most com i modious cellar under it iu the. county tolerable good barn, stafrlc, and such oil : ut building; |as are necessary. There tire plenty ol gooc 'water at the house, whi.e nearly all the field) i arc well watered. There is also a young or : chard of 200 choice fruit trees just coiuinene j ing to bear. There is also a good Tenant House, togeth' i with an excellent Saw Mill on the pioperty. M ' mated very- conveniently on the fnrnp ke road with an abundance oti the qjiolcest white pin. 1 timber, immediately- around the mill, prokvblj ■ the largest body of timber in the county. Any person desirous of examining the pro I perty will please call 00 the subscriber, vvh< | will endeavor to give all the satisfaction neces i sary. He also feels sate iu slating that the tith ti the lurid is good, and is v, illing to win-ran against ail claims. GEO. IV. HOUSEHOLDER. • sept. 21, 18-V>.—"im JEPjedje: For Justices, CoitshiMcs. M'itn. .-.-tf,&.>: [ ?ar Fuie at this r-ffiee. mntu,l: 1.1.M:. THE fuhscriher Las started a new Stage I.lne from STON EHsrott s to P.r.nfOßi), vvliicb wiil r.tu each way twice every week. The Couch will leave Stoaeratown ou MON DAY and FRIDAY of each week, immediate y after the uioruing t'-ain arrives from Hunting don, not returning, will leave Bedionl o 1 WEDNESDAY an t SATUfiDAy, and arrive in Stoperstown in time to meet the evening train lor Huntingdon, being much the near'nt an*i cheapest rouie to Philadelphia. Fans onlv $1.75 to Stonerstowu. PETER ELLISON. Nov. 23, 1800 St. i'OACU AID V 4 ACOS l it'TORl. THE un lersigned having entered into partner, ship in the above business, would annouiiCj the eiti/ens of Bedford t'onntv that they r< now prepared, at their Shop at the East le d .l iliisßorougii.tofurnish CAKIIIAUES and Bl'.r- G1 of every style and price; also,<JO At DINS, WAGONS, and Puocmts. BLAOKSKDV "-ork 01 description executed,to order, on ihe siiort er.t 'votice,,at, their shop adjoining the Coaca iF acjt-iry. litegiuiued,4f> keep none but the best of work tcel gi t,i\ej; etuploy, and to sell as cheap as any out in the Stare, they hojH; to receive Ul/eaai oneouragejiient. ? Produce of nil kinds taken in ex cTiapge for work, and th '.highest prices allowed. Uf Jrcsjvjctfullv invite the puUictogive us a cull. WM. WKISEL. JOIIN FOSTER. rf. dford,Fab. J3d. T854. LHlta ! U^lipU!! 1 , I AA A A di-ftotrJi ki:'B.r I VYM "/U Also, 7 " wo f.UM. BKll of difloraut ktiufs. du.'l as l ' \!' ...' Yellow Pine. Poplar. Spruce. &c . !\\ For sale F. D. I'KEG I.E. St. Clairsville Feb. 18, ISSS<. Tiie Meagel House. The cuVscriher having Taken the above we! ! know n Hotel, ■ n the town ct Bedford, reeonilj kept by Mr.Luiafe .VJeitgel.-.roiild re*pwtni-Hy an iicooce to his friend* and the public generally, thai he is now*prepared td entertain them tut • i superior style ' His lied* and Bedding, are new, aiw, ni* chambers-..oitun'jdiuuA ai d well vettiilatftj \ ! and furnished itt the best reamer. On tils Table, will be foumidhe choicest vi ands the market r an produce. fits Bar will be supplied with the best h qttors. Hi Stab eis large anil •-•atßodioßS ajj.l will i be uttened by undattejitive and i.'idustrioos©?.- ier. Boarder* will be taken by 11.a day. week ' month and year. A- he is deterrrvoei! tu spare no efforts T pira-'e.ahd make all pArshn.* who Mop with biti • !etl At home.he rirepet-i'wUy a-k* tlie palronagr ! *>f lite public. JAMKs S. EECKWITH, j Bedford, March 31. 11-C4. Bedford Academy and Female seminary* ; r i W. W. CAMPBELL, Principal. riIHE first session of the sth school year of: J. tliislnsfitutidii Will fptn on Monday uioru ing the 3d day of Si pteiiilwr. The jeisi : j iiistory- of the Academy, will, we trust, 1 e : sufficient gd irautee of it? future efficiency.— 1 The branches taught will be the same as hereto fore. To mailer principle w ill be considered , the inosy important pursuit of the pup!'; and : while it will be the constant husiuess of the In- . structorto impart knowledge, it will *!so be his ; aim to lead his pupils to make a practical ap pjeation of their acquisitions- To load the min 1 with innumerable formulas, without cause , iug it to use thcin, would be like placing a bow , i n a child's hand, without teaching him how to ] i '"■ end it. In fine, it shall he our object, as it has ; ever been, to load the pupil to think* j cy X. if. Instruction in Single and llnube't ; Entry book Keeping will be given by tiie Priu- , I c'pd. The class in this study will tie so arr ang- j led that any young men desiring to pursue this i ' niporta it branch, in order to prepare them- : • elves for clerkships, cum recite in it a'oie , ; b..* recitation will receive attention out of the j ■ Tgulsr sc'iK'pl fours. Instruction in this! anch'ht citru, and will ba cfi'w-l accord . ! r gly. The terms are as usual. Per <iiirt j ( lassies. .... $0 2-> Higher EntFsh. ... (.0 ] i Middle ... 4 pi) j Elementary. - - - - A '*> Book Keeping. (extra.) - - oiO A bR ST HI ijtj 1 for sale for cash or approv- JND pro DM luqnii- . ; Urni's CBV'AI* < : N.>DH STORK. GBili AM A tHEEH A \ TIOMHLY i sr.vßttscr.u is 1527. j DEVOTED T< LITERATLRK, ART AND i FASHION, id-id. 1 i fflllE new voiture ton tuvtictr g with the Ja JL n • ••■ number. 1856, wiil contain over 1 Twelve Bundled Rage* oi the choicest reading ; matter, Sttei and 'A cod hi gr.iv,nr.*. and M use*. 1 i ••Griihitr." is a Family Magazine, with mat ' j tcr to please the grave ami the gay, the young e and the old: and while every thing t el-ting to Fashion, and purciy feminine in its nature, is u fully equal to that published in any other per,- I odie-.'--the Literature is '*f a higher . i ai-icter, ' ami better suited to all members of the Family, i" : This Magazine is, and has 'wen, within the " scope or Its design, the exponent of a pure. , healthy, and devoted literature; in proof of - ; which we refer to the and more especial ly to tiie present year. Tins coming volume, on account ot the en gagements mvie with literary celebrities, and , the superior facilities at our control, wiil, w.ulo in other respects unchanged, excel in tint beu l. ; tv and variety of its contents ail former issues. i The following n* e the n*nic3 of torn -ot those n whose contributions have appeared in -Graf ... ha*.i" during the presufit year. ,j W. c. Brv.t: t. J. llusseil Lowell. J.T. Head u , lev, T. If. Uea 1.. rrVn. Uowe, 11. W. GriswoM. s K. I'. Whipple, VV. G. Simms. 11. W. Herbert. J, jH. 11. Stoodir 1, t'ark benjamin, Patil 11. Ilavnu. J. 31. Church, J. Bcleaer, I). I)-, W in. 7, Ale.-:inder, E. If. Ellsworth, K. O. .Smith, j Alice Carv. Ellen Louise Chandbr, Julia ( - v - Dorr, Cartiiine Ches*iiro, Klls Rodman, Mrs. " j E. L. Gushing, E. Anna Lewis, 3lary A. Den- ; isou. Marion Harland, "Kosa," Caroline !■. Orne, Celia M. Burr. Anne T. Wilbur, Belle [ c Bush, Mrs. E. J. Eanus, E. L. Kilbum ,s Fach number of the coining vnlura • will con (i tain a splen lid Steele Engraving; a Plate <>( ' 5 th" Paris Fashions, on Sle-.dc, elegantly eolor ; ed; one or inofe articles :iehiy illustrvtwi with U'ood Kr-graving*; MisO'llaneou* Pros - aad Poetry, in Editor's Ta 1 le; Reviews <d ?tew r Book*: Monthly Summary of Curient Events; i. Hints on Faskki i au-.l Fashionabl *I id •lligeucc fnr the Month; PattArfl.s for Needle-wovk, ami N •' Musir. y ' The St.-el Engravings n .1! cmbraw flnely ex ecuted portraits of tii • • rated 1 wly-ivnters , of the day, mtersporoed witii a variety ot other ~, ' silitjeei s, such :.s • e think lli'd pruVsJ aecepu s7 bte to tin- general reader. | it The t ashioa Pistes are engraved on steel. af.t r the latest Paris Fashions, giving out and in-door costumes for the month in which they appear. Tney have been pronounced snperi'U • to those published ia-auy other .Vberio tn Pe l riodic.il. i he Literary .Matb'i* will consist ol' llistori ci'i. Biogt,,;-' i - il.and Lit-.-rary Essay.*, Sketch as ofTraVel, Fills' Art's. Novels, Tales, Koman.- j Ces, tie. fae Novels and Rom ine.tx of '-Uri ; ham (of which" frohl two to five will appear in _ j every issue) are universally acknowledged to. I excel in beauty and interest any other puohsh ! Ed hi Arn .'rica. The Editors Tf3o is made up ot Humorous e , Sketches and Anecdotes, Foreign and Domes* .1 tic <F>st;, and • derary and other chit-cyat. ! The Monthly irv of Currant Events - . give* a condensed account of the principal V | events, winch liaFe taken place in t.u w'-rIJ - I during th • [ r •ceding nionth. i j The Reviews of New Books are tror.i tue a i pen of E. P. Whipple, who, as a critic and i ! reviewer. Starkls nnrivalled." i j The Fashion article p eserfs, each month a i correct an 1 comprehensive account of tiie net styles >f Dresses. Bonnets, MatitdDs, Sua wis, i Eiabro*. Jeries. and everything relatini to 1 aslw j ion. iff interest fo fht ladies. . i The Neodle-Work Patterns fi Pollers, tin ! dcr Mecvef. Caps. Berthas, Skirts. Lrnoroi 1- j erics for fTiiidkerfehiefs, an! general Nvedle r_ i work, are miihert us and lnjflt.ti ully Uisigned. . 1 New Music. A new peace *3l be pven ev- no nth. Thus- alone at a Mosie-ator ; ,f ; would i --St more th n a year's sahsoripsioß. ! TKRM.*.— One eiqwr. one yene. 'nadvance, $o; Two T . pi.... Fir- copies r)'H •> t th ,j ' Ag- *t or "-Dot-up -if the Chl)) $1 > " r j On:e Copy wi.! Iv - nt T'o ee Years. AdtiiU"Us to ( iu< so.an b*. > isd i at the same rate asGiUbs scn(t. All su'i.crtptloi.. not paid in IvatiuC, ABRAHAM H. bi-IE _ No. 116, Chestnut Street, Phita. amovjkL ~ rrillE subkriher woiMrespectfully aa:;eunce JL to th'" Jnthliothdt Uc lias removed h!s Tiu nink E.stabtiitintvjnt to the building receutl.r oc- Cund by 31 r. Luther, us a ContactKo aty .St..re in ihn Diamond, waere be is liettur prepared' , th:i}> ever to acivtinodatii his i nMon.i is w'iih ; ev.iv art-tie iii*tlre iftid of his business, either • whilejiaU.' or retail, .and boptA Iter will give ' iliiil a call St.WTneit* lOFhtioti. 4- ' t: 1 ! Hf'iJE BI.Y .MIRE. 1 IkvfvrJ, Apvil>M ih Hi- • 'j H, !J; ibo t L. " :s Aesirmfs t.lrih b.ihks closed up till Ist Apn't, inst:, r'tfier !by aish'Or note, lie hop. r P.rrnVtke wilt be [ itt:i|dci to iinmeoi.-;te , y. C. i>- STRAILING, BUT TRUE Warning (o Errry YYomau. . l Why Female* Sufl'cr in Health. i No woinau of delicjfy is vri.'lipg to disclose ; . !l,e IR'co'dar a.'.m: rts imridv't to her ux, ct j to a moat ititinirteiatnily phyfiiciau. Fhb aodty aad delicacy i* implanted by -i-ii ire. and lieuber should nor need he suf K'Ct eii t.'.o rude shocks inevitable in nitking known to the other sex those ailmeßis 1 eloccinji exclusively to the female. Exctj t ia extreme cases, t-r rer.aitivtrei I nill sacrifice her htahli rather than hvr debet< r t The con sequences are serious, iameaUblh j .ct d dife-loiig. Thus what .a first eonld have tveneasi'-vnit's | ''Shsd. orpertvps letter stitl. >.< t imurud. h.- ! eoiiics 4. coißphcatipa ol diseases, r.ot .'y it,-- I iiiiog the heattb of t!>* toother, and en.btttt rio j her d:iys by sL-kr.ess and tuderlrg.d ot ti.upbi g i Er-.ken cons*, utj.ers ip< her cii'dren, sr g ' cwhtirniMtog, >* not dirtzeasing, the tnsiness and • peeumurv prospects of the bus hard. L'-f evt r>: seiisittie worns;, TAKE WAII.VIYti VM TIME (us thoi.sunds have ttonej by the t riur txpm- and suffering*, of others, o'{, the dr. - dlui conneq lenees she t-n'fcails t'pofi l eitelt ai d these ; endeared to her, by her ignorance of the gint | plest and plainest rules of health as connected with the marriage state, the violation of wfcich j emails disease, suffetii.g and wisely . How many are suffering from bbslructions c: : irr.rgularities pi-ci'iir fo the JVnale sy'sieni, which nn lennine Hie health, tie iffeets rf v.-bicn ihey are ignoiant, and for which their del icacy fo.'biijii seo'.lng medical advice! 3D,v. many stifler I'rieu proltfpxui uteri ('ailing of the | Womb,) or from finur a tints (weakness, del iiitv , Mc.)! How many are in constant agony for many months pivcedlng confinement' How nia ' ny have difiicult. if not dangerous deliveries, and *luw and utjeectain recoveries! To the question, bow are tia-.-e to l.c preven ted I what shall be done? the answer is s.nipfe. r lift every woman ascertain lit herself, without ; violence to her delicacy, the nature mud charac. ter of the ailment (to which she as a female is . subject) the causes tront abich it mat arise, and fly proper remidicv for its cure at) ! l itlire prt-- I vention. j Th . she can do by p. sseksrrg ILltle VOlhiwo (already po.s-vcased by thousamU) w licit tells br i ivl, .t i. the matU'r, atsd tell* her what to do foe it, m simple but cbasie words, t.i d such as ale j can understand. This little volitm" is entitled th:-: mjuried womj.vs {PKIVATK -HELU iL BY I);t. A. M. MAL'RiCEAL'. | paofhssoa OF DISC AS us or ions, : (J'te IJtiniii i'u , Kill:...ii (StO,C( D, \ ''y *!■"> jos Ftvt p.vrkK, r.xrRA r.hN'Dim:. sl.: , A .siaii iard worx of csfv hUs bed tepi; it(ni I found Classed in the Cut a!-titles of the gieat | Ti-ude S.ih s in New York. Philr.delj hiui an-l j oti.erciiic*. and sold by tb>- principnl 1 o.' i * j iers i.i t'. : United Slates. I*. was lfrst p.cl-iished ii 1* : 7. i iC3 Which fa: ; j ; Fi i E Ul-XDiiiJi) ii! T;* S? COPi U. ; liavo been sol I. <*f whica there wi re t -ward* ■ ' | ONE HUNDRED lllOUSAM) SENT Do MAIL, at: *iing the high est.mat ion in whkh it , I ! ii . c e'.niol- popu'a: nvdieal H Ma FOU EVERY FEMALE i the Author lniv.ngM-voted his exdrtjv? rtten to tle treatment ot con,plaints peculiar i-> Icinaje*. it: re.*pyct to which lie is yearly c.m --j suited by t'lousanda, both in J otson and l.y lett.-r. H.-re every w-nnan can dUyover, ly cr-irq a • | ring iter o-:rrn:y tom's -with those Jj. sedbed, the nature, character, causes of, and the prrptr remodi s for. her coni)>uintx. i Tlk* wife about ti'vociiug a pioL.'er ln.j of.eu | need of instruction cn d advice i t th. utmost 1 importance to her futliie hi-nltH. will tin 1 such ; ii-struotioi and aii icrt, ar d ajso explain many J symptoms vhicli oiherjv'ie vrould occasion onxi : cty <>r al ir'm, .-isari th-peculiarities incident tu ' her situation fire described. | It is of cunise imprncHeuble to convey- fallY the various s- r 'i--ets treated of. r.s they ~r- 1.1 a nature strictly intended lor l!: msriietj or ic*>j marriage. The revelations cn , tained In its pigb, have proved a bkssing t > | thousands, as the inutimer,h!e L'tters received by the author v which lie is permitted t v tl.enri ters to publish, will at jest. ! Extract of a J.slier from a ccullemcn in rayon, j Oh io ; D tYTtH, 31 ay 1. 1 FIT. Dr■ .#• HI. Manric-nn : '•My wife Ims b:en pcreeptil.ly sinking for aomo throe years or more, in c'useqiteu<-e of ' her gre it anguish and sutl'erli g stme u.oiuhsbe fore and during coifffhemot.t; every successive ouc mope md more debilitated and prostrated t her. putting her iifc in in niilient dm per, and w! i.-h was m I tie ho t occasion di spaired of. I supposed that this slate of icings was inevitable, - and as-igned myself lo meet the worst. At tiiis time (now aboiit'two months) 1 heard your book highly spoken of, ;>* cnnlainirg sonic matter reaching mv case. On its rocftpt nn4perusal. 1 cannot express to von the relict it afforded my distressed mind, and tl.e j. y its pages imparted, jto my Wife. oTi Tearidtig the grctit disco? tiy of >l. M*. Desomean ' providr d a rctircriy. Ir . jwn t'd w pros) wet to u-ew Jitch f little conceived was pos*ihli-. No pecuniary consideration can ever icp.-iv th • oHigijii ns i ain under to yt.it, fcr di.iving b -.-t! the me':ti: j of imparting to us tho in itt.-e* ••out lined in • 7 lit 3ir-ied IVi iiist: * Frivrte McdtnaKN ntputii(i>." Bufictthis, ere another your woiiM here passed over my hesd, in all human prolnihility my wife would hsvo 1 con in tier grave and my children left ait-tLir- Jt-sf." 1 ;i consnqiietice of the univcrta! j pyulsrit? ,t.f the work*, as cvidt-r-cd I.v its i xtict id-.naiy saia. v irio-.is iiiipcsiti; r.s h: \c le< r , tt. r;it (I as we'J on book sellers s> < u ;1 e I Flits. 1 y iitt ifsiiori* of title page. s( v.r <i:n dirkt.. tin rur djt>tili.)ils infringements of cf} srd < the ertics ami deceptie : s, it has hi erf it t r.d ret m sary the r-. fore TO THE fl BIIC to buy no t.oott unlcs* thc'w .r.j -I r. A. 3! - M.ntaic' it. 1 "(• Liberty Street."N. Y.."i*c,ii • (ami the etitry IH th" ( ierk's (,(fee on the I ark of) the title p-ig.!; and buy ©!y of teer tctabh? ami homtryble dealers, or send by r.tail. and sd i dress to Dr. A. M. Mauric-au. ftF"L"uo:t receipt >,t line Dollar. '-THE M .MIRIED WOMAN'S FRIVATF V EDI AT." C() MPAN ION " i* Si'iit (B.ailed tree? to itry paTt >d the Uaiteil States, the Cftiadi* and British Proviaccs. All l.tteis mifst be P"*t ' p:ti 1. and addressed to f/K, A. M. MAI I< 1-, CE AU. box I'd.'!. New York CD) - I'lihEsLing OffljA. N. 1i!) liberty Street, N't*. York, i July 13; 1856—Cm. Aoisrs —Dr. F. C. Kest .vr. JBcdNu';: i. B M. M< Is t* Br., : i i 31-uB (- ■i • r tk.vva't.*l*l uladfl•..lda: .'fatelet St Bty.. lsire* t>; i. B. inn!son. fr 55 • ft ! T. G't < ( b-Tg, J. S. Nirk *0:. ar.d A. K McGlnre Uh V • ;.et M urg, ' - WrU.CiLMYkiIMi. CiOCkffidkiLC, &tll iiTv elry iislaMisLrhei.t. , cpilE stL'iscriher would fespecuhi'} \mfoM '. 's j Iriw. i.* and generi.'y, Mmt be" bis epe j-d 4>uV 'O. tie bit(P in. Put (Street,* -t ' no.* riv opposite the Bedford Hotel, *np.iw.t4t i ' , one liiied oy H- Nicodemu.-, Eco., amvj \V aick^ • ■ Ultt | rpe, (Mrtekin.t'kifig and Jib-elr) E'M.sblis)" , ' i tun t. Uhl-re he wiM attend prumptH- to r^slr': '' j U); Watches and Clock*3 11%.bs*'on-lAb<4 .' 'brie, mid splendid assortment qr Jnvtlfj. T t 1 eye -v descriptiop. which.he wiD,-. E<n n • J<x au- iiiruis. 'Als-i Gold ap.i Silvir V) .ill HEN , 1 ' sih* ;r Spoons. Thimbles, Butter K.O v. GeTJ am! Sftvef l'ens-snd Peneilshke. to DANIFE aoitpr-R' lidford, April 2j), ' r' 1", Mill eonti%iH tke GnnwHUttpKs • boiflncj?. at hif '2la s'titof, tfce >.tt end uf town. where ho has a good Slid cotP] el< ff % on. ! mau constantly employed. E*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers