Bedford inquirer and chronicle. (Bedford, Pa.) 1854-1857, December 07, 1855, Image 4

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Ad persons indeofci* to trial either by node or
Book account,are hereby notified that their notes
and accounts are left i> the hinds of IL-nry
-Nicodcrnus, Es.j., of the Borough of"'Bertttwd;
for collection, wiiei-e sufc- will In* cmui -need
eg tins! all who do not comply with this notice
and make payment icameiiito'i .
Oct. 5, 1877.
hill I) lK 7i < LISN Bf>Oh >,~~
ri3 Tits AluM-VIOK Of
Township Bmrds c<f Education ani
Union Schools.
rrillli folbiwrtig excellent School Book have
J. lieen adapted, by m >re than ovi. rubes ctn
Boards of Education, ill the last eighteen
months—bectus' of their unsurpassed
merit: 'Stroud, '■•tcause ibey arc, also, the tins'
economical to the leanier.
afcGuifey'ii Eclectic Pictorial Primer,
McGuU'es's Eclectic Spelling-Book,
McGutfc.y's Eclectic First Reader,
Me'iiid'ey s Eclectic S a-ond ii ■ i ler,
McGutfuy 's Eclectic Third Loader,
MeGuffc.v's Eclectic Fourth Reader,
McGuflcy's Eclectic Fifth Reader, or Rhetori
cal Guide.
The llemius Yuuji£ Ladles' Reader.
Ray's Arithmetic, I'irt First,
Ray's Arichmetic, Part Second,
Ray's Artlimetiu, Part Third.
Key to II -y's Arithmeti •.
list's Algebra, Part First.
Kay's Algebra, Part Second.
Key to Kay's Algebra. Parts First and SeeoruL
I'inneo's I'nm try Grammar, lie vised an i/Eii
Urged, and print ed from new type. This P I
urged edition, embraces SVYTAX" which is treat"
11, s clear, piv.eti :.d and pleasing rnannc.
and Mm volume is.; f. and a>m?i*tc Class"
t'"Ok for Common School*, con; tiding a t| tin;
o taught on the subject in Public Schools.
Pinn-o's Analytical Grammar, Revised, with
culnrgi! 1 type—designed f.-r aoviuc.'i pupil*
Who wish study tuesubject on a m ire ex: -n 1
eit basis, nnd with more minuteness in detail.
Analysis. Pinneo's English Teieb.r. in
w.aeh is taught the structure of s.-ntcne -shr
As.i'.vsis and EisniEsis. A popular work on
t io analy sis ,-f English sen'ences.
it ,s heiiewd that iio hooks ever presented to
i -if pv.lilic have met with su :h universal ajipro
nation us those embraced in the ECLECTIC Kdc-
ATIO.VAL Skkiks. Not only have n • rly all the
b.-aiing prjcticil teachers iu tin- State, in* their
i * t rs tiunifcsti-d their high appreciation cf
th-'ir merits, and the *;atjsfac:i ei th*y f.-.-.l ia )g tiuini; but many oih irs, whose sph -r.' of
instruction is in the higher D yi irtm Kits of E-l
--ier it ion, bit who also ..-irnestlc liti.r tbr the
jirogres, an ! iv..-!fire of (• imm >n Schools,
Inve united in this gciierol voice of
I iiolished by 5V*. ii. Smith & Co., Cincinnati.
AiE.srs POP. Biippjai) Corxry.- Dr. 15. F.
Harkvs Drug and Book Store, Bedford; Dr. F.
- Kramer's Drug aril Book, B.nifi.rc;
wncre these books may br hid wholesale and
retul, on the most favorable terms.
School Boards will be suppUod With copies
tor examination, an 1 schools supplied'for a
first introduction, at reduce 1 rate.s.
Sept. 28. 185-s—c
ntUE ■ 'ibscriber oiTers his well known
' 1 'i'Tty, on II .y's li t, j'
County. I a a; P;:vat Sale, .all the 1 ami
beb ngtng t.-eret being :u;j U F.iiS of
patented land D,:; acres whicn
!inrj -v g .r>d f^nc^.
f v<-in.-nis ar? a Urse
Frame Tavern Stan,!,
P'od)irgeStible. snffi to accommo la*
• lehty horse*. Granary. (' , rn iy a ~--, .1
a ";f • !lt "' her n aces* irjo'it. lmil,liug S ' u-1 in ex
*h -nt orchard of choice iruit.—i never fnilhi"
j-tre im .0 iter at tin- a . .vi l* -v .r ; t
spring < r-n difK-r-fi? n -rs of •, • |. in ,|/
,hi " •''"•- , " r ty TWO GOOD
1 n '* N <>R* of to ■ b'-st known T ivni
VY'V 1: ' J l '" r " vl an ' J •>.- land Fin abign
" tlf 01 ♦'Titration, un-f Wj |j for pas-
lie sGo oil rs for -ale, tlv FARM adj
"•above, on waieii lie at present resides one
ixlf mils „r the Tavern eon-
UmingSOD H Rlh of go , 1 lin.'sr I.uid.
•>i ncr **s / ivhicti
W?i e'"il sr ''!' : " " f w ' ;riv "'" ; >. • 1 th.' balance
well timbered.
'"he niprov.-in r.ts are a good new
ino-Storv W eathes'-Boardpd!
iiank Burn. Spring li,.:i*. Wash, and i
- 'her out buildings, a first nta orchard of g-od >
•rut. a good spring close to the home, an 1 never !
tailing springs of iv.,t -r Iri everv fiFd.
i hero ar • also on this tract a good
UMF. K IPX, a:,J wv , r ..j , t .,. 1V , 1£
oil V'.,.:' 1 ' .i'l.r'!V" n . y* ft Yml as ! !
•"., * i "1 iifk i :v,;iiit .it.—
1 here nr. .u;s. TIIHEE Gn;, TENANT !
I.' Ihi< and tw„ other g .0 1 !
This ,1 one f the t ,.. st stoc .- f;rm , lnthi , I
•untry. and "T-rs pcetiliar indue netits to auv i
person who d.-strcs to raise e utie,
He will seji fJ untitles to sail purchases !
and it iv o;m wishing - , make a hirgiii, w m'ni I
•to well to oaimmc th- ahove propertios befor.
purchasing <?!swhfr •.
i erms nri?i ,% to suit purchiSArs.
lor fur;her information apple to the <-T)- 1
srriher. " j
c , 10 ~ JAMES SPROAT.
Sept. 2', 1555.
* * C 1 i.itnhorshurg R p. an: t Whig, and llun- i
i.ngdon Journal, put- ~n . each S ninth!, and
i' 1 bul to tais oili •
SEf MKfifii lilßTllt
b natal h. p:titn>.-, t thi C ;irt of Q-jirvr
S of t,. Pavrc. that t ,. sli!
"i B • Itnr 1 #ul th citi7.;:n thsr-of. shil! !m
--eim i s i.>j vt t ■ the r iitrici-n* n,-,| „ M ,
t.j p-.w.vs vn p-i-ib;. < e „.;. rM j, , A ..
c Kit.s i -A I V:t r • ilitpig Bi'.iij'hi" 10 .
proved April 81. IS'„. a,I V„ t..,-. ' t ,
p.-ivrr of sul p-tup,, w:;i . C IV . 1 ,
' 1-r of ssi If ur. -nil. imi.-I ps
nest Scissions, onth: Mi idiy of \-V-. #y,
n xt, unless goo 1,- e !y . t •' .
By order of t!i Cuuri,
Oct 28. ISoi.
fttiic scbscriht-r is fully p.-epnxed to furuisbany
L quantity or qualify of Building Lumber and
I*"™ 1? ,s - Orders directed to St. Glairs-
V"i. Bedford County, will he promptly attended
to. by giving a reasonable notice.
Dec, 2h, 1851.
4ire:si discovery!
Tei Barry Tooth Wash.
A c: v f * r s '- irv - -
-LM. i f .oeth t.ii uwtiih.s tefjH,. g\Ut>
Klls> DRfaps,
' ' ,r ' Tooth Aihe-w.mntc:
a ear. 1 f., m ';yg to, minutv® or
no charga.
Prepared ami rV f v ,f. V, . M tK ,„r:.v A
>v . C. fjstiis. Bloc
Aug. 17. 1M55 | .♦
llrglieny Male and
T 1, > I nidation is located a' Iliinsl'U,
> l u >, Pa.; 10 14 it us flow Bedded
> n i 8 utiles.from tiMi'uni Spring*.
Bring situated in a retired village, fieel'rour
ni tay of th alluring vices that so {toa corrvpt
the minds ot youth; and in lite midst of out* f
the most bevuil'ul -iiui healthy j>ortiop of tin*
•St te. we trust it wilj receive the liters]'
patmaag - tint it. friends have anticipate d.
It will oe under th"charge <>l tb# lieev. Jofrs j
I'oj.t.ocK of the >l. E. gentb man who ,
has been for a number of yen; engaged in i
at? ic ding, unJ waoa.- reeeniiaendatioiis from
abroad, i> .v -f as clio high style of teaching he
is exhibiting ia t his pac : at present, faily satis
fy Ha titU us is sach a man as we need, lie
will lie assisted IMrs. F.- E. fottoCK as P-g
ceptross. ami s i :.'! other teachers as the Seine i
.tiny r-\|iiie.
thiysir r II '■>■• di'tlgi Icto two session.'
12 ;v ;e ci i• i. fir first session will coiumcn
on Tlies iiv the 7th day of August next at
o'clock, A. M.
■Each session will tic 4 i ride J into t*f terns
of 11 weeks, but without tiny vacation, as the
school will or irgtiiizeJ on the next day aftui
• the close of h* 'i s: term of the session.
ltwiil bt very important tbr students to be
,i;i attendance as n the bligirinitig of the tern)
as :> in or ler to gain a thorough know
ledge of eletnent'iry principles.
R ties of /I,as follows :
For-'o"! .i >a F, ig isb. per taim, 43 0
To .v ie.i will Aid le i, for higher branches,
i i;iu Log high or raatheoi if ics; each
For rich i.iii.jut mo.lern language, 1
The entire amount of the above shall not
gee i six dollars.
Exr.iv.—Lrssons on Piano per term, 410
Drawing and painting of the different vari
eties. from 3 dollars to 8 P
V '> •■ 11 mas! -, o j .saons per waeh, 1 0"
tncideniats, t!0
Spsciil attention will ho given to tl ose in
tan Lng to cngnge in teaching, t-oth by affording
them i rboron-;>i -hiiiing in the branches neces
saryto be taught, and Irr tectures on the best
methods of" teaching and discipline.
Bo ir ! caij be soour-od in r.trior.s jdae -s in this
Village o:i the most re tso* ibL* ternis.
VV s would further say that a eonv.yance will
be :i r • iifr. ■- at the Stir> house in 15 ■ {ford,
on ts * d-'.v nrevi- us to eorriinenceuiet:*, between
the hoi,-* of j and f P. SC., tor the convey nice
if any tint may ot be otherwise provided for,
free of evpens.*. A-ringunerts will also be
in id j for thejr return to the same filace.
.'AM E8 A. COl V'JA.V. )
Samuel vtilliams, i
,L 11. DrCICEN, }■■ Tmi.'ffn.
John filler, i
Ri'iisbtirg. May 2'.), 1855.
Collector* for 13se year lif 55,
W"' L in mind that ts-i c-joner at ion"
* * 1 a]towed by the ■'oraniissionei
for Mi .'.a Tax after the first Monday of De
cember n'rxt. Y.ut wiH he prepared to make
yourescapis at Xovemb •rC-mri.
Cltrk to Com nisi
Sept. li. 1855 , tim*'
\oi hi:.
THE btockhol.lers of the Ifopevro-Ii and Blood'.
Ku'i Plank Road and Tumpikn road Cotn-
I" my. ar..* ii >: "*v n I'iSed that an eteerion for on •
Presi-Jeat. five Man ig.-rs an 1 on ■ Treasurer, will
be i)o.d 4t the Court iriuse in thi I wouyb, of
Bedford, on Alon iiv .the s!h dty of X->v-oilicr
n !\t. Siih>crliiers em r -te f--r othcc i i Pherin
pirson or by proxy, pr.- id :i the' fi instal
ment of one dollar per share sha'.i lnve iu-.en
paid previous to -hi eleetitut,
David Brad ler. M. M. P.eeplc*. IVrn. f/crtb-v.
•■ R. Ashcum. Alex. King. John Kiny. Th'-s.
M. D-rtnn. John D ishor, George M'isb.u t.
TU is. 1!. M'.irriv, XT P. Jjelieil.
Oct. 2d, 1855.
SEtt CIiOTIIIMi X'i'tllili.
TIIIE subscriber has just miened ;i new and
L complete CM>TIII\Ci STORE, i-i
l!if building on t'i? corner or .Tnli-na Street.
Bedford. owned by David Minn, lis.*}.,
ant lately in the occupancy of Mr. Solum on
r 1 or as a Dr' Good's S*or*. r...d two doors
South of the Rising Sun Tavern.
His stock one of the T-rjr'st and
cheapen .assortments Head} Hade
Clathintt ev r brought to Be iford. He baa
also ;i choice assortment of llry Goods, all
of which lie iviii St !l cheap ascan lie procured
in the town.
iit-rifjaqsr* nil'riscountrr friendssrid others,
tacsti and see his trooda—as lie does not con
sider it a trouble to show them to anv one.
April f, 1 s:,.a.
>ew Fail end V infer t*oodG
np?IE uader-sisraed kegs leave to inform hi?
J. friends'ind the phhiic that he has •;,* v
e lir en ,: e- e 'St"n e 'in, and is imw Ix
hibiting AT CHEAP SID!;, a genera! assort
meat I,f new styl • fail and
comprising & great variety of LADIES"
of the Ijt-i t sty It S; such in put as Pi-.k and '
Kascy Silas, Meriruids, Oaahmcrs, Cobs; g u i
I'hi ict Cloths Alpaca s. Moussidin Delaines, i
M .usseiirwi lie Beg.-s. Fancy i'tints, fr..u a tin j
tip, M uhitn. Kr iched and itahie lohed, from a ftp .
np, •ißwidt ii. rin bet an ! Bay Stale Si.i-.v-.
Blue, B licit, Blown and Olive French G'ioths.
Sup'r Bia -.K and F -ricv Cassimeres. J'weod*.
CiiSine'.ts. .leans. Vestirgs, M-.rino Shirts and 1
Drawers, iiats and Caps, jiooti au l Shoes in •
great varietv, Kt'.; Ac.
Sap'r Golden Syrup and M. O. MoTasses. bos; :
KlO and Java GoflV", X. O. clarified, crushed I
and prsnulated Sugars, Sfiiees. Teas, Chec.o
isi.!. Kxtrict of th.-T'e, Kic.:. Tobacco Dm.:- ;
and Oils, tor JthT with ev -ry oth-r art e!.- adapt- !
ed to the wants of the p*.>pp>. all of which !. •
is determined to si-11 CIIF, A P FOR CASH, er
approved produce.
lie respectfully invites all in sear, -.h of'rur
gains to give him a. csl! b- fore.'ii: v.—
Thankful for past f.ivom, he hopes by fair de.i'-
icg. I'.o % desire to plcaso, to continue tr. merit
ard r ive .. '.ibrvV. share o: the pnhlic pa:r-,n
ALL per ions hi vine unsettled a-'counts w'th !
l!t Ute tirm (if K ipp o Otter, ars renf :ctfM'T.y !
and mot't curn'-stly rc-pj: ted • . Call and vattle '
up wlthcut rfi'l iv.
'<>■•:. >O. IfipV.—&re.
; 'TAIITT I'srtimr.i-up heratc. hire existing between
L 'he un li-n.gritsd. under the num.- ai d firm
of R; rr A Osckh, IS this day dissolve.") by ttrd
; tan) c-nsent. tr. IV. Krrp is antb-'rized 10
' settle tiie ..usiness of th Utu firm, and to c.o!-
le -tali debts thi :eto.
G. W. It It pp.
(r. R. OSTEK.
Bedford, Sept. 26,1855.
j T'-e undersigned begs leave to inform his
j friends and the public that the business will in
I futu e he continued, at the old stind, where he
s now receiving and op troop a gcntnl and
I we'd selected assortment of New Fa)l and
IS set-.-- Goods, which be is deP-muned to roll
. c map ft - r \u;i and approved produce. An
| e.rlv cat) is solicited..
<~r. IV. KR-TP.
Mpp.ii New Goeos—Jn 3 t received at tlpi Goi
| oni ■ iitore a f. -sn arvirtmewt of Caasimeres.
j Sitiucts, Janes 'Vool I'laids, Mnuchad.- Lai.ns
j Cobargs, Prints, &c.. Sue.
//ats A'.'fl G'.vrs.—New style ItMixrUn lists,
1 Drab and Peart, Men and boy* Bine V ivy Cans
j insi receive I by espr.-ss at Reed's Colonu'l •
j Store.
Oct.' 26. 1851.
x> 2D jsr rn i sn a? ,
Bedford, Pa,
fATFICF on Pic .Miyot, nearly ppositt
W the '•Bedford Hotel.**' Teeth plnpjj' <L reg
lilatcd. N-c.. atid artificial teetii : b.svrtoi. Don:
oat- to an fcntitt! Set. Cliargev moderate, and Bit
operations w.,i ranted.
CyXertue—PosiTivtw: Cash.
Jan. lb. 1854.
iracle til
D:. C. Kell'aig of Mecliauicshufg, OiirnbeilaiK
Co. i'a..announces t<> those afflicted wilt. Tip
mors. Wens. C.iuocrs. Polypus. Lupus; Moles u
Marks, Scrofula or Kiug's F.vii and ail disean s
that have been usually f reated with Caustic or
Knife, he cau remove them by an entirely lie*
method, without cutting, buruiiig, or j ai'n. Nei
ther Ghloroforin or L'theri s aduiinist' red, to tin
1 is no nutter oti wh.'t part of Lie tony they
may be, iis can romovetheni with perfect safety,
ar.d in a remark able short time. No .Miietai' l
Vegetable jioison. is applied, and no motley re
giiircd until a cure is perfected.
i'rolapsis Uteri, Female complaints, t hronic,
Vi'nerai and .all other diseases treated wiili posi
tive success. Full particulars eat; he eLtnii id by
id irossiug in either Englisii or Goiman jest paid.
Patients can he accommodated with Board oi
reasonable terms.
Mechanics burg is one of the prettiest any
healthiest towns in this or any other State, it i
-8 miles from ishurg on*t heC. Y. Re It. arid
accessible from all parts of the I'niou.
The Dr. will visit cases in any parr of the
State when desired.
Kind reader if you know any afllieted fellow
Creature,delay not to tell them of this treatment.
Feti. id. lh.i'i.-jz
EJiJ . r. €. KGA.IIE2!.
Hjtviesjr Prc!kase<] Diitu Aud
Book Store",-! I>r- S. 1 S- - . .......
Mtantly on trt the oid stan .. ti iai*ge unci
w -1) selected stock of choice Dug- ;u.d ,V.c>l
icines. wholesale krid retail: afi ot v f.icb will be
sdi at tair terms. The aas< rtt. ei t cwnsi-te' it
part of
Vv't>ol>S AN I) A(.'JDS, lA!Vi V ANI -
P>.R FVMEItY, F.'.NCV ABTU Ef.' , Al"., A
liarhrß the regular sgt-iicy Vcr ?iin srU . -.1
of these iiwdicitu s' puhlii: are assurl thai
they are of tile best; such as have xt' ml the test
of time u"d experience, aid car. I t mfelyreecni
inrnded ,s genuine. "Vi>.-
Towbs.:.!d's and Sand's S.-rrsp. rilin. Wixt-ir
Balaam of Wild Cherry. Aver st 1., ny Pcet< i
.'(fc-ffit's Life Pi!!> ami I I o nix Bitl-m. Br
Jayne's Fatally Medicines.l -.kiieM. < I s'silob
sicks, .iti i other Vermifuges, lioi S.i tid
Bitteri, Ac. Ate.
C instantly on hand a large /stock of Uistvrsc
hi ) p-ipliic il. Scientific, Religious, 1 oclies
eh i i!. and .Misceilaneons
Also a great variety of
Fancy Wstioacrv.
u*r-. Post ar-1 wrapping paper it <*>ei" < unlffi
Phj -r Usagings in great vnrieiy. Window
B t-ls p ires or by the j-ioer. V> .i ; ..ji-r
V; eland Fancy Goods.
15 LANK 1500KS
of every size and quality. Pork cT 1": erd raid P-i.-
%Fonnaies, Diaries, J;!.-.- k Deeds ar d Morf jajux.
gob! Pens anil Pencils, Combs, Brushes, per
fumery in grant variety, Se-ps, Ac. Ac.. A-.
Lamps, and Cam;,bine Orl aLd Bunting Fiui-i
IfOjit constantly on hand.
"r mailica) use; Brandy, Woltr*. Sch- djut)
eimapjis Gin, Pert. Sherry and Madeira Wines
Jan. 10, 1851.
EaJi tji Stlynsire'ii,
'PII E siC serilwrlia- just rycejrcii from t'.
I Eastern cities the best usso-tni-nt >4 Bra
Copper, an t '1 in It trtcfrr offen d i?i this nGct
noviiich iui invites t 1 iO at is; lil 1011 of i in* pa obe.-
Delias a great ruany improved cooking utensils
that c moot ful to |do :se every house!; et'|ier who
uses them. The L 1 lies especially are invited to
eal; nr.d examine the articles, Among thaw ti-o
lis is* and lirtrt. Marat. Kettle* of ail *Ues,
II star Coolers. Chafing Diria.-s, Sanccp ;m, dim
Boiler*. Nrusfc I.kx: 11 v ■• •; -nt >'ti ■ > r .r
:v;•. • ; room. Cake Mom! !s. : S;>i •• B s, T -:i
(' innister.--, Brass and In>o T, id)"*. Patent
LaninKmi iii liesticki, ttiasa Lamps, siateh Kax
ivngiisr and Drench Tin, Iron and Brass 7 tr-;-
iti great V iriery.
Japanned Tin Toys, ur.d a pre „t variety of
Fancy articles.
C.haiti ami Force i'iimps, and in short every j
article in my line.
: f.rgit to the Tin lV„r L\ pot
ITnst Ptt \
•fiig.-11, 1851. ■ ,
The Slengel House.
I tie -'.bacriber havi-.jj taken the above ivel> j
km. 1-I Hotel, in the ban id Beiiforii t'eeeti'li !
sept by A1 r.I- • hi* .11 ell ge!.i,tili! respectttiii - n■.
tflllni'i* to ins trie! lU the pithiii- getleiaily. I
•'nit tie iv no iv prepared to eiib-rtuin them in j i
super- ar Myip.
if-v !ie,j< a-.i! Bedding, are new. nt'i 1
His i-'iarnber* etMiiuiodttMlf Hit.l weli venlnateJ 1
atid ;ur-iwlird in the tievj niti-iuer.
<l,l tiis i'tible. Vill be ! ■■■'. i hoieep; rj. t
amis the rr -irket rati prodn-e.
IDs Bar will be >.fipp,;e.i with the l.e-t L- j
Hi- "s'ab'e .< hirgc and eemmodn es ard 'v:'.' i
be atte.ii'ii bv luidutie- t.i-eami iiuiii.-trions cf.i
,f " r t
Roa'Jer* iv 1'! L>e taken by lis* day wee;: i
iTtn- :n unit ve;ir.
s be is detertnitied t<> ; are r;o etfort* .0
ilea-e.aio! make .n'l peysreis vylio ithhirti
ee) at borne.he rerjn'i liuily #-!.> the paifotttgr
of the public.
juirs s. FixKivrrH.
I'-edford, Jb-cii 31. iSS.
Thr subscriber hiving purchased tpc entire
stock of HARDWARE of the lute Thomas ID
Miller, in the LorougiWof Redft-rd, would re
spectfully annaunce to his friimis orn the pub
lic generally, that te-is now prepared t" fur
nisa .Frnnstevery article in tir'eo! business
'1 1 fiviiraidctcrm 1. flinu(H-k living rirtgly all
n-.-'.v, and si.L:cte ! y one.well experienced in the
husinesj, he is fully satisfied tb a t piirciiuser-J
will find it to theirHilvatitiigeto give him a call.
111 addition to a genersl stock of Hardware, he
ints r,n Hand, and will canst a) tly IcoCipl GWO
CERIES of the very best qunlit*- -tiLASS of
till siae — alsOj .8 TONE V/ARE of a very superior
duality. He has also on hand all kinds of Oils,
P-iiate, Drugs, Brooms, Ac., iic., aud C dar
'V arc in great variety.
II now permanently settled, in business,
ar.d being dcter-.iined 10 113 c every proper exer
tiun to please, lie hopes to merit .and receive a
obcral share of public pat ronrce.
Deer- 2!t, 1861.
j A Nil IV U■ ) i fVi.'svl* Or" J,' ,
{ed pr iluc .. Jariirr at R Da >0 1 ,
' Vast Sroac.
Nov. 0. lijyi .
CllitOSJi LiS-I will lie pubUghed ksry.Ttirs
- Mo ruing at'two dollars vri; a a num. io ad-
Vance. or two Hollars and titty' cents after the
| year expircr. -
! -So .syi'tM?rtptiin trpl batalwnfßj
j.dihn nitf moiithvim<f no sub|isii>ef te d!
1 the fit* to aiscdritinue fifs subscription uufil all
Rates of Advertising:
1 insertion. - do. 3do
| 1 square, (l'dlinasj) i)U I"
•'>.*, SI ,00' T,At 2,.\M
I 3 squares, 1,-VO 2,'W) 2,5)
1 • , 15 months-. 6 tin. 114 do*
j J square $2->'i ■ ui4,(M> Hfi,W
j 2 squares -t.ljll (j.UU
' R squares o'.tiO " S.IIO MOO
j Hal! fifblnmn 8,00 14.00 16.0')
Whole Column 12,00 16.00 80.00
i f3**All advertiseHKids not marked with tIU
' w ruber of insertions desired will be ityserted
i n nti! forbid, and chaffed.' accordingly.
Slt'tic? |aartf rot.
j Tp lie. irutecrilwr would, respect I'uDi .
I jDli-d J int'urm the public that l.i is n.u* 1R
'Mm' otiering .-a the iiedlord 11.-51 Jorqierly . .jjfL
! tiehange Hotel) in Fast Riff street, the Urgent
i nttd best assortment of ready-made, lasUiouable
I CkrthJtafr. ever before offered for sale in this place.
lIIS. STOCK consists of a and splendid
| tipply of Winter (ioods.
| Jle Una eve-v v.uietv and description of
He tins also a largest ock of prime GT/OTHS,
I CA SSI.M lilt KS and VESTi NGS. which he ipre :
; pared to make up to or ier iti.l'ot tui .t IVbion i
j U- .style, and warranted to be well in i ie. an 1
1 coon ins.
Having purehnr.d bis stock for CASH !te fee hi
| assured tlcf lieean make it to the advantuge of
; tlin*. wnti.".•;•.=• f.oen am! ctirai- <.WifiKc to giie
i him<u call before ptirehasittc elsewhere.
j Ilcdford, January I'd, Ihfi.
Farmers I>o3v £;► y ur Inievj
Wiutlffiiiis! Wiiwlmiiik i !
r | iIIE sub?."! i'eer to call tie .u:
A of frruie: B'to bis iiew.tnd iatesf r-.'r •
' rvr-iinc MHt v.'hhdt h cqitin'tiPß to' iif.if
ar* at .ifn shop, a few doom east of libi • ■". Hot
; td, <;(' :!. tesl aaierial and wa rrintci. lie let*
aiso pr .curt d the right if.!. Utitibori'Ugi.U ceU
fbt-uvd i'ater.t Box. Screen, which he uses in all
of ißs'iijllisj wtiicn renders it far -oipeib'"? to anV
now In nse. in the removal of chmtt. corttle a'r.d
! aiiittt.
!!>• o •isi-icr.s i' unn :ry to say ht' tbie ■
further in reference to hi.-, milks, as 'they are now
generally in us ■ in in; pirts -!' Brflford coun
ty. and -.1! -in h ire n't r.ppbrthtlftj' i.f cxamia
ii:;_- for tho-.v,scire*.
All kinds of VI iu lmiil repairing (bane on the
shortest notice
Any person who wi-lu-i t/> purchnse a geqj
Fanning M'll. will pt-".-: • call and ex ttniac be
fore purchasing 'ls.-wii.-re.
lieiif..d, August 31.3 m.
j.fc H i';l 0 A T a.
j 'I 1 '' 1 * suljvr r:l>fr •*•■•.•! i fjlty arts ua *
• J tplue public ti>: amoved Ad> 'i|i
t uii!>r F.v t':: t i:ns?tt to th > b-htfiijug. rttceyUy '.<,e
• by Mr. Luther. SSJ Cdn/e< (iohitfj .Store
j :n the !>innwrii, tvr.erc he j Wette.^j.rtfared
thaw oyer to accomodate ids iM'Hoftttrii with
t' orv article in the on. of lis hu-'ine**.. eiruor
whole:. iU- (.;■■ reu-j], atid hopes tl'uy.v, ill gi-, ,•
him A pt\js new locst+f.i:.
(IF! ltGf, m.YMTRE.
Bedford, April JR. JHf>3.
I*. S. TUts swbwsriber is desirrws of imrd-fj
hi* books cloned up till Ist April, iuM.,eith.-r
oy :n' .r not-., n,- l:op*a this. uuticr v.jjj he
UT .'ut -l to fmtnediiit.'lyi C- li.
j Bedford Academy and JVwa'e
>tiaiiiar y,
W. V7, C ' I".. übiji.. Fnaeippi.
iltfK <i:v "?sst' -I Of the .'th r. ; ; "j... r '<
. thisltintitutiott i.|i n m V|,i,(n V '
[•ng t;.e3 i day ot in her. Tie jd*
[ :;ist.,r, of the Acudeun t v iii, c i.ut-f. i. K
■ -adieu -.f• sajir.intco ct ;* future, etiiuktbuy,—
I rtjf L't:tnch'ei< tmight will he the sajnc a* horeto
; fore. To m /.•':■ r priw.iyltt wfl! he .••.>;. h-r d
j the m rat important pursuit ot the ptij>i'>: und
; 'vhile it >r;i net 10 co'o.t m.t iia;tm*3.-. of tin. Js,-
-tructorto i.iiimrt k. 10 vk it uii: .1 ,&. a
ii:n ' > ic* I '1 pupil- to in. e .. ; .ci.u .! -p
--■p i - .• >n ot their iu-.juiMtii 1 ;■. To Tlri<j"*hic
tain i with ' inuniurtMs ft-nuil-in. witfceat rlaie
i;>g it*e> Kkothmii, would bo like jlicLnghow
11 n chill's (UUldji Wiil out it oh j . .I.J i ; .. v..
'•"•lid it. ;•! dm, it h ill be oir oljooi, -us ithys
: ever •> -n, :■> i t the pupil ;'v.n,t.
1 >f hi. f i-'ricfitin in Si-iph.- v! Dtclel
Entry Bonk Kir: - will in l ?iv -:i t y t:'i 1' riti
ijip th - TbectasK in this study -vijl'it; so err *gt
it th it ay v uiiii m, n desiring to pursue f: it
important branch,> in order to prepare theu.-
•••h*" f' i clerkih'ivt, rccift i it u
"ids r 'citation will receive attention wnt oi the
gtpar seho.l hoar*. Instruction ii this
atich is txirn, and w iii oe eiiar: id ncc ri
T gl}*,
Th terms arc as eras'..
Classics. . - - - SO 'Jo
Higher English, - - - •* M>
Middle <•
r.'emeiitnrv ■ (Hi
Booh Keeping, .-extra ) - - flo
!. > Lord, A.I •; ,t Jl. 18-' i. J',. ,
machine SHOP !
r|lW ) and Four Horse Thr-sil-- y or! *- -s
8- eamt:;:,t.syon band and made v'---"
v ' :at ii hey an greatly ;tnr,,,' tC j a |.,'
- "+** -x
of WILLIAM liITCHKY. asho-td •' c- , -
of Itriee's H itel, Fedfcrd.
i A -"''' l ' >ir P < W* ratcr.t. Siriwahsksr. which
'' ""vj'csnsarpasse., any wiiere, and ; s
stntcMthutit .perhtessmoothly arid take, l*. t
•ittlc powi -to drive* it. It-an he atiached'to
any bra tor michine straps or tuv',!: r „ ......
1 \ nv \ c '- U " d for
■ hetn..cT. ts oefiira purchasing eL-CTVhe.-o.
Fanning!* of all kinds tinidc to order
I All wit-ranted to give satisfaction.
Repairing done atihe shortest notice atid
| most reasonable taries.
; -7, 1f65.-a.frt. XvchUut.
Two ;r t d Iter licrtc
TTAPE of the rsr y best and i n th
XTJ. best workmanlike manner, constantly <> a
hand andf.>rsale at the Machine Shop of p. if"
Shihes, in Bedford. Mia machines are proati'v
mprovtd to Iho advantage of the firmer. Also
Horse rakes for raking h.iv and gleaning grain
fields. Catting Boxes. Cultivators. Singh-and
DouMe Shovel Ploughs; all of which will he
old on {ha tfrtno, and warrant
ed to give satisfaction-
Farmers arid others wiljdp --veil to give w a
all hei'-re purehaslng■ elsewhere.
Rep of || |tl n d # -of Niacin:,* ancT ftArm
gnm enspil s ,. m -. nt th*i aborlest octree and oh
thefct osg Rf -nabif trrm..-.
PETER It. S'IIRRT. Machin.,l.
foJrd.jH C me 29, 1 S '• • -I n
<3-IjO jejaS jLXOT£I X
rill street. Iltdfbrrt
,tu -."s.'ti y-o.Qav :<> 0i rvm (J*
Penntti • 7*/.A*/? S TEChWh'lS'
f rcfrfcftr.
i.• . •
cre->r f Y s t* vr p:wtob *
■i ft -'f '.iijjar.i'i Rita l }..*•}* j ifOuVl
*"11! Ia tn> k-rgigiKv! • .vyjgcntct<idiri{o"}xiiri.j>
.L shin mV: ♦ ..Wive h-frfe***; v.-f iiliK-uitlo ;ne •
to lb We.irTL utility |itt ttef W
now pri '.n;v 1. a.! their Shop at the East Evd 4
ti is IC.ribighboftevnslfVlA JtRfAfIES tfttil kl*l j
< '1 ES.-jf evejj.T style a<i prices it km, LOACHES.
I'vfir-.' Ij>. :scrtftl<h*iV-Ac';cuTeV? ft oVtlbi. on the IftbtT
••<t •intusu; tl their th'j'r> ft'imjaiGsctiw Coach
Fiictpry. ,
DeteVrninH to k •'■■•;. at fie best of work
ra"Ti in th-or armpit. - . and to sEI cheap as any
other •• kit)!: oE-;';t in tj State. tUcy hope to
receive liberal <ih ebrnigenicnt.
tr of all kin is taken iu .
--••t-tntc© fcr vorK, .m l the high it price* allowed.
\Ya respectful!? invite the public to give us a call.
WM. WK13151..
/;.;UX l' us it R.
Bedford, Feb. 23d, 1
Tayior Ac iT6c\vry,
1.1 at their Tannery -a l.aat l'itt St. leather
: it all kinds a . ! of the he-' ijuulbtv. at exceed
btq'y icoderatc rates. Ttey pay the highest
j prices tor country hidea.
j Feb. 16, 185*.
rr IK stibtefjl t : -s;,■ cffi.lly hers leave to art
■ A uohijc- to his old friends and the public
j .-tier,ily. tost tie has t.ta q t taken posses
sion of tho He I ford il Jte'l. i -toly" in the oe'eu
;nicy <1 C'oi. Ad a:'. Hiruiiirt. it ia not hi*
■ 'siyu to >al,.- 'a in . pro' *a9ioii* a* to what lie
w ' do, .of he ''' j* vord that his most
v :e (!; res v. id he etnptoved to render
Co qb/i'ta! :•• ;! w :.o jtivt b.iui a cill, i'lie hpuse
| wi'd 'he hai.dsi i .eiy fitted sip, and none but
• ireful and tt -olive servan s will lie engaged,
i l'"b: i -t it .• the J'.ediovd Sprit gs. M well
j A3 tho. ■ atteTid:' ; 'Court, and the trtveling
, cdttituitiity gr- rally arc respectfully invited
j to : "e i.iru a ctiivud judge for themselves.
! XT" The sC-yes all now ttrig at this liofe);
i :ad it is tlioM'-iw the Stage Cfi'ce.
j Hoard t'r liteu J.v the week, month or j ear,
! oti f.ivbrft/l. terms.
qqr" A i.-i and o'mfl-rtahle stabling U at
' t.icl e i to tbis . o. i. .rhit ii will always be at
' tended v a ci •!... liostler. Also, a safe and
couvenft'fet en rtiugr bouse.
Bedi'orJ, Apr'.', G, lbo.'i.-zi
Fla.dleriiljf Ltthv!!
an k r baying erected
J. a hiiD for saw irig )'£..> joji'im; Latch yn his
p in f 'nion 1 p..Teitford county, s notv
j . .".TO ".tr-iisb ai y qnr.ntily on the Bbortcst
: n't i'rice t>l ,C 9 per thbusaud, 3 ft. long.—
, Other 1 'isjit's n'prr.pfirtioti.
j Letters ad if essed to meat St. Clairsviile rvil'
jl e prompt:v attended t.o.
I I'm. n i'p. Feb. 16.1t.AL j- .
~~a cAriib.
i>a, ALBl£*> .4 (U.UftC.
If AY-ing p rtjnetit!y lute.tod in Ftonerstowu
ji. iiu Uoi\ ;uu:.;y, I'd..respectfully tendon hi
service* ti; the public iu j.beliue oi hi* prvfes
I it oh. .
| Alln' r: t mDs r.ttcn.d! Jtq vrjrli promptness
StoO'-rviowi:. >Liy 18. 18,'.j.
; U . T'fiT.uHj, Ciockmaking and dew
e:r/ EstabJishrr.ett.
fpTIF r.'-riri'oer wor'd -esi ectft 1") inform bis
i friend* ind the puplic generally, th;t he
b.s o, :it.i out, in t.fbishop in I'jtt Street.
m'c, the lledfprd tlufc', .'ud iated)
! ore ;di fi bv If. NiC 'de-tilus. Esq., anew W.itch
-1 making. Cloelcmakl'Ti* itinf Jsmftrt I'ji thlislv
: nn ; J.wke; cbc wili xiccml'proniptly t repair
j iim Wal.iite-s uini Clock*- Ho has e hißtl a
) -tfe-- a" - -j ..-fidid ;.s.sii tmej.t ct Jewelry, cf
. ev. ■ v : serf} lion, whirji lie will -dlnn niode-r
--• xt t* ' A Ist) Gold <i.l Si'.Ti \i'.\ I'TilrES,
I *..•• - "t, sols, TbiWcß, Hutt-.-r K'liv. s. Gold
' and FDver Pens and I'eqrii-. r. c.
Hedford, Al'til 20, IHiov
;*, S. -lie ftill ct>:.t:mo.s the C uusmiiliin
.-hi'-.K, at his old staid, in the E.ti end u
r 'at., where lie lias Hgood and competent work
man cHas'tariflV ch>jrt6ti. i d, ]>. U,
dot; .MANx. o. ii. spanc.
T AW PAKTXEIISIUIV -The nr.d*rijml
-I j have associated timmsel vo* in the Practice
o! ti. Law, and willjmnoptly attend to all buai
tics entrusted to tlieircwre in Bcdt'irii and ad
jomftip counties.
;• > "Office on JuHanra Street. three doors
youth of Menjrel House and opposite the resi
dence of.Maji Tate-
•fine Ist—lß64 if.
IAA A/ \AsHi.\:ii,rSr.r,!iiVreku-d
--1 " >*7,l /I 7t 7 A !<o. 7.5.0(10 I.CM
i'b? ol t r #- rHI r 1 Mirh **< W'illU* hM,
\ edotv Pine, i'opiur. Spruce. htc . he Koran I e
F. I). KFF.CI.K.
Si. Clmr-ville Ft h. IS. IShS-f
\ aiuable Ueal Ksta(p Fcr &aic
r pIJK taken this method fii.fom-
A i::p those devrous <rf purchasing a valuable
} arm, he v islits to sell that Veil known
Farm ami Tavern St:iii.t,oii which he now resides
situate in hast Providence township. Bedford
Bono.j, 11 miles cast of the .'uuiata Grossing?
a ueiinlo west of Bays Hi11,
a res of hmd, about lliO arms „f v,hi. ~ alv
c eared an ! mostly enclosed hv S „„<1 ;, ( M f,, r , ei .
an ; in a hi *h state of cultivation, tin- majority ot has recently emfeifcon*: a thorough dres
sing ut Unto, which has rendered it exlremelv
The improvement? are a I.Vrgo t } ir ,,,. ,; orV
I. hit is. HOUSE, with proliabtv t?ic west 'com*,
rri odious cellar under it ir. the com,tv,h
good barn, stable, nd#uch other 4 *it buildings
as are necesssry. There are ; J„„y uf
~c ,10,1 *G ,v ->i.e nearly all the fields
T a Zt7 ■ n,< re * a vonr.g or
chard of JStt© choice fruit trees juu bou.meuc
mg to bear.
There is also a good T-rrt together
with an excellent Saw Mill 01t „ , ; -,j.
mated vi ry cum eni. n.iy or, th, tiLpk* road,
with an itnuMfc.. of U,„ . Inicig J hit,- pine
timber, ill nn uiateiv „ ,the mill. ; roUtly
the largeft iody <T f m t-t rir t t , mtv.
Any peifon desirous of nandftitg the pro
perty Will csl on st!w) Her. who
will end-suur to give „[} , K , nece*.
sary. 11* also ieels *f f l„ g t j. fc . fJu
to the land is good, fit <! U *jP' l:) . n . v.,rra*t
ag-ninst all chl?TrßJfe
. . ' G . „ VV - HOUSEHOLDER.
■sept. 21. lboo.-Sm
Vf ANTED- At •RgrffTaii-mid, taor,
Whet, Rye. m l Vt-.-e, %Z\~
all Other approved pfodar,-, i n ~c j- .
poods at cash prices. " ''
iOB IHE iCC ftt or
Fit#, Spasms, Cramps, aul <
Perrons and tonlifutional IHs
OKltS4tiWs wf#> f Uftf>*ii>g aoUt-r Urn uiv#t
I distressing waUdy, yiil tied the .Vegetable
Epileptic riUs to In: the only Turnedy "'V* tXi
covert'! for
Cping Epilepsy or Falling Fits.
1 bcs pills possess j specific act;cu <>u the ner
vous system, and, although ibev ate vrdprrod
especially fur the purpose of coring V 11s. '-hi}
will be found of espeisinl bentAbfot all persons
afflicted with weak nerves, or tbo.ic ucrvooa
svstetn has been prostrated or nbtftcwd from
any cause whatever, ii> oiiNriMd e6tnp!a;nts,<sr
diseases of long standing, superinduce! by ner
vousness they are exceedingly beneficial.
Testimony in favor cf (lie Vege
table Fx.tract Fpileptie Fills.
In the publication of thelidlowir.gcortiflcatr:
or cures, the names have been suppressed as
the testimonials were voluntarily offered, ®u!
would bo improper to publish them without the
consent of lite p trlies. and who would be un
willing to publish to the world that tiny or
their children or friends, ever had fits, when
the circumstance Is always regarded a* one ot
the family secrets.
Keadino, Berks County, E*. (
December --d, Itjoi'. \
To SetL S. Ilance :
Dear Sir—The I'ills ray brother bought o
you in November. I meat! the Vegetable £|i
lepticPiiU. are out, and i get a friend
vou five dollar?, for which f wish you to send
me immediately two boxes Clone . i biVe been
trouoied many years with PITS, and b*rt-tried
the skill of man-.' physician*, hut ntliing which
I have takitt appears to hate met the require
morns of rn v case. 30 well as vour Lpiieptic
CurKSftritc, Va. >
November loth, 186-. {
To Setli S. Ilnnce. Baltimore*. Md.
Hear Sir—Having been effiicted for pome
yearn past with F'ol-livg Fits, 1 saw your fuver
j tisemeut, and determined to give your pills a
triad, and I am happy to say that sinm* l cfiin
; tnenced the use of them, 1 have not had an at
tack. I believethem to be a first rate, article,
for, as ! have written to yn in a former letter
I i ejs attacked every two weeks, but since I
have been using them 1, have not had xn
Yours, raspettftff'lt
New York, Oct. 10, lhiE.
Dear Sir—-PUmc send me ivro boxes more of
yotir Vegetable Epileptic Pill's. The person for
whom f procured tknu>, is mueii pleased with
| their eiTocls. They setpa to "uave ;u excellent
i effect.
I'ituborg, Novuuber'dß, 1833.
Dear Sir—Tt is now in months sine** my wife
had any of those nervous attacks. Ehe think*
she is cured. She has not had anv symptoms of
the diset sefor tiie lart nitie months. Siie took
your Vegetable Extract .Pills for about ,* nr
inontlis. aud discontinued tlietii four mouths
since. Mrs. S. was treated by- the he? old
school physicians iu the State,for ten years.thee
by rue best Homeopathic foe eighteen months,
wuhou: a cure. It is to your Vegetal; • Ex
tract ivb. *t-d with strict -regard t*> dirt, that
we asvrjbe.hej cure of the rimst dre. dltil dis
ease thfiflpvet afflicted the lmrtctnf mtfly. 1 Wish
every perrou cflreten will; Epilepsy tbi:
", and would give it a thorough trial
ft may riot cur-* in all cases, bet in this it lias
performed wonder*.
Mifiedgeyfiie. Ha, /
December 17, lEW.
Dear Si.*—l wish to inform' yon ti at one of
niv luuiiy Las oeeii aftipiied with Ellis ; ( ,r a
uuiujhtfr of year*, grid seeing an ; dvert.setuent
;a i news paper. eoricr.-ning your Vegetable Ex
tract Epileptic l'illa. 1 came to t!:e conclusion,
alter trying almost every physician in my reach,
and ill having fir led iu relieving my child ot
tire disease. t<- send for six bodes of \ our pills,
which proved an effectual cure for-my daughter,
who is now about IS years of age". 1 thick
thi re is no other medicine in use equal to them,
and 1 will bo forever grate]ul to you lor the use
of thrrn for my daughter whom it has cured
Yours, respectfully.
.Nervous md Cotis'i?uiiciisl Bisca
I use p.: is possess a specific .'.etion oa ti.e
i tiere. ui. sysreiii. and ahhoogli they are prepa
red especiaiiv tor slh* purpose of euiing Ins
: "icy will be I mud of especial benefit to nil per
| son ; flliCted wall VfrStk nerves, or ><r':o.e ner
i v °hs has been prostrated or shattered
from any cause whatever; in fact it is almost
( i to convey an adefpf.atc i lea of the
I jiecdy and almost miraculous result* which
! these pills etFeet i:t the diseased, broken down
I tr iirossrated nervous systems. Perso is who
were all lassitude, weuknesss and debility, be
fore their use. at once become robust i:mi lull <,•!'
energy. No matter whether the coustitntion
lias beet'- broken down by excess, weak by na
ture, or debilitated by sickness, the r eli'ect on
the unxtrtrtig and ahattorexi nervous oryanjir..
tion is equaliy emtaiii and apparent. Incases
of netiral'jia, boadacbe, veriigo, pain in the
nerve* of t he lace, and the various train of ner
vous aUVetion*. paipiitatiou of the heart, period
ica', headaches, cold and shivered state of OK*
frame, frequent fits of ah'tiaction, total inabili
ty, dislike to society, melanchol* . religious n:o
--nomania, heats and flushes of !*.■ face on the
slightest occasion, a desire that existence should
terminate; they will produce u cure in an aston
ishingly short period of time, and it will also
remove depression.- excitement, a tendency to
Irtush, restlessness, siucjilotsness,incapacity for
study or business, loss of memory, confusion,
giddiness, blood to the head, mental debility,
hysteria, indecision, wretchedness, thoughts ol
sell destruction, fear of insanity, kc.. ,Ac.
fhey will increase and restore 'the- appetite,
strengthen the emaciated, renew the health of
those tvl o l ave destroyed it by exc and
induce continual cheerfulness and equanimitv
of spirit*, and prolong life.
1 ersons ot jiaie complexion .nil con. utnptiye
habits arc restored by a b-. .v or two. to bli " t
and vigor, changing the ska from a pnb . ye bow
sickly co;or, to a bcaut'fu)/lyiid compli xio:..
CC7"As these Pills nroe. mposcri of . irro <V
expensive me iuis in the listeria viii p e impossible to leave them
arooniltne country on agency, a* contm >r. Pat
ent Medinaex usually are. But in order to let
the afflicted In the most remote parts of the
country have a chance to obtain them, thev
H-nlbescnt by mail free of Postage, to any part
of the United States, or any eounfry with which
tie > mted States-has poeta) arrangements, or
the recotpt.of a renijttanct.
PRlCES.—Vegetable Extract Epileptic Pills
t . wo box * s for So. <>r *24 per dozen.
A.I orders must be addressed f ost pa id to
108 Baltimore Strict. Baltimore. Md.
ifnrcci's Sarsiparills Blood Pil'a,
" H'ir-thonad Oam-ly.
" Compound Syrup of Ilorehoutul.
' 7 * A'lso for su • )jy \f [S I : 1 ) f . ;
I t!? My at LEW, Somerset p?
ww several Courts vf lfedlorfl rfliiMy. n c
juy >e consulted during the terai-iT ol to
Court .ajduv-h** Hotel.
Tub. id, 1W54.
Howard Association,
Kafwtant Atsuuuittemn
TO all persons r.Hiitrted with Status) diser t, ,
sucim* Sentinel Weakness,, G n
l erheea. Gleet, Sypliiiis, &c.. be.
The HoWuid Association ot V'liiUriclpi it., .
• view o! the awful destruction ol hi.n..i liiesno
; health, caused Vy sexu*J nisei.aev end th.- .-
•ieptiODS wbicli a:e practised nj < r. the uri;
oate victims of ncb diseases I T (juacks. K
; directed their ConsuKiivg Surgutt,, u ci. eft .
t*i+a- worfh# xi their name, j,e gi.te nefirc
i ttftUegrafo, to M persons tb£ tSiicteti,'' Ms!
| or Female.) who appi£ bf letter. with a tit * ri } .
i iion of their coiidniou, (gc, oeor.s : i } p.
its of h'fo,) Ac., nritj in eases r.j extnn c ;<. -,
ertv and 'suffering to fwjritA fiMjfak*r./ri< <■•
! charge.
The Jfvwsrd Associt'i' ris t beECTcUrt Jj.
stiiuiion, established by Bpc<iahei donj: tit. r
, the rw'.ief of Ihe sick a fed distressed. afFkln*
i with "Virulent and Epidemic Diseases." 8!( ;
j its funds can be tts, d for no other purj . }•.
has now a surplus cf ineeD*. which the Jir.r.
' tors have voted to. advertise the al • <■ n< lit e.
|lt is needless to add that the Associate n (i- -
mauds the highest Medical skill cf the age. rr.d
J will furnish the most modern treaiir.t' V -
j uable advice also given to sir k ar.d n n< i s .
untie*.ertlicteti witi abdoir.i-0.lw■ nri- \\,..
' complaint. Coifirer.tsa. l.enrcrrt en. Ac.
| Address, (post paid.) Dt.G*O. F.'. t'atrny.
j Consulting Surgeon. Howard A sat eiatb.:.. y .
2, South Ninth Street, Phi'adeipJ.ij. I'a.
Bv order of the Directors,
i ; i.ZRA D. HEART WELL. TrtsT' :.'.
(!ro. FTfcctmiT. Secretary'
■luTie 1, 11*. c'v.—2Z.
Olt. CVIRT OXK HIS owp pntfftc!i>.
Ifffi?h. THJS FJF JJJ-iTI! Uditior,
with f>no T!tlndrvd F.rpra.
i 'Js Figs. sNiW diaeShet .
■Sf AASt Bh Maitorntatio;.-. of the I!
! *• 'SMstfcW ie et#< J> 1.-;
K {|#T|Bt ®and torsi. T-.o wj. r;. .
|B- ' ,fg p added a Treatke <;i.
ft ,'IM of" F'eihaits'. Te.t.g
jmj ®' 'be higbnat imp r. i.t,-
ocnt.-mpiating marriage.-
Wit MAM YOUNG ; M n.
I.el no father 1* avlmtnep to pro-sent a i
, ot t!.,- SJt-CJL'i .AI'lL'S to bis child. I; nVv
txee liiu, frrfrrr at> esrht grave. Lot pu rv,
man or ' enter into the secret ol.iigi.i ,u
Ud married life without reading the r< * KI. i
AESCLT A PIUS. Let no • 'st'ffVHng frcu, e
• luicktyetl Gowgh. Pain in (be Side, icsiii.-.
rights, nervous reelings, tin. vh'-lv t ::. > o;
; Dj s;.cptic sensatlr-rs and wp l yhf ei' r' y
sitsintH he nrother n.cment wit! out cci -ti; in
i Ali* JBSCCI.APJU2S. Have th. r . r.i ;. Pr
j tlosthal-'ontto Le rnarTied any imped merit, - -ul
, this trniy useful b< ok. as it bav U-cu the men: ,
| of saving thousands < f unfbriunate cie.i
' 'illhe very J.iv a <.f deatf .
C7*"Aay person sending TWENTY-FIVT
■ CENTS en'loed in a letter, will roceire o; e
] cojir of this work by nt.sii. or five copies will he
| sent for One Dollar.
! Address, ffk-sf paidi DR. WM. YOT'NO.
No. 152 Spruce Sireet, I'l
Ju'y IS, 1855—1y.
i Clothing and Dry Goods Store.
THE nfiril>?rs ere just r-.-jV:: a •.
liH' .iiojnw and clu-ap assortment .r JJf.
L>\ M.SUE CLOTHIXG apd tiOiJiik.
' their store in the East Corner*) i-• Bet! iV.j -.1 liVi."
consist;** in part ot Oats. Pat,;*. Vent*. Shut-.
Satin Stocks, Handkerchief*. Boot m i,r : .Shoe-..
Hat* and Capa. at •{ .!! othVt' an Vies ui Ai*
kept in Meartv Made ONrfhiirg Stores.
Also a go-xi assortn eut oi J. Hi (ihOl.■ .
cc>( aistirg o< Calico, ,\lou. 2e L*inc, Sh,-s> 1%.
• A Ipse*. Trunks. Orpat Recks, fcr..,Vc.i
, ot v.i.;ch t lit-y T. tit hiii r a thorp a? cat- be ; re.
curert el*evtV*re it. Bt-uf, ;d, i-i Cssh'or < outi
try I'Tcfdrec.
fhey request all their flier (]* intcwr; si-1
country to give then: ft call, and sc. and exsin.-
hie their stock F*r themselves, rs they crt sirtor
it a pleasure to show tiieir goods,.w bethei ;e:-
i sons w iah to T urcliase or hot.
Bedford. A j ii 30. Jgf.r,.
Opened On! in n Nen IMrcf !
rp.'fE sulacfibe. lias inst opened out a New
1L aid ( heap
Dry Goods and Fancy Store. \\ rs. Un 1 (if till* building formerly in the
I occupancy of [jr. j 0 t,„ Houa, ijec'd. s,.i
now occupied by Br. ij. F. Harry.
He seiU silk pocket handkerchief* at from If,
cents up to $1; underaleevt s Iroui ]Yi cents to
S?i.'.6o; silk uiiSJ from & to 76 ets; cr.;t. n bos.
In m hj up to S7J cents; good Hire calico tV
G cents per yard; collars from 8 e ts up t*
$8; liiu-n pocket handkerchief fn m 6 ' cents i ■
; <11.5(1; bonnet ribbons from 6* to ,:J
j chemisettes from 31 cents to 61.26; l-onins
. from l! > cts tip; bloomers from f-2'j cents vp
| and {.utiles' and Uentlewcrs Hear
"I every description, usually t.ui.o >n Bi
i Hoods sad Faney Sv>m; also table I.i.m .*•
nil prices; boots and shoes; carpets: - . i.
i ax<orl 't- > nt of Queen%wa>- s>:t >;■*
eerfes; and a great many small a:!.'. ' -
htmAnd per cent, icra-tr than can be procure i
. elsewhere in this place.
He rcsrio'ctfuly rs piesfa all tn cidln.lex
amine liis stock and judge for thems-lvea
F.Li AS FlSIi&lI.
April 0, IR5.">.
Dr. F. C. F earner.
Physician and Surgeon.
|)csiK'Clft!lly tenders his s-n ic.-s n
At tdto citizen*-of Bedford art! vicinity. 1 e
may always iie found (unless professionally et -
gagedi at his .Drug and Booh Store, in Juliann
Bob. 16,
AYTOOI) If ARB'S Improved Smut and Scree'"
It in? M ichinex, Mill Kisbus, HoUing Cloth •
and Rrin Dusters, ot' the most itoprb "pla'i
i llScr ov-, Uiitl. frianf Cora and C ill Send
CIS, i'aient bridges tor* Mill Spindles. Fort able
Mills, wirrsntsri to griml in bushels p-r hour,
Miil tivas. .tad M.l linns made to order, can I,
primped of the Agent, S.. D. JIIUIAD, a:
SchcHahnrg, Bedford County, I'a
ilillwright work done at tbn shortest ivotin - .
and on tr.e laost roasaniUdo terms.
.N r . B. H is agent for Bedford, SottvVr*' t '
ndjowiittg Counties.
Mi-v 4, 1 S.'i.j —n
nr. VV. J. Mitllin,
I \\7ISUIXt; to rvsupie the practice of M
j T T fin-ina and Surgery, (which ill l.eiilil to
j a time compelled him to relinquish.) toju if' 1
jly tenders h:s professional services iioti c .
j sens of Scheiisb'urt: and 'vjei'nl'y.
! OtSca, same as liml occupied j.y Esq
! Pelinti well acquainttd with Ji j. VI ullin'j-qiy
' lib'e.ttioiis as a d'hvsifi-o, ; chei-rtn'fvrevom
j tteml Uitu to tho pau-<>n.%gvi ol ijy o.'J t: anion
I and the public gerioraltv.
"if. V. BR AM \YKf.I., y P.
P.M. All Dental operations attend' i <•■#
j heretofore. W . . X
S vj •ilsbttrg. April G, 1831.-ff