Bedford inquirer and chronicle. (Bedford, Pa.) 1854-1857, November 23, 1855, Image 4

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    51 *lfl and Ffmalr
T 111 Initiation is lu-tct at R (Disblt*
18 id lord ■ > i i", t* i., 1 1 mil :* fijui B.'ifvd
in 1 d rn let irota U > tfor i Springs.
Bring site ted in a retired v-jlmp*. ficefrom
.rui.iy of the alluring vie*'* that*'* nfteo corrupt
•l.a mini* of yoarb: an Jin the midst of i>np of
-J ,e most bjtOiiful an.i healthy portions of the
S;i!c t w.jX.fiiat Hint it will receive the
patroavgt th it It* rrieriffe have anticipate <l.
It will be under the Ciou-tps-.-f the Koev.Jasx
FjLLOii of flu M. E. CUiawdi .gentleman who
ftu ha u f)■ a number of yer.i engaged in
at? mbiug, ftr > I vr;*-t recommendation* Ir.-tn
libra a 1. a- w;ll ii tin high style of teaching he
ltaxh biting in Ibis p.xc sat pr.-seut. I eliy sutis
f/ at t?at i- s.c i i ui'i is w need, lie
will fcj as dated by Airs. E. E. Pot LOCI: hs Pre
• iptress, a I U1 ih Other teachers us the Scfio i
Uir r squire,
i'.hi vexr fII b • li v< I• I n;:o two session '
": v < 111- t* i•d. st s Miion will eomutcn
Oh To s Ity ii i dxy of August next ut
o*rlo va, .V • d.
Eoi su-ti ia. will be divilrd into J.vo terras .
of It w" t., hat without any vacation, as the
ncheol oil '-> fMtfui-t dou the Dextd.y xltw
the cut ! '' 'd it L*rm of th • session.
it wilt t; v-.ry tutpertsnt for students to l>e
.la sttaa i axc xe ii -ar the bogiurung of the term
•it pwu da, .a orJ-r to gda * thorough r.auw
i. l/j of a'cia mtary principles.
H lits if tuition hi Jutlouii.
Par sit. n ti Ea*Uso. per term. $3 o will be a I led. for lugttrr I ranches,
ta :!a lia' high matheni itics; each
t'oraxeh xa'iial or modern Isngdage, i
The entire amount of the above shall not
gec-d sit dollars.
UtTßa.—Lvssons on Putin, per term, SlO
I r.winj! tad painting of tbs different rarl
etieg, froui 3 dollars to fe Of)
"Vi>dt! tr.osic, "i lesions per week, 1 <>o :
(neidelitsis, 2U ]
tlpjotil xMeition will lo g.ven to those in ;
tjiiiirig to engig; In teaching,both by affording I
tb jtn a thirouin.'ling in the hr in ho neces
?xrr to be taasnt. r.nd by lecture* on tke best
ructhods ofitexching -nd disctj-litie.
Hoi: } con i* s-ccured in various t>iftces in tb
▼ iilaga on tkj most r. ajonalde terms.
Wo farther sir th<t a converanc • ,it! 1
te in rexdiaess at th Stage house in lied.'ord, I
on the itt 1 pre vie vis'ween '
tae hours of 4 an I 6 P. A r , for the ••onveytnee
of any ttiit may not \ c othurwise yr'-t iih-dfor. |
i'rec of etn.-ni". Arrangements will also be
made for their rotnrn to tlie s<mc piece.
JA.MKS A. ror.EMAX, )
J. H. DICiEN. i
i ><* PR HROK.
ha osburr. Mxv na, 1866.
Tall Oaoaa.
I -H Honlh Second Slpcrt,
Altl. 'msw prepared to i-ffer to their costoujits.
jud t" the trade, (of their ow a imp irintino,) the
i->raool *-oi bftodsotnest asa irtutent of Miliiuery ;
•Oovd* in this ffcty— ••oris.sting la part of
PA.Vt Y rf.ATlli.iis.
flow tuts.
LAcrs, &c. !
f hi<b triH be sold at the lowest juices, and or.
ha iwoet favorable terms.
Philadelphia, Sept. It, 186}.
BV Virtue of ah order of the Orpbaua' Conn
of U'xDoM County, ihe saliciibt-r w|)J tx
;-vse to sale by public veiidue or outcry, *t the
♦ •curt House, in tbc Hofough of Bedford, on
Saturday, the ud Jay uf N'oweui!jcr next, ihs 1
I'ollowife; described Real Lstite, ute the prop- i
trty <>f Sulouion Filler, Ay't'd. V,*;
A I>t of pro and in thceiil Borough c f Bed- |
tori, being bit .Vo. 13, in the plan of said Bo
sough, itoute on Juliana Strr-r, euntain'.ng 60
feel iu front on said ureoi, au i running
?RIHB lillliidiM; HOUSE,
frmie utaule. ice hoass. ten pin adey an t otlit
buD'ingi. Tins property is handsomely tooa
tvd oa the street leading to the Bedford Spring
aadißa very deiiiibl j one -particularly to a
)<ersoi wishiag to keep a priwate boarding |
"'Arose, for which purpose it has been used for
avveriab year*. The building ia eufficieotty
ta-Ro to accommodate flfsy or sixty boarder*,
x G ins-araJ for four years from the 2ild day
ul September iust. Aiiej,
in the v illagu of Rainsliurg, ir. Coicrain Town
abip, m said County, marked in The plan of
said viiltg.i No. Sit, cuutainiag 82) feet in front
■-.1 lvkfi fet laack, baring (hereon erected a
small log haixsr mul log stable. Also.
A Tract of Land
rj said township of Ooleraln, contuining 60
kure, 33 [or.'he* and allowance,
us.-is of Ahrulaim Kerus' bors, George James, in t surveyed on warrant, dated
kprUiW.A- I>- ItkVi, granted to tne mio So!o
--lano FillSr.
rKUMS—Cash, at the confirmation of the
ii. L. RUSSELL, Ex or r <
t'w Gut tfi.'l .%e Filler, dee'd.
Sep. 14, lf&>.
Oollector* for Mmj year I6M,
VI 7". L bear in mittd that no cxonerntions
Tv .vill bo allowed by tho ('ouiQissiducr*
f* Ml itii Tlx after the first Monday of Di
oouiber itTTt. Yoa will b prepared to make
wour rjc.-p;s at November G>nrf.
ft<trfc to Cormniu
i" fk. Id.iSeO On. *
ALL prsons having unsottloi accounts with
tho late firm of rtupp ft o*ur, are respentfally
.ad m <l carnsatiy reqaestoi to cad an! ssttie
up withot neiav.
i>ct. 26,
THERE will b oij at pukliu Vendue, on the
premises, on TfTtTHSDAY, the '.'tb day of
November next, the Mansion Fro pert y of John
K.euiTu, deceased, sivuifeu iu Bedford Township
Bedford Gotinty, about one mite North ut the
I'ittalvurg turnpike, and about foiar miles from
Jfedford, a ijoii.i.ig Lads o/ S-umtol Hammond's
heirs, George Him and ' User*, oonluining Sol
acres an J 71 pi-rebes 0 f paUntediund and l
lowaaca. Thu l.aadls of the best quality and ia
a good s ate or cultivafioa, a Legs part cleared,
and the remainder well limhewj.
The improvements are a good ,wo story bnck
house a ii' 'U I he Wu ind *ll other necessary oufe
bnikiings. Also a good apple orchard a.r,d other
fruit tr-* s
Atteadaace will b- pivla anil terms of sals
taadu known <: diy of sjicb)-
samuel BRO'-YR,
JNrrirnif Er scuicr r/ th* ia.,t will,
sf, </ Jtm\n *.<*£*, iiCixttd.
ffet. 26. IK6*.
WANTED— At Read's Coionsde Store
Wheat, 0t. Corn, and Nuckwhcat—also
ail other approve) produce, ia ex-change for
goic-.t c . p :sis.
FOR jBAXs£!!
1 . THE suhsorib'-r, about to r.-rnove to Califor
• nia, offcre at Private Sale, his valuableX ill l'ro
| jHTty. situate sboit 3 miles E est id Red ford. n
' r | the Janirrfa River, in t'olctain Hnv!ijlii|>, trtdbe
i lower end of Friends' Cove.
' J TheMillis fouratorie* high, frame, witflthree
1 run of stones, two pairof which are Eurrs. liav
ing all the machiuery necesstty to muuufsc
' rare uteromuii and couatry work in the best man
| uer. It bus one of the best water powers in the
L'uiied States, which may he known from tbe
j fact that during the la*t dry season it had abun
dance of water, when nesiiy every other mill in
; the neighborhood was&topptd.
i There are between 10 and 11 acres of land
a Ijoininjr. six acres under post fence, about 4 <>
. which is uicadiw, on which is erected a good
| two story log house, weather-hoarded and pias
' tercd good water ut the door, with all nee. =*>-
ry out buildings—!\l*<> a fine orchard of choice
■ truit. peaches und apple*.
Kiting d-itennitted to sod purchasers w ill do
! " ell toevatnine this property soon.
iiyTKKIi.S v.iltbt; made to suit 'he pureha
! T"? r, giving approved Bond*.
Hi 1. Alf F. ROHM.
, June . WA.-u
A. King. iFr. Jos pan.
! Kis & Jortin. at Lam
liEWOltfl, FA.,
"\Tt "ILL pricticr in the several Courts olßed
it fordand adjoining coui.tic*.
Agencies, Ooilections, and all other business
; iutrustedto their care w ill be promptly und faiih
j ful'y attended to.
! OFFICE in Juliana street, formerly occupied by
; Ij. 11. Hoflits, Esq.. and more recently in the oc
! cupaticy of Jos. Mann, Eq.
j January, 5, 1866.
Justice <l" tii Peate,
HAS removed his Office to Julisna Street
two doors North of the '-Inquirer and
1 Chronicle" Office, and two di ors South nt King
; 4-Jord.'.rs'Office, where he will punctually at-
I tend to the collection of nil clahi.-s piaccd in
i hi* hands.
j Belford, April C, 18. r >S-n
: L'i: M ulii-i I'A., &&&
Having I'ttrthstsed the lirue And
Book Store ot Dr • S. b. S- , .ou
st ant iv on hand, at the old stau.. a large and
well selected stock of choice Drugs at,ii Med
kinos, wholesale and retail, all ol which will be
sold at lair terica. The asaortmt Lt eonsists ii
part -of
Having the regular agency for u. sale ~1 *ll
of these m-.-dicmes the public are assured that
th. v are of too best; such as have st<.t d the test
■' ftimeundekpericncc and c#u be safely reeois
mended as gtnnthe. Vis.
Towaseud's aud Sand's Sarsiparilla, ll'istar
PAsam of It .b! Cherry, Aver a Cb<rty I'ecltr
Moflat't Life Pills and Fhctnix Bitter*. I*r
Jayne's Kaicily Medicines, Fnhru sleeks g Ilobe
sick*. and other vermifuges, HovttLr.ti
Hitters, ite. Ac.
Constantly on bund a large stock <•; Historic
biog.-ipUic il, ;& Beatific, itcti&icii*. Poetics
ch iOi, and Miscellaneous
Also a great variety of
Fancy Stationery,
Post *nd wiappiug paper of every quaßty
paiwr Hangings in great variety. tYxxkrw
Rhtxis iu patmrii* or by the,|'iec< . IV ,1 puj,*r
fancy Goods.
ufevwry *ise :*nd quality. Pocket Book* and for
Moanaies, Diaries, Blank Deeds ar.d Mortgage*'
gold Pens and Pencils, C-omba. Brushes. Per
Turnery in grsat variety, Soaps, *., Ac., A.
Lamps, and Camphine Oil and Burnirg fluid
constantly on hand.
or medical use; Brandy, Wolff's, Scheidam
chuapps.Gin, Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines.
Jan. 19, 185-4.
Dr. F. C. Reamer,
Physician and Surgeon.
Deipeclfuliy tenders hi? sen uvea to
XV the citjxens of Bedford and vicinitr. ]!
may always be found (Unless professionally en
gaged; at his Drug and* Book Store, >n JuiLritta
Feb. 16, IK-S4.
Bedford, Pa.
OrruiE ua Pitt Street, noarly opjokit*
the "Bedford Hotel." Teeth plugged, t*K
uiaUd, km, Mid artificial teeth inserted, from
os to aa entire set. Charges moderate, and all
operations warranted.
Csr~Terms—Posirtvixi C.iso.
Jan. 19, 1864.
trarle oi'
Dr. C. Ksiliag of Mechaaicsburg, Cumberland
Co. Pa-,announces to those aff.icted with Tu
mors, Wens, Cancers, Polypus, Lupus Moke or
Marks, Scrofula or King's Evil a„d !1 diseases
tbatbave bean usually trested with Caustic or
Kaate, ba can remove them by 4n entirety M
method, without cutting, burning, or pun. Nei
ther Chloroform or Liberia administered, to the
it is no matter on whM part of the boar the
may be, he can remove them with perfect safety
and ;a a romrrkeble short time. Nc
Vegetable poison, Is applied, and no moaey re
<piu ed until a care is perfected.
Pro laps is Uteri, Female complaints, Chronic.
Venertj ud ail other disesscs treated wMhposi
tive sueaoss. rail particulars can be obtained bj
sddreasiagla either English or German postpaid.
Patients cw he accommodated with Board or!
leasoaaWe terms.
Micianicabkrg is one of the prettiest w d
healUiiest towrs in this or any other .State. )t is
8 rukea from Harrtsbnrg on theC. V. R. R. an j
accessible from all parts of the Union.
The Dr. w*ll visit eases in any part of the
State when d'*u*d.
Kind reader if yoa know any afflicted fellow
ereature.delay net to tell them ofthistreatmeut
Feb. 16,
Br. W. J. Sfallin,
WlSniSd to resume the practice of Me
dicine and Surgery, .which HI health for
a time compiled him to rehnfkishj respectful
ly tenders bis pr*fa*sk>naj serves io the citi
sens of SeheJtsburg and vicinity. -
CKttce, same as that occupied by E;>q'. Smith.
Beinf well acquainted with D*. MuWn's qna
kifioatsons a* a Physician, I cheerfully rcsom
mend bin* to the patronage of my old friends
akd the public generalh'.
P. B. All Dental operations attended to as'
retofore. ij j
Schillsburg, April 6, 1604. tf
-s in Invabtablt liotkfvr 26i fn/— A'rtrjf i nmi.'y
skunl'l hurt a Cut/.
JOOOOO, Cpie* Sold ir. Le.s
rWl3im T • A new edition, re.
vijd in a' itupiovvd. Juat issued
fkz*:. f/ Dr. MCT> Eks MEDICAL MA
thu Afflicted.
Containing an outline of the origin. pn>gria>
treatment and cure ol every form uJ. disease
contracted by pj-oiuiaeuoua sexual interev ttrse,
sell-abuse or by sexual excess, with advice tor
their prevention, written ii. * rsmiliur style,
avoiding all medical teehiiicaliiie*. ut.d every
tiling that would offend the ear of decency;
with an outline ol complaints incident to Fe
males, from the result of sum#- twenty year*
successful practice, exclusively uevoted to the
cure of diseases, of a delicate or,private nature.
To which is added receipts for >the ci res ol the
above diseases, tnd a .treatise on the cause,
symptoms and cure of the Fever and Ague.
Testimony cf iho Professor of Obsteutcs in
IVnn.College,Pliiladulphia— Dr. JII'NTEB'S
MEDICAL MANUAL.'"—The author ol this
work, unlike the majority of these 'who who ad
vertise to on re the disease of which it tienvs i* a
graduate of one of tin- lust College* in tie
United State*. It affords me pleasure to ri
oommend h'tn to the untortunnto. or to the vic
tetu of malpractice, a a succesKfu) and experi
eneed practitioner, in whose honor and integrity
ibeynuy place the greatest eunCdetice.
J. N. I.oxcsnor.E, M. D.
From A Woodward, Jf. D. of I'eun. l.'niver
aity, Philadelphia.—lt givesuue pleasure to add
my te. timony to the prolVssionabie ability cf
the Author of the ".Medical Manual."—Nu
merous cases of Disease ol the-GenitaiOrgans,
some of them of long standing, have come un
der my notice, ia which his-skill lias been mani
fest in restoriug to perfect health, in some cases
where the patient has been considered beyond
medical aid. In the treatment of Seminal
weakness, or disarrangement of the functions
produced by self abuse or excess of venery. I
do not know his nifier.or in the profession. I
have been acquainted with "lie author some
thirty rears, and deem it no'tnore than justice
to him as vtell as kindness to the unfortunate
victim of early indiscretion, to recommend liilo
as one in whose professional rktll and integrity
'they may safeiv confide themselves.
At.risEU Wooommrd. M. p
• Ttiis is, without execution, the most cont
preiieiistve and intelligent work published or.
the class of diseases of diseases of which it
treats. Avoiding all technical terms, it addres
ses itself to the reason of its readers. It is free
froiu all objectionable matter, and no parent,
however fastidious, can object to placing it in
the hfttula ol his nuns. The Author lias devoted
many years to the treatment of the various
complaints treated of, and with too little i.reath
to pub*, an.t little presumption to impose, ho
lias itfered to the world, at the merely nominal
price of 26 cents, the fruit of some twenty
ears' most successful practice.— llrraU.
"No teacher or pjrent should be without the
knowledge inipartid in this work. It weu'.d
save years of pain, mortification and sorrow to
the 3'outh ttnder their charge."— i'opltt' idro
A Presbyterian clergyman iu Ohio, writing °
'• Hunter's Medic*! Manual" sars i—" Thou
sand* upon thousands of our youth, by evil ex
ample and influence ot the passion*, have been
led into the habit of seif-pollution, without real
txing the sia and feurlul consequence* upo*
themieives and their posterity. The constitu
tion* of tloutunds who ore .-.tiding families hav
bevu enfeebled, if not broken down, and they
.-lo not. know the cause or the cure. Anything
that t an be done so to eUghttn arid influence the
public mind aa to tnd ultimately remove
ti :s wide spread source of human wretche
would confer the jrreitest bkssing next 'o the
religion of Jesus Christ, on the present and
coming yencraticn. Intemperance (or the use
of mtorieating drink*) t'oonsh it has slain thou
sand* upon ihousnde. is riot a greater scourge
to the human race. Accept tuy thank* on be
half ttesiflicted. and relieve me, your co-work
er ir the good work yen are so actively engaged
One cupy, securely enveloped, will be for
warded. free of postage, to any part of the
United States for 2-"> cent*, or six'copies for sl.
Address, post paid, COSDEN aud CO. Publish
ers, or Box 136. Philadelphia.
Booksellers, Canvassers and Book Agent*
supplied on th most liberal term*.
•Sept. 17. 1664.
Call at Vlymirc'ft.
TIV £ sabaeribcr has just receiver! from the
Eastern cities the best assortment ef Brass
Copper,nod Tin Wureerer ottered in this place,
towhich he invites the attention of the politic
lie has a great many improved cooking utensils,
that cannot fail to please every housekeeper who
uacs them. The Lafties especially are invited to
cat) and examine the articles. Among them are
ti. AM and B*ll METAL Kettles of all sixes*
Water Coolers, Chafing Dishes, Saucepans, Milk
Boiler?, Klkss LAMPS, an excellent article for
the sicic room, Cake Moulds, Spice Boxes, Tea
Brass and Iron Ladles, Tatent
Lamps, Candlesticks, Glass Lamps, Match Box
es, Spittoons, Ac., Ac.
English and French Tin, Iron and Brass Ware
in great variety.
Japanned Tin Toy*, and a great variety of
Fancy articles.
Chain and Force Pumps, and Id short every
article in my hoe.
Don't forge: to call at the Tin Ware Depot
Ear: Ftt st.
-lug.-U, 1864.
The Me a gel House.
The subscriber having taken the above welt
knout* Hotel, in thetown o! Bedford, reemftiy
kept by Mr.lsaac Mengel. would respectfully an
ncintre to hie friend* and the public generally,
that he te no-.v prepared Jo entertain them a.
superior tit le.
!li* Beds a'el Ut'tl4ing, are iter, and
rtistihuinbers commodious ami wnif veutJulol
and furnished i:t the best manner.
his i able, will he i.nMti' the choicest vi
ands die market can produce.
Mts bar will lie suppjieit with the be-t lv
Wis Stable is large and ronimcKtinoA and wil
be aliened by and attentive and industriousoC
Boarde'e trill t>e taken by lite dav. weeh,
month and rear.
A he is detefrnined to S[nt" no efforts .0
please and make ail perrons uhr>Hpwbbm
fee! at home he rerpsH-ilnUy asks ttie patronage
of the public.
Bedford, Mcreh 3!, 18*54.
The subscriber having purchased the entire
stock of IIAKD WARE oftbe late TSbtncs ii.
Miller,in the Dedfcrd, sroid re
spectfully announce to hi* ffktbs r i pat**
Ho generally, that be it now preparul do fur-"
uisn almoatevery article in big line ct tmscKsc
on favorable term •• Hi* stork bring nearly all
new, and selected <y one well experienced so the
business, he is fully satisfied that purchasers
will and it to thai r advantage to give hi in a sail.
In addition to a general stoek or Hardware, he
has on hand, and will eoostahtly keep GftO.
CERTES of the very best quality—GLASS of
*ll shs-ths, STOHB V AUK of very sn per tor
quality. He has alto on beod all kinds of Oils,
r lints, Drags, Brewus, Ac., Ac., and C dar
Ware hi great variety.
Hivtug arm permanently settled in business,
and being determined o uso every proper exer
tion lo be hopes to merit and receive a
liberal share ofptitlrcfatroiisge.
JOHN' /RN'f r.P.
Dm I!*), 1864.
■"IP "y"2 3LILIVSF ,
i isc Ki:DFouu> i.VQi'ißiia ixn
( liROVfCJLI7 win lie published I'fwy Thurs
day .Morning at two per annum. in ad
vance. or (wo dollars au.l fifty c.: :ts .rf'.er the
year expire:-.
>. o subri-'tTjuiQii willbetaken for a shorter period
ail.n six'uioiitim,' Hjni no jsitlwcri)*r *Ol heat
tberty lo discontinue- hi* subscription utitil ali
arrearages art- f>aid.
Kates of Advertising:
1 insertion. 'Jiio, ?■ do
1 square, (lStiuns) 50 75 $4.00
i squares, SI.OO 1.50 2.00
3 squares, I.OU ".00 2.50
3 front lis, G do. 10 do'
1 square s2*6o $4,00 $7,00
2 squares 4.00 6,00 10.00
3 squares 5.00 S.OO 12,00
Hall Column >.OO 12.00 liJ.OO
Whole Column 12,00 1 G.OO 30,00
CP*"AII uilrertlsemtnts not marked v.ith the
umber of insertions desired will he inserted
Until forbid, and charged accordingly.
Head Quarters,
ox PAsiitrtxim-EddiTJiisc.
f~ tp he subscriber would rqspceflUli) .j*
ii* inform the public that lie is HOW
' offering the Bedford Hall(formerly lA-
Exchange Hotel) in "itt street, the largest
nrd iiCat assortment of r*adva>iolc, fashion iblo
Clothing, ever before odered for sale in this place.
HIS STOCK consists of a large and splendid
upply of Winter Goods.
lltj has cve-v Variety and description of
He has also alargestoek of prime CLOTHS,
CASSIMEH HS finJ A'¥.ST IX<IS, wliiclAmis pre
pnretl rn make up to order in the mrrtT 'fashiona
ble style, sad w.urty:jre(i to be well maile, an!
oocrr> rits.
Having purchased his stock lor .CASH he feet*
assured that be can Traku It j 0 the advantage ot
those wanting c.oon and < IIK.t ct.oTMtxc to give
liim a call before nurehasing elsewhere. SCTIAFKR.
Rctlford, January 19, 1854.
Farmers Look tt yjar I ite.'j
Windmills 3 Windmills ! !
Til E subscriber wishes to call the ntti'iition
of farmers to li'm now and latest Itttpniri
Fanning Jlfilh, which iie Continues to mst uf.c
ture at his shop, a f.-w doors east of Brier's Hot
tel. of the best material and warranted. He has
also procured the of J. Raruborough's cel
ebrated Patent bo* Screen, which lie uses in all
of hrs mills, which renders It far superior to any
now in use, in the removal of cheat, cockie and
He consider* it unnecessary to ay anvthing
further in reference to his mills, as they are now
generally in use in most pirts of Bedford coun
ty. and alt cm hive an opportunity of examin
ing T'*r themselves.
All kin ls of Windmill repairing done on the
shortest notice
Any person who wishes to purchase a good
Funning Mill, will plcise call and examine be
fore-purchasing elsewhere.
Bedford, August 81,18b*>.- 3m.
rpilll subscriber Would respectfully lanoiinx
-L to the public that he has removed his fin
ning Est.. hlishir.cnt to the building recently oc
cupied by Mr. Luther, a*e Confectionary Store,
in the Diamond, "-here he is better pr tips red
than to accomodate his rtistoiaoit with
every article in the line of hi* bß*inen*. yi.'her
wholesale orret .i. and hopes they will give
h:a x call at his tow location.
Bedford. April 1?. 1555.
"P. 8. The subscriber is desirous of taring
hrs hooks closed up till Is; April, iret.. eith-r
bv cash or note, le Impi * this notice will b
attended to immediately. C. B.
Bedford leftdemy and Female
W. W. CAI3P3ELL, Priccipai.
f fTIIK first sess.on of the 6th -tchoid ywir o-
A Ihislnstituti JO will open on Monday mom,
mg the3d day of September. The pat
history of the Academy, will, we trust, le
sufficient guarantee of it* future efflcieusy.
The branches taught will he the same as hereto
fore. To mxtttr prtncipitt will be considered
the most important pursuit of the pupps; and
while it -.vill be the cotint business of tliv In
structor to impart knowledge, it will also be his
aim to lead bis pupils to make a practical n;>-
p icatinn of their acquisition*. To load the
mind with innumerable formulas, without cause
ing if to nse thein, would be like placing a bow
na child'* hand, without teaching him how to
Vnd it. In floo. it shall he our object, as ithas
eve lejen. to lead the pqpil to think.
XT* S. R. I-istruction in Single and Dnuhel
Entry Book Keeping will be given by the P ri
clpah The class in this study will be so arr sng
*l that any young mea desiring to purine this
important branch, in order to prepare them
mlvm f<r clerkships, tan rtcitt is it alont-
This recitation will receive attention out of the
school hours. Ivtrucfien in this
branch is utra, and will bo charged accord
The terms are as nana'.
Pr Quarter.
Classics. - - • ~ $6 26
H-cher English* r, tu
Middle •< 450
Elementary, - - - - 4 tki
Book Keeping, (extra.) - it 00
Bedford, August 21, 1866. Feb. 9
rEA-WO and Four Hvrso Thrashing Machine*
A constantly on band arid made of the very
oct material. They are greatly improved above
any other ei l.hg ti.-.d to ho aivautago of the
farmer. Forsiie tt the
of W ILLIAM RI rCHCI. a short tier ea
of Brice's Hotel, Bedford. Fenna.
Also, Piurpont's ratenl Strawshaker, whieh
has '.Kit tieensurpusscd ary where, and is 'so con
strutted that it operator 1 moot hiy .-vi takes hot
little power to drive it. It can be sttarhed to
any kind of machine straps or to-jWing shift
would do well to eiH ard see for
•hcmelre before purchasing eiaievhere.
Farming utensils of all kinds made to order.
All warranted to give satisfaction.
V K<l*i"T)g done a* the shortest notice and
most reuaonable term*.
July 27, 1865.—km-
Iwo ltd recr Gcp
MADE ol to; fit y test Jaatcrtul and J a th
heat -workmanlike rnenitr, ccr.stthtly on
hand and for abr at the Machine Shop o( P. M*
SMIBBS, in Busif .rd. His inaciuocs are grettiy
mprvvedto tha advantaga of the farmer. Aiso
Har* r.kes for raking hay and penning grain
fleMs, Putting Basra, Caftivators, Singh-ami
Double Shovel Ploughs; all of which will be
soW on Iho must re isonal.le term*, aud warrant
ed togivesatsfhctiiin.
Fanners and others will do well to give us a
call before purchasing elsewhere.
Repairing of all kinds of Machines and fara
ningutcnspil so&e at the shortest notice and on
the moat reasons! ic term*.
PIITBR H. SKIRL'S, Muchintit.
BedfoJrd. uae 26, IBCS-- die.
Uc#t Pitt Street. Bedford
THE un letsifffttd baring mtered into part 3a
ship in t.'ie above business, would anno ;ne -
: to the citizens of Bedford County that the arc
I "ow prepared, st their Shop at the Ka: B-d .f
j this furnish CARRIAGES sndWL'U-
G IKS. of every style and price: also, COACHES.
W.toons, and Phoning. BtACESitirii work of
every description executed to or<ler, on the short
est notice, st their shop adjoining the Coach
Determltiid to keep none but the best oftrork
j men in their employ, and to sell no cheap m any
| other establishment in the State, they hope to
J receive libera! encouragement.
TyCoiintry Produce r>{ all kinds taken In ev
! cii.njtu far work, and the highest prices allowed,
i >V* rcspeetfullv It: rite the'puhlic to give us a call.
Bedford, Feb. 23d, 1851.
Taylor & Mowry,
at thei- Tannery on East F'itt St. leather
! of all kinds ar.,l of the beet quality. at exceed
! ingly moderate rates. The) pay the h i;lie.t
i orices for eonntrr hides.
Feb. IC, IS4.
milE subscriber respectfully beg* leave to an
-1 nounce to his old I'iicnd* and the public
generally, that he ha* leased and taken ]>u*Js
sion of the Bedford Hotel, lately in the occu
pancy of Col. Adatu Barnbart. it 1* not his
design to make many professions us to what he
will do, bu' ha pledge* bit word that his most
energetic effort* will be employed to render
c imputable all who give bin a tail. Tbehouse
will be handsomely lilted ep. and none lint
careful and attentive servants vriii be engaged.
Parsons visiting the Bedford Sprigs, as well
as those attending Court. and the traveling
community generally, are respectfully inrited
to give hiin a call and Jodge for thetnsulve*.
Cv* The stages all now stop at this hotel,
and it is therefore the Mage Office.
Boarders taken by the vreefc, month or year,
on favorable terms.
XT' Ample and comfortable stabling is at
tached to this hotel, which will always bv at
tended by a cinTu! hostler. Alto, a *ae and
convenient carriage house.
Uediord, April t3, 1^5.-rr.
Plastering Laths!!
rpilß HVDKKSIGikXD ba'ibg erected
1 a Mill for sawing I't.vjrt&iKC LATHI on his
premises in LTiiion Tp.. Bedford county, s now
re . ay to tnrnish auy quantity on the shortest
notice. Price Sl.oU peT thousand. Si It. long.—
Other lengths In proportion.
Letters adireesed to meat St. Clairjvlile nil!
be prompt lr ait tinted to.
WM. GUI Lr'i Til
r;tvi.>r> Tp.. Feb. K.IHM. **..
.A. OAH.D.
bu. ALFRED A. chaise,
Having periainently located in Stonerstoi : '
Bedford coanty , Pt..rptctfiUr tandenhi'
srvkealo the public i--. the line ol 1:* prufei
• ion.
All night cilia attended to with proiupm***.
Stoneratowr, May If,
Watchmaking, Clockmaklng and Jew
eiry Establishment.
rjIHS aabaeriber woui,! -espcctfudly inform hit
J. friend* and thepapdc generally, thuthe
h.'.a opened ont. in the mop in Put Street,
nearly opposite tie Bedford Hotel, and lately
occupied by 11, Kicodemn*. E*q-, anevr Watch
making. Cloektnak ing and Jewe rt
inent. where he will attend promptly to repair
ing IVatchc* aud Clock*. He ha* on hand a
large and splendid usaottrnent ol Jewelry, of
every description. hich he will *cil on moder
ate term*. Alao Gold and Silver WATCHES,
sifver Spoon*, Thimble*, Butter Knivea, Geld
and Silver Bona and Pencil*. Ac.
Bedford. April 20,1565.
I*. S. He atiil continue* tie Ganmltkia
hnainc**. at Ml ld atard. in the Lag: end o
town, whore Ims has * good unt competent irork 1
man cntantiy employ ed. D. B. |
TJtbo tabecriber ia fully prepared to furniehany
I quantity or quality of Building Lumber and
Blattering hatha. Urdor* d,reeled to St. (Jlasa
vlll, Bedford Coanty, will br promptly attended
to, by giving a reasonable notice.
Doc.. 20. If At.
{/ Wd j\/ \/\MMMILnSei' different kirdi
jl f'J Alao. 70 000 tevtof LUM
BKik ci diflerunt kitn'e. iH-tl hi VVhi'v I'ttif,
leliow Bute, I'ojilii'. Sp'uc*. A' - , Ac. Korea!e
K l>. BKK.GLK.
St. C'iair.eilir p, S. i*. IHH3 -t'
WOODYI AHD'S Improved Smut and Server
iag Machine*, Mill Hu*he*. UoltiugClotht,
anil Bran I>n*ters. of the timet improve, plan.
Mill Screw*. Little Grant Corn and Cob grind.
>-r*. Patent bridge* for M ill Spindle*, Portable
Mill*, warranted to grind Jfi bushels per hour,
Mill trona, and Mill Burr* made to order, can he
prnured of tlio Agent, J?.. D. MROAII, at
Scheliahurg, Bedford County, Pa
Mill w.igbt work done at tbo ahorteit notice,
and ou tho most reasonable term*.
N'. B-Tt ia agent for Bedford, Sontcr* t.
adjoining Cocntie*.
M*y 4, 1566 —as
Great Diseovery!
Ti Berry Tooth Wash.
A COMPI.EII: euro fc* Scr.—y. cleaning
M.V. tbc teeUi and nweateciug the breath. Alao
Aa infJ.V* Cairo for Tooth-Aho—w.nranted !
to effjot a cure a Crcm lo to too minute* o (
act charge. ,
Prepared and wid v J. W. MoCumwt & .
Wm. C., Bbio 'j .tun i>„ .
Ang. 17, lSo-4 .* j
JOB MAl**. O. BTAMQ. 1
T AW PARTNERSHIP.., Th. wdermgned '
,^r' e the Pru-tloa I
of the Law, and wtJlpr-amptly .-,tlet>d to ail bwaP !
nes entrusted to tbeir aune in Bedford and aj.
Joining eunntie*. I
•JSTiitf" ° D , l ui * Dai *""> three door* !
- <">- 1
dune t*t—lfs4 If. N •A SP ANG.
fits: fits:: fits 1 w
ffl, Sfflsms, Cramps, atd til
\errous and Cußstlluiiouai Dis
PRSOUN'S -Who are laboritg under this n cat
iistresatt.g malady,-e di find the V gutbie
Epileptic Fills to be the only reined/ ••,* dia-
I coTtred for Epilepsy or Falling Fits.
These pills pens*** a specific action on the ocr
i VOLS aysleiii. and, although t bey are prepared
j especially for the purpose of euriug Fits, they
i r ill be found <>i csjHo ial benefit lor all .per<>n
afflicted with weak nerve*, or wliose nervous
system has been prostrated or ehattertd front
any cause whatever. 1 n ehrotiic c-*ntplaibt, or
diseases ot long suttiiitig. supeiind-.'Ced by
vouat.ess, thy are exceedingly bejie'Scial-
Trslimouy in favor of tlie Vege
table hKtract Epileptic Pills.
In the publication of thefollowitigceit?flclsi
l or cures, the names have l.een auppr-cs< d as
the testimonials were roluntatilr ofl'.-red, utid ot
would be improper to publish ilieju without the
c<m*tfiit of the parties, and who would ho r.n
■willing to publish jlo the w-orld thst they or
their children or friends, ever had tits, When
the circumstance is always regarded as one of
'the fatuity secrets.
HEAJ/IKO. iterks County. Fa. I
December -.•'id, 162. )
To jfeth S. Hatice :
Dear Sir—The Pills my brother bought o
you in Xovembt-r. 1 menu the Vegetable Epi
leprie Pill*, are but,and i get a friend to enclose
yon five dollars, Tor which J wish you to send
me Immediately two boxes more. I liave been
troubled many years with FITS, and have tried
the skill <>f mm/ physician*, but nothing which
1 hate taken appears to have met the require
n*-iUvf rnv Case, so Well as veur Epileptic
Ci.AßKat:ao, Vs.
November lbth. lbb-'. )
| To Setb S. ITance. Baltimore. Md.
Pear Sir—Having l.eeu afflicted for mine
rears past with Fallisg Fit*. L saw your adver
tisement, and determined to jtire your pills a
trial, and I atu happy to say that since I com
menced the use of them, I have not had an at
tack. I believe thorn to be a first rate article,
for. a* 1 have written to yon in a former letter
I was attacked every two wrecks, hut since i
hare been using them I have not hart an attack.
Tours, respectfully,
Xew Tori., Oct. JO, 1562.
I' Sir—Pltsie send we Iwu bote* mo re ot
1 yohr Vegetable Epileptic Pill*. The person for
i whom 1 procured them. Is much pleased with
' their effects. They seem to have an excellent
i effect.
Pittsburg, November 22, IS6B.
Dear Sir—lt i* now tnn months since my wife
had any of those nervous attacks. She think*
she is cured. She has not had anv symptoms ol
the disease lor the last nine months. She took
your Vegetable Extract Pills lor about four j
mouths, and discontinued them fcut months
since. Mn. S. was treated by the b eit „ '
school physician* in the State for ten years,thru '
by th best Moni'j'pathic for eighteen months,!
without a cere. It is to your Vegetable Ex-
j tract Fills and with strict regard to diet, that '
We ascribe her sure of tba most dreadful dis
, ease that ever articled the human family . 1 wish !
| evr> person aAicten with Epilepsy i, a d this '
I medicine, and would give it s. thorough trial. '
; It may not cure in all cases, but in this it his i
1 jxrrfoimed weudeis.
Milledgevilk.. <Gs. a
December 17. IWS2.
Dosr Sir—l wish to inform you that one of
tuy family has ix-en articled wj-th FITS lor a
number of years, and seeing an advert srstient
In a news paper, concerning your Vegi-übleEx
tract Epileptic iMls, I carne to the conclusion,
after trying almost erery physician in mv reach.'
• and all hiring failed in relieving n.y child oi
the disease, I<> send for sit boxv* of V.-an r pills,
j which proved an effectual cure for my laughter*
who is now about IK years of age" I think
there is ne other medicine in use equal to thern.
and I will be forever grateful to you the use
of theci far my daughter whom it bat cured.
Yours, respectfully-
Ncneus and fons!i!tiaal Disea
Thw pills possess a specific actios on th*
notveas syatum, and although tUey are prepa
red especially for the purpose of curing Ft
they will bu lon ad of especial benefit to ail per
son articled with weak nerves, or whose ner
vous system has been prostrated or shattered
from any c.inse whatever; in fact it is almost
impossible to convey an adequate idea of the
pß and almost miraculous results which
these pills effect in the diseased, broken down
tr prostrated nervous systems. Persons who
were all lassitude, weaknosss and debility, be
fore their use, at once become robust and full ot
energy. No matter whether the constitution
has been broken down by extst*. weak by na
ture. or debilitated by sickness, their efiect on
the unstrung and shattered nervous organisa- j
tion is equally certain and apparent. In cases i
of neuralgia, huadaclte, vertigo, pain in the I
nerres of tlieface, and the various train of ner- i
voue a {fictions, palpitation of the heart, period- !
ieal headaches, colu and shivered state of the
frame, frequent fits of abstraction, total inabili
ty, dislike to society, melancholy, religions mo.
n.nnatUd, heats and gushes of the face on the
slightest occasion, adesire that existence should
terminate', they will produce a cure in an aston
ishingly short period of time, and it will also
remove depression, excitement, a tendency to
blush, restlessness, sleeplessness. incapacity for
study or business, loss of memory, confusion,
I giddinMa. blood to the head, mental debility,
j hysteria, i idecision, wretchedness, thoughta of
self destri.. tion, fear of insanity, Ac.,&r
; They will incretso and restore tho appetite
strengthen tho emaciated, renew the health
j those who have destroyed it by exc *fle 3 . Blu i
induce continual cheerfulness and eyjauwnitv
of *piri<, aud prolong life.
Persons of pale complexion -jjd cer.. umptive
habits are restored by a boj or two, to bloo p
and rigor, changing the ska frsjn s pah . vel ow
stckly color, to beaat*ful doiid compl. xion.
these piTm tree mposed of jjneof
the most expensive matyials in the listeria
Mcdica, it will be itnp<.**iblß to lente tbeon
around the oouwtryou agency, as coma r . Vat
oat Medicines usually are. Bui in order to let
MM afflicted in the moat remote pact* of the
country have a chance to obtain them, they
will be sent by mail free of po-stage, to any part
of the iiited States, or any country with which
the United Ktstea has postal arrangetnentii, or
the receipt ot a remittance.
PRlCED.—.Vegetable Extract Epileptic Pills
$3 per box, two boxes for s<s. or s2Spcrdo*en.
All orders mm t be addrcseod postpaid to
lixß Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Kd.
Hxncca '.* Sarsaparllla Blood Pills,
" Korebound tim dy,
• Compound Syrup of TToichcund.
OVAlso for sale by MIf.I.FR COXI.iIY
nballtVarf .Pa
f i; Jl- as. . .
JOilA K. IDli:,
i(U as/ a; £*i n, Sy.nj.i3j ( p,
W HEREAFTER practice it,,.
i IT several tuuiU or BeUloru couttv
i ,nay Ui consulted during the session'.'„i
[ Court ut Davis" Hotel.
! Feb. Iti, lk'>.
Howard Association,
Important Announceni i>
1 0 ali persona afflicted with Stxal<H M >..
such as Sentinel Weakness, ia.puict.ct G<,
i orhues, Gleet, Syphilis, Ac.. Ac.
J lie Howard Association ot Fhiladtli hia
viewot the an ful destruction ©l lite*.\
health, cauaed by aexusJ disease*. a i.d the j,
••eplion* which are practised upon the cut, r;^
bale victims of sneb disease* It Qu#(J, s
directed Iheir t'ou suit iig Surgeo'r, as a cAc-ri
( '<ir art Worthy ot their name. to give , rC ih-„l
j 'tdtictgratis, to all persona thus afflicted ,j:li'
J w font ale.) wiic apply by letter, with dUcrh .
j ts<Ai i if their condition, (age. occtrji.!-- n j .
! it ot'lfla.) he., and in casesot txtrtn"! t7v
jerty and suffering to fui-nUk mtftaie t r „ ,'r
{ ehargt- J J
TlietJoirard Aasoclatb p !* a bcnevotrM 1,,
st It niiofi, cat at; I iti, en hv special utdev mrt i, f
■ the relief ~f The aid; arid diatrcssed,'"> d
I with ••Virulent ft&d Epidemic Dlsurvt*." t .
i its funds can be ttaed f. rno other porpi >.
j has now a rfcrphis ot rn.-ans, which tie Lin,
j tint hare voted to advertise the above j,
i it is needles* to add That the Association . •
j mauds The highest Medical skill ot thergeiai.!
. will fnriwtfhthe most ft/odem treatment. Va!-
■ ual.le advice itUo given to aick and h.-ivor, j,.
! tosle*.afflicted withabdo'tnitialVeahntvs.T.", r. 1
j complaint t'oativeneia. I.eticoTrl o a. he
j Address, (post-paid.) lir.'Gto. K. tsni. rx
I oOtisniting Surgeon. Howard Association ■>
Suuth Ninth Street. Philadelphia. Tt.
By order of the Directors,
f EZRA D. UIiARTWELL, frttiJn.;
t.fio. > AißtniU), ffcre/orj.
I J attc 1, 1865. -it.
ok. rvmj nis ok* rnrstcu*.
with One Hundred Engn.
, Jf i"R a - showing diseases :..j
T \m Mall'ormstLiia of the JJu
& , yntan Syst<iu in tverv rh.'e
£ form. To which 'is
6 .FlT®* ,3) added a Treatise >u the
Q 3.' /JO Diseases of Fen ales, t eirg
Vt • fj?7 iSji °f ">e highest importer.-c
mUr married people, or tl.ose
Let £t father he ashamed to present a Cor y
<>t t'he .E SCt* LA I'll" 8 to his child. It n.r.'v
! rare Mm from an early gmve. L, r> yocnir
i man or-woman enter into the ace ret nblipnti. t s
j of married Iff" w itf itit reading the POCKLT
j JESCCJ-AfllS. no it Bering from a
hacknied Cough. Fain fe; the Side, reifies*
1 nights. Hereon* and tLe wt.ole ttain < f
| Dyspeptic senafthjona. K:'d g'.a v n ep t.ytheirpl i
, sirian. he .mother moment without cot tnhit'g
| the .4. >f L LAf ib's. liftt'c the married, . r
those about to he married any imped nient. r,, d
this truly useful book, as it hm been themesta
of saving thousands f nnfo.lunate creatut. i
from the very jaws of death.
person sending T IVE.N'T Y-Fl VT!
CK..MS enciOed in a letter, will receive ere
copy of ttds work by mail, or Ave epics will le
sent (or One Dollar.
Address, (pest paid) DR. IVM. YOUAU.
No. I 52 Spruce Sireet, Fbiiadelph'u.
July 18, 1855-lr.
Clothing and Dry Goods Store,
THE subscribers are Ju.t ncvirinf a rrr.
haudsotne and CIHTHJ, nsvorttrvrtt ot
thcij atore in the Kai Comer of- licdtord Hail, '
consisting in part Goats, Rants, Vests, Shirt,.
Satin Stocks. Hackee chiefs. Poofs and Shoe...
l.ats and Caps, and al. other articles usual!'
kept tti Ready ilirde Clothing Storm.
Also a good assortment „f J BY GOODS.
consisting ot Calico, .M ou i. d c Laine, Shaw la.
Alpacas, Trutrkj. tlarpet Sacks, Ac.. Ac ; a.I
ut which they wtil sell as cheap as ean la- pro.
cured elsewli>*xe in lledford, lor Cash vr Coaa-
\ i try Produce.
; H'*> request til their friend* id town and
i country to give them a call, and see and nin -
, I ino t he!r *tnek 1 *.r t hofnaelYr*s, as t hey cnnxldt r
( 1 it a pleasure 1o show their goods, whether per-
I sons wish to j>nrch6*e or not.
Bedford, April 20, lbao.
Opened Out in a ftew F{ff:
l fTUIE jul.tcrilic.- ha* just opened out a New
L and Cheap
i Dry Goois and Fancy Store,
the tVeat cod of the building formerly in the
occupancy of Dr. John H. Ilotui, due'd, and
now occupied by Dr. B. I". llariy.
He sell* silk pocket handkerchiefs at from 3: J
cents up to Sh undersleevea from 10 cent* to
$- 50; silk mits from 5 to 75 cts; cotton fcos'i
(rem R* opto 3?fc cents; good hire calico f• :
G' cent* par yard; collars from X cent* up to.
$6; linen pocket handkerchief frcro 6* cent* to
$2.50; bonnet riDbwis from 6$ to ol cent*:
chemisettes from 31 cents to $1.25; bourn*
from 25 cts tip; bloomers from 62| cents np,
wnd Lndlc nnd Grntientens' Wtar
of erery description, usually hund in Dry
Hoods and Fancy Stores; sleo table
nil prices; boots and shoes: carpet*; a general
i assortment of Queensnorr ond Gro
| rer!<tu; anil a great many small article* of
j hundred per cenf. lovtr than can be procured
; elsewhere In this, place.
I He respactfuly ro tnests all to call n let
i amine his stock and judge for themselves,
April <5, lßo.*>.
Vnfliable Ural Estate For Sffc.
snbscrilier Ukea this melbpw of irforp!
X ing those w,. V><Bi of }>tuv"ba(£ a valwahh
Farm, that he t sell that well km**.
Farm and iiund,on which lie now reside;,
situate in £%u FpovltU-nce tofr*liip, Bedford.
County. \\ jtjivs ea% ol the Juniata Crossing",
and one stile stoat of jttry* JIIU, containing ?l*
acres pf land, abcqit 3HW> acres of which sre
cleared and tnogtly by good ;xst fence,
and in a 14gh state'of cußi ration, the majority <-t
which h'is recently undergone a thorough drc
ring: ot liwo, wl.icb has rendered it (Xtnmcfy
The improvements are a largo three story
BK2CR. HOlTSfc, with jurobably the wort com
miviioji* cellar ttndrf it in the county ti !nhiv
good htyn, Stable, and such otl>er out In. ktrgs
as are necessary. There are go<d
water at rlio while nearly all the fcclrtj
are well watered. Tb< re is also a young or
chard of 2"0 choice fruit trees just c>-B:atrt.k
ing to boar.
There is alsp a good T-sant House,
with an excelk'Ut i>aw Will on Ihe j>i< petty, Si
tuated very conveniently on Iks lump he *•<*.
with an abundant of the choicest white jrfrp
timber, inim.-dialely around the mill, ptolstly
; the largest t.odv of timber io the county.
Any person desirous of examining the. pre
pert* will please call no 'be awlscsiber, wlcs
will endeavor to give a!) the satisfaction nee.*
sary. lie also feels sale Im Mating the title
to the land is good, and is willing to warrant
a gamut adl claJnts. w. househoi-di r.
dept. 21, 1855.-fio
FESI Bl£liG p
For J satires, Constables, Witnfs>; K, i iv.
for sale at this office