Bedford inquirer and chronicle. (Bedford, Pa.) 1854-1857, November 23, 1855, Image 2

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    Mil lltll AMI l IIROXM'LK. !
I'tida) .>lrulitjf, XOl. 23.'M55.
" Fearless and Free." i
There will be divine Service., to <iay. j \
(Thanksgiving,) in the Motlt. E. Church,
at half past ten, A. M-, by Rev. L. I'. '
J'helps. ,
The Methodist Episcopal Church,recently j 1
-erected in the lit*:£TllteH'iioovl ot Alexander j
Camphor'?, in Frictd> Cove, will be dedt- i
••atedto the worship of Almighty God, on
Sunday, the 9th of Beeeuiber nest, at 11 _
o'clock, A. M. Services will commence on
the day previous. Ministers from a dis
tance are expected to be with us. 1
Nov. 10, IBc>s.
- | <
ANNOVIXO.—For the information <•! our i |
subscriber? in Napier Township, we woul,)
state that the whole number of papers go
ing to the Schclkbufg l'ost Office, were j
placed in 'be office, in Bedford, last week, j i
i.n Thursday evening, and the fault lies with j
this Post office, that they did not all, in-j i
stead of a small portion, g" to Scbellsburg | i
un Friday morning. A couple of weeks j j
ago, our Obailosviiie and Raiasburg packa- j
also did not .go on the Faturdav alter | i
'ley were published, and as th'M is only j 1
a weekly una; to these places, they did not j i
.got tbeo until eight days alter they were 1 i
issued. The fault is not ours, as they were j
put in the office here in due time. This
iprobabiy occurs with others of our packa
ges, and it is certainly annoying to us, as |
well as to our subscribers. It is all, in on
opinion, the fault of having Jesuits in tie
.Post Office department, and wiii continue ;
-siitil "Fain" takes his cat :n the White
House. Hut it these things again occur j .
•with us, we wtii try if we cannot remedy it, j
i someway or other.
. ~ i
lfJ"The case of Valcntije Zsteckmau, for |
selling liquor contrary t<> tee act cf th'- !
la&t Legislature, wire called up. ou Tuesday. .
He plead guilty, and the sentence was post- j
poned until the deokion of the Supreme !'
Court on the esses of other counties now bo- j
tore it. la the meantime, Mr. Stecknian
."-ells on, and we bear of others who arc ,
about to do the same, in tha" county. Judge 1
KiWMt't.L appears too tiiio i to meet the is
sue in a bold and tearless manner, and takes
ibis method of staving off tic question. What 1
a Court 1 What a farct '
NT'.v LIVE or STAGES.—Mr. Peter El- ,
".rioti has commenced tunning a new line of
Stages, twice a week, betwoen Stoncrsfown
and Bedford, leaving Stoncrsfown Mon
days and Fridays, and Be lfurd, Wedne*- ;
days and Saturdays. The fare is only sl-75. :
Mr. Ellison deserves encouragement for his j
enterprise, and should be patronized by all J
wbo wish to travel between the two places, j
STONE, Eeq-, has assumed the duties of his
office, and Curing the present week, appears ;
to have given general satisfaction. We un
derstand that it is the intention of the Board !
i ■ 1
-ot OomUiiasioners to continue their present '
Attorney and Clerk.
GEO. D. SHUCK, Esq , has been for some 1
t'mc pas', acting iu tbc oapaeity cf Poor ;
Director, to which office bo has lately been ;
elected. He makes one of the best and
most energetic Directors that Institution j
has ever bad,and with the aid of Mr. Trout, j
reforms there have been commenced, and j
will be carried out, and hundreds of do!- ;
lars saved to the county.
r/~Thc Plank and Turnpike IloaJ Meet- J
ing on Monday nigct was well attended, and ;
quite an amount of stock subscribed. The j
road wiil be made, and no mistake.
Maj. Rupphas received a large lot of
new Fall and Winter Goods, which are sel
ling cheap. Call and see thetu.
The American triumph in Maryland is
overwhelming, beyond the most sangjiDo
expectations of friervj or foe. The heavy
CatLolie vote in the State, the largo For
eign vo'o in Baltimore, Cumberland and
other cities—and the adverse influences of
prior State elections, were looked upon as
necessarily ensuring for the foreign party a
thorough triumph. The result, however, is
a brilliant vwtery for Americanism—a \ie
tory achieved on a fall veto, aud upon the
direct issue? involved ia the American
creed. There wero co third
side issues of any kind. The Aunorioane
ia every county of the State planted tbeur
selves upon the broad platform of opposi
tion to the aggressions of political Roman
ism ar.d Foreign influence, while the Oppo
iti" r, ooiaposed of old lino Whigs and
Toraccratr, foreigners and Catholics, united
.n • , liion w ticket*, pledged no other is
sue tbaa uul of bos'ility to Americanism •
' pon this issue fh" parties went into the ;
inntfsf, and upon '.his issue the people of
Nary laud deliberately pronounced by a de
cisive vote in favor of Americanism. Tnis !
Maryland t lection is probably the fairest f
and most decesive test of the real strength
of Americanism, with tire masses of the j
people, that has yet been produced. For
weeks proceeding the election, the Foreign ;
journals boastingly paraded long lists of
leading H big politicians who were arrayed
against the American movement, leaving
■ lie battle to be fought by the honest masse. - '
ot ibe old U lug and Democratic parties.—
Ihe latter have triumphed gloriously and
give an earnest to their American brethren
throughout the Union of whut can be ac
complished in every State, in a fair figLt
Upon a fair Geld.
Httentioi. to the advertise
ments of the Cosmopoli'an Art Association j
for the secou 1 year. T'ersons sendings3 j
to the offices of the Association at New :
Y oik. or Sandusky, Ohio, become members
tor tbe ensuing year, and are entitled to a
Magazine f'nliy worth tbe whole soiu, and
are also entitled to a ehanec at the distri
bution ot prizes. The Association aes* roes '
'.Lz'Mu order we may be enabled to
observe Thanksgiving Day, we js>ue our
paper a little earlier tLau usual.
The New York Mirror iu a well timed a— ;
tide Las the following jwuicious remarks,
which we commend to the attention of the
country: The Americans, alter various
disasters, incident to a new, imperfect! v or
ganized party, are closing up their ranks,
ind planting their victorious banners in ev
ery section of the Union. Considering .
their age in the political drama, their tri
umph has been ample. Ovcr-suecess is
over-elating and destructive. Hard fought
battles and occasional defeat discipline new i
forces and train raw recruits rito veterans. 1
It will tie better for them, m 'he great
coming contest that they have, in these i
preliminary skirmishes, found some obsta
cles in the way. It has taught fheiu the
need of unity and haimotiy in their coun
cils. and of vigilance and endurance at ev
ery outpost, and in *!! their rauips.
The field now lies broad and c!e?r be
fore the Americans. They are in power in 1
N"w i ork, Ohio, ■C.iliforti a, Louisiana,
Maryland, Kentucky. Delaware, Massachu
setts, Connecticut, New II nnpshire, and
Rhode Island—ana have proved their übili
ify to entry Pennsylvania vrt a squaiq,
American issue. In a national CunUat,
with a fair platform and strong leaders,
they can carry Indiana, Illinois, Tennessee,
Alabama, ami Virginia—and vre doubt not
I lorida, Mississippi, Arkansas, and North
Carolina. At any rate, no other party can
j boast so fair a prospect of national success
■ u 1850.
The victories just won will add vastly to
the chances and influence of the American
; party. Their best fruit will be to assure
thousands in every Ftatc, who bare all
along sympathized with the American move,
i mcnt, but who, tiiuid and wavering, have
| consulted their caution, and waited to see
| whether American triumph was certain.—
; These thousands will nuw rush into (lie
j American ranks, and many leading men of
old parties, who have heretofore fought the
American battle under cover, will come out
."ind fight openly, and will bring the depen
dant on their example wilh them. The
moral influence of the American victorv in
; tne great State of New York, with its one
' fifth of the white population of the Union,
; can hardly be over-estimated: Ii will jn
• vigorate Americanism throughout the
i Union.
If the battle were f be fought over to
| corrow, the victory of Tuesday would a'ld
; 25,000 to the American column. The
j scattered forces, tho caap followers, the
. doubters and wavercra, all tend to the vic-
I torious side—in politics HS in war. A great
j tiling for the American party are those tri
• umpbs iu New York, Massachusetts, Caii
t forniaaud Maryland— as great in their in
| Cuence ou tie masses of tlie people, as in
j their direct rasmts. They are a song and
[ prophecy of national triumph.
WAR.—It is satisfactory to know that the
power of agnation which President Pierce s
cabinet so unscrupulously eek to exercise
has decu greatly weakened in their case by
the contempt into which they hare fallen
during tbe tenure of office Kveu the jour
nals whose tone is lubitaiiy most iiifi.nnma
tory, and which neglect tew opportunities
ot viilifyuig England, appear to have little
relish for being ancillary to a transparent
party design, and treat with ridicule the
notion of their present government being
earnest in their rage for the vindication of
tbc national dignity. But there are others
which protect on higher grounds against
tbe wanton disregard of courtesy and e
--spect which the Attorney General is pleas
ed to exhibit, and condemn, as strongly as
we can do here, every attempt to fan the
dan.trf of discord between nations ?a closely
aliioJ by sentiment anil interest. ThoNew
York Conner and Enquiier, in expressing
its desire that this .iplcnutic outrage should
be taken at its true valuo abroad, charges
Mr. Gushing with having suppressed tbe
truth and also their regret for the oc
currence complained of, and have-rescinded
i every order the. execution of which can in- I
voire offence to the just ton si the nest ot a
i foreign nation bent upon preserving its
strict neutrality. \W know not how far
this statement may be well founded, but
we hope nothing will be neglected by Lord j
Ularendoii which can assist to take excuses
lor groundless dissension out of the hands j
: of men who are so eager to use them as [
some members of the Administration at ;
Washingtou.— .Manchester Guar.iitin, Oct. j
3L . i
For (he Inquirer unJ Chronicle. !
The Bedford Post Ofiice.
After a lapse of sixty days, t'lic (public
miud ba- been relieved from suspense as to ;
the final disposition of our little Post Of- '
fico, by a flourish of trumpets in the Bed
ford 6 uzette of last week, who.-c editor .
' state? the l'aet of the appointment of Mrs. j
i Again Saupp, widow of A. Sanpp, the late j
j incumbent, (who neither reads nor writes
English.) but her son Frank, wbo is polite '
and gentlemanly, and well qualified, will !
discharge the duties of the office tor this
i imported Catholic Lady ! What hj pocrn
e-v—what an insult to ttiiv community—
what an outrage on veracity ! Who is
! gulled by the Gazette! None save tho
Jesuitical P. M. General, and perhaps the !
native born applicants for tho office from !
this borough. J'oor deluded follows ! we
luve said, time xnd again, and now repeat
the in;ontrovertible fact, that no n.itivo !
born citizen can compete with an imported
' foreigner for office undw libe 4'ieree admin
istration, no matter what the station may be ;
or what the antecedents of tbe native, the
foreigner will be *nde in laugh him to
| scorn. Having said this much, we shall, in
| order the more explicitly aril truthfully to |
verify what we have stated above, and in
connection with this subject, use names :
a.l this we shall do without intending the j
'.east, to those gentlemen who 1
) were competitors, and whose names are be
fore Judge Campbell. We purposely omit i
| the Doctors and Lawyers, and twkc up the :
! case of Maj. Taliaferro, a soldier of the I
War of 1812, and the most prominent and
i raw ting of the Locofoco party in this sec- i
tion < f t'ennsylvania, who is uneamproiiiis
ing and as Litter as g.ll an t wormwood in !
his opnositiou to the American partv. This
really excellent citizen at heart, bat most i
' deluded in his political course of action, j
must now confess that Know Nothingisiii ;
means something, and that the American i
party is excusable for its hostility to the
coui'se of the Piesidcnt ad his Cabiaet.- j
We would in conclusion, further state here j
for ihe information of the gallant .Major !
and his pretended friends, that his chance :
of preferment under tho Pierce dynasty is 1
| just about as good its it was under that of !
' Jiiuniey Folk, of Tennessee.
. I
We find in the New Imk papers the i
, J following docmaemte relating to the late
i events in Nicaragua:
i To the Stockholders of the .Icc:ssory Trar.-
• j sit company.
The President and diroctors of the Ac.
i ccssorv Transit Company are enabled a'
: : last to congratulate you on the restoration
j of pence in Nicaragua.
_ j A civil war ha< been raging there for.
' eighteen mouth", during all which ti.uc, un
• 1 •
til our last trip, the company were not uio
' | iested unnecessarily by either party, but en
! joyed the confidence uud respect of both
j parties.
• Our busiucss, however, was maiertailv di
j minished by two causes: First ihe general
' | apprehension that the line of transit might
j become tbc seat of strife, and prove unsafe
! to passengers and treasure; second, the pre
valence of Asiatic cholera, which appeared
on the isthmus some three months siuce.
Tl-.ose, who had been accustomed to ship
| large quantities of treasure by our route de
! ciined making further pbipiiient*, with as
| snrance that when peace was restored their
' j shipments should bertsnewed.
The Governmciir party and army through
Gen. Corral, surrendered to the democratic
, or revolutionary party on the 19th ultimo,
| i and terms of peace were formally signed by
| Gen. Walker and Gen. Corral.
After the rovoiotion was thus ended an
> attack wos made on our passengers while at
' Virgin Bay by sonic scattered remuacts cf
' tbe Government forces, and five ci tbetn
'■ were killed. One of our .steamboats wot
' fired into at Sun Curios, and 4 wu&ian aud
> child w ere killed by a thirty-two pound ball
; after which the offenders spiked all the can
• : DOD of the fort and fled duwro the river to
! i the San Juan del Norte,
! j The perpetrators of these outrages tho
1 I cow Government promise to punish in the
: {severest manner. Gur Minister rosideut in
' Nicaragua, Col. Whcrler, bus also eaiicd
attention of the United States Government j
' to these offences agaiust the Liven and prop- ]
erty of our citiieas.
Tho revolution is now over. Order pre
, vaila again. Tb Governuveut, friend
, ly to the company and respecting its vested
. right?, will at all times be ready to protect
, il, should protection be required, and wo
, shall no longer have to invoke the aid of
| our own Government. Tbe isthmus is free
, frotn disease, and the future of the company
, piouiises a business as successful as can be
. desired. By order of the board.
! 1 TIIOS. LORD. President.
-rn'mm from mini.
Invasion of MfXM'O by
llt* between Texans and Mexicans.
j The New Orleans japei* brings us ad
j vices from the llio Grande, Texas. It ap
| pears that Captain Callahan, with one hint- i
I dred ami eWmu Texan Rangeis, crossed'
over the river into Mexico, on the 4th Octo- ;
; her, and attacked the Lepansand Seminole*. ,
I Near San Fernanda Ue discovered tlx; enemy, j
and lie adds:
! Forming my won in a line along the road, !
• I waited for tire onomy to begin the battle ■
—for by this time large number* of them i
bad emerged from the timber, seemingly j
with the intention of attacking its: they 1
1 anon spread out in front of u--, and to our ;
| riaht and left,, to the ant.unit of several
. hundred horsemen, and commenced on u*.
i About this time one of my men fired on a j
| chief, about two hundred yards distant, and
broke a leg of his horse. Perceiving that
the cnetm, composed of both Indians and
j Mexicans, were trying to out flank us, 1
ordered my men to charge, wile It was execu
' ted in fine style, and thirty of the enemy !
were slain. Whilst making our charge the |
left flank of the enemy, which extended for
near half a mile, came in on our rear and ,
' opened on us a -very severe fire, during which '
| four of our gallant men were killed. The !
front and right flank, on which we charged,
after a galling fire, fled before us, leaving us
' b\ possession of the position which it. was i
our object and determination to gain. Then !
we discovered that our enemy numbered
I sumo six or seven hundred, as all their foot
men were co&oealed in the timber, and
bad not advanced in view on the prairie.
My men formed in a strong position he- j
i ueatli the bank of a suiii! creek, on which
the enemy had been encamped, and their
j whole force coming up against ns, we cotj
■ tinucd the battle for about three hours,
1 when they fled in the direction of San
j Kernadp, leaving, as we heard this evening,
! some eighty-five killed and with the loss of j
| one hundred wounded.
Approaching the town of Podras Negras j
about nunrue, we took possession of it, and '
' now occupy a posDion E gl i pass, on the j
west batik of the Rio. (Irani.j.
Tiie men who wero killed of my command
were W. 11. Clopfon and August"* Smith,
:of luy company, rangers. Willis Junes, of j
Capt. Henry's company,and 11. 11. Holland,
lof Captain Benton's company of volutr |
: tears. The men wouuded are John Gregory,
■ (dangerously; of Captain Henry's company, |
i Captain Nat. Benton, slightly, and first >
1 Lieu ten a it Henry B. King, slightly, Pattou. j
! slightly, andEmtico Benton, mortally, of j
!my company. Young Willis Jones was >
' tht son of tie Hoi.. IVin. R. Jones, whose :
' oversejr (Mr. Liwhorn) was recently inur
( dared by there rum: Ln iiun*. who was main- j
1 ly instrumental in inducing <1 vet nor Pease
1 to soil Captain Callahan into the service.—-1
j Mr. Eus.tio Bentoa. another of the slain, j
j was the son F Nat. Benton; a nephew of j
! Col Thomas il. Benton Mr. Clapton, j
another of t'nose who tell, we suppose to he '
the gallant Win. A. Cioptoo, of Webcrvlile,
i one of the Mier prisoners.
Afte * paying some compliment* to the of
ficers aad men of the cotumand for their
brave and gallant conduct. Cnpt. 0. state*
, that he is occupying the town of Piedras j
Negras, oppoiyte Eagle Pas*, and intends
j to hold the positioti until reinforced from the i
j -settlement.*. The Mexicans, he say*, have ;
I basely betrayed his command by pretending |
1 t favor their expedition against the Lapaos, j
j awd their attempt to draw them into a snare I
I at the battle gf. aac, which would have !
; succeeded but for the bravery of his men '
: agams*. overwhelming odd*. II" then pro-1
; oeeds:
■ . 5
; I informed the prominent men of this '
j pluce this morning that wc did not come i
! here ta fight the Mexicans, but to whip and 1
! exterminate the Indians, and that we do not j
yet desire to n ght although they have killed
and wounded several of our best men. I
have fold thorn that they must deliver up to (
u* the Indians, otherwise the Tcxans will '
make them responsible for tLc murder of.
their wive* and children and the depredations j
upon their property, it is now sure :
that they, combine with and protect the Iu- !
I have tried to explain to them the iu- ,
jastieo of their course, ami have advised
them that we will invade their country and
burn-tha last of their towns if they-con
tinue to protect and fralerwitw with thi
band of outlaw", whose hards arc stiil
reo king in the bleed of lutiocctH women
.a nd children, beneath the tomahawks of
relentless savages. We molested none of
their property until we found them fighting
aide kyjiide with*bo Indiers, whose dosa
onitic hands are stall wet u inu the blood of
Tt j ari women and children.
| Aad we have since troubled nothing save
I what was neccwary tor own support and
' safely. Had we supposed the Mexicans
j would have united with the Indians against
ue, we would never have crossed into their
country with our number of men— but we
are now here, and intend to hold a footir.c
unt 1 some thing is accomplished.
Capt. Callahan concludes his address by
calling on the Texan* to cotne to his assis
j Sydney Smith said of a gieat talker, tha* j
if would greatly improve him if he lnd ri&w J
' and then, "a few flashes of silence.'' >
Ite Fcnifu NWB.
The ill-judged demonstration of thcLon
. don Times, first brought out by the
despatch of an English fleet to the West In
' dies, had been followed up, by that and other
papers, until it resulted into u through ex
citement Oti the subject of a war with thi*
' country, and a positive assertion on the part
of one jnurnal that Mr. Buchanan had al
i ready demanded his purport, wnd rhat dip
; hmiutio relations bet wren the two countries
i were suspended. With our better knowledge
' upen this subject, knowing that Mr. Bu
i clMwian had not -severed his eonuection
i with the British Government, the assertions
j and uj peal* of the English .press arc of
much les* significance to then thev were to
the less informed British public, and as a
consequence to feeling they create here will
luwdly ro*puiid to the excitement abroad,
1 though I here may properly be evoked some
thing of national indignation against what
appear*, with the information at pm-etit
available,to be art iffort on the part of the
English ministry to hector this country into
obedicnco to itr, wi-hes and to create,!Lrougb
1 the off -t of the Loudon Times, a feeling
j of ill-will against our prople for offeoeos
that arc scarcely-stated with sutfhcictit clear
i ness to permit a rebuttal.
I Denuded of the result ihat was aitiiLu
, ted to the difficulties between the two gov
j eminent.*, the coiumeiifs of the London
I pajcis w ill appear to ns a* in uo way wur
j ranting the excitement that prevailed in
;> England, and to ihe fears of the British
people and an acute perception of the dan
gers tCiey have to apprehend from a war
with this country we may faiily attribute
i much of the existing alarm. The article*
of the London Times which we copy tire
certainly not a* warlike in tone or as
insulting in their denunciation, a* that
which arst brought to view the war cloud
that ins so suddenly overspread the pre
viousiy peaceful relations of the two coun
tries. The first relates to Mr. Cashing'*
; unne.s.-iirily vioicnt denunciation of British
i rioruiting iu the United States and to the
I offensive publicity given that document.
Mr. Gushing is severely but not altogether
, unjustly ber att-d and tire error of the British
i government m adopting a measure ir viola
i tion of our njatrality laws condemned,
though an ..{Toil -is made to save the per
j petratora of the v:l leotu the rebuke our
i government lias no doubt properly admiuis
j tcred. The Time.*, however, evidently
! over-estimates the it&poiUnpe of Mr.
j Cuahing'* exaggerated iudigtiatiou, and ?io t
j beinga' arcof the Attorney Geuerai's uiauia
! for giving the widest possible newspaper
i notoriety to Ins decisions upou all iiuagin
l Lie subject, looks upou the publicity in this
j case as a designed mstiit to British pride
i But in reality neither -the Times nor the Government have anything to do
, wiih .'dr. Cushing's opinion. It was niui
-1 ply a direction to a law officer of our gov
i cinmbuf, directing his prweeoding* in a
I certain contingency, an no wy coming ill
I any oiliciul form to their notice, ami th a at
tempt to drug it iu a* a proeative to iil
feeliiig is,both gratousand ridiculous. The
second article of the Times is an ouihre.ik
of its old sore, which it continually main
tains iu a state of irritation by dwelling 1
upon tho wan; of ay ta jut thy folx by the peu
: pie in this country for England tu it* strug
gle with Russia. The averment with which
it sets out, that earnest assurance* of such
' sympathy hotn by our people aad govern
! meat had been officially given by the Aiueri
j cu:i Misister must bo reuived with great
i doubt, if not positive disbelief. The uro
; pri -ty of entire- neutrality was felt here at
the first commencement of the strugle, and
- whatever may be Mr- Buchanan's private i
sentiments he would hardly have been guilty
j of such a breach of d'plomtcy as ;o give
j the official assurances of which the Times
iso confidently speaks. An able defence-of
; the Uuited States by"A Citizen of the
United States," which we copy will be read
with interest. So also will the protest of a
Member of Rudiment. It probably speak*
1 the real sent intents of the intelligent and
influential portion of the British people in
relation to a war with this country, and
' represents opinions and fears that will be !
heard from all portion* of that country ,
glionld the present difliculty have aything
Of real #ub*taee in it. It is evident from
the different source* to which the suppoicd
e*trangement of the two governments is
attributed, that no serious cause of rupture \
yet exist*, and none we ate sure will arise
unless the impulses and desire* of the tur
bulent few ore allowed to triumph over the
tekuporate cuuttsel* and powerful co nsider- i
atioßs that should coniinawd a permanent 1
peace between England md the United 1
The war news by this arrival is thoroughly j
unimportant. Operations iu the Crimea |
were aparently suspended and the impres
sion prevailed that the campaign was closed
for the winter An attack upon lli<> allied
cauip hid been approhended, and as a niea- '
sure of preparation tLc troop* for Eupatoria j
bad b-i'Hi recalled. A tcU-graphic despatch
from Vicuna stales,on authority, that Prince
Gortschakoff has received full powers from
the Emperor either to defend or abandon'
the Crimea, as he thinks proper. Thete is
no idea of submission, howeverj for, sirnul-
I taneoudy, wo hear that the Csar ha* issued i
I a ordering a fresh levy of 400,000
j men throughout his dominions. Lie Men ant
-1 General Si- Wm. Codrington has been p
pointed to the command of tbc B-ritiisti Army
' in tiie Crimea iu the place of General Simf
It we may pl.icc reliance in a despatch
from Washington, to he found under the
telegraph head, it will be found that whilst
the puhlie ipielligence by the Pacific is so
full of warlike prognostications, (he official
despatches to our government are of a peace
ful tenot. The assurance has been git en
that the dispatch of the British squadron to
the West. Indies has no reference to Central
America affairs rtor any wljoct hostile to the
4 United States. Uuly one vessel of the
j House squadron will therefore be despatched
|to Nicaragua.— Bolt. .American.
Peniixylvauia, ss.
5n the name and by the authority of the
i Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. JAMES
POLLOCK, Governor of said Commou
> wealth:
fallow Citizens.- - A public r cognition
jof the existence of God, as the creator of
all things and the giver of "every good and
perfect gift/' with a humble teknowledge
-1 | iiipnt upon the providence of Him "who
! rules in the army of Heaven -and among
' the child)en of men/' is alifre the duty
j and the privilege of a lice a*rd eluistian
"He has crowned the past yrrar with his
goodness and caused our paths t-o diopwith
I'att ess.'' He has blessed our ooantry with
peace. Ibe Unlou of tire State*—our
free institutions—our civil and religious
privileges —right of c-ortseiwreo and free
dom of worship Lave teen •continued and
preserved. The great interests of educa
tion, morality and religion have been en- :
oouraged and promoted, science and art ad- >
v a need, industry rewarded, and the moral 1
and phjflieal condition of the people itu.
, pioved.
The goodness of God has signally b'es
' sed our (Ninitbonwcaltb. War w-kh its '
I desolations, famine and pestilence wi'li i
their horror*, hare r.ot been pcrrettted to I
come near w. and whilst the ravages o
diioesc an* death have afflicted the citirons
of other SraTes. we have enjoyed the bles
sing* of health and unusual prosperity.—
The seasons, in '.heir annual round, have
come and pone, seed time ami harvest have
not failed, smiling plenty cheers t!*e hus
bandman, and, surrounded by the abun
dant fruits of autumn, he rejoices in the
I rich rewards of hi>- toil. "Thepasture* are
clothed with flocks,-the valleys also arc
| covered with corn, thev shout for joy, they
also siug."
Acknowledging with grateful hearts these
manifold bles-ungs of a beneficent provi
i deure, we should "offer r.nto God thanks
giving. and pay oar vows unto the Molt
j High."
Under the solemn conviction of the iw
j portanceund propriety of tlys duty, and in
conformity with the wishes of many good 1
citizens, I/AMES POLLOCK, Governor
of the Co:ur:-tiwealth of Pennsylvania, do
hereby appoint Thur*d iv, the 22J day of
November next, as a day of General Thatiks
i giving and Praise throughout this State, and
' earnestly implore the people tlmr. settine
aside ail worldly pursuits -car that day, they
unite in offering thanks to Altrightv God
| for Hi* past goodness and Mercy". anil be
: seech FUm for a continuance of His hles
, 9' n g"-
Given under my hand and the Great Seal
of tlie State, at Harrisbwvg. this 22d clnyof
. October, in the year of our Lord, one thous
and eight hundred and fifty-five, and ef the
I Commonwealth the eightieth.
By the Governor.
A. G. CURTIN, Si-c'y of the Common
| • yg ' t - • . j
The Daily Adrian (Michigan) Wachtowrr , j
ef th# diet of October, acknowledges, the i
receipt of and publishes an "extra'' from !
the St. Louis Press, in which it is stated, •
under date of Fort Laramie, October ID,
that the train which arrived at that piece ,
from Great Salt Lake, which left on the 12th ,
j of September, brings accounts of an awful
I earthquake, which took place the ll.tli of
that month. We have seen no account
elsewhere of the reported event, and therefore
Iwe are inclined to doubt its truth, llow-
I ever, the article to which we have above re
ferred, aeys:
"Tuc shock continued to inercsc until 11
1 P. M., when the great promontory on the
| opositc side of the laic. l , at Fla' Rock Point, j
slid front its base in o the lake: driving the
j water before it in an enormous wave, to the
opposite shore, where it speedily mounted
to the top of the. first stuiic>, confining the
inhabitants to their chambers.
"About one hundred bouses, containing
chiefly women and children, were thus sur
rounded. The shrieks of the women aud
i children were appalling. •
"The rumbling of the earthquake, and j
l the shouts and yells of the frenzied multi- j
' tude, with the roaring of waters, all formed j
| a scene of painful excitement," says our
i informant, such as he never witnessed be
fore. To add to the night, a heavy thunder
stonr. with rain and wind came up, and the
water rose still higher.
Boats and rafts constructed of anything
i which was most readily to be found, plied
j back ami forth ia the midst uf the storui,
• and until an early hour the next morning,
and by great exertions on the husband
fathers and brothers, the women and their
. children wore' rescued flora' daoger. This*
part of the city is occupied by the dwellings
used by tho numerous wives of the better i
class of citizens, with their offspring. I
Towards morning water receded, and the
shocks ceased. * * *
Tho opposite side of tbc lake presented a !
strange sight. Tim high, flat promontory!
had slid into the lake,crumbling us it weut, ;
I end filling it up to cimwderable height n ;q,
j piece* of rock and large (lumbers of m, . i
j trees, tiuderlrUsh,&c., mixed with the, in" ;,
I upou wLtcb they ImJ grown. The FORTIOL
jof the lake thus filled up cannot be 1
| than a mile Jong, and three qnartna aid/
' as w-cll a? could Le judged, frcm the <]!*'
j Mrmso ok Ooxoartß.—The \
flt/ald of yesterday, publishes the fullow
ing card, signed by two of the American'
Members of Congress from that State:—
.NEW YORK NOV. 1,185;,.
• Sir.— Ai it is now clearly known that?)
j American Representatives to the coming
: Congress will constitute a large plurality i„
| the House it i* en, ha ant lj desirable that
j conference lc had upon the couimeitccii i •
i of the session.
In this view the uaderaijßMjd solicit t), O
j privilege of inviting, through the medium
of your column*, the -cvetal members (J j
Congress who have Le-m cbweo as the L e .„
■ reseutative* of -the America* policy, tr, meet
| for conference at the Hali of Rcpresenta
. live®, ou Tbuisday,, the 2Dth day oi A'ovcia
i ber in#t, at the hour of noou.
i % giving this invitation au insertion- m
• your widciy circulated loluu.ue, mn
i confer a favor ou tour \eiy obcoieut , tl .
< rants,
T|l<s R. UtiITMV,
i'ilih X, \ . di.stiii t
Nibtb \. \ . distiid,
DniAnrrt Fxeioataw ON- rur Groecn CLS
. Tft.iL if AILUOAO. I ire boiler t,I a lutiOUlutite on
j tbc Georgia Central Railroad exploded „i t \V- |.
| ncsdty afternoon. the Slat nit., killing the en
gineer. Moiiland Kelly, a native of hVuirsylva
nia, and * fir.-maii rtauietl Borna*. from Citicir,-
' nati. and severely injuring u brakem-in. Tim
j sud casuality .occurred whe-n the train ,va n c .„
the Thirtc-en mile station, the engine briutiginj
' to a freight train cimiiig down. The t-xploai-,!-
is ti.seniH.-d t,s dri-wilui in the extreme, th.-
vitiole locomotive iadug tlnowu fot w:ir,l u Ui,.
tame oi t hundred feet iirui th>- track torti Up lb.
; one hundred and fitly feet. The bodies oi the
killed were dread!uilr mangled,
i The engineer Was found lying by ti-e stile < ;
; tb locoutolive; ivldle the fireman, Jtr. bar-a.
was blown high in the air. and fell about ta.j
1 hundred yards in advance of the train.
From the moat reliant* iulomi?tion we -ould
gather, it would appear th t thi# 1 rightfu 1 acy;
dent waa caused 1 y the carelessness of the en-
I ginentan. in ufowing the water iu the boiler to
iieccti'a exhaußted, and th-.-n turning in a str- iui
of cold water upon a highly heated surface.
! Tie baa paid the penalty with his life. Tie ion
to ibcA'otnpati is estimated at some jT.tNHJ.
[Savannah Rep.
SAMMY went LA#ee lii* grauiifatber. a
jiiou* old gentleman, who was wont to dis
courae much to young Samuel iijioii divine
things. The lad, while taking a ridecne
day in hi* grandfrthcr'x cariiage, after set
ting for a moment in silence, inquired' "I*
God -everywhere?" "Ye*, uiv child." "D
lie i tLis carriage l " "Certainly, he is."
"Then nil I've got to *a\, lie's having a
splendid ride." Tbc grandfather lifted Lis
spectacles, looked ut Sammy, touciied up the
j horse and said not n word.
Ci:RIOTS QI'EfTION. —A eiirious quiv
tion for tiie lawyers ha* arisen in I/iudoi
A lady courted by a geiitblinaii, who prrn.i
scd to tunny her, ami WH* HcceptiC. But
ihe did not l'nt fi 1 hi* promise, and she sued
him for breach. It turned out however,
that be couldn't marrv her 1 ecause lie had
I a wite living at the tiu.e Iu answer to th.-
suit he say< "Barkis is willin,' but the L
i wouldn't allow it," and the lady can only
I demand a fulfilment of lit* engagement by
tin uet cont-rabunos mores. The qaesto u
then arises "what damage has the lady
sustained in uut being married to a married
: man?'' There is a stability, of casuistry
suggest'd Oy this, which the Chief Baron
himself did not like, to encounter, and an
arbitraliKi was retomended. Ji i- a nut
which evsMt a I'uiladeljihia lawyer might Lc
uiuUe to cmck.
OoSahbafh evening last at the residence
of Jolin Mx-k, by J. H. Wright K*q., Mr.
HI NRY McOtiftALD to Miss RACHEL. Mm :,
both of Union i owuship.
On tlie-Ilih, by (i"0. W. Househol
der, E.-q., Mr. JOHN STRAIOUT of l'ulton
Co., t<> Miss HANNAH Wait FIELD of East
' Providence tp., Bedford Co.
On the 15th inst., by the came. Mr. M'li.
S. EITCHEY of East Providence tp. Bedford
i Co., to Mis* MART ANN STOPFER id lirusa
; Creek i,p, Fultou Co.
On lint ISth ;a*t., by the SRP O, Mr
JONAS WJELEII o f Brush Creek tp.,Fultc-n
: Co., To Mi*s SARAH GRAY of Ea>t I'rovt
i ucnee tp. Bedford Co.
Stny Heifer.
CAMF. to the premise* of the subscriber, h' -
ing in Liberty township, some time in June
| Let. a KKD BBINDtiE HKIFEK. with white
forehead, no mark, nliout one year old la--'.
Spring. Th owner is requested to com- to"-
,, prove prepertv, pv charges, and
: her nvvav. SAiI'CEL F. SUOCP
.Nor. 13J5- St.*
m\ M'liiii LI.M:.
THE suhseri'wr l-.a* stsrtcl a new Stag'
Line trom -STOXEKSTOWN to L.rDVoun. vhieh wo
run PSCIi war twice every week.
The Coach will leave Stoneritown on Mt>N
DAY and FRIDAY of csch week, iimnediate v
after the morning t-ain arrives (rout Hunting
don. and ret limine;, will leave Dedfont n '
U FDN'ESDAY anil SATURDAY, an.l mv-'
j in StoneWtdwu in time to myel the evening tfain
| fur Huntingdon. bing much the liear tt sou
1 chonjHiSt route to Fiiiiad.-Ipliiu. .
! FABK only $1.75 io Stoiiyrstown.
Nov. 'JT. 1 So".—Gt.
CtAMK to tho premises* of thj saSscrtbsr. li f
' ing 6u tho farm of F oa. Joh'.Msiii, m i'
Bedford, about the Ist of October last, i ftr.i*
Buß, with a white tace, lnik ar.d belly. sRI"*
hLick. Tuc owner is f -quostoi to > ,J " J ' r
ward, prove property, pay oharg_•> a.T,*t'--*
h.A a riv.
Nov. tc>, IS J _ _
Hrtf S(er.
i Y"IA'4K to the premises of th'*.sul*i ruwr. liv
IVi ing in--St . CLir-TownsUip the mia
dlo of August la*t, a rod aud wjiito ste.-r. sup-
I posed to be atsiut •' 7&* old-mo marks.—
; rw owner is requested to conn- f irwani, prove
: propcrtv, pay Ctiargeii and t ike him away,
1 1 GIDEON D. TH'.'bT
; Nov. 10, 1855.