LEWISBUKG CHRONICLE AND WEST BRANCH FA 1191 EH ft 1 n .M if Si U)it and f)amor. A, Duel ATtidad. A lemons duatiai ehelleiiRed an Irish bar titter, Tor aoiM remark made by the barri ater whilst the duelist was giving his testi mony on the stand in some important ease. Te barrister knew precisely as much about fightiaf as a fiiaey boxer knows about Milton's ' Paradise Lost." Mis friend told him, however, thai there was no wsj to avoid the scrape, and it waa eertainl) 1 peeled of him either to iht or apologise. This settled the point Tor the proud little Ilibernian.though he would rather eat than fight, still infinitely preferred being shot to make an apology. So the two duelists, with their seconds, dsc., were soon upon the bat tle ground. The challenger was notorious as a great pistol shot, and had fought come half-doaen duels before, in one of which he was so badly wounded as to be left a crip ple for life. When other preliminaries were arranged, be requested, through hi. second, one favor from his adversary .which Was permission to stand up against a mile stone that was on the chosen ground. He sought no advantage.but wished to lean up on the atone, being loo lame to stand witb o support. His request was at once gran ted, and just as the word was about to be gives, the lawyer issued bia maedate to atay proceedings, aa he had also a request to make. In the gravest manner in the world, be solicited permission to lean against As iu.tr tnittttotu. and the joke was good that the challenger took his revenge out in a hearty roar o( laughter, withdrawing his deadly defiance, and decla ring that be could never ahoot a man o: aueh excellent humor LeglsUtl Clothing. It is well known that in ancient times, salsrtee, rations, &c-, were managed some what differently than at present. We re JUftt seeing in the record of bridgewater, that it was IT0 interesting question for a town meeting "whCtS lb sthuoloas- tcr should be provided eiih a new suit of clothes." The Ibiluwfog scrap IS going the rounds relative to Marbleheed, is this State. I; appears that many years ago, when it was smaller than at present, a -member was elected to the general court His circumstances, however,being slender, like those of Lis lowntmen, it waa resolved that the tow n should furnish him with a suit of new clothes. Accordingly he went to "Bosting," rigged out in complete long toes, ma kirn: a treat sensation as may be supposed. But unfortunately the member died before another election.sod.consequent ly the legislative suit reverted nearly sew to the town- To save expenp,it was then resolved that the nest candidate, in aJdition to his other qualifications, should be capable of fiilicg the "Iowa suit of -clothes; and the ceremony of election should be preceicd by "irvini on" the long-logs, fijt the wags of Beaton goi wind of this proceeding, and it became tanding joke in the Stale H'tuse, when Mjrblehead was announced, to cry out, '-Here cumestbeMerblebead auit of clothes wbv'a tn "em r" 1X3 Colony ttepofjsr. A Dog Race with a Ball Road. Mr. A. biGrulT, the railroad conduct tr, came du from Spriugficld yesterday. "Bod from him we obtain what we relate, lis said that el Morrow a green looking f loosier gut upon the cars, lied a large cur dog hu hud with him to the iron stanchion of the hindmost car, and deliberately look hit seat among ,lo ladies. Away bounded ine iron horse ::h hi usual speed, to the no small wuudurment of the countryman a ho had never riddt-n so ft be c re. Ar riving at Foster's Crossings he walked 'back to lake a louk at his favorite aniinal, and his surpii? waybe imagined when be tounJ only the head of the dog attached to the rope ai'.h which he had fastened bim .Alter b ing peif U y satisfied that lb "dog 'Was dead' ha merely uttered, "Well this id the only critter thai eveat beat that dog rucnik ."Cincinnati Commercial. Sirs'. Partington on Education. For my pirt 1 can't deceive what on airth eddicaiiun is commin' to. Whan was ) oung if a gal only understood the rules of distraction, provision, multiplying, -replenishing, ajd ihe-eommgo domiitator, -and knew all about the river and their ob ituaries, the cenvrnants and draitors, the provinces and umpires, thoy'se eddication -enough. Hut they have to steady bottom ", Alier-bsy, and have to demons! rate suppositious about aycoj hauls of circuses, 'tangents, and ltiagonies of paraLelograms, tossy nothing about the vxhidja, cowsti--ces, sod absttuce triangle. " And the old lady was so cor, fused wita iha technical names that she was forced to stop. Southern politicians occasionally run a joke ajjiinst each other. The Savaonah Republican ijiin:es from a M.ssissippi print a report ihst "Uov.Quitmin is surrounding himself with a galUnt Stuff, aoJ is readv and willing tu do whatever lite people's representn'ives may require at his hands, or perish in the efflin" with the addition, 'Ub Quit-man ! Quit-man ! The Amherst (N. II ) Cabinet answers Mr.Wetwt. r's inquiry, What will become of the American Flag in case of a dissolution of the Uuiou ! and replies. Hie Ko in will lake the aTita, and the Suth, iht stripes, erf course! WASHING MADE EASY, OR, how to Wash Clothes without Ma chines, Wash-boards, or Pounding Barrets. 8end me One Dollar.ffee of postage.and I will ssod von by mail printed eireuTsr, giving plain directions for Washing CloltiS, thst will enable one per -on to do the washing of a large family before breakfast, thus avoiding the confu sion of s washing dsy. Tbis tnttfiod requires no machines, arashbuards, or pounding barrels no turpentine, eatnpbene or other offensive article no rubbing lbs skin off yonr fingers no tearing off buuons and wearing out clothes. Tbis plan saves the clothes, makes them whiter, and never injures the finest fabric. The articles used cost but a few cents, for a Urge washing, and cab be obtained anywhere. The circular also contains directions for Clear Starching, Ironing Laces, Washing at.d Cleaning 8:lka and Kid Gloves Kemoving Staine. Grease Spots, Mildew from Linen, Raising the Hp or Velvet, Ate Ate. 1 hese are the greatest chemi cal discoveries of the sge. All the Hotels, a lea rners, and large Laundry establishments use my method of wsshing. To avoid mutations anJ counterfeits, be ears to direct your letter te Madame BEAVELT. Patent Laundress, 43 Ana 8L Mew Yoik postage paid sr a O - M. 5 2 . 2 5 5 - 3 -o o O o c 3 3' o C5 o a 3 ? 3 3 0 III?': - 3 3 3 O a 3S o e S 3 ? m mm ffefag P . o S - Zm a y " 2 fast - a a. o c S 3 - 5 i. e t:? O 5-S S tr o sr 02 o 2T HENRY C. HICKOK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewisburg, Union County, l'enn'a. Practices in Union and silj.iinin; esiinties also atteode the courts of Pstr county. OFFICE on Second 8t.t lately occupied by L. B. Christ. KJ. ' N TAILS and IRON for sale by Ap24 R-ber & I idings. Brandreth's l'ills are sold at 25 ets per box (with full dirrelinn.) Y J. HAYES &. CO , Lew:sburg, and by omv one Agni in every town in the Union. Ktich A -fill has a Certificate of Agency. Examine the l ix ' pills always snd compsre it with the fsc simile Uhels on the Certifi le of Agency. As there is a counterfeit of the tew label out. this is of much importance, as thtr i is decided difference between the ppes: nee of the true IsMs and those of tie count fcit The couuterfsil is done on stone ; the t e mine are done on ft I. Tbe sppesrance of ll ' printing on tbe counterfeit is raggeJ and blun; ; the genuine label is the very pink of neatness, both in printing, psprr, sud general execution. Be very careful and goto the Ajent.vvhen ynu wsnl BrandreuYs Pills : then you sre sure of tbe genuine article- hen you purchase otherwise, i ii t wmn wtietner ne snows me pitls he offers you are the gei.uine Brsndietn T Ev ery nan knows whether ihe si tide he offers is true or false. Beware nt cheats : r s a 1:11 51 3 r 1 1 T3 JE 5 - P-3 -as 9S "2 - ; ' 9 3 a 3 o 59 s S-er s . i' sT p rV9 " S 3 " ?SZ 3 n c it 3 C 3 Us v- arj 2 y 3 m r! L - -i o "" - vS. ?5 3 ' 2 S I. qb 5 -3 2 . 0, ? re 5 I- s S CE ' C S 3" Ti o i : a - i 5i t 3 3 -1 - T -1 - rx 5- 2 S -3 . w 5 r- 5' 2 2 3 . s o 2 ? z S ' 2 '5.5 D. -3 3" " 3 O WHE subscribers nlT.-r ihe public, at their I T, ! I C . I .'ll - new oric ruunury, me luuijwmg new and valuable Stoves : Irwi Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, with s BrKB Oven. Lady Washington Parlor Stove. Cast Iron Air-Tight Parlor Stove, for Wood t sizes. Coal Burner for Parlors 1 sixe, 12 inch e;l- inder. Louie Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor 8tove 2 lies. Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stove for Wood 3 sixes. Egg Stove ihe very best in uee for Stores, Offices, Bsrrooms, and (Shops. Tbe eeJebrsled tvenesee Air Tight Cook Stove. The Complete Cook 2 sixes. Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves Ploughs Castine. &r. dee. I'M KMT 4 M FADDIN. Lewi.burf, Dee. It, 1849. Old Dr. Jacob Townsrnd's s ARSAPARILLA also S. P. T..wo- seniPs Sarsaparilla for sale by Dr Thornton Si B.ilter. SCHOOL-TICKETS prined arr sale nt this e-r&er. o 2. & o W 5 S Dentistry. WH. 0. STEWART, 4 LATE of Philadelphia, ia now located on Market street, Lewisburg, opposite Mr. J. Schreyer's store, where be attends to operations on the teeth at s retluMion of his former prices. Teeth and roots of teeth removed with the aid of improved Instruments, and in an easy manner. r tiling teeth and aettmg on pivots or plates atten ded to according to the latest improvements in tbe profession. Ulcerated, spungy, and inflamed guma cured. Thankful for past lavota, be soliciu s continuance of public pxlronsge No impure materials used for fillings in leetb. Iy288 Dr. Swayne't Celebrated Family Medi cines. CPBE FOLLOWS CCRB ! More Proofs of the Efficacy of Dr. SWAYNE'S coMrocsD state or Wild Cherry, The Original and Genuine Preparation ! C'onNumnllon. Coughs, Colds, Amhms. Bronchitis, Liver Com plaint, spitting UIMl,lilbcuHy ol Breaming, pain in the Side and Breast, palpitation sf the Heart, Influenxa.Croup.bro ken Conktitution.sore Throat, fiervous Llebility.and all diseases oi Throat, Breast, and Lungs: the most effec tual and sieeily cure kuown for any of the above diseases is Dr. Swayne's compound Syrup of Hud Wierry. Reliable Testimony John Milton Earln, editor of the Worcester Spy, Miss , wss attacked with a severe itiflama lion of tbe lungs accompanied with a distressing cough : aflet uing various other remedies with little or no benefit, by the use of one bottle ol Dr Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, he waa restored lo perfect health. Wm. Montelius, a respectable merchant of St Clair, Schuylkill county, writes, Jan 30, 1849: Enclosed I send yon certificate of Wm. Beau mont, a citizen of our town. His case of Cons :.lion is well known here, and of long standing: he attributes bis cure entirely to your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry." Be not deceived by the many spurious and worthless preparstions of Wild Cherry, ushered into notice by ignorant pretenders, but see thst tbe signature of Dr. Swsyne is upon eacn Dome, which ia Ihe only guarantee againat impiwiiion. Remember ! tbe genuine preparation of Wild Cherry ia prepared only by Dr Swstsk, is vy corner of Eighth and ltce streets, I'Dilaa a Swayne's celebrated Vermifuge, "A Safe end Effectual Remedy for Worms, Dys pepsis. Cholera Morbus, sickly or dyspeptic Children or Adultssnu tne most userui r amny Medicine ever offered to the public. This remedy is one thst has proved successful for a long time, snd is universally acknowledged by all who have tried it to be superior (bring so very pleasant to the taste, at the same time rffectual) :o any other medicine ever empioyeu in iliesae lor which it is recommended. It not only destroys worms, but it invigorates the whole yetem. It is hsrmless in its etticKsnti tne nest in of tbe patient is slways improved by its use, even hi n nn worms sre discovered. (J5 Hi ware if Miitakes. Remember Dr S's Vermiluge is now put up in syuure butfht (hsv. ing recently b. en changeii) covereu oy a wautinu wrapper, ateel engravinjr, with the portrait of Dr Swsyne thereon engraveu. uear tuts in uiinu and be not deceived. PR. 8 WAYNE'S St GAR COATED 8ARSA- PAKII.L AND EXTRA C 1 or I AK The virtues of these pills csn be appreciated only by those who bsve used them. They are adapted to assm nature in csn j ing uu uiunuu matter, obstructions impurity of the blood, ice. They are a gentle and effective purgative, correct II the functions 01 me iner, sou mm mu iirisu-t-in dropsical sffections tbey are very valuable and J Ll k. t I..U,. TK.jr k.. -I- coating of pure White Sugar.wberehy everything disagreesble to taste or smell is entirely removed without in tbe least affecting the excellent quail tics of the medicine. Remember ! they are now out un in boxes turned out of tbe solid wood covered with a red label bearing the signslure ol Dr Swsyne: none other is genuine, The above valuable Medicine are pre psred only by Dr. SWAYNE, N W corner of Eighth and Kace streets, rniisueipnis. Aeents for Union G unfy. Pa, C W Si haffl.-, snd Thornton & Baker.Lewisburg J Seebdd and . n .ri;JB Mench, Millersburg Ed WiUon, 1 sylor.Mitllintiurg M os Specht. Beavertown Wilt & Eilert, Hartleton D J Boyer, Centerville Ssml Haupt do D.&rhnure,Seliriigr've D Stnilh.Moser's Valley ReubKeller.Nsvy Kland Youngrnan dr. alter. Dry Valley U & Summers.!' reeburif sad by Storekeepers generally ly390 Myers' Liquid Cure! TS a positive nnd never-failing Remedy X for P L E S wbether Internal, Ex ternal, Blind or Bleeding Scrofula, While Swellings Ulcers, ulcerated Sore 1 nrnnt. Canker Sore Almth, Kheurnatism, otnn eoua Diseases, Mercurial Affections, Q-c. also for Scalds, Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Brui ses, &. V:. We feel jut fieJ in proclaiming the Fact to the World, that of all medicinee ever bro't before tbe public, none have ever lieen more beneficial to afflicted humanity than Myert' Liijuid Cure. We know this is ssying a great deal, but if we were tn write volumes we could not say too much in prsu of this siTn-BrsTOHiic,Lirr.-pnnL!ceiKo bckedi Hundreda, nay thousands bless Ihe happy hour wbeu first tbey were made acquainted with its trsnsceodant virtues ; and our present purpose is to inform other thouends, bow and where thoy may obtsin that relief which tbey perhaps have long sought for in vsin. The superior excellence of this prrpsrstion over ail other medicines, for the speedy and per manent cure of PILES, is well known lo sll who have tested it. It hss been proved in thousands of instances, and haa stria fsilkr to cure the most obttinatt eases, and we are con fi, lent it will never fad if used a proper length of time accord ing lo directions. As a proof of our entire confi dence in its efficacy, we assure all purchasers lhat if, afier a proper trial, it prove ineffectual, the Money paid for it will be returned. The Liquid Core ia an effectual remedy for Ringworms. Biles, Pimples, B irbetV Itch, Frosted Limbs, Chilblain. Salt Rheum. Musquito Biles. slings of poisonous Insects and Cutaneousdiseases of every description. It is both nit and effectual for Rjecxxtisk, giving immediate and permanent relief. Its effects as a real fain Killer, are magical. itxiit rivtir is isi li should provide themselves with this Invaluable Preparation, tbe cheapness of wiiicD places it iilun the reach of all. Full Directions accompany each Bottle Pamnhlet. containing copies of certificates from those who have tested the Liquid Cure, may lie had gnttu of our authorised agents Myert' Liquid Cure is prepared only by JEROME A CO.31 Spree St. New York! Agents : C ' chsffle, Lewisho'g ; J II Rase-, I Mlltea IvrrmWt TO PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS, & COUNTRY MERCHANTS. DR. J. N. KEELER & BRO. most res pectfully solicit attention to their fresh stock ol English, Frtnch, German, and American Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Che micals, Oils, Dyestuffs, Glassware, Perfu mery, Patent Medicines, Varnishes, ckc Having opened a new etore, No 291, Market at, with a full supply of fresh Drugs and Medicines, we respectfully solicit country dealers to exam ine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, prom ising one and all who may feel disposed lo ex tend to us their patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medicines, on aa liberal terms as any other house in Ihe City, and to faithfully execute all ordera entrusted lo us promptly and with de spatch. One cf the proprietors being a regular physi cian, afforde ample guarantee of the genuine quality of all articles sold at their establishment. We especially invite drugeinta and country merchants, who msy wish lo become agenta for Dr. Keekr's Celebrated Family Medicines, (slandarJ and popular remedies.) to forward their sddrem. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect fully remain, J.N. KEELER At BRO., Wholesale DrogeUu, lySSi No. 294, Market St., Philad. SAM'L AMMON, THANKFUL for liberal patronage heretofore received, restiectfully informs his old friends and tbe public generally that be has removed his Tailor Miop to the Basement of his Brick dwelling on Msrket street, next door abovs C. Penny's saddlery (late the office of H C Hickok, Esq) where he hopes to suit all who may give him their custom, as he does all work tn his line in tne oesi anu newest sty le and on short notice. He hut the Fa-.hions regularly, employs none but good hands, and is determinea to Keep u with the times nnd merit a good share c natrnnaoe. CUTTING done to order. Charges reasonable, and Produce taken in exchange for work Lewisbure. J'T-C, 1 94d 1)2.6.7 UNIVERSITY at sLewisburg,. mnr Tnr'STFES of the University at Lew L isburg would respectfully inform its Patrons and Friends, thst. in the 8chool under their care, , r .;.l.nr..1 ih follosrina are tne t iarses, cuo jecls of Study snd Exercises for the current year. Department and stuaies. PRIMARY DEPAR TMEST. Six Classes Exercised in Spelling, Reading Definition, English Grammar, Arithmetic, Ueog raphy, History L S. A., Penman-hip, and Com position. PVfif.KH TiP.PARTJiESTiif the Academy The same atudiea aa in the Primary Department continued in the use of Isrger text books ; and lo these sre added General History, Daviee Algebra. Legendre snd surveying. i-l. a Ram A L DEPARTMENT of the Academy r.. Aemlemir. Clan. English Laneuaze. Geography, History U. S. A., Latin Grammar and Iteadcr. Ureek urammar anu nrauer com menced, Arithmetic completed. Stn. Academic Class. EnglUh Language. General History, Ctsar, Virgil, Greek Reader, Davits' Algebra. COLLEGIATE DEPA RT.VEXT. I'reshman Class. Livy,Anabaiis,Meniorabilia Davies' Legendre, Trigonometry commenced. Sophomore Class. Horace. O.lyai-y, Selel Orationa of Demosthenes, Legemire completed. Davies Surveying and Navigation, Analytical Geometry, Blair'a Lectures. I.minr Cln Ilemnsihenes on the Crown. Greek Trsgedy. Cicero de Oificiis, Tacitus, Nat ural Philosophy, Astronomy, L.ngic. Ntn.li.nts in ihe F.nsliih Denartment recite with those pursuing the same atudiea in the Regular Course. No clsss in the Regular course, has less than thras daily neitsUooa. All 111 mMnbsrs vf school, (in three divisions,) sre exercised every . - ,. w. I I. , Balurday in nesuing, twciamauon, uugusa v- urn position, and Vocal Music. All the students are required to sttend, regu larly, some religious meeling. Minors are expec ted 'o attend suih meetings as are recommended to ihrm by their parenta or guardians. There are in the Borough no less than six places of public anrhin neennied even Lord's Dav bv as msny different Christian denominations. Number of Students. The number of students during the past year in the various departments, was 164. m, The number that have entered the classes in the Reg ..I. I'n,,, f,r iha ..nrrent sear (YlclilMve of those in the Enxlish and Primary departments.) is as follows : CoiLiex. Junior clsss . . 6 Sophomore diss - 13 Freshman clues - - H Ac a d ssi r. Senior class " Junior class 9 -71 TEACHERS. STEPHEN W. TAYLOR. A. M., Profeasor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy ; GEORGE R. BLISS, A. M., Professor of Greek Language and Literature ; GEORGE W. ANDERSON. A.M., Profeasor of Latin Language and Literature: ISAAC N. LOOMIS, A. M-, Principal of the Academy ; ALFRED TAYLOR, A. M., Tts-her in the Academy. In order to meet the- demands of tbe Institu tion, tbe Board have Uken measures to supply the necessary Apparatua for the department of Mechanical Philosophy, and lo increase the Li brary, before the commencement of the winter session. During ihe year, the building now in progresa wil! be completed, sffordiitg study rooms and dormitories for 70 college students. Another Professor has been added to ihe Facility, and means Drovided lo enable stuJsnu in tbe classes specified above to prosecute their studies with the greatest success. Tuition and Doartl. TUITION in the Colleahte Department (30, Academic f20, Primary $18 per year. BOARD, including lodging, wahing, fuel and light, can be had in the village and its vicinity at various prices, from -51,37 j to 51,50 per week Session, Taxations, &c. Two Sessions in a year the former com men res on the second Tuesday in October, and con tinues 27 weeks; the latter continues 15 week-. Spring Vacation. 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 6. Neil session begins 1 1th October. Tbe Board are happy to add that Lewiahurg is at present, ss ll ever baa been, exceedingly healthy. " - . - By order and in liehalfof the Board : THOMAS WATTSON, Pre.'!. GEORGE F. MILLER. S.e'y. -Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. e i- 1,1649. Dr. Rose's HeUcines. The subscriber hsvinj; be-n appointed sole agent for Dr. Rose's M'sdicinen, for Union county, offers them tn ihn public with great confidence as to their r ffi-aev and certainty of effecting rurfs in nil enseal for which they are des'gned. A single test only is required to establish the furl. Sept?7 S3RARTON The New Foundry. 19 now carried on as usual, at the upper end of Market street, where every des cription of CAST I N OS is kept on hand or made to order such as The Complete, or Complete Improved Cooking Stores, for either Coal or Wood and all other kinds of STOVES, also PLOUGHS of differ- ent kinds Corn Ploughs, Uull Ploughs, and the Self-Sharpening Plough, a new article, and which can not be beat in Pennsylvania. Call and see and judge for yourselves. CHRIST dc M'EADDLV. Lewisburg. Sept. 22, 1849 PURE FRESH COD Eiver dPil. rpHIS new and valuable Medicine, now J used by the medical profession with such astr.nishing efficacy in the cure of Pulmonary Consumption. Scrofula Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, general Debility, Complaints of the Kidneys, Sic. Sic, in prepared from the liver of the COD-FISH for medicinal use, expressly for our sales. Extract from ths Londdn MeJical Journal. C. J. B.Williams, M. 1).. F.R.S., Professor of Medicine in University Colli ge, London, consul ting physician to the Hospital for Consumption, dec, says; " I have prescribed tbe Oil in above four hundred rases of tubrcnlous disease of the Lunga. in different stsges.whrcb have been under my care the last two years and s baK. In the large number of cases. 200 out of 234, its use wss followed by marked, unequivocal improvement, varying in degree in dillerent cases, from s tem porary retardation of the progress of the disease tnd S mitigation of distressing symptoms, up to a more or less comiet- restoration to apparent health. " The effect of the Cod Liver Oil in most of these ruses wss very remarkable. Even in a few days the cough waa mitigated, tbe expec oration diminished in quantity and opacity, tbe night sweats ceased, Ihe pulse became slower, and of better volume, and tbe appetite, flesh and atiength were gradually improved. In conclusion I repent that ihe pure fresh Oil from the Liver of the Cod is more bentficisl in the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, mcdirinsl. dietetic or ngiaien.il, that has yet been employed." As we have made arrangements to pro cure the Cod Liver Oil fresh from head quarters, it can now be had chemically pure, by the single bottle or in boxes of one di Z"n etirh. Its wonderful elfiraev has in lured num erous spurious irnttatiofs. Aa i's success depends entirely on its purity, too much care pdn not he used in prncaring it oim ixb Every bottle havinc on it our written signature, mav lie depended on as gnuine. Pamphlets confining an an ilyis of (he O.I, wilh notices of it from the Medical Journals, will be sent to those who aJdfess j free of postage. JOHN C. BAKER ij- CO , Wholesale Drnuii'sts and Chemists, tySS 100 North Third St. Philadelphia T'HE subscriber would iuf .rm the Gen L tlemen ol Lewisburg nnd vicinity that he has now re-opcued a new and elegant shop, next door to the Post Office, where he will carry n t:ie business of CUTTING AND MAKING rrarments as usual. Work made by him warranted to fit. Produce received in payment at market prices. JOHN II. MILLER. LfwUburp, April 27, 1943 Get the Best ! 4 LL young persons should have a Standard Dictionary at their e!ows. And while you are about it, get the be-t : that Dictionary is oh WebstebV the great work, unabridged. If y oti are too poor, save tbe amount from off your back, to put it into your head. PhrcnnkyrJour. Dr. Webster's grant work ia tbe beet Dictionary of the English language. London Morn.Chren. Containing three times tbe amount of matter of any other English Dictionary eompibd in this eonnrry, or sny sbridgment of this work. Published by fi & C Merriain.pringfield,Mass. and for ssle at the ( heap Bookstore of Msy 30 fi F L Y.N D ALL, Lewisburg GOAL mno-sl FOR sale by KEBER Sl IDDIXG8. j Lewisburg, June, 1840 Worm Specitic M'Lane's Vermifuse! fpiUS invaluable remedy for Worms is X rapidly supplanting all others.in public estimation. Where it is used it has produced the best cfTi-cts, and driven out all other remedies. - It is the best they have ever seen," is the remark of all who have ever used it in their families. Tyre Sprines.Sunincr Co. Ten. Fsl. 19-I9 J. Kidd & Co. I received a lot of M'Lane'a Vermifuge, from your agent last spring, which I sold out in one week, and I think I could have sold 1000 bottles by this lima if I could have got it, but nol knowing where lo get it I had lo wan until your agent cams around. Every one who has tried M'Lane'a Vermifuge, tell me it is Ihe hest they have ever seen. In fact it is impossible for any one lo aay too much in favor of this Ver mifuge. W. D. KOBB. Dr M'l.ane dear Sir : I have sold oat all your Liver Pills, and want another lot immediately. I could have sold a much larger quantity if I had ttiem. The inhabitants are sending to Rochester for them. Please aend me another supply imme dislely. P. SHORT, Druggist. Hemlock Lake. Lis. Co. N. V. March 8, '47. Varysburg, AVyo. Co. N Y. Dee. 10, '47. J. Kidd tc Cos Your traveling agent left with me last summer a quantity of Dr. M'Lane'a Pills and Worm 8p ific, lo sell on commission. The Worm Specific is all sold, and I should be glad to procure more, as it sells very readily, and has erv salutary effect in eipeliing worms. If you lui.vi m, some, or sen J me an order t call on your agent in Buffalo (US. Reynolds.) I think it will meet with a rapid sale. W. H. AIX3WORTH. ACE.T9.-0 WSr...... i u. i. J f hafer and J H liar, Mil.on ; I Gerhart, 8e Imagrnve; J W F,ilje, Sunbnrv ; Mrs M'Cav. .-..rmsmnerisnn ; v j Wom. Jnyi), EQUITABLE LIFE IXSURAKCE, Aunaitjr and Trnat Company. Offict, 74, H'alnut Street, Philadelphia. Capitsi., 2B0i0a Charier Perpetual. rpHE Company are now prepared to tratwacl I business upon the most liberal and advaula geoua terms. They are authorized by their charter (see. 3) "to make all and every inaurance apper. laining to life riska of whatever kind or nature, and to receive and execute trusta, make endowmenla, and to grant and purchase annuities." Tbe Com pany sell anuoities snd endowments, aud act a trustees for minors and heirs. Talk of Premium of $100 for the vkole term of Life. Age. Prera. Age. Prem. 31 $2 09 4G $3 3d 32 2 15 47 3 49 33' 2 20 48 3 62 34 27 49 3 77 35 S 33 50 S 94 36 2 40 51 4 13 37 2 47 62 4 32 38 2 54 . 53 4 51 39 2 63 64 4 71 40 2 70 55 4 91 41 2 81 6 6 12 42 S 92 57 5 33. 43 3 01 68 5 54 44 3 12 59 5 78 45 3 23 60 6 03 Age. f rem. 16 $160 17 I 53 18 156 19 I 59 SO 1 60 21 1 63 22 1 66 23 1 69 24 1 74 25 1 76 26 1 85 27 I 89 28 1 94 29 1 99 30 2 04 The premiums are less than any other company and tbe poiiciee afford greater advantages. Mar ried women and female cniiuren can insure uie lives of either a husband or parent free from tbe claims ol creditors. Tablea of half yearly and quarterly premiums, half credit rates ol premium, short terms, joint lives, survivorships, endow ments and forms of application are to be had at the Office or of the Agent. Rates for insuring $100 on a single Life. Age. For 1 year. For 7 yeara. For Life. 20 $0 81 91 1 CO 30 0 99 I 30 2 04 40 1 29 1 64 S 70 50 1 86 2 07 3 94 89 3 48 3 97 6 03 Example: A person aged 30 years next birth day by paying tbe Company 99 eta would secuie lo hia family or heira f luO should he die iu one yesr, or for 9 90 he secures to them (1000, or f ir 1 3 00 annually for seven years he secures to them f lfilJO should he die in seven yrars. or for 20 40 paid yearly during life he secure $1003 to be paid when he dies the insurer aecuring bis own bonus by tbe difference in amount of premium from ihoe charged bv other offices. For 49 50 the heirs would receive $5000 chould be die in ore year. PETER CCLLEX. President. F. W. HAVVLE. Sec'y and T.eae. For further paiticulara applv to HENRY C. HICKOK. Agent for Vninn and adjoining counties. Consulting Physician Wsr. HiTia. M. D. Lewisburg, t.'nion Co. Pa. July 21, 1849 , LE17ISBURGFCIINDRY nHE subscribers, thankful fur pnst pntro- Jl najre.would inform the public that ihey Hi.-, .- i-uiiiiuue to mnnuiaciure an kiiiu 01 MILL GE.1RLYG. C;tst Water W heels n,nM tf,pturmi Threshing Machines One and Two Horse Ploughs. e invite particular atteniinn lo a new llrticw Wiartl's Patcut CAMJ fLOlcnx, lor SrfUlU? ID bum. I-aiiucr.s by Ibis pkrurrh can seed 111 as much train, in one day, a in three dajs with common ploughs. Cmiiiixs ana ctmifns, und hilling the same. HOLLOW W ARI4. Kettles and Pots of various sizfs Smooth irij; Irors and Stands cast Tea Kettles to suit cookinr stoves. COOKING STOVES. the most approved patterns now ia use, for wood or cm I. Fancy, Parlor, ootl.Coal Stoves, AIR TIGHT STOVES, Rare St'ir-rrpulafing Alr-tlghf Psrlor Wood Stoves, (a new article.) Threshing Machines and other articles of machinery repaired in the best manner nid on the shortest notice. Castings war ranted to be til ihe best material, and at prices that can not fail to please. REODBS At MARSH. Lewisbiurg, March 25, 1848 l 209 rpHE undersigned continues lo furni.h to order X on Ihe most ressonalile terms. Pi.n... i.n. the manufactory of Courad Meyer. Philad .v. hose ii.sirumenia are loo well kno o lo need anv nn sgync, basing uniforiulv received ih. .,.... .1 ationa of the most emiiwut professors end comuo aers of Music, and Ihe award of Ihs premiums in NcwYork.Plulsdellil.ia .,.! Il. i. - - i . 4 ur u uau ir oi lone, touch, and keejiing in tone up lo concert r,v " not ne ur,ia,ej t,y either Aioer. lean or European Pianos. Instructions sivsn ih Pi.n L.....r i Reference may be made to aut of' those parenta -- w... ,uu nsre pupiu commuted lo bis u-g'' m,y ' residence at Mrs laise e. Market afreet, LewW,urg. where terms particulars will be made known. The most popular and favorite Aire and Music . uinerent linda received aa it ia issued Irom rte "uiereni musical eslablmhmenls io the Cities Mvl3 CHAKLEf KAI.I8CH ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, HEJTLI & EIPEDITIOUSIT EXECUTED AT THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE. Important Information.' FOR the difficult respiration and dcbilitv attending dieakes of the LuniM.ni Throat and Breast. Thomson's Compound HTVP "I -ar ana irood- IS opt ha has been found an invtiluablo remedy. Besides us power as an Expectorant to 'relieve the lung from the accuniuUted matter vhic results from the relnged state of the system in hot weather, it also acts as a heafini balm to the ulcerated parts and a atrpnmk. ener to the system. , - So salutary is tne action of the Svrnp n this respect, that man v of m.r respectable Physicians srnnlov it in ihi practice, and" we have diily evidence of , u'ra "ciea , in pulmonary diseases w here skill has utterly failed. - , PreparH ..nly by Angney & Dickson, H h corner Fifth and Spruce Sis. Philad. So'vd by T. ft. Schatf,, Lwwisburr,. anus: ri.iiif.. m m "An otince of Prevention wortn a pound of Cure," in that atrut disease, ' GOKSUKPTIOfJ J DR, FITCH'S Lectures on the Pnvwa tioo and Cure of Consumption. ' This popular work for sale in Lewiebeaf by S. F. Ljndul! J. Iloughtoc sad U this office. Price, 75 cents. TRICKS OF UC 1CKSJ. La Erssvasur KiO mis i.'aasveu.. TJsjs i 8 srMlfaiill I.T ! l d;rT:e:il "writs ISWII JC.L'. Sjnuoari.la- ll si!-nd SB Ihs Oaal sid ai i : bi.lwformrr:jr s worker on railroad cs CilluTislciflw-. S.lrsl Thno!.. am! p."lrs.l fee tAts m.I ,C'llk mnd all UlSl. T !W T'lWWtlW ISWH Ly iii hi in' ! r-'ui, wiritl nny,rmsnmMf looks rwt 10 Urn rUsnrur si-i trwij ol i ". I watsinrsrvl. he iisiim-r miho'n aa sll or of me ' Whru will m i-ra t h mmH u-kS i " l'w miru m, n. -L 1 i-. 7 lal iu sll lhr it,a:inr srnt inrertounw win Ijieir isiioi He sf;Hir I u one Riiel :.a'U IM In. Btimnr. slatiiir ili 1 tosittist ai.aiamflf UcturiM I"' mivrnrs. sratiiis ie " wJ masc, as sii im.l-ei!ei,l to smrnrk in i,c b'iui?s. Trws men bs ton multinl si.i liiWIiiis me m sll ay lorin". 111 onlrr l rupreM Ihs puhiic sub lbs bsUsr US UicOtd Ihiet i'Naf"Jtanlls lh fnum, sr itfiA SaTmnittriSa. nivls iwin lU M.l U-ttir s Orifm Ut pit. T111-S. P. Tnewt a 1 have sM ui IMS Of t..f name tbr7 s we, . I will sirs him .' if hs UI pro duceneMii'i i!arji pnui of ihi. His tsrsirrena if TlKMnpsnn, Skiliman St l., srs no.bui? bat a umr mz fslMbuoK nn; .v made u ilcne l!i pu ic. and k the liu:h -10,111 in' rriraril to hw mvurim.', ft mntt ng cjsw temd. Tin- i" vi raull.in thr put, ic tu purcha noas sA OIJ U.Mor hkeiKH. bis .famvif Col Amu, mat akt Swnsturearr tin; Cnat 'U Arm.,. Prmnyal qfict, Uti .Vw :rer, .V T r7i . JiOU TOWNS .- Old Dr. Jacob Townsend, THK OBKVISAL DISTOVFREa OF TitK Genuine Townsend Sarsaparil!. .i.i or T .width ! is now sijnnt 70 vr oi as, ami Ms . h,. tt . ihe A I-TII'JR .. I Ulsro vEREn sl ihe i r. . Mi I I. TOWXSEl SAHSAPAlllLLX: limn of mill hidl Ucd besle l ol Ulitl'ts, .ia uu. . r- siaiu.cJ us Aufi'tTlul IIEAI.In POWER. Thi CRANUAMI I Nr.m AS.t.: 0 1-KKI'AR.tTiCy a insriaiacib.-ct uu trie laiV-n; ft-s:r.iiJ I-ea.ied frtbri.ust out ihs ln;h n I hr-lih el trie l...t. M(jii.!; Hits lounJ mcsfsuie ul di-zrtir-rttin r aVtcruirs.ius. L'nlUe vriMir S P Tjirn-Tr. if imiirorss rh sss Snd osver cr.siisew b-Jt lur it.e arrier : breus 11 1 p epsi on geirn:ir.e j.rinrlt.'e b s srimriifr nan. "Hi alccssr krumic-icvl C"r-.eiui'lrv. sn-i ike litt rl:sct,e.-:- oi art. hf a.! t.tfi-ti tlnjiishl i o refjui-i ion in thr maoutsa, lurol mu.! Hi's S. Juan:U. 1m Siri-iriil rju It is r!i k:.Jii. to me'il.'ti u.rn. cr.:aiuft R'anr mJtc.nsi pr'wriK?. Hr:l -.'ne y.r.;r.iV3 whicb rs Itirrl w: us. sn,l ou.era. vrriir n if rt-tsiin-ii 111 preparing M lot iwc. due f-r"i'n'.i'i'Jl an 1 or'l, wtiu-h V li.'urill IS ias i- uni." S-IW f it.e .r, l"rlirs : rsasrll.s sre so m Uil ih, in iln ia;-He all.1 are Ule p,i r-rlss. ll iticv ar 1. 1: p.Va.-ir-i hy a tcievf' ;trtti. Scatt aa It li' lh uirier.c' I l.i in minu'iC :i9- M-frorss trt- s.-.';..'!.' J'rtnr.j- 'i, w.:ch n, oft 111 .T .la is SS arnica ul th r.::. uirri cv :o a au T.i.ue Ai t rvfi k xii f -ii vsr :. tLs ro; they ge: s 4r co;o,-i. U jtM I. w.Vcli h m re hom iir w itrv ui i the r.ti iiuii lr-n.i !.i it t3;e; the ran tbc troJu lvjf f'l-i .'ft. WCICTl W:-'H. 'j'IT Ua.in. asl thru cut It " S A i'-A PA Kill A r rivACT tr SV&lvf.' B;u Bu-.tt a 'it :i:e att" Ki jvti the GENriNKOLl Dil JACOIiTOWXiT-ND'S yAH.SAPAHSIXA. T?i! o prr; arvj tbat tai 'Jis Uitrr pfnpcnj8 q vIm 8,ir:t; Jfn-a r --t i-e U rr-nwvti, er;ry;;tixt fi,i bec HiiiiiL' f .J r L'imiO.-tln t rilrewte a-i.T rt-je:ie.i ; Ui!! ever pr if e t niicsii cbLM is rH'lj.Ti .1. fi.) Hi.i C"ntf"ii!r3 r'i t-Tr: : in-i tt.Ui r -3 r-n !r:al Lita,- W !--ii.t n of v w-tltj.-' mri hiJrtT pfO(tjrisjav P. pared in .11 wa. t. 1- iii.c t.v nii r r.'u. it. il Cure tf InuamttKbi 1 ! tn . tr m is Nv mr u. rfvli, Li cUi.-lT. W !Usi U L'l.A. Pi It:.. :fSJ ii'E KSW a-i (XMAl Or.v ERfPTHiSSm PIMPLES, i:LOTCVJk TsI.lI aft 4' "fll"r XI rSTlatC Irsaftl IMiH iill V tK I'ilE IJL(K0. Ii f j4fvwsr mxrv:ovs eiTtcnr lm a.1 fa-n(,i-int MaV inr i:ir lml:freiun. infij A? fitty tf the HlotmicA. 1cmt ti'tl cisf'.i t'iv. 'ic:err'ia-i i-u "i o.k u ins nfr :llt'ti o: .rtt- itr". c-n 'll-i aitj BaA oiu Minis w liul rla-l hn) ov.-r t!i U iv. It hia not i's r.t'iai m CsVJ mmm iia;..t.. ie,4UHi'-ac:urei ui uti .wiarm, Jutm si Hut in i.mtiin? if tts exn..enct root mtmnamSf mm mm Hckouw-eJf-tl tli ui in .i ki.-to 01" It woiku wiiii!t;r in case ' iwr Aibus t Hslaa. fmlnfl AM'Mjhtjt Jn nt u.'aritu ol tie niedsUu: )rri.iia, mo4 ihsj i mad ia rifer111.1I in cu.ine atl t. f rm tf Kidmy iHatmtmm By rrmovni vbfinicMon. ami lYeu'sUinftaW aTvr.eni. it nw tone m.td virriUt :o tH wfi,ts ljyt ! thus cm tlt f rr.i of m ousi OUraara attia Debility. nd ihua pe-t.u.sr rr..ete crc-u jf wiv 4 j .lTfSBV ' a.!erti. ) Spinal irrifnti" .V-a'aVr, M ftum AmbV &"iroortj nw, Epileptic f C'tstru stuns, t- It cli.iiH's t"n t'.ioJ. ci'-iu-s the !iro hr!ih tcUaata tonta iltt auini.acb, attJ tli-rati riiffi lAsf b'wels tt';or aitJcot.stt. 'paiiuii. s'hvf mflantnutttMi, pm Pitk tlnrsiitils, qM-ilinyt U.r ciira jsiioo Of th bi-j, pf citi4 fn:!e ann h e-m tlly aU over thm body, aul ik iwfTrsiS!e nt?rirarion : rr'ixr 'nnur arhJ mHina. a inoveitil ftijs'.iufiitw. aiiJ in iat;.m iT. r..ii u:Ja lrtm It r't thi then Tht Medicine yon premtnr miy aeed I B'U f in in o; th ihtf.ji he ai Ja- S P T wrtMefl miviior artKi 1 Tni Tftn man'a thjui-i w rH u h coMPAni-.n wtrn ! nt: ui.d pk's. bruf of vrf iiRAMl f'T. ilW ih oca i lCAPs Bl.K 01 UrTltlOKAT, nrul tSe hottles rnfitatniisC n sr.iu irutmrut ; U ar. aw liqui't rxjtnii... a,: i daniaitri-r fh-r Vu-f r.mr'ilr 'niWf -itti(r-v(tii,l t p-HM.-fis it (if rnrwejfn T tf put acid iK04 sitstem irWv ritsftimrmi atiihmci.it VI Ml rauapit lyspx3 htir aoivl ( lv v mu a tu f.sn.! stir in onr tniiijrh- w'.at mihiff it prjBrt ftaittirore. Icartburn. palntta'ton 04 th heart, 'i-r c ifaV Etstiiit. iinrrivta. .lrurtr. ri,c. ir.tf crnip'ia oj' 0 loo.!? Wha i itT.;ii i.iit n .t.-i.l haww in the hoh . What farahtrra all ttie hunrora wh-cb bnns a Iumt-nao4 Uie iSkiu, Seal.1 ll,aJ, S.:i R.vimi. E.7.'a. bweiiinur Fever Sur-y, m. r.' u'r-iif.nsi ir'VrT.ai nr. I ternal? It iwnoiliifii- mir heav,, bin an a-itl i:srtacv wld.-h tre buJ ihiM?jH.iiSi,i fui.!aorthx. mm r lest. hat cju'm KhrtpnaM m h-it jantir f.1 acd llmii whifh fni.i'ia'r its:f bs:w en th tsm and wheie. if;-i-ai; :ta. inli i'miv rim dfltevW imM mftm wbich uarul Sj of ucmv ui.e-i-jeF.isf airpnri cf h '"' vi .n.iwti ei.-.-u'i::ars, aia nearly ait ihe ai wtttrh afflict nil. nm nifure. Niw 13 it oy; L.TiMe to rr.ak an! e!L and an tfV)r.er i iiv,; ta,H fcOl RlSGt FERVEXTIXO. Ant COMPOf.XD" af 1- iitv .,; ia. Ti'I yet he wtiuM (Vm hts- tr un :ertuo.l that Old Dr. 4Vkj T w;i"ct!.P- ti'n'titr h itti! &7 v-upur ttittx, ia tn lJkV iim h. or nt- i:ianr pr rijii ' llcaTrn fi.-iii :ht wr . riori:.I .l. al in an artic m riMiU! hs-sjr 'h- trio-t di?:nt rettith!nra k S. P. T. artvl'a w$irtr! We Vi. it uJenroaJ. ezrtm n tSm rtJ,'-jm thai S P T iKT-i-ii! arttc'e ar.! .ti! IV. Jac.'hT.'wnso3 Srnaiws. i ; j -re hear W-f- ftrt. m4 infimttt'ir tfiaa ilar; that they are unlike ib eery articuiar, having d As S. T T'w,i(.I m mi rfnrlnr am . m ia as. mr.rmym. nopMnnwfmw-tirntwiw twrre ml fjiaeoai than anro 'irrcwivm, trveMiiir. nnnrofv-r vr-l mm. what guttranh:9 eati ie r:it''lt5 hare misj. th -r rm eeiviHj a rsjiirui:'ii.ti:- moti. imuf 'niPir-irall :h. Mpatisaoi sJMrsivjrmw'Hv h mi-ht rcttdtT Utan tL AUL.NTtl Hut wtMt ehw sVfX n'J he enaie1 from nrvt K,k knatxm noUiuic Cotoiaraii-t;v ol mnlictrr or ilb-Msrl h rariiuirvw a rrfrwn of me exirre.- to efc amJ acrre tri '- a rwniTHMi tleeeist wnl. How Biach m.re imfwr.utt w iivr isr-riri- wrp ravin' r n:-:Klr ''fiett- 1 loT WEAK STOMAi llS AI KNr t KHI.tO STr.Mt atKMiid ItiVM ei i4t picvIk! propttritrswt j!ar:. ff Iv mannsrot Mrttiriire arH rH-entniHj? tWic heattite hw an eiteivivfj kifwiele ui ih vanstn-i tieawa wh.A aifer, th humau Kaiint(aol how to aJaut etrtriJ:' Ureaie rawintit lit it to arret fracbi ujvnn the oufirttuviie. to pnrbl into ttoiirvled hmnanitv. to kiM-r hofsv tu the drpinr boaxin, to rvoture bih, awl blujao. and v ,h fnifhei( and bncn, aM ta.lonnb iiLrmitv thi: t I V V JACOHTOAXSalND b w SttCtiHT aiJrolM ; r portunti at:.l mu;4i hr:n Lit GrmntM I nWrntal oeatrtsMl Reu4. wtthin lira reirh. u the ku-'W.r.V ol ail who nw Uva U;y may lft i kuw fvful expeiieitea, -Taccn1a.iat Puwar u Ileal AcriT9 fur ti;e above IVIedirii.c C w Schtfile, aLewthhurg ; Jthn II Rastr, llkU eVi i l!lt! siiei fiifum CT 'W -"J nuveJ it wor.h- an-i kn-iwn it-i v.iiue. It lisvJ MckS a ( m-m t!Ver-.ilsrS. -U" HJst pr.H WV tssjas; Inn ; etornyih h tiU slly. i,rih:n t Gentli;mkns roriTccJs usstiiieres, slJ Jt-'rl iner Gooals in general, ar G, W. Utfen' f Wsp re -i ll rfl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers