Lewisburg chronicle, and West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1850, March 13, 1850, Image 4

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tDit ant umor.
er e at a Watrict School
" First class n philosophy step out
c!ce ) our books, JohD Joom, how many
ki:ij'-iom in oalwre V
" Fotr.w
Naroo ihm.
" Paw to next Smith.'
.. Pour the animal, vegetable, mineral
ani kingdom wirr.'
Good, go up head."
- Hobaa, what ia meant by the animal
kingdom !
Lions, tigers, elephants, rhinoeeroaea,
hippopotamuses, aligatore, ajcakeye, jack-hack-drivers,
and schoolmasters.
Very well but you'll take a licking
r-.r V ATI f last remark.
"Giles, what is the mineral kingdom V
The hull of fjalitorny.'
" Walk straight up head.'r
Johnson, what ia the vegetable king
dam r
fi.r.W nana, potatoes carrots, inzy
ens, and ail kinds of greene that' good
!or cooking.
" Aod what are pines, and hemlocka.
...,1 .l.-n. jint thev veeetablea t"
Nosir-ree you can't cook 'em.them's
$aw logs an? framing limber.
' Bojs, gime a piece of apple, and
you can have an hour a intermission
ccpi Hobbs."
"The Lower Classes.
White dining at a public house, a very
tvrr.f.ne man was leading t! conversation
and very indignantly alluded to some pre
vious remarks made in reiereoce to me
lower classes.
Wiik an air of consequence, accompan
jed by nn oath, be remarked, "I should
like lo .ee some or the lower classes.
i -,.n iiinir near him at the table,
smarted U you will not be offended 1
will tell yu wh they are."
O no not all, I ehoul Hike to hear."
Tl hiIap rrli(L Thcv re
rn.ra!lo addicted to profane swearing.'
S,!k- ensued, and the man of profane
words exhibited no fuither desire to tee
some of the lower classes.
Kiss Cotillions.
T'o, -rlii.ir of iho Windsor Journal an
ebs'iriMe aort of a bachelor learas that
Pi.nra of .Oancina" ia ISew Horn
I... ... -o,n..it,7 Inirnduced a new atvle of
i:mi ivi.i'"; .-
Cotillion, called ihe "Kis Cotillion," the
peculiar feature of which is that you kiss
m, L4 ma vou ewinn corners. I ne eai
icr is a crusty aort of a fallow who never
dances, but says he would not mina waiv
ing his ol jections to the amusement so far
to "swing corners," now and thed, in this
ew cotillioa ! tha se'fuh ecamp. He
lemiuds us of an old ikdjf, who had an
anaccouiitab'a aversion to rye, and aeveir
could eat it in any form.-lill ol late years,"
the ssld, ihey had get to making it in
h:tkry,aiid 1 find I can, now and then,
H&iry down a leetle."
Your own Business,
Oue of ihe houses in New York which
contains many faruilies, was discovered to
be on f.re in the lower atory, tome lime
fgo. The watchman rapped loudly at the
door. A tenant in the fourth atory looked
out of -he window and asked what was
Your house ia o lira. The first
siory is all in a blaae," erie the watch
man. " Very well,' eaid the tenant, drawing
in hi- head, M tell the people that live there.
I: ia rone of my business as I occupy the
1'jurih story. .
A Big Class, and Big Boy.
Among the fArce thousand boye, who
v-ti-e laugh: b the late Dr. Abbott, of
Eaefer, N. H.,are Lewi Casa,!vi Wood
bury, DjiiicI Webster, Alesvider H. and'
lidward Everett, Jared Sparks. George
Cancrt it, Henry Ware, jr., John G. Pal
iVey. John A. Dix, Joseph A Buckmiostcr,
and several others.
A Clergyman bad a negro by tba name
rtf Jack, who had a deadly quarrel with a
ccilihoriag negro by the name of Cufly.
Jack tell dangerously ill. and his master
ured hiin to forgive him. M I tell you,
Jaok," said hia master, that you mum
fjrpive him, or God ill not forgive you.
Well, massa." said -act, " aie, i
vo him,but if I UocCufftf take care.
Dr. Rethuoe.relatcs aa amusing intance
of a rhoooeraphic blunder. Itt'ading one
morning a rcpoit of one of bia discourses
o f the day before, he found the remark,
'And the Adversary came among ihem
and sowed tares,' printed as follows :
"And the Adversary came among ihem
and tawed frees." Ttie mistake arose
from the clipped word, sd frs.'
A lover oat West, iu describing I.U A ra
mi nta says :
Her eyes were plum, bcr lips strawber
ries, while her fingers were little radishes,
and her bosom " pound sweetings," or
" some pumpkin, I don't know which.
Quite a vegetable dirt her husbuud will
have. lie will, sartin. '
What was the first thing thai Adam act
in the Garden of Eden t
Jlnt. His foot.
Jerms say the quickest way to reach
the seat of war ia toaet down ea a hornet's
Marriage. The iia!ty paid for court
CARPETS! Carpets! Carpets : A
ulemiid stock of new Carpets at Jones'
Store ; those carpets being brought directly
from the celebrated manufactory or A. If.
Culton & Co., Chester county, are offered
for aale at least thirty acr cent, lower than
to be bad elsewhere. Persons m want of
carpets a wtll us other goods, should first
call at Jones' Store, and hy ao doing they
will effect a aaving at least twenty per
cent. Some all wool carpet at low aa ao
nts per yard. C. L. JONES
Hew uncap lash More,
Feb 1,1600. Broadway, Milton
LATE or Pbilauetpbi. ta now located oa
Market street, Lewbbarf , oprxwite Mr. J.
Schrever'a store, where be atttmli to operations
on the teeth at a reduction of bit former prices.
Teeth and roots of teeth removed with the aid of
improved Instruments, and in aa easy manner.
ruling teeth and setting on pivots or pistes alien'
ded to aeeording to the latest improvements in ths
profession Uleersted, swans y , and inflamed gams
cured. TUsnhfet for past lavois, ho solicits a
continuance at public patronage. Ho impure
materials used for fillings ia teeth. lySBS
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Lcwisburg, Union County, Penn'av
Praeticos in Union and sdjnining coftotie sli
attemls tbs com is of Parry scauty.-
OFFICE on Second St., lately occupied
by L. D. Christ, Esq.
Brandreth's Pills are sold at 25
cla -sr box (with full directions)
BY J. HAYES & CO., Lewisburg, and
by oNtv ono Agent in every town in
the Union. Each Agent has a Certificale
of Agency. Examine the box of pills always
and compare it with the fscVirailc Ubels on tbe
Certilraie of Agenev. As there is a counterfeit
of the new label nut. this is of much importance,
ss thl is a decided dittVrence between the
sppesMnce of the true ile!s end those of the
counto feit. The couuteik'tt is done on stone ;
the t e mine are done on steel. Tbe spiiesranee
of tie printing on the counterfeit is raxgeJ and
blum ; the genuine Isbfl is ths very pink of
neatness, both in piiniitig, psper, ud general
Be very csrrful and go to the Agent.wben you
want Brandreih's Pills : then you are sure of the
sjnmtne ankle, wticn yu purchase otherwise,
inquire of the seller whether lie knos the pills j
he offers you are ibe genuine Brandreth's? Ey- i
ery man knows ahether the article be offers ia
true or false. Ucware of cheats !
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THE p ubcri!iers offer the public, at their
i, l- j . i .-II -
l new one rounury, iue iwii'iwing new
and valuable Stotes :
Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, with
a Brick Oven.
. Lady Washington Parlor Stove.
Cast Iron ir-Tight Parlor Stove, for Wood
2 sizes.
Coal Burner for Parlors 1 aixe, IS inch cyl
Lonis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor Stove S
sixes. v
Shit'J Air-Tight Parlor 8tove for Wood S
Egg 8tova the very best in use for 8 tores.
Offices, Dsrroome, snd Shops.
The celebrated tieneaee Atr-Ticht Cook Stove.
Tbe Complete Cook S siaca.
Also, all kinds of Wood and dial Stoves
Ploughs Cas'ing. &c. dte.
, Lewisburg, Dec. 12, 1840.
Old Dr. Jacob Townsend'u
SARSAPARILI.A also 8. P. Town
seod'a Sarraparilla for aale by
Dr. Tborotoo At Bnker.
QCHOOL-TICK ETS prinrcd arf
ij sale at this onicm
EXTRAORDINARY Inducement! are
offered to cash buyers, at Jones' New
Store, in the way of Cheap Goods. New
Goods received every week, and sold at
least twenty per cent, below all others in
the trade A call and examination of the
stock will satisfy any that this is the really
cheap store. C. L. JONES'
New Uienp Lash store,
Feb I. 1850. . Broadway, Milton
pOTTON Fringe. A aplendid assort-
J ment or the newest patterns, just re
ceived and for sale very low at
New Cheap Cash Store,
Feb I, 19S0. Broad wav, Milton
Dr. Sicaynt't Celebrated Family Medi
ecu follows craa!
More Proofs of the Efficacy of
Wild Cherry,
Tt Original and Genuine Preparation f
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Com
plaint, spitung Ulooil,dilliculty ot Breaming,
pain in tbe Side and Breast, palpitation
f the Heart, Influenza.Croup.bro
ken Cooktilutionore Throat,
Korvous Debilily.and alt
diseases of Throat,
Breast, aud
the most eflce
taal and speedy curs
known for any of the
above diseases is
Dr. Swayne's compound Syrup
of Wild Uterry.
Reliable Testimony.
John Milton Earle, editor of the Worcester
Spy, Mass., wss attacked with a severe inflama-
lion of tit lungs, accompanied with a distressing
cough: after using various other remedies with
Utile or no benefit, by Ihe use of one bottle ot Dr
Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, he
was restored to perfect health.
Win. Montclius, a respectable merchant of St
Clair, Schuylkill county, writes, Jan 30, 1S9 :
"Enclosed I send you a certificate of Wm. Beau
mont, a citiseo of our town. His case of Cons
umption is well known here.and of long stsnding;
he attributes bis cure entirely to your Compound
Syrup of Wild Cbeiry."
Be not deceived by the many spuiious and
worlhUss preparations of Wild Cherry, ushered
into notice bv icnoiaut pretendrrs, but see thsi
the signature of Dr. Snayne is upon each bottle.
which is tha only guarantee against imposition.
Kememhtr ! tbe genuine preparation of Wild
Cherry is prepared only by Vt Swiri, IN vt
corner of Eighth aud Itsee streets, 1'hilad'a
Swayne's celebrated Vermifuge,
"A Safe and Effectual Remedy for Worms, llys-
pepsia. Cholera Moibua, sickly or dyspeptic
Children or Auuitsteiia uw nwst useiui i uinj
Medicine ever ottered to the public."
' This remedy is one thai has proved successful
fora long lime, and is unisersally acknowledged
by all who have tried it to be far superior (bring
so veiy pleasant to tha taste, at the same time
effectual) to any otner medicine eer einpioyeu id
! diseases lor which it is recommended. It not
only destroys worms, but it invigorates tbe wbole
system. It is harmless in iis euecu.and the health
of the patient ia always improved by ils use, een
hm no untrue are discovered.
try Beware of Mistakes. Remember Dr S'a
Vermifuge is now put up in bquure bottles (hir
ing recently been changed) covered by a beautiful
wrapper, steel engraving, with the portrait of Dr
Swayne thereon engraved. Bear this in mind,
and be not deceived.
Tbe virtues of these pills can be appreciated
only by these who have used them. They are
adapted to assist nature in carrying off morbid
matter, obstruction, impurity of Ibe blood, die.
They are a gentle and cuecUve purgative, correct
all Ibe functions of the liver, and aa an alterative
should be in every family. Tbey have sn outside
co,ung Df pure While Sogar.whereby everything
jIOTtree,ble lo taste or smell is entirely removed
without in tbe least affecting the excellent quali
ties of the medicine. Remember ! they are now
put op in boxes turned ont of the solid wood,
covered witn a reu laeei Hearing sigiiuuin i
Dr Swayne: none ol her u genuine.
The above valuable Medicines are pre
pared only by Dr. SWAYNE, N W corner of
big tun and Kace atreeis, i nnsueiimw.
Agents for Union County, Pa.
C W 8chifi1e, and Thornton 6l Baker.Lewishurg
J 8eebold and
B Mench, Millersburg
N Berlin
Ed Wilson,
I. & Taylor.Mifflinburg
Wilt & Eilert, Hartleton
Mos Specht, Beavcrtown
D J Borer. Center ville
Saml Haupt do
Youogmau & Walter,
D 8miih,Moser s Valley
Dry Valley
KsubKel1er,Navy Island
B At Summers.r reeburg
aad hy Storekeepers generally ly390
flyers' Liquid Cure !
TS a positive and never-failing Remedy
X for P L E Si whether Internal, Ex
ternal, Blind or Bleeding Scrofula.While
Swellings, Ulcers, ulcerated bore Ihroat,
Canker Sore Moulh, Khcuinatism, Culan
eous Diseases, Mercurial Affections
also for Scalds, Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Brui
ses. Ate. &C.
We feel justified in proclaiming the Fact lo
tbe World, that of all medicines ever bro't before
tbe public none have ever been mora beneficial
to afflicted humanity than Myers' Liquid Cure.
Wa know this is saying a great deal, but if we
were to writs volumes ws could not say too much
in praise of this
asALTa-axaTOaiRc.Lirx-FaoLoKetvs amor
Hundreds, aav thoessnds bless tbe happy hour
when first they wera made acquainted with ita
transeendant virtues; and our present purpose is
to inform other thousands, bow and where tboy
may obtain that ulief which ihey perhsps have
long sought Tor ia vain.
. The auperior excellence of this preparation
over all other medicines, for the speedy end Per
manent cure of PILES, is well known lo all who
hava tested iu It has been proved iu thousands
of instances, and has ( viilkd lo core the
most olmtinate eaten, and we are confident it will
never fail if need a proper length of time aeeord
ing lo directions. Aa a proof of our entire confi
dence in iu efficacy, we assure all purchasers that
if, after a proper trial, it prove ineffectual, the
Monev naid for it will be returned.
The Liquid Cure ia an effectual remedy for
Kingworma, Bites, rimples, usrbers lien, r rosteu
Limbs. Chilblains, Salt Rheum, Musqnito Biles,
stings of poisonous Insects and Cutaneousdiseases
of every description.
It is both safe snd effectual for Rheosatisw,
giving immediate and permanent relief.
Its enects aa a real ram nutcr, are magicai.
avaav riant is the ui
should provide themselves with this Invaluable
Preparation, the c oospores ol wmcn places it
wilhin ihe reach of all.
Full Directions accompany each Bottle
Pamphlets, containing copies of certificates
from those who have tasted the Liquid Cure, may
be bad gratis of or aalhorixed agents
Myers' liquid Curt ia prepared only by -
JEROME A CO. SI Spraee St. New York
Agents : G W Schsffle, Lewisburg ; J H Rsser,
Mihea tveonMJ
DR. J. N. KEELEK & HUU. most res
pectfully solicit attention to their fresh
stock ol English, French, German, and
American UrugS, weaicinea, i aims, ire-
micaU, Oils, Uyestulfs, Ulaseware, rerlu
mery, Patent Medicines, Varnishes, &c
Having opened a new store. No S94, Market at,
with a full snpply of fresh Drugs and Medicines,
we respectfully solicit country dealers lo exam
ine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, prom
ising one and all who may fe. l disposed to ex
tend to us their patronage, to sell ihem genuine
Bran and Medicines, on as liberal terms aa any
other boose in the Cily.and to faithfully execute
all ordera entrusted to us promptly and with de
spatch. '
One of the proprietors being" a" regular physi
cian, affords ample guarantee of tha genuine
quality of all arliclea sold at their estsblisb merit.
We especially invite druggists and eounlry
merchants, who may wish to become agents for
Dr. Keeler's Celebrated Family Medicines,
(standar J aud popular remedies,) to forward their
Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect
fully remain,
J. N. KEELER & BRO., Wholesale Draggists,
lyl84 No. 294. Market St.. Philad.
I9WL O "W -cm. -a
rpHANKFCL for liberal patronage heretofore
I received, reaoeclfolty inlorma hia old friends
and the public generally that he has removed bis
Tailor Miop
to the Baaeaent of hia Brick dwelling on Market
street, next door above C. renuy s seuuiery (
the office of H C Hicaok, Bsq where be hopes to
suit all who may give him their custom, as
he does all work in his line in the best and
npivest atvle and on short notice. He hat
k P.Qhinna reoularlv. employs none bul
good hands, and is determined to keep u
;ih ikn iimp and merit a eood share C,
patronage. CUTTING done lo order.
Charges reasonable, and Produce taken w
exchange for work
Lewisburg, June, 1849 l.v2'.!
at Laewisnursr.
re-lBE TIH;STEE8 of tbe University at Lew
J isburg would respectfully inform ils Patrons
and Friends, that, in the School under their care,
(at Lewisburg) tbe following are Ihe Classes, Sub
jects of Study snd Exercises mr iuo nmnij.
Departments ana Muaiea.
Six Clashes Exercised in Spelling, Reading,
Definition. English Grammar, Arithmetic, ueog
rapby, History U 8. A., Penmanship, and Com
PXfll.KIl DEPARTMESTufthe Academy
The same atudiea aa in tbe Primary Department
continued in the use of target text books ; and to
these are added uenerai iiauory, asu
Lecendre and Surveying.
Jan. Academic Class, bnglisb Lsngosge.
n.ran!iv. History U. 8. A, Latin Grammar
and Reader, Greek Grammar and Reader com
nenred. Arithmetic completed.
Sen. Academic Class. English Language,
General Hiatory, Cesar, Virgil, Greek Reader,
Davies' Algebra.
Fmhman Class. Livy.Anabasis.Memorabilia,
Davies' Leaendre. Trigonometry commenced
Sophomore Class. Horace. Uilysey, Setecl
Orations of Demosthenes, lrfgcmlre completed
Davies' Surveying and Navigation, Analytical
flenmetrv. Blair a Iecturee.
Junior Class. Demosthenes on the Crown.
Greek Tragedy, Cicero de Ollitils, Tacitus, Nat
nral Philosophy, Astronomy, Logic.
Siudeots in the English Department recite
;ih ihiM nursuinr the same atudiea in the
RmiiU, Course.
.. N. . SWg-l ....... I less tan
ihree daily recilaliona. All ibe membera of tt.e
school, (in three divisions.) are exercised eery
Saturdsy in Reading, Declamation, linglish ton
position, snd Vocal Music.
All the students sre required to attend, regu
larly, some religious meeting. Minora are expec
ted 'o attend such meetings as sre recommended
to thrm by their parents or guardians. There are
in the Borough no less than six places of public
worship, occupied every Iord a Hay Dy aa many
different Christian denominations.
Number of Student.
The number of students during tbe paat year
in -the various departments, waa 16. 1 bi
number that have entered the classes in Ihe Reg
nlr rvune for tha current year (exclusive of
Ihoae in tba English and Primary departments.)
is aa follows :
Coinoa. Junior claaa . 6
Sophomore clsas - 13
Freshman class - U
AciDEMT. 8enior class - 13
Junior claaa "8.-T1
8TEPIIEN W. TAYLOR, A. M., Professor of
Mathematics and Natural Philosophy :
GEORGE R. BLISS, A. M, Professor of Greek
Laneuaee and Literature :
of Latin Laneuaee and Literature :
ISAAC N. LOOMIS, A. M, Principal of the
Academy :
ALFRED TAYLOR, A. M., Teacher in the
In order to meet the demands of tha Inslitu
lion, the Board have token measures to supply
the necessary Apparatua for tba department of
Mechanical Philosophy, and to increase tne li
brary, before tha commencement of the winter
session. During the year, the building now in
progress will be completed, sffordiug study rooms
and dormitories for 70 college students. Another
Professor has been added to ths Faculty.
means provided to enable students in tbe classes
specified above to prosecute their studies with the
greatest success.
Tuition and Board.
TUITION in tha Collegiate Department f 30,
Academic $30, Primary f IS per year.
BOARD, including lodging, washing, fuel and
light, can be had in the village and ita vicinity a
various prices, from $1,37) to $3,S0 per week.
Session, Tacations, Slc.
Two Sessions in a year the former commen
ces on the second Tuesday in October, and con
tinues 27 weeks; ths latter continues 15 week.
Spring Vacation, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 6. Next
session begins 11th October.
Ths Board are happy to add thai Lewisburg
is at present, aa It ever baa been, exceedingly
- By order and in behalf of the Board :
Lewisburg, Union Co, Pa. frpl. 1, 1849.
Dr. Rate's Sedicines.
' The subscriber having been appointed
aole agent for Dr. Rose's Medicines,- for
Union county, oflers tbem lo ihe public
with great confidence as ta iheir rfliaey
and certainty of effecting cures ia all cases
for which they are designed. - A aiosle test
only ia reqoireo to establish tha feci.
8ept37 6 S BARTON
The New Foundry
IS now carried on as usual, at the upper
end of Market street , where every des
criplion of CASTINGS " kePl 00
hand or made to order such as
The Complete, or
Complete Improved
Cooking Stoves,
for either Coal or
Wood and all
other kinds of
also PLOUGHS of differ-
ent kinds 'Cora Ploughs, Bull Ploughs,
and the
Self-Sharpening Plough,
a new article, and which can not be beat
in Pennsylvania. Call and see and judge
for yourselves.
Lewisburg, Sept. 22, 1849
Etivev CPU.
THIS new and valuable Medicine, now
used by the medical profession with
such astonishing efficacy in the core of
Pulmonary Consumption, Scrofula, Chnnic
Rheumatism, Gout, general Debility,
Complaints of the Kidneys,
iie. Sic, is prepared from the liver of the
COD-FISH Tor medicinal use, expressly
for our sales.
fEnract from the London Medical Journal.
C. J. B. William. M. D- F.R.8., Professor of
Medicine in University College, London, consul
ting physician to the Hospital for Consumption,
Ac , says ; 44 1 have prescribed tbe Oil ia above
four hundred cases of tuberculous disease of the
Lungs, in different sugea,wbich hava been under
my ears the last two years and a half. Ia the
large Dumber of cases, 208 out of 234, its use was
followed by marked, unequivocal improvement,
varying in degree in different cases, from a tem
porary retardation of the progresa of tha diaeass
aud a mitigation of distressing symptoms, up to
a more or leas complete restoration to apparent
The effect of the Cod Liver Oil in most of
these caaea was very remarkable. Even in a few
days tbe cough waa mitigated, the expectoration
diminished in quantity and opacity, the night
sweats ceased, the pulse became slower, and of
better volume, and tbe appetite, nesh and attengtb
were gradually improved.
' In conclusion 1 rrpeat that the pure fresh Oil
from the Liver of tbe Cod is more beneficial in
tbe treatment of Pulmonary Consumption than
any agent, medicinrl, dietetic cr regimenal, that
has yet been employed.
As we have made arrangements to pro
cure the CuJ Liver Oil fresh from bead
nutriers, it can now be had chemically
pure, by the single bo'.tle or in boxes of
one dozen each.
Its wonderful efficacy has induced num
erous spunoia imitatiops. As its success
depends cmirely on its purity, too much
care can not be used in procuring itaasiv
ikb. Every bottle havfhi; on it our written
signature, may be depended on as genuine.
Pamphlets containing an analysis of the
Oil. with notices ol it from I ho Medical
Journals, will be sent to those who address
us free of poytnrte.
Wholesale Druggists and Chemists,
Iy28fl 100 North Third St. Philadelphia
'PHE subscriber would inform the Gen
X tiemcn of Lewisburg and vicinity that
he has now re-opened a new and elegant
shop, next door to the Post Office, where
he will carry on the business or CU 1 I I Nu
AND MAKING garments as usual. Work
made by him warranted to fit. Produce
received in payment at market prices.
Lewisburg, April '27, 1849
Get the Best !
A LL young persons should have a Standard
XL Dictionary at their elbows. And while
you are about it, get ibe be-l : that Dictionary ia
oia WissTra a, the great work, unabridged.
If yon are too poor, save the smount from oft your
back, to put it into yonr head. Phrenobgjour.
Dr. Webster's great work ia tbe best Dictionary
of the English language. London Morn.Chron.
Containing three limes tbe amount of matter of
any other English Dictionary compiled in this
country, or any abridgment of thia work.
Published by G & C Merriam.Springneld.Mass.
and for sale at the Cheap Bookstore of
May 30 Of LYNDAI.L, Lewisburg
"nOR sale by
Lewisburg June, 1849
Worm Specific M'Lane's Vermifuge!
rpHIS invaluable remedy for Worms is
J rapidly supplanting ail others.in public
estimation. Where it is used it has produced
tne best eilecte, and driven out all other
remedies. ' It is the best they have ever
seen," is the remark of all who have ever
used it in their families.
Tyre Springs, Sumner Co. Tea. Feb 19,'48
J. Kidd Sc. Co. I received a lot of M'Lane's
Vermifuge from your ageut laat aprinc. which 1
sold oat in one week, and I think I could hava
sold 1000 bottles by this lima if I could hava got
it, out not snowing wnera to get it I had lo wail
until your agent cams around. Every one who
has tried M Lane's Vermifuge, tell ma it ia the
beat they have ever seen. In fact it ia impossible
for any one to say loo much in favor of this Ver
mifuge. Yf. D. KOBB.
Dr.M'Lane dear Sir : I hava sold oat all sonr
Liver Pills, and want another lot immedistely. I
could have sold a much larger quantity if I had
them. Tbe inhabitants are sending to Rochester
for them. Please send me another snpply irarae
distelv. F. SHORT. DrueeisL
Hemlock Lske, Liv. Co. N. Y. March 8, '47.
Varyeborg, Wyo. Co. NT. Dee. 10. '47.
J. Kidd ot Co Your travelinc agent left with
me last summer a quantity of Dr. M'Lane's Pillo
and Worm Specific, lo sell on commission. The
W orm Specific is all sold, and I should be (lad lo
procure more, as it setts very readily, and has a
vary salotary erfect in expelling worms. If von
can lorward me some, or sand ma aa ardor in
esll on your agent in Buffalo (L. 8. Reynolds.) I
iI.hS. s. :i. . . "
"ss whs sawes sua a rama sals.
W. H. A ma WORTH.
AGENTS C W 8easwxa, Lewisbarg; R
Sbafer and J H Raser. Miheai i I fonrkt aw.
linsgrove; i W PriHne. Sunhan t Mm U'C.
A..b.r.brtand ; M C Grisr, I Mearsv DsaviUa
Aaaalty nd Trawl Cratu.y.
CWfce, 74, Walnut Street, Philadelphia.
Capita a, $250,000 Charter Perpetual. -
11UE Company are now prepared lo transact
business upon tba most liberal sod advanta
geous terms. The; are authorised by Iheir charter
(sec 3) " to make all and every insurance apper.
laining lo life risks of w halever kind or aalura, and
to receive and exeeuis trusts, make cadewatsnls,
and to grant and purchase annuities." Tha Cosa
psny sell sonuities and endowments, and sel a
trasteas for minora and heirs.
Table of Premiums required for Iks Assurance
of VIVO lor "e uiiwk ierw uj
' . n . K
Age. Prem.
Ago. Prem.
31 $2 09
Age. Prem.
1 $150
46 $3 36
I 53
2 15
3 49
1 56
1 59
1 60
1 03
1 60
1 69
1 73
1 76
1 85
1 94
1 OS
2 04
2 20
S 27
S 33
2 40
2 47
2 54
2 63
2 70
2 81
2 92
3 01
3 12
3 23
9 63
3 77
3 94
4 13
4 33
4 71
4 91
5 12
6 33
6 54
5 78
6 03
The premiums are less than any other company
...l ilia nolieiee afford greater advantages. Mar
ried women and lemeie ennuren can www
lives of either a husband or parent free from ths
claims ot creditors. Tablea of half yearly snd
quarterly premiums, half credit rates of premium,
abort lerma, joint lives, survivorships, endow
ments snd forms or application are 10 no nan at
the Office or of tha Agenl.
Rates for insuring $100 on a single Lift.
Age. For 1 year. For 7 years. For Lifa.
20 $0 81 91 1 60
30 0 99 1 30 3 04
40 1 39 1 64 S 70
60 1 86 2 07 3 94
69 3 48. 3 97 6 03
Example: A person aged 30 years next birth
day by paying Ibe Company 99 eta would secure
to his family or heirs $100 shoald ha dia in one
year, or for 9 90 he secures to than 91000, or for
1 3 00 annually for seven years ha secures to them
Si 000 should he die in seven years, or for 20 40
paid yearly duriog life he secures $ 1000 to be paid
when he dies the insurer securing bis own boons
by tbe duTerenee in amount of premium from those
charged bv other offices. For 49 50 ibe heirs would
receive $5000 should he die in one year.
PETER CULLEN, President.
F. W. RAWLE. Sec'y and Tieaa.
For further particulars apply to
Agent for Union and adjoining counties.
Consulting Physician War. Ha vis, M. 1).
Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. July 21, 1849
THE subscribers, thankful for past patro
nage, would inform the public that (hey
continue to manufacture all kinds of
Cast WatPrWWl ,h,mo approved
Threshing Machines.
One and Two Horse
IW s
we invite particular attention lo a new
article Wiird't Patent CIS. PLOtcns, tor
attains 11 brim, tarmers by this plough
can seed in as much grain, in one day, a
in three days with common ploughs.
ea.0t(tfgi9 nnl rurnfna.
and Fitting tbe same. HOLLOW VYARB
Kettles and Pols of various sizes Smooth
ing Irons and Stands cast Tea Kettles to
suit cooking sloves.
the most approved patterns now in use.fo
wood or coal.
Fancy, Parlor, Wood.Coal Stoves,
caeca Seir-recatlntlusr 4lr-fla-hf
Parlor Wood Sloves, (a new article.)
Threshing Machines and other arliclea
of machinery repaired in the best manne
and on the shortest notice. Castings war
rnniea to oe 01 ihe best material, and a
prices that can not fail to please.
Lewisburg, March 85. 1848 ly209
Pianos ! Pianos.
rTIHE nndersigned eontinnes lo famish to order
B on tne most reasonabra terms Pi
the manufactory of Conrad Meyer, Philadwhose
....trumenta are loo well known to need any pan
eeyric. bavins nnifnrml mi;..i j
-- ,MV uuuroitua
ationa of Ihe most eminent professors and compo
sers of Music, and the awant nf ik-
Wew v0rk,Philsdelphis and Boston. For qualities
Of lODC. loncb. snd koanin- in f-. . .
-"-"' U'J ean not oe surpassed by either Amer
ican or European Pianos. -
Reference, may be made lo any of those parents
or guardians who have pupils committed lo his
srge. He may be seea at bia residence at Mrs
, M,rk atsewt, Lswisbnrg. where lirau
The most popular and favorite Airs and Music
"""""" ainas received as it is issued from the
musical establishmenu ia Ihe Cities.
Important Information f
FOR the difficult respiration and debility
attending diseaaea of the Longs, or
Throat and Breast, ThomtonU Compound
Syrup of Tar and itood Nap tha has
been lound an invaluable remedy. Besides
its power as an lipeciorant to relieve the
lungs from the accumulated mailer which
results from the relaxed stats of the system
in hot weather, it also acta aa a Lealino
balm to the ulcerated part and a atreneth-
- a
curr iu un system.
bo salutary as toe action of the Syrup
iu una rcspcci, UM fjianw ol oar mni
respectable Physieiaaa employ it ia their
practice, ana we nave dailv evidene of
cures euecled inJ oulmonarv tisaMaso.
where skill Has utterly failed.
Prepared only by Aagney ovDickson, PI
K corner Fifth and Sprue Sta. Philad.
ooro uy 17. f. Schaffle, Lewisburg.
"An ounce of Prevention worth
. a pound of Core, in ,
that mvful iiseau,
DR. FITCH'S Lectures on tbe Preset
lion and Cure of Contvtnplion.
This popular work for aale ia Lewisburg
by S. P. Lyndall S. Houghton aod at
ibia office. Price. 75 cent.
Tsuc-Ka o rex.
ta Imimr lu, tw i;sru.r. TW.
fersaeanlla he sale la u siaVrssi u.t' caIW J
Tlwwwnd's SMwit-rilla. a -U" "t
MAlW!U!B.sndsflUsl. Ttos Tuwssral wno Jooor
ildMrrr wss i but wss ronmrly a srtwsi ''"'
Ss, sad Uw liks-jst bs swiraes U-uu.nl for ifce
pirn-, of " crl" 1. l ". It".'"
Ct UMrliWo ucdrnl school, and prstucoJ far iWsr
ZZn' " N"W uvih u. ho ovr iwaetienl. meAciuo r
Lv In kis Ills I 8a ttilfol. ritkt mswofcrtsviysiioe
looks hod is Uw easrseier and vcroeiry of trio man. I "
mom wneonly, ho bod ver ressV Uwoo suiomrnts f lw
ollor of rs When will mi lourt to bo rwoosi snd tra:b
lul in all ineir drsluias suit luiereoursa wn ihotr Mlut
awn ! lis applied lo ons R.wl Ctai lo assist bim in aw
Btociarioe his siixtnre, stoiutr Um lato osow bs wind 1
Mke ss sn M.uctntit lo or.ihork in iho bowueos. Tin 1
bob bavo boon Miouluo sod liMUinc mm im all poo. b J
tonus, m order to mfmm the public wub ths boliof t J
tasOM Doctor's Sorsapanlls w nor the fmnme. orv"M
Sarmarilla. mulo from the Old Dncltr m OricmOl s.
mtt. f hwS. t. Tuwiwend says I hare onld the uo ol i .
norm for S7 a week, i will giro BimafiiO if bo wrfl r-
dnco ono sincle mlnory proof of this. Ills stntsmeiiis
Thompson, Skiilnua Co.. u aoihing but a iwut M
faloohoods, amply made to deceive die public, and k.ef
the tratb down Hi rrrard to hw mmrinc, ftrmumtmg r . v
OMvmd. This is to CMUtmi the ooolle to purrris-s nom
bid Dr. JACOH ToWnsrnd's Kirstparilla. home on tfca
Old Doctor s likeness, nu Jaauty uo of atmj, aw uj
Hfniniri irrrss ths Coot of Arms.
jAcoa TovaS
Old Dr. Jacob Townsend,
Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla.
Old Dr Townsend rs now av,ut 7U year" of mgr. ami has
IHRSAPAR1LLA." sviia or. ho was eoioi:.od to
limit ilsmanulaciure, by which rwans it ha been ksptuut
of market, mid the sales circniuscrlOe'l is irurw w!.
had proved its worih. and known lis vjlue. It na.l reachwl
the oars of man,, never he .. as tho-e persons wko ruj
bees healed of iore diacaocs, aod sad toom ds:n, pi
siaiiiisd as wonderful
rmnnlaeluredon th lares srale. antl ts calied Sr thr:;h.
out tha len;ih an.1 breadth of the land, e-pecijii, aa a
round incapable old-eeiie ration or dr!m ir.li'.
tliiliks young K P. TosrMrnd',, M tmpruveo irh
snd neer ehaitgM but forth,- bo(lr: hecaiwe n !.pre;ar-4
on sciefie frmciy'et by a mirmtHe mam. Tue bjj-.sw
knowledge or Cbemi-try. awl iho iaictl diaco.snc oi tus
sn, ha, all been brought into rcquiition in the tnwrac-tur-oftbeOtd
Kr's Sa.aapanlla. Iho araajtnia not,
it w Mil known lo niedKal men, eontaitts many meittcuio
proijertjos, and sodw prn-eries which mert or uie:e
and others, which II retaiiied in trcpann, it lor o f;r
duceermenolioTl an.1 orirf, wim li is htiun.ro, to ihs se"
loot. Soma of tha fipsrtles ot Sai-aaparilia ant so
Uiat they cotirelv ovaporate and are Umi in the preporaiioa.
il thov are not (jfeserred by a srarartV oeoecss, knona on.
ly lo' thoos osperiencod in lis mauu.acture- Marouver,
tfiow soloft'e firuwts.es, whKh Sy oS m vo"r, or ao aa n
halatlon, sn.ler heat, art the verv wsJuul j re
srlies of iho root, which rjna H s!i lis va'ae
Any person can boil or srow the rjot uil thsy t a ttark
ctilored liquid, which ta mvrs from the coloring oraHcr la
ftie root than from anything ate ; Ihey can than .tram thjs
hialDid or vans! Ilriuitl, asreeten wi'h Mrttr mola.we and
than call it - SARSAPAUI'.LA EXTRACT or SVRLr m
Hut uirh w not iho articie kn..wn a, tbs
This is ss prepared that nil iho inor. propsnio!, af iho
Sanauiriila root are Srst reraoved. sveryihuig csfablo of
beeomuur acid or lormrutati'W w extractctl and raectoit .
Uien ever, pariclo of medical tirtue U secured m a pttcs
snd eonrontratod Ibrm ; ami ilius It m fraiorod vicajaibio
of kmmg any of its valuable and healing propenua. P
parad lo this wav, it is made itie mMt f.merlul acB la lbs
Cwrs ar IWHwnaerablo Dtsewsos.
Rsr.?o tho rsaiiun why ws hoar c mnieajaiioue on ovovj
Slds in rts lavor by men. v.omen, a. cnll.bcB.
vo nna n
donw wi'pvlers in ihe eitrs tr
I-LA. pn.MtVO.STir EX ESS. all CVTAXE,
Snd all aRectlofw anoiag trim
fc Boasoaaos s rnarVeltOBS slficacy io all complaints art.
sing from Indig.aliim. iroin Acidity of foe SRomark. from
unequal circulation, uoterminatnm ot' mood to too kwad
palpttation of the heart, cold teat and haoda, cold chills ami
riot daehso over Ute b.Hl. b has not its equal la Coido and
doajAs . snd promote easy expectoration aod gontl poa.
spsiaucm, nrlaxlu otiicluros ol iho lungs, tluual aad svaif
sthsrpart. , .
Out m nothing at ita exaltonca mora manlfeuif assa atal
acAnowLodged ihan m all klntU sml stages of
h works wonders in caws of f.umr A.!mt sr Wades.
Poitinf tJu Homo. Ohttrucltd, Sapprtmtd. a, xa,nW
tttnttm, ImgMlsnlf of tho menstrual periods, and ths '..(
and M arfecrual as curing all tbs forma of A'nfnev Injasnira,
By icmoviag obMrociioiw. and redulauog iha genwal
OTstam, M gtrao tons and st rang Lh la lbs whols body, anl
laus cures ait forms oi
Wsr-rstaui wssasas mmm wenainy,
and thus prevents or relieves a great vansty of other svab
Sptnat imlolioit, Aewrula-w, St. rWoa IMS,
AAmoiuiis'. Erdntir Pit. Omnltum. sVe.
It cleanses the Mood, excites the ll.er to healthy setioa,
too, the stomach, and give good digestion, relieves ths
bowswof torpor and coilirpaiinn, at lav. la 0am mall on, t.
nSos tho skin, equaliic the arculattou of the blood, pro.
scing gem Is warmth njually all over tus body, aad Cm
rasissibls psrapirauoB : relaxes strKTurss snd nchuwm. i
move all obstruct ton, and iavioratas Uw sniirs nervo
system, lo not this then
Tata HesMela jrawa wro-onalwentlr woed
But can any of these things ho said of . P. T.iwnacrafs
interior srticls t Thn mng man's liauid a nH to bs
bersueeof one GRANT! FACT, that ih on SflNCAFA
While the other THIF.S- ajahar. frrmrmHar. ond VaU
Ae AsWes enmniains it into Irarmeots : the sour, arid
IKluid etplndinc.ani damaging other goods! Mnlsriil
somMe compound ha romrna lw iho evwom WW r
SWT scHf infos sysrsns mrtndvditrtun' Kirk acid 1 What
causes Dyspepsia bat an t Ik, or not all know K h
food sours in our stomachs, what mischief K produce ' -Satnlence.
beartbum. ualmtaiiim of il heart Km crn.
plaiul, diarrhwa. rfysenierv, erdie. and eorrnmrow of lb
plood t What ia Srrolqla but an aeid humor in tlw bod. 1
Wrhat nraduee all in lanon ahh hn- e- ...
Ih tiein. Scald llrad, rVIt Bheuvn, Krv.ipelas. W'lurs
dwellings. Fever Sons, snd all slcsniions'mternal and ,
lernal 1 fc at nolluna under heaven Imm an miA -..K-,..-
which so :n. snd thus spoils all the flnnis of ihs bmlr. mor
ns less. What cauaas Rheumaiwm bin s soar sad mni
Suidwhieh inatnuates iiwlf hetween the joints and e.
waera, irritatrng and ioflamtn- tho delleato imbbos bt-w
which it acts ? So of nervotw diseaass, of impwrii, ef ths
blood, of deranged cirrulaliOB, snd saarly all tho ailmonta
which afflict human auura.
now bin horrible lo max sad sail, sad imthmJrtw
srae to us ihi J
sol' a ing, FEkMKvrrs. Arm ucoMrorM'' or
oi. w Tnu vi'n
and vet a would fain hav it undenunod that OM Dr. J
sto 1 ownvenil's I'.uM fjrtfftmat no wijnii i'IJs. is SB UA
ITATtON of hi alienor prenaratioo ' I
tieavea wniw mat wo .nouM ir.l tn M B-riein n-hia.
would bear the bum distant rawBiro. at T.n
stuil'a ssrseir I
Wewishh nndrrrvl, Warrw a htrn avuneure truth,
that . p. Tiwnsonl's aniels and out Dr. Jacob Tnwneetkl's
Sarsaparilla or sense erue apart, amdmtmtr'y aftaefas.
rtsr; that they are unlike id very particular, having not
an einile thing in eonimon.
Aa S. P. ToWRaarat in nn ilw,.. nd mm wan In n
ahemiat, no pharinaeeuiiat know, bo more of mcUciiw or
aweass tbaa any other coriimna, snacieuittie. enprotewoonal
Ban. what guurmmtee can tlw p'lhlK neve that ihey are ro-
caivine a gcuuinewientine meiI)croe, contaioirw all tkevir.
tues of lla articles uaod ia preoartie it. and whirh are io.
eapabl of changes which mi-hi malar liwio lh AU1'H
sf Diss ass instead of hearth I
But what owe showld bs ssportes from on ah. knows
aothtng comparatively ol snedicma or diwaac I It requtr
psrsoa ol some rxprrtenr to rraHt and serve ap even s
mmoa deer as maaJ. I low raack mor Hrmonan- w
that ihe peranna whomanulactare medtcirie le-MEned for
should know well iho avedieal prorwnie of edants. ihe tr-
atari- of secsrinc aad ejaacsatratuar their uealia- einor,.
Slav an egtaosive knowlolgs ol' ibe vinous di.-eam h'ci
aSse. tbs hsauui ayweva, and how is adapt isdira
k is to arrant fraud apoa ths anfortsaaie. pour heln
Into wounded hnmanitv, to km!t hop in the drenainnc
hoaosa, la reatora laaailh, awl bloom, and ewor into tha
eerrahed snd broken, and m banish mnrmttv that Ol O Ilt
JACOB TOWMSF.ND has Ol'UllT and FOt llihsop
ponoaitv and moana to brirrr hi
Avauasl Vwlvwrsal rssswaHrswI ReuaeHr
within the reach, and io tbe koowledee of alt who need
hat uWy amy learn and keawr. by ioyfal eavsnsnca, us. .J
Trsawsadaul Pswrr tw HaJ.
Agents for the above Medicine C W
Schsffle, Lewisbarg ; John H Raser, Mil
Iob ; Forsyth t Priestly, Northun.b'lsnd
GENTLEMEN'S Fancy Goods, Vest
ings. Clothe, Caasimrfl, and Suitk
mtr Goods in general, at
' k B. Btmrn CktmmfPiCtt.