Lewisburg chronicle, and West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1850, March 06, 1850, Image 3

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EJin Forrest, the traordian. has ap
plitd lo the Pa. Lefis'ature (or divorce
from his wi'e. an English lady, on the
i) ro'tu
(tlurl- wiiibuw was sun oy tr.e cm-
of New Bedford, .Ma-, ten (lays
a nee. aboul 8 oVIuck in 1M evening, it
his'cd 20 inlnutei.
' The practice of sending valentines on
1 1.8 1 4i h of Fab. haa become no (.mall
iiuisa nee.
The Virginia legista'tire Ima voted thirty
thousand dollars a year fur colonisation.
The Nahvt!V Fi.u'lern Convention i
liketv to prove a c-.mpt, te failure.
'PO all persons interested in the dlflu-im
I of useful knowledge. Valuable books
lor public, private, an.1 district eehnol l.ib-
ranes. S6i' Pictorial Ilbmy 12 ;
.... i
volumes, Itr octavo. substantially bour.d
in leather. Embellished with more ihun
Tito Thotttand Engraving ! designed
and egecu'ed by the most eminent Artiats
of England "'d America,
'Vn4& Ilia tvcUew-r, Ilwitty F:n, Covernor of the
St'st- of X Vurk.j
Mr Robert Sears bar Sir: I have) not
hail time, nmid other rngapements, liir a '
.. rv tl ornui-h examination of the series ol !
- . . , .' , . ,
' lor,.l Work, which you have been so j
K i, to send n,e. I have.no ever.exa- ,
mined them iifficirot lo justify me in say- I
inc that thev are compiled with care, and
' r . ..
)) hi-h'v inleietin arid uselut family
. i . ' . .1.-.. mr.l .rirl-nrv .nrl !
1 r-" " . I all h mav fr ihrm oilh patronBe.
rep'ete with valuable information. I hey aia F,NK w tcE.S. such as Duplex. Es
uMd honk, and worthy of a place in our I rautmrril, Lnimt, Ai.char. Ilrtachrd.
Un'iicf School Libraiies. I
tTn-m th no. rmnsi'ata MWA!t. krttj St '
uil Fuirintnil.iit of Cemru m Srhunli1. j
PiX of N-k Y.-rk r.'tnrr p"f. UnrtTO-nt j
of tvn.mr.n !.. l) A'Ainy. Arnl W. 1- j
Mr. K bert Sears r: I have eximini a ,
vr ur oer-es of IVlori.il Works. I find them
to c ntkia a large amount of valuable infor- ;
nation, and take pleasure in cheerfully
rt rorr rnerid:ii2 ihmi a suitnble books t be '
introdu-ed into the Coinn-on and Ilislrict
.Sl-I.oo1 L Lraries of 'hi Swe.
l..-.mn-ir.)lnn. of llr.. f.t.rt II. rruyo. rist-rM T. i
' r'av. Jtnx D. Buiii-n, Jm.n W. I!. km:m. n4 ,
A J.-l.i: eu.f inim!u.onLo.i-g.,.mM.a ,
ni..3.un ... i
N-w o,k lg,l.tare. Apr.l 6 49. ,
U hse examined the I i.Monal Workx j
rij.il and publish) d by Mr. Robert Sear. !
l i. Na-ssu St.. New York, prepared for j
L);s'rct Sebo'.! L braries, and se of the j
ofiiiion thst ibey deserve a place in those :
iu.tiititii.tif drsinned as they are for the .
;:Tjion of Ueful KnoTsieduo. j
KOBT II. VltrYN.rhs'n.
O.'JIill-l V. IltSOfWAY, JAS.W. BW.KWAX,
JAS. ll. I:ITX'X,
The wr.iks alluded to, as ravine been ; ,n Mercer county, wh eh said land has
exan.ined and recommended for the Libra- been appraised nnd valued by a Jury sum
res, ere as linllows : J moned by said Sheriff at the sum of eleven
New and Popular Pictorial Discription hundred and twenty five dollars, (1 125 )
if the United Sta'es Pictorial History of) Notice is hereby given to James Harris,
the American Revolution Scenes and , Mtirlha Harris, and Laird (lowardi'hotnas
Sketcl.es of (Viiliiiental Ivirope Descrip- ! Howard, David Howard, Harriett Howard
tinn of fireat Britain and Ireland Pictori- I intrrmarriid with Dr. Thomas Vanvalzah,
al Family Annual Treasury of Know! I Ann Howard intermarried with Wm. Wil.
,He Information for the People The) ; son, Jane Howard intermarried with Joseph
.Family Instructor Pictorial Sunday-Book Green, who were children of E izabeth
Bibie Biojfraphv Bible History Sec- 1 Harris who was intermarried with Thomas
ltd Series of the "Wonders of the World" ' Howard, both of whom are deceased, that
1 the Court aforesaid did on the 2fi:h day ol
1,-7-AB-ota -nn, y ss-iton .ff.,r 1849, confirm tho inquisition afore-:
the Union to sell tha above works. To men ! said, and gave judgment tht the same
of rn'erpiseitod tct,this otTers an opportu- ; should remain firm and stable for ever, an J
nity for useful pleasant and profithble em- j made a rule on the heirs Bnd legal repres
pb.vmen'. A cash capital of at least $25 ' entatives of the deceased to appear on the
t t tan will be necessary
Full particulars j
nil I iriven on application either person
ally or bv letter. Postage must in all ca
sts be paid. Pleasa address
128 Nassau street. N.V.
CV-P,(,sp,rs copying this advertisement. '
eieire, well doplsyi-d. as above, wi bout any alte-
talion or sbrtdenient. (including this notice.lsnd '
I rvmg tt nne or more insertion, shsll receie a i
t ..py of any one of our $3 60 or $3 ( 0 works j
l.iii.jecl lo their order) by sending dirrct lo the j
ZjTXo h-tter will be taken from lh" office un-
fKist-rairt. March S. 1S51). j
(tOI RT PKOi;l.AMATIOX Whereas the
; 11 n Aas.isM 8 Wiiso. Pre.idcni Judge
ot tt e Curt uf CmmoD Pleas for the 20 h Jt d
risl Di-tiiel coiiiiing of the counties of Uni-n
snd M.ffl n, snd Jjhn Mofttlius and J.:etl H'r
tfimyrr Eq A-o-iste Judges ill Union county,
have i.-urJ llnii pr.r.pi bcsriiig date tbe 34 lh
Uy of Feb lR.'.O aud to me diicctrd for Ihe h d
ding of an Orphans' Court, Court of Common
PUsa Oyer i. Terrniuer, sr.d (ierveral (jusrter
rcstof.s si N'W fjerliii f-r I lie C"Ui.C of I'l.ioi',
n ihe ttti M .1.. lay Ms'rh tint lun lh - 5th
Isy lj0 sr.d to continue one week
NOTICE is therefore hereby gisra lo the
Ceroi.er Ju.nrri of ihe Pcsce slid C.'i.stsbles in
and fur .he c-.un'y of Uni.m. lo appear in their
own pr..per persons with iheir rolls, records, in
uisiiion', cxsriomtions and other remembrances
to do those thing which of their offices and in
Ineir lba'f si j-crlnin to be doi t and alt iines
saa snd elhor rs.ns prosecuting in In half of
Ibe C. nu.ioi wealili against any jrsoiis are
squired ta 1st then and ihrre attend ng and not
drpsit with .ut leave si their eril. Ju ticca are
riiueed tn t e pnneiual in ll.etr attendance at
the s ..il tel tune sgieesble lo notice.
.rn under n hsml and seal al the Sheriffs
. fTi-e in N.w Ui rtin on the S5th day of Fcb'ary
A 1). I eoO and in tbe 74th year f ll e Indepeo
d.acs .f ihe C.ul.d Mates of Ameiica.
(.01) ssie be Cuairnotiwealib !
Jury List, March Special Court.
I rion I-c Ever, John Hasslet, Adam Miller
West Besser Henry Felker. John Diemer. Ga
briel lletUtcr. J-4in Kline. G.orge Kaily
Braver Philip Kinney, Samuel A or and, Henry
Chspmsn Levi 8 Herrold, George Motx.Daniel
C. n're David Weiriek, George Boyer, John 8
Kern. Thomas Bower
Hartley Henrs B Charles, Samuel Hooser.
Wathincton Peter P Mertx, George G Glee
West BufTslo Aaron Zellera, Chat's Moll, John
rj'.ees, Cha'.ea Hassenplug
New Beilin Abraham Crsase
Buffilo- Dsniel Kenner, Adam T"ung
Tenns Emmanuel Engte. John Stall
l,ei,burg Jonathan Wolfe. Peter Neviua
Middiecierk Frederick Hsos
Ksl'ey- Flsrel Clingrrae. J..ha f!rk.etl
iFruU ana
The subscriber oilers fr sale a large
assortment of choice Fruit Trees such a
Apple trees, 7 to 10 feel hich, 40 varieties,
all warranted genuine Peach treea, 20
varieties; T.ir'ariau Cherry, Nectarine,
Prune and Pear trees, together with annie
0 or 8 varieties of Grape. Vines of the best
nit.ve and exotic varieties. Ornamental
Trees, such as the Pat.lonia, Linden, Sic.
I Tha above treea can be wen by the 1st of
April, on the prerni-ea o! the subscriber,
.on.) souu-c uoove Chiisrl Si MFaddiu
pull). dry.
j !l. B. I'itm-i wishing to procure a
I quantity oi the Fruit trees, are requested tn
i make immediate application to the subscri-
tier, in order lu procure the varietiea and
Leihur, March 4, 1850.
.Vuf u.-Jj in Culifurnia, but ahn in Lcwitburg?
A go. d asiorlmcnt of
Watch, Silverware and Jewelry
of Cue quality and at City price.
Hatfield & Thompson
IU'rc(fu!ly inform the citizens of Lewisbqrg end
vicinity, that ihev have enteral into Partnership
OL,l .STA'Nl) on M,kt, St- W0" 1
iiiyt'S & tm Stun', piriiared to eircute e-ry
kjnJ of Wofk fa ,., in mmJ
rhey c,rrfulv re, u-d f the best Eneti.h and
Fremh maiernls. M.iinspfings Cylinder Esrsns-
h U. l vsriciy cf W.tch Jcorls, snJ flitier I
.1.. i .i . : i i ..i i l:u i
'""' "' "'era to K'e itislction lo
IWni Ler, Krprairrs, and MumcsI Wale
&e nraily rrp ored and raranb-d
Alu f.-r sslr, a vnri. iy of Gold and Silvar
Walchrs, Pstf nl Levers, Anrhars, Detached. Le
pinra, lusrtirrs, an I EnglUh W)ches, liol.1
('hsiiia. It rrs-t p r.s, Finger and E iin(j. Gold
sod ilcr lt.it Mides, Ursrvlels, uold and Silver
- encils and rens, do Spectacles,
3v"vtiler Spcwins, Susr tong.Coml,
Ac Ac. in xhnrt. a litile of every thins, and
nutiii.g elr. not mentioiiine kiiick-knackt.
ai'Asys on tuud or g.)t lo order
A vsiiety of Unas Clocks for fl and upwards
: at !kim! a:d retail
er.ons d siring to get tilings rirttt, Would do
"e" hy giving the sulisciibera a call
Elperieuce tells us thst the Credit System can
)0 1rirj 4 (vj()g ytmfon. in order lo -pu-h
along anJ rra moing," th'.- Cash Syftem must
n,c.riv be enforced Feb S. H50
l N the matter of th par In the Or.
lition und val iation of ! phans Court
the real estate of Vm. L. fof Mercer Co.
Hacris, dtceased. J Pa. No. M of
Sept.T. 1849
Writ issued to the SheritT to part and divide
, or value and appraise Donation Lot No.
: 720 of two hundred acres in the 4ih district
first day of next term (1st of April next)
and accept or refuse the premises at the
LrtifieJ from the record al Mercer, this
20th day of December. A D. 1849.
M. C. TROUT, Clerk O. C.
Charles SeelxtM, Treasurer, in
account with Union County.
DK IS-'O. To balance in Tr saury at last
settlement, $3305 83
To cs-h received from delin
quent Collectors, viz :
For 1945 $177 49
1846 445 06
- 1S47 617 05
- 1818 8450 56 .
- 1819 4363 85 9053 98
To cash receiv d of J. Ilsua, Jr., Pro-
thonotary, aa Jury fees 38 00
- cssh reed of Joa t. barf for old stove 3 35
" cash received of Ch:. .Meirii Eq aa -fines
and Jury fees, iu case of John
Rangier and others 79 65
" cash ree'd of Chas Merrill, Es , ss
Jury free 16 00
" cash rre'd of Jss Harbin. Eo,., for
stone sold by Commissioners, (left
of the Bridge at White Deer) 3 00
" cash received of Petri Bolig, fir old
boards sold hy him 5 00
cash ree'd of D. W. Woods. Esq.,
ground rent on pri-.ting office lot 5 00
- cash ree'd of sundry persons for UI
on unseated land.
9 18
f 13,508 89
9719 69
156 35
Contra. CR
By amount of Co.-n'ra ordere paid
By commission of 1 per cent, on
$13 508 H9
By amount in part of tbe 5 per et.
for prompt payment lo State,
and $'0 uucurrrnl monev,
443 83
3159 03
.412 508 89
We, the undersigned. Auditors of tbe county of
Union, have carefully eiammed snd audited the
foresoinc accounts of tbe Commissioners snd
Tres-urer of raid counts, do fi' d and report the
saiJ accounts of Receipts and Expenditures, and
Treasure's account, for the year lain, wue ana
In witness e hereof we have hereunto eel our
bands at the Commissioners' office in .the Bow'
of New Berlin, ibis twelfth .lav ol January, ioju.
II W tSA i iron,
II II BLAIR, Auditors.
MimiKBCRO, Dec. 20, 1849.
Report of Ihe Miffltnburg Academy are aa fol
lows: A judgment in favor of said Academy for
583 06. with interest from the 13th day of May .
1845 which can not I collected at present ; and
on, dollar and atxty-lwo cent. (l,6) lo Ihe
hands of the Treasury.
B. W. Thompson, President.
Beni. Haua. Secretary.
... .,. i immA Auditors of Union county
having eismined the shove Account of lha T.ua
Z. Jti Mifflmtar. Academy, find h. Accoun
,bov. rt.te.1. lo be correct. Given under our
hand, in Ihe Boro' of Now Berlin, tha iw.lfth
day of January, 1850.
(Signed by the County Auditors )
AlHOLESALE Dry Goods Store
TV keepers in this place and vicinity,
are invited to a large and varied assortment
of Dry Good, at Philadelphia wholesale
price lur cash, at C. L. Jones'
New Cheap Cash Store,
Feb 1. 1850. BroadwaV, Milton
Beware of Lnpcslers.
fTMlE PUBLIC are hereby informed that
a Patent has been issue.l by the United
Stales to Stephen Crane lor a " ash Mil
lure, and the undersigned is a joint inven
tor, and bold the Patent R jihl for Penn-
sylv.inia. A certain person who haa been
sellin;; rights is neither inventor or propri-
etor. and will he prosecuted, with all other
violating the patent.
C7 WANTED Good Asenta.to can
vass the State.
1). M'VOV. Baltimore, Md.
February 10, 1(550 3t.
2dP(0 hands
WANTED, immediately, by the suba
cribers, to work in their Boat-yard.
To faithful hands, constant employment
and liberal wages will be tiven.
Iewisburg, Foil. 12, 1850
LARGE assortment of Cloths. C:i!.i
meres, Sutinetts and Vesiins, at e-
tremely low prices, by the piece or yard at
C. L. Jones' New Cheap Cash s:ore,
Feb 1, 1850. Brondway, Milton
riASUMERES and lie Laines. The
J attention ol the Indies is particularly
invited to a splendid assortment of theae
Ifrxwls some splendid De L'iines at I2J and
in cents per yard. Also, Cashmeres at
25 cents as good as is sold elsewhere at 41
cents. As the season is advancing thase
goods will be sold very cheap.
New Cheap Cash Store,
Feb I, 1850. Broadway, Milton
T7LANNELS. A rood assortment of
X every quality and price, lor sale cheap
at C. L. JONES'
New Cheap Cash Store,
Feb. I. 1850. Broadway. M.I ton
COUNTERPANES of the newest pat
terns, lor sale cheap at
Ni w Cheap Cash Store,
Feb 1, 1850. Broadway, Milion
TOTK'E is hereby given thst the partnership
lately subsisting between J. L. Eyot and
Wm. Thomnson. under tbe firm of Lyer &.
Thompson, is this day dissolved by mutual con
sent. All debts due to the said firm are to be
received by the said Win. Thompson : and all
demands ou Ibe same will be paid by him.
J. I,. EYER.
Lewisburg, Jan. 38. 1849
ALL persons indebted to the subscriber,
are earnestly requested to call and
make settlement without t'elay, as I am
desirous to have my old Books closed up.
All those neg'icting this notice, can not
complain if their accounts are left for col
lection, us a very long credit has been
given. James hayes.
Lewishurg. J .n 28. 1850
OR SALE by the subscriber
K lot of Frame HtuiT, sawed or hewed.
Joists and Studding, and
500 Posts of a good quality.
Lewishorg. Jan. 31. 1850
rriHE subscriber has a H ATHAWAY Cook-
ing Siove. which he will sell reasonable
also a few snides of Mahouany FUKNITUKE.
and CARPETS, which will be sold low. En
quire at the Drugstore of Dr Thornton & Baker.
Ilore Light!
11HE aubseribera have receivej a lot of Can
delahraa of various patterns also Pine Oil
and Fluid Lamps of different sixes, ail of which
Ihev offer at Philadelphia prices.
MIE subscriber still continues In keep a
lari:e stock of Lumber in bis Yard lor
sole, comprising the following, viz.
100 OnO feet good dry Pine Common and Psn
45,000 leel Joist and Scantling, nel Boards,
10,000 feet good dry Poplar and L.un Boards,
30 000 Joint and Lap Shingles,
33.000 sawed Ceiling Lstb,
Pine Rails snd S.juare Timber,
Maple snd Poplar Scantling.
Weatherboards and Pine Pdlmg,
Salt, Nails, and Stone Coal,
Oakum, Tar and Pilch ;
all of which he will sell at fair prices.
Lewisburg. Jan, ii, 1303
(iLOrHS! Clotlrs! Dark Olive, Green
J rJo..Citron, Light Brown.Dark Brown.
Claret, Blue, Black, Invis. Green and Dral.
Cloths of every shade and quality, to be
had at Jonet,' Ne Store, at kst tweuty-
five per cent, lower thai, e.sewl.ere.
C. L. Jone' New Cheap Cash Store,
Feb 1, 1&50. Broadway, Miiton
VTKW Crop N. O. Su-r. A splendid
IN article for sale low, at
New Cheap Ca-.li Store,
Feb I, 1U0. Broadaay, Milton
UFFS and Victorinea A good assort-
tnent to be had cheap M
New Cheap C.iah Store,
Feb 1
1850. Broadway, ninion
New York Fall and Winter FA-
-e-rtcr r-eived at the Fashionable Tailo
J loiing establishment, next d.Hjr to the
V,... nir.,1 JOHN B MILLER.
Lewisburc. Sep' g 1849
IT A OTTnever rc,u,'ed al ,,,e
JviVll 01," LewishurKhromcle.
Thompson's Susquehanna
Philadelphia, SunUurj, N.rthumber!atid,
D tnvtlle, M lion, ; Miincy,
Williamspnrt, L'."vi!biir,M'(IIinbiirs,
New Berlin, and Seiiusgrove.
Leaves the City every Thursliy Morsing.
OJJittS i I'liiliJrfphli :
Fur Packsges and Liijht (i. d At I.lington
ek Co. s Express, Depot ii i-mlh Third Kl ;
And for Heavy Article, At Beicbl & Co.'s,
Depot corner of Broad & ("h-rry.
OrJera atte'ded to il left at lAwisbun with
Mr Kline, Mr Wei.Iensaul. Mr Lyndsll, Mr
Forster, or Mr Sheller Jjnuary 1. Is50
WOULD infor,.. the pub'ic. thai they!
VV have opened a shop .... Fourth Ureet.J nt hy our
opposite Il-.mter Paid.it 's h
keep on hand or make to order
Fancy and Common Chairs,
Boston Rocking I hairs also
Bureaus, Tables. Bedsteads.
of various kinds.
Settees. A:c. &c.
All work in our line warranted to be well
made, and on the most reasonable terms.
House and Si-in PAINTING
attended to by the subscribers on the shor-
l : i .
test nonce n.r.l ... .u urs. .,.r.
Country Produce and Lumber taken in .
payment-and Cash not refused, but rather
preferred. j
The subscribers intend tn b" strict in the,
fulfilment of all their promises as regards
work and sn doing, hope to receive a
liberal ahare ol public patronage.
isburg, Nov. 1849
JPMlWon, IPa.
THE citixena of Milton. Lewisburg, Northtimterlunf?. Selmorove. N'-w Berlin, Cen
treville, and of the surrotindins.' country, are resp-ctfully ii.lormed that the auhwri
her has taken the old stand of Market 4" on B'"ad " "r ,hr ,f,e ,;u,,al'
where he haa opened a very extensive assortment of
JWew and Cheap Goods.
This stock of Goods havins been bought in Philadelphia, d rectly from the Importers
and Manulacturers for CASH, will be sold at a very small advance on cost, and are
positively lower than lo be had elsewhere in this section of the cnun'ry.by ut least twen
ty per cent. A saving of such a per centage even on a small purchase amounts lo
enough to make it a matter of consideration.
The stock consists of everything suited lo the wants r.f the people, nnd miny kinds
of fine Goods are kept at this store, not to be found elsewhere on hand a Inroe stock
of (jood Calicoes for Pf cts. fully as coort as
Hid assortment of tbe tirat oualltv of Colico
for 12 j cents.
in endless vane.y ; Bed Ticking at 8, 10. Hi, 16, 182 and 25 cents. Theae Ticking
are offered at least twenty-five per cent, under tbe prices of other Stores.
At greatly reduced prices.
at 6i ets and upward. Very chesp New M-iod.- rec-ived ut this extensive establish,
men! every week. The newest slle of G-K.rls always on bni.rl. and every thini! will be
sold for CASH at a very small p'rofit. Kcmember that this stork is all new. anJ has
been selected with great care aud lon experience.
Cloths, Cassi meres, Sattineltg and Vestings.
larire and maonifieent assintiueut on hand. It is well known that on these articles
itorc-keeperi invariably n ake larp? profit, as persons purrhaii!. are not oftrn judges
of these articles. I will not sell Broad Cloths at any greater profit Own fip mosiina
or fin Calico, and this will reduce the price of
to near one half. ' For instance, 1 will sell Cloth al $i W as good as cm be bought
elsewhere at $1 0 ; and so in proportion for lower -nd higher grades of goods. At
this Store, Cash Custom ts.nspeciiuny souciien, auu K..ous wo. F.o..v.,
prices defyin" all competition. U. i..r.t nuying e:!nere. ne aurc i.. u.i.. s
magnificent Mnzk of new goods at tins S.ore, and hear the low prices, ar.d you
rinced of Ihe foregoing facts.
Milion, Jan. 15, l-50.
FRESH supply received at the Lewis-,
J burg Cheap Bookstore :
Fike' Minuul of Cla-ieal Literature
llavies' Analjtical Geometry
Blair's Itbeloric. (University edition)
Comstock'a Mineralogy
The Complete Farmer, I vol. 62 cts
The New American Oantener, l mi.ft
The Book that will Suit You, or a Word
for Everybody
I can furnish the above works, with ti
ureal vnrietv of others, at rerji lew prices
e . u i.. i vv It 1 1 I.
. j
Window SASJl
A lot of 8x10 Window Sash, from thr
..I.- Manulactorv of Sprout & Burrows
on hand, and all siie jtol lu orJcr on
short notice.
May, 1649
I G Lawsha
Townsend's extract of Sarsap'a
LARGE and fresh supply of this celebrated
Medicine, iusl received from ihe principal!
Uepot in New York, and for sale al the new,,.
Drag and unemicai --
Home Industry.
. I RS snnerior TOW YARN
Illll for sale by
' 'lUM.vlio. A sp.euaol iissorrmrm
I these co'xls bv the piece or . ).rJ, at
unprecedented low prices for rush, Jul
received 30 pieces at va'i.-is prices. The
attention of s'ore ke'pers is particularly
inviteH, as well as those buying by the yard,
at C. L. Jones' New Cheap Cash ii;re,
Feb I. 150 lirax.lMoiy. M.lioii
ECEIVKI) at Foriter's Store-
French Mrinoes for Ldie;,' Clo-tks,
Palmetto Cloths do
Lyonese do do
B uck, Moroon and (Ireen colors ;
New S.ybi Calico un-l (Maine ;
Aiso an assorTmeiil of Li. lies' G im over
Shoes. O.S-red ai reduced prices.
Lewisbnro, U-c. 18, 18'J
- Ltitcst Arrival !
3 ,
of Merchandize adapted to this M .rket
sue1) as
Foreign and Domestic
all of which hive been purchased at ra'aa
,, .. .
cheapest of any in town !
Thankful for past liberal patronage from a
discriminating public, e h..e to merit and
receive its contiuonm'e atri extension.
Remember, the Old Cheap Etore is the
place for BAtiOAiNs ! !
1 v, v. no wes.
LewLburg. Nov. 27, H13
is so d elsewnere at u nnti in cts, a sp.ei.-
at Ml cts. a ttoou as Is sold at otner Stores ;
mm-m . . I . . .1...
i 05
. : cs
nm cijraji easfj Store.
DR3 H YES & DAVIS having enteierj
int.. r.nrrnf-eh'il in the LCl'lne of
.a t - r . r
Medicine, offer their professiont.1 ervir es
Ito the inhabitants of Lewisburg and vi-ini-
I Tfc... ... .. I.a tV...nH nl nil limes urhell
IV. s lies w- ...
not professionally engngerj. at ir. naycs
fficc. Lewisburg, Marcn I, Ib.io.
M H tVKS, M l. V a PAVIS, It O.
riUBCRlBERS l Ihe " Univetsily nt
Lewisburg are respeeti'i.lly requested
to pay their Second Instalment, now doe,
to ihe Treasurer. And those who have not
.aid the lit lu-t il'l are re-perl fully notified
litiat all such delinquents will be charged
Interest on their Instalments from the lime
hev become due.
Lewisburg, Feb. 25, 1850.
compound syrup of Sarsaparilla.
TUST ree'd from the old Dr. a lare ami
I frPsh jnnnly of his celebrated medicine
Depot jn New Y,k.
Persons wiahina lo procure Sarsaparilla
tcan nave eillier tne oin or young ir s. Reii
iuine and fresh, by calling on ihe Ajent,
,! Lewisburg. June S6 C W SCHAFFLE
TOTES Promissory. Judgment, and
Joint Not-a (blank.) at th.s office,
.ll 4 I Itllt.' 1 I ( ' ..... ' V
j I "' ii o ij-..... -
J ap'eilCIU SIOCK Ol IIMW y.rj-is xi
S'ure : these earr.PN br'inj br "h' )hr.-. t v
fro.n the o-lebra ed mu'iulHCtoi v of A. B
Cultoii A; Co , Chester cunty, are otTeru
lir si'e at lenst thirty per cent. I ier ihao
he hail elsi where. IVrons in wufit ol
corpels u we'l in other ij'rfidi. alt iulJ liri
I cai at Jones' S.ore, and bv do;n thev
J will etfei-l a sivinj; at le,t twn'y per
J cer.t. Sumo all wool carpet as !.w as So
; cents per yard. C. L. JONES'
iSew Cheap C;sh oiore,
Feb I, 165'). Broadway. Mili.u
TATE -of I'hiUdelphi. is ro-.v I utr.l
J NI .iU.-t s'reet. I.ewi.bu-z. oeonii Mr. J
on tha tceih t a rrihi:iinn of hi former p-i. es.
Teelh anil rml of t.'elh remed with the aid ol
improved li.-trurn.nts, ai.d in sn rasy manner
f'il'in leelli and setting on .it..i ,,r pktlet a'len
drd to according to the latest irm.roTpn.ents in the
profession IXernti d. spungy, and n. tinned gums
' cjred. J hsnklul for pat lato'S, t.e siluits a
continuince of public ii nrdiiata No iuii.uie
ntaterula used f r tailings in orth. ljISS
? -3
5 ?
. a
- s
I 2.
a fi
c 3 3
a. - o w
H 3 mmm
5 3 r:
1 7 ' C A.
2 mm,
r. T3
?3 s-'ira-
.1 T la r.;
Conn!, IVnii'a.
Mfijils) tl.e rjar' uf rvrty ciintv.
FFICE on Si-roivl St.t la'el mcupitd
hv L. B. Chris;, IN-i.
j CrantirctU's Tills are m1J at 25
eta per boi (-silts full o:r,cti..ti )
11 AYES A: CO , U w s!.ur,j. aiH
by o.MV one A-iit in every town n.
the Union, llach Aei.t has Cert:t:c,m-
I ol Aaeitcv- huaninie the l.o pil sa'wriys
I a-.d compare it with tl.e fe siii.ih- lsbe!s on ihe
I Cer1.fi ic of Agency. A llie'e ik a c .ot.leikil
I of '.tie i s isUl out. ibis is i f n.uch iioportane.
! as th'i is decided I'itT ret.ee t n-xreu Ihe
isppe.-rnce of the true Ishel ar.d ibo ol tl.e
e..uti) (eit. i he coiititfrle it la .lone erv stone ;
ihe ' mine are don en sic. I. The ap,a!a.ice
ofitr printing on ihe counterfeit is raceJ and
blur ; the genuine labl is the very pii.k of
neatri'-s. bolh in piuilir.g. psper, and geueial
Be sery careful anj goto the Aient.when you
want B'ar.dreth's Pills : then you are sure ol the
,'iicle. When yu pun-l.a-e otherwise,
in.lurre of the seller whether ho K"o - m"
he offers vou are the Eer:iiine Brsndieih's ? Ev
ery nMU snotss tsbetber the amcic be otf. rs i
true or fs!e. Pewsre of cheats :
IIIEstibscri' erso.Ter she public, nt their
new Brick Foundry, ibe following new
and valuible Stovr-s :
Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stovea, with
Itrick Oven.
L dy Washington Parlor Stove.
Csl Iron Mr-Tighl Parlor Stove, for Wood
2 izc.
Coal Burner for Parlors 1 site, 12 inch cl
indi'r. Louis Air-Tighl Cist Iron Parlor Stose 2
Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stove for Wood 2
Egg Stove the very best in ose for Stores,
Offices. Barrooms, and Shops."
The celebrated f ;enesee Air Tight Cook Stove
The Complete Cook 2 siiea.
Also, nil kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves
Plntiirhs C'litinas. &c. cVc.
Ll litis i oc ii r.vi'Li.i.
Iwisbur2, D.-C. 12, 1819.
Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's
send's Sarsaparilla for sale by
Dr. Thornton & Baker.
O sssle at itvis ofliera
printed apd for
- ? i ; 1 T i
J " - Z. j: M
t a 1 . a lr - i z.
- a- i -
o " !.'-:: ., &!
o r i 3 I Z - - -s
S.3S . - r -r ss -
. 5 1 ; - -
- r- n i " s
p -! 5 5 - . hi -3.
Kc-e '
1T S r- ft s" S
. CD J - -
il: jr-', i 5
. ? 7 ? V
rTTs K N T A Is C A It V .
SL'RGEON iTril. rr., olly inr.jni
ai ( t lii.- oo m. f.aiefsl, that
he his coi.ti'iuVd to hiuks Ivii-ourg bis perms- .
t.er.t plac of rt-i.lem-. Dr.l. haa l!.ken rrr.
on .Mikel S.ju.'e. Uri d..r !";low It.s Print
Oiirre, which he hss ft ted up.'Ter3tr m he
ilenca at Kline's HutrL J'?"'J'he third week
week in eery irion h, he roajr t.e huod al Eck
ert'- If .t.-l, in M.Ir.i.i.
Dr. I. ise is a rrulur gradtiil" of the B'ti
no. Colkge of I ei.la! Sjig. rj, bes Jo tirh
lu.lifti'stion he ha hJ Ihe advamsste oi fi
years' esorrieii e in the p' .rtiee ..f his piote-Moi
i-i Priiiisyissnm. Ohio, ILiiiO., Wiscousio, ai d
he city ol B ihinmre, Md. ,
IK L lakes all the Journals o'the.l-y nh.'. h
--ot.l.'ii new snd nsetut i.ttorni iTi-m in the line
of bts protesion ; arid f.ofn bis errjiirmen V
wet, t!-e bet msnut'.ictorers of I. it, g'i.d loil,
.Vc w.U shs kt-ep on harid for ihw s.-:oinii.
luiion of Wh cost.Ki.ers Ihe very bet qjjlliy of
all the materials u-ed i. his buiiie.
Prrooa wihll.g Denial operations performed,
will find it to li . tr advantage to give tor. a c sit,
is Le is dciernrned not lo t surpss-ed in li-e
beuuiv and uurjlility uf hie operations by any one.
jesyeijsw Persons lor whom J K liursit in-e. ted
ilm&lf Teeih and who ms need rpii';'ig
done, are inlomu d tb.it I hate tbe moUeU i.f
their mouths as prepared by Mr.llouael. and coq.
oqnently can do their repaiiing at a losrcr rate
thin it ran be d..ne tor elsets here, as it eases the
troubte in many cases of making nra mo let.
Lewisburg. Oct. 17, 1849.
'K Til r,
TT7ILL coniinenee on Mo.mjsv, the Ztd
ol O.-tober. InbTmction wil le .ivi n
as heretofere, in uli br..i.ches ctci s?r in
i thorough education. Exercises in Ccm
positii n and l-'erlamalien will le rrucirrd, srd
-trict attention will le (aid lo the fumation cf
tegular habits of study in ihe yuuueer nrn lvr,
of the school. The icputation of tbe Indituti. n
h ma.le to rest, not upr.n .he number. tii
upon the pi. g-eis of the studer t-. The subtcri
her is I1..1 solicitous for a school of more than 20
regular scholars. Terms: lor Langosges. $10 ;
f r ibe higher Ea?ii h, $8 ; ar d for the cun.n on
English bra.. i be" $6 prr ses.en of 11 waste.
J RA.NDnLl il, Priucifet.
Lewisburg. Oct. 3, 1P43
The ubscrifccrs resprcl-
In l) inu.f.ii trie Cit.zera
g ol Le i.-b-jrg tinJ vicinity
thai t hey h-..e coii.tnceut
ihe ain.e l.u at M.
Hate's old -iiop t.ir fcerrrd
St. one sn'iare sou.h ol .Miuktt.wl.tre they
are repnrtd lo Iron Buuuits or Voj;i:i.us,
it.) n.'ke b'l articles in thiir business in
'he- mot wot knuttlltke n.:ir..nrr, at prices
which thev hope wiil ii.Juce those wishing
invlhiti ti.'iie in their I. r e to rail M.J
juiliie thetr.?eives lefore gouig eUcwhere.
Keptiirtng dene on the &l.oi!e-t notice
ml on rea-onable lerln hlso Shoeing,
ivhich 14 a very important mut
ter to rfj(ls. ti,u h-.ve va usb'e
horse, and -I.otihi lierntrnstcd
only to i er r.-. l ktion skill.
Me It :tter ooe-elves ibal we are rh'e t.t
i.-onip. le wi h ativ person in the court. -, it.
SliiH'ir: Horxs : e ask i.nly a dial, fetid
et the woik show !or ltelf.
All vtork Harrurted. Iron and all kind
of e.miiiry Fnitjce taken in exchnge.
V.'e bore bv strict attention lo business,
mid a determination t suit al1, both in
work and price, In receive a liberal ahare
f public p.itroiia j.
lW!hortr, M ty 22. 1849
ri huve associated undtsr
for the piinn ;-e of c;n ri ir.j; oil n
Vlioles:ile Grccci v ar.d General
Cotnmissinn and Forwarding
Mi.-!ne l..u--if advances w ii be muJe
.ti kind, ol" C oti.trv Produoe. T'lCf
f hus ness. lev Warehr-"e i n the W hrirf
mini di ite' below the Bri.'op,
;.. I'll n w oi.rr.
Lewisb ir. Tn. A i. 7, 1519.
J -
rrcr-ivd a ;rnu!"'? article of Cud
irrr Oil !or who!o-,le or rr-',i:'.
13 llrThornl n & Hafcer
c... 1...; . ..... i li... ...
han.l for sati al this allure or
printed according to order
tie C1 .''..ni. A j;ood s-
of elolhui" at Jones' New
St.-f. at pr-crs ui.hriir ' ihe stock of
overcoats will he sola r.-i ; cut ; a rsr
rliTtiee for r- oi i-iir tins, at
'. L. J w..V Ne Cheap C.lil S'toe,
Feb I, 15"U. E-oadwar, .M.".:u
i T J ANDKER-'MirtiFS !.:n.u.Cambri.-.
i l and S Ik Pocii.'t llmJl:erchie: and
Cravats. A n.est supfrb assortment pi"
:hes-w- jrmils lo He h.el eheap. at
(. L. Jones' Ne Cheap Cas!i St'p,
Feb 1 , 1 1-50. Bnw. i w i ) , M.ltou
AI. ICOE5. A lar-ean l aplerd-d a
sortm't.t of ('alii-oes, of tb" newest
it f-ns, lor sale by the p-rce cr jarii, at
i.,heard of low prices, for cash, '
(5 L. Jones' New Cheat) C.-.i :r,
F-b 1, lUotl. Croaiiway. M.'Mrt
11IS1I Linen-. A l.ir-e stock t f i.i-h
Linens, lor s..le cheap, bv ih.s iii.ee or
yard, at C. L. OMEft
?ve Cheap Cash Sio.e,
F b I. 185 .. F.-oadway. Mil:on
UST rcoeii-t H,: Furter's Icirc
50 saeks nierior Livtrrocl Oiunl
25 do dairy S;.i
rhich is offered cheap.
A'UNI iil'l,
Dtc. 18.
ONE Bu-."j;ev and Seit f Harness,
One Two Hore Wjgon,
One Truck Wagon,
For sale by
II P Sheller
f"VBLE Cover A splendid assortment
JL of rotton, linrn, and cloth table envera
at C. L Jones' New Cheap Cash Sfor.
Feb 1,1 - B.-oadway, Miltoa
1"Vt'' ' ' ""T"-'jiV'CT;v,-,;C
! sir'icnt
' ns
r . .
S -i-V.