Lewisburg chronicle, and West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1850, March 06, 1850, Image 1

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CVn inltcpcn&cnt Jumiln Ipopcr 5cuotcD to News, fiitcnitttrc. Politics. CVgricuitttre, 5cicnrc cr.u iUornliln.
VOL. VI., NO. 49-509.
fcrl P
k m n Li
r..n Ji i a. m i t-
The tfwhbur broalcie i iwy-d 1 44 fcWmco. i.ou n-c; Ul me tie on ; him, fWr I LaJ iu.aliM J him possessed .f : I ;.m to kuovr In what w ir I have oflvolou
-... -w. ..i...:..., . i i... i . ! . ... - I ....... . ( J
v,-v (U.IW..J morning .1 Li.t.ura, lin.,!. . ymr j,,. , , , wi,L you sutcC3Sf f,
Tsn'n.-!jil SO ,,rciir, for ra b ar'ua.l In ' T od by."
mlvmirr; $1.7. i'"J " l"rr "t.ih : $t lnr.i prjtsed Ler friend's LanJ, and
,h-v..r,(.jf;!.l!'ei,uiiil-...S:r,rK. fiuh ! MT.-d d,wn Stair.
nn;.(i l; It m m.ii.lh. ur lia Ii t ; aiJ iu j lie Lai jilat closed the Street door,
aKanc. .Ii-fniionuanr o; tlmal aim I be J
I'o'Jishr ror -a-hen ths rrar op.
A-itrttii rni.'.t havl-i.e'j uirTeJ at 51 ft
l r .ytor n,,r mik. i f.i. it"r.i!i. mu ;;S f
a .' ; a '!:Tr- fr-re ln.nj.i atriiwlirlit.
Tan -siurrr, 7 ; Mrrrji iii ivriii.T'iiieiiU !
.irm'ii.f iif i.iurtN nf a ..!. iron, qiia.'lerlv, f ill
l.'.i..:1 .! !!.. i. U "ci l J.il ur Id be
tut t i.m hin"t or iV'i.c &.
A 'I f mmuk"it.n hr mMl .u t cum mwI
inn ' .t .ii.j-.nK't l-t I!. a.Mr.a th ntrr, t
t V. il ! !-1 P-ut l. t dtrrtr-l to H. f
i .1 .11 mi buAiMM Id br
iMr I'ut.iif'.fr.
I) .fk' St WrM S'C"'I TliirJ
O N . V OK n -N Piin' I1 PuMiihf .
ctery cjnalitj whicli marks the j.i-rfii-t gt-ti-! J't"1
tloman," Florance answcre l : tl.;g time
her voice was quite calui and decided.
That Mine ovenin?, Flnnnre a rnv
P'l to moot a fi'w fri.Tids at (be honse of
.Mrs. Mcrris, and 3!r. Errnrn w.w of tlir
w'jcu Fl.innce calVd out f t'ac vviuJu,
"Now Liuiut dear, ntaemW Vu are
not t rvn, l.ut to 'ik j-eacvaMy a'.-mg , n'W. He had dressed wi:b i.nt:i irl earo,
ho a'recU. f -r if v- u arc I aci i:it-r tLan "J '"""J determined t- make hime.f
I tUitJc y..tt uufclt to le, 1 .ac t i Vl-e to .!!. not d.Wt kiil!lt failt.inati,us 0f Mr. Krvan, Lad
just a, . j..u WcresMULt.-ut-M, y.nsee " , t;,e ymy Jm t0 :
r,u 1.1 pin notLin,; L," it." j ems ,n an r.m emmn dr,w : rr d kp . lo (f f.jujN t, ; t
iiauu irevnr aa i t-jTncj.:.is:on L.ia "-'- - .wiv,
"Will voa not relieve riy anxiefr, and
allow we at once to pleai my came iu
ptrson ?
"'tVUL dcip d.'Votiop, yniirs,
"L. . Euvass."
TLii avowal was not uuc jcc tcJ to Fl
rance, an 1 tuorc tLan o:i.t Lour of the
previous nijLt LaJ L;eu fent in J.-p
tliou-Jit upon tliu isuji tt. IlilLi rto, t!
for th- lwW-civ C tmlrfct.T
B kind to thy I ATHUt 1 ihr. wcrt janug,
W bo lnrM Hi rm.ro trdij tbau b !
lit rwuckt lh f rt T.-l ttat frj f.'-ai thj toufc-u..
P kiuJ tu U. k'.tli. r f ftiliicli!,
Hi. .k. mt- nn iiaJ ..ill tS":
lii. ftrt('t.. f.-. t' nt -ilfr anil U.1J
Tli Falbor is i -v";rK a.av.
B- k:.-t tl-T V fTTFi: t lo en hjr r
Mnv trttr. of Mro V o.
', w. il my'-l th .u i ll- r. !i :t i r-.?.rt h T m.
F !-nn; .!! ItirJ h.th .It- li-n.
K:-rr. Liiv r i.'-''.hr ; r Jf
A" lnnjr -.1 jtl. It! h r l.r. i.'h ;
Vti '?'!. c.: a;r.d. tfc'-u h.r lur loiw way
.0 U .ri. tall.'j i. da.l
Rem nil of Eon. Jn. X. H Lanihn,
of l'eiin., in Coni;rw, Kt.b. 1;, IsiO.
Mr. Chairman, it in nut my d..sin to
"atT into nn eiaburste arr"Tnint "on tL?
: inis tiiril'in and iii'p"rtni;t j-n-.,tiMi?
:n tne pre-rT;t mf-CNMinu if.-iO.; ln-i t.-e
ronntrv : :f is s:-r.Tv f j fate In re WU..I I i
. ' - , . . a...
EiETCil FF.C3 miLiTr.
t..r.-...t. ! -l.i ... r i . f. asitiv i n"Tiihsf:I xf-'h nrmn !,.,. -id, 1 ,.n. ' . '
lC-"'" UJi ai.a ii u.mJi-- ui'.u u -.r j e j tiie irei njnv ,1 Q & r, kml thJ ,;.,TiTEi;-l.. t.-rt bar. d-arih
early cLilJii k.J. Eaiae father rv a . 'n ' r.sonmg ub li-ise)f that I , , , u ,,., rrt.....,1 1 " f " " '-"-
. .. . . . ' i t . ,. .. sue wns..ed now tlwy liaa tv.orc ce,.pet ;i .rf f,.:n(. 9m tt, at th-ir irJi
! ay:eiaa,.tu a I.m.to J pretiee, the !MraIP! Bwtice. Ue wus (livened of o-t if a r u R.,
r.mefo.mwuicl.ira Lr-.r!y tnecnt to nrnhom v,uma ta ! ,.en, r.s no onejt!iarm aftfr an,uI u.;, cvjU W! h.:.;",1 TTrZ "
cnMe hiu to ruurt Lis futuilv refK-cta- nav,nS snfh rsru enJovrmmts could have! TT- . .... , ! A " .1 'f V .. ,. ,
utiii. ilia nit -AM-iij'j i ? " -
U lievc te le tu-' sciitlrm nts of a va?-t siu- I ;
j. . -j .i i.io prcpi" r.i i-cnii.yivania. x.r, f
;Lis w..rr: ti r..;it;.-,.l tVn. nts ni'ji.iu , I
?f:G trnirpt i.f i!vil i!!.rinl luar .
. . .. ,
loTiijcj ana i.vj i ijit-.i ; oet tuvre
tt! (n.rtr:et:on -i t'ie
her trould eouid Iit the Lrl.'a .'.-.
.!!. I .n the otLcr li'.n j, CuS . : c;
Lcr t-.-l.l r t tn-cxed, bhe w.jJJ cjlu;
.:i !a.c Uj itory. In or.j ca'C,' it wnM"
.";u!re a. Do-I'.v-. It fy the Stite i'.y.if
ct'.o !!: ir: of slarry; n tio
r. j, j...;'t cr aU !L-h it. Du: s.!ii..!J
ct7 of c r.rc.'ssary to siiilo tL.s
,n, tu - Tnr .-:bu:ia. for its ac
i - - -
p.r.d cicen! .u ij ote to vLiih the
i..-le ccrn'-.y wol-l c'.ecrf-IIy svptsi
T x.an t-c ur,rcij C-.u;t cf tl United
n d..ngx i-
Mr. ChJ.T-. r. and fJIcw rep-'
i rcr.
1 t. ..i . .i ii . i fliF.'iI uri M;ti.T nt.A ti.il- ...I. . i
. O as uu oca..., wuw.i Dceurrea nen " - "J - - fa-! to Lc founded upon turoasnLani s JCIiuess
Kmm was t Vuteea and Jiobcrt was cn one was ipn in-in tne rest ot tue. ..i ; a!, . A
T!i -n jn-i:..i fioul th ili-jjtiLit tf tiie ara.
k.ii 1 o tlir S!TKil lif.t Diiry cuy know
r"- re liy v ews, and. in my
tue Ui.i..u iuu,t an-1 sui.il lo p?erve-.l !" f.t.j iS Ivr..vy:..?a, r;.;Py an!, 1 tixst,
;a &s irue d jw u.i v.j it wva u:trea ly
the 2'Ia. -Ixi-Vii! .JacL.y:i.
The dd '-a of tie FuVkI
er j'tv--c? on thee frive and rao-
. 11 1-1 lug , ii.j.-
. Ju!,li 1:3 1:lmi,3 was ' j . ..---- v ray afu-r another was with Lv.vn frotn the it:.-w!a of ,h, .-, n..i f.th. uiow
t.T M,ni: no.tAC. aLat entirely dcKiiute. Mr,. W., J1'0 ' "vtr.t,on ; and he eoneluded a! lanctwho!(e bri htnesshaJ befjre dilzM ,.,s
- htaitii had nlw-vi iieen vrrv c.:ie I rem;.r, Mr. Ervans tnok a s-.at ' , ... i ,, , J"
.. .t i (,e , niiil uta,lu au rtiw.ji necn very u...i.4U, until a dark ui:is.Mne:ipable even of re- Afj n ihyPat!...y to rr-LTj,
. A . ' I aBJ ,hc diod within a year after Ler Laa-i beaJe h''r- Shc it'y tnrn, over the .lnc was visible , Aft.-a AaU w., . ,.. ,
,r,lr.7r."S.V r!l"aJ- Afur Ler scuts' death, Ktnma la- f the nook uidinl how.oaet,, Tliu; u was ,vith riuraMCS in rc,ronce M"
a.l..U ! (.) ii'10 ll!f Tt.,..,l , . ...... l il .......... i But. sudilciilv her attention wns nrrpst.xl ! . ... ' ... '
- .. .., ..... a..n-. u rc-iaru iintuucr ueio.cu.;, : - , ; . many ot us. e look upon some friend V.-.nv. dieted wkh forms of
rcii i v..if,a rf tL - I'n'oi 5 a rsrsiue.aa: con-
t li "fe'"' 1 ;;T1 1 t"-R"'." ..m:i.-,r.. V,e cli:: tr it as the taeei-
o. t.-.t irc:i ars i i'l t tin an-l -p !:
! f.C.c ' lis of the r"oi lie. Th" s--f.cn ' .1
position of IYn !vaiia the n.crd iiito-
M;ty tnd pov.rlul patn-t.n, ol ner i s;i(,,;.e.:,)ns;y tou,.,ir8 ;
i.t zms give iier an ntiiueui-c tetween
of.::-:n. SontLtm ani Xenlirrn cxtrrini-
p .ti 1 f .vj.Hi u?-I!y
cr. 1 ! '.. J out of:!:? wiiiiuw, and tin
nnny ways to rtpay her
rash and
f 1 1 m.i
for !i-t ita, her lingers!
dLiiu'.ereted cre over Litn,
lca.irco.cly timid and retiring
was j rcstMwanoe to the .riei.a ol , MutU 6orno one fault aher3 our luU ; "cruire in-litrercnco to matters of the Union, lieerdving fewer benefits ;(r lLe Vai(ta S;r CO(J CUUD;B,
ut ! wbnsn .-Le. tLinktHg-Lmma Trevor. aud lhuu virtue8 are t0 J Lut vi. 'inion. and W ,a ie ;,r the all. f, nnd ecnf, r.-it,, more ou the Ct ' , -1 : , 1 ,' ' . " ,7 V .- '
as gifted with si:porUuniun endowmcntfl, un'p.rin2 pcrsecutioi;, :ave deliued Char-
i:r!:!ir of all our kc !. We venc-rat it
.vs t'ie a;k tf the covenant of our ni.iio:iat
. i.-;-te::?e. pr.d withreil be tie hand tliat
This preat coa-
f.Jera...m ol" s-Lk r Stares can not perish ;
t must not he. Having manv nifml'rs,
it 1.
ues, tnat wways nas ten ana aiwajs mtLst ; tLo iu.publi . has bat one botiy. This
Le felt in promoting the general welfare, j nat:ftn h;ls lct ote Leflrt and CVCIT puI.
ho is cmpKotirullv tte ctmrvative Stnte . ,i i a i v ir i "
raiiuii iuai uuui uvuu n.vii t . r
4 . 1
little self-couE.le.u-e. although canal in i 'i ' tnoagnt mrucs tier.
i.llw.r 1....-C
u.l ca.ii J S!'k hulff ... " I the fiinire. she said.
- . ; ti nut age, possessing tue Fame auvantages. ; f '
Turiiinjr to'
1 ,.. . .1. I : l .. it ;
ttioro r :.! :.v even il.r.n l...r..rr. ' - - - M I' ...J .1' : !-.. - 1 o
... ..... - - --- . . i i - . 1 1 i .i.i. i. ia ... .mi i...n'. ' h . r il ill
--""'ft ""i v. "i. jvpiuiou. a:m iiave uiaiu im.-erny tue iuj- - ora.j c-.iiee.lations nave ttcn ir.a'.e : t.j
compensating virtue of religious Lc-lief. ra ,u!m kny other ute, bt-r iel.-sacn- Capitol, as T.eil cs c-lst. hre, .f tie Talao
iM d;.v
the serious
f ... : .ti.
t . s of iivr fitee, and her lips would move,
r.- :f ;:bo v.
th- irL:- or
i Bv dint of cotutaait application to her nee-! " That f-lcc 5s fili;tc t0 I
r, u,i r.i.t.'.i . t-.n i,.! have certainly gee. tt before."
e r peattuir to Lirvi scma i . . . , , ., ... , . " S) it is to me." h replied Then
i i i i i brother at schocl until within asuort tinw " r,i",l--- "e.i,
-r.- which had arisen m her', , . I after rtiusin? aa if to aeeount. for thn f.noi.
iiemre rue norma &l wnicii our store eoni- c -
In this way religion is resolved into a mere I t':n2 m"t: Las CVtr ' b.r.ica f t tl
taind, yet ne: lei the expression of it to J
on-;iue-j Ler of
L..1 been (n-ad
exi.iteiiee ther-. S!ie
n this nrmner f r an ,
Ho Lad tLcn attained his fif-l llh' Le C01ltiu-1.
Had Florance received this communica
tion before the niusincs of the previous .senlini'-nt of revennei anil worshln. ;;n.l '. '-a L u:on." If she
nit'it, she might have hesitated as to the ' presented without any foundations of im- v";lult Proviso as cio tf
manner of her reply ; but now :!ici-c geemed j mutable truth and nriueipls. It would he 1 liuaibus ol the dr.y,
to be but one course fer Ler to pur?u", 'caxy to bnw, fr-tn the constitution of the
anl tshe wrote hurriedly, yet with a .ra 'hum m'ni :.lf, tLr.t no mt. r.ure, tnd
of this Uni"n. I will not su-p to toiut
r- rir..s tue Mt '. -.?j-r..'.U fi.H-..w -.f c.:..J. r-A.-.
ilie pi.IItic.ii v. '..t.,. vo;- t e inumfiil
ooi nt, -in tou-
i them Nuilif; :if:on
i.c :ooi u j.
s atjctLcr anu a nore
tl"13. 2
. (ask.
, Jud.i3 T,eariot r - H hL- Lor 1 znl ?Ii.r
iblo l
ii s.C C'.x.i.J..rs.e
j Land
I . . 1 T . .... I , v.iv nv.-i i-v ii.i. . a J'l i.iii. -...iu -- 1
i i, ... i.i i 'Ail. ves. I remember now 't w too . . . 1
. teewn year, ana sne scceueu to wnat una - ' "V . ,, , "rdiss Allston is fullv convioas cf the ;s:L.-?. wi a-.et unteecdei.t perec-h-;
ihern f-r iLLr'y plfec9 of sliv
Snir. r.-r.n.- T ,' f :in r 1.-.. 1- at I
long bet n Lis carutst wish, that he uiiidit
i exact bkenoss of
..'.ill. Vi l,l"i', Yini-ll Jk iil:ul IkWV U 113 . , , . , . .-
, , , ,f . Peck some employment for himself.
l.n.i-.l il.in.i (lid n.o.-....r. .ml m..iii.iJi.....1. 1
.. V u Ul .Hi J 1 , auu .UIIl'.Jvli.kl
ifier the door opened, ;.nd a yoas
at my place ol
i young gii!, who called Umplimcnt paid her hly'Mr. Frv..-.s ; yet
r. Corecrcsco-
ru! I'tf.S at tUe lec-t 01 til:'S3
d rlL-. l.Ia. iLe glittering treas-
The father of Florence Allston was an
; extensive fclrpp
, wealth. She
taehment for Emma
: children, and.
this aflert.ou
' than diminish as their eirennastanees in ! 'o'j tniUsin
e T-rea-
i-ily at v, ei k
::rt all-.-et.ons
T..1.M, tf ..,. c.
f 1.,. .-, , 7 ,. . , -. , ..... -7 j i . un ii. 1. i-i.
. .....r, .v-viuj. sue can frive no Bett-T answer than Jiat i.,.. , ,
riM 1.1. I ii ii 1 ... . . ..iv, At .1.-31,, m-ili
I linn 111 .ti .in.'., ii. .vim... .A ...I.I ......( I. ........ ' 1 -. . . ,11 1 . I ' ' 'I
uv..., ... .I. H.1.1111V1, in: iiiju cit-i: jjiuiiiA nciur, 1a mi cam oiiou iiiiu ve5'
hat. 'seal'.!- jiiid richlj- iittired entered the
roi in
'What, Emma, bifj as ever ! I thought
pjr'iaps this di.light!":l morning might
Live provei a Mmptanou su.iieicnt.y i , . . 1 hi"hlv amu-dn l the romnnr
1 . . c J :t'nn il'.nr.'uti na trr-.r pir-Tltni.f'inir.a m!uoJV company.
!ronj: to induce you to lay aside your"..' . I cttemont w . in . w5 t with Ltr was desirahle fo bin n-.on m ip
f,rS i-iivitt 'i'" .b ot-Vn,1!ilil!!t'tt,lllc mi'r! '"jl,Jll'tr,',lt- - ., , ,. , ,,,, L i tt .ii., ! mere or iess p-rfoet aad eStieut, according
" ' ! . - , T I A , . ,-. , ...at' ,.,. - 'J J .11 A l" J tkll ill IIU 1 Will. I " " .a, v. fV.HI I 1 aV.- I . , . , ,. aw1Va
.a 1 aA4i,.t.-cj w.JV. tv IW ' . . . ! IO liiQ ttil'. iS It rill I III it. . J. JLtoill-
vite a visit to Emma; and this was f3W 1001:0,1 "vc, and Florance over- ls rtUueJ taste; Ler many other atirac I
heard one young lady near, murmnr thci tton3 tLarmed Lis laney; an I her i'.acr s j
word "nitf' rt n j, in a tor.e of contempt, to
a gcn'luitinn st.i-idlng by her side; but the
ri'y milc.lat.d seemed to regard thc
r . i .
i.: j.ii'.Mu aa a ci.-iuera,, suc rctn?aS con- t.'-t-
'-ru fury si aaoth. r a-i a rur one. ,t.Ih
.-.tren. ere u.w .ys a..a;;-.-;.Uo ; an l if n ar.. I . g- Iiit.id.1T. ' IlisLioateJ
ev.r :Lc X-.-rth vnd i.utl. s.r.vt,if nsi-.st i:e dlscalow.!.- i c ly k-U a disgsstiuj spec
a.or.j T.tac iii.ro is '.i.i v .a tiu tuoue- taeic to the earth, ani 1ij ru.iv stint
ii.g merchant of reputed riT "" " d i 1 J 7a.tt .WicS c2
Lad formed a strong at-. " nungeu, n,,,g u, . who cull 'winy Hi ccttulry ttni
when thev were but auu r""raJ,n5 ' niusning j ,.- ,; " ; " , ,- . . u.-iiwJ. 'La tviaa u. -W airanjsliaaicuL-MiKcajn
, contrary to the general rule, rtiheution fthe p,or girl, as if lie I rep ,y was extreniriy mortt.ying to VJ fcv unonij VMUM c, t, v. J - U
..-1 :..- cu'iu'-ui, man- me recital WOUM ,f- .- -"'. wi io..u uy.n unia,,. ..... . . ' r-:tr.l :i,r-w,i,. i :,:. :,.:. . Tt..- 1 rln U cf.
I ,1 n . ... . . .'ii iu ii.!i. ... it-u--ii7ii uiriii i 'i ia ucn-ai'. i- ' : - '
'i nn i um ill. !:iif'Ti. rii r :ir-i-if jiii.i n iinmn :
i ly se-iie .-yctcm of belief, tnd inu'-t be
Ukini; tlio h in 1 oi taa scamstresj. . .. ... I
. . . , , ; d;mc w.th tlie csfv freedom of an equal,
1 am fn . -.: i.-i'i 1 ir I Ii im liorn vcri '
i- , . - ii i i , plv of afTectod humilitv. Emma scMotn a c"
romj a ik:u4iji Lat my own uull tboitjjLts i 4 - .. i ,.,:
l i. ,i i - . r , :'.:uiuvu iiic.-h; H5,i?, ci nucu BL Ulbiaijl, -
uul.. r 1..1S m: in:iig tiiin usual, let 1 . , , .,, , , .. i n-lm',
. . ji t- i I intervals she vielJeu to her friend s earnest w ""'
fry ( !':- si:d !o ifiiersi.v tucceeJ etn . . ; rt r
. . ,, entreaties. anJ nent an aut-rnoon with her. i
1'ii.t jw Laurn, In
and not for the purpose of making a dis-
w ealth and station would increase LIj re-
tr-t i! 'Xr rf .T. i.i t: !
i -........ 1 1. tl. U ... li'JliU. ui
he called love : and in return for this, be
as a w:My performance on the part; asked the entire devotcdn3s of a woman's
From Oinlry'i Lady's Bmk.
On a Sleeping Wife.
we.cn ii teems almost againat reaton
, , entreaties, and .'pent an afternoon with her,
. 1. ..... a .!iriiva B'irii In. Tunnl. n fln-nriii(.
. : lut .--f l:te I ir.ve been thinking oi . J
., , . , - , it.- : welcome.
I; 't'ert, and ieil .vwie c. rr: ?'i. It is not . .. , , T. ,
. , , About an hour or more after Emma s
(i mucli w!iii ne ci'pat earn, aliuoiiLli, as , , , , , ,.
, .c , , 1 onartur Florance h iarl Ler ascending
.'il 1 il ivii.'i.. iiiiu r... u: uv . i..h..ti... uvuiv .
, . , . . the stairwa'.
1 hi. Kii. I .t.t ..fir 11 en I. 'In hi
r. Ervaas.
" TT"'raacfc"'ua w ov n.i.ffc, - t
and Went to another part of the room.
" How strange," she thought, " that be
car t) se him as
&n ire wnue uneL-ip:
She hastened to meet Ler,
se him as , " I,. J , . . .;,,, ; to it as they did ! There is ce
, , but Emma passed her hurriedly wituout J ....
loved, .dr. i . . 1 , . ,, , . txeu:,e for suth want of feeling.
. , . 5ieaaiiiig, hu J seated herseif upon a tha.r, &
xn n:s store, ; , - . . , . , , , And w is there no excuse ?
unh:.pj-y a.
t- I. . - I .- -.! r.
l.l l ai:? tlilff 5 iieriift-u iir i ia i iu i. siijii;, ' . , . .,, , , .
. ... eoverinrr her face with MKh Lands ana
?i Me has nc to mnke applica.tton; . FhnQCQ k;ndlv It might be said, that they did not
vet Lit ...tiviiie liiGiucnce gives L.iu an air , , , , . -.(know what it was to he placed in such
, , ., , ... , .. a.'Kea ine cause oi tins grici. it was some. - - - .
..f basl.f..lne, v.Lich makes him appear' ,,, .mnnM r..tf, circumstances as Emma Trevor had Ken,
mi'iui uia i ' i ' j i v . . . i . v u i . . . i . j.,. .....
i i . .1 . . . l 'a
or ma not imagine inai one in tier situa
tion could be possessed ef refined svnsihil-
in a tolerable calm voice
! " You know thitt Robert etarted an
:.:.: . t.. I... tt.. :..
' V ,.,,- , , ". ' suiiieiently to sneak, but she then answered
....I u-li...li I f.-... ir.Il Tin. ili mi nt J '
.1 n.i.u . . 11.1
T rti.Tia .f von Via-? f-nno wir 11 b":n. E111-
: 1 v 1 .1 - , .1 Lour or two before I did, but, as I rxnct-
liis. it wouiu rave been better, jounced, ' ' 1 ,
1 ?. - J . ..-.1... 1 ?. f...
I. . r r .1-1 en, 11 re'iuireu me nuoio 01 111:41. i:mc- iw
rsve no fe.ir of reeeiv.n.? anvtutnt? but no- '
o J O I
l't':noc6i frnfii Air l-"rv:ms Iff. is a rolls.
1 , pi!c.'.t..v::i , auu iii'iu
; him to nerve himself for making the ap
a dor, rlislrineo T
ta'.t v:s:t ir at our ii'iuse ar. j a pnrt?o'i!ar '. '' .... .
. , . , s:.w lum Iciive "r. Ervans store. 1 ortu
irieuJ A mine, aui c am ac.iutunted with 1 .... . .
' 1 1. ,11 .... . i -.. .. ...... . ,1 T .in-
r r na.ei. lie uiu mo. ui'sei -.u iur , nun
reCnesr.cnt of, ' ., ., ,, 1
' tored the store with considerable awK-
- a v ! warduess, arising frem a feeling of false
to t. Er- . . , . , .
warm and trusting heart. For this he 1
wqulj L'tye himself thus enshrined r.s a !
beinc endowed "wu'u"'ai:L;inic A-.immi-
upon whooO altar would be for ever l..id
should tell that story, almost as a matter, a" thjughts of soli ror whom the great
of boasting, ami that so many could listen et sacrifices should become thc sourcs of
There is certainly no uilicst pleasure, lie had no thought 01
injustice or wrong towards her in th.s ; tor j
he regarded it but as a common trausuc- j
tion of c very-day ocei'.irence o.ie iu j
which the majority ef bis fellow men en- j
gaged without any feeliug of blame. Ilis ;
pride was hurt by Floranee's note, and the j
blasting of niiiuy bright anticipations efj
additional wealth and influence, but the j
uo er.e who excels him in
T won' rr-: now ar;;l cr..-.i'
if - ,1 . t . ; " '., 1 shame, which will sometimes almost over-
. wiutr .ho bv ni..l.t. If i ., f.r lb. 1 onc
uch an occasion. I in-
.... a...... a,,..:,,.'. .Ul . , . ., 1, 1 .11...
t ,t .-., ii i trouucea me ot- .-ei ti uiv tan, ov ii.iui-
ii rt'th oi t.iii? it w.li nmire to ro there, i .
1 sh-dl .. be able to complete it." i ,B 4hV T , , . w
I ,.!'! 1... ,!. ., ' ... r f.. ' " A" 1 10 '-'iJ that yon wish to
...... . .ui.. uiii-ii. jinij aiiii.., i
I can take your place while you are pone ;
aal jou l.ti'iw Mi-s Melicent used to Fay
that I was a VfTy neat Miwcr."
'Xo, no; that would never do. What
would k me r.f your fashionable friends
think if they knew that Florance Allston
was engaged in siu-L employment !"
"If they would think tne less compan
ion-1.! le on that account, they might beck ,
morv fitting com nan v.
be regarded as an applicant ?' said Mr.
Ervans, interrupting me.
I felt hurt by the mauner in which this
was spoken; but controlled my feelings
uffieicntly to say that the Ltd who Lad just
left, was my brother.
"'And was he not able to tpeak f r
l.-:,..!-' l.e ashed, arrain lntcrruntinc me. i on
"I ptill managed to keep down thc cho
king sensation that i luiost suSbeatrd me,
itv. and aeeerdinrrlv could not understand
or Frnmithize with her; but Florance had ! deTr
seen the deep mortification, and real an-j
guhdi of heart, which the unfeeling words,
of a careless hearted mau who knew noth
ing of the w oe of poverty, had produced ;
and she thought that all should feel like
"Will yon allow me the pleasure of
seeing you Lome, Miss Florance ?" said
Mr. Ervans, with the air of a privileged
person wLnspraks interrogatively forform's
sake, with no expectation of receiving a
negative answer.
"IS'o, thank yon ; my brother will be
Lre presently," she replied in a tone im
plying that such an arrangement would
not have been very pleasant !o her.
Just then, Ler brother was announced,
and she left the house with him. Her
' Tlirnn.'li th. interest, nf till. AHutnns
Robert Trevor was soon enabled to obtain
a good situation, which he filled to the
entire satisfaction of his employers, and
Emma was thus relieved from the necessi
ty of such close attention to wearisome
Years pa.'sed by, and time wrouLt
Strang", yet uot uncommon changes. Flor
ance Allston LaJ met with oue in every
respect worthy rf her love, and upon him
she bestowed her monied wealth, and,
what he valued far more highly, the price
less treasures of Ler heart.
rticio!i tufkt to :t ai:3 a-at.-h
tni'1' !. --f a pi'-(.in Wifrt,
As : ut.v.k tli r.'.i ur o:' tuat tu
i"v..i i.. ,t a.l, :- ,:-, .,-.
fkiV ii'- '"i .i'lj-iTi On ti-r li'ta
.1 M.
An.l u. t.t-r 'i
Aa v&..uui - .v l ol.
F i- t- ;.u'T.It r-l' wr-.i I ciQp.1
T": rri'-'-.' ifn .''.V t fctai;
A:if -..-.i!v r:i..! t Ji-i .1
In jiim a ri ,; I""'
A:ki !i . e it li -.ii" ti.--i ilr-r' ar.1 t rifht
ti hi h l".!'!' ri-n-'ri ' Tnvt. .t f.ar:
Y r.- t..;- . il .I'-.-vi-.Tl W iil
1 a s- : ar. . 1 lii'.-t'
l" r'"' Ii.-r .tutn'-r! V-r- -t t
V zr-ir. i. 'i.- t. r.i'li Giinit.-r I ,,r ij t.J
If.i-." -.: 4 r,. - 1 il ?1:-. .'.;
Sn-'h p.'rt.T t rt :w
Vlirfinm"..'-. i.T ': HII'I i.??
Tl-n- w. ;-h v- .low:, ir kr.t haura.
lli . t' nt' 'Sr' ik1' ''
A bunt' n nni of aow.ft!
Shr rl.in' ! Ifrr ri-tiant IHitnr. eak
Of tin nn ttiit wi.li -r 'l.'l' .l-liilit.
Fi.r im'li'i ailum t r lip ami ilui,W
Siuiii'" lw.n:eifiii ai.il bright.
0!i ! -. -u-l I i e th- 'l.'ii" it
1 Uat Unch Cmw iyi.:- tLuu,;hu conceal.
Ti. "rii r;t'" ' a t.". ni .5 lale
Wou.il ypv-watly rait-al.
Anil hark ! lift parting IlradiKctiM
Sinn rlii ri !i. it -.rirl." Ir.nr r.'irfsafii :
H.irk how lir ilie'k aitii l i.iia-1 gioiia
iinW h'Tii h'T lW' liiu I'lva-i i
Shi l-sthi- a nam a-cl tin dream
Th- -nut of I .'TT ir :ii t, n-i
11.. i-hvkii w:tli !. e.uit.ua uair
r.'l iij.'iw it .V t'tcnl
Joyt : ,fy Mi; ie r rf. Ct TV
lh. Si ion I m-iivi-I ir E.nr ip uiiue
fjio"! bit h n.l.'I kn".'- t t f..
Aid tin-!': t: (.ol Jivin-!
la'i'o.iiu' rfwiw. Indjid, fir. this is the ii the l'lcilica cf the United States and
Le-ldc and tiluT-ph.int sentiuica!. cf ;h-j r-ge j CtitKi r?s f.j?'jn.Iied eta not preserve it,
m which we lle. Vi'e syiiip .:'.:Lte i:i it ; twenty millions of freemen cua ssd will;
wita un o.-.r at.a :u uo.n-; sj.wo nit and Le unt L:m wao, c.:r ?rtli cr
I cep time ia the progn-.-sive march of the ' fottth, rai-es the trutor .-y of disunion,
i silaJ, prerslng ccwazd m I upvard to the ' A.-. iu-.I.i'i !e, but an t!:it.2e- c! aa cf na
I a.taiument i the peii.Ic; and rel us jtional -"- ally bindi il: pt--Ir of tais
j iieed.-ia ef every con cf Adean. Eut we eouiitry :-rI.; ,eiii'Iy t-?"-1;!... niono c'.ai-
ictit-inocrTae -.injti.u. un oi our coaa-vv. e;?n bond c t-errt 'O... L'. 12 tccir
ir ? would net fi.rfjlt r faita to tn? tn-Sr- --i i..;. d. ... t , ; -. f r- TThat
' -..t ira ivnnlil r.i f. -"i!f fj-r f..:'! 1.1
Lnio:. or ritei .iiE; cr tr--..Dg one jeu or eir, a.. -eve ir
titdi2..b t,.a.rw! jc ce' r-aet. We Se.u2d 'eu by tL;
Cou-Uiu..oa let: :t wui the v: r-ie ot glorious nr.
h? l'ni-.n !
let: :t w:.'i
!f .rCS V.i-Ch it Cni.ts. !Ui3 W.
S'.sosn dee a-: c. a ci tas tonrre;3 oi
a ti.:oa ecai"
f-V. - icn-a
e' tr.s ;is:,
! the U tilicd Siatcs, aj
ea'.'j as tiie
Z:.? iVjti anil Its TTtMr.
j It may tLcu rigaiileJ sj un cs?aeiarLed
i iact, that the Creator l.ss so formed u aa
'; 17.v r.bcn the S-jcieiv f -r ihe A'h2!
ri i . -. . . i
V ;u i euasvivatu.i peti'i'ia-tj ur , , .. j 1 ... .!..:,.
! nt iii.-. V- 1.:..; h. nn.I I.. tii:e. In tier.r:c n.ia
of it io to violate the Isws cf Lh 'i'-uiet.
...ll .1. Uil.i! 1..T1 .. ...i ...
I - . . : nut i mina at:a Lody lie neceii tae rest
I 'l ."-I..
i -
action on iue subject. It was tiea re- I
! Eoivd " that Con.'re;a had no a'tthorltv
to interf r? in the emane'ipation o; sl ives,
The hiainry ot the we-r:J shows taat tao
i'-e:ii: i.in i.T mi imiI;o and nnbexet.O
lor with th-i treatment of them iu auv oft . . , , , , , , ..
i i amount : i lahi.r, Las been the raot eo.a-
t u. c:..... : ...t.n. -..il. .i.j. ... : i
nil: i i,m r . l i . u r iii.u i . ii ..i- . . i.ii.i , - - - i i
e 'muaform of otprcs.ion boeix to oar cwar
States ah'ue to provide anv reiiu'.vious i . . ., ...
1 . - .. f-eeifcs to u.n:'.--..c aa.ma. i.ieie.i
thi-rem which numaaity and true t.cy , L; , t0 .-
1 n,T mre- ' , .-.-, t5, e.:5;. r. Tnter.
0; ia ".TCit'i to '.lie oaa:r tj ipare the llfo
I't nVli atraki n". .'r
' TT-V".!!- iir h-T v.'.' I :
J !rn-w th;.t ' !- P,ir3 lii-u f?
Aut cenlrot ail iu me!
Cu;T3''I:. Tao Boston Corner r
of a beck receatly pallisbcd in tint e;
m iy require.
As to ih! absolute and unqualified rlgb' j
of t;onnvss to lTisIate on the subject of i
shiveiy in the t e:.-Iterits, we have not the
slightest doubt. ILa li Jit is given in
the clear terms cf t'n Ct-iutitction its I:
du't sij"'iii. ia 1 1 I'.tj Cnjeae..c aiiiiai, sna
I to it w ill opert'C in rtTcrenee to his sLv?,
1 1:.' t'.c bleed c!c-ra cr lebt rer, if his haalti
if ''j. !.: the. a !tj?,5 p;.'.c aai t3 ryes
so tmply and ..o oe":.n i idrpreteu f.fl ',' , , - 'J . ,
, , , - ,. i ,ei:.J-Ti, end b.s L.-.al I .c aa
confirmeJ ly a series ef 1. gi.-httlve jr ce-1
to trees
Perils, tbrt it is a r.ial'. r ' f
that auv
,e t a-a.:d off to die and Lis rtacc s ep
by ue :;Te, f. r a time. cad :ro
- a 1 . T
v :
T 1,-oa a. ..- IJW'S t.i f.r 1 JTMTV 1 1 I
LetHiard Eivans m.-.rrnd a tcauty sn:ia ofTm )j ,r0.n l.UT.y.n. Don Q iii-;
litiie-co .- e
renuted heiress, but aiiortlv alter her n.ar- -i,., ft.-nilu.'s F:mst. tT.e Westmltt -'i-r A
ri.age, Ler father died inolvent, leaving !sond:!y"- Shorter C'a'ohisiti, tlf Laf of, it", cvea aoja.v to cx.:iw.-e it. lo say
. i 'tLi i - .....5 . l.. 1.. ..,,.1.1 it.. ! Maui.' TIiim-lnM I'nrlrer lltiiinrctllls. fiil-i l. ' '. . t... it i- :; not imw I'.f ef?S; TV or
, . ,. - .. . , i ine nusoauu co e-iiuuio us ucae- uv uiuiu mc j . .'.n ..v--.. - -i --- ' .. . " w' '
Ul'iir. as u.o:i i,-:!!.!'.....;'......!..'...',. ,. , . . . , . , i .1 ,v sll attetlOlletT S L JTTIIOCV..I. U a, t ,.v ..,V ,.T,.1..r v i m. i r.illl.Ktnces.
wii.ma r. 11. i nT-Trnvairiiiirts in a. laMiioiiauit: i j . ,
i,!i - i :.!. i... i , :. i ..i'.,.' ri-.i .1- .. t nnij '
C lil
tf.ij ;.ment ;
.' I i-r.-.l I tei.t? .. r.-i f' I
tcl.ortt..: ev,a " Lb in4 -rest dlCelcs to cbttin th.'
icaist coald uave n.rel a ,t;b...e. l-.ti.'. 0f labor fer the
ducts nt ncc-ssaiily f-i!"-.r tbat because ' 1 ., , r. .-...;.-,r
, J , : tu:i!lcit p"; ;ti" ataout.t cl Ci,aipeaaiiec.
-ve possess t.ie ri'i, we cuiitu-. t'urv.on-, . . .
' . . . . . . ihe :...a a'J-
to ex..ic...e it. v. . e.'.y ja.-s:s a nht, i .
tad it !:l:iy be itn
abllltv is tee prep
t...-t i f tie caeIeyi
rty of
r, -ni
I 1 !!...! .1... t, iiFtTpmflv modest
But, Herat, how can I leave you j "f"' liiul
i aim uuKuiui.
44 4 And from this I am to infer that you
! are very diiferent from Liin,' Lc answered.
4 I could May to hear no more, ana hur
ried frem thc place. I r.m very glad that
F.obcit bus not vet rett-roed.and will know
alcuc and busy; you, who are so ac-
nnic.1 to being caressed and waited up-
V.'e'l, ro nnuh th? tatter, Emma dear,
jou know tint variety is so agreeable
aiid to tell vou the trutdt. I am tired cf
deing nothing. Besides, I want to be nothing oi this ; fr I could not bear to
alone, that 1 may have an opportunity of j Lave Lim sujer thc pain and mortification
frert-'t'-r mv-rlf with mv own thoughts 1 which I have endured."
. I . ... .a W-"l
w h.c her Ji.ena was spcating, t lorance
tat perfectly still ; her countenance vary
ing from white to a deep crimscn : tLeu,
locking earnestly in Emma's face, she said,
with a tremulous voice,
" But arc you sure the person yon saw
was Mr. Ervans ?"
44 There can be no doubt about it," Em
ma replied, "for I asked for4 Mr. Ervans,
and was invited into the counting room
44 Then I liive been Mdly miRt-ak',n in
f'.ra short time, an 1 1 can enjoy my bright
imagining taueh better when my hands
wc ciupLyed. If yon wish for stronger
sr.ninii.nta in favor cf my doing as I please,
I can gie them to you, but I don't like
to waste breath in the expression of such
truisms. So now Ltv aside vottr sewing
no, never mind, finish that little- piece,
while I get your bonnet."
" But, indeed, riornnee. I hate to leave
v-m Lr "
ho way Li rac sue. related tLe w hole
tr.vcsaetion, suie, of lindlng in Ler brother
a sympathizing listener.
lie w.ta liifihly ii:digtiant,r.nd denounced
Mr. Ervans cvinl-ict as rude and ungen
tlemanly. Euima should h;:ve made apjdi
efltion to Lis father or himself, he said, for
a situation for Robert, as they readily
could find ouo quite as good as Mr. Ervans
could ofier.
The next morning, n note in a perfumed
and richly ornamented envelope, was han
ded to Florance,who opened it and read
" My dear Florance : Yon will excuse
my addressing you with this affectionate
appellation ; but you are very dear to rcc
far more dear than aught else upon
earth, so I could not do otherwise; espe
ninllv an I have flattered myself that I
. .. . . r i .....
was not indinereiit io you. i u iur....e
last night to have made you thc offer of
, Jove of a life long devotedness to
you ; but, for the first time, you were cool
towards me. I ean not tell you luw much
I hve felt this ceKoflBN nor Low anxious
i -.i't.1 v t: ?. t ..i..,.. K., a. . t .
. .... . . 1 . 1 Willi M'l .I'M' 'Wl. . I J.ll ,
if,. i.nn,,ll.i. I. ..Arifitii. hup trieh-s an. t-
,.e-, uuu..j ... - --- ,truzv n.a.ijihors, an I rhetoric mn m ad, the
cxienuitures withm the bounds of a lum- , ,:lfi. hTn- is abtett a '.Totepquca Jia":
ted income. I bo Jumbo as we have ever seen dressed p
Robert Trevor has so won upon the fa- ,for the amr.se'ti;ot of t.iepulilic.
L.i. iLe .; a ij exoanetf :, ihe cap.taliat
. into the ia.ulct, iLat be rtry preeure
io? her supply. Take away the rolieiom
' !n.-fi,,i of iha dav of rest, ani hen-.n
vor of his employers, by studious attention
to their interests, aud a good business ca
Brstoii is th? plocpforafirrit-r3tcnot.ee.
. . ii. ;U1... ;ii - -ji i -
to exercise our consti.tfonal : -at, an , pVW.rhv will be found
j i ..slate on the sui.eet ef E.av,yy in the. .:40 ,.rp.oct our fr021
te.i,i .ry now bel.iuging to rn-1 ". L.n. TUc bis-
ment. iue question is seu.eu in icxas ; 1b(j
iIU 'i -3 1 1 - li 1 A a i. eiei i" i'- ,
v.ithiu that State, it must be in the ad-
iw tlanrv fl:iv siivs. trnlv "In all the
paeity, that he will very soon le admitud I f f I;,JRirn l;f( a; Wt11 as
into the firm. His sister has ceased en-, rt.mnrked tkst col;rtics f -
tirely to lauor lor ner ow n si.ppor t, j a anJ trir:a! cham. ter are the ones
brother's grati-ode would not aht.w Lor to . 4 ..
continue her efforts after his own increa,edIt fa pkavuuc comi,itnent3 wh;,h
means were found to be sufficient for tue, . . ,,rot-ate(1 . far m()Tv are tbey
maintenance of both. japprec'mtcd than the double-eagle ones
, "" i which w? for.ietinies yield."
Mt story has a mora!, dear rentier; do! -- T",
J, . i -.7 if ,t. t; "Fiisbicn," sr.vs IIaziiit, "is gcat.iJ
..1.we -iuj it T If not. let me n his- - ' r . .
- . i tT? mi-.nin:' I'-r.v l.om vii.e.iritV.aM a:r W , .. , ' !'ir,-f,it.i r .n ntit co,! ,n i
; cobwebs when opt -ce I to the power and
' . ,.t t'.i iir.rir-l r.rwtocrncT. Tha
. , , , ,. IHIC1I.-3V 1' - J
justmcnt of brr boundary lines, which c-,R,c,.n,y, 0f immense ad-
clear iy a a.atier i -r juuic-mi iuhsuj m -i.
and i
v:ii -:ife in rheckinti this drenotisr.i cf
decision. California has framed h.r . , ... r.. , :,.v-:-
..A:n..-,li, A V ccaOl IS-fa, .W w -
' , V ; A r leb?scs, as nothing cLe will, the Uai'. tl
scU.es th, q.iostion tt.cre-aue t... t Cab-, ftf ,X4ll1 la:Rl r.a
iforaia will ultmaMy be .oamttted into . ,
this Union is a force-no co:elus:on. By . . ' , ... ,.,
i uiLrtT-HAi t. -l .ii ii l iit- r. ir.tai e . r j :.t
tne locai A o. m, - j ";ro..s cith jr.craat'y or w-n
.;w Mosteo, wae.tc .cr ii'.r iitumtinT., , , vug ,:n8t &i .W.-Sc-g.-il
tier it m your car
; Aeirr ftryrt that all triV7 tcAnm you
qxal; wlmtcver may le du ir oulu-crtf rir
cuiruUanres or position t'n lift; hare wwtifil
ilies, and may fttt un&huliust at drey as
rhHadelphU, Feb. 18S0.
is free. Ft.Ttry must ex it ..y positive law, . of Lis fi.jlow vs
-iaea. Vi.i- S". J v"2,
I2cxi-1 J), J).t Hi. Lju , mj.
cf beir.i ertikci by it. It is a sign iue , c0 urt;j w.U of tho people abreg-tcs Tiou.t.t. fanev. imnsn'uation, are SeluJ
two fairies are not far asunder." t'ae la s it strr-1 at the time tf t-" ces-jr for these whom" Cite forbids
One hd b-tr be prw-rlew than cxrrt sioa of the tcrriiory, uuer ihe Mexican profitjB ocf4. Such, frem their
an evil influence-b-eUer live and die i.- treaty of ee.ee. Thc priiaipio if t jqu;a 8nd hBmble hemes, may
'-nown and unhonored, than lead raenjouc. If tie CW.ao w , re ohher ccued by thougtu to tlie orla, to" punfy Ml n
Utay fron truth. - treaty or anr.ex.-l bj i.a act f f Cone res, bl it ,
i -
I .i t
. i i
M i ea