Lewisburg chronicle, and West Branch farmer. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1850, February 27, 1850, Image 3

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    im wisburgTc nrilixi c l. ean d W KST him n C S 1 fa It MKH
IR3. HAYES& DAVIS having entered
) into partnership in the practice of
M .ti in. ."Her iheir prolessional services
i,i in. niliaoitanl of Lewisburg and virini-
ly. 'l'hey may he found at all time when
not professionally enagnd. ai Dr. Hayos
office. Lewisburg, Mirch I, 1850.
ItX HaVk;, Mb. IS lAVs, M o.
SUBSCRIBERS to the "University nt
Lewtsburu,' are respectfully rcqoivtcd
4o pay tbtir Second Instalment, now due,
M the Treasurer. And those who have not
i nid the l: InstaTi are re-pei tfully notified
(httt all such del n ..e'i'a-,w ill be charged
Interest on their lii.ita!iiK tils from lite tunc
thry become due.
SAVt I. T. W ALKER. Tasa
lewishiirg, Frh. 25, 1850.
X4 unly in California, hut alo in Ltwitburgf
A food assortment of
Watches, silt ervrare and Jewelry
of fine quality and at City pi ices.
Hatfield & Thompson
R.pectfuilv inform the citizen of Lcwi.biiiir and
virinilv. hsl thev hae entered into Partnership
.1 iha OLD Kl AND on Msikrt St . minosile J
(Lyes tc Jn's Sl.we, piepared to eirciite ev ry j
kiuil of work in their line in the let manner
The? car. luHy eelected of llie beet English and
Fremb materials, Miusiiiuj; Cyliud-r EMpr
w he. U. and a variety uf W.tch Jewel., and fl.tier
tlirrotlve thtl ilieir know le.'ge and skill in the
luti.r.s will enable litem to liive eatisiaetioii to
ell who mat fuvor them villi palroi aje.,.-
M.E WATCHES. urh as Duple. E.-f3
rapunents, l.ep'nea. Anchare. lMirtn-d. V..
latent Ltci, Kepcsti rs, and Musical it aUbet,
Ac neatly rei-aited and waireiiicd
A!u f r ule, a v.irietv ol (.told and Silver r
Vairhs. Talent Levers, An hare. Detached Ls- j
pan. Cjuartiers, and Engli-h attiii-s, l"-.i"l
Chillis. -Breait-pii a. Fingtr l F.ar ring. G.iU
ml Silver li.lt "slid., lirarlela.G.i!d ai d Silver
Pencils and Pens, do
I X-.fii,tr g:,.Hiis. Suar tongs i . uii
Ac Ac. in short, a liUle of rrvtliinc, "d
ao)ilii:ig site, not mrntioiiiiif kniek k?taek.
alftsys on bsrid or gut to order
,,t iir,. r-i. f .. t ..) 1. I
at wiioIefsV and r.iail I
I'srsovs d. tui'.f to vt tS;n riht, would do
aril !-T R'iig 'be sulciil'ei s rail
Eifeiicnre Ul s us t'ul tlu C edit System can
not affrd a living Tbeivf.ire. in urder to U'h
a'ong and keep moving,' Ibe Cash Si-tr'n must
i tcrsanl) be entorreJ. Feb 23. 1SS0
llie matter of the r-" In I lie Or-
tuion and valuation ol ! phati Court
tne real estate o!" IV at. L. of Merer Co.
Harris, deceased. J I'a. No. 81 of
Sepl.T. 18 19.
Writ isem d to the Slit rifl"lo part and d.vidu
r value and apprai'H I) ui.tiion fu No.
7 id of two hundred acres in the 4 h dislrifl
til M.-rcer CJiintV, wh.ch sv.d land has j
1A .... : 1 J l I I . W '
orrii niniraiseu unij vaojen ov a Jurv sum- i
- j - j j
ir.nned bv said Sheriff at (he sum of eleven
hundred and twenty-tiie dollars, (1 125.) j
Notice is hereby given to James llirrn, ;
M irlha Ilnrris.atid Laird Noward.Thnrnas
iluwarJ, D.ivid Howard, Harriett Howard
intermarrit d with Dr. Thomas Vanva'iah,
Ann Howard intermarried with Wm. Wil
son, Jane Howard intermarried with Joseph
Gieeo, who weie children of E izabeth
Usriis whj was intermarried with Thomas
Howard, both of whom are deceased, that
the Court aforesaid did on the zSth day ol
Uec'r (849, coo firm the inquisition alore
aaid, and gave judgment that the same
should remain Arm and stable for ever.ati I
mndn a rule on the heirs and repres
entatives of the deceased to apjiear on the
first day of next term (1st ol April new)
and accept or leluse thi! premise at the
Certified front the record at Mercer, this
20lh day of December. A.I). 1849
M. C. TROUT, Clerk ( C.
Charles See!xld, Treasurer, in
account with Union County.
II-50. To talanoe in Treasury at last
eelllrniml, $313 S3
To ca'h lereived frorn dciin
quent ( o'lectois, viz:
For ISt& $177 4
- 1S4 445 t)fi
- IS47 617 03
!94 3450 5G
- IS 19 43U3 65 9U.V1 tig
To cash rereiv J of J. Haus, Jr, Prc-
tbonntary, as Jury fees W (10
- ra.h reed ol Jos barf for old stovs 3 35
' caab rets tved of Chaa Mcrril Eeu, as
finis and Jury free, in cat of John
Kaniiler and othrra 79 t J
" caJi rec"J of L'bas Mtr.ill, Ea , aa
Jury ff (6 00
eai-h we'd of Js Itarhin, Esq., f-r
sioim a.IJ by Conoiiissioners, fleft
w me Dnu,r n v nire iieer)
rath imt,..l ,! liA. T .!:
3 00
3 00
eath received of Peter Bolig, f ,r oU
noariis sold hy hnn
cash ree d of D. W. WooJ.. Eiq..
ground rnt on piinting office lot
ash iet"d of sundry person for tax
on unsisitj lanj.
6 00
f U9 89
S749 euj
Contra. CR.
By amount ol.Co n'rs mdrra paid
By commission of I J tm cenL on
$13 508 89
Bv amount in part of the S per et.
or prompt patment to State,
and $10 unrurrtnt money,
443 82
5159 02
1 2 508 89
M a, :be cndi'rsigned, AuJitois of the roumy of
Lnion, have ca'rfullv eaaminrd and audited the
f iregoing account of the Commiaiioners and
Tresuier of said roanty, do fi id and report the
said aceounta of Receipta and Expenditures, and
ireaaurei'a account, for the year 1849, tius and
In witnesa whereof ws have hrreonto set our
binds at tti Commissioners o(Tisj in the Bora'
ef New Ileilin, thi- twelfth dav of January.lSSO.
II II 13LAIR, Auditois.
MtrrLisrrKo. Dec, 50, 1SI9.
Report of the M ifflinburg Academy are sa fol
lows : A judgment in favor of said Academy, for
$53 06. with inures! from the 13ib day of May.
1 844. w hicb eau not I e collected at present ; ana
one dollar and sutt-tao eruu ($1,62) in tba
Lands of lha Treasury.
B. W. Thompson, President.
Btnj. Hau. Secretary.
We tba Bndcrsigned.Auditoea of Union county
having eternities' the above Account of lb Tint
teea of the Mifflinnarg Araarmy, find tb Aceoont
a a hove stated, to be correct. Given under our
bands in the Bor..' of New Bwlin, tba twelfth
aj of January, Igjo.
(Signed by the CVnn't Auditors )
THE Stockholders of lb Lswisacas It Ml
runioio Tcaanaa R. Coarsst,
will p e take notice, that an Election ill Iw
belJ at the hovM of Cut Saml Reber on Muxmr
llie 4lh d.ty of March. 1850, tor the purpose ol
eliding cite President aid five Mauagera to man.
age the concerns t (lie mil C'loipuny for one
year. GUORuE aCHNABEL, Pre.
February 5, I Sou
Beware of Impostors.
riVlE PUBLIC are heicby informed that
J a Patent ha b"en issued by the United
Smles to Stcphe.i Crane (or a Wash Mi.
lure, and the undersiunrd is a joint inven
tor, and buIJi I lio P.itcii' K ohl for Petiii
syU' iii'a. A certain -riou who has b;n
selliilii ri,"hln is neither inventor or prnpri.
i flor. and will he pro-iccutvJ, with all others
j viola'ins; the pa'enf.
; ryW ANTED Good Amenta, to ctn
i vas the tit.ite.
i L. M'VUY, BaItimore.Md.
February 10, IK5U 3t.
2O0 hand
"11TANTED, immediately, by tins auba
V crtber. to work in their Boat-yard.
To faithful hand, constant employment
! and liberal w.iea will be given.
Lewisburg, Feb. VI, 1830
VLUC!K assortme nt of Cloths, Cash
meres, Siiinells and Vesiins, at ex
iri'iiii'lv l.w prices, by the piece or yard at
C. I. Jonro' New Che.ip Caah Stnrp,
Fib 1,1850. BiiMidtav, Milton
tlASUUKKKS and I)e Lain.s. The
i hkcii'i nt of the Ladies is particular! v
tnviii d to n aplendid n irtir.fiit of 'hese
fluids aome spli ndid De Liinea at 12 and
l crn's per yard. Also, Cathmeres at
'.'3 cents ns yoiii) as is sold elsewhere at 44
;-its. A the si nson is advancing these
iMdi i!l lie s'dd very cheap.
New Chenp Cash Store,
Fth I, 150. Broadway. Milton
17 L NNliLS.
-A pood assortment of
y ev. rv oUulit and price, lor sale chenp
New Cheap Cush Siore,
185il. Broadway, Milton
l-h. 1.
C10UXTEBPANE3 of the newest pat
,' leins, jor sale cheap at
New Cheap Cash Store,
Feb 1. 1850. Broadwav, Milton
"''tiTIi.'E is hereby given that the partnership
la lv aubsiating between J. L. Ever and
Win. Thompson, uuder the firm of Lver &
Thoinjn, is this day dissolved by mutual con-
All .1.1., .1... . . hI.I Arm ... tn tit
UUT7 " "
sent. All debts due M the said tirm era to oe
received by the said Win. Thompson : and all
demands ou the same will be paid by him.
Lewisburg. Jan. SS, 1849
VLL persons indebted to the subscriber,
are earnestly requested to call and
make settlement without delay, as I am
desirous to have my old Books closed up.
All those neglecting this notice, can not
complain if their accounts are left fur col
lection, as a very long credit his been
Lew isburg, Jan 28, 185(1
I10R SALE by the. subscriber
A lot of Frame Stulf, sawed or hewed,
Joists and SludJine, and
aOu Posts of a good uiislity.
Lewisburg, Jan. SI, 1950
HIE subscriber has a HATHAWAY Cook
ing Stove, whirh he will sell reaaonihU'
I also a few arikle of Mabneany r I K.MIlnb.
I aed CARPETS, which will lJ sold low. r.n-
t ... : . ,l. Tl.....kt..M ,,f Dp Tlinrnlnn A Il-lkei
UI.IIV m uis umRr,... w. v -
nore Light!
f IHE subecribers huve receiteJ a lot of Cin
f dlabra of various patterns also Pine Oil
and Fluid Lamp of different sizes, all of whirh
they offer at Philadelphia prices.
New goods! itewgoods!
r... r i
y ai ajr saar a f w ajr w a
And yet Cheaper than any other
Goodi in the Uarket !
rpHG suSsrribrT is now receiving and
j opening his
from on board canal-bout Emma Beuhlah
and Odd-Fellow, which he invites the citi
zens generally to tall uni extmine. and
realize me (net that they cin buy at suia -ler
protii th in at any oiher store in Lew
isburg and particularly Brown Sheetings,
Satinet's, Clo'hs, Shawls, Delaitl?, allocs,
Bisits, and Cap.
Wheat, Rye, Com, Oils. Ruckwheiit,
Potatoes, and Cash, at market value, ne'd
in payment for goods.
N v. 23, 1849
L'FFSand Victorim A good a-sort-
nk'i:t to be had cheap at
' ' ' Nw Cheap Cash Stort?, -Feb
I. IS5l). , Broadway. Milton
New York Fall and Winter FA-
JUST received at the Fashionable Tailo
mn establishment, next door to the
post Office. JOHN B. MILLER.
Lewisburg, Sept 0, 1849 - - -
JT Q TJ never refused at the office
j.iDll ofiheLewisbaagKhronide.
TABLK Cover A aplendid assort men
of cotton, linen, and elm h tabie covers
at C. L " Jones' New Cheap Cah Store,
FkIi I. I8"it. F!nmdHV, Milton
Thompson's Susquehanna
Philadt-lphit, S.miiury, N rthtiinherlniid,
Dtnvdle, M Hon, M .m v,
Williamspnrt, Lfibiir.M fll nlmro.
New Berlin, nnl Seiinsgrovc.
Leaves the City every Thursday Mnrnin.
Officii Pliilmhlfthi i : j
For PurLsges ami Lii;!it G.l At Liting'tou
6t Co.'s Express, Depot 41 Sontii Tniid 81 ; j
And for Heavy Aitirles At i!i iciii I & Co.'s, '
Depot coiner ot OroaJ & Cli- rry.
Orders attended tn if left at Lttvubur itb j
Mr Kline, Mr W eidenaaul. Mr Lyndull, Mr!
Forster, or Mr Shelter J.ouury 1. 1850 '
inC... tUii ,...l.,.. fliuf ll,l
III1VIHI 111,. I,U,1., IIIH 'II, ,
have opened a shop on Fourth street
l,.....ln, ,.f K W itnlPd ..I.I dlund
opposite llunler I'jrdoe's shop, where they (
keep on hand or make to order
Fancy and Common Omits,
Brnton Rocking Chair .visu
Bureau. Tables, Beds'tads.
of vai ions Kinils,
Se'tees. A:''.
AH work in nor line uarrnn'ed to be well
made, and on the most reasonable terms.
House ami Sign PAINTING
attended to by the subscriber on th shor
test notice and in the best stvle.
fumirv I'niHoff a tul f.tiuilier liikrn in
payment and Cash not refused, but rather !
The subscriber int tid to be atrici in the
lulfilment of all their promises as regard!
work and so doing, hope tn receive a
liberal share id puVic patronauP. j
I.ewisburR. Nov. 164'J i
-1MIE citizens of Mdti n. Lewisburg, Northumberland, Selinsgrove, New Reilin, Cen
X treville, and of the surrounding country, ays rasiectfully informed that the subscri
ber has taken the old stand of Mac key A Haog, on B;oad way, near the the Cuna!,
where he has opened a very extensive assortment of
Jew ami Cheap Goods.
Thi stock o! Goods having been bought in Philadelphia, directly from the Importers
and Maiiirncturers for CASH, will lie sold at a very small advance on cost, and are
positively lower than be had elsew here tn this sectio.t of the country, by at least twen
ty per cent. A saving of such a per centage even on a small purchase amounts to
enouoh to make it n mutter of consideration.
The slock cun-isls of everything soiled to the wants of the- peopb, and many kinds
of fine UihhJs Bra hc,-t v ski. mm in be found elsewhere on hand a large slock
efgood Calicoes Mr Ci .s, lu'ly "
did assoriment of the lirst quality of Calico at
f.ir li cent.
Superior ILong Shawls,
less variety ; Bed Ticking at 8, 10. 2, 15. 18j and 25 cems. These Tit
are otlered at least twenty-live per cent, under Ihe prices ol oiner atores.
At jirearly reduced prices.
. i t .. .....,,,1.. IVnr . be, i. h
at OJ cis onn wi.'... - -r - - , . ,
ment everv we-jk. The newest st le of Goods always on hand, and every. Inn
,.!, i r,r f -ASH at a ver small profit. Kcmrmber that this stock is all new.
been selected with great care and Ion,! experience.
Cloths, Cassi mere, Sattinelis ami Vesting.
A larce and iintot.iricent assortment on hnnd. It is well known that on these articles
.lore-keeper inftiriahlv n ake large profits, as rs.-ris ptircha.mg are not nlten judges
of these arti.les. I will not sell Broad Cloths at any greater proht than hp ti.usl.ns
or Si Calico, and this will reduce the price of
nr.arfrs cassimekls. satum to rs..,
to near one hall'.
L-... I -..II v.-
III ! "I " "
elsewhere a. 4 00 ; and v. in Prop..t.ion tor lower an-1 tiigi.er gra.tes ... !?- ;
his Store, Cash Ct,TOM Is respei-.luUv sirli.ilcd. an I goods will positively be sold ..
it. I5..fi,r,- li.ivi.i.' elsewhere, be sure to call and see the
rlCr! mi. ni" v."iii)t. "ii
maunifice'nt ,t.K-k of new good- at tins S ore,
, a.f the forei'mr.: fac.-i-
iwaia w a O C
Mil on, Jn 18, t-50.
AFKESH supply received nt ll.e Lewi
burg Cheap Booksl -re :
Flake's Manual nr Classical Li'erartire
Divies Attaljticrtl (cone try
Blair's Uhetiiric. (Univrrsity edition)
Cnrnstuck's M nernlogy
.... . i f. ...,.,, i l fin I rls
l l e ijinii "i:ir i ,
The New America
Car-lener, 1 vnl.l
'I he Book that wtii Suit Y.m, or
ISr Everybody
I can furnish the above work, with a
Kreat variety of other. "rr.ur
M,y ati bt !-
if I ctk'ff
I I .IOS .ss, I .ss, Mm
"i'"""i' -'' ' " ' '
. I ., . r G.in VVitirlnw st .sh. from tli
cheap Mantil.icl.iry of Sjimul i: Borrow.
n , ... ...w ,
mi hand, and ail size got to oruer oi
short noliee.
May, 1849
I It Lawaha
Townsend's extract of Sarsap'a
. . ..it
V LARGE anil rreea supple an tins ceietraieo a ijs- tec a ir0"1 me oiu lit. b isiv
Metlicine. jtwt leeeivtd from ihe principal! j pj, fcUp.,ly of his celebrated medicine
Depot in New York, and for sate at the "ejr,m nr.ncira Depot in New York.
Drug and Chemical store of
Dr Thornton d Jlirfer
. ... a . r
, Home Industry,
j ff LBS. sujierior TOW YARN
I III I for ! bv '
Sept 5-0 J.-!lYKS&rO
'PICKINGS. A aplendid assortment ol
X thuae (ood by ihu piece or yard, at
uuprecetiented low pricea for wish. Just
reu:ived MO pierva at arioi) prices. The
ullVmiiin of atore keepers' w pnrlioularlw
invited, h well h ihoe buying by the yiird,
a C. L. J.inea New Cheap Casil Store.
F.b I. l"M Broadway. M.limi
TIKi.'KlVKII ' F.irsler'a Store
XI French M-rmoes for Ladis Cloaka.
PiliiK-ito Cloths d
L.nTuse do d
Rlaek. M iro.m !iid Gret u Colois;
N- v S le Ca'ici mil Ifc-liiinets ;
A 'so uu a-iior'nii'iit ot Ladies' tiiiin over
Sii K.-S. O J, red hi reduii d price.
lUburo, l)-c. 18. 19 1'J
Latest Arrival !
, -y
U.S P r- ceiveo mid now offered for ihu
iiiSM'c.lion of the public, our complete-
; I
of M rch.tud z-i da:-led to tlii Mir'ret
suci ns
Foreign and Domestic
?.:7.5ia)fr? Biff
all of
which hive been purchased nt rates
' which enable us to sell Goods
cheapest of any in lown !
Thankful for pant liberal patrotiiito from a
(Jiscriminating public. we hope In merit and
reC).jve jt contiuunnce and extension,
R..n,ember. tbr 03d ChCip StOTO i the
.,4ev for i:oai.xs ! !
, mI.JVo
Lewt-burg. Nov. 27- 149
" 7 a", "
10 els, Ui good as is sold at n,hcr biort s
Cud:! received at this extensive
; will be
new, au i lids
I'lnll ol i 'Zt as " iou
as cm (Mi tmiyiii
-" . .
. i -l. I ! I .
a - . ,, .
and her the low prices, at.d you win be
litAi) cowp CaD Store,
I ue sunsi-riuer nut is en ;
'ai Trees til" every description, part.culai'y j f
-. i l . - . .1: i.. il.. I Irnanilr,
the European Linden, and l aoumta ntii
ruli. a splendid l ade tree lately ii.trodti.
jc.ed from Japan, rtmaiab!e ior H enoi-
motis leaves i-ome.inies s-n n -
eler ) and large cins r rs m rose ..on.
Mo -vers, p itt. d pn I sniped w '.thin, mulling
fraj-raiii e stmt ar to the L.nsc.
, I I t H 1 - ' '
PUim. Nectaa-.ne, and Apricot t,e- at re-..
Ui.nal.le pri.-e.-all the varieties warran-rd
.reiiuine ; also llot-hoiisi; nod Green house
r is.
Milanls to-ethi r Hn a varictv i r tower
' t . -l.i,-l. ho wi l sell a low as
""i.t . .
hev i a:i le nurchased in Philndelphni.
. ' H. K. NOLL.
LewisburgSept 12, 1849
compound syrup of Sarsaparilla.
I F .1 .1.1 It. I
aiiwse. -- I a
Persons wishing to procure Sarsaparilla
can have either the old or young Dr's, gen
uine and fresh, by calling on the Ayent,
Lewisburg. June 26 ! W WJH AFFLE
VfOTES Frowrissrtryf Judttmenr. and
l Jiws NMs (bhtabvV uirrt,
'rtAltPEPS! CWn! CariHrts! A
VJ aplendid stock of new Carpets at Jones'
Store; these carpets being hro-mhl (Jirm t'J
frnnu the celebra'ed nninii'nulory of A- U
Cijlton At Co , Chester county, are i.tl-tred
for ai'e at lenat thi ty ier cent. In v. ai ih:ti
to be had elsevi liere. lVrons in :i.-it ol
CBrpets as well aa other 'i!i, sh ,'ild lirs
rvill at Junes' Siore, nnJ fy so 1i:ti l!ie
will eir-el d S'ivin ill least Lviry pe.
ceil'. S ;m nil won! carp"'! low
cents per yard. C. L- JONAS'
New Chenp f.'a-h Slo-e,
Feb 1, 165?). Bndy, U'u.
LATE of l'uijil.-lj:h:a. it r.ow I rated on
M.irk.t ftreet. Leitnrsr. o ioi'e .Mr. J
i Sviirever's store, where he eiiends tu operations
on the leelh at a reduction of his fminer p iren.
Teeth and roots o! li-elh rs-noted with t'.ie aid of
improved instruments, anil in an easy uunni-r
Filling teelh and selling on pivots nr plsies aiten
drd to aecording to tie llcl iniproveiiienM in the
profession LIceraLed, spuniiy, anj irnniiei sums
euied. 'J'hsnklul lor past laeo.s, be h a
coniiuuai.ee of puMio pilfonaire Io irnpiire
materials usd f.n tiilin; in Ir'ih. UiSs
7 -7-
S 3
C i 3
5-!- i r
5J) I
""5 !
L 1 i
Ct '
3 5 V-x
S s" ? C
Lcwisharg, Union County, lVnn'a.
Piactices in Vnion and ilj.iiiirit rounties ao
attonils the e nuts of Perry coantv.
Ft ICE on Seeop.rl St., la'ely occupi' ri
hV L. B. ('hiist, Esq.
lirandret.i's Pills are sol.l Li Zo
cts per tsix (vit!i full dinction )
by om
HAYES Ai CO , Lewisburg, ami
iv cne Atit nt in everv 'own in
the Union. Each Aenl has a Certificate
of Agency. Examine the box o' pit's alwavs
and compare it wilb the fac simile lateU on the
Certiti . le of Agency. As theie is a com. lei tul
of the l.jw label out. this is of niucb impmiam-e.
as tlu;j is a dcciJi-d d.lf.rence between the
appes nee of the tine labels and those vf the
couui i feit. The counterfeit is J.t:ie on stone ;
the jf mine are done on rte, l. The spjiearanee
of it' irinlina on the rounteift-it is landed and
blur. ; the genuine lsU.1 is the inj pink ot
ne.itiiea, both in punting, paper, arrj general
Ue very careful amJ goto the Aietit.when yro
want B sndrrih". PilU : then you are sure o! ibe
Ii,ire ot .hVVliTreWflf'.'.?
hrt yoll , ,he Re;,ulI1, Eiaodiett.T E-
ery nun knows vhrthei ih aiticle he til.ris is
true or f lae. Beare nt chrals !
? x 2 T
as --
' "
a a c
5 -
i rr
i t rr.
g s a:
3 i- 5
I ? 3 - ? I
r. ?
' T 2 c
' A - -
C s
2 , C5 S
r5 -
fi a
rPIir. si.hrri! er off. t 'hn nu' I c n
j J new Brick Foundry, the folio. ng i.e
i nn l v a! liable Stove :
j Iron Witch Air-Tighl Cooking Sro.rs. with
I.idv WashinKtoe Parlor Stnvo.
Cit Iron ir-l ight Psilor Slove.for V.d
' 2 -I7.e.
C al Burtirr for Pjilnr I size, 12 tneli e..l
! ii.d.T
j I, uis Air T sbt Cs-t tma Parlor SWve 2
I Shield Air-Tiihl Parlor Stove for WooJ S
; sb'
! E;s ?tnve-t!i very lst In use for Stores,
I rtir. H..r,m .ml Sh.ltn.
The pelebrsied O.'iicfwe Air i tstlit toos Stove
The C.tmrtcte Cwk 2 fixes.
Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves
Ploughs- Cas'ius;. &c. Arc.
(wishiiro. Dee. I . 1819.
Old Dr. Jacob Tovviim-ikI's
aend'a Sarsaparilla for nte by
Dr. Thornton & Baker.
J-tJST received, at Forster'a Store
50 sacks rirrior Ltvernool Ground
29 do dairy Salt, fAltim Salt,
b--;fc 1 pffcred chtp Doc. IS.
' T "5 J"- '
lYrO'JLD respect full v iri'orri h's ole
, V friends and the puolic ia geuenl
nut he is r.u rectivino; a lure
uf (iidi adapted to llie wan's, thu means I
and the tastes of all.
Dt'l aUOOUXJ fur ti.e L;ti!ic
(xIU)Ch.KlhS tor the I'o.::iIy;!
Caps, Boots, &c , f. r tie BoJS;I
hardware, (
Qjt ensnare !r"ii m! rin halt j
&r. &C&C. j
l 1 I . - .1.- I ... .... . . .1 .
wiiicn ne oners on uie .owes, si u i m.-
acct-mtnodatintr terntf, -.n the pr,rr;.ie o'
SiiiHll Troa.'s sistl -jck Sat."
(.Ir tlefiil lor past pa'rouai;e, we inv'pe a
!tsi-r'iiiiri-itn ptihiic to cull and ex'irr.ine
ur stock oi M'.Ti-handize, which tse are
coiiftdenl will he sitti.ia.-t.TV to iill.
LewUtiur", Ol-:. 15, ISl'J
1) E X T A L
OL'ItOEOX DnNTIST. respertiul!, inf rm'
VJ his frisntts and iii- public in ei n."rr,l, fiat
he has coiicb d.-it I ) make l.e bis i.rroin-
ie.it place : rrndence TJ'. u t ''n room-
tl ..I.... f lt. I X... ......
ins,. .iUi..i.Jii.i.i i.. ii. u-
..i.. u'... .... u.....i rs1'!!. ..i
-..,111- ni Ikill.tl ll.'ll. , i I lir ...l.w n n
At'i-k in evi-.y month, be insy be foU'.d at Eck- j
lien'. If ,i. L in '.T.li.jtt.
T'!. L ck! is n-auiar rsdust' of :he B ill! j
moi C t...-e it i'fi.i:.t rtj'ir 'v. besii.ss tthi.
1 j ..iu. sn :i be hi bad .lis s.iwn'tze of fi.
vears eieneri.-e y 'h. pnctire ol t.is p ofe.iion
I i Pennsv'tania. Ohio, Il.inois, Wisconsin, aoii j
the city nt 1) .liiioore. M i.
I'r. h, tal.es nil the Journals ef the dty vt'ii' h
-out a n new jnd iicl"ul i.iformv.ion in (he li.ie j
ol Lis pr.itrs.ion ; and I'ora bis srrni;eiii.'ii, I
with the le-t inanuficturers of tivth, v:d toil
&c til ! at keep ou band for th s.rcommo
ilaii.m uf bis ciiiito tiers the very bel quality of j
stl the n.ati'n.iu tie.! in bis hu-inesa.
Pi-rso- s wi-hing lteiitiil o;.. rali i.s perfo'rr, ?
wilt find rt to i!.. ir a Kar.tase lo give b'Ti a csll, I
:ia be is dweim urii uot lobe t-.ny is-ed in the
beauts and Jura..iiity of h.s o ersti..t. oy any o!e.
arsac.'s&M Persons fo: whom J Yi Hrrskt in-eited
rsnns for whom J jr..Hcrkt inswtej-j
i'eetb end who tn.iv need ret j- in-;
. . , , , ii
n'onrwd tb.il I base the n.oj-ls if
, as pre,reJ ht ',?r.!l..u--l. ,ri cen
'? k. . 'l....!. t . I...
.t.,r,.. mr& In.
h..,r'm..A.,. as ,. srr.l b, V,.l,-. aJ cen
Mqueeily can do ihiir lefViriuj at a Ioer
lhaii il can t-e cone lor risewh-re. as it stvis the
Iruul'l- in utanv esses of ai-istnt? s riw mo!el.
Lewisburg. Ort. 17, ISl'J.
Abend of Cosnnt'tiuon !
j. HAYES & CO,
Take pleasure in ititorming tlte
pub'i:- lh.it ihey h ive received the larg
!?l selected cheapest mid the niosl
lashioiitsle assnrtini.t of GOODS
ever oiTereJ lo this coiimiuiity I te sal
isfaclion beretolore rendered by this stand
it is presumed is a sutlii icut uurai.U e fcr
their future opratjiinf.
To attempt to enui.tra:e iheir stuck,
wou'd be siiperfi ions, nnrl in-lerrt .in,-r-e-ble:
hut triose wi-hin; to purchase, art
inviied in cnil ao ? jinle lor theuis Ives,
J . H AYE&CV. -
Lewi-barif, Oct. 17, lfJ41)
Sititill Profits and Quick Sales.
"PIIC piil.ln- i rei e.-.'uMv infirnied ih.i
. JC:iN FO'rJSTKil hi received an i
now offers lor sale a very large :iA-k of
Fall & Winter goods,
crt.npii-iiiio n't; or:w.9 kept i. i..:ly r
other stores, wilh tl. aiKlition inoli.
ii.ier kitiJs of soids rot usually brought !
he cotiinrv. Ap exanntiatt.in of sfot-l
is rctec'.iu Iv invited Aiitong niV slia k
is a lar-n? vsriety ot
i A
vL 4t faj
liar !v:iro, Cedar-wan, etc. etc.
TO W110I.KSAI.K Luvt-rs.
rent indnceieects an- i.lh'n d, u iil.er-i.
ai.alt rvieiil " ill he o.iot-.
js 13. s7v rr.s:
at the it'.v cheap Cnh store.
Low isl iiri:. O
K.DY Made Ct l.r-A jiood as
sor inci.t of clot h:pj at rvs Ne.t
Ht..re, nt puce uiiliearil o. 1 be stocK o!
nveri-oits will be sold out ot co-t ; a rare
chinn-e for rent baromns, at
L. Jones New Chii Cash Side.
Feb t, 1SS0. Broadway, M.lim
.-NDKF.R''"I!!KFS Lim n.Ca.nbr.c
itild S U r.a sel Hsn,orr.i;o'.s Hllll
Jr-.ivi. A most sep'.-i'j irninni n
i,rv ciM-ids to he had cheap nt
C. I.. Joms New Cheap Cash j'-ore,
Feb I, 18SI). H.Mvi.t, Milton
C"l!.ICOES. ATarge and sp!enU..I as
) sorttrM-ni of Calh., ot tho liewesi
patterns, for sale by the pt.ee or yard, a:
uiiheurd of low prices, l'orJeh, a
C. L. J ne New Cheap Cash Siore,
Feb 1, 18";. Broadway, Milton
1P.ISH Lmens. A large she ot i-i.sr
Linens, for aul cheap, bv the piece oi
ew Cheap Cash Store,
Feb 1", 1850. Broadway, Milton
jf&mJ3 l-sT2
?X jbtJ- - srrsjcxsm irm stra
Ftiiins; vp 'Jgvin.'
i. a j. walls
"TO-ST i.;i-ctfv,:!y it:lorm tMr frr : .
iA- puoti : 'hr they are tiow reoe;
our their uvjuI supply !
A X iJ
a' it i. it
icalcutoled in pi.iiiiV, pr.ie, uie'
lo snpi'lv the v.,u;a ol th.1. radii jj
n lWrtr GROCE
11 OUUi?, aiES,
Qnciht.icare, full, $c
.. . . .
; ail ol wtnch me oUi-rt1 mi
j accuinnKidaiii'iv tenna 'A Ca
t-lil" U
, !'joi:u
r trr,d ci: Jit.
U e i:v;!i a.id hor.e tn ir etli
anre of the very
ti'.,-.ii r.:.Tr.
tore exienJtd lo us.
J. i J.
Lewi?. i-.'. Oct. 13, 184
J j J la ia i3 O li . J
r hie
coiii;!ai;.e o?) M'.Mi..Y, 2Z4
iolT. ii.m r:ict'on will fcp Vveo
i rt be'etoi-re. in all bimiti es r. c -rv to
i 1 tKorm.?'h i'i!;if;ilii.n I- n . T',
t trior.M.li . 'Ruesinnn. I.v.rri-e-
posiiien ai d l'i r!t m. n will le irr,t:i i:', . d
-t ru t attention w:!l le (.ud to the toisi s;k i. .4
:u.ar ! nb ;s c. s'u.iv i :be u-ui.ti i, (u'r-.
. f the school. '! be if i.uia:i.n i f 'be fn-ii nti
"ill be ir.s.le to rrst. m t u;m ibe r.utrler. li I
Uf.ri h p.-- (t'es i-f (Le stuu.lt-. Tt. . I rri-u-r
is not s. Iir.t. u- for s inhool ef nioie Iftm- i'i
reituhir sthola.a. Trin i
tor L
t..r Hie h:ivr Lngli h. 5-9 ; at.d fti ilie c. u i.u
Engiisl. bisiii bs fji'. re.iei, of ! m . fit.
J HAMtvLhiJ. Irint-rt.:.
LcwUbar. O.l. 3, lii'J
rr'svs The sul.scriters ierf rt
rrsw tjfu tv inform tne c.t:z-r
V.4 ..i : ... i . - ...
if W.'tri; BII'J ICli.llj
3 thai liify bate t ointriced
CTA f g ihe uU c LuMr.t.-s, a! -M
T-sV j? t , ,ii
' t Ii;ti -S o d sr. op c I. c I: I
. ,
e "V ' -"arktt.w l.ere they
l' W'"-' "'' -varktt.W l.ere llfy
i ftvif 4 lo Iron Liijiescr W ajrccs,
ai;.; n r.ke l arlv.es III l!i ir bu.-tnes tn
he iiuisl wo: KiTia.i.iie o ai.i.rr, at prices
which the hope will induce thr.se wishln?
nny tti-n-s d.ee in th tr line to call and
j yjdjp themselves before goira tts.ew.lrfre.
ui'paii.p ijone on tr.s s:.or:c-t r,r,:.ce
and on r.-aonajle terms .'-o CLueirit:,
v'lii-h is a vi rv important rr.at
er tn those that have vahiab e ft!
hor-es, and should beemrus-id fi s-$
only to persons ol known skill.
We llt:er ourselves that ue are eb'o It
comntte i h any person in th cnuo'ry ai
Shoeing H.r-es : we ask only a Iris!, aaJ
let the work rhow for ite!f.
Ail w6rk warranted. Iron and a!! lines
of country Pr.duce taken in ejehnnpe.
We hope bv sirrcf a'tt ntiou to b'isesc.
nnd a de-erii'ination to suit a!', both n.
vswfc pI.-ft. tn rr-ttive a liberal shj'ts
of public pal rotate.
Lcw'a-Lurj. Mt
ii ISt3
at ihe old stand
REBEsi "mm
y RE now iceivinj a th -ir o'd and w4
know 'i land on Mtrke! s..-cet a full
aiei e'tl! sciccte I ns.surlii.eul of
k 11
compi is:rt'
t!:e usu::T raiic'y ci
Salt, Fish, Nails,
etc. etc.
O.ir (T..... ?.-i nr wai rai.led !t le c':"op
Is the fiieape-i, sind got d as the ?Jes'
new or oU. Thankful ft r past p atrw.aet
if frice.is. wo a-k for a c.-riiinunrae i f
the'r favor ; ai d new comers attd s'ranj
er we respfct'trlly inviie ti
CaiJ and See!
Lowish'ir-;, Oct. U, Ir4J
Jf - S-"
c- u ft t 5f ' S. VZZ T ' ""-i
p.-.. - sy t-tjmCWi j
ri'UIE so!t-ctibrs bare eMsocrstr -T LtiJi1
J th? F:t'n of '
s, a j; wsife,
for ths ptj.-pjaS oi cinyibi; i-:j a
Wholesitlr? Oifcerv i d G MmT
Com mission and 1". ru-arilnuj
htistness. I. tvt'l a (! van. fs ,Ii be e ft J
on all kind- of C ui 'ry-1'' Ji:fc Jt
of bus lies, new art ti."i-e mi ' l
immcdtn ely tiel' W lh' Ili.i'ge,
.- vrtii. wo:.'i:.
JtN kTH AN Vl t ! FI'.
Ijewisbtlrj;, Pa. Aii!. 7, 134'J.
J'3T received a per.a'i'e attic'? of Cull
Litrr Oil far wh d' sale u' retail
No 1 tt ' Thorni. n & Baker
: : I :
aw a
firJe'icej nj t,'on. t-Mea,
IliailKB-.. '7., J
AJii.iia-k.-. fcr.n.l ,Jt m ai u
printed aecorJiiij' to "J'ter
7 1
rt2 V
S3 i.